Chocolatey Courses
Step-by-Step Guides for All Things Chocolatey!
Getting Started with Chocolatey
Prerequisite: Installing, Upgrading, and Uninstalling Chocolatey
7 Topics | 1 Hour | Beginner
It's time. It's time to step out of the dark ages and stop either doing things manually or stop killing yourself trying to work directly with those complex systems. Rub a little Chocolatey on them, stop powering through extra work at night, and go home to see your family in the evening because you use modern software automation and tools. In this course you will learn what exactly Chocolatey is and how it has helped thousands of companies and people just like you.
- What Is Chocolatey? 20 Minutes | Learn the basics of Chocolatey and how it can help manage your next project.
- Requirements 10 Minutes | Learn the requirements needed to get Chocolatey up and running on your machine.
- Using Chocolatey 5 Minutes | Find examples and learn how to use Chocolatey.
- Terminology 3 Minutes | Understand the difference between Software and a Package and how they are related.
- Chocolatey Packages 7 Minutes | Find out what exactly a Chocolatey Package is and why it's superior.
- How Chocolatey Works 10 Minutes | Learn how installing, upgrading, and uninstalling works with Chocolatey.
- Installation in Detail 10 Minutes | Includes details on where Chocolatey Packages are installed to, from, and how to manage existing installed software.
Additional Courses
- What Is Chocolatey? 20 Minutes | Learn the basics of Chocolatey and how it can help manage your next project.
- Requirements 10 Minutes | Learn the requirements needed to get Chocolatey up and running on your machine.
- Using Chocolatey 5 Minutes | Find examples and learn how to use Chocolatey.
- Terminology 3 Minutes | Understand the difference between Software and a Package and how they are related.
- Chocolatey Packages 7 Minutes | Find out what exactly a Chocolatey Package is and why it's superior.
- How Chocolatey Works 10 Minutes | Learn how installing, upgrading, and uninstalling works with Chocolatey.
- Installation in Detail 10 Minutes | Includes details on where Chocolatey Packages are installed to, from, and how to manage existing installed software.
7 Topics | 1 Hour | Beginner
In this course you will learn what exactly Chocolatey is and how it has helped thousands of companies and people just like you.
3 Topics | < 30 Minutes | Beginner
Chocolatey installs in just seconds! Learn how to get up and running with Chocolatey with a basic or more advanced install method.
- Course Summary, Rules, and Guidlines 10 Minutes | Critical information you should know before creating your first package.
- General Information and Nuspec 5 Minutes | Nuget (and Chocolatey) General Information and Nuspec.
- The Choco New Command 5 Minutes | Learn the exit codes, options, and switches.
- Naming, Description, and Versioning Recommendations 15 Minutes | Learn best practices on the specification.
- Installing, Upgrading, and Uninstalling Your Package 10 Minutes | Learn about installation paths, upgrading, and uninstalling your package.
- All About Shims 5 Minutes | Learn what a shim is and what it enables.
- Internationalization and Localization of Packages 5 Minutes | Find examples of the various techniques used to localize a package.
- Building, Testing, and Pushing Your Package 10 Minutes | Learn best techniques for preparing and testing your package.
- Automatic Packaging 5 Minutes | Requirements and setup instructions on how to automatically update a package.
- Package Maintainer Handover 5 Minutes | Read the steps on how to properly take of an existing package
10 Topics | 1.5 Hours | Intermediate
Learn everything you need to know about creating your first Chocolatey Package.