Downloads of v 2023.6.28:
Last Update:
28 Jun 2023
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
- Bill Curran
bcurran3 choco unofficial package packages.config backup script cloud(unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task)
- 1
- 2
- 3
2023.6.28 | Updated: 28 Jun 2023
Downloads of v 2023.6.28:
Software Author(s):
- Bill Curran
(unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task) 2023.6.28
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by Bill Curran. The inclusion of Bill Curran trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify Bill Curran goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
- 1
- 2
- 3
All Checks are Passing
3 Passing Tests
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install (unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade (unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall (unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download choco-package-list-backup --internalize --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade choco-package-list-backup -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade choco-package-list-backup -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install choco-package-list-backup
name: choco-package-list-backup
version: '2023.6.28'
state: present
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'choco-package-list-backup' do
action :install
version '2023.6.28'
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller choco-package-list-backup
Name = "choco-package-list-backup"
Version = "2023.6.28"
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'choco-package-list-backup':
ensure => '2023.6.28',
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package was approved by moderator TheCakeIsNaOH on 01 Jul 2023.
To use choco:// protocol URLs, install (unofficial) choco:// Protocol support
choco-package-list-backup solves your Chocolatey migration and package re-installation problems!
choco-package-list-backup (CPLB) is a script I wrote that will backup the list of your currently installed Chocolatey packages and save them to a PACKAGES.CONFIG file. You can then use that PACKAGES.CONFIG file to re-install all your packages on another computer or even the same computer later if it crashes. "How can I re-install on the same computer if it crashed and I lost the PACKAGES.CONFIG file?" Thanks for asking! CPLB backs up your package list locally AND to multiple cloud services! But wait, there's more! CPBL also saves your pinned package info. But wait, there's even more! CPBL also saves a list of ALL your programs even if they weren't installed by Chocolatey. Pretty darn cool huh?
- CPLB supports saving PACKAGES.CONFIG to all of the following:
- your local Documents folder
- your Active Directory assigned HOMESHARE
- Box
- Dropbox Personal and Business
- Google Drive and Drive File Stream
- iCloudDrive
- Microsoft OneDrive (free, paid consumer, and corporate)
- Nextcloud
- ownCloud
- Resilio Sync
- Seafile
- TonidoSync
- A custom location of your choice
- C:\Users\Public\Documents when run from system account
- CPLB runs on install to make sure you have backup(s) right now!
- CPLB backups every Monday at 6 AM in the background to C:\Users\Public\Documents. Set it and forget it!
- CPLB supports copying InstChoco - The ULTIMATE Chocolatey and Chocolatey packages (re)installer! to your PACKAGES.CONFIG backup location(s) for the fastest way ever to reinstall Chocolatey and your Chocolatey packages! (Or migrate!)
- CPLB supports backing up PERSISTENTPACKAGES.CONFIG if you are using Choco Persistent Packages.
- CPLB integrates with Chocolatey Shortcuts.
- CPLB saves in computer (name) specific folders so you can backup your Chocolatey package list from multiple computers to the same cloud destination(s). No confusion over what computer gets what packages!
- CPLB saves a list of all your installed programs (AllProgramsList.txt) whether they were installed by Chocolatey or not.
- CPLB saves your pinned information to pins.bat for easy re-pinning packages.
- CPLB is in your path and ready to run.
- CPLB is configurable. You can: (continued in Release Notes)
If you find choco-package-list-backup useful, and I suspect you will, please consider donating: or become a patron at
<?xml version="1.0"?>
choco-package-list-backup.config preferences notes:
PackagesListFile - Filename to save the list of Chocolatey packages.
SaveFolderName - Change the folder name if you don't like my default, do NOT use quotes.
SaveTitleSummary - Change to true if you want to save package title and summary info.
SaveVersions - Change to true if you want to save pacakge version info.
AppendDate - Change to true if you want to keep snapshot in time copies.
CustomPath - Edit to save to a special location of your choice, do NOT use quotes.
CustomPath2 - Edit to save to a 2nd special location of your choice, do NOT use quotes.
UseXxxxxxxxx - Should be obvious.
SaveAllProgramsList - Save a list of all installed Windows programs (by Chocolatey or not) true/false.
AllProgramsListFile - Filename to save the list of All installed Windows.
DefaultUserProfile - Default user profile to use when running as SYSTEM (task); e.g. William, Robert, Benjamin (HINT: Look at C:\Users)
UseDefaultUserProfile - Change to true if you are want to use DefaultUserProfile
SaveArguments - Save install arguments
PreProcessScript - Script to run before CPLB; e.g. c:\scripts\beforeCPLB.bat
PostProcessScript - Script to run after CPLB; e.g. c:\scripts\afterCPLB.bat
NOTE: When using a schedule task, be sure to enter your DefaultUserProfile and set UseDefaultUserProfile to true.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# Choco-Package-List-Backup.ps1 Copyleft 2017-2023 by Bill Curran AKA BCURRAN3
# Open a GitHub issue at if you have suggestions for improvement.
Write-Host "Choco-Package-List-Backup.ps1 v2023.06.28 - backup Chocolatey packages list locally and to the cloud" -Foreground White
Write-Host "Copyleft 2017-2023 Bill Curran ([email protected]) - free for personal and commercial use`n" -Foreground White
Write-Host "Choco Package List Backup Summary:`n" -Foreground Magenta
# Set Notepad++ as preferred editor/viewer
if (Test-Path $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\notepad++.exe){
} else {
# Easily edit the config file
if ($args -eq "-EditConfig") {
Write-Host " ** Editing contents of choco-package-list-backup.config." -Foreground Magenta
&$Editor "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.config"
# Easily view the log file
if ($args -eq "-ViewLog"){
Write-Host " ** Showing contents of choco-package-list-backup.log." -Foreground Magenta
&$Editor "$ENV:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"
# Verify ChocolateyToolsLocation was created by Get-ToolsLocation during install and is in the environment
if (!$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation) {$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation = "$env:SystemDrive\tools"}
$Date = Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d
$ErrorArray = @("this is try","error converted","access to path") #errors caused by Chocolatey not being multi-instance aware (Hopefully in v1.0!)
$ICinstalled = Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\instchoco\tools\InstChoco.exe"
$PinnedPackages = choco pin list -r
$PinnedPackagesFile = 'pins.bat'
$PPCinstalled = Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\config\persistentpackages.config"
$scriptDir = "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3"
$ScriptConfig = 'choco-package-list-backup.config'
# Set default preferences in case of corrupt or missing choco-package-list-backup.config
$PackagesListFile = 'packages.config'
$SaveFolderName = 'ChocolateyPackageListBackup'
$SaveArguments = $False
$SaveTitleSummary = $False
$SaveVersions = $False
$AppendDate = $False
$CustomPath = 'c:\install'
$CustomPath2 = 'c:\backup'
$SaveAllProgramsList = $True
$AllProgramsListFile = 'AllProgramsList.txt'
$DefaultUserProfile = ''
$PreProcessScript = ''
$PostProcessScript = ''
$UseCustomPath = $False
$UseCustomPath2 = $False
$UseDocuments = $True
$UseHomeShare = $True
$UseBox = $True
$UseDropbox = $True
$UseGoogleDrive = $True
$UseiCloudDrive = $True
$UseNextcloud = $True
$UseOneDrive = $True
$UseownCloud = $True
$UseReadyCLOUD = $True
$UseResilioSync = $True
$UseSeafile = $True
$UseTonidoSync = $True
$UseDefaultUserProfile = $False
# Import preferences - see comments in choco-package-list-backup.config for settings
if (Test-Path "$scriptDir\choco-package-list-backup.config") {
[xml]$ConfigFile = Get-Content "$scriptDir\choco-package-list-backup.config"
$PackagesListFile = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.PackagesListFile
$SaveFolderName = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.SaveFolderName
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.SaveArguments -eq "true") {$SaveArguments=$True} else {$SaveArguments=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.SaveTitleSummary -eq "true") {$SaveTitleSummary=$True} else {$SaveTitleSummary=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.SaveVersions -eq "true") {$SaveVersions=$True} else {$SaveVersions=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.AppendDate -eq "true") {$AppendDate=$True} else {$AppendDate=$False}
$CustomPath = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.CustomPath
$CustomPath2 = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.CustomPath2
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.SaveAllProgramsList -eq "true") {$SaveAllProgramsList=$True} else {$SaveAllProgramsList=$False}
$AllProgramsListFile = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.AllProgramsListFile
$DefaultUserProfile = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.DefaultUserProfile
$PreProcessScript = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.PreProcessScript
$PostProcessScript = $ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.PostProcessScript
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseCustomPath -eq "true") {$UseCustomPath=$True} else {$UseCustomPath=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseCustomPath2 -eq "true") {$UseCustomPath2=$True} else {$UseCustomPath2=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseDocuments -eq "true") {$UseDocuments=$True} else {$UseDocuments=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseHomeShare -eq "true") {$UseHomeShare=$True} else {$UseHomeShare=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseBox -eq "true") {$UseBox=$True} else {$UseBox=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseDropbox -eq "true") {$UseDropbox=$True} else {$UseDropbox=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseGoogleDrive -eq "true") {$UseGoogleDrive=$True} else {$UseGoogleDrive=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseiCloudDrive -eq "true") {$UseiCloudDrive=$True} else {$UseiCloudDrive=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseNextcloud -eq "true") {$UseNextcloud=$True} else {$UseNextcloud=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseOneDrive -eq "true") {$UseOneDrive=$True} else {$UseOneDrive=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseownCloud -eq "true") {$UseownCloud=$True} else {$UseownCloud=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseReadyCLOUD -eq "true") {$UseReadyCLOUD=$True} else {$UseReadyCLOUD=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseResilioSync -eq "true") {$UseResilioSync=$True} else {$UseResilioSync=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseSeafile -eq "true") {$UseSeafile=$True} else {$UseSeafile=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseTonidoSync -eq "true") {$UseTonidoSync=$True} else {$UseTonidoSync=$False}
if ($ConfigFile.Settings.Preferences.UseDefaultUserProfile -eq "true") {$UseDefaultUserProfile=$True} else {$UseDefaultUserProfile=$False}
} else {
Write-Warning " ** choco-package-list-backup.config not found, using defaults."
if ($AppendDate){
if ($PackagesListFile -eq "packages.config"){
$PackagesListArchival = "packages_$Date.config"
} else {
$PackagesListArchival = $PackagesListFile+"_$Date.config"
if ($SaveAllProgramsList) {
$SaveAllProgramsBody = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher
# When running as SYSTEM (scheduled task) use the $DefaultUserProfile as the default user profile if defined
if ($DefaultUserProfile -and $UseDefaultUserProfile) {
$env:USERPROFILE = "$env:SystemDrive\Users\$DefaultUserProfile"
$env:APPDATA = "$env:SystemDrive\Users\$DefaultUserProfile\AppData\Roaming"
# add to log file
function Add2Log {
Param ( [string]$comment )
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) [INFO ] $comment" >> "$ENV:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"
# Check the path to save packages.config and create if it doesn't exist
Function Check-SaveLocation{
if (!(Test-Path $SavePath)) {New-Item $SavePath -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null}
# Copy choco-package-list-backup.config to the same location as packages.config
Function Copy-Config{
if (Test-Path "$scriptDir\choco-package-list-backup.config") {
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\choco-package-list-backup.config.bak") {Remove-Item "$SavePath\choco-package-list-backup.config.bak"}
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\choco-package-list-backup.config") {Rename-Item "$SavePath\choco-package-list-backup.config" "$SavePath\choco-package-list-backup.config.bak"}
Copy-Item "$scriptDir\$ScriptConfig" $SavePath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\$ScriptConfig SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\$ScriptConfig"
# Copy persistentpackages.config if it exists to the same location as packages.config
Function Copy-PPConfig{
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\persistentpackages.config.bak") {Remove-Item "$SavePath\persistentpackages.config.bak"}
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\persistentpackages.config") {Rename-Item "$SavePath\persistentpackages.config" "$SavePath\persistentpackages.config.bak"}
Copy-Item $env:ChocolateyInstall\config\persistentpackages.config $SavePath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\persistentpackages.config SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\persistentpackages.config"
# Copy InstChoco.exe if it exists to the same location as packages.config for super duper easy re-installation
Function Copy-InstChoco{
$InstChoco = "$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\instchoco\tools\InstChoco.exe" # location of InstChoco.exe if it exists
if (!(Test-Path $SavePath\InstChoco.exe))
Copy-Item $InstChoco $SavePath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\InstChoco.exe COPIED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "COPIED: $SavePath\InstChoco.exe"
} else {
$ICSource = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($InstChoco).FileVersion
$ICDest = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("$SavePath\InstChoco.exe").FileVersion
if ($ICSource -ne $ICDest)
Copy-Item $InstChoco $SavePath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\InstChoco.exe COPIED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "COPIED: $SavePath\InstChoco.exe"
#Un-encrypt .arguments file
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
$entropyBytes = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("Chocolatey")
Function Unprotect-Arguments {
$encryptedByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($data)
$decryptedByteArray = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect(
return [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($decryptedByteArray)
function Read-Arguments {
$directory = Get-ChildItem $env:ChocolateyInstall\.chocolatey -Directory -Filter "$packageName*" | `
Where-Object { $_.Name -match ("$packageName" + "\.[\d\.]+") } | Select-Object -Last 1
if (!($directory)) { return }
$argsFile = Join-Path $directory.fullname ".arguments"
if (Test-Path $argsFile) {
$argsData = Get-Content $argsFile
#Implicitly return result from Unprotect-Arguments
Unprotect-Arguments -data $argsData
# Import package.nuspec file to get extended package info
function Get-NuspecInfo($PackageName,$NuspecTagRequest){
$nuspecXML = "$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\$PackageName\$PackageName.nuspec"
if (!(Test-Path $nuspecXML)) { return "Unknown" }
[xml]$nuspecFile = Get-Content $nuspecXML
# $NuspecAuthors = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.authors
# $NuspecBugTrackerURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.bugtrackerurl
# $NuspecConflicts = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.conflicts # Built for the future
# $NuspecCopyright = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.copyright
# $NuspecDependencies = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.dependencies # Not fully implemented yet
# $NuspecDescription = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.description
# $NuspecDocsURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.docsurl
# $NuspecFiles = $nuspecFile.package.files.file # Not fully implemented yet
# $NuspecIconURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.iconurl
# $NuspecID = $
# $NuspecLicenseURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.licenseurl
# $NuspecMailingListURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.mailinglisturl
# $NuspecOwners = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.owners
# $NuspecPackageSourceURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.packagesourceurl
# $NuspecProjectSourceURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.projectsourceurl
# $NuspecProjectURL = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.projecturl
# $NuspecProvides = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.provides # Built for the future
# $NuspecReleaseNotes = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.releasenotes
# $NuspecReplaces = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.replaces # Built for the future
# $NuspecRequireLicenseAcceptance = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.requirelicenseacceptance
$NuspecSummary = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.summary
# $NuspecTags = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.tags
$NuspecTitle = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.title
# $NuspecVersion = $nuspecFile.package.metadata.version
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "authors") {return $NuspecAuthors}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "bugtrackerurl") {return $NuspecBugTrackerURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "conflicts") {return $NuspecConflicts}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "copyright") {return $NuspecCopyright}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "dependencies") {return $NuspecDependencies} # Not fully implemented yet
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "description") {return $NuspecDescription}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "docsurl") {return $NuspecDocsURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "files") {return $NuspecFiles} # Not fully implemented yet
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "iconurl") {return $NuspecIconURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "id") {return $NuspecID}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "licenseurl") {return $NuspecLicenseURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "mailinglisturl") {return $NuspecMailingListURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "owners") {return $NuspecOwners}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "packagesourceurl") {return $NuspecPackageSourceURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "projectsourceurl") {return $NuspecProjectSourceURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "projecturl") {return $NuspecProjectURL}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "provides") {return $NuspecProvides}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "releasenotes") {return $NuspecReleaseNotes}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "replaces") {return $NuspecReplaces}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "requirelicenseacceptance") {return $NuspecRequireLicenseAcceptance}
if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "summary") {return $NuspecSummary}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "tags") {return $NuspecTags}
if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "title") {return $NuspecTitle}
# if ($NuspecTagRequest -eq "version") {return $NuspecVersion}
# Write out the saved list of ALL installed programs to AllProgramsList.txt
Function Write-AllProgramsList{
$header="All installed programs list generated by choco-package-list-backup on $Date.`n"
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile.bak") {Remove-Item "$SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile.bak"}
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile") {Rename-Item "$SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile" "$SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile.bak"}
Write-Output $header $SaveAllProgramsBody | Out-File "$SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile" -Encoding ASCII
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\$AllProgramsListFile"
# 2nd copy in format AllProgramsList_date.txt if AppendDate is set to true
if ($AppendDate -eq "True"){
$AllProgramsListFileArchival = $AllProgramsListFile.Replace(".txt","")+"_$Date.txt"
Write-Output $header $SaveAllProgramsBody | Out-File "$SavePath\$AllProgramsListFileArchival" -Encoding ASCII
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\$AllProgramsListFileArchival SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\$AllProgramsListFileArchival"
# Write out pins.bat to easily re-pin previously pinned packages
Function Write-PinnedList{
$header="@echo off`nrem pinned packages found by choco-package-list-backup.ps1 on $Date :`necho ** Re-pinning previously pinned Chocolatey packages."
if ($SaveVersions){
$body=$PinnedPackages | % {"choco pin add -n=$($_.SubString(0, $_.IndexOf("|"))) --version $($_.SubString($_.IndexOf("|") + 1))"}
} else {
$body=$PinnedPackages | % {"choco pin add -n=$($_.SubString(0, $_.IndexOf("|")))"}
if ($body -Match $ErrorArray[0-3]) {
Write-Warning " ** Another instance of choco.exe was running and corrupted the output. Aborting..."
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile.bak") {Remove-Item "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile.bak"}
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile") {Rename-Item "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile" "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile.bak"}
Write-Output $header $body | Out-File "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile" -Encoding ASCII
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile"
# 2nd copy in format pins_date.bat if AppendDate is set to true
if ($AppendDate -eq "True"){
$PinnedPackagesFile = $PinnedPackagesFile.Replace(".bat","")+"_$Date.bat"
Write-Output $header $body | Out-File "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile" -Encoding ASCII
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile"
# Write out the saved list of packages to packages.config
Function Write-PackagesConfig{
$header="<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`"?>`n<packages>"
if ($body -Match $ErrorArray[0-3]) {
Write-Warning " ** Another instance of choco.exe was running and corrupted the output. Aborting..."
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\$PackagesListFile.bak") {Remove-Item "$SavePath\$PackagesListFile.bak"}
if (Test-Path "$SavePath\$PackagesListFile") {Rename-Item "$SavePath\$PackagesListFile" "$SavePath\$PackagesListFile.bak"}
Write-Output $header $PackagesConfigBody $footer | Out-File "$SavePath\$PackagesListFile" -Encoding ASCII #ASCII is a subset of UTF8 (w/o BOM)
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\$PackagesListFile SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\$PackagesListFile"
# 2nd copy in format packages.config_date.config if AppendDate is set to true
if ($AppendDate -eq "True"){
Write-Output $header $PackagesConfigBody $footer | Out-File "$SavePath\$PackagesListArchival" -Encoding ASCII #ASCII is a subset of UTF8 (w/o BOM)
Write-Host " ** $SavePath\$PackagesListArchival SAVED!" -Foreground Green
Add2Log "SAVED: $SavePath\$PackagesListArchival"
if ($PPCinstalled) {Copy-PPConfig}
if ($SaveAllProgramsList){Write-AllProgramsList}
if (!$PinnedPackages){Remove-Item "$SavePath\$PinnedPackagesFile" -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null }
if ($PinnedPackages){Write-PinnedList}
if ($ICinstalled) {Copy-InstChoco}
# Start logging
if (Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"){
$LogSize=(Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log").length
if ($LogSize -gt 40960) {
Remove-Item "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Choco-Package-List-Backup Deleted log file" >> "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"
Write-Output "----------------------------------------------------------------------" >> "$ENV:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Choco-Package-List-Backup STARTED" >> "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"
# Run pre-processor if configured
if ($PreProcessScript) {
Add2Log "CONFIG: PreProcessScript is set to `"$PreProcessScript`""
Add2Log "RUNNING: $PreProcessScript."
# Get list of installed packages
# Handle choco list v0-1/v2+ differently
if ([System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("$env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe").ProductMajorPart -gt 1){
$localPackageInfo = & choco list -r -y
} else {
$localPackageInfo = & choco list -lo -r -y
# Process list of installed packages for package.config
if ($SaveTitleSummary) { Add2Log "CONFIG: SaveTitleSummary is set to $SaveTitleSummary" }
if ($SaveArguments) { Add2Log "CONFIG: SaveArguments is set to $SaveArguments" }
$PackagesConfigBody = $localPackageInfo | % {
$packageName = $($_.SubString(0, $_.IndexOf("|")))
$line = ' <package id="' + $packageName + '" '
if ($SaveTitleSummary) {
$line = $line + 'title="' + [System.Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($(get-nuspecinfo "$($_.SubString(0, $_.IndexOf("|")))" "title")) + '" '
$line = $line + 'summary="' + [System.Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($(get-nuspecinfo "$($_.SubString(0, $_.IndexOf("|")))" "summary")) + '" '
if ($SaveArguments) {
$line = $line + 'arguments="' + [System.Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($(Read-Arguments $packageName)) + '" '
$line = $line + '/>'
# Backup Chocolatey package names to packages.config file in custom defined path you set as CustomPath in the config file
if ($UseCustomPath) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseCustomPath is set to $UseCustomPath"}
if ($UseCustomPath -and (Test-Path $CustomPath))
$SavePath = "$CustomPath\$SaveFolderName"
Write-Host " ** Saving to CUSTOMPATH:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names to packages.config file in custom defined path you set as CustomPath in the config file
if ($UseCustomPath2) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseCustomPath2 is set to $UseCustomPath2"}
if ($UseCustomPath2 -and (Test-Path $CustomPath2))
$SavePath = "$CustomPath2\$SaveFolderName"
Write-Host " ** Saving to CUSTOMPATH2:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in the Documents folder
if ($UseDocuments) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseDocuments is set to $UseDocuments"}
if ($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $env:USERNAME.trim('$')) { $DocumentsFolder = "$env:PUBLIC\Documents" } else { $DocumentsFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") }
if (($DefaultUserProfile) -and ($UseDefaultUserProfile)) { $DocumentsFolder = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents" }
if ($DocumentsFolder -ne ""){
if ($UseDocuments -and (Test-Path $DocumentsFolder))
Add2Log "CONFIG: DocumentsFolder is set to `"$DocumentsFolder`""
$SavePath = "$DocumentsFolder\$SaveFolderName"
Write-Host " ** Saving to DOCUMENTS:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Box (Sync) directory if it exists
if ($UseBox) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseBox is set to $UseBox"}
if ($UseBox -and (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Box Sync"))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Box Sync\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to BOX SYNC:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Box (Drive) directory if it exists
if ($UseBox -and (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Box"))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Box\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to BOX:" -Foreground Green
# Check for Dropbox personal and business paths (Thanks ebbek!)
if ($UseDropbox) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseDropbox is set to $UseDropbox"}
if (Test-Path $env:AppData\Dropbox\info.json)
$DropboxPersonal = ((Get-Content $env:AppData\Dropbox\info.json) -join '`n' | ConvertFrom-json).personal.path
$DropboxBusiness = ((Get-Content $env:AppData\Dropbox\info.json) -join '`n' | ConvertFrom-json).business.path
Elseif (Test-Path $env:LocalAppData\Dropbox\info.json)
$DropboxPersonal = ((Get-Content $env:LocalAppData\Dropbox\info.json) -join '`n' | ConvertFrom-json).personal.path
$DropboxBusiness = ((Get-Content $env:LocalAppData\Dropbox\info.json) -join '`n' | ConvertFrom-json).business.path
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Personal Dropbox directory if it exists
if ($UseDropbox -and ($DropboxPersonal) -and (Test-Path $DropboxPersonal))
$SavePath = "$DropboxPersonal\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to DROPBOX:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Business Dropbox directory if it exists
if ($UseDropbox -and ($DropboxBusiness) -and (Test-Path $DropboxBusiness))
$SavePath = "$DropboxBusiness\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to DROPBOX (Business):" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Google Drive/Backup and Sync directory if it exists
if ($UseGoogleDrive) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseGoogleDrive is set to $UseGoogleDrive"}
if ($UseGoogleDrive -and (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Google Drive"))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Google Drive\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to GOOGLE DRIVE:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Google Drive FS "My Drive" directory if it exists (Thanks ebbek!)
$GFSInstalled=(Test-Path -path HKCU:Software\Google\DriveFS\Share)
if ($GFSInstalled)
$GoogleFSmountpoint = (Get-ItemProperty -path Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\DriveFS\Share).MountPoint
if ($UseGoogleDrive -and $GoogleFSmountpoint -and (Test-Path "${GoogleFSmountpoint}:\My Drive"))
$SavePath = "${GoogleFSmountpoint}:\My Drive\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to GOOGLE DRIVE FS:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file on your HOMESHARE directory if it exists
# NOTE: Won't work when running as SYSTEM
if ($UseHomeShare) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseHomeShare is set to $UseHomeShare"}
if ($env:HOMESHARE) {$ExistHomeShare=$True} else {$ExistHomeShare=$False}
if ($UseHomeShare -and $ExistHomeShare)
$SavePath = "$env:HOMESHARE\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to HOMESHARE:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in iCloudDrive directory if it exists
if ($UseiCloudDrive) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseiCloudDrive is set to $UseiCloudDrive"}
if ($UseiCloudDrive -and (Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\iCloudDrive))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\iCloudDrive\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to ICLOUD:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Nextcloud directory if it exists
if ($UseNextcloud) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseNextcloud is set to $UseNextcloud"}
if ($UseNextcloud -and (Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\Nextcloud))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Nextcloud\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to NEXTCLOUD:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in various OneDrive directories if they exists
if ($UseOneDrive) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseOneDrive is set to $UseOneDrive"}
if ($env:OneDrive) {$OneDriveExists=$True} else {$OneDriveExists=$False}
if ($UseOneDrive -and $OneDriveExists)
$SavePath = "$env:OneDrive\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to ONEDRIVE:" -Foreground Green
if (Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\OneDrive) {$OneDriveExists=$True} else {$OneDriveExists=$False}
if ($UseOneDrive -and $OneDriveExists)
if (!$OneDriveWritten)
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\OneDrive\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to ONEDRIVE:" -Foreground Green
if ($env:OneDriveConsumer) {$OneDriveExists=$True} else {$OneDriveExists=$False}
if ($UseOneDrive -and $OneDriveExists)
$SavePath = "$env:OneDriveConsumer\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to ONEDRIVE:" -Foreground Green
if ($env:OneDriveCommercial) {$OneDriveExists=$True} else {$OneDriveExists=$False}
if ($UseOneDrive -and $OneDriveExists)
$SavePath = "$env:OneDriveCommercial\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to ONEDRIVE (Business):" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in ownCloud directory if it exists
if ($UseownCloud) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseownCloud is set to $UseownCloud"}
if ($UseownCloud -and (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\ownCloud"))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\ownCloud\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to OWNCLOUD:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Netgear ReadyCLOUD directory if it exists
if ($UseReadyCLOUD) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseReadyCLOUD is set to $UseReadyCLOUD"}
if ($UseReadyCLOUD -and (Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\ReadyCLOUD))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\ReadyCLOUD\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to READYCLOUD:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Resilio Sync directory if it exists
if ($UseResilioSync) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseResilioSync is set to $UseResilioSync"}
if ($UseResilioSync -and (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Resilio Sync"))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Resilio Sync\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to RESILIO SYNC:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in Seafile directory if it exists
if ($UseSeafile) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseSeafile is set to $UseSeafile"}
if ($UseSeafile -and (Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\Seafile))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Seafile\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to SEAFILE:" -Foreground Green
# Backup Chocolatey package names on local computer to packages.config file in TonidoSync directory if it exists
if ($UseTonidoSync) {Add2Log "CONFIG: UseTonidoSync is set to $UseTonidoSync"}
if ($UseTonidoSync -and (Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\TonidoSync))
$SavePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\TonidoSync\$SaveFolderName\$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Host " ** Saving to TONIDO SYNC:" -Foreground Green
##### WRAP UP
# Run post-processor if configured
if ($PostProcessScript) {
Add2Log "CONFIG: PostProcessScript is set to `"$PostProcessScript`""
Add2Log "RUNNING: $PostProcessScript"
if ($ICinstalled){
Write-Host "To re-install your Chocolatey packages: run INSTCHOCO -Y`n" -Foreground Magenta
} else {
Write-Host " ** Consider getting InstChoco - The ULTIMATE Chocolatey and Chocolatey packages (re)installer!`n **`n" -Foreground Cyan
Write-Host "To re-install your Chocolatey packages: run CHOCO INSTALL PACKAGES.CONFIG -Y`n" -Foreground Magenta
Write-Host "Found Choco-Package-List-Backup.ps1 useful?" -Foreground White
Write-Host "Buy me a beer at" -Foreground White
Write-Host "Become a patron at" -Foreground White
if (Test-Path "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"){
Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Choco-Package-List-Backup FINISHED" >> "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.log"
Start-Sleep -s 10 # Gives time to view before closing when run from Windows Start Menu shortcut
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$packageName = 'choco-package-list-backup'
$scriptDir = "$(Get-ToolsLocation)\BCURRAN3"
$oldshortcutName = 'Choco Package List Backup.lnk'
$shortcutName = 'Chocolatey Package List Backup.lnk'
$altshortcutName = 'Package List Backup.lnk'
SchTasks /Delete /TN choco-package-list-backup /F
Remove-Item "$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\$oldshortcutName" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\$shortcutName" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chocolatey\$altshortcutName" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$ENV:ChocolateyInstall\bin\choco-package-list-backup.bat" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$scriptDir\choco-package-list-backup.*" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Remove-Item "$scriptDir\CPLB.bat" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
if (!(Get-ChildItem -Path "$scriptDir" | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count})) {
$ENV:Path.Replace("$scriptDir","") | Out-Null
Remove-Item "$scriptDir" | Out-Null
@echo off
%ChocolateyInstall%\bin\choco-package-list-backup.bat %1
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
Copyleft Bill Curran
- CPLB is configurable. You can:
- configure which locations you want or don't want to save to (default=all the locations found except the custom location)
- configure to save package version information or not (default=false)
- configure to save package title and summary information or not (default=false)
- configure to append a date to the saved packages.config, AllProgramsList.txt, and pins.bat files(default=false)
- configure what folder to save to (default=ChocolateyPackageListBackup)
- easily add a custom location by editing CustomPath and UseCustomPath in the .config file
- configure to save a list of all your installed Windows programs whether installed by Chocolatey or not to AllProgramsList.txt (default=true)
- choco install choco-package-list-backup --params "'/ONSTART:TRUE'" - scheduled task to run at boot instead of at a scheduled time
- choco install choco-package-list-backup --params "'/NOTASK:TRUE'" - won't configure a scheduled task
- choco install choco-package-list-backup --params "'/NORUN:TRUE'" - won't run the script upon install (let's you configure before first run)
- Edit C:\tools\BCURRAN3\choco-package-list-backup.config to customize your backup(s). It's easy, there are comments. Run CPLB or CHOCO-PACKAGE-LIST-BACKUP -EditConfig
- From PowerShell or the Command Prompt, type CPLB or CHOCO-PACKAGE-LIST-BACKUP to backup your Chocolatey packages list.
- From Windows, click Chocolatey Package List Backup in the Windows Start Menu or Package List Backup inside the Chocolatey folder if Chocolatey Shortcuts is installed.
- 2023.06.28 - Now compatible with Chocolatey alpha/beta/delta/epsilon/zeta/eta/theta/iota/kappa/lambda/mu/nu/xi/omicron/pi/rho/sigma/tau/upsilon/phi/chi/psi/omega versions. New -ViewLog option. Added detailed logging. Minor changes to arrangement, flow, cosmetics, and comments.
- 2023.06.02 - Added Chocolatey 2.0 compatibility, added new defaults for Win10+ computers to AllowStartIfOnBatteries, DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries, StartWhenAvailable
- 2022.02.06 - All existing files now renamed with .bak before creating new versions. This backup is useful during migrations where the files could get overwritten during install of CPLB on a new computer. (
- 2021.09.25 - Improved OneDrive support while running under SYSTEM and handling of a missing config file.
- 2021.09.22 - Add Box Drive support. Add defaults incase of corrupt or missing choco-package-list-backup.config. Add new ONSTART and ATSTARTUP paremeters to run at boot instead of a scheduled time.
- 2021.05.10 - Speed optimations by TheCakeIsNaOH - Thanks!
- 2021.04.08 - Fixed missing UseCustomPath2 variable import. Thanks matteotrubini! Removed duplication of "shim" creation.
- 2021.03.22 - Added 2nd custom path option, added saved arguments option thanks to TheCakeIsNaOH, added pre and post processing option
- 2021.03.15 - Added NORUN/DONTRUN install option (choco install choco-package-list-backup --params "'/NORUN:TRUE'".)
- 2021.03.14 - Fixed wrong command in scheduled task. Fixed saving to C:\Users\Public\Documents. Fixed problem when SaveTitleSummary is set to true and there is no chocolatey.nuspec file to get values from. Added ability to set default user profile. Added start/finished logging. Added NOTASK/NOSCHEDULE install option (choco install choco-package-list-backup --params "'/NOTASK:TRUE'".) Minor other changes.
- 2020.04.06 - Better error handling when $env:ChocolateyToolsLocation is not defined. (Usually due to running under a different account than installed from.)Acronymized CPLB.cmd added for command line running.
- 2019.08.27 - Can now put title and summary info into the packages.config file, new -EditConfig parameter to edit the config file, Now works from Command Prompt as well as PowerShell, script installation endpoint changed, config file renamed from .xml to .config
- 2019.07.02 - Now saves OneDrive backups to free, paid, and corporate folders
- 2019.06.27 - Now backups the config file, can now also make archival versions of pins.bat, edited config comments to not add quotes to custom path.
- 2019.01.31 - File saving functions re-written and optimized, check for errors caused by other Chocolatey instances
- 2019.01.29 - Fixed bug where iCloudDrive preference wasn't checked correctly, thanks sandscap-sc!
- 2019.01.24 - Now saves your pinned package information to pins.bat, added saving to c:\Users\Public when run from system account (e.g. scheduled task), fixed error attempting to create files under system account Documents folder which doesn't exist, packages.config now properly UTF-8 encoded, speed optimizations, minor cosmetic changes
- 2019.01.04 - 2019.01.02 didn't get packaged with the install and uninstall scripts! - fixed (GitHub bit me)
- 2019.01.02 - Will now write to Documents/MyDocuments if the folder has been moved, thanks Aaron Throckmorton for the enhancement!
- 2018.08.23 - Added ownCloud support and save all programs list feature
- 2018.06.21 - Added scheduled task to run every Monday at 6 AM. AppendDate option now saves packages.config AND a packages_date.config. This makes the AppendDate option more useful for a nearline packages.config and archival snapshots as well as fixing compatibility with InstChoco.
- 2018.05.19 - OneDrive and shortcut creation bugs fixed, minor cosmetic changes
- 2018.05.17 - Added iCloudDrive support
- 2018.05.09 - Added reading preferences from choco-package-list-backup.xml - no more editing the script after upgrades! Backups not created any more.
- 2018.05.06 - Added Dropbox Business and Google Drive File Stream support (Thanks ebbek!)
- 2018.04.25 - Removed run as admin requirement
- 2018.04.25 - Now makes a backup of previous choco-packages-list-backup.ps1 (Since removed.)
- 2018.04.25 - Fixed minor text output error
- 2018.04.25 - Added compatibility with choco-shortcuts-winconfig
- 2018.04.24.01 - Added ability to append the date to PACKAGES.CONFIG
- 2018.04.24 - Added choco-persistent-packages support.
- 2018.04.23 - Now backups up packages automatically on install
- 2018.02.24 - Added Box and Seafile support as well as an icon to run from the Windows Start menu
- 2018.02.12 - Added Nextcloud support (thanks thomasaiman) and fixed TonidoSync (Thanks thomasaiman!)
- 2018.01.29 - Edited re-installation message, updated donation info :)
- 2017.12.17 - Added editable custom save location (requested)
- 2017.08.19 - initial release
- Possibly convert to use regkey install path for each supported program
- Add other cloud services support by request
- I'm open to suggestions - open a GitHub issue please.
- chocolatey-core.extension (≥ 1.1.0)
- chocolatey-fastanswers.extension (≥ 0.0.2)
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about (unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task) and the (unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task) package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or (unofficial) Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (Script + Task), or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.