Downloads of v 4.2.0-alpha3:
Last Update:
17 Dec 2017
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Software Author(s):
- Pester Team
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This is a prerelease version of Pester.
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4.2.0-alpha3 | Updated: 17 Dec 2017
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Downloads of v 4.2.0-alpha3:
Software Author(s):
- Pester Team
Pester 4.2.0-alpha3
This is a prerelease version of Pester.
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by Pester Team. The inclusion of Pester Team trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify Pester Team goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
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Some Checks Have Failed or Are Not Yet Complete
Not All Tests Have Passed
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install Pester, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade Pester, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall Pester, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download pester --internalize --version=4.2.0-alpha3 --pre --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade pester -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'4.2.0-alpha3'" --prerelease [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade pester -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'4.2.0-alpha3'" --prerelease
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install pester
name: pester
version: '4.2.0-alpha3'
state: present
allow_prerelease: yes
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'pester' do
action :install
version '4.2.0-alpha3'
options '--prerelease'
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller pester
Name = "pester"
Version = "4.2.0-alpha3"
chocoParams = "--prerelease"
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'pester':
ensure => '4.2.0-alpha3',
install_options => ['--prerelease'],
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package is exempt from moderation. While it is likely safe for you, there is more risk involved.
Pester provides a framework for running BDD style Tests to execute and validate PowerShell commands inside of PowerShell and offers a powerful set of Mocking Functions that allow tests to mimic and mock the functionality of any command inside of a piece of PowerShell code being tested. Pester tests can execute any command or script that is accessible to a pester test file. This can include functions, Cmdlets, Modules and scripts. Pester can be run in ad hoc style in a console or it can be integrated into the Build scripts of a Continuous Integration system.
@echo off
SET DIR=%~dp0%
if NOT '%1'=='' SET ARGS=%ARGS:"=\"%
if '%1'=='/?' goto usage
if '%1'=='-?' goto usage
if '%1'=='?' goto usage
if '%1'=='/help' goto usage
if '%1'=='help' goto usage
@PowerShell -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ^
"& Import-Module '%DIR%..\Pester.psm1'; & { Invoke-Pester -EnableExit %ARGS%}"
goto finish
if NOT '%2'=='' goto help
echo To run pester for tests, just call pester or runtests with no arguments
echo Example: pester
echo For Detailed help information, call pester help with a help topic. See
echo help topic about_Pester for a list of all topics at the end
echo Example: pester help about_Pester
goto finish
@PowerShell -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ^
"& Import-Module '%DIR%..\Pester.psm1'; & { Get-Help %2}"
exit /B %errorlevel%
Describes the BeforeEach and AfterEach commands, which run a set of commands that you specify
before or after every It block.
The the BeforeEach and AfterEach commands in the Pester module let you define setup and teardown
tasks that are performed at the beginning and end of every It block. This can eliminate duplication of code
in test scripts, ensure that each test is performed on a pristine state regardless of their
order, and perform any necessary clean-up tasks after each test.
BeforeEach and AfterEach blocks may be defined inside of any Describe or Context. If they
are present in both a Context and its parent Describe, BeforeEach blocks in the Describe scope
are executed first, followed by BeforeEach blocks in the Context scope. AfterEach blocks are
the reverse of this, with the Context AfterEach blocks executing before Describe.
The script blocks assigned to BeforeEach and AfterEach are dot-sourced in the Context or Describe
which contains the current It statement, so you don't have to worry about the scope of variable
assignments. Any variables that are assigned values within a BeforeEach block can be used inside
the body of the It block.
BeforeAll and AfterAll are used the same way as BeforeEach and AfterEach, except that they are
executed at the beginning and end of their containing Describe or Context block. This is
essentially syntactic sugar for the following arrangement of code:
Describe 'Something' {
<BeforeAll Code Here>
<Describe Body>
<AfterAll Code Here>
Unlike most of the commands in a Pester script, BeforeEach, AfterEach, BeforeAll and AfterAll blocks
apply to the entire Describe or Context scope in which they are defined, regardless of the order of
commands inside the Describe or Context. In other words, even if an It block appears before BeforeEach
or AfterEach in the tests file, the BeforeEach and AfterEach will still be executed. Likewise, BeforeAll
code will be executed at the beginning of a Context or Describe block regardless of where it is found,
and AfterAll code will execute at the end of the Context or Describe.
Describe 'Testing BeforeEach and AfterEach' {
$afterEachVariable = 'AfterEach has not been executed yet'
It 'Demonstrates that BeforeEach may be defined after the It command' {
$beforeEachVariable | Should -Be 'Set in a describe-scoped BeforeEach'
$afterEachVariable | Should -Be 'AfterEach has not been executed yet'
$beforeAllVariable | Should -Be 'BeforeAll has been executed'
It 'Demonstrates that AfterEach has executed after the end of the first test' {
$afterEachVariable | Should -Be 'AfterEach has been executed'
BeforeEach {
$beforeEachVariable = 'Set in a describe-scoped BeforeEach'
AfterEach {
$afterEachVariable = 'AfterEach has been executed'
BeforeAll {
$beforeAllVariable = 'BeforeAll has been executed'
Pester provides a set of Mocking functions making it easy to fake dependencies
and also to verify behavior. Using these mocking functions can allow you to
"shim" a data layer or mock other complex functions that already have their
own tests.
With the set of Mocking functions that Pester exposes, one can:
- Mock the behavior of ANY PowerShell command.
- Verify that specific commands were (or were not) called.
- Verify the number of times a command was called with a set of specified
For detailed information about the functions in the Pester module, use Get-Help.
Mocks the behavior of an existing command with an alternate
Checks if any Verifiable Mock has not been invoked. If so, this will
throw an exception.
Checks if a Mocked command has been called a certain number of times
and throws an exception if it has not.
function Build ($version) {
Write-Host "a build was run for version: $version"
function BuildIfChanged {
$thisVersion = Get-Version
$nextVersion = Get-NextVersion
if ($thisVersion -ne $nextVersion) { Build $nextVersion }
return $nextVersion
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here\$sut"
Describe "BuildIfChanged" {
Context "When there are Changes" {
Mock Get-Version {return 1.1}
Mock Get-NextVersion {return 1.2}
Mock Build {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {$version -eq 1.2}
$result = BuildIfChanged
It "Builds the next version" {
It "returns the next version number" {
$result | Should -Be 1.2
Context "When there are no Changes" {
Mock Get-Version { return 1.1 }
Mock Get-NextVersion { return 1.1 }
Mock Build {}
$result = BuildIfChanged
It "Should not build the next version" {
Assert-MockCalled Build -Times 0 -ParameterFilter {$version -eq 1.1}
Let's say you have code like this inside a script module (.psm1 file):
function BuildIfChanged {
$thisVersion = Get-Version
$nextVersion = Get-NextVersion
if ($thisVersion -ne $nextVersion) { Build $nextVersion }
return $nextVersion
function Build ($version) {
Write-Host "a build was run for version: $version"
# Actual definitions of Get-Version and Get-NextVersion are not shown here,
# since we'll just be mocking them anyway. However, the commands do need to
# exist in order to be mocked, so we'll stick dummy functions here
function Get-Version { return 0 }
function Get-NextVersion { return 0 }
Export-ModuleMember -Function BuildIfChanged
Beginning in Pester 3.0, there are two ways to write a unit test for a module that
mocks the calls to Get-Version and Get-NextVersion from the module's BuildIfChanged
command. The first is to inject mocks into a module:
In these examples, the PSM1 file, MyModule.psm1 is installed in $env:PSModulePath on
the local computer.
Import-Module MyModule
Describe "BuildIfChanged" {
Context "When there are Changes" {
Mock -ModuleName MyModule Get-Version { return 1.1 }
Mock -ModuleName MyModule Get-NextVersion { return 1.2 }
# To demonstrate that you can mock calls to commands other than functions
# defined in the same module, we'll mock a call to Write-Host.
Mock -ModuleName MyModule Write-Host {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
$Object -eq 'a build was run for version: 1.2'
$result = BuildIfChanged
It "Builds the next version and calls Write-Host" {
It "returns the next version number" {
$result | Should -Be 1.2
Context "When there are no Changes" {
Mock -ModuleName MyModule Get-Version { return 1.1 }
Mock -ModuleName MyModule Get-NextVersion { return 1.1 }
Mock -ModuleName MyModule Build { }
$result = BuildIfChanged
It "Should not build the next version" {
Assert-MockCalled Build -ModuleName MyModule -Times 0 -ParameterFilter {
$version -eq 1.1
In this sample test script, all calls to Mock and Assert-MockCalled have the
-ModuleName MyModule parameter added. This tells Pester to inject the mock into the module scope,
which causes any calls to those commands from inside the module to execute the mock instead.
When you write your test script this way, you can mock commands that are called by the module's
internal functions. However, your test script is still limited to accessing the public, exported
members of the module. For example, you could not call the Build function directly.
The InModuleScope command causes entire sections of your test script to execute inside the targeted
script module. This gives you access to unexported members of the module. For example:
Import-Module MyModule
Describe "Unit testing the module's internal Build function:" {
InModuleScope MyModule {
$testVersion = 5.0
Mock Write-Host { }
Build $testVersion
It 'Outputs the correct message' {
Assert-MockCalled Write-Host -ParameterFilter {
$Object -eq "a build was run for version: $testVersion"
When using InModuleScope, you no longer need to specify a ModuleName parameter when calling
Mock or Assert-MockCalled for commands in the module. You can also directly call the Build
function that the module does not export.
The following articles are useful for further understanding of Pester Mocks.
Pester Mock and Test Drive, by Jakub Jareš:
Pester and Mocking, by Mickey Gousset:
Mocking Missing Cmdlets with Pester, by Iain Brighton:
Testing Mocked Output with Pester, by Steven Murawski:
The following articles are useful for deeper understanding of Mocking in general.
Answer to the Question "What is the Purpose of Mock Objects" by Bert F:
Mocks Aren't Stubs, by Martin Fowler:
The Art of Mocking, by Gil Zilberfeld:
Pester is a test framework for Windows PowerShell. Use the Pester language
and its commands to write and run tests that verify that your scripts and
modules work as designed.
Pester 3.4.0 supports Windows PowerShell 2.0 and greater.
Pester introduces a professional test framework for Windows PowerShell
commands. You can use Pester to test commands of any supported type,
including scripts, cmdlets, functions, CIM commands, workflows, and DSC
resources, and test these commands in modules of all types.
Each Pester test compares actual to expected output using a collection of
comparison operators that mirror the familiar operators in Windows
PowerShell. In this way, Pester supports "dynamic testing", that is, it
tests the code while it's running, instead of just evaluating code syntax
("static testing").
Once your Pester tests are written are verified to work correctly, you can
run them automatically or on demand to verify that the output didn't change
and that any code changes did not introduce errors. You can also add your
tests to the build scripts of a continuous integration system, and add new
tests at any time.
Pester is designed to support "test-driven development" (TDD), in which you
write and run tests before writing your code, thereby using the test as a
code specification.
It also supports "behavior-driven development" (BDD), in which the tests
verify the behavior and output of the code, and the user experience,
independent of its implementation. This lets you change the implementation
and use the test to verify that the behavior is unchanged.
You can use Pester to write "unit tests" that test individual functions in
isolation and "integration tests" that verify that functions can be used
together to generate expected results.
Pester creates and manages a temporary drive (PSDrive named TestDrive:) that
you can use to simulate a file system. For more information, see
Pester also has "mocking" commands that replace the actual output of
commands with output that you specify. Mocking lets you test your commands
with varied input without creating and maintaining fake entries in a file
or database, or commenting-out and inserting code just for testing. For more
information, see about_Mocking.
To make it easier to write tests, Pester uses a language especially designed
for testing. This "domain-specific language" (DSL) hides the standard
verb-noun syntax of PowerShell commands.
To make the language more fluent, the command parameters are positional, so
you don't typically use parameter names.
For example, this "gets all widgets" test uses the Pester language,
including its "It", "Should", and "Be" commands. The test verifies that the
actual output of the Get-Widget cmdlet is the same as the expected value in
the $allWidgets variables.
It "gets all widgets" {
Get-Widget | Should -Be $allWidgets
To learn the Pester language, start by reading the following About and
cmdlet help topics:
-- Describe: Creates a required test container.
-- Context: Creates an optional scoped test sub-container.
-- It: Creates a test.
-- about_Should Compares actual to expected values. This topic also
lists all valid values of Be, which specify the
comparison operator used in the test.
To start using Pester, create a script and a test file that tests the
script. If you already have a script, you can create a test file for it.
Pester test files are Windows PowerShell scripts with a .Tests.ps1 file name
extension. The distinctive file name extension enables Pester to identify
tests and distinguish them from other scripts.
Typically, the test file and file it tests have the same base file name,
such as:
For a quick start, use the New-Fixture cmdlet in the Pester module. It
creates a script with an empty function and a matching test file with a
valid test.
For example, this command creates a New-Log.ps1 script and a
New-Log.Tests.ps1 test script in the C:\Scripts\LogScripts directory.
New-Fixture -Path C:\Scripts\LogScripts -Name New-Log
Directory: C:\Scripts\LogScripts
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 4/18/2016 9:51 AM 30 New-Log.ps1
-a---- 4/18/2016 9:51 AM 262 New-Log.Tests.ps1
The similar names do not automatically associate the test file and script
file. The test file must include code to import ("dot-source") the
functions, aliases, and variables in the script being tested into the scope
of the test script.
For example:
. .\New-Log.ps1
. C:\Scripts\LogScripts\New-Log.ps1
Many Pester test files, including the files that New-Fixture creates, begin with these
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'
. "$here\$sut"
This code finds the current path of the test file at run time and saves it
in the $here variable. Then, it finds the script based on the path in $here.
This code assumes that the script has the same base name and is located in
the same directory as the test file.
You can use any code in the test file that finds the script, but be sure
that the test file has the required *.Tests.ps1 file name extension.
Pester tests are Windows PowerShell scripts (.ps1 files), so you can run
them at the command line, or in any editor.
Pester also has an Invoke-Pester cmdlet with useful parameters. By default,
Invoke-Pester runs all the tests in a directory and all of its subdirectories
recursively, but you can run selected tests by specifying a script name or
name pattern, a test name, or a test tag.
Invoke-Pester parameters also let you save the test output in NUnitXml or
LegacyNUnitXml formats that are commonly used by reporting tools.
For example, the following command runs all tests in the current directory
and all subdirectories recursively. It writes output to the host, but does
not generate any objects.
In contrast, this command runs only the tests in the New-Log.Tests.ps1 file
that have the 'EventVwr' tag. It writes the test results as custom objects
and saves them in NUnitXml format in the NewLogTests.xml file. It also runs
an optional code coverage test to verify that all lines in the script ran
at least once during the tests.
Invoke-Pester -Script C:\Tests\New-Log.Tests.ps1 `
-Tag EventVwr -OutputFile .\NewLogTests.xml -OutputFormat NUnitXml `
To run the New-Log.Tests.ps1 file that New-Fixture created, change to its
local directory or a parent directory, and run Invoke-Pester. You can also
use the Script parameter of Invoke-Pester to run only the New-Log.Tests.ps1
PS C:\Scripts> Invoke-Pester -Script .\New-Log.Tests.ps1
For more information about Invoke-Pester, type: Get-Help Invoke-Pester
For your first Pester test, use the New-Fixture cmdlet to create a script
file and matching test file.
For example:
New-Fixture -Path C:\TestPester -Name Get-Hello
Directory: C:\TestPester
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 4/18/2016 9:51 AM 30 Get-Hello.ps1
-a---- 4/18/2016 9:51 AM 262 Get-Hello.Tests.ps1
The Get-Hello.ps1 script contains an empty Get-Hello.ps1 function.
function Get-Hello {}
The Get-Hello.Tests.ps1 file contains an empty Pester test that is named
for the Get-Hello function.
Describe "Get-Hello" {
It "does something useful" {
$true | Should -Be $false
To run the test, use Invoke-Pester. For example,
Invoke-Pester C:\TestPester
When you run the test, it fails by design, because Should compares $True to
$False using the equal operator ("Be") and $True doesn't equal $False.
To start testing the Get-Hello function, change $True to Get-Hello and
$False to "Hello". Now, the test compares the output of Get-Hello output to
It should still fail, because Get-Hello doesn't return anything.
Describe "New-Log" {
It "does something useful" {
Get-Hello | Should -Be 'Hello'
To make the test pass, change the Get-Hello function so it returns 'hello'.
Then, in steps, change $False to more interesting values, then change the
Get-Hello function output to make the test pass.
You can also experiment with other comparison operators, such as the BeLike
(supports wildcards) and BeExactly (case sensitive), and BeLikeExactly
operators. For more, information about comparison operators in Pester, see
When you run a test, Pester use a variation of Write-Host to write
color-coded text to the console. You'll quickly learn to recognize the
purple test names and green (passing) and red (failing) test results with
the elapsed time of the test.
Describing Get-Profile
[+] Gets all profiles 156ms
[+] Gets only profiles 24ms
The output ends with a summary of the test results.
Tests completed in 3.47s
Passed: 20 Failed: 1 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 Inconclusive: 0
However, because Pester uses Write-Host, it does not write to the output
stream (stdout), so there are no output objects to save in a variable or
redirect to a file.
To direct Pester to create custom objects, use its PassThru parameter. The
result is a single PSCustomObject with a TestResult property that one
TestResult custom object for each test in the test file.
To save the custom objects to a file, use the OutputFile and OutputFormat
parameters of Invoke-Pester, which save the output in NUnitXml and
LegacyNUnitXml formats that are easy to parse and commonly used by reporting
For help in writing Pester tests, examine the extensive collection of tests
that Pester uses to verify its Windows PowerShell code.
To find the Pester tests in the Pester module directory, type:
dir <Pester_module_path>\*Tests.ps1 -Recurse
dir (Get-Module Pester -ListAvailable).ModuleBase -Include *Tests.ps1 -Recurse
Pester wiki:
Provides assertion convenience methods for comparing objects and throwing
test failures when test expectations fail.
Should is an Extension of System.Object and can be used as a native type
inside Describe blocks. The various Should member methods can be invoked
directly from an object being compared. It is typically used in individual
It blocks to verify the results of an expectation. The Should method is
typically called from the "actual" object being compared and takes the
expected" object as a parameter. Should includes several members that
perform various comparisons of objects and will throw a PesterFailure when
the objects do not evaluate to be comparable.
Compares one object with another for equality and throws if the two
objects are not the same.
$actual="Actual value"
$actual | Should -Be "actual value" # Test will pass
$actual | Should -Be "not actual value" # Test will fail
Compares one object with another for equality and throws if the two objects are not the same. This comparison is case sensitive.
$actual="Actual value"
$actual | Should -BeExactly "Actual value" # Test will pass
$actual | Should -BeExactly "actual value" # Test will fail
Asserts that a number is greater than an expected value. Uses PowerShell's -gt operator to compare the two values.
$Error.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
Asserts that a collection of values contain a specific value. Uses PowerShell's -contains operator to confirm.
1 | Should -BeIn @(1,2,3,'a','b','c')
Asserts that a number is less than an expected value. Uses PowerShell's -gt operator to compare the two values.
$Error.Count | Should -BeLessThan 1
Asserts that the actual value matches a wildcard pattern using PowerShell's -like operator. This comparison is not case-sensitive.
$actual="Actual value"
$actual | Should -BeLike "actual *" # Test will pass
$actual | Should -BeLike "not actual *" # Test will fail
Asserts that the actual value matches a wildcard pattern using PowerShell's -like operator. This comparison is case-sensitive.
$actual="Actual value"
$actual | Should -BeLikeExactly "Actual *" # Test will pass
$actual | Should -BeLikeExactly "actual *" # Test will fail
Asserts that the actual value should be an object of a specified type (or a subclass of the specified type) using PowerShell's -is operator:
$actual = Get-Item $env:SystemRoot
$actual | Should -BeOfType System.IO.DirectoryInfo # Test will pass; object is a DirectoryInfo
$actual | Should -BeOfType System.IO.FileSystemInfo # Test will pass; DirectoryInfo base class is FileSystemInfo
$actual | Should -BeOfType System.IO.FileInfo # Test will fail; FileInfo is not a base class of DirectoryInfo
Checks values for null or empty (strings). The static [String]::IsNullOrEmpty() method is used to do the comparison.
$null | Should -BeNullOrEmpty # Test will pass
$null | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty # Test will fail
@() | Should -BeNullOrEmpty # Test will pass
"" | Should -BeNullOrEmpty # Test will pass
Does not perform any comparison but checks if the object calling Exist
is present in a PS Provider. The object must have valid path syntax. It
essentially must pass a Test-Path call.
$actual=(Dir . )[0].FullName
Remove-Item $actual
$actual | Should -Exist # Test will fail
Checks to see if a file contains the specified text. This search is not case sensitive and uses regular expressions.
Set-Content -Path TestDrive:\file.txt -Value 'I am a file.'
'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch 'I Am' # Test will pass
'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch '^I.*file$' # Test will pass
'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch 'I Am Not' # Test will fail
Tip: Use [regex]::Escape("pattern") to match the exact text.
Set-Content -Path TestDrive:\file.txt -Value 'I am a file.'
'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch '' # Test will pass
'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch ([regex]::Escape('')) # Test will fail
Checks to see if a file contains the specified text. This search is case sensitive and uses regular expressions to match the text.
Set-Content -Path TestDrive:\file.txt -Value 'I am a file.'
'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch 'I am' # Test will pass
'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch 'I Am' # Test will fail
Uses a regular expression to compare two objects. This comparison is not case sensitive.
"I am a value" | Should -Match "I Am" # Test will pass
"I am a value" | Should -Match "I am a bad person" # Test will fail
Tip: Use [regex]::Escape("pattern") to match the exact text.
"Greg" | Should -Match ".reg" # Test will pass
"Greg" | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape(".reg")) # Test will fail
Uses a regular expression to compare two objects. This comparison is case sensitive.
"I am a value" | Should -MatchExactly "I am" # Test will pass
"I am a value" | Should -MatchExactly "I Am" # Test will fail
Checks if an exception was thrown. Enclose input in a script block.
{ foo } | Should -Throw # Test will pass
{ $foo = 1 } | Should -Throw # Test will fail
{ foo } | Should -Not -Throw # Test will fail
{ $foo = 1 } | Should -Not -Throw # Test will pass
Warning: The input object must be a ScriptBlock, otherwise it is processed outside of the assertion.
Get-Process -Name "process" -ErrorAction Stop | Should -Throw # Should pass, but the exception thrown by Get-Process causes the test to fail.
Any of the Should operators described above can be negated by using the word "Not" before the operator. For example:
'one' | Should -Not -Be 'Two'
{ Get-Item $env:SystemRoot } | Should -Not -Throw
function Add-Numbers($a, $b) {
return $a + $b
Describe "Add-Numbers" {
It "adds positive numbers" {
$sum = Add-Numbers 2 3
$sum | Should -Be 3
This test will fail since 3 will not be equal to the sum of 2 and 3.
A PSDrive for file activity limited to the scope of a singe Describe or
Context block.
A test may need to work with file operations and validate certain types of
file activities. It is usually desirable not to perform file activity tests
that will produce side effects outside of an individual test. Pester
creates a PSDrive inside the user's temporary drive that is accessible via a
names PSDrive TestDrive:. Pester will remove this drive after the test
completes. You may use this drive to isolate the file operations of your
test to a temporary store.
function Add-Footer($path, $footer) {
Add-Content $path -Value $footer
Describe "Add-Footer" {
Set-Content $testPath -value "my test text."
Add-Footer $testPath "-Footer"
$result = Get-Content $testPath
It "adds a footer" {
(-join $result).Should.Be("my test text.-Footer")
When this test completes, the contents of the TestDrive PSDrive will
be removed.
StartMessage = "Testing all features in '{0}'"
FilterMessage = " for scenarios matching '{0}'"
TagMessage = " with tags: '{0}'"
MessageOfs = "', '"
CoverageTitle = "Code coverage report:"
CoverageMessage = "Covered {2:P2} of {3:N0} analyzed {0} in {4:N0} {1}."
MissedSingular = 'Missed command:'
MissedPlural = 'Missed commands:'
CommandSingular = 'Command'
CommandPlural = 'Commands'
FileSingular = 'File'
FilePlural = 'Files'
Describe = "Feature: {0}"
Context = "Scenario: {0}"
Margin = " "
Timing = "Testing completed in {0}"
# If this is set to an empty string, the count won't be printed
ContextsPassed = "Scenarios Passed: {0} "
ContextsFailed = "Failed: {0}"
TestsPassed = "Steps Passed: {0} "
TestsFailed = "Failed: {0} "
TestsSkipped = 'Skipped: {0} '
TestsPending = 'Pending: {0} '
TestsInconclusive = 'Inconclusive: {0} '
StartMessage = "Executing all tests in '{0}'"
FilterMessage = ' matching test name {0}'
TagMessage = ' with Tags {0}'
MessageOfs = "', '"
CoverageTitle = 'Code coverage report:'
CoverageMessage = 'Covered {2:P2} of {3:N0} analyzed {0} in {4:N0} {1}.'
MissedSingular = 'Missed command:'
MissedPlural = 'Missed commands:'
CommandSingular = 'Command'
CommandPlural = 'Commands'
FileSingular = 'File'
FilePlural = 'Files'
Describe = 'Describing {0}'
Script = 'Executing script {0}'
Context = 'Context {0}'
Margin = ' '
Timing = 'Tests completed in {0}'
# If this is set to an empty string, the count won't be printed
ContextsPassed = ''
ContextsFailed = ''
TestsPassed = 'Tests Passed: {0}, '
TestsFailed = 'Failed: {0}, '
TestsSkipped = 'Skipped: {0}, '
TestsPending = 'Pending: {0}, '
TestsInconclusive = 'Inconclusive: {0} '
function PesterBe($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because) {
[bool] $succeeded = ArraysAreEqual $ActualValue $ExpectedValue
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterBeFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -Expected $ExpectedValue -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterBeFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -Expected $ExpectedValue -Because $Because
return & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterBeFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, $Because) {
# This looks odd; it's to unroll single-element arrays so the "-is [string]" expression works properly.
$ActualValue = $($ActualValue)
$ExpectedValue = $($ExpectedValue)
if (-not (($ExpectedValue -is [string]) -and ($ActualValue -is [string])))
return "Expected {$ExpectedValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
<#joining the output strings to a single string here, otherwise I get
Cannot find an overload for "Exception" and the argument count: "4".
at line: 63 in C:\Users\nohwnd\github\pester\Functions\Assertions\Should.ps1
This is a quickwin solution, doing the join in the Should directly might be better
way of doing this. But I don't want to mix two problems.
(Get-CompareStringMessage -Expected $ExpectedValue -Actual $ActualValue -Because $Because) -join "`n"
function NotPesterBeFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, $Because) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to be different from the actual value,$(Format-Because $Because) but got the same value."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name Be `
-Test $function:PesterBe `
-Alias 'EQ' `
function PesterBeExactly($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, $Because) {
[bool] $succeeded = ArraysAreEqual $ActualValue $ExpectedValue -CaseSensitive
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterBeExactlyFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterBeExactlyFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -Because $Because
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterBeExactlyFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, $Because) {
# This looks odd; it's to unroll single-element arrays so the "-is [string]" expression works properly.
$ActualValue = $($ActualValue)
$ExpectedValue = $($ExpectedValue)
if (-not (($ExpectedValue -is [string]) -and ($ActualValue -is [string])))
return "Expected exactly {$ExpectedValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
<#joining the output strings to a single string here, otherwise I get
Cannot find an overload for "Exception" and the argument count: "4".
at line: 63 in C:\Users\nohwnd\github\pester\Functions\Assertions\Should.ps1
This is a quickwin solution, doing the join in the Should directly might be better
way of doing this. But I don't want to mix two problems.
(Get-CompareStringMessage -Expected $ExpectedValue -Actual $ActualValue -CaseSensitive -Because $Because) -join "`n"
function NotPesterBeExactlyFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, $Because) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to be different from the actual value,$(Format-Because $Because) but got exactly the same value."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeExactly `
-Test $function:PesterBeExactly `
-Alias 'CEQ' `
#common functions
function Get-CompareStringMessage {
$ExpectedValueLength = $ExpectedValue.Length
$actualLength = $actual.Length
$maxLength = $ExpectedValueLength,$actualLength | & $SafeCommands['Sort-Object'] -Descending | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -First 1
$differenceIndex = $null
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $maxLength -and ($null -eq $differenceIndex); ++$i){
$differenceIndex = if ($CaseSensitive -and ($ExpectedValue[$i] -cne $actual[$i]))
elseif ($ExpectedValue[$i] -ne $actual[$i])
[string]$output = $null
if ($null -ne $differenceIndex)
"Expected strings to be the same,$(Format-Because $Because) but they were different."
if ($ExpectedValue.Length -ne $actual.Length) {
"Expected length: $ExpectedValueLength"
"Actual length: $actualLength"
"Strings differ at index $differenceIndex."
"String lengths are both $ExpectedValueLength."
"Strings differ at index $differenceIndex."
"Expected: {{{0}}}" -f ( $ExpectedValue | Expand-SpecialCharacters )
"But was: {{{0}}}" -f ( $actual | Expand-SpecialCharacters )
$specialCharacterOffset = $null
if ($differenceIndex -ne 0)
#count all the special characters before the difference
$specialCharacterOffset = ($actual[0..($differenceIndex-1)] |
& $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] {"`n","`r","`t","`b","`0" -contains $_} |
& $SafeCommands['Measure-Object'] |
& $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty Count)
function Expand-SpecialCharacters {
param (
process {
$InputObject -replace "`n","\n" -replace "`r","\r" -replace "`t","\t" -replace "`0", "\0" -replace "`b","\b"
function ArraysAreEqual
param (
[object[]] $First,
[object[]] $Second,
[switch] $CaseSensitive,
[int] $RecursionDepth = 0,
[int] $RecursionLimit = 100
if ($RecursionDepth -gt $RecursionLimit)
throw "Reached the recursion depth limit of $RecursionLimit when comparing arrays $First and $Second. Is one of your arrays cyclic?"
# Do not remove the subexpression @() operators in the following two lines; doing so can cause a
# silly error in PowerShell v3. (Null Reference exception from the PowerShell engine in a
# method called CheckAutomationNullInCommandArgumentArray(System.Object[]) ).
$firstNullOrEmpty = ArrayOrSingleElementIsNullOrEmpty -Array @($First)
$secondNullOrEmpty = ArrayOrSingleElementIsNullOrEmpty -Array @($Second)
if ($firstNullOrEmpty -or $secondNullOrEmpty)
return $firstNullOrEmpty -and $secondNullOrEmpty
if ($First.Count -ne $Second.Count) { return $false }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $First.Count; $i++)
if ((IsArray $First[$i]) -or (IsArray $Second[$i]))
if (-not (ArraysAreEqual -First $First[$i] -Second $Second[$i] -CaseSensitive:$CaseSensitive -RecursionDepth $RecursionDepth -RecursionLimit $RecursionLimit))
return $false
if ($CaseSensitive)
$comparer = { param($Actual, $Expected) $Expected -ceq $Actual }
$comparer = { param($Actual, $Expected) $Expected -eq $Actual }
if (-not (& $comparer $First[$i] $Second[$i]))
return $false
return $true
function ArrayOrSingleElementIsNullOrEmpty
param ([object[]] $Array)
return $null -eq $Array -or $Array.Count -eq 0 -or ($Array.Count -eq 1 -and $null -eq $Array[0])
function IsArray
param ([object] $InputObject)
# Changing this could cause infinite recursion in ArraysAreEqual.
# see
return $InputObject -is [Array]
function ReplaceValueInArray
param (
[object[]] $Array,
[object] $Value,
[object] $NewValue
foreach ($object in $Array)
if ($Value -eq $object)
elseif (@($object).Count -gt 1)
ReplaceValueInArray -Array @($object) -Value $Value -NewValue $NewValue
function PesterBeGreaterThan($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
if ($Negate) {
return PesterBeLessOrEqual -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -Negate:$false -Because $Because
if ($ExpectedValue -ge $ActualValue) {
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to be greater than the actual value,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
function PesterBeLessOrEqual($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
if ($Negate) {
return PesterBeGreaterThan -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -Negate:$false -Because $Because
if ($ExpectedValue -lt $ActualValue) {
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to be less or equal to the actual value,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeGreaterThan `
-Test $function:PesterBeGreaterThan `
-Alias 'GT'
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeLessOrEqual `
-Test $function:PesterBeLessOrEqual `
-Alias 'LE'
#keeping tests happy
function PesterBeGreaterThanFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterBeGreaterThanFailureMessage() { }
function PesterBeLessOrEqualFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterBeLessOrEqualFailureMessage() { }
function PesterBeIn($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
[bool] $succeeded = $ExpectedValue -contains $ActualValue
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected collection [$($ExpectedValue -join ',')] to not contain {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it was found."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected collection [$($ExpectedValue -join ',')] to contain {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it was not found."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeIn `
-Test $function:PesterBeIn
function PesterBeInFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterBeInFailureMessage() { }
function PesterBeLessThan($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
if ($Negate) {
return PesterBeGreaterOrEqual -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -Negate:$false -Because $Because
if ($ExpectedValue -le $ActualValue) {
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to be less than the actual value,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
function PesterBeGreaterOrEqual($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
if ($Negate) {
return PesterBeLessThan -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -Negate:$false -Because $Because
if ($ExpectedValue -gt $ActualValue) {
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to be greater or equal to the actual value,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeLessThan `
-Test $function:PesterBeLessThan `
-Alias 'LT'
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeGreaterOrEqual `
-Test $function:PesterBeGreaterOrEqual `
-Alias 'GE'
#keeping tests happy
function PesterBeLessThanFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterBeLessThanFailureMessage() { }
function PesterBeGreaterOrEqualFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterBeGreaterOrEqualFailureMessage() { }
function PesterBeLike($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [String] $Because)
[bool] $succeeded = $ActualValue -like $ExpectedValue
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected like wildcard {$ExpectedValue} to not match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did match."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected like wildcard {$ExpectedValue} to match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did not match."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeLike `
-Test $function:PesterBeLike
function PesterBeLikeFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterBeLikeFailureMessage() { }
function PesterBeLikeExactly($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [String] $Because)
[bool] $succeeded = $ActualValue -clike $ExpectedValue
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected case sensitive like wildcard {$ExpectedValue} to not match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did match."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected case sensitive like wildcard {$ExpectedValue} to match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did not match."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeLikeExactly `
-Test $function:PesterBeLikeExactly
function PesterBeLikeExactlyFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterBeLikeExactlyFailureMessage() { }
function PesterBeNullOrEmpty([object[]] $ActualValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because) {
if ($null -eq $ActualValue -or $ActualValue.Count -eq 0)
$succeeded = $true
elseif ($ActualValue.Count -eq 1)
$expandedValue = $ActualValue[0]
if ($expandedValue -is [hashtable])
$succeeded = $expandedValue.Count -eq 0
$succeeded = [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($expandedValue)
$succeeded = $false
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterBeNullOrEmptyFailureMessage -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterBeNullOrEmptyFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -Because $Because
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterBeNullOrEmptyFailureMessage($ActualValue, $Because) {
return "Expected `$null or empty,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
function NotPesterBeNullOrEmptyFailureMessage ($Because) {
return "Expected a value,$(Format-Because $Because) but got `$null or empty."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeNullOrEmpty `
-Test $function:PesterBeNullOrEmpty `
function PesterBeOfType($ActualValue, $ExpectedType, [switch] $Negate, [string]$Because) {
if($ExpectedType -is [string]) {
# parses type that is provided as a string in brackets (such as [int])
$parsedType = ($ExpectedType -replace '^\[(.*)\]$','$1') -as [Type]
if ($null -eq $parsedType) {
throw [ArgumentException]"Could not find type [$ParsedType]. Make sure that the assembly that contains that type is loaded."
$ExpectedType = $parsedType
$succeded = $ActualValue -is $ExpectedType
if ($Negate) { $succeded = -not $succeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if ($null -ne $ActualValue) {
$actualType = '[' + ([string]($ActualValue.GetType())) + ']'
} else {
$actualType = '<none>'
if (-not $succeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = "Expected the value to not have type [$ExpectedType] or any of its subtypes,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue} with type $actualType."
$failureMessage = "Expected the value to have type [$ExpectedType] or any of its subtypes,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue} with type $actualType."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeOfType `
-Test $function:PesterBeOfType `
-Alias 'HaveType'
function PesterBeOfTypeFailureMessage() {}
function NotPesterBeOfTypeFailureMessage() {}
function PesterBeTrue($ActualValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
if ($Negate) {
return PesterBeFalse -ActualValue $ActualValue -Negate:$false -Because $Because
if (-not $ActualValue) {
$failureMessage = "Expected `$true,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
function PesterBeFalse($ActualValue, [switch] $Negate, $Because)
if ($Negate) {
return PesterBeTrue -ActualValue $ActualValue -Negate:$false -Because $Because
if ($ActualValue) {
$failureMessage = "Expected `$false,$(Format-Because $Because) but got {$ActualValue}."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeTrue -Test $function:PesterBeTrue
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeFalse -Test $function:PesterBeFalse
# to keep tests happy
function PesterBeTrueFailureMessage($ActualValue) { }
function NotPesterBeTrueFailureMessage($ActualValue) { }
function PesterBeFalseFailureMessage($ActualValue) { }
function NotPesterBeFalseFailureMessage($ActualValue) { }
function PesterContain($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
[bool] $succeeded = $ActualValue -contains $ExpectedValue
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to not be found in collection [$($ActualValue -join ',')],$(Format-Because $Because) but it was found."
} else {
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "Expected {$ExpectedValue} to be found in collection [$($ActualValue -join ',')],$(Format-Because $Because) but it was not found."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name Contain `
-Test $function:PesterContain `
function PesterContainFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterContainFailureMessage() {}
function PesterExist($ActualValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because) {
[bool] $succeeded = & $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] $ActualValue
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = "Expected path {$ActualValue} to not exist,$(Format-Because $Because) but it did exist."
$failureMessage = "Expected path {$ActualValue} to exist,$(Format-Because $Because) but it did not exist."
return & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
Add-AssertionOperator -Name Exist `
-Test $function:PesterExist
function PesterExistFailureMessage() { }
function NotPesterExistFailureMessage() { }
function PesterFileContentMatch($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent, [switch] $Negate, $Because) {
$succeeded = (@(& $SafeCommands['Get-Content'] -Encoding UTF8 $ActualValue) -match $ExpectedContent).Count -gt 0
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterFileContentMatchFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedContent $ExpectedContent -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterFileContentMatchFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedContent $ExpectedContent -Because $Because
return & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterFileContentMatchFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent, $Because) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedContent} to be found in file '$ActualValue',$(Format-Because $Because) but it was not found."
function NotPesterFileContentMatchFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent, $Because) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedContent} to not be found in file '$ActualValue',$(Format-Because $Because) but it was found."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name FileContentMatch `
-Test $function:PesterFileContentMatch
function PesterFileContentMatchExactly($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent, [switch] $Negate, [String] $Because) {
$succeeded = (@(& $SafeCommands['Get-Content'] -Encoding UTF8 $ActualValue) -cmatch $ExpectedContent).Count -gt 0
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterFileContentMatchExactlyFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedContent $ExpectedContent -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterFileContentMatchExactlyFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedContent $ExpectedContent -Because $Because
return & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterFileContentMatchExactlyFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedContent} to be case sensitively found in file '$ActualValue',$(Format-Because $Because) but it was not found."
function NotPesterFileContentMatchExactlyFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedContent} to not be case sensitively found in file '$ActualValue',$(Format-Because $Because) but it was found."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name FileContentMatchExactly `
-Test $function:PesterFileContentMatchExactly
function PesterFileContentMatchMultiline($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent, [switch] $Negate, [String] $Because) {
$succeeded = [bool] ((Get-Content $ActualValue -delim ([char]0)) -match $ExpectedContent)
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterFileContentMatchMultilineFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedContent $ExpectedContent -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterFileContentMatchMultilineFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -ExpectedContent $ExpectedContent -Because $Because
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterFileContentMatchMultilineFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent, $Because) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedContent} to be found in file '$ActualValue',$(Format-Because $Because) but it was not found."
function NotPesterFileContentMatchMultilineFailureMessage($ActualValue, $ExpectedContent, $Because) {
return "Expected {$ExpectedContent} to not be found in file '$ActualValue',$(Format-Because $Because) but it was found."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name FileContentMatchMultiline `
-Test $function:PesterFileContentMatchMultiline
function PesterHaveCount($ActualValue, [int] $ExpectedValue, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because)
if ($ExpectedValue -lt 0)
throw [ArgumentException]"Excpected collection size must be greater than or equal to 0."
$count = if ($null -eq $ActualValue) { 0 } else { $ActualValue.Count }
$expectingEmpty = $ExpectedValue -eq 0
[bool] $succeeded = $count -eq $ExpectedValue
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$expect = if ($expectingEmpty) { "Expected a non-empty collection" } else { "Expected a collection with size different from {$ExpectedValue}" }
$but = if ($count -ne 0) { "but got collection with that size [$($ActualValue -join ',')]." } else { "but got an empty collection."}
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "$expect,$(Format-Because $Because) $but"
} else {
$expect = if ($expectingEmpty) { "Expected an empty collection" } else { "Expected a collection with size {$ExpectedValue}" }
$but = if ($count -ne 0) { "but got collection with size {$count} [$($ActualValue -join ',')]." } else { "but got an empty collection."}
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = "$expect,$(Format-Because $Because) $but"
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
Add-AssertionOperator -Name HaveCount `
-Test $function:PesterHaveCount `
function PesterHaveCountFailureMessage() {}
function NotPesterHaveCountFailureMessage() {}
function PesterMatch($ActualValue, $RegularExpression, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because) {
[bool] $succeeded = $ActualValue -match $RegularExpression
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterMatchFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -RegularExpression $RegularExpression -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterMatchFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -RegularExpression $RegularExpression -Because $Because
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterMatchFailureMessage($ActualValue, $RegularExpression, $Because) {
return "Expected regular expression {$RegularExpression} to match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did not match."
function NotPesterMatchFailureMessage($ActualValue, $RegularExpression, $Because) {
return "Expected regular expression {$RegularExpression} to not match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did match."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name Match `
-Test $function:PesterMatch
function PesterMatchExactly($ActualValue, $RegularExpression, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because) {
[bool] $succeeded = $ActualValue -cmatch $RegularExpression
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
$failureMessage = ''
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = NotPesterMatchExactlyFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -RegularExpression $RegularExpression -Because $Because
$failureMessage = PesterMatchExactlyFailureMessage -ActualValue $ActualValue -RegularExpression $RegularExpression -Because $Because
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
function PesterMatchExactlyFailureMessage($ActualValue, $RegularExpression) {
return "Expected regular expression {$RegularExpression} to case sensitively match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did not match."
function NotPesterMatchExactlyFailureMessage($ActualValue, $RegularExpression) {
return "Expected regular expression {$RegularExpression} to not case sensitively match {$ActualValue},$(Format-Because $Because) but it did match."
Add-AssertionOperator -Name MatchExactly `
-Test $function:PesterMatchExactly `
-Alias 'CMATCH'
function PesterThrow([scriptblock] $ActualValue, $ExpectedMessage, $ErrorId, [type]$ExceptionType, [switch] $Negate, [string] $Because, [switch] $PassThru) {
$actualExceptionMessage = ""
$actualExceptionWasThrown = $false
$actualError = $null
$actualException = $null
$actualExceptionLine = $null
if ($null -eq $ActualValue) {
throw (New-Object -TypeName ArgumentNullException -ArgumentList "ActualValue","Scriptblock not found. Input to 'Throw' and 'Not Throw' must be enclosed in curly braces.")
try {
do {
$null = & $ActualValue
} until ($true)
} catch {
$actualExceptionWasThrown = $true
$actualError = $_
$actualException = $_.Exception
$actualExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$actualErrorId = $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId
$actualExceptionLine = (Get-ExceptionLineInfo $_.InvocationInfo) -replace [System.Environment]::NewLine,"$([System.Environment]::NewLine) "
[bool] $succeeded = $false
if ($Negate) {
# this is for Should -Not -Throw. Once *any* exception was thrown we should fail the assertion
# there is no point in filtering the exception, because there should be none
$succeeded = -not $actualExceptionWasThrown
if (-not $succeeded) {
$failureMessage = "Expected no exception to be thrown,$(Format-Because $Because) but an exception was thrown $actualExceptionLine."
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
} else {
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
# the rest is for Should -Throw, we must fail the assertion when no exception is thrown
# or when the exception does not match our filter
function Join-And ($Items, $Threshold=2) {
if ($null -eq $items -or $items.count -lt $Threshold)
$items -join ', '
$c = $items.count
($items[0..($c-2)] -join ', ') + ' and ' + $items[-1]
function Add-SpaceToNonEmptyString ([string]$Value) {
if ($Value)
" $Value"
$buts = @()
$filters = @()
$filterOnExceptionType = $null -ne $ExceptionType
if ($filterOnExceptionType) {
$filters += "with type {$ExceptionType}"
if ($actualExceptionWasThrown -and $actualException -isnot $ExceptionType) {
$buts += "the exception type was '{$($actualException.GetType())}'"
$filterOnMessage = -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExpectedMessage -replace "\s")
if ($filterOnMessage) {
$filters += "with message '$ExpectedMessage'"
if ($actualExceptionWasThrown -and (-not (Get-DoValuesMatch $actualExceptionMessage $ExpectedMessage))) {
$buts += "the message was '$($actualExceptionMessage)'"
$filterOnId = -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ErrorId -replace "\s")
if ($filterOnId) {
$filters += "with FullyQualifiedErrorId '$ErrorId'"
if ($actualExceptionWasThrown -and (-not (Get-DoValuesMatch $actualErrorId $ErrorId))) {
$buts += "the FullyQualifiedErrorId was '$($actualErrorId)'"
if (-not $actualExceptionWasThrown)
$buts += "no exception was thrown"
if ($buts.Count -ne 0) {
$filter = Add-SpaceToNonEmptyString ( Join-And $filters -Threshold 3 )
$but = Join-And $buts
$failureMessage = "Expected an exception,$filter to be thrown,$(Format-Because $Because) but $but. $actualExceptionLine".Trim()
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $false
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
$result = New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $true
if ($PassThru) {
$result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Data' -Value $actualError
return $result
function Get-DoValuesMatch($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue) {
#user did not specify any message filter, so any message matches
if ($null -eq $ExpectedValue ) { return $true }
return $ActualValue.ToString().IndexOf($ExpectedValue, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) -ge 0
function Get-ExceptionLineInfo($info) {
# $info.PositionMessage has a leading blank line that we need to account for in PowerShell 2.0
$positionMessage = $info.PositionMessage -split '\r?\n' -match '\S' -join [System.Environment]::NewLine
return ($positionMessage -replace "^At ","from ")
function PesterThrowFailureMessage {
# to make the should tests happy, for now
function NotPesterThrowFailureMessage {
# to make the should tests happy, for now
Add-AssertionOperator -Name Throw `
-Test $function:PesterThrow
function New-InconclusiveErrorRecord ([string] $Message, [string] $File, [string] $Line, [string] $LineText) {
$exception = New-Object Exception $Message
$errorID = 'PesterTestInconclusive'
$errorCategory = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
# we use ErrorRecord.TargetObject to pass structured information about the error to a reporting system.
$targetObject = @{Message = $Message; File = $File; Line = $Line; LineText = $LineText}
$errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject
return $errorRecord
function Set-TestInconclusive {
Set-TestInclusive used inside the It block will cause that the test will be
considered as inconclusive.
If an Set-TestInconclusive is used inside It block, the test will always fails
with an Inconclusive result. It's not a passed result, nor a failed result,
but something in between � Inconclusive. It indicates that the results
of the test could not be verified.
Value assigned to the Message parameter will be displayed in the the test result.
Describe "Example" {
It "Test what is inconclusive" {
Set-TestInconclusive -Message "I'm inconclusive because I can."
The test result.
Describing Example
[?] Test what is inconclusive 96ms
I'm inconclusive because I can
at line: 10 in C:\Users\<SOME_FOLDER>\Example.Tests.ps1
10: Set-TestInconclusive -Message "I'm inconclusive because I can"
Tests completed in 408ms
Tests Passed: 0, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 1
param (
[string] $Message
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Set-TestInconclusive
$lineText = $MyInvocation.Line.TrimEnd($([System.Environment]::NewLine))
$line = $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
$file = $MyInvocation.ScriptName
throw ( New-InconclusiveErrorRecord -Message $Message -File $file -Line $line -LineText $lineText)
function Parse-ShouldArgs([object[]] $shouldArgs) {
if ($null -eq $shouldArgs) { $shouldArgs = @() }
$parsedArgs = @{
PositiveAssertion = $true
ExpectedValue = $null
$assertionMethodIndex = 0
$expectedValueIndex = 1
if ($shouldArgs.Count -gt 0 -and $shouldArgs[0] -eq "not") {
$parsedArgs.PositiveAssertion = $false
$assertionMethodIndex += 1
$expectedValueIndex += 1
if ($assertionMethodIndex -lt $shouldArgs.Count)
$parsedArgs.AssertionMethod = "$($shouldArgs[$assertionMethodIndex])"
throw 'You cannot call Should without specifying an assertion method.'
if ($expectedValueIndex -lt $shouldArgs.Count)
$parsedArgs.ExpectedValue = $shouldArgs[$expectedValueIndex]
return $parsedArgs
function Get-FailureMessage($assertionEntry, $negate, $value, $expected) {
if ($negate)
$failureMessageFunction = $assertionEntry.GetNegativeFailureMessage
$failureMessageFunction = $assertionEntry.GetPositiveFailureMessage
return (& $failureMessageFunction $value $expected)
function New-ShouldErrorRecord ([string] $Message, [string] $File, [string] $Line, [string] $LineText) {
$exception = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] Exception $Message
$errorID = 'PesterAssertionFailed'
$errorCategory = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
# we use ErrorRecord.TargetObject to pass structured information about the error to a reporting system.
$targetObject = @{Message = $Message; File = $File; Line = $Line; LineText = $LineText}
$errorRecord = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject
return $errorRecord
function Should {
Should is a keyword what is used to define an assertion inside It block.
Should is a keyword what is used to define an assertion inside the It block.
Should provides assertion methods for verify assertion e.g. comparing objects.
If assertion is not met the test fails and an exception is throwed up.
Should can be used more than once in the It block if more than one assertion
need to be verified. Each Should keywords need to be located in a new line.
Test will be passed only when all assertion will be met (logical conjuction).
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Legacy')]
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Legacy', Position = 0)]
[object] $__LegacyArg1,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Legacy', Position = 1)]
[object] $__LegacyArg2,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Legacy', Position = 2)]
[object] $__LegacyArg3,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $ActualValue
$inputArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Legacy')
$parsedArgs = Parse-ShouldArgs ($__LegacyArg1, $__LegacyArg2, $__LegacyArg3)
$entry = Get-AssertionOperatorEntry -Name $parsedArgs.AssertionMethod
if ($null -eq $entry)
throw "'$($parsedArgs.AssertionMethod)' is not a valid Should operator."
$null = $inputArray.Add($ActualValue)
$lineNumber = $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
$lineText = $MyInvocation.Line.TrimEnd("$([System.Environment]::NewLine)")
$file = $MyInvocation.ScriptName
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Legacy')
if ($inputArray.Count -eq 0)
Invoke-LegacyAssertion $entry $parsedArgs $null $file $lineNumber $lineText
elseif ($entry.SupportsArrayInput)
Invoke-LegacyAssertion $entry $parsedArgs $inputArray.ToArray() $file $lineNumber $lineText
foreach ($object in $inputArray)
Invoke-LegacyAssertion $entry $parsedArgs $object $file $lineNumber $lineText
$negate = $false
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Not'))
$negate = [bool]$PSBoundParameters['Not']
$null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ActualValue')
$null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
$null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Not')
$entry = Get-AssertionOperatorEntry -Name $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
if ($inputArray.Count -eq 0)
Invoke-Assertion $entry $PSBoundParameters $null $file $lineNumber $lineText -Negate:$negate
elseif ($entry.SupportsArrayInput)
Invoke-Assertion $entry $PSBoundParameters $inputArray.ToArray() $file $lineNumber $lineText -Negate:$negate
foreach ($object in $inputArray)
Invoke-Assertion $entry $PSBoundParameters $object $file $lineNumber $lineText -Negate:$negate
function Invoke-LegacyAssertion($assertionEntry, $shouldArgs, $valueToTest, $file, $lineNumber, $lineText)
# $expectedValueSplat = @(
# if ($null -ne $shouldArgs.ExpectedValue)
# {
# ,$shouldArgs.ExpectedValue
# }
# )
$negate = -not $shouldArgs.PositiveAssertion
$testResult = (& $assertionEntry.Test $valueToTest $shouldArgs.ExpectedValue -Negate:$negate)
if (-not $testResult.Succeeded)
throw ( New-ShouldErrorRecord -Message $testResult.FailureMessage -File $file -Line $lineNumber -LineText $lineText )
function Invoke-Assertion
param (
[object] $AssertionEntry,
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $BoundParameters,
[object] $valuetoTest,
[string] $File,
[int] $LineNumber,
[string] $LineText,
[switch] $Negate
$testResult = & $AssertionEntry.Test -ActualValue $valuetoTest -Negate:$Negate @BoundParameters
if (-not $testResult.Succeeded) {
throw ( New-ShouldErrorRecord -Message $testResult.FailureMessage -File $file -Line $lineNumber -LineText $lineText )
} else {
#extract data to return if there are any on the object
$data = $testResult.psObject.Properties.Item('Data')
if ($data) {
function Format-Because ([string] $Because) {
if ($null -eq $Because) {
$bcs = $Because.Trim()
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($bcs))
" because $($bcs -replace 'because\s'),"
function Context {
Provides logical grouping of It blocks within a single Describe block.
Provides logical grouping of It blocks within a single Describe block.
Any Mocks defined inside a Context are removed at the end of the Context scope,
as are any files or folders added to the TestDrive during the Context block's
execution. Any BeforeEach or AfterEach blocks defined inside a Context also only
apply to tests within that Context .
The name of the Context. This is a phrase describing a set of tests within a describe.
Optional parameter containing an array of strings. When calling Invoke-Pester,
it is possible to specify a -Tag parameter which will only execute Context blocks
containing the same Tag.
Script that is executed. This may include setup specific to the context
and one or more It blocks that validate the expected outcomes.
function Add-Numbers($a, $b) {
return $a + $b
Describe "Add-Numbers" {
Context "when root does not exist" {
It "..." { ... }
Context "when root does exist" {
It "..." { ... }
It "..." { ... }
It "..." { ... }
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[string] $Name,
[string[]] $Tag=@(),
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[ScriptBlock] $Fixture = $(Throw "No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)")
if ($null -eq (& $SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name Pester -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference))
# User has executed a test script directly instead of calling Invoke-Pester
$Pester = New-PesterState -Path (& $SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] .) -TestNameFilter $null -TagFilter @() -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$script:mockTable = @{}
DescribeImpl @PSBoundParameters -CommandUsed 'Context' -Pester $Pester -DescribeOutputBlock ${function:Write-Describe} -TestOutputBlock ${function:Write-PesterResult}
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 2)
function Exit-CoverageAnalysis { }
function Get-CoverageReport { }
function Write-CoverageReport { }
function Enter-CoverageAnalysis {
param ( $CodeCoverage )
if ($CodeCoverage) { & $SafeCommands['Write-Error'] 'Code coverage analysis requires PowerShell 3.0 or later.' }
function Enter-CoverageAnalysis
param (
[object[]] $CodeCoverage,
[object] $PesterState
$coverageInfo =
foreach ($object in $CodeCoverage)
Get-CoverageInfoFromUserInput -InputObject $object
$PesterState.CommandCoverage = @(Get-CoverageBreakpoints -CoverageInfo $coverageInfo)
function Exit-CoverageAnalysis
param ([object] $PesterState)
& $SafeCommands['Set-StrictMode'] -Off
$breakpoints = @($PesterState.CommandCoverage.Breakpoint) -ne $null
if ($breakpoints.Count -gt 0)
& $SafeCommands['Remove-PSBreakpoint'] -Breakpoint $breakpoints
function Get-CoverageInfoFromUserInput
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IDictionary])
$unresolvedCoverageInfo = Get-CoverageInfoFromDictionary -Dictionary $InputObject
$unresolvedCoverageInfo = New-CoverageInfo -Path ([string]$InputObject)
Resolve-CoverageInfo -UnresolvedCoverageInfo $unresolvedCoverageInfo
function New-CoverageInfo
param ([string] $Path, [string] $Function = $null, [int] $StartLine = 0, [int] $EndLine = 0)
return [pscustomobject]@{
Path = $Path
Function = $Function
StartLine = $StartLine
EndLine = $EndLine
function Get-CoverageInfoFromDictionary
param ([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Dictionary)
[string] $path = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $Dictionary -Key 'Path', 'p'
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path))
throw "Coverage value '$Dictionary' is missing required Path key."
$startLine = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $Dictionary -Key 'StartLine', 'Start', 's'
$endLine = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $Dictionary -Key 'EndLine', 'End', 'e'
[string] $function = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $Dictionary -Key 'Function', 'f'
$startLine = Convert-UnknownValueToInt -Value $startLine -DefaultValue 0
$endLine = Convert-UnknownValueToInt -Value $endLine -DefaultValue 0
return New-CoverageInfo -Path $path -StartLine $startLine -EndLine $endLine -Function $function
function Convert-UnknownValueToInt
param ([object] $Value, [int] $DefaultValue = 0)
return [int] $Value
return $DefaultValue
function Resolve-CoverageInfo
param ([psobject] $UnresolvedCoverageInfo)
$path = $UnresolvedCoverageInfo.Path
$resolvedPaths = & $SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop
& $SafeCommands['Write-Error'] "Could not resolve coverage path '$path': $($_.Exception.Message)"
$filePaths =
foreach ($resolvedPath in $resolvedPaths)
$item = & $SafeCommands['Get-Item'] -LiteralPath $resolvedPath
if ($item -is [System.IO.FileInfo] -and ('.ps1','.psm1') -contains $item.Extension)
elseif (-not $item.PsIsContainer)
& $SafeCommands['Write-Warning'] "CodeCoverage path '$path' resolved to a non-PowerShell file '$($item.FullName)'; this path will not be part of the coverage report."
$params = @{
StartLine = $UnresolvedCoverageInfo.StartLine
EndLine = $UnresolvedCoverageInfo.EndLine
Function = $UnresolvedCoverageInfo.Function
foreach ($filePath in $filePaths)
$params['Path'] = $filePath
New-CoverageInfo @params
function Get-CoverageBreakpoints
param (
[object[]] $CoverageInfo
$fileGroups = @($CoverageInfo | & $SafeCommands['Group-Object'] -Property Path)
foreach ($fileGroup in $fileGroups)
& $SafeCommands['Write-Verbose'] "Initializing code coverage analysis for file '$($fileGroup.Name)'"
$totalCommands = 0
$analyzedCommands = 0
foreach ($command in Get-CommandsInFile -Path $fileGroup.Name)
foreach ($coverageInfoObject in $fileGroup.Group)
if (Test-CoverageOverlapsCommand -CoverageInfo $coverageInfoObject -Command $command)
New-CoverageBreakpoint -Command $command
continue commandLoop
& $SafeCommands['Write-Verbose'] "Analyzing $analyzedCommands of $totalCommands commands in file '$($fileGroup.Name)' for code coverage"
function Get-CommandsInFile
param ([string] $Path)
$errors = $null
$tokens = $null
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors)
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5)
# In PowerShell 5.0, dynamic keywords for DSC configurations are represented by the DynamicKeywordStatementAst
# class. They still trigger breakpoints, but are not a child class of CommandBaseAst anymore.
$predicate = {
$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeywordStatementAst] -or
$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandBaseAst]
$predicate = { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandBaseAst] }
$searchNestedScriptBlocks = $true
$ast.FindAll($predicate, $searchNestedScriptBlocks)
function Test-CoverageOverlapsCommand
param ([object] $CoverageInfo, [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Command)
if ($CoverageInfo.Function)
Test-CommandInsideFunction -Command $Command -Function $CoverageInfo.Function
Test-CoverageOverlapsCommandByLineNumber @PSBoundParameters
function Test-CommandInsideFunction
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Command, [string] $Function)
for ($ast = $Command; $null -ne $ast; $ast = $ast.Parent)
$functionAst = $ast -as [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]
if ($null -ne $functionAst -and $functionAst.Name -like $Function)
return $true
return $false
function Test-CoverageOverlapsCommandByLineNumber
param ([object] $CoverageInfo, [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Command)
$commandStart = $Command.Extent.StartLineNumber
$commandEnd = $Command.Extent.EndLineNumber
$coverStart = $CoverageInfo.StartLine
$coverEnd = $CoverageInfo.EndLine
# An EndLine value of 0 means to cover the entire rest of the file from StartLine
# (which may also be 0)
if ($coverEnd -le 0) { $coverEnd = [int]::MaxValue }
return (Test-RangeContainsValue -Value $commandStart -Min $coverStart -Max $coverEnd) -or
(Test-RangeContainsValue -Value $commandEnd -Min $coverStart -Max $coverEnd)
function Test-RangeContainsValue
param ([int] $Value, [int] $Min, [int] $Max)
return $Value -ge $Min -and $Value -le $Max
function New-CoverageBreakpoint
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Command)
if (IsIgnoredCommand -Command $Command) { return }
$params = @{
Script = $Command.Extent.File
Line = $Command.Extent.StartLineNumber
Column = $Command.Extent.StartColumnNumber
Action = { }
$breakpoint = & $SafeCommands['Set-PSBreakpoint'] @params
[pscustomobject] @{
File = $Command.Extent.File
Function = Get-ParentFunctionName -Ast $Command
Line = $Command.Extent.StartLineNumber
Command = Get-CoverageCommandText -Ast $Command
Breakpoint = $breakpoint
function IsIgnoredCommand
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Command)
if (-not $Command.Extent.File)
# This can happen if the script contains "configuration" or any similarly implemented
# dynamic keyword. PowerShell modifies the script code and reparses it in memory, leading
# to AST elements with no File in their Extent.
return $true
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 4)
if ($Command.Extent.Text -eq 'Configuration')
# More DSC voodoo. Calls to "configuration" generate breakpoints, but their HitCount
# stays zero (even though they are executed.) For now, ignore them, unless we can come
# up with a better solution.
return $true
if (IsChildOfHashtableDynamicKeyword -Command $Command)
# The lines inside DSC resource declarations don't trigger their breakpoints when executed,
# just like the "configuration" keyword itself. I don't know why, at this point, but just like
# configuration, we'll ignore it so it doesn't clutter up the coverage analysis with useless junk.
return $true
if (IsClosingLoopCondition -Command $Command)
# For some reason, the closing expressions of do/while and do/until loops don't trigger their breakpoints.
# To avoid useless clutter, we'll ignore those lines as well.
return $true
return $false
function IsChildOfHashtableDynamicKeyword
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Command)
for ($ast = $Command.Parent; $null -ne $ast; $ast = $ast.Parent)
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5)
# The ast behaves differently for DSC resources with version 5+. There's a new DynamicKeywordStatementAst class,
# and they no longer are represented by CommandAst objects.
if ($ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeywordStatementAst] -and
$ast.CommandElements[-1] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.HashtableAst])
return $true
if ($ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] -and
$null -ne $ast.DefiningKeyword -and
$ast.DefiningKeyword.BodyMode -eq [System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeywordBodyMode]::Hashtable)
return $true
return $false
function IsClosingLoopCondition
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Command)
$ast = $Command
while ($null -ne $ast.Parent)
if (($ast.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.DoWhileStatementAst] -or
$ast.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.DoUntilStatementAst]) -and
$ast.Parent.Condition -eq $ast)
return $true
$ast = $ast.Parent
return $false
function Get-ParentFunctionName
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast)
$parent = $Ast.Parent
while ($null -ne $parent -and $parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst])
$parent = $parent.Parent
if ($null -eq $parent)
return ''
return $parent.Name
function Get-CoverageCommandText
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast)
$reportParentExtentTypes = @(
$parent = Get-ParentNonPipelineAst -Ast $Ast
if ($null -ne $parent)
if ($parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.HashtableAst])
return Get-KeyValuePairText -HashtableAst $parent -ChildAst $Ast
elseif ($reportParentExtentTypes -contains $parent.GetType())
return $parent.Extent.Text
return $Ast.Extent.Text
function Get-ParentNonPipelineAst
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast)
$parent = $null
if ($null -ne $Ast) { $parent = $Ast.Parent }
while ($parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst])
$parent = $parent.Parent
return $parent
function Get-KeyValuePairText
param (
[System.Management.Automation.Language.HashtableAst] $HashtableAst,
[System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $ChildAst
& $SafeCommands['Set-StrictMode'] -Off
foreach ($keyValuePair in $HashtableAst.KeyValuePairs)
if ($keyValuePair.Item2.PipelineElements -contains $ChildAst)
return '{0} = {1}' -f $keyValuePair.Item1.Extent.Text, $keyValuePair.Item2.Extent.Text
# This shouldn't happen, but just in case, default to the old output of just the expression.
return $ChildAst.Extent.Text
function Get-CoverageMissedCommands
param ([object[]] $CommandCoverage)
$CommandCoverage | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Breakpoint.HitCount -eq 0 }
function Get-CoverageHitCommands
param ([object[]] $CommandCoverage)
$CommandCoverage | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Breakpoint.HitCount -gt 0 }
function Get-CoverageReport
param ([object] $PesterState)
$totalCommandCount = $PesterState.CommandCoverage.Count
$missedCommands = @(Get-CoverageMissedCommands -CommandCoverage $PesterState.CommandCoverage | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] File, Line, Function, Command)
$hitCommands = @(Get-CoverageHitCommands -CommandCoverage $PesterState.CommandCoverage | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] File, Line, Function, Command)
$analyzedFiles = @($PesterState.CommandCoverage | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty File -Unique)
$fileCount = $analyzedFiles.Count
$executedCommandCount = $totalCommandCount - $missedCommands.Count
[pscustomobject] @{
NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed = $totalCommandCount
NumberOfFilesAnalyzed = $fileCount
NumberOfCommandsExecuted = $executedCommandCount
NumberOfCommandsMissed = $missedCommands.Count
MissedCommands = $missedCommands
HitCommands = $hitCommands
AnalyzedFiles = $analyzedFiles
function Get-CommonParentPath
param ([string[]] $Path)
$pathsToTest = @(
$Path |
Normalize-Path |
& $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -Unique
if ($pathsToTest.Count -gt 0)
$parentPath = & $SafeCommands['Split-Path'] -Path $pathsToTest[0] -Parent
while ($parentPath.Length -gt 0)
$nonMatches = $pathsToTest -notmatch "^$([regex]::Escape($parentPath))"
if ($nonMatches.Count -eq 0)
return $parentPath
$parentPath = & $SafeCommands['Split-Path'] -Path $parentPath -Parent
return [string]::Empty
function Get-RelativePath
param ( [string] $Path, [string] $RelativeTo )
return $Path -replace "^$([regex]::Escape("$RelativeTo$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)"))?"
function Normalize-Path
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Alias('PSPath', 'FullName')]
[string[]] $Path
# Split-Path and Join-Path will replace any AltDirectorySeparatorChar instances with the DirectorySeparatorChar
# (Even if it's not the one that the split / join happens on.) So splitting / rejoining a path will give us
# consistent separators for later string comparison.
if ($null -ne $Path)
foreach ($p in $Path)
$normalizedPath = & $SafeCommands['Split-Path'] $p -Leaf
if ($normalizedPath -ne $p)
$parent = & $SafeCommands['Split-Path'] $p -Parent
$normalizedPath = & $SafeCommands['Join-Path'] $parent $normalizedPath
function Get-JaCoCoReportXml {
param (
[object] $CoverageReport
if ($null -eq $CoverageReport -or ($pester.Show -eq [Pester.OutputTypes]::None) -or $CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed -eq 0)
$allCommands = $CoverageReport.MissedCommands + $CoverageReport.HitCommands
[long]$totalFunctions = ($allCommands | ForEach-Object {$_.File+$_.Function} | Select-Object -Unique ).Count
[long]$hitFunctions = ($CoverageReport.HitCommands | ForEach-Object {$_.File+$_.Function} | Select-Object -Unique ).Count
[long]$missedFunctions = $totalFunctions - $hitFunctions
[long]$totalLines = ($allCommands | ForEach-Object {$_.File+$_.Line} | Select-Object -Unique ).Count
[long]$hitLines = ($CoverageReport.HitCommands | ForEach-Object {$_.File+$_.Line} | Select-Object -Unique ).Count
[long]$missedLines = $totalLines - $hitLines
[long]$totalFiles = $CoverageReport.NumberOfFilesAnalyzed
[long]$hitFiles = $(Measure-Object -InputObject $($CoverageReport.HitCommands | ForEach-Object {$_.File} | Select-Object -Unique )).Count
[long]$missedFiles = $totalFiles - $hitFiles
$now = & $SafeCommands['Get-Date']
$nineteenseventy = & $SafeCommands['Get-Date'] -Date "01/01/1970"
[long]$endTime = [math]::Floor((new-timespan -start $nineteenseventy -end $now).TotalSeconds * 1000)
[long]$startTime = [math]::Floor($endTime - $PesterState.Time.TotalSeconds*1000)
# the JaCoCo xml format without the doctype, as the XML stuff does not like DTD's.
$jaCoCoReport = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""no""?>$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
$jaCoCoReport += "<report name="""">$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
$jaCoCoReport += "<sessioninfo id=""this"" start="""" dump="""" />$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
$jaCoCoReport += "<counter type=""INSTRUCTION"" missed="""" covered=""""/>$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
$jaCoCoReport += "<counter type=""LINE"" missed="""" covered=""""/>$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
$jaCoCoReport += "<counter type=""METHOD"" missed="""" covered=""""/>$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
$jaCoCoReport += "<counter type=""CLASS"" missed="""" covered=""""/>$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
$jaCoCoReport += "</report>"
[xml] $jaCoCoReportXml = $jaCoCoReport
$ = "Pester ($now)"
$[0].missed = $CoverageReport.MissedCommands.Count.ToString()
$[0].covered = $CoverageReport.HitCommands.Count.ToString()
$[1].missed = $missedLines.ToString()
$[1].covered = $hitLines.ToString()
$[2].missed = $missedFunctions.ToString()
$[2].covered = $hitFunctions.ToString()
$[3].missed = $missedFiles.ToString()
$[3].covered = $hitFiles.ToString()
# There is no pretty way to insert the Doctype, as microsoft has deprecated the DTD stuff.
$jaCoCoReportDocType = "<!DOCTYPE report PUBLIC ""-//JACOCO//DTD Report 1.0//EN"" ""report.dtd"">$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
return $jaCocoReportXml.OuterXml.Insert(54, $jaCoCoReportDocType)
function Describe {
Creates a logical group of tests.
Creates a logical group of tests. All Mocks and TestDrive contents
defined within a Describe block are scoped to that Describe; they
will no longer be present when the Describe block exits. A Describe
block may contain any number of Context and It blocks.
The name of the test group. This is often an expressive phrase describing
the scenario being tested.
The actual test script. If you are following the AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert),
this typically holds the arrange and act sections. The Asserts will also lie
in this block but are typically nested each in its own It block. Assertions are
typically performed by the Should command within the It blocks.
Optional parameter containing an array of strings. When calling Invoke-Pester,
it is possible to specify a -Tag parameter which will only execute Describe blocks
containing the same Tag.
function Add-Numbers($a, $b) {
return $a + $b
Describe "Add-Numbers" {
It "adds positive numbers" {
$sum = Add-Numbers 2 3
$sum | Should -Be 5
It "adds negative numbers" {
$sum = Add-Numbers (-2) (-2)
$sum | Should -Be (-4)
It "adds one negative number to positive number" {
$sum = Add-Numbers (-2) 2
$sum | Should -Be 0
It "concatenates strings if given strings" {
$sum = Add-Numbers two three
$sum | Should -Be "twothree"
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[string] $Name,
[string[]] $Tag=@(),
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[ScriptBlock] $Fixture = $(Throw "No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)")
if ($null -eq (& $SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name Pester -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference))
# User has executed a test script directly instead of calling Invoke-Pester
$Pester = New-PesterState -Path (& $SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] .) -TestNameFilter $null -TagFilter @() -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$script:mockTable = @{}
DescribeImpl @PSBoundParameters -CommandUsed 'Describe' -Pester $Pester -DescribeOutputBlock ${function:Write-Describe} -TestOutputBlock ${function:Write-PesterResult}
function DescribeImpl {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[string] $Name,
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[ScriptBlock] $Fixture = $(Throw "No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)"),
[string] $CommandUsed = 'Describe',
[scriptblock] $DescribeOutputBlock,
[scriptblock] $TestOutputBlock,
[switch] $NoTestDrive
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName $CommandUsed
if ($Pester.TestGroupStack.Count -eq 2)
if($Pester.TestNameFilter-and -not ($Pester.TestNameFilter | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $Name -like $_ }))
#skip this test
if($Pester.TagFilter -and @(& $SafeCommands['Compare-Object'] $Tag $Pester.TagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).count -eq 0) {return}
if($Pester.ExcludeTagFilter -and @(& $SafeCommands['Compare-Object'] $Tag $Pester.ExcludeTagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).count -gt 0) {return}
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tag'))
Write-Warning "${CommandUsed} '$Name': Tags are only effective on the outermost test group, for now."
$Pester.EnterTestGroup($Name, $CommandUsed)
if ($null -ne $DescribeOutputBlock)
& $DescribeOutputBlock $Name $CommandUsed
$testDriveAdded = $false
if (-not $NoTestDrive)
if (-not (Test-Path TestDrive:\))
$testDriveAdded = $true
$TestDriveContent = Get-TestDriveChildItem
Add-SetupAndTeardown -ScriptBlock $Fixture
$null = & $Fixture
} until ($true)
if (-not $NoTestDrive)
if ($testDriveAdded)
Clear-TestDrive -Exclude ($TestDriveContent | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty FullName)
$firstStackTraceLine = $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage.Trim() -split "$([System.Environment]::NewLine)" | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -First 1
$Pester.AddTestResult("Error occurred in $CommandUsed block", "Failed", $null, $_.Exception.Message, $firstStackTraceLine, $null, $null, $_)
if ($null -ne $TestOutputBlock)
& $TestOutputBlock $Pester.TestResult[-1]
$Pester.LeaveTestGroup($Name, $CommandUsed)
# Name is now misleading; rename later. (Many files touched to change this.)
function Assert-DescribeInProgress
param ($CommandName)
if ($null -eq $Pester)
throw "The $CommandName command may only be used from a Pester test script."
function GetPesterPsVersion
# accessing the value indirectly so it can be mocked
(Get-Variable 'PSVersionTable' -ValueOnly).PsVersion.Major
function GetPesterOs
# Prior to v6, PowerShell was solely on Windows. In v6, the $IsWindows variable was introduced.
if ((GetPesterPsVersion) -lt 6)
elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'IsWindows' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -ValueOnly )
elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'IsMacOS' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -ValueOnly )
elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'IsLinux' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -ValueOnly )
throw "Unsupported Operating system!"
function Get-TempDirectory
if ((GetPesterOs) -eq 'Windows')
if (($PSVersionTable.ContainsKey('PSEdition')) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core')) {
& $SafeCommands["Add-Type"] -Path "${Script:PesterRoot}/lib/core/Gherkin.dll"
} else {
& $SafeCommands["Import-Module"] -Name "${Script:PesterRoot}/lib/legacy/Gherkin.dll"
$GherkinSteps = @{}
$GherkinHooks = @{
BeforeEachFeature = @()
BeforeEachScenario = @()
AfterEachFeature = @()
AfterEachScenario = @()
function Invoke-GherkinHook {
Internal function to run the various gherkin hooks
The name of the hook to run
The name of the feature or scenario the hook is being invoked for
Tags for filtering hooks
param([string]$Hook, [string]$Name, [string[]]$Tags)
if ($GherkinHooks.${Hook}) {
foreach ($GherkinHook in $GherkinHooks.${Hook}) {
if ($GherkinHook.Tags -and $Tags) {
:tags foreach ($hookTag in $GherkinHook.Tags) {
foreach ($testTag in $Tags) {
if ($testTag -match "^($hookTag)$") {
& $hook.Script $Name
break :tags
} elseif ($GherkinHook.Tags) {
# If the hook has tags, it can't run if the step doesn't
} else {
& $GherkinHook.Script $Name
} # @{ Tags = $Tags; Script = $Test }
function Invoke-Gherkin {
Invokes Pester to run all tests defined in .feature files
Upon calling Invoke-Gherkin, all files that have a name matching *.feature in the current folder (and child folders recursively), will be parsed and executed.
If ScenarioName is specified, only scenarios which match the provided name(s) will be run.
If FailedLast is specified, only scenarios which failed the previous run will be re-executed.
Optionally, Pester can generate a report of how much code is covered by the tests, and information about any commands which were not executed.
Rerun only the scenarios which failed last time
This parameter indicates which feature files should be tested.
Aliased to 'Script' for compatibility with Pester, but does not support hashtables, since feature files don't take parameters.
.PARAMETER ScenarioName
When set, invokes testing of scenarios which match this name.
Aliased to 'Name' and 'TestName' for compatibility with Pester.
Will cause Invoke-Gherkin to exit with a exit code equal to the number of failed tests once all tests have been run.
Use this to "fail" a build when any tests fail.
Filters Scenarios and Features and runs only the ones tagged with the specified tags.
Informs Invoke-Gherkin to not run blocks tagged with the tags specified.
.PARAMETER CodeCoverage
Instructs Pester to generate a code coverage report in addition to running tests. You may pass either hashtables or strings to this parameter.
If strings are used, they must be paths (wildcards allowed) to source files, and all commands in the files are analyzed for code coverage.
By passing hashtables instead, you can limit the analysis to specific lines or functions within a file.
Hashtables must contain a Path key (which can be abbreviated to just "P"), and may contain Function (or "F"), StartLine (or "S"),
and EndLine ("E") keys to narrow down the commands to be analyzed.
If Function is specified, StartLine and EndLine are ignored.
If only StartLine is defined, the entire script file starting with StartLine is analyzed.
If only EndLine is present, all lines in the script file up to and including EndLine are analyzed.
Both Function and Path (as well as simple strings passed instead of hashtables) may contain wildcards.
Makes Pending and Skipped tests to Failed tests. Useful for continuous integration where you need
to make sure all tests passed.
The path to write a report file to. If this path is not provided, no log will be generated.
.PARAMETER OutputFormat
The format for output (LegacyNUnitXml or NUnitXml), defaults to NUnitXml
Disables the output Pester writes to screen. No other output is generated unless you specify PassThru,
or one of the Output parameters.
.PARAMETER PesterOption
Sets advanced options for the test execution. Enter a PesterOption object,
such as one that you create by using the New-PesterOption cmdlet, or a hash table
in which the keys are option names and the values are option values.
For more information on the options available, see the help for New-PesterOption.
Customizes the output Pester writes to the screen. Available options are None, Default,
Passed, Failed, Pending, Skipped, Inconclusive, Describe, Context, Summary, Header, All, Fails.
The options can be combined to define presets.
Common use cases are:
None - to write no output to the screen.
All - to write all available information (this is default option).
Fails - to write everything except Passed (but including Describes etc.).
A common setting is also Failed, Summary, to write only failed tests and test summary.
This parameter does not affect the PassThru custom object or the XML output that
is written when you use the Output parameters.
Returns a custom object (PSCustomObject) that contains the test results.
By default, Invoke-Gherkin writes to the host program, not to the output stream (stdout).
If you try to save the result in a variable, the variable is empty unless you
use the PassThru parameter.
To suppress the host output, use the Quiet parameter.
This will find all *.feature specifications and execute their tests. No exit code will be returned and no log file will be saved.
Invoke-Gherkin -Path ./tests/Utils*
This will run all *.feature specifications under ./Tests that begin with Utils.
Invoke-Gherkin -ScenarioName "Add Numbers"
This will only run the Scenario named "Add Numbers"
Invoke-Gherkin -EnableExit -OutputXml "./artifacts/TestResults.xml"
This runs all tests from the current directory downwards and writes the results according to the NUnit schema to artifacts/TestResults.xml just below the current directory. The test run will return an exit code equal to the number of test failures.
Invoke-Gherkin -CodeCoverage 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1'
Runs all *.feature specifications in the current directory, and generates a coverage report for all commands in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file.
Invoke-Gherkin -CodeCoverage @{ Path = 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1'; Function = 'FunctionUnderTest' }
Runs all *.feature specifications in the current directory, and generates a coverage report for all commands in the "FunctionUnderTest" function in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file.
Invoke-Gherkin -CodeCoverage @{ Path = 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1'; StartLine = 10; EndLine = 20 }
Runs all *.feature specifications in the current directory, and generates a coverage report for all commands on lines 10 through 20 in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = "RetestFailed")]
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $False)]
[Alias('Script', 'relative_path')]
[string]$Path = $Pwd,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $False)]
[Alias("Name", "TestName")]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $False)]
[Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $False)]
[object[]] $CodeCoverage = @(),
[string] $OutputFile,
[string] $OutputFormat = 'NUnitXml',
[Pester.OutputTypes]$Show = 'All',
begin {
& $SafeCommands["Import-LocalizedData"] -BindingVariable Script:ReportStrings -BaseDirectory $PesterRoot -FileName Gherkin.psd1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Fallback to en-US culture strings
If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ReportStrings)) {
& $SafeCommands["Import-LocalizedData"] -BaseDirectory $PesterRoot -BindingVariable Script:ReportStrings -UICulture 'en-US' -FileName Gherkin.psd1 -ErrorAction Stop
# Make sure broken tests don't leave you in space:
$CWD = [Environment]::CurrentDirectory
$Location = & $SafeCommands["Get-Location"]
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = & $SafeCommands["Get-Location"] -PSProvider FileSystem
$script:GherkinSteps = @{}
$script:GherkinHooks = @{
BeforeEachFeature = @()
BeforeEachScenario = @()
AfterEachFeature = @()
AfterEachScenario = @()
end {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Quiet')) {
& $SafeCommands["Write-Warning"] 'The -Quiet parameter has been deprecated; please use the new -Show parameter instead. To get no output use -Show None.'
& $SafeCommands["Start-Sleep"] -Seconds 2
if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Show')) {
$Show = [Pester.OutputTypes]::None
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "RetestFailed" -and $FailedLast) {
$ScenarioName = $script:GherkinFailedLast
if (!$ScenarioName) {
throw "There are no existing failed tests to re-run."
$pester = New-PesterState -TagFilter @($Tag -split "\s+") -ExcludeTagFilter ($ExcludeTag -split "\s") -TestNameFilter $ScenarioName -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState -Strict $Strict -Show $Show -PesterOption $PesterOption |
& $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Features -Value (& $SafeCommands["New-Object"] System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject] ) -PassThru |
& $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name FailedScenarios -PassThru -Value {
$Names = $this.TestResult | & $SafeCommands["Group-Object"] Describe |
& $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { $_.Group |
& $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { -not $_.Passed } } |
& $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -ExpandProperty Name
$this.Features | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Scenarios | & $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { $Names -contains $_.Name }
} |
& $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name PassedScenarios -PassThru -Value {
$Names = $this.TestResult | & $SafeCommands["Group-Object"] Describe |
& $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { -not ($_.Group |
& $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { -not $_.Passed }) } |
& $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -ExpandProperty Name
$this.Features | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Scenarios | & $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { $Names -contains $_.Name }
Write-PesterStart $pester $Path
Enter-CoverageAnalysis -CodeCoverage $CodeCoverage -PesterState $pester
foreach ($FeatureFile in & $SafeCommands["Get-ChildItem"] $Path -Filter "*.feature" -Recurse ) {
Invoke-GherkinFeature $FeatureFile -Pester $pester
# Remove all the steps
$Location | & $SafeCommands["Set-Location"]
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $CWD
$pester | Write-PesterReport
$coverageReport = Get-CoverageReport -PesterState $pester
Write-CoverageReport -CoverageReport $coverageReport
Exit-CoverageAnalysis -PesterState $pester
if (& $SafeCommands["Get-Variable"]-Name OutputFile -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference) {
Export-PesterResults -PesterState $pester -Path $OutputFile -Format $OutputFormat
if ($PassThru) {
# Remove all runtime properties like current* and Scope
$properties = @(
"Path", "Features", "TagFilter", "TestNameFilter", "TotalCount", "PassedCount", "FailedCount", "Time", "TestResult", "PassedScenarios", "FailedScenarios"
if ($CodeCoverage) {
@{ Name = 'CodeCoverage'; Expression = { $coverageReport } }
$result = $pester | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -Property $properties
$result.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Pester.Gherkin.Results")
$script:GherkinFailedLast = @($pester.FailedScenarios.Name)
if ($EnableExit) {
Exit-WithCode -FailedCount $pester.FailedCount
function Import-GherkinSteps {
Internal function for importing the script steps from a directory tree
The folder which contains step files
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
begin {
# Remove all existing steps
# Remove all existing hooks
process {
foreach ($StepFile in & $SafeCommands["Get-ChildItem"] $StepPath -Filter "*.?teps.ps1" -Include "*.[sS]teps.ps1" -Recurse) {
$invokeTestScript = {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $Path
& $Path
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $invokeTestScript -SessionState $Pester.SessionState
& $invokeTestScript $StepFile.FullName
& $SafeCommands["Write-Verbose"] "Loaded $($Script:GherkinSteps.Count) step definitions from $(@($StepFiles).Count) steps file(s)"
function Import-GherkinFeature {
Internal function to import a Gherkin feature file. Wraps Gherkin.Parse
The path to the feature file to import
Internal Pester object. For internal use only
param($Path, [PSObject]$Pester)
$Background = $null
$parser = & $SafeCommands["New-Object"] Gherkin.Parser
$Feature = $parser.Parse($Path).Feature | Convert-Tags
$Scenarios = $(
:scenarios foreach ($Child in $Feature.Children) {
$null = & $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType "NoteProperty" -InputObject $Child.Location -Name "Path" -Value $Path
foreach ($Step in $Child.Steps) {
$null = & $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType "NoteProperty" -InputObject $Step.Location -Name "Path" -Value $Path
switch ($Child.Keyword.Trim()) {
"Scenario" {
$Scenario = Convert-Tags -InputObject $Child -BaseTags $Feature.Tags
"Scenario Outline" {
$Scenario = Convert-Tags -InputObject $Child -BaseTags $Feature.Tags
"Background" {
$Background = Convert-Tags -InputObject $Child -BaseTags $Feature.Tags
continue scenarios
default {
& $SafeCommands["Write-Warning"] "Unexpected Feature Child: $_"
if ($Scenario.Examples) {
foreach ($ExampleSet in $Scenario.Examples) {
${Column Names} = @($ExampleSet.TableHeader.Cells | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -ExpandProperty Value)
$NamesPattern = "<(?:" + (${Column Names} -join "|") + ")>"
$Steps = foreach ($Example in $ExampleSet.TableBody) {
foreach ($Step in $Scenario.Steps) {
[string]$StepText = $Step.Text
if ($StepText -match $NamesPattern) {
for ($n = 0; $n -lt ${Column Names}.Length; $n++) {
$Name = ${Column Names}[$n]
if ($Example.Cells[$n].Value -and $StepText -match "<${Name}>") {
$StepText = $StepText -replace "<${Name}>", $Example.Cells[$n].Value
if ($StepText -ne $Step.Text) {
& $SafeCommands["New-Object"] Gherkin.Ast.Step $Step.Location, $Step.Keyword.Trim(), $StepText, $Step.Argument
} else {
$ScenarioName = $Scenario.Name
if ($ExampleSet.Name) {
$ScenarioName = $ScenarioName + "`n Examples:" + $ExampleSet.Name.Trim()
& $SafeCommands["New-Object"] Gherkin.Ast.Scenario $ExampleSet.Tags, $Scenario.Location, $Scenario.Keyword.Trim(), $ScenarioName, $Scenario.Description, $Steps | Convert-Tags $Scenario.Tags
} else {
& $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Feature -Name Scenarios -Value $Scenarios -Force
return $Feature, $Background, $Scenarios
function Invoke-GherkinFeature {
Internal function to (parse and) run a whole feature file
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
$Pester.EnterTestGroup($FeatureFile.FullName, 'Script')
# Make sure broken tests don't leave you in space:
$CWD = [Environment]::CurrentDirectory
$Location = & $SafeCommands["Get-Location"]
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = & $SafeCommands["Get-Location"] -PSProvider FileSystem
try {
$Parent = & $SafeCommands["Split-Path"] $FeatureFile.FullName
Import-GherkinSteps -StepPath $Parent -Pester $pester
$Feature, $Background, $Scenarios = Import-GherkinFeature -Path $FeatureFile.FullName -Pester $Pester
} catch [Gherkin.ParserException] {
& $SafeCommands["Write-Error"] -Exception $_.Exception -Message "Skipped '$($FeatureFile.FullName)' because of parser error.`n$(($_.Exception.Errors | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -Expand Message) -join "`n`n")"
$null = $Pester.Features.Add($Feature)
Invoke-GherkinHook BeforeEachFeature $Feature.Name $Feature.Tags
# Test the name filter first, since it will probably return one single item
if ($Pester.TestNameFilter) {
$Scenarios = foreach ($nameFilter in $Pester.TestNameFilter) {
$Scenarios | & $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { $_.Name -like $NameFilter }
$Scenarios = $Scenarios | & $SafeCommands["Get-Unique"]
# if($Pester.TagFilter -and @(Compare-Object $Tags $Pester.TagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).count -eq 0) {return}
if ($Pester.TagFilter) {
$Scenarios = $Scenarios | & $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { & $SafeCommands["Compare-Object"] $_.Tags $Pester.TagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent }
# if($Pester.ExcludeTagFilter -and @(Compare-Object $Tags $Pester.ExcludeTagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).count -gt 0) {return}
if ($Pester.ExcludeTagFilter) {
$Scenarios = $Scenarios | & $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { !(& $SafeCommands["Compare-Object"] $_.Tags $Pester.ExcludeTagFilter -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent) }
if ($Scenarios) {
Write-Describe $Feature
try {
foreach ($Scenario in $Scenarios) {
Invoke-GherkinScenario $Pester $Scenario $Background
} catch {
$firstStackTraceLine = $_.ScriptStackTrace -split '\r?\n' | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -First 1
$Pester.AddTestResult("Error occurred in test script '$($Feature.Path)'", "Failed", $null, $_.Exception.Message, $firstStackTraceLine, $null, $null, $_)
# This is a hack to ensure that XML output is valid for now. The test-suite names come from the Describe attribute of the TestResult
# objects, and a blank name is invalid NUnit XML. This will go away when we promote test scripts to have their own test-suite nodes,
# planned for v4.0
$Pester.TestResult[-1].Describe = "Error in $($Feature.Path)"
$Pester.TestResult[-1] | Write-PesterResult
} finally {
$Location | & $SafeCommands["Set-Location"]
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $CWD
Invoke-GherkinHook AfterEachFeature $Feature.Name $Feature.Tags
$Pester.LeaveTestGroup($FeatureFile.FullName, 'Script')
function Invoke-GherkinScenario {
Internal function to (parse and) run a single scenario
$Pester, $Scenario, $Background
$Pester.EnterTestGroup($Scenario.Name, 'Scenario')
try {
Write-Context $Scenario
$script:mockTable = @{}
# Create a clean variable scope in each scenario
$script:GherkinScenarioScope = New-Module NestedGherkin { }
$script:GherkinSessionState = $Script:GherkinScenarioScope.SessionState
Invoke-GherkinHook BeforeEachScenario $Scenario.Name $Scenario.Tags
# If there's a background, run that before the test, but after hooks
if ($Background) {
foreach ($Step in $Background.Steps) {
# Run Background steps -Background so they don't output in each scenario
Invoke-GherkinStep -Step $Step -Pester $Pester -Scenario $GherkinSessionState -Visible
foreach ($Step in $Scenario.Steps) {
Invoke-GherkinStep -Step $Step -Pester $Pester -Scenario $GherkinSessionState -Visible
Invoke-GherkinHook AfterEachScenario $Scenario.Name $Scenario.Tags
} catch {
$firstStackTraceLine = $_.ScriptStackTrace -split '\r?\n' | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -First 1
$Pester.AddTestResult("Error occurred in scenario '$($Scenario.Name)'", "Failed", $null, $_.Exception.Message, $firstStackTraceLine, $null, $null, $_)
# This is a hack to ensure that XML output is valid for now. The test-suite names come from the Describe attribute of the TestResult
# objects, and a blank name is invalid NUnit XML. This will go away when we promote test scripts to have their own test-suite nodes,
# planned for v4.0
$Pester.TestResult[-1].Describe = "Error in $($Scenario.Name)"
$Pester.TestResult[-1] | Write-PesterResult
$Pester.LeaveTestGroup($Scenario.Name, 'Scenario')
function Find-GherkinStep {
Find a step implmentation that matches a given step
Searches the *.Steps.ps1 files in the BasePath (current working directory, by default)
Returns the step(s) that match
The text from feature file
The path to search for step implementations.
[string]$BasePath = $Pwd
$OriginalGherkinSteps = $Script:GherkinSteps
try {
Import-GherkinSteps $BasePath -Pester $PSCmdlet
$KeyWord, $StepText = $Step -split "(?<=^(?:Given|When|Then|And|But))\s+"
if (!$StepText) {
$StepText = $KeyWord
& $SafeCommands["Write-Verbose"] "Searching for '$StepText' in $($Script:GherkinSteps.Count) steps"
foreach ($StepCommand in $Script:GherkinSteps.Keys) {
& $SafeCommands["Write-Verbose"] "... $StepCommand"
if ($StepText -match "^${StepCommand}$") {
& $SafeCommands["Write-Verbose"] "Found match: $StepCommand"
$StepCommand | & $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MatchCount -Value $Matches.Count -PassThru
) | & $SafeCommands["Sort-Object"] MatchCount | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] @{
Name = 'Step'
Expression = { $Step }
}, @{
Name = 'Source'
Expression = { $Script:GherkinSteps["$_"].Source }
}, @{
Name = 'Implementation'
Expression = { $Script:GherkinSteps["$_"] }
} -First 1
# $StepText = "{0} {1} {2}" -f $Step.Keyword.Trim(), $Step.Text, $Script:GherkinSteps[$StepCommand].Source
} finally {
$Script:GherkinSteps = $OriginalGherkinSteps
function Invoke-GherkinStep {
Run a single gherkin step, given the text from the feature file
The text of the step for matching against regex patterns in step implementations
If Visible is true, the results of this step will be shown in the test report
Pester state object. For internal use only
.PARAMETER ScenarioState
Gherkin state object. For internal use only
param (
if ($Step -is [string]) {
$KeyWord, $StepText = $Step -split "(?<=^(?:Given|When|Then|And|But))\s+"
if (!$StepText) {
$StepText = $KeyWord
$Keyword = "Step"
$Step = @{ Text = $StepText; Keyword = $Keyword }
$DisplayText = "{0} {1}" -f $Step.Keyword.Trim(), $Step.Text
$PesterErrorRecord = $null
$Source = $null
$Elapsed = $null
$NamedArguments = @{}
try {
# Pick the match with the least grouping wildcards in it...
$StepCommand = $(
foreach ($StepCommand in $Script:GherkinSteps.Keys) {
if ($Step.Text -match "^${StepCommand}$") {
$StepCommand | & $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MatchCount -Value $Matches.Count -PassThru
) | & $SafeCommands["Sort-Object"] MatchCount | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -First 1
if (!$StepCommand) {
$PesterErrorRecord = New-InconclusiveErrorRecord -Message "Could not find implementation for step!" -File $Step.Location.Path -Line $Step.Location.Line -LineText $DisplayText
} else {
$NamedArguments, $Parameters = Get-StepParameters $Step $StepCommand
$watch = & $SafeCommands["New-Object"] System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
try {
# Invoke-GherkinHook BeforeStep $Step.Text $Step.Tags
if ($NamedArguments.Count) {
if ($NamedArguments.ContainsKey("Table")) {
$DisplayText += "..."
$ScriptBlock = { . $Script:GherkinSteps.$StepCommand @NamedArguments @Parameters }
} else {
$ScriptBlock = { . $Script:GherkinSteps.$StepCommand @Parameters }
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $Script:GherkinSteps.$StepCommand -SessionState $ScenarioState
$null = & $ScriptBlock
} catch {
$PesterErrorRecord = $_
$Elapsed = $watch.Elapsed
$Source = $Script:GherkinSteps[$StepCommand].Source
} catch {
$PesterErrorRecord = $_
if ($Pester -and $Visible) {
for ($p = 0; $p -lt $Parameters.Count; $p++) {
$NamedArguments."Unnamed-$p" = $Parameters[$p]
# Normally, PesterErrorRecord is an ErrorRecord. Sometimes, it's an exception which HAS A ErrorRecord
if ($PesterErrorRecord.ErrorRecord) {
$PesterErrorRecord = $PesterErrorRecord.ErrorRecord
${Pester Result} = ConvertTo-PesterResult -ErrorRecord $PesterErrorRecord
# For Gherkin, we want to show the step, but not pretend to be a StackTrace
if (${Pester Result}.Result -eq 'Inconclusive') {
${Pester Result}.StackTrace = "At " + $Step.Keyword.Trim() + ', ' + $Step.Location.Path + ': line ' + $Step.Location.Line
} else {
# Unless we really are a StackTrace...
${Pester Result}.StackTrace += "`nFrom " + $Step.Location.Path + ': line ' + $Step.Location.Line
$Pester.AddTestResult($DisplayText, ${Pester Result}.Result, $Elapsed, $PesterErrorRecord.Exception.Message, ${Pester Result}.StackTrace, $Source, $NamedArguments, $PesterErrorRecord )
$Pester.TestResult[-1] | Write-PesterResult
function Get-StepParameters {
Internal function for determining parameters for a step implementation
The parsed step from the feature file
.PARAMETER CommandName
The text of the best matching step
param($Step, $CommandName)
$Null = $Step.Text -match $CommandName
$NamedArguments = @{}
$Parameters = @{}
foreach ($kv in $Matches.GetEnumerator()) {
switch ($kv.Name -as [int]) {
0 { } # toss zero (where it matches the whole string)
$null { $NamedArguments.($kv.Name) = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($kv.Value) }
default { $Parameters.([int]$kv.Name) = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($kv.Value) }
$Parameters = @($Parameters.GetEnumerator() | & $SafeCommands["Sort-Object"] Name | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -ExpandProperty Value)
# TODO: Convert parsed tables to tables....
if ($Step.Argument -is [Gherkin.Ast.DataTable]) {
$NamedArguments.Table = $Step.Argument.Rows | ConvertTo-HashTableArray
if ($Step.Argument -is [Gherkin.Ast.DocString]) {
# trim empty matches if we're attaching DocStringArgument
$Parameters = @( $Parameters | & $SafeCommands["Where-Object"] { $_.Length } ) + $Step.Argument.Content
return @($NamedArguments, $Parameters)
function Convert-Tags {
Internal function for tagging Gherkin feature files (including inheritance from the feature)
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string[]]$BaseTags = @()
process {
# Adapt the Gherkin .Tags property to the way we prefer it...
[string[]]$Tags = foreach ($tag in $InputObject.Tags | Where-Object { $_ }) {
& $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $InputObject -Name Tags -Value ([string[]]($Tags + $BaseTags)) -Force
function ConvertTo-HashTableArray {
Internal function for converting Gherkin AST tables to arrays of hashtables for splatting
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
${Column Names} = @()
${Result Table} = @()
process {
# Convert the first table row into headers:
${InputObject Rows} = @($InputObject)
if (!${Column Names}) {
& $SafeCommands["Write-Verbose"] "Reading Names from Header"
${InputObject Header}, ${InputObject Rows} = ${InputObject Rows}
${Column Names} = ${InputObject Header}.Cells | & $SafeCommands["Select-Object"] -ExpandProperty Value
& $SafeCommands["Write-Verbose"] "Processing $(${InputObject Rows}.Length) Rows"
foreach (${InputObject row} in ${InputObject Rows}) {
${Pester Result} = @{}
for ($n = 0; $n -lt ${Column Names}.Length; $n++) {
${Pester Result}.Add(${Column Names}[$n], ${InputObject row}.Cells[$n].Value)
${Result Table} += @(${Pester Result})
end {
${Result Table}
function BeforeEachFeature {
Defines a ScriptBlock hook to run before each feature to set up the test environment
BeforeEachFeature hooks are run before each feature that is in (or above) the folder where the hook is defined.
This is a convenience method, provided because unlike traditional RSpec Pester,
there is not a simple test script where you can put setup and clean up.
Optional tags. If set, this hook only runs for features with matching tags
The ScriptBlock to run for the hook
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[String[]]$Tags = @(),
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="All")]
# This shouldn't be necessary, but PowerShell 2 is BAF
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Tags") {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.BeforeEachFeature += @( @{ Tags = $Tags; Script = $Script } )
} else {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.BeforeEachFeature += @( @{ Tags = @(); Script = $Script } )
function AfterEachFeature {
Defines a ScriptBlock hook to run at the very end of a test run
AfterEachFeature hooks are run after each feature that is in (or above) the folder where the hook is defined.
This is a convenience method, provided because unlike traditional RSpec Pester,
there is not a simple test script where you can put setup and clean up.
Optional tags. If set, this hook only runs for features with matching tags.
The ScriptBlock to run for the hook
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[String[]]$Tags = @(),
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="All")]
# This shouldn't be necessary, but PowerShell 2 is BAF
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Tags") {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.AfterEachFeature += @( @{ Tags = $Tags; Script = $Script } )
} else {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.AfterEachFeature += @( @{ Tags = @(); Script = $Script } )
function BeforeEachScenario {
Defines a ScriptBlock hook to run before each scenario to set up the test environment
BeforeEachScenario hooks are run before each scenario that is in (or above) the folder where the hook is defined.
You should not normally need this, because it overlaps significantly with the "Background" feature in the gherkin language.
This is a convenience method, provided because unlike traditional RSpec Pester,
there is not a simple test script where you can put setup and clean up.
Optional tags. If set, this hook only runs for features with matching tags
The ScriptBlock to run for the hook
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[String[]]$Tags = @(),
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="All")]
# This shouldn't be necessary, but PowerShell 2 is BAF
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Tags") {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.BeforeEachScenario += @( @{ Tags = $Tags; Script = $Script } )
} else {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.BeforeEachScenario += @( @{ Tags = @(); Script = $Script } )
function AfterEachScenario {
Defines a ScriptBlock hook to run after each scenario to set up the test environment
AfterEachScenario hooks are run after each Scenario that is in (or above) the folder where the hook is defined.
This is a convenience method, provided because unlike traditional RSpec Pester,
there is not a simple test script where you can put setup and clean up.
Optional tags. If set, this hook only runs for features with matching tags
The ScriptBlock to run for the hook
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[String[]]$Tags = @(),
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Tags")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ParameterSetName="All")]
# This shouldn't be necessary, but PowerShell 2 is BAF
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Tags") {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.AfterEachScenario += @( @{ Tags = $Tags; Script = $Script } )
} else {
${Script:GherkinHooks}.AfterEachScenario += @( @{ Tags = @(); Script = $Script } )
function GherkinStep {
A step in a test, also known as a Given, When, or Then
Pester doesn't technically distinguish between the three kinds of steps.
However, we strongly recommend that you do!
These words were carefully selected to convey meaning which is crucial to get you into the BDD mindset.
In BDD, we drive development by not first stating the requirements, and then defining steps which can be
executed in a manner that is similar to unit tests.
The name of a gherkin step is actually a regular expression, from which capturing groups
are cast and passed to the parameters in the ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock which defines this step. May accept parameters from regular expression
capturing groups (named or not), or from tables or multiline strings.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
# We need to be able to look up where this step is defined
$Definition = (& $SafeCommands["Get-PSCallStack"])[1]
$RelativePath = & $SafeCommands["Resolve-Path"] $Definition.ScriptName -relative
$Source = "{0}: line {1}" -f $RelativePath, $Definition.ScriptLineNumber
$Script:GherkinSteps.${Name} = $Test | & $SafeCommands["Add-Member"] -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Source -Value $Source -PassThru
Set-Alias Given GherkinStep
Set-Alias When GherkinStep
Set-Alias Then GherkinStep
Set-Alias And GherkinStep
Set-Alias But GherkinStep
function In {
A convenience function that executes a script from a specified path.
Before the script block passed to the execute parameter is invoked,
the current location is set to the path specified. Once the script
block has been executed, the location will be reset to the location
the script was in prior to calling In.
The path that the execute block will be executed in.
.PARAMETER execute
The script to be executed in the path provided.
[ScriptBlock] $execute
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName In
$old_pwd = $pwd
& $SafeCommands['Push-Location'] $path
$pwd = $path
try {
& $execute
} finally {
& $SafeCommands['Pop-Location']
$pwd = $old_pwd
function InModuleScope
Allows you to execute parts of a test script within the
scope of a PowerShell script module.
By injecting some test code into the scope of a PowerShell
script module, you can use non-exported functions, aliases
and variables inside that module, to perform unit tests on
its internal implementation.
InModuleScope may be used anywhere inside a Pester script,
either inside or outside a Describe block.
The name of the module into which the test code should be
injected. This module must already be loaded into the current
PowerShell session.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The code to be executed within the script module.
# The script module:
function PublicFunction
# Does something
function PrivateFunction
return $true
Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFunction
# The test script:
Import-Module MyModule
InModuleScope MyModule {
Describe 'Testing MyModule' {
It 'Tests the Private function' {
PrivateFunction | Should -Be $true
Normally you would not be able to access "PrivateFunction" from
the PowerShell session, because the module only exported
"PublicFunction". Using InModuleScope allowed this call to
"PrivateFunction" to work successfully.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($null -eq (& $SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name Pester -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference))
# User has executed a test script directly instead of calling Invoke-Pester
$Pester = New-PesterState -Path (& $SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] .) -TestNameFilter $null -TagFilter @() -ExcludeTagFilter @() -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$script:mockTable = @{}
$module = Get-ScriptModule -ModuleName $ModuleName -ErrorAction Stop
$originalState = $Pester.SessionState
$originalScriptBlockScope = Get-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
$Pester.SessionState = $module.SessionState
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -SessionState $module.SessionState
& $ScriptBlock
} until ($true)
$Pester.SessionState = $originalState
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -SessionStateInternal $originalScriptBlockScope
function Get-ScriptModule
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ModuleName
$modules = @(& $SafeCommands['Get-Module'] -Name $ModuleName -All -ErrorAction Stop)
throw "No module named '$ModuleName' is currently loaded."
$scriptModules = @($modules | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.ModuleType -eq 'Script' })
if ($scriptModules.Count -gt 1)
throw "Multiple Script modules named '$ModuleName' are currently loaded. Make sure to remove any extra copies of the module from your session before testing."
if ($scriptModules.Count -eq 0)
$actualTypes = @(
$modules |
& $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.ModuleType -ne 'Script' } |
& $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty ModuleType -Unique
$actualTypes = $actualTypes -join ', '
throw "Module '$ModuleName' is not a Script module. Detected modules of the following types: '$actualTypes'"
return $scriptModules[0]
function It {
Validates the results of a test inside of a Describe block.
The It command is intended to be used inside of a Describe or Context Block.
If you are familiar with the AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert), the body of
the It block is the appropriate location for an assert. The convention is to
assert a single expectation for each It block. The code inside of the It block
should throw a terminating error if the expectation of the test is not met and
thus cause the test to fail. The name of the It block should expressively state
the expectation of the test.
In addition to using your own logic to test expectations and throw exceptions,
you may also use Pester's Should command to perform assertions in plain language.
You can intentionally mark It block result as inconclusive by using Set-TestInconclusive
command as the first tested statement in the It block.
An expressive phrase describing the expected test outcome.
The script block that should throw an exception if the
expectation of the test is not met.If you are following the
AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert), this typically holds the
Use this parameter to explicitly mark the test as work-in-progress/not implemented/pending when you
need to distinguish a test that fails because it is not finished yet from a tests
that fail as a result of changes being made in the code base. An empty test, that is a
test that contains nothing except whitespace or comments is marked as Pending by default.
Use this parameter to explicitly mark the test to be skipped. This is preferable to temporarily
commenting out a test, because the test remains listed in the output. Use the Strict parameter
of Invoke-Pester to force all skipped tests to fail.
Optional array of hashtable (or any IDictionary) objects. If this parameter is used,
Pester will call the test script block once for each table in the TestCases array,
splatting the dictionary to the test script block as input. If you want the name of
the test to appear differently for each test case, you can embed tokens into the Name
parameter with the syntax 'Adds numbers <A> and <B>' (assuming you have keys named A and B
in your TestCases hashtables.)
function Add-Numbers($a, $b) {
return $a + $b
Describe "Add-Numbers" {
It "adds positive numbers" {
$sum = Add-Numbers 2 3
$sum | Should -Be 5
It "adds negative numbers" {
$sum = Add-Numbers (-2) (-2)
$sum | Should -Be (-4)
It "adds one negative number to positive number" {
$sum = Add-Numbers (-2) 2
$sum | Should -Be 0
It "concatenates strings if given strings" {
$sum = Add-Numbers two three
$sum | Should -Be "twothree"
function Add-Numbers($a, $b) {
return $a + $b
Describe "Add-Numbers" {
$testCases = @(
@{ a = 2; b = 3; expectedResult = 5 }
@{ a = -2; b = -2; expectedResult = -4 }
@{ a = -2; b = 2; expectedResult = 0 }
@{ a = 'two'; b = 'three'; expectedResult = 'twothree' }
It 'Correctly adds <a> and <b> to get <expectedResult>' -TestCases $testCases {
param ($a, $b, $expectedResult)
$sum = Add-Numbers $a $b
$sum | Should -Be $expectedResult
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Normal')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[ScriptBlock] $test = {},
[System.Collections.IDictionary[]] $TestCases,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Pending')]
[Switch] $Pending,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Skip')]
[Switch] $Skip
ItImpl -Pester $pester -OutputScriptBlock ${function:Write-PesterResult} @PSBoundParameters
function ItImpl
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Normal')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[ScriptBlock] $test,
[System.Collections.IDictionary[]] $TestCases,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Pending')]
[Switch] $Pending,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Skip')]
[Switch] $Skip,
[scriptblock] $OutputScriptBlock
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName It
# Jumping through hoops to make strict mode happy.
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Skip') { $Skip = $false }
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Pending') { $Pending = $false }
#unless Skip or Pending is specified you must specify a ScriptBlock to the Test parameter
if (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('test') -or $Skip -or $Pending))
throw 'No test script block is provided. (Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?)'
#the function is called with Pending or Skipped set the script block if needed
if ($null -eq $test) { $test = {} }
#mark empty Its as Pending
#[String]::IsNullOrWhitespace is not available in .NET version used with PowerShell 2
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Normal' -and
[String]::IsNullOrEmpty((Remove-Comments $test.ToString()) -replace "\s"))
$Pending = $true
$pendingSkip = @{}
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Skip')
$pendingSkip['Skip'] = $Skip
$pendingSkip['Pending'] = $Pending
if ($null -ne $TestCases -and $TestCases.Count -gt 0)
foreach ($testCase in $TestCases)
$expandedName = [regex]::Replace($name, '<([^>]+)>', {
$capture = $args[0].Groups[1].Value
if ($testCase.Contains($capture))
$splat = @{
Name = $expandedName
Scriptblock = $test
Parameters = $testCase
ParameterizedSuiteName = $name
OutputScriptBlock = $OutputScriptBlock
Invoke-Test @splat @pendingSkip
Invoke-Test -Name $name -ScriptBlock $test @pendingSkip -OutputScriptBlock $OutputScriptBlock
function Invoke-Test
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Normal')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Name,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,
[scriptblock] $OutputScriptBlock,
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $Parameters,
[string] $ParameterizedSuiteName,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Pending')]
[Switch] $Pending,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Skip')]
[Switch] $Skip
if ($null -eq $Parameters) { $Parameters = @{} }
if ($Skip)
$Pester.AddTestResult($Name, "Skipped", $null)
elseif ($Pending)
$Pester.AddTestResult($Name, "Pending", $null)
#todo: disabling the progress for now, it adds a lot of overhead and breaks output on linux, we don't have a good way to disable it by default, or to show it after delay see:
# & $SafeCommands['Write-Progress'] -Activity "Running test '$Name'" -Status Processing
$errorRecord = $null
$null = & $ScriptBlock @Parameters
} until ($true)
$errorRecord = $_
#guarantee that the teardown action will run and prevent it from failing the whole suite
if (-not ($Skip -or $Pending))
$errorRecord = $_
$result = ConvertTo-PesterResult -Name $Name -ErrorRecord $errorRecord
$orderedParameters = Get-OrderedParameterDictionary -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Dictionary $Parameters
$Pester.AddTestResult( $, $result.Result, $null, $result.FailureMessage, $result.StackTrace, $ParameterizedSuiteName, $orderedParameters, $result.ErrorRecord )
#todo: disabling progress reporting see above & $SafeCommands['Write-Progress'] -Activity "Running test '$Name'" -Completed -Status Processing
Exit-MockScope -ExitTestCaseOnly
if ($null -ne $OutputScriptBlock)
$Pester.testresult[-1] | & $OutputScriptBlock
function Get-OrderedParameterDictionary
param (
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $Dictionary
$parameters = Get-ParameterDictionary -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
$orderedDictionary = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
foreach ($parameterName in $parameters.Keys)
$value = $null
if ($Dictionary.ContainsKey($parameterName))
$value = $Dictionary[$parameterName]
$orderedDictionary[$parameterName] = $value
return $orderedDictionary
function Get-ParameterDictionary
param (
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
$guid = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid
& $SafeCommands['Set-Content'] function:\$guid $ScriptBlock
$metadata = [System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata](& $SafeCommands['Get-Command'] -Name $guid -CommandType Function)
return $metadata.Parameters
if (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] function:\$guid) { & $SafeCommands['Remove-Item'] function:\$guid }
function Mock {
Mocks the behavior of an existing command with an alternate
This creates new behavior for any existing command within the scope of a
Describe or Context block. The function allows you to specify a script block
that will become the command's new behavior.
Optionally, you may create a Parameter Filter which will examine the
parameters passed to the mocked command and will invoke the mocked
behavior only if the values of the parameter values pass the filter. If
they do not, the original command implementation will be invoked instead
of a mock.
You may create multiple mocks for the same command, each using a different
ParameterFilter. ParameterFilters will be evaluated in reverse order of
their creation. The last one created will be the first to be evaluated.
The mock of the first filter to pass will be used. The exception to this
rule are Mocks with no filters. They will always be evaluated last since
they will act as a "catch all" mock.
Mocks can be marked Verifiable. If so, the Assert-VerifiableMock command
can be used to check if all Verifiable mocks were actually called. If any
verifiable mock is not called, Assert-VerifiableMock will throw an
exception and indicate all mocks not called.
If you wish to mock commands that are called from inside a script module,
you can do so by using the -ModuleName parameter to the Mock command. This
injects the mock into the specified module. If you do not specify a
module name, the mock will be created in the same scope as the test script.
You may mock the same command multiple times, in different scopes, as needed.
Each module's mock maintains a separate call history and verified status.
.PARAMETER CommandName
The name of the command to be mocked.
A ScriptBlock specifying the behavior that will be used to mock CommandName.
The default is an empty ScriptBlock.
NOTE: Do not specify param or dynamicparam blocks in this script block.
These will be injected automatically based on the signature of the command
being mocked, and the MockWith script block can contain references to the
mocked commands parameter variables.
.PARAMETER Verifiable
When this is set, the mock will be checked when Assert-VerifiableMock is
.PARAMETER ParameterFilter
An optional filter to limit mocking behavior only to usages of
CommandName where the values of the parameters passed to the command
pass the filter.
This ScriptBlock must return a boolean value. See examples for usage.
Optional string specifying the name of the module where this command
is to be mocked. This should be a module that _calls_ the mocked
command; it doesn't necessarily have to be the same module which
originally implemented the command.
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} }
Using this Mock, all calls to Get-ChildItem will return a hashtable with a
FullName property returning "A_File.TXT"
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp) }
This Mock will only be applied to Get-ChildItem calls within the user's temp directory.
Mock Set-Content {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "some_path" -and $Value -eq "Expected Value" }
When this mock is used, if the Mock is never invoked and Assert-VerifiableMock is called, an exception will be thrown. The command behavior will do nothing since the ScriptBlock is empty.
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp\1) }
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp\2) }
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "C_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp\3) }
Multiple mocks of the same command may be used. The parameter filter determines which is invoked. Here, if Get-ChildItem is called on the "2" directory of the temp folder, then B_File.txt will be returned.
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName="B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$env:temp\me" }
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName="A_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -and $Path.StartsWith($env:temp) }
Get-ChildItem $env:temp\me
Here, both mocks could apply since both filters will pass. A_File.TXT will be returned because it was the most recent Mock created.
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$env:temp\me" }
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} }
Get-ChildItem c:\windows
Here, A_File.TXT will be returned. Since no filter was specified, it will apply to any call to Get-ChildItem that does not pass another filter.
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "B_File.TXT"} } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$env:temp\me" }
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} }
Get-ChildItem $env:temp\me
Here, B_File.TXT will be returned. Even though the filterless mock was created more recently. This illustrates that filterless Mocks are always evaluated last regardless of their creation order.
Mock Get-ChildItem { return @{FullName = "A_File.TXT"} } -ModuleName MyTestModule
Using this Mock, all calls to Get-ChildItem from within the MyTestModule module
will return a hashtable with a FullName property returning "A_File.TXT"
Get-Module -Name ModuleMockExample | Remove-Module
New-Module -Name ModuleMockExample -ScriptBlock {
function Hidden { "Internal Module Function" }
function Exported { Hidden }
Export-ModuleMember -Function Exported
} | Import-Module -Force
Describe "ModuleMockExample" {
It "Hidden function is not directly accessible outside the module" {
{ Hidden } | Should -Throw
It "Original Hidden function is called" {
Exported | Should -Be "Internal Module Function"
It "Hidden is replaced with our implementation" {
Mock Hidden { "Mocked" } -ModuleName ModuleMockExample
Exported | Should -Be "Mocked"
This example shows how calls to commands made from inside a module can be
mocked by using the -ModuleName parameter.
[ScriptBlock]$ParameterFilter = {$True},
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Mock
$contextInfo = Validate-Command $CommandName $ModuleName
$CommandName = $contextInfo.Command.Name
if ($contextInfo.Session.Module -and $contextInfo.Session.Module.Name)
$ModuleName = $contextInfo.Session.Module.Name
$ModuleName = ''
if (Test-IsClosure -ScriptBlock $MockWith)
# If the user went out of their way to call GetNewClosure(), go ahead and leave the block bound to that
# dynamic module's scope.
$mockWithCopy = $MockWith
$mockWithCopy = [scriptblock]::Create($MockWith.ToString())
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $mockWithCopy -SessionState $contextInfo.Session
$block = @{
Mock = $mockWithCopy
Filter = $ParameterFilter
Verifiable = $Verifiable
Scope = $pester.CurrentTestGroup
$mock = $mockTable["$ModuleName||$CommandName"]
if (-not $mock)
$metadata = $null
$cmdletBinding = ''
$paramBlock = ''
$dynamicParamBlock = ''
$dynamicParamScriptBlock = $null
if ($contextInfo.Command.psobject.Properties['ScriptBlock'] -or $contextInfo.Command.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet')
$metadata = [System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$contextInfo.Command
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('Verbose')
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('Debug')
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('ErrorAction')
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('WarningAction')
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('ErrorVariable')
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('WarningVariable')
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('OutVariable')
$null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove('OutBuffer')
# Some versions of PowerShell may include dynamic parameters here
# We will filter them out and add them at the end to be
# compatible with both earlier and later versions
$dynamicParams = $metadata.Parameters.Values | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] {$_.IsDynamic}
if($dynamicParams -ne $null) {
$dynamicparams | & $SafeCommands['ForEach-Object'] { $null = $metadata.Parameters.Remove($ }
$cmdletBinding = [Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetCmdletBindingAttribute($metadata)
if ($global:PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3 -and $contextInfo.Command.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet') {
if ($cmdletBinding -ne '[CmdletBinding()]') {
$cmdletBinding = $cmdletBinding.Insert($cmdletBinding.Length-2, ',')
$cmdletBinding = $cmdletBinding.Insert($cmdletBinding.Length-2, 'PositionalBinding=$false')
$paramBlock = [Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock($metadata)
if ($contextInfo.Command.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet')
$dynamicParamBlock = "dynamicparam { Get-MockDynamicParameter -CmdletName '$($contextInfo.Command.Name)' -Parameters `$PSBoundParameters }"
$dynamicParamStatements = Get-DynamicParamBlock -ScriptBlock $contextInfo.Command.ScriptBlock
if ($dynamicParamStatements -match '\S')
$metadataSafeForDynamicParams = [System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$contextInfo.Command
foreach ($param in $metadataSafeForDynamicParams.Parameters.Values)
$paramBlockSafeForDynamicParams = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock($metadataSafeForDynamicParams)
$comma = if ($metadataSafeForDynamicParams.Parameters.Count -gt 0) { ',' } else { '' }
$dynamicParamBlock = "dynamicparam { Get-MockDynamicParameter -ModuleName '$ModuleName' -FunctionName '$CommandName' -Parameters `$PSBoundParameters -Cmdlet `$PSCmdlet }"
$code = @"
[object] `${P S Cmdlet}$comma
`$PSCmdlet = `${P S Cmdlet}
$dynamicParamScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($code)
$sessionStateInternal = Get-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $contextInfo.Command.ScriptBlock
if ($null -ne $sessionStateInternal)
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $dynamicParamScriptBlock -SessionStateInternal $sessionStateInternal
$EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent =
if ($global:PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) {
{ [System.Management.Automation.Language.CodeGeneration]::EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent($args[0]) }
} else {
{ $args[0] -replace "['‘’‚‛]", '$&$&' }
$newContent = & $SafeCommands['Get-Content'] function:\MockPrototype
$newContent = $newContent -replace '#FUNCTIONNAME#', (& $EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent $CommandName)
$newContent = $newContent -replace '#MODULENAME#', (& $EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent $ModuleName)
$canCaptureArgs = 'true'
if ($contextInfo.Command.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet' -or
($contextInfo.Command.CommandType -eq 'Function' -and $contextInfo.Command.CmdletBinding)) {
$canCaptureArgs = 'false'
$newContent = $newContent -replace '#CANCAPTUREARGS#', $canCaptureArgs
$code = @"
param ( $paramBlock )
`${mock call state} = @{}
$($newContent -replace '#BLOCK#', 'Begin' -replace '#INPUT#')
$($newContent -replace '#BLOCK#', 'Process' -replace '#INPUT#', '-InputObject @($input)')
$($newContent -replace '#BLOCK#', 'End' -replace '#INPUT#')
$mockScript = [scriptblock]::Create($code)
$mock = @{
OriginalCommand = $contextInfo.Command
Blocks = @()
CommandName = $CommandName
SessionState = $contextInfo.Session
Scope = $pester.CurrentTestGroup
PesterState = $pester
Metadata = $metadata
CallHistory = @()
DynamicParamScriptBlock = $dynamicParamScriptBlock
Aliases = @()
BootstrapFunctionName = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$mockTable["$ModuleName||$CommandName"] = $mock
$scriptBlock = { $ExecutionContext.InvokeProvider.Item.Set("Function:\script:$($args[0])", $args[1], $true, $true) }
$null = Invoke-InMockScope -SessionState $mock.SessionState -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $Mock.BootstrapFunctionName, $mockScript
$mock.Aliases += $CommandName
$scriptBlock = {
$setAlias = & (Pester\SafeGetCommand) -Name Set-Alias -CommandType Cmdlet -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
& $setAlias -Name $args[0] -Value $args[1] -Scope Script
$null = Invoke-InMockScope -SessionState $mock.SessionState -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $CommandName, $mock.BootstrapFunctionName
if ($mock.OriginalCommand.ModuleName)
$aliasName = "$($mock.OriginalCommand.ModuleName)\$($CommandName)"
$mock.Aliases += $aliasName
$scriptBlock = {
$setAlias = & (Pester\SafeGetCommand) -Name Set-Alias -CommandType Cmdlet -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
& $setAlias -Name $args[0] -Value $args[1] -Scope Script
$null = Invoke-InMockScope -SessionState $mock.SessionState -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $aliasName, $mock.BootstrapFunctionName
$mock.Blocks = @(
$mock.Blocks | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Filter.ToString() -eq '$True' }
if ($block.Filter.ToString() -eq '$True') { $block }
$mock.Blocks | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Filter.ToString() -ne '$True' }
if ($block.Filter.ToString() -ne '$True') { $block }
function Assert-VerifiableMock {
Checks if any Verifiable Mock has not been invoked. If so, this will throw an exception.
This can be used in tandem with the -Verifiable switch of the Mock
function. Mock can be used to mock the behavior of an existing command
and optionally take a -Verifiable switch. When Assert-VerifiableMock
is called, it checks to see if any Mock marked Verifiable has not been
invoked. If any mocks have been found that specified -Verifiable and
have not been invoked, an exception will be thrown.
Mock Set-Content {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "some_path" -and $Value -eq "Expected Value"}
{ ...some code that never calls Set-Content some_path -Value "Expected Value"... }
This will throw an exception and cause the test to fail.
Mock Set-Content {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq "some_path" -and $Value -eq "Expected Value"}
Set-Content some_path -Value "Expected Value"
This will not throw an exception because the mock was invoked.
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Assert-VerifiableMock
$mockTable.Keys | & $SafeCommands['ForEach-Object'] {
$mockTable[$m].blocks |
& $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Verifiable } |
& $SafeCommands['ForEach-Object'] { $unVerified[$m]=$_ }
if($unVerified.Count -gt 0) {
foreach($mock in $unVerified.Keys){
$array = $mock -split '\|\|'
$function = $array[1]
$module = $array[0]
$message = "$([System.Environment]::NewLine) Expected $function "
if ($module) { $message += "in module $module " }
$message += "to be called with $($unVerified[$mock].Filter)"
throw $message
function Assert-MockCalled {
Checks if a Mocked command has been called a certain number of times
and throws an exception if it has not.
This command verifies that a mocked command has been called a certain number
of times. If the call history of the mocked command does not match the parameters
passed to Assert-MockCalled, Assert-MockCalled will throw an exception.
.PARAMETER CommandName
The mocked command whose call history should be checked.
The module where the mock being checked was injected. This is optional,
and must match the ModuleName that was used when setting up the Mock.
The number of times that the mock must be called to avoid an exception
from throwing.
If this switch is present, the number specified in Times must match
exactly the number of times the mock has been called. Otherwise it
must match "at least" the number of times specified. If the value
passed to the Times parameter is zero, the Exactly switch is implied.
.PARAMETER ParameterFilter
An optional filter to qualify wich calls should be counted. Only those
calls to the mock whose parameters cause this filter to return true
will be counted.
.PARAMETER ExclusiveFilter
Like ParameterFilter, except when you use ExclusiveFilter, and there
were any calls to the mocked command which do not match the filter,
an exception will be thrown. This is a convenient way to avoid needing
to have two calls to Assert-MockCalled like this:
Assert-MockCalled SomeCommand -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $something -eq $true }
Assert-MockCalled SomeCommand -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $something -ne $true }
An optional parameter specifying the Pester scope in which to check for
calls to the mocked command. By default, Assert-MockCalled will find
all calls to the mocked command in the current Context block (if present),
or the current Describe block (if there is no active Context.) Valid
values are Describe, Context and It. If you use a scope of Describe or
Context, the command will identify all calls to the mocked command in the
current Describe / Context block, as well as all child scopes of that block.
C:\PS>Mock Set-Content {}
{... Some Code ...}
C:\PS>Assert-MockCalled Set-Content
This will throw an exception and cause the test to fail if Set-Content is not called in Some Code.
C:\PS>Mock Set-Content -parameterFilter {$path.StartsWith("$env:temp\")}
{... Some Code ...}
C:\PS>Assert-MockCalled Set-Content 2 { $path -eq "$env:temp\test.txt" }
This will throw an exception if some code calls Set-Content on $path=$env:temp\test.txt less than 2 times
C:\PS>Mock Set-Content {}
{... Some Code ...}
C:\PS>Assert-MockCalled Set-Content 0
This will throw an exception if some code calls Set-Content at all
C:\PS>Mock Set-Content {}
{... Some Code ...}
C:\PS>Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly 2
This will throw an exception if some code does not call Set-Content Exactly two times.
Describe 'Assert-MockCalled Scope behavior' {
Mock Set-Content { }
It 'Calls Set-Content at least once in the It block' {
{... Some Code ...}
Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Exactly 0 -Scope It
Checks for calls only within the current It block.
Describe 'Describe' {
Mock -ModuleName SomeModule Set-Content { }
{... Some Code ...}
It 'Calls Set-Content at least once in the Describe block' {
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName SomeModule Set-Content
Checks for calls to the mock within the SomeModule module. Note that both the Mock
and Assert-MockCalled commands use the same module name.
Assert-MockCalled Get-ChildItem -ExclusiveFilter { $Path -eq 'C:\' }
Checks to make sure that Get-ChildItem was called at least one time with
the -Path parameter set to 'C:\', and that it was not called at all with
the -Path parameter set to any other value.
The parameter filter passed to Assert-MockCalled does not necessarily have to match the parameter filter
(if any) which was used to create the Mock. Assert-MockCalled will find any entry in the command history
which matches its parameter filter, regardless of how the Mock was created. However, if any calls to the
mocked command are made which did not match any mock's parameter filter (resulting in the original command
being executed instead of a mock), these calls to the original command are not tracked in the call history.
In other words, Assert-MockCalled can only be used to check for calls to the mocked implementation, not
to the original.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ParameterFilter')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ParameterFilter', Position = 2)]
[ScriptBlock]$ParameterFilter = {$True},
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExclusiveFilter', Mandatory = $true)]
[scriptblock] $ExclusiveFilter,
[Parameter(Position = 3)]
[string] $ModuleName,
[Parameter(Position = 4)]
if ([uint32]::TryParse($_, [ref] $null) -or
$_ -eq 'Describe' -or
$_ -eq 'Context' -or
$_ -eq 'It')
return $true
throw "Scope argument must either be an unsigned integer, or one of the words 'Describe', 'Context', or 'It'."
[string] $Scope,
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ParameterFilter')
$filter = $ParameterFilter
$filterIsExclusive = $false
$filter = $ExclusiveFilter
$filterIsExclusive = $true
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Assert-MockCalled
if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ModuleName') -and $null -ne $pester.SessionState.Module)
$ModuleName = $pester.SessionState.Module.Name
$contextInfo = Validate-Command $CommandName $ModuleName
$CommandName = $contextInfo.Command.Name
$mock = $script:mockTable["$ModuleName||$CommandName"]
$moduleMessage = ''
if ($ModuleName)
$moduleMessage = " in module $ModuleName"
if (-not $mock)
throw "You did not declare a mock of the $commandName Command${moduleMessage}."
if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scope'))
$scope = 1
$matchingCalls = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.ArrayList
$nonMatchingCalls = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($historyEntry in $mock.CallHistory)
if (-not (Test-MockCallScope -CallScope $historyEntry.Scope -DesiredScope $Scope)) { continue }
$params = @{
ScriptBlock = $filter
BoundParameters = $historyEntry.BoundParams
ArgumentList = $historyEntry.Args
Metadata = $mock.Metadata
if (Test-ParameterFilter @params)
$null = $matchingCalls.Add($historyEntry)
$null = $nonMatchingCalls.Add($historyEntry)
$lineText = $MyInvocation.Line.TrimEnd("$([System.Environment]::NewLine)")
$line = $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
if($matchingCalls.Count -ne $times -and ($Exactly -or ($times -eq 0)))
$failureMessage = "Expected ${commandName}${moduleMessage} to be called $times times exactly but was called $($matchingCalls.Count) times"
throw ( New-ShouldErrorRecord -Message $failureMessage -Line $line -LineText $lineText)
elseif($matchingCalls.Count -lt $times)
$failureMessage = "Expected ${commandName}${moduleMessage} to be called at least $times times but was called $($matchingCalls.Count) times"
throw ( New-ShouldErrorRecord -Message $failureMessage -Line $line -LineText $lineText)
elseif ($filterIsExclusive -and $nonMatchingCalls.Count -gt 0)
$failureMessage = "Expected ${commandName}${moduleMessage} to only be called with with parameters matching the specified filter, but $($nonMatchingCalls.Count) non-matching calls were made"
throw ( New-ShouldErrorRecord -Message $failureMessage -Line $line -LineText $lineText)
function Test-MockCallScope
param (
[object] $CallScope,
[string] $DesiredScope
if ($null -eq $CallScope)
# This indicates a call from the current test case ("It" block), which always passes Test-MockCallScope
return $true
$testGroups = $pester.TestGroups
$target = 0
$isNumberedScope = [int]::TryParse($DesiredScope, [ref] $target)
# The Describe / Context stuff here is for backward compatibility. May be deprecated / removed in the future.
$actualScopeNumber = -1
$describe = -1
$context = -1
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $testGroups.Count; $i++)
if ($CallScope -eq $testGroups[$i])
$actualScopeNumber = $i
if ($isNumberedScope) { break }
if ($describe -lt 0 -and $testGroups[$i].Hint -eq 'Describe') { $describe = $i }
if ($context -lt 0 -and $testGroups[$i].Hint -eq 'Context') { $context = $i }
if ($actualScopeNumber -lt 0)
# this should never happen; if we get here, it's a Pester bug.
throw "Pester error: Corrupted mock call history table."
if ($isNumberedScope)
# For this, we consider scope 0 to be the current test case / It block, scope 1 to be the first Test Group up the stack, etc.
# $actualScopeNumber currently off by one from that scale (zero-indexed for test groups only; we already checked for the 0 case
# farther up, which only applies if $CallScope is $null).
return $target -gt $actualScopeNumber
if ($DesiredScope -eq 'Describe') { return $describe -ge $actualScopeNumber }
if ($DesiredScope -eq 'Context') { return $context -ge $actualScopeNumber }
return $false
function Exit-MockScope {
param (
[switch] $ExitTestCaseOnly
if ($null -eq $mockTable) { return }
$removeMockStub =
param (
[string] $CommandName,
[string[]] $Aliases
$ExecutionContext.InvokeProvider.Item.Remove("Function:\$CommandName", $false, $true, $true)
foreach ($alias in $Aliases)
if ($ExecutionContext.InvokeProvider.Item.Exists("Alias:$alias", $true, $true))
$ExecutionContext.InvokeProvider.Item.Remove("Alias:$alias", $false, $true, $true)
$mockKeys = [string[]]$mockTable.Keys
foreach ($mockKey in $mockKeys)
$mock = $mockTable[$mockKey]
$shouldRemoveMock = (-not $ExitTestCaseOnly) -and (ShouldRemoveMock -Mock $mock -ActivePesterState $pester)
if ($shouldRemoveMock)
$null = Invoke-InMockScope -SessionState $mock.SessionState -ScriptBlock $removeMockStub -ArgumentList $mock.BootstrapFunctionName, $mock.Aliases
elseif ($mock.PesterState -eq $pester)
if (-not $ExitTestCaseOnly)
$mock.Blocks = @($mock.Blocks | & $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Scope -ne $pester.CurrentTestGroup })
$testGroups = @($pester.TestGroups)
$parentTestGroup = $null
if ($testGroups.Count -gt 1)
$parentTestGroup = $testGroups[-2]
foreach ($historyEntry in $mock.CallHistory)
if ($ExitTestCaseOnly)
if ($historyEntry.Scope -eq $null) { $historyEntry.Scope = $pester.CurrentTestGroup }
elseif ($parentTestGroup)
if ($historyEntry.Scope -eq $pester.CurrentTestGroup) { $historyEntry.Scope = $parentTestGroup }
function ShouldRemoveMock($Mock, $ActivePesterState)
if ($ActivePesterState -ne $mock.PesterState) { return $false }
if ($mock.Scope -eq $ActivePesterState.CurrentTestGroup) { return $true }
# These two should conditions should _probably_ never happen, because the above condition should
# catch it, but just in case:
if ($ActivePesterState.TestGroups.Count -eq 1) { return $true }
if ($ActivePesterState.TestGroups[-2].Hint -eq 'Root') { return $true }
return $false
function Validate-Command([string]$CommandName, [string]$ModuleName) {
$module = $null
$command = $null
$scriptBlock = {
$command = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($args[0], 'All')
while ($null -ne $command -and $command.CommandType -eq [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Alias)
$command = $command.ResolvedCommand
return $command
if ($ModuleName) {
$module = Get-ScriptModule -ModuleName $ModuleName -ErrorAction Stop
$command = & $module $scriptBlock $CommandName
$session = $pester.SessionState
if (-not $command) {
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -SessionState $session
$command = & $scriptBlock $commandName
if (-not $command) {
throw ([System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] "Could not find Command $commandName")
if ($module) {
$session = & $module { $ExecutionContext.SessionState }
$hash = @{Command = $command; Session = $session}
if ($command.CommandType -eq 'Function')
foreach ($mock in $mockTable.Values)
if ($command.Name -eq $mock.BootstrapFunctionName)
return @{
Command = $mock.OriginalCommand
Session = $mock.SessionState
return $hash
function MockPrototype {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3)
[string] ${ignore preference} = 'Ignore'
[string] ${ignore preference} = 'SilentlyContinue'
${get Variable Command} = & (Pester\SafeGetCommand) -Name Get-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility -CommandType Cmdlet
[object] ${a r g s} = $null
${a r g s} = & ${get Variable Command} -Name args -ValueOnly -Scope Local -ErrorAction ${ignore preference}
if ($null -eq ${a r g s}) { ${a r g s} = @() }
${p s cmdlet} = & ${get Variable Command} -Name PSCmdlet -ValueOnly -Scope Local -ErrorAction ${ignore preference}
${session state} = if (${p s cmdlet}) { ${p s cmdlet}.SessionState }
# @{mock call state} initialization is injected only into the begin block by the code that uses this prototype.
Invoke-Mock -CommandName '#FUNCTIONNAME#' -ModuleName '#MODULENAME#' -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -ArgumentList ${a r g s} -CallerSessionState ${session state} -FromBlock '#BLOCK#' -MockCallState ${mock call state} #INPUT#
function Invoke-Mock {
This command is used by Pester's Mocking framework. You do not need to call it directly.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[hashtable] $MockCallState,
$BoundParameters = @{},
$ArgumentList = @(),
[object] $CallerSessionState,
[ValidateSet('Begin', 'Process', 'End')]
[string] $FromBlock,
[object] $InputObject
$detectedModule = $ModuleName
$mock = FindMock -CommandName $CommandName -ModuleName ([ref]$detectedModule)
if ($null -eq $mock)
# If this ever happens, it's a bug in Pester. The scriptBlock that calls Invoke-Mock should be removed at the same time as the entry in the mock table.
throw "Internal error detected: Mock for '$CommandName' in module '$ModuleName' was called, but does not exist in the mock table."
switch ($FromBlock)
$MockCallState['InputObjects'] = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.ArrayList
$MockCallState['ShouldExecuteOriginalCommand'] = $false
$MockCallState['BeginBoundParameters'] = $BoundParameters.Clone()
$MockCallState['BeginArgumentList'] = $ArgumentList
$block = $null
if ($detectedModule -eq $ModuleName)
$block = FindMatchingBlock -Mock $mock -BoundParameters $BoundParameters -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
if ($null -ne $block)
ExecuteBlock -Block $block `
-CommandName $CommandName `
-ModuleName $ModuleName `
-BoundParameters $BoundParameters `
-ArgumentList $ArgumentList `
-Mock $mock
$MockCallState['ShouldExecuteOriginalCommand'] = $true
if ($null -ne $InputObject)
$null = $MockCallState['InputObjects'].AddRange(@($InputObject))
if ($MockCallState['ShouldExecuteOriginalCommand'])
if ($MockCallState['InputObjects'].Count -gt 0)
$scriptBlock = {
param ($Command, $ArgumentList, $BoundParameters, $InputObjects)
$InputObjects | & $Command @ArgumentList @BoundParameters
$scriptBlock = {
param ($Command, $ArgumentList, $BoundParameters, $InputObjects)
& $Command @ArgumentList @BoundParameters
$state = if ($CallerSessionState) { $CallerSessionState } else { $mock.SessionState }
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -SessionState $state
& $scriptBlock -Command $mock.OriginalCommand `
-ArgumentList $MockCallState['BeginArgumentList'] `
-BoundParameters $MockCallState['BeginBoundParameters'] `
-InputObjects $MockCallState['InputObjects']
function FindMock
param (
[string] $CommandName,
[ref] $ModuleName
$mock = $mockTable["$($ModuleName.Value)||$CommandName"]
if ($null -eq $mock)
$mock = $mockTable["||$CommandName"]
if ($null -ne $mock)
$ModuleName.Value = ''
return $mock
function FindMatchingBlock
param (
[object] $Mock,
[hashtable] $BoundParameters = @{},
[object[]] $ArgumentList = @()
for ($idx = $mock.Blocks.Length; $idx -gt 0; $idx--)
$block = $mock.Blocks[$idx - 1]
$params = @{
ScriptBlock = $block.Filter
BoundParameters = $BoundParameters
ArgumentList = $ArgumentList
Metadata = $mock.Metadata
if (Test-ParameterFilter @params)
return $block
return $null
function ExecuteBlock
param (
[object] $Block,
[object] $Mock,
[string] $CommandName,
[string] $ModuleName,
[hashtable] $BoundParameters = @{},
[object[]] $ArgumentList = @()
$Block.Verifiable = $false
$scope = if ($pester.InTest) { $null } else { $pester.CurrentTestGroup }
$Mock.CallHistory += @{CommandName = "$ModuleName||$CommandName"; BoundParams = $BoundParameters; Args = $ArgumentList; Scope = $scope }
$scriptBlock = {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
${Script Block},
$___BoundParameters___ = @{},
$___ArgumentList___ = @(),
${Meta data},
${Session State}
# This script block exists to hold variables without polluting the test script's current scope.
# Dynamic parameters in functions, for some reason, only exist in $PSBoundParameters instead
# of being assigned a local variable the way static parameters do. By calling Set-DynamicParameterVariable,
# we create these variables for the caller's use in a Parameter Filter or within the mock itself, and
# by doing it inside this temporary script block, those variables don't stick around longer than they
# should.
Set-DynamicParameterVariable -SessionState ${Session State} -Parameters $___BoundParameters___ -Metadata ${Meta data}
& ${Script Block} @___BoundParameters___ @___ArgumentList___
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -SessionState $mock.SessionState
$splat = @{
'Script Block' = $block.Mock
'___ArgumentList___' = $ArgumentList
'___BoundParameters___' = $BoundParameters
'Meta data' = $mock.Metadata
'Session State' = $mock.SessionState
& $scriptBlock @splat
function Invoke-InMockScope
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
$ArgumentList = @()
if ($SessionState.Module)
$SessionState.Module.Invoke($ScriptBlock, $ArgumentList)
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -SessionState $SessionState
& $ScriptBlock @ArgumentList
function Test-ParameterFilter
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($null -eq $BoundParameters) { $BoundParameters = @{} }
if ($null -eq $ArgumentList) { $ArgumentList = @() }
$paramBlock = Get-ParamBlockFromBoundParameters -BoundParameters $BoundParameters -Metadata $Metadata
$scriptBlockString = "
Set-StrictMode -Off
$cmd = [scriptblock]::Create($scriptBlockString)
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $cmd -SessionState $pester.SessionState
& $cmd @BoundParameters @ArgumentList
function Get-ParamBlockFromBoundParameters
param (
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $BoundParameters,
[System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata] $Metadata
$params = foreach ($paramName in $BoundParameters.get_Keys())
if (IsCommonParameter -Name $paramName -Metadata $Metadata)
$params = $params -join ','
if ($null -ne $Metadata)
$cmdletBinding = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::GetCmdletBindingAttribute($Metadata)
$cmdletBinding = ''
return "$cmdletBinding param ($params)"
function IsCommonParameter
param (
[string] $Name,
[System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata] $Metadata
if ($null -ne $Metadata)
if ([System.Management.Automation.Internal.CommonParameters].GetProperty($Name)) { return $true }
if ($Metadata.SupportsShouldProcess -and [System.Management.Automation.Internal.ShouldProcessParameters].GetProperty($Name)) { return $true }
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3 -and $Metadata.SupportsPaging -and [System.Management.Automation.PagingParameters].GetProperty($Name)) { return $true }
if ($Metadata.SupportsTransactions -and [System.Management.Automation.Internal.TransactionParameters].GetProperty($Name)) { return $true }
return $false
function Set-DynamicParameterVariable
This command is used by Pester's Mocking framework. You do not need to call it directly.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($null -eq $Parameters) { $Parameters = @{} }
foreach ($keyValuePair in $Parameters.GetEnumerator())
$variableName = $keyValuePair.Key
if (-not (IsCommonParameter -Name $variableName -Metadata $Metadata))
if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState -eq $SessionState)
& $SafeCommands['Set-Variable'] -Scope 1 -Name $variableName -Value $keyValuePair.Value -Force -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$false
$SessionState.PSVariable.Set($variableName, $keyValuePair.Value)
function Get-DynamicParamBlock
param (
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 2)
$flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic'
$dynamicParams = [scriptblock].GetField('_dynamicParams', $flags).GetValue($ScriptBlock)
if ($null -ne $dynamicParams)
return $dynamicParams.ToString()
If ( $ScriptBlock.AST.psobject.Properties.Name -match "Body")
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock.Ast.Body.DynamicParamBlock)
$statements = $ScriptBlock.Ast.Body.DynamicParamBlock.Statements |
& $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty Extent |
& $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty Text
return $statements -join "$([System.Environment]::NewLine)"
function Get-MockDynamicParameter
This command is used by Pester's Mocking framework. You do not need to call it directly.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Cmdlet')]
[string] $CmdletName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Function')]
[string] $FunctionName,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Function')]
[string] $ModuleName,
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $Parameters,
[object] $Cmdlet
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
Get-DynamicParametersForCmdlet -CmdletName $CmdletName -Parameters $Parameters
Get-DynamicParametersForMockedFunction -FunctionName $FunctionName -ModuleName $ModuleName -Parameters $Parameters -Cmdlet $Cmdlet
function Get-DynamicParametersForCmdlet
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $CmdletName,
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3 -and
$null -ne $_ -and
$_.GetType().FullName -ne 'System.Management.Automation.PSBoundParametersDictionary')
throw 'The -Parameters argument must be a PSBoundParametersDictionary object ($PSBoundParameters).'
return $true
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $Parameters
$command = & $SafeCommands['Get-Command'] -Name $CmdletName -CommandType Cmdlet -ErrorAction Stop
if (@($command).Count -gt 1)
throw "Name '$CmdletName' resolved to multiple Cmdlets"
if ($null -eq $command.ImplementingType.GetInterface('IDynamicParameters', $true))
if ('5.0.10586.122' -lt $PSVersionTable.PSVersion)
# Older version of PS required Reflection to do this. It has run into problems on occasion with certain cmdlets,
# such as ActiveDirectory and AzureRM, so we'll take advantage of the newer PSv5 engine features if at all possible.
if ($null -eq $Parameters) { $paramsArg = @() } else { $paramsArg = @($Parameters) }
$command = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($CmdletName, [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet, $paramsArg)
$paramDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
foreach ($param in $command.Parameters.Values)
if (-not $param.IsDynamic) { continue }
if ($Parameters.ContainsKey($param.Name)) { continue }
$dynParam = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new($param.Name, $param.ParameterType, $param.Attributes)
$paramDictionary.Add($param.Name, $dynParam)
return $paramDictionary
if ($null -eq $Parameters) { $Parameters = @{} }
$cmdlet = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] $command.ImplementingType.FullName
$flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance, Nonpublic'
$context = $ExecutionContext.GetType().GetField('_context', $flags).GetValue($ExecutionContext)
[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet].GetProperty('Context', $flags).SetValue($cmdlet, $context, $null)
foreach ($keyValuePair in $Parameters.GetEnumerator())
$property = $cmdlet.GetType().GetProperty($keyValuePair.Key)
if ($null -eq $property -or -not $property.CanWrite) { continue }
$isParameter = [bool]($property.GetCustomAttributes([System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute], $true))
if (-not $isParameter) { continue }
$property.SetValue($cmdlet, $keyValuePair.Value, $null)
# This unary comma is important in some cases. On Windows 7 systems, the ActiveDirectory module cmdlets
# return objects from this method which implement IEnumerable for some reason, and even cause PowerShell
# to throw an exception when it tries to cast the object to that interface.
# We avoid that problem by wrapping the result of GetDynamicParameters() in a one-element array with the
# unary comma. PowerShell enumerates that array instead of trying to enumerate the goofy object, and
# everyone's happy.
# Love the comma. Don't delete it. We don't have a test for this yet, unless we can get the AD module
# on a Server 2008 R2 build server, or until we write some C# code to reproduce its goofy behavior.
catch [System.NotImplementedException]
# Some cmdlets implement IDynamicParameters but then throw a NotImplementedException. I have no idea why. Ignore them.
function Get-DynamicParametersForMockedFunction
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$mock = $mockTable["$ModuleName||$FunctionName"]
if (-not $mock)
throw "Internal error detected: Mock for '$FunctionName' in module '$ModuleName' was called, but does not exist in the mock table."
if ($mock.DynamicParamScriptBlock)
$splat = @{ 'P S Cmdlet' = $Cmdlet }
return & $mock.DynamicParamScriptBlock @Parameters @splat
function Test-IsClosure
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$sessionStateInternal = Get-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
if ($null -eq $sessionStateInternal) { return $false }
$flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic'
$module = $sessionStateInternal.GetType().GetProperty('Module', $flags).GetValue($sessionStateInternal, $null)
return (
$null -ne $module -and
$module.Name -match '^__DynamicModule_([a-f\d-]+)$' -and
$null -ne ($matches[1] -as [guid])
function New-Fixture {
This function generates two scripts, one that defines a function
and another one that contains its tests.
This function generates two scripts, one that defines a function
and another one that contains its tests. The files are by default
placed in the current directory and are called and populated as such:
The script defining the function: .\Clean.ps1:
function Clean {
The script containing the example test .\Clean.Tests.ps1:
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'
. "$here\$sut"
Describe "Clean" {
It "does something useful" {
$true | Should -Be $false
Defines the name of the function and the name of the test to be created.
Defines path where the test and the function should be created, you can use full or relative path.
If the parameter is not specified the scripts are created in the current directory.
New-Fixture -Name Clean
Creates the scripts in the current directory.
New-Fixture C:\Projects\Cleaner Clean
Creates the scripts in the C:\Projects\Cleaner directory.
New-Fixture Cleaner Clean
Creates a new folder named Cleaner in the current directory and creates the scripts in it.
param (
[String]$Path = $PWD,
$Name = $Name -replace '.ps1',''
#region File contents
#keep this formatted as is. the format is output to the file as is, including indentation
$scriptCode = "function $Name {$([System.Environment]::NewLine)$([System.Environment]::NewLine)}"
$testCode = '$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace ''\.Tests\.'', ''.''
. "$here\$sut"
Describe "#name#" {
It "does something useful" {
$true | Should -Be $false
}' -replace "#name#",$Name
$Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)
Create-File -Path $Path -Name "$Name.ps1" -Content $scriptCode
Create-File -Path $Path -Name "$Name.Tests.ps1" -Content $testCode
function Create-File ($Path,$Name,$Content) {
if (-not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $Path)) {
& $SafeCommands['New-Item'] -ItemType Directory -Path $Path | & $SafeCommands['Out-Null']
$FullPath = & $SafeCommands['Join-Path'] -Path $Path -ChildPath $Name
if (-not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $FullPath)) {
& $SafeCommands['Set-Content'] -Path $FullPath -Value $Content -Encoding UTF8
& $SafeCommands['Get-Item'] -Path $FullPath
# This is deliberately not sent through $SafeCommands, because our own tests rely on
# mocking Write-Warning, and it's not really the end of the world if this call happens to
# be screwed up in an edge case.
Write-Warning "Skipping the file '$FullPath', because it already exists."
function New-MockObject {
This function instantiates a .NET object from a type.
Using the New-MockObject you can mock an object based on .NET type.
An .NET assembly for the particular type must be available in the system and loaded.
The .NET type to create an object based on.
PS> $obj = New-MockObject -Type 'System.Diagnostics.Process'
PS> $obj.GetType().FullName
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Script:ReportStrings = DATA {
StartMessage = "Executing all tests in '{0}'"
FilterMessage = ' matching test name {0}'
TagMessage = ' with Tags {0}'
MessageOfs = "', '"
CoverageTitle = 'Code coverage report:'
CoverageMessage = 'Covered {2:P2} of {3:N0} analyzed {0} in {4:N0} {1}.'
MissedSingular = 'Missed command:'
MissedPlural = 'Missed commands:'
CommandSingular = 'Command'
CommandPlural = 'Commands'
FileSingular = 'File'
FilePlural = 'Files'
Describe = 'Describing {0}'
Script = 'Executing script {0}'
Context = 'Context {0}'
Margin = ' '
Timing = 'Tests completed in {0}'
# If this is set to an empty string, the count won't be printed
ContextsPassed = ''
ContextsFailed = ''
TestsPassed = 'Tests Passed: {0}, '
TestsFailed = 'Failed: {0}, '
TestsSkipped = 'Skipped: {0}, '
TestsPending = 'Pending: {0}, '
TestsInconclusive = 'Inconclusive: {0} '
$Script:ReportTheme = DATA {
Describe = 'Green'
DescribeDetail = 'DarkYellow'
Context = 'Cyan'
ContextDetail = 'DarkCyan'
Pass = 'DarkGreen'
PassTime = 'DarkGray'
Fail = 'Red'
FailTime = 'DarkGray'
Skipped = 'Yellow'
Pending = 'Gray'
Inconclusive = 'Gray'
Incomplete = 'Yellow'
IncompleteTime = 'DarkGray'
Foreground = 'White'
Information = 'DarkGray'
Coverage = 'White'
CoverageWarn = 'DarkRed'
function Format-PesterPath ($Path, [String]$Delimiter) {
# -is check is not enough for the arrays, the incoming value will likely be object[]
# so we have to check if we can upcast to our required type
if ($null -eq $Path)
elseif ($Path -is [String])
elseif ($Path -is [hashtable])
# a well formed pester hashtable contains Path
elseif ($null -ne ($path -as [hashtable[]]))
($path | foreach { $_.Path }) -join $Delimiter
# needs to stay at the bottom because almost everything can be upcast to array of string
elseif ($Path -as [String[]])
$Path -join $Delimiter
function Write-PesterStart {
[Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
$Path = $Path
process {
if(-not ( $pester.Show | Has-Flag Header)) { return }
$OFS = $ReportStrings.MessageOfs
$message = $ReportStrings.StartMessage -f (Format-PesterPath $Path -Delimiter $OFS)
if ($PesterState.TestNameFilter) {
$message += $ReportStrings.FilterMessage -f "$($PesterState.TestNameFilter)"
if ($PesterState.TagFilter) {
$message += $ReportStrings.TagMessage -f "$($PesterState.TagFilter)"
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $message -Foreground $ReportTheme.Foreground
function Write-Describe {
param (
[Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
[string] $CommandUsed = 'Describe'
process {
if(-not ( $pester.Show | Has-Flag Describe)) { return }
$margin = $ReportStrings.Margin * $pester.IndentLevel
$Text = if($Describe.PSObject.Properties['Name'] -and $Describe.Name) {
$ReportStrings.$CommandUsed -f $Describe.Name
} else {
$ReportStrings.$CommandUsed -f $Describe
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host']
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] "${margin}${Text}" -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Describe
# If the feature has a longer description, write that too
if($Describe.PSObject.Properties['Description'] -and $Describe.Description) {
$Describe.Description -split "$([System.Environment]::NewLine)" | ForEach {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.Margin * ($pester.IndentLevel + 1)) $_ -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.DescribeDetail
function Write-Context {
param (
[Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
process {
if(-not ( $pester.Show | Has-Flag Context)) { return }
$Text = if($Context.PSObject.Properties['Name'] -and $Context.Name) {
$ReportStrings.Context -f $Context.Name
} else {
$ReportStrings.Context -f $Context
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host']
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.Margin + $Text) -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Context
# If the scenario has a longer description, write that too
if($Context.PSObject.Properties['Description'] -and $Context.Description) {
$Context.Description -split "$([System.Environment]::NewLine)" | ForEach {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] (" " * $ReportStrings.Context.Length) $_ -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.ContextDetail
function ConvertTo-PesterResult {
[String] $Name,
[Nullable[TimeSpan]] $Time,
[System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord
$testResult = @{
name = $Name
time = $time
failureMessage = ""
stackTrace = ""
ErrorRecord = $null
success = $false
result = "Failed"
if(-not $ErrorRecord)
$testResult.Result = "Passed"
$testResult.success = $true
return $testResult
if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed')
# we use TargetObject to pass structured information about the error.
$details = $ErrorRecord.TargetObject
$failureMessage = $details.Message
$file = $details.File
$line = $details.Line
$Text = $details.LineText
elseif ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'PesterTestInconclusive')
# we use TargetObject to pass structured information about the error.
$details = $ErrorRecord.TargetObject
$failureMessage = $details.Message
$file = $details.File
$line = $details.Line
$text = $details.LineText
$testResult.Result = 'Inconclusive'
$failureMessage = $ErrorRecord.ToString()
$file = $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
$line = $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
$Text = $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.Line
$testResult.failureMessage = $failureMessage
$testResult.stackTrace = "at <ScriptBlock>, ${file}: line ${line}$([System.Environment]::NewLine)${line}: ${Text}"
$testResult.ErrorRecord = $ErrorRecord
return $testResult
function Remove-Comments ($Text)
$text -replace "(?s)(<#.*#>)" -replace "\#.*"
function Write-PesterResult {
param (
[Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
process {
$quiet = $pester.Show -eq [Pester.OutputTypes]::None
$OutputType = [Pester.OutputTypes] $TestResult.Result
$writeToScreen = $pester.Show | Has-Flag $OutputType
$skipOutput = $quiet -or (-not $writeToScreen)
if ($skipOutput)
$margin = $ReportStrings.Margin * ($pester.IndentLevel + 1)
$error_margin = $margin + $ReportStrings.Margin
$output = $
$humanTime = Get-HumanTime $TestResult.Time.TotalSeconds
if (-not ($OutputType | Has-Flag 'Default, Summary'))
switch ($TestResult.Result)
Passed {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Pass "$margin[+] $output " -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.PassTime $humanTime
Failed {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail "$margin[-] $output " -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.FailTime $humanTime
if($pester.IncludeVSCodeMarker) {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail $($TestResult.stackTrace -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail $($TestResult.failureMessage -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)
else {
$TestResult.ErrorRecord |
ConvertTo-FailureLines |
foreach {$_.Message + $_.Trace} |
foreach { & $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Fail $($_ -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin) }
Skipped {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Skipped "$margin[!] $output $humanTime"
Pending {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Pending "$margin[?] $output $humanTime"
Inconclusive {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Inconclusive "$margin[?] $output $humanTime"
if ($testresult.FailureMessage) {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Inconclusive $($TestResult.failureMessage -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Inconclusive $($TestResult.stackTrace -replace '(?m)^',$error_margin)
default {
# TODO: Add actual Incomplete status as default rather than checking for null time.
if($null -eq $TestResult.Time) {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.Incomplete "$margin[?] $output " -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor $ReportTheme.IncompleteTime $humanTime
function Write-PesterReport {
param (
[Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
if(-not ($PesterState.Show | Has-Flag Summary)) { return }
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.Timing -f (Get-HumanTime $PesterState.Time.TotalSeconds)) -Foreground $ReportTheme.Foreground
$Success, $Failure = if($PesterState.FailedCount -gt 0) {
$ReportTheme.Foreground, $ReportTheme.Fail
} else {
$ReportTheme.Pass, $ReportTheme.Information
$Skipped = if($PesterState.SkippedCount -gt 0) { $ReportTheme.Skipped } else { $ReportTheme.Information }
$Pending = if($PesterState.PendingCount -gt 0) { $ReportTheme.Pending } else { $ReportTheme.Information }
$Inconclusive = if($PesterState.InconclusiveCount -gt 0) { $ReportTheme.Inconclusive } else { $ReportTheme.Information }
Try {
$PesterStatePassedScenariosCount = $PesterState.PassedScenarios.Count
Catch {
$PesterStatePassedScenariosCount = 0
Try {
$PesterStateFailedScenariosCount = $PesterState.FailedScenarios.Count
Catch {
$PesterStateFailedScenariosCount = 0
if($ReportStrings.ContextsPassed) {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.ContextsPassed -f $PesterStatePassedScenariosCount) -Foreground $Success -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.ContextsFailed -f $PesterStateFailedScenariosCount) -Foreground $Failure
if($ReportStrings.TestsPassed) {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsPassed -f $PesterState.PassedCount) -Foreground $Success -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsFailed -f $PesterState.FailedCount) -Foreground $Failure -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsSkipped -f $PesterState.SkippedCount) -Foreground $Skipped -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsPending -f $PesterState.PendingCount) -Foreground $Pending -NoNewLine
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.TestsInconclusive -f $PesterState.InconclusiveCount) -Foreground $Inconclusive
function Write-CoverageReport {
param ([object] $CoverageReport)
if ($null -eq $CoverageReport -or ($pester.Show -eq [Pester.OutputTypes]::None) -or $CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed -eq 0)
$totalCommandCount = $CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed
$fileCount = $CoverageReport.NumberOfFilesAnalyzed
$executedPercent = ($CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / $CoverageReport.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed).ToString("P2")
$command = if ($totalCommandCount -gt 1) { $ReportStrings.CommandPlural } else { $ReportStrings.CommandSingular }
$file = if ($fileCount -gt 1) { $ReportStrings.FilePlural } else { $ReportStrings.FileSingular }
$commonParent = Get-CommonParentPath -Path $CoverageReport.AnalyzedFiles
$report = $CoverageReport.MissedCommands | & $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -Property @(
@{ Name = 'File'; Expression = { Get-RelativePath -Path $_.File -RelativeTo $commonParent } }
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host']
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $ReportStrings.CoverageTitle -Foreground $ReportTheme.Coverage
if ($CoverageReport.MissedCommands.Count -gt 0)
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.CoverageMessage -f $command, $file, $executedPercent, $totalCommandCount, $fileCount) -Foreground $ReportTheme.CoverageWarn
if ($CoverageReport.MissedCommands.Count -eq 1)
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $ReportStrings.MissedSingular -Foreground $ReportTheme.CoverageWarn
} else {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] $ReportStrings.MissedPlural -Foreground $ReportTheme.CoverageWarn
$report | & $SafeCommands['Format-Table'] -AutoSize | & $SafeCommands['Out-Host']
} else {
& $SafeCommands['Write-Host'] ($ReportStrings.CoverageMessage -f $command, $file, $executedPercent, $totalCommandCount, $fileCount) -Foreground $ReportTheme.Coverage
function ConvertTo-FailureLines
param (
[Parameter(mandatory=$true, valueFromPipeline=$true)]
process {
$lines = & $script:SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Message = @()
Trace = @()
## convert the exception messages
$exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception
$exceptionLines = @()
while ($exception)
$exceptionName = $exception.GetType().Name
$thisLines = $exception.Message.Split([string[]]($([System.Environment]::NewLine),"\n","`n"), [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne 'PesterAssertionFailed')
$thisLines[0] = "$exceptionName`: $($thisLines[0])"
$exceptionLines += $thisLines
$exception = $exception.InnerException
$lines.Message += $exceptionLines
if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed')
$lines.Message += "$($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.Line)`: $($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.LineText)".Split([string[]]($([System.Environment]::NewLine),"\n","`n"), [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ( -not ($ErrorRecord | & $SafeCommands['Get-Member'] -Name ScriptStackTrace) )
if ($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed')
$lines.Trace += "at line: $($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.Line) in $($ErrorRecord.TargetObject.File)"
$lines.Trace += "at line: $($ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) in $($ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)"
return $lines
## convert the stack trace if present (there might be none if we are raising the error ourselves)
# todo: this is a workaround see
if ($null -ne $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace) {
$traceLines = $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace.Split([Environment]::NewLine, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$count = 0
# omit the lines internal to Pester
If ((GetPesterOS) -ne 'Windows') {
[String]$pattern1 = '^at (Invoke-Test|Context|Describe|InModuleScope|Invoke-Pester), .*/Functions/.*.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
[String]$pattern2 = '^at Should<End>, .*/Functions/Assertions/Should.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
[String]$pattern3 = '^at Assert-MockCalled, .*/Functions/Mock.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
Else {
[String]$pattern1 = '^at (Invoke-Test|Context|Describe|InModuleScope|Invoke-Pester), .*\\Functions\\.*.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
[String]$pattern2 = '^at Should<End>, .*\\Functions\\Assertions\\Should.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
[String]$pattern3 = '^at Assert-MockCalled, .*\\Functions\\Mock.ps1: line [0-9]*$'
foreach ( $line in $traceLines )
if ( $line -match $pattern1 )
$count ++
$lines.Trace += $traceLines |
& $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -First $count |
& $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] {
$_ -notmatch $pattern2 -and
$_ -notmatch $pattern3
return $lines
function New-PesterState
param (
[Pester.OutputTypes]$Show = 'All',
if ($null -eq $SessionState) { $SessionState = $ExecutionContext.SessionState }
if ($null -eq $PesterOption)
$PesterOption = New-PesterOption
elseif ($PesterOption -is [System.Collections.IDictionary])
$PesterOption = New-PesterOption @PesterOption
& $SafeCommands['New-Module'] -Name Pester -AsCustomObject -ArgumentList $TagFilter, $ExcludeTagFilter, $TestNameFilter, $SessionState, $Strict, $Show, $PesterOption -ScriptBlock {
param (
#public read-only
$TagFilter = $_tagFilter
$ExcludeTagFilter = $_excludeTagFilter
$TestNameFilter = $_testNameFilter
$script:SessionState = $_sessionState
$script:Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$script:MostRecentTimestamp = 0
$script:CommandCoverage = @()
$script:Strict = $Strict
$script:Show = $Show
$script:InTest = $false
$script:TestResult = @()
$script:TotalCount = 0
$script:Time = [timespan]0
$script:PassedCount = 0
$script:FailedCount = 0
$script:SkippedCount = 0
$script:PendingCount = 0
$script:InconclusiveCount = 0
$script:IncludeVSCodeMarker = $PesterOption.IncludeVSCodeMarker
$script:TestSuiteName = $PesterOption.TestSuiteName
$script:SafeCommands = @{}
$script:SafeCommands['New-Object'] = & (Pester\SafeGetCommand) -Name New-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility -CommandType Cmdlet
$script:SafeCommands['Select-Object'] = & (Pester\SafeGetCommand) -Name Select-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility -CommandType Cmdlet
$script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] = & (Pester\SafeGetCommand) -Name Export-ModuleMember -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core -CommandType Cmdlet
$script:SafeCommands['Add-Member'] = & (Pester\SafeGetCommand) -Name Add-Member -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility -CommandType Cmdlet
function New-TestGroup([string] $Name, [string] $Hint)
& $SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Name = $Name
Type = 'TestGroup'
Hint = $Hint
Actions = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
BeforeEach = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.Generic.List[scriptblock]
AfterEach = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.Generic.List[scriptblock]
BeforeAll = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.Generic.List[scriptblock]
AfterAll = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.Generic.List[scriptblock]
TotalCount = 0
Time = [timespan]0
PassedCount = 0
FailedCount = 0
SkippedCount = 0
PendingCount = 0
InconclusiveCount = 0
$script:TestActions = New-TestGroup -Name Pester -Hint Root
$script:TestGroupStack = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Collections.Stack
function EnterTestGroup([string] $Name, [string] $Hint)
$newGroup = New-TestGroup @PSBoundParameters
$null = $script:TestGroupStack.Peek().Actions.Add($newGroup)
function LeaveTestGroup([string] $Name, [string] $Hint)
$currentGroup = $script:TestGroupStack.Pop()
if ($currentGroup.Name -ne $Name -or $currentGroup.Hint -ne $Hint)
throw "TestGroups stack corrupted: Expected name/hint of '$Name','$Hint'. Found '$($currentGroup.Name)', '$($currentGroup.Hint)'."
function AddTestResult
param (
[string] $ParameterizedSuiteName,
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $Parameters,
[System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord
# defining this function in here, because otherwise it is not available
function New-ErrorRecord ([string] $Message, [string] $ErrorId, [string] $File, [string] $Line, [string] $LineText) {
$exception = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] Exception $Message
$errorCategory = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
# we use ErrorRecord.TargetObject to pass structured information about the error to a reporting system.
$targetObject = @{Message = $Message; File = $File; Line = $Line; LineText = $LineText}
$errorRecord = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $ErrorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject
return $errorRecord
$previousTime = $script:MostRecentTimestamp
$script:MostRecentTimestamp = $script:Stopwatch.Elapsed
if ($null -eq $Time)
$Time = $script:MostRecentTimestamp - $previousTime
if (-not $script:Strict)
$Passed = "Passed","Skipped","Pending" -contains $Result
$Passed = $Result -eq "Passed"
if (($Result -eq "Skipped") -or ($Result -eq "Pending"))
$FailureMessage = "The test failed because the test was executed in Strict mode and the result '$result' was translated to Failed."
$ErrorRecord = New-ErrorRecord -ErrorId 'PesterTestInconclusive' -Message $FailureMessage
$Result = "Failed"
$script:Time += $Time
switch ($Result)
Passed { $script:PassedCount++; break; }
Failed { $script:FailedCount++; break; }
Skipped { $script:SkippedCount++; break; }
Pending { $script:PendingCount++; break; }
Inconclusive { $script:InconclusiveCount++; break; }
$resultRecord = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] -TypeName PsObject -Property @{
Name = $Name
Type = 'TestCase'
Passed = $Passed
Result = $Result
Time = $Time
FailureMessage = $FailureMessage
StackTrace = $StackTrace
ErrorRecord = $ErrorRecord
ParameterizedSuiteName = $ParameterizedSuiteName
Parameters = $Parameters
Show = $script:Show
$null = $script:TestGroupStack.Peek().Actions.Add($resultRecord)
# Attempting some degree of backward compatibility for the TestResult collection for now; deprecated and will be removed in the future
$describe = ''
$contexts = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
# make a copy of the stack and reverse it
$reversedStack = $script:TestGroupStack.ToArray()
foreach ($group in $reversedStack)
if ($group.Hint -eq 'Root' -or $group.Hint -eq 'Script') { continue }
if ($describe -eq '')
$describe = $group.Name
$null = $contexts.Add($group.Name)
$context = $contexts -join '\'
$script:TestResult += & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Describe = $describe
Context = $context
Name = $Name
Passed = $Passed
Result = $Result
Time = $Time
FailureMessage = $FailureMessage
StackTrace = $StackTrace
ErrorRecord = $ErrorRecord
ParameterizedSuiteName = $ParameterizedSuiteName
Parameters = $Parameters
Show = $script:Show
function AddSetupOrTeardownBlock([scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [string] $CommandName)
$currentGroup = $script:TestGroupStack.Peek()
$isSetupCommand = IsSetupCommand -CommandName $CommandName
$isGroupCommand = IsTestGroupCommand -CommandName $CommandName
if ($isSetupCommand)
if ($isGroupCommand)
if ($isGroupCommand)
function IsSetupCommand
param ([string] $CommandName)
return $CommandName -eq 'BeforeEach' -or $CommandName -eq 'BeforeAll'
function IsTestGroupCommand
param ([string] $CommandName)
return $CommandName -eq 'BeforeAll' -or $CommandName -eq 'AfterAll'
function GetTestCaseSetupBlocks
$blocks = @(
foreach ($group in $this.TestGroups)
return $blocks
function GetTestCaseTeardownBlocks
$groups = @($this.TestGroups)
$blocks = @(
foreach ($group in $groups)
return $blocks
function GetCurrentTestGroupSetupBlocks
return $script:TestGroupStack.Peek().BeforeAll
function GetCurrentTestGroupTeardownBlocks
return $script:TestGroupStack.Peek().AfterAll
function EnterTest
if ($script:InTest)
throw 'You are already in a test case.'
$script:InTest = $true
function LeaveTest
$script:InTest = $false
$ExportedVariables = "TagFilter",
$ExportedFunctions = "EnterTestGroup",
& $SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] -Variable $ExportedVariables -function $ExportedFunctions
} |
& $SafeCommands['Add-Member'] -PassThru -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name CurrentTestGroup -Value {
} |
& $SafeCommands['Add-Member'] -PassThru -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name TestGroups -Value {
$array = $this.TestGroupStack.ToArray()
return $array
} |
& $SafeCommands['Add-Member'] -PassThru -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name IndentLevel -Value {
# We ignore the root node of the stack here, and don't start indenting until after the Script nodes inside the root
return [Math]::Max(0, $this.TestGroupStack.Count - 2)
function BeforeEach
Defines a series of steps to perform at the beginning of every It block within
the current Context or Describe block.
BeforeEach, AfterEach, BeforeAll, and AfterAll are unique in that they apply
to the entire Context or Describe block, regardless of the order of the
statements in the Context or Describe. For a full description of this
behavior, as well as how multiple BeforeEach or AfterEach blocks interact
with each other, please refer to the about_BeforeEach_AfterEach help file.
# the scriptblock to execute
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
Position = 1)]
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName BeforeEach
function AfterEach
Defines a series of steps to perform at the end of every It block within
the current Context or Describe block.
BeforeEach, AfterEach, BeforeAll, and AfterAll are unique in that they apply
to the entire Context or Describe block, regardless of the order of the
statements in the Context or Describe. For a full description of this
behavior, as well as how multiple BeforeEach or AfterEach blocks interact
with each other, please refer to the about_BeforeEach_AfterEach help file.
# the scriptblock to execute
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
Position = 1)]
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName AfterEach
function BeforeAll
Defines a series of steps to perform at the beginning of the current Context
or Describe block.
BeforeEach, AfterEach, BeforeAll, and AfterAll are unique in that they apply
to the entire Context or Describe block, regardless of the order of the
statements in the Context or Describe.
# the scriptblock to execute
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
Position = 1)]
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName BeforeAll
function AfterAll
Defines a series of steps to perform at the end of every It block within
the current Context or Describe block.
BeforeEach, AfterEach, BeforeAll, and AfterAll are unique in that they apply
to the entire Context or Describe block, regardless of the order of the
statements in the Context or Describe.
# the scriptblock to execute
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
Position = 1)]
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName AfterAll
function Invoke-TestCaseSetupBlocks
Invoke-Blocks -ScriptBlock $pester.GetTestCaseSetupBlocks()
function Invoke-TestCaseTeardownBlocks
Invoke-Blocks -ScriptBlock $pester.GetTestCaseTeardownBlocks()
function Invoke-TestGroupSetupBlocks
Invoke-Blocks -ScriptBlock $pester.GetCurrentTestGroupSetupBlocks()
function Invoke-TestGroupTeardownBlocks
Invoke-Blocks -ScriptBlock $pester.GetCurrentTestGroupTeardownBlocks()
function Invoke-Blocks
param ([scriptblock[]] $ScriptBlock)
foreach ($block in $ScriptBlock)
if ($null -eq $block) { continue }
$null = . $block
function Add-SetupAndTeardown
param (
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 2)
Add-SetupAndTeardownV2 -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
Add-SetupAndTeardownV3 -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
function Add-SetupAndTeardownV3
param (
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
$pattern = '^(?:Before|After)(?:Each|All)$'
$predicate = {
param ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast)
$Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] -and
$Ast.CommandElements.Count -eq 2 -and
$Ast.CommandElements[0].ToString() -match $pattern -and
$Ast.CommandElements[1] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAst]
$searchNestedBlocks = $false
$calls = $ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll($predicate, $searchNestedBlocks)
foreach ($call in $calls)
# For some reason, calling ScriptBlockAst.GetScriptBlock() sometimes blows up due to failing semantics
# checks, even though the code is perfectly valid. So we'll poke around with reflection again to skip
# that part and just call the internal ScriptBlock constructor that we need
$iPmdProviderType = [scriptblock].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.Language.IParameterMetadataProvider')
$flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic'
$constructor = [scriptblock].GetConstructor($flags, $null, [Type[]]@($iPmdProviderType, [bool]), $null)
$block = $constructor.Invoke(@($call.CommandElements[1].ScriptBlock, $false))
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $block -SessionState $pester.SessionState
$commandName = $call.CommandElements[0].ToString()
Add-SetupOrTeardownScriptBlock -CommandName $commandName -ScriptBlock $block
function Add-SetupAndTeardownV2
param (
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
$codeText = $ScriptBlock.ToString()
$tokens = @(ParseCodeIntoTokens -CodeText $codeText)
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $tokens.Count; $i++)
$token = $tokens[$i]
$type = $token.Type
if ($type -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSTokenType]::Command -and
(IsSetupOrTeardownCommand -CommandName $token.Content))
$openBraceIndex, $closeBraceIndex = Get-BraceIndicesForCommand -Tokens $tokens -CommandIndex $i
$block = Get-ScriptBlockFromTokens -Tokens $Tokens -OpenBraceIndex $openBraceIndex -CloseBraceIndex $closeBraceIndex -CodeText $codeText
Add-SetupOrTeardownScriptBlock -CommandName $token.Content -ScriptBlock $block
$i = $closeBraceIndex
elseif ($type -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSTokenType]::GroupStart)
# We don't want to parse Setup or Teardown commands in child scopes here, so anything
# bounded by a GroupStart / GroupEnd token pair which is not immediately preceded by
# a setup / teardown command name is ignored.
$i = Get-GroupCloseTokenIndex -Tokens $tokens -GroupStartTokenIndex $i
function ParseCodeIntoTokens
param ([string] $CodeText)
$parseErrors = $null
$tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($CodeText, [ref] $parseErrors)
if ($parseErrors.Count -gt 0)
$currentScope = $pester.CurrentTestGroup.Hint
if (-not $currentScope) { $currentScope = 'test group' }
throw "The current $currentScope block contains syntax errors."
return $tokens
function IsSetupOrTeardownCommand
param ([string] $CommandName)
return (IsSetupCommand -CommandName $CommandName) -or (IsTeardownCommand -CommandName $CommandName)
function IsSetupCommand
param ([string] $CommandName)
return $CommandName -eq 'BeforeEach' -or $CommandName -eq 'BeforeAll'
function IsTeardownCommand
param ([string] $CommandName)
return $CommandName -eq 'AfterEach' -or $CommandName -eq 'AfterAll'
function IsTestGroupCommand
param ([string] $CommandName)
return $CommandName -eq 'BeforeAll' -or $CommandName -eq 'AfterAll'
function Get-BraceIndicesForCommand
param (
[System.Management.Automation.PSToken[]] $Tokens,
[int] $CommandIndex
$openingGroupTokenIndex = Get-GroupStartTokenForCommand -Tokens $Tokens -CommandIndex $CommandIndex
$closingGroupTokenIndex = Get-GroupCloseTokenIndex -Tokens $Tokens -GroupStartTokenIndex $openingGroupTokenIndex
return $openingGroupTokenIndex, $closingGroupTokenIndex
function Get-GroupStartTokenForCommand
param (
[System.Management.Automation.PSToken[]] $Tokens,
[int] $CommandIndex
# We may want to allow newlines, other parameters, etc at some point. For now it's good enough to
# just verify that the next token after our BeforeEach or AfterEach command is an opening curly brace.
$commandName = $Tokens[$CommandIndex].Content
if ($CommandIndex + 1 -ge $tokens.Count -or
$tokens[$CommandIndex + 1].Type -ne [System.Management.Automation.PSTokenType]::GroupStart -or
$tokens[$CommandIndex + 1].Content -ne '{')
throw "The $commandName command must be immediately followed by the opening brace of a script block."
return $CommandIndex + 1
& $SafeCommands['Add-Type'] -TypeDefinition @'
namespace Pester
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;
public static class ClosingBraceFinder
public static int GetClosingBraceIndex(PSToken[] tokens, int startIndex)
int groupLevel = 1;
int len = tokens.Length;
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < len; i++)
PSTokenType type = tokens[i].Type;
if (type == PSTokenType.GroupStart)
else if (type == PSTokenType.GroupEnd)
if (groupLevel <= 0) { return i; }
return -1;
function Get-GroupCloseTokenIndex
param (
[System.Management.Automation.PSToken[]] $Tokens,
[int] $GroupStartTokenIndex
$closeIndex = [Pester.ClosingBraceFinder]::GetClosingBraceIndex($Tokens, $GroupStartTokenIndex)
if ($closeIndex -lt 0)
throw 'No corresponding GroupEnd token was found.'
return $closeIndex
function Get-ScriptBlockFromTokens
param (
[System.Management.Automation.PSToken[]] $Tokens,
[int] $OpenBraceIndex,
[int] $CloseBraceIndex,
[string] $CodeText
$blockStart = $Tokens[$OpenBraceIndex + 1].Start
$blockLength = $Tokens[$CloseBraceIndex].Start - $blockStart
$setupOrTeardownCodeText = $codeText.Substring($blockStart, $blockLength)
$scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($setupOrTeardownCodeText)
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -SessionState $pester.SessionState
return $scriptBlock
function Add-SetupOrTeardownScriptBlock
param (
[string] $CommandName,
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
$Pester.AddSetupOrTeardownBlock($ScriptBlock, $CommandName)
function New-TestDrive ([Switch]$PassThru, [string] $Path) {
if ($Path -notmatch '\S')
$directory = New-RandomTempDirectory
if (-not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $Path))
& $SafeCommands['New-Item'] -ItemType Container -Path $Path | & $SafeCommands['Out-Null']
$directory = & $SafeCommands['Get-Item'] $Path
$DriveName = "TestDrive"
#setup the test drive
if ( -not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] "${DriveName}:\") )
& $SafeCommands['New-PSDrive'] -Name $DriveName -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $directory -Scope Global -Description "Pester test drive" | & $SafeCommands['Out-Null']
#publish the global TestDrive variable used in few places within the module
if (-not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] "Variable:Global:$DriveName"))
& $SafeCommands['New-Variable'] -Name $DriveName -Scope Global -Value $directory
if ( $PassThru ) { & $SafeCommands['Get-PSDrive'] -Name $DriveName }
function Clear-TestDrive ([String[]]$Exclude) {
$Path = (& $SafeCommands['Get-PSDrive'] -Name TestDrive).Root
if (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $Path )
#Get-ChildItem -Exclude did not seem to work with full paths
& $SafeCommands['Get-ChildItem'] -Recurse -Path $Path |
& $SafeCommands['Sort-Object'] -Descending -Property "FullName" |
& $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $Exclude -NotContains $_.FullName } |
& $SafeCommands['Remove-Item'] -Force -Recurse
function New-RandomTempDirectory {
$tempPath = Get-TempDirectory
$Path = & $SafeCommands['Join-Path'] -Path $tempPath -ChildPath ([Guid]::NewGuid())
} until (-not (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $Path ))
& $SafeCommands['New-Item'] -ItemType Container -Path $Path
function Get-TestDriveItem {
The Get-TestDriveItem cmdlet gets the item in Pester test drive.
The Get-TestDriveItem cmdlet gets the item in Pester test drive. It does not
get the contents of the item at the location unless you use a wildcard
character (*) to request all the contents of the item.
The function Get-TestDriveItem is deprecated since Pester v. 4.0
and will be deleted in the next major version of Pester.
Specifies the path to an item. The path need to be relative to TestDrive:.
This cmdlet gets the item at the specified location. Wildcards are permitted.
This parameter is required, but the parameter name ("Path") is optional.
Get-TestDriveItem MyTestFolder\MyTestFile.txt
This command returns the file MyTestFile.txt located in the folder MyTestFolder
what is located under TestDrive.
#moved here from Pester.psm1
param ([string]$Path)
& $SafeCommands['Write-Warning'] -Message "The function Get-TestDriveItem is deprecated since Pester 4.0.0 and will be removed from Pester 5.0.0."
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Get-TestDriveItem
& $SafeCommands['Get-Item'] $(& $SafeCommands['Join-Path'] $TestDrive $Path )
function Get-TestDriveChildItem {
$Path = (& $SafeCommands['Get-PSDrive'] -Name TestDrive).Root
if (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $Path )
& $SafeCommands['Get-ChildItem'] -Recurse -Path $Path
function Remove-TestDrive {
$DriveName = "TestDrive"
$Drive = & $SafeCommands['Get-PSDrive'] -Name $DriveName -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference
$Path = ($Drive).Root
if ($pwd -like "$DriveName*" ) {
#will staying in the test drive cause issues?
#TODO review this
& $SafeCommands['Write-Warning'] -Message "Your current path is set to ${pwd}:. You should leave ${DriveName}:\ before leaving Describe."
if ( $Drive )
$Drive | & $SafeCommands['Remove-PSDrive'] -Force -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference
if (& $SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path $Path)
& $SafeCommands['Remove-Item'] -Path $Path -Force -Recurse
if (& $SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name $DriveName -Scope Global -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference) {
& $SafeCommands['Remove-Variable'] -Scope Global -Name $DriveName -Force
function Setup {
This command is included in the Pester Mocking framework for backwards compatibility. You do not need to call it directly.
$Content = "",
Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Setup
$TestDriveName = & $SafeCommands['Get-PSDrive'] TestDrive |
& $SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty Root
if ($Dir) {
$item = & $SafeCommands['New-Item'] -Name $Path -Path "${TestDriveName}\" -Type Container -Force
if ($File) {
$item = $Content | & $SafeCommands['New-Item'] -Name $Path -Path "${TestDriveName}\" -Type File -Force
if($PassThru) {
return $item
function Get-HumanTime($Seconds) {
if($Seconds -gt 0.99) {
$time = [math]::Round($Seconds, 2)
$unit = 's'
else {
$time = [math]::Floor($Seconds * 1000)
$unit = 'ms'
return "$time$unit"
function GetFullPath ([string]$Path) {
if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path))
$Path = & $SafeCommands['Join-Path'] $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation $Path
return $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)
function Export-PesterResults
param (
[string] $Path,
[string] $Format
switch ($Format)
'NUnitXml' { Export-NUnitReport -PesterState $PesterState -Path $Path }
throw "'$Format' is not a valid Pester export format."
function Export-NUnitReport {
param (
#the xmlwriter create method can resolve relatives paths by itself. but its current directory might
#be different from what PowerShell sees as the current directory so I have to resolve the path beforehand
#working around the limitations of Resolve-Path
$Path = GetFullPath -Path $Path
$settings = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] -TypeName Xml.XmlWriterSettings -Property @{
Indent = $true
NewLineOnAttributes = $false
$xmlFile = $null
$xmlWriter = $null
try {
$xmlFile = [IO.File]::Create($Path)
$xmlWriter = [Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($xmlFile, $settings)
Write-NUnitReport -XmlWriter $xmlWriter -PesterState $PesterState
if ($null -ne $xmlWriter) {
try { $xmlWriter.Close() } catch {}
if ($null -ne $xmlFile) {
try { $xmlFile.Close() } catch {}
function Write-NUnitReport($PesterState, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter)
# Write the XML Declaration
# Write Root Element
Write-NUnitTestResultAttributes @PSBoundParameters
Write-NUnitTestResultChildNodes @PSBoundParameters
function Write-NUnitTestResultAttributes($PesterState, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('xmlns','xsi', $null, '')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('xsi','noNamespaceSchemaLocation', [Xml.Schema.XmlSchema]::InstanceNamespace , 'nunit_schema_2.5.xsd')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('total', ($PesterState.TotalCount - $PesterState.SkippedCount))
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('errors', '0')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('failures', $PesterState.FailedCount)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('not-run', '0')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('inconclusive', $PesterState.PendingCount + $PesterState.InconclusiveCount)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('ignored', $PesterState.SkippedCount)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('skipped', '0')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('invalid', '0')
$date = & $SafeCommands['Get-Date']
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('date', (& $SafeCommands['Get-Date'] -Date $date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('time', (& $SafeCommands['Get-Date'] -Date $date -Format 'HH:mm:ss'))
function Write-NUnitTestResultChildNodes($PesterState, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter)
Write-NUnitEnvironmentInformation @PSBoundParameters
Write-NUnitCultureInformation @PSBoundParameters
$suiteInfo = Get-TestSuiteInfo -TestSuite $PesterState -TestSuiteName $PesterState.TestSuiteName
Write-NUnitTestSuiteAttributes -TestSuiteInfo $suiteInfo -XmlWriter $XmlWriter
foreach ($action in $PesterState.TestActions.Actions)
Write-NUnitTestSuiteElements -XmlWriter $XmlWriter -Node $action
function Write-NUnitEnvironmentInformation($PesterState, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter)
$environment = Get-RunTimeEnvironment
foreach ($keyValuePair in $environment.GetEnumerator()) {
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString($keyValuePair.Name, $keyValuePair.Value)
function Write-NUnitCultureInformation($PesterState, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('current-culture', ([System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture).Name)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('current-uiculture', ([System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUiCulture).Name)
function Write-NUnitTestSuiteElements($Node, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter, [string] $Path)
$suiteInfo = Get-TestSuiteInfo $Node
Write-NUnitTestSuiteAttributes -TestSuiteInfo $suiteInfo -XmlWriter $XmlWriter
$separator = if ($Path) { '.' } else { '' }
$newName = if ($Node.Hint -ne 'Script') { $suiteInfo.Name } else { '' }
$newPath = "${Path}${separator}${newName}"
foreach ($action in $Node.Actions)
if ($action.Type -eq 'TestGroup')
Write-NUnitTestSuiteElements -Node $action -XmlWriter $XmlWriter -Path $newPath
$suites = @(
$Node.Actions |
& $SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Type -eq 'TestCase' } |
& $SafeCommands['Group-Object'] -Property ParameterizedSuiteName
foreach ($suite in $suites)
if ($suite.Name)
$parameterizedSuiteInfo = Get-ParameterizedTestSuiteInfo -TestSuiteGroup $suite
Write-NUnitTestSuiteAttributes -TestSuiteInfo $parameterizedSuiteInfo -TestSuiteType 'ParameterizedTest' -XmlWriter $XmlWriter -Path $newPath
foreach ($testCase in $suite.Group)
Write-NUnitTestCaseElement -TestResult $testCase -XmlWriter $XmlWriter -Path $newPath -ParameterizedSuiteName $suite.Name
if ($suite.Name)
function Get-ParameterizedTestSuiteInfo ([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfo] $TestSuiteGroup)
$node = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Name = $TestSuiteGroup.Name
TotalCount = 0
Time = [timespan]0
PassedCount = 0
FailedCount = 0
SkippedCount = 0
PendingCount = 0
InconclusiveCount = 0
foreach ($testCase in $TestSuiteGroup.Group)
switch ($testCase.Result)
Passed { $Node.PassedCount++; break; }
Failed { $Node.FailedCount++; break; }
Skipped { $Node.SkippedCount++; break; }
Pending { $Node.PendingCount++; break; }
Inconclusive { $Node.InconclusiveCount++; break; }
$Node.Time += $testCase.Time
return Get-TestSuiteInfo -TestSuite $node
function Get-TestSuiteInfo ($TestSuite, $TestSuiteName)
if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TestSuiteName')) { $TestSuiteName = $TestSuite.Name }
$suite = @{
resultMessage = 'Failure'
success = if ($TestSuite.FailedCount -eq 0) { 'True' } else { 'False' }
totalTime = Convert-TimeSpan $TestSuite.Time
name = $TestSuiteName
description = $TestSuiteName
$suite.resultMessage = Get-GroupResult $TestSuite
function Get-TestTime($tests) {
[TimeSpan]$totalTime = 0;
if ($tests)
foreach ($test in $tests)
$totalTime += $test.time
Convert-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $totalTime
function Convert-TimeSpan {
param (
process {
if ($TimeSpan) {
function Get-TestSuccess($tests) {
$result = $true
if ($tests)
foreach ($test in $tests) {
if (-not $test.Passed) {
$result = $false
function Write-NUnitTestSuiteAttributes($TestSuiteInfo, [string] $TestSuiteType = 'TestFixture', [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter, [string] $Path)
$name = $TestSuiteInfo.Name
if ($TestSuiteType -eq 'ParameterizedTest' -and $Path)
$name = "$Path.$name"
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('type', $TestSuiteType)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('name', $name)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('executed', 'True')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('result', $TestSuiteInfo.resultMessage)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('success', $TestSuiteInfo.success)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('description', $TestSuiteInfo.Description)
function Write-NUnitTestCaseElement($TestResult, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter, [string] $ParameterizedSuiteName, [string] $Path)
Write-NUnitTestCaseAttributes -TestResult $TestResult -XmlWriter $XmlWriter -ParameterizedSuiteName $ParameterizedSuiteName -Path $Path
function Write-NUnitTestCaseAttributes($TestResult, [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $XmlWriter, [string] $ParameterizedSuiteName, [string] $Path)
$testName = $TestResult.Name
if ($testName -eq $ParameterizedSuiteName)
$paramString = ''
if ($null -ne $TestResult.Parameters)
$params = @(
foreach ($value in $TestResult.Parameters.Values)
if ($null -eq $value)
elseif ($value -is [string])
'"{0}"' -f $value
#do not use .ToString() it uses the current culture settings
#and we need to use en-US culture, which [string] or .ToString([Globalization.CultureInfo]'en-us') uses
$paramString = $params -join ','
$testName = "$testName($paramString)"
$separator = if ($Path) { '.' } else { '' }
$testName = "${Path}${separator}${testName}"
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('description', $TestResult.Name)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('name', $testName)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('time', (Convert-TimeSpan $TestResult.Time))
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('asserts', '0')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('success', $TestResult.Passed)
switch ($TestResult.Result)
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('result', 'Success')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('executed', 'True')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('result', 'Ignored')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('executed', 'False')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('result', 'Inconclusive')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('executed', 'True')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('result', 'Inconclusive')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('executed', 'True')
if ($TestResult.FailureMessage)
$xmlWriter.WriteElementString('message', $TestResult.FailureMessage)
$XmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # Close reason tag
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('result', 'Failure')
$XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('executed', 'True')
$xmlWriter.WriteElementString('message', $TestResult.FailureMessage)
$XmlWriter.WriteElementString('stack-trace', $TestResult.StackTrace)
$XmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # Close failure tag
function Get-RunTimeEnvironment() {
# based on what we found during startup, use the appropriate cmdlet
if ( $SafeCommands['Get-CimInstance'] -ne $null )
$osSystemInformation = (& $SafeCommands['Get-CimInstance'] Win32_OperatingSystem)
elseif ( $SafeCommands['Get-WmiObject'] -ne $null )
$osSystemInformation = (& $SafeCommands['Get-WmiObject'] Win32_OperatingSystem)
$osSystemInformation = @{
Name = "Unknown"
Version = ""
If ( ($PSVersionTable.ContainsKey('PSEdition')) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -EQ 'Core')) {
$CLrVersion = "Unknown"
Else {
$CLrVersion = [string]$PSVersionTable.ClrVersion
'nunit-version' = ''
'os-version' = $osSystemInformation.Version
platform = $osSystemInformation.Name
cwd = (& $SafeCommands['Get-Location']).Path #run path
'machine-name' = $env:ComputerName
user = $env:Username
'user-domain' = $env:userDomain
'clr-version' = $CLrVersion
function Exit-WithCode ($FailedCount) {
function Get-GroupResult ($InputObject)
#I am not sure about the result precedence, and can't find any good source
#TODO: Confirm this is the correct order of precedence
if ($inputObject.FailedCount -gt 0) { return 'Failure' }
if ($InputObject.SkippedCount -gt 0) { return 'Ignored' }
if ($InputObject.PendingCount -gt 0) { return 'Inconclusive' }
return 'Success'
md5: D7F8D7CCD83AE1E70E02ED12D3A1ED2E | sha1: 8BF711F2F904CAD27A9604F38F59680C97E4AB44 | sha256: 352A6A598BA8D1E350F497791A9FB9AC64BA11E977FF6CCB7432D8516DDF7685 | sha512: 740BBDD6F10839ED0DF0F373253B3422469C6718EAF40EEE014FCD9659894EE6482FEB0E643D06F7662A065806795D19A5F03019AE038A217729AEAAE0751F2D
md5: 57D3FEAD935A8F3CCCACB159DAE1AAE6 | sha1: D5747A5E77B2D76BAA87887295CC3A5D62BF7ED3 | sha256: 2BF80E108FC1A112D9AC9E631D29903028EEBABD2A7831ACFCE88CCBEFDF773E | sha512: 6BCD2A6ED4FE3F3E24C88A767D08231A4F83CDF43E01DDF083E23EB00D38D0897680F76A14B9A9E7E83907792B1C8507AF7AE4D43FB8E142BB0B26201BFC0FA3
md5: E346FCECD037F0BE2777231949977587 | sha1: 50E571B3AEA31DB3DF2610A1CA4DFC94612A2CC4 | sha256: EFD8CF9A3BC2AB4E15FA33D42771E18D78539759CBF30652DF4C43E6825CE5F0 | sha512: FFC183626899D1AD1806786BC95C4809AAB3947C78FBFDB38A01D312F2F679DC7DC82F8389074CBCC470D055982CFC370D482FF4D0B3B91532CA409B1FCA32A9
# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
ModuleToProcess = 'Pester.psm1'
# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '4.2.0'
# ID used to uniquely identify this module
GUID = 'a699dea5-2c73-4616-a270-1f7abb777e71'
# Author of this module
Author = 'Pester Team'
# Company or vendor of this module
CompanyName = 'Pester'
# Copyright statement for this module
Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2017 by Pester Team, licensed under Apache 2.0 License.'
# Description of the functionality provided by this module
Description = 'Pester provides a framework for running BDD style Tests to execute and validate PowerShell commands inside of PowerShell and offers a powerful set of Mocking Functions that allow tests to mimic and mock the functionality of any command inside of a piece of PowerShell code being tested. Pester tests can execute any command or script that is accessible to a pester test file. This can include functions, Cmdlets, Modules and scripts. Pester can be run in ad hoc style in a console or it can be integrated into the Build scripts of a Continuous Integration system.'
# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
PowerShellVersion = '2.0'
# Functions to export from this module
FunctionsToExport = @(
# Gherkin Support:
# # Cmdlets to export from this module
# CmdletsToExport = '*'
# Variables to export from this module
VariablesToExport = @(
# # Aliases to export from this module
AliasesToExport = @(
# List of all modules packaged with this module
# ModuleList = @()
# List of all files packaged with this module
# FileList = @()
PrivateData = @{
# PSData is module packaging and gallery metadata embedded in PrivateData
# It's for rebuilding PowerShellGet (and PoshCode) NuGet-style packages
# We had to do this because it's the only place we're allowed to extend the manifest
PSData = @{
# The primary categorization of this module (from the TechNet Gallery tech tree).
Category = "Scripting Techniques"
# Keyword tags to help users find this module via navigations and search.
Tags = @('powershell','unit_testing','bdd','tdd','mocking')
# The web address of an icon which can be used in galleries to represent this module
IconUri = ''
# The web address of this module's project or support homepage.
ProjectUri = ""
# The web address of this module's license. Points to a page that's embeddable and linkable.
LicenseUri = ""
# Release notes for this particular version of the module
ReleaseNotes = ''
# Prerelease string of this module
Prerelease = 'alpha3'
# HelpInfo URI of this module
# HelpInfoURI = ''
# Default prefix for commands exported from this module. Override the default prefix using Import-Module -Prefix.
# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3)
$script:IgnoreErrorPreference = 'Ignore'
$outNullModule = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core'
$outHostModule = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core'
$script:IgnoreErrorPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$outNullModule = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'
$outHostModule = $null
# Tried using $ExecutionState.InvokeCommand.GetCmdlet() here, but it does not trigger module auto-loading the way
# Get-Command does. Since this is at import time, before any mocks have been defined, that's probably acceptable.
# If someone monkeys with Get-Command before they import Pester, they may break something.
# The -All parameter is required when calling Get-Command to ensure that PowerShell can find the command it is
# looking for. Otherwise, if you have modules loaded that define proxy cmdlets or that have cmdlets with the same
# name as the safe cmdlets, Get-Command will return null.
$safeCommandLookupParameters = @{
CommandType = [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet
ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 2)
$safeCommandLookupParameters['All'] = $true
$script:SafeCommands = @{
'Add-Member' = Get-Command -Name Add-Member -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Add-Type' = Get-Command -Name Add-Type -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Compare-Object' = Get-Command -Name Compare-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Export-ModuleMember' = Get-Command -Name Export-ModuleMember -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'ForEach-Object' = Get-Command -Name ForEach-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Format-Table' = Get-Command -Name Format-Table -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-ChildItem' = Get-Command -Name Get-ChildItem -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Command' = Get-Command -Name Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Content' = Get-Command -Name Get-Content -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Date' = Get-Command -Name Get-Date -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Item' = Get-Command -Name Get-Item -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-ItemProperty' = Get-Command -Name Get-ItemProperty -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Location' = Get-Command -Name Get-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Member' = Get-Command -Name Get-Member -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Module' = Get-Command -Name Get-Module -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-PSDrive' = Get-Command -Name Get-PSDrive -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-PSCallStack' = Get-Command -Name Get-PSCallStack -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Unique' = Get-Command -Name Get-Unique -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Get-Variable' = Get-Command -Name Get-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Group-Object' = Get-Command -Name Group-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Import-LocalizedData' = Get-Command -Name Import-LocalizedData -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Import-Module' = Get-Command -Name Import-Module -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Join-Path' = Get-Command -Name Join-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Measure-Object' = Get-Command -Name Measure-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'New-Item' = Get-Command -Name New-Item -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'New-Module' = Get-Command -Name New-Module -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'New-Object' = Get-Command -Name New-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'New-PSDrive' = Get-Command -Name New-PSDrive -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'New-Variable' = Get-Command -Name New-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Out-Host' = Get-Command -Name Out-Host -Module $outHostModule @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Out-File' = Get-Command -Name Out-File -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Out-Null' = Get-Command -Name Out-Null -Module $outNullModule @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Out-String' = Get-Command -Name Out-String -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Pop-Location' = Get-Command -Name Pop-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Push-Location' = Get-Command -Name Push-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Remove-Item' = Get-Command -Name Remove-Item -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Remove-PSBreakpoint' = Get-Command -Name Remove-PSBreakpoint -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Remove-PSDrive' = Get-Command -Name Remove-PSDrive -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Remove-Variable' = Get-Command -Name Remove-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Resolve-Path' = Get-Command -Name Resolve-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Select-Object' = Get-Command -Name Select-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Set-Content' = Get-Command -Name Set-Content -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Set-Location' = Get-Command -Name Set-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Set-PSBreakpoint' = Get-Command -Name Set-PSBreakpoint -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Set-StrictMode' = Get-Command -Name Set-StrictMode -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Set-Variable' = Get-Command -Name Set-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Sort-Object' = Get-Command -Name Sort-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Split-Path' = Get-Command -Name Split-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Start-Sleep' = Get-Command -Name Start-Sleep -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Test-Path' = Get-Command -Name Test-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Where-Object' = Get-Command -Name Where-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Write-Error' = Get-Command -Name Write-Error -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Write-Host' = Get-Command -Name Write-Host -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Write-Progress' = Get-Command -Name Write-Progress -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Write-Verbose' = Get-Command -Name Write-Verbose -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
'Write-Warning' = Get-Command -Name Write-Warning -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters
# Not all platforms have Get-WmiObject (Nano or PSCore 6.0.0-beta.x on Linux)
# Get-CimInstance is preferred, but we can use Get-WmiObject if it exists
# Moreover, it shouldn't really be fatal if neither of those cmdlets
# exist
if ( Get-Command -ea SilentlyContinue Get-CimInstance )
$script:SafeCommands['Get-CimInstance'] = Get-Command -Name Get-CimInstance -Module CimCmdlets @safeCommandLookupParameters
elseif ( Get-command -ea SilentlyContinue Get-WmiObject )
$script:SafeCommands['Get-WmiObject'] = Get-Command -Name Get-WmiObject -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters
Write-Warning "OS Information retrieval is not possible, reports will contain only partial system data"
# little sanity check to make sure we don't blow up a system with a typo up there
# (not that I've EVER done that by, for example, mapping New-Item to Remove-Item...)
foreach ($keyValuePair in $script:SafeCommands.GetEnumerator())
if ($keyValuePair.Key -ne $keyValuePair.Value.Name)
throw "SafeCommands entry for $($keyValuePair.Key) does not hold a reference to the proper command."
$script:AssertionOperators = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] 'Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]'([StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
$script:AssertionAliases = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] 'Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]'([StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
$script:AssertionDynamicParams = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
function Test-NullOrWhiteSpace {
param ([string]$String)
$String -match "^\s*$"
function Assert-ValidAssertionName
if ($Name -notmatch '^\S+$')
throw "Assertion name '$name' is invalid, assertion name must be a single word."
function Assert-ValidAssertionAlias
if ($Alias -notmatch '^\S+$')
throw "Assertion alias '$string' is invalid, assertion alias must be a single word."
function Add-AssertionOperator
Register an Assertion Operator with Pester
This function allows you to create custom Should assertions.
function BeAwesome($ActualValue, [switch] $Negate)
[bool] $succeeded = $ActualValue -eq 'Awesome'
if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded }
if (-not $succeeded)
if ($Negate)
$failureMessage = "{$ActualValue} is not Awesome"
$failureMessage = "{$ActualValue} is not Awesome"
return New-Object psobject -Property @{
Succeeded = $succeeded
FailureMessage = $failureMessage
Add-AssertionOperator -Name BeAwesome `
-Test $function:BeAwesome `
-Alias 'BA'
PS C:\> "bad" | should -BeAwesome
{bad} is not Awesome
The name of the assertion. This will become a Named Parameter of Should.
The test function. The function must return a PSObject with a [Bool]succeeded and a [string]failureMessage property.
A list of aliases for the Named Parameter.
.PARAMETER SupportsArrayInput
Does the test function support the passing an array of values to test.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Name,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[scriptblock] $Test,
[string[]] $Alias = @(),
[switch] $SupportsArrayInput
$entry = New-Object psobject -Property @{
Test = $Test
SupportsArrayInput = [bool]$SupportsArrayInput
Name = $Name
Alias = $Alias
if (Test-AssertionOperatorIsDuplicate -Operator $entry)
# This is an exact duplicate of an existing assertion operator.
$namesToCheck = @(
Assert-AssertionOperatorNameIsUnique -Name $namesToCheck
$script:AssertionOperators[$Name] = $entry
foreach ($string in $Alias | Where { -not (Test-NullOrWhiteSpace $_)})
Assert-ValidAssertionAlias -Alias $string
$script:AssertionAliases[$string] = $Name
Add-AssertionDynamicParameterSet -AssertionEntry $entry
function Test-AssertionOperatorIsDuplicate
param (
[psobject] $Operator
$existing = $script:AssertionOperators[$Operator.Name]
if (-not $existing) { return $false }
return $Operator.SupportsArrayInput -eq $existing.SupportsArrayInput -and
$Operator.Test.ToString() -eq $existing.Test.ToString() -and
-not (Compare-Object $Operator.Alias $existing.Alias)
function Assert-AssertionOperatorNameIsUnique
param (
[string[]] $Name
foreach ($string in $name | Where { -not (Test-NullOrWhiteSpace $_)})
Assert-ValidAssertionName -Name $string
if ($script:AssertionOperators.ContainsKey($string))
throw "Assertion operator name '$string' has been added multiple times."
if ($script:AssertionAliases.ContainsKey($string))
throw "Assertion operator name '$string' already exists as an alias for operator '$($script:AssertionAliases[$key])'"
function Add-AssertionDynamicParameterSet
param (
[object] $AssertionEntry
${function:__AssertionTest__} = $AssertionEntry.Test
$commandInfo = Get-Command __AssertionTest__ -CommandType Function
$metadata = [System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata]$commandInfo
$attribute = New-Object Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$attribute.ParameterSetName = $AssertionEntry.Name
$attribute.Mandatory = $true
$attributeCollection = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute]
$null = $attributeCollection.Add($attribute)
if (-not (Test-NullOrWhiteSpace $AssertionEntry.Alias))
Assert-ValidAssertionAlias -Alias $AssertionEntry.Alias
$attribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute($AssertionEntry.Alias)
$dynamic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($AssertionEntry.Name, [switch], $attributeCollection)
$null = $script:AssertionDynamicParams.Add($AssertionEntry.Name, $dynamic)
if ($script:AssertionDynamicParams.ContainsKey('Not'))
$dynamic = $script:AssertionDynamicParams['Not']
$dynamic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('Not', [switch], (New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute]))
$null = $script:AssertionDynamicParams.Add('Not', $dynamic)
$attribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$attribute.ParameterSetName = $AssertionEntry.Name
$attribute.Mandatory = $false
$null = $dynamic.Attributes.Add($attribute)
$i = 1
foreach ($parameter in $metadata.Parameters.Values)
# common parameters that are already defined
if ($parameter.Name -eq 'ActualValue' -or $parameter.Name -eq 'Not' -or $parameter.Name -eq 'Negate') { continue }
if ($script:AssertionOperators.ContainsKey($parameter.Name) -or $script:AssertionAliases.ContainsKey($parameter.Name))
throw "Test block for assertion operator $($AssertionEntry.Name) contains a parameter named $($parameter.Name), which conflicts with another assertion operator's name or alias."
foreach ($alias in $parameter.Aliases)
if ($script:AssertionOperators.ContainsKey($alias) -or $script:AssertionAliases.ContainsKey($alias))
throw "Test block for assertion operator $($AssertionEntry.Name) contains a parameter named $($parameter.Name) with alias $alias, which conflicts with another assertion operator's name or alias."
if ($script:AssertionDynamicParams.ContainsKey($parameter.Name))
$dynamic = $script:AssertionDynamicParams[$parameter.Name]
# We deliberately use a type of [object] here to avoid conflicts between different assertion operators that may use the same parameter name.
# We also don't bother to try to copy transformation / validation attributes here for the same reason.
# Because we'll be passing these parameters on to the actual test function later, any errors will come out at that time.
# few years later: using [object] causes problems with switch params (in my case -PassThru), because then we cannot use them without defining a value
# so for switches we must prefer the conflicts over type
if ([switch] -eq $parameter.ParameterType) {
$type = [switch]
} else {
$type = [object]
$dynamic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($parameter.Name, $type, (New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute]))
$null = $script:AssertionDynamicParams.Add($parameter.Name, $dynamic)
$attribute = New-Object Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$attribute.ParameterSetName = $AssertionEntry.Name
$attribute.Mandatory = $false
$attribute.Position = ($i++)
$null = $dynamic.Attributes.Add($attribute)
function Get-AssertionOperatorEntry([string] $Name)
return $script:AssertionOperators[$Name]
function Get-AssertionDynamicParams
return $script:AssertionDynamicParams
$Script:PesterRoot = & $SafeCommands['Split-Path'] -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
"$PesterRoot\Functions\*.ps1", "$PesterRoot\Functions\Assertions\*.ps1" |
& $script:SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] |
& $script:SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { -not ($_.ProviderPath.ToLower().Contains(".tests.")) } |
& $script:SafeCommands['ForEach-Object'] { . $_.ProviderPath }
if (& $script:SafeCommands['Test-Path'] "$PesterRoot\Dependencies") {
# sub-modules
& $script:SafeCommands['Get-ChildItem'] "$PesterRoot\Dependencies\*\*.psm1" |
& $script:SafeCommands['ForEach-Object'] { & $script:SafeCommands['Import-Module'] $_.FullName -Force -DisableNameChecking }
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
namespace Pester
public enum OutputTypes
None = 0,
Default = 1,
Passed = 2,
Failed = 4,
Pending = 8,
Skipped = 16,
Inconclusive = 32,
Describe = 64,
Context = 128,
Summary = 256,
Header = 512,
All = Default | Passed | Failed | Pending | Skipped | Inconclusive | Describe | Context | Summary | Header,
Fails = Default | Failed | Pending | Skipped | Inconclusive | Describe | Context | Summary | Header
function Has-Flag {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
0 -ne ($Setting -band $Value)
function Invoke-Pester {
Runs Pester tests
The Invoke-Pester function runs Pester tests, including *.Tests.ps1 files and
Pester tests in PowerShell scripts.
You can run scripts that include Pester tests just as you would any other
Windows PowerShell script, including typing the full path at the command line
and running in a script editing program. Typically, you use Invoke-Pester to run
all Pester tests in a directory, or to use its many helpful parameters,
including parameters that generate custom objects or XML files.
By default, Invoke-Pester runs all *.Tests.ps1 files in the current directory
and all subdirectories recursively. You can use its parameters to select tests
by file name, test name, or tag.
To run Pester tests in scripts that take parameter values, use the Script
parameter with a hash table value.
Also, by default, Pester tests write test results to the console host, much like
Write-Host does, but you can use the Quiet parameter to suppress the host
messages, use the PassThru parameter to generate a custom object
(PSCustomObject) that contains the test results, use the OutputXml and
OutputFormat parameters to write the test results to an XML file, and use the
EnableExit parameter to return an exit code that contains the number of failed
You can also use the Strict parameter to fail all pending and skipped tests.
This feature is ideal for build systems and other processes that require success
on every test.
To help with test design, Invoke-Pester includes a CodeCoverage parameter that
lists commands, functions, and lines of code that did not run during test
execution and returns the code that ran as a percentage of all tested code.
Invoke-Pester, and the Pester module that exports it, are products of an
open-source project hosted on GitHub. To view, comment, or contribute to the
repository, see
Specifies the test files that Pester runs. You can also use the Script parameter
to pass parameter names and values to a script that contains Pester tests. The
value of the Script parameter can be a string, a hash table, or a collection
of hash tables and strings. Wildcard characters are supported.
The Script parameter is optional. If you omit it, Invoke-Pester runs all
*.Tests.ps1 files in the local directory and its subdirectories recursively.
To run tests in other files, such as .ps1 files, enter the path and file name of
the file. (The file name is required. Name patterns that end in "*.ps1" run only
*.Tests.ps1 files.)
To run a Pester test with parameter names and/or values, use a hash table as the
value of the script parameter. The keys in the hash table are:
-- Path [string] (required): Specifies a test to run. The value is a path\file
name or name pattern. Wildcards are permitted. All hash tables in a Script
parameter value must have a Path key.
-- Parameters [hashtable]: Runs the script with the specified parameters. The
value is a nested hash table with parameter name and value pairs, such as
@{UserName = 'User01'; Id = '28'}.
-- Arguments [array]: An array or comma-separated list of parameter values
without names, such as 'User01', 28. Use this key to pass values to positional
Runs only tests in Describe blocks that have the specified name or name pattern.
Wildcard characters are supported.
If you specify multiple TestName values, Invoke-Pester runs tests that have any
of the values in the Describe name (it ORs the TestName values).
Will cause Invoke-Pester to exit with a exit code equal to the number of failed
tests once all tests have been run. Use this to "fail" a build when any tests fail.
The path where Invoke-Pester will save formatted test results log file.
The path must include the location and name of the folder and file name with
the xml extension.
If this path is not provided, no log will be generated.
.PARAMETER OutputFormat
The format of output. Two formats of output are supported: NUnitXML and
Runs only tests in Describe blocks with the specified Tag parameter values.
Wildcard characters and Tag values that include spaces or whitespace characters
are not supported.
When you specify multiple Tag values, Invoke-Pester runs tests that have any
of the listed tags (it ORs the tags). However, when you specify TestName
and Tag values, Invoke-Pester runs only describe blocks that have one of the
specified TestName values and one of the specified Tag values.
If you use both Tag and ExcludeTag, ExcludeTag takes precedence.
Omits tests in Describe blocks with the specified Tag parameter values. Wildcard
characters and Tag values that include spaces or whitespace characters are not
When you specify multiple ExcludeTag values, Invoke-Pester omits tests that have
any of the listed tags (it ORs the tags). However, when you specify TestName
and ExcludeTag values, Invoke-Pester omits only describe blocks that have one
of the specified TestName values and one of the specified Tag values.
If you use both Tag and ExcludeTag, ExcludeTag takes precedence
Returns a custom object (PSCustomObject) that contains the test results.
By default, Invoke-Pester writes to the host program, not to the output stream (stdout).
If you try to save the result in a variable, the variable is empty unless you
use the PassThru parameter.
To suppress the host output, use the Quiet parameter.
.PARAMETER CodeCoverage
Adds a code coverage report to the Pester tests. Takes strings or hash table values.
A code coverage report lists the lines of code that did and did not run during
a Pester test. This report does not tell whether code was tested; only whether
the code ran during the test.
By default, the code coverage report is written to the host program
(like Write-Host). When you use the PassThru parameter, the custom object
that Invoke-Pester returns has an additional CodeCoverage property that contains
a custom object with detailed results of the code coverage test, including lines
hit, lines missed, and helpful statistics.
However, NUnitXML and LegacyNUnitXML output (OutputXML, OutputFormat) do not include
any code coverage information, because it's not supported by the schema.
Enter the path to the files of code under test (not the test file).
Wildcard characters are supported. If you omit the path, the default is local
directory, not the directory specified by the Script parameter.
To run a code coverage test only on selected functions or lines in a script,
enter a hash table value with the following keys:
-- Path (P)(mandatory) <string>. Enter one path to the files. Wildcard characters
are supported, but only one string is permitted.
One of the following: Function or StartLine/EndLine
-- Function (F) <string>: Enter the function name. Wildcard characters are
supported, but only one string is permitted.
-- StartLine (S): Performs code coverage analysis beginning with the specified
line. Default is line 1.
-- EndLine (E): Performs code coverage analysis ending with the specified line.
Default is the last line of the script.
.PARAMETER CodeCoverageOutputFile
The path where Invoke-Pester will save formatted code coverage results file.
The path must include the location and name of the folder and file name with
a required extension (usually the xml).
If this path is not provided, no file will be generated.
.PARAMETER CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat
The name of a code coverage report file format.
Default value is: JaCoCo.
Currently supported formats are:
- JaCoCo - this XML file format is compatible with the VSTS/TFS
Makes Pending and Skipped tests to Failed tests. Useful for continuous
integration where you need to make sure all tests passed.
The parameter Quiet is deprecated since Pester v. 4.0 and will be deleted
in the next major version of Pester. Please use the parameter Show
with value 'None' instead.
The parameter Quiet suppresses the output that Pester writes to the host program,
including the result summary and CodeCoverage output.
This parameter does not affect the PassThru custom object or the XML output that
is written when you use the Output parameters.
Customizes the output Pester writes to the screen. Available options are None, Default,
Passed, Failed, Pending, Skipped, Inconclusive, Describe, Context, Summary, Header, All, Fails.
The options can be combined to define presets.
Common use cases are:
None - to write no output to the screen.
All - to write all available information (this is default option).
Fails - to write everything except Passed (but including Describes etc.).
A common setting is also Failed, Summary, to write only failed tests and test summary.
This parameter does not affect the PassThru custom object or the XML output that
is written when you use the Output parameters.
.PARAMETER PesterOption
Sets advanced options for the test execution. Enter a PesterOption object,
such as one that you create by using the New-PesterOption cmdlet, or a hash table
in which the keys are option names and the values are option values.
For more information on the options available, see the help for New-PesterOption.
This command runs all *.Tests.ps1 files in the current directory and its subdirectories.
Invoke-Pester -Script .\Util*
This commands runs all *.Tests.ps1 files in subdirectories with names that begin
with 'Util' and their subdirectories.
Invoke-Pester -Script D:\MyModule, @{ Path = '.\Tests\Utility\ModuleUnit.Tests.ps1'; Parameters = @{ Name = 'User01' }; Arguments = srvNano16 }
This command runs all *.Tests.ps1 files in D:\MyModule and its subdirectories.
It also runs the tests in the ModuleUnit.Tests.ps1 file using the following
parameters: .\Tests\Utility\ModuleUnit.Tests.ps1 srvNano16 -Name User01
Invoke-Pester -TestName "Add Numbers"
This command runs only the tests in the Describe block named "Add Numbers".
$results = Invoke-Pester -Script D:\MyModule -PassThru -Show None
$failed = $results.TestResult | where Result -eq 'Failed'
cannot find help for parameter: Force : in Compress-Archive
help for Force parameter in Compress-Archive has wrong Mandatory value
help for Compress-Archive has wrong parameter type for Force
help for Update parameter in Compress-Archive has wrong Mandatory value
help for DestinationPath parameter in Expand-Archive has wrong Mandatory value
Describe : Test help for Compress-Archive in Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive (
Context : Test parameter help for Compress-Archive
Name : cannot find help for parameter: Force : in Compress-Archive
Result : Failed
Passed : False
Time : 00:00:00.0193083
FailureMessage : Expected: value to not be empty
StackTrace : at line: 279 in C:\GitHub\PesterTdd\Module.Help.Tests.ps1
279: $parameterHelp.Description.Text | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
ErrorRecord : Expected: value to not be empty
ParameterizedSuiteName :
Parameters : {}
This examples uses the PassThru parameter to return a custom object with the
Pester test results. By default, Invoke-Pester writes to the host program, but not
to the output stream. It also uses the Quiet parameter to suppress the host output.
The first command runs Invoke-Pester with the PassThru and Quiet parameters and
saves the PassThru output in the $results variable.
The second command gets only failing results and saves them in the $failed variable.
The third command gets the names of the failing results. The result name is the
name of the It block that contains the test.
The fourth command uses an array index to get the first failing result. The
property values describe the test, the expected result, the actual result, and
useful values, including a stack trace.
Invoke-Pester -EnableExit -OutputFile ".\artifacts\TestResults.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitXml
This command runs all tests in the current directory and its subdirectories. It
writes the results to the TestResults.xml file using the NUnitXml schema. The
test returns an exit code equal to the number of test failures.
Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1'
Runs all *.Tests.ps1 scripts in the current directory, and generates a coverage
report for all commands in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file.
Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage @{ Path = 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1'; Function = 'FunctionUnderTest' }
Runs all *.Tests.ps1 scripts in the current directory, and generates a coverage
report for all commands in the "FunctionUnderTest" function in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file.
Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1' -CodeCoverageOutputFile '.\artifacts\TestOutput.xml'
Runs all *.Tests.ps1 scripts in the current directory, and generates a coverage
report for all commands in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file, and writes the coverage report to TestOutput.xml
file using the JaCoCo XML Report DTD.
Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage @{ Path = 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1'; StartLine = 10; EndLine = 20 }
Runs all *.Tests.ps1 scripts in the current directory, and generates a coverage
report for all commands on lines 10 through 20 in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file.
Invoke-Pester -Script C:\Tests -Tag UnitTest, Newest -ExcludeTag Bug
This command runs *.Tests.ps1 files in C:\Tests and its subdirectories. In those
files, it runs only tests that have UnitTest or Newest tags, unless the test
also has a Bug tag.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
[Alias('Path', 'relative_path')]
[object[]]$Script = '.',
[object[]] $CodeCoverage = @(),
[string] $CodeCoverageOutputFile,
[String]$CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat = "JaCoCo",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'NewOutputSet')]
[string] $OutputFile,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NewOutputSet')]
[string] $OutputFormat = 'NUnitXml',
[Pester.OutputTypes]$Show = 'All'
begin {
# Ensure when running Pester that we're using RSpec strings
& $script:SafeCommands['Import-LocalizedData'] -BindingVariable Script:ReportStrings -BaseDirectory $PesterRoot -FileName RSpec.psd1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Fallback to en-US culture strings
If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ReportStrings)) {
& $script:SafeCommands['Import-LocalizedData'] -BaseDirectory $PesterRoot -BindingVariable Script:ReportStrings -UICulture 'en-US' -FileName RSpec.psd1 -ErrorAction Stop
end {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Quiet'))
& $script:SafeCommands['Write-Warning'] 'The -Quiet parameter has been deprecated; please use the new -Show parameter instead. To get no output use -Show None.'
& $script:SafeCommands['Start-Sleep'] -Seconds 2
if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Show'))
$Show = [Pester.OutputTypes]::None
$script:mockTable = @{}
$pester = New-PesterState -TestNameFilter $TestName -TagFilter ($Tag -split "\s") -ExcludeTagFilter ($ExcludeTag -split "\s") -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState -Strict:$Strict -Show:$Show -PesterOption $PesterOption
Enter-CoverageAnalysis -CodeCoverage $CodeCoverage -PesterState $pester
Write-PesterStart $pester $Script
$invokeTestScript = {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $Path,
[object[]] $Arguments = @(),
[System.Collections.IDictionary] $Parameters = @{}
& $Path @Parameters @Arguments
Set-ScriptBlockScope -ScriptBlock $invokeTestScript -SessionState $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$testScripts = @(ResolveTestScripts $Script)
foreach ($testScript in $testScripts)
$pester.EnterTestGroup($testScript.Path, 'Script')
Write-Describe $testScript.Path -CommandUsed Script
& $invokeTestScript -Path $testScript.Path -Arguments $testScript.Arguments -Parameters $testScript.Parameters
} until ($true)
$firstStackTraceLine = $_.ScriptStackTrace -split '\r?\n' | & $script:SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -First 1
$pester.AddTestResult("Error occurred in test script '$($testScript.Path)'", "Failed", $null, $_.Exception.Message, $firstStackTraceLine, $null, $null, $_)
# This is a hack to ensure that XML output is valid for now. The test-suite names come from the Describe attribute of the TestResult
# objects, and a blank name is invalid NUnit XML. This will go away when we promote test scripts to have their own test-suite nodes,
# planned for v4.0
$pester.TestResult[-1].Describe = "Error in $($testScript.Path)"
$pester.TestResult[-1] | Write-PesterResult
$pester.LeaveTestGroup($testScript.Path, 'Script')
$pester | Write-PesterReport
$coverageReport = Get-CoverageReport -PesterState $pester
Write-CoverageReport -CoverageReport $coverageReport
if ((& $script:SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name CodeCoverageOutputFile -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference) `
-and (& $script:SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference) -eq 'JaCoCo') {
$jaCoCoReport = Get-JaCoCoReportXml -PesterState $pester -CoverageReport $coverageReport
$jaCoCoReport | & $SafeCommands['Out-File'] $CodeCoverageOutputFile -Encoding utf8
Exit-CoverageAnalysis -PesterState $pester
if (& $script:SafeCommands['Get-Variable'] -Name OutputFile -ValueOnly -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference) {
Export-PesterResults -PesterState $pester -Path $OutputFile -Format $OutputFormat
if ($PassThru) {
# Remove all runtime properties like current* and Scope
$properties = @(
if ($CodeCoverage)
@{ Name = 'CodeCoverage'; Expression = { $coverageReport } }
$pester | & $script:SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -Property $properties
if ($EnableExit) { Exit-WithCode -FailedCount $pester.FailedCount }
function New-PesterOption
Creates an object that contains advanced options for Invoke-Pester
By using New-PesterOption you can set options what allow easier integration with external applications or
modifies output generated by Invoke-Pester.
The result of New-PesterOption need to be assigned to the parameter 'PesterOption' of the Invoke-Pester function.
.PARAMETER IncludeVSCodeMarker
When this switch is set, an extra line of output will be written to the console for test failures, making it easier
for VSCode's parser to provide highlighting / tooltips on the line where the error occurred.
.PARAMETER TestSuiteName
When generating NUnit XML output, this controls the name assigned to the root "test-suite" element. Defaults to "Pester".
You cannot pipe input to this command.
PS > $Options = New-PesterOption -TestSuiteName "Tests - Set A"
PS > Invoke-Pester -PesterOption $Options -Outputfile ".\Results-Set-A.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitXML
The result of commands will be execution of tests and saving results of them in a NUnitMXL file where the root "test-suite"
will be named "Tests - Set A".
param (
[switch] $IncludeVSCodeMarker,
[string] $TestSuiteName = 'Pester'
return & $script:SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
IncludeVSCodeMarker = [bool]$IncludeVSCodeMarker
TestSuiteName = $TestSuiteName
function ResolveTestScripts
param ([object[]] $Path)
$resolvedScriptInfo = @(
foreach ($object in $Path)
if ($object -is [System.Collections.IDictionary])
$unresolvedPath = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $object -Key 'Path', 'p'
$arguments = @(Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $object -Key 'Arguments', 'args', 'a')
$parameters = Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound -Dictionary $object -Key 'Parameters', 'params'
if ($null -eq $Parameters) { $Parameters = @{} }
if ($unresolvedPath -isnot [string] -or $unresolvedPath -notmatch '\S')
throw 'When passing hashtables to the -Path parameter, the Path key is mandatory, and must contain a single string.'
if ($null -ne $parameters -and $parameters -isnot [System.Collections.IDictionary])
throw 'When passing hashtables to the -Path parameter, the Parameters key (if present) must be assigned an IDictionary object.'
$unresolvedPath = [string] $object
$arguments = @()
$parameters = @{}
if ($unresolvedPath -notmatch '[\*\?\[\]]' -and
(& $script:SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -LiteralPath $unresolvedPath -PathType Leaf) -and
(& $script:SafeCommands['Get-Item'] -LiteralPath $unresolvedPath) -is [System.IO.FileInfo])
$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($unresolvedPath)
if ($extension -ne '.ps1')
& $script:SafeCommands['Write-Error'] "Script path '$unresolvedPath' is not a ps1 file."
& $script:SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Path = $unresolvedPath
Arguments = $arguments
Parameters = $parameters
# World's longest pipeline?
& $script:SafeCommands['Resolve-Path'] -Path $unresolvedPath |
& $script:SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { $_.Provider.Name -eq 'FileSystem' } |
& $script:SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty ProviderPath |
& $script:SafeCommands['Get-ChildItem'] -Include *.Tests.ps1 -Recurse |
& $script:SafeCommands['Where-Object'] { -not $_.PSIsContainer } |
& $script:SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExpandProperty FullName -Unique |
& $script:SafeCommands['ForEach-Object'] {
& $script:SafeCommands['New-Object'] psobject -Property @{
Path = $_
Arguments = $arguments
Parameters = $parameters
# Here, we have the option of trying to weed out duplicate file paths that also contain identical
# Parameters / Arguments. However, we already make sure that each object in $Path didn't produce
# any duplicate file paths, and if the caller happens to pass in a set of parameters that produce
# dupes, maybe that's not our problem. For now, just return what we found.
function Get-DictionaryValueFromFirstKeyFound
param ([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Dictionary, [object[]] $Key)
foreach ($keyToTry in $Key)
if ($Dictionary.Contains($keyToTry)) { return $Dictionary[$keyToTry] }
function Set-ScriptBlockScope
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FromSessionState')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FromSessionStateInternal')]
$flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic'
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromSessionState')
$SessionStateInternal = $SessionState.GetType().GetProperty('Internal', $flags).GetValue($SessionState, $null)
[scriptblock].GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags).SetValue($ScriptBlock, $SessionStateInternal, $null)
function Get-ScriptBlockScope
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic'
[scriptblock].GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags).GetValue($ScriptBlock, $null)
function SafeGetCommand
This command is used by Pester's Mocking framework. You do not need to call it directly.
return $script:SafeCommands['Get-Command']
function Set-PesterStatistics($Node)
if ($null -eq $Node) { $Node = $pester.TestActions }
foreach ($action in $Node.Actions)
if ($action.Type -eq 'TestGroup')
Set-PesterStatistics -Node $action
$Node.TotalCount += $action.TotalCount
$Node.Time += $action.Time
$Node.PassedCount += $action.PassedCount
$Node.FailedCount += $action.FailedCount
$Node.SkippedCount += $action.SkippedCount
$Node.PendingCount += $action.PendingCount
$Node.InconclusiveCount += $action.InconclusiveCount
elseif ($action.Type -eq 'TestCase')
switch ($action.Result)
Passed { $Node.PassedCount++; break; }
Failed { $Node.FailedCount++; break; }
Skipped { $Node.SkippedCount++; break; }
Pending { $Node.PendingCount++; break; }
Inconclusive { $Node.InconclusiveCount++; break; }
$Node.Time += $action.Time
$snippetsDirectoryPath = "$PSScriptRoot\Snippets"
if ((& $script:SafeCommands['Test-Path'] -Path Variable:\psise) -and
($null -ne $psISE) -and
($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3) -and
(& $script:SafeCommands['Test-Path'] $snippetsDirectoryPath))
Import-IseSnippet -Path $snippetsDirectoryPath
function Assert-VerifiableMocks {
The function is for backward compatibility only. Please update your code and use 'Assert-VerifiableMock' instead.
The function was reintroduced in the version 4.0.8 of Pester to avoid loading older version of Pester when Assert-VerifiableMocks is called.
The function will be removed finally in the next major version of Pester.
Throw "This command has been renamed to 'Assert-VerifiableMock' (without the 's' at the end), please update your code. For more information see:"
& $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] Describe, Context, It, In, Mock, Assert-VerifiableMock, Assert-VerifiableMocks, Assert-MockCalled, Set-TestInconclusive
& $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] New-Fixture, Get-TestDriveItem, Should, Invoke-Pester, Setup, InModuleScope, Invoke-Mock
& $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] BeforeEach, AfterEach, BeforeAll, AfterAll
& $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] Get-MockDynamicParameter, Set-DynamicParameterVariable
& $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] SafeGetCommand, New-PesterOption
& $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] Invoke-Gherkin, Find-GherkinStep, BeforeEachFeature, BeforeEachScenario, AfterEachFeature, AfterEachScenario, GherkinStep -Alias Given, When, Then, And, But
& $script:SafeCommands['Export-ModuleMember'] New-MockObject, Add-AssertionOperator
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
- Gherkin.dll (2bf80e108fc1) - ## / 66
- Newtonsoft.Json.dll (efd8cf9a3bc2) - ## / 65
- Gherkin.dll (352a6a598ba8) - ## / 67
- pester.4.2.0-alpha3.nupkg (e515ad0058d5) - ## / 62
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
Add to Builder | Version | Downloads | Last Updated | Status |
Pester 5.7.1 | 10480 | Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | Approved | |
Pester 5.7.0 | 16 | Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | Approved | |
Pester 5.6.1 | 26369 | Monday, July 1, 2024 | Approved | |
Pester 5.6.0 | 5603 | Wednesday, June 5, 2024 | Approved | |
Pester 5.5.0 | 19346 | Tuesday, June 27, 2023 | Approved | |
Pester 5.4.1 | 5157 | Wednesday, April 5, 2023 | Approved | |
Pester 5.4.0 | 5273 | Tuesday, January 10, 2023 | Approved | |
Pester 5.3.3 | 22099 | Friday, April 29, 2022 | Approved | |
Pester 5.3.2 | 921 | Friday, April 22, 2022 | Approved | |
Pester 5.3.1 | 13075 | Tuesday, September 21, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.3.0 | 3827 | Tuesday, August 17, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.2.2 | 9294 | Thursday, May 27, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.2.1 | 1387 | Thursday, May 13, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.2.0 | 988 | Thursday, May 6, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.1.1 | 6088 | Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.1.0 | 163 | Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.0.4 | 2903 | Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 5.0.4-beta1 | 335 | Thursday, August 13, 2020 | Exempted | |
Pester 4.10.2-beta1 | 113 | Saturday, May 29, 2021 | Approved | |
Pester 4.10.1 | 21618 | Friday, February 7, 2020 | Approved | |
Pester 4.9.0 | 11183 | Sunday, September 8, 2019 | Approved | |
Pester 4.8.1 | 8485 | Saturday, May 11, 2019 | Approved | |
Pester 4.8.0 | 1155 | Wednesday, May 1, 2019 | Approved | |
Pester 4.7.3 | 3526 | Saturday, March 23, 2019 | Approved | |
Pester 4.7.2 | 1395 | Friday, March 8, 2019 | Approved | |
Pester 4.7.1 | 656 | Tuesday, March 5, 2019 | Approved | |
Pester 4.7.0 | 654 | Sunday, March 3, 2019 | Approved | |
Pester 4.4.1 | 9052 | Thursday, September 20, 2018 | Approved | |
Pester 4.4.0 | 5075 | Friday, July 20, 2018 | Approved | |
Pester 4.4.0-beta2 | 347 | Sunday, July 8, 2018 | Approved | |
Pester 4.4.0-beta | 459 | Sunday, May 6, 2018 | Approved | |
Pester 4.3.1 | 7623 | Tuesday, February 20, 2018 | Approved | |
Pester 4.3.0 | 451 | Tuesday, February 20, 2018 | Approved | |
Pester 4.2.0 | 566 | Sunday, February 18, 2018 | Approved | |
Pester 4.2.0-alpha3 | 440 | Sunday, December 17, 2017 | Exempted | |
Pester 4.2.0-alpha2 | 455 | Tuesday, December 12, 2017 | Exempted | |
Pester 4.1.0 | 6104 | Sunday, November 26, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 4.0.6-rc | 623 | Thursday, August 17, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 4.0.5-rc | 505 | Tuesday, July 25, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 4.0.3-rc | 535 | Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 4.0.2-rc | 568 | Wednesday, January 18, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 4.0.1-rc | 438 | Wednesday, January 18, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 4.0.0-rc1 | 509 | Wednesday, January 18, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 3.4.6 | 28699 | Friday, January 13, 2017 | Approved | |
Pester 3.4.3 | 15526 | Friday, August 26, 2016 | Approved | |
Pester 3.4.2 | 1370 | Tuesday, August 2, 2016 | Approved | |
Pester 3.4.1 | 8953 | Friday, July 22, 2016 | Approved | |
Pester 3.4.0 | 5963 | Tuesday, March 1, 2016 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.14 | 5548 | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.13 | 9996 | Thursday, December 10, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.12 | 656 | Tuesday, December 8, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.11 | 7080 | Tuesday, September 8, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.10 | 2378 | Friday, August 14, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.9 | 6715 | Sunday, May 24, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.8 | 5045 | Wednesday, April 15, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.7 | 516 | Wednesday, April 15, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.6 | 1913 | Thursday, March 19, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.5 | 2830 | Friday, January 23, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.4 | 531 | Thursday, January 22, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.3 | 475 | Thursday, January 22, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.2 | 509 | Monday, January 19, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.1 | 540 | Monday, January 12, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.3.0 | 452 | Saturday, January 10, 2015 | Approved | |
Pester 3.2.0 | 679 | Saturday, December 13, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 3.1.1 | 671 | Wednesday, October 29, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 3.0.3 | 490 | Monday, October 13, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 3.0.2 | 680 | Monday, September 8, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester | 551 | Thursday, August 28, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 3.0.0 | 487 | Thursday, August 21, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 3.0.0-beta2 | 565 | Friday, July 4, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 3.0.0-beta | 570 | Wednesday, June 25, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 2.1.0 | 613 | Sunday, June 15, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 2.0.4 | 678 | Sunday, March 9, 2014 | Approved | |
Pester 2.0.3 | 994 | Tuesday, April 16, 2013 | Approved | |
Pester 2.0.2 | 6133 | Thursday, February 28, 2013 | Approved | |
Pester 2.0.1 | 589 | Sunday, February 3, 2013 | Approved | |
Pester 1.2.1 | 566 | Sunday, February 3, 2013 | Approved | |
Pester 1.1.0 | 628 | Sunday, November 4, 2012 | Approved | |
Pester 1.0.7-alpha-0 | 592 | Tuesday, October 2, 2012 | Approved | |
Pester 1.0.6 | 580 | Sunday, August 12, 2012 | Approved |
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about Pester and the Pester package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or Pester, or tell us what needs improvement.
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