Downloads of v 203.0.554528181-beta:
Last Update:
12 Jan 2024
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
- Facebook Inc.
messenger instant instant-messenger im chat facebook instagram portal oculus 64-bit freeware cross-platform- Software Specific:
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This is a prerelease version of Messenger.
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203.0.554528181-beta | Updated: 12 Jan 2024
- Software Specific:
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- Software License
- Software Docs
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- Package broken?
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Downloads of v 203.0.554528181-beta:
Software Author(s):
- Facebook Inc.
Messenger 203.0.554528181-beta
This is a prerelease version of Messenger.
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook Inc. The inclusion of Facebook Inc. trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify Facebook Inc. goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
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This Package Contains an Exempted Check
Not All Tests Have Passed
This package was approved as a trusted package on 12 Jan 2024.
This package is unlisted and hidden from package listings.
To use choco:// protocol URLs, install (unofficial) choco:// Protocol support
Go big with Messenger
A simple app that lets you text, video chat, and stay close with people you care about.
CROSS-APP COMMUNICATION - Hang with your favorite people on your favorite apps and devices
Messenger powers conversations within Facebook, Instagram, Portal, and Oculus.
WATCH TOGETHER - Enjoy videos with your friends
Watch movies, music videos, TV shows and more with your friends over video chat.
CUSTOM REACTIONS - Say it with any emoji
Lost for words? Now you can customize your reactions, with way more emojis to choose from, including 🎉 and 🔥.
ANIMATED EFFECTS - Express yourself
Bring your conversations to life with fun AR effects, message effects and selfie stickers.
CHAT THEMES - Your chats, Your way
Choose from fun themes and colors to make your chats more personal ❤️ 🏳️🌈
REPLIES & FORWARDING - Let the conversation flow
Choose the exact message you want to reply to or forward, right in your chat.
BUSINESS - Connect with businesses
Find deals, make reservations and get customer support by chatting with your favorite businesses right from Messenger.
Package Notes
The installer executed by this package was built using Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS). For advanced setup scenarios, refer to NSIS's command-line interface documentation. Any desired arguments can be appended to (or optionally overriding with the --override-arguments
switch) the package's default install arguments with the --install-arguments
For future upgrade operations, consider opting into Chocolatey's useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades
feature to avoid having to pass the same arguments with each upgrade:
choco feature enable --name="'useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades'"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$processName = 'Messenger'
$process = Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($process) {
Write-Warning "$processName is currently running, stopping it to prevent upgrade/uninstall from blocking..."
Stop-Process -InputObject $process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
$process = Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($process) {
Write-Warning "$processName is still running despite stop request, force stopping it..."
Stop-Process -InputObject $process -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Warning "If upgrading, $processName may need to be manually restarted upon completion"
else {
Write-Debug "No running $processName process instances were found"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$packageArgs = @{
packageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName
softwareName = 'Messenger'
fileType = 'EXE'
silentArgs = '/currentuser /S'
validExitCodes = @(0)
[array] $key = Get-UninstallRegistryKey -SoftwareName $packageArgs['softwareName']
if ($key.Count -eq 1) {
$key | ForEach-Object {
$packageArgs['file'] = "$($_.UninstallString.TrimEnd('/currentuser'))"
Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage @packageArgs
elseif ($key.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Warning "$packageName has already been uninstalled by other means."
elseif ($key.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Warning "$($key.Count) matches found!"
Write-Warning "To prevent accidental data loss, no programs will be uninstalled."
Write-Warning "Please alert package maintainer the following keys were matched:"
$key | ForEach-Object { Write-Warning "- $($_.DisplayName)" }
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
© Meta 2024
- chocolatey-os-dependency.extension (≥ 0.0.1)
- vcredist140 (≥ 14.20.27508.1)
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about Messenger and the Messenger package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or Messenger, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.