Downloads of v 0.8.500:
Last Update:
06 Feb 2018
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
jasp statistics spss r bayesian admin- Software Specific:
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This is not the latest version of JASP available.
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- 3
0.8.500 | Updated: 06 Feb 2018
- Software Specific:
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Downloads of v 0.8.500:
Software Author(s):
JASP 0.8.500
This is not the latest version of JASP available.
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by JASP. The inclusion of JASP trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify JASP goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
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- 3
Some Checks Have Failed or Are Not Yet Complete
Not All Tests Have Passed
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install JASP, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade JASP, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall JASP, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download jasp --internalize --version=0.8.500 --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade jasp -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'0.8.500'" [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade jasp -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'0.8.500'"
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install jasp
name: jasp
version: '0.8.500'
state: present
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'jasp' do
action :install
version '0.8.500'
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller jasp
Name = "jasp"
Version = "0.8.500"
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'jasp':
ensure => '0.8.500',
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package was approved as a trusted package on 14 May 2020.
What is JASP?
JASP is a fresh way to do statistics. Completely free, open-source, and cross-platform, JASP allows its users to conduct statistical analyses with ease, using a spreadsheet layout and a familiar drag-and-drop interface. JASP features popular classical analysis tools such as ANOVA and regression, but also contains their Bayesian counterparts.
Why use JASP?
JASP offers many advantages over popular competing packages. Compared to commercial packages such as SPSS, JASP is free, open-source, actively developed, and includes Bayesian methods for parameter estimation and hypothesis testing. Compared to free packages such as R, JASP offers a smooth “drag and drop” user experience that removes the requirement of computer programming that many students and practitioners experience as burdensome and distracting. Compared to all other packages, the JASP base package off ers a targeted and popular series of tests, both in their classical and Bayesian manifestations.
Cite JASP, please :)
One of the best ways that you can support the JASP project is by citing it. Citations are an important measure of how widely software is used, and an important indicator to funding bodies of JASP’s relevance. At present, there are no publications you can cite for JASP (there are several in the pipeline, however!). For now, we suggest you use:
JASP Team (2016). JASP (Version[Computer software].
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$uninstalled = $false
$packageName = 'jasp'
$softwareName = 'JASP*'
$installerType = 'EXE'
$silentArgs = '/S'
$validExitCodes = @(0)
[array]$key = Get-UninstallRegistryKey -SoftwareName $softwareName
if ($key.Count -eq 1) {
$key | % {
$file = "$($_.UninstallString)"
Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage `
-PackageName $packageName `
-FileType $installerType `
-SilentArgs "$silentArgs" `
-ValidExitCodes $validExitCodes `
-File $file
} elseif ($key.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Warning "$packageName has already been uninstalled by other means."
} elseif ($key.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Warning "$key.Count matches found!"
Write-Warning "To prevent accidental data loss, no programs will be uninstalled."
Write-Warning "Please alert package maintainer the following keys were matched:"
$key | % {Write-Warning "- $_.DisplayName"}
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
- jasp.0.8.500.nupkg (13973d7aecf3) - ## / 61
- JASP-0.8.5-Setup.exe (c70c41e13e45) - ## / 56
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
Add to Builder | Version | Downloads | Last Updated | Status |
JASP 0.14.1 | 2951 | Wednesday, January 6, 2021 | Approved | |
JASP 0.14.0 | 291 | Wednesday, November 11, 2020 | Approved | |
JASP | 310 | Thursday, August 13, 2020 | Approved | |
JASP 0.12.2 | 610 | Monday, May 25, 2020 | Approved | |
JASP 0.8.500 | 1497 | Tuesday, February 6, 2018 | Approved | |
JASP 0.8.400 | 390 | Friday, February 2, 2018 | Approved | |
JASP | 429 | Monday, October 23, 2017 | Approved | |
JASP | 464 | Thursday, June 1, 2017 | Approved | |
JASP | 442 | Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | Approved | |
JASP | 384 | Thursday, March 9, 2017 | Approved | |
JASP | 384 | Tuesday, February 21, 2017 | Approved | |
JASP | 444 | Friday, February 17, 2017 | Approved | |
JASP | 429 | Wednesday, April 27, 2016 | Approved | |
JASP | 415 | Tuesday, March 29, 2016 | Approved |
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about JASP and the JASP package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or JASP, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.