Downloads of v 24.10.4:
Last Update:
06 Mar 2025
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
- EventStore
eventstore database eventsourcing- Software Specific:
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24.10.4 | Updated: 06 Mar 2025
- Software Specific:
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- Software License
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Downloads of v 24.10.4:
Software Author(s):
- EventStore
EventStore 24.10.4
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by EventStore. The inclusion of EventStore trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify EventStore goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
- 1
- 2
- 3
Some Checks Have Failed or Are Not Yet Complete
Not All Tests Have Passed
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install EventStore, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade EventStore, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall EventStore, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download eventstoredb-ee --internalize --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade eventstoredb-ee -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade eventstoredb-ee -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install eventstoredb-ee
name: eventstoredb-ee
version: '24.10.4'
state: present
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'eventstoredb-ee' do
action :install
version '24.10.4'
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller eventstoredb-ee
Name = "eventstoredb-ee"
Version = "24.10.4"
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'eventstoredb-ee':
ensure => '24.10.4',
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package was approved by moderator Windos on 11 Mar 2025.
EventStoreDB is a new category of operational database that has evolved from the Event Sourcing community. Powered by the state-transition data model, events are stored with the context of why they have happened. Providing flexible, real-time data insights in the language your business understands.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$packageName = 'eventstoredb-ee'
$zipFileName = ''
Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage -PackageName $packageName -ZipFileName $zipFileName
md5: 98373D6902068967C381B5801926D7E3 | sha1: 56A00A79146C7BE2E62A6658D8E4507866AD83E5 | sha256: FB580C89EF1BEE9E7052AB86688568E3231E2549D6469B85B8E33BDBA787DA76 | sha512: 5B81DE69F34DB498D5FDDBFEB491AB9DC0EB256144541B9C2CC656E0F456EAB07234E584895CC88197A30D3B626817011B44B5C04B76019AB50022E151605BB5
# Event Store License v2
Copyright (c) 2011-2024, Event Store Ltd. All rights reserved.
### Acceptance
By using the software, you agree to all of the terms and conditions below.
### Copyright License
The licensor grants you a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use, copy, distribute, make available, and prepare derivative works of the software, in each case subject to the limitations and conditions below.
### Limitations
You may not provide the software to third parties as a hosted or managed service, where the service provides users with access to any substantial set of the features or functionality of the software.
Unless authorized in writing by the licensor, you may not move, change, disable, interfere with, or circumvent the license mechanisms in the software, and you may not remove or obscure any functionality in the software that is protected by the license mechanisms.
You may not alter, remove, or obscure any licensing, copyright, or other notices of the licensor in the software. Any use of the licensor’s trademarks is subject to applicable law.
### Patents
The licensor grants you a license, under any patent claims the licensor can license, or becomes able to license, to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import and have imported the software, in each case subject to the limitations and conditions in this license. This license does not cover any patent claims that you cause to be infringed by modifications or additions to the software. If you or your company make any written claim that the software infringes or contributes to infringement of any patent, your patent license for the software granted under these terms ends immediately. If your company makes such a claim, your patent license ends immediately for work on behalf of your company.
### Notices
You must ensure that anyone who gets a copy of any part of the software from you also gets a copy of these terms.
If you modify the software, you must include in any modified copies of the software prominent notices stating that you have modified the software.
### No Other Rights
These terms do not imply any licenses other than those expressly granted in these terms.
### Termination
If you use the software in violation of these terms, such use is not licensed, and your licenses will automatically terminate. If the licensor provides you with a notice of your violation, and you cease all violation of this license no later than 30 days after you receive that notice, your licenses will be reinstated retroactively. However, if you violate these terms after such reinstatement, any additional violation of these terms will cause your licenses to terminate automatically and permanently.
### No Liability
***As far as the law allows, the software comes as is, without any warranty or condition, and the licensor will not be liable to you for any damages arising out of these terms or the use or nature of the software, under any kind of legal claim.***
### Definitions
The **licensor** is the entity offering these terms, and the **software** is the software the licensor makes available under these terms, including any portion of it.
**licensing mechanisms** refers to functionality that restricts use of the software based on whether you possess a valid license key, including functionality to validate license keys and audit usage of the software to ensure license compliance.
**you** refers to the individual or entity agreeing to these terms.
**your company** is any legal entity, sole proprietorship, or other kind of organization that you work for, plus all organizations that have control over, are under the control of, or are under common control with that organization. **control** means ownership of substantially all the assets of an entity, or the power to direct its management and policies by vote, contract, or otherwise. Control can be direct or indirect.
**your licenses** are all the licenses granted to you for the software under these terms.
**use** means anything you do with the software requiring one of your licenses.
**trademark** means trademarks, service marks, and similar rights.
EventStoreDB code after versions 24.6.x is generally subject to the terms of the
Event Store License v2 (ESLv2, see, however, some parts of the code remain
subject to the terms of the Event Store License, which they were contributed under.
# Event Store License
Copyright (c) 2011-2024, Event Store Ltd. and Contributors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of Event Store Ltd nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
EventStoreDB is owned and created by Event Store
To verify the binaries:
* Navigate to the `eventstore` repository in Cloudsmith:
* Locate and download the nuget package for the released version. For instance:
* Unpack the nuget package.
* Verify the checksum of the zipped package (e.g. ``) against the checksum shown on the package page of the community repository.
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
- System.CommandLine.dll (66740898f7df) - ## / 72
- Humanizer.dll (d6853075547d) - ## / 71
- msvcp140.dll (44a5af24f8d5) - ## / 72
- vcruntime140.dll (1729421a2258) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll (5705d245072d) - ## / 71
- Newtonsoft.Json.dll (22c649f75fce) - ## / 71
- System.Linq.Async.dll (149757a4113a) - ## / 72
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll (89d52b4a10b1) - ## / 72
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll (5e04d6cff3b6) - ## / 72
- System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll (82260fef3a01) - ## / 75
- System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.dll (fb93811a325a) - ## / 72
- msquic.dll (2d67e87859ec) - ## / 71
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.dll (beac12f7bba4) - ## / 72
- SQLitePCLRaw.core.dll (c33995427edd) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions.dll (acf5896d0f34) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json.dll (15e1262880f2) - ## / 72
- Acornima.dll (c8eff561bc29) - ## / 74
- Dia2Lib.dll (6c4cac68010f) - ## / 72
- DotNext.dll (131f3ac1c886) - ## / 72
- DotNext.IO.dll (5ce59d50e441) - ## / 72
- DotNext.Threading.dll (0fb20d52763b) - ## / 72
- DotNext.Unsafe.dll (7349c52a35a9) - ## / 71
- EventStore.Client.dll (2f8bd957f4ea) - ## / 73
- EventStore.Client.Streams.dll (cc30a60f23f4) - ## / 72
- EventStore.ClientAPI.dll (37bb79cb82ee) - ## / 70
- e_sqlite3.dll (dccbabb2bc7e) - ## / 70
- FASTER.core.dll (2dd9c11fbd78) - ## / 75
- Google.Protobuf.dll (dd0de3d02732) - ## / 73
- Grpc.AspNetCore.Server.ClientFactory.dll (6cf33037808d) - ## / 70
- Grpc.AspNetCore.Server.dll (6748901c27df) - ## / 72
- Grpc.Core.Api.dll (b347d4007569) - ## / 75
- Grpc.Net.Client.dll (c75e7e15a892) - ## / 75
- Grpc.Net.ClientFactory.dll (a94498074bdc) - ## / 71
- Grpc.Net.Common.dll (2e820bc03804) - ## / 75
- JetBrains.Annotations.dll (5f2b1475a7d8) - ## / 72
- Jint.dll (cf5da4795287) - ## / 72
- libcrypto-3-x64.dll (a6f51858b8f4) - ## / 75
- libcurl.dll (04de2857dffd) - ## / 74
- libMonoPosixHelper.dll (b16f77c155a3) - ## / 72
- librdkafka.dll (a0735e29fed5) - ## / 74
- librdkafkacpp.dll (613d8ef1d38e) - ## / 74
- libssl-3-x64.dll (7836b7acc290) - ## / 74
- Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.dll (29981956955d) - ## / 70
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.FastSerialization.dll (3652e4db69f5) - ## / 71
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client.dll (8df3f1d366e4) - ## / 71
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent.dll (d48ae2c17530) - ## / 56
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dll (fa0201d4731d) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions.dll (55a43cdc091d) - ## / 74
- Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.dll (cb297e8a440b) - ## / 74
- Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging.dll (ecbfaf9ef2f0) - ## / 75
- Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.dll (bb75d1edc488) - ## / 75
- Mono.Posix.NETStandard.dll (be0215d90462) - ## / 72
- MonoPosixHelper.dll (a57141b26d6e) - ## / 69
- NetEscapades.Configuration.Yaml.dll (c7f2c6408e2b) - ## / 70
- OpenTelemetry.Api.dll (601a69f6a24d) - ## / 65
- OpenTelemetry.dll (b52f644b7274) - ## / 65
- OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Prometheus.AspNetCore.dll (d400e09961ff) - ## / 66
- OpenTelemetry.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (31f214ae4f56) - ## / 70
- OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting.dll (3b5b1ad74272) - ## / 66
- protobuf-net.dll (748eab8a89cb) - ## / 67
- Quickenshtein.dll (5126a62e6e38) - ## / 72
- RestSharp.dll (b3cefa0b7623) - ## / 72
- Serilog.dll (521306297946) - ## / 74
- Serilog.Enrichers.Process.dll (78ea61f1b96e) - ## / 75
- Serilog.Enrichers.Thread.dll (74b88ad495b8) - ## / 75
- Serilog.Expressions.dll (e3fc0c1c14ab) - ## / 67
- Serilog.Extensions.Logging.dll (a0b6c860fa5b) - ## / 71
- Serilog.Settings.Configuration.dll (de2346b3df0a) - ## / 74
- Serilog.Sinks.Async.dll (22cc5ff74edc) - ## / 73
- Serilog.Sinks.Console.dll (cd84c110a96a) - ## / 72
- Serilog.Sinks.File.dll (fe02a7c70b06) - ## / 52
- SharpDotYaml.Extensions.Configuration.dll (0f117fa24d8a) - ## / 75
- SQLitePCLRaw.batteries_v2.dll (e2709fda3ee4) - ## / 72
- SQLitePCLRaw.provider.e_sqlite3.dll (66a5ea09aa31) - ## / 71
- System.CommandLine.DragonFruit.dll (085d81f6e1a4) - ## / 75
- System.CommandLine.Rendering.dll (e539944b0431) - ## / 73
- System.Interactive.Async.dll (caa6929aaecb) - ## / 73
- System.IO.Hashing.dll (53726755857b) - ## / 68
- System.Reactive.dll (626b01d9a0a1) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.dll (f202e323c796) - ## / 62
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll (63c701108c72) - ## / 65
- TraceReloggerLib.dll (6830c0f1d3f3) - ## / 72
- YamlDotNet.dll (5a7f117d2ef5) - ## / 72
- zlib1.dll (411cbd82a6a4) - ## / 73
- zstd.dll (265ebf766ca8) - ## / 71
- KernelTraceControl.dll (98de2f1de4fb) - ## / 72
- msdia140.dll (a984a45afedf) - ## / 67
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (1b59c63dd853) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (4cfe1399e19f) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (fefc46ca75e3) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (ea64ff09c5d7) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (b14c0f6f6090) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (2416155129e2) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (155eb865b536) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (d8303bf3854d) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (0578488ac8f0) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (97035ec2904b) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (df57e80149d2) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (deb8f4b0506b) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (8fea3a65aa57) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (04555d7c0a06) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (47d32f965a59) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (36b0caefff39) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (0b076289939f) - ## / 68
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (b997f86bc901) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (7cb2aa1d1422) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (555755684f00) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (3a966f10481b) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (41d97925f99b) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (bf7605ffb687) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (c41f26a75f4f) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (a6f1069a80fc) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (9f301d7c0016) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (a5503b7db3aa) - ## / 68
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (6f0e98f7ed86) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (15ba7da2161c) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (a37e8d18694d) - ## / 71
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (454be65124cd) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (d6d398578cfc) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (f15688ec76ba) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (cc6224ef1f48) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (d2b8f7ab808b) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (f46341061677) - ## / 69
- System.CommandLine.resources.dll (e844e9719620) - ## / 72
- System.ServiceModel.Http.resources.dll (455a3f363781) - ## / 69
- System.ServiceModel.Primitives.resources.dll (b1bc0f540fb4) - ## / 69
- libcrypto-3.dll (c44f415592d4) - ## / 74
- libcurl.dll (858637c49b43) - ## / 74
- librdkafka.dll (f57276b7537e) - ## / 74
- librdkafkacpp.dll (16469ac3c836) - ## / 72
- libssl-3.dll (84623a3da0b4) - ## / 70
- msvcp140.dll (5e78aaaf2096) - ## / 72
- vcruntime140.dll (08de0ede013d) - ## / 72
- zlib1.dll (8936bed727b9) - ## / 72
- zstd.dll (ff8b977c468b) - ## / 74
- Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard.dll (85918b6f9e91) - ## / 74
- Serilog.dll (f9aa9b349984) - ## / 72
- IdentityModel.dll (5fdb11082d6b) - ## / 69
- LruCacheNet.dll (036a16dc1b49) - ## / 70
- System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.dll (88f0e89fdf39) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dll (b6406254657a) - ## / 72
- Scrutor.dll (69e6a275558e) - ## / 73
- NCrontab.dll (2dfc5258a60c) - ## / 75
- Avro.dll (3c7dc414c8b7) - ## / 71
- Confluent.Kafka.dll (7280ac1b37ba) - ## / 72
- Confluent.SchemaRegistry.dll (934f59da5b23) - ## / 72
- Confluent.SchemaRegistry.Serdes.Avro.dll (1971d62b1b5e) - ## / 72
- Confluent.SchemaRegistry.Serdes.Json.dll (ee618b08e2e7) - ## / 73
- Confluent.SchemaRegistry.Serdes.Protobuf.dll (80236efd9765) - ## / 73
- DnsClient.dll (a6aa942bf9f1) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Client.dll (518d0cff5814) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Client.Operations.dll (2c227f9a495e) - ## / 73
- EventStore.Client.Streams.dll (4079074cfd1c) - ## / 73
- EventStore.Connectors.EventStoreDB.dll (a57cd9b8f934) - ## / 70
- EventStore.Connectors.Http.dll (c94b32a3792a) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Connectors.Kafka.dll (dfcf4888cb7e) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Connectors.MongoDB.dll (3de8129dd8b7) - ## / 73
- EventStore.Connectors.RabbitMQ.dll (753cf1008ee1) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Streaming.Core.dll (4350005f4fbb) - ## / 73
- EventStore.Streaming.dll (fa68b347db33) - ## / 73
- Eventuous.Application.dll (d5b6ca4d5640) - ## / 73
- Eventuous.Diagnostics.dll (7e9bfb8d68ab) - ## / 73
- Eventuous.Diagnostics.Logging.dll (3033cabb86c5) - ## / 73
- Eventuous.Domain.dll (7a0b9edf13cf) - ## / 61
- Eventuous.Extensions.AspNetCore.dll (5f3518c2f97e) - ## / 73
- Eventuous.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (d9658b528327) - ## / 73
- Eventuous.Persistence.dll (8cf8b107030e) - ## / 71
- Eventuous.Serialization.dll (a7fd1fa58504) - ## / 70
- Eventuous.Shared.dll (d1ab993f9117) - ## / 73
- FluentValidation.DependencyInjectionExtensions.dll (50373c54e3ae) - ## / 72
- FluentValidation.dll (736b60afdae2) - ## / 73
- Google.Api.CommonProtos.dll (7a08e7346c52) - ## / 70
- Grpc.Core.Api.dll (2b9e8b023dea) - ## / 73
- Grpc.StatusProto.dll (3d7de3a5b126) - ## / 73
- HashDepot.dll (47dd1b0607d1) - ## / 72
- Json.More.dll (67fea7f0915e) - ## / 75
- JsonCons.JsonPath.dll (464b02a00c3b) - ## / 70
- JsonCons.Utilities.dll (e2da3c771b50) - ## / 71
- JsonPath.Net.dll (e91a849089fe) - ## / 72
- libcrypto-3-x64.dll (8410f2038651) - ## / 73
- libcurl.dll (220b4158d653) - ## / 68
- librdkafka.dll (e041e2a075a0) - ## / 72
- librdkafkacpp.dll (cadef6d04660) - ## / 71
- libssl-3-x64.dll (ad8438ee77b6) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Grpc.JsonTranscoding.dll (6ce7f1e90be1) - ## / 73
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.dll (a6bc869c530a) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.dll (5e01894cbc06) - ## / 72
- MongoDB.Bson.dll (a8090e419828) - ## / 72
- MongoDB.Driver.dll (0aee1de11d14) - ## / 73
- MurmurHash.dll (81e40968c215) - ## / 70
- Namotion.Reflection.dll (f89768589a93) - ## / 72
- NJsonSchema.Annotations.dll (db7a5c6a3ec0) - ## / 71
- NJsonSchema.dll (544ff3a2d2af) - ## / 73
- NJsonSchema.NewtonsoftJson.dll (cd0f77306810) - ## / 71
- NodaTime.dll (494146cce9ce) - ## / 72
- NodaTime.Serialization.SystemTextJson.dll (0d8b7fa02e3c) - ## / 72
- OneOf.dll (2f0c32cb83ae) - ## / 72
- Polly.Core.dll (37762ea6fcf0) - ## / 72
- Polly.dll (361e6b1044c8) - ## / 72
- Polly.Extensions.dll (8adac7a20cd0) - ## / 72
- protobuf-net.Core.dll (da5535443676) - ## / 71
- protobuf-net.Reflection.dll (abf0469c029f) - ## / 72
- RabbitMQ.Client.dll (fda986194581) - ## / 72
- RabbitMQ.Stream.Client.dll (aea88b127b0a) - ## / 71
- Serilog.Enrichers.Environment.dll (fb988c77cc19) - ## / 75
- Serilog.Formatting.Compact.dll (319fbcefc216) - ## / 73
- Serilog.Settings.Reloader.dll (46e2d1919017) - ## / 70
- Serilog.Sinks.Debug.dll (df543d3df8bd) - ## / 72
- Serilog.Sinks.Seq.dll (7f1c18248d9c) - ## / 59
- SharpCompress.dll (83a3a4076137) - ## / 72
- Snappier.dll (efe89431b4fc) - ## / 72
- System.CodeDom.dll (4d33e2986a84) - ## / 71
- System.Interactive.Async.dll (75a516771f2e) - ## / 72
- System.Reactive.Linq.dll (2e1ff9218438) - ## / 69
- zlib1.dll (2a4ec31dfea7) - ## / 72
- zstd.dll (90dd97ee000b) - ## / 73
- ZstdSharp.dll (74ec06c67972) - ## / 72
- OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol.dll (703aed9d8c31) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.amd64.dll (315a61c47c41) - ## / 72
- (fb580c89ef1b) - ## / 59
- eventstoredb-ee.24.10.4.nupkg (d12ebb254ad5) - ## / 60
- aspnetcorev2_inprocess.dll (982e08318dbb) - ## / 72
- clretwrc.dll (6f47d39a5913) - ## / 71
- clrgc.dll (08415d47be55) - ## / 72
- clrjit.dll (427322bf3575) - ## / 71
- coreclr.dll (af9d546e1c2d) - ## / 72
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- System.Collections.Specialized.dll (5e9dbf5a86d8) - ## / 71
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- System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll (9422f95cf734) - ## / 58
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- System.Core.dll (aca8cff5b4ed) - ## / 72
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- System.Formats.Tar.dll (7506d68adb63) - ## / 72
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- System.Globalization.dll (7a919ffb4d61) - ## / 72
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- System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dll (a4e0cb6e3907) - ## / 72
- System.IO.IsolatedStorage.dll (505134c4a901) - ## / 72
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- System.IO.Pipes.dll (b54be154cc7c) - ## / 72
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- System.Linq.Queryable.dll (7e3032fd8ad0) - ## / 72
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- System.Security.Principal.dll (70dbadd9971e) - ## / 72
- System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll (6eac9f0582bd) - ## / 72
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- System.Threading.Tasks.dll (14660cc79cb5) - ## / 72
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll (1599de035377) - ## / 72
- System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll (6643472d330b) - ## / 72
- System.Threading.Thread.dll (89872d6521c7) - ## / 72
- System.Threading.ThreadPool.dll (0db1295b199b) - ## / 72
- System.Threading.Timer.dll (0f988bd6dd2f) - ## / 72
- System.Transactions.dll (80328811fbcc) - ## / 72
- System.Transactions.Local.dll (14af2c2a61d1) - ## / 72
- System.ValueTuple.dll (8b45aa4bb46e) - ## / 72
- System.Web.dll (6dbc676584c1) - ## / 72
- System.Web.HttpUtility.dll (400eda65ba64) - ## / 72
- System.Windows.dll (f66f1858ed34) - ## / 72
- System.Xml.dll (7bb8eb3fa97e) - ## / 72
- System.Xml.Linq.dll (8875180f19d0) - ## / 72
- System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll (10f9a64e2dbb) - ## / 72
- System.Xml.Serialization.dll (3ab257bca6cd) - ## / 69
- System.Xml.XDocument.dll (ed3f4afade3e) - ## / 72
- System.Xml.XmlDocument.dll (08232a750ba4) - ## / 72
- System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll (09036f1a1b09) - ## / 66
- System.Xml.XPath.dll (1b3a9741b7b3) - ## / 72
- System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll (1c8cf53dbbbd) - ## / 72
- WindowsBase.dll (e96d85487623) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Auth.Ldaps.dll (5f541473441a) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Auth.LegacyAuthorizationWithStreamAuthorizationDisabled.dll (e09bedc5fd82) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Auth.OAuth.dll (4c8adb29a32e) - ## / 68
- EventStore.Auth.StreamPolicyPlugin.dll (6b6d9277489d) - ## / 71
- EventStore.Auth.UserCertificates.dll (a59bf99addf0) - ## / 72
- EventStore.AutoScavenge.dll (37a95975d15a) - ## / 70
- EventStore.POC.ConnectedSubsystemsPlugin.dll (79f9e7c142bd) - ## / 72
- EventStore.POC.IO.Core.dll (2c902cfdb946) - ## / 58
- EventStore.Extensions.Connectors.Contracts.dll (46b9c0e6d59c) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Extensions.Connectors.dll (db7ca348076b) - ## / 71
- EventStore.Plugins.Connectors.dll (d51be94451a4) - ## / 71
- EventStore.Diagnostics.LogsEndpointPlugin.dll (1fb8bbe098e3) - ## / 72
- EventStore.OtlpExporterPlugin.dll (ba33a94816cf) - ## / 72
- EventStore.Security.EncryptionAtRest.dll (a6df89eb93fa) - ## / 71
- EventStore.TcpPlugin.dll (b6d7fede1b87) - ## / 70
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
Add to Builder | Version | Downloads | Last Updated | Status |
EventStore 24.10.4 | 11 | Thursday, March 6, 2025 | Approved | |
EventStore 24.10.3 | 13 | Thursday, February 27, 2025 | Approved | |
EventStore 24.10.2 | 16 | Thursday, February 13, 2025 | Approved | |
EventStore 24.10.1 | 30 | Wednesday, December 18, 2024 | Approved | |
EventStore 24.10.0 | 29 | Thursday, November 14, 2024 | Approved |
© 2020 - 2024 Event Store Ltd
- The chocolatey package unzips Event Store to the chocolatey install location.
to run the Event Store.
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about EventStore and the EventStore package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or EventStore, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.