Downloads of v 2.12.0:
Last Update:
23 Feb 2025
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
- Badgerati
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2.12.0 | Updated: 23 Feb 2025
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Downloads of v 2.12.0:
Software Author(s):
- Badgerati
Pode 2.12.0
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by Badgerati. The inclusion of Badgerati trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify Badgerati goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
- 1
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- 3
All Checks are Passing
3 Passing Tests
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install Pode, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade Pode, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall Pode, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download pode --internalize --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade pode -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade pode -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install pode
name: pode
version: '2.12.0'
state: present
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'pode' do
action :install
version '2.12.0'
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller pode
Name = "pode"
Version = "2.12.0"
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'pode':
ensure => '2.12.0',
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package was approved as a trusted package on 23 Feb 2025.
Pode is a Cross-Platform framework for creating web servers to host REST APIs and Websites. Pode also has support for being used in Azure Functions and AWS Lambda.
- Cross-platform using PowerShell Core (with support for PS5)
- Docker support, including images for ARM/Raspberry Pi
- Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, and IIS support
- OpenAPI, Swagger, and ReDoc support
- Listen on a single or multiple IP address/hostnames
- Cross-platform support for HTTP, HTTPS, TCP and SMTP
- Cross-platform support for WebSockets, including secure WebSockets
- Host REST APIs, Web Pages, and Static Content (with caching)
- Support for custom error pages
- Request and Response compression using GZip/Deflate
- Multi-thread support for incoming requests
- Inbuilt template engine, with support for third-parties
- Async timers for short-running repeatable processes
- Async scheduled tasks using cron expressions for short/long-running processes
- Supports logging to CLI, Files, and custom logic for other services like LogStash
- Cross-state variable access across multiple runspaces
- Restart the server via file monitoring, or defined periods/times
- Ability to allow/deny requests from certain IP addresses and subnets
- Basic rate limiting for IP addresses and subnets
- Middleware and Sessions on web servers, with Flash message and CSRF support
- Authentication on requests, such as Basic, Windows and Azure AD
- Support for dynamically building Routes from Functions and Modules
- Generate/bind self-signed certificates
- Secret management support to load secrets from vaults
- Support for File Watchers
- (Windows) Open the hosted server as a desktop application
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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) [2017-2025] [Matthew Kelly (Badgerati)]
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2011-2024 The Bootstrap Authors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
Fonticons, Inc. (
Font Awesome Free License
Font Awesome Free is free, open source, and GPL friendly. You can use it for
commercial projects, open source projects, or really almost whatever you want.
Full Font Awesome Free license:
# Icons: CC BY 4.0 License (
The Font Awesome Free download is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License and applies to all icons packaged
as SVG and JS file types.
# Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1 License
In the Font Awesome Free download, the SIL OFL license applies to all icons
packaged as web and desktop font files.
Copyright (c) 2024 Fonticons, Inc. (
with Reserved Font Name: "Font Awesome".
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
include source files, build scripts and documentation.
"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
copyright statement(s).
"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as
distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
or substituting — in part or in whole — any of the components of the
Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
new environment.
"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
Software, subject to the following conditions:
1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
presented to the users.
4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
remain under this license does not apply to any document created
using the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
not met.
# Code: MIT License (
In the Font Awesome Free download, the MIT license applies to all non-font and
non-icon files.
Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Attribution
Attribution is required by MIT, SIL OFL, and CC BY licenses. Downloaded Font
Awesome Free files already contain embedded comments with sufficient
attribution, so you shouldn't need to do anything additional when using these
files normally.
We've kept attribution comments terse, so we ask that you do not actively work
to remove them from files, especially code. They're a great way for folks to
learn about Font Awesome.
# Brand Icons
All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these
trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font
Awesome, nor vice versa. **Please do not use brand logos for any purpose except
to represent the company, product, or service to which they refer.**
Project URL:
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2006, Ivan Sagalaev.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
Project URL:
MIT License
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors
All Rights Reserved
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Project URL:
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright 2016-2023 Cloudbase Solutions SRL
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Project URL:
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Jakku Labs
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Mrinmoy Majumdar
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015-present, Rebilly, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Project URL:
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
Copyright 2018 Stoplight, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Project URL:
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Project URL:
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'يتطلب التحقق من صحة المخطط إصدار PowerShell 6.1.0 أو أحدث.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب مسار أو ScriptBlock للحصول على قيم الوصول المخصصة.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يكون OperationID: {0} فريدًا ولا يمكن تطبيقه على مصفوفة.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "لم يتم تعريف نقطة نهاية باسم '{0}' لإعادة التوجيه."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'تم تغيير الملفات التالية:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN مفقود.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'يجب ألا تكون القيمة الدنيا {0} أكبر من القيمة القصوى.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تمرير منطق للمسار: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'مسار البرنامج النصي غير موجود: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'يوجد بالفعل Mutex بالاسم التالي: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'الاستماع على {0} نقطة(نقاط) النهاية التالية [{1} خيط(خيوط)]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'الدالة {0} غير مدعومة في سياق بدون خادم.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'لم يكن من المتوقع توفير توقيع JWT.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "تم تثبيت سر بالاسم '{0}' بالفعل."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'فشل في الحصول على قفل على الكائن.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: لم يتم توفير مسار للمسار الثابت.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'اسم المضيف المقدم غير صالح: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'طريقة المصادقة محددة بالفعل: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "عند استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط لـ CSRF، يكون السر مطلوبًا. يمكنك تقديم سر أو تعيين السر العالمي لملف تعريف الارتباط - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب ScriptBlock غير فارغ لإنشاء مسار الصفحة.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "المعامل 'NoProperties' يتعارض مع 'Properties' و 'MinProperties' و 'MaxProperties'."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'يتم تحميل إصدار غير متوافق من Pode.DLL {0}. الإصدار {1} مطلوب. افتح جلسة Powershell/pwsh جديدة وأعد المحاولة.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'طريقة الوصول غير موجودة: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[الجدول الزمني] {0}: الجدول الزمني معرف بالفعل.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن تكون قيمة الثواني 0 أو أقل لـ {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم العثور على المسار لتحميل {0}: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'فشل في استيراد الوحدة: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "نقطة النهاية مع البروتوكول '{0}' والعنوان '{1}' أو العنوان المحلي '{2}' غير موجودة."
terminatingMessage = 'إنهاء'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير أي أوامر لتحويلها إلى طرق.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'نوع المهمة غير صالح، المتوقع إما [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] أو [hashtable].'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "متصل بالفعل بـ WebSocket بالاسم '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'فحص نهاية الرسالة CRLF مدعوم فقط على نقاط النهاية TCP.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "يجب تمكين 'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' باستخدام 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'وحدة Active Directory غير مثبتة.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن تتكون تعبير Cron من 5 أجزاء فقط: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'لا توجد جلسة متاحة لتعيينها على الاستجابة.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "القيمة '{0}' لـ {1} غير صالحة، يجب أن تكون بين {2} و {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'تم تعريف طريقة التسجيل بالفعل: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تقديم أي سر لتجزئة HMAC256.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[تحذير] لم يتم اختبار Pode {0} على PowerShell {1}، حيث أنه نهاية العمر.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = 'فشل تحميل RunspacePool لـ {0}.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'لا يوجد حدث {0} مسجل: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[الجدول الزمني] {0}: لا يمكن أن يكون له حد سلبي.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن يكون نمط الطلب OpenApi {0} لمعلمة {1}.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'مستند OpenAPI غير متوافق.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "المهمة '{0}' غير موجودة."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم العثور على المتغير المحدد: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'الجلسات مطلوبة لاستخدام CSRF إلا إذا كنت ترغب في استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب ScriptBlock غير فارغ لطريقة التسجيل.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'عند تمرير بيانات الاعتماد، سيتم اعتبار العلامة * للعنوان كـ سلسلة نصية حرفية وليس كعلامة.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تهيئة Pode.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'تم تعريف نقاط نهاية متعددة، سيتم استخدام الأولى فقط للواجهة الرسومية.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يكون OperationID: {0} فريدًا.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'تم العثور على قيمة JSON غير صالحة في JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير أي خوارزمية في رأس JWT.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'خاصية إصدار OpenApi إلزامية.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن تكون القيمة الحدية 0 أو أقل لـ {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "المؤقت '{0}' غير موجود."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'خطأ في مستند إنشاء OpenAPI:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "المسار '[{0}] {1}' يحتوي بالفعل على وصول مخصص باسم '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن يكون الحد الأقصى لمؤشرات ترابط WebSocket المتزامنة أقل من الحد الأدنى {0}، ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: تم تعريف الوسيط بالفعل.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'حرف الذرة غير صالح: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'تم العثور على تنسيق cron غير صالح: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على مخزن ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت بالاسم '{0}' عند محاولة استرجاع العنصر المخزن مؤقتًا '{1}'"
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يحتوي الرأس على اسم عند استخدامه في سياق الترميز.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'الوحدة {0} لا تحتوي على الوظيفة {1} لتحويلها إلى مسار.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'المسار إلى الأيقونة للواجهة الرسومية غير موجود: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير عنوان للصفحة {0}.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'تم توفير شهادة لنقطة نهاية غير HTTPS/WSS.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن قفل كائن فارغ.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui متاح حاليًا فقط لـ Windows PowerShell و PowerShell 7+ على Windows.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'تم تقديم سر الفتح لنوع خزنة سرية مخصصة، ولكن لم يتم تقديم ScriptBlock الفتح.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'عنوان IP المقدم غير صالح: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يكون MaxDays 0 أو أكبر، ولكن تم الحصول على: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "لم يتم تقديم ScriptBlock الإزالة لإزالة الأسرار من الخزنة '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'لم يكن من المتوقع تقديم أي سر لعدم وجود توقيع.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على شهادة في {0}{1} لـ '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "القيمة الدنيا '{0}' لـ {1} غير صالحة، يجب أن تكون أكبر من/أو تساوي {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'يتطلب الوصول توفير المصادقة على الطرق.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تقديم أي سر لتجزئة HMAC384.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'دعم المصادقة المحلية لـ Windows هو فقط لنظام Windows.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تعريف علامة التعريف {0}.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'لا توجد مكون من نوع {0} باسم {1} متاح في تعريف {2}.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تعريف أي معالجات SMTP.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'تم تهيئة Session Middleware بالفعل.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "ميزة المكون القابل لإعادة الاستخدام 'pathItems' غير متوفرة في OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'العلامة * للعنوان غير متوافقة مع مفتاح AutoHeaders.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "لا توجد بيانات للملف '{0}' الذي تم تحميله في الطلب."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'يمكن تكوين SSE فقط على الطلبات التي تحتوي على قيمة رأس Accept النص/تيار الأحداث.'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'لا توجد جلسة متاحة للحفظ.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "إذا كانت موقع المعلمة هو 'Path'، فإن المعلمة التبديل 'Required' إلزامية."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير عنوان URL OpenAPI لـ {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن تكون الجداول الزمنية المتزامنة القصوى >=1 ولكن تم الحصول على: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapins مدعومة فقط في Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'تسجيل عارض الأحداث مدعوم فقط على Windows.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "المعاملات '{0}' و '{1}' متعارضة."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'ميزة PathItems غير مدعومة في OpenAPI v3.0.x'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'يتطلب معلمة OpenApi اسمًا محددًا.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن يكون الحد الأقصى للمهام المتزامنة أقل من الحد الأدنى {0}، ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على Semaphore باسم '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'يمكنك تقديم قيمة {0} واحدة فقط عند استخدام الفواصل الزمنية.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'JWT غير صالح للاستخدام بعد.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[الفعل] {0}: تم التعريف بالفعل لـ {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "لم يتم تثبيت أي سر بالاسم '{0}'."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم العثور على الوحدة أو الإصدار على {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تقديم أي ScriptBlock.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "لم يتم تسجيل خزينة سرية بالاسم '{0}'."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب اسم لنقطة النهاية إذا تم توفير معامل RedirectTo.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "يتطلب كائن OpenAPI 'license' الخاصية 'name'. استخدم المعامل -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: مسار المصدر المقدم للمسار الثابت غير موجود: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'لا يوجد اسم لفصل WebSocket من المزود.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "الشهادة '{0}' منتهية الصلاحية: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية فتح مخزن الأسرار في الماضي (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'الاستثناء من نوع غير صالح، يجب أن يكون إما WebException أو HttpRequestException، ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'قيمة السر من نوع غير صالح. الأنواع المتوقعة: String، SecureString، HashTable، Byte[]، أو PSCredential. ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'وضع TLS الصريح مدعوم فقط على نقاط النهاية SMTPS و TCPS.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "يمكن استخدام المعامل 'DiscriminatorMapping' فقط عندما تكون خاصية 'DiscriminatorProperty' موجودة."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "خطأ '{0}' في البرنامج النصي {1} {2} (السطر {3}) الحرف {4} أثناء تنفيذ {5} على الكائن {6} 'الصنف: {7} الصنف الأساسي: {8}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن توفير قيمة الفاصل الزمني لكل ربع.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[الجدول الزمني] {0}: يجب أن تكون قيمة EndTime في المستقبل.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'توقيع JWT المقدم غير صالح.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "لم يتم تقديم ScriptBlock الإعداد لتحديث/إنشاء الأسرار في الخزنة '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'طريقة الوصول غير موجودة للدمج: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "المصادقة الافتراضية '{0}' غير موجودة في قائمة المصادقة المقدمة."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "لا يحتوي المعامل على اسم. يرجى إعطاء هذا المكون اسمًا باستخدام معامل 'Name'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: تم التعريف بالفعل لـ {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "تم تعريف مراقب الملفات باسم '{0}' بالفعل."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تعريف أي معالجات خدمة.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب سر عند استخدام تخزين الجلسة المخصص.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'وحدة Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement غير مثبتة.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير مسار للطريق.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "التحقق من مخطط يتضمن 'أي منها' غير مدعوم."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'دعم مصادقة IIS هو فقط لنظام Windows.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'يمكن أن تكون OAuth2 InnerScheme إما مصادقة Basic أو Form فقط، ولكن تم الحصول على: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير مسار للصفحة {0}.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على مخزن ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت بالاسم '{0}' عند محاولة التحقق مما إذا كان العنصر المخزن مؤقتًا '{1}' موجودًا."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: تم تعريف المعالج بالفعل.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تكوين الجلسات.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'يمكن ربط خصائص النوع Object فقط بـ {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'تتطلب المصادقة المستمرة للجلسة جلسات.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن يكون المسار المقدم عبارة عن حرف بدل أو دليل: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'طريقة الوصول معرفة بالفعل: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "المعاملات 'Value' أو 'ExternalValue' إلزامية."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يكون الحد الأقصى للمهام المتزامنة >=1، ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن إنشاء الخاصية لأنه لم يتم تعريف نوع.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'طريقة المصادقة غير موجودة للدمج: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "القيمة القصوى '{0}' لـ {1} غير صالحة، يجب أن تكون أقل من/أو تساوي {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "تم تعريف نقطة نهاية باسم '{0}' بالفعل."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'الحدث {0} مسجل بالفعل: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "لم يتم توفير معلمة باسم '{0}' في الطلب أو لا توجد بيانات متاحة."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على مخزن ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت بالاسم '{0}' عند محاولة تعيين العنصر المخزن مؤقتًا '{1}'"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: تم التعريف بالفعل.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'تم تمكين تسجيل الأخطاء بالفعل.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على قيمة لـ '`$using:{0}'."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'أداة الوثائق RapidPdf لا تدعم OpenAPI 3.1'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'تتطلب OAuth2 سر العميل عند عدم استخدام PKCE.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'تم العثور على قيمة مشفرة بتنسيق Base64 غير صالحة في JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'لا توجد جلسة متاحة لحساب تجزئة البيانات.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على مخزن ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت بالاسم '{0}' عند محاولة إزالة العنصر المخزن مؤقتًا '{1}'"
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تهيئة CSRF Middleware.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title إلزامي.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'النوع {0} يمكن ربطه فقط بجسم.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'ملف المستخدم غير موجود: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'المعامل Route يتطلب ScriptBlock صالح وغير فارغ.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'يبدو أن هناك خطأ ما أثناء محاولة حساب تاريخ المشغل التالي: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن قفل [ValueType].'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'فشل في إنشاء شهادة OpenSSL: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'انتهت صلاحية JWT.'
openingGuiMessage = 'جارٍ فتح الواجهة الرسومية.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'تتطلب خصائص الأنواع المتعددة إصدار OpenApi 3.1 أو أعلى.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'لا يوجد اسم لإزالة WebSocket من المزود.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يكون MaxSize 0 أو أكبر، ولكن تم الحصول على: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(إيقاف تشغيل IIS)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن فتح [ValueType].'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير توقيع JWT لـ {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يكون الحد الأقصى لمؤشرات ترابط WebSocket المتزامنة >=1، ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'رسالة الإقرار مدعومة فقط على نقاط النهاية SMTP و TCP.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'فشل الاتصال بعنوان URL: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'فشل في الحصول على ملكية Mutex. اسم Mutex: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'تتطلب OAuth2 مع PKCE جلسات.'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'فشل الاتصال بـ WebSocket: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'الكائن غير مدعوم'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "فشل في تحليل '{0}' كعنوان IP/مضيف:منفذ صالح"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'يجب التشغيل بامتيازات المسؤول للاستماع إلى العناوين غير المحلية.'
specificationMessage = 'مواصفات'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على مخزن ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت بالاسم '{0}' عند محاولة مسح الذاكرة المؤقتة."
restartingServerMessage = 'إعادة تشغيل الخادم...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "لا يمكن توفير فترة زمنية عندما يكون المعامل 'Every' مضبوطًا على None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'خوارزمية JWT غير مدعومة حاليًا: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تهيئة WebSockets لإرسال رسائل الإشارة.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'مكون Middleware من نوع Hashtable المقدم يحتوي على نوع منطق غير صالح. كان المتوقع ScriptBlock، ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن تكون الجداول الزمنية المتزامنة القصوى أقل من الحد الأدنى {0} ولكن تم الحصول على: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'فشل في الحصول على ملكية Semaphore. اسم Semaphore: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن استخدام معلمات الخصائص إذا لم يكن لدى الخاصية اسم.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "تخزين الجلسة المخصص لا ينفذ الطريقة المطلوبة '{0}()'."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'طريقة المصادقة غير موجودة: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'ميزة Webhooks غير مدعومة في OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "'content-type' غير صالح في المخطط: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "لم يتم تقديم ScriptBlock الفتح لفتح الخزنة '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'تعريف {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'فشل في فتح RunspacePool: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'فشل في إغلاق RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[الفعل] {0}: لم يتم تمرير أي منطق'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "لم يتم العثور على Mutex باسم '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'توثيق'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[المؤقت] {0}: المؤقت معرف بالفعل.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن أن يكون المنفذ سالبًا: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'اسم مجلد العرض موجود بالفعل: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'لا يوجد اسم لإعادة تعيين WebSocket من المزود.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "المصادقة MergeDefault '{0}' غير موجودة في قائمة المصادقة المقدمة."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب وصف للمسار: {0} الاستجابة: {1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن يكون اسم الصفحة قيمة أبجدية رقمية صالحة: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'القيمة الافتراضية ليست من نوع boolean وليست جزءًا من التعداد.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'مخطط مكون OpenApi {0} غير موجود.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[المؤقت] {0}: {1} يجب أن يكون أكبر من 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'انتهت المهلة الزمنية للمهمة بعد {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[الجدول الزمني] {0}: لا يمكن أن يكون 'StartTime' بعد 'EndTime'"
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version إلزامي.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن فتح كائن فارغ.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب ScriptBlock غير فارغ لخطة المصادقة المخصصة.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب ScriptBlock غير فارغ لطريقة المصادقة.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "التحقق من مخطط يتضمن 'واحد منها' غير مدعوم."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "لا يمكن أن يكون المعامل 'Route' فارغًا."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "مخزن ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت بالاسم '{0}' موجود بالفعل."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "تتطلب طريقة الإخراج المقدمة لطريقة التسجيل '{0}' ScriptBlock صالح."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'المتغير المحدد بالفعل معرف: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'تتطلب OAuth2 توفير عنوان URL للتفويض.'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'المسار غير موجود: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم توفير اسم خادم المجال لمصادقة Windows AD.'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'التاريخ المقدم بعد وقت انتهاء الجدول الزمني في {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'العلامة * للطرق غير متوافقة مع مفتاح AutoMethods.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن توفير قيمة الفاصل الزمني لكل سنة.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'المكون (المكونات) المفقود'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'تم توفير مدة Strict-Transport-Security غير صالحة: {0}. يجب أن تكون أكبر من 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تقديم أي سر لتجزئة HMAC512.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = 'يحتوي {0} على {1} أيام فقط، ولكن تم توفير {2}.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب ScriptBlock غير فارغ لطريقة إخراج السجل المخصصة.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'ينطبق سمة الترميز فقط على نصوص الطلبات multipart و application/x-www-form-urlencoded.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'التاريخ المقدم قبل وقت بدء الجدول الزمني في {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "خاصية 'UnlockSecret' مطلوبة عند استخدام Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: لم يتم تمرير منطق.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'تم تعريف محلل الجسم لنوع المحتوى {0} بالفعل.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'JWT المقدم غير صالح.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'الجلسات مطلوبة لاستخدام رسائل الفلاش.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'يوجد بالفعل Semaphore بالاسم التالي: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'خوارزمية رأس JWT المقدمة غير صالحة.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "مزود OAuth2 لا يدعم نوع المنحة 'password' المطلوبة لاستخدام InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'تم العثور على اسم مستعار غير صالح {0}: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "الجدول الزمني '{0}' غير موجود."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'طريقة الوصول غير موجودة: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "مزود OAuth2 لا يدعم نوع الاستجابة 'code'."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[تحذير] لم يتم اختبار Pode {0} على PowerShell {1}، حيث لم يكن متاحًا عند إصدار Pode.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "تم تسجيل خزنة سرية باسم '{0}' بالفعل أثناء استيراد الخزن السرية تلقائيًا."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "تتطلب الخطة المقدمة لمحقق المصادقة '{0}' ScriptBlock صالح."
serverLoopingMessage = 'تكرار الخادم كل {0} ثانية'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'بصمات الإبهام/الاسم للشهادة مدعومة فقط على Windows.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "مطلوب اسم اتصال SSE، إما من -Name أو `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'أحد مكونات Middleware المقدمة من نوع غير صالح. كان المتوقع إما ScriptBlock أو Hashtable، ولكن تم الحصول عليه: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'لم يتم تقديم أي سر لتوقيع JWT.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'مسار الوحدة غير موجود: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[المهمة] {0}: المهمة معرفة بالفعل.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[الفعل] {0}: تم التعريف بالفعل'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'الشهادات العميلة مدعومة فقط على نقاط النهاية HTTPS.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "نقطة النهاية بالاسم '{0}' غير موجودة."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: لم يتم توفير أي منطق في ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'مطلوب ScriptBlock لدمج عدة مستخدمين مصادق عليهم في كائن واحد عندما تكون Valid هي All.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "تم تسجيل مخزن الأسرار بالاسم '{0}' بالفعل{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "تحذير: العنوان، الإصدار والوصف في 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' مهمل. يرجى استخدام 'Add-PodeOAInfo' بدلاً من ذلك."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'مراجع OpenAPI غير معرّفة:'
doneMessage = 'تم'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'هذا الإصدار من Swagger-Editor لا يدعم OpenAPI 3.1'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'يجب أن تكون المدة 0 أو أكبر، ولكن تم الحصول عليها: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'مسار العرض غير موجود: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "المعامل 'Discriminator' غير متوافق مع 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'لا يوجد اسم لإرسال رسالة إلى WebSocket المزود.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'مكون Middleware من نوع Hashtable المقدم لا يحتوي على منطق معرف.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'معلومات OpenAPI:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "تتطلب الخطة '{0}' المقدمة لمحقق المصادقة '{1}' ScriptBlock صالح."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'فشل بث SSE بسبب مستوى البث SSE المحدد لـ {0}: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'وحدة Active Directory متاحة فقط على نظام Windows.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'تم تمكين تسجيل الطلبات بالفعل.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'مدة Access-Control-Max-Age غير صالحة المقدمة: {0}. يجب أن تكون أكبر من 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'تعريف OpenAPI باسم {0} موجود بالفعل.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "لا يمكن استخدام Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag داخل Select-PodeOADefinition 'ScriptBlock'."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'عملية المهمة غير موجودة: {0}'
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'عملية الجدول الزمني غير موجودة: {0}'
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'لا يمكن تغيير علامة التعريف لمسار.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' لا يمكن أن يحتوي على جسم الطلب. استخدم -AllowNonStandardBody لتجاوز هذا التقييد."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "الدالة '{0}' لا تقبل مصفوفة كمدخل لأنبوب البيانات."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'تشفير الضغط غير مدعوم للتشفير {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "تم تعريف كل من '{0}' و '{1}' كنقاط نهاية محلية لـ OpenAPI، لكن يُسمح فقط بنقطة نهاية محلية واحدة لكل تعريف API."
suspendingMessage = 'تعليق'
resumingMessage = 'استئناف'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'أوامر التحكم بالخادم:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'إنهاء الخادم بلطف.'
restartServerMessage = 'إعادة تشغيل الخادم وتحميل التكوينات.'
resumeServerMessage = 'استئناف الخادم.'
suspendServerMessage = 'تعليق الخادم.'
startingMessage = 'جارٍ البدء'
restartingMessage = 'جارٍ إعادة التشغيل'
suspendedMessage = 'معلق'
runningMessage = 'يعمل'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'افتح أول نقطة نهاية HTTP في المتصفح الافتراضي.'
terminatedMessage = 'تم الإنهاء'
showMetricsMessage = 'عرض المقاييس'
clearConsoleMessage = 'مسح وحدة التحكم'
serverMetricsMessage = 'مقاييس الخادم'
totalUptimeMessage = 'إجمالي وقت التشغيل:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'وقت التشغيل منذ آخر إعادة تشغيل:'
totalRestartMessage = 'إجمالي عدد عمليات إعادة التشغيل:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "تم تعيين نقطة نهاية افتراضية للنوع '{0}'. يُسمح فقط بنقطة نهاية افتراضية واحدة لكل نوع."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'تمكين خادم HTTP'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'تعطيل خادم HTTP'
showHelpMessage = 'عرض المساعدة'
hideHelpMessage = 'إخفاء المساعدة'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'إخفاء نقاط النهاية'
showEndpointsMessage = 'عرض نقاط النهاية'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'إخفاء OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'عرض OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'تمكين الوضع الصامت'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'تعطيل الوضع الصامت'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'تم تعريف قاعدة الحد الأقصى للمعدل بالفعل: {0}'
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'قاعدة الحد الأقصى للمعدل غير موجودة: {0}'
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'تم تعريف قاعدة الحد الأقصى للوصول بالفعل: {0}'
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'قاعدة الحد الأقصى للوصول غير موجودة: {0}'
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'Die Schema-Validierung erfordert PowerShell Version 6.1.0 oder höher.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Ein Pfad oder ScriptBlock ist erforderlich, um die benutzerdefinierten Zugriffswerte zu beziehen.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} muss eindeutig sein und kann nicht auf ein Array angewendet werden.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "Ein Endpunkt mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde nicht für die Weiterleitung definiert."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'Die folgenden Dateien wurden geändert:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'Das IIS-ASPNETCORE_TOKEN fehlt.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'Der Mindestwert für {0} darf nicht größer als der Maximalwert sein.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Keine Logik für Route übergeben: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Der Skriptpfad existiert nicht: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Ein Mutex mit folgendem Namen existiert bereits: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Lauschen auf den folgenden {0} Endpunkt(en) [{1} Thread(s)]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'Die Funktion {0} wird in einem serverlosen Kontext nicht unterstützt.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Es wurde keine JWT-Signatur erwartet.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "Ein Geheimnis mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde bereits eingebunden."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'Sperre des Objekts konnte nicht erworben werden.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: Kein Pfad für statische Route angegeben.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Der angegebene Hostname ist ungültig: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Authentifizierungsmethode bereits definiert: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "Beim Verwenden von Cookies für CSRF ist ein Geheimnis erforderlich. Sie können ein Geheimnis angeben oder das globale Cookie-Geheimnis festlegen - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'Ein nicht leerer ScriptBlock ist erforderlich, um eine Seitenroute zu erstellen.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Der Parameter 'NoProperties' schließt 'Properties', 'MinProperties' und 'MaxProperties' gegenseitig aus."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'Eine vorhandene inkompatible Pode.DLL-Version {0} ist geladen. Version {1} wird benötigt. Öffnen Sie eine neue PowerShell/pwsh-Sitzung und versuchen Sie es erneut.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Zugriffsmethode existiert nicht: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Aufgabenplaner] {0}: Aufgabenplaner bereits definiert.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Der Sekundenwert darf für {0} nicht 0 oder weniger sein.'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Pfad zum Laden von {0} nicht gefunden: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Modulimport fehlgeschlagen: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "Der Endpunkt mit dem Protokoll '{0}' und der Adresse '{1}' oder der lokalen Adresse '{2}' existiert nicht"
terminatingMessage = 'Beenden'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Keine Befehle zur Umwandlung in Routen bereitgestellt.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'Aufgabentyp ist ungültig, erwartet entweder [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] oder [hashtable]'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Bereits mit dem WebSocket mit dem Namen '{0}' verbunden"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Die CRLF-Nachrichtenendprüfung wird nur auf TCP-Endpunkten unterstützt.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' muss mit 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation' aktiviert werden."
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Das Active Directory-Modul ist nicht installiert.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Die Cron-Ausdruck sollte nur aus 5 Teilen bestehen: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'Keine Sitzung verfügbar, die auf die Antwort gesetzt werden kann.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "Wert '{0}' für {1} ist ungültig, sollte zwischen {2} und {3} liegen"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Logging-Methode bereits definiert: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'Es wurde kein Geheimnis für den HMAC256-Hash angegeben.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[WARNUNG] Pode {0} wurde nicht auf PowerShell {1} getestet, da es das Ende des Lebenszyklus erreicht hat.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePool konnte nicht geladen werden.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Kein Ereignis {0} registriert: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Aufgabenplaner] {0}: Kann kein negatives Limit haben.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'Der OpenApi-Anfragestil kann für einen {1}-Parameter nicht {0} sein.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'Das OpenAPI-Dokument ist nicht konform.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Aufgabe '{0}' existiert nicht."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Bereichsvariable nicht gefunden: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Sitzungen sind erforderlich, um CSRF zu verwenden, es sei denn, Sie möchten Cookies verwenden.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'Ein nicht leerer ScriptBlock ist für die Protokollierungsmethode erforderlich.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'Wenn Anmeldeinformationen übergeben werden, wird das *-Wildcard für Header als Literalzeichenfolge und nicht als Platzhalter verwendet.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode wurde nicht initialisiert.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Mehrere Endpunkte definiert, es wird nur der erste für die GUI verwendet.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} muss eindeutig sein.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Ungültiger JSON-Wert in JWT gefunden'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'Kein Algorithmus im JWT-Header angegeben.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'Die Eigenschaft OpenApi-Version ist obligatorisch.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Der Grenzwert darf für {0} nicht 0 oder weniger sein.'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Timer '{0}' existiert nicht."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'Fehler beim Generieren des OpenAPI-Dokuments:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "Die Route '[{0}] {1}' enthält bereits einen benutzerdefinierten Zugriff mit dem Namen '{2}'."
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger WebSocket-Threads darf nicht kleiner als das Minimum von {0} sein, aber erhalten: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware bereits definiert.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'Ungültiges Atomzeichen: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'Ungültiges Cron-Atom-Format gefunden: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Der Cache-Speicher mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden, als versucht wurde, das zwischengespeicherte Element '{1}' abzurufen."
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'Ein Header muss einen Namen haben, wenn er im Codierungskontext verwendet wird.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'Modul {0} enthält keine Funktion {1} zur Umwandlung in eine Route.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Der Pfad zum Symbol für die GUI existiert nicht: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Kein Titel für die Seite {0} angegeben.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Zertifikat für Nicht-HTTPS/WSS-Endpunkt bereitgestellt.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Kann ein null-Objekt nicht sperren.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui ist derzeit nur für Windows PowerShell und PowerShell 7+ unter Windows verfügbar.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Unlock secret für benutzerdefinierten Secret Vault-Typ angegeben, aber kein Unlock ScriptBlock bereitgestellt.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'Die angegebene IP-Adresse ist ungültig: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays muss 0 oder größer sein, aber erhalten: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Kein Remove ScriptBlock für das Entfernen von Geheimnissen im Tresor '{0}' bereitgestellt."
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Es wurde erwartet, dass kein Geheimnis für keine Signatur angegeben wird.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "Es wurde kein Zertifikat in {0}{1} für '{2}' gefunden."
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Der Mindestwert '{0}' für {1} ist ungültig, sollte größer oder gleich {2} sein"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Der Zugriff erfordert eine Authentifizierung auf den Routen.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'Es wurde kein Geheimnis für den HMAC384-Hash angegeben.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Die Unterstützung der lokalen Windows-Authentifizierung gilt nur für Windows.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Definitionstag {0} ist nicht definiert.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'Es ist keine Komponente des Typs {0} mit dem Namen {1} in der Definition {2} verfügbar.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Es wurden keine SMTP-Handler definiert.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Session Middleware wurde bereits initialisiert.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "Die wiederverwendbare Komponente 'pathItems' ist in OpenAPI v3.0 nicht verfügbar."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'Das *-Wildcard für Header ist nicht mit dem AutoHeaders-Schalter kompatibel.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "Keine Daten für die Datei '{0}' wurden in der Anfrage hochgeladen."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE kann nur auf Anfragen mit einem Accept-Header-Wert von text/event-stream konfiguriert werden.'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'Keine Sitzung verfügbar zum Speichern.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "Wenn der Parameterstandort 'Path' ist, ist der Schalterparameter 'Required' erforderlich."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Keine OpenAPI-URL für {0} angegeben.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximale gleichzeitige Zeitpläne müssen >=1 sein, aber erhalten: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapins werden nur in Windows PowerShell unterstützt.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Das Protokollieren im Ereignisanzeige wird nur auf Windows unterstützt.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Die Parameter '{0}' und '{1}' schließen sich gegenseitig aus."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'Das PathItems-Feature wird in OpenAPI v3.0.x nicht unterstützt.'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'Der OpenApi-Parameter erfordert einen angegebenen Namen.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger Aufgaben darf nicht kleiner als das Minimum von {0} sein, aber erhalten: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "Kein Semaphor mit dem Namen '{0}' gefunden."
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'Sie können nur einen einzelnen {0}-Wert angeben, wenn Sie Intervalle verwenden.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'Der JWT ist noch nicht gültig.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: Bereits für {1} definiert.'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "Kein Geheimnis mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde eingebunden."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Modul oder Version nicht gefunden auf {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Kein Skriptblock angegeben.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Kein Geheimnistresor mit dem Namen '{0}' registriert."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ein Name ist für den Endpunkt erforderlich, wenn der RedirectTo-Parameter angegeben ist.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "Das OpenAPI-Objekt 'license' erfordert die Eigenschaft 'name'. Verwenden Sie den Parameter -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: Der angegebene Quellpfad für die statische Route existiert nicht: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'Kein Name für die Trennung vom WebSocket angegeben.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "Das Zertifikat '{0}' ist abgelaufen: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'Das Ablaufdatum zum Entsperren des Geheimnis-Tresors liegt in der Vergangenheit (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'Die Ausnahme hat einen ungültigen Typ. Er sollte entweder WebException oder HttpRequestException sein, aber es wurde {0} erhalten'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Der Geheimniswert hat einen ungültigen Typ. Erwartete Typen: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[] oder PSCredential. Aber erhalten wurde: {0}.'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Der explizite TLS-Modus wird nur auf SMTPS- und TCPS-Endpunkten unterstützt.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "Der Parameter 'DiscriminatorMapping' kann nur verwendet werden, wenn 'DiscriminatorProperty' vorhanden ist."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Fehler '{0}' im Skript {1} {2} (Zeile {3}) Zeichen {4} beim Ausführen von {5} auf {6} Objekt '{7}' Klasse: {8} Basisklasse: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'Ein Intervallwert kann nicht für jedes Quartal angegeben werden.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Aufgabenplaner] {0}: Der Wert für EndTime muss in der Zukunft liegen.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ungültige JWT-Signatur angegeben.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Kein Set ScriptBlock für das Aktualisieren/Erstellen von Geheimnissen im Tresor '{0}' bereitgestellt."
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Zugriffsmethode zum Zusammenführen nicht vorhanden: {0}.'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "Die Standardauthentifizierung '{0}' befindet sich nicht in der angegebenen Authentifizierungsliste."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "Der Parameter hat keinen Namen. Bitte geben Sie dieser Komponente einen Namen mit dem 'Name'-Parameter."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Bereits für {2} definiert.'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Ein Dateiwächter mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde bereits definiert."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Es wurden keine Service-Handler definiert.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'Ein Geheimnis ist erforderlich, wenn benutzerdefinierter Sitzungspeicher verwendet wird.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Das Modul Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement ist nicht installiert.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Kein Pfad für die Route bereitgestellt.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Die Validierung eines Schemas, das 'anyof' enthält, wird nicht unterstützt."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Die IIS-Authentifizierungsunterstützung gilt nur für Windows.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme kann nur entweder Basic oder Form-Authentifizierung sein, aber erhalten: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Kein Routenpfad für die Seite {0} angegeben.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Der Cache-Speicher mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden, als versucht wurde zu überprüfen, ob das zwischengespeicherte Element '{1}' existiert."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Handler bereits definiert.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'Sitzungen wurden nicht konfiguriert.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Nur Eigenschaften vom Typ Object können mit {0} verknüpft werden.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'Sitzungen sind erforderlich, um die sitzungsbeständige Authentifizierung zu verwenden.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'Der angegebene Pfad darf kein Platzhalter oder Verzeichnis sein: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Zugriffsmethode bereits definiert: {0}.'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Die Parameter 'Value' oder 'ExternalValue' sind obligatorisch."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger Aufgaben muss >=1 sein, aber erhalten: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'Die Eigenschaft kann nicht erstellt werden, weil kein Typ definiert ist.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Die Authentifizierungsmethode existiert nicht zum Zusammenführen: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Der Maximalwert '{0}' für {1} ist ungültig, sollte kleiner oder gleich {2} sein"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Ein Endpunkt mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde bereits definiert."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Ereignis {0} bereits registriert: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "Ein Parameter namens '{0}' wurde in der Anfrage nicht angegeben oder es sind keine Daten verfügbar."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Der Cache-Speicher mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden, als versucht wurde, das zwischengespeicherte Element '{1}' zu setzen."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Bereits definiert.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Die Fehlerprotokollierung wurde bereits aktiviert.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Der Wert für '`$using:{0}' konnte nicht gefunden werden."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Das Dokumentationstool RapidPdf unterstützt OpenAPI 3.1 nicht.'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 erfordert ein Client Secret, wenn PKCE nicht verwendet wird.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Ungültiger Base64-codierter Wert in JWT gefunden'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'Keine Sitzung verfügbar, um den Datenhash zu berechnen.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Der Cache-Speicher mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden, als versucht wurde, das zwischengespeicherte Element '{1}' zu entfernen."
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'CSRF Middleware wurde nicht initialisiert.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title ist obligatorisch.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'Der Typ {0} kann nur einem Objekt zugeordnet werden.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Die Benutzerdaten-Datei existiert nicht: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'Der Route-Parameter benötigt einen gültigen, nicht leeren ScriptBlock.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Es scheint, als ob beim Berechnen des nächsten Trigger-Datums und der nächsten Triggerzeit etwas schief gelaufen wäre: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Kann [ValueType] nicht sperren.'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Erstellung des OpenSSL-Zertifikats fehlgeschlagen: {0}.'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'Der JWT ist abgelaufen.'
openingGuiMessage = 'Die GUI wird geöffnet.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Mehrfachtyp-Eigenschaften erfordern OpenApi-Version 3.1 oder höher.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'Kein Name für das Entfernen des WebSocket angegeben.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize muss 0 oder größer sein, aber erhalten: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(IIS Herunterfahren)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Kann [ValueType] nicht entsperren.'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Keine JWT-Signatur für {0} angegeben.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger WebSocket-Threads muss >=1 sein, aber erhalten: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Die Bestätigungsnachricht wird nur auf SMTP- und TCP-Endpunkten unterstützt.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'Verbindung mit der URL fehlgeschlagen: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Fehler beim Erwerb des Mutex-Besitzes. Mutex-Name: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Sitzungen sind erforderlich, um OAuth2 mit PKCE zu verwenden.'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Verbindung zum WebSocket fehlgeschlagen: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Nicht unterstütztes Objekt'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Konnte '{0}' nicht als gültige IP/Host:Port-Adresse analysieren"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Muss mit Administratorrechten ausgeführt werden, um auf Nicht-Localhost-Adressen zu lauschen.'
specificationMessage = 'Spezifikation'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Der Cache-Speicher mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde nicht gefunden, als versucht wurde, den Cache zu leeren."
restartingServerMessage = 'Server wird neu gestartet...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Ein Intervall kann nicht angegeben werden, wenn der Parameter 'Every' auf None gesetzt ist."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Der JWT-Algorithmus wird derzeit nicht unterstützt: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets wurden nicht konfiguriert, um Signalnachrichten zu senden.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'Eine angegebene Hashtable-Middleware enthält einen ungültigen Logik-Typ. Erwartet wurde ein ScriptBlock, aber erhalten wurde: {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximale gleichzeitige Zeitpläne dürfen nicht kleiner als das Minimum von {0} sein, aber erhalten: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Fehler beim Erwerb des Semaphor-Besitzes. Semaphor-Name: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'Die Eigenschaftsparameter können nicht verwendet werden, wenn die Eigenschaft keinen Namen hat.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "Der benutzerdefinierte Sitzungspeicher implementiert die erforderliche Methode '{0}()' nicht."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Authentifizierungsmethode existiert nicht: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'Das Webhooks-Feature wird in OpenAPI v3.0.x nicht unterstützt.'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "Ungültiger 'content-type' im Schema gefunden: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Kein Unlock ScriptBlock für das Entsperren des Tresors '{0}' bereitgestellt."
definitionTagMessage = 'Definition {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Fehler beim Öffnen des Runspace-Pools: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Fehler beim Schließen des RunspacePools: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: Keine Logik übergeben'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "Kein Mutex mit dem Namen '{0}' gefunden."
documentationMessage = 'Dokumentation'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: Timer bereits definiert.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'Der Port kann nicht negativ sein: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Der Name des Ansichtsordners existiert bereits: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'Kein Name für das Zurücksetzen des WebSocket angegeben.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "Die MergeDefault-Authentifizierung '{0}' befindet sich nicht in der angegebenen Authentifizierungsliste."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Eine Beschreibung ist erforderlich für Pfad:{0} Antwort:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'Der Seitenname sollte einen gültigen alphanumerischen Wert haben: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'Der Standardwert ist kein Boolean und gehört nicht zum Enum.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Das OpenApi-Komponentenschema {0} existiert nicht.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: {1} muss größer als 0 sein.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'Aufgabe ist nach {0}ms abgelaufen.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = '[Aufgabenplaner] {0}: StartTime kann nicht nach EndTime liegen.'
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version ist obligatorisch.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Kann ein null-Objekt nicht entsperren.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'Ein nicht leerer ScriptBlock ist für das benutzerdefinierte Authentifizierungsschema erforderlich.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'Für die Authentifizierungsmethode ist ein nicht leerer ScriptBlock erforderlich.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Die Validierung eines Schemas, das 'oneof' enthält, wird nicht unterstützt."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "Der Parameter 'Route' darf nicht null sein."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Ein Cache-Speicher mit dem Namen '{0}' existiert bereits."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Die angegebene Ausgabemethode für die Logging-Methode '{0}' erfordert einen gültigen ScriptBlock."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Die Bereichsvariable ist bereits definiert: {0}.'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 erfordert die Angabe einer Autorisierungs-URL.'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Pfad existiert nicht: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'Es wurde kein Domänenservername für die Windows-AD-Authentifizierung angegeben.'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'Das angegebene Datum liegt nach der Endzeit des Aufgabenplaners bei {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'Das *-Wildcard für Methoden ist nicht mit dem AutoMethods-Schalter kompatibel.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'Ein Intervallwert kann nicht für jedes Jahr angegeben werden.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Fehlende Komponente(n)'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Ungültige Strict-Transport-Security-Dauer angegeben: {0}. Sie sollte größer als 0 sein.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'Es wurde kein Geheimnis für den HMAC512-Hash angegeben.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} hat nur {1} Tage, aber {2} wurden angegeben'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'Ein nicht leerer ScriptBlock ist für die benutzerdefinierte Protokollierungsmethode erforderlich.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'Das Encoding-Attribut gilt nur für multipart und application/x-www-form-urlencoded Anfragekörper.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'Das angegebene Datum liegt vor der Startzeit des Aufgabenplaners bei {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "Eine 'UnlockSecret'-Eigenschaft ist erforderlich, wenn Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore verwendet wird."
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Keine Logik übergeben.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'Für den Inhaltstyp {0} ist bereits ein Body-Parser definiert.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ungültiger JWT angegeben.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Sitzungen sind erforderlich, um Flash-Nachrichten zu verwenden.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Ein Semaphor mit folgendem Namen existiert bereits: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ungültiger JWT-Header-Algorithmus angegeben.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "Der OAuth2-Anbieter unterstützt den für die Verwendung eines InnerScheme erforderlichen 'password'-Grant-Typ nicht."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Ungültiges {0}-Alias gefunden: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Aufgabenplaner '{0}' existiert nicht."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Zugriffsmethode nicht vorhanden: {0}.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "Der OAuth2-Anbieter unterstützt den 'code'-Antworttyp nicht."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[WARNUNG] Pode {0} wurde nicht auf PowerShell {1} getestet, da diese Version bei der Veröffentlichung von Pode nicht verfügbar war.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "Ein Geheimtresor mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde bereits beim automatischen Importieren von Geheimtresoren registriert."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Das bereitgestellte Schema für den Authentifizierungsvalidator '{0}' erfordert einen gültigen ScriptBlock."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Server-Schleife alle {0} Sekunden'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Zertifikat-Thumbprints/Name werden nur unter Windows unterstützt.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "Ein SSE-Verbindungsname ist erforderlich, entweder von -Name oder `$WebEvent.Sse.Namee"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'Eines der angegebenen Middleware-Objekte ist ein ungültiger Typ. Erwartet wurde entweder ein ScriptBlock oder ein Hashtable, aber erhalten wurde: {0}.'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Es wurde kein Geheimnis für die JWT-Signatur angegeben.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Der Modulpfad existiert nicht: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Aufgabe] {0}: Aufgabe bereits definiert.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: Bereits definiert.'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Clientzertifikate werden nur auf HTTPS-Endpunkten unterstützt.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "Der Endpunkt mit dem Namen '{0}' existiert nicht"
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: Kein Logik-ScriptBlock bereitgestellt.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'Ein ScriptBlock ist erforderlich, um mehrere authentifizierte Benutzer zu einem Objekt zusammenzuführen, wenn Valid All ist.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Ein Geheimnis-Tresor mit dem Namen '{0}' wurde bereits registriert{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "WARNUNG: Titel, Version und Beschreibung in 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' sind veraltet. Bitte verwenden Sie stattdessen 'Add-PodeOAInfo'."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Nicht definierte OpenAPI-Referenzen:'
doneMessage = 'Fertig'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Diese Version des Swagger-Editors unterstützt OpenAPI 3.1 nicht.'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'Die Dauer muss 0 oder größer sein, aber erhalten: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Der Ansichtsordnerpfad existiert nicht: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "Der Parameter 'Discriminator' ist nicht mit 'allOf' kompatibel."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'Kein Name für das Senden einer Nachricht an den WebSocket angegeben.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'Eine angegebene Hashtable-Middleware enthält keine definierte Logik.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'OpenAPI-Informationen:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "Das bereitgestellte '{0}'-Schema für den Authentifizierungsvalidator '{1}' erfordert einen gültigen ScriptBlock."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE konnte aufgrund des definierten SSE-Broadcast-Levels für {0}: {1} nicht übertragen werden.'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory-Modul nur unter Windows verfügbar.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Die Anforderungsprotokollierung wurde bereits aktiviert.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Ungültige Access-Control-Max-Age-Dauer angegeben: {0}. Sollte größer als 0 sein.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Die OpenAPI-Definition mit dem Namen {0} existiert bereits.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag kann nicht innerhalb eines 'ScriptBlock' von Select-PodeOADefinition verwendet werden."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Der Aufgabenprozess '{0}' existiert nicht."
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Der Aufgabenplanerprozess '{0}' existiert nicht."
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Definitionstag für eine Route kann nicht geändert werden.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' Operationen dürfen keinen Anfragekörper haben. Verwenden Sie -AllowNonStandardBody, um diese Einschränkung zu umgehen."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "Die Funktion '{0}' akzeptiert kein Array als Pipeline-Eingabe."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'Die Stream-Komprimierungskodierung wird nicht unterstützt: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Sowohl '{0}' als auch '{1}' sind als lokale OpenAPI-Endpunkte definiert, aber es ist nur ein lokaler Endpunkt pro API-Definition erlaubt."
suspendingMessage = 'Anhalten'
resumingMessage = 'Fortsetzen'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Serversteuerbefehle:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Server sanft beenden.'
restartServerMessage = 'Server neu starten und Konfigurationen laden.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Server fortsetzen.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Server anhalten.'
startingMessage = 'Starten'
restartingMessage = 'Neustart'
suspendedMessage = 'Angehalten'
runningMessage = 'Läuft'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Öffnen Sie den ersten HTTP-Endpunkt im Standardbrowser.'
terminatedMessage = 'Beendet'
showMetricsMessage = 'Metriken anzeigen'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Konsole löschen'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Servermetriken'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Gesamtlaufzeit:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Laufzeit seit dem letzten Neustart:'
totalRestartMessage = 'Gesamtanzahl der Neustarts:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "Ein Standardendpunkt für den Typ '{0}' ist bereits festgelegt. Pro Typ ist nur ein Standardendpunkt erlaubt."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTP-Server aktivieren'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTP-Server deaktivieren'
showHelpMessage = 'Hilfe anzeigen'
hideHelpMessage = 'Hilfe ausblenden'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Endpoints ausblenden'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Endpoints anzeigen'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPI ausblenden'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPI anzeigen'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Leisemodus aktivieren'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Leisemodus deaktivieren'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Die Rate-Limit-Regel mit dem Namen '{0}' existiert bereits."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Die Rate-Limit-Regel mit dem Namen '{0}' existiert nicht."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Die Zugriffsbeschränkungsregel mit dem Namen '{0}' existiert bereits."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Die Zugriffsbeschränkungsregel mit dem Namen '{0}' existiert nicht."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'Schema validation requires PowerShell version 6.1.0 or greater.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'A Path or ScriptBlock is required for sourcing the Custom access values.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} has to be unique and cannot be applied to an array.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "An endpoint named '{0}' has not been defined for redirecting."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'The following files have changed:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN is missing.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'Min value for {0} should not be greater than the max value.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'No logic passed for Route: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The script path does not exist: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'A mutex with the following name already exists: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Listening on {0} endpoint(s) [{1} thread(s)]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'The {0} function is not supported in a serverless context.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Expected no JWT signature to be supplied.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "A Secret with the name '{0}' has already been mounted."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'Failed to acquire a lock on the object.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: No Path supplied for Static Route.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid hostname supplied: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Authentication method already defined: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "When using cookies for CSRF, a Secret is required. You can either supply a Secret or set the Cookie global secret - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required to create a Page Route.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'NoProperties' is mutually exclusive with 'Properties', 'MinProperties' and 'MaxProperties'"
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'An existing incompatible Pode.DLL version {0} is loaded. Version {1} is required. Open a new Powershell/pwsh session and retry.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Access method does not exist: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: Schedule already defined.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Seconds value cannot be 0 or less for {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Path to load {0} not found: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Failed to import module: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "Endpoint with protocol '{0}' and address '{1}' or local address '{2}' does not exist."
terminatingMessage = 'Terminating'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'No commands supplied to convert to Routes.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'Task type is invalid, expected either [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] or [hashtable]'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Already connected to WebSocket with name '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'The CRLF message end check is only supported on TCP endpoints.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentschema' need to be enabled using 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory module is not installed.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Cron expression should only consist of 5 parts: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'There is no session available to set on the response.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "Value '{0}' for {1} is invalid, should be between {2} and {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Logging method already defined: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for HMAC256 hash.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[WARNING] Pode {0} has not been tested on PowerShell {1}, as it is EOL.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePool failed to load.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'No {0} event registered: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: Cannot have a negative limit.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi request Style cannot be {0} for a {1} parameter.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI document is not compliant.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Task '{0}' does not exist."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Scoped Variable not found: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use CSRF unless you want to use cookies.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the logging method.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'When Credentials is passed, The * wildcard for Headers will be taken as a literal string and not a wildcard.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode has not been initialized.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Multiple endpoints defined, only the first will be used for the GUI.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} has to be unique.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JSON value found in JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'No algorithm supplied in JWT Header.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi Version property is mandatory.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Limit value cannot be 0 or less for {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Timer '{0}' does not exist."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'OpenAPI generation document error:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "Route '[{0}] {1}' already contains Custom Access with name '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads cannot be less than the minimum of {0} but got: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware already defined.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'Invalid atom character: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'Invalid cron atom format found: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to retrieve cached item '{1}'"
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'Header must have a name when used in an encoding context.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'Module {0} does not contain function {1} to convert to a Route.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Path to the icon for GUI does not exist: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'No title supplied for {0} page.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certificate supplied for non-HTTPS/WSS endpoint.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Cannot lock an object that is null.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui is currently only available for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7+ on Windows OS.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Unlock secret supplied for custom Secret Vault type, but not Unlock ScriptBlock supplied.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'The IP address supplied is invalid: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays must be 0 or greater, but got: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No Remove ScriptBlock supplied for removing secrets from the vault '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Expected no secret to be supplied for no signature.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "No certificate could be found in {0}{1} for '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Min value '{0}' for {1} is invalid, should be greater than/equal to {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Access requires Authentication to be supplied on Routes.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for HMAC384 hash.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Windows Local Authentication support is for Windows OS only.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'DefinitionTag {0} does not exist.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'No component of type {0} named {1} is available in the {2} definition.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'No SMTP handlers have been defined.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Session Middleware has already been initialized.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "The 'pathItems' reusable component feature is not available in OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'The * wildcard for Headers is incompatible with the AutoHeaders switch.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "No data for file '{0}' was uploaded in the request."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE can only be configured on requests with an Accept header value of text/event-stream'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'There is no session available to save.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "If the parameter location is 'Path', the switch parameter 'Required' is mandatory."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'No OpenAPI URL supplied for {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent schedules must be >=1 but got: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapins are only supported on Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Event Viewer logging only supported on Windows OS.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Parameters '{0}' and '{1}' are mutually exclusive."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'The PathItems feature is not supported in OpenAPI v3.0.x'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'The OpenApi parameter requires a name to be specified.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent tasks cannot be less than the minimum of {0} but got: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "No semaphore found called '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'You can only supply a single {0} value when using intervals.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'The JWT is not yet valid for use.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: Already defined for {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "No Secret named '{0}' has been mounted."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Module or version not found on {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'No ScriptBlock supplied.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "No Secret Vault with the name '{0}' has been registered."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'A Name is required for the endpoint if the RedirectTo parameter is supplied.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "The OpenAPI object 'license' required the property 'name'. Use -LicenseName parameter."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: The Source path supplied for Static Route does not exist: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to disconnect from supplied.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "The certificate '{0}' has expired: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'Secret Vault unlock expiry date is in the past (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'Exception is of an invalid type, should be either WebException or HttpRequestException, but got: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Secret value is of an invalid type. Expected types: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[], or PSCredential. But got: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'The Explicit TLS mode is only supported on SMTPS and TCPS endpoints.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'DiscriminatorMapping' can only be used when 'DiscriminatorProperty' is present."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Error '{0}' in script {1} {2} (line {3}) char {4} executing {5} on {6} object '{7}' Class: {8} BaseClass: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'Cannot supply interval value for every quarter.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: The EndTime value must be in the future.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JWT signature supplied.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No Set ScriptBlock supplied for updating/creating secrets in the vault '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Access method does not exist for merging: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "The Default Authentication '{0}' is not in the Authentication list supplied."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "The Parameter has no name. Please give this component a name using the 'Name' parameter."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Already defined for {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "A File Watcher named '{0}' has already been defined."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'No Service handlers have been defined.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'A Secret is required when using custom session storage.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement module not installed.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'No Path supplied for the Route.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Validation of a schema that includes 'anyof' is not supported."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'IIS Authentication support is for Windows OS only.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme can only be one of either Basic or Form authentication, but got: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'No route path supplied for {0} page.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to check if cached item '{1}' exists."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Handler already defined.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'Sessions have not been configured.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Only properties of type Object can be associated with {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'The Path supplied cannot be a wildcard or a directory: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Access method already defined: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Parameters 'Value' or 'ExternalValue' are mandatory"
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent tasks must be >=1 but got: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'Cannot create the property because no type is defined.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Authentication method does not exist for merging: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Max value '{0}' for {1} is invalid, should be less than/equal to {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "An endpoint named '{0}' has already been defined."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = '{0} event already registered: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "A parameter called '{0}' was not supplied in the request or has no data available."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to set cached item '{1}'"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Already defined.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Error Logging has already been enabled.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Value for '`$using:{0}' could not be found."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = "The Document tool RapidPdf doesn't support OpenAPI 3.1"
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 requires a Client Secret when not using PKCE.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Invalid Base64 encoded value found in JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'No session available to calculate data hash.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to remove cached item '{1}'"
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'CSRF Middleware has not been initialized.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title is mandatory.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'Type {0} can only be associated with an Object.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The user file does not exist: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Looks like something went wrong trying to calculate the next trigger datetime: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Cannot lock a [ValueType]'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Failed to create OpenSSL cert: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'The JWT has expired.'
openingGuiMessage = 'Opening the GUI.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Multi-type properties require OpenApi Version 3.1 or above.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to remove supplied.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize must be 0 or greater, but got: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(IIS Shutdown)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Cannot unlock a [ValueType]'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'No JWT signature supplied for {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads must be >=1 but got: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'The Acknowledge message is only supported on SMTP and TCP endpoints.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'Failed to connect to URL: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Failed to acquire mutex ownership. Mutex name: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use OAuth2 with PKCE'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Failed to connect to WebSocket: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Unsupported object'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Failed to parse '{0}' as a valid IP/Host:Port address"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Must be running with administrator privileges to listen on non-localhost addresses.'
specificationMessage = 'Specification'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to clear the cache."
restartingServerMessage = 'Restarting server...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Cannot supply an interval when the parameter 'Every' is set to None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'The JWT algorithm is not currently supported: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets have not been configured to send signal messages.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'A Hashtable Middleware supplied has an invalid Logic type. Expected ScriptBlock, but got: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent schedules cannot be less than the minimum of {0} but got: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Failed to acquire semaphore ownership. Semaphore name: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'The Properties parameters cannot be used if the Property has no name.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "The custom session storage does not implement the required '{0}()' method."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Authentication method does not exist: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'The Webhooks feature is not supported in OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "Invalid 'content-type' found for schema: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No Unlock ScriptBlock supplied for unlocking the vault '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Definition {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Failed to open RunspacePool: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Failed to close RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: No logic passed'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "No mutex found called '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'Documentation'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: Timer already defined.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'The port cannot be negative: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'The Views folder name already exists: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to reset supplied.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "The MergeDefault Authentication '{0}' is not in the Authentication list supplied."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'A Description is required for Path:{0} Response:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'The Page name should be a valid Alphanumeric value: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'The default value is not a boolean and is not part of the enum.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "The OpenApi component schema {0} doesn't exist."
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: {1} must be greater than 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'Task has timed out after {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: Cannot have a StartTime after the EndTime'
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version is mandatory.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Cannot unlock an object that is null.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the Custom authentication scheme.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the authentication method.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Validation of a schema that includes 'oneof' is not supported."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'Route' cannot be null."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Cache Storage with name '{0}' already exists."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "The supplied output Method for the '{0}' Logging method requires a valid ScriptBlock."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Scoped Variable already defined: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 requires an 'AuthoriseUrl' property to be supplied."
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Path does not exist: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'No domain server name has been supplied for Windows AD authentication'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'Supplied date is after the end time of the schedule at {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'The * wildcard for Methods is incompatible with the AutoMethods switch.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'Cannot supply interval value for every year.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Missing component(s)'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Invalid Strict-Transport-Security duration supplied: {0}. It should be greater than 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for HMAC512 hash.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} only has {1} days, but {2} was supplied.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the Custom logging output method.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'The encoding attribute only applies to multipart and application/x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'Supplied date is before the start time of the schedule at {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "An 'UnlockSecret' property is required when using Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: No logic passed.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'A body-parser is already defined for the {0} content-type.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JWT supplied.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use Flash messages.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'A semaphore with the following name already exists: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JWT header algorithm supplied.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "The OAuth2 provider does not support the 'password' grant_type required by using an InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Invalid {0} alias found: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Schedule '{0}' does not exist."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Access method does not exist: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "The OAuth2 provider does not support the 'code' response_type."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[WARNING] Pode {0} has not been tested on PowerShell {1}, as it was not available when Pode was released.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "A Secret Vault with the name '{0}' has already been registered while auto-importing Secret Vaults."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "The supplied scheme for the '{0}' authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Server looping every {0}secs'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Certificate Thumbprints/Name are only supported on Windows OS.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "An SSE connection Name is required, either from -Name or `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'One of the Middlewares supplied is an invalid type. Expected either a ScriptBlock or Hashtable, but got: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for JWT signature.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The module path does not exist: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Task] {0}: Task already defined.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: Already defined'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Client certificates are only supported on HTTPS endpoints.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "Endpoint with name '{0}' does not exist."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: No logic supplied in ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'A Scriptblock for merging multiple authenticated users into 1 object is required When Valid is All.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "A Secret Vault with the name '{0}' has already been registered{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "WARNING: Title, Version, and Description on 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' are deprecated. Please use 'Add-PodeOAInfo' instead."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Undefined OpenAPI References:'
doneMessage = 'Done'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = "This version on Swagger-Editor doesn't support OpenAPI 3.1"
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'Duration must be 0 or greater, but got: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The Views path does not exist: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'Discriminator' is incompatible with 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to send message to supplied.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'A Hashtable Middleware supplied has no Logic defined.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'OpenAPI Information:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "The supplied '{0}' Scheme for the '{1}' authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE failed to broadcast due to defined SSE broadcast level for {0}: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory module only available on Windows OS.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Request Logging has already been enabled.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Invalid Access-Control-Max-Age duration supplied: {0}. Should be greater than 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI definition named {0} already exists.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag cannot be used inside a Select-PodeOADefinition 'ScriptBlock'."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Task process does not exist: {0}'
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Schedule process does not exist: {0}'
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Definition Tag for a Route cannot be changed.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' operations cannot have a Request Body. Use -AllowNonStandardBody to override this restriction."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "The function '{0}' does not accept an array as pipeline input."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'Unsupported stream compression encoding: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Both '{0}' and '{1}' are defined as local OpenAPI endpoints, but only one local endpoint is allowed per API definition."
suspendingMessage = 'Suspending'
resumingMessage = 'Resuming'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Server Control Commands:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Gracefully terminate the server.'
restartServerMessage = 'Restart the server and reload configurations.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Resume the server.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Suspend the server.'
startingMessage = 'Starting'
restartingMessage = 'Restarting'
suspendedMessage = 'Suspended'
runningMessage = 'Running'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Open the default HTTP endpoint in the default browser.'
terminatedMessage = 'Terminated'
showMetricsMessage = 'Show Metrics'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Clear the Console'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Server Metrics'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Total Uptime:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Uptime Since Last Restart:'
totalRestartMessage = 'Total Number of Restarts:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "A default endpoint for the type '{0}' is already set. Only one default endpoint is allowed per type."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'Enable HTTP Server'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'Disable HTTP Server'
showHelpMessage = 'Show Help'
hideHelpMessage = 'Hide Help'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Hide Endpoints'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Show Endpoints'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'Hide OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'Show OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Enable Quiet Mode'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Disable Quiet Mode'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "A rate limit rule with the name '{0}' already exists."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "A rate limit rule with the name '{0}' does not exist."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "An access limit rule with the name '{0}' already exists."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "An access limit rule with the name '{0}' does not exist."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'Schema validation requires PowerShell version 6.1.0 or greater.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'A Path or ScriptBlock is required for sourcing the Custom access values.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} has to be unique and cannot be applied to an array.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "An endpoint named '{0}' has not been defined for redirecting."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'The following files have changed:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN is missing.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'Min value for {0} should not be greater than the max value.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'No logic passed for Route: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The script path does not exist: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'A mutex with the following name already exists: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Listening on {0} endpoint(s) [{1} thread(s)]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'The {0} function is not supported in a serverless context.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Expected no JWT signature to be supplied.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "A Secret with the name '{0}' has already been mounted."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'Failed to acquire a lock on the object.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: No Path supplied for Static Route.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid hostname supplied: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Authentication method already defined: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "When using cookies for CSRF, a Secret is required. You can either supply a Secret or set the Cookie global secret - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the authentication method.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required to create a Page Route.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'NoProperties' is mutually exclusive with 'Properties', 'MinProperties' and 'MaxProperties'"
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'An existing incompatible Pode.DLL version {0} is loaded. Version {1} is required. Open a new PowerShell/pwsh session and retry.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Access method does not exist: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: Schedule already defined.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Seconds value cannot be 0 or less for {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Path to load {0} not found: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Failed to import module: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "Endpoint with protocol '{0}' and address '{1}' or local address '{2}' does not exist."
terminatingMessage = 'Terminating'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'No commands supplied to convert to Routes.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'Task type is invalid, expected either [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] or [hashtable]'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Already connected to WebSocket with name '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'The CRLF message end check is only supported on TCP endpoints.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' need to be enabled using 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory module is not installed.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Cron expression should only consist of 5 parts: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'There is no session available to set on the response.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "Value '{0}' for {1} is invalid, should be between {2} and {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Logging method already defined: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for HMAC256 hash.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[WARNING] Pode {0} has not been tested on PowerShell {1}, as it is EOL.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePool failed to load.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'No {0} event registered: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: Cannot have a negative limit.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi request Style cannot be {0} for a {1} parameter.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI document is not compliant.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Task '{0}' does not exist."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Scoped Variable not found: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use CSRF unless you want to use cookies.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the logging method.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'When Credentials is passed, The * wildcard for Headers will be taken as a literal string and not a wildcard.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode has not been initialised.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Multiple endpoints defined, only the first will be used for the GUI.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} has to be unique.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JSON value found in JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'No algorithm supplied in JWT Header.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi Version property is mandatory.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Limit value cannot be 0 or less for {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Timer '{0}' does not exist."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'OpenAPI generation document error:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "Route '[{0}] {1}' already contains Custom Access with name '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads cannot be less than the minimum of {0} but got: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware already defined.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'Invalid atom character: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'Invalid cron atom format found: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to retrieve cached item '{1}'"
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'Header must have a name when used in an encoding context.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'Module {0} does not contain function {1} to convert to a Route.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Path to the icon for GUI does not exist: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'No title supplied for {0} page.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certificate supplied for non-HTTPS/WSS endpoint.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Cannot lock an object that is null.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui is currently only available for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7+ on Windows OS.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Unlock secret supplied for custom Secret Vault type, but not Unlock ScriptBlock supplied.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'The IP address supplied is invalid: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays must be 0 or greater, but got: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No Remove ScriptBlock supplied for removing secrets from the vault '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Expected no secret to be supplied for no signature.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "No certificate could be found in {0}{1} for '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Min value '{0}' for {1} is invalid, should be greater than/equal to {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Access requires Authentication to be supplied on Routes.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for HMAC384 hash.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Windows Local Authentication support is for Windows OS only.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'DefinitionTag {0} does not exist.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'No component of type {0} named {1} is available in the {2} definition.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'No SMTP handlers have been defined.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Session Middleware has already been initialised.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "The 'pathItems' reusable component feature is not available in OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'The * wildcard for Headers is incompatible with the AutoHeaders switch.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "No data for file '{0}' was uploaded in the request."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE can only be configured on requests with an Accept header value of text/event-stream'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'There is no session available to save.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "If the parameter location is 'Path', the switch parameter 'Required' is mandatory."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'No OpenAPI URL supplied for {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent schedules must be >=1 but got: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapins are only supported on Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Event Viewer logging only supported on Windows OS.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Parameters '{0}' and '{1}' are mutually exclusive."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'The PathItems feature is not supported in OpenAPI v3.0.x'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'The OpenApi parameter requires a name to be specified.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent tasks cannot be less than the minimum of {0} but got: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "No semaphore found called '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'You can only supply a single {0} value when using intervals.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'The JWT is not yet valid for use.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: Already defined for {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "No Secret named '{0}' has been mounted."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Module or version not found on {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'No ScriptBlock supplied.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "No Secret Vault with the name '{0}' has been registered."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'A Name is required for the endpoint if the RedirectTo parameter is supplied.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "The OpenAPI object 'license' required the property 'name'. Use -LicenseName parameter."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: The Source path supplied for Static Route does not exist: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to disconnect from supplied.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "The certificate '{0}' has expired: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'Secret Vault unlock expiry date is in the past (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'Exception is of an invalid type, should be either WebException or HttpRequestException, but got: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Secret value is of an invalid type. Expected types: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[], or PSCredential. But got: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'The Explicit TLS mode is only supported on SMTPS and TCPS endpoints.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'DiscriminatorMapping' can only be used when 'DiscriminatorProperty' is present."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Error '{0}' in script {1} {2} (line {3}) char {4} executing {5} on {6} object '{7}' Class: {8} BaseClass: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'Cannot supply interval value for every quarter.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: The EndTime value must be in the future.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JWT signature supplied.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No Set ScriptBlock supplied for updating/creating secrets in the vault '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Access method does not exist for merging: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "The Default Authentication '{0}' is not in the Authentication list supplied."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "The Parameter has no name. Please give this component a name using the 'Name' parameter."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Already defined for {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "A File Watcher named '{0}' has already been defined."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'No Service handlers have been defined.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'A Secret is required when using custom session storage.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement module not installed.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'No Path supplied for the Route.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Validation of a schema that includes 'anyof' is not supported."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'IIS Authentication support is for Windows OS only.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme can only be one of either Basic or Form authentication, but got: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'No route path supplied for {0} page.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to check if cached item '{1}' exists."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Handler already defined.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'Sessions have not been configured.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Only properties of type Object can be associated with {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'The Path supplied cannot be a wildcard or a directory: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Access method already defined: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Parameters 'Value' or 'ExternalValue' are mandatory"
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent tasks must be >=1 but got: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'Cannot create the property because no type is defined.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Authentication method does not exist for merging: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Max value '{0}' for {1} is invalid, should be less than/equal to {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "An endpoint named '{0}' has already been defined."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = '{0} event already registered: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "A parameter called '{0}' was not supplied in the request or has no data available."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to set cached item '{1}'"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Already defined.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Error Logging has already been enabled.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Value for '`$using:{0}' could not be found."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = "The Document tool RapidPdf doesn't support OpenAPI 3.1"
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 requires a Client Secret when not using PKCE.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Invalid Base64 encoded value found in JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'No session available to calculate data hash.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to remove cached item '{1}'"
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'CSRF Middleware has not been initialised.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title is mandatory.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'Type {0} can only be associated with an Object.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The user file does not exist: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Looks like something went wrong trying to calculate the next trigger datetime: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Cannot lock a [ValueType]'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Failed to create OpenSSL cert: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'The JWT has expired.'
openingGuiMessage = 'Opening the GUI.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Multi-type properties require OpenApi Version 3.1 or above.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to remove supplied.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize must be 0 or greater, but got: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(IIS Shutdown)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Cannot unlock a [ValueType]'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'No JWT signature supplied for {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads must be >=1 but got: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'The Acknowledge message is only supported on SMTP and TCP endpoints.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'Failed to connect to URL: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Failed to acquire mutex ownership. Mutex name: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use OAuth2 with PKCE'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Failed to connect to WebSocket: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Unsupported object'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Failed to parse '{0}' as a valid IP/Host:Port address"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Must be running with administrator privileges to listen on non-localhost addresses.'
specificationMessage = 'Specification'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Cache storage with name '{0}' not found when attempting to clear the cache."
restartingServerMessage = 'Restarting server...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Cannot supply an interval when the parameter 'Every' is set to None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'The JWT algorithm is not currently supported: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets have not been configured to send signal messages.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'A Hashtable Middleware supplied has an invalid Logic type. Expected ScriptBlock, but got: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximum concurrent schedules cannot be less than the minimum of {0} but got: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Failed to acquire semaphore ownership. Semaphore name: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'The Properties parameters cannot be used if the Property has no name.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "The custom session storage does not implement the required '{0}()' method."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Authentication method does not exist: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'The Webhooks feature is not supported in OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "Invalid 'content-type' found for schema: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No Unlock ScriptBlock supplied for unlocking the vault '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Definition {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Failed to open RunspacePool: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Failed to close RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: No logic passed'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "No mutex found called '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'Documentation'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: Timer already defined.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'The port cannot be negative: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'The Views folder name already exists: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to reset supplied.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "The MergeDefault Authentication '{0}' is not in the Authentication list supplied."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'A Description is required for Path:{0} Response:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'The Page name should be a valid Alphanumeric value: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'The default value is not a boolean and is not part of the enum.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "The OpenApi component schema {0} doesn't exist."
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: {1} must be greater than 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'Task has timed out after {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = '[Schedule] {0}: Cannot have a StartTime after the EndTime'
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version is mandatory.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Cannot unlock an object that is null.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the Custom authentication scheme.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Validation of a schema that includes 'oneof' is not supported."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'Route' cannot be null."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Cache Storage with name '{0}' already exists."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "The supplied output Method for the '{0}' Logging method requires a valid ScriptBlock."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Scoped Variable already defined: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 requires an 'AuthoriseUrl' property to be supplied."
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Path does not exist: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'No domain server name has been supplied for Windows AD authentication'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'Supplied date is after the end time of the schedule at {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'The * wildcard for Methods is incompatible with the AutoMethods switch.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'Cannot supply interval value for every year.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Missing component(s)'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Invalid Strict-Transport-Security duration supplied: {0}. It should be greater than 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for HMAC512 hash.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} only has {1} days, but {2} was supplied.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the Custom logging output method.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'The encoding attribute only applies to multipart and application/x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'Supplied date is before the start time of the schedule at {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "An 'UnlockSecret' property is required when using Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: No logic passed.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'A body-parser is already defined for the {0} content-type.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JWT supplied.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Sessions are required to use Flash messages.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'A semaphore with the following name already exists: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Invalid JWT header algorithm supplied.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "The OAuth2 provider does not support the 'password' grant_type required by using an InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Invalid {0} alias found: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Schedule '{0}' does not exist."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Access method does not exist: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "The OAuth2 provider does not support the 'code' response_type."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[WARNING] Pode {0} has not been tested on PowerShell {1}, as it was not available when Pode was released.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "A Secret Vault with the name '{0}' has already been registered while auto-importing Secret Vaults."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "The supplied scheme for the '{0}' authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Server looping every {0}secs'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Certificate Thumbprints/Name are only supported on Windows OS.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "An SSE connection Name is required, either from -Name or `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'One of the Middlewares supplied is an invalid type. Expected either a ScriptBlock or Hashtable, but got: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'No secret supplied for JWT signature.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The module path does not exist: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Task] {0}: Task already defined.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: Already defined'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Client certificates are only supported on HTTPS endpoints.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "Endpoint with name '{0}' does not exist."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: No logic supplied in ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'A Scriptblock for merging multiple authenticated users into 1 object is required When Valid is All.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "A Secret Vault with the name '{0}' has already been registered{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "WARNING: Title, Version, and Description on 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' are deprecated. Please use 'Add-PodeOAInfo' instead."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Undefined OpenAPI References:'
doneMessage = 'Done'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = "This version on Swagger-Editor doesn't support OpenAPI 3.1"
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'Duration must be 0 or greater, but got: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'The Views path does not exist: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "The parameter 'Discriminator' is incompatible with 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'No Name for a WebSocket to send message to supplied.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'A Hashtable Middleware supplied has no Logic defined.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'OpenAPI Information:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "The supplied '{0}' Scheme for the '{1}' authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE failed to broadcast due to defined SSE broadcast level for {0}: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory module only available on Windows OS.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Request Logging has already been enabled.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Invalid Access-Control-Max-Age duration supplied: {0}. Should be greater than 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI definition named {0} already exists.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag cannot be used inside a Select-PodeOADefinition 'ScriptBlock'."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Task process does not exist: {0}'
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Schedule process does not exist: {0}'
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Definition Tag for a Route cannot be changed.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' operations cannot have a Request Body. Use -AllowNonStandardBody to override this restriction."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "The function '{0}' does not accept an array as pipeline input."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'Unsupported stream compression encoding: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Both '{0}' and '{1}' are defined as local OpenAPI endpoints, but only one local endpoint is allowed per API definition."
suspendingMessage = 'Suspending'
resumingMessage = 'Resuming'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Server Control Commands:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Gracefully terminate the server.'
restartServerMessage = 'Restart the server and reload configurations.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Resume the server.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Suspend the server.'
startingMessage = 'Starting'
restartingMessage = 'Restarting'
suspendedMessage = 'Suspended'
runningMessage = 'Running'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Open the default HTTP endpoint in the default browser.'
terminatedMessage = 'Terminated'
showMetricsMessage = 'Show Metrics'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Clear the Console'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Server Metrics'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Total Uptime:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Uptime Since Last Restart:'
totalRestartMessage = 'Total Number of Restarts:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "A default endpoint for the type '{0}' is already set. Only one default endpoint is allowed per type."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'Enable HTTP Server'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'Disable HTTP Server'
showHelpMessage = 'Show Help'
hideHelpMessage = 'Hide Help'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Hide Endpoints'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Show Endpoints'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'Hide OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'Show OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Enable Quiet Mode'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Disable Quiet Mode'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "A Rate Limit Rule with the name '{0}' already exists."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "A Rate Limit Rule with the name '{0}' does not exist."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "An Access Limit Rule with the name '{0}' already exists."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "An Access Limit Rule with the name '{0}' does not exist."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'La validación del esquema requiere PowerShell versión 6.1.0 o superior.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere una ruta o un ScriptBlock para obtener los valores de acceso personalizados.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} debe ser único y no puede aplicarse a un array.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "No se ha definido un punto de conexión llamado '{0}' para la redirección."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'Los siguientes archivos han cambiado:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'Falta el token IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'El valor mínimo para {0} no debe ser mayor que el valor máximo.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'No se pasó lógica para la Ruta: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'La ruta del script no existe: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Ya existe un mutex con el siguiente nombre: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Escuchando en los siguientes {0} punto(s) de conexión [{1} hilo(s)]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'La función {0} no es compatible en un contexto sin servidor.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'No se esperaba que se proporcionara una firma JWT.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "Un Secreto con el nombre '{0}' ya ha sido montado."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'No se pudo adquirir un bloqueo en el objeto.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: No se proporcionó una ruta para la Ruta estática.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nombre de host no válido proporcionado: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Método de autenticación ya definido: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "Al usar cookies para CSRF, se requiere un Secreto. Puedes proporcionar un Secreto o establecer el secreto global de la Cookie - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un ScriptBlock no vacío para crear una Ruta de Página.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "El parámetro 'NoProperties' es mutuamente excluyente con 'Properties', 'MinProperties' y 'MaxProperties'."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'Se ha cargado una versión incompatible existente de Pode.DLL {0}. Se requiere la versión {1}. Abra una nueva sesión de Powershell/pwsh e intente de nuevo.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'El método de acceso no existe: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Programador] {0}: Programador ya definido.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'El valor en segundos no puede ser 0 o menor para {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'No se encontró la ruta para cargar {0}: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Error al importar el módulo: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "No existe un punto de conexión con el protocolo '{0}' y la dirección '{1}' o la dirección local '{2}'."
terminatingMessage = 'Terminando'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionaron comandos para convertir a Rutas.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'El tipo de tarea no es válido, se esperaba [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] o [hashtable].'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Ya conectado al WebSocket con el nombre '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'La verificación de final de mensaje CRLF solo es compatible con endpoints TCP.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' necesita ser habilitado usando 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'El módulo de Active Directory no está instalado.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'La expresión Cron solo debe consistir en 5 partes: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'No hay ninguna sesión disponible para configurar en la respuesta.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "El valor '{0}' para {1} no es válido, debe estar entre {2} y {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Método de registro ya definido: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'No se suministró ningún secreto para el hash HMAC256.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[ADVERTENCIA] Pode {0} no se ha probado en PowerShell {1}, ya que está en fin de vida.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePool no se pudo cargar.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'No hay evento {0} registrado: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Programador] {0}: No puede tener un límite negativo.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'El estilo de la solicitud OpenApi no puede ser {0} para un parámetro {1}.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'El documento OpenAPI no cumple con las normas.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La tarea '{0}' no existe."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Variable de alcance no encontrada: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Se requieren sesiones para usar CSRF a menos que desee usar cookies.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un ScriptBlock no vacío para el método de registro.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'Cuando se pasan las Credenciales, el comodín * para los Encabezados se tomará como una cadena literal y no como un comodín.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode no se ha inicializado.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Se han definido múltiples puntos de conexión, solo se usará el primero para la GUI.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} debe ser único.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Valor JSON no válido encontrado en JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó un algoritmo en el encabezado JWT.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'La propiedad de versión OpenApi es obligatoria.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'El valor del límite no puede ser 0 o menor para {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "El temporizador '{0}' no existe."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'Error en el documento de generación de OpenAPI:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "La ruta '[{0}] {1}' ya contiene acceso personalizado con el nombre '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'El número máximo de hilos concurrentes de WebSocket no puede ser menor que el mínimo de {0}, pero se obtuvo: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware ya definido.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'Carácter de átomo cron no válido: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'Formato de átomo cron inválido encontrado: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "No se encontró el almacenamiento en caché con el nombre '{0}' al intentar recuperar el elemento en caché '{1}'."
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'El encabezado debe tener un nombre cuando se usa en un contexto de codificación.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'El módulo {0} no contiene la función {1} para convertir en una Ruta.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'La ruta del icono para la GUI no existe: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó título para la página {0}.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certificado proporcionado para un endpoint que no es HTTPS/WSS.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'No se puede bloquear un objeto nulo.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui actualmente solo está disponible para Windows PowerShell y PowerShell 7+ en Windows.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Se suministró un secreto de desbloqueo para el tipo de bóveda secreta personalizada, pero no se suministró ningún ScriptBlock de desbloqueo.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'La dirección IP suministrada no es válida: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays debe ser igual o mayor que 0, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No se suministró ningún ScriptBlock de eliminación para eliminar secretos de la bóveda '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Se esperaba que no se suministrara ningún secreto para ninguna firma.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "No se encontró ningún certificado en {0}{1} para '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "El valor mínimo '{0}' para {1} no es válido, debe ser mayor o igual a {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'El acceso requiere autenticación en las rutas.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'No se suministró ningún secreto para el hash HMAC384.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'El soporte de autenticación local de Windows es solo para Windows.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'La etiqueta de definición {0} no está definida.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'No hay componente del tipo {0} llamado {1} disponible en la definición de {2}.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'No se han definido controladores SMTP.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'El Middleware de Sesión ya se ha inicializado.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "La característica del componente reutilizable 'pathItems' no está disponible en OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'El comodín * para los Encabezados es incompatible con el interruptor AutoHeaders.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "No se han subido datos para el archivo '{0}' en la solicitud."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE solo se puede configurar en solicitudes con un valor de encabezado Accept de text/event-stream.'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'No hay sesión disponible para guardar.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "Si la ubicación del parámetro es 'Path', el parámetro switch 'Required' es obligatorio."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó URL de OpenAPI para {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Las programaciones simultáneos máximos deben ser >=1 pero se obtuvo: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Los Snapins solo son compatibles con Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'El registro en el Visor de Eventos solo se admite en Windows.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Los parámetros '{0}' y '{1}' son mutuamente excluyentes."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'La función de elementos de ruta no es compatible con OpenAPI v3.0.x'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'El parámetro OpenApi requiere un nombre especificado.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'El número máximo de tareas concurrentes no puede ser menor que el mínimo de {0}, pero se obtuvo: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "No se encontró ningún semáforo llamado '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'Solo puede suministrar un único valor {0} cuando utiliza intervalos.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'El JWT aún no es válido.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Ya está definido para {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "No se ha montado ningún Secreto con el nombre '{0}'."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'No se encontró el módulo o la versión en {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'No se suministró ningún ScriptBlock.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "No se ha registrado un Cofre de Secretos con el nombre '{0}'."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un nombre para el endpoint si se proporciona el parámetro RedirectTo.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "El objeto OpenAPI 'license' requiere la propiedad 'name'. Use el parámetro -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: La ruta de origen proporcionada para la Ruta estática no existe: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó ningún nombre para desconectar el WebSocket.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "El certificado '{0}' ha expirado: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'La fecha de expiración para desbloquear el Cofre de Secretos está en el pasado (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'La excepción es de un tipo no válido, debe ser WebException o HttpRequestException, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'El valor del secreto es de un tipo no válido. Tipos esperados: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[], o PSCredential. Pero se obtuvo: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'El modo TLS explícito solo es compatible con endpoints SMTPS y TCPS.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "El parámetro 'DiscriminatorMapping' solo se puede usar cuando está presente la propiedad 'DiscriminatorProperty'."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Error '{0}' en el script {1} {2} (línea {3}) carácter {4} al ejecutar {5} en el objeto {6} '{7}' Clase: {8} ClaseBase: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'No se puede proporcionar un valor de intervalo para cada trimestre.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Programador] {0}: El valor de EndTime debe estar en el futuro.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Firma JWT proporcionada no válida.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No se suministró ningún ScriptBlock de configuración para actualizar/crear secretos en la bóveda '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'El método de acceso no existe para fusionarse: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "La autenticación predeterminada '{0}' no está en la lista de autenticación proporcionada."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "El parámetro no tiene nombre. Asigne un nombre a este componente usando el parámetro 'Name'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Ya está definido para {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Un Observador de Archivos llamado '{0}' ya ha sido definido."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'No se han definido controladores de servicio.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un secreto cuando se utiliza el almacenamiento de sesión personalizado.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'El módulo Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement no está instalado.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó una ruta para la Ruta.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "La validación de un esquema que incluye 'anyof' no es compatible."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'El soporte de autenticación IIS es solo para Windows.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme solo puede ser Basic o Form, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó ruta de acceso para la página {0}.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "No se encontró el almacenamiento en caché con el nombre '{0}' al intentar comprobar si el elemento en caché '{1}' existe."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Manejador ya definido.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'Las sesiones no se han configurado.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Solo las propiedades de tipo Objeto pueden estar asociadas con {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'Se requieren sesiones para usar la autenticación persistente de sesión.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'La ruta suministrada no puede ser un comodín o un directorio: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Método de acceso ya definido: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Los parámetros 'Value' o 'ExternalValue' son obligatorios."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'El número máximo de tareas concurrentes debe ser >=1, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'No se puede crear la propiedad porque no se ha definido ningún tipo.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'El método de autenticación no existe para la fusión: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "El valor máximo '{0}' para {1} no es válido, debe ser menor o igual a {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Ya se ha definido un punto de conexión llamado '{0}'."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Evento {0} ya registrado: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "No se ha proporcionado un parámetro llamado '{0}' en la solicitud o no hay datos disponibles."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "No se encontró el almacenamiento en caché con el nombre '{0}' al intentar establecer el elemento en caché '{1}'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Ya está definido.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'El registro de errores ya está habilitado.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "No se pudo encontrar el valor para '`$using:{0}'."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'La herramienta de documentación RapidPdf no admite OpenAPI 3.1'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 requiere un Client Secret cuando no se usa PKCE.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Valor Base64 no válido encontrado en JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'No hay ninguna sesión disponible para calcular el hash de datos.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "No se encontró el almacenamiento en caché con el nombre '{0}' al intentar eliminar el elemento en caché '{1}'."
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'El Middleware CSRF no se ha inicializado.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title es obligatorio.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'El tipo {0} solo se puede asociar con un Objeto.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'El archivo de usuario no existe: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'El parámetro Route necesita un ScriptBlock válido y no vacío.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Parece que algo salió mal al intentar calcular la siguiente fecha y hora del disparador: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'No se puede bloquear un [ValueType].'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Error al crear el certificado OpenSSL: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'El JWT ha expirado.'
openingGuiMessage = 'Abriendo la GUI.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Las propiedades de tipo múltiple requieren OpenApi versión 3.1 o superior.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó ningún nombre para eliminar el WebSocket.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize debe ser igual o mayor que 0, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(Apagado de IIS)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'No se puede desbloquear un [ValueType].'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó una firma JWT para {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'El número máximo de hilos concurrentes de WebSocket debe ser >=1, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'El mensaje de reconocimiento solo es compatible con endpoints SMTP y TCP.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'Error al conectar con la URL: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'No se pudo adquirir la propiedad del mutex. Nombre del mutex: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Se requieren sesiones para usar OAuth2 con PKCE.'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Error al conectar con el WebSocket: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Objeto no compatible'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Error al analizar '{0}' como una dirección IP/Host:Puerto válida"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Debe estar ejecutándose con privilegios de administrador para escuchar en direcciones que no sean localhost.'
specificationMessage = 'Especificación'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "No se encontró el almacenamiento en caché con el nombre '{0}' al intentar vaciar la caché."
restartingServerMessage = 'Reiniciando el servidor...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "No se puede proporcionar un intervalo cuando el parámetro 'Every' está configurado en None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'El algoritmo JWT actualmente no es compatible: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets no están configurados para enviar mensajes de señal.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'Un Middleware Hashtable suministrado tiene un tipo de lógica no válido. Se esperaba ScriptBlock, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Las programaciones simultáneos máximos no pueden ser inferiores al mínimo de {0} pero se obtuvo: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'No se pudo adquirir la propiedad del semáforo. Nombre del semáforo: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'Los parámetros de propiedades no se pueden usar si la propiedad no tiene nombre.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "El almacenamiento de sesión personalizado no implementa el método requerido '{0}()'."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'El método de autenticación no existe: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'La función de Webhooks no es compatible con OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "'content-type' inválido encontrado para el esquema: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "No se suministró ningún ScriptBlock de desbloqueo para desbloquear la bóveda '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Definición {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Error al abrir RunspacePool: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'No se pudo cerrar el RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: No se pasó ninguna lógica'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "No se encontró ningún mutex llamado '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'Documentación'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Temporizador] {0}: Temporizador ya definido.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'El puerto no puede ser negativo: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'El nombre de la carpeta Views ya existe: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó ningún nombre para restablecer el WebSocket.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "La autenticación MergeDefault '{0}' no está en la lista de autenticación proporcionada."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere una descripción para la Ruta:{0} Respuesta:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'El nombre de la página debe ser un valor alfanumérico válido: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'El valor predeterminado no es un booleano y no forma parte del enum.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'El esquema del componente OpenApi {0} no existe.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Temporizador] {0}: {1} debe ser mayor que 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'La tarea ha agotado el tiempo después de {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[Programador] {0}: No puede tener un 'StartTime' después del 'EndTime'"
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version es obligatorio.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'No se puede desbloquear un objeto nulo.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un ScriptBlock no vacío para el esquema de autenticación personalizado.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un ScriptBlock no vacío para el método de autenticación.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "La validación de un esquema que incluye 'oneof' no es compatible."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "El parámetro 'Route' no puede ser nulo."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Ya existe un almacenamiento en caché con el nombre '{0}'."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "El método de salida proporcionado para el método de registro '{0}' requiere un ScriptBlock válido."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'La variable con alcance ya está definida: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 requiere que se proporcione una URL de autorización.'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'La ruta no existe: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'No se ha proporcionado un nombre de servidor de dominio para la autenticación AD de Windows.'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'La fecha proporcionada es posterior a la hora de finalización del programación en {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'El comodín * para los Métodos es incompatible con el interruptor AutoMethods.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'No se puede proporcionar un valor de intervalo para cada año.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Componente(s) faltante(s)'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Duración de Strict-Transport-Security no válida proporcionada: {0}. Debe ser mayor que 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'No se suministró ningún secreto para el hash HMAC512.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} solo tiene {1} días, pero se suministró {2}.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un ScriptBlock no vacío para el método de salida de registro personalizado.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'El atributo de codificación solo se aplica a cuerpos de solicitud multipart y application/x-www-form-urlencoded.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'La fecha proporcionada es anterior a la hora de inicio del programación en {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "Se requiere una propiedad 'UnlockSecret' al usar Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: No se pasó lógica.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'Un analizador de cuerpo ya está definido para el tipo de contenido {0}.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'JWT proporcionado no válido.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Se requieren sesiones para usar mensajes Flash.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Ya existe un semáforo con el siguiente nombre: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Algoritmo del encabezado JWT proporcionado no válido.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "El proveedor de OAuth2 no admite el tipo de concesión 'password' requerido al usar un InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Se encontró un alias {0} no válido: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "El programación '{0}' no existe."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'El método de acceso no existe: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "El proveedor de OAuth2 no admite el tipo de respuesta 'code'."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[ADVERTENCIA] Pode {0} no se ha probado en PowerShell {1}, ya que no estaba disponible cuando se lanzó Pode.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "Ya se ha registrado un Bóveda Secreta con el nombre '{0}' al importar automáticamente Bóvedas Secretas."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "El esquema proporcionado para el validador de autenticación '{0}' requiere un ScriptBlock válido."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Bucle del servidor cada {0} segundos'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Las huellas digitales/nombres de certificados solo son compatibles con Windows.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "Se requiere un nombre de conexión SSE, ya sea de -Name o `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'Uno de los Middlewares suministrados es de un tipo no válido. Se esperaba ScriptBlock o Hashtable, pero se obtuvo: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'No se suministró ningún secreto para la firma JWT.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'La ruta del módulo no existe: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Tarea] {0}: Tarea ya definida.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Ya está definido'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Los certificados de cliente solo son compatibles con endpoints HTTPS.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "No existe un punto de conexión con el nombre '{0}'."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: No se suministró lógica en el ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'Se requiere un ScriptBlock para fusionar múltiples usuarios autenticados en un solo objeto cuando Valid es All.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Un Cofre de Secretos con el nombre '{0}' ya ha sido registrado{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "ADVERTENCIA: Título, Versión y Descripción en 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' están obsoletos. Utilice 'Add-PodeOAInfo' en su lugar."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Referencias OpenAPI indefinidas:'
doneMessage = 'Hecho'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Esta versión de Swagger-Editor no admite OpenAPI 3.1'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'La duración debe ser igual o mayor a 0, pero se obtuvo: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'La ruta de las Views no existe: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "El parámetro 'Discriminator' es incompatible con 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'No se proporcionó ningún nombre para enviar un mensaje al WebSocket.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'Un Middleware Hashtable suministrado no tiene lógica definida.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'Información OpenAPI:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "El esquema '{0}' proporcionado para el validador de autenticación '{1}' requiere un ScriptBlock válido."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE no pudo transmitir debido al nivel de transmisión SSE definido para {0}: {1}.'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'El módulo de Active Directory solo está disponible en Windows.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'El registro de solicitudes ya está habilitado.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Duración inválida para Access-Control-Max-Age proporcionada: {0}. Debe ser mayor que 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'La definición de OpenAPI con el nombre {0} ya existe.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag no se puede usar dentro de un 'ScriptBlock' de Select-PodeOADefinition."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "El proceso de la tarea '{0}' no existe."
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "El proceso del programación '{0}' no existe."
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'La etiqueta de definición para una Route no se puede cambiar.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "Las operaciones '{0}' no pueden tener un cuerpo de solicitud. Use -AllowNonStandardBody para evitar esta restricción."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "La función '{0}' no acepta una matriz como entrada de canalización."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'La codificación de compresión de transmisión no es compatible: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Tanto '{0}' como '{1}' están definidos como puntos finales locales de OpenAPI, pero solo se permite un punto final local por definición de API."
suspendingMessage = 'Suspendiendo'
resumingMessage = 'Reanudando'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Comandos de control del servidor:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Terminar el servidor de manera ordenada.'
restartServerMessage = 'Reiniciar el servidor y recargar configuraciones.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Reanudar el servidor.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Suspender el servidor.'
startingMessage = 'Iniciando'
restartingMessage = 'Reiniciando'
suspendedMessage = 'Suspendido'
runningMessage = 'En ejecución'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Abrir el primer endpoint HTTP en el navegador predeterminado.'
terminatedMessage = 'Terminado'
showMetricsMessage = 'Mostrar métricas'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Limpiar la consola'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Métricas del servidor'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Tiempo total de actividad:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Tiempo de actividad desde el último reinicio:'
totalRestartMessage = 'Número total de reinicios:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "Ya se ha establecido un punto final predeterminado para el tipo '{0}'. Solo se permite un punto final predeterminado por tipo."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'Habilitar servidor HTTP'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'Deshabilitar servidor HTTP'
showHelpMessage = 'Mostrar ayuda'
hideHelpMessage = 'Ocultar ayuda'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Ocultar endpoints'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Mostrar endpoints'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'Ocultar OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'Mostrar OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Activar modo silencioso'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Desactivar modo silencioso'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "La regla de límite de velocidad con el nombre '{0}' ya existe."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La regla de límite de velocidad con el nombre '{0}' no existe."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "La regla de límite de acceso con el nombre '{0}' ya existe."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La regla de límite de acceso con el nombre '{0}' no existe."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'La validation du schéma nécessite PowerShell version 6.1.0 ou supérieure.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = "Un chemin ou un ScriptBlock est requis pour obtenir les valeurs d'accès personnalisées."
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID : {0} doit être unique et ne peut pas être appliqué à un tableau.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "Un point de terminaison nommé '{0}' n'a pas été défini pour la redirection."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'Les fichiers suivants ont été modifiés :'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'Le jeton IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN est manquant.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'La valeur minimale pour {0} ne doit pas être supérieure à la valeur maximale.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Aucune logique passée pour la Route: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le chemin du script n'existe pas : {0}"
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Un mutex avec le nom suivant existe déjà: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Écoute sur les {0} point(s) de terminaison suivant(s) [{1} thread(s)] :'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = "La fonction {0} n'est pas prise en charge dans un contexte sans serveur."
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = "Aucune signature JWT n'était attendue."
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "Un Secret avec le nom '{0}' a déjà été monté."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = "Impossible d'acquérir un verrou sur l'objet."
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: Aucun chemin fourni pour la Route statique.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = "Nom d'hôte fourni invalide: {0}"
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Méthode d'authentification déjà définie : {0}"
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "Lors de l'utilisation de cookies pour CSRF, un Secret est requis. Vous pouvez soit fournir un Secret, soit définir le Secret global du Cookie - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'Un ScriptBlock non vide est requis pour créer une route de page.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Le paramètre 'NoProperties' est mutuellement exclusif avec 'Properties', 'MinProperties' et 'MaxProperties'."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'Une version incompatible existante de Pode.DLL {0} est chargée. La version {1} est requise. Ouvrez une nouvelle session Powershell/pwsh et réessayez.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La méthode d'accès n'existe pas : {0}."
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Horaire] {0}: Horaire déjà défini.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'La valeur en secondes ne peut pas être 0 ou inférieure pour {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Chemin à charger {0} non trouvé : {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = "Échec de l'importation du module : {0}"
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "Un point de terminaison avec le protocole '{0}' et l'adresse '{1}' ou l'adresse locale '{2}' n'existe pas."
terminatingMessage = 'Terminaison'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Aucune commande fournie pour convertir en routes.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = "Le type de tâche n'est pas valide, attendu [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] ou [hashtable]."
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Déjà connecté au WebSocket avec le nom '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = "La vérification de fin de message CRLF n'est prise en charge que sur les points de terminaison TCP."
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' doit être activé en utilisant 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = "Le module Active Directory n'est pas installé."
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = "L'expression Cron doit uniquement comporter 5 parties : {0}"
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'Aucune session disponible pour être définie sur la réponse.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "La valeur '{0}' pour {1} n'est pas valide, elle doit être comprise entre {2} et {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Méthode de journalisation déjà définie: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'Aucun secret fourni pour le hachage HMAC256.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = "[AVERTISSEMENT] Pode {0} n'a pas été testé sur PowerShell {1}, car il est en fin de vie."
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = "{0} RunspacePool n'a pas pu être chargé."
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Aucun événement {0} enregistré : {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Horaire] {0}: Ne peut pas avoir de limite négative.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'Le style de la requête OpenApi ne peut pas être {0} pour un paramètre {1}.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = "Le document OpenAPI n'est pas conforme."
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La tâche '{0}' n'existe pas."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Variable d'étendue non trouvée : {0}"
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Des sessions sont nécessaires pour utiliser CSRF sauf si vous souhaitez utiliser des cookies.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'Un ScriptBlock non vide est requis pour la méthode de journalisation.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'Lorsque des Identifiants sont passés, le caractère générique * pour les En-têtes sera pris comme une chaîne littérale et non comme un caractère générique.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = "Pode n'a pas été initialisé."
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = "Plusieurs points de terminaison définis, seul le premier sera utilisé pour l'interface graphique."
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID : {0} doit être unique.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Valeur JSON non valide trouvée dans le JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = "Aucun algorithme fourni dans l'en-tête JWT."
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'La propriété Version OpenApi est obligatoire.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'La valeur de la limite ne peut pas être 0 ou inférieure pour {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Minuteur '{0}' n'existe pas."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'Erreur de génération du document OpenAPI :'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "La route '[{0}] {1}' contient déjà un accès personnalisé avec le nom '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Le nombre maximum de threads WebSocket simultanés ne peut pas être inférieur au minimum de {0}, mais a obtenu : {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware déjà défini.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = "Caractère d'atome cron non valide : {0}"
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = "Format d'atome cron invalide trouvé: {0}"
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Le stockage de cache nommé '{0}' est introuvable lors de la tentative de récupération de l'élément mis en cache '{1}'."
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = "L'en-tête doit avoir un nom lorsqu'il est utilisé dans un contexte de codage."
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'Le module {0} ne contient pas la fonction {1} à convertir en une Route.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le chemin vers l'icône pour l'interface graphique n'existe pas: {0}"
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Aucun titre fourni pour la page {0}.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certificat fourni pour un point de terminaison non HTTPS/WSS.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Impossible de verrouiller un objet nul.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui est actuellement disponible uniquement pour Windows PowerShell et PowerShell 7+ sur Windows.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Secret de déverrouillage fourni pour le type de coffre-fort personnalisé, mais aucun ScriptBlock de déverrouillage fourni.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = "L'adresse IP fournie n'est pas valide : {0}"
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays doit être égal ou supérieur à 0, mais a obtenu: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Aucun ScriptBlock de suppression fourni pour supprimer des secrets du coffre '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Aucun secret attendu pour aucune signature.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "Aucun certificat n'a été trouvé dans {0}{1} pour '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "La valeur minimale '{0}' pour {1} n'est pas valide, elle doit être supérieure ou égale à {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = "L'accès nécessite une authentification sur les routes."
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'Aucun secret fourni pour le hachage HMAC384.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = "Le support de l'authentification locale Windows est uniquement pour Windows."
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Tag de définition {0} non défini.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = "Aucun composant du type {0} nommé {1} n'est disponible dans la définition {2}."
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Aucun gestionnaire SMTP défini.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Le Middleware de session a déjà été initialisé.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "La fonctionnalité du composant réutilisable 'pathItems' n'est pas disponible dans OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'Le caractère générique * pour les En-têtes est incompatible avec le commutateur AutoHeaders.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "Aucune donnée pour le fichier '{0}' n'a été téléchargée dans la demande."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = "SSE ne peut être configuré que sur les requêtes avec une valeur d'en-tête Accept de text/event-stream."
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'Aucune session disponible pour sauvegarder.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "Si l'emplacement du paramètre est 'Path', le paramètre switch 'Required' est obligatoire."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Aucune URL OpenAPI fournie pour {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Les horaires simultanés maximum doivent être >=1 mais obtenu: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Les Snapins sont uniquement pris en charge sur Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = "La journalisation dans le Visualisateur d'événements n'est prise en charge que sous Windows."
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Les paramètres '{0}' et '{1}' sont mutuellement exclusifs."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "La fonction PathItems n'est pas prise en charge dans OpenAPI v3.0.x"
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'Le paramètre OpenApi nécessite un nom spécifié.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Le nombre maximum de tâches simultanées ne peut pas être inférieur au minimum de {0}, mais a obtenu : {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "Aucun sémaphore trouvé appelé '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = "Vous ne pouvez fournir qu'une seule valeur {0} lorsque vous utilisez des intervalles."
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = "Le JWT n'est pas encore valide pour une utilisation."
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verbe] {0} : Déjà défini pour {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "Aucun Secret nommé '{0}' n'a été monté."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Module ou version introuvable sur {0} : {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Aucun ScriptBlock fourni.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Aucun coffre-fort de secrets enregistré sous le nom '{0}'."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Un nom est requis pour le point de terminaison si le paramètre RedirectTo est fourni.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "L'objet OpenAPI 'license' nécessite la propriété 'name'. Utilisez le paramètre -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = "{0}: Le chemin source fourni pour la Route statique n'existe pas: {1}"
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'Aucun Nom fourni pour déconnecter le WebSocket.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "Le certificat '{0}' a expiré: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = "La date d'expiration du déverrouillage du Coffre-Fort de Secrets est dans le passé (UTC) : {0}"
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = "L'exception est d'un type non valide, doit être soit WebException soit HttpRequestException, mais a obtenu : {0}"
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = "La valeur du secret est d'un type non valide. Types attendus : String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[], ou PSCredential. Mais a obtenu : {0}"
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = "Le mode TLS explicite n'est pris en charge que sur les points de terminaison SMTPS et TCPS."
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "Le paramètre 'DiscriminatorMapping' ne peut être utilisé que lorsque 'DiscriminatorProperty' est présent."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Erreur '{0}' dans le script {1} {2} (ligne {3}) char {4} en exécutant {5} sur l'objet {6} '{7}' Classe : {8} ClasseBase : {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = "Impossible de fournir une valeur d'intervalle pour chaque trimestre."
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Horaire] {0}: La valeur de EndTime doit être dans le futur.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Signature JWT fournie invalide.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Aucun ScriptBlock de configuration fourni pour mettre à jour/créer des secrets dans le coffre '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = "La méthode d'accès n'existe pas pour la fusion : {0}"
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "L'authentification par défaut '{0}' n'est pas dans la liste d'authentification fournie."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "Le paramètre n'a pas de nom. Veuillez donner un nom à ce composant en utilisant le paramètre 'Name'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1} : Déjà défini pour {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Un Observateur de fichiers nommé '{0}' a déjà été défini."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Aucun gestionnaire de service défini.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = "Un secret est requis lors de l'utilisation d'un stockage de session personnalisé."
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = "Le module Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement n'est pas installé."
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Aucun chemin fourni pour la route.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "La validation d'un schéma qui inclut 'anyof' n'est pas prise en charge."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = "Le support de l'authentification IIS est uniquement pour Windows."
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Le OAuth2 InnerScheme ne peut être que Basic ou Form, mais obtenu : {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Aucun chemin de route fourni pour la page {0}.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Le stockage de cache nommé '{0}' est introuvable lors de la tentative de vérification de l'existence de l'élément mis en cache '{1}'."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Handler déjà défini.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = "Les sessions n'ont pas été configurées."
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Seules les propriétés de type Objet peuvent être associées à {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = "Des sessions sont nécessaires pour utiliser l'authentification persistante par session."
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'Le chemin fourni ne peut pas être un caractère générique ou un répertoire : {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Méthode d'accès déjà définie : {0}"
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Les paramètres 'Value' ou 'ExternalValue' sont obligatoires."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Le nombre maximum de tâches simultanées doit être >=1, mais a obtenu : {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = "Impossible de créer la propriété car aucun type n'est défini."
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = "La méthode d'authentification n'existe pas pour la fusion : {0}"
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "La valeur maximale '{0}' pour {1} n'est pas valide, elle doit être inférieure ou égale à {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Un point de terminaison nommé '{0}' a déjà été défini."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Événement {0} déjà enregistré : {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "Un paramètre nommé '{0}' n'a pas été fourni dans la demande ou aucune donnée n'est disponible."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Le stockage de cache nommé '{0}' est introuvable lors de la tentative de définition de l'élément mis en cache '{1}'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1} : Déjà défini.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'La journalisation des erreurs est déjà activée.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Valeur pour '`$using:{0}' introuvable."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = "L'outil de documentation RapidPdf ne prend pas en charge OpenAPI 3.1"
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 nécessite un Client Secret lorsque PKCE n'est pas utilisé."
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Valeur encodée en Base64 non valide trouvée dans le JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'Aucune session disponible pour calculer le hachage de données.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Le stockage de cache nommé '{0}' est introuvable lors de la tentative de suppression de l'élément mis en cache '{1}'."
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = "Le Middleware CSRF n'a pas été initialisé."
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title est obligatoire.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = "Le type {0} ne peut être associé qu'à un Objet."
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le fichier utilisateur n'existe pas : {0}"
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'Le paramètre de la route nécessite un ScriptBlock valide et non vide.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Il semble que quelque chose ait mal tourné lors de la tentative de calcul de la prochaine date et heure de déclenchement : {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Impossible de verrouiller un [ValueType].'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Échec de la création du certificat OpenSSL : {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'Le JWT a expiré.'
openingGuiMessage = "Ouverture de l'interface graphique."
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Les propriétés multi-types nécessitent OpenApi Version 3.1 ou supérieure.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'Aucun Nom fourni pour supprimer le WebSocket.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize doit être égal ou supérieur à 0, mais a obtenu: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = "(Arrêt de l'IIS)"
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Impossible de déverrouiller un [ValueType].'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Aucune signature JWT fournie pour {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Le nombre maximum de threads WebSocket simultanés doit être >=1, mais a obtenu : {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = "Le message de reconnaissance n'est pris en charge que sur les points de terminaison SMTP et TCP."
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = "Échec de la connexion à l'URL : {0}"
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = "Échec de l'acquisition de la propriété du mutex. Nom du mutex: {0}"
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Des sessions sont nécessaires pour utiliser OAuth2 avec PKCE.'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Échec de la connexion au WebSocket : {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Objet non pris en charge'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Échec de l'analyse de '{0}' en tant qu'adresse IP/Hôte:Port valide"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Doit être exécuté avec des privilèges administratifs pour écouter sur des adresses autres que localhost.'
specificationMessage = 'Spécification'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Le stockage de cache nommé '{0}' est introuvable lors de la tentative de vider le cache."
restartingServerMessage = 'Redémarrage du serveur...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Impossible de fournir un intervalle lorsque le paramètre 'Every' est défini sur None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = "L'algorithme JWT n'est actuellement pas pris en charge : {0}"
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Les WebSockets ne sont pas configurés pour envoyer des messages de signal.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'Un Middleware Hashtable fourni a un type de logique non valide. Attendu ScriptBlock, mais a obtenu : {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Les Horaires simultanés maximum ne peuvent pas être inférieurs au minimum de {0} mais obtenu: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = "Échec de l'acquisition de la propriété du sémaphore. Nom du sémaphore: {0}"
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = "Les paramètres Properties ne peuvent pas être utilisés si la propriété n'a pas de nom."
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "Le stockage de session personnalisé n'implémente pas la méthode requise '{0}()'."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La méthode d'authentification n'existe pas : {0}"
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "La fonction Webhooks n'est pas prise en charge dans OpenAPI v3.0.x"
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "'content-type' invalide trouvé pour le schéma : {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Aucun ScriptBlock de déverrouillage fourni pour déverrouiller le coffre '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Définition {0} :'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = "Échec de l'ouverture de RunspacePool : {0}"
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Échec de la fermeture du RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Verbe] {0} : Aucune logique transmise'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "Aucun mutex trouvé appelé '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'Documentation'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Minuteur] {0}: Minuteur déjà défini.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'Le port ne peut pas être négatif : {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Le nom du dossier Views existe déjà: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'Aucun Nom fourni pour réinitialiser le WebSocket.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "L'authentification MergeDefault '{0}' n'est pas dans la liste d'authentification fournie."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Une description est requise pour le chemin:{0} Réponse:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'Le nom de la page doit être une valeur alphanumérique valide: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = "La valeur par défaut n'est pas un booléen et ne fait pas partie de l'énumération."
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le schéma du composant OpenApi {0} n'existe pas."
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Minuteur] {0}: {1} doit être supérieur à 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'La tâche a expiré après {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[Horaire] {0}: Ne peut pas avoir un 'StartTime' après 'EndTime'"
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version est obligatoire.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Impossible de déverrouiller un objet nul.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = "Un ScriptBlock non vide est requis pour le schéma d'authentification personnalisé."
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = "Un ScriptBlock non vide est requis pour la méthode d'authentification."
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "La validation d'un schéma qui inclut 'oneof' n'est pas prise en charge."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "Le paramètre 'Route' ne peut pas être nul."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Un stockage de cache nommé '{0}' existe déjà."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "La méthode de sortie fournie pour la méthode de journalisation '{0}' nécessite un ScriptBlock valide."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'La variable à portée est déjà définie : {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 nécessite une URL d'autorisation."
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le chemin n'existe pas : {0}"
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = "Aucun nom de serveur de domaine n'a été fourni pour l'authentification Windows AD."
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = "La date fournie est postérieure à l'heure de fin du Horaire à {0}"
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'Le caractère générique * pour les Méthodes est incompatible avec le commutateur AutoMethods.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = "Impossible de fournir une valeur d'intervalle pour chaque année."
missingComponentsMessage = 'Composant(s) manquant(s)'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Durée Strict-Transport-Security invalide fournie : {0}. Doit être supérieure à 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'Aucun secret fourni pour le hachage HMAC512.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = "{0} n'a que {1} jours, mais {2} a été fourni."
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'Un ScriptBlock non vide est requis pour la méthode de journalisation personnalisée.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = "L'attribut d'encodage s'applique uniquement aux corps de requête multipart et application/x-www-form-urlencoded."
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = "La date fournie est antérieure à l'heure de début du Horaire à {0}"
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "Une propriété 'UnlockSecret' est requise lors de l'utilisation de Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Aucune logique passée.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'Un analyseur de corps est déjà défini pour le type de contenu {0}.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'JWT fourni invalide.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Des sessions sont nécessaires pour utiliser les messages Flash.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Un sémaphore avec le nom suivant existe déjà: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = "Algorithme de l'en-tête JWT fourni invalide."
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "Le fournisseur OAuth2 ne supporte pas le type de subvention 'password' requis par l'utilisation d'un InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Alias {0} non valide trouvé : {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le Horaire '{0}' n'existe pas."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = "La méthode d'accès n'existe pas : {0}"
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "Le fournisseur OAuth2 ne supporte pas le type de réponse 'code'."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = "[AVERTISSEMENT] Pode {0} n'a pas été testé sur PowerShell {1}, car il n'était pas disponible lors de la sortie de Pode."
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "Un coffre-fort secret avec le nom '{0}' a déjà été enregistré lors de l'importation automatique des coffres-forts secrets."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Le schéma fourni pour le validateur d'authentification '{0}' nécessite un ScriptBlock valide."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Boucle du serveur toutes les {0} secondes'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Les empreintes digitales/Noms de certificat ne sont pris en charge que sous Windows.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "Un nom de connexion SSE est requis, soit de -Name soit de `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = "Un des Middlewares fournis est d'un type non valide. Attendu ScriptBlock ou Hashtable, mais a obtenu : {0}"
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Aucun secret fourni pour la signature JWT.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le chemin du module n'existe pas : {0}"
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Tâche] {0} : Tâche déjà définie.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verbe] {0} : Déjà défini'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Les certificats client ne sont pris en charge que sur les points de terminaison HTTPS.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "Un point de terminaison avec le nom '{0}' n'existe pas."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] : Aucune logique fournie dans le ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'Un ScriptBlock est requis pour fusionner plusieurs utilisateurs authentifiés en un seul objet lorsque Valid est All.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Un Coffre-Fort de Secrets avec le nom '{0}' a déjà été enregistré{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "AVERTISSEMENT : Titre, Version et Description sur 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' sont obsolètes. Veuillez utiliser 'Add-PodeOAInfo' à la place."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Références OpenAPI non définies :'
doneMessage = 'Terminé'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Cette version de Swagger-Editor ne prend pas en charge OpenAPI 3.1'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'La durée doit être égale ou supérieure à 0, mais a obtenu : {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le chemin des Views n'existe pas: {0}"
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "Le paramètre 'Discriminator' est incompatible avec 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'Aucun Nom fourni pour envoyer un message au WebSocket.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = "Un Middleware Hashtable fourni n'a aucune logique définie."
openApiInfoMessage = 'Informations OpenAPI :'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "Le schéma '{0}' fourni pour le validateur d'authentification '{1}' nécessite un ScriptBlock valide."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE a échoué à diffuser en raison du niveau de diffusion SSE défini pour {0} : {1}.'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Le module Active Directory est uniquement disponible sur Windows.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'La journalisation des requêtes est déjà activée.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Durée Access-Control-Max-Age invalide fournie : {0}. Doit être supérieure à 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'La définition OpenAPI nommée {0} existe déjà.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag ne peut pas être utilisé à l'intérieur d'un 'ScriptBlock' de Select-PodeOADefinition."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le processus de la tâche '{0}' n'existe pas."
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Le processus de l'horaire '{0}' n'existe pas."
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Le tag de définition pour une Route ne peut pas être modifié.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "Les opérations '{0}' ne peuvent pas avoir de corps de requête. Utilisez -AllowNonStandardBody pour contourner cette restriction."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "La fonction '{0}' n'accepte pas un tableau en tant qu'entrée de pipeline."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = "La compression de flux {0} n'est pas prise en charge."
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Les deux '{0}' et '{1}' sont définis comme des points de terminaison locaux pour OpenAPI, mais un seul point de terminaison local est autorisé par définition d'API."
suspendingMessage = 'Suspension'
resumingMessage = 'Reprise'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Commandes de contrôle du serveur :'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Arrêter le serveur gracieusement.'
restartServerMessage = 'Redémarrer le serveur et recharger les configurations.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Reprendre le serveur.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Suspendre le serveur.'
startingMessage = 'Démarrage'
restartingMessage = 'Redémarrage'
suspendedMessage = 'Suspendu'
runningMessage = "En cours d'exécution"
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Ouvrez le premier point de terminaison HTTP dans le navigateur par défaut.'
terminatedMessage = 'Terminé'
showMetricsMessage = 'Afficher les métriques'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Effacer la console'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Métriques du serveur'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Temps de fonctionnement total :'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Temps de fonctionnement depuis le dernier redémarrage :'
totalRestartMessage = 'Nombre total de redémarrages :'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "Un point de terminaison par défaut pour le type '{0}' est déjà défini. Un seul point de terminaison par défaut est autorisé par type."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'Activer le serveur HTTP'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'Désactiver le serveur HTTP'
showHelpMessage = "Afficher l'aide"
hideHelpMessage = "Masquer l'aide"
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Masquer les endpoints'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Afficher les endpoints'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'Masquer OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'Afficher OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Activer le mode silencieux'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Désactiver le mode silencieux'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Une règle de limite de taux nommée '{0}' existe déjà."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La règle de limite de taux '{0}' n'existe pas."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Une règle de limite d'accès nommée '{0}' existe déjà."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La règle de limite d'accès '{0}' n'existe pas."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'La convalida dello schema richiede PowerShell versione 6.1.0 o superiore.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'È necessario un percorso o un ScriptBlock per ottenere i valori di accesso personalizzati.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} deve essere univoco e non può essere applicato a una matrice.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "Non è stato definito un endpoint denominato '{0}' per il reindirizzamento."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'I seguenti file sono stati modificati:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN è mancante.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'Il valore minimo per {0} non deve essere maggiore del valore massimo.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = "Nessuna logica passata per la 'route': {0}"
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il percorso dello script non esiste: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Un mutex con il seguente nome esiste già: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'In ascolto sui seguenti {0} endpoint [{1} thread]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = "La funzione {0} non è supportata in un contesto 'serverless'."
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'La firma JWT è inaspettata.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "Un 'Secret' con il nome '{0}' è già stato montato."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = "Impossibile acquisire un blocco sull'oggetto."
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = "[{0}]: Nessun percorso fornito per la 'route' statica."
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nome host fornito non valido: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Metodo di autenticazione già definito: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "Quando si usano i cookie per CSRF, è necessario un 'Secret'. Puoi fornire uno o impostare il 'Secret' a livello globale - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = "È richiesto uno 'ScriptBlock' non vuoto per creare una 'route'."
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Il parametro 'NoProperties' è mutuamente esclusivo con 'Properties', 'MinProperties' e 'MaxProperties'."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = "È caricata una versione incompatibile esistente di 'Pode.DLL' {0}. È richiesta la versione {1}. Apri una nuova sessione Powershell/pwsh e riprova."
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il metodo di accesso non esiste: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Schedulatore] {0}: Pianificazione già definita.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Il valore dei secondi non può essere 0 o inferiore per {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Percorso per caricare {0} non trovato: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Importazione del modulo non riuscita: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "'Endpoint' con protocollo '{0}' e indirizzo '{1}' o indirizzo locale '{2}' non esiste."
terminatingMessage = 'Terminazione'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = "Nessun comando fornito per convertirlo in 'route'."
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'Il tipo di attività non è valido, previsto [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] o [hashtable].'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Già connesso al WebSocket con il nome '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Il controllo di fine messaggio CRLF è supportato solo sugli endpoint TCP.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' deve essere abilitato utilizzando 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Il modulo Active Directory non è installato.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = "L'espressione Cron dovrebbe essere composta solo da 5 parti: {0}"
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = "Non c'è nessuna sessione disponibile per la risposta."
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "Il valore '{0}' per {1} non è valido, dovrebbe essere compreso tra {2} e {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Metodo di registrazione già definito: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = "Nessun segreto fornito per l'hash HMAC256."
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[ATTENZIONE] Pode {0} non è stato testato su PowerShell {1}, perche è EOL.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile caricare RunspacePool per {0}.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Nessun evento {0} registrato: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Schedulatore] {0}: Non può avere un limite negativo.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'Lo stile della richiesta OpenAPI non può essere {0} per un parametro {1}.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'Il documento non è conforme con le specificazioni OpenAPI.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "L'attività '{0}' non esiste."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Variabile di ambito non trovata: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Le sessioni sono necessarie per utilizzare CSRF a meno che non si vogliano usare i cookie.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'È richiesto uno ScriptBlock non vuoto per il metodo di registrazione.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'Quando vengono passate le Credenziali, il carattere jolly * per le Intestazioni sarà considerato come una stringa letterale e non come un carattere jolly.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode non è stato inizializzato.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Sono stati definiti più endpoint, solo il primo sarà utilizzato per la GUI.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} deve essere univoco.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Valore JSON non valido trovato in JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = "Nessun algoritmo fornito nell'header JWT."
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'La proprietà versione OpenAPI è obbligatoria.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Il valore limite non può essere 0 o inferiore per {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Timer '{0}' non esiste."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'Errore nella generazione del documento OpenAPI:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "Il percorso '[{0}] {1}' contiene già un accesso personalizzato con nome '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Il numero massimo di thread WebSocket simultanei non può essere inferiore al minimo di {0}, ma è stato ottenuto: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware già definito.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = "Carattere cron 'atom' non valido: {0}"
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = "Formato cron 'atom' non valido trovato: {0}"
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Memoria cache con nome '{0}' non trovata durante il tentativo di recuperare l'elemento memorizzato nella cache '{1}'."
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = "L'intestazione deve avere un nome quando viene utilizzata in un contesto di codifica."
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = "Il modulo {0} non contiene la funzione {1} da convertire in una 'route'."
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Il percorso dell'icona per la GUI non esiste: {0}"
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Nessun titolo fornito per la pagina {0}.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certificato fornito per un endpoint non HTTPS/WSS.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Non è possibile bloccare un oggetto nullo.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui è attualmente disponibile solo per Windows PowerShell e PowerShell 7+ su Windows OS.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "'Secret' di sblocco fornito per tipo di 'Secret Vault' personalizzata, ma nessun ScriptBlock di sblocco è fornito."
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = "L'indirizzo IP fornito non è valido: {0}"
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays deve essere 0 o superiore, ma è stato ottenuto: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nessun ScriptBlock fornito per rimuovere 'Secret Vault' '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = "Non era previsto alcun 'Secret' per nessuna firma."
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "Nessun certificato trovato in {0}{1} per '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Il valore minimo '{0}' per {1} non è valido, dovrebbe essere maggiore o uguale a {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = "L'accesso richiede l'autenticazione sulle rotte."
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = "Nessun 'Secret' fornito per l'hash HMAC384."
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = "Il supporto per l'autenticazione locale di Windows è solo per Windows OS."
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Tag di definizione {0} non existe.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'Nessun componente del tipo {0} chiamato {1} è disponibile nella definizione {2}.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Non sono stati definiti gestori SMTP.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Il Middleware della sessione è già stato inizializzato.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "La funzione del componente riutilizzabile 'pathItems' non è disponibile in OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = "Il carattere jolly * per le Intestazioni è incompatibile con l'opzione AutoHeaders."
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "Nessun dato per il file '{0}' è stato caricato nella richiesta."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE può essere configurato solo su richieste con un valore di intestazione Accept di text/event-stream.'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'Nessuna sessione disponibile per il salvataggio.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "Se la posizione del parametro è 'Path', il parametro switch 'Required' è obbligatorio."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nessun URL OpenAPI fornito per {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Il numero massimo di schedulazioni concorrenti deve essere >=1 ma invece è: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Gli Snapin sono supportati solo con Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'La registrazione nel Visualizzatore eventi è supportata solo su Windows OS.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "I parametri '{0}' e '{1}' sono mutuamente esclusivi."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "La funzionalità 'PathItems' non è supportata in OpenAPI v3.0.x"
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'Il parametro OpenAPI richiede che un nome sia specificato.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Il numero massimo di attività simultanee non può essere inferiore al minimo di {0}, ma è stato fornito: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "Nessun semaforo trovato chiamato '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'Puoi fornire solo un singolo valore {0} quando si utilizzano gli intervalli.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = "JWT non è ancora valido per l'uso."
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Già definito per {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "Nessun 'Secret' con il nome '{0}' è stato montato."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Modulo o versione non trovati su {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = "Nessun 'ScriptBlock' fornito."
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Nessuna 'Secret Vault' con il nome '{0}' è stato registrata."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = "È richiesto un nome per l'endpoint se viene fornito il parametro 'RedirectTo'."
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "L'oggetto OpenAPI 'license' richiede la proprietà 'name'. Utilizzare il parametro -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = "{0}: Il percorso sorgente fornito per la 'route' statica non esiste: {1}"
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'Nessun nome fornito per disconnettere il WebSocket.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "Il certificato '{0}' è scaduto: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = "La data di scadenza per sbloccare la 'Secret Vault' è nel passato (UTC): {0}"
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = "L'eccezione è di un tipo non valido, dovrebbe essere WebException o HttpRequestException, ma invece è: {0}"
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = "Il valore 'Secret' è di un tipo non valido. Tipi previsti: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[] o PSCredential. Ma ottenuto: {0}"
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'La modalità TLS esplicita è supportata solo sugli endpoint SMTPS e TCPS.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "Il parametro 'DiscriminatorMapping' può essere utilizzato solo quando è presente 'DiscriminatorProperty'."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Errore '{0}' nello script {1} {2} (riga {3}) carattere {4} eseguendo {5} su {6} oggetto '{7}' Classe: {8} Classe di base: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile fornire un valore di intervallo per ogni trimestre.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Schedulatore] {0}: Il valore di EndTime deve essere nel futuro.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Firma JWT fornita non valida.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nessun 'ScriptBlock' fornito per aggiornare/creare 'Secret Vault' '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = "Il metodo di accesso non esiste per l'unione: {0}"
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "L'autenticazione predefinita '{0}' non è nella lista di autenticazione fornita."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "Il parametro non ha un nome. Assegna un nome a questo componente usando il parametro 'Name'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Già definito per {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Un 'FileWatcher' con il nome '{0}' è già stato definito."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Non sono stati definiti gestori di servizio.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = "Un 'Secret' è riquesto quando si utilizza l'archiviazione delle sessioni personalizzata."
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Il modulo Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement non è installato.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = "Nessun percorso fornito per la 'route'."
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "La validazione di uno schema che include 'anyof' non è supportata."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = "Il supporto per l'autenticazione IIS è solo per Windows OS."
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme può essere solo di tipo Basic o Form, ma non di tipo: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = "Nessun percorso di 'route' fornito per la pagina {0}."
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Memoria cache con nome '{0}' non trovata durante il tentativo di verificare se l'elemento memorizzato nella cache '{1}' esiste."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Handler già definito.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'Le sessioni non sono state configurate.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = "Solo le proprietà di tipo 'Object' possono essere associate a {0}."
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = "Sono necessarie sessioni per utilizzare l'autenticazione persistente della sessione."
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'Il percorso fornito non può essere un carattere jolly o una directory: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Metodo di accesso già definito: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "I parametri 'Value' o 'ExternalValue' sono obbligatori."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Il numero massimo di attività simultanee deve essere >=1, {0} non è valido.'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile creare la proprietà perché manca la definizione di tipo.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Il metodo di autenticazione non esiste per la aggregazione: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Il valore massimo '{0}' per {1} non è valido, dovrebbe essere minore o uguale a {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Un endpoint denominato '{0}' è già stato definito."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Evento {0} già registrato: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "Un parametro chiamato '{0}' non è stato fornito nella richiesta o non ci sono dati disponibili."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Memoria cache con nome '{0}' non trovata durante il tentativo di impostare l'elemento memorizzato nella cache '{1}'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Già definito.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'La registrazione degli errori è già abilitata.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Impossibile trovare il valore per '`$using:{0}'."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Lo strumento di documentazione RapidPdf non supporta OpenAPI 3.1'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 richiede un Client Secret quando non si utilizza PKCE.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Valore codificato Base64 non valido trovato in JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = "Nessuna sessione disponibile per calcolare l'hash dei dati."
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Memoria cache con nome '{0}' non trovata durante il tentativo di rimuovere l'elemento memorizzato nella cache '{1}'."
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Il Middleware CSRF non è stato inizializzato.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title è obbligatorio.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'Il tipo {0} può essere associato solo a un oggetto.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il file utente non esiste: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = "Il parametro della 'route' richiede uno ScriptBlock valido e non vuoto."
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Sembra che ci sia stato un errore nel tentativo di calcolare la prossima data e ora del trigger: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Non è possibile bloccare un [ValueType].'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile creare il certificato OpenSSL: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'JWT è scaduto.'
openingGuiMessage = 'Apertura della GUI.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Le proprietà multi-tipo richiedono OpenAPI versione 3.1 o superiore.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'Nessun nome fornito per rimuovere il WebSocket.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize deve essere 0 o superiore, ma è stato ottenuto: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(Chiusura IIS)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Non è possibile sbloccare un [ValueType].'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Nessuna firma JWT fornita per {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Il numero massimo di thread WebSocket simultanei deve essere >=1, ma è stato ottenuto: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Il messaggio di conferma è supportato solo sugli endpoint SMTP e TCP.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = "Impossibile connettersi all'URL: {0}"
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile acquisire la proprietà del mutex. Nome del mutex: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Sono necessarie sessioni per utilizzare OAuth2 con PKCE'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Connessione al WebSocket non riuscita: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Oggetto non supportato'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Impossibile analizzare '{0}' come indirizzo IP/Host:Port valido"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Deve essere eseguito con privilegi di amministratore per usare indirizzi non locali.'
specificationMessage = 'Specifica'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Memoria cache con nome '{0}' non trovata durante il tentativo di cancellare la cache."
restartingServerMessage = 'Riavvio del server...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Impossibile fornire un intervallo quando il parametro 'Every' è 'None'."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = "L'algoritmo JWT non è attualmente supportato: {0}"
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'I WebSockets non sono configurati per inviare messaggi di segnale.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = "Un Middleware di tipo Hashtable fornito ha un tipo di logica non valido. Previsto 'ScriptBlock', invece di: {0}"
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Il numero di schedulazioni concorrenti massime non può essere inferiore al minimo di {0}. Valore passato: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile acquisire la proprietà del semaforo. Nome del semaforo: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = "I parametri 'Properties' non possono essere utilizzati se la proprietà non ha un nome."
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "L'archiviazione delle sessioni personalizzata non implementa il metodo richiesto '{0}()'."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il metodo di autenticazione non esiste: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'La funzionalità Webhooks non è supportata in OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "'content-type' non valido trovato per lo schema: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nessun 'ScriptBlock' di sblocco fornito per sbloccare la 'Secret Vault' '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Definizione {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile aprire RunspacePool: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile chiudere RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Nessuna logica passata'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "Nessun mutex trovato chiamato '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'Documentazione'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: Timer già definito.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'La porta non può essere un numero negativo: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Il nome della cartella 'Views' esiste già: {0}"
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'Nessun nome fornito per reimpostare il WebSocket.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "L'autenticazione MergeDefault '{0}' non è nella lista di autenticazione fornita."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'È necessaria una descrizione per il percorso:{0} Risposta:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'Il nome della pagina dovrebbe essere un valore alfanumerico valido: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = "Il valore predefinito non è un booleano e non fa parte dell'enum."
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Lo schema del componente OpenAPI {0} non esiste.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: {1} deve essere maggiore di 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = "Il 'Task' è scaduto dopo {0}ms."
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[Schedulatore] {0}: Non può avere un 'StartTime' sucessivo a 'EndTime'"
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version è obbligatorio.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Non è possibile sbloccare un oggetto nullo.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'È richiesto uno ScriptBlock non vuoto per lo schema di autenticazione personalizzato.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'È necessario un ScriptBlock non vuoto per il metodo di autenticazione.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "La validazione di uno schema che include 'oneof' non è supportata."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "Il parametro 'Route' non può essere null."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Memoria cache con nome '{0}' esiste già."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Il metodo di output fornito per il metodo di registrazione '{0}' richiede un ScriptBlock valido."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Variabile con ambito già definita: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 richiede che venga fornita un'URL di autorizzazione"
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il percorso non esiste: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = "Non è stato fornito alcun nome di server di dominio per l'autenticazione AD di Windows"
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = "La data fornita è successiva all'ora di fine del programma a {0}"
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = "Il carattere jolly * per i Metodi è incompatibile con l'opzione AutoMethods."
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'Impossibile fornire un valore di intervallo per ogni anno.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Componenti mancanti'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Durata Strict-Transport-Security non valida fornita: {0}. Deve essere maggiore di 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = "Nessun 'secret' fornito per l'hash HMAC512."
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} ha solo {1} giorni, ma è stato fornito {2}.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'È richiesto uno ScriptBlock non vuoto per il metodo di registrazione personalizzato.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = "L'attributo di codifica si applica solo ai corpi delle richieste multipart e application/x-www-form-urlencoded."
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = "La data fornita è precedente all'ora di inizio del programma a {0}"
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "È necessaria una proprietà 'UnlockSecret' quando si utilizza Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Nessuna logica passata.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'Un body-parser è già definito per il tipo di contenuto {0}.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'JWT fornito non valido.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Le sessioni sono necessarie per utilizzare i messaggi di tipo Flash.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Un semaforo con il seguente nome esiste già: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = "Algoritmo dell'header JWT fornito non valido."
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "Il provider OAuth2 non supporta il tipo di concessione 'password' richiesto dall'utilizzo di un InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Alias {0} non valido trovato: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Il programma '{0}' non esiste."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il metodo di accesso non esiste: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "Il provider OAuth2 non supporta il tipo di risposta 'code'."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[ATTENZIONE] Pode {0} non è stato testato su PowerShell {1}, poiché non era disponibile quando Pode è stato rilasciato.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "Una 'Secret Vault' con il nome '{0}' è già stata registrata durante l'importazione automatica delle 'Secret Vaults'."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Lo schema fornito per il validatore di autenticazione '{0}' richiede uno ScriptBlock valido."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Ciclo del server ogni {0} secondi'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Impronte digitali/nome del certificato supportati solo su Windows OS.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "È richiesto un nome di connessione SSE, sia da -Name che da `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'Uno dei Middleware forniti è di un tipo non valido. Previsto ScriptBlock o Hashtable, ma ottenuto: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = "Nessun 'secret' fornito per la firma JWT."
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il percorso del modulo non esiste: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Attività] {0}: Attività già definita.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Già definito'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'I certificati client sono supportati solo sugli endpoint HTTPS.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "Endpoint con nome '{0}' non esiste."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: Nessuna logica fornita nello ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = "È richiesto uno ScriptBlock per unire più utenti autenticati in un unico oggetto quando 'Valid' è uguale a 'All'."
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Una 'Secret Vault' con il nome '{0}' è già stato registrata{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "ATTENZIONE: Titolo, Versione e Descrizione su 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' sono deprecati. Si prega di utilizzare 'Add-PodeOAInfo' invece."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Riferimenti OpenAPI non definiti:'
doneMessage = 'Fatto'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Questa versione di Swagger-Editor non supporta OpenAPI 3.1'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'La durata deve essere 0 o superiore, non {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Il percorso delle Views non esiste: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "Il parametro 'Discriminator' è incompatibile con 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'Nessun nome fornito per inviare un messaggio al WebSocket.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'Un Middleware di tipo Hashtable fornito non ha una logica definita.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'Informazioni OpenAPI:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "Lo schema '{0}' fornito per il validatore di autenticazione '{1}' richiede uno ScriptBlock valido."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE non è riuscito a trasmettere a causa del livello di trasmissione SSE definito per {0}: {1}.'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Il modulo Active Directory è disponibile solo su Windows OS.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'La registrazione delle richieste è già abilitata.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Durata non valida fornita per Access-Control-Max-Age: {0}. Deve essere maggiore di 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'La definizione OpenAPI denominata {0} esiste già.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag non può essere utilizzato all'interno di un 'ScriptBlock' di Select-PodeOADefinition."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Il processo dell'attività '{0}' non esiste."
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Il processo della programma '{0}' non esiste."
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Il tag di definizione per una Route non può essere cambiato.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "Le operazioni '{0}' non possono avere un corpo della richiesta. Utilizzare -AllowNonStandardBody per aggirare questa restrizione."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "La funzione '{0}' non accetta una matrice come input della pipeline."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'La compressione dello stream non è supportata per la codifica {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Sia '{0}' che '{1}' sono definiti come endpoint locali OpenAPI, ma è consentito solo un endpoint locale per definizione API."
suspendingMessage = 'Sospensione'
resumingMessage = 'Ripresa'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Comandi di controllo del server:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Termina il server con grazia.'
restartServerMessage = 'Riavviare il server e ricaricare le configurazioni.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Riprendi il server.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Sospendi il server.'
startingMessage = 'Avvio'
restartingMessage = 'Riavvio'
suspendedMessage = 'Sospeso'
runningMessage = 'In esecuzione'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Apri il predefinito endpoint HTTP nel browser predefinito.'
terminatedMessage = 'Terminato'
showMetricsMessage = 'Mostra metriche'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Cancella la console'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Metriche del server'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Tempo totale di attività:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = "Tempo di attività dall'ultimo riavvio:"
totalRestartMessage = 'Numero totale di riavvii:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "Un endpoint predefinito per il tipo '{0}' è già impostato. È consentito un solo endpoint predefinito per tipo."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'Abilita il server HTTP'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'Disabilita il server HTTP'
showHelpMessage = 'Mostra aiuto'
hideHelpMessage = 'Nascondi aiuto'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Nascondi gli endpoint'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Mostra gli endpoint'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'Nascondi OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'Mostra OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Abilita la modalità silenziosa'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Disabilita la modalità silenziosa'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Una regola di limitazione del tasso con il nome '{0}' esiste già."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La regola di limitazione del tasso con il nome '{0}' non esiste."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Una regola di limitazione dell'accesso con il nome '{0}' esiste già."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "La regola di limitazione dell'accesso con il nome '{0}' non esiste."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'スキーマ検証には PowerShell バージョン 6.1.0 以上が必要です。'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'カスタムアクセス値のソース化には、パスまたはスクリプトブロックが必要です。'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} は一意でなければならず、配列に適用できません。'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "リダイレクトのために名前 '{0}' のエンドポイントが定義されていません。"
filesHaveChangedMessage = '次のファイルが変更されました:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKENがありません。'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = '{0}の最小値は最大値を超えることはできません。'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'ルートに対してロジックが渡されませんでした: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'スクリプトパスが存在しません: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '次の名前のミューテックスはすでに存在します: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = '次の {0} エンドポイントでリッスンしています [{1} スレッド]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'サーバーレスコンテキストではサポートされていない関数です: {0}'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = '提供されるべきではないJWT署名が予期されました。'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のシークレットは既にマウントされています。"
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'オブジェクトのロックを取得できませんでした。'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: 静的ルートに対して提供されたパスがありません。'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = '無効なホスト名が指定されました: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '認証方法はすでに定義されています:{0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "CSRFのためにクッキーを使用する場合、秘密が必要です。秘密を提供するか、クッキーのグローバル秘密を設定してください - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'ページルートを作成するには空でないScriptBlockが必要です。'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "パラメーター'NoProperties'は'Properties'、'MinProperties'、および'MaxProperties'と相互排他的です。"
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = '既存の互換性のないPode.DLLバージョン{0}がロードされています。バージョン{1}が必要です。新しいPowerShell/pwshセッションを開いて再試行してください。'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'アクセスメソッドが存在しません:{0}。'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[スケジュール] {0}: スケジュールはすでに定義されています。'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = '{0}の秒数値は0またはそれ以下にすることはできません。'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = '読み込むパス{0}が見つかりません: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'モジュールのインポートに失敗しました: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "プロトコル'{0}'、アドレス'{1}'またはローカルアドレス'{2}'のエンドポイントが存在しません。"
terminatingMessage = '終了中'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'ルートに変換するためのコマンドが提供されていません。'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'タスクタイプが無効です。予期されるタイプ:[System.Threading.Tasks.Task]または[hashtable]'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' の WebSocket に既に接続されています"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'CRLFメッセージ終了チェックはTCPエンドポイントでのみサポートされています。'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' は 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation' を使用して有効にする必要があります。"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Active Directoryモジュールがインストールされていません。'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Cron式は5つの部分で構成される必要があります: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'レスポンスに設定するセッションがありません。'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "{1}の値'{0}'は無効です。{2}から{3}の間でなければなりません。"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'ログ記録方法は既に定義されています: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'HMAC256ハッシュに対する秘密が提供されていません。'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[警告] Pode {0} は、EOLであるPowerShell {1} でテストされていません。'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePoolの読み込みに失敗しました。'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = '登録された{0}イベントはありません:{1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[スケジュール] {0}: 負の制限を持つことはできません。'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi リクエストのスタイルは {1} パラメータに対して {0} であってはなりません。'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPIドキュメントが準拠していません。'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "タスク '{0}' は存在しません。"
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'スコープ変数が見つかりません: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'クッキーを使用しない場合は、CSRFを使用するためにセッションが必要です。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'ロギングメソッドには空でないScriptBlockが必要です。'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = '資格情報が渡されると、ヘッダーのワイルドカード * はワイルドカードとしてではなく、リテラル文字列として解釈されます。'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Podeが初期化されていません。'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = '複数のエンドポイントが定義されていますが、GUIには最初のエンドポイントのみが使用されます。'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} は一意でなければなりません。'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'JWTに無効なJSON値が見つかりました。'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'JWTヘッダーにアルゴリズムが提供されていません。'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'OpenApiバージョンプロパティは必須です。'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = '{0}の制限値は0またはそれ以下にすることはできません。'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "タイマー '{0}' は存在しません。"
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'OpenAPI生成ドキュメントエラー:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "ルート '[{0}] {1}' はすでに名前 '{2}' のカスタムアクセスを含んでいます"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '最大同時 WebSocket スレッド数は最小値 {0} より小さくてはいけませんが、取得した値は: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: ミドルウェアは既に定義されています。'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = '無効なアトム文字: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = '無効な cron アトム形式が見つかりました: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "キャッシュされたアイテム '{1}' を取得しようとしたときに、名前 '{0}' のキャッシュストレージが見つかりません。"
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'エンコーディングコンテキストで使用される場合、ヘッダーには名前が必要です。'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'モジュール {0} にはルートに変換する関数 {1} が含まれていません。'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'GUI用アイコンのパスが存在しません: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = '{0} ページのタイトルが提供されていません。'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'HTTPS/WSS以外のエンドポイントに提供された証明書。'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'nullオブジェクトをロックできません。'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGuiは現在、Windows PowerShellおよびWindows上のPowerShell 7+でのみ利用可能です。'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'カスタムシークレットボールトタイプに対してアンロックシークレットが提供されましたが、アンロックスクリプトブロックが提供されていません。'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = '提供されたIPアドレスは無効です: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDaysは0以上でなければなりませんが、受け取った値は: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "ボールト'{0}'のシークレットを削除するためのスクリプトブロックが提供されていません。"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = '署名なしのための秘密が提供されることを期待していませんでした。'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "'{2}'用の{0}{1}に証明書が見つかりませんでした。"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "{1}の最小値'{0}'は無効です。{2}以上でなければなりません。"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'アクセスにはルート上の認証が必要です。'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'HMAC384ハッシュに対する秘密が提供されていません。'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Windowsローカル認証のサポートはWindowsのみです。'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = '定義タグ {0} が定義されていません。'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = '{2}定義に{0}タイプの名前{1}コンポーネントが利用できません。'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'SMTPハンドラが定義されていません。'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'セッションミドルウェアは既に初期化されています。'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "OpenAPI v3.0では再利用可能なコンポーネント機能'pathItems'は使用できません。"
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'ヘッダーのワイルドカード * は AutoHeaders スイッチと互換性がありません。'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "リクエストでアップロードされたファイル '{0}' のデータがありません。"
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSEはAcceptヘッダー値がtext/event-streamのリクエストでのみ構成できます。'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = '保存するためのセッションが利用できません。'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "パラメータの場所が 'Path' の場合、スイッチパラメータ 'Required' は必須です。"
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = '{0} 用の OpenAPI URL が提供されていません。'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = '最大同時スケジュール数は 1 以上でなければなりませんが、受け取った値: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'SnapinsはWindows PowerShellのみでサポートされています。'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'イベントビューアーロギングはWindowsでのみサポートされています。'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "パラメータ '{0}' と '{1}' は互いに排他的です。"
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'PathItems機能はOpenAPI v3.0.xではサポートされていません。'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi パラメータには名前が必要です。'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '最大同時タスク数は最小値 {0} より少なくてはいけませんが、取得した値は: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のセマフォが見つかりません"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'インターバルを使用する場合、単一の{0}値しか指定できません。'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'JWTはまだ有効ではありません。'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[動詞] {0}: {1}にすでに定義されています'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のシークレットはマウントされていません。"
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = '{0}でモジュールまたはバージョンが見つかりません: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'ScriptBlockが提供されていません。'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のシークレットボールトは登録されていません。"
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'RedirectToパラメーターが提供されている場合、エンドポイントには名前が必要です。'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "OpenAPI オブジェクト 'license' には 'name' プロパティが必要です。-LicenseName パラメータを使用してください。"
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: 静的ルートに対して提供されたソースパスが存在しません: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = '切断する WebSocket の名前が指定されていません。'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "証明書 '{0}' の有効期限が切れています: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'シークレットボールトのアンロック有効期限が過去に設定されています (UTC) :{0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = '例外が無効な型です。WebExceptionまたはHttpRequestExceptionのいずれかである必要がありますが、次の型を取得しました: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'シークレットの値が無効な型です。期待される型: String、SecureString、HashTable、Byte[]、またはPSCredential。しかし、次を取得しました: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = '明示的なTLSモードはSMTPSおよびTCPSエンドポイントでのみサポートされています。'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "パラメーター'DiscriminatorMapping'は'DiscriminatorProperty'が存在する場合にのみ使用できます。"
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "スクリプト{1} {2}(行{3})のエラー'{0}'(文字{4})が{6}オブジェクト'{7}'の{5}を実行中に発生しました クラス: {8} 基底クラス: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = '四半期ごとの間隔値を提供できません。'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[スケジュール] {0}: EndTime 値は未来に設定する必要があります。'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = '無効なJWT署名が提供されました。'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "ボールト'{0}'のシークレットを更新/作成するためのスクリプトブロックが提供されていません。"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'マージするアクセス方法が存在しません: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "デフォルト認証'{0}'は提供された認証リストにありません。"
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "パラメーターに名前がありません。このコンポーネントに'Name'パラメーターを使用して名前を付けてください。"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: {2}用に既に定義されています。'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のファイルウォッチャーは既に定義されています。"
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'サービスハンドラが定義されていません。'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'カスタムセッションストレージを使用する場合、シークレットが必要です。'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagementモジュールがインストールされていません。'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'ルートのパスが提供されていません。'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "'anyof'を含むスキーマの検証はサポートされていません。"
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'IIS認証のサポートはWindowsのみです。'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerSchemeはBasicまたはFormのいずれかでなければなりませんが、取得したのは: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = '{0} ページのルートパスが提供されていません。'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "キャッシュされたアイテム '{1}' が存在するかどうかを確認しようとしたときに、名前 '{0}' のキャッシュストレージが見つかりません。"
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: ハンドラは既に定義されています。'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'セッションが構成されていません。'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Object 型のプロパティのみが {0} と関連付けられます。'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'セッション持続認証を使用するにはセッションが必要です。'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = '指定されたパスはワイルドカードまたはディレクトリにすることはできません: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'アクセス方法はすでに定義されています: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "パラメータ 'Value' または 'ExternalValue' は必須です。"
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = '最大同時タスク数は >=1 でなければなりませんが、取得した値は: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = '型が定義されていないため、プロパティを作成できません。'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'マージするための認証方法は存在しません:{0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "{1}の最大値'{0}'は無効です。{2}以下でなければなりません。"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のエンドポイントは既に定義されています。"
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = '{0}イベントはすでに登録されています:{1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "リクエストに '{0}' という名前のパラメータが提供されていないか、データがありません。"
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "キャッシュされたアイテム '{1}' を設定しようとしたときに、名前 '{0}' のキャッシュストレージが見つかりません。"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 既に定義されています。'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'エラーロギングは既に有効になっています。'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "'`$using:{0}'の値が見つかりませんでした。"
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'ドキュメントツール RapidPdf は OpenAPI 3.1 をサポートしていません'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'PKCEを使用しない場合、OAuth2にはクライアントシークレットが必要です。'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'JWTに無効なBase64エンコード値が見つかりました。'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'データハッシュを計算するセッションがありません。'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "キャッシュされたアイテム '{1}' を削除しようとしたときに、名前 '{0}' のキャッシュストレージが見つかりません。"
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'CSRFミドルウェアが初期化されていません。'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title は必須です。'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'タイプ{0}はオブジェクトにのみ関連付けることができます。'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'ユーザーファイルが存在しません:{0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'ルートパラメーターには有効で空でないScriptBlockが必要です。'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = '次のトリガー日時の計算中に問題が発生したようです: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = '[ValueType]をロックできません。'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'OpenSSL証明書の作成に失敗しました: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'JWTの有効期限が切れています。'
openingGuiMessage = 'GUIを開いています。'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = '複数タイプのプロパティはOpenApiバージョン3.1以上が必要です。'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = '削除する WebSocket の名前が指定されていません。'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSizeは0以上でなければなりませんが、受け取った値は: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(IIS シャットダウン)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = '[ValueType]のロックを解除できません。'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = '{0}のためのJWT署名が提供されていません。'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = '最大同時 WebSocket スレッド数は >=1 でなければなりませんが、取得した値は: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = '確認メッセージはSMTPおよびTCPエンドポイントでのみサポートされています。'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'URLへの接続に失敗しました: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'ミューテックスの所有権を取得できませんでした。ミューテックス名: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'PKCEを使用するOAuth2にはセッションが必要です。'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'WebSocket への接続に失敗しました: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'サポートされていないオブジェクトです。'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "'{0}'を有効なIP/ホスト:ポートアドレスとして解析できませんでした。"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'ローカルホスト以外のアドレスでリッスンするには管理者権限で実行する必要があります。'
specificationMessage = '仕様'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "キャッシュをクリアしようとしたときに、名前 '{0}' のキャッシュストレージが見つかりません。"
restartingServerMessage = 'サーバーを再起動しています...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "パラメーター'Every'がNoneに設定されている場合、間隔を提供できません。"
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = '現在サポートされていないJWTアルゴリズムです: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSocketsはシグナルメッセージを送信するように構成されていません。'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = '提供されたHashtableミドルウェアに無効なロジック型があります。ScriptBlockを期待しましたが、次を取得しました: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '最大同時スケジュール数は最小 {0} 未満にすることはできませんが、受け取った値: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'セマフォの所有権を取得できませんでした。セマフォ名: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'プロパティに名前がない場合、プロパティパラメータは使用できません。'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "カスタムセッションストレージは必要なメソッド'{0}()'を実装していません。"
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '認証方法が存在しません: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'Webhooks機能はOpenAPI v3.0.xではサポートされていません。'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "スキーマの 'content-type' が無効です: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "ボールト'{0}'のロック解除に必要なスクリプトブロックが提供されていません。"
definitionTagMessage = '定義 {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'RunspacePoolのオープンに失敗しました: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'RunspacePoolのクローズに失敗しました: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[動詞] {0}: ロジックが渡されていません'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のミューテックスが見つかりません"
documentationMessage = 'ドキュメント'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[タイマー] {0}: タイマーはすでに定義されています。'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'ポートは負であってはなりません: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'ビューのフォルダ名は既に存在します: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'リセットする WebSocket の名前が指定されていません。'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "MergeDefault認証'{0}'は提供された認証リストにありません。"
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'パス:{0} 応答:{1} に説明が必要です'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'ページ名は有効な英数字である必要があります: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'デフォルト値は boolean ではなく、enum に含まれていません。'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi コンポーネントスキーマ {0} は存在しません。'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[タイマー] {0}: {1} は 0 より大きくなければなりません。'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'タスクが{0}ミリ秒後にタイムアウトしました。'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[スケジュール] {0}: 'StartTime' が 'EndTime' の後であることはできません"
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version は必須です。'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'nullオブジェクトのロックを解除できません。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'カスタム認証スキームには空でないScriptBlockが必要です。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = '認証方法には空でない ScriptBlock が必要です。'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "'oneof'を含むスキーマの検証はサポートされていません。"
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "パラメータ 'Route' は null ではいけません。"
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のキャッシュストレージは既に存在します。"
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "'{0}' ログ記録方法のために提供された出力方法は、有効なScriptBlockが必要です。"
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'スコープ付き変数が既に定義されています: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2には認可URLの提供が必要です。'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'パスが存在しません: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'Windows AD認証用のドメインサーバー名が提供されていません。'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = '提供された日付はスケジュールの終了時間 {0} の後です'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'メソッドのワイルドカード * は AutoMethods スイッチと互換性がありません。'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = '毎年の間隔値を提供できません。'
missingComponentsMessage = '欠落しているコンポーネント'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = '無効な Strict-Transport-Security 期間が指定されました: {0}。0 より大きい必要があります。'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'HMAC512ハッシュに対する秘密が提供されていません。'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0}は{1}日しかありませんが、{2}が指定されました。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'カスタムロギング出力メソッドには空でないScriptBlockが必要です。'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'エンコーディング属性は、multipart および application/x-www-form-urlencoded リクエストボディにのみ適用されます。'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = '提供された日付はスケジュールの開始時間 {0} より前です'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStoreを使用する場合、'UnlockSecret'プロパティが必要です。"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: ロジックが渡されませんでした。'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = '{0} コンテンツタイプ用のボディパーサーは既に定義されています。'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = '無効なJWTが提供されました。'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'フラッシュメッセージを使用するにはセッションが必要です。'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '次の名前のセマフォはすでに存在します: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = '無効なJWTヘッダーアルゴリズムが提供されました。'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "OAuth2プロバイダーはInnerSchemeを使用するために必要な'password' grant_typeをサポートしていません。"
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = '無効な{0}エイリアスが見つかりました: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "スケジュール '{0}' は存在しません。"
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'アクセス方法が存在しません: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "OAuth2プロバイダーは'code' response_typeをサポートしていません。"
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[警告] Pode {0} はリリース時に利用可能でなかったため、PowerShell {1} でテストされていません。'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "シークレットボールト'{0}'は既に登録されています(シークレットボールトの自動インポート中)。"
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "'{0}'認証バリデーターのために提供されたスキームには有効なScriptBlockが必要です。"
serverLoopingMessage = 'サーバーループ間隔 {0}秒'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Certificate Thumbprints/NameはWindowsでのみサポートされています。'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "-Nameまたは`$WebEvent.Sse.NameからSSE接続名が必要です。"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = '提供されたMiddlewaresの1つが無効な型です。ScriptBlockまたはHashtableのいずれかを期待しましたが、次を取得しました: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'JWT署名に対する秘密が提供されていません。'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'モジュールパスが存在しません: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[タスク] {0}: タスクは既に定義されています。'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[動詞] {0}: すでに定義されています'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'クライアント証明書はHTTPSエンドポイントでのみサポートされています。'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "名前'{0}'のエンドポイントが存在しません。"
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[ミドルウェア]: ScriptBlockにロジックが提供されていません。'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'ValidがAllの場合、複数の認証済みユーザーを1つのオブジェクトにマージするためのScriptBlockが必要です。'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "名前 '{0}' のシークレットボールトは既に登録されています{1}。"
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "警告: 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' のタイトル、バージョン、および説明は非推奨です。代わりに 'Add-PodeOAInfo' を使用してください。"
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = '未定義のOpenAPI参照:'
doneMessage = '完了'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'このバージョンの Swagger-Editor は OpenAPI 3.1 をサポートしていません'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = '期間は 0 以上でなければなりませんが、取得した値は: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'ビューのパスが存在しません: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "パラメーター'Discriminator'は'allOf'と互換性がありません。"
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'メッセージを送信する WebSocket の名前が指定されていません。'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = '提供されたHashtableミドルウェアにロジックが定義されていません。'
openApiInfoMessage = 'OpenAPI情報:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "'{1}'認証バリデーターのために提供された'{0}'スキームには有効なScriptBlockが必要です。"
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = '{0}のSSEブロードキャストレベルが定義されているため、SSEのブロードキャストに失敗しました: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Active DirectoryモジュールはWindowsでのみ利用可能です。'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'リクエストロギングは既に有効になっています。'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = '無効な Access-Control-Max-Age 期間が提供されました:{0}。0 より大きくする必要があります。'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '名前が {0} の OpenAPI 定義は既に存在します。'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag は Select-PodeOADefinition 'ScriptBlock' 内で使用できません。"
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'タスクプロセスが存在しません: {0}'
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'スケジュールプロセスが存在しません: {0}'
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Routeの定義タグは変更できません。'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 操作にはリクエストボディを含めることはできません。-AllowNonStandardBody を使用してこの制限を回避してください。"
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "関数 '{0}' は配列をパイプライン入力として受け付けません。"
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'サポートされていないストリーム圧縮エンコーディングが提供されました: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "'{0}' と '{1}' は OpenAPI のローカルエンドポイントとして定義されていますが、API 定義ごとに 1 つのローカルエンドポイントのみ許可されます。"
suspendingMessage = '停止'
resumingMessage = '再開'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'サーバーコントロールコマンド:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'サーバーを正常に終了します。'
restartServerMessage = 'サーバーを再起動して設定をリロードします。'
resumeServerMessage = 'サーバーを再開します。'
suspendServerMessage = 'サーバーを一時停止します。'
startingMessage = '開始中'
restartingMessage = '再起動中'
suspendedMessage = '一時停止中'
runningMessage = '実行中'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'デフォルトのブラウザで最初の HTTP エンドポイントを開きます。'
terminatedMessage = '終了しました'
showMetricsMessage = 'メトリクスを表示'
clearConsoleMessage = 'コンソールをクリア'
serverMetricsMessage = 'サーバーメトリクス'
totalUptimeMessage = '総稼働時間:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = '最後の再起動からの稼働時間:'
totalRestartMessage = '再起動の総数:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "タイプ '{0}' のデフォルトエンドポイントは既に設定されています。タイプごとに1つのデフォルトエンドポイントのみ許可されています。"
enableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTPサーバーを有効化する'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTPサーバーを無効化する'
showHelpMessage = 'ヘルプを表示'
hideHelpMessage = 'ヘルプを非表示'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'エンドポイントを非表示'
showEndpointsMessage = 'エンドポイントを表示'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPIを非表示'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPIを表示'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'クワイエットモードを有効化'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'クワイエットモードを無効化'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "名前が '{0}' のレート制限ルールは既に存在します。"
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "名前が '{0}' のレート制限ルールは存在しません。"
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "名前が '{0}' のアクセス制限ルールは既に存在します。"
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "名前が '{0}' のアクセス制限ルールは存在しません。"
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = '스키마 유효성 검사는 PowerShell 버전 6.1.0 이상이 필요합니다.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = '사용자 지정 액세스 값을 소싱하기 위해 경로 또는 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0}은(는) 고유해야 하며 배열에 적용될 수 없습니다.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "리디렉션을 위해 이름이 '{0}'인 엔드포인트가 정의되지 않았습니다."
filesHaveChangedMessage = '다음 파일이 변경되었습니다:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN이 누락되었습니다.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = '{0}의 최소 값은 최대 값보다 클 수 없습니다.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = '경로에 대한 논리가 전달되지 않았습니다: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '스크립트 경로가 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 뮤텍스가 이미 존재합니다."
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = '다음 {0} 엔드포인트에서 수신 중 [{1} 스레드]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = '{0} 함수는 서버리스 컨텍스트에서 지원되지 않습니다.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'JWT 서명이 제공되지 않을 것으로 예상되었습니다.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 시크릿이 이미 마운트되었습니다."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = '개체에 대한 잠금을 획득하지 못했습니다.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: 정적 경로에 대한 경로가 제공되지 않았습니다.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = '제공된 호스트 이름이 잘못되었습니다: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '인증 방법이 이미 정의되었습니다: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "CSRF에 대해 쿠키를 사용할 때, 비밀이 필요합니다. 비밀을 제공하거나 전역 비밀 쿠키를 설정하십시오 - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = '페이지 경로를 생성하려면 비어 있지 않은 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "매개변수 'NoProperties'는 'Properties', 'MinProperties' 및 'MaxProperties'와 상호 배타적입니다."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = '기존의 호환되지 않는 Pode.DLL 버전 {0}이 로드되었습니다. 버전 {1}이 필요합니다. 새로운 Powershell/pwsh 세션을 열고 다시 시도하세요.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '접근 방법이 존재하지 않습니다: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[스케줄] {0}: 스케줄이 이미 정의되어 있습니다.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = '{0}에 대한 초 값은 0 이하일 수 없습니다.'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = '로드할 경로 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = '모듈을 가져오지 못했습니다: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "프로토콜 '{0}' 및 주소 '{1}' 또는 로컬 주소 '{2}'가 있는 엔드포인트가 존재하지 않습니다."
terminatingMessage = '종료 중'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = '경로로 변환할 명령이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = '작업 유형이 유효하지 않습니다. 예상된 유형: [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] 또는 [hashtable]'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 WebSocket에 이미 연결되어 있습니다."
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'CRLF 메시지 끝 검사는 TCP 엔드포인트에서만 지원됩니다.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema'는 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'을 사용하여 활성화해야 합니다."
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory 모듈이 설치되지 않았습니다.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Cron 표현식은 5개의 부분으로만 구성되어야 합니다: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = '응답에 설정할 세션이 없습니다.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "{1}의 값 '{0}'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다. {2}와 {3} 사이여야 합니다."
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '로깅 방법이 이미 정의되었습니다: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'HMAC256 해시를 위한 비밀이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[경고] Pode {0}은 EOL 상태인 PowerShell {1}에서 테스트되지 않았습니다.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePool 로드 실패.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = '등록된 {0} 이벤트가 없습니다: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[스케줄] {0}: 음수 한도를 가질 수 없습니다.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 요청 스타일은 {1} 매개변수에 대해 {0}일 수 없습니다.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI 문서는 준수하지 않습니다.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "작업 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않습니다."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = '범위 변수 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = '쿠키를 사용하지 않으려면 CSRF 사용을 위해 세션이 필요합니다.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = '로깅 방법에는 비어 있지 않은 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = '자격 증명이 전달되면, 헤더에 대한 * 와일드카드는 와일드카드가 아닌 리터럴 문자열로 취급됩니다.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode가 초기화되지 않았습니다.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = '여러 엔드포인트가 정의되었으며, GUI에는 첫 번째만 사용됩니다.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0}은(는) 고유해야 합니다.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'JWT에서 잘못된 JSON 값이 발견되었습니다.'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'JWT 헤더에 제공된 알고리즘이 없습니다.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 버전 속성은 필수입니다.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = '{0}에 대한 제한 값은 0 이하일 수 없습니다.'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "타이머 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않습니다."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'OpenAPI 생성 문서 오류:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "경로 '[{0}] {1}'에 '{2}' 이름의 사용자 지정 액세스가 이미 포함되어 있습니다."
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '최대 동시 WebSocket 스레드는 최소값 {0}보다 작을 수 없지만 받은 값: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: 미들웨어가 이미 정의되었습니다.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = '잘못된 원자 문자: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = '잘못된 크론 원자 형식이 발견되었습니다: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "캐시된 항목 '{1}'을(를) 검색하려고 할 때 이름이 '{0}'인 캐시 스토리지를 찾을 수 없습니다."
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = '인코딩 컨텍스트에서 사용될 때 헤더는 이름이 있어야 합니다.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = '모듈 {0}에 경로로 변환할 함수 {1}이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'GUI용 아이콘의 경로가 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = '{0} 페이지에 대한 제목이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'HTTPS/WSS가 아닌 엔드포인트에 제공된 인증서입니다.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'null 개체를 잠글 수 없습니다.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui는 현재 Windows PowerShell 및 Windows의 PowerShell 7+에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = '사용자 정의 비밀 금고 유형에 대해 제공된 Unlock 비밀이지만, Unlock ScriptBlock이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = '제공된 IP 주소가 유효하지 않습니다: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays는 0 이상이어야 하지만, 받은 값: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "금고 '{0}'에서 비밀을 제거하기 위한 Remove ScriptBlock이 제공되지 않았습니다."
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = '서명이 없는 경우 비밀이 제공되지 않아야 합니다.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "'{2}'에 대한 {0}{1}에서 인증서를 찾을 수 없습니다."
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "{1}의 최소 값 '{0}'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다. {2} 이상이어야 합니다."
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = '경로에 대한 접근은 인증이 필요합니다.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'HMAC384 해시를 위한 비밀이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Windows 로컬 인증 지원은 Windows 전용입니다.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = '정의 태그 {0}이(가) 정의되지 않았습니다.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = '{2} 정의에서 {0} 유형의 {1} 이름의 구성 요소가 없습니다.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = '정의된 SMTP 핸들러가 없습니다.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = '세션 미들웨어가 이미 초기화되었습니다.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "OpenAPI v3.0에서는 재사용 가능한 구성 요소 기능 'pathItems'를 사용할 수 없습니다."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = '헤더에 대한 * 와일드카드는 AutoHeaders 스위치와 호환되지 않습니다.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "요청에서 업로드된 파일 '{0}'에 대한 데이터가 없습니다."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE는 Accept 헤더 값이 text/event-stream인 요청에서만 구성할 수 있습니다.'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = '저장할 수 있는 세션이 없습니다.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "매개변수 위치가 'Path'인 경우 'Required' 스위치 매개변수가 필수입니다."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = '{0}에 대한 OpenAPI URL이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = '최대 동시 스케줄 수는 1 이상이어야 하지만 받은 값: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapins는 Windows PowerShell에서만 지원됩니다.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = '이벤트 뷰어 로깅은 Windows에서만 지원됩니다.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "매개변수 '{0}'와(과) '{1}'는 상호 배타적입니다."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'PathItems 기능은 OpenAPI v3.0.x에서 지원되지 않습니다.'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 매개변수에는 이름이 필요합니다.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '최대 동시 작업 수는 최소값 {0}보다 작을 수 없지만 받은 값: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 세마포어를 찾을 수 없습니다."
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = '간격을 사용할 때는 단일 {0} 값을 제공할 수 있습니다.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'JWT가 아직 유효하지 않습니다.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[동사] {0}: {1}에 대해 이미 정의되었습니다.'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 시크릿이 마운트되지 않았습니다."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = '{0}에서 모듈 또는 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'ScriptBlock이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 비밀 금고가 등록되지 않았습니다."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'RedirectTo 매개변수가 제공된 경우 엔드포인트에 이름이 필요합니다.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "OpenAPI 객체 'license'는 'name' 속성이 필요합니다. -LicenseName 매개변수를 사용하십시오."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: 정적 경로에 대한 제공된 소스 경로가 존재하지 않습니다: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = '연결을 끊을 WebSocket의 이름이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "인증서 '{0}'이(가) 만료되었습니다: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = '시크릿 금고의 잠금 해제 만료 날짜가 과거입니다 (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = '예외가 잘못된 유형입니다. WebException 또는 HttpRequestException이어야 하지만, 얻은 것은: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = '비밀 값이 잘못된 유형입니다. 예상되는 유형: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[] 또는 PSCredential. 그러나 얻은 것은: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = '명시적 TLS 모드는 SMTPS 및 TCPS 엔드포인트에서만 지원됩니다.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "매개변수 'DiscriminatorMapping'은 'DiscriminatorProperty'가 있을 때만 사용할 수 있습니다."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "스크립트 {1} {2} (라인 {3}) 문자 {4}에서 {5}을(를) 실행하는 중에 스크립트 {0} 오류가 발생했습니다. 개체 '{7}' 클래스: {8} 기본 클래스: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = '분기별 간격 값을 제공할 수 없습니다.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[스케줄] {0}: 종료 시간 값은 미래에 있어야 합니다.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = '제공된 JWT 서명이 유효하지 않습니다.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "금고 '{0}'에서 비밀을 업데이트/생성하기 위한 Set ScriptBlock이 제공되지 않았습니다."
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = '병합을 위한 액세스 방법이 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "기본 인증 '{0}'이(가) 제공된 인증 목록에 없습니다."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "매개변수에 이름이 없습니다. 'Name' 매개변수를 사용하여 이 구성 요소에 이름을 지정하십시오."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: {2}에 대해 이미 정의되었습니다.'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "'{0}'라는 이름의 파일 감시자가 이미 정의되었습니다."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = '정의된 서비스 핸들러가 없습니다.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = '사용자 정의 세션 저장소를 사용할 때는 비밀이 필요합니다.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement 모듈이 설치되지 않았습니다.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = '경로에 대해 제공된 경로가 없습니다.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "'anyof'을 포함하는 스키마의 유효성 검사는 지원되지 않습니다."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'IIS 인증 지원은 Windows 전용입니다.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme은 Basic 또는 Form 인증 중 하나여야 합니다, 그러나 받은 값: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = '{0} 페이지에 대한 경로가 제공되지 않았습니다.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "캐시된 항목 '{1}'이(가) 존재하는지 확인하려고 할 때 이름이 '{0}'인 캐시 스토리지를 찾을 수 없습니다."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 핸들러가 이미 정의되었습니다.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = '세션이 구성되지 않았습니다.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Object 유형의 속성만 {0}와(과) 연결될 수 있습니다.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = '세션 지속 인증을 사용하려면 세션이 필요합니다.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = '제공된 경로는 와일드카드 또는 디렉터리가 될 수 없습니다: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '액세스 방법이 이미 정의되었습니다: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "매개변수 'Value' 또는 'ExternalValue'는 필수입니다."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = '최대 동시 작업 수는 >=1이어야 하지만 받은 값: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = '유형이 정의되지 않았기 때문에 속성을 생성할 수 없습니다.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = '병합을 위한 인증 방법이 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "{1}의 최대 값 '{0}'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다. {2} 이하여야 합니다."
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 엔드포인트가 이미 정의되어 있습니다."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = '{0} 이벤트가 이미 등록되었습니다: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "요청에 '{0}'라는 이름의 매개변수가 제공되지 않았거나 데이터가 없습니다."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "캐시된 항목 '{1}'을(를) 설정하려고 할 때 이름이 '{0}'인 캐시 스토리지를 찾을 수 없습니다."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 이미 정의되었습니다.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = '오류 로깅이 이미 활성화되었습니다.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "'`$using:{0}'에 대한 값을 찾을 수 없습니다."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = '문서 도구 RapidPdf는 OpenAPI 3.1을 지원하지 않습니다.'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'PKCE를 사용하지 않을 때 OAuth2에는 클라이언트 비밀이 필요합니다.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'JWT에서 잘못된 Base64 인코딩 값이 발견되었습니다.'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = '데이터 해시를 계산할 세션이 없습니다.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "캐시된 항목 '{1}'을(를) 제거하려고 할 때 이름이 '{0}'인 캐시 스토리지를 찾을 수 없습니다."
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'CSRF 미들웨어가 초기화되지 않았습니다.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title은 필수 항목입니다.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = '유형 {0}는 객체와만 연관될 수 있습니다.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '사용자 파일이 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = '경로 매개변수에는 유효하고 비어 있지 않은 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = '다음 트리거 날짜 및 시간을 계산하는 중에 문제가 발생한 것 같습니다: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = '[ValueType]를 잠글 수 없습니다.'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'OpenSSL 인증서 생성 실패: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'JWT가 만료되었습니다.'
openingGuiMessage = 'GUI 열기.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = '다중 유형 속성은 OpenApi 버전 3.1 이상이 필요합니다.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = '제거할 WebSocket의 이름이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize는 0 이상이어야 하지만, 받은 값: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(IIS 종료)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = '[ValueType]를 잠금 해제할 수 없습니다.'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = '{0}에 대한 JWT 서명이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = '최대 동시 WebSocket 스레드는 >=1이어야 하지만 받은 값: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = '확인 메시지는 SMTP 및 TCP 엔드포인트에서만 지원됩니다.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'URL에 연결하지 못했습니다: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = '뮤텍스 소유권을 획득하지 못했습니다. 뮤텍스 이름: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'PKCE를 사용하는 OAuth2에는 세션이 필요합니다.'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'WebSocket에 연결하지 못했습니다: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = '지원되지 않는 개체'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "'{0}'을(를) 유효한 IP/호스트:포트 주소로 구문 분석하지 못했습니다."
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = '관리자 권한으로 실행되어야 비로소 로컬호스트 주소가 아닌 주소를 청취할 수 있습니다.'
specificationMessage = '사양'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "캐시를 지우려고 할 때 이름이 '{0}'인 캐시 스토리지를 찾을 수 없습니다."
restartingServerMessage = '서버를 재시작 중...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "매개변수 'Every'가 None으로 설정된 경우 간격을 제공할 수 없습니다."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'JWT 알고리즘은 현재 지원되지 않습니다: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets가 신호 메시지를 보내도록 구성되지 않았습니다.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = '제공된 Hashtable 미들웨어에 잘못된 논리 유형이 있습니다. 예상된 유형은 ScriptBlock이지만, 얻은 것은: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '최대 동시 스케줄 수는 최소 {0}보다 작을 수 없지만 받은 값: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = '세마포어 소유권을 획득하지 못했습니다. 세마포어 이름: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = '속성에 이름이 없으면 Properties 매개변수를 사용할 수 없습니다.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "사용자 정의 세션 저장소가 필요한 메서드 '{0}()'를 구현하지 않았습니다."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '인증 방법이 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'Webhooks 기능은 OpenAPI v3.0.x에서 지원되지 않습니다.'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "스키마에 대해 잘못된 'content-type'이 발견되었습니다: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "금고 '{0}'을(를) 해제하는 Unlock ScriptBlock이 제공되지 않았습니다."
definitionTagMessage = '정의 {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'RunspacePool을 여는 데 실패했습니다: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'RunspacePool을(를) 닫지 못했습니다: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[동사] {0}: 전달된 로직 없음'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 뮤텍스를 찾을 수 없습니다."
documentationMessage = '문서'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[타이머] {0}: 타이머가 이미 정의되어 있습니다.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = '포트는 음수일 수 없습니다: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '뷰 폴더 이름이 이미 존재합니다: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = '재설정할 WebSocket의 이름이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "병합 기본 인증 '{0}'이(가) 제공된 인증 목록에 없습니다."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = '경로:{0} 응답:{1} 에 대한 설명이 필요합니다'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = '페이지 이름은 유효한 알파벳 숫자 값이어야 합니다: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = '기본값이 boolean이 아니며 enum에 속하지 않습니다.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 구성 요소 스키마 {0}이(가) 존재하지 않습니다.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[타이머] {0}: {1}은(는) 0보다 커야 합니다.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = '작업이 {0}ms 후에 시간 초과되었습니다.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[스케줄] {0}: 'StartTime'이 'EndTime' 이후일 수 없습니다."
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version은 필수 항목입니다.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'null 개체를 잠금 해제할 수 없습니다.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = '사용자 정의 인증 스킴에는 비어 있지 않은 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = '인증 방법에 대해 비어 있지 않은 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "'oneof'을 포함하는 스키마의 유효성 검사는 지원되지 않습니다."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "'Route' 매개변수는 null일 수 없습니다."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 캐시 스토리지가 이미 존재합니다."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 로깅 방법에 대한 제공된 출력 방법은 유효한 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '범위 지정 변수가 이미 정의되었습니다: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2에는 권한 부여 URL이 필요합니다.'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = '경로가 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'Windows AD 인증을 위한 도메인 서버 이름이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = '제공된 날짜가 스케줄 종료 시간 {0} 이후입니다.'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = '메서드에 대한 * 와일드카드는 AutoMethods 스위치와 호환되지 않습니다.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = '매년 간격 값을 제공할 수 없습니다.'
missingComponentsMessage = '누락된 구성 요소'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = '잘못된 Strict-Transport-Security 기간이 제공되었습니다: {0}. 0보다 커야 합니다.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'HMAC512 해시를 위한 비밀이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0}에는 {1}일밖에 없지만 {2}일이 제공되었습니다.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = '사용자 정의 로깅 출력 방법에는 비어 있지 않은 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = '인코딩 속성은 multipart 및 application/x-www-form-urlencoded 요청 본문에만 적용됩니다.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = '제공된 날짜가 스케줄 시작 시간 {0} 이전입니다.'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore를 사용할 때 'UnlockSecret' 속성이 필요합니다."
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 논리가 전달되지 않았습니다.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = '{0} 콘텐츠 유형에 대한 바디 파서가 이미 정의되어 있습니다.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = '제공된 JWT가 유효하지 않습니다.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = '플래시 메시지를 사용하려면 세션이 필요합니다.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 세마포어가 이미 존재합니다."
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = '제공된 JWT 헤더 알고리즘이 유효하지 않습니다.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 공급자는 InnerScheme을 사용하는 데 필요한 'password' 부여 유형을 지원하지 않습니다."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = '잘못된 {0} 별칭이 발견되었습니다: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "스케줄 '{0}'이(가) 존재하지 않습니다."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = '액세스 방법이 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 공급자는 'code' 응답 유형을 지원하지 않습니다."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[경고] Pode {0}은 출시 당시 사용 가능하지 않았기 때문에 PowerShell {1}에서 테스트되지 않았습니다.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 비밀 금고가 이미 자동으로 가져오는 동안 등록되었습니다."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 인증 검증기에 제공된 스킴에는 유효한 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다."
serverLoopingMessage = '서버 루핑 간격 {0}초'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = '인증서 지문/이름은 Windows에서만 지원됩니다.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "-Name 또는 `$WebEvent.Sse.Name에서 SSE 연결 이름이 필요합니다."
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = '제공된 미들웨어 중 하나가 잘못된 유형입니다. 예상된 유형은 ScriptBlock 또는 Hashtable이지만, 얻은 것은: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'JWT 서명을 위한 비밀이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '모듈 경로가 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[작업] {0}: 작업이 이미 정의되었습니다.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[동사] {0}: 이미 정의되었습니다.'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = '클라이언트 인증서는 HTTPS 엔드포인트에서만 지원됩니다.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 엔드포인트가 존재하지 않습니다."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[미들웨어]: ScriptBlock에 로직이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'Valid가 All일 때 여러 인증된 사용자를 하나의 객체로 병합하려면 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 시크릿 금고가 이미 등록되었습니다{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "경고: 'Enable-PodeOpenApi'의 제목, 버전 및 설명이 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. 대신 'Add-PodeOAInfo'를 사용하십시오."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = '정의되지 않은 OpenAPI 참조:'
doneMessage = '완료'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = '이 버전의 Swagger-Editor는 OpenAPI 3.1을 지원하지 않습니다.'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = '기간은 0 이상이어야 하지만 받은 값: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '뷰 경로가 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "매개변수 'Discriminator'는 'allOf'와 호환되지 않습니다."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = '메시지를 보낼 WebSocket의 이름이 제공되지 않았습니다.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = '제공된 Hashtable 미들웨어에는 정의된 논리가 없습니다.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'OpenAPI 정보:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "'{1}' 인증 검증기에 제공된 '{0}' 스킴에는 유효한 ScriptBlock이 필요합니다."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = '{0}에 대해 정의된 SSE 브로드캐스트 수준으로 인해 SSE 브로드캐스트에 실패했습니다: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory 모듈은 Windows에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = '요청 로깅이 이미 활성화되었습니다.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = '잘못된 Access-Control-Max-Age 기간이 제공되었습니다: {0}. 0보다 커야 합니다.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '이름이 {0}인 OpenAPI 정의가 이미 존재합니다.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag은 Select-PodeOADefinition 'ScriptBlock' 내에서 사용할 수 없습니다."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '작업 프로세스가 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '스케줄 프로세스가 존재하지 않습니다: {0}'
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Route에 대한 정의 태그는 변경할 수 없습니다.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 작업은 요청 본문을 가질 수 없습니다. 이 제한을 무시하려면 -AllowNonStandardBody를 사용하세요."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "함수 '{0}'은(는) 배열을 파이프라인 입력으로 받지 않습니다."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = '지원되지 않는 스트림 압축 인코딩: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 와 '{1}' 는 OpenAPI 로컬 엔드포인트로 정의되었지만, API 정의당 하나의 로컬 엔드포인트만 허용됩니다."
suspendingMessage = '중단'
resumingMessage = '재개'
serverControlCommandsTitle = '서버 제어 명령:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = '서버를 정상적으로 종료합니다.'
restartServerMessage = '서버를 재시작하고 설정을 다시 로드합니다.'
resumeServerMessage = '서버를 재개합니다.'
suspendServerMessage = '서버를 일시 중지합니다.'
startingMessage = '시작 중'
restartingMessage = '재시작 중'
suspendedMessage = '일시 중지됨'
runningMessage = '실행 중'
openHttpEndpointMessage = '기본 브라우저에서 첫 번째 HTTP 엔드포인트를 엽니다.'
terminatedMessage = '종료됨'
showMetricsMessage = '메트릭 표시'
clearConsoleMessage = '콘솔 지우기'
serverMetricsMessage = '서버 메트릭'
totalUptimeMessage = '총 가동 시간:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = '마지막 재시작 이후 가동 시간:'
totalRestartMessage = '총 재시작 횟수:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 유형에 대한 기본 엔드포인트가 이미 설정되어 있습니다. 유형당 하나의 기본 엔드포인트만 허용됩니다."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTP 서버 활성화'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTP 서버 비활성화'
showHelpMessage = '도움말 표시'
hideHelpMessage = '도움말 숨기기'
hideEndpointsMessage = '엔드포인트 숨기기'
showEndpointsMessage = '엔드포인트 표시'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPI 숨기기'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPI 표시'
enableQuietModeMessage = '조용한 모드 활성화'
disableQuietModeMessage = '조용한 모드 비활성화'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 비율 제한 규칙이 이미 존재합니다."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 비율 제한 규칙이 존재하지 않습니다."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 액세스 제한 규칙이 이미 존재합니다."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "이름이 '{0}'인 액세스 제한 규칙이 존재하지 않습니다."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'Schema-validatie vereist PowerShell versie 6.1.0 of hoger.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Een pad of ScriptBlock is vereist voor het verkrijgen van de aangepaste toegangswaarden.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} moet uniek zijn en kan niet worden toegepast op een array.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "Er is geen eindpunt met de naam '{0}' gedefinieerd voor omleiding."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'De volgende bestanden zijn gewijzigd:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN ontbreekt.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'Min waarde voor {0} mag niet groter zijn dan de max waarde.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Geen logica doorgegeven voor Route: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Het scriptpad bestaat niet: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Er bestaat al een mutex met de volgende naam: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Luisteren naar de volgende {0} eindpunt(en) [{1} thread(s)]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'De functie {0} wordt niet ondersteund in een serverloze context.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Er werd geen JWT-handtekening verwacht.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "Er is al een geheim met de naam '{0}' gemonteerd."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'Kan geen lock op het object verkrijgen.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: Geen pad opgegeven voor statische route.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige hostnaam opgegeven: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Authenticatiemethode al gedefinieerd: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "Bij gebruik van cookies voor CSRF is een geheim vereist. U kunt een geheim opgeven of het globale cookiesecret instellen - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<waarde>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'Een niet-lege ScriptBlock is vereist voor de authenticatiemethode.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'Een niet-lege ScriptBlock is vereist om een paginaroute te maken.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "De parameter 'NoProperties' is wederzijds exclusief met 'Properties', 'MinProperties' en 'MaxProperties'"
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'Een bestaande incompatibele Pode.DLL-versie {0} is geladen. Versie {1} is vereist. Open een nieuwe PowerShell/pwsh-sessie en probeer opnieuw.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Toegangsmethode bestaat niet: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Schema] {0}: Schema al gedefinieerd.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Waarde in seconden kan niet 0 of minder zijn voor {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Pad om te laden {0} niet gevonden: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Kon module niet importeren: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "Eindpunt met protocol '{0}' en adres '{1}' of lokaal adres '{2}' bestaat niet."
terminatingMessage = 'Beëindigen'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Geen opdrachten opgegeven om om te zetten naar routes.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'Taaktype is ongeldig, verwacht ofwel [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] of [hashtable]'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Al verbonden met WebSocket met naam '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'De CRLF-berichteneindcontrole wordt alleen ondersteund op TCP-eindpunten.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' moet worden ingeschakeld met 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory-module is niet geïnstalleerd.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Cron-expressie mag alleen uit 5 delen bestaan: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'Er is geen sessie beschikbaar om op de reactie in te stellen.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "Waarde '{0}' voor {1} is ongeldig, moet tussen {2} en {3} liggen"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'De logboekmethode is al gedefinieerd: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'Geen geheim opgegeven voor HMAC256-hash.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[WAARSCHUWING] Pode {0} is niet getest op PowerShell {1}, omdat het EOL is.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePool kon niet geladen worden.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Geen {0} gebeurtenis geregistreerd: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Schema] {0}: Kan geen negatieve limiet hebben.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi-verzoekstijl kan niet {0} zijn voor een {1} parameter.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI-document voldoet niet aan de normen.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Taak '{0}' bestaat niet."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Gescopede variabele niet gevonden: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Sessies zijn vereist om CSRF te gebruiken, tenzij u cookies wilt gebruiken.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'Een niet-lege ScriptBlock is vereist voor de logboekmethode.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'Wanneer referenties worden doorgegeven, wordt het * jokerteken voor headers als een letterlijke tekenreeks en niet als een jokerteken genomen.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode is niet geïnitialiseerd.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Meerdere eindpunten gedefinieerd, alleen het eerste wordt gebruikt voor de GUI.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} moet uniek zijn.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige JSON-waarde gevonden in JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'Geen algoritme opgegeven in JWT-header.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi-versie-eigenschap is verplicht.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Limietwaarde kan niet 0 of minder zijn voor {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Timer '{0}' bestaat niet."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'OpenAPI-generatiedocumentfout:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "Route '[{0}] {1}' bevat al aangepaste toegang met naam '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximaal aantal gelijktijdige WebSocket-threads kan niet minder zijn dan het minimum van {0} maar kreeg: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware al gedefinieerd.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldig atoomteken: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldig cron-atoomformaat gevonden: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Cache-opslag met naam '{0}' niet gevonden bij poging om gecachte item '{1}' op te halen"
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'Header moet een naam hebben wanneer deze in een coderingscontext wordt gebruikt.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'Module {0} bevat geen functie {1} om om te zetten naar een route.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Pad naar het pictogram voor GUI bestaat niet: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Geen titel opgegeven voor {0} pagina.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certificaat opgegeven voor niet-HTTPS/WSS-eindpunt.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Kan geen object vergrendelen dat null is.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui is momenteel alleen beschikbaar voor Windows PowerShell en PowerShell 7+ op Windows OS.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Ontgrendel geheim opgegeven voor aangepast geheimenkluis type, maar geen ontgrendel ScriptBlock opgegeven.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'Het opgegeven IP-adres is ongeldig: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays moet 0 of groter zijn, maar kreeg: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Geen verwijder ScriptBlock opgegeven voor het verwijderen van geheimen uit de kluis '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Er werd geen geheim verwacht voor geen handtekening.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "Geen certificaat gevonden in {0}{1} voor '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Min waarde '{0}' voor {1} is ongeldig, moet groter zijn dan/gelijk aan {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Toegang vereist dat authenticatie wordt opgegeven op routes.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'Geen geheim opgegeven voor HMAC384-hash.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Windows lokale authenticatie-ondersteuning is alleen voor Windows OS.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'DefinitionTag {0} bestaat niet.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'Geen component van het type {0} genaamd {1} is beschikbaar in de {2} definitie.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Er zijn geen SMTP-handlers gedefinieerd.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Sessie Middleware is al geïnitialiseerd.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "De herbruikbare componentfunctie 'pathItems' is niet beschikbaar in OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'Het * jokerteken voor headers is niet compatibel met de AutoHeaders-schakelaar.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "Geen gegevens voor bestand '{0}' zijn geüpload in het verzoek."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE kan alleen worden geconfigureerd voor verzoeken met een Accept-headerwaarde van text/event-stream'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'Er is geen sessie beschikbaar om op te slaan.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "Als de parameterlocatie 'Pad' is, is de schakelparameter 'Vereist' verplicht."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Geen OpenAPI-URL opgegeven voor {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = "Maximaal aantal gelijktijdige schema's moet >=1 zijn, maar kreeg: {0}"
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapins worden alleen ondersteund op Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Event Viewer-logboekregistratie wordt alleen ondersteund op Windows OS.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Parameters '{0}' en '{1}' zijn wederzijds exclusief."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'De functie PathItems wordt niet ondersteund in OpenAPI v3.0.x'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'De OpenApi-parameter vereist een naam om te worden opgegeven.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maximaal aantal gelijktijdige taken kan niet minder zijn dan het minimum van {0} maar kreeg: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "Geen semafoor gevonden genaamd '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'U kunt slechts één {0} waarde opgeven bij gebruik van intervallen.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'De JWT is nog niet geldig voor gebruik.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Werkwoord] {0}: Al gedefinieerd voor {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "Geen geheim genaamd '{0}' is gemonteerd."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Module of versie niet gevonden op {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Geen ScriptBlock opgegeven.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Geen geheime kluis met de naam '{0}' is geregistreerd."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Een naam is vereist voor het eindpunt als de parameter RedirectTo is opgegeven.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "Het OpenAPI-object 'licentie' vereist de eigenschap 'naam'. Gebruik de parameter -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: Het opgegeven bronpad voor statische route bestaat niet: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'Geen naam opgegeven voor een WebSocket om los te koppelen.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "Het certificaat '{0}' is verlopen: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'De ontgrendelingsvervaldatum van de geheime kluis ligt in het verleden (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'Uitzondering is van een ongeldig type, moet ofwel WebException of HttpRequestException zijn, maar kreeg: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Geheime waarde is van een ongeldig type. Verwachte types: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[], of PSCredential. Maar kreeg: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'De expliciete TLS-modus wordt alleen ondersteund op SMTPS- en TCPS-eindpunten.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "De parameter 'DiscriminatorMapping' kan alleen worden gebruikt wanneer 'DiscriminatorProperty' aanwezig is."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Fout '{0}' in script {1} {2} (regel {3}) teken {4} bij uitvoeren {5} op {6} object '{7}' Klasse: {8} BasisKlasse: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'Kan geen intervalwaarde opgeven voor elk kwartaal.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Schema] {0}: De eindtijdwaarde moet in de toekomst liggen.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige JWT-handtekening opgegeven.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Geen Set ScriptBlock opgegeven voor het bijwerken/maken van geheimen in de kluis '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Toegangsmethode bestaat niet voor samenvoegen: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "De standaardauthenticatie '{0}' staat niet in de opgegeven authenticatielijst."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "De parameter heeft geen naam. Geef dit component een naam met de parameter 'Naam'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Al gedefinieerd voor {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Een bestand bewaker genaamd '{0}' is al gedefinieerd."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Er zijn geen servicehandlers gedefinieerd.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'Een geheim is vereist bij gebruik van aangepaste sessieopslag.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement module niet geïnstalleerd.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Geen pad opgegeven voor de route.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Validatie van een schema dat 'anyof' bevat, wordt niet ondersteund."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'IIS-authenticatieondersteuning is alleen voor Windows OS.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme kan alleen een van de basale of formulierauthenticatie zijn, maar kreeg: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Geen routepad opgegeven voor {0} pagina.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Cache-opslag met naam '{0}' niet gevonden bij poging om te controleren of gecachte item '{1}' bestaat."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Handler al gedefinieerd.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'Sessies zijn niet geconfigureerd.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Alleen eigenschappen van het type Object kunnen worden geassocieerd met {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'Sessies zijn vereist om sessie-persistente authenticatie te gebruiken.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'Het opgegeven pad kan geen wildcard of een directory zijn: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Toegangsmethode al gedefinieerd: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Parameters 'Value' of 'ExternalValue' zijn verplicht"
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximaal aantal gelijktijdige taken moet >=1 zijn, maar kreeg: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'Kan de eigenschap niet maken omdat er geen type is gedefinieerd.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Authenticatiemethode bestaat niet voor samenvoegen: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Max waarde '{0}' voor {1} is ongeldig, moet minder dan/gelijk aan {2} zijn"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Er is al een eindpunt met de naam '{0}' gedefinieerd."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = '{0} gebeurtenis al geregistreerd: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "Een parameter genaamd '{0}' is niet opgegeven in het verzoek of heeft geen beschikbare gegevens."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Cache-opslag met naam '{0}' niet gevonden bij poging om gecachte item '{1}' in te stellen"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Al gedefinieerd.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Foutlogboekregistratie is al ingeschakeld.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Waarde voor '`$using:{0}' kon niet worden gevonden."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Het Document-tool RapidPdf ondersteunt OpenAPI 3.1 niet'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 vereist een Client Secret wanneer PKCE niet wordt gebruikt.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige Base64-gecodeerde waarde gevonden in JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'Geen sessie beschikbaar om gegevenshash te berekenen.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Cache-opslag met naam '{0}' niet gevonden bij poging om gecachte item '{1}' te verwijderen"
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'CSRF Middleware is niet geïnitialiseerd.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title is verplicht.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'Type {0} kan alleen worden geassocieerd met een Object.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Het gebruikersbestand bestaat niet: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'De routeparameter heeft een geldige, niet-lege, scriptblock nodig.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Er lijkt iets mis te zijn gegaan bij het berekenen van de volgende triggerdatum: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Kan een [ValueType] niet vergrendelen'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Kon OpenSSL-certificaat niet maken: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'De JWT is verlopen.'
openingGuiMessage = 'De GUI wordt geopend.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Multi-type eigenschappen vereisen OpenApi versie 3.1 of hoger.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'Geen naam opgegeven voor een WebSocket om te verwijderen.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize moet 0 of groter zijn, maar kreeg: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(IIS Afsluiting)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Kan een [ValueType] niet ontgrendelen'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Geen JWT-handtekening opgegeven voor {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maximaal aantal gelijktijdige WebSocket-threads moet >=1 zijn, maar kreeg: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Het Acknowledge-bericht wordt alleen ondersteund op SMTP- en TCP-eindpunten.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'Kon geen verbinding maken met URL: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Kon geen mutex-eigendom verkrijgen. Mutex-naam: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Sessies zijn vereist om OAuth2 met PKCE te gebruiken'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Kon geen verbinding maken met WebSocket: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Niet ondersteund object'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Kon '{0}' niet parseren als een geldig IP/Host:Port adres"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Moet worden uitgevoerd met beheerdersrechten om naar niet-lokale adressen te luisteren.'
specificationMessage = 'Specificatie'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Cache-opslag met naam '{0}' niet gevonden bij poging om de cache te wissen."
restartingServerMessage = 'Server opnieuw starten...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Kan geen interval opgeven wanneer de parameter 'Every' is ingesteld op None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Het JWT-algoritme wordt momenteel niet ondersteund: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets zijn niet geconfigureerd om signaalberichten te verzenden.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'Een opgegeven Hashtable Middleware heeft een ongeldig logica-type. Verwachte ScriptBlock, maar kreeg: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = "Maximaal aantal gelijktijdige schema's kan niet minder zijn dan het minimum van {0} maar kreeg: {1}"
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Kon geen semafoor-eigendom verkrijgen. Semafoornaam: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'De eigenschappenparameters kunnen niet worden gebruikt als de eigenschap geen naam heeft.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "De aangepaste sessieopslag implementeert de vereiste methode '{0}()' niet."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Authenticatiemethode bestaat niet: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'De Webhooks-functie wordt niet ondersteund in OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "Ongeldige 'content-type' gevonden voor schema: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Geen ontgrendel ScriptBlock opgegeven voor het ontgrendelen van de kluis '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Definitie {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Kon RunspacePool niet openen: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Kon RunspacePool niet sluiten: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Werkwoord] {0}: Geen logica doorgegeven'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "Geen mutex gevonden genaamd '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'Documentatie'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: Timer al gedefinieerd.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'De poort kan niet negatief zijn: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'De mapnaam Views bestaat al: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'Geen naam opgegeven voor een WebSocket om te resetten.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "De standaardauthenticatie '{0}' staat niet in de opgegeven authenticatielijst."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Een beschrijving is vereist voor Pad:{0} Antwoord:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'De paginanaam moet een geldige alfanumerieke waarde zijn: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'De standaardwaarde is geen boolean en maakt geen deel uit van de enum.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Het OpenApi-component schema {0} bestaat niet.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: {1} moet groter zijn dan 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'Taak is verlopen na {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = '[Schema] {0}: Kan geen StartTime hebben na de EndTime'
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version is verplicht.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Kan een object dat null is niet ontgrendelen.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'Een niet-lege ScriptBlock is vereist voor het aangepaste authenticatieschema.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Validatie van een schema dat 'oneof' bevat, wordt niet ondersteund."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "De parameter 'Route' kan niet null zijn."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Cache-opslag met naam '{0}' bestaat al."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "De opgegeven uitvoeringsmethode voor de '{0}' logboekmethode vereist een geldige ScriptBlock."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Gescopede variabele al gedefinieerd: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 vereist een 'AuthoriseUrl'-eigenschap om te worden opgegeven."
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Pad bestaat niet: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'Er is geen domeinservernaam opgegeven voor Windows AD-authenticatie'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'Opgegeven datum is na de eindtijd van het schema op {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'Het * jokerteken voor methoden is niet compatibel met de AutoMethods-schakelaar.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'Kan geen intervalwaarde opgeven voor elk jaar.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Ontbrekende component(en)'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige Strict-Transport-Security duur opgegeven: {0}. Het moet groter zijn dan 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'Geen geheim opgegeven voor HMAC512-hash.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} heeft slechts {1} dagen, maar {2} is opgegeven.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'Een niet-lege ScriptBlock is vereist voor de aangepaste logboekuitvoermethode.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'Het coderingsattribuut is alleen van toepassing op multipart en application/x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'Opgegeven datum is voor de starttijd van het schema op {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "Een 'UnlockSecret' eigenschap is vereist bij gebruik van Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Geen logica doorgegeven.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'Er is al een body-parser gedefinieerd voor de {0} content-type.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige JWT opgegeven.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Sessies zijn vereist om Flash-berichten te gebruiken.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Een semafoor met de volgende naam bestaat al: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldig JWT-headeralgoritme opgegeven.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "De OAuth2-provider ondersteunt het 'password' grant_type vereist door gebruik van een InnerScheme niet."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige {0} alias gevonden: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Schema '{0}' bestaat niet."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Toegangsmethode bestaat niet: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "De OAuth2-provider ondersteunt het 'code' response_type niet."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[WAARSCHUWING] Pode {0} is niet getest op PowerShell {1}, omdat het niet beschikbaar was toen Pode werd uitgebracht.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "Een geheime kluis met de naam '{0}' is al geregistreerd tijdens het automatisch importeren van geheime kluizen."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Het opgegeven schema voor de '{0}' authenticatievalidator vereist een geldige ScriptBlock."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Server loop elke {0} seconden'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Certificaat thumbprints/naam worden alleen ondersteund op Windows OS.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "Een SSE-verbindingnaam is vereist, hetzij van -Naam of `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'Een van de opgegeven middlewares is van een ongeldig type. Verwachte ScriptBlock of Hashtable, maar kreeg: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Geen geheim opgegeven voor JWT-handtekening.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Het modulepad bestaat niet: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Taak] {0}: Taak al gedefinieerd.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Werkwoord] {0}: Al gedefinieerd'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Clientcertificaten worden alleen ondersteund op HTTPS-eindpunten.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "Eindpunt met naam '{0}' bestaat niet."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: Geen logica opgegeven in ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'Een ScriptBlock voor het samenvoegen van meerdere geauthenticeerde gebruikers in één object is vereist wanneer Valid All is.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Een geheime kluis met de naam '{0}' is al geregistreerd{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "WAARSCHUWING: Titel, versie en beschrijving op 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' zijn verouderd. Gebruik in plaats daarvan 'Add-PodeOAInfo'."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Ongedefinieerde OpenAPI-referenties:'
doneMessage = 'Klaar'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Deze versie van Swagger-Editor ondersteunt OpenAPI 3.1 niet'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'Duur moet 0 of groter zijn, maar kreeg: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Het pad voor views bestaat niet: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "De parameter 'Discriminator' is niet compatibel met 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'Geen naam opgegeven voor een WebSocket om een bericht naar te sturen.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'Een opgegeven Hashtable Middleware heeft geen logica gedefinieerd.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'OpenAPI Info:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "Het opgegeven '{0}' schema voor de '{1}' authenticatievalidator vereist een geldige ScriptBlock."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE kon niet uitzenden vanwege het gedefinieerde SSE-uitzendniveau voor {0}: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Active Directory-module alleen beschikbaar op Windows OS.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Verzoeklogboekregistratie is al ingeschakeld.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Ongeldige Access-Control-Max-Age duur opgegeven: {0}. Moet groter zijn dan 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI-definitie met de naam {0} bestaat al.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag kan niet worden gebruikt binnen een Select-PodeOADefinition 'ScriptBlock'."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Taakproces '{0}' bestaat niet."
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Schema-proces '{0}' bestaat niet."
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Definitietag voor een route kan niet worden gewijzigd.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' operaties kunnen geen aanvraagbody hebben. Gebruik -AllowNonStandardBody om deze beperking te omzeilen."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "De functie '{0}' accepteert geen array als pipeline-invoer."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'Niet-ondersteunde streamcompressie-encodering: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Zowel '{0}' als '{1}' zijn gedefinieerd als lokale OpenAPI-eindpunten, maar er is slechts één lokaal eindpunt per API-definitie toegestaan."
suspendingMessage = 'Onderbreken'
resumingMessage = 'Hervatten'
serverControlCommandsTitle = "Serverbedieningscommando's:"
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Server netjes afsluiten.'
restartServerMessage = 'Server opnieuw starten en configuraties herladen.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Server hervatten.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Server pauzeren.'
startingMessage = 'Starten'
restartingMessage = 'Herstarten'
suspendedMessage = 'Gepauzeerd'
runningMessage = 'Actief'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Open het eerste HTTP-eindpunt in de standaardbrowser.'
terminatedMessage = 'Beëindigd'
showMetricsMessage = 'Toon statistieken'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Console wissen'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Serverstatistieken'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Totale uptime:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Uptime sinds laatste herstart:'
totalRestartMessage = 'Totaal aantal herstarts:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "Er is al een standaardendpoint ingesteld voor het type '{0}'. Er is slechts één standaardendpoint per type toegestaan."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTP-server inschakelen'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'HTTP-server uitschakelen'
showHelpMessage = 'Hulp weergeven'
hideHelpMessage = 'Hulp verbergen'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Endpoints verbergen'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Endpoints weergeven'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPI verbergen'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'OpenAPI weergeven'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Stille modus inschakelen'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Stille modus uitschakelen'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Rate Limit-regel met de naam '{0}' bestaat al."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Rate Limit-regel met de naam '{0}' bestaat niet."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Toegangslimietregel met de naam '{0}' bestaat al."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Toegangslimietregel met de naam '{0}' bestaat niet."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'Walidacja schematu wymaga wersji PowerShell 6.1.0 lub nowszej.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Ścieżka lub ScriptBlock są wymagane do pozyskiwania wartości dostępu niestandardowego.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} musi być unikalny i nie może być zastosowany do tablicy.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "Nie zdefiniowano punktu końcowego o nazwie '{0}' do przekierowania."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'Następujące pliki zostały zmienione:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'Brakujący IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'Minimalna wartość dla {0} nie powinna być większa od maksymalnej wartości.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Brak logiki przekazanej dla trasy: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Ścieżka skryptu nie istnieje: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Muteks o nazwie '{0}' już istnieje."
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Nasłuchiwanie na następujących {0} punktach końcowych [{1} wątków]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'Funkcja {0} nie jest obsługiwana w kontekście bezserwerowym.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Oczekiwano, że nie zostanie dostarczony żaden podpis JWT.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "Tajemnica o nazwie '{0}' została już zamontowana."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się uzyskać blokady na obiekcie.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: Brak dostarczonej ścieżki dla trasy statycznej.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Podano nieprawidłową nazwę hosta: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Metoda uwierzytelniania już zdefiniowana: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "Podczas używania ciasteczek do CSRF, wymagany jest Sekret. Możesz dostarczyć Sekret lub ustawić globalny sekret dla ciasteczek - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'Aby utworzyć trasę strony, wymagany jest niepusty ScriptBlock.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Parametr 'NoProperties' jest wzajemnie wykluczający się z 'Properties', 'MinProperties' i 'MaxProperties'."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'Istnieje niekompatybilna wersja Pode.DLL {0}. Wymagana wersja {1}. Otwórz nową sesję Powershell/pwsh i spróbuj ponownie.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Metoda dostępu nie istnieje: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Harmonogram] {0}: Harmonogram już zdefiniowany.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Wartość sekund nie może być 0 lub mniejsza dla {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Ścieżka do załadowania {0} nie znaleziona: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się zaimportować modułu: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "Punkt końcowy z protokołem '{0}' i adresem '{1}' lub adresem lokalnym '{2}' nie istnieje."
terminatingMessage = 'Kończenie'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Nie dostarczono żadnych poleceń do konwersji na trasy.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'Typ zadania jest nieprawidłowy, oczekiwano [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] lub [hashtable]'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Już połączono z WebSocket o nazwie '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Sprawdzanie końca wiadomości CRLF jest obsługiwane tylko na punktach końcowych TCP.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' musi być włączony przy użyciu 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Moduł Active Directory nie jest zainstalowany.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Wyrażenie Cron powinno składać się tylko z 5 części: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'Brak dostępnej sesji do ustawienia odpowiedzi.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "Wartość '{0}' dla {1} jest nieprawidłowa, powinna być pomiędzy {2} a {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Metoda logowania już zdefiniowana: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano tajemnicy dla haszowania HMAC256.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[OSTRZEŻENIE] Pode {0} nie był testowany na PowerShell {1}, ponieważ jest to wersja EOL.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} Nie udało się załadować RunspacePool.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Brak zarejestrowanego wydarzenia {0}: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Harmonogram] {0}: Nie może mieć ujemnego limitu.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'Styl żądania OpenApi nie może być {0} dla parametru {1}.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'Dokument OpenAPI nie jest zgodny.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Zadanie '{0}' nie istnieje."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Nie znaleziono zmiennej zakresu: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Sesje są wymagane do używania CSRF, chyba że chcesz używać ciasteczek.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'Metoda rejestrowania wymaga niepustego ScriptBlock.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'Gdy przekazywane są dane uwierzytelniające, symbol wieloznaczny * dla nagłówków będzie traktowany jako dosłowny ciąg znaków, a nie symbol wieloznaczny.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode nie został zainicjowany.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Zdefiniowano wiele punktów końcowych, tylko pierwszy będzie używany dla GUI.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} musi być unikalny.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Nieprawidłowa wartość JSON znaleziona w JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'Brak dostarczonego algorytmu w nagłówku JWT.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'Właściwość wersji OpenApi jest obowiązkowa.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'Wartość limitu nie może być 0 lub mniejsza dla {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Timer '{0}' nie istnieje."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'Błąd generowania dokumentu OpenAPI:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "Trasa '[{0}] {1}' już zawiera dostęp niestandardowy z nazwą '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maksymalna liczba jednoczesnych wątków WebSocket nie może być mniejsza niż minimum {0}, ale otrzymano: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware już zdefiniowany.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'Nieprawidłowy znak atomu: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'Znaleziono nieprawidłowy format atomu cron: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono magazynu pamięci podręcznej o nazwie '{0}' podczas próby pobrania elementu z pamięci podręcznej '{1}'."
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'Nagłówek musi mieć nazwę, gdy jest używany w kontekście kodowania.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'Moduł {0} nie zawiera funkcji {1} do konwersji na trasę.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Ścieżka do ikony dla GUI nie istnieje: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Nie dostarczono tytułu dla strony {0}.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certyfikat dostarczony dla punktu końcowego innego niż HTTPS/WSS.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Nie można zablokować pustego obiektu.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui jest obecnie dostępne tylko dla Windows PowerShell i PowerShell 7+ w Windows.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Podano tajemnicę odblokowania dla niestandardowego typu skarbca, ale nie podano ScriptBlock odblokowania.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'Podany adres IP jest nieprawidłowy: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays musi wynosić 0 lub więcej, ale otrzymano: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nie podano ScriptBlock dla usuwania tajemnic ze skarbca '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Nie oczekiwano podania tajemnicy dla braku podpisu.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono certyfikatu w {0}{1} dla '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Minimalna wartość '{0}' dla {1} jest nieprawidłowa, powinna być większa lub równa {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Dostęp wymaga uwierzytelnienia na trasach.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano tajemnicy dla haszowania HMAC384.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Wsparcie lokalnego uwierzytelniania Windows jest tylko dla Windows.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Etykieta definicji {0} nie jest zdefiniowana.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'Brak komponentu typu {0} o nazwie {1} dostępnego w definicji {2}.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Nie zdefiniowano żadnych obsługujących SMTP.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Middleware sesji został już zainicjowany.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "Funkcja wielokrotnego użytku 'pathItems' nie jest dostępna w OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'Symbol wieloznaczny * dla nagłówków jest niezgodny z przełącznikiem AutoHeaders.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "Brak danych dla pliku '{0}' przesłanego w żądaniu."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE można skonfigurować tylko na żądaniach z wartością nagłówka Accept równą text/event-stream.'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'Brak dostępnej sesji do zapisania.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "Jeśli lokalizacja parametru to 'Path', przełącznik 'Required' jest obowiązkowy."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nie dostarczono adresu URL OpenAPI dla {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maksymalna liczba równoczesnych harmonogramów musi wynosić >=1, ale otrzymano: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapiny są obsługiwane tylko w Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Rejestrowanie w Podglądzie zdarzeń jest obsługiwane tylko w systemie Windows.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Parametry '{0}' i '{1}' są wzajemnie wykluczające się."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'Funkcja PathItems nie jest obsługiwana w OpenAPI v3.0.x'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'Parametr OpenApi wymaga podania nazwy.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maksymalna liczba jednoczesnych zadań nie może być mniejsza niż minimum {0}, ale otrzymano: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono semaforu o nazwie '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'Możesz podać tylko jedną wartość {0} podczas korzystania z interwałów.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'JWT jeszcze nie jest ważny.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Czasownik] {0}: Już zdefiniowane dla {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "Nie zamontowano tajemnicy o nazwie '{0}'."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Nie znaleziono modułu lub wersji na {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano ScriptBlock.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Nie zarejestrowano Skarbca Tajemnic o nazwie '{0}'."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nazwa jest wymagana dla punktu końcowego, jeśli podano parametr RedirectTo.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "Obiekt OpenAPI 'license' wymaga właściwości 'name'. Użyj parametru -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: Dostarczona ścieżka źródłowa dla trasy statycznej nie istnieje: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano nazwy dla rozłączenia WebSocket.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "Certyfikat '{0}' wygasł: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'Data wygaśnięcia odblokowania Skarbca tajemnic jest w przeszłości (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'Wyjątek jest nieprawidłowego typu, powinien być WebException lub HttpRequestException, ale otrzymano: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Wartość tajemnicy jest nieprawidłowego typu. Oczekiwane typy: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[] lub PSCredential. Ale otrzymano: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Tryb TLS Explicity jest obsługiwany tylko na punktach końcowych SMTPS i TCPS.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "Parametr 'DiscriminatorMapping' może być używany tylko wtedy, gdy jest obecna właściwość 'DiscriminatorProperty'."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Błąd '{0}' w skrypcie {1} {2} (linia {3}) znak {4} podczas wykonywania {5} na {6} obiekt '{7}' Klasa: {8} Klasa bazowa: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'Nie można dostarczyć wartości interwału dla każdego kwartału.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Harmonogram] {0}: Wartość EndTime musi być w przyszłości.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Dostarczono nieprawidłowy podpis JWT.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nie podano ScriptBlock dla aktualizacji/tworzenia tajemnic w skarbcu '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Metoda dostępu nie istnieje do scalania: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "Domyślne uwierzytelnianie '{0}' nie znajduje się na dostarczonej liście uwierzytelniania."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "Parametr nie ma nazwy. Proszę nadać tej części nazwę za pomocą parametru 'Name'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Już zdefiniowane dla {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Obserwator plików o nazwie '{0}' został już zdefiniowany."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Nie zdefiniowano żadnych obsługujących usług.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'Podczas korzystania z niestandardowego przechowywania sesji wymagany jest sekret.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'Moduł Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement nie jest zainstalowany.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano ścieżki dla trasy.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Walidacja schematu, który zawiera 'anyof', nie jest obsługiwana."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Wsparcie uwierzytelniania IIS jest tylko dla Windows.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme może być tylko jednym z dwóch: Basic lub Form, ale otrzymano: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Nie dostarczono ścieżki trasy dla strony {0}.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono magazynu pamięci podręcznej o nazwie '{0}' podczas próby sprawdzenia, czy element w pamięci podręcznej '{1}' istnieje."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Handler już zdefiniowany.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'Sesje nie zostały skonfigurowane.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Tylko właściwości typu Object mogą być powiązane z {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'Sesje są wymagane do używania trwałego uwierzytelniania sesji.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'Podana ścieżka nie może być symbolem wieloznacznym ani katalogiem: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Metoda dostępu już zdefiniowana: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Parametry 'Value' lub 'ExternalValue' są obowiązkowe."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maksymalna liczba jednoczesnych zadań musi wynosić >=1, ale otrzymano: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'Nie można utworzyć właściwości, ponieważ nie zdefiniowano typu.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'Metoda uwierzytelniania nie istnieje dla scalania: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "Maksymalna wartość '{0}' dla {1} jest nieprawidłowa, powinna być mniejsza lub równa {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Punkt końcowy o nazwie '{0}' został już zdefiniowany."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Wydarzenie {0} już zarejestrowane: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "Parametr o nazwie '{0}' nie został dostarczony w żądaniu lub nie ma dostępnych danych."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono magazynu pamięci podręcznej o nazwie '{0}' podczas próby ustawienia elementu w pamięci podręcznej '{1}'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Już zdefiniowane.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Rejestrowanie błędów jest już włączone.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Nie można znaleźć wartości dla '`$using:{0}'."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Narzędzie do dokumentów RapidPdf nie obsługuje OpenAPI 3.1'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 wymaga tajemnicy klienta, gdy nie używa się PKCE.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Nieprawidłowa wartość zakodowana w Base64 znaleziona w JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'Brak dostępnej sesji do obliczenia skrótu danych.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono magazynu pamięci podręcznej o nazwie '{0}' podczas próby usunięcia elementu z pamięci podręcznej '{1}'."
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Middleware CSRF nie został zainicjowany.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title jest obowiązkowe.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'Typ {0} może być powiązany tylko z obiektem.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Plik użytkownika nie istnieje: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'Parametr trasy wymaga prawidłowego, niepustego ScriptBlock.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Wygląda na to, że coś poszło nie tak przy próbie obliczenia następnej daty i godziny wyzwalacza: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Nie można zablokować [ValueType].'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się utworzyć certyfikatu OpenSSL: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'JWT wygasł.'
openingGuiMessage = 'Otwieranie GUI.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Właściwości wielotypowe wymagają wersji OpenApi 3.1 lub wyższej.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano nazwy dla usunięcia WebSocket.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize musi wynosić 0 lub więcej, ale otrzymano: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(Zamykanie IIS)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Nie można odblokować [ValueType].'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Nie dostarczono podpisu JWT dla {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Maksymalna liczba jednoczesnych wątków WebSocket musi wynosić >=1, ale otrzymano: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Komunikat potwierdzenia jest obsługiwany tylko na punktach końcowych SMTP i TCP.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się połączyć z URL: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się przejąć własności muteksu. Nazwa muteksu: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Sesje są wymagane do używania OAuth2 z PKCE'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się połączyć z WebSocket: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Obiekt nieobsługiwany'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Nie udało się przeanalizować '{0}' jako poprawnego adresu IP/Host:Port"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Musisz mieć uprawnienia administratora, aby nasłuchiwać na adresach innych niż localhost.'
specificationMessage = 'Specyfikacja'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono magazynu pamięci podręcznej o nazwie '{0}' podczas próby wyczyszczenia pamięci podręcznej."
restartingServerMessage = 'Restartowanie serwera...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Nie można dostarczyć interwału, gdy parametr 'Every' jest ustawiony na None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Algorytm JWT nie jest obecnie obsługiwany: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets nie zostały skonfigurowane do wysyłania wiadomości sygnałowych.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'Dostarczone Middleware typu Hashtable ma nieprawidłowy typ logiki. Oczekiwano ScriptBlock, ale otrzymano: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'Maksymalna liczba równoczesnych harmonogramów nie może być mniejsza niż minimalna liczba {0}, ale otrzymano: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się przejąć własności semaforu. Nazwa semaforu: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'Parametry Properties nie mogą być używane, jeśli właściwość nie ma nazwy.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "Niestandardowe przechowywanie sesji nie implementuje wymaganego ''{0}()'' sposobu."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Metoda uwierzytelniania nie istnieje: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'Funkcja Webhooks nie jest obsługiwana w OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "Nieprawidłowy 'content-type' znaleziony w schemacie: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nie podano ScriptBlock odblokowania dla odblokowania skarbca '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Definicja {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się otworzyć RunspacePool: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Nie udało się zamknąć RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Czasownik] {0}: Nie przekazano logiki'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "Nie znaleziono muteksu o nazwie '{0}'."
documentationMessage = 'Dokumentacja'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: Timer już zdefiniowany.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'Port nie może być ujemny: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Nazwa folderu Widoków już istnieje: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano nazwy dla resetowania WebSocket.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "Uwierzytelnianie MergeDefault '{0}' nie znajduje się na dostarczonej liście uwierzytelniania."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Wymagany jest opis dla ścieżki:{0} Odpowiedź:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'Nazwa strony powinna być poprawną wartością alfanumeryczną: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'Wartość domyślna nie jest typu boolean i nie należy do enum.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Schemat komponentu OpenApi {0} nie istnieje.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Timer] {0}: {1} musi być większy od 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'Zadanie przekroczyło limit czasu po {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[Harmonogram] {0}: Nie może mieć 'StartTime' po 'EndTime'."
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version jest obowiązkowe.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Nie można odblokować pustego obiektu.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'Dla niestandardowego schematu uwierzytelniania wymagany jest niepusty ScriptBlock.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'Wymagany jest niepusty ScriptBlock dla metody uwierzytelniania.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "Walidacja schematu, który zawiera 'oneof', nie jest obsługiwana."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "Parametr 'Route' nie może być pusty."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Magazyn pamięci podręcznej o nazwie '{0}' już istnieje."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Dostarczona metoda wyjściowa dla metody logowania '{0}' wymaga poprawnego ScriptBlock."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Zmienna z zakresem już zdefiniowana: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 wymaga podania URL autoryzacji'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Ścieżka nie istnieje: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano nazwy serwera domeny dla uwierzytelniania Windows AD'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'Podana data jest późniejsza niż czas zakończenia harmonogramu o {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'Symbol wieloznaczny * dla metod jest niezgodny z przełącznikiem AutoMethods.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'Nie można dostarczyć wartości interwału dla każdego roku.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Brakujące komponenty'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Nieprawidłowy czas trwania Strict-Transport-Security: {0}. Powinien być większy niż 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano tajemnicy dla haszowania HMAC512.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} ma tylko {1} dni, ale podano {2}.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'Metoda niestandardowego rejestrowania wymaga niepustego ScriptBlock.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'Atrybut kodowania dotyczy tylko ciał żądania typu multipart i application/x-www-form-urlencoded.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'Podana data jest wcześniejsza niż czas rozpoczęcia harmonogramu o {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "Właściwość 'UnlockSecret' jest wymagana przy używaniu Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Brak logiki przekazanej.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'Parser treści dla typu zawartości {0} jest już zdefiniowany.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Dostarczono nieprawidłowy JWT.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Sesje są wymagane do używania wiadomości Flash.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Semafor o nazwie '{0}' już istnieje."
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Dostarczono nieprawidłowy algorytm nagłówka JWT.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "Dostawca OAuth2 nie obsługuje typu 'password' wymaganego przez InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Znaleziono nieprawidłowy alias {0}: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Harmonogram '{0}' nie istnieje."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Metoda dostępu nie istnieje: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "Dostawca OAuth2 nie obsługuje typu odpowiedzi 'code'."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[OSTRZEŻENIE] Pode {0} nie był testowany na PowerShell {1}, ponieważ nie był dostępny, gdy Pode został wydany.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "Skarbiec z nazwą '{0}' został już zarejestrowany podczas automatycznego importowania skarbców."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "Dostarczony schemat dla walidatora uwierzytelniania '{0}' wymaga ważnego ScriptBlock."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Pętla serwera co {0} sekund'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Odciski palców/nazwa certyfikatu są obsługiwane tylko w systemie Windows.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "Wymagana jest nazwa połączenia SSE, z -Name lub `$WebEvent.Sse.Name"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'Jeden z dostarczonych Middleware jest nieprawidłowego typu. Oczekiwano ScriptBlock lub Hashtable, ale otrzymano: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano tajemnicy dla podpisu JWT.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Ścieżka modułu nie istnieje: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Zadanie] {0}: Zadanie już zdefiniowane.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Czasownik] {0}: Już zdefiniowane'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Certyfikaty klienta są obsługiwane tylko na punktach końcowych HTTPS.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "Punkt końcowy o nazwie '{0}' nie istnieje."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: Nie dostarczono logiki w ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'Wymagany jest ScriptBlock do scalania wielu uwierzytelnionych użytkowników w jeden obiekt, gdy opcja Valid to All.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Skarbiec tajemnic o nazwie '{0}' został już zarejestrowany{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "OSTRZEŻENIE: Tytuł, Wersja i Opis w 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' są przestarzałe. Proszę użyć 'Add-PodeOAInfo' zamiast tego."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Niezdefiniowane odwołania OpenAPI:'
doneMessage = 'Gotowe'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Ta wersja Swagger-Editor nie obsługuje OpenAPI 3.1'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'Czas trwania musi wynosić 0 lub więcej, ale otrzymano: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'Ścieżka do Widoków nie istnieje: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "Parametr 'Discriminator' jest niezgodny z 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'Nie podano nazwy dla wysłania wiadomości do WebSocket.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'Dostarczone Middleware typu Hashtable nie ma zdefiniowanej logiki.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'Informacje OpenAPI:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "Dostarczony schemat '{0}' dla walidatora uwierzytelniania '{1}' wymaga ważnego ScriptBlock."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE nie udało się przesłać z powodu zdefiniowanego poziomu przesyłania SSE dla {0}: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Moduł Active Directory jest dostępny tylko w systemie Windows.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'Rejestrowanie żądań jest już włączone.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Podano nieprawidłowy czas trwania Access-Control-Max-Age: {0}. Powinien być większy niż 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Definicja OpenAPI o nazwie {0} już istnieje.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag nie może być używany wewnątrz 'ScriptBlock' Select-PodeOADefinition."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Proces zadania '{0}' nie istnieje."
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Proces harmonogramu '{0}' nie istnieje."
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Tag definicji dla Route nie może zostać zmieniony.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "Operacje '{0}' nie mogą zawierać treści żądania. Użyj -AllowNonStandardBody, aby obejść to ograniczenie."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "Funkcja '{0}' nie akceptuje tablicy jako wejścia potoku."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'Kodowanie kompresji strumienia nie jest obsługiwane: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Zarówno '{0}', jak i '{1}' są zdefiniowane jako lokalne punkty końcowe OpenAPI, ale na jedną definicję API dozwolony jest tylko jeden lokalny punkt końcowy."
suspendingMessage = 'Wstrzymywanie'
resumingMessage = 'Wznawianie'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Polecenia sterowania serwerem:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Łagodne zakończenie działania serwera.'
restartServerMessage = 'Ponowne uruchomienie serwera i załadowanie konfiguracji.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Wznowienie serwera.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Wstrzymanie serwera.'
startingMessage = 'Rozpoczynanie'
restartingMessage = 'Ponowne uruchamianie'
suspendedMessage = 'Wstrzymany'
runningMessage = 'Działa'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Otwórz pierwszy punkt końcowy HTTP w domyślnej przeglądarce.'
terminatedMessage = 'Zakończono'
showMetricsMessage = 'Pokaż metryki'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Wyczyść konsolę'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Metryki serwera'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Całkowity czas działania:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Czas działania od ostatniego restartu:'
totalRestartMessage = 'Całkowita liczba restartów:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "Domyślny punkt końcowy dla typu '{0}' został już ustawiony. Dopuszczalny jest tylko jeden domyślny punkt końcowy na typ."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'Włącz serwer HTTP'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'Wyłącz serwer HTTP'
showHelpMessage = 'Pokaż pomoc'
hideHelpMessage = 'Ukryj pomoc'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Ukryj punkty końcowe'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Pokaż punkty końcowe'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'Ukryj OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'Pokaż OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Włącz tryb cichy'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Wyłącz tryb cichy'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Reguła limitu szybkości o nazwie '{0}' już istnieje."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Reguła limitu szybkości o nazwie '{0}' nie istnieje."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Reguła limitu dostępu o nazwie '{0}' już istnieje."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "Reguła limitu dostępu o nazwie '{0}' nie istnieje."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = 'A validação do esquema requer a versão 6.1.0 ou superior do PowerShell.'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = 'É necessário um Caminho ou ScriptBlock para obter os valores de acesso personalizados.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} deve ser único e não pode ser aplicado a uma matriz.'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "Não foi definido um ponto de extremidade chamado '{0}' para redirecionamento."
filesHaveChangedMessage = 'Os seguintes arquivos foram alterados:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = 'IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN está ausente.'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = 'O valor mínimo para {0} não deve ser maior que o valor máximo.'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Nenhuma lógica passada para a Rota: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O caminho do script não existe: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Já existe um mutex com o seguinte nome: {0}'
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = 'Ouvindo nos seguintes {0} endpoint(s) [{1} thread(s)]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = 'A função {0} não é suportada em um contexto serverless.'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Esperava-se que nenhuma assinatura JWT fosse fornecida.'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "Um Segredo com o nome '{0}' já foi montado."
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao adquirir um bloqueio no objeto.'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: Nenhum caminho fornecido para a Rota Estática.'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nome de host fornecido inválido: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Método de autenticação já definido: {0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "Ao usar cookies para CSRF, é necessário um Segredo. Você pode fornecer um Segredo ou definir o segredo global do Cookie - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = 'Um ScriptBlock não vazio é necessário para criar uma Rota de Página.'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "O parâmetro 'NoProperties' é mutuamente exclusivo com 'Properties', 'MinProperties' e 'MaxProperties'."
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = 'Uma versão incompatível existente do Pode.DLL {0} está carregada. É necessária a versão {1}. Abra uma nova sessão do Powershell/pwsh e tente novamente.'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O método de acesso não existe: {0}.'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Cronograma] {0}: Cronograma já definida.'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'O valor dos segundos não pode ser 0 ou inferior para {0}'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Caminho para carregar {0} não encontrado: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao importar módulo: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "O ponto de extremidade com o protocolo '{0}' e endereço '{1}' ou endereço local '{2}' não existe."
terminatingMessage = 'Terminando'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum comando fornecido para converter em Rotas.'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = 'O tipo de tarefa é inválido, esperado [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] ou [hashtable].'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "Já conectado ao websocket com o nome '{0}'"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'A verificação de fim de mensagem CRLF é suportada apenas em endpoints TCP.'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema' precisa ser habilitado usando 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'O módulo Active Directory não está instalado.'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'A expressão Cron deve consistir apenas em 5 partes: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = 'Não há sessão disponível para definir na resposta.'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "O valor '{0}' para {1} é inválido, deve estar entre {2} e {3}"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Método de registro já definido: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum segredo fornecido para o hash HMAC256.'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[AVISO] Pode {0} não foi testado no PowerShell {1}, pois está em EOL.'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} Falha ao carregar RunspacePool.'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum evento {0} registrado: {1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[Cronograma] {0}: Não pode ter um limite negativo.'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'O estilo da solicitação OpenApi não pode ser {0} para um parâmetro {1}.'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'O documento OpenAPI não está em conformidade.'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "A tarefa '{0}' não existe."
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Variável de escopo não encontrada: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = 'Sessões são necessárias para usar CSRF, a menos que você queira usar cookies.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = 'Um ScriptBlock não vazio é necessário para o método de registro.'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = 'Quando as Credenciais são passadas, o caractere curinga * para os Cabeçalhos será interpretado como uma string literal e não como um caractere curinga.'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode não foi inicializado.'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = 'Múltiplos endpoints definidos, apenas o primeiro será usado para a GUI.'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = 'OperationID: {0} deve ser único.'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = 'Valor JSON inválido encontrado no JWT'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum algoritmo fornecido no Cabeçalho JWT.'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'A propriedade da versão do OpenApi é obrigatória.'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = 'O valor limite não pode ser 0 ou inferior para {0}'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "O temporizador '{0}' não existe."
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'Erro no documento de geração do OpenAPI:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "A rota '[{0}] {1}' já contém Acesso Personalizado com o nome '{2}'"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'O número máximo de threads concorrentes do WebSocket não pode ser menor que o mínimo de {0}, mas foi obtido: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: Middleware já definido.'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = 'Caractere atômico inválido: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = 'Formato de átomo cron inválido encontrado: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "Armazenamento em cache com o nome '{0}' não encontrado ao tentar recuperar o item em cache '{1}'."
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = 'O cabeçalho deve ter um nome quando usado em um contexto de codificação.'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = 'O módulo {0} não contém a função {1} para converter em uma Rota.'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O caminho para o ícone da interface gráfica não existe: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum título fornecido para a página {0}.'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = 'Certificado fornecido para endpoint que não é HTTPS/WSS.'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Não é possível bloquear um objeto nulo.'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui está atualmente disponível apenas para Windows PowerShell e PowerShell 7+ no Windows.'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = 'Segredo de desbloqueio fornecido para tipo de Cofre Secreto personalizado, mas nenhum ScriptBlock de desbloqueio fornecido.'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = 'O endereço IP fornecido é inválido: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays deve ser igual ou maior que 0, mas foi obtido: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nenhum ScriptBlock fornecido para remover segredos do cofre '{0}'"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Não era esperado nenhum segredo para nenhuma assinatura.'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "Nenhum certificado encontrado em {0}{1} para '{2}'"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "O valor mínimo '{0}' para {1} é inválido, deve ser maior ou igual a {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = 'O acesso requer autenticação nas rotas.'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum segredo fornecido para o hash HMAC384.'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'O suporte à Autenticação Local do Windows é apenas para Windows.'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = 'A tag de definição {0} não existe.'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum componente do tipo {0} chamado {1} está disponível na definição {2}.'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum manipulador SMTP definido.'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = 'O Middleware de Sessão já foi inicializado.'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "O recurso de componente reutilizável 'pathItems' não está disponível no OpenAPI v3.0."
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = 'O caractere curinga * para os Cabeçalhos é incompatível com a chave AutoHeaders.'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "Nenhum dado para o arquivo '{0}' foi enviado na solicitação."
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE só pode ser configurado em solicitações com um valor de cabeçalho Accept de text/event-stream.'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = 'Não há sessão disponível para salvar.'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "Se a localização do parâmetro for 'Path', o parâmetro de switch 'Required' é obrigatório."
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nenhuma URL do OpenAPI fornecida para {0}.'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = 'As cronogramas simultâneas máximas devem ser >=1, mas obtidas: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Os Snapins são suportados apenas no Windows PowerShell.'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'O registro no Visualizador de Eventos é suportado apenas no Windows.'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "Os parâmetros '{0}' e '{1}' são mutuamente exclusivos."
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'O recurso PathItems não é suportado no OpenAPI v3.0.x'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'O parâmetro OpenApi requer um nome especificado.'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'O número máximo de tarefas concorrentes não pode ser menor que o mínimo de {0}, mas foi obtido: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "Nenhum semáforo encontrado chamado '{0}'"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = 'Você pode fornecer apenas um único valor {0} ao usar intervalos.'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'O JWT ainda não é válido para uso.'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Já definido para {1}'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "Nenhum Segredo com o nome '{0}' foi montado."
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = 'Módulo ou versão não encontrada em {0}: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum ScriptBlock fornecido.'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Nenhum Cofre de Segredos com o nome '{0}' foi registrado."
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Um nome é necessário para o endpoint se o parâmetro RedirectTo for fornecido.'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "O objeto OpenAPI 'license' requer a propriedade 'name'. Use o parâmetro -LicenseName."
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: O caminho de origem fornecido para a Rota Estática não existe: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum nome fornecido para desconectar do WebSocket.'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "O certificado '{0}' expirou: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = 'A data de expiração de desbloqueio do Cofre de Segredos está no passado (UTC): {0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = 'A exceção é de um tipo inválido, deve ser WebException ou HttpRequestException, mas foi obtido: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'O valor do segredo é de um tipo inválido. Tipos esperados: String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[] ou PSCredential. Mas obtido: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'O modo TLS explícito é suportado apenas em endpoints SMTPS e TCPS.'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "O parâmetro 'DiscriminatorMapping' só pode ser usado quando 'DiscriminatorProperty' está presente."
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "Erro '{0}' no script {1} {2} (linha {3}) caractere {4} executando {5} em {6} objeto '{7}' Classe: {8} ClasseBase: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = 'Não é possível fornecer um valor de intervalo para cada trimestre.'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[Cronograma] {0}: O valor de EndTime deve estar no futuro.'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Assinatura JWT fornecida inválida.'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nenhum ScriptBlock fornecido para atualizar/criar segredos no cofre '{0}'"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'O método de acesso não existe para a mesclagem: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "A Autenticação Default '{0}' não está na lista de Autenticação fornecida."
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "O parâmetro não tem nome. Dê um nome a este componente usando o parâmetro 'Name'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Já definido para {2}'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Um Observador de Arquivos chamado '{0}' já foi definido."
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum manipulador de serviço definido.'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = 'Um segredo é necessário ao usar armazenamento de sessão personalizado.'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = 'O módulo Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement não está instalado.'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum caminho fornecido para a Rota.'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "A validação de um esquema que inclui 'anyof' não é suportada."
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'O suporte à Autenticação IIS é apenas para Windows.'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'O OAuth2 InnerScheme só pode ser um de autenticação Basic ou Form, mas foi obtido: {0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum caminho de rota fornecido para a página {0}.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "Armazenamento em cache com o nome '{0}' não encontrado ao tentar verificar se o item em cache '{1}' existe."
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Manipulador já definido.'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = 'As sessões não foram configuradas.'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = 'Apenas propriedades do tipo Objeto podem ser associadas com {0}.'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = 'Sessões são necessárias para usar a autenticação persistente por sessão.'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = 'O caminho fornecido não pode ser um curinga ou um diretório: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Método de acesso já definido: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "Os parâmetros 'Value' ou 'ExternalValue' são obrigatórios."
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = 'O número máximo de tarefas concorrentes deve ser >=1, mas foi obtido: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = 'Não é possível criar a propriedade porque nenhum tipo é definido.'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = 'O método de autenticação não existe para mesclagem: {0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "O valor máximo '{0}' para {1} é inválido, deve ser menor ou igual a {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "Um ponto de extremidade chamado '{0}' já foi definido."
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = 'Evento {0} já registrado: {1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "Um parâmetro chamado '{0}' não foi fornecido na solicitação ou não há dados disponíveis."
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "Armazenamento em cache com o nome '{0}' não encontrado ao tentar definir o item em cache '{1}'."
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Já definido.'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'O registro de erros já está habilitado.'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "Valor para '`$using:{0}' não pôde ser encontrado."
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'A ferramenta de documentos RapidPdf não suporta OpenAPI 3.1'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 requer um Client Secret quando não se usa PKCE.'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = 'Valor codificado Base64 inválido encontrado no JWT'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = 'Nenhuma sessão disponível para calcular o hash dos dados.'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "Armazenamento em cache com o nome '{0}' não encontrado ao tentar remover o item em cache '{1}'."
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'O Middleware CSRF não foi inicializado.'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title é obrigatório.'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = 'O tipo {0} só pode ser associado a um Objeto.'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O arquivo do usuário não existe: {0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = 'O parâmetro da Rota precisa de um ScriptBlock válido e não vazio.'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = 'Parece que algo deu errado ao tentar calcular a próxima data e hora do gatilho: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Não é possível bloquear um [ValueType].'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao criar o certificado OpenSSL: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'O JWT expirou.'
openingGuiMessage = 'Abrindo a GUI.'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Propriedades de múltiplos tipos requerem a versão 3.1 ou superior do OpenApi.'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum nome fornecido para remover o WebSocket.'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize deve ser igual ou maior que 0, mas foi obtido: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(Desligamento do IIS)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = 'Não é possível desbloquear um [ValueType].'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'Nenhuma assinatura JWT fornecida para {0}.'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = 'O número máximo de threads concorrentes do WebSocket deve ser >=1, mas foi obtido: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'A mensagem de reconhecimento é suportada apenas em endpoints SMTP e TCP.'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao conectar ao URL: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao adquirir a propriedade do mutex. Nome do mutex: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = 'Sessões são necessárias para usar OAuth2 com PKCE'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao conectar ao WebSocket: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = 'Objeto não suportado'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "Falha ao analisar '{0}' como um endereço IP/Host:Port válido"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = 'Deve estar sendo executado com privilégios de administrador para escutar endereços que não sejam localhost.'
specificationMessage = 'Especificação'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "Armazenamento em cache com o nome '{0}' não encontrado ao tentar limpar o cache."
restartingServerMessage = 'Reiniciando o servidor...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "Não é possível fornecer um intervalo quando o parâmetro 'Every' está definido como None."
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = 'O algoritmo JWT não é atualmente suportado: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets não estão configurados para enviar mensagens de sinal.'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = 'Um Middleware do tipo Hashtable fornecido tem um tipo de lógica inválido. Esperado ScriptBlock, mas obtido: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = 'As cronogramas simultâneas máximas não podem ser inferiores ao mínimo de {0}, mas obtidas: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao adquirir a propriedade do semáforo. Nome do semáforo: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = 'Os parâmetros Properties não podem ser usados se a propriedade não tiver um nome.'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "O armazenamento de sessão personalizado não implementa o método requerido '{0}()'."
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O método de autenticação não existe: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = 'O recurso Webhooks não é suportado no OpenAPI v3.0.x'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "'content-type' inválido encontrado para o esquema: {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "Nenhum ScriptBlock de desbloqueio fornecido para desbloquear o cofre '{0}'"
definitionTagMessage = 'Definição {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao abrir o RunspacePool: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = 'Falha ao fechar RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Nenhuma lógica passada'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "Nenhum mutex encontrado chamado '{0}'"
documentationMessage = 'Documentação'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Temporizador] {0}: Temporizador já definido.'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = 'A porta não pode ser negativa: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'O nome da pasta Views já existe: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum nome fornecido para redefinir o WebSocket.'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "A Autenticação MergeDefault '{0}' não está na lista de Autenticação fornecida."
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = 'Uma descrição é necessária para o Caminho:{0} Resposta:{1}'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = 'O nome da página deve ser um valor alfanumérico válido: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = 'O valor padrão não é booleano e não faz parte do enum.'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O esquema do componente OpenApi {0} não existe.'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[Temporizador] {0}: {1} deve ser maior que 0.'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = 'A tarefa expirou após {0}ms.'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[Cronograma] {0}: Não pode ter um 'StartTime' após o 'EndTime'"
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version é obrigatório.'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = 'Não é possível desbloquear um objeto nulo.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = 'É necessário um ScriptBlock não vazio para o esquema de autenticação personalizado.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = 'Um ScriptBlock não vazio é necessário para o método de autenticação.'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "A validação de um esquema que inclui 'oneof' não é suportada."
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "O parâmetro 'Route' não pode ser nulo."
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "Armazenamento em cache com o nome '{0}' já existe."
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "O método de saída fornecido para o método de registro '{0}' requer um ScriptBlock válido."
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = 'Variável de escopo já definida: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 requer que seja fornecida uma URL de Autorização'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O caminho não existe: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum nome de servidor de domínio foi fornecido para a autenticação AD do Windows'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = 'A data fornecida é posterior ao horário de término da cronograma em {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = 'O caractere curinga * para os Métodos é incompatível com a chave AutoMethods.'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = 'Não é possível fornecer um valor de intervalo para cada ano.'
missingComponentsMessage = 'Componente(s) ausente(s)'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = 'Duração inválida fornecida para Strict-Transport-Security: {0}. Deve ser maior que 0.'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum segredo fornecido para o hash HMAC512.'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} tem apenas {1} dias, mas {2} foi fornecido.'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = 'Um ScriptBlock não vazio é necessário para o método de registro personalizado.'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = 'O atributo de codificação só se aplica a corpos de solicitação multipart e application/x-www-form-urlencoded.'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = 'A data fornecida é anterior ao horário de início da cronograma em {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "É necessária uma propriedade 'UnlockSecret' ao usar Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: Nenhuma lógica passada.'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = 'Um body-parser já está definido para o tipo de conteúdo {0}.'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'JWT fornecido inválido.'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = 'Sessões são necessárias para usar mensagens Flash.'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'Já existe um semáforo com o seguinte nome: {0}'
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = 'Algoritmo de cabeçalho JWT fornecido inválido.'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "O provedor OAuth2 não suporta o grant_type 'password' necessário ao usar um InnerScheme."
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = 'Alias {0} inválido encontrado: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "A cronograma '{0}' não existe."
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O método de acesso não existe: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "O provedor OAuth2 não suporta o response_type 'code'."
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[AVISO] Pode {0} não foi testado no PowerShell {1}, pois não estava disponível quando o Pode foi lançado.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "Um Cofre de Segredos com o nome '{0}' já foi registrado durante a importação automática de Cofres de Segredos."
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "O esquema fornecido para o validador de autenticação '{0}' requer um ScriptBlock válido."
serverLoopingMessage = 'Looping do servidor a cada {0} segundos'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Impressões digitais/nome do certificado são suportados apenas no Windows.'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "Um nome de conexão SSE é necessário, seja de -Name ou `$WebEvent.Sse.Name."
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = 'Um dos Middlewares fornecidos é de um tipo inválido. Esperado ScriptBlock ou Hashtable, mas obtido: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum segredo fornecido para a assinatura JWT.'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O caminho do módulo não existe: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Tarefa] {0}: Tarefa já definida.'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verbo] {0}: Já definido'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'Certificados de cliente são suportados apenas em endpoints HTTPS.'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "O ponto de extremidade com o nome '{0}' não existe."
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware]: Nenhuma lógica fornecida no ScriptBlock.'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = 'É necessário um ScriptBlock para mesclar vários usuários autenticados em 1 objeto quando Valid é All.'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "Um Cofre de Segredos com o nome '{0}' já foi registrado{1}."
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "AVISO: Título, Versão e Descrição em 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' estão obsoletos. Utilize 'Add-PodeOAInfo' em vez disso."
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = 'Referências OpenAPI indefinidas:'
doneMessage = 'Concluído'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = 'Esta versão do Swagger-Editor não suporta OpenAPI 3.1'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = 'A duração deve ser 0 ou maior, mas foi obtido: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'O caminho das Views não existe: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "O parâmetro 'Discriminator' é incompatível com 'allOf'."
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = 'Nenhum nome fornecido para enviar mensagem ao WebSocket.'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = 'Um Middleware do tipo Hashtable fornecido não tem lógica definida.'
openApiInfoMessage = 'Informações OpenAPI:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "O esquema '{0}' fornecido para o validador de autenticação '{1}' requer um ScriptBlock válido."
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = 'SSE falhou em transmitir devido ao nível de transmissão SSE definido para {0}: {1}.'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'O módulo Active Directory está disponível apenas no Windows.'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = 'O registro de solicitações já está habilitado.'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = 'Duração inválida fornecida para Access-Control-Max-Age: {0}. Deve ser maior que 0.'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = 'A definição OpenAPI com o nome {0} já existe.'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag não pode ser usado dentro de um 'ScriptBlock' Select-PodeOADefinition."
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "O processo da tarefa '{0}' não existe."
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "O processo do cronograma '{0}' não existe."
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'A Tag de definição para uma Route não pode ser alterada.'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "As operações '{0}' não podem ter um corpo de solicitação. Use -AllowNonStandardBody para contornar essa restrição."
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "A função '{0}' não aceita uma matriz como entrada de pipeline."
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = 'A codificação de compressão de fluxo não é suportada.'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "Tanto '{0}' quanto '{1}' estão definidos como endpoints locais do OpenAPI, mas apenas um endpoint local é permitido por definição de API."
suspendingMessage = 'Suspensão'
resumingMessage = 'Retomada'
serverControlCommandsTitle = 'Comandos de controle do servidor:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = 'Encerrar o servidor graciosamente.'
restartServerMessage = 'Reiniciar o servidor e recarregar configurações.'
resumeServerMessage = 'Retomar o servidor.'
suspendServerMessage = 'Suspender o servidor.'
startingMessage = 'Iniciando'
restartingMessage = 'Reiniciando'
suspendedMessage = 'Suspenso'
runningMessage = 'Executando'
openHttpEndpointMessage = 'Abrir o primeiro endpoint HTTP no navegador padrão.'
terminatedMessage = 'Terminado'
showMetricsMessage = 'Mostrar métricas'
clearConsoleMessage = 'Limpar o console'
serverMetricsMessage = 'Métricas do servidor'
totalUptimeMessage = 'Tempo total de atividade:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = 'Tempo de atividade desde o último reinício:'
totalRestartMessage = 'Número total de reinicializações:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "Um endpoint padrão para o tipo '{0}' já está definido. Apenas um endpoint padrão é permitido por tipo."
enableHttpServerMessage = 'Ativar servidor HTTP'
disableHttpServerMessage = 'Desativar servidor HTTP'
showHelpMessage = 'Mostrar ajuda'
hideHelpMessage = 'Ocultar ajuda'
hideEndpointsMessage = 'Ocultar endpoints'
showEndpointsMessage = 'Mostrar endpoints'
hideOpenAPIMessage = 'Ocultar OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = 'Mostrar OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = 'Ativar modo silencioso'
disableQuietModeMessage = 'Desativar modo silencioso'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "A regra de limite de taxa com o nome '{0}' já existe."
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "A regra de limite de taxa com o nome '{0}' não existe."
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "A regra de limite de acesso com o nome '{0}' já existe."
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "A regra de limite de acesso com o nome '{0}' não existe."
schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage = '架构验证需要 PowerShell 版本 6.1.0 或更高版本。'
customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage = '对于源自自定义访问值,需要路径或 ScriptBlock。'
operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage = '操作ID: {0} 必须唯一,不能应用于数组。'
endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage = "未定义用于重定向的名为 '{0}' 的端点。"
filesHaveChangedMessage = '以下文件已更改:'
iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage = '缺少 IIS ASPNETCORE_TOKEN。'
minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage = '{0} 的最小值不应大于最大值。'
noLogicPassedForRouteExceptionMessage = '没有为路径传递逻辑: {0}'
scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '脚本路径不存在: {0}'
mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "名为 '{0}' 的互斥量已存在。"
listeningOnEndpointsMessage = '正在监听以下 {0} 个端点 [{1} 个线程]:'
unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage = '不支持在无服务器上下文中使用 {0} 函数。'
expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = '预期不提供 JWT 签名。'
secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage = "名为'{0}'的秘密已挂载。"
failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage = '未能获取对象的锁。'
noPathSuppliedForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}]: 没有为静态路径提供路径。'
invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage = '提供的主机名无效: {0}'
authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '身份验证方法已定义:{0}'
csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage = "使用 CSRF 的 Cookie 时,需要一个密钥。您可以提供一个密钥或设置全局 Cookie 密钥 - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)"
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage = '创建页面路由需要非空的ScriptBlock。'
noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "参数'NoProperties'与'Properties'、'MinProperties'和'MaxProperties'互斥。"
incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage = '已加载存在不兼容的 Pode.DLL 版本 {0}。需要版本 {1}。请打开新的 Powershell/pwsh 会话并重试。'
accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '访问方法不存在:{0}。'
scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[计划] {0}: 计划已定义。'
secondsValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = '{0} 的秒数值不能为 0 或更小。'
pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage = '未找到要加载的路径 {0}: {1}'
failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage = '导入模块失败: {0}'
endpointNotExistExceptionMessage = "具有协议 '{0}' 和地址 '{1}' 或本地地址 '{2}' 的端点不存在。"
terminatingMessage = '正在终止'
noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage = '未提供要转换为路由的命令。'
invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage = '任务类型无效,预期类型为[System.Threading.Tasks.Task]或[hashtable]。'
alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage = "已连接到名为 '{0}' 的 WebSocket"
crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = 'CRLF消息结束检查仅支持TCP端点。'
testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage = "必须使用 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation' 启用 'Test-PodeOAComponentSchema'。"
adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = '未安装 Active Directory 模块。'
cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage = 'Cron 表达式应仅包含 5 个部分: {0}'
noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage = '没有可用的会话来设置响应。'
valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage = "{1} 的值 '{0}' 无效,应在 {2} 和 {3} 之间"
loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '日志记录方法已定义: {0}'
noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage = '未提供 HMAC256 哈希的密钥。'
eolPowerShellWarningMessage = '[警告] Pode {0} 未在 PowerShell {1} 上测试,因为它已达到 EOL。'
runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage = '{0} RunspacePool 加载失败。'
noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage = '没有注册的 {0} 事件:{1}'
scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage = '[计划] {0}: 不能有负数限制。'
openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 请求样式不能为 {0},适用于 {1} 参数。'
openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage = 'OpenAPI 文档不符合规范。'
taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "任务 '{0}' 不存在。"
scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = '未找到范围变量: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage = '使用CSRF需要会话, 除非您想使用Cookie。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage = '日志记录方法需要非空的ScriptBlock。'
credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage = '传递凭据时,标头的通配符 * 将被视为文字字符串,而不是通配符。'
podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'Pode未初始化。'
multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage = '定义了多个端点,仅第一个将用于 GUI。'
operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage = '操作ID: {0} 必须唯一。'
invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage = '在 JWT 中找到无效的 JSON 值'
noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage = 'JWT 头中未提供算法。'
openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 版本属性是必需的。'
limitValueCannotBeZeroOrLessExceptionMessage = '{0} 的限制值不能为 0 或更小。'
timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "计时器 '{0}' 不存在。"
openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage = 'OpenAPI 生成文档错误:'
routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage = "路由 '[{0}] {1}' 已经包含名称为 '{2}' 的自定义访问。"
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '最大并发 WebSocket 线程数不能小于最小值 {0},但获得: {1}'
middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Middleware] {0}: 中间件已定义。'
invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage = '无效的原子字符: {0}'
invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage = '发现无效的 cron 原子格式: {0}'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage = "尝试检索缓存项 '{1}' 时,找不到名为 '{0}' 的缓存存储。"
headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage = '在编码上下文中使用时,标头必须有名称。'
moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage = '模块 {0} 不包含要转换为路径的函数 {1}。'
pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'GUI 图标的路径不存在: {0}'
noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = '未提供 {0} 页面的标题。'
certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage = '为非HTTPS/WSS端点提供的证书。'
cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage = '无法锁定空对象。'
showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage = 'Show-PodeGui目前仅适用于Windows PowerShell和Windows上的PowerShell 7+。'
unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage = '为自定义秘密保险库类型提供了解锁密钥,但未提供解锁 ScriptBlock。'
invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage = '提供的 IP 地址无效: {0}'
maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxDays 必须大于或等于 0, 但得到: {0}'
noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "未为从保险库 '{0}' 中删除秘密提供删除 ScriptBlock。"
noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage = '预期未提供签名的密钥。'
noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage = "在 {0}{1} 中找不到证书 '{2}'。"
minValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "{1} 的最小值 '{0}' 无效,应大于或等于 {2}"
accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage = '访问需要在路由上进行身份验证。'
noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage = '未提供 HMAC384 哈希的密钥。'
windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Windows 本地身份验证支持仅适用于 Windows。'
definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage = '定义标签 {0} 未定义。'
noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage = '定义中没有类型为 {0} 名称为 {1} 的组件。'
noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = '未定义 SMTP 处理程序。'
sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage = '会话中间件已初始化。'
reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = "OpenAPI v3.0中不支持可重用组件功能'pathItems'。"
wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage = '标头的通配符 * 与 AutoHeaders 开关不兼容。'
noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage = "请求中未上传文件 '{0}' 的数据。"
sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage = 'SSE只能在Accept标头值为text/event-stream的请求上配置。'
noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage = '没有可保存的会话。'
pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage = "如果参数位置是 'Path',则 'Required' 开关参数是必需的。"
noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage = '未提供 {0} 的 OpenAPI URL。'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage = '最大并发计划数必须 >=1, 但得到: {0}'
snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage = 'Snapins 仅支持 Windows PowerShell。'
eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = '事件查看器日志记录仅支持Windows。'
parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage = "参数 '{0}' 和 '{1}' 是互斥的。"
pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = '在 OpenAPI v3.0.x 中不支持 PathItems 功能。'
openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 参数需要指定名称。'
maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '最大并发任务数不能小于最小值 {0},但获得: {1}'
noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage = "找不到名为 '{0}' 的信号量"
singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage = '当使用间隔时,只能提供单个 {0} 值。'
jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage = 'JWT 尚未有效。'
verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: 已经为 {1} 定义'
noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage = "没有挂载名为'{0}'的秘密。"
moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage = '在 {0} 上找不到模块或版本: {1}@{2}'
noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage = '未提供脚本块。'
noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage = "未注册名为 '{0}' 的秘密保险库。"
nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage = '如果提供了RedirectTo参数, 则需要为端点指定名称。'
openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage = "OpenAPI 对象 'license' 需要属性 'name'。请使用 -LicenseName 参数。"
sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage = '{0}: 为静态路径提供的源路径不存在: {1}'
noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage = '没有提供断开连接的 WebSocket 的名称。'
certificateExpiredExceptionMessage = "证书 '{0}' 已过期: {1}"
secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage = '秘密保险库的解锁到期日期已过 (UTC) :{0}'
invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage = '异常类型无效,应为 WebException 或 HttpRequestException, 但得到了: {0}'
invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage = '密钥值是无效的类型。期望类型: 字符串、SecureString、HashTable、Byte[] 或 PSCredential。但得到了: {0}'
explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = '显式TLS模式仅支持SMTPS和TCPS端点。'
discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage = "参数'DiscriminatorMapping'只能在存在'DiscriminatorProperty'时使用。"
scriptErrorExceptionMessage = "脚本 '{0}' 在 {1} {2} (第 {3} 行) 第 {4} 个字符处执行 {5} 对象 '{7}' 的错误。类: {8} 基类: {9}"
cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage = '无法为每季度提供间隔值。'
scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage = '[计划] {0}: EndTime 值必须在将来。'
invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage = '提供的 JWT 签名无效。'
noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "未为更新/创建保险库 '{0}' 中的秘密提供设置 ScriptBlock。"
accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = '合并时访问方法不存在: {0}'
defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "默认身份验证 '{0}' 不在提供的身份验证列表中。"
parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage = "参数没有名称。请使用'Name'参数为此组件命名。"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 已经为 {2} 定义。'
fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "名为 '{0}' 的文件监视器已定义。"
noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage = '未定义服务处理程序。'
secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage = '使用自定义会话存储时需要一个密钥。'
secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage = '未安装 Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement 模块。'
noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage = '未为路由提供路径。'
validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "不支持包含 'anyof' 的模式的验证。"
iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = 'IIS 身份验证支持仅适用于 Windows。'
oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 InnerScheme 只能是 Basic 或 Form 身份验证,但得到:{0}'
noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage = '未提供 {0} 页面的路由路径。'
cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage = "尝试检查缓存项 '{1}' 是否存在时,找不到名为 '{0}' 的缓存存储。"
handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 处理程序已定义。'
sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage = '会话尚未配置。'
propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage = '只有 Object 类型的属性可以与 {0} 关联。'
sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage = '使用会话持久性身份验证需要会话。'
invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage = '提供的路径不能是通配符或目录: {0}'
accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '访问方法已经定义: {0}'
parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage = "参数 'Value' 或 'ExternalValue' 是必需的。"
maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage = '最大并发任务数必须 >=1, 但获得: {0}'
cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage = '无法创建属性,因为未定义类型。'
authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage = '合并时身份验证方法不存在:{0}'
maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage = "{1} 的最大值 '{0}' 无效,应小于或等于 {2}"
endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = "名为 '{0}' 的端点已定义。"
eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = '{0} 事件已注册:{1}'
parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage = "请求中未提供名为 '{0}' 的参数或没有可用数据。"
cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage = "尝试设置缓存项 '{1}' 时,找不到名为 '{0}' 的缓存存储。"
methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 已经定义。'
errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = '错误日志记录已启用。'
valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage = "未找到 '`$using:{0}' 的值。"
rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = '文档工具 RapidPdf 不支持 OpenAPI 3.1'
oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = '不使用 PKCE 时, OAuth2 需要一个客户端密钥。'
invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage = '在 JWT 中找到无效的 Base64 编码值'
noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage = '没有可用的会话来计算数据哈希。'
cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage = "尝试删除缓存项 '{1}' 时,找不到名为 '{0}' 的缓存存储。"
csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage = 'CSRF中间件未初始化。'
infoTitleMandatoryMessage = 'info.title 是必填项。'
typeCanOnlyBeAssociatedWithObjectExceptionMessage = '类型{0}只能与对象关联。'
userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '用户文件不存在:{0}'
routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage = '路由参数需要有效且非空的ScriptBlock。'
nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage = '似乎在尝试计算下一个触发器日期时间时出现了问题: {0}'
cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage = '无法锁定[ValueType]。'
failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage = '创建 OpenSSL 证书失败: {0}'
jwtExpiredExceptionMessage = 'JWT 已过期。'
openingGuiMessage = '正在打开 GUI。'
multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = '多类型属性需要 OpenApi 版本 3.1 或更高版本。'
noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage = '没有提供要删除的 WebSocket 的名称。'
maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage = 'MaxSize 必须大于或等于 0,但得到: {0}'
iisShutdownMessage = '(IIS 关闭)'
cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage = '无法解锁[ValueType]。'
noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage = '没有为 {0} 提供 JWT 签名。'
maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage = '最大并发 WebSocket 线程数必须 >=1, 但获得: {0}'
acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage = '确认消息仅支持SMTP和TCP端点。'
failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage = '连接到 URL 失败: {0}'
failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage = '未能获得互斥量的所有权。互斥量名称: {0}'
sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage = '使用 PKCE 时需要会话来使用 OAuth2'
failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage = '连接到 WebSocket 失败: {0}'
unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage = '不支持的对象'
failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage = "无法将 '{0}' 解析为有效的 IP/主机:端口地址"
mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage = '必须以管理员权限运行才能监听非本地主机地址。'
specificationMessage = '规格'
cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage = "尝试清除缓存时,找不到名为 '{0}' 的缓存存储。"
restartingServerMessage = '正在重启服务器...'
cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage = "当参数'Every'设置为None时, 无法提供间隔。"
unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage = '当前不支持的 JWT 算法: {0}'
websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage = 'WebSockets未配置为发送信号消息。'
invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage = '提供的 Hashtable 中间件具有无效的逻辑类型。期望是 ScriptBlockm, 但得到了: {0}'
maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage = '最大并发计划数不能小于最小值 {0},但得到: {1}'
failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage = '未能获得信号量的所有权。信号量名称: {0}'
propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage = '如果属性没有名称,则不能使用 Properties 参数。'
customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage = "自定义会话存储未实现所需的方法'{0}()'。"
authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '认证方法不存在: {0}'
webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage = '在 OpenAPI v3.0.x 中不支持 Webhooks 功能'
invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage = "架构中发现无效的 'content-type': {0}"
noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage = "未为解锁保险库 '{0}' 提供解锁 ScriptBlock。"
definitionTagMessage = '定义 {0}:'
failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = '打开 RunspacePool 失败: {0}'
failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage = '无法关闭RunspacePool: {0}'
verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage = '[动词] {0}: 未传递逻辑'
noMutexFoundExceptionMessage = "找不到名为 '{0}' 的互斥量"
documentationMessage = '文档'
timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[计时器] {0}: 计时器已定义。'
invalidPortExceptionMessage = '端口不能为负数: {0}'
viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '视图文件夹名称已存在: {0}'
noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage = '没有提供要重置的 WebSocket 的名称。'
mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage = "MergeDefault 身份验证 '{0}' 不在提供的身份验证列表中。"
descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage = '路径:{0} 响应:{1} 需要描述'
pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage = '页面名称应为有效的字母数字值: {0}'
defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage = '默认值不是布尔值且不属于枚举。'
openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = 'OpenApi 组件架构 {0} 不存在。'
timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage = '[计时器] {0}: {1} 必须大于 0。'
taskTimedOutExceptionMessage = '任务在 {0} 毫秒后超时。'
scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage = "[计划] {0}: 'StartTime' 不能在 'EndTime' 之后"
infoVersionMandatoryMessage = 'info.version 是必填项。'
cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage = '无法解锁空对象。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage = '自定义身份验证方案需要一个非空的 ScriptBlock。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage = '身份验证方法需要非空的 ScriptBlock。'
validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage = "不支持包含 'oneof' 的模式的验证。"
routeParameterCannotBeNullExceptionMessage = "参数 'Route' 不能为空。"
cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "名为 '{0}' 的缓存存储已存在。"
loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "为 '{0}' 日志记录方法提供的输出方法需要有效的 ScriptBlock。"
scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '已经定义了作用域变量: {0}'
oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage = 'OAuth2 需要提供授权 URL'
pathNotExistExceptionMessage = '路径不存在: {0}'
noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage = '没有为 Windows AD 身份验证提供域服务器名称'
suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage = '提供的日期晚于计划的结束时间 {0}'
wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage = '方法的通配符 * 与 AutoMethods 开关不兼容。'
cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage = '无法为每年提供间隔值。'
missingComponentsMessage = '缺少的组件'
invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage = '提供的严格传输安全持续时间无效: {0}。应大于 0。'
noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage = '未提供 HMAC512 哈希的密钥。'
daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage = '{0} 仅有 {1} 天,但提供了 {2} 天。'
nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage = '自定义日志输出方法需要非空的ScriptBlock。'
encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage = '编码属性仅适用于 multipart 和 application/x-www-form-urlencoded 请求体。'
suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage = '提供的日期早于计划的开始时间 {0}'
unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage = "使用 Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore 时需要 'UnlockSecret' 属性。"
noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage = '[{0}] {1}: 没有传递逻辑。'
bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage = '已为 {0} 内容类型定义了一个 body-parser。'
invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage = '提供的 JWT 无效。'
sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage = '使用闪存消息需要会话。'
semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = "名为 '{0}' 的信号量已存在。"
invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage = '提供的 JWT 头算法无效。'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 提供程序不支持使用 InnerScheme 所需的 'password' grant_type。"
invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage = '找到了无效的 {0} 别名: {1}'
scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "计划 '{0}' 不存在。"
accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage = '访问方法不存在: {0}'
oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage = "OAuth2 提供程序不支持 'code' response_type。"
untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage = '[警告] Pode {0} 未在 PowerShell {1} 上测试,因为 Pode 发布时该版本不可用。'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage = "已经注册了名称为 '{0}' 的秘密保险库,同时正在自动导入秘密保险库。"
schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage = "提供的方案用于 '{0}' 身份验证验证器,需要一个有效的 ScriptBlock。"
serverLoopingMessage = '服务器每 {0} 秒循环一次'
certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage = '证书指纹/名称仅在 Windows 上受支持。'
sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage = "需要SSE连接名称, 可以从-Name或`$WebEvent.Sse.Name获取。"
invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage = '提供的中间件之一是无效的类型。期望是 ScriptBlock 或 Hashtable, 但得到了: {0}'
noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage = '未提供 JWT 签名的密钥。'
modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '模块路径不存在: {0}'
taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[任务] {0}: 任务已定义。'
verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage = '[Verb] {0}: 已经定义'
clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage = '客户端证书仅支持HTTPS端点。'
endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage = "名为 '{0}' 的端点不存在。"
middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage = '[中间件]: ScriptBlock中未提供逻辑。'
scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage = '当 Valid 是 All 时,需要一个 ScriptBlock 来将多个经过身份验证的用户合并为一个对象。'
secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage = "名为'{0}'的秘密保险库已注册{1}。"
deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage = "警告: 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' 的标题、版本和描述已被弃用。请改用 'Add-PodeOAInfo'。"
undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage = '未定义的 OpenAPI 引用:'
doneMessage = '完成'
swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage = '此版本的 Swagger-Editor 不支持 OpenAPI 3.1'
durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage = '持续时间必须为 0 或更大,但获得: {0}s'
viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '视图路径不存在: {0}'
discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage = "参数'Discriminator'与'allOf'不兼容。"
noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage = '没有提供要发送消息的 WebSocket 的名称。'
hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage = '提供的 Hashtable 中间件没有定义逻辑。'
openApiInfoMessage = 'OpenAPI 信息:'
invalidSchemeForAuthValidatorExceptionMessage = "提供的 '{0}' 方案用于 '{1}' 身份验证验证器,需要一个有效的 ScriptBlock。"
sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage = '由于为{0}定义的SSE广播级别, SSE广播失败: {1}'
adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage = '仅支持 Windows 的 Active Directory 模块。'
requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage = '请求日志记录已启用。'
invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage = '提供的 Access-Control-Max-Age 时长无效:{0}。应大于 0。'
openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '名为 {0} 的 OpenAPI 定义已存在。'
renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage = "Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag 不能在 Select-PodeOADefinition 'ScriptBlock' 内使用。"
taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "任务进程 '{0}' 不存在。"
scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = "计划进程 '{0}' 不存在。"
definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage = 'Route的定义标签无法更改。'
getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 操作无法包含请求体。使用 -AllowNonStandardBody 以解除此限制。"
fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage = "函数 '{0}' 不接受数组作为管道输入。"
unsupportedStreamCompressionEncodingExceptionMessage = '不支持的流压缩编码: {0}'
localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage = "'{0}' 和 '{1}' 都被定义为 OpenAPI 的本地端点,但每个 API 定义仅允许一个本地端点。"
suspendingMessage = '暂停'
resumingMessage = '恢复'
serverControlCommandsTitle = '服务器控制命令:'
gracefullyTerminateMessage = '正常终止服务器。'
restartServerMessage = '重启服务器并重新加载配置。'
resumeServerMessage = '恢复服务器。'
suspendServerMessage = '暂停服务器。'
startingMessage = '启动中'
restartingMessage = '正在重启'
suspendedMessage = '已暂停'
runningMessage = '运行中'
openHttpEndpointMessage = '在默认浏览器中打开第一个 HTTP 端点。'
terminatedMessage = '已终止'
showMetricsMessage = '显示指标'
clearConsoleMessage = '清除控制台'
serverMetricsMessage = '服务器指标'
totalUptimeMessage = '总运行时间:'
uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage = '自上次重启后的运行时间:'
totalRestartMessage = '重启总次数:'
defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage = "类型 '{0}' 的默认端点已设置。每种类型只允许一个默认端点。"
enableHttpServerMessage = '启用HTTP服务器'
disableHttpServerMessage = '禁用HTTP服务器'
showHelpMessage = '显示帮助'
hideHelpMessage = '隐藏帮助'
hideEndpointsMessage = '隐藏端点'
showEndpointsMessage = '显示端点'
hideOpenAPIMessage = '隐藏OpenAPI'
showOpenAPIMessage = '显示OpenAPI'
enableQuietModeMessage = '启用安静模式'
disableQuietModeMessage = '禁用安静模式'
rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '速率限制规则已存在: {0}'
rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '速率限制规则不存在: {0}'
accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage = '访问限制规则已存在: {0}'
accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage = '访问限制规则不存在: {0}'
# Internal module manifest for module 'Pode'
# Generated by: Matthew Kelly (Badgerati)
# Generated on: 24/01/2023
# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
RootModule = 'Pode.Internal.psm1'
# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '2.12.0'
# ID used to uniquely identify this module
GUID = '86b48c1c-8b59-4f3c-80bb-936d6b3218f6'
# Author of this module
Author = 'Matthew Kelly (Badgerati)'
# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
# root path
$root = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# import everything
$sysfuncs = Get-ChildItem Function:
# load private functions
Get-ChildItem "$($root)/Private/*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($_)) }
# load public functions
Get-ChildItem "$($root)/Public/*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($_)) }
# get functions from memory and compare to existing to find new functions added
$funcs = Get-ChildItem Function: | Where-Object { $sysfuncs -notcontains $_ }
# export the module's public functions
Export-ModuleMember -Function ($funcs.Name)
# Module manifest for module 'Pode'
# Generated by: Matthew Kelly (Badgerati)
# Generated on: 28/11/2017
# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
RootModule = 'Pode.psm1'
# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '2.12.0'
# ID used to uniquely identify this module
GUID = 'e3ea217c-fc3d-406b-95d5-4304ab06c6af'
# Author of this module
Author = 'Matthew Kelly (Badgerati)'
# Copyright statement for this module
Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2017-2025 Matthew Kelly (Badgerati), licensed under the MIT License.'
# Description of the functionality provided by this module
Description = 'A Cross-Platform PowerShell framework for creating web servers to host REST APIs and Websites. Pode also has support for being used in Azure Functions and AWS Lambda.'
# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
# Functions to export from this Module
FunctionsToExport = @(
# cookies
# flash
# headers
# state
# response helpers
# sse
# utility helpers
# routes
# handlers
# schedules
# timers
# tasks
# middleware
# sessions
# auth
# access
# logging
# core
# openapi
# properties
# Components
# Metrics
# AutoImport
# Events
# Security
# Verbs
# WebSockets
# Secrets
# File Watchers
# Threading
# caching
# scoped variables
# limits
# Aliases to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no aliases to export.
AliasesToExport = @(
# Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell.
PrivateData = @{
PSData = @{
# Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
Tags = @(
'powershell', 'web', 'server', 'http', 'https', 'listener', 'rest', 'api', 'tcp',
'smtp', 'websites', 'powershell-core', 'windows', 'unix', 'linux', 'pode', 'PSEdition_Core',
'cross-platform', 'file-monitoring', 'multithreaded', 'schedule', 'middleware', 'session',
'authentication', 'authorisation', 'authorization', 'arm', 'raspberry-pi', 'aws-lambda',
'azure-functions', 'websockets', 'swagger', 'openapi', 'webserver', 'secrets', 'fim'
# A URL to the license for this module.
LicenseUri = ''
# A URL to the main website for this project.
ProjectUri = ''
# A URL to an icon representing this module.
IconUri = ''
# Release notes for this particular version of the module
ReleaseNotes = ''
PwshVersions = @{
Untested = '7.3,7.2,7.1,7.0,6.2,6.1,6.0,5.0,4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0'
Supported = '7.5,7.4,5.1'
Pode PowerShell Module
This module sets up the Pode environment, including
localization and loading necessary assemblies and functions.
Specifies the culture to be used for localization.
Import-Module -Name "Pode" -ArgumentList @{ UICulture = 'ko-KR' }
Sets the culture to Korean.
Import-Module -Name "Pode"
Uses the default culture.
Import-Module -Name "Pode" -ArgumentList 'it-SM'
Uses the Italian San Marino region culture.
try {
Import-Module -Name Pode -MaximumVersion 2.99.99
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to load the Pode module"
The import statement is within a try/catch block.
This way, if the module fails to load, your script won’t proceed, preventing possible errors or unexpected behavior.
This is the entry point for the Pode module.
# root path
$root = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$localesPath = (Join-Path -Path $root -ChildPath 'Locales')
# Import localized messages
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UICulture)) {
$UICulture = $PsUICulture
try {
try {
#The list of all available supported culture is available here
# ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue is not sufficient to avoid Import-LocalizedData to generate an exception when the Culture file is not the right format
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable tmpPodeLocale -BaseDirectory $localesPath -UICulture $UICulture -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $tmpPodeLocale) {
$UICulture = 'en'
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable tmpPodeLocale -BaseDirectory $localesPath -UICulture $UICulture -ErrorAction:Stop
catch {
throw ("Failed to Import Localized Data $(Join-Path -Path $localesPath -ChildPath $UICulture -AdditionalChildPath 'Pode.psd1') $_")
# Create the global msgTable read-only variable
New-Variable -Name 'PodeLocale' -Value $tmpPodeLocale -Scope script -Option ReadOnly -Force -Description 'Localization HashTable'
# load assemblies
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web -ErrorAction Stop
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http -ErrorAction Stop
# Construct the path to the module manifest (.psd1 file)
$moduleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path $root -ChildPath 'Pode.psd1'
# Import the module manifest to access its properties
$moduleManifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $moduleManifestPath -ErrorAction Stop
$podeDll = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object { $_.GetName().Name -eq 'Pode' }
if ($podeDll) {
if ( $moduleManifest.ModuleVersion -ne '$version$') {
$moduleVersion = ([version]::new($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion + '.0'))
if ($podeDll.GetName().Version -ne $moduleVersion) {
# An existing incompatible Pode.DLL version {0} is loaded. Version {1} is required. Open a new Powershell/pwsh session and retry.
throw ($PodeLocale.incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage -f $podeDll.GetName().Version, $moduleVersion)
else {
# fetch the .net version and the libs path
$version = [System.Environment]::Version.Major
$libsPath = "$($root)/Libs"
# filter .net dll folders based on version above, and get path for latest version found
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($version)) {
$netFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path $libsPath -Directory -Force |
Where-Object { $_.Name -imatch "net[1-$($version)]" } |
Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending |
Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
# use netstandard if no folder found
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($netFolder)) {
$netFolder = "$($libsPath)/netstandard2.0"
# append Pode.dll and mount
Add-Type -LiteralPath "$($netFolder)/Pode.dll" -ErrorAction Stop
# load private functions
Get-ChildItem "$($root)/Private/*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($_)) }
# only import public functions
$sysfuncs = Get-ChildItem Function:
# only import public alias
$sysaliases = Get-ChildItem Alias:
# load public functions
Get-ChildItem "$($root)/Public/*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($_)) }
# get functions from memory and compare to existing to find new functions added
$funcs = Get-ChildItem Function: | Where-Object { $sysfuncs -notcontains $_ }
$aliases = Get-ChildItem Alias: | Where-Object { $sysaliases -notcontains $_ }
# export the module's public functions
if ($funcs) {
if ($aliases) {
Export-ModuleMember -Function ($funcs.Name) -Alias $aliases.Name
else {
Export-ModuleMember -Function ($funcs.Name)
catch {
throw ("Failed to load the Pode module. $_")
finally {
# Cleanup temporary variables
Remove-Variable -Name 'tmpPodeLocale', 'localesPath', 'moduleManifest', 'root', 'version', 'libsPath', 'netFolder', 'podeDll', 'sysfuncs', 'sysaliases', 'funcs', 'aliases', 'moduleManifestPath', 'moduleVersion' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function Get-PodeAccessMiddlewareScript {
return {
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Auth) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403
return $false
# test access
$WebEvent.Auth.IsAuthorised = Invoke-PodeAccessValidation -Name $opts.Name
# 403 if unauthorised
if (!$WebEvent.Auth.IsAuthorised) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403
# run next middleware or stop?
return $WebEvent.Auth.IsAuthorised
function Invoke-PodeAccessValidation {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the access method
$access = $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$Name]
# if it's a merged access, re-call this function and check against "succeed" value
if ($access.Merged) {
foreach ($accName in $access.Access) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAccessValidation -Name $accName
# if the access passed, and we only need one access to pass, return true
if ($result -and $access.PassOne) {
return $true
# if the access failed, but we need all to pass, return false
if (!$result -and !$access.PassOne) {
return $false
# if the last access failed, and we only need one access to pass, return false
if (!$result -and $access.PassOne) {
return $false
# if the last access succeeded, and we need all to pass, return true
if ($result -and !$access.PassOne) {
return $true
# default failure
return $false
# main access validation logic
return (Test-PodeAccessRoute -Name $Name)
function Get-PodeAuthBasicType {
return {
# get the auth header
$header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Authorization')
if ($null -eq $header) {
return @{
Message = 'No Authorization header found'
Code = 401
# ensure the first atom is basic (or opt override)
$atoms = $header -isplit '\s+'
if ($atoms.Length -lt 2) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Authorization header'
Code = 400
if ($atoms[0] -ine $options.HeaderTag) {
return @{
Message = "Header is not for $($options.HeaderTag) Authorization"
Code = 400
# decode the auth header
try {
$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($options.Encoding)
catch {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid encoding specified for Authorization'
Code = 400
try {
$decoded = $enc.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($atoms[1]))
catch {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Base64 string found in Authorization header'
Code = 400
# validate and return user/result
$index = $decoded.IndexOf(':')
$username = $decoded.Substring(0, $index)
$password = $decoded.Substring($index + 1)
# build the result
$result = @($username, $password)
# convert to credential?
if ($options.AsCredential) {
$passSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = [pscredential]::new($username, $passSecure)
$result = @($creds)
# return data for calling validator
return $result
function Get-PodeAuthOAuth2Type {
return {
param($options, $schemes)
# set default scopes
if (($null -eq $options.Scopes) -or ($options.Scopes.Length -eq 0)) {
$options.Scopes = @('openid', 'profile', 'email')
$scopes = ($options.Scopes -join ' ')
# if there's an error, fail
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.Query['error'])) {
return @{
Message = $WebEvent.Query['error']
Code = 401
IsErrored = $true
# set grant type
$hasInnerScheme = (($null -ne $schemes) -and ($schemes.Length -gt 0))
$grantType = 'authorization_code'
if ($hasInnerScheme) {
$grantType = 'password'
# if there's a code query param, or inner scheme, get access token
if ($hasInnerScheme -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.Query['code'])) {
try {
# ensure the state is valid
if ((Test-PodeSessionsInUse) -and ($WebEvent.Query['state'] -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_state__'])) {
return @{
Message = 'OAuth2 state returned is invalid'
Code = 401
IsErrored = $true
# build tokenUrl query with client info
$body = "client_id=$($options.Client.ID)"
$body += "&grant_type=$($grantType)"
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($options.Client.Secret)) {
$body += "&client_secret=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($options.Client.Secret))"
# add PKCE code verifier
if ($options.PKCE.Enabled) {
$body += "&code_verifier=$($WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_code_verifier__'])"
# if there's an inner scheme, get the username/password, and set query
if ($hasInnerScheme) {
$body += "&username=$($schemes[-1][0])"
$body += "&password=$($schemes[-1][1])"
$body += "&scope=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($scopes))"
# otherwise, set query for auth_code
else {
$redirectUrl = Get-PodeOAuth2RedirectHost -RedirectUrl $options.Urls.Redirect
$body += "&code=$($WebEvent.Query['code'])"
$body += "&redirect_uri=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($redirectUrl))"
# POST the tokenUrl
try {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $options.Urls.Token -Body $body -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Net.WebException], [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] {
$response = Read-PodeWebExceptionInfo -ErrorRecord $_
$result = ($response.Body | ConvertFrom-Json)
# was there an error?
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.error)) {
return @{
Message = "$($result.error): $($result.error_description)"
Code = 401
IsErrored = $true
# get user details - if url supplied
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($options.Urls.User.Url)) {
try {
$user = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $options.Urls.User.Method -Uri $options.Urls.User.Url -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($result.access_token)" }
catch [System.Net.WebException], [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] {
$response = Read-PodeWebExceptionInfo -ErrorRecord $_
$user = ($response.Body | ConvertFrom-Json)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($user.error)) {
return @{
Message = "$($user.error): $($user.error_description)"
Code = 401
IsErrored = $true
elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.id_token)) {
try {
$user = ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token $result.id_token -IgnoreSignature
catch {
$user = @{ Provider = 'OAuth2' }
else {
$user = @{ Provider = 'OAuth2' }
# return the user for the validator
return @($user, $result.access_token, $result.refresh_token, $result)
finally {
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data) {
# clear state
# clear PKCE
if ($options.PKCE.Enabled) {
# redirect to the authUrl - only if no inner scheme supplied
if (!$hasInnerScheme) {
# get the redirectUrl
$redirectUrl = Get-PodeOAuth2RedirectHost -RedirectUrl $options.Urls.Redirect
# add authUrl query params
$query = "client_id=$($options.Client.ID)"
$query += '&response_type=code'
$query += "&redirect_uri=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($redirectUrl))"
$query += '&response_mode=query'
$query += "&scope=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($scopes))"
# add csrf state
if (Test-PodeSessionsInUse) {
$guid = New-PodeGuid
$WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_state__'] = $guid
$query += "&state=$($guid)"
# build a code verifier for PKCE, and add to query
if ($options.PKCE.Enabled) {
$guid = New-PodeGuid
$codeVerifier = "$($guid)-$($guid)"
$WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_code_verifier__'] = $codeVerifier
$codeChallenge = $codeVerifier
if ($options.PKCE.CodeChallenge.Method -ieq 'S256') {
$codeChallenge = ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue -Value (Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value $codeChallenge) -NoConvert
$query += "&code_challenge=$($codeChallenge)"
$query += "&code_challenge_method=$($options.PKCE.CodeChallenge.Method)"
# are custom parameters already on the URL?
$url = $options.Urls.Authorise
if (!$url.Contains('?')) {
$url += '?'
else {
$url += '&'
# redirect to OAuth2 endpoint
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url "$($url)$($query)"
return @{ IsRedirected = $true }
# hmm, this is unexpected
return @{
Message = 'Well, this is awkward...'
Code = 500
IsErrored = $true
function Get-PodeOAuth2RedirectHost {
if ($RedirectUrl.StartsWith('/')) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
$protocol = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-Forwarded-Proto'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($protocol)) {
$protocol = 'https'
$domain = "$($protocol)://$($WebEvent.Request.Host)"
else {
$domain = Get-PodeEndpointUrl
$RedirectUrl = "$($domain.TrimEnd('/'))$($RedirectUrl)"
return $RedirectUrl
function Get-PodeAuthClientCertificateType {
return {
$cert = $WebEvent.Request.ClientCertificate
# ensure we have a client cert
if ($null -eq $cert) {
return @{
Message = 'No client certificate supplied'
Code = 401
# ensure the cert has a thumbprint
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cert.Thumbprint)) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid client certificate supplied'
Code = 401
# ensure the cert hasn't expired, or has it even started
$now = [datetime]::Now
if (($cert.NotAfter -lt $now) -or ($cert.NotBefore -gt $now)) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid client certificate supplied'
Code = 401
# return data for calling validator
return @($cert, $WebEvent.Request.ClientCertificateErrors)
function Get-PodeAuthNegotiateType {
return {
# do we have an auth header?
$header = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Authorization'
if ($null -eq $header) {
return @{
Message = 'No Authorization header found'
Code = 401
# validate the supplied token
try {
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Authorization header'
Code = 400
# authenticate the user
try {
$claim = $options.Authenticator.Authenticate($header)
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
return @{
Message = 'Authentication failed'
Code = 401
return @($claim)
function Get-PodeAuthApiKeyType {
return {
# get api key from appropriate location
$apiKey = [string]::Empty
switch ($options.Location.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'header' {
$apiKey = Get-PodeHeader -Name $options.LocationName
'query' {
$apiKey = $WebEvent.Query[$options.LocationName]
'cookie' {
$apiKey = Get-PodeCookieValue -Name $options.LocationName
# 400 if no key
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($apiKey)) {
return @{
Message = "No $($options.LocationName) $($options.Location) found"
Code = 400
# build the result
$apiKey = $apiKey.Trim()
$result = @($apiKey)
# convert as jwt?
if ($options.AsJWT) {
try {
$payload = ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token $apiKey -Secret $options.Secret
Test-PodeJwt -Payload $payload
catch {
if ($_.Exception.Message -ilike '*jwt*') {
return @{
Message = $_.Exception.Message
Code = 400
$result = @($payload)
# return the result
return $result
function Get-PodeAuthBearerType {
return {
# get the auth header
$header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Authorization')
if ($null -eq $header) {
return @{
Message = 'No Authorization header found'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_request)
Code = 400
# ensure the first atom is bearer
$atoms = $header -isplit '\s+'
if ($atoms.Length -lt 2) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Authorization header'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_request)
Code = 400
if ($atoms[0] -ine $options.HeaderTag) {
return @{
Message = "Authorization header is not $($options.HeaderTag)"
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_request)
Code = 400
# 400 if no token
$token = $atoms[1]
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($token)) {
return @{
Message = 'No Bearer token found'
Code = 400
# build the result
$token = $token.Trim()
$result = @($token)
# convert as jwt?
if ($options.AsJWT) {
try {
$payload = ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token $token -Secret $options.Secret
Test-PodeJwt -Payload $payload
catch {
if ($_.Exception.Message -ilike '*jwt*') {
return @{
Message = $_.Exception.Message
# Bearer token should return 401
Code = 401
$result = @($payload)
# return the result
return $result
function Get-PodeAuthBearerPostValidator {
return {
param($token, $result, $options)
# if there's no user, fail with challenge
if (($null -eq $result) -or ($null -eq $result.User)) {
return @{
Message = 'User not found'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_token)
Code = 401
# check for an error and description
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Error)) {
return @{
Message = 'Authorization failed'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType $result.Error -ErrorDescription $result.ErrorDescription)
Code = 401
# check the scopes
$hasAuthScopes = (($null -ne $options.Scopes) -and ($options.Scopes.Length -gt 0))
$hasTokenScope = ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Scope)
# 403 if we have auth scopes but no token scope
if ($hasAuthScopes -and !$hasTokenScope) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Scope'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType insufficient_scope)
Code = 403
# 403 if we have both, but token not in auth scope
if ($hasAuthScopes -and $hasTokenScope -and ($options.Scopes -notcontains $result.Scope)) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Scope'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType insufficient_scope)
Code = 403
# return result
return $result
function New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge {
[ValidateSet('', 'invalid_request', 'invalid_token', 'insufficient_scope')]
$items = @()
if (($null -ne $Scopes) -and ($Scopes.Length -gt 0)) {
$items += "scope=`"$($Scopes -join ' ')`""
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorType)) {
$items += "error=`"$($ErrorType)`""
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorDescription)) {
$items += "error_description=`"$($ErrorDescription)`""
return ($items -join ', ')
function Get-PodeAuthDigestType {
return {
# get the auth header - send challenge if missing
$header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Authorization')
if ($null -eq $header) {
return @{
Message = 'No Authorization header found'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge)
Code = 401
# if auth header isn't digest send challenge
$atoms = $header -isplit '\s+'
if ($atoms.Length -lt 2) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Authorization header'
Code = 400
if ($atoms[0] -ine $options.HeaderTag) {
return @{
Message = "Authorization header is not $($options.HeaderTag)"
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge)
Code = 401
# parse the other atoms of the header (after the scheme), return 400 if none
$params = ConvertFrom-PodeAuthDigestHeader -Parts ($atoms[1..$($atoms.Length - 1)])
if ($params.Count -eq 0) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Authorization header'
Code = 400
# if no username then 401 and challenge
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($params.username)) {
return @{
Message = 'Authorization header is missing username'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge)
Code = 401
# return 400 if domain doesnt match request domain
if ($WebEvent.Path -ine $params.uri) {
return @{
Message = 'Invalid Authorization header'
Code = 400
# return data for calling validator
return @($params.username, $params)
function Get-PodeAuthDigestPostValidator {
return {
param($username, $params, $result, $options)
# if there's no user or password, fail with challenge
if (($null -eq $result) -or ($null -eq $result.User) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Password)) {
return @{
Message = 'User not found'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge)
Code = 401
# generate the first hash
$hash1 = Invoke-PodeMD5Hash -Value "$($params.username):$($params.realm):$($result.Password)"
# generate the second hash
$hash2 = Invoke-PodeMD5Hash -Value "$($WebEvent.Method.ToUpperInvariant()):$($params.uri)"
# generate final hash
$final = Invoke-PodeMD5Hash -Value "$($hash1):$($params.nonce):$($$($params.cnonce):$($params.qop):$($hash2)"
# compare final hash to client response
if ($final -ne $params.response) {
return @{
Message = 'Hashes failed to match'
Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge)
Code = 401
# hashes are valid, remove password and return result
$null = $result.Remove('Password')
return $result
function ConvertFrom-PodeAuthDigestHeader {
if (($null -eq $Parts) -or ($Parts.Length -eq 0)) {
return @{}
$obj = @{}
$value = ($Parts -join ' ')
@($value -isplit ',(?=(?:[^"]|"[^"]*")*$)') | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -imatch '(?<name>\w+)=["]?(?<value>[^"]+)["]?$') {
$obj[$Matches['name']] = $Matches['value']
return $obj
function New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge {
$items = @('qop="auth"', 'algorithm="MD5"', "nonce=`"$(New-PodeGuid -Secure -NoDashes)`"")
return ($items -join ', ')
function Get-PodeAuthFormType {
return {
# get user/pass keys to get from payload
$userField = $options.Fields.Username
$passField = $options.Fields.Password
# get the user/pass
$username = $WebEvent.Data.$userField
$password = $WebEvent.Data.$passField
# if either are empty, fail auth
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($username) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($password)) {
return @{
Message = 'Username or Password not supplied'
Code = 401
# build the result
$result = @($username, $password)
# convert to credential?
if ($options.AsCredential) {
$passSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = [pscredential]::new($username, $passSecure)
$result = @($creds)
# return data for calling validator
return $result
Authenticates a user based on a username and password provided as parameters.
This function finds a user whose username matches the provided username, and checks the user's password.
If the password is correct, it converts the user into a hashtable and checks if the user is valid for any users/groups specified by the options parameter. If the user is valid, it returns a hashtable containing the user object. If the user is not valid, it returns a hashtable with a message indicating that the user is not authorized to access the website.
.PARAMETER username
The username of the user to authenticate.
.PARAMETER password
The password of the user to authenticate.
.PARAMETER options
A hashtable containing options for the function. It can include the following keys:
- FilePath: The path to the JSON file containing user data.
- HmacSecret: The secret key for computing a HMAC-SHA256 hash of the password.
- Users: A list of valid users.
- Groups: A list of valid groups.
- ScriptBlock: A script block for additional validation.
Get-PodeAuthUserFileMethod -username "admin" -password "password123" -options @{ FilePath = "C:\Users.json"; HmacSecret = "secret"; Users = @("admin"); Groups = @("Administrators"); ScriptBlock = { param($user) $user.Name -eq "admin" } }
This example authenticates a user with username "admin" and password "password123". It reads user data from the JSON file at "C:\Users.json", computes a HMAC-SHA256 hash of the password using "secret" as the secret key, and checks if the user is in the "admin" user or "Administrators" group. It also performs additional validation using a script block that checks if the user's name is "admin".
function Get-PodeAuthUserFileMethod {
return {
param($username, $password, $options)
# using pscreds?
if (($null -eq $options) -and ($username -is [pscredential])) {
$_username = ([pscredential]$username).UserName
$_password = ([pscredential]$username).GetNetworkCredential().Password
$_options = [hashtable]$password
else {
$_username = $username
$_password = $password
$_options = $options
# load the file
$users = (Get-Content -Path $_options.FilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json)
# find the user by username - only use the first one
$user = @(foreach ($_user in $users) {
if ($_user.Username -ieq $_username) {
# fail if no user
if ($null -eq $user) {
return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' }
# check the user's password
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_options.HmacSecret)) {
$hash = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA256Hash -Value $_password -Secret $_options.HmacSecret
else {
$hash = Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value $_password
if ($user.Password -ne $hash) {
return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' }
# convert the user to a hashtable
$user = @{
Name = $user.Name
Username = $user.Username
Email = $user.Email
Groups = $user.Groups
Metadata = $user.Metadata
# is the user valid for any users/groups?
if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroup -User $user -Users $_options.Users -Groups $_options.Groups)) {
return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' }
$result = @{ User = $user }
# call additional scriptblock if supplied
if ($null -ne $_options.ScriptBlock.Script) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $_options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $_options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables
# return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock
return $result
function Get-PodeAuthWindowsADMethod {
return {
param($username, $password, $options)
# using pscreds?
if (($null -eq $options) -and ($username -is [pscredential])) {
$_username = ([pscredential]$username).UserName
$_password = ([pscredential]$username).GetNetworkCredential().Password
$_options = [hashtable]$password
else {
$_username = $username
$_password = $password
$_options = $options
# parse username to remove domains
$_username = (($_username -split '@')[0] -split '\\')[-1]
# validate and retrieve the AD user
$noGroups = $_options.NoGroups
$directGroups = $_options.DirectGroups
$keepCredential = $_options.KeepCredential
$result = Get-PodeAuthADResult `
-Server $_options.Server `
-Domain $_options.Domain `
-SearchBase $_options.SearchBase `
-Username $_username `
-Password $_password `
-Provider $_options.Provider `
-NoGroups:$noGroups `
-DirectGroups:$directGroups `
# if there's a message, fail and return the message
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Message)) {
return $result
# if there's no user, then, err, oops
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $result.User) {
return @{ Message = 'An unexpected error occured' }
# is the user valid for any users/groups - if not, error!
if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroup -User $result.User -Users $_options.Users -Groups $_options.Groups)) {
return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' }
# call additional scriptblock if supplied
if ($null -ne $_options.ScriptBlock.Script) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $_options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $_options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables
# return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock
return $result
function Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Arguments $User -UsingVariables $UsingVariables -Return)
function Get-PodeAuthWindowsLocalMethod {
return {
param($username, $password, $options)
# using pscreds?
if (($null -eq $options) -and ($username -is [pscredential])) {
$_username = ([pscredential]$username).UserName
$_password = ([pscredential]$username).GetNetworkCredential().Password
$_options = [hashtable]$password
else {
$_username = $username
$_password = $password
$_options = $options
$user = @{
UserType = 'Local'
AuthenticationType = 'WinNT'
Username = $_username
Name = [string]::Empty
Fqdn = $PodeContext.Server.ComputerName
Domain = 'localhost'
Groups = @()
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement -ErrorAction Stop
$context = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext]::new('Machine', $PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)
$valid = $context.ValidateCredentials($_username, $_password)
if (!$valid) {
return @{ Message = 'Invalid credentials supplied' }
try {
$tmpUsername = $_username -replace '\\', '/'
if ($_username -inotlike "$($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)*") {
$tmpUsername = "$($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)/$($_username)"
$ad = [adsi]"WinNT://$($tmpUsername)"
$user.Name = @($ad.FullName)[0]
if (!$_options.NoGroups) {
$cmd = "`$ad = [adsi]'WinNT://$($tmpUsername)'; @(`$ad.Groups() | Foreach-Object { `$_.GetType().InvokeMember('Name', 'GetProperty', `$null, `$_, `$null) })"
$user.Groups = [string[]](powershell -c $cmd)
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $ad -Close
# is the user valid for any users/groups - if not, error!
if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroup -User $user -Users $_options.Users -Groups $_options.Groups)) {
return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' }
$result = @{ User = $user }
# call additional scriptblock if supplied
if ($null -ne $_options.ScriptBlock.Script) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $_options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $_options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables
# return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock
return $result
function Get-PodeAuthWindowsADIISMethod {
return {
param($token, $options)
# get the close handler
$win32Handler = Add-Type -Name Win32CloseHandle -PassThru -MemberDefinition @'
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);
try {
# parse the auth token and get the user
$winAuthToken = [System.IntPtr][Int]"0x$($token)"
$winIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::new($winAuthToken, 'Windows')
# get user and domain
$username = ($winIdentity.Name -split '\\')[-1]
$domain = ($winIdentity.Name -split '\\')[0]
# create base user object
$user = @{
UserType = 'Domain'
Identity = @{
AccessToken = $winIdentity.AccessToken
AuthenticationType = $winIdentity.AuthenticationType
DistinguishedName = [string]::Empty
Username = $username
Name = [string]::Empty
Email = [string]::Empty
Fqdn = [string]::Empty
Domain = $domain
Groups = @()
# if the domain isn't local, attempt AD user
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($domain) -and (@('.', $PodeContext.Server.ComputerName) -inotcontains $domain)) {
# get the server's fdqn (and name/email)
try {
# Open ADSISearcher and change context to given domain
$searcher = [adsisearcher]''
$searcher.SearchRoot = [adsi]"LDAP://$($domain)"
$searcher.Filter = "ObjectSid=$($winIdentity.User.Value.ToString())"
# Query the ADSISearcher for the above defined SID
$ad = $searcher.FindOne()
# Save it to our existing array for later usage
$user.DistinguishedName = @($ad.Properties.distinguishedname)[0]
$user.Name = @($[0]
$user.Email = @($ad.Properties.mail)[0]
$user.Fqdn = (Get-PodeADServerFromDistinguishedName -DistinguishedName $user.DistinguishedName)
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $searcher
try {
if (!$options.NoGroups) {
# open a new connection
$result = (Open-PodeAuthADConnection -Server $user.Fqdn -Domain $domain -Provider $options.Provider)
if (!$result.Success) {
return @{ Message = "Failed to connect to Domain Server '$($user.Fqdn)' of $domain for $($user.DistinguishedName)." }
# get the connection
$connection = $result.Connection
# get the users groups
$directGroups = $options.DirectGroups
$user.Groups = (Get-PodeAuthADGroup -Connection $connection -DistinguishedName $user.DistinguishedName -Username $user.Username -Direct:$directGroups -Provider $options.Provider)
finally {
if ($null -ne $connection) {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Searcher
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Entry -Close
$connection.Credential = $null
# otherwise, get details of local user
else {
# get the user's name and groups
try {
$user.UserType = 'Local'
if (!$options.NoLocalCheck) {
$localUser = $winIdentity.Name -replace '\\', '/'
$ad = [adsi]"WinNT://$($localUser)"
$user.Name = @($ad.FullName)[0]
# dirty, i know :/ - since IIS runs using pwsh, the InvokeMember part fails
# we can safely call windows powershell here, as IIS is only on windows.
if (!$options.NoGroups) {
$cmd = "`$ad = [adsi]'WinNT://$($localUser)'; @(`$ad.Groups() | Foreach-Object { `$_.GetType().InvokeMember('Name', 'GetProperty', `$null, `$_, `$null) })"
$user.Groups = [string[]](powershell -c $cmd)
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $ad -Close
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
return @{ Message = 'Failed to retrieve user using Authentication Token' }
finally {
# is the user valid for any users/groups - if not, error!
if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroup -User $user -Users $options.Users -Groups $options.Groups)) {
return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' }
$result = @{ User = $user }
# call additional scriptblock if supplied
if ($null -ne $options.ScriptBlock.Script) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables
# return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock
return $result
Authenticates a user based on group membership or specific user authorization.
This function checks if a given user is authorized based on supplied lists of users and groups. The user is considered authorized if their username is directly specified in the list of users, or if they are a member of any of the specified groups.
A hashtable representing the user, expected to contain at least the 'Username' and 'Groups' keys.
An optional array of usernames. If specified, the function checks if the user's username exists in this list.
An optional array of group names. If specified, the function checks if the user belongs to any of these groups.
$user = @{ Username = 'john.doe'; Groups = @('Administrators', 'Users') }
$authorizedUsers = @('john.doe', 'jane.doe')
$authorizedGroups = @('Administrators')
Test-PodeAuthUserGroup -User $user -Users $authorizedUsers -Groups $authorizedGroups
# Returns true if John Doe is either listed as an authorized user or is a member of an authorized group.
function Test-PodeAuthUserGroup {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$haveUsers = (($null -ne $Users) -and ($Users.Length -gt 0))
$haveGroups = (($null -ne $Groups) -and ($Groups.Length -gt 0))
# if there are no groups/users supplied, return user is valid
if (!$haveUsers -and !$haveGroups) {
return $true
# before checking supplied groups, is the user in the supplied list of authorised users?
if ($haveUsers -and (@($Users) -icontains $User.Username)) {
return $true
# if there are groups supplied, check the user is a member of one
if ($haveGroups) {
foreach ($group in $Groups) {
if (@($User.Groups) -icontains $group) {
return $true
return $false
function Invoke-PodeAuthValidation {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get auth method
$auth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
# if it's a merged auth, re-call this function and check against "succeed" value
if ($auth.Merged) {
$results = @{}
foreach ($authName in $auth.Authentications) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthValidation -Name $authName
# if the auth is trying to redirect, we need to bubble the this back now
if ($result.Redirected) {
return $result
# if the auth passed, and we only need one auth to pass, return current result
if ($result.Success -and $auth.PassOne) {
return $result
# if the auth failed, but we need all to pass, return current result
if (!$result.Success -and !$auth.PassOne) {
return $result
# remember result if we need all to pass
if (!$auth.PassOne) {
$results[$authName] = $result
# if the last auth failed, and we only need one auth to pass, set failure and return
if (!$result.Success -and $auth.PassOne) {
return $result
# if the last auth succeeded, and we need all to pass, merge users/headers and return result
if ($result.Success -and !$auth.PassOne) {
# invoke scriptblock, or use result of merge default
if ($null -ne $auth.ScriptBlock.Script) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $results -ScriptBlock $auth.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $auth.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables
else {
$result = $results[$auth.MergeDefault]
# reset default properties and return
$result.Success = $true
$result.Auth = $results.Keys
return $result
# default failure
return @{
Success = $false
StatusCode = 500
# main auth validation logic
$result = (Test-PodeAuthValidation -Name $Name)
$result.Auth = $Name
return $result
function Test-PodeAuthValidation {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
# get auth method
$auth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
# auth result
$result = $null
# run pre-auth middleware
if ($null -ne $auth.Scheme.Middleware) {
if (!(Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $auth.Scheme.Middleware)) {
return @{
Success = $false
# run auth scheme script to parse request for data
$_args = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $auth.Scheme.Arguments -UsingVariables $auth.Scheme.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables)
# call inner schemes first
if ($null -ne $auth.Scheme.InnerScheme) {
$schemes = @()
$_scheme = $auth.Scheme
$_inner = @(while ($null -ne $_scheme.InnerScheme) {
$_scheme = $_scheme.InnerScheme
for ($i = $_inner.Length - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
$_tmp_args = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $_inner[$i].Arguments -UsingVariables $_inner[$i].ScriptBlock.UsingVariables)
$_tmp_args += , $schemes
$result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $_inner[$i].ScriptBlock.Script -Arguments $_tmp_args -Return -Splat)
if ($result -is [hashtable]) {
$schemes += , $result
$result = $null
$_args += , $schemes
if ($null -eq $result) {
$result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $auth.Scheme.ScriptBlock.Script -Arguments $_args -Return -Splat)
# if data is a hashtable, then don't call validator (parser either failed, or forced a success)
if ($result -isnot [hashtable]) {
$original = $result
$_args = @($result) + @($auth.Arguments)
$result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $auth.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $auth.UsingVariables -Return -Splat)
# if we have user, then run post validator if present
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($result.Code) -and ($null -ne $auth.Scheme.PostValidator.Script)) {
$_args = @($original) + @($result) + @($auth.Scheme.Arguments)
$result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $auth.Scheme.PostValidator.Script -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $auth.Scheme.PostValidator.UsingVariables -Return -Splat)
# is the auth trying to redirect ie: oauth?
if ($result.IsRedirected) {
return @{
Success = $false
Redirected = $true
# if there's no result, or no user, then the auth failed - but allow auth if anon enabled
if (($null -eq $result) -or ($result.Count -eq 0) -or (Test-PodeIsEmpty $result.User)) {
$code = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $result.Code -Default 401)
# set the www-auth header
$validCode = (($code -eq 401) -or ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($result.Challenge))
if ($validCode) {
if ($null -eq $result) {
$result = @{}
if ($null -eq $result.Headers) {
$result.Headers = @{}
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($auth.Scheme.Name) -and !$result.Headers.ContainsKey('WWW-Authenticate')) {
$authHeader = Get-PodeAuthWwwHeaderValue -Name $auth.Scheme.Name -Realm $auth.Scheme.Realm -Challenge $result.Challenge
$result.Headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = $authHeader
return @{
Success = $false
StatusCode = $code
Description = $result.Message
Headers = $result.Headers
FailureRedirect = [bool]$result.IsErrored
# authentication was successful
return @{
Success = $true
User = $result.User
Headers = $result.Headers
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
return @{
Success = $false
StatusCode = 500
Exception = $_
function Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript {
return {
return Test-PodeAuthInternal `
-Name $opts.Name `
-Login:($opts.Login) `
-Logout:($opts.Logout) `
function Test-PodeAuthInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the auth method
$auth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
# check for logout command
if ($Logout) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.UseHeaders) {
return Set-PodeAuthStatus `
-StatusCode 401 `
-Name $Name `
else {
$auth.Failure.Url = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $auth.Failure.Url -Default $WebEvent.Request.Url.AbsolutePath)
return Set-PodeAuthStatus `
-StatusCode 302 `
-Name $Name `
# if the session already has a user/isAuth'd, then skip auth - or allow anon
if (Test-PodeSessionsInUse) {
# existing session auth'd
if (Test-PodeAuthUser) {
$WebEvent.Auth = $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth
return Set-PodeAuthStatus `
-Name $Name `
-LoginRoute:($Login) `
# if we're allowing anon access, and using sessions, then stop here - as a session will be created from a login route for auth'ing users
if ($AllowAnon) {
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth)) {
return $true
# check if the login flag is set, in which case just return and load a login get-page (allowing anon access)
if ($Login -and !$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.UseHeaders -and ($WebEvent.Method -ieq 'get')) {
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth)) {
return $true
try {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthValidation -Name $Name
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
return Set-PodeAuthStatus `
-StatusCode 500 `
-Description $_.Exception.Message `
-Name $Name
# did the auth force a redirect?
if ($result.Redirected) {
$success = Get-PodeAuthSuccessInfo -Name $Name
Set-PodeAuthRedirectUrl -UseOrigin:($success.UseOrigin)
return $false
# if auth failed, are we allowing anon access?
if (!$result.Success -and $AllowAnon) {
return $true
# if auth failed, set appropriate response headers/redirects
if (!$result.Success) {
return Set-PodeAuthStatus `
-StatusCode $result.StatusCode `
-Description $result.Description `
-Headers $result.Headers `
-Name $Name `
-LoginRoute:$Login `
# if auth passed, assign the user to the session
$WebEvent.Auth = [ordered]@{
User = $result.User
IsAuthenticated = $true
IsAuthorised = $true
Store = !$auth.Sessionless
Name = $result.Auth
# successful auth
$authName = $null
if ($auth.Merged -and !$auth.PassOne) {
$authName = $Name
else {
$authName = @($result.Auth)[0]
return Set-PodeAuthStatus `
-Headers $result.Headers `
-Name $authName `
function Get-PodeAuthWwwHeaderValue {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
return [string]::Empty
$header = $Name
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Realm)) {
$header += " realm=`"$($Realm)`""
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Challenge)) {
$header += ", $($Challenge)"
return $header
function Remove-PodeAuthSession {
# blank out the auth
$WebEvent.Auth = @{}
# if a session auth is found, blank it
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth)) {
# Delete the current session (remove from store, blank it, and remove from Response)
function Get-PodeAuthFailureInfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# base name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BaseName)) {
$BaseName = $Name
# get auth method
$auth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
# cached failure?
if ($null -ne $auth.Cache.Failure) {
return $auth.Cache.Failure
# find failure info
if ($null -eq $Info) {
$Info = @{
Url = $auth.Failure.Url
Message = $auth.Failure.Message
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Info.Url)) {
$Info.Url = $auth.Failure.Url
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Info.Message)) {
$Info.Message = $auth.Failure.Message
if ((![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Info.Url) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Info.Message)) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($auth.Parent)) {
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$BaseName].Cache.Failure = $Info
return $Info
return (Get-PodeAuthFailureInfo -Name $auth.Parent -Info $Info -BaseName $BaseName)
function Get-PodeAuthSuccessInfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# base name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BaseName)) {
$BaseName = $Name
# get auth method
$auth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
# cached success?
if ($null -ne $auth.Cache.Success) {
return $auth.Cache.Success
# find success info
if ($null -eq $Info) {
$Info = @{
Url = $auth.Success.Url
UseOrigin = $auth.Success.UseOrigin
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Info.Url)) {
$Info.Url = $auth.Success.Url
if (!$Info.UseOrigin) {
$Info.UseOrigin = $auth.Success.UseOrigin
if ((![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Info.Url) -and $Info.UseOrigin) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($auth.Parent)) {
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$BaseName].Cache.Success = $Info
return $Info
return (Get-PodeAuthSuccessInfo -Name $auth.Parent -Info $Info -BaseName $BaseName)
function Set-PodeAuthStatus {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$StatusCode = 0,
# if we have any headers, set them
if (($null -ne $Headers) -and ($Headers.Count -gt 0)) {
foreach ($key in $Headers.Keys) {
Set-PodeHeader -Name $key -Value $Headers[$key]
# get auth method
$auth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
# get Success object from auth
$success = Get-PodeAuthSuccessInfo -Name $Name
# if a statuscode supplied, assume failure
if ($StatusCode -gt 0) {
# get Failure object from auth
$failure = Get-PodeAuthFailureInfo -Name $Name
# override description with the failureMessage if supplied
$Description = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $failure.Message -Default $Description)
# add error to flash
if ($LoginRoute -and !$auth.Sessionless -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Description)) {
Add-PodeFlashMessage -Name 'auth-error' -Message $Description
# check if we have a failure url redirect
if (!$NoFailureRedirect -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($failure.Url)) {
Set-PodeAuthRedirectUrl -UseOrigin:($success.UseOrigin)
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url $failure.Url
else {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $StatusCode -Description $Description
return $false
# if no statuscode, success, so check if we have a success url redirect (but only for auto-login routes)
if (!$NoSuccessRedirect -or $LoginRoute) {
$url = Get-PodeAuthRedirectUrl -Url $success.Url -UseOrigin:($success.UseOrigin)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($url)) {
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url $url
return $false
return $true
function Get-PodeADServerFromDistinguishedName {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DistinguishedName)) {
return [string]::Empty
$parts = @($DistinguishedName -split ',')
$name = @()
foreach ($part in $parts) {
if ($part -imatch '^DC=(?<name>.+)$') {
$name += $Matches['name']
return ($name -join '.')
function Get-PodeAuthADResult {
[ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')]
try {
# validate the user's AD creds
$result = (Open-PodeAuthADConnection -Server $Server -Domain $Domain -Username $Username -Password $Password -Provider $Provider)
if (!$result.Success) {
return @{ Message = 'Invalid credentials supplied' }
# get the connection
$connection = $result.Connection
# get the user
$user = (Get-PodeAuthADUser -Connection $connection -Username $Username -Provider $Provider)
if ($null -eq $user) {
return @{ Message = 'User not found in Active Directory' }
# get the users groups
$groups = @()
if (!$NoGroups) {
$groups = (Get-PodeAuthADGroup -Connection $connection -DistinguishedName $user.DistinguishedName -Username $Username -Direct:$DirectGroups -Provider $Provider)
# check if we want to keep the credentials in the User object
if ($KeepCredential) {
$credential = [pscredential]::new($($Domain + '\' + $Username), (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force))
else {
$credential = $null
# return the user
return @{
User = @{
UserType = 'Domain'
AuthenticationType = 'LDAP'
DistinguishedName = $user.DistinguishedName
Username = ($Username -split '\\')[-1]
Name = $user.Name
Email = $user.Email
Fqdn = $Server
Domain = $Domain
Groups = $groups
Credential = $credential
finally {
if ($null -ne $connection) {
switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'openldap' {
$connection.Username = $null
$connection.Password = $null
'activedirectory' {
$connection.Credential = $null
'directoryservices' {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Searcher
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Entry -Close
function Open-PodeAuthADConnection {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('LDAP', 'WinNT')]
$Protocol = 'LDAP',
[ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')]
$result = $true
$connection = $null
# validate the user's AD creds
switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'openldap' {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SearchBase)) {
$baseDn = $SearchBase
else {
$baseDn = "DC=$(($Server -split '\.') -join ',DC=')"
$query = (Get-PodeAuthADQuery -Username $Username)
$hostname = "$($Protocol)://$($Server)"
$user = $Username
if (!$Username.StartsWith($Domain)) {
$user = "$($Domain)\$($Username)"
$null = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($hostname)" -D "$($user)" -w "$($Password)" -b "$($baseDn)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" dn)
if (!$? -or ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)) {
$result = $false
else {
$connection = @{
Hostname = $hostname
Username = $user
BaseDN = $baseDn
Password = $Password
'activedirectory' {
try {
$creds = [pscredential]::new($Username, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force))
$null = Get-ADUser -Identity $Username -Credential $creds -ErrorAction Stop
$connection = @{
Credential = $creds
catch {
$result = $false
'directoryservices' {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password)) {
$ad = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]::new("$($Protocol)://$($Server)")
else {
$ad = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]::new("$($Protocol)://$($Server)", "$($Username)", "$($Password)")
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ad.distinguishedName) {
$result = $false
else {
$connection = @{
Entry = $ad
return @{
Success = $result
Connection = $connection
function Get-PodeAuthADQuery {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return "(&(objectCategory=person)(samaccountname=$($Username)))"
function Get-PodeAuthADUser {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')]
$query = (Get-PodeAuthADQuery -Username $Username)
$user = $null
# generate query to find user
switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'openldap' {
$result = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($Connection.Hostname)" -D "$($Connection.Username)" -w "$($Connection.Password)" -b "$($Connection.BaseDN)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" name mail)
if (!$? -or ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)) {
return $null
$user = @{
DistinguishedName = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'dn')
Name = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'name')
Email = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'mail')
'activedirectory' {
$result = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter $query -Credential $Connection.Credential -Properties mail
$user = @{
DistinguishedName = $result.DistinguishedName
Name = $result.Name
Email = $result.mail
'directoryservices' {
$Connection.Searcher = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher]::new($Connection.Entry)
$Connection.Searcher.filter = $query
$result = $Connection.Searcher.FindOne().Properties
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $result) {
return $null
$user = @{
DistinguishedName = @($result.distinguishedname)[0]
Name = @($[0]
Email = @($result.mail)[0]
return $user
function Get-PodeOpenLdapValue {
foreach ($line in $Lines) {
if ($line -imatch "^$($Property)\:\s+(?<$($Property)>.+)$") {
# return the first found
if (!$All) {
return $Matches[$Property]
# return array of all
Retrieves Active Directory (AD) group information for a user.
This function retrieves AD group information for a specified user. It supports two modes of operation:
1. Direct: Retrieves groups directly associated with the user.
2. All: Retrieves all groups within the specified distinguished name (DN).
.PARAMETER Connection
The AD connection object or credentials for connecting to the AD server.
.PARAMETER DistinguishedName
The distinguished name (DN) of the user or group. If not provided, the default DN is used.
The username for which to retrieve group information.
The AD provider to use (e.g., 'DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP').
Switch parameter. If specified, retrieves only direct group memberships for the user.
Returns AD group information as needed based on the mode of operation.
Get-PodeAuthADGroup -Connection $adConnection -Username "john.doe"
# Retrieves all AD groups for the user "john.doe".
Get-PodeAuthADGroup -Connection $adConnection -Username "jane.smith" -Direct
# Retrieves only direct group memberships for the user "jane.smith".
function Get-PodeAuthADGroup {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')]
if ($Direct) {
return (Get-PodeAuthADGroupDirect -Connection $Connection -Username $Username -Provider $Provider)
return (Get-PodeAuthADGroupAll -Connection $Connection -DistinguishedName $DistinguishedName -Provider $Provider)
function Get-PodeAuthADGroupDirect {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')]
# create the query
$query = "(&(objectCategory=person)(samaccountname=$($Username)))"
$groups = @()
# get the groups
switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'openldap' {
$result = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($Connection.Hostname)" -D "$($Connection.Username)" -w "$($Connection.Password)" -b "$($Connection.BaseDN)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" memberof)
$groups = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'memberof' -All)
'activedirectory' {
$groups = (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $Username -Credential $Connection.Credential).distinguishedName
'directoryservices' {
if ($null -eq $Connection.Searcher) {
$Connection.Searcher = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher]::new($Connection.Entry)
$Connection.Searcher.filter = $query
$groups = @($Connection.Searcher.FindOne().Properties.memberof)
$groups = @(foreach ($group in $groups) {
if ($group -imatch '^CN=(?<group>.+?),') {
return $groups
function Get-PodeAuthADGroupAll {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')]
# create the query
$query = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$($DistinguishedName))"
$groups = @()
# get the groups
switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'openldap' {
$result = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($Connection.Hostname)" -D "$($Connection.Username)" -w "$($Connection.Password)" -b "$($Connection.BaseDN)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" samaccountname)
$groups = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'sAMAccountName' -All)
'activedirectory' {
$groups = (Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter $query -Credential $Connection.Credential).Name
'directoryservices' {
if ($null -eq $Connection.Searcher) {
$Connection.Searcher = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher]::new($Connection.Entry)
$null = $Connection.Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add('samaccountname')
$Connection.Searcher.filter = $query
$groups = @($Connection.Searcher.FindAll().Properties.samaccountname)
return $groups
function Get-PodeAuthDomainName {
$domain = $null
if (Test-PodeIsMacOS) {
$domain = (scutil --dns | grep -m 1 'search domain\[0\]' | cut -d ':' -f 2)
elseif (Test-PodeIsUnix) {
$domain = (dnsdomainname)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($domain)) {
$domain = (/usr/sbin/realm list --name-only)
else {
$domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($domain)) {
$domain = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Verbose:$false).Domain
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($domain)) {
$domain = $domain.Trim()
return $domain
function Find-PodeAuth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
Expands a list of authentication names, including merged authentication methods.
The Expand-PodeAuthMerge function takes an array of authentication names and expands it by resolving any merged authentication methods
into their individual components. It is particularly useful in scenarios where authentication methods are combined or merged, and there
is a need to process each individual method separately.
An array of authentication method names. These names can include both discrete authentication methods and merged ones.
$expandedAuthNames = Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names @('BasicAuth', 'CustomMergedAuth')
Expands the provided authentication names, resolving 'CustomMergedAuth' into its constituent authentication methods if it's a merged one.
function Expand-PodeAuthMerge {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Initialize a hashtable to store expanded authentication names
$authNames = @{}
# Iterate over each authentication name
foreach ($authName in $Names) {
# Handle the special case of anonymous access
if ($authName -eq '%_allowanon_%') {
$authNames[$authName] = $true
else {
# Retrieve the authentication method from the Pode context
$_auth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$authName]
# Check if the authentication is a merged one and expand it
if ($_auth.merged) {
foreach ($key in (Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names $_auth.Authentications)) {
$authNames[$key] = $true
else {
# If not merged, add the authentication name to the list
$authNames[$_auth.Name] = $true
# Return the keys of the hashtable, which are the expanded authentication names
return $authNames.Keys
function Import-PodeAuthADModule {
if (!(Test-PodeIsWindows)) {
# Active Directory module only available on Windows
throw ($PodeLocale.adModuleWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage)
if (!(Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name ActiveDirectory)) {
# Active Directory module is not installed
throw ($PodeLocale.adModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage)
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Export-PodeModule -Name ActiveDirectory
function Get-PodeAuthADProvider {
# openldap (literal, or not windows)
if ($OpenLDAP -or !(Test-PodeIsWindows)) {
return 'OpenLDAP'
# ad module
if ($ADModule) {
return 'ActiveDirectory'
# ds
return 'DirectoryServices'
function Set-PodeAuthRedirectUrl {
if ($UseOrigin -and ($WebEvent.Method -ieq 'get')) {
$null = Set-PodeCookie -Name 'pode.redirecturl' -Value $WebEvent.Request.Url.PathAndQuery
function Get-PodeAuthRedirectUrl {
if (!$UseOrigin) {
return $Url
$tmpUrl = Get-PodeCookieValue -Name 'pode.redirecturl'
Remove-PodeCookie -Name 'pode.redirecturl'
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tmpUrl)) {
$Url = $tmpUrl
return $Url
function Import-PodeFunctionsIntoRunspaceState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
# do nothing if disabled
if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.Enabled) {
# if export only, and there are none, do nothing
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList.Length -eq 0)) {
# script or file functions?
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'script' {
$funcs = (Get-PodeFunctionsFromScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock)
'file' {
$funcs = (Get-PodeFunctionsFromFile -FilePath $FilePath)
# looks like we have nothing!
if (($null -eq $funcs) -or ($funcs.Length -eq 0)) {
# groups funcs in case there or multiple definitions
$funcs = ($funcs | Group-Object -Property { $_.Name })
# import them, but also check if they're exported
foreach ($func in $funcs) {
# only exported funcs? is the func exported?
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList -inotcontains $func.Name)) {
# load the function
$funcDef = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry]::new($func.Name, $func.Group[-1].Definition)
function Import-PodeModulesIntoRunspaceState {
# do nothing if disabled
if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.Enabled) {
# if export only, and there are none, do nothing
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList.Length -eq 0)) {
# get modules currently loaded in session
$modules = Get-Module |
Where-Object {
($_.Name -inotin @('pode', 'pode.internal')) -and ($_.Name -inotlike 'microsoft.powershell.*')
} | Select-Object -Unique
# work out which order the modules need to be loaded
$modulesOrder = @(foreach ($module in $modules) {
Get-PodeModuleDependencyList -Module $module
}) |
Where-Object {
($_.Name -inotin @('pode', 'pode.internal')) -and ($_.Name -inotlike 'microsoft.powershell.*')
} | Select-Object -Unique
# load modules into runspaces, if allowed
foreach ($module in $modulesOrder) {
# only exported modules? is the module exported?
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList -inotcontains $module.Name)) {
# import the module
$path = Find-PodeModuleFile -Module $module
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path) -or !(Test-Path $path)) {
if (($module.ModuleType -ieq 'Manifest') -or ($path.EndsWith('.ps1'))) {
else {
$PodeContext.Server.Modules[$module.Name] = $path
function Import-PodeSnapinsIntoRunspaceState {
# if non-windows or core, do nothing
if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -or (Test-PodeIsUnix)) {
# do nothing if disabled
if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.Enabled) {
# if export only, and there are none, do nothing
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList.Length -eq 0)) {
# load snapins into runspaces, if allowed
$snapins = (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { !$_.IsDefault }).Name | Sort-Object -Unique
foreach ($snapin in $snapins) {
# only exported snapins? is the snapin exported?
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList -inotcontains $snapin)) {
$PodeContext.RunspaceState.ImportPSSnapIn($snapin, [ref]$null)
function Initialize-PodeAutoImportConfiguration {
return @{
Modules = @{
Enabled = $true
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = $false
Snapins = @{
Enabled = $true
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = $false
Functions = @{
Enabled = $true
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = $false
SecretVaults = @{
Enabled = $true
SecretManagement = @{
Enabled = $false
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = $false
function Import-PodeSecretVaultsIntoRegistry {
# do nothing if disabled
if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults.Enabled) {
function Import-PodeSecretManagementVaultsIntoRegistry {
# do nothing if disabled
if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults.SecretManagement.Enabled) {
# if export only, and there are none, do nothing
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults.SecretManagement.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults.SecretManagement.ExportList.Length -eq 0)) {
# error if SecretManagement module not installed
if (!(Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement)) {
# Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement module not installed
throw ($PodeLocale.secretManagementModuleNotInstalledExceptionMessage)
# import the module
$null = Import-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement -Force -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
# get the current secret vaults
$vaults = @(Get-SecretVault -ErrorAction Stop)
# register the vaults
foreach ($vault in $vaults) {
# only exported vaults? is the vault exported?
if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults.SecretManagement.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults.SecretManagement.ExportList -inotcontains $vault.Name)) {
# is a vault with this name already registered?
if (Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $vault.Name) {
throw ($PodeLocale.secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $vault.Name,"")
#"A Secret Vault with the name '$($vault.Name)' has already been registered while auto-importing Secret Vaults"
# register the vault
$PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$vault.Name] = @{
Name = $vault.Name
Type = 'secretmanagement'
Parameters = $vault.VaultParameters
AutoImported = $true
Unlock = $null
Cache = $null
SecretManagement = @{
VaultName = $vault.Name
ModuleName = $vault.ModulePath
function Read-PodeAutoImportConfiguration {
$impModules = $Configuration.AutoImport.Modules
$impSnapins = $Configuration.AutoImport.Snapins
$impFuncs = $Configuration.AutoImport.Functions
$impSecretVaults = $Configuration.AutoImport.SecretVaults
return @{
Modules = @{
Enabled = (($null -eq $impModules.Enable) -or [bool]$impModules.Enable)
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = ([bool]$impModules.ExportOnly)
Snapins = @{
Enabled = (($null -eq $impSnapins.Enable) -or [bool]$impSnapins.Enable)
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = ([bool]$impSnapins.ExportOnly)
Functions = @{
Enabled = (($null -eq $impFuncs.Enable) -or [bool]$impFuncs.Enable)
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = ([bool]$impFuncs.ExportOnly)
SecretVaults = @{
Enabled = (($null -eq $impSecretVaults.Enable) -or [bool]$impSecretVaults.Enable)
SecretManagement = @{
Enabled = ((($null -eq $impSecretVaults.Enable) -and (Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement)) -or [bool]$impSecretVaults.Enable)
ExportList = @()
ExportOnly = ([bool]$impSecretVaults.SecretManagement.ExportOnly)
function Reset-PodeAutoImportConfiguration {
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList = @()
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList = @()
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList = @()
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults.SecretManagement.ExportList = @()
function Get-PodeCacheInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$meta = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items[$Key]
if ($null -eq $meta) {
return $null
# check ttl/expiry
if ($meta.Expiry -lt [datetime]::UtcNow) {
Remove-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key
return $null
# return value an metadata if required
if ($Metadata) {
return $meta
# return just the value as default
return $meta.Value
function Set-PodeCacheInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Ttl = 0
# crete (or update) value value
$PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items[$Key] = @{
Value = $InputObject
Ttl = $Ttl
Expiry = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddSeconds($Ttl)
function Test-PodeCacheInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if it's not in the cache at all, return false
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items.ContainsKey($Key)) {
return $false
# fetch the items metadata, and check expiry. If it's expired return false.
$meta = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items[$Key]
# check ttl/expiry
if ($meta.Expiry -lt [datetime]::UtcNow) {
Remove-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key
return $false
# it exists, and isn't expired
return $true
function Remove-PodeCacheInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Lock-PodeObject -Object $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Cache -ScriptBlock {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items.Remove($Key)
function Clear-PodeCacheInternal {
Lock-PodeObject -Object $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Cache -ScriptBlock {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items.Clear()
function Start-PodeCacheHousekeeper {
# if we have a custom default storage, or we're in serverless mode, then we don't need to run the housekeeper
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty((Get-PodeCacheDefaultStorage)) -or $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_cache_housekeeper__' -Interval 10 -ScriptBlock {
$keys = Lock-PodeObject -Object $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Cache -Return -ScriptBlock {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items.Count -eq 0) {
return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items.Keys.Clone()
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $keys) {
$now = [datetime]::UtcNow
foreach ($key in $keys) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Cache.Items[$key].Expiry -lt $now) {
Remove-PodeCacheInternal -Key $key
Resets the cancellation token for a specific type in Pode.
The `Reset-PodeCancellationToken` function disposes of the existing cancellation token
for the specified type and reinitializes it with a new token. This ensures proper cleanup
of disposable resources associated with the cancellation token.
The type of cancellation token to reset. This is a mandatory parameter and must be
provided as a string.
# Reset the cancellation token for the 'Cancellation' type
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Cancellation
# Reset the cancellation token for the 'Restart' type
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Restart
# Reset the cancellation token for the 'Suspend' type
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Suspend
This function is used to manage cancellation tokens in Pode's internal context.
function Reset-PodeCancellationToken {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[validateset( 'Cancellation' , 'Restart', 'Suspend', 'Resume', 'Terminate', 'Start', 'Disable' )]
foreach ($item in $type) {
# Ensure cleanup of disposable tokens
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $PodeContext.Tokens[$item]
# Reinitialize the Token
$PodeContext.Tokens[$item] = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
Closes and disposes of specified cancellation tokens in the Pode context.
The `Close-PodeCancellationToken` function ensures proper cleanup of disposable cancellation tokens
within the `$PodeContext`. It allows you to specify one or more token types to close and dispose of,
or you can dispose of all tokens if no type is specified.
Supported token types include:
- `Cancellation`
- `Restart`
- `Suspend`
- `Resume`
- `Terminate`
- `Start`
- `Disable`
This function is essential for managing resources during the lifecycle of a Pode application,
especially when cleaning up during shutdown or restarting.
Specifies the type(s) of cancellation tokens to close. Valid values are:
`Cancellation`, `Restart`, `Suspend`, `Resume`, `Terminate`, `Start`,'Disable'.
If this parameter is not specified, all tokens in `$PodeContext.Tokens` will be disposed of.
Close-PodeCancellationToken -Type 'Suspend'
Closes and disposes of the `Suspend` cancellation token in the Pode context.
Close-PodeCancellationToken -Type 'Restart', 'Terminate'
Closes and disposes of the `Restart` and `Terminate` cancellation tokens in the Pode context.
Closes and disposes of all tokens in the Pode context.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Close-PodeCancellationToken {
[ValidateSet('Cancellation', 'Restart', 'Suspend', 'Resume', 'Terminate', 'Start', 'Disable' )]
if ($null -eq $Type) {
$PodeContext.Tokens.Values | Close-PodeDisposable
else {
foreach ($tokenType in $Type) {
# Ensure cleanup of disposable tokens
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $PodeContext.Tokens[$tokenType]
Waits for Pode suspension cancellation token to be reset.
The `Test-PodeSuspensionToken` function checks the status of the suspension cancellation token within the `$PodeContext`.
It enters a loop to wait for the `Suspend` cancellation token to be reset before proceeding.
Each loop iteration includes a 1-second delay to minimize resource usage.
The function returns a boolean indicating whether the suspension token was initially requested.
Waits for the suspension token to be reset in the Pode context.
Indicates whether the suspension token was initially requested.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeSuspensionToken {
# Check if the Suspend token was initially requested
$suspended = $PodeContext.Tokens.Suspend.IsCancellationRequested
# Wait for the Suspend token to be reset
while ($PodeContext.Tokens.Suspend.IsCancellationRequested) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# Return whether the suspension token was initially requested
return $suspended
Creates a set of cancellation tokens for managing Pode application states.
The `Initialize-PodeCancellationToken` function initializes and returns a hashtable containing
multiple cancellation tokens used for managing various states in a Pode application.
These tokens provide coordinated control over application operations, such as cancellation,
restart, suspension, resumption, termination, and start operations.
The returned hashtable includes the following keys:
- `Cancellation`: A token specifically for managing endpoint cancellation tasks.
- `Restart`: A token for managing application restarts.
- `Suspend`: A token for handling suspension operations.
- `Resume`: A token for resuming operations after suspension.
- `Terminate`: A token for managing application termination.
- `Start`: A token for monitoring application startup.
- `Disable`: A token for denying web access.
$tokens = Initialize-PodeCancellationToken
Initializes a set of cancellation tokens and stores them in the `$tokens` variable.
A hashtable containing initialized cancellation tokens.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Initialize-PodeCancellationToken {
# Initialize and return a hashtable containing various cancellation tokens.
return @{
# A cancellation token specifically for managing endpoint cancellation tasks.
Cancellation = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
# A cancellation token specifically for managing application restart operations.
Restart = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
# A cancellation token for suspending operations in the Pode application.
Suspend = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
# A cancellation token for resuming operations after a suspension.
Resume = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
# A cancellation token for managing application termination.
Terminate = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
# A cancellation token for monitoring application startup.
Start = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
# A cancellation token for denying any web request.
Disable = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
Sets the Resume token for the Pode server to resume its operation from a suspended state.
The Set-PodeResumeToken function ensures that the Resume token's cancellation is requested to signal that the server should
resume its operation. Additionally, it resets other related tokens, such as Cancellation and Suspend, if they are in a requested state.
This function prevents conflicts between tokens and ensures proper state management in the Pode server.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
Signals the Pode server to resume operations and resets relevant tokens.
function Set-PodeResumeToken {
# Ensure the Resume token is in a cancellation requested state
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Resume
# If the Cancellation token is in a requested state, reset it (unexpected scenario)
if ($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) {
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Cancellation
# Reset the Suspend token if it is in a cancellation requested state
if ($PodeContext.Tokens.Suspend.IsCancellationRequested) {
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Suspend
Sets the Suspend token for the Pode server to transition into a suspended state.
The Set-PodeSuspendToken function ensures that the Suspend token's cancellation is requested to signal that the server should
transition into a suspended state. Additionally, it sets the Cancellation token to prevent further operations while the server
is suspended.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
Signals the Pode server to transition into a suspended state by setting the Suspend token and the Cancellation token.
function Set-PodeSuspendToken {
# Ensure the Suspend and Cancellation tokens is in a cancellation requested state
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Suspend, Cancellation
Sets the cancellation token(s) for the specified Pode server actions.
The `Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest` function cancels one or more specified tokens within the Pode server.
These tokens are used to manage the server's lifecycle actions, such as Restart, Suspend, Resume, or Terminate.
The function takes a mandatory parameter `$Type`, which determines the token(s) to be canceled.
Supported types include: `Cancellation`, `Restart`, `Suspend`, `Resume`, `Terminate`, `Start`, and `Disable`.
Specifies the token(s) to be canceled. This parameter accepts one or more values from a predefined set.
Allowed values: `Cancellation`, `Restart`, `Suspend`, `Resume`, `Terminate`, `Start`, `Disable`.
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type 'Restart'
Cancels the Restart token for the Pode server.
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type 'Suspend','Terminate'
Cancels both the Suspend and Terminate tokens for the Pode server.
This function is an internal utility and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Cancellation', 'Restart', 'Suspend', 'Resume', 'Terminate', 'Start', 'Disable')]
# Iterate over each provided type and cancel its corresponding token if not already canceled
foreach ($item in $Type) {
if ($PodeContext.Tokens.ContainsKey($item)) {
if (! $PodeContext.Tokens[$item].IsCancellationRequested) {
# Cancel the specified token
Waits for a specific Pode server cancellation token to be reset.
The `Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest` function continuously checks the status of a specified cancellation token
in the Pode server context. It pauses execution in a loop until the token's cancellation request is cleared.
Specifies the token to wait for. This parameter accepts one value from a predefined set.
Allowed values: `Cancellation`, `Restart`, `Suspend`, `Resume`, `Terminate`, `Start`, `Disable`.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type 'Restart'
Waits until the Restart token is reset and no longer has a cancellation request.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type 'Suspend'
Waits for the Suspend token to be reset, pausing execution until the token is no longer in a cancellation state.
- This function is part of Pode's internal utilities and may change in future releases.
- It uses a simple loop with a 1-second sleep interval to reduce CPU usage while waiting.
function Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Cancellation', 'Restart', 'Suspend', 'Resume', 'Terminate', 'Start', 'Disable')]
# Wait for the token to be reset, with exponential back-off
$count = 1
while (! $PodeContext.Tokens[$Type].IsCancellationRequested) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (100 * $count)
$count = [System.Math]::Min($count + 1, 20)
Evaluates whether a specified Pode server token has an active cancellation request.
The `Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest` function checks the cancellation state of a given token
in the Pode server context. It determines whether the token has been marked for cancellation
and optionally waits for the cancellation to occur if the `-Wait` parameter is specified.
Specifies the token to check for an active cancellation request.
Acceptable values include predefined token types in Pode:
- `Cancellation`
- `Restart`
- `Suspend`
- `Resume`
- `Terminate`
- `Start`
- `Disable`
[bool] Returns `$true` if the specified token has an active cancellation request, otherwise `$false`.
Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type 'Restart'
Checks if the Restart token has an active cancellation request and returns `$true` or `$false`.
This function is an internal utility for Pode and may be subject to change in future releases.
function Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Cancellation', 'Restart', 'Suspend', 'Resume', 'Terminate', 'Start', 'Disable')]
# Check if the specified token has an active cancellation request
$cancelled = $PodeContext.Tokens[$Type].IsCancellationRequested
return $cancelled
Resolves cancellation token requests and executes corresponding server actions.
This internal function evaluates cancellation token requests to handle actions
such as restarting the server, enabling/disabling the server, or suspending/resuming
its operations. It interacts with the Pode server's context and state to perform
the necessary operations based on the allowed actions and current state.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
Evaluates any pending cancellation token requests and applies the appropriate server actions.
function Resolve-PodeCancellationToken {
#Retrieve the current state of the Pode server
$serverState = Get-PodeServerState
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Restart -and (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart)) {
# Handle enable/disable server actions
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Disable -and ($ServerState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Running)) {
if (Test-PodeServerIsEnabled) {
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Disable) {
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ShowTopSeparator
else {
if (! (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Disable)) {
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ShowTopSeparator
# Handle suspend/resume actions
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Suspend) {
if ((Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Resume) -and ($ServerState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Resuming)) {
Resume-PodeServerInternal -Timeout $PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Timeout.Resume
elseif ((Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Suspend) -and ($ServerState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Suspending)) {
Suspend-PodeServerInternal -Timeout $PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Timeout.Suspend
Displays key information about the Pode server on the console.
The Show-PodeConsoleInfo function provides detailed information about the current Pode server instance,
including version, process ID (PID), server state, active endpoints, and OpenAPI definitions.
The function supports clearing the console before displaying the details and can conditionally show additional
server control commands depending on the server state and configuration.
Clears the console screen before displaying server information.
Overrides the console's quiet mode to display the server information.
.PARAMETER ShowTopSeparator
Adds a horizontal divider line at the top of the console output.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
It is intended for displaying real-time server information during runtime.
function Show-PodeConsoleInfo {
# Exit the function if PodeContext is not initialized
# or if the console is in quiet mode and the Force switch is not used
if (!$PodeContext -or ($PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet -and !$Force)) {
# Retrieve the current server state and optionally include a timestamp.
$serverState = Get-PodeServerState
# Determine status and additional display options based on the server state.
if ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Suspended) {
$status = $Podelocale.suspendedMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
$showHelp = (!$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput -and $PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowHelp)
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = !$showHelp
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $ShowTopSeparator.IsPresent
$headerSeparator = $true
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Suspending) {
$status = $Podelocale.suspendingMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
$showHelp = $false
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = $false
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $false
$headerSeparator = $false
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Resuming) {
$status = $Podelocale.resumingMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
$showHelp = $false
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = $false
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $false
$headerSeparator = $false
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Restarting) {
$status = $Podelocale.restartingMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
$showHelp = $false
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = $false
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $false
$headerSeparator = $false
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Starting) {
$status = $Podelocale.startingMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
$showHelp = $false
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = $false
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $ShowTopSeparator.IsPresent
$headerSeparator = $false
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Running) {
$status = $Podelocale.runningMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Green
$showHelp = (!$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput -and $PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowHelp)
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = !$showHelp
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $ShowTopSeparator.IsPresent
$headerSeparator = $true
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Terminating) {
$status = $Podelocale.terminatingMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Red
$showHelp = $false
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = $false
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $false
$headerSeparator = $false
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Terminated) {
$status = $Podelocale.terminatedMessage
$statusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Red
$showHelp = $false
$noHeaderNewLine = $false
$ctrlH = $false
$footerSeparator = $false
$topSeparator = $ShowTopSeparator.IsPresent
$headerSeparator = $true
if ($ClearHost -or $PodeContext.Server.Console.ClearHost) {
elseif ($topSeparator ) {
# Write a horizontal divider line to the console.
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
# Write the header line with dynamic status color
Write-PodeConsoleHeader -Status $Status -StatusColor $StatusColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine:$noHeaderNewLine
# Optionally display a horizontal divider after the header.
if ($headerSeparator) {
# Write a horizontal divider line to the console.
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
# Display endpoints and OpenAPI information if the server is running.
if ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Running) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints) {
# state what endpoints are being listened on
Show-PodeConsoleEndpointsInfo -Force:$Force
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI) {
# state the OpenAPI endpoints for each definition
Show-PodeConsoleOAInfo -Force:$Force
# Show help commands if enabled or hide them conditionally.
if ($showHelp) {
elseif ($ctrlH ) {
Show-PodeConsoleHelp -Hide
# Optionally display a footer separator.
if ($footerSeparator) {
# Write a horizontal divider line to the console.
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
Displays or hides the help section for Pode server control commands.
The `Show-PodeConsoleHelp` function dynamically displays a list of control commands available for managing the Pode server.
Depending on the `$Hide` parameter, the help section can either be shown or hidden, with concise descriptions for each command.
Colors for headers, keys, and descriptions are customizable via the `$PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors` configuration.
Switch to display the "Show Help" option instead of the full help section.
Overrides the -Quiet flag of the server.
Specifies the position of the divider: 'Header' or 'Footer'.
Default is 'Footer'.
This function is designed for Pode's internal console display system and may change in future releases.
Displays the full help section for the Pode server.
Show-PodeConsoleHelp -Hide
Displays only the "Show Help" option instead of the full help section.
function Show-PodeConsoleHelp {
[ValidateSet('Header', 'Footer')]
$Divider = 'Footer'
# Retrieve centralized key mapping for keyboard shortcuts
$KeyBindings = $PodeContext.Server.Console.KeyBindings
# Define help section color variables
$helpHeaderColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.HelpHeader
$helpKeyColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.HelpKey
$helpDescriptionColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.HelpDescription
$helpDividerColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.HelpDivider
# Add a header divider if specified
if ($Divider -eq 'Header') {
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $Force
# Display the "Show Help" option if the $Hide parameter is specified
if ($Hide) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Help -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
# Message: 'Show Help'
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.showHelpMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
else {
# Determine the text for resuming or suspending the server based on its state
$resumeOrSuspend = if ($serverState -eq 'Suspended') {
else {
# Determine whether to display "Enable" or "Disable Server" based on the server state
$enableOrDisable = if (Test-PodeServerIsEnabled) { $Podelocale.disableHttpServerMessage } else { $Podelocale.enableHttpServerMessage }
# Display the header for the help section
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.serverControlCommandsTitle -ForegroundColor $helpHeaderColor -Force:$Force
if ($headerSeparator) {
# Write a horizontal divider line to the console.
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
# Display key bindings and their descriptions
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableTermination) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Terminate -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeHost "$($Podelocale.GracefullyTerminateMessage)" -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Restart) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Restart -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeHost "$($Podelocale.RestartServerMessage)" -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Suspend) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Suspend -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeHost "$resumeOrSuspend" -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
if (($serverState -eq 'Running') -and $PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Disable) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Disable -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
# Message: 'Enable HTTP Server' or 'Disable HTTP Server'
Write-PodeHost $enableOrDisable -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Help -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
# Message: 'Hide Help'
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.hideHelpMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
# If an HTTP endpoint exists and the server is running, display the browser shortcut
if ((Get-PodeEndpointUrl) -and ($serverState -ne 'Suspended')) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Browser -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
# Message: Open the default HTTP endpoint in the default browser.
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.OpenHttpEndpointMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
# Display a divider for grouping commands
Write-PodeHost ' ----' -ForegroundColor $helpDividerColor -Force:$Force
# Show metrics only if the server is running or suspended
if (('Running', 'Suspended') -contains $serverState ) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Metrics -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
# Message: Show Metrics
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.showMetricsMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
# Show endpoints and OpenAPI only if the server is running
if ($serverState -eq 'Running') {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Endpoints -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints) {
# Message: Hide Endpoints
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.hideEndpointsMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
else {
# Message: Show Endpoints
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.showEndpointsMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
# Check if OpenAPI is enabled and display its toggle option
if (Test-PodeOAEnabled) {
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.OpenAPI -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI) {
# Message: Hide OpenAPI
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.hideOpenAPIMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
else {
# Message: Show OpenAPI
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.showOpenAPIMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
# Display the Clear Console and Quiet Mode options
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Clear -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.clearConsoleMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key $KeyBindings.Quiet -ForegroundColor $helpKeyColor -Force:$Force
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet) {
# Message: Disable Quiet Mode
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.disableQuietModeMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
else {
# Message: Enable Quiet Mode
Write-PodeHost $Podelocale.enableQuietModeMessage -ForegroundColor $helpDescriptionColor -Force:$Force
# Add a footer divider if specified
if ($Divider -eq 'Footer') {
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $Force
Writes a formatted key binding with "Ctrl+" prefix to the console.
The `Write-PodeKeyBinding` function formats and displays a key binding in the console.
For digit keys (e.g., `D1`, `D2`), it removes the `D` prefix for better readability,
displaying them as `Ctrl+1`, `Ctrl+2`, etc. Other keys (e.g., `B`, `R`) are displayed as-is.
The output is colorized based on the provided foreground color.
The key binding to display, as a string. Examples include `D1` for the `1` key,
or `B` for the `B` key.
.PARAMETER ForegroundColor
The color to use for the key binding text in the console.
Forces the console output to bypass any restrictions. This is useful for ensuring
the output is always displayed regardless of console constraints.
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key 'D1' -ForegroundColor Yellow -Force
Writes: "Ctrl+1 : " to the console in yellow text.
Write-PodeKeyBinding -Key 'B' -ForegroundColor Green
Writes: "Ctrl+B : " to the console in green text.
This function is specifically designed for Pode's internal console display system.
It simplifies the formatting of key bindings for easier understanding by end users.
Adjustments for non-standard keys can be added as needed.
function Write-PodeKeyBinding {
param (
# The key binding to display (e.g., 'D1', 'B')
# The foreground color for the console text
# Force writing to the console, even in restricted environments
# Format the key binding:
# - Remove the "D" prefix for digit keys (D0-D9), displaying them as "Ctrl+1" instead of "Ctrl+D1"
# - Leave other keys (e.g., 'B', 'R') unchanged
$k = if ($Key -like 'D[0-9]') {
$Key.Substring(1) # Extract the digit part of the key (e.g., '1' from 'D1')
else {
$Key # Use the key as-is for non-digit keys
# Write the formatted key binding to the console
Write-PodeHost "$("Ctrl-$k".PadRight(8)): " -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -NoNewLine -Force:$Force
Writes a visual divider line to the console.
The `Write-PodeHostDivider` function outputs a horizontal divider line to the console.
For modern environments (PowerShell 6 and above or UTF-8 capable consoles),
it uses the `━` character repeated to form the divider. For older environments
like PowerShell 5.1, it falls back to the `-` character for compatibility.
Forces the output to display the divider even if certain conditions are not met.
.PARAMETER ForegroundColor
Specifies the foreground color of the divider.
Writes a divider to the console using the appropriate characters for the environment.
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
Writes a divider to the console even if conditions for displaying it are not met.
This function dynamically adapts to the PowerShell version and console encoding, ensuring compatibility across different environments.
function Write-PodeHostDivider {
param (
[bool]$Force = $false
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowDivider) {
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.Divider) {
$dividerColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.Divider
else {
$dividerColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
# Determine the divider style based on PowerShell version and encoding support
$dividerChar = if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6 ) {
'━' * $PodeContext.Server.Console.DividerLength # Repeat the '━' character
else {
'-' * $PodeContext.Server.Console.DividerLength # Repeat the '-' as a fallback
# Write the divider with the chosen style
Write-PodeHost $dividerChar -ForegroundColor $dividerColor -Force:$Force
else {
Displays information about the endpoints the Pode server is listening on.
The `Show-PodeConsoleEndpointsInfo` function checks the Pode server's `EndpointsInfo`
and displays details about each endpoint, including its URL and any specific flags
such as `DualMode`. It provides a summary of the total number of endpoints and the
number of general threads handling them.
Overrides the -Quiet flag of the server.
Specifies the position of the divider: 'Header' or 'Footer'.
Default is 'Footer'.
This command will output details of all endpoints the Pode server is currently
listening on, including their URLs and any relevant flags.
This function uses `Write-PodeHost` to display messages, with the `Yellow` foreground
color for the summary and other appropriate colors for URLs and flags.
function Show-PodeConsoleEndpointsInfo {
[ValidateSet('Header', 'Footer')]
$Divider = 'Footer'
# Set default colors if not explicitly defined in PodeContext
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsHeader) {
$headerColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsHeader
else {
$headerColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.Endpoints) {
$endpointsColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.Endpoints
else {
$endpointsColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Cyan
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsProtocol) {
$protocolsColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsProtocol
else {
$protocolsColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::White
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsFlag) {
$flagsColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsFlag
else {
$flagsColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Gray
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsName) {
$nameColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsName
else {
$nameColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Magenta
# Exit early if no endpoints are available to display
if ($PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo.Length -eq 0) {
# Add a header divider if specified
if ($Divider -eq 'Header') {
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $Force
# Group endpoints by protocol (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS)
$groupedEndpoints = $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo | Group-Object {
($_.Url -split ':')[0].ToUpper()
# Calculate the maximum URL length for alignment of flags
$maxUrlLength = ($PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo | ForEach-Object { $_.Url.Length }) | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum
# Display header with the total number of endpoints and threads
Write-PodeHost ($PodeLocale.listeningOnEndpointsMessage -f $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo.Length, $PodeContext.Threads.General) -ForegroundColor $headerColor -Force:$Force
# Write a divider line for visual separation
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
# Determine if the server is disabled
$disabled = ! (Test-PodeServerIsEnabled)
# Loop through grouped endpoints by protocol
foreach ($group in $groupedEndpoints) {
# Define the protocol label with consistent spacing
$protocolLabel = switch ($group.Name) {
'HTTP' { 'HTTP :' }
'HTTPS' { 'HTTPS :' }
'WS' { 'WS :' }
'WSS' { 'WSS :' }
'SMTP' { 'SMTP :' }
'SMTPS' { 'SMTPS :' }
'TCP' { 'TCP :' }
'TCPS' { 'TCPS :' }
default { 'UNKNOWN' }
# Flag to control whether the protocol label is displayed
$showGroupLabel = $true
foreach ($item in $group.Group) {
# Display the protocol label only for the first item in the group
if ($showGroupLabel) {
Write-PodeHost " - $protocolLabel" -ForegroundColor $protocolsColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
$showGroupLabel = $false
else {
Write-PodeHost ' ' -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
# Display the URL
Write-PodeHost " $($item.Url)" -ForegroundColor $endpointsColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
# Prepare flags for the endpoint
$flags = @()
# Add 'Disabled' flag if applicable
if ($disabled -and ('HTTP', 'HTTPS' -contains $group.Name)) {
$flags += 'Disabled'
# Add Name flag if it doesn't match a GUID
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item.Name) -and ($item.Name -notmatch '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$')) {
$flags += "`b$($item.Name)"
# Add remaining flags
if ($item.DualMode) { $flags += 'DualMode' }
if ($item.Default) { $flags += 'Default' }
# Display flags if any are present
if ($flags.Count -gt 0) {
# Calculate padding dynamically
$urlPadding = $maxUrlLength - $item.Url.Length + 4
Write-PodeHost $(' ' * $urlPadding + '[') -ForegroundColor $flagsColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
$index = 0
foreach ($flag in $flags) {
switch ($flag) {
{ $flag[0] -eq [char]8 } {
# Display Name flag
Write-PodeHost 'Name: ' -ForegroundColor $flagsColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost "$flag" -ForegroundColor $nameColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
'Disabled' {
# Display Disabled flag
Write-PodeHost 'Disabled' -ForegroundColor Yellow -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
default {
# Display other flags
Write-PodeHost "$flag" -ForegroundColor $flagsColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
# Append comma if not the last flag
if (++$index -lt $flags.Length) {
Write-PodeHost ', ' -ForegroundColor $flagsColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
# Close the flag block
Write-PodeHost ']' -ForegroundColor $flagsColor -Force:$Force
else {
# End line if no flags are present
# Add a footer divider if specified
if ($Divider -eq 'Footer') {
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $Force
Displays metrics for the Pode server in the console.
This function outputs various server metrics, such as uptime and restart counts,
to the Pode console with styled colors based on the Pode context. The function
ensures a visually clear representation of the metrics for quick monitoring.
This command displays the Pode server metrics in the console with the
appropriate headers, labels, and values styled using Pode-defined colors.
This function depends on the PodeContext and related server configurations
for retrieving metrics and console colors. Ensure that Pode is running and
configured correctly.
None. This function writes output directly to the console.
function Show-PodeConsoleMetric {
# Determine the color for the labels
$headerColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.MetricsHeader
$labelColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.MetricsLabel
$valueColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.MetricsValue
# Write a horizontal divider line to separate the header
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
# Write the metrics header with the current timestamp
Write-PodeHost "$($Podelocale.serverMetricsMessage) [$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')]" -ForegroundColor $headerColor
# Write another horizontal divider line for separation
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
# Display the total uptime
Write-PodeHost "$($Podelocale.totalUptimeMessage) " -ForegroundColor $labelColor -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost (Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Verbose -Total -ExcludeMilliseconds) -ForegroundColor $valueColor
# If the server restarted, display uptime since last restart
if ((Get-PodeServerRestartCount) -gt 0) {
Write-PodeHost "$($Podelocale.uptimeSinceLastRestartMessage) "-ForegroundColor $labelColor -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost (Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Verbose -ExcludeMilliseconds) -ForegroundColor $valueColor
# Display the total number of server restarts
Write-PodeHost "$($Podelocale.totalRestartMessage) " -ForegroundColor $labelColor -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost (Get-PodeServerRestartCount) -ForegroundColor $valueColor
Write-PodeHost 'Requests' -ForegroundColor $labelColor
Write-PodeHost ' Total : ' -ForegroundColor $labelColor -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost (Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric -CountType Total) -ForegroundColor $valueColor
Write-PodeHost ' Queued : ' -ForegroundColor $labelColor -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost (Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric -CountType Queued) -ForegroundColor $valueColor
Write-PodeHost ' Processing : ' -ForegroundColor $labelColor -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost (Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric -CountType Processing) -ForegroundColor $valueColor
Displays OpenAPI endpoint information for each definition in Pode.
The `Show-PodeConsoleOAInfo` function iterates through the OpenAPI definitions
configured in the Pode server and displays their associated specification and
documentation endpoints in the console. The information includes protocol, address,
and paths for specification and documentation endpoints.
Overrides the -Quiet flag of the server.
Specifies the position of the divider: 'Header' or 'Footer'.
Default is 'Footer'.
This command will output the OpenAPI information for all definitions currently
configured in the Pode server, including specification and documentation URLs.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Show-PodeConsoleOAInfo {
[ValidateSet('Header', 'Footer')]
$Divider = 'Footer'
# Default header initialization
$openAPIHeader = $false
# Determine the color for the labels
$headerColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiHeaders
$titleColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiTitles
$subtitleColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiSubtitles
$urlColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiUrls
# Iterate through OpenAPI definitions
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions.Keys) {
$bookmarks = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$key].hiddenComponents.bookmarks
if (!$bookmarks) {
# Print the header only once
# Write-PodeHost -Force:$Force
if (!$openAPIHeader) {
# Add a header divider if specified
if ($Divider -eq 'Header') {
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $Force
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.openApiInfoMessage -ForegroundColor $headerColor -Force:$Force
# Write a horizontal divider line to the console.
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
$openAPIHeader = $true
# Print definition title
Write-PodeHost " '$key':" -ForegroundColor $titleColor -Force:$Force
# Determine endpoints for specification and documentation
if ($bookmarks.route.count -gt 1 -or $bookmarks.route.Endpoint.Name) {
# Directly use $bookmarks.route.Endpoint
Write-PodeHost " $($PodeLocale.specificationMessage):" -ForegroundColor $subtitleColor -Force:$Force
foreach ($endpoint in $bookmarks.route.Endpoint) {
Write-PodeHost " . $($endpoint.Protocol)://$($endpoint.Address)$($bookmarks.openApiUrl)" -ForegroundColor $urlColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeHost " $($PodeLocale.documentationMessage):" -ForegroundColor $subtitleColor -Force:$Force
foreach ($endpoint in $bookmarks.route.Endpoint) {
Write-PodeHost " . $($endpoint.Protocol)://$($endpoint.Address)$($bookmarks.path)" -ForegroundColor $urlColor -Force:$Force
else {
# Use EndpointsInfo for fallback
Write-PodeHost " $($PodeLocale.specificationMessage):" -ForegroundColor $subtitleColor -Force:$Force
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Pool -eq 'web') {
$url = [System.Uri]::new([System.Uri]::new($_.Url), $bookmarks.openApiUrl)
Write-PodeHost " - $url" -ForegroundColor $urlColor -Force:$Force
Write-PodeHost " $($PodeLocale.documentationMessage):" -ForegroundColor $subtitleColor -Force:$Force
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Pool -eq 'web') {
$url = [System.Uri]::new([System.Uri]::new($_.Url), $bookmarks.path)
Write-PodeHost " - $url" -ForegroundColor $urlColor -Force:$Force
# Add a footer divider if specified and OpenAPI is defined
if ($openAPIHeader -and ($Divider -eq 'Footer')) {
# Write a horizontal divider line to the console.
Write-PodeHostDivider -Force $true
Clears any remaining keys in the console input buffer.
The `Clear-PodeKeyPressed` function checks if there are any keys remaining in the input buffer
and discards them, ensuring that no leftover key presses interfere with subsequent reads.
This example clears the buffer and then reads a new key without interference.
This function is useful when using `[Console]::ReadKey($true)` to prevent previous key presses
from affecting the input.
function Clear-PodeKeyPressed {
# Clear any remaining keys in the input buffer
while (![Console]::IsInputRedirected -and [Console]::KeyAvailable) {
$null = [Console]::ReadKey($true)
Tests if a specific key combination is pressed in the Pode console.
This function checks if a key press matches a specified character and modifier combination. It supports detecting Control key presses on all platforms and Shift key presses on Unix systems.
Optional. Specifies the key to test. If not provided, the function retrieves the key using `Get-PodeConsoleKey`.
.PARAMETER Character
Mandatory. Specifies the character to test against the key press.
Test-PodeKeyPressed -Character 'C'
Checks if the Control+C combination is pressed.
This function is intended for use in scenarios where Pode's console input is enabled.
function Test-PodeKeyPressed {
$Key = $null,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# If console input is disabled, return false
if (($null -eq $Key) -or $PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput) {
return $false
# Test the key press against the character and modifiers
return (($null -ne $Key) -and ($Key.Key -ieq $Character) -and
(($Key.Modifiers -band [ConsoleModifiers]::Control) -or ((Test-PodeIsUnix) -and ($Key.Modifiers -band [ConsoleModifiers]::Shift))))
Gets the next key press from the Pode console.
This function checks if a key is available in the console input buffer and retrieves it. If the console input is redirected or no key is available, the function returns `$null`.
Retrieves the next key press from the Pode console input buffer.
This function is useful for scenarios requiring real-time console key handling.
function Get-PodeConsoleKey {
try {
if ([Console]::IsInputRedirected -or ![Console]::KeyAvailable) {
return $null
return [Console]::ReadKey($true)
finally {
Processes console actions and cancellation token triggers for the Pode server using a centralized key mapping.
The `Invoke-PodeConsoleAction` function uses a hashtable to define and centralize key mappings,
allowing for easier updates and a cleaner implementation.
This function is part of Pode's internal utilities and may change in future releases.
Processes the next key press or cancellation token to execute the corresponding server action.
function Invoke-PodeConsoleAction {
# Retrieve the current state of the server (e.g., Running, Suspended).
$serverState = Get-PodeServerState
# Get the next key press if console input is enabled
$Key = Get-PodeConsoleKey
if ($null -ne $key) {
if ($key.Modifiers -ne 'Control') {
else {
Write-Verbose "The Console received CTRL+$($key.Key)"
# Centralized key mapping
$KeyBindings = $PodeContext.Server.Console.KeyBindings
# Browser action
if (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Browser) {
# Open the browser
# Toggle help display
elseif (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Help) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowHelp = !$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowHelp
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowHelp) {
Show-PodeConsoleHelp -Divider Footer
else {
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ShowTopSeparator
# Toggle OpenAPI display
elseif (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.OpenAPI) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI = !$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI) {
if (Test-PodeServerState -State Running) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI) {
# state what endpoints are being listened on
Show-PodeConsoleOAInfo -Force:$Force -Divider Footer
else {
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ShowTopSeparator
# Toggle endpoints display
elseif (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Endpoints) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints = !$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints) {
if (Test-PodeServerState -State Running) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints) {
# state what endpoints are being listened on
Show-PodeConsoleEndpointsInfo -Force:$Force -Divider Footer
else {
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ShowTopSeparator
# Clear console
elseif (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Clear) {
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ClearHost
# Toggle quiet mode
elseif (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Quiet) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet = !$PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ClearHost -Force
# Show metrics
elseif ((([Pode.PodeServerState]::Running, [Pode.PodeServerState]::Suspended) -contains $serverState ) -and (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Metrics)) {
# Handle restart actions
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Restart) {
if (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Restart) {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart
elseif (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart) {
if (! $PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableTermination) {
# Terminate server
if ( (Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Terminate)) {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate
elseif ((Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Disable)) {
# Handle enable/disable server actions
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Disable -and ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Running)) {
if (Test-PodeServerIsEnabled) {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Disable
else {
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Disable
Write-PodeConsoleHeader -DisableHttp
elseif ((Test-PodeKeyPressed -Key $Key -Character $KeyBindings.Suspend)) {
# Handle suspend/resume actions
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Suspend) {
if ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Suspended) {
elseif ($serverState -eq [Pode.PodeServerState]::Running) {
Retrieves the default console settings for Pode.
The `Get-PodeDefaultConsole` function returns a hashtable containing the default console configuration for Pode. This includes settings for termination, console input, output formatting, timestamps, and color themes, as well as key bindings for console navigation.
A hashtable representing the default console settings, including termination behavior, display options, colors, and key bindings.
$consoleSettings = Get-PodeDefaultConsole
Write-Output $consoleSettings
This example retrieves the default console settings and displays them.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeDefaultConsole {
# Refer to for ConsoleKey Enum
if ($Host.Name -eq 'Visual Studio Code Host' ) {
$KeyBindings = @{ # Define custom key bindings for controls.
Browser = [System.ConsoleKey]::B # Open the default browser.
Help = [System.ConsoleKey]::F2 # Show/hide help instructions.
OpenAPI = [System.ConsoleKey]::F3 # Show/hide OpenAPI information.
Endpoints = [System.ConsoleKey]::F4 # Show/hide endpoints.
Clear = [System.ConsoleKey]::L # Clear the console output.
Quiet = [System.ConsoleKey]::F12 # Toggle quiet mode.
Terminate = [System.ConsoleKey]::C # Terminate the server.
Restart = [System.ConsoleKey]::F6 # Restart the server.
Disable = [System.ConsoleKey]::F7 # Disable the server.
Suspend = [System.ConsoleKey]::F9 # Suspend the server.
Metrics = [System.ConsoleKey]::F10 # Show Metrics.
else {
$KeyBindings = @{ # Define custom key bindings for controls.
Browser = [System.ConsoleKey]::B # Open the default browser.
Help = [System.ConsoleKey]::H # Show/hide help instructions.
OpenAPI = [System.ConsoleKey]::O # Show/hide OpenAPI information.
Endpoints = [System.ConsoleKey]::E # Show/hide endpoints.
Clear = [System.ConsoleKey]::L # Clear the console output.
Quiet = [System.ConsoleKey]::Q # Toggle quiet mode.
Terminate = [System.ConsoleKey]::C # Terminate the server.
Restart = [System.ConsoleKey]::R # Restart the server.
Disable = [System.ConsoleKey]::D # Disable the server.
Suspend = [System.ConsoleKey]::P # Suspend the server.
Metrics = [System.ConsoleKey]::M # Show Metrics.
return @{
DisableTermination = $false # Prevent Ctrl+C from terminating the server.
DisableConsoleInput = $false # Disable all console input controls.
Quiet = $false # Suppress console output.
ClearHost = $false # Clear the console output at startup.
ShowOpenAPI = $true # Display OpenAPI information.
ShowEndpoints = $true # Display listening endpoints.
ShowHelp = $false # Show help instructions in the console.
ShowDivider = $true # Display dividers between sections.
DividerLength = 75 # Length of dividers in the console.
ShowTimeStamp = $true # Display timestamp in the header.
Colors = @{ # Customize console colors.
Header = [System.ConsoleColor]::White # The server's header section, including the Pode version and timestamp.
EndpointsHeader = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow # The header for the endpoints list.
Endpoints = [System.ConsoleColor]::Cyan # The endpoints URLs.
EndpointsProtocol = [System.ConsoleColor]::White # The endpoints protocol.
EndpointsFlag = [System.ConsoleColor]::Gray # The endpoints flags.
EndpointsName = [System.ConsoleColor]::Magenta # The endpoints Name.
OpenApiUrls = [System.ConsoleColor]::Cyan # URLs listed under the OpenAPI information section.
OpenApiHeaders = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow # Section headers for OpenAPI information.
OpenApiTitles = [System.ConsoleColor]::White # The OpenAPI "default" title.
OpenApiSubtitles = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow # Subtitles under OpenAPI (e.g., Specification, Documentation).
HelpHeader = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow # Header for the Help section.
HelpKey = [System.ConsoleColor]::Green # Key bindings listed in the Help section (e.g., Ctrl+c).
HelpDescription = [System.ConsoleColor]::White # Descriptions for each Help section key binding.
HelpDivider = [System.ConsoleColor]::Gray # Dividers used in the Help section.
Divider = [System.ConsoleColor]::DarkGray # Dividers between console sections.
MetricsHeader = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow # Header for the Metric section.
MetricsLabel = [System.ConsoleColor]::White # Labels for values displayed in the Metrics section.
MetricsValue = [System.ConsoleColor]::Green # The actual values displayed in the Metrics section.
KeyBindings = $KeyBindings
Writes a formatted header to the Pode console with server details and status.
The Write-PodeConsoleHeader function writes a customizable header line to the Pode console.
The header includes server details such as version, process ID (PID), and current status,
along with optional HTTP status information. It dynamically adjusts its output based on
the provided parameters and Pode context settings, including timestamp and colors.
The status message to display in the header (e.g., Running, Suspended).
.PARAMETER StatusColor
The color to use for the status message in the console.
Prevents the addition of a newline after the header output.
Forces the header to be written even if console restrictions are active.
.PARAMETER DisableHttp
Displays HTTP status in the header, indicating whether HTTP is enabled or disabled.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
It is used to format and display the header for the Pode server in the console.
function Write-PodeConsoleHeader {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Status')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Status')]
[string] $Status,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Status')]
[System.ConsoleColor] $StatusColor,
[switch] $NoNewLine,
[switch] $Force,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'DisableHttp')]
[switch] $DisableHttp
# Get the configured header color from Pode context.
$headerColor = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Colors.Header
# If DisableHttp is set, override the Status and StatusColor parameters.
if ($DisableHttp) {
$Status = $Podelocale.runningMessage
$StatusColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Green
# Generate a timestamp if enabled in the Pode context.
$timestamp = if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowTimeStamp) {
"[$([datetime]::Now.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))]"
else {
# Write the header with timestamp, Pode version, and status.
Write-PodeHost "`r$timestamp Pode $(Get-PodeVersion) (PID: $($PID)) [" -ForegroundColor $headerColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
Write-PodeHost "$Status" -ForegroundColor $StatusColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
if ($DisableHttp) {
# Append HTTP status to the header if DisableHttp is enabled.
Write-PodeHost '] - HTTP ' -ForegroundColor $headerColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Disable) {
Write-PodeHost 'Disabled' -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-PodeHost 'Enabled' -ForegroundColor Green
else {
# Close the header without HTTP status.
Write-PodeHost '] ' -ForegroundColor $headerColor -Force:$Force -NoNewLine:$NoNewLine
Sets override configurations for the Pode server console.
This function updates the Pode server's console configuration by applying override settings based on the specified parameters. These configurations include disabling termination, console input, enabling quiet mode, and more.
.PARAMETER DisableTermination
Sets an override to disable termination of the Pode server from the console.
.PARAMETER DisableConsoleInput
Sets an override to disable input from the console for the Pode server.
Sets an override to enable quiet mode, suppressing console output.
Sets an override to clear the host on startup.
Sets an override to hide the OpenAPI documentation display.
.PARAMETER HideEndpoints
Sets an override to hide the endpoints list display.
Sets an override to show help information in the console.
Sets an override to enable daemon mode, which combines quiet mode, disabled console input, and disabled termination.
This function is used to dynamically apply override settings for the Pode server console configuration.
function Set-PodeConsoleOverrideConfiguration {
param (
# Apply override settings
if ($DisableTermination.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableTermination = $true
if ($DisableConsoleInput.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput = $true
if ($Quiet.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet = $true
if ($ClearHost.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.ClearHost = $true
if ($HideOpenAPI.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI = $false
if ($HideEndpoints.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints = $false
if ($ShowHelp.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.ShowHelp = $true
if ($Daemon.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet = $true
$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput = $true
$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableTermination = $true
# Apply IIS-specific overrides
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableTermination = $true
$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput = $true
# If running under Azure Web App, enforce quiet mode
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:WEBSITE_IIS_SITE_NAME)) {
$PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet = $true
Launches the Pode endpoint URL in the default browser.
This function retrieves the URL of the Pode endpoint using Get-PodeEndpointUrl. If the URL is valid
and not null or whitespace, it triggers a browser event using Invoke-PodeEvent and opens the
URL in the system's default web browser using Start-Process.
This example retrieves the Pode endpoint URL and opens it in the default browser if available.
Ensure the Pode endpoint is correctly set up and running. This function relies on the Pode framework.
function Show-PodeConsoleEndpointUrl {
$url = Get-PodeEndpointUrl
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($url)) {
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Browser
Start-Process $url
Checks if the current PowerShell session supports console-like features.
This function determines if the current PowerShell session is running in a host
that typically indicates a console-like environment where `Ctrl+C` can interrupt.
On Windows, it validates the standard input and output handles.
On non-Windows systems, it checks against known supported hosts.
Returns `$true` if running in a console-like environment, `$false` otherwise.
# Returns `$true` if the session supports console-like behavior.
function Test-PodeHasConsole {
if (Test-PodeIsISEHost) {
return $true
if (@('ConsoleHost', 'Visual Studio Code Host') -contains $Host.Name) {
if (Test-PodeIsWindows) {
$handleTypeMap = @{
Input = -10
Output = -11
Error = -12
# On Windows, validate standard input and output handles
return ([Pode.NativeMethods]::IsHandleValid($handleTypeMap.Input) -and `
[Pode.NativeMethods]::IsHandleValid($handleTypeMap.Output) -and `
# On Linux or Mac
$handleTypeMap = @{
Input = 0
Output = 1
Error = 2
return ([Pode.NativeMethods]::IsTerminal($handleTypeMap.Input) -and `
[Pode.NativeMethods]::IsTerminal($handleTypeMap.Output) -and `
return $false
Determines if the current PowerShell session is running in the ConsoleHost.
This function checks if the session's host name matches 'ConsoleHost',
which typically represents a native terminal environment in PowerShell.
Returns `$true` if the current host is 'ConsoleHost', otherwise `$false`.
# Returns `$true` if running in ConsoleHost, `$false` otherwise.
function Test-PodeIsConsoleHost {
return $Host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost'
using namespace Pode
function New-PodeContext {
$Threads = 1,
$Interval = 0,
$Name = $null,
# set a random server name if one not supplied
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Name) {
$Name = Get-PodeRandomName
# are we running in a serverless context
$isServerless = ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ServerlessType)
# ensure threads are always >0, for to 1 if we're serverless
if (($Threads -le 0) -or $isServerless) {
$Threads = 1
# basic context object
$ctx = [PSCustomObject]@{
Threads = @{}
Timers = @{}
Schedules = @{}
Tasks = @{}
RunspacePools = $null
Runspaces = $null
RunspaceState = $null
Tokens = @{}
LogsToProcess = $null
Threading = @{}
Server = @{}
Metrics = @{}
Listeners = @()
Receivers = @()
Watchers = @()
Fim = @{}
# set the server name, logic and root, and other basic properties
$ctx.Server.Name = $Name
$ctx.Server.Logic = $ScriptBlock
$ctx.Server.LogicPath = $FilePath
$ctx.Server.Interval = $Interval
$ctx.Server.PodeModule = (Get-PodeModuleInfo)
$ctx.Server.Console = $Console
$ctx.Server.ComputerName = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostName()
# list of created listeners/receivers
$ctx.Listeners = @()
$ctx.Receivers = @()
$ctx.Watchers = @()
# default secret that can used when needed, and a secret isn't supplied
$ctx.Server.DefaultSecret = New-PodeGuid -Secure
# list of timers/schedules/tasks/fim
$ctx.Timers = @{
Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'timers')
Items = @{}
$ctx.Schedules = @{
Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'schedules')
Items = @{}
Processes = @{}
$ctx.Tasks = @{
Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'tasks')
Items = @{}
Processes = @{}
$ctx.Fim = @{
Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'files')
Items = @{}
# auto importing (modules, funcs, snap-ins)
$ctx.Server.AutoImport = Initialize-PodeAutoImportConfiguration
# basic logging setup
$ctx.Server.Logging = @{
Enabled = $true
Types = @{}
# set thread counts
$ctx.Threads = @{
General = $Threads
Schedules = 10
Files = 1
Tasks = 2
WebSockets = 2
Timers = 1
# set socket details for pode server
$ctx.Server.Sockets = @{
Ssl = @{
Protocols = Get-PodeDefaultSslProtocol
ReceiveTimeout = 100
$ctx.Server.Signals = @{
Enabled = $false
Listener = $null
$ctx.Server.Http = @{
Listener = $null
$ctx.Server.Sse = @{
Signed = $false
Secret = $null
Strict = $false
DefaultScope = 'Global'
BroadcastLevel = @{}
$ctx.Server.WebSockets = @{
Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'websockets')
Receiver = $null
Connections = @{}
# set default request config
$ctx.Server.Request = @{
Timeout = 30
BodySize = 100MB
# default Folders
$ctx.Server.DefaultFolders = @{
Views = 'views'
Public = 'public'
Errors = 'errors'
$ctx.Server.Debug = @{
Breakpoints = @{
Enabled = $false
$ctx.Server.AllowedActions = @{
Suspend = $true
Restart = $true
Disable = $true
DisableSettings = @{
RetryAfter = 3600
LimitRuleName = '__Pode_Disable_Code_503__'
Timeout = @{
Suspend = 30
Resume = 30
# Load the server configuration based on the provided parameters.
# If $IgnoreServerConfig is set, an empty configuration (@{}) is assigned; otherwise, the configuration is loaded using Open-PodeConfiguration.
$ctx.Server.Configuration = if ($IgnoreServerConfig) { @{} }
else {
Open-PodeConfiguration -ServerRoot $ServerRoot -Context $ctx -ConfigFile $ConfigFile
# Set the 'Enabled' property of the server configuration.
# This is based on whether $IgnoreServerConfig is explicitly present (false if present, true otherwise).
$ctx.Server.Configuration.Enabled = ! $IgnoreServerConfig.IsPresent
# Assign the specified configuration file path (if any) to the 'ConfigFile' property of the server configuration.
# This allows tracking which configuration file was used, even if overridden.
$ctx.Server.Configuration.ConfigFile = $ConfigFile
# over status page exceptions
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $StatusPageExceptions)) {
if ($null -eq $ctx.Server.Web) {
$ctx.Server.Web = @{ ErrorPages = @{} }
$ctx.Server.Web.ErrorPages.ShowExceptions = ($StatusPageExceptions -eq 'show')
# configure the server's root path
$ctx.Server.Root = $ServerRoot
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ctx.Server.Configuration.Server.Root)) {
$ctx.Server.Root = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $ctx.Server.Configuration.Server.Root -RootPath $ctx.Server.Root -JoinRoot -Resolve -TestPath
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ctx.Server.Root) {
$ctx.Server.Root = $PWD.Path
# debugging
if ($EnableBreakpoints) {
$ctx.Server.Debug.Breakpoints.Enabled = $EnableBreakpoints.IsPresent
# set the server's listener type
$ctx.Server.ListenerType = $ListenerType
# set serverless info
$ctx.Server.ServerlessType = $ServerlessType
$ctx.Server.IsServerless = $isServerless
if ($isServerless) {
$ctx.Server.Console.DisableTermination = $true
# set the server types
$ctx.Server.IsService = ($Interval -gt 0)
$ctx.Server.Types = @()
# is the server running under IIS? (also, disable termination)
$ctx.Server.IsIIS = (!$isServerless -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:ASPNETCORE_PORT)) -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:ASPNETCORE_TOKEN)))
if ($ctx.Server.IsIIS) {
# set iis token/settings
$ctx.Server.IIS = @{
Path = @{
Raw = '/'
Pattern = '^/'
IsNonRoot = $false
Shutdown = $false
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH) -and ($env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH -ne '/')) {
$ctx.Server.IIS.Path.Raw = $env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH
$ctx.Server.IIS.Path.Pattern = "^$($env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH)"
$ctx.Server.IIS.Path.IsNonRoot = $true
# is the server running under Heroku?
$ctx.Server.IsHeroku = (!$isServerless -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:PORT)) -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:DYNO)))
# Check if the current session is running in a console-like environment
if (Test-PodeHasConsole) {
try {
if (! (Test-PodeIsISEHost)) {
# If the session is not configured for quiet mode, modify console behavior
if (!$ctx.Server.Console.Quiet) {
# Hide the cursor to improve the console appearance
[System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false
# If the divider line should be shown, configure UTF-8 output encoding
if ($ctx.Server.Console.ShowDivider) {
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
if (Test-PodeIsConsoleHost) {
# Treat Ctrl+C as input instead of terminating the process
[Console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
# Console support is partial , configure the context for non-console behavior
$ctx.Server.Console.DisableTermination = $true # Prevent termination
$ctx.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput = $true # Disable console input
$ctx.Server.Console.Quiet = $true # Silence the console
$ctx.Server.Console.ShowDivider = $false # Disable divider display
else {
# If not running in a console-like environment, configure the context for non-console behavior
$ctx.Server.Console.DisableTermination = $true # Prevent termination
$ctx.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput = $true # Disable console input
$ctx.Server.Console.Quiet = $true # Silence the console
$ctx.Server.Console.ShowDivider = $false # Disable divider display
# set the IP address details
$ctx.Server.Endpoints = @{}
$ctx.Server.EndpointsMap = @{}
# general encoding for the server
$ctx.Server.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()
# setup gui details
$ctx.Server.Gui = @{}
# shared temp drives
$ctx.Server.Drives = @{}
$ctx.Server.InbuiltDrives = @{}
# shared state between runspaces
$ctx.Server.State = @{}
# setup caching
$ctx.Server.Cache = @{
Items = @{}
Storage = @{}
DefaultStorage = $null
DefaultTtl = 3600 # 1hr
# output details, like variables, to be set once the server stops
$ctx.Server.Output = @{
Variables = @{}
# view engine for rendering pages
$ctx.Server.ViewEngine = @{
Type = 'html'
Extension = 'html'
ScriptBlock = $null
UsingVariables = $null
IsDynamic = $false
# pode default preferences
$ctx.Server.Preferences = @{
Routes = @{
IfExists = $null
# routes for pages and api
$ctx.Server.Routes = [ordered]@{
# common methods
'get' = [ordered]@{}
'post' = [ordered]@{}
'put' = [ordered]@{}
'patch' = [ordered]@{}
'delete' = [ordered]@{}
# other methods
'connect' = [ordered]@{}
'head' = [ordered]@{}
'merge' = [ordered]@{}
'options' = [ordered]@{}
'trace' = [ordered]@{}
'static' = [ordered]@{}
'signal' = [ordered]@{}
'*' = [ordered]@{}
# verbs for tcp
$ctx.Server.Verbs = @{}
# secrets
$ctx.Server.Secrets = @{
Vaults = @{}
Keys = @{}
# custom view paths
$ctx.Server.Views = @{}
# handlers for tcp
$ctx.Server.Handlers = @{
smtp = @{}
service = @{}
# setup basic access placeholders
$ctx.Server.Access = @{
Allow = @{}
Deny = @{}
# setup basic limit rules
$ctx.Server.Limits = @{
Rate = @{
Rules = [ordered]@{}
RuleOrder = @()
RulesAltered = $false
Access = @{
Rules = [ordered]@{}
RuleOrder = @()
RulesAltered = $false
HaveAllowRule = $false
# cookies and session logic
$ctx.Server.Cookies = @{
Csrf = @{}
Secrets = @{}
# sessions
$ctx.Server.Sessions = @{}
#OpenApi Definition Tag
$ctx.Server.OpenAPI = Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable -DefaultDefinitionTag $ctx.Server.Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag
# server metrics
$ctx.Metrics = @{
Server = @{
InitialLoadTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
StartTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
RestartCount = 0
Requests = @{
Total = 0
StatusCodes = @{}
Signals = @{
Total = 0
# authentication and authorisation methods
$ctx.Server.Authentications = @{
Methods = @{}
$ctx.Server.Authorisations = @{
Methods = @{}
# create new cancellation tokens
$ctx.Tokens = Initialize-PodeCancellationToken
# requests that should be logged
$ctx.LogsToProcess = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# middleware that needs to run
$ctx.Server.Middleware = @()
$ctx.Server.BodyParsers = @{}
# common support values
$ctx.Server.Compression = @{
Encodings = @('gzip', 'deflate', 'x-gzip')
# endware that needs to run
$ctx.Server.Endware = @()
# runspace pools
$ctx.RunspacePools = @{
Main = $null
Web = $null
Smtp = $null
Tcp = $null
Signals = $null
Schedules = $null
Gui = $null
Tasks = $null
Files = $null
Timers = $null
# threading locks, etc.
$ctx.Threading.Lockables = @{
Global = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
Cache = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
Custom = @{}
$ctx.Threading.Mutexes = @{}
$ctx.Threading.Semaphores = @{}
# setup runspaces
$ctx.Runspaces = @()
# setup events
$ctx.Server.Events = @{
Start = [ordered]@{}
Terminate = [ordered]@{}
Restart = [ordered]@{}
Browser = [ordered]@{}
Crash = [ordered]@{}
Stop = [ordered]@{}
Running = [ordered]@{}
# modules
$ctx.Server.Modules = [ordered]@{}
# setup security
$ctx.Server.Security = @{
ServerDetails = $true
Headers = @{}
Cache = @{
ContentSecurity = @{}
PermissionsPolicy = @{}
# scoped variables
$ctx.Server.ScopedVariables = [ordered]@{}
# an internal cache for adhoc values, such as module importing checks
$ctx.Server.InternalCache = @{
YamlModuleImported = $null
# return the new context
return $ctx
function New-PodeRunspaceState {
# create the state, and add the pode modules
$state = [initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
# load the vars into the share state
$session = New-PodeStateContext -Context $PodeContext
$variables = @(
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('PodeLocale', $PodeLocale, $null),
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('PodeContext', $session, $null),
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('Console', $Host, $null),
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('PODE_SCOPE_RUNSPACE', $true, $null)
foreach ($var in $variables) {
$PodeContext.RunspaceState = $state
Creates and initializes runspace pools for various Pode components.
This function sets up runspace pools for different Pode components, such as timers, schedules, web endpoints, web sockets, SMTP, TCP, and more. It dynamically adjusts the thread counts based on the presence of specific components and their configuration.
Initializes and configures runspace pools for various Pode components.
function New-PodeRunspacePool {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
# setup main runspace pool
$threadsCounts = @{
Default = 3
Log = 1
Schedule = 1
Misc = 1
if (!(Test-PodeSchedulesExist)) {
$threadsCounts.Schedule = 0
if (!(Test-PodeLoggersExist)) {
$threadsCounts.Log = 0
# main runspace - for timers, schedules, etc
$totalThreadCount = ($threadsCounts.Values | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Main = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $totalThreadCount, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# web runspace - if we have any http/s endpoints
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Http) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Web = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 1), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# smtp runspace - if we have any smtp endpoints
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Smtp) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Smtp = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 1), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# tcp runspace - if we have any tcp endpoints
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Tcp) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Tcp = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 1), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# signals runspace - if we have any ws/s endpoints
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Ws) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Signals = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 2), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# web socket connections runspace - for receiving data for external sockets
if (Test-PodeWebSocketsExist) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.WebSockets + 1, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# setup timer runspace pool -if we have any timers
if (Test-PodeTimersExist) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Timers = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.Timers, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# setup schedule runspace pool -if we have any schedules
if (Test-PodeSchedulesExist) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Schedules = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.Schedules, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# setup tasks runspace pool -if we have any tasks
if (Test-PodeTasksExist) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Tasks = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.Tasks, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# setup files runspace pool -if we have any file watchers
if (Test-PodeFileWatchersExist) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Files = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.Files + 1, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
# setup gui runspace pool (only for non-ps-core) - if gui enabled
if (Test-PodeGuiEnabled) {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Gui = @{
Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 1, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
State = 'Waiting'
LastId = 0
$PodeContext.RunspacePools.Gui.Pool.ApartmentState = 'STA'
Opens and initializes runspace pools for various Pode components.
This function opens and initializes runspace pools for different Pode components, such as timers, schedules, web endpoints, web sockets, SMTP, TCP, and more. It asynchronously opens the pools and waits for them to be in the 'Opened' state. If any pool fails to open, it reports an error.
Opens and initializes runspace pools for various Pode components.
function Open-PodeRunspacePool {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
$start = [datetime]::Now
Write-Verbose 'Opening RunspacePools'
# open pools async
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) {
$item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key]
if ($null -eq $item) {
$item.Pool.ThreadOptions = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSThreadOptions]::ReuseThread
$item.Pool.CleanupInterval = [timespan]::FromMinutes(5)
$item.Result = $item.Pool.BeginOpen($null, $null)
# wait for them all to open
$queue = @($PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys)
while ($queue.Length -gt 0) {
foreach ($key in $queue) {
$item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key]
if ($null -eq $item) {
$queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key })
if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -iin @('Opened', 'Broken')) {
$queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key })
Write-Verbose "RunspacePool for $($key): $($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State) [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]"
if ($queue.Length -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# report errors for failed pools
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) {
$item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key]
if ($null -eq $item) {
if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -ieq 'broken') {
$item.Pool.EndOpen($item.Result) | Out-Default
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToOpenRunspacePoolExceptionMessage -f $key) #"Failed to open RunspacePool: $($key)"
Write-Verbose "RunspacePools opened [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]"
Closes and disposes runspace pools for various Pode components.
This function closes and disposes runspace pools for different Pode components, such as timers, schedules, web endpoints, web sockets, SMTP, TCP, and more. It asynchronously closes the pools and waits for them to be in the 'Closed' state. If any pool fails to close, it reports an error.
Closes and disposes runspace pools for various Pode components.
function Close-PodeRunspacePool {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless -or ($null -eq $PodeContext.RunspacePools)) {
$start = [datetime]::Now
Write-Verbose 'Closing RunspacePools'
# close pools async
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) {
$item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key]
if (($null -eq $item) -or ($item.Pool.IsDisposed)) {
$item.Result = $item.Pool.BeginClose($null, $null)
# wait for them all to close
$queue = @($PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys)
while ($queue.Length -gt 0) {
foreach ($key in $queue) {
$item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key]
if ($null -eq $item) {
$queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key })
if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -iin @('Closed', 'Broken')) {
$queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key })
Write-Verbose "RunspacePool for $($key): $($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State) [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]"
if ($queue.Length -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# report errors for failed pools
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) {
$item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key]
if ($null -eq $item) {
if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -ieq 'broken') {
$item.Pool.EndClose($item.Result) | Out-Default
# Failed to close RunspacePool
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToCloseRunspacePoolExceptionMessage -f $key)
# dispose pools
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) {
$item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key]
if (($null -eq $item) -or ($item.Pool.IsDisposed)) {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $item.Pool
Write-Verbose "RunspacePools closed [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]"
function New-PodeStateContext {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Threads = $Context.Threads
Timers = $Context.Timers
Schedules = $Context.Schedules
Tasks = $Context.Tasks
Fim = $Context.Fim
RunspacePools = $Context.RunspacePools
Tokens = $Context.Tokens
Metrics = $Context.Metrics
LogsToProcess = $Context.LogsToProcess
Threading = $Context.Threading
Server = $Context.Server
Opens and processes the Pode server configuration.
This function handles loading the Pode server configuration file. It supports custom configurations specified by environment variables,
a provided file path, or falls back to the default `server.psd1` file. The function sets the configuration for both the server and web contexts.
Specifies the root directory of the server. Defaults to `$null` if not provided.
Specifies the context to set configurations for Pode server and web.
Allows specifying a custom configuration file path. If provided, it overrides any other configuration file.
Hashtable representing the loaded configuration.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Open-PodeConfiguration {
$ServerRoot = $null,
# Initialize an empty configuration hashtable
$config = @{}
# Set the path to the default root configuration file
$configPath = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder '.' -FilePath 'server.psd1' -Root $ServerRoot)
# Check for an environment-specific configuration file if the environment variable is set
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:PODE_ENVIRONMENT)) {
$_path = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder '.' -FilePath "server.$($env:PODE_ENVIRONMENT).psd1" -Root $ServerRoot)
if (Test-PodePath -Path $_path -NoStatus) {
$configPath = $_path
# Override the configuration path if a valid ConfigFile parameter is provided
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ConfigFile))) {
#-and (Test-Path -Path $ConfigFile -PathType Leaf)) {
$configPath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $ConfigFile -JoinRoot -Resolve -RootPath $ServerRoot -TestPath
# check the path exists, and load the config
if (Test-PodePath -Path $configPath -NoStatus) {
# Import the configuration from the file
$config = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $configPath -ErrorAction Stop
# Set the server and web configurations in the provided context
Set-PodeServerConfiguration -Configuration $config.Server -Context $Context
Set-PodeWebConfiguration -Configuration $config.Web -Context $Context
# Return the loaded configuration
return $config
function Set-PodeServerConfiguration {
# file monitoring
$Context.Server.FileMonitor = @{
Enabled = [bool]$Configuration.FileMonitor.Enable
Exclude = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.FileMonitor.Exclude))
Include = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.FileMonitor.Include))
ShowFiles = [bool]$Configuration.FileMonitor.ShowFiles
Files = @()
# logging
$Context.Server.Logging = @{
Enabled = (($null -eq $Configuration.Logging.Enable) -or [bool]$Configuration.Logging.Enable)
Masking = @{
Patterns = (Remove-PodeEmptyItemsFromArray -Array @($Configuration.Logging.Masking.Patterns))
Mask = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Logging.Masking.Mask -Default '********')
Types = @{}
# sockets
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Configuration.Ssl.Protocols)) {
$Context.Server.Sockets.Ssl.Protocols = (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocol -Protocol $Configuration.Ssl.Protocols)
if ([int]$Configuration.ReceiveTimeout -gt 0) {
$Context.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.ReceiveTimeout $Context.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout)
# auto-import
$Context.Server.AutoImport = Read-PodeAutoImportConfiguration -Configuration $Configuration
# request
if ([int]$Configuration.Request.Timeout -gt 0) {
$Context.Server.Request.Timeout = [int]$Configuration.Request.Timeout
if ([long]$Configuration.Request.BodySize -gt 0) {
$Context.Server.Request.BodySize = [long]$Configuration.Request.BodySize
# default folders
if ($Configuration.DefaultFolders) {
if ($Configuration.DefaultFolders.Public) {
$Context.Server.DefaultFolders.Public = $Configuration.DefaultFolders.Public
if ($Configuration.DefaultFolders.Views) {
$Context.Server.DefaultFolders.Views = $Configuration.DefaultFolders.Views
if ($Configuration.DefaultFolders.Errors) {
$Context.Server.DefaultFolders.Errors = $Configuration.DefaultFolders.Errors
# debug
$Context.Server.Debug = @{
Breakpoints = @{
Enabled = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Debug.Breakpoints.Enable -Default $Context.Server.Debug.Breakpoints.Enable)
$Context.Server.AllowedActions = @{
Suspend = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.AllowedActions.Suspend -Default $Context.Server.AllowedActions.Suspend)
Restart = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.AllowedActions.Restart -Default $Context.Server.AllowedActions.Restart)
Disable = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.AllowedActions.Disable -Default $Context.Server.AllowedActions.Disable)
DisableSettings = @{
RetryAfter = [int](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.RetryAfter -Default $Context.Server.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.RetryAfter)
LimitRuleName = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.LimitRuleName -Default $Context.Server.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.LimitRuleName)
Timeout = @{
Suspend = [int](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.AllowedActions.Timeout.Suspend -Default $Context.Server.AllowedActions.Timeout.Suspend)
Resume = [int](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.AllowedActions.Timeout.Resume -Default $Context.Server.AllowedActions.Timeout.Resume)
$Context.Server.Console = @{
DisableTermination = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.DisableTermination -Default $Context.Server.Console.DisableTermination)
DisableConsoleInput = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.DisableConsoleInput -Default $Context.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput)
Quiet = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Quiet -Default $Context.Server.Console.Quiet)
ClearHost = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.ClearHost -Default $Context.Server.Console.ClearHost)
ShowOpenAPI = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.ShowOpenAPI -Default $Context.Server.Console.ShowOpenAPI)
ShowEndpoints = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.ShowEndpoints -Default $Context.Server.Console.ShowEndpoints)
ShowHelp = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.ShowHelp -Default $Context.Server.Console.ShowHelp)
ShowDivider = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.ShowDivider -Default $Context.Server.Console.ShowDivider)
ShowTimeStamp = [bool](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.ShowTimeStamp -Default $Context.Server.Console.ShowTimeStamp)
DividerLength = [int](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.DividerLength -Default $Context.Server.Console.DividerLength)
Colors = @{
Header = Protect-PodeValue $Configuration.Console.Colors.Header -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.Header -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
EndpointsHeader = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.EndpointsHeader -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsHeader -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
Endpoints = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.Endpoints -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.Endpoints -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
EndpointsProtocol = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.EndpointsProtocol -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsProtocol -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
EndpointsFlag = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.EndpointsFlag -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsFlag -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
EndpointsName = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.EndpointsName -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.EndpointsName -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
OpenApiUrls = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.OpenApiUrls -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiUrls -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
OpenApiHeaders = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.OpenApiHeaders -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiHeaders -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
OpenApiTitles = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.OpenApiTitles -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiTitles -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
OpenApiSubtitles = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.OpenApiSubtitles -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.OpenApiSubtitles -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
HelpHeader = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.HelpHeader -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.HelpHeader -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
HelpKey = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.HelpKey -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.HelpKey -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
HelpDescription = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.HelpDescription -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.HelpDescription -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
HelpDivider = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.HelpDivider -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.HelpDivider -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
Divider = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.Divider -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.Divider -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
MetricsHeader = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.MetricsHeader -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.MetricsHeader -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
MetricsLabel = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.MetricsLabel -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.MetricsLabel -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
MetricsValue = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.Colors.MetricsValue -Default $Context.Server.Console.Colors.MetricsValue -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
KeyBindings = @{
Browser = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Browser -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Browser -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Help = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Help -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Help -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
OpenAPI = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.OpenAPI -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.OpenAPI -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Endpoints = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Endpoints -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Endpoints -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Clear = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Clear -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Clear -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Quiet = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Quiet -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Quiet -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Terminate = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Terminate -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Terminate -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Restart = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Restart -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Restart -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Disable = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Disable -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Disable -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Suspend = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Suspend -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Suspend -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
Metrics = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Console.KeyBindings.Metrics -Default $Context.Server.Console.KeyBindings.Metrics -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleKey])
function Set-PodeWebConfiguration {
# setup the main web config
$Context.Server.Web = @{
Static = @{
Defaults = $Configuration.Static.Defaults
RedirectToDefault = [bool]$Configuration.Static.RedirectToDefault
Cache = @{
Enabled = [bool]$Configuration.Static.Cache.Enable
MaxAge = [int](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Static.Cache.MaxAge -Default 3600)
Include = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.Static.Cache.Include) -NotSlashes)
Exclude = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.Static.Cache.Exclude) -NotSlashes)
ValidateLast = [bool]$Configuration.Static.ValidateLast
ErrorPages = @{
ShowExceptions = [bool]$Configuration.ErrorPages.ShowExceptions
StrictContentTyping = [bool]$Configuration.ErrorPages.StrictContentTyping
Default = $Configuration.ErrorPages.Default
Routes = @{}
ContentType = @{
Default = $Configuration.ContentType.Default
Routes = @{}
TransferEncoding = @{
Default = $Configuration.TransferEncoding.Default
Routes = @{}
Compression = @{
Enabled = [bool]$Configuration.Compression.Enable
OpenApi = @{
DefaultDefinitionTag = [string](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag -Default 'default')
if ($Configuration.OpenApi -and $Configuration.OpenApi.ContainsKey('UsePodeYamlInternal')) {
$Context.Server.Web.OpenApi.UsePodeYamlInternal = $Configuration.OpenApi.UsePodeYamlInternal
# setup content type route patterns for forced content types
$Configuration.ContentType.Routes.Keys | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | ForEach-Object {
$_type = $Configuration.ContentType.Routes[$_]
$_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_ -NotSlashes)
$Context.Server.Web.ContentType.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type
# setup transfer encoding route patterns for forced transfer encodings
$Configuration.TransferEncoding.Routes.Keys | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | ForEach-Object {
$_type = $Configuration.TransferEncoding.Routes[$_]
$_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_ -NotSlashes)
$Context.Server.Web.TransferEncoding.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type
# setup content type route patterns for error pages
$Configuration.ErrorPages.Routes.Keys | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | ForEach-Object {
$_type = $Configuration.ErrorPages.Routes[$_]
$_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_ -NotSlashes)
$Context.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type
function New-PodeAutoRestartServer {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull', '')]
# don't configure if not supplied, or running as serverless
$config = (Get-PodeConfig)
if (($null -eq $config) -or ($null -eq $config.Server.Restart) -or $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
$restart = $config.Server.Restart
# period - setup a timer
$period = [int]$restart.period
if ($period -gt 0) {
Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_restart_period__' -Interval ($period * 60) -ScriptBlock {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart
# times - convert into cron expressions
$times = @(@($restart.times) -ne $null)
if (($times | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
$crons = @()
@($times) | ForEach-Object {
$atoms = $_ -split '\:'
$crons += "$([int]$atoms[1]) $([int]$atoms[0]) * * *"
Add-PodeSchedule -Name '__pode_restart_times__' -Cron @($crons) -ScriptBlock {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart
# crons - setup schedules
$crons = @(@($restart.crons) -ne $null)
if (($crons | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
Add-PodeSchedule -Name '__pode_restart_crons__' -Cron @($crons) -ScriptBlock {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart
Sets global output variables based on the Pode server context.
This function sets global output variables based on the Pode server context. It retrieves output variables from the server context and assigns them as global variables. These output variables can be accessed and used in other parts of your code.
Sets global output variables based on the Pode server context.
function Set-PodeOutputVariable {
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables) {
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables.Keys) {
try {
Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables[$key] -Force -Scope Global
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
Provides a list of cron expression fields.
This function returns an array of strings representing the different fields in a cron expression. These fields include 'Minute', 'Hour', 'DayOfMonth', 'Month', and 'DayOfWeek'.
Returns an array of strings representing cron expression fields.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeCronField {
return [string[]]@(
Provides constraints and information for cron expression fields.
This function returns a hashtable containing constraints and information for various cron expression fields. It includes details such as valid ranges for minutes, hours, days of the month, months, and days of the week.
Returns a hashtable with constraints and information for cron expression fields.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeCronFieldConstraint {
return @{
MinMax = @(
@(0, 59),
@(0, 23),
@(1, 31),
@(1, 12),
@(0, 6)
DaysInMonths = @(
31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
Months = @(
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
function Get-PodeCronPredefined {
return @{
# normal
'@minutely' = '* * * * *'
'@hourly' = '0 * * * *'
'@daily' = '0 0 * * *'
'@weekly' = '0 0 * * 0'
'@monthly' = '0 0 1 * *'
'@quarterly' = '0 0 1 1,4,7,10 *'
'@yearly' = '0 0 1 1 *'
'@annually' = '0 0 1 1 *'
# twice
'@twice-hourly' = '0,30 * * * *'
'@twice-daily' = '0 0,12 * * *'
'@twice-weekly' = '0 0 * * 0,4'
'@twice-monthly' = '0 0 1,15 * *'
'@twice-yearly' = '0 0 1 1,6 *'
'@twice-annually' = '0 0 1 1,6 *'
Provides aliases for cron expression fields.
This function returns a hashtable containing aliases for cron expression fields. It includes mappings for month abbreviations (e.g., 'Jan' to 1) and day of the week abbreviations (e.g., 'Sun' to 0).
Returns a hashtable with aliases for cron expression fields.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeCronFieldAlias {
return @{
Month = @{
Jan = 1
Feb = 2
Mar = 3
Apr = 4
May = 5
Jun = 6
Jul = 7
Aug = 8
Sep = 9
Oct = 10
Nov = 11
Dec = 12
DayOfWeek = @{
Sun = 0
Mon = 1
Tue = 2
Wed = 3
Thu = 4
Fri = 5
Sat = 6
Converts a Pode-style cron expression into a hashtable representation.
This function takes an array of Pode-style cron expressions and converts them into a hashtable format. Each hashtable represents a cron expression with its individual components.
.PARAMETER Expression
An array of Pode-style cron expressions to convert.
A hashtable representing the cron expression with the following keys:
- 'Minute'
- 'Hour'
- 'DayOfMonth'
- 'Month'
- 'DayOfWeek'
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertFrom-PodeCronExpression {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$cronList = @()
foreach ($item in $Expression) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item)) {
$item = $item.Trim()
# check predefineds
$predef = Get-PodeCronPredefined
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $predef[$item])) {
$item = $predef[$item]
# split and check atoms length
$atoms = @($item -isplit '\s+')
if ($atoms.Length -ne 5) {
# Cron expression should only consist of 5 parts
throw ($PodeLocale.cronExpressionInvalidExceptionMessage -f $Expression)
# basic variables
$aliasRgx = '(?<tag>[a-z]{3})'
# get cron obj and validate atoms
$fields = Get-PodeCronField
$constraints = Get-PodeCronFieldConstraint
$aliases = Get-PodeCronFieldAlias
$cron = @{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $atoms.Length; $i++) {
$_cronExp = @{
Range = $null
Values = $null
Constraints = $null
Random = $false
WildCard = $false
$_atom = $atoms[$i]
$_field = $fields[$i]
$_constraint = $constraints.MinMax[$i]
$_aliases = $aliases[$_field]
# replace day of week and months with numbers
if (@('month', 'dayofweek') -icontains $_field) {
while ($_atom -imatch $aliasRgx) {
$_alias = $_aliases[$Matches['tag']]
if ($null -eq $_alias) {
# Invalid $($_field) alias found: $($Matches['tag'])
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidAliasFoundExceptionMessage -f $_field, $Matches['tag'])
$_atom = $_atom -ireplace $Matches['tag'], $_alias
$null = $_atom -imatch $aliasRgx
# ensure atom is a valid value
if (!($_atom -imatch '^[\d|/|*|\-|,r]+$')) {
# Invalid atom character
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidAtomCharacterExceptionMessage -f $_atom)
# replace * with min/max constraint
if ($_atom -ieq '*') {
$_cronExp.WildCard = $true
$_atom = ($_constraint -join '-')
# parse the atom for either a literal, range, array, or interval
# literal
if ($_atom -imatch '^(\d+|r)$') {
# check if it's random
if ($_atom -ieq 'r') {
$_cronExp.Values = @(Get-Random -Minimum $_constraint[0] -Maximum ($_constraint[1] + 1))
$_cronExp.Random = $true
else {
$_cronExp.Values = @([int]$_atom)
# range
elseif ($_atom -imatch '^(?<min>\d+)\-(?<max>\d+)$') {
$_cronExp.Range = @{ 'Min' = [int]($Matches['min'].Trim()); 'Max' = [int]($Matches['max'].Trim()); }
# array
elseif ($_atom -imatch '^[\d,]+$') {
$_cronExp.Values = [int[]](@($_atom -split ',').Trim())
# interval
elseif ($_atom -imatch '(?<start>(\d+|\*))\/(?<interval>(\d+|r))$') {
$start = $Matches['start']
$interval = $Matches['interval']
if ($interval -ieq '0') {
$interval = '1'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($start) -or ($start -ieq '*')) {
$start = '0'
# set the initial trigger value
$_cronExp.Values = @([int]$start)
# check if it's random
if ($interval -ieq 'r') {
$_cronExp.Random = $true
else {
# loop to get all next values
$next = [int]$start + [int]$interval
while ($next -le $_constraint[1]) {
$_cronExp.Values += $next
$next += [int]$interval
# error
else {
# Invalid cron atom format found
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidCronAtomFormatExceptionMessage -f $_atom)
# ensure cron expression values are valid
if ($null -ne $_cronExp.Range) {
if ($_cronExp.Range.Min -gt $_cronExp.Range.Max) {
# Min value should not be greater than the max value
throw ($PodeLocale.minValueGreaterThanMaxExceptionMessage -f $_field)
if ($_cronExp.Range.Min -lt $_constraint[0]) {
# Min value for $($_field) is invalid, should be greater than/equal
throw ($PodeLocale.minValueInvalidExceptionMessage -f $_cronExp.Range.Min, $_field, $_constraint[0])
if ($_cronExp.Range.Max -gt $_constraint[1]) {
# Max value for $($_field) is invalid, should be greater than/equal
throw ($PodeLocale.maxValueInvalidExceptionMessage -f $_cronExp.Range.Max, $_field, $_constraint[1])
if ($null -ne $_cronExp.Values) {
$_cronExp.Values | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -lt $_constraint[0] -or $_ -gt $_constraint[1]) {
# Value is invalid, should be between
throw ($PodeLocale.valueOutOfRangeExceptionMessage -f $value, $_field, $_constraint[0], $_constraint[1])
# assign value
$_cronExp.Constraints = $_constraint
$cron[$_field] = $_cronExp
# post validation for month/days in month
if (($null -ne $cron['Month'].Values) -and ($null -ne $cron['DayOfMonth'].Values)) {
foreach ($mon in $cron['Month'].Values) {
foreach ($day in $cron['DayOfMonth'].Values) {
if ($day -gt $constraints.DaysInMonths[$mon - 1]) {
# $($constraints.Months[$mon - 1]) only has $($constraints.DaysInMonths[$mon - 1]) days, but $($day) was supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.daysInMonthExceededExceptionMessage -f $constraints.Months[$mon - 1], $constraints.DaysInMonths[$mon - 1], $day)
# flag if this cron contains a random atom
$cron['Random'] = (($cron.Values | Where-Object { $_.Random } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
# add the cron to the list
$cronList += $cron
# return the cronlist
return $cronList
function Reset-PodeRandomCronExpressions {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return @(@($Expressions) | ForEach-Object {
Reset-PodeRandomCronExpression -Expression $_
function Reset-PodeRandomCronExpression {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
function Reset-Atom($Atom) {
if (!$Atom.Random) {
return $Atom
if ($Atom.Random) {
$Atom.Values = @(Get-Random -Minimum $Atom.Constraints[0] -Maximum ($Atom.Constraints[1] + 1))
return $Atom
if (!$Expression.Random) {
return $Expression
$Expression.Minute = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.Minute)
$Expression.Hour = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.Hour)
$Expression.DayOfMonth = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.DayOfMonth)
$Expression.Month = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.Month)
$Expression.DayOfWeek = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.DayOfWeek)
return $Expression
function Test-PodeCronExpressions {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$DateTime = $null
return ((@($Expressions) | Where-Object {
Test-PodeCronExpression -Expression $_ -DateTime $DateTime
} | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
function Test-PodeCronExpression {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$DateTime = $null
function Test-RangeAndValue($AtomContraint, $NowValue) {
if ($null -ne $AtomContraint.Range) {
return (!(($NowValue -lt $AtomContraint.Range.Min) -or ($NowValue -gt $AtomContraint.Range.Max)))
return ($AtomContraint.Values -icontains $NowValue)
# current time
if ($null -eq $DateTime) {
$DateTime = [datetime]::Now
# check day of month
if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfMonth -NowValue $DateTime.Day)) {
return $false
# check day of week
if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfWeek -NowValue ([int]$DateTime.DayOfWeek))) {
return $false
# check month
if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Month -NowValue $DateTime.Month)) {
return $false
# check hour
if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Hour -NowValue $DateTime.Hour)) {
return $false
# check minute
if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Minute -NowValue $DateTime.Minute)) {
return $false
# date is valid
return $true
function Get-PodeCronNextEarliestTrigger {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$StartTime = $null,
$EndTime = $null
return (@($Expressions) | Foreach-Object {
Get-PodeCronNextTrigger -Expression $_ -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime
} | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1)
function Get-PodeCronNextTrigger {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$StartTime = $null,
$EndTime = $null
# start from the current time, if a start time not defined
if ($null -eq $StartTime) {
$StartTime = [datetime]::Now
$StartTime = $StartTime.AddMinutes(1)
# the next time to trigger
$NextTime = [datetime]::new($StartTime.Year, $StartTime.Month, $StartTime.Day, $StartTime.Hour, $StartTime.Minute, 0)
# first, is the current time valid?
if (Test-PodeCronExpression -Expression $Expression -DateTime $NextTime) {
return $NextTime
# functions for getting the closest value
function Get-ClosestValue($AtomContraint, $NowValue) {
$_values = $AtomContraint.Values
if ($null -eq $_values) {
$_values = ($AtomContraint.Range.Min..$AtomContraint.Range.Max)
if (($_values.Length -eq 1) -or ($_values[-1] -lt $NowValue) -or ($_values[0] -gt $NowValue)) {
return $_values[0]
return ($_values -ge $NowValue)[0]
# loop until we get a date
while ($true) {
# check the minute
if (!$Expression.Minute.WildCard) {
$minute = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Minute -NowValue $NextTime.Minute
if ($minute -lt $NextTime.Minute) {
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddHours(1)
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddMinutes($minute - $NextTime.Minute)
# check hour
if (!$Expression.Hour.WildCard) {
$hour = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Hour -NowValue $NextTime.Hour
if ($hour -lt $NextTime.Hour) {
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays(1)
$_hour = $NextTime.Hour
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddHours($hour - $NextTime.Hour)
if ($_hour -ne $hour) {
$NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, $NextTime.Day, $NextTime.Hour, 0, 0)
# check day
if (!$Expression.DayOfMonth.WildCard) {
$day = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfMonth -NowValue $NextTime.Day
if (($day -lt $NextTime.Day) -or ($day -gt [datetime]::DaysInMonth($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month))) {
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddMonths(1)
if ($day -gt [datetime]::DaysInMonth($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month)) {
$NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0)
$_day = $NextTime.Day
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays($day - $NextTime.Day)
if ($_day -ne $day) {
$NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, $NextTime.Day, 0, 0, 0)
# check month
if (!$Expression.Month.WildCard) {
$month = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Month -NowValue $NextTime.Month
if ($month -lt $NextTime.Month) {
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddYears(1)
$_month = $NextTime.Month
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddMonths($month - $NextTime.Month)
if ($_month -ne $month) {
$NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0)
# check day of week
if (!$Expression.DayOfWeek.WildCard) {
$doweek = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfWeek -NowValue $NextTime.DayOfWeek
$_doweek = $NextTime.DayOfWeek
if ($doweek -lt $NextTime.DayOfWeek) {
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays(7 - ($NextTime.DayOfWeek - $doweek))
elseif ($doweek -gt $NextTime.DayOfWeek) {
$NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays($doweek - $NextTime.DayOfWeek)
if ($_doweek -ne $doweek) {
$NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, $NextTime.Day, 0, 0, 0)
# before we return, make sure the time is valid
if (!(Test-PodeCronExpression -Expression $Expression -DateTime $NextTime)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.nextTriggerCalculationErrorExceptionMessage -f $NextTime) #"Looks like something went wrong trying to calculate the next trigger datetime: $($NextTime)"
# if before the start or after end then return null
if (($NextTime -lt $StartTime) -or (($null -ne $EndTime) -and ($NextTime -gt $EndTime))) {
return $null
return $NextTime
Computes an HMAC-SHA256 hash for a given value using a secret key.
This function calculates an HMAC-SHA256 hash for the specified value using either a secret provided as a string or as a byte array. It supports two parameter sets:
1. String: The secret is provided as a string.
2. Bytes: The secret is provided as a byte array.
The value for which the HMAC-SHA256 hash needs to be computed.
The secret key as a string. If this parameter is provided, it will be converted to a byte array.
.PARAMETER SecretBytes
The secret key as a byte array. If this parameter is provided, it will be used directly.
Returns the computed HMAC-SHA256 hash as a base64-encoded string.
$value = "MySecretValue"
$secret = "MySecretKey"
$hash = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA256Hash -Value $value -Secret $secret
Write-PodeHost "HMAC-SHA256 hash: $hash"
This example computes the HMAC-SHA256 hash for the value "MySecretValue" using the secret key "MySecretKey".
- This function is intended for internal use.
function Invoke-PodeHMACSHA256Hash {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'String')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'String')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Bytes')]
# Convert secret to byte array if provided as a string
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$SecretBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Secret)
# Validate secret length
if ($SecretBytes.Length -eq 0) {
# No secret supplied for HMAC256 hash
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretForHmac256ExceptionMessage)
# Compute HMAC-SHA384 hash
$crypto = [System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256]::new($SecretBytes)
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($crypto.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Value)))
Computes a private HMAC-SHA384 hash for a given value using a secret key.
This function calculates a private HMAC-SHA384 hash for the specified value using either a secret provided as a string or as a byte array. It supports two parameter sets:
1. String: The secret is provided as a string.
2. Bytes: The secret is provided as a byte array.
The value for which the private HMAC-SHA384 hash needs to be computed.
The secret key as a string. If this parameter is provided, it will be converted to a byte array.
.PARAMETER SecretBytes
The secret key as a byte array. If this parameter is provided, it will be used directly.
Returns the computed private HMAC-SHA384 hash as a base64-encoded string.
$value = "MySecretValue"
$secret = "MySecretKey"
$hash = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA384Hash -Value $value -Secret $secret
Write-PodeHost "Private HMAC-SHA384 hash: $hash"
This example computes the private HMAC-SHA384 hash for the value "MySecretValue" using the secret key "MySecretKey".
- This function is intended for internal use.
function Invoke-PodeHMACSHA384Hash {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'String')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'String')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Bytes')]
# Convert secret to byte array if provided as a string
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$SecretBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Secret)
# Validate secret length
if ($SecretBytes.Length -eq 0) {
# No secret supplied for HMAC384 hash
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretForHmac384ExceptionMessage)
# Compute private HMAC-SHA384 hash
$crypto = [System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384]::new($SecretBytes)
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($crypto.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Value)))
Computes a private HMAC-SHA512 hash for a given value using a secret key.
This function calculates a private HMAC-SHA512 hash for the specified value using either a secret provided as a string or as a byte array. It supports two parameter sets:
1. String: The secret is provided as a string.
2. Bytes: The secret is provided as a byte array.
The value for which the private HMAC-SHA512 hash needs to be computed.
The secret key as a string. If this parameter is provided, it will be converted to a byte array.
.PARAMETER SecretBytes
The secret key as a byte array. If this parameter is provided, it will be used directly.
Returns the computed private HMAC-SHA512 hash as a base64-encoded string.
$value = "MySecretValue"
$secret = "MySecretKey"
$hash = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA512Hash -Value $value -Secret $secret
Write-PodeHost "Private HMAC-SHA512 hash: $hash"
This example computes the private HMAC-SHA512 hash for the value "MySecretValue" using the secret key "MySecretKey".
- This function is intended for internal use.
function Invoke-PodeHMACSHA512Hash {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'String')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'String')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Bytes')]
# Convert secret to byte array if provided as a string
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$SecretBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Secret)
# Validate secret length
if ($SecretBytes.Length -eq 0) {
# No secret supplied for HMAC512 hash
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretForHmac512ExceptionMessage)
# Compute private HMAC-SHA512 hash
$crypto = [System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512]::new($SecretBytes)
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($crypto.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Value)))
function Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$crypto = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create()
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($crypto.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Value)))
function Invoke-PodeSHA1Hash {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$crypto = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1]::Create()
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($crypto.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Value)))
function ConvertTo-PodeBase64Auth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$($Username):$($Password)"))
function Invoke-PodeMD5Hash {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$crypto = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
return [System.BitConverter]::ToString($crypto.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Value))).Replace('-', '').ToLowerInvariant()
Generates a random byte array of specified length.
This function generates a random byte array using the .NET `System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator` class. You can specify the desired length of the byte array.
The length of the byte array to generate (default is 16).
An array of bytes representing the random byte array.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeRandomByte {
$Length = 16
return (Use-PodeStream -Stream ([System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]::Create()) {
$bytes = [byte[]]::new($Length)
return $bytes
function New-PodeSalt {
$Length = 8
$bytes = [byte[]](Get-PodeRandomByte -Length $Length)
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
function New-PodeGuid {
$Length = 16,
# generate a cryptographically secure guid
if ($Secure) {
$bytes = [byte[]](Get-PodeRandomByte -Length $Length)
$guid = ([guid]::new($bytes)).ToString()
# return a normal guid
else {
$guid = ([guid]::NewGuid()).ToString()
if ($NoDashes) {
$guid = ($guid -ireplace '-', '')
return $guid
function Invoke-PodeValueSign {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
process {
if ($Strict) {
$Secret = ConvertTo-PodeStrictSecret -Secret $Secret
return "s:$($Value).$(Invoke-PodeHMACSHA256Hash -Value $Value -Secret $Secret)"
function Invoke-PodeValueUnsign {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
process {
# the signed value must start with "s:"
if (!$Value.StartsWith('s:')) {
return $null
# the signed value must contain a dot - splitting value and signature
$Value = $Value.Substring(2)
$periodIndex = $Value.LastIndexOf('.')
if ($periodIndex -eq -1) {
return $null
if ($Strict) {
$Secret = ConvertTo-PodeStrictSecret -Secret $Secret
# get the raw value and signature
$raw = $Value.Substring(0, $periodIndex)
$sig = $Value.Substring($periodIndex + 1)
if ((Invoke-PodeHMACSHA256Hash -Value $raw -Secret $Secret) -ne $sig) {
return $null
return $raw
function Test-PodeValueSigned {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
process {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) {
return $false
$result = Invoke-PodeValueUnsign -Value $Value -Secret $Secret -Strict:$Strict
return ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($result)
function ConvertTo-PodeStrictSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return "$($Secret);$($WebEvent.Request.UserAgent);$($WebEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString)"
function New-PodeJwtSignature {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (($Algorithm -ine 'none') -and (($null -eq $SecretBytes) -or ($SecretBytes.Length -eq 0))) {
# No secret supplied for JWT signature
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretForJwtSignatureExceptionMessage)
if (($Algorithm -ieq 'none') -and (($null -ne $secretBytes) -and ($SecretBytes.Length -gt 0))) {
# Expected no secret to be supplied for no signature
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretExpectedForNoSignatureExceptionMessage)
$sig = $null
switch ($Algorithm.ToUpperInvariant()) {
'HS256' {
$sig = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA256Hash -Value $Token -SecretBytes $SecretBytes
$sig = ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue -Value $sig -NoConvert
'HS384' {
$sig = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA384Hash -Value $Token -SecretBytes $SecretBytes
$sig = ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue -Value $sig -NoConvert
'HS512' {
$sig = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA512Hash -Value $Token -SecretBytes $SecretBytes
$sig = ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue -Value $sig -NoConvert
'NONE' {
$sig = [string]::Empty
default {
throw ($PodeLocale.unsupportedJwtAlgorithmExceptionMessage -f $Algorithm) #"The JWT algorithm is not currently supported: $($Algorithm)"
return $sig
function ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (!$NoConvert) {
$Value = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Value))
$Value = ($Value -ireplace '\+', '-')
$Value = ($Value -ireplace '/', '_')
$Value = ($Value -ireplace '=', '')
return $Value
function ConvertFrom-PodeJwtBase64Value {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# map chars
$Value = ($Value -ireplace '-', '+')
$Value = ($Value -ireplace '_', '/')
# add padding
switch ($Value.Length % 4) {
1 {
$Value = $Value.Substring(0, $Value.Length - 1)
2 {
$Value += '=='
3 {
$Value += '='
# convert base64 to string
try {
$Value = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Value))
catch {
# Invalid Base64 encoded value found in JWT
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidBase64JwtExceptionMessage)
# return json
try {
return ($Value | ConvertFrom-Json)
catch {
# Invalid JSON value found in JWT
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidJsonJwtExceptionMessage)
Finds Pode endpoints based on protocol, address, or endpoint name.
This function allows you to search for Pode endpoints based on different criteria. You can specify the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), the address, or the endpoint name. It returns an array of hashtable objects representing the matching endpoints.
The protocol of the endpoint (HTTP or HTTPS).
The address of the endpoint.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of the endpoint.
An array of hashtables representing the matching endpoints, with the following keys:
- 'Protocol'
- 'Address'
- 'Name'
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Find-PodeEndpoint {
[ValidateSet('', 'Http', 'Https')]
$endpoints = @()
# just use a single endpoint/protocol
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
$endpoints += @{
Protocol = $Protocol
Address = $Address
Name = [string]::Empty
# get all defined endpoints by name
else {
foreach ($name in @($EndpointName)) {
$_endpoint = Get-PodeEndpointByName -Name $name -ThrowError
if ($null -ne $_endpoint) {
$endpoints += @{
Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol
Address = $_endpoint.RawAddress
Name = $name
# convert the endpoint's address into host:port format
foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_endpoint.Address)) {
$_addr = Get-PodeEndpointInfo -Address $_endpoint.Address -AnyPortOnZero
$_endpoint.Address = "$($_addr.Host):$($_addr.Port)"
return $endpoints
Retrieves internal endpoints based on the specified types.
The `Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType` function returns internal endpoints from the PodeContext
based on the specified types (HTTP, WebSocket, SMTP, or TCP).
Specifies the type of endpoints to retrieve. Valid values are 'Http', 'Ws', 'Smtp', and 'Tcp'.
This parameter is mandatory.
Returns an array of internal endpoints matching the specified types.
# Example usage:
$httpEndpoints = Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type 'Http'
$wsEndpoints = Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type 'Ws'
# Retrieve HTTP and WebSocket endpoints from the PodeContext.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Http', 'Ws', 'Smtp', 'Tcp')]
$endpoints = @()
foreach ($t in $Type) {
switch ($t.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'http' {
$endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('http', 'https') -icontains $_.Protocol })
'ws' {
$endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('ws', 'wss') -icontains $_.Protocol })
'smtp' {
$endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('smtp', 'smtps') -icontains $_.Protocol })
'tcp' {
$endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('tcp', 'tcps') -icontains $_.Protocol })
return $endpoints
function Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolTypeProtocol {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Ws', 'Wss', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps')]
$endpoint = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { $_.Protocol -ieq $Protocol }
return ($null -ne $endpoint)
function Get-PodeEndpointType {
[ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]
switch ($Protocol) {
{ $_ -iin @('http', 'https') } {
{ $_ -iin @('ws', 'wss') } {
{ $_ -iin @('smtp', 'smtps') } {
{ $_ -iin @('tcp', 'tcps') } {
default {
function Get-PodeEndpointRunspacePoolName {
[ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]
switch ($Protocol) {
{ $_ -iin @('http', 'https') } {
{ $_ -iin @('ws', 'wss') } {
{ $_ -iin @('smtp', 'smtps') } {
{ $_ -iin @('tcp', 'tcps') } {
default {
Tests whether Pode endpoints of a specified type exist.
This function checks if there are any Pode endpoints of the specified type (HTTP, WebSocket, SMTP, or TCP). It returns a boolean value indicating whether endpoints of that type are available.
The type of Pode endpoint to test (HTTP, WebSocket, SMTP, or TCP).
A boolean value (True if endpoints exist, False otherwise).
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Http', 'Ws', 'Smtp', 'Tcp')]
$endpoints = (Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type $Type)
return (($null -ne $endpoints) -and ($endpoints.Length -gt 0))
function Find-PodeEndpointName {
if (!$Enabled -and !$Force) {
return $null
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol) -or
[string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address) -or
[string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LocalAddress)) {
return $null
using Host header
# add a default port to the address if missing
if (!$Address.Contains(':')) {
$port = Get-PodeDefaultPort -Protocol $Protocol -Real -TlsMode Implicit
$Address = "$($Address):$($port)"
# change localhost/computer name to ip address
if (($Address -ilike 'localhost:*') -or ($Address -ilike "$($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName):*")) {
$Address = ($Address -ireplace "(localhost|$([regex]::Escape($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)))\:", "(127\.0\.0\.1|0\.0\.0\.0|\:\:ffff\:127\.0\.0\.1|\:\:ffff\:0\:0|\[\:\:\]|\[\:\:1\]|\:\:1|\:\:|localhost|$([regex]::Escape($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName))):")
else {
$Address = [regex]::Escape($Address)
# create the endpoint key for address
$key = "$($Protocol)\|$($Address)"
# try and find endpoint for address
$key = @(foreach ($k in $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.Keys) {
if ($k -imatch $key) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($key) -and $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.ContainsKey($key)) {
return $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap[$key]
using local endpoint from socket
# setup the local address as a string
$_localAddress = "$($LocalAddress.Address.IPAddressToString):$($LocalAddress.Port)"
$_localAddress = [regex]::Escape($_localAddress)
# create the endpoint key for local address
$key = "$($Protocol)\|$($_localAddress)"
# try and find endpoint for local address
$key = @(foreach ($k in $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.Keys) {
if ($k -imatch $key) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($key) -and $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.ContainsKey($key)) {
return $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap[$key]
check for * address
# set * address as string
$_anyAddress = "(0\.0\.0\.0|\[\:\:\]|\:\:|\:\:ffff\:0\:0):$($LocalAddress.Port)"
$key = "$($Protocol)\|$($_anyAddress)"
# try and find endpoint for any address
$key = @(foreach ($k in $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.Keys) {
if ($k -imatch $key) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($key) -and $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.ContainsKey($key)) {
return $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap[$key]
# error?
if ($ThrowError) {
throw ($PodeLocale.endpointNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Protocol, $Address, $_localAddress) #"Endpoint with protocol '$($Protocol)' and address '$($Address)' or local address '$($_localAddress)' does not exist"
return $null
function Get-PodeEndpointByName {
# if an EndpointName was supplied, find it and use it
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
return $null
# ensure it exists
if ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.ContainsKey($Name)) {
return $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$Name]
# error?
if ($ThrowError) {
throw ($PodeLocale.endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name) #"Endpoint with name '$($Name)' does not exist"
return $null
Organizes the Pode server's endpoint list based on protocol and URL.
This internal utility function arranges an array of endpoint hashtables, sorting them
first by protocol in a predefined order and then alphabetically by URL. It ensures
a consistent structure for subsequent processing or display.
.PARAMETER EndpointsInfo
An array of hashtables representing endpoint details, with fields such as `Url`,
`DualMode`, and `Pool`.
An array of endpoints organized for consistency.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeSortedEndpointsInfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Define protocol sorting order
$protocolOrder = @{
'HTTP' = 1
'HTTPS' = 2
'WS' = 3
'WSS' = 4
'SMTP' = 5
'SMTPS' = 6
'TCP' = 7
'TCPS' = 8
# Add protocol field to each endpoint for sorting
$formattedEndpoints = $EndpointsInfo | ForEach-Object {
$protocol = ($_.Url -split ':')[0].ToUpper()
Protocol = $protocol
DualMode = $_.DualMode
Pool = $_.Pool
Url = $_.Url
Name = $_.Name
Default = $_.Default
Order = $protocolOrder[$protocol] -as [int]
# Sort endpoints by protocol order and then by URL
return $formattedEndpoints | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = 'Order'; Ascending = $true }, @{Expression = 'Url'; Ascending = $true }
function Invoke-PodeEndware {
# if there's no endware, do nothing
if (($null -eq $Endware) -or ($Endware.Length -eq 0)) {
# loop through each of the endware, invoking the next if it returns true
foreach ($eware in @($Endware)) {
if (($null -eq $eware) -or ($null -eq $eware.Logic)) {
try {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $eware.Logic -Arguments $eware.Arguments -UsingVariables $eware.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Invoke-PodeEvent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# do nothing if no events
if (($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Events) -or ($PodeContext.Server.Events[$Type.ToString()].Count -eq 0)) {
# invoke each event's scriptblock
foreach ($evt in $PodeContext.Server.Events[$Type.ToString()].Values) {
if (($null -eq $evt) -or ($null -eq $evt.ScriptBlock)) {
try {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $evt.ScriptBlock -Arguments $evt.Arguments -UsingVariables $evt.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Start-PodeFileMonitor {
# don't configure if not supplied, or we're running as serverless
if (!$PodeContext.Server.FileMonitor.Enabled -or $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
# what folder and filter are we moitoring?
$folder = $PodeContext.Server.Root
$filter = '*.*'
# setup the file monitor
$watcher = [System.IO.FileSystemWatcher]::new($folder, $filter)
$watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true
$watcher.NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName,LastWrite,CreationTime'
$watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
# setup the monitor timer - only restart server after changes + 2s of no changes
$timer = [System.Timers.Timer]::new()
$timer.AutoReset = $false
$timer.Interval = 2000
# setup the message data for the events
$msgData = @{
Timer = $timer
Settings = $PodeContext.Server.FileMonitor
# setup the events script logic
$action = {
# if there are exclusions, and one matches, return
if (($null -ne $Event.MessageData.Settings.Exclude) -and ($Event.SourceEventArgs.Name -imatch $Event.MessageData.Settings.Exclude)) {
# if there are inclusions, and none match, return
if (($null -ne $Event.MessageData.Settings.Include) -and ($Event.SourceEventArgs.Name -inotmatch $Event.MessageData.Settings.Include)) {
# if enabled, add the file to the list of files that trigggered the restart
if ($Event.MessageData.Settings.ShowFiles) {
$name = "[$($Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType)] $($Event.SourceEventArgs.Name)"
if ($Event.MessageData.Settings.Files -inotcontains $name) {
$Event.MessageData.Settings.Files += $name
# restart the timer
# listen out of file created, changed, deleted events
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $watcher -EventName 'Created' `
-SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorName Create) -Action $action -MessageData $msgData -SupportEvent
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $watcher -EventName 'Changed' `
-SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorName Update) -Action $action -MessageData $msgData -SupportEvent
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $watcher -EventName 'Deleted' `
-SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorName Delete) -Action $action -MessageData $msgData -SupportEvent
# listen out for timer ticks to reset server
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $timer -EventName 'Elapsed' -SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorTimerName) -Action {
# if enabled, show the files that triggered the restart
if ($Event.MessageData.FileSettings.ShowFiles) {
if (!$Event.MessageData.Quiet) {
# The following files have changed
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.filesHaveChangedMessage -ForegroundColor Magenta
foreach ($file in $Event.MessageData.FileSettings.Files) {
Write-PodeHost "> $($file)" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$Event.MessageData.FileSettings.Files = @()
# trigger the restart
} -MessageData @{
Tokens = $PodeContext.Tokens
FileSettings = $PodeContext.Server.FileMonitor
Quiet = $PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet
} -SupportEvent
function Stop-PodeFileMonitor {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.FileMonitor.Enabled) {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorName Create) -Force
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorName Delete) -Force
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorName Update) -Force
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier (Get-PodeFileMonitorTimerName) -Force
function Get-PodeFileMonitorName {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Create', 'Delete', 'Update')]
return "PodeFileMonitor$($Type)"
function Get-PodeFileMonitorTimerName {
return 'PodeFileMonitorTimer'
using namespace Pode
function Test-PodeFileWatchersExist {
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Fim) -and (($PodeContext.Fim.Enabled) -or ($PodeContext.Fim.Items.Count -gt 0)))
function New-PodeFileWatcher {
$watcher = [PodeWatcher]::new($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token)
$watcher.ErrorLoggingEnabled = (Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled)
$watcher.ErrorLoggingLevels = @(Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel)
return $watcher
function Start-PodeFileWatcherRunspace {
if (!(Test-PodeFileWatchersExist)) {
try {
# create the watcher
$watcher = New-PodeFileWatcher
# register file watchers and events
foreach ($item in $PodeContext.Fim.Items.Values) {
foreach ($path in $item.Paths) {
Write-Verbose "Creating FileWatcher for '$($path)'"
$fileWatcher = [PodeFileWatcher]::new($item.Name, $path, $item.IncludeSubdirectories, $item.InternalBufferSize, $item.NotifyFilters)
foreach ($evt in $item.Events) {
Write-Verbose "-> Registering event: $($evt)"
$PodeContext.Watchers += $watcher
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $watcher
throw $_.Exception
$watchScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
do {
try {
while ($Watcher.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
$evt = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Watcher.GetFileEventAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
try {
try {
# get file watcher
$fileWatcher = $PodeContext.Fim.Items[$evt.FileWatcher.Name]
if ($null -eq $fileWatcher) {
# if there are exclusions, and one matches, return
$exc = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths $fileWatcher.Exclude)
if (($null -ne $exc) -and ($evt.Name -imatch $exc)) {
# if there are inclusions, and none match, return
$inc = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths $fileWatcher.Include)
if (($null -ne $inc) -and ($evt.Name -inotmatch $inc)) {
# set file event object
$FileEvent = @{
Type = $evt.ChangeType
FullPath = $evt.FullPath
Name = $evt.Name
Old = @{
FullPath = $evt.OldFullPath
Name = $evt.OldName
Parameters = @{}
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
Metadata = @{}
# do we have any parameters?
if ($fileWatcher.Placeholders.Exist -and ($FileEvent.FullPath -imatch $fileWatcher.Placeholders.Path)) {
$FileEvent.Parameters = $Matches
# invoke main script
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $fileWatcher.Script -Arguments $fileWatcher.Arguments -UsingVariables $fileWatcher.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
finally {
$FileEvent = $null
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $evt
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
# end do-while
} while (Test-PodeSuspensionToken) # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
1..$PodeContext.Threads.Files | ForEach-Object {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Files -Name 'Watcher' -ScriptBlock $watchScript -Parameters @{ 'Watcher' = $watcher ; 'ThreadId' = $_ }
# script to keep file watcher server alive until cancelled
$waitScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
while ($Watcher.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Watcher
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Files -Name 'KeepAlive' -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Watcher' = $watcher } -NoProfile
function Test-PodeGuiEnabled {
return ($PodeContext.Server.Gui.Enabled -and
!$PodeContext.Server.IsServerless -and
!$PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -and
function Start-PodeGuiRunspace {
# do nothing if gui not enabled, or running as serverless
if (!(Test-PodeGuiEnabled)) {
$script = {
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
try {
# if there are multiple endpoints, flag warning we're only using the first - unless explicitly set
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Endpoint) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values.Count -gt 1) {
# Multiple endpoints defined, only the first will be used for the GUI
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.multipleEndpointsForGuiMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow
# get the endpoint on which we're currently listening, or use explicitly passed one
$uri = (Get-PodeEndpointUrl -Endpoint $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Endpoint)
# poll the server for a response
$count = 0
while (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
try {
$null = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop
if (!$?) {
catch {
if ($count -le 50) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
else {
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToConnectToUrlExceptionMessage -f $uri) #"Failed to connect to URL: $($uri)"
# import the WPF assembly
$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('PresentationFramework')
$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('PresentationCore')
# Check for CefSharp
$loadCef = [bool]([AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object { $_.FullName.StartsWith('CefSharp.Wpf,') })
# setup the WPF XAML for the server
# Check for CefSharp and used Chromium based WPF if Modules exists
if ($loadCef) {
$gui_browser = "
ShowInTaskbar = `"$($PodeContext.Server.Gui.ShowInTaskbar)`"
WindowStyle = `"$($PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowStyle)`">
<TaskbarItemInfo />
<Border Grid.Row=`"1`" BorderBrush=`"Gray`" BorderThickness=`"0,1`">
<wpf:ChromiumWebBrowser x:Name=`"Browser`" Address=`"$uri`"/>
else {
# Fall back to the IE based WPF Browser
$gui_browser = "
ShowInTaskbar = `"$($PodeContext.Server.Gui.ShowInTaskbar)`"
WindowStyle = `"$($PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowStyle)`">
<TaskbarItemInfo />
<WebBrowser Name=`"WebBrowser`"></WebBrowser>
# read in the XAML
$reader = [System.Xml.XmlNodeReader]::new([xml]$gui_browser)
$form = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($reader)
# set other options
$form.TaskbarItemInfo.Description = $form.Title
# add the icon to the form
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon)) {
$icon = [Uri]::new($PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon)
$form.Icon = [Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapFrame]::Create($icon)
# set the state of the window onload
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowState)) {
$form.WindowState = $PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowState
# get the browser object from XAML and navigate to base page if Cef is not loaded
if (!$loadCef) {
# display the form
# Opening the GUI
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.openingGuiMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow
$null = $form.ShowDialog()
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
finally {
# invoke the cancellation token to close the server
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Cancellation
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Gui -Name 'Watcher' -ScriptBlock $script
using namespace Pode
Dynamically executes content as a Pode file, optionally passing data to it.
This function takes a string of content, which is expected to be PowerShell code, and optionally a hashtable of data. It constructs a script block that optionally includes a parameter declaration,
and then executes this script block using the provided data. This is useful for dynamically generating content based on a template or script contained in a file or a string.
The PowerShell code as a string. This content is dynamically executed as a script block. It can include placeholders or logic that utilizes the passed data.
Optional hashtable of data that can be referenced within the content/script. This data is passed to the script block as parameters.
$scriptContent = '"Hello, world! Today is $(Get-Date)"'
ConvertFrom-PodeFile -Content $scriptContent
This example will execute the content of the script and output "Hello, world! Today is [current date]".
$template = '"Hello, $(Name)! Your balance is $$(Amount)"'
$data = @{ Name = 'John Doe'; Amount = '100.50' }
ConvertFrom-PodeFile -Content $template -Data $data
This example demonstrates using the function with a data parameter to replace placeholders within the content.
function ConvertFrom-PodeFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Data = @{}
# if we have data, then setup the data param
if ($null -ne $Data -and $Data.Count -gt 0) {
$Content = "param(`$data)`nreturn `"$($Content -replace '"', '``"')`""
else {
$Content = "return `"$($Content -replace '"', '``"')`""
# invoke the content as a script to generate the dynamic content
return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($Content)) -Arguments $Data -Return)
function Get-PodeViewEngineType {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# work out the engine to use when parsing the file
$type = $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Type
$ext = Get-PodeFileExtension -Path $Path -TrimPeriod
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ext) -and ($ext -ine $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension)) {
$type = $ext
return $type
function Get-PodeFileContentUsingViewEngine {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# work out the engine to use when parsing the file
$engine = Get-PodeViewEngineType -Path $Path
# setup the content
$content = [string]::Empty
# run the relevant engine logic
switch ($engine.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'html' {
$content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8
'md' {
$content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8
'pode' {
$content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8
$content = ConvertFrom-PodeFile -Content $content -Data $Data
default {
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.ScriptBlock) {
$_args = @($Path)
if (($null -ne $Data) -and ($Data.Count -gt 0)) {
$_args = @($Path, $Data)
$content = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.UsingVariables -Return -Splat)
return $content
function Get-PodeFileContent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding utf8)
function Get-PodeType {
if ($null -eq $Value) {
return $null
$type = $Value.GetType()
return @{
Name = $type.Name.ToLowerInvariant()
BaseName = $type.BaseType.Name.ToLowerInvariant()
function Get-PodePSVersionTable {
return $PSVersionTable
function Test-PodeIsAdminUser {
# check the current platform, if it's unix then return true
if (Test-PodeIsUnix) {
return $true
try {
$principal = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]::new([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if ($null -eq $principal) {
return $false
return $principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
catch [exception] {
Write-PodeHost 'Error checking user administrator priviledges' -ForegroundColor Red
Write-PodeHost $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
function Get-PodeHostIPRegex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Both', 'Hostname', 'IP')]
$ip_rgx = '\[?([a-f0-9]*\:){1,}[a-f0-9]*((\d+\.){3}\d+)?\]?|(((\d{1,2}|1\d{1,2}|2[0-5][0-5])\.){3}(\d{1,2}|1\d{1,2}|2[0-5][0-5]))(\/(\d|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?|\*|all'
$host_rgx = '([a-z]|\*\.)(([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])\.)*([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])+'
switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'both' {
return "(?<host>($($ip_rgx)|$($host_rgx)))"
'hostname' {
return "(?<host>($($host_rgx)))"
'ip' {
return "(?<host>($($ip_rgx)))"
function Get-PodePortRegex {
return '(?<port>\d+)'
function Get-PodeEndpointInfo {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
return $null
$hostRgx = Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Both
$portRgx = Get-PodePortRegex
$cmbdRgx = "$($hostRgx)\:$($portRgx)"
# validate that we have a valid ip/host:port address
if (!(
($Address -imatch "^$($cmbdRgx)$") -or
($Address -imatch "^$($hostRgx)[\:]{0,1}") -or
(!$Address.Contains('.') -and $Address -imatch "[\:]{0,1}$($portRgx)$")
)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToParseAddressExceptionMessage -f $Address)#"Failed to parse '$($Address)' as a valid IP/Host:Port address"
# grab the ip address/hostname
$_host = $Matches['host']
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_host)) {
$_host = '*'
# ensure we have a valid ip address/hostname
if (!(Test-PodeIPAddress -IP $_host)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage -f $_host) #"The IP address supplied is invalid: $($_host)"
# grab the port
$_port = $Matches['port']
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_port)) {
$_port = 0
# ensure the port is valid
if ($_port -lt 0) {
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidPortExceptionMessage -f $_port)#"The port cannot be negative: $($_port)"
# return the info
return @{
Host = $_host
Port = (Resolve-PodeValue -Check ($AnyPortOnZero -and ($_port -eq 0)) -TrueValue '*' -FalseValue $_port)
function Test-PodeIPAddress {
# fail on empty
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($IP)) {
return !$FailOnEmpty.IsPresent
# all empty, or */all
if ($IP -iin @('*', 'all')) {
return $true
# are we allowing hostnames?
if ($IP -imatch "^$(Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Hostname)$") {
return !$IPOnly.IsPresent
# check if the IP matches regex
if ($IP -imatch "^$(Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type IP)$") {
return $true
# if we get here, try parsing with [IPAddress] as a last resort
try {
$null = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IP)
return $true
catch [exception] {
return $false
function Test-PodeHostname {
return ($Hostname -imatch "^$(Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Hostname)$")
function ConvertTo-PodeIPAddress {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse(([System.Net.IPEndPoint]$Address).Address.ToString())
function Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('All', 'IPv4', 'IPv6')]
if (!(Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Hostname)) {
return $Hostname
# get the ip addresses for the hostname
try {
$ips = @([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($Hostname))
catch {
return ''
# return ips based on type
switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'ipv4' {
$ips = @(foreach ($ip in $ips) {
if ($ip.AddressFamily -ieq 'InterNetwork') {
'ipv6' {
$ips = @(foreach ($ip in $ips) {
if ($ip.AddressFamily -ieq 'InterNetworkV6') {
return (@($ips)).IPAddressToString
function Test-PodeIPAddressLocal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (@('', '::1', '[::1]', '::ffff:', 'localhost') -icontains $IP)
function Test-PodeIPAddressAny {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (@('', '*', 'all', '::', '[::]') -icontains $IP)
function Test-PodeIPAddressLocalOrAny {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return ((Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $IP) -or (Test-PodeIPAddressAny -IP $IP))
function Resolve-PodeIPDualMode {
# do nothing if IPv6Any
if ($IP -eq [ipaddress]::IPv6Any) {
return $IP
# check loopbacks
if (($IP -eq [ipaddress]::Loopback) -and [System.Net.Sockets.Socket]::OSSupportsIPv6) {
return @($IP, [ipaddress]::IPv6Loopback)
if ($IP -eq [ipaddress]::IPv6Loopback) {
return @($IP, [ipaddress]::Loopback)
# if iIPv4, convert and return both
if (($IP.AddressFamily -eq [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork) -and [System.Net.Sockets.Socket]::OSSupportsIPv6) {
return @($IP, $IP.MapToIPv6())
# if IPv6, only convert if valid IPv4
if (($IP.AddressFamily -eq [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6) -and $IP.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6) {
return @($IP, $IP.MapToIPv4())
# just return the IP
return $IP
function Get-PodeIPAddress {
# if we have a port, remove it
if ($ContainsPort) {
$ipRegex = Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type IP
$portRegex = Get-PodePortRegex
$regex = "^$($ipRegex)(\:$($portRegex))?$"
if ($IP -imatch $regex) {
$IP = $Matches['host']
else {
$IP = ($IP -split ':')[0]
# any address for IPv4 (or IPv6 for DualMode)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($IP) -or ($IP -iin @('*', 'all'))) {
if ($DualMode) {
return [System.Net.IPAddress]::IPv6Any
return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Any
# any address for IPv6 explicitly
if ($IP -iin @('::', '[::]')) {
return [System.Net.IPAddress]::IPv6Any
# localhost
if ($IP -ieq 'localhost') {
return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Loopback
# localhost IPv6 explicitly
if ($IP -iin @('[::1]', '::1')) {
return [System.Net.IPAddress]::IPv6Loopback
# hostname
if ($IP -imatch "^$(Get-PodeHostIPRegex -Type Hostname)$") {
return $IP
# raw ip
return [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IP)
function Test-PodeIPAddressInSubnet {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$valid = $true
foreach ($i in 0..3) {
if (($IP[$i] -lt $Lower[$i]) -or ($IP[$i] -gt $Upper[$i])) {
$valid = $false
return $valid
function Test-PodeIPAddressIsSubnetMask {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (($IP -split '/').Length -gt 1)
function Get-PodeSubnetRange {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# split for ip and number of 1 bits
$split = $SubnetMask -split '/'
if ($split.Length -le 1) {
return $null
$ip_parts = $split[0] -isplit '\.'
$bits = [int]$split[1]
# generate the netmask
$network = @('', '', '', '')
$count = 0
foreach ($i in 0..3) {
foreach ($b in 1..8) {
if ($count -le $bits) {
$network[$i] += '1'
else {
$network[$i] += '0'
# covert netmask to bytes
foreach ($i in 0..3) {
$network[$i] = [Convert]::ToByte($network[$i], 2)
# calculate the bottom range
$bottom = @(foreach ($i in 0..3) {
[byte]([byte]$network[$i] -band [byte]$ip_parts[$i])
# calculate the range
$range = @(foreach ($i in 0..3) {
256 + (-bnot [byte]$network[$i])
# calculate the top range
$top = @(foreach ($i in 0..3) {
[byte]([byte]$ip_parts[$i] + [byte]$range[$i])
return @{
Lower = ($bottom -join '.')
Upper = ($top -join '.')
Range = ($range -join '.')
Netmask = ($network -join '.')
IP = ($ip_parts -join '.')
function Close-PodeServerInternal {
# PodeContext doesn't exist return
if ($null -eq $PodeContext) { return }
try {
# ensure the token is cancelled
Write-Verbose 'Cancelling main cancellation token'
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Cancellation, Terminate
# stop all current runspaces
Write-Verbose 'Closing runspaces'
Close-PodeRunspace -ClosePool
# stop the file monitor if it's running
Write-Verbose 'Stopping file monitor'
try {
# remove all the cancellation tokens
Write-Verbose 'Disposing cancellation tokens'
Close-PodeCancellationToken #-Type Cancellation, Terminate, Restart, Suspend, Resume, Start
# dispose mutex/semaphores
Write-Verbose 'Diposing mutex and semaphores'
catch {
$_ | Out-Default
# remove all of the pode temp drives
Write-Verbose 'Removing internal PSDrives'
finally {
if ($null -ne $PodeContext) {
# Remove any tokens
$PodeContext.Tokens = $null
function New-PodePSDrive {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if the path is a share, do nothing
if ($Path.StartsWith('\\')) {
return $Path
# if no name is passed, used a randomly generated one
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
$Name = "PodeDir$(New-PodeGuid)"
# if the path supplied doesn't exist, error
if (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.pathNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Path)#"Path does not exist: $($Path)"
# resolve the path
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot -Resolve
# create the temp drive
if (!(Test-PodePSDrive -Name $Name -Path $Path)) {
$drive = (New-PSDrive -Name $Name -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $Path -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop)
else {
$drive = Get-PodePSDrive -Name $Name
# store internally, and return the drive's name
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Drives.ContainsKey($drive.Name)) {
$PodeContext.Server.Drives[$drive.Name] = $Path
return "$($drive.Name):$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)"
function Get-PodePSDrive {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (Get-PSDrive -Name $Name -PSProvider FileSystem -Scope Global -ErrorAction Ignore)
function Test-PodePSDrive {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$drive = Get-PodePSDrive -Name $Name
if ($null -eq $drive) {
return $false
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
return ($drive.Root -ieq $Path)
return $true
Adds Pode PS drives to the session.
This function iterates through the keys of Pode drives stored in the `$PodeContext.Server.Drives` collection and creates corresponding PS drives using `New-PodePSDrive`. The drive paths are specified by the values associated with each key.
# Creates Pode PS drives in the session based on the configured drive paths.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Add-PodePSDrivesInternal {
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Drives.Keys) {
$null = New-PodePSDrive -Path $PodeContext.Server.Drives[$key] -Name $key
Imports other Pode modules into the session.
This function iterates through the paths of other Pode modules stored in the `$PodeContext.Server.Modules.Values` collection and imports them into the session.
It uses the `-DisableNameChecking` switch to suppress name checking during module import.
# Imports other Pode modules into the session.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Import-PodeModulesInternal {
# import other modules in the session
foreach ($path in $PodeContext.Server.Modules.Values) {
if (Test-Path $path) {
$null = Import-Module $path -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop
Creates and registers inbuilt PowerShell drives for the Pode server's default folders.
This function sets up inbuilt PowerShell drives for the Pode web server's default directories: views, public content, and error pages. For each of these directories, if the physical path exists on the server, a new PowerShell drive is created and mapped to this path. These drives provide an easy and consistent way to access server resources like views, static files, and custom error pages within the Pode application.
The function leverages `$PodeContext` to access the server's configuration and to determine the paths for these default folders. If a folder's path exists, the function uses `New-PodePSDrive` to create a PowerShell drive for it and stores this drive in the server's `InbuiltDrives` dictionary, keyed by the folder type.
This example is typically called within the Pode server setup script or internally by the Pode framework to initialize the PowerShell drives for the server's default folders.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Add-PodePSInbuiltDrive {
# create drive for views, if path exists
$path = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Views)
if (Test-Path $path) {
$PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives[$PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Views] = (New-PodePSDrive -Path $path)
# create drive for public content, if path exists
$path = (Join-PodeServerRoot $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Public)
if (Test-Path $path) {
$PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives[$PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Public] = (New-PodePSDrive -Path $path)
# create drive for errors, if path exists
$path = (Join-PodeServerRoot $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Errors)
if (Test-Path $path) {
$PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives[$PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders.Errors] = (New-PodePSDrive -Path $path)
Removes Pode PS drives from the session.
This function removes Pode PS drives from the session based on the specified drive name or pattern.
If no specific name or pattern is provided, it removes all Pode PS drives by default.
It uses `Get-PSDrive` to retrieve the drives and `Remove-PSDrive` to remove them.
The name or pattern of the Pode PS drives to remove. Defaults to 'PodeDir*'.
Remove-PodePSDrive -Name 'myDir*'
# Removes all PS drives with names matching the pattern 'myDir*'.
# Removes all Pode PS drives.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Remove-PodePSDrive {
$Name = 'PodeDir*'
$null = Get-PSDrive -Name $Name | Remove-PSDrive
Joins a folder and file path to the root path of the server.
This function combines a folder path, file path (optional), and the root path of the server to create a complete path. If the root path is not explicitly provided, it uses the default root path from the Pode context.
The folder path to join.
The file path (optional) to join. If not provided, only the folder path is used.
The root path of the server. If not provided, the default root path from the Pode context is used.
Returns the combined path as a string.
Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder "uploads" -FilePath "document.txt"
# Output: "/uploads/document.txt"
This example combines the folder path "uploads" and the file path "document.txt" with the default root path from the Pode context.
function Join-PodeServerRoot {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# use the root path of the server
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Root)) {
$Root = $PodeContext.Server.Root
# join the folder/file to the root path
return [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Root, $Folder, $FilePath)
Removes empty items (empty strings) from an array.
This function filters out empty items (empty strings) from an array. It returns a new array containing only non-empty items.
The array from which to remove empty items.
Returns an array containing non-empty items.
$myArray = "apple", "", "banana", "", "cherry"
$filteredArray = Remove-PodeEmptyItemsFromArray -Array $myArray
Write-PodeHost "Filtered array: $filteredArray"
This example removes empty items from the array and displays the filtered array.
function Remove-PodeEmptyItemsFromArray {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull', '')]
if ($null -eq $Array) {
return @()
return @( @($Array -ne ([string]::Empty)) -ne $null )
Retrieves the file extension from a given path.
This function extracts the file extension (including the period) from a specified path. Optionally, it can trim the period from the extension.
The path from which to extract the file extension.
Switch parameter. If specified, trims the period from the file extension.
Returns the file extension (with or without the period) as a string.
Get-PodeFileExtension -Path "C:\MyFiles\document.txt"
# Output: ".txt"
Get-PodeFileExtension -Path "C:\MyFiles\document.txt" -TrimPeriod
# Output: "txt"
This example demonstrates how to retrieve the file extension with and without the period from a given path.
function Get-PodeFileExtension {
# Get the file extension
$ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)
# Trim the period if requested
if ($TrimPeriod) {
$ext = $ext.Trim('.')
return $ext
Retrieves the file name from a given path.
This function extracts the file name (including the extension) or the file name without the extension from a specified path.
The path from which to extract the file name.
.PARAMETER WithoutExtension
Switch parameter. If specified, returns the file name without the extension.
Returns the file name (with or without extension) as a string.
Get-PodeFileName -Path "C:\MyFiles\document.txt"
# Output: "document.txt"
Get-PodeFileName -Path "C:\MyFiles\document.txt" -WithoutExtension
# Output: "document"
This example demonstrates how to retrieve the file name with and without the extension from a given path.
- If the path is a directory, the function returns the directory name.
- Use this function to extract file names for further processing or display.
function Get-PodeFileName {
if ($WithoutExtension) {
return [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path)
return [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Path)
Tests whether an exception message indicates a valid network failure.
This function checks if an exception message contains specific phrases that commonly indicate network-related failures. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the exception message matches any of these network failure patterns.
.PARAMETER Exception
The exception object whose message needs to be tested.
Returns $true if the exception message indicates a valid network failure, otherwise returns $false.
$exception = [System.Exception]::new("The network name is no longer available.")
$isNetworkFailure = Test-PodeValidNetworkFailure -Exception $exception
Write-PodeHost "Is network failure: $isNetworkFailure"
This example tests whether the exception message "The network name is no longer available." indicates a network failure.
function Test-PodeValidNetworkFailure {
$msgs = @(
'*network name is no longer available*',
'*nonexistent network connection*',
'*the response has completed*',
'*broken pipe*'
$match = @(foreach ($msg in $msgs) {
if ($Exception.Message -ilike $msg) {
return ($null -ne $match)
function ConvertFrom-PodeHeaderQValue {
process {
$qs = [ordered]@{}
# return if no value
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
return $qs
# split the values up
$parts = @($Value -isplit ',').Trim()
# go through each part and check its q-value
foreach ($part in $parts) {
# default of 1 if no q-value
if ($part.IndexOf(';q=') -eq -1) {
$qs[$part] = 1.0
# parse for q-value
$atoms = @($part -isplit ';q=')
$qs[$atoms[0]] = [double]$atoms[1]
return $qs
function Get-PodeAcceptEncoding {
# return if no encoding
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AcceptEncoding)) {
return [string]::Empty
# return empty if not compressing
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Web.Compression.Enabled) {
return [string]::Empty
# convert encoding form q-form
$encodings = ConvertFrom-PodeHeaderQValue -Value $AcceptEncoding
if ($encodings.Count -eq 0) {
return [string]::Empty
# check the encodings for one that matches
$normal = @('identity', '*')
$valid = @()
# build up supported and invalid
foreach ($encoding in $encodings.Keys) {
if (($encoding -iin $PodeContext.Server.Compression.Encodings) -or ($encoding -iin $normal)) {
$valid += @{
Name = $encoding
Value = $encodings[$encoding]
# if it's empty, just return empty
if ($valid.Length -eq 0) {
return [string]::Empty
# find the highest ranked match
$found = @{}
$failOnIdentity = $false
foreach ($encoding in $valid) {
if ($encoding.Value -gt $found.Value) {
$found = $encoding
if (!$failOnIdentity -and ($encoding.Value -eq 0) -and ($encoding.Name -iin $normal)) {
$failOnIdentity = $true
# force found to identity/* if the 0 is not identity - meaning it's still allowed
if (($found.Value -eq 0) -and !$failOnIdentity) {
$found = @{
Name = 'identity'
Value = 1.0
# return invalid, error, or return empty for idenity?
if ($found.Value -eq 0) {
if ($ThrowError) {
throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 406)
# else, we're safe
if ($found.Name -iin $normal) {
return [string]::Empty
if ($found.Name -ieq 'x-gzip') {
return 'gzip'
return $found.Name
Parses a range string and converts it into a hashtable array of start and end values.
This function takes a range string (typically used in HTTP headers) and extracts the relevant start and end values. It supports the 'bytes' unit and handles multiple ranges separated by commas.
The range string to parse.
A switch parameter. If specified, the function throws an exception (HTTP status code 416) when encountering invalid range formats.
An array of hashtables, each containing 'Start' and 'End' properties representing the parsed ranges.
Get-PodeRange -Range 'bytes=100-200,300-400'
# Returns an array of hashtables:
# [
# @{
# Start = 100
# End = 200
# },
# @{
# Start = 300
# End = 400
# }
# ]
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeRange {
# return if no ranges
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Range)) {
return $null
# split on '='
$parts = @($Range -isplit '=').Trim()
if (($parts.Length -le 1) -or ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($parts[1]))) {
return $null
$unit = $parts[0]
if ($unit -ine 'bytes') {
if ($ThrowError) {
throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 416)
return $null
# split on ','
$parts = @($parts[1] -isplit ',').Trim()
# parse into From-To hashtable array
$ranges = @()
foreach ($atom in $parts) {
if ($atom -inotmatch '(?<start>[\d]+){0,1}\s?\-\s?(?<end>[\d]+){0,1}') {
if ($ThrowError) {
throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 416)
return $null
$ranges += @{
Start = $Matches['start']
End = $Matches['end']
return $ranges
function Get-PodeTransferEncoding {
# return if no encoding
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
return [string]::Empty
# convert encoding form q-form
$encodings = ConvertFrom-PodeHeaderQValue -Value $TransferEncoding
if ($encodings.Count -eq 0) {
return [string]::Empty
# check the encodings for one that matches
$normal = @('chunked', 'identity')
$invalid = @()
# if we see a supported one, return immediately. else build up invalid one
foreach ($encoding in $encodings.Keys) {
if ($encoding -iin $PodeContext.Server.Compression.Encodings) {
if ($encoding -ieq 'x-gzip') {
return 'gzip'
return $encoding
if ($encoding -iin $normal) {
$invalid += $encoding
# if we have any invalid, throw a 415 error
if ($invalid.Length -gt 0) {
if ($ThrowError) {
throw (New-PodeRequestException -StatusCode 415)
return $invalid[0]
# else, we're safe
return [string]::Empty
function Get-PodeEncodingFromContentType {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$parts = @($ContentType -isplit ';').Trim()
foreach ($part in $parts) {
if ($part.StartsWith('charset')) {
return [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(($part -isplit '=')[1].Trim())
return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
function New-PodeRequestException {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return [PodeRequestException]::new($StatusCode)
function ConvertTo-PodeResponseContent {
$Depth = 10,
$Delimiter = ',',
# split for the main content type
$ContentType = Split-PodeContentType -ContentType $ContentType
# if there is no content-type then convert straight to string
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
return ([string]$InputObject)
# run action for the content type
switch ($ContentType) {
{ $_ -match '^(.*\/)?(.*\+)?json$' } {
if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
if ($Depth -le 0) {
return (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InputObject -Compress)
else {
return (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth -Compress)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
return '{}'
{ $_ -match '^(.*\/)?(.*\+)?yaml$' } {
if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
if ($Depth -le 0) {
return (ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject )
else {
return (ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth )
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
return '[]'
{ $_ -match '^(.*\/)?(.*\+)?xml$' } {
if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
$temp = @(foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
return ($temp | ConvertTo-Xml -Depth $Depth -As String -NoTypeInformation)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
return [string]::Empty
{ $_ -ilike '*/csv' } {
if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
$temp = @(foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
$temp = ($temp | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter $Delimiter -IncludeTypeInformation:$false)
else {
$temp = ($temp | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter $Delimiter -NoTypeInformation)
return ($temp -join ([environment]::NewLine))
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
return [string]::Empty
{ $_ -ilike '*/html' } {
if ($InputObject -isnot [string]) {
return (($InputObject | ConvertTo-Html) -join ([environment]::NewLine))
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputObject)) {
return [string]::Empty
{ $_ -ilike '*/markdown' } {
if ($AsHtml -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7)) {
return ($InputObject | ConvertFrom-Markdown).Html
return ([string]$InputObject)
function ConvertFrom-PodeRequestContent {
# get the requests content type
$ContentType = Split-PodeContentType -ContentType $ContentType
# result object for data/files
$Result = @{
Data = @{}
Files = @{}
# if there is no content-type then do nothing
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
return $Result
# if the content-type is not multipart/form-data, get the string data
if ($ContentType -ine 'multipart/form-data') {
# get the content based on server type
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
switch ($PodeContext.Server.ServerlessType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'awslambda' {
$Content = $Request.body
'azurefunctions' {
$Content = $Request.RawBody
else {
# if the request is compressed, attempt to uncompress it
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
$Content = [PodeHelpers]::DecompressBytes($Request.RawBody, $TransferEncoding, $Request.ContentEncoding)
else {
$Content = $Request.Body
# if there is no content then do nothing
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Content)) {
return $Result
# check if there is a defined custom body parser
if ($PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.ContainsKey($ContentType)) {
$parser = $PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers[$ContentType]
$Result.Data = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $parser.ScriptBlock -Arguments $Content -UsingVariables $parser.UsingVariables -Return)
$Content = $null
return $Result
# run action for the content type
switch ($ContentType) {
{ $_ -ilike '*/json' } {
if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
$Result.Data = ($Content | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)
else {
$Result.Data = ($Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
{ $_ -ilike '*/xml' } {
$Result.Data = [xml]($Content)
{ $_ -ilike '*/csv' } {
$Result.Data = ($Content | ConvertFrom-Csv)
{ $_ -ilike '*/x-www-form-urlencoded' } {
$Result.Data = (ConvertFrom-PodeNameValueToHashTable -Collection ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($Content)))
{ $_ -ieq 'multipart/form-data' } {
# parse multipart form data
$form = $null
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
switch ($PodeContext.Server.ServerlessType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'awslambda' {
$Content = $Request.body
'azurefunctions' {
$Content = $Request.Body
$form = [PodeForm]::Parse($Content, $WebEvent.ContentType, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
else {
$form = $Request.Form
# set the files/data
foreach ($file in $form.Files) {
$Result.Files.Add($file.FileName, $file)
foreach ($item in $form.Data) {
if ($item.IsSingular) {
$Result.Data.Add($item.Key, $item.Values[0])
else {
$Result.Data.Add($item.Key, $item.Values)
$form = $null
default {
$Result.Data = $Content
$Content = $null
return $Result
Extracts the base MIME type from a Content-Type string that may include additional parameters.
This function takes a Content-Type string as input and returns only the base MIME type by splitting the string at the semicolon (';') and trimming any excess whitespace.
It is useful for handling HTTP headers or other contexts where Content-Type strings include parameters like charset, boundary, etc.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The Content-Type string from which to extract the base MIME type. This string can include additional parameters separated by semicolons.
Split-PodeContentType -ContentType "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
This example returns 'text/html', stripping away the 'charset=UTF-8' parameter.
Split-PodeContentType -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
This example returns 'application/json', removing the charset parameter.
function Split-PodeContentType {
# Check if the input string is null, empty, or consists only of whitespace.
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
return [string]::Empty # Return an empty string if the input is not valid.
# Split the Content-Type string by the semicolon, which separates the base MIME type from other parameters.
# Trim any leading or trailing whitespace from the resulting MIME type to ensure clean output.
return @($ContentType -isplit ';')[0].Trim()
function ConvertFrom-PodeNameValueToHashTable {
if ((Get-PodeCount -Object $Collection) -eq 0) {
return @{}
$ht = @{}
foreach ($key in $Collection.Keys) {
$htKey = $key
if (!$key) {
$htKey = ''
$ht[$htKey] = $Collection.Get($key)
return $ht
Gets the count of elements in the provided object or the length of a string.
This function returns the count of elements in various types of objects including strings, collections, and arrays.
If the object is a string, it returns the length of the string. If the object is null or an empty collection, it returns 0.
This function is useful for determining the size or length of data containers in PowerShell scripts.
The object from which the count or length will be determined. This can be a string, array, collection, or any other object that has a Count property.
Returns an integer representing the count of elements or length of the string.
$array = @(1, 2, 3)
Get-PodeCount -Object $array
This example returns 3, as there are three elements in the array.
$string = "hello"
Get-PodeCount -Object $string
This example returns 5, as there are five characters in the string.
$nullObject = $null
Get-PodeCount -Object $nullObject
This example returns 0, as the object is null.
function Get-PodeCount {
$Object # The object to be evaluated for its count.
# Check if the object is null.
if ($null -eq $Object) {
return 0 # Return 0 if the object is null.
# Check if the object is a string and return its length.
if ($Object -is [string]) {
return $Object.Length
# Check if the object is a NameValueCollection and is empty.
if ($Object -is [System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection] -and $Object.Count -eq 0) {
return 0 # Return 0 if the collection is empty.
# For other types of collections, return their Count property.
return $Object.Count
Tests if a given file system path is valid and optionally if it is not a directory.
This function tests if the provided file system path is valid. It checks if the path is not null or whitespace, and if the item at the path exists. If the item exists and is not a directory (unless the $FailOnDirectory switch is not used), it returns true. If the path is not valid, it can optionally set a 404 response status code.
The file system path to test for validity.
A switch to suppress setting the 404 response status code if the path is not valid.
.PARAMETER FailOnDirectory
A switch to indicate that the function should return false if the path is a directory.
A switch to indicate that the file with the hidden attribute has to be includede
Return the item file item itself instead of true or false
$isValid = Test-PodePath -Path "C:\temp\file.txt"
if ($isValid) {
# The file exists and is not a directory
$isValid = Test-PodePath -Path "C:\temp\folder" -FailOnDirectory
if (!$isValid) {
# The path is a directory or does not exist
This function is used within the Pode framework to validate file system paths for serving static content.
function Test-PodePath {
$statusCode = 404
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
try {
$item = Get-Item $Path -Force:$Force -ErrorAction Stop
if (($null -ne $item) -and (!$FailOnDirectory -or !$item.PSIsContainer)) {
$statusCode = 200
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
$statusCode = 404
catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
$statusCode = 401
catch {
$statusCode = 400
if ($statusCode -eq 200) {
if ($ReturnItem.IsPresent) {
return $item
return $true
# if we failed to get the file, report back the status code and/or return true/false
if (!$NoStatus.IsPresent) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $statusCode
if ($ReturnItem.IsPresent) {
return $null
return $false
function Test-PodePathIsFile {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
return $false
if ($FailOnWildcard -and (Test-PodePathIsWildcard $Path)) {
return $false
return (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)))
function Test-PodePathIsWildcard {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
return $false
return $Path.Contains('*')
function Test-PodePathIsDirectory {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($FailOnWildcard -and (Test-PodePathIsWildcard $Path)) {
return $false
return ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)))
function Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex {
if (!$NotSlashes) {
if ($Path -match '[\\/]\*$') {
$Path = $Path -replace '[\\/]\*$', '/{0,1}*'
$Path = $Path -ireplace '[\\/]', '[\\/]'
$Path = $Path -ireplace '\.', '\.'
$Path = $Path -ireplace '\*', '.*?'
if ($NotStrict) {
return $Path
return "^$($Path)$"
function Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex {
# replace certain chars
$Paths = @(foreach ($path in $Paths) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path)) {
Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $path -NotStrict -NotSlashes:$NotSlashes
# if no paths, return null
if (($null -eq $Paths) -or ($Paths.Length -eq 0)) {
return $null
# join them all together
$joined = "($($Paths -join '|'))"
if ($NotStrict) {
return $joined
return "^$($joined)$"
Gets the default SSL protocol(s) based on the operating system.
This function determines the appropriate default SSL protocol(s) based on the operating system. On macOS, it returns TLS 1.2. On other platforms, it combines SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.2.
A [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols] enum value representing the default SSL protocol(s).
# Returns [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::Ssl3, [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::Tls12 (on non-macOS systems)
# Returns [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::Tls12 (on macOS)
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeDefaultSslProtocol {
if (Test-PodeIsMacOS) {
return (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocol -Protocol Tls12)
return (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocol -Protocol Ssl3, Tls12)
Converts a string representation of SSL protocols to the corresponding SslProtocols enum value.
This function takes an array of SSL protocol strings (such as 'Tls', 'Tls12', etc.) and combines them into a single SslProtocols enum value. It's useful for configuring SSL/TLS settings in Pode or other PowerShell scripts.
An array of SSL protocol strings. Valid values are 'Ssl2', 'Ssl3', 'Tls', 'Tls11', 'Tls12', and 'Tls13'.
A [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols] enum value representing the combined protocols.
ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocol -Protocol 'Tls', 'Tls12'
# Returns [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::Tls12
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocol {
[ValidateSet('Ssl2', 'Ssl3', 'Tls', 'Tls11', 'Tls12', 'Tls13')]
$protos = 0
foreach ($item in $Protocol) {
$protos = [int]($protos -bor [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::$item)
return [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]($protos)
Retrieves details about the Pode module.
This function determines the relevant details of the Pode module. It first checks if the module is already imported.
If so, it uses that module. Otherwise, it attempts to identify the module used for the 'engine' and retrieves its details.
If there are multiple versions of the module, it selects the newest version. If no module is imported, it uses the latest installed version.
A hashtable containing the module details.
# Returns a hashtable with module details such as name, path, base path, data path, internal path, and whether it's in the system path.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeModuleInfo {
# if there's 1 module imported already, use that
$importedModule = @(Get-Module -Name Pode)
if (($importedModule | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) {
return (Convert-PodeModuleInfo -Module @($importedModule)[0])
# if there's none or more, attempt to get the module used for 'engine'
try {
$usedModule = (Get-Command -Name 'Set-PodeViewEngine').Module
if (($usedModule | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) {
return (Convert-PodeModuleInfo -Module $usedModule)
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
# if there were multiple to begin with, use the newest version
if (($importedModule | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) {
return (Convert-PodeModuleInfo -Module @($importedModule | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1])
# otherwise there were none, use the latest installed
return (Convert-PodeModuleInfo -Module @(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Pode | Sort-Object -Property Version)[-1])
Converts Pode module details to a hashtable.
This function takes a Pode module and extracts relevant details such as name, path, base path, data path, internal path, and whether it's in the system path.
The Pode module to convert.
A hashtable containing the module details.
Convert-PodeModuleInfo -Module (Get-Module Pode)
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Convert-PodeModuleInfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$details = @{
Name = $Module.Name
Path = $Module.Path
BasePath = $Module.ModuleBase
DataPath = (Find-PodeModuleFile -Module $Module -CheckVersion)
InternalPath = $null
InPath = (Test-PodeModuleInPath -Module $Module)
$details.InternalPath = $details.DataPath -ireplace 'Pode\.(ps[md]1)', 'Pode.Internal.$1'
return $details
Checks if a PowerShell module is located within the directories specified in the PSModulePath environment variable.
This function determines if the path of a provided PowerShell module starts with any path included in the system's PSModulePath environment variable.
This is used to ensure that the module is being loaded from expected locations, which can be important for security and configuration verification.
The module to be checked. This should be a module info object, typically obtained via Get-Module or Import-Module.
Returns $true if the module's path is under a path listed in PSModulePath, otherwise returns $false.
$module = Get-Module -Name Pode
Test-PodeModuleInPath -Module $module
This example checks if the 'Pode' module is located within the paths specified by the PSModulePath environment variable.
function Test-PodeModuleInPath {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Determine the path separator based on the operating system.
$separator = if (Test-PodeIsUnix) { ':' } else { ';' }
# Split the PSModulePath environment variable to get individual paths.
$paths = @($env:PSModulePath -split $separator)
# Check each path to see if the module's path starts with it.
foreach ($path in $paths) {
# Return true if the module is in one of the paths.
if ($Module.Path.StartsWith($path)) {
return $true
# Return false if no matching path is found.
return $false
Retrieves a module and all of its recursive dependencies.
This function takes a PowerShell module as input and returns an array containing
the module and all of its required dependencies, retrieved recursively. This is
useful for understanding the full set of dependencies a module has.
The module for which to retrieve dependencies. This must be a valid PowerShell module object.
$module = Get-Module -Name SomeModuleName
$dependencies = Get-PodeModuleDependencyList -Module $module
This example retrieves all dependencies for "SomeModuleName".
Returns an array of psmoduleinfo objects, each representing a module in the dependency tree.
function Get-PodeModuleDependencyList {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Check if the module has any required modules (dependencies).
if (!$Module.RequiredModules) {
return $Module
# Initialize an array to hold all dependencies.
$mods = @()
# Iterate through each required module and recursively retrieve their dependencies.
foreach ($mod in $Module.RequiredModules) {
# Recursive call for each dependency.
$mods += (Get-PodeModuleDependencyList -Module $mod)
# Return the list of all dependencies plus the original module.
return ($mods + $module)
function Get-PodeModuleRootPath {
return (Split-Path -Parent -Path $PodeContext.Server.PodeModule.Path)
function Get-PodeModuleMiscPath {
return [System.IO.Path]::Combine((Get-PodeModuleRootPath), 'Misc')
function Get-PodeUrl {
return "$($WebEvent.Endpoint.Protocol)://$($WebEvent.Endpoint.Address)$($WebEvent.Path)"
function Find-PodeErrorPage {
# if a defined content type is supplied, attempt to find an error page for that first
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
$path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $ContentType
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $ContentType }
# if a defined route error page content type is supplied, attempt to find an error page for that
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.ErrorType)) {
$path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $WebEvent.ErrorType
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $WebEvent.ErrorType }
# if route patterns have been defined, see if an error content type matches and attempt that
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes)) {
# find type by pattern
$matched = @(foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes.Keys) {
if ($WebEvent.Path -imatch $key) {
# if we have a match, see if a page exists
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $matched)) {
$type = $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes[$matched]
$path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $type
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $type }
# if we're using strict typing, attempt that, if we have a content type
if ($PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.StrictContentTyping -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.ContentType)) {
$path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $WebEvent.ContentType
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $WebEvent.ContentType }
# if we have a default defined, attempt that
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Default)) {
$path = Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Default
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Default }
# if there's still no error page, use default HTML logic
$type = Get-PodeContentType -Extension 'html'
$path = (Get-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $type)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return @{ 'Path' = $path; 'ContentType' = $type }
return $null
function Get-PodeErrorPage {
# parse the passed content type
$ContentType = Split-PodeContentType -ContentType $ContentType
# object for the page path
$path = $null
# attempt to find a custom error page
$path = Find-PodeCustomErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $ContentType
# if there's no custom page found, attempt to find an inbuilt page
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
$podeRoot = Get-PodeModuleMiscPath
$path = Find-PodeFileForContentType -Path $podeRoot -Name 'default-error-page' -ContentType $ContentType -Engine 'pode'
# if there's no path found, or it's inaccessible, return null
if (!(Test-PodePath $path -NoStatus)) {
return $null
return $path
function Find-PodeCustomErrorPage {
# get the custom errors path
$customErrPath = $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives['errors']
# if there's no custom error path, return
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($customErrPath)) {
return $null
# retrieve a status code page
$path = (Find-PodeFileForContentType -Path $customErrPath -Name "$($Code)" -ContentType $ContentType)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return $path
# retrieve default page
$path = (Find-PodeFileForContentType -Path $customErrPath -Name 'default' -ContentType $ContentType)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return $path
# no file was found
return $null
function Find-PodeFileForContentType {
$Engine = $null
# get all files at the path that start with the name
$files = @(Get-ChildItem -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($Path, "$($Name).*")))
# if there are no files, return
if ($null -eq $files -or $files.Length -eq 0) {
return $null
# filter the files by the view engine extension (but only if the current engine is dynamic - non-html)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Engine) -and $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.IsDynamic) {
$Engine = $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension
$Engine = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Engine -Default 'pode')
if ($Engine -ine 'pode') {
$Engine = "($($Engine)|pode)"
$engineFiles = @(foreach ($file in $files) {
if ($file.Name -imatch "\.$($Engine)$") {
$files = @(foreach ($file in $files) {
if ($file.Name -inotmatch "\.$($Engine)$") {
# only attempt static files if we still have files after any engine filtering
if ($null -ne $files -and $files.Length -gt 0) {
# get files of the format '<name>.<type>'
$file = @(foreach ($f in $files) {
if ($f.Name -imatch "^$($Name)\.(?<ext>.*?)$") {
if (($ContentType -ieq (Get-PodeContentType -Extension $Matches['ext']))) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file)) {
return $file
# only attempt these formats if we have a files for the view engine
if ($null -ne $engineFiles -and $engineFiles.Length -gt 0) {
# get files of the format '<name>.<type>.<engine>'
$file = @(foreach ($f in $engineFiles) {
if ($f.Name -imatch "^$($Name)\.(?<ext>.*?)\.$($engine)$") {
if ($ContentType -ieq (Get-PodeContentType -Extension $Matches['ext'])) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file)) {
return $file
# get files of the format '<name>.<engine>'
$file = @(foreach ($f in $engineFiles) {
if ($f.Name -imatch "^$($Name)\.$($engine)$") {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file)) {
return $file
# no file was found
return $null
Resolves and processes a relative or absolute file system path based on the specified parameters.
This function processes a given path and applies various transformations and checks based on the provided parameters. It supports resolving relative paths, joining them with a root path, normalizing relative paths, and verifying path existence.
The file system path to be processed. This can be relative or absolute.
(Optional) The root path to join with if the provided path is relative and the -JoinRoot switch is enabled.
Indicates that the relative path should be joined to the specified root path. If no RootPath is provided, the Pode context server root will be used.
Resolves the path to its absolute, full path.
Verifies if the resolved path exists. Throws an exception if the path does not exist.
Returns the resolved and processed path as a string.
# Example 1: Resolve a relative path and join it with a root path
Get-PodeRelativePath -Path './example' -RootPath 'C:\Root' -JoinRoot
# Example 3: Test if a path exists
Get-PodeRelativePath -Path 'C:\Root\example.txt' -TestPath
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode
function Get-PodeRelativePath {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if the path is relative, join to root if flagged
if ($JoinRoot -and ($Path -match '^\.{1,2}([\\\/]|$)')) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RootPath)) {
$RootPath = $PodeContext.Server.Root
$Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RootPath, $Path)
# if flagged, resolve the path
if ($Resolve) {
$_rawPath = $Path
$Path = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path.Replace('\', '/'))
# if flagged, test the path and throw error if it doesn't exist
if ($TestPath -and !(Test-PodePath $Path -NoStatus)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.pathNotExistExceptionMessage -f (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default $_rawPath))#"The path does not exist: $(Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default $_rawPath)"
return $Path
Retrieves files based on a wildcard pattern in a given path.
The `Get-PodeWildcardFile` function returns files from the specified path based on a wildcard pattern.
You can customize the wildcard and provide an optional root path for relative paths.
Specifies the path to search for files. This parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the wildcard pattern for file matching. Default is '*.*'.
Specifies an optional root path for relative paths. If provided, the function will join the root path with the specified path.
Returns an array of file paths matching the wildcard pattern.
# Example usage:
$files = Get-PodeWildcardFile -Path '/path/to/files' -Wildcard '*.txt'
# Returns an array of .txt files in the specified path.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeWildcardFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Wildcard = '*.*',
# if the OriginalPath is a directory, add wildcard
if (Test-PodePathIsDirectory -Path $Path) {
$Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Path, $Wildcard)
# if path has a *, assume wildcard
if (Test-PodePathIsWildcard -Path $Path) {
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -RootPath $RootPath -JoinRoot
return @((Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse -Force).FullName)
return $null
function Test-PodeIsServerless {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless -and $ThrowError) {
throw ($PodeLocale.unsupportedFunctionInServerlessContextExceptionMessage -f $FunctionName) #"The $($FunctionName) function is not supported in a serverless context"
if (!$ThrowError) {
return $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless
function Get-PodeEndpointUrl {
# get the endpoint on which we're currently listening - use first http/https if there are many
if ($null -eq $Endpoint) {
$Endpoint = @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { $_.Protocol -iin @('http', 'https') -and $_.Default })[0]
if ($null -eq $Endpoint) {
$Endpoint = @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { $_.Protocol -iin @('http', 'https') })[0]
if ($null -eq $Endpoint) {
return $null
$url = $Endpoint.Url
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($url)) {
$url = "$($Endpoint.Protocol)://$($Endpoint.FriendlyName):$($Endpoint.Port)"
return $url
function Get-PodeDefaultPort {
[ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]
[ValidateSet('Implicit', 'Explicit')]
$TlsMode = 'Implicit',
# are we after the real default ports?
if ($Real) {
return (@{
Http = @{ Implicit = 80 }
Https = @{ Implicit = 443 }
Smtp = @{ Implicit = 25 }
Smtps = @{ Implicit = 465; Explicit = 587 }
Tcp = @{ Implicit = 9001 }
Tcps = @{ Implicit = 9002; Explicit = 9003 }
Ws = @{ Implicit = 80 }
Wss = @{ Implicit = 443 }
# if we running as iis, return the ASPNET port
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) {
return [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT
# if we running as heroku, return the port
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
return [int]$env:PORT
# otherwise, get the port for the protocol
return (@{
Http = @{ Implicit = 8080 }
Https = @{ Implicit = 8443 }
Smtp = @{ Implicit = 25 }
Smtps = @{ Implicit = 465; Explicit = 587 }
Tcp = @{ Implicit = 9001 }
Tcps = @{ Implicit = 9002; Explicit = 9003 }
Ws = @{ Implicit = 9080 }
Wss = @{ Implicit = 9443 }
function Set-PodeServerHeader {
$name = 'Pode'
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Type) -or $AllowEmptyType) {
$name += " - $($Type)"
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Server' -Value $name
function Get-PodeHandler {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Service', 'Smtp')]
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
return $PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type]
return $PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type][$Name]
function Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# resolve for relative path
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
# if Path doesn't exist, error
if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $Path -NoStatus)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.pathNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Path) # "The Path supplied does not exist: $($Path)"
# if the path is a wildcard or directory, error
if (!(Test-PodePathIsFile -Path $Path -FailOnWildcard)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidPathWildcardOrDirectoryExceptionMessage -f $Path) # "The Path supplied cannot be a wildcard or a directory: $($Path)"
return ([scriptblock](Use-PodeScript -Path $Path))
function Convert-PodeQueryStringToHashTable {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Uri)) {
return @{}
$qmIndex = $Uri.IndexOf('?')
if ($qmIndex -eq -1) {
return @{}
if ($qmIndex -gt 0) {
$Uri = $Uri.Substring($qmIndex)
$tmpQuery = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($Uri)
return (ConvertFrom-PodeNameValueToHashTable -Collection $tmpQuery)
function Get-PodeAstFromFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.pathNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Path) # "The Path supplied does not exist: $($Path)"
return [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
function Get-PodeFunctionsFromFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ast = Get-PodeAstFromFile -FilePath $FilePath
return @(Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst -Ast $ast)
function Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$funcs = @(($Ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $false)))
return @(foreach ($func in $funcs) {
# skip null
if ($null -eq $func) {
# skip pode funcs
if ($func.Name -ilike '*-Pode*') {
# definition
$def = "$($func.Body)".Trim('{}').Trim()
if (($null -ne $func.Parameters) -and ($func.Parameters.Count -gt 0)) {
$def = "param($($func.Parameters.Name -join ','))`n$($def)"
# the found func
Name = $func.Name
Definition = $def
function Get-PodeFunctionsFromScriptBlock {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# functions that have been found
$foundFuncs = @()
# get each function in the callstack
$callstack = Get-PSCallStack
if ($callstack.Count -gt 3) {
$callstack = ($callstack | Select-Object -Skip 4)
$bindingFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'NonPublic, Instance, Static'
foreach ($call in $callstack) {
$_funcContext = $call.GetType().GetProperty('FunctionContext', $bindingFlags).GetValue($call, $null)
$_scriptBlock = $_funcContext.GetType().GetField('_scriptBlock', $bindingFlags).GetValue($_funcContext)
$foundFuncs += @(Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst -Ast $_scriptBlock.Ast)
# get each function from the main script
$foundFuncs += @(Get-PodeFunctionsFromAst -Ast $ScriptBlock.Ast)
# return the found functions
return $foundFuncs
Reads details from a web exception and returns relevant information.
The `Read-PodeWebExceptionInfo` function processes a web exception (either `WebException` or `HttpRequestException`)
and extracts relevant details such as status code, status description, and response body.
.PARAMETER ErrorRecord
Specifies the error record containing the web exception. This parameter is mandatory.
Returns a hashtable with the following keys:
- `Status`: A nested hashtable with `Code` (status code) and `Description` (status description).
- `Body`: The response body from the web exception.
# Example usage:
$errorRecord = Get-ErrorRecordFromWebException
$details = Read-PodeWebExceptionInfo -ErrorRecord $errorRecord
# Returns a hashtable with status code, description, and response body.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode
function Read-PodeWebExceptionInfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
switch ($ErrorRecord) {
{ $_.Exception -is [System.Net.WebException] } {
$stream = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$stream.Position = 0
$body = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($stream).ReadToEnd()
$code = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
$desc = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
{ $_.Exception -is [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] } {
$body = $_.ErrorDetails.Message
$code = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
$desc = $_.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase
default {
#Exception is of an invalid type, should be either WebException or HttpRequestException
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidWebExceptionTypeExceptionMessage -f ($_.Exception.GetType().Name))
return @{
Status = @{
Code = $code
Description = $desc
Body = $body
function Use-PodeFolder {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# use default, or custom path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
$Path = Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder $DefaultPath
else {
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
# fail if path not found
if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $Path -NoStatus)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.pathToLoadNotFoundExceptionMessage -f $DefaultPath, $Path) #"Path to load $($DefaultPath) not found: $($Path)"
# get .ps1 files and load them
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.ps1 -Force -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
Use-PodeScript -Path $_.FullName
function Find-PodeModuleFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Module')]
# get module and check psd1, then psm1
if ($null -eq $Module) {
$Module = (Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable:$ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1)
# if the path isn't already a psd1 do this
$path = Join-Path $Module.ModuleBase "$($Module.Name).psd1"
if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
# if we only want a psd1, return null
if ($DataOnly) {
$path = $null
else {
$path = $Module.Path
# check the Version of the psd1
elseif ($CheckVersion) {
$data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop
$version = $null
if (![version]::TryParse($data.ModuleVersion, [ref]$version)) {
if ($DataOnly) {
$path = $null
else {
$path = $Module.Path
return $path
Clears the inner keys of a hashtable.
This function takes a hashtable as input and clears the values associated with each inner key. If the input hashtable is empty or null, no action is taken.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The hashtable to process.
$myHashtable = @{
'Key1' = 'Value1'
'Key2' = 'Value2'
Clear-PodeHashtableInnerKey -InputObject $myHashtable
# Clears the values associated with 'Key1' and 'Key2' in the hashtable.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Clear-PodeHashtableInnerKey {
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $InputObject) {
$InputObject.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {
function Set-PodeCronInterval {
if ($Interval -le 0) {
return $false
if ($Value.Length -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.singleValueForIntervalExceptionMessage -f $Type) #"You can only supply a single $($Type) value when using intervals"
if ($Value.Length -eq 1) {
$Cron[$Type] = "$(@($Value)[0])"
$Cron[$Type] += "/$($Interval)"
return ($Value.Length -eq 1)
function Test-PodeModuleInstalled {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return ($null -ne (Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Ignore -Verbose:$false))
function Get-PodePlaceholderRegex {
return '\:(?<tag>[\w]+)'
Resolves placeholders in a given path using a specified regex pattern.
The `Resolve-PodePlaceholder` function replaces placeholders in the provided path
with custom placeholders based on the specified regex pattern. You can customize
the prepend and append strings for the new placeholders. Additionally, you can
choose to escape slashes in the path.
Specifies the path to resolve. This parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the regex pattern for identifying placeholders. If not provided, the default
placeholder regex pattern from `Get-PodePlaceholderRegex` is used.
Specifies the string to prepend to the new placeholders. Default is '(?<'.
Specifies the string to append to the new placeholders. Default is '>[^\/]+?)'.
If specified, escapes slashes in the path.
Returns the resolved path with replaced placeholders.
# Example usage:
$originalPath = '/api/users/{id}'
$resolvedPath = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $originalPath
# Returns '/api/users/(?<id>[^\/]+?)' with custom placeholders.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Resolve-PodePlaceholder {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Prepend = '(?<',
$Append = '>[^\/]+?)',
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) {
$Pattern = Get-PodePlaceholderRegex
if ($Path -imatch $Pattern) {
$Path = [regex]::Escape($Path)
if ($Slashes) {
$Path = ($Path.TrimEnd('\/') -replace '(\\\\|\/)', '[\\\/]')
$Path = "$($Path)[\\\/]"
return (Convert-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path -Pattern $Pattern -Prepend $Prepend -Append $Append)
Converts placeholders in a given path using a specified regex pattern.
The `Convert-PodePlaceholder` function replaces placeholders in the provided path
with custom placeholders based on the specified regex pattern. You can customize
the prepend and append strings for the new placeholders.
Specifies the path to convert. This parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the regex pattern for identifying placeholders. If not provided, the default
placeholder regex pattern from `Get-PodePlaceholderRegex` is used.
Specifies the string to prepend to the new placeholders. Default is '(?<'.
Specifies the string to append to the new placeholders. Default is '>[^\/]+?)'.
Returns the path with replaced placeholders.
# Example usage:
$originalPath = '/api/users/{id}'
$convertedPath = Convert-PodePlaceholder -Path $originalPath
# Returns '/api/users/(?<id>[^\/]+?)' with custom placeholders.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Convert-PodePlaceholder {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Prepend = '(?<',
$Append = '>[^\/]+?)'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) {
$Pattern = Get-PodePlaceholderRegex
while ($Path -imatch $Pattern) {
$Path = ($Path -ireplace $Matches[0], "$($Prepend)$($Matches['tag'])$($Append)")
return $Path
Tests whether a given path contains a placeholder based on a specified regex pattern.
The `Test-PodePlaceholder` function checks if the provided path contains a placeholder
by matching it against a regex pattern. Placeholders are typically used for dynamic values.
Specifies the path to test. This parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER Placeholder
Specifies the regex pattern for identifying placeholders. If not provided, the default
placeholder regex pattern from `Get-PodePlaceholderRegex` is used.
Returns `$true` if the path contains a placeholder; otherwise, returns `$false`.
# Example usage:
$isPlaceholder = Test-PodePlaceholder -Path '/api/users/{id}'
# Returns $true because the path contains a placeholder.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodePlaceholder {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Placeholder)) {
$Placeholder = Get-PodePlaceholderRegex
return ($Path -imatch $Placeholder)
Retrieves the PowerShell module manifest object for the specified module.
This function constructs the path to a PowerShell module manifest file (.psd1) located in the parent directory of the script root. It then imports the module manifest file to access its properties and returns the manifest object. This can be useful for scripts that need to dynamically discover and utilize module metadata, such as version, dependencies, and exported functions.
This function does not accept any parameters.
$manifest = Get-PodeModuleManifest
This example calls the `Get-PodeModuleManifest` function to retrieve the module manifest object and stores it in the variable `$manifest`.
function Get-PodeModuleManifest {
# Construct the path to the module manifest (.psd1 file)
$moduleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -ChildPath 'Pode.psd1'
# Import the module manifest to access its properties
$moduleManifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $moduleManifestPath
return $moduleManifest
Tests the running PowerShell version for compatibility with Pode, identifying end-of-life (EOL) and untested versions.
The `Test-PodeVersionPwshEOL` function checks the current PowerShell version against a list of versions that were either supported or EOL at the time of the Pode release. It uses the module manifest to determine which PowerShell versions are considered EOL and which are officially supported. If the current version is EOL or was not tested with the current release of Pode, the function generates a warning. This function aids in maintaining best practices for using supported PowerShell versions with Pode.
.PARAMETER ReportUntested
If specified, the function will report if the current PowerShell version was not available and thus untested at the time of the Pode release. This is useful for identifying potential compatibility issues with newer versions of PowerShell.
A hashtable containing two keys:
- `eol`: A boolean indicating if the current PowerShell version was EOL at the time of the Pode release.
- `supported`: A boolean indicating if the current PowerShell version was officially supported by Pode at the time of the release.
Checks the current PowerShell version against Pode's supported and EOL versions list. Outputs a warning if the version is EOL or untested, and returns a hashtable indicating the compatibility status.
Test-PodeVersionPwshEOL -ReportUntested
Similar to the basic usage, but also reports if the current PowerShell version was untested because it was not available at the time of the Pode release.
This function is part of the Pode module's utilities to ensure compatibility and encourage the use of supported PowerShell versions.
function Test-PodeVersionPwshEOL {
[switch] $ReportUntested
$moduleManifest = Get-PodeModuleManifest
if ($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion -eq '$version$') {
return @{
eol = $false
supported = $true
$psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
$eolVersions = $moduleManifest.PrivateData.PwshVersions.Untested -split ','
$isEol = "$($psVersion.Major).$($psVersion.Minor)" -in $eolVersions
if ($isEol) {
# [WARNING] Pode version has not been tested on PowerShell version, as it is EOL
Write-PodeHost ($PodeLocale.eolPowerShellWarningMessage -f $PodeVersion, $PSVersion) -ForegroundColor Yellow
$SupportedVersions = $moduleManifest.PrivateData.PwshVersions.Supported -split ','
$isSupported = "$($psVersion.Major).$($psVersion.Minor)" -in $SupportedVersions
if ((! $isSupported) -and (! $isEol) -and $ReportUntested) {
# [WARNING] Pode version has not been tested on PowerShell version, as it was not available when Pode was released
Write-PodeHost ($PodeLocale.untestedPowerShellVersionWarningMessage -f $PodeVersion, $PSVersion) -ForegroundColor Yellow
return @{
eol = $isEol
supported = $isSupported
creates a YAML description of the data in the object - based on
This produces YAML from any object you pass to it.
The object that you want scripted out. This parameter accepts input via the pipeline.
The depth that you want your object scripted to
function ConvertTo-PodeYaml {
param (
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Depth = 16
begin {
$pipelineObject = @()
process {
$pipelineObject += $_
end {
if ($pipelineObject.Count -gt 1) {
$InputObject = $pipelineObject
if ($PodeContext.Server.Web.OpenApi.UsePodeYamlInternal) {
return ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth -NoNewLine
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.InternalCache.YamlModuleImported) {
$PodeContext.Server.InternalCache.YamlModuleImported = ((Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name 'PSYaml') -or (Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name 'powershell-yaml'))
if ($PodeContext.Server.InternalCache.YamlModuleImported) {
return ($InputObject | ConvertTo-Yaml)
else {
return ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject -Depth $Depth -NoNewLine
Converts PowerShell objects into a YAML-formatted string.
This function takes PowerShell objects and converts them to a YAML string representation.
It supports various data types including arrays, hashtables, strings, and more.
The depth of conversion can be controlled, allowing for nested objects to be accurately represented.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The PowerShell object to convert to YAML.
Specifies the maximum depth of object nesting to convert. Default is 10 levels deep.
.PARAMETER NestingLevel
Used internally to track the current depth of recursion. Generally not specified by the user.
If specified, suppresses the newline characters in the output to create a single-line string.
System.String. Returns a string in YAML format.
ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $object
Converts the object into a YAML string.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
It converts only basic PowerShell types, such as strings, integers, booleans, arrays, hashtables, and ordered dictionaries into a YAML format.
function ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Depth = 10,
$NestingLevel = 0,
#report the leaves in terms of object type
if ($Depth -ilt $NestingLevel) {
return ''
# if it is null return null
If ( !($InputObject) ) {
if ($InputObject -is [Object[]]) {
return '[]'
else {
return ''
$padding = [string]::new(' ', $NestingLevel * 2) # lets just create our left-padding for the block
try {
$Type = $InputObject.GetType().Name # we start by getting the object's type
if ($InputObject -is [object[]]) {
#what it really is
$Type = "$($InputObject.GetType().BaseType.Name)"
# Check for specific value types string
if ($Type -ne 'String') {
# prevent these values being identified as an object
if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
$Type = 'hashTable'
elseif ($Type -ieq 'List`1') {
$Type = 'array'
elseif ($InputObject -is [array]) {
$Type = 'array'
} # whatever it thinks it is called
elseif ($InputObject -is [hashtable] ) {
$Type = 'hashTable'
} # for our purposes it is a hashtable
$output += switch ($Type.ToLower()) {
'string' {
$String = "$InputObject"
if (($string -match '[\r\n]' -or $string.Length -gt 80) -and ($string -notlike 'http*')) {
$multiline = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new("|`n")
$items = $string.Split("`n")
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $items.Length; $i++) {
$workingString = $items[$i] -replace '\r$'
$length = $workingString.Length
$index = 0
$wrap = 80
while ($index -lt $length) {
$breakpoint = $wrap
$linebreak = $false
if (($length - $index) -gt $wrap) {
$lastSpaceIndex = $workingString.LastIndexOf(' ', $index + $wrap, $wrap)
if ($lastSpaceIndex -ne -1) {
$breakpoint = $lastSpaceIndex - $index
else {
$linebreak = $true
else {
$breakpoint = $length - $index
$null = $multiline.Append($padding).Append($workingString.Substring($index, $breakpoint).Trim())
if ($linebreak) {
$null = $multiline.Append('\')
$index += $breakpoint
if ($index -lt $length) {
$null = $multiline.Append([System.Environment]::NewLine)
if ($i -lt ($items.Length - 1)) {
$null = $multiline.Append([System.Environment]::NewLine)
else {
if ($string -match '^[#\[\]@\{\}\!\*]') {
"'$($string -replace '''', '''''')'"
else {
'hashtable' {
if ($InputObject.GetEnumerator().MoveNext()) {
$index = 0
$string = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
foreach ($item in $InputObject.Keys) {
if ($NoNewLine -and $index++ -eq 0) { $NewPadding = '' } else { $NewPadding = "`n$padding" }
$null = $string.Append( $NewPadding).Append( $item).Append(': ')
if ($InputObject[$item] -is [System.ValueType]) {
if ($InputObject[$item] -is [bool]) {
$null = $string.Append($InputObject[$item].ToString().ToLower())
else {
$null = $string.Append($InputObject[$item])
else {
if ($InputObject[$item] -is [string]) { $increment = 2 } else { $increment = 1 }
$null = $string.Append((ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject[$item] -Depth $Depth -NestingLevel ($NestingLevel + $increment)))
else { '{}' }
'pscustomobject' {
if ($InputObject.PSObject.Properties.Count -gt 0) {
$index = 0
$string = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
foreach ($item in ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) {
if ($NoNewLine -and $index++ -eq 0) { $NewPadding = '' } else { $NewPadding = "`n$padding" }
$null = $string.Append( $NewPadding).Append( $item).Append(': ')
if ($InputObject.$item -is [System.ValueType]) {
if ($InputObject.$item -is [bool]) {
$null = $string.Append($InputObject.$item.ToString().ToLower())
else {
$null = $string.Append($InputObject.$item)
else {
if ($InputObject.$item -is [string]) { $increment = 2 } else { $increment = 1 }
$null = $string.Append((ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $InputObject.$item -Depth $Depth -NestingLevel ($NestingLevel + $increment)))
else { '{}' }
'array' {
$string = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$index = 0
foreach ($item in $InputObject ) {
if ($NoNewLine -and $index++ -eq 0) { $NewPadding = '' } else { $NewPadding = "`n$padding" }
$null = $string.Append($NewPadding).Append('- ').Append((ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal -InputObject $item -depth $Depth -NestingLevel ($NestingLevel + 1) -NoNewLine))
default {
return $Output
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw ($PodeLocale.scriptErrorExceptionMessage -f $_, $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName, $_.InvocationInfo.Line.Trim(), $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber, $_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine, $_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand, $type, $InputObject, $InputObject.GetType().Name, $InputObject.GetType().BaseType.Name)
Resolves various types of object arrays into PowerShell objects.
This function takes an input property and determines its type.
It then resolves the property into a PowerShell object or an array of objects,
depending on whether the property is a hashtable, array, or single object.
The property to be resolved. It can be a hashtable, an object array, or a single object.
Returns a PowerShell object or an array of PowerShell objects, depending on the input property type.
$result = Resolve-PodeObjectArray -Property $myProperty
This example resolves the $myProperty into a PowerShell object or an array of objects.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Resolve-PodeObjectArray {
param (
# Check if the property is a hashtable
if ($Property -is [hashtable]) {
# If the hashtable has only one item, convert it to a PowerShell object
if ($Property.Count -eq 1) {
return [pscustomobject]$Property
else {
# If the hashtable has more than one item, recursively resolve each item
return @(foreach ($p in $Property) {
Resolve-PodeObjectArray -Property $p
# Check if the property is an array of objects
elseif ($Property -is [object[]]) {
# Recursively resolve each item in the array
return @(foreach ($p in $Property) {
Resolve-PodeObjectArray -Property $p
# Check if the property is already a PowerShell object
elseif ($Property -is [psobject]) {
return $Property
else {
# For any other type, convert it to a PowerShell object
return [pscustomobject]$Property
Creates a deep clone of a PSObject by serializing and deserializing the object.
The Copy-PodeObjectDeepClone function takes a PSObject as input and creates a deep clone of it.
This is achieved by serializing the object using the PSSerializer class, and then
deserializing it back into a new instance. This method ensures that nested objects, arrays,
and other complex structures are copied fully, without sharing references between the original
and the cloned object.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The PSObject that you want to deep clone. This object will be serialized and then deserialized
to create a deep copy.
Specifies the depth for the serialization. The depth controls how deeply nested objects
and properties are serialized. The default value is 10.
[PSObject] - The function accepts a PSObject to deep clone.
[PSObject] - The function returns a new PSObject that is a deep clone of the original.
$originalObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = 'John Doe'
Age = 30
Address = [PSCustomObject]@{
Street = '123 Main St'
City = 'Anytown'
Zip = '12345'
$clonedObject = $originalObject | Copy-PodeObjectDeepClone -Deep 15
# The $clonedObject is now a deep clone of $originalObject.
# Changes to $clonedObject will not affect $originalObject and vice versa.
This function uses the System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer class, which is available in
PowerShell 5.1 and later versions. The default depth parameter is set to 10 to handle nested
objects appropriately, but it can be customized via the -Deep parameter.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Copy-PodeObjectDeepClone {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[int]$Depth = 10
process {
# Serialize the object to XML format using PSSerializer
# The depth parameter controls how deeply nested objects are serialized
$xmlSerializer = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($InputObject, $Depth)
# Deserialize the XML back into a new PSObject, creating a deep clone of the original
return [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Deserialize($xmlSerializer)
Converts a duration in milliseconds into a human-readable time format.
The `Convert-PodeMillisecondsToReadable` function converts a specified duration in milliseconds into
a readable time format. The output can be formatted in three styles:
- `Concise`: A short and simple format (e.g., "1d 2h 3m").
- `Compact`: A compact representation (e.g., "01:02:03:04").
- `Verbose`: A detailed, descriptive format (e.g., "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes").
The function also provides an option to exclude milliseconds from the output for all formats.
.PARAMETER Milliseconds
Specifies the duration in milliseconds to be converted into a human-readable format.
Specifies the desired format for the output. Valid options are:
- `Concise` (default): Short and simple (e.g., "1d 2h 3m").
- `Compact`: Condensed form (e.g., "01:02:03:04").
- `Verbose`: Detailed description (e.g., "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds").
.PARAMETER ExcludeMilliseconds
If specified, milliseconds will be excluded from the output for all formats.
Convert-PodeMillisecondsToReadable -Milliseconds 123456789
1d 10h 17m 36s
Convert-PodeMillisecondsToReadable -Milliseconds 123456789 -Format Verbose
1 day, 10 hours, 17 minutes, 36 seconds, 789 milliseconds
Convert-PodeMillisecondsToReadable -Milliseconds 123456789 -Format Compact -ExcludeMilliseconds
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Convert-PodeMillisecondsToReadable {
# The duration in milliseconds to convert
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Specifies the desired output format
[ValidateSet('Concise', 'Compact', 'Verbose')]
$Format = 'Concise',
# Omits milliseconds from the output
# Convert the milliseconds input into a TimeSpan object
$timeSpan = [timespan]::FromMilliseconds($Milliseconds)
# Generate the formatted output based on the selected format
switch ($Format.ToLower()) {
'concise' {
# Concise format: "1d 2h 3m 4s"
$output = @()
if ($timeSpan.Days -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Days)d" }
if ($timeSpan.Hours -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Hours)h" }
if ($timeSpan.Minutes -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Minutes)m" }
if ($timeSpan.Seconds -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Seconds)s" }
# Include milliseconds if they exist and are not excluded
if ((($timeSpan.Milliseconds -gt 0) -and !$ExcludeMilliseconds) -or ($output.Count -eq 0)) {
$output += "$($timeSpan.Milliseconds)ms"
return $output -join ' '
'compact' {
# Compact format: "dd:hh:mm:ss"
$output = '{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}' -f $timeSpan.Days, $timeSpan.Hours, $timeSpan.Minutes, $timeSpan.Seconds
# Append milliseconds if not excluded
if (!$ExcludeMilliseconds) {
$output += '.{0:D3}' -f $timeSpan.Milliseconds
return $output
'verbose' {
# Verbose format: "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds"
$output = @()
if ($timeSpan.Days -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Days) day$(if ($timeSpan.Days -ne 1) { 's' })" }
if ($timeSpan.Hours -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Hours) hour$(if ($timeSpan.Hours -ne 1) { 's' })" }
if ($timeSpan.Minutes -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Minutes) minute$(if ($timeSpan.Minutes -ne 1) { 's' })" }
if ($timeSpan.Seconds -gt 0) { $output += "$($timeSpan.Seconds) second$(if ($timeSpan.Seconds -ne 1) { 's' })" }
# Include milliseconds if they exist and are not excluded
if ((($timeSpan.Milliseconds -gt 0) -and !$ExcludeMilliseconds) -or ($output.Count -eq 0)) {
$output += "$($timeSpan.Milliseconds) millisecond$(if ($timeSpan.Milliseconds -ne 1) { 's' })"
return $output -join ', '
Converts all instances of 'Start-Sleep' to 'Start-PodeSleep' within a scriptblock.
The `ConvertTo-PodeSleep` function processes a given scriptblock and replaces every occurrence
of 'Start-Sleep' with 'Start-PodeSleep'. This is useful for adapting scripts that need to use
Pode-specific sleep functionality.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The scriptblock to be processed. The function will replace 'Start-Sleep' with 'Start-PodeSleep'
in the provided scriptblock.
# Example 1: Replace Start-Sleep in a ScriptBlock
$Original = { Write-Host "Starting"; Start-Sleep -Seconds 5; Write-Host "Done" }
$Modified = $Original | ConvertTo-PodeSleep
& $Modified
# Example 2: Process a ScriptBlock inline
ConvertTo-PodeSleep -ScriptBlock { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } | Invoke-Command
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeSleep {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
# Modify the ScriptBlock to replace 'Start-Sleep' with 'Start-PodeSleep'
return [scriptblock]::Create(("$($ScriptBlock)" -replace 'Start-Sleep ', 'Start-PodeSleep '))
Tests whether the current PowerShell host is the Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).
This function checks if the current host is running in the Windows PowerShell ISE
by comparing the `$Host.Name` property with the string 'Windows PowerShell ISE Host'.
This function does not accept any parameters.
Returns `True` if the host is the Windows PowerShell ISE, otherwise `False`.
Checks if the current PowerShell session is running in the ISE and returns the result.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeIsISEHost {
return ((Test-PodeIsWindows) -and ('Windows PowerShell ISE Host' -eq $Host.Name))
function Get-PodeLimitRateTimerName {
return '__pode_rate_limit_housekeeper__'
function Test-PodeLimitRateTimer {
return Test-PodeTimer -Name (Get-PodeLimitRateTimerName)
function Add-PodeLimitRateTimer {
if (Test-PodeLimitRateTimer) {
Add-PodeTimer -Name (Get-PodeLimitRateTimerName) -Interval 30 -ScriptBlock {
try {
$now = [DateTime]::UtcNow
$value = $null
foreach ($rule in $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Values) {
if ($rule.Active.Count -eq 0) {
foreach ($key in $rule.Active.Keys.Clone()) {
try {
$item = $rule.Active[$key]
if ($item.Timeout.AddSeconds(5) -lt $now) {
$rule.Active.TryRemove($key, [ref]$value)
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Remove-PodeLimitRateTimer {
if (($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Count -gt 0) -or !(Test-PodeLimitRateTimer)) {
Remove-PodeTimer -Name (Get-PodeLimitRateTimerName)
function Invoke-PodeLimitAccessRuleRequest {
# are there any rules?
if ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Count -eq 0) {
return $null
# generate the rule order, if rules have been altered
if ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesAltered) {
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesOrder = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Values |
Sort-Object -Property { $_.Priority } -Descending |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesAltered = $false
# loop through each access rule
foreach ($ruleName in $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesOrder) {
$rule = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules[$ruleName]
# loop through each component of the rule, checking if the request matches
$skip = $false
foreach ($component in $rule.Components) {
$result = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $component.ScriptBlock -Arguments $component.Options -Return
# if result is null/empty then move to the next rule
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($result)) {
$skip = $true
# if we skipped the rule, then move to the next one
if ($skip) {
# if we get here, then the request matches all the components - so allow or deny the request
if ($rule.Action -ieq 'Deny') {
return @{
StatusCode = $rule.StatusCode
return $null
# if we get here, then the request didn't match any rules
# if we have any allow rules, then deny the request
if ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.HaveAllowRules) {
return @{
StatusCode = 403
return $null
function Test-PodeLimitAccessRuleRequest {
$result = Invoke-PodeLimitAccessRuleRequest
return ($null -eq $result)
function Invoke-PodeLimitRateRuleRequest {
# are there any rate rules?
if ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Count -eq 0) {
return $null
# generate the rule order, if rules have been altered
if ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesAltered) {
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesOrder = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Values |
Sort-Object -Property { $_.Priority } -Descending |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesAltered = $false
# loop through each rate rule
foreach ($ruleName in $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesOrder) {
$rule = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules[$ruleName]
$ruleKey = @()
$now = [DateTime]::UtcNow
# loop through each component of the rule
$skip = $false
foreach ($component in $rule.Components) {
$result = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $component.ScriptBlock -Arguments $component.Options -Return
# if result is null/empty then move to the next rule
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($result)) {
$skip = $true
# add the result to the rule key
$ruleKey += $result
# if we skipped the rule, then move to the next one
if ($skip) {
# concatenate the rule key
$ruleKey = $ruleKey -join '|'
# if it's not in the active dictionary, or the timeout has passed, then add/reset it
if (!$rule.Active.ContainsKey($ruleKey) -or ($rule.Active[$ruleKey].Timeout -le $now)) {
$rule.Active[$ruleKey] = @{
Timeout = $now.AddMilliseconds($rule.Duration)
Counter = 0
# increment the counter
# if the key is in the active dictionary, then check the timeout/counter and set the status code if needed
if ($rule.Active.ContainsKey($ruleKey) -and
($rule.Active[$ruleKey].Timeout -gt $now) -and
($rule.Active[$ruleKey].Counter -gt $rule.Limit)) {
return @{
RetryAfter = [int][System.Math]::Ceiling(($rule.Active[$ruleKey].Timeout - $now).TotalSeconds)
StatusCode = $rule.StatusCode
# request is allowed
return $null
function Test-PodeLimitRateRuleRequest {
$result = Invoke-PodeLimitRateRuleRequest
return ($null -eq $result)
function Get-PodeLoggingTerminalMethod {
return {
param($item, $options)
if ($PodeContext.Server.Quiet) {
# check if it's an array from batching
if ($item -is [array]) {
$item = ($item -join [System.Environment]::NewLine)
# protect then write
$item = ($item | Protect-PodeLogItem)
$item.ToString() | Out-PodeHost
function Get-PodeLoggingFileMethod {
return {
param($item, $options)
# check if it's an array from batching
if ($item -is [array]) {
$item = ($item -join [System.Environment]::NewLine)
# mask values
$item = ($item | Protect-PodeLogItem)
# variables
$date = [DateTime]::Now.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
# do we need to reset the fileId?
if ($options.Date -ine $date) {
$options.Date = $date
$options.FileId = 0
# get the fileId
if ($options.FileId -eq 0) {
$path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_*.log")
$options.FileId = (@(Get-ChildItem -Path $path)).Length
if ($options.FileId -eq 0) {
$options.FileId = 1
$id = "$($options.FileId)".PadLeft(3, '0')
if ($options.MaxSize -gt 0) {
$path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_$($id).log")
if ((Get-Item -Path $path -Force).Length -ge $options.MaxSize) {
$id = "$($options.FileId)".PadLeft(3, '0')
# get the file to write to
$path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_$($id).log")
# write the item to the file
$item.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force
# if set, remove log files beyond days set (ensure this is only run once a day)
if (($options.MaxDays -gt 0) -and ($options.NextClearDown -lt [DateTime]::Now.Date)) {
$date = [DateTime]::Now.Date.AddDays(-$options.MaxDays)
$null = Get-ChildItem -Path $options.Path -Filter '*.log' -Force |
Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $date } |
Remove-Item -Force
$options.NextClearDown = [DateTime]::Now.Date.AddDays(1)
function Get-PodeLoggingEventViewerMethod {
return {
param($item, $options, $rawItem)
if ($item -isnot [array]) {
$item = @($item)
if ($rawItem -isnot [array]) {
$rawItem = @($rawItem)
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $item.Length; $i++) {
# convert log level - info if no level present
$entryType = ConvertTo-PodeEventViewerLevel -Level $rawItem[$i].Level
# create log instance
$entryInstance = [System.Diagnostics.EventInstance]::new($options.ID, 0, $entryType)
# create event log
$entryLog = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::new()
$entryLog.Log = $options.LogName
$entryLog.Source = $options.Source
try {
$message = ($item[$i] | Protect-PodeLogItem)
$entryLog.WriteEvent($entryInstance, $message)
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
function ConvertTo-PodeEventViewerLevel {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Level)) {
return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information
if ($Level -ieq 'error') {
return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Error
if ($Level -ieq 'warning') {
return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Warning
return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information
function Get-PodeLoggingInbuiltType {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Errors', 'Requests')]
switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'requests' {
$script = {
param($item, $options)
# just return the item if Raw is set
if ($options.Raw) {
return $item
function sg($value) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value)) {
return '-'
return $value
# build the url with http method
$url = "$(sg $item.Request.Method) $(sg $item.Request.Resource) $(sg $item.Request.Protocol)"
# build and return the request row
return "$(sg $item.Host) $(sg $item.RfcUserIdentity) $(sg $item.User) [$(sg $item.Date)] `"$($url)`" $(sg $item.Response.StatusCode) $(sg $item.Response.Size) `"$(sg $item.Request.Referrer)`" `"$(sg $item.Request.Agent)`""
'errors' {
$script = {
param($item, $options)
# do nothing if the error level isn't present
if (@($options.Levels) -inotcontains $item.Level) {
# just return the item if Raw is set
if ($options.Raw) {
return $item
# build the exception details
$row = @(
"Date: $($item.Date.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))",
"Level: $($item.Level)",
"ThreadId: $($item.ThreadId)",
"Server: $($item.Server)",
"Category: $($item.Category)",
"Message: $($item.Message)",
"StackTrace: $($item.StackTrace)"
# join the details and return
return "$($row -join "`n")`n"
return $script
function Get-PodeRequestLoggingName {
return '__pode_log_requests__'
function Get-PodeErrorLoggingName {
return '__pode_log_errors__'
Retrieves a Pode logger by name.
This function allows you to retrieve a Pode logger by specifying its name. It returns the logger object associated with the given name.
The name of the Pode logger to retrieve.
A Pode logger object.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeLogger {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types[$Name]
function Test-PodeLoggerEnabled {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Enabled -and $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.ContainsKey($Name))
Gets the error logging levels for Pode.
This function retrieves the error logging levels configured for Pode. It returns an array of available error levels.
The name of the Pode logger to retrieve.
An array of error logging levels.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel {
return (Get-PodeLogger -Name (Get-PodeErrorLoggingName)).Arguments.Levels
function Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled {
return (Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name (Get-PodeErrorLoggingName))
function Test-PodeRequestLoggingEnabled {
return (Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name (Get-PodeRequestLoggingName))
function Write-PodeRequestLog {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# do nothing if logging is disabled, or request logging isn't setup
$name = Get-PodeRequestLoggingName
if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $name)) {
# build a request object
$item = @{
Host = $Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString
RfcUserIdentity = '-'
User = '-'
Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToString('dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss zzz')
Request = @{
Method = $Request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant()
Resource = $Path
Protocol = "HTTP/$($Request.ProtocolVersion)"
Referrer = $Request.UrlReferrer
Agent = $Request.UserAgent
Response = @{
StatusCode = $Response.StatusCode
StatusDescription = $Response.StatusDescription
Size = '-'
# set size if >0
if ($Response.ContentLength64 -gt 0) {
$item.Response.Size = $Response.ContentLength64
# set username - dot spaces
if (Test-PodeAuthUser -IgnoreSession) {
$userProps = (Get-PodeLogger -Name $name).Properties.Username.Split('.')
$user = $WebEvent.Auth.User
foreach ($atom in $userProps) {
$user = $user.($atom)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($user)) {
$item.User = $user -ireplace '\s+', '.'
# add the item to be processed
$null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Add(@{
Name = $name
Item = $item
function Add-PodeRequestLogEndware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# do nothing if logging is disabled, or request logging isn't setup
$name = Get-PodeRequestLoggingName
if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $name)) {
# add the request logging endware
$WebEvent.OnEnd += @{
Logic = {
Write-PodeRequestLog -Request $WebEvent.Request -Response $WebEvent.Response -Path $WebEvent.Path
function Test-PodeLoggersExist {
if (($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Logging) -or ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types)) {
return $false
return (($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Count -gt 0) -or ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Enabled))
function Start-PodeLoggingRunspace {
# skip if there are no loggers configured, or logging is disabled
if (!(Test-PodeLoggersExist)) {
$script = {
try {
while (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
try {
# if there are no logs to process, just sleep for a few seconds - but after checking the batch
if ($PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Count -eq 0) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# safely pop off the first log from the array
$log = (Lock-PodeObject -Return -Object $PodeContext.LogsToProcess -ScriptBlock {
$log = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess[0]
$null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.RemoveAt(0)
return $log
# run the log item through the appropriate method
$logger = Get-PodeLogger -Name $log.Name
$now = [datetime]::Now
# if the log is null, check batch then sleep and skip
if ($null -eq $log) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# convert to log item into a writable format
$rawItems = $log.Item
$_args = @($log.Item) + @($logger.Arguments)
$result = @(Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $logger.UsingVariables -Return -Splat)
# check batching
$batch = $logger.Method.Batch
if ($batch.Size -gt 1) {
# add current item to batch
$batch.Items += $result
$batch.RawItems += $log.Item
$batch.LastUpdate = $now
# if the current amount of items matches the batch, write
$result = $null
if ($batch.Items.Length -ge $batch.Size) {
$result = $batch.Items
$rawItems = $batch.RawItems
# if we're writing, reset the items
if ($null -ne $result) {
$batch.Items = @()
$batch.RawItems = @()
# send the writable log item off to the log writer
if ($null -ne $result) {
$_args = @(, $result) + @($logger.Method.Arguments) + @(, $rawItems)
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.Method.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $logger.Method.UsingVariables -Splat
# small sleep to lower cpu usage
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Main -Name 'Logging' -ScriptBlock $script
Tests whether Pode logger batches need to be written.
This function checks each Pode logger and determines if its batch needs to be written. It evaluates the batch size, timeout, and last update timestamp to decide whether to process the batch and write the log entries.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeLoggerBatch {
$now = [datetime]::Now
# check each logger, and see if its batch needs to be written
foreach ($logger in $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Values) {
$batch = $logger.Method.Batch
if (($batch.Size -gt 1) -and ($batch.Items.Length -gt 0) -and ($batch.Timeout -gt 0) `
-and ($null -ne $batch.LastUpdate) -and ($batch.LastUpdate.AddSeconds($batch.Timeout) -le $now)
) {
$result = $batch.Items
$rawItems = $batch.RawItems
$batch.Items = @()
$batch.RawItems = @()
$_args = @(, $result) + @($logger.Method.Arguments) + @(, $rawItems)
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.Method.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $logger.Method.UsingVariables -Splat
function Get-PodeContentType {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Extension)) {
$Extension = [string]::Empty
if (!$Extension.StartsWith('.')) {
$Extension = ".$($Extension)"
# Sourced from
switch ($Extension.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'.323' { return 'text/h323' }
'.3g2' { return 'video/3gpp2' }
'.3gp' { return 'video/3gpp' }
'.3gp2' { return 'video/3gpp2' }
'.3gpp' { return 'video/3gpp' }
'.7z' { return 'application/x-7z-compressed' }
'.aa' { return 'audio/audible' }
'.aac' { return 'audio/aac' }
'.aaf' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.aax' { return 'audio/' }
'.ac3' { return 'audio/ac3' }
'.aca' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.accda' { return 'application/msaccess.addin' }
'.accdb' { return 'application/msaccess' }
'.accdc' { return 'application/' }
'.accde' { return 'application/msaccess' }
'.accdr' { return 'application/msaccess.runtime' }
'.accdt' { return 'application/msaccess' }
'.accdw' { return 'application/msaccess.webapplication' }
'.accft' { return 'application/msaccess.ftemplate' }
'.acx' { return 'application/internet-property-stream' }
'.addin' { return 'application/xml' }
'.ade' { return 'application/msaccess' }
'.adobebridge' { return 'application/x-bridge-url' }
'.adp' { return 'application/msaccess' }
'.adt' { return 'audio/vnd.dlna.adts' }
'.adts' { return 'audio/aac' }
'.afm' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.ai' { return 'application/postscript' }
'.aif' { return 'audio/aiff' }
'.aifc' { return 'audio/aiff' }
'.aiff' { return 'audio/aiff' }
'.air' { return 'application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip' }
'.amc' { return 'application/mpeg' }
'.anx' { return 'application/annodex' }
'.apk' { return 'application/' }
'.application' { return 'application/x-ms-application' }
'.art' { return 'image/x-jg' }
'.asa' { return 'application/xml' }
'.asax' { return 'application/xml' }
'.ascx' { return 'application/xml' }
'.asd' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.asf' { return 'video/x-ms-asf' }
'.ashx' { return 'application/xml' }
'.asi' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.asm' { return 'text/plain' }
'.asmx' { return 'application/xml' }
'.aspx' { return 'application/xml' }
'.asr' { return 'video/x-ms-asf' }
'.asx' { return 'video/x-ms-asf' }
'.atom' { return 'application/atom+xml' }
'.au' { return 'audio/basic' }
'.avi' { return 'video/x-msvideo' }
'.axa' { return 'audio/annodex' }
'.axs' { return 'application/olescript' }
'.axv' { return 'video/annodex' }
'.bas' { return 'text/plain' }
'.bcpio' { return 'application/x-bcpio' }
'.bin' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.bmp' { return 'image/bmp' }
'.c' { return 'text/plain' }
'.cab' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.caf' { return 'audio/x-caf' }
'.calx' { return 'application/' }
'.cat' { return 'application/' }
'.cc' { return 'text/plain' }
'.cd' { return 'text/plain' }
'.cdda' { return 'audio/aiff' }
'.cdf' { return 'application/x-cdf' }
'.cer' { return 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' }
'.cfg' { return 'text/plain' }
'.chm' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.class' { return 'application/x-java-applet' }
'.clp' { return 'application/x-msclip' }
'.cmd' { return 'text/plain' }
'.cmx' { return 'image/x-cmx' }
'.cnf' { return 'text/plain' }
'.cod' { return 'image/cis-cod' }
'.config' { return 'application/xml' }
'.contact' { return 'text/x-ms-contact' }
'.coverage' { return 'application/xml' }
'.cpio' { return 'application/x-cpio' }
'.cpp' { return 'text/plain' }
'.crd' { return 'application/x-mscardfile' }
'.crl' { return 'application/pkix-crl' }
'.crt' { return 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' }
'.cs' { return 'text/plain' }
'.csdproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.csh' { return 'application/x-csh' }
'.csproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.css' { return 'text/css' }
'.csv' { return 'text/csv' }
'.cur' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.cxx' { return 'text/plain' }
'.dat' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.datasource' { return 'application/xml' }
'.dbproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.dcr' { return 'application/x-director' }
'.def' { return 'text/plain' }
'.deploy' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.der' { return 'application/x-x509-ca-cert' }
'.dgml' { return 'application/xml' }
'.dib' { return 'image/bmp' }
'.dif' { return 'video/x-dv' }
'.dir' { return 'application/x-director' }
'.disco' { return 'application/xml' }
'.divx' { return 'video/divx' }
'.dll' { return 'application/x-msdownload' }
'.dll.config' { return 'application/xml' }
'.dlm' { return 'text/dlm' }
'.doc' { return 'application/msword' }
'.docm' { return 'application/' }
'.docx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' }
'.dot' { return 'application/msword' }
'.dotm' { return 'application/' }
'.dotx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template' }
'.dsp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.dsw' { return 'text/plain' }
'.dtd' { return 'application/xml' }
'.dtsconfig' { return 'application/xml' }
'.dv' { return 'video/x-dv' }
'.dvi' { return 'application/x-dvi' }
'.dwf' { return 'drawing/x-dwf' }
'.dwg' { return 'application/acad' }
'.dwp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.dxf' { return 'application/x-dxf' }
'.dxr' { return 'application/x-director' }
'.eml' { return 'message/rfc822' }
'.emz' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.eot' { return 'application/' }
'.eps' { return 'application/postscript' }
'.etl' { return 'application/etl' }
'.etx' { return 'text/x-setext' }
'.evy' { return 'application/envoy' }
'.exe' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.exe.config' { return 'application/xml' }
'.fdf' { return 'application/vnd.fdf' }
'.fif' { return 'application/fractals' }
'.filters' { return 'application/xml' }
'.fla' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.flac' { return 'audio/flac' }
'.flr' { return 'x-world/x-vrml' }
'.flv' { return 'video/x-flv' }
'.fsscript' { return 'application/fsharp-script' }
'.fsx' { return 'application/fsharp-script' }
'.generictest' { return 'application/xml' }
'.gif' { return 'image/gif' }
'.gpx' { return 'application/gpx+xml' }
'.group' { return 'text/x-ms-group' }
'.gsm' { return 'audio/x-gsm' }
'.gtar' { return 'application/x-gtar' }
'.gz' { return 'application/x-gzip' }
'.gzip' { return 'application/x-gzip' }
'.h' { return 'text/plain' }
'.hdf' { return 'application/x-hdf' }
'.hdml' { return 'text/x-hdml' }
'.hhc' { return 'application/x-oleobject' }
'.hhk' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hhp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hlp' { return 'application/winhlp' }
'.hpp' { return 'text/plain' }
'.hqx' { return 'application/mac-binhex40' }
'.hta' { return 'application/hta' }
'.htc' { return 'text/x-component' }
'.htm' { return 'text/html' }
'.html' { return 'text/html' }
'.htt' { return 'text/webviewhtml' }
'.hxa' { return 'application/xml' }
'.hxc' { return 'application/xml' }
'.hxd' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hxe' { return 'application/xml' }
'.hxf' { return 'application/xml' }
'.hxh' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hxi' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hxk' { return 'application/xml' }
'.hxq' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hxr' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hxs' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hxt' { return 'text/html' }
'.hxv' { return 'application/xml' }
'.hxw' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.hxx' { return 'text/plain' }
'.i' { return 'text/plain' }
'.ico' { return 'image/x-icon' }
'.ics' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.idl' { return 'text/plain' }
'.ief' { return 'image/ief' }
'.iii' { return 'application/x-iphone' }
'.inc' { return 'text/plain' }
'.inf' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.ini' { return 'text/plain' }
'.inl' { return 'text/plain' }
'.ins' { return 'application/x-internet-signup' }
'.ipa' { return 'application/x-itunes-ipa' }
'.ipg' { return 'application/x-itunes-ipg' }
'.ipproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.ipsw' { return 'application/x-itunes-ipsw' }
'.iqy' { return 'text/x-ms-iqy' }
'.isp' { return 'application/x-internet-signup' }
'.ite' { return 'application/x-itunes-ite' }
'.itlp' { return 'application/x-itunes-itlp' }
'.itms' { return 'application/x-itunes-itms' }
'.itpc' { return 'application/x-itunes-itpc' }
'.ivf' { return 'video/x-ivf' }
'.jar' { return 'application/java-archive' }
'.java' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.jck' { return 'application/liquidmotion' }
'.jcz' { return 'application/liquidmotion' }
'.jfif' { return 'image/pjpeg' }
'.jnlp' { return 'application/x-java-jnlp-file' }
'.jpb' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.jpe' { return 'image/jpeg' }
'.jpeg' { return 'image/jpeg' }
'.jpg' { return 'image/jpeg' }
'.js' { return 'application/javascript' }
'.json' { return 'application/json' }
'.jsx' { return 'text/jscript' }
'.jsxbin' { return 'text/plain' }
'.jwt' { return 'application/jwt' }
'.latex' { return 'application/x-latex' }
'.library-ms' { return 'application/windows-library+xml' }
'.lit' { return 'application/x-ms-reader' }
'.loadtest' { return 'application/xml' }
'.lpk' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.lsf' { return 'video/x-la-asf' }
'.lst' { return 'text/plain' }
'.lsx' { return 'video/x-la-asf' }
'.lzh' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.m13' { return 'application/x-msmediaview' }
'.m14' { return 'application/x-msmediaview' }
'.m1v' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.m2t' { return 'video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts' }
'.m2ts' { return 'video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts' }
'.m2v' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.m3u' { return 'audio/x-mpegurl' }
'.m3u8' { return 'audio/x-mpegurl' }
'.m4a' { return 'audio/m4a' }
'.m4b' { return 'audio/m4b' }
'.m4p' { return 'audio/m4p' }
'.m4r' { return 'audio/x-m4r' }
'.m4v' { return 'video/x-m4v' }
'.mac' { return 'image/x-macpaint' }
'.mak' { return 'text/plain' }
'.man' { return 'application/x-troff-man' }
'.manifest' { return 'application/x-ms-manifest' }
'.map' { return 'text/plain' }
'.markdown' { return 'text/markdown' }
'.master' { return 'application/xml' }
'.mbox' { return 'application/mbox' }
'.md' { return 'text/markdown' }
'.mda' { return 'application/msaccess' }
'.mdb' { return 'application/x-msaccess' }
'.mde' { return 'application/msaccess' }
'.mdp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.me' { return 'application/x-troff-me' }
'.mfp' { return 'application/x-shockwave-flash' }
'.mht' { return 'message/rfc822' }
'.mhtml' { return 'message/rfc822' }
'.mid' { return 'audio/mid' }
'.midi' { return 'audio/mid' }
'.mix' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.mk' { return 'text/plain' }
'.mk3d' { return 'video/x-matroska-3d' }
'.mka' { return 'audio/x-matroska' }
'.mkv' { return 'video/x-matroska' }
'.mmf' { return 'application/x-smaf' }
'.mno' { return 'application/xml' }
'.mny' { return 'application/x-msmoney' }
'.mod' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mov' { return 'video/quicktime' }
'.movie' { return 'video/x-sgi-movie' }
'.mp2' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mp2v' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mp3' { return 'audio/mpeg' }
'.mp4' { return 'video/mp4' }
'.mp4v' { return 'video/mp4' }
'.mpa' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mpe' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mpeg' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mpf' { return 'application/' }
'.mpg' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mpp' { return 'application/' }
'.mpv2' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.mqv' { return 'video/quicktime' }
'.ms' { return 'application/x-troff-ms' }
'.msg' { return 'application/' }
'.msi' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.mso' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.mts' { return 'video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts' }
'.mtx' { return 'application/xml' }
'.mvb' { return 'application/x-msmediaview' }
'.mvc' { return 'application/x-miva-compiled' }
'.mxp' { return 'application/x-mmxp' }
'.nc' { return 'application/x-netcdf' }
'.nsc' { return 'video/x-ms-asf' }
'.nws' { return 'message/rfc822' }
'.ocx' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.oda' { return 'application/oda' }
'.odb' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database' }
'.odc' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart' }
'.odf' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula' }
'.odg' { return 'application/' }
'.odh' { return 'text/plain' }
'.odi' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image' }
'.odl' { return 'text/plain' }
'.odm' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master' }
'.odp' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation' }
'.ods' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' }
'.odt' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' }
'.oga' { return 'audio/ogg' }
'.ogg' { return 'audio/ogg' }
'.ogv' { return 'video/ogg' }
'.ogx' { return 'application/ogg' }
'.one' { return 'application/onenote' }
'.onea' { return 'application/onenote' }
'.onepkg' { return 'application/onenote' }
'.onetmp' { return 'application/onenote' }
'.onetoc' { return 'application/onenote' }
'.onetoc2' { return 'application/onenote' }
'.opus' { return 'audio/ogg' }
'.orderedtest' { return 'application/xml' }
'.osdx' { return 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' }
'.otf' { return 'application/font-sfnt' }
'.otg' { return 'application/' }
'.oth' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web' }
'.otp' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template' }
'.ots' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template' }
'.ott' { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template' }
'.oxt' { return 'application/vnd.openofficeorg.extension' }
'.p10' { return 'application/pkcs10' }
'.p12' { return 'application/x-pkcs12' }
'.p7b' { return 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates' }
'.p7c' { return 'application/pkcs7-mime' }
'.p7m' { return 'application/pkcs7-mime' }
'.p7r' { return 'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp' }
'.p7s' { return 'application/pkcs7-signature' }
'.pbm' { return 'image/x-portable-bitmap' }
'.pcast' { return 'application/x-podcast' }
'.pct' { return 'image/pict' }
'.pcx' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.pcz' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.pdf' { return 'application/pdf' }
'.pfb' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.pfm' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.pfx' { return 'application/x-pkcs12' }
'.pgm' { return 'image/x-portable-graymap' }
'.pic' { return 'image/pict' }
'.pict' { return 'image/pict' }
'.pkgdef' { return 'text/plain' }
'.pkgundef' { return 'text/plain' }
'.pko' { return 'application/' }
'.pls' { return 'audio/scpls' }
'.pma' { return 'application/x-perfmon' }
'.pmc' { return 'application/x-perfmon' }
'.pml' { return 'application/x-perfmon' }
'.pmr' { return 'application/x-perfmon' }
'.pmw' { return 'application/x-perfmon' }
'.png' { return 'image/png' }
'.pnm' { return 'image/x-portable-anymap' }
'.pnt' { return 'image/x-macpaint' }
'.pntg' { return 'image/x-macpaint' }
'.pnz' { return 'image/png' }
'.pode' { return 'application/PowerShell' }
'.pot' { return 'application/' }
'.potm' { return 'application/' }
'.potx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template' }
'.ppa' { return 'application/' }
'.ppam' { return 'application/' }
'.ppm' { return 'image/x-portable-pixmap' }
'.pps' { return 'application/' }
'.ppsm' { return 'application/' }
'.ppsx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow' }
'.ppt' { return 'application/' }
'.pptm' { return 'application/' }
'.pptx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' }
'.prf' { return 'application/pics-rules' }
'.prm' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.prx' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.ps' { return 'application/postscript' }
'.ps1' { return 'application/PowerShell' }
'.psc1' { return 'application/PowerShell' }
'.psd1' { return 'application/PowerShell' }
'.psm1' { return 'application/PowerShell' }
'.psd' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.psess' { return 'application/xml' }
'.psm' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.psp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.pst' { return 'application/' }
'.pub' { return 'application/x-mspublisher' }
'.pwz' { return 'application/' }
'.qht' { return 'text/x-html-insertion' }
'.qhtm' { return 'text/x-html-insertion' }
'.qt' { return 'video/quicktime' }
'.qti' { return 'image/x-quicktime' }
'.qtif' { return 'image/x-quicktime' }
'.qtl' { return 'application/x-quicktimeplayer' }
'.qxd' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.ra' { return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio' }
'.ram' { return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio' }
'.rar' { return 'application/x-rar-compressed' }
'.ras' { return 'image/x-cmu-raster' }
'.rat' { return 'application/rat-file' }
'.rc' { return 'text/plain' }
'.rc2' { return 'text/plain' }
'.rct' { return 'text/plain' }
'.rdlc' { return 'application/xml' }
'.reg' { return 'text/plain' }
'.resx' { return 'application/xml' }
'.rf' { return 'image/vnd.rn-realflash' }
'.rgb' { return 'image/x-rgb' }
'.rgs' { return 'text/plain' }
'.rm' { return 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia' }
'.rmi' { return 'audio/mid' }
'.rmp' { return 'application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package' }
'.roff' { return 'application/x-troff' }
'.rpm' { return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin' }
'.rqy' { return 'text/x-ms-rqy' }
'.rtf' { return 'application/rtf' }
'.rtx' { return 'text/richtext' }
'.rvt' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.ruleset' { return 'application/xml' }
'.s' { return 'text/plain' }
'.safariextz' { return 'application/x-safari-safariextz' }
'.scd' { return 'application/x-msschedule' }
'.scr' { return 'text/plain' }
'.sct' { return 'text/scriptlet' }
'.sd2' { return 'audio/x-sd2' }
'.sdp' { return 'application/sdp' }
'.sea' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.searchconnector-ms' { return 'application/windows-search-connector+xml' }
'.setpay' { return 'application/set-payment-initiation' }
'.setreg' { return 'application/set-registration-initiation' }
'.settings' { return 'application/xml' }
'.sgimb' { return 'application/x-sgimb' }
'.sgml' { return 'text/sgml' }
'.sh' { return 'application/x-sh' }
'.shar' { return 'application/x-shar' }
'.shtml' { return 'text/html' }
'.sit' { return 'application/x-stuffit' }
'.sitemap' { return 'application/xml' }
'.skin' { return 'application/xml' }
'.skp' { return 'application/x-koan' }
'.sldm' { return 'application/' }
'.sldx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide' }
'.slk' { return 'application/' }
'.sln' { return 'text/plain' }
'.slupkg-ms' { return 'application/x-ms-license' }
'.smd' { return 'audio/x-smd' }
'.smi' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.smx' { return 'audio/x-smd' }
'.smz' { return 'audio/x-smd' }
'.snd' { return 'audio/basic' }
'.snippet' { return 'application/xml' }
'.snp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.sol' { return 'text/plain' }
'.sor' { return 'text/plain' }
'.spc' { return 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates' }
'.spl' { return 'application/futuresplash' }
'.spx' { return 'audio/ogg' }
'.src' { return 'application/x-wais-source' }
'.srf' { return 'text/plain' }
'.ssisdeploymentmanifest' { return 'application/xml' }
'.ssm' { return 'application/streamingmedia' }
'.sst' { return 'application/' }
'.stl' { return 'application/' }
'.sv4cpio' { return 'application/x-sv4cpio' }
'.sv4crc' { return 'application/x-sv4crc' }
'.svc' { return 'application/xml' }
'.svg' { return 'image/svg+xml' }
'.swf' { return 'application/x-shockwave-flash' }
'.step' { return 'application/step' }
'.stp' { return 'application/step' }
'.t' { return 'application/x-troff' }
'.tar' { return 'application/x-tar' }
'.tcl' { return 'application/x-tcl' }
'.testrunconfig' { return 'application/xml' }
'.testsettings' { return 'application/xml' }
'.tex' { return 'application/x-tex' }
'.texi' { return 'application/x-texinfo' }
'.texinfo' { return 'application/x-texinfo' }
'.tgz' { return 'application/x-compressed' }
'.thmx' { return 'application/' }
'.thn' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.tif' { return 'image/tiff' }
'.tiff' { return 'image/tiff' }
'.tlh' { return 'text/plain' }
'.tli' { return 'text/plain' }
'.toc' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.tr' { return 'application/x-troff' }
'.trm' { return 'application/x-msterminal' }
'.trx' { return 'application/xml' }
'.ts' { return 'video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts' }
'.tsv' { return 'text/tab-separated-values' }
'.ttf' { return 'application/font-sfnt' }
'.tts' { return 'video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts' }
'.txt' { return 'text/plain' }
'.u32' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.uls' { return 'text/iuls' }
'.user' { return 'text/plain' }
'.ustar' { return 'application/x-ustar' }
'.vb' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vbdproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vbk' { return 'video/mpeg' }
'.vbproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vbs' { return 'text/vbscript' }
'.vcf' { return 'text/x-vcard' }
'.vcproj' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vcs' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vcxproj' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vddproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vdp' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vdproj' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vdx' { return 'application/' }
'.vml' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vscontent' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vsct' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vsd' { return 'application/vnd.visio' }
'.vsi' { return 'application/ms-vsi' }
'.vsix' { return 'application/vsix' }
'.vsixlangpack' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vsixmanifest' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vsmdi' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vspscc' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vss' { return 'application/vnd.visio' }
'.vsscc' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vssettings' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vssscc' { return 'text/plain' }
'.vst' { return 'application/vnd.visio' }
'.vstemplate' { return 'application/xml' }
'.vsto' { return 'application/x-ms-vsto' }
'.vsw' { return 'application/vnd.visio' }
'.vsx' { return 'application/vnd.visio' }
'.vtx' { return 'application/vnd.visio' }
'.wasm' { return 'application/wasm' }
'.wav' { return 'audio/wav' }
'.wave' { return 'audio/wav' }
'.wax' { return 'audio/x-ms-wax' }
'.wbk' { return 'application/msword' }
'.wbmp' { return 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp' }
'.wcm' { return 'application/' }
'.wdb' { return 'application/' }
'.wdp' { return 'image/' }
'.webarchive' { return 'application/x-safari-webarchive' }
'.webm' { return 'video/webm' }
'.webp' { return 'image/webp' }
'.webtest' { return 'application/xml' }
'.wiq' { return 'application/xml' }
'.wiz' { return 'application/msword' }
'.wks' { return 'application/' }
'.wlmp' { return 'application/wlmoviemaker' }
'.wlpginstall' { return 'application/x-wlpg-detect' }
'.wlpginstall3' { return 'application/x-wlpg3-detect' }
'.wm' { return 'video/x-ms-wm' }
'.wma' { return 'audio/x-ms-wma' }
'.wmd' { return 'application/x-ms-wmd' }
'.wmf' { return 'application/x-msmetafile' }
'.wml' { return 'text/vnd.wap.wml' }
'.wmlc' { return 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc' }
'.wmls' { return 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript' }
'.wmlsc' { return 'application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc' }
'.wmp' { return 'video/x-ms-wmp' }
'.wmv' { return 'video/x-ms-wmv' }
'.wmx' { return 'video/x-ms-wmx' }
'.wmz' { return 'application/x-ms-wmz' }
'.woff' { return 'application/font-woff' }
'.woff2' { return 'application/font-woff2' }
'.wpl' { return 'application/' }
'.wps' { return 'application/' }
'.wri' { return 'application/x-mswrite' }
'.wrl' { return 'x-world/x-vrml' }
'.wrz' { return 'x-world/x-vrml' }
'.wsc' { return 'text/scriptlet' }
'.wsdl' { return 'application/xml' }
'.wvx' { return 'video/x-ms-wvx' }
'.x' { return 'application/directx' }
'.xaf' { return 'x-world/x-vrml' }
'.xaml' { return 'application/xaml+xml' }
'.xap' { return 'application/x-silverlight-app' }
'.xbap' { return 'application/x-ms-xbap' }
'.xbm' { return 'image/x-xbitmap' }
'.xdr' { return 'text/plain' }
'.xht' { return 'application/xhtml+xml' }
'.xhtml' { return 'application/xhtml+xml' }
'.xla' { return 'application/' }
'.xlam' { return 'application/' }
'.xlc' { return 'application/' }
'.xld' { return 'application/' }
'.xlk' { return 'application/' }
'.xll' { return 'application/' }
'.xlm' { return 'application/' }
'.xls' { return 'application/' }
'.xlsb' { return 'application/' }
'.xlsm' { return 'application/' }
'.xlsx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' }
'.xlt' { return 'application/' }
'.xltm' { return 'application/' }
'.xltx' { return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template' }
'.xlw' { return 'application/' }
'.xml' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xmp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.xmta' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xof' { return 'x-world/x-vrml' }
'.xoml' { return 'text/plain' }
'.xpm' { return 'image/x-xpixmap' }
'.xps' { return 'application/' }
'.xrm-ms' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xsc' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xsd' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xsf' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xsl' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xslt' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xsn' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.xss' { return 'application/xml' }
'.xspf' { return 'application/xspf+xml' }
'.xtp' { return 'application/octet-stream' }
'.xwd' { return 'image/x-xwindowdump' }
'.yaml' { return 'application/yaml' } #RFC 9512
'.yml' { return 'application/yaml' }
'.z' { return 'application/x-compress' }
'.zip' { return 'application/zip' }
default { return (Resolve-PodeValue -Check $DefaultIsNull -TrueValue $null -FalseValue 'text/plain') }
function Get-PodeStatusDescription {
switch ($StatusCode) {
100 { return 'Continue' }
101 { return 'Switching Protocols' }
102 { return 'Processing' }
103 { return 'Early Hints' }
200 { return 'OK' }
201 { return 'Created' }
202 { return 'Accepted' }
203 { return 'Non-Authoritative Information' }
204 { return 'No Content' }
205 { return 'Reset Content' }
206 { return 'Partial Content' }
207 { return 'Multi-Status' }
208 { return 'Already Reported' }
226 { return 'IM Used' }
300 { return 'Multiple Choices' }
301 { return 'Moved Permanently' }
302 { return 'Found' }
303 { return 'See Other' }
304 { return 'Not Modified' }
305 { return 'Use Proxy' }
306 { return 'Switch Proxy' }
307 { return 'Temporary Redirect' }
308 { return 'Permanent Redirect' }
400 { return 'Bad Request' }
401 { return 'Unauthorized' }
402 { return 'Payment Required' }
403 { return 'Forbidden' }
404 { return 'Not Found' }
405 { return 'Method Not Allowed' }
406 { return 'Not Acceptable' }
407 { return 'Proxy Authentication Required' }
408 { return 'Request Timeout' }
409 { return 'Conflict' }
410 { return 'Gone' }
411 { return 'Length Required' }
412 { return 'Precondition Failed' }
413 { return 'Payload Too Large' }
414 { return 'URI Too Long' }
415 { return 'Unsupported Media Type' }
416 { return 'Range Not Satisfiable' }
417 { return 'Expectation Failed' }
418 { return "I'm a Teapot" }
419 { return 'Page Expired' }
420 { return 'Enhance Your Calm' }
421 { return 'Misdirected Request' }
422 { return 'Unprocessable Entity' }
423 { return 'Locked' }
424 { return 'Failed Dependency' }
425 { return 'Too Early' }
426 { return 'Upgrade Required' }
428 { return 'Precondition Required' }
429 { return 'Too Many Requests' }
431 { return 'Request Header Fields Too Large' }
440 { return 'Login Time-out' }
450 { return 'Blocked by Windows Parental Controls' }
451 { return 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons' }
495 { return 'SSL Certificate Error' }
500 { return 'Internal Server Error' }
501 { return 'Not Implemented' }
502 { return 'Bad Gateway' }
503 { return 'Service Unavailable' }
504 { return 'Gateway Timeout' }
505 { return 'HTTP Version Not Supported' }
506 { return 'Variant Also Negotiates' }
507 { return 'Insufficient Storage' }
508 { return 'Loop Detected' }
510 { return 'Not Extended' }
511 { return 'Network Authentication Required' }
526 { return 'Invalid SSL Certificate' }
default { return ([string]::Empty) }
Updates server request metrics based on the provided web event.
The `Update-PodeServerRequestMetric` function increments relevant metrics associated with server requests.
It takes a web event (represented as a hashtable) and updates the appropriate metrics.
Specifies the web event to process. This parameter is optional.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Update-PodeServerRequestMetric.
None. The function modifies the state of metrics in the PodeContext.
# Example usage:
$webEvent = @{
Response = @{
StatusCode = 200
Route = @{
Metrics = @{
Requests = $routeMetrics
Update-PodeServerRequestMetric -WebEvent $webEvent
# Metrics associated with the web event are updated.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Update-PodeServerRequestMetric {
if ($null -eq $WebEvent) {
# Extract the status code from the web event
$status = "$($WebEvent.Response.StatusCode)"
# Determine which metrics to update
$metrics = @($PodeContext.Metrics.Requests)
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Route) {
$metrics += $WebEvent.Route.Metrics.Requests
# Increment the request metrics and status code counts
foreach ($metric in $metrics) {
Lock-PodeObject -Object $metric -ScriptBlock {
if (!$metric.StatusCodes.ContainsKey($status)) {
$metric.StatusCodes[$status] = 0
Updates server signal metrics based on the provided signal event.
The `Update-PodeServerSignalMetric` function increments relevant metrics associated with server signals.
It takes a signal event (represented as a hashtable) and updates the appropriate metrics.
.PARAMETER SignalEvent
Specifies the signal event to process. This parameter is optional.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Update-PodeServerSignalMetric.
None. The function modifies the state of metrics in the PodeContext.
# Example usage:
$signalEvent = @{
Route = @{
Metrics = @{
Requests = $routeMetrics
Update-PodeServerSignalMetric -SignalEvent $signalEvent
# Metrics associated with the signal event are updated.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Update-PodeServerSignalMetric {
if ($null -eq $SignalEvent) {
# Determine which metrics to update
$metrics = @($PodeContext.Metrics.Signals)
if ($null -ne $SignalEvent.Route) {
$metrics += $SignalEvent.Route.Metrics.Requests
# increment the request metrics
foreach ($metric in $metrics) {
Lock-PodeObject -Object $metric -ScriptBlock {
using namespace System.Security.Cryptography
function Invoke-PodeMiddleware {
# if there's no middleware, do nothing
if (($null -eq $Middleware) -or ($Middleware.Length -eq 0)) {
return $true
# filter the middleware down by route (retaining order)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Route)) {
$Middleware = @(foreach ($mware in $Middleware) {
if ($null -eq $mware) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($mware.Route) -or ($mware.Route -ieq '/') -or ($mware.Route -ieq $Route) -or ($Route -imatch "^$($mware.Route)$")) {
# continue or halt?
$continue = $true
# loop through each of the middleware, invoking the next if it returns true
foreach ($midware in @($Middleware)) {
if (($null -eq $midware) -or ($null -eq $midware.Logic)) {
try {
$continue = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $midware.Logic -Arguments $midware.Arguments -UsingVariables $midware.UsingVariables -Return -Scoped -Splat
if ($null -eq $continue) {
$continue = $true
catch {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception $_
$continue = $false
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
if (!$continue) {
return $continue
function New-PodeMiddlewareInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) {
# No ScriptBlock supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage)
# if route is empty, set it to root
$Route = ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex -Path $Route
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSSession
# create the middleware hashtable from a scriptblock
$HashTable = @{
Route = $Route
Logic = $ScriptBlock
Arguments = $ArgumentList
UsingVariables = $usingVars
# return the middleware, so it can be cached/added at a later date
return $HashTable
function Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# check if middleware contains an override
$override = ($PodeContext.Server.Middleware | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $Name })
# if override there, remove it from middleware
if ($override) {
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware = @($PodeContext.Server.Middleware | Where-Object { $_.Name -ine $Name })
$ScriptBlock = $override.Logic
# return the script
return @{
Name = $Name
Logic = $ScriptBlock
function Get-PodeAccessMiddleware {
return (Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_access__' -ScriptBlock {
$result = Invoke-PodeLimitAccessRuleRequest
if ($null -eq $result) {
return $true
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $result.StatusCode
return $false
Retrieves the rate limit middleware for Pode.
This function returns the inbuilt rate limit middleware for Pode.
It checks if the request IP address, route, and endpoint have hit their respective rate limits.
If any of these checks fail, a 429 status code is set, and the request is denied.
Retrieves the rate limit middleware and adds it to the middleware pipeline.
[ScriptBlock] - Returns a script block that represents the rate limit middleware.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeLimitMiddleware {
return (Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_rate_limit__' -ScriptBlock {
$result = Invoke-PodeLimitRateRuleRequest
if ($null -eq $result) {
return $true
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Retry-After' -Value $result.RetryAfter
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $result.StatusCode
return $false
Retrieves middleware for serving public static content in a Pode web server.
This function retrieves middleware for serving public static content in a Pode web server.
It searches for static content based on the requested path and serves it if found.
The PodeWebEvent object representing the incoming web request.
.PARAMETER PodeContext
The PodeContext object representing the current Pode server context.
Retrieves middleware for serving public static content.
function Get-PodePublicMiddleware {
return (Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_static_content__' -ScriptBlock {
# only find public static content here
$path = Find-PodePublicRoute -Path $WebEvent.Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
return $true
# check current state of caching
$cachable = Test-PodeRouteValidForCaching -Path $WebEvent.Path
# write the file to the response
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path $path -MaxAge $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Cache.MaxAge -Cache:$cachable
# public static content found, stop
return $false
Middleware function to validate the route for an incoming web request.
This function is used as middleware to validate the route for an incoming web request. It checks if the route exists for the requested method and path. If the route does not exist, it sets the appropriate response status code (404 for not found, 405 for method not allowed) and returns false to halt further processing. If the route exists, it sets various properties on the WebEvent object, such as parameters, content type, and transfer encoding, and returns true to continue processing.
$middleware = Get-PodeRouteValidateMiddleware
Add-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $middleware
This function is part of the internal Pode server logic and is typically not called directly by users.
function Get-PodeRouteValidateMiddleware {
return @{
Name = '__pode_mw_route_validation__'
Logic = {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.ValidateLast) {
# check the main routes and check the static routes
$route = Find-PodeRoute -Method $WebEvent.Method -Path $WebEvent.Path -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name -CheckWildMethod
if ($null -eq $route) {
$route = Find-PodeStaticRoute -Path $WebEvent.Path -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name
else {
# check if the path is static route first, then check the main routes
$route = Find-PodeStaticRoute -Path $WebEvent.Path -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name
if ($null -eq $route) {
$route = Find-PodeRoute -Method $WebEvent.Method -Path $WebEvent.Path -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name -CheckWildMethod
# if there's no route defined, it's a 404 - or a 405 if a route exists for any other method
if ($null -eq $route) {
# check if a route exists for another method
$methods = @('CONNECT', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE')
$diff_route = @(foreach ($method in $methods) {
$r = Find-PodeRoute -Method $method -Path $WebEvent.Path -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name
if ($null -ne $r) {
if ($null -ne $diff_route) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 405
return $false
# otheriwse, it's a 404
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 404
return $false
# check if static and split
if ($null -ne $route.Content) {
$WebEvent.StaticContent = $route.Content
$route = $route.Route
# set the route parameters
$WebEvent.Parameters = @{}
if ($WebEvent.Path -imatch "$($route.Path)$") {
$WebEvent.Parameters = $Matches
# set the route on the WebEvent
$WebEvent.Route = $route
# override the content type from the route if it's not empty
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($route.ContentType)) {
$WebEvent.ContentType = $route.ContentType
# override the transfer encoding from the route if it's not empty
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($route.TransferEncoding)) {
$WebEvent.TransferEncoding = $route.TransferEncoding
# set the content type for any pages for the route if it's not empty
$WebEvent.ErrorType = $route.ErrorType
# route exists
return $true
function Get-PodeBodyMiddleware {
return (Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_body_parsing__' -ScriptBlock {
try {
# attempt to parse that data
$result = ConvertFrom-PodeRequestContent -Request $WebEvent.Request -ContentType $WebEvent.ContentType -TransferEncoding $WebEvent.TransferEncoding
# set session data
$WebEvent.Data = $result.Data
$WebEvent.Files = $result.Files
# payload parsed
return $true
catch {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400 -Exception $_
return $false
function Get-PodeQueryMiddleware {
return (Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_query_parsing__' -ScriptBlock {
try {
# set the query string from the request
$WebEvent.Query = (ConvertFrom-PodeNameValueToHashTable -Collection $WebEvent.Request.QueryString)
return $true
catch {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400 -Exception $_
return $false
function Get-PodeCookieMiddleware {
return (Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_cookie_parsing__' -ScriptBlock {
# if cookies already set, return
if ($WebEvent.Cookies.Count -gt 0) {
return $true
# if the request's header has no cookies, return
$h_cookie = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Cookie')
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($h_cookie)) {
return $true
# parse the cookies from the header
$cookies = @($h_cookie -split '; ')
$WebEvent.Cookies = @{}
foreach ($cookie in $cookies) {
$atoms = $cookie.Split('=', 2)
$value = [string]::Empty
if ($atoms.Length -gt 1) {
foreach ($atom in $atoms[1..($atoms.Length - 1)]) {
$value += $atom
$WebEvent.Cookies[$atoms[0]] = [System.Net.Cookie]::new($atoms[0], $value)
return $true
function Get-PodeSecurityMiddleware {
return (Get-PodeInbuiltMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_security__' -ScriptBlock {
# are there any security headers setup?
if ($PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers.Count -eq 0) {
return $true
# add security headers
Set-PodeHeaderBulk -Value $PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers
# continue to next middleware/route
return $true
function Initialize-PodeIISMiddleware {
# do nothing if not iis
if (!$PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) {
# fail if no iis token - because there should be!
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PodeContext.Server.IIS.Token)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.iisAspnetcoreTokenMissingExceptionMessage)
# add middleware to check every request has the token
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_iis_token_check__' -ScriptBlock {
$token = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'MS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN'
if ($token -ne $PodeContext.Server.IIS.Token) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400 -Description 'MS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN header missing'
return $false
return $true
# add middleware to check if there's a client cert
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_iis_clientcert_check__' -ScriptBlock {
if (!$WebEvent.Request.AllowClientCertificate -or ($null -ne $WebEvent.Request.ClientCertificate)) {
return $true
$headers = @('MS-ASPNETCORE-CLIENTCERT', 'X-ARR-ClientCert')
foreach ($header in $headers) {
if (!(Test-PodeHeader -Name $header)) {
try {
$value = Get-PodeHeader -Name $header
$WebEvent.Request.ClientCertificate = [X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new([Convert]::FromBase64String($value))
catch {
$WebEvent.Request.ClientCertificateErrors = [System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors]::RemoteCertificateNotAvailable
return $true
# add route to gracefully shutdown server for iis
Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/iisintegration' -ScriptBlock {
$eventType = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'MS-ASPNETCORE-EVENT'
# no x-forward
if (Test-PodeHeader -Name 'X-Forwarded-For') {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400
# no user-agent
if (Test-PodeHeader -Name 'User-Agent') {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400
# valid local Host
$hostValue = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Host'
if ($hostValue -ine "$($PodeContext.Server.IIS.Port)") {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400
# no content-length
if ($WebEvent.Request.ContentLength -gt 0) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400
# valid event type
if ($eventType -ine 'shutdown') {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400
# shutdown
$PodeContext.Server.IIS.Shutdown = $true
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 202
function Get-PodeRandomName {
$adjs = @(
$names = @(
$adjsRand = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $adjs.Length)
$namesRand = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $names.Length)
return "$($adjs[$adjsRand])_$($names[$namesRand])"
Converts content into an OpenAPI schema object format.
The ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema function takes a hashtable representing content and converts it into a format suitable for OpenAPI schema objects.
It validates the content types, processes array structures, and converts each property or reference into the appropriate OpenAPI schema format.
The function is designed to handle complex content structures for OpenAPI documentation within the Pode framework.
A hashtable representing the content to be converted into an OpenAPI schema object. The content can include various types and structures.
.PARAMETER Properties
A switch to indicate if the content represents properties of an object schema.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the definition tag to be used in the conversion process. This tag is essential for correctly formatting the content according to OpenAPI specifications.
$schemaObject = ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -Content $myContent -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
Converts a hashtable of content into an OpenAPI schema object using the definition tag 'myTag'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema {
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string ]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0 # Initialize counter to track items in the pipeline.
process {
$pipelineItemCount++ # Increment the counter for each item in the pipeline.
end {
# Throw an error if more than one item is passed in the pipeline.
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# Ensure all content types are valid MIME types.
foreach ($type in $Content.Keys) {
if ($type -inotmatch '^(application|audio|image|message|model|multipart|text|video|\*)\/[\w\.\-\*]+(;[\s]*(charset|boundary)=[\w\.\-\*]+)*$|^"\*\/\*"$') {
# Invalid content-type found for schema: $($type)
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage -f $type)
# Manage a specific case where a generic schema conversion issue may arise.
if ($Content.ContainsKey('*/*')) {
$Content['"*/*"'] = $Content['*/*'] # Adjust the key format for schema compatibility.
# Initialize an empty hashtable for the schema object.
$obj = [ordered]@{}
# Get all the content keys (MIME types) to iterate through.
$types = [string[]]$Content.Keys
foreach ($type in $types) {
# Initialize schema structure for each type.
$obj[$type] = [ordered]@{}
# Handle file upload content, arrays, and shared component schema references.
if ($Content[$type].__upload) {
# Check if the content is an array.
if ($Content[$type].__array) {
$upload = $Content[$type].__content.__upload
else {
$upload = $Content[$type].__upload
# Handle specific multipart/form-data content processing.
if ($type -ieq 'multipart/form-data' -and $upload.content) {
if ((Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) -and $upload.partContentMediaType) {
# Iterate through properties to set content media type and remove format for binaries.
foreach ($key in $upload.content.Properties) {
if ($key.type -eq 'string' -and ($key.format -ieq 'binary' -or $key.format -ieq 'base64')) {
$key.ContentMediaType = $PartContentMediaType
$newContent = $upload.content
else {
# Handle OpenAPI v3.0 specific content encoding.
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
$newContent = [ordered]@{
'type' = 'string'
'format' = $upload.contentEncoding
else {
# Handle Base64 content encoding.
if ($ContentEncoding -ieq 'Base64') {
$newContent = [ordered]@{
'type' = 'string'
'contentEncoding' = $upload.contentEncoding
# Update the content with the new encoding information.
if ($Content[$type].__array) {
$Content[$type].__content = $newContent
else {
$Content[$type] = $newContent
# Process arrays and object properties based on content type.
if ($Content[$type].__array) {
$isArray = $true
$item = $Content[$type].__content
$obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
'type' = 'array'
'items' = $null
# Include additional metadata if present.
if ($Content[$type].__title) {
$obj[$type].schema.title = $Content[$type].__title
if ($Content[$type].__uniqueItems) {
$obj[$type].schema.uniqueItems = $Content[$type].__uniqueItems
if ($Content[$type].__maxItems) {
$obj[$type].schema.__maxItems = $Content[$type].__maxItems
if ($Content[$type].minItems) {
$obj[$type].schema.minItems = $Content[$type].__minItems
else {
$item = $Content[$type]
$isArray = $false
# Add schema objects or handle empty content.
if ($item -is [string]) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item)) {
# Handle basic type definitions or references.
if (@('string', 'integer', 'number', 'boolean') -icontains $item) {
if ($isArray) {
$obj[$type].schema.items = [ordered]@{
'type' = $item.ToLower()
else {
$obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
'type' = $item.ToLower()
else {
# Handle component references.
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $item -PostValidation
if ($isArray) {
$obj[$type].schema.items = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($item)"
else {
$obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($item)"
else {
# Create an empty content entry.
$obj[$type] = [ordered]@{}
else {
if ($item.Count -eq 0) {
$result = [ordered]@{} # Create an empty object if the item count is zero.
else {
# Convert each property to a PodeOpenAPI schema property.
$result = ($item | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)
# Handle the Properties parameter case.
if ($Properties) {
if ($item.Name) {
$obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
'properties' = [ordered]@{
$item.Name = $result
else {
# Throw an error if Properties parameter is used without a name.
throw ($PodeLocale.propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage)
else {
# Assign the resulting schema to the correct array or object location.
if ($isArray) {
$obj[$type].schema.items = $result
else {
$obj[$type].schema = $result
return $obj # Return the final OpenAPI schema object.
Check if an ComponentSchemaJson reference exist.
Check if an ComponentSchemaJson reference with a given name exist.
The Name of the ComponentSchemaJson reference.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeOAComponentSchemaJson {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson.keys -ccontains $Name)) {
# If $Name is not found in the current $tag, return $false
return $false
return $true
Tests if a given name exists in the external path keys of OpenAPI definitions for specified definition tags.
The Test-PodeOAComponentExternalPath function iterates over a list of definition tags and checks if a given name
is present in the external path keys of OpenAPI definitions within the Pode server context. This function is typically
used to validate if a specific component name is already defined in the external paths of the OpenAPI documentation.
The name of the external path component to be checked within the OpenAPI definitions.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An array of definition tags against which the existence of the name will be checked in the OpenAPI definitions.
$exists = Test-PodeOAComponentExternalPath -Name 'MyComponentName' -DefinitionTag @('tag1', 'tag2')
Checks if 'MyComponentName' exists in the external path keys of OpenAPI definitions for 'tag1' and 'tag2'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeOAComponentExternalPath {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Iterate over each definition tag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
# Check if the name exists in the external path keys of the current definition tag
if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.externalPath.keys -ccontains $Name)) {
# If the name is not found in the current tag, return false
return $false
# If the name exists in all specified tags, return true
return $true
Converts a property into an OpenAPI 'Of' property structure based on a given definition tag.
The ConvertTo-PodeOAOfProperty function is used to convert a given property into one of the OpenAPI 'Of' properties:
allOf, oneOf, or anyOf. These structures are used in OpenAPI documentation to define complex types. The function
constructs the appropriate structure based on the type of the property and the definition tag provided.
A hashtable representing the property to be converted. It should contain the type (allOf, oneOf, or anyOf) and
potentially a list of schemas.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A mandatory string parameter specifying the definition tag in OpenAPI documentation, used for validating components.
$ofProperty = ConvertTo-PodeOAOfProperty -Property $myProperty -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
Converts a given property into an OpenAPI 'Of' structure using the specified definition tag.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeOAOfProperty {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Check if the property type is one of the supported 'Of' types
if (@('allOf', 'oneOf', 'anyOf') -inotcontains $Property.type) {
return @{}
# Initialize the schema with the 'Of' type
if ($ {
$schema = [ordered]@{
$ = [ordered]@{
$Property.type = @()
if ($Property.description) {
$schema[$].description = $Property.description
else {
$schema = [ordered]@{
$Property.type = @()
# Process each schema defined in the property
if ($Property.schemas) {
foreach ($prop in $Property.schemas) {
if ($prop -is [string]) {
# Validate the schema component and add a reference to it
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $prop -PostValidation
if ($ {
$schema[$][$Property.type] += [ordered]@{ '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$prop" }
else {
$schema[$Property.type] += [ordered]@{ '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$prop" }
else {
# Convert the property to an OpenAPI schema property
if ($ {
$schema[$][$Property.type] += $prop | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
else {
$schema[$Property.type] += $prop | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
# Add discriminator if present
if ($Property.discriminator) {
$schema['discriminator'] = $Property.discriminator
# Return the constructed 'Of' property schema
return $schema
Converts a hashtable representing a property into a schema property format compliant with the OpenAPI Specification (OAS).
This function takes a hashtable input representing a property and converts it into a schema property format based on the OpenAPI Specification.
It handles various property types including primitives, arrays, and complex types with allOf, oneOf, anyOf constructs.
A hashtable containing property details that need to be converted to an OAS schema property.
.PARAMETER NoDescription
A switch parameter. If set, the description of the property will not be included in the output schema.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A mandatory string parameter specifying the definition context used for schema validation and compatibility checks with OpenAPI versions.
$propertyDetails = [ordered]@{
type = 'string';
description = 'A sample property';
ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -Property $propertyDetails -DefinitionTag 'v1'
This example will convert a simple string property into an OpenAPI schema property.
function ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
if ( @('allof', 'oneof', 'anyof') -icontains $Property.type) {
$schema = ConvertTo-PodeOAofProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Property $Property
else {
# base schema type
$schema = [ordered]@{ }
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
if ($Property.type -is [string[]]) {
# Multi type properties requeired OpenApi Version 3.1 or above
throw ($PodeLocale.multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage)
$schema['type'] = $Property.type.ToLower()
else {
$schema.type = @($Property.type.ToLower())
if ($Property.nullable) {
$schema.type += 'null'
if ($Property.externalDocs) {
$schema['externalDocs'] = $Property.externalDocs
if (!$NoDescription -and $Property.description) {
$schema['description'] = $Property.description
if ($Property.default) {
$schema['default'] = $Property.default
if ($Property.deprecated) {
$schema['deprecated'] = $Property.deprecated
if ($Property.nullable -and (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag )) {
$schema['nullable'] = $Property.nullable
if ($Property.writeOnly) {
$schema['writeOnly'] = $Property.writeOnly
if ($Property.readOnly) {
$schema['readOnly'] = $Property.readOnly
if ($Property.example) {
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
$schema['example'] = $Property.example
else {
if ($Property.example -is [Array]) {
$schema['examples'] = $Property.example
else {
$schema['examples'] = @( $Property.example)
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
if ($Property.ContainsKey('minimum')) {
$schema['minimum'] = $Property.minimum
if ($Property.ContainsKey('maximum')) {
$schema['maximum'] = $Property.maximum
if ($Property.exclusiveMaximum) {
$schema['exclusiveMaximum'] = $Property.exclusiveMaximum
if ($Property.exclusiveMinimum) {
$schema['exclusiveMinimum'] = $Property.exclusiveMinimum
else {
if ($Property.ContainsKey('maximum')) {
if ($Property.exclusiveMaximum) {
$schema['exclusiveMaximum'] = $Property.maximum
else {
$schema['maximum'] = $Property.maximum
if ($Property.ContainsKey('minimum')) {
if ($Property.exclusiveMinimum) {
$schema['exclusiveMinimum'] = $Property.minimum
else {
$schema['minimum'] = $Property.minimum
if ($Property.multipleOf) {
$schema['multipleOf'] = $Property.multipleOf
if ($Property.pattern) {
$schema['pattern'] = $Property.pattern
if ($Property.ContainsKey('minLength')) {
$schema['minLength'] = $Property.minLength
if ($Property.ContainsKey('maxLength')) {
$schema['maxLength'] = $Property.maxLength
if ($Property.xml ) {
$schema['xml'] = $Property.xml
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
if ($Property.ContentMediaType) {
$schema['contentMediaType'] = $Property.ContentMediaType
if ($Property.ContentEncoding) {
$schema['contentEncoding'] = $Property.ContentEncoding
# are we using an array?
if ($Property.array) {
if ($Property.ContainsKey('maxItems') ) {
$schema['maxItems'] = $Property.maxItems
if ($Property.ContainsKey('minItems') ) {
$schema['minItems'] = $Property.minItems
if ($Property.uniqueItems ) {
$schema['uniqueItems'] = $Property.uniqueItems
$schema['type'] = 'array'
if ($Property.type -ieq 'schema') {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Property['schema'] -PostValidation
$schema['items'] = [ordered]@{ '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($Property['schema'])" }
else {
$Property.array = $false
if ($Property.xml) {
$xmlFromProperties = $Property.xml
$schema['items'] = ($Property | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)
$Property.array = $true
if ($xmlFromProperties) {
$Property.xml = $xmlFromProperties
if ($Property.xmlItemName) {
$schema.items.xml = [ordered]@{'name' = $Property.xmlItemName }
return $schema
else {
#format is not applicable to array
if ($Property.format) {
$schema['format'] = $Property.format
# schema refs
if ($Property.type -ieq 'schema') {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Property['schema'] -PostValidation
$schema = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($Property['schema'])"
#only if it's not an array
if ($Property.enum ) {
$schema['enum'] = $Property.enum
if ($Property.object) {
# are we using an object?
$Property.object = $false
$schema = [ordered]@{
type = 'object'
properties = (ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Properties $Property)
$Property.object = $true
if ($Property.required) {
$schema['required'] = @($
if ($Property.type -ieq 'object') {
$schema['properties'] = [ordered]@{}
foreach ($prop in $ {
if ( @('allOf', 'oneOf', 'anyOf') -icontains $prop.type) {
switch ($prop.type.ToLower()) {
'allof' { $prop.type = 'allOf' }
'oneof' { $prop.type = 'oneOf' }
'anyof' { $prop.type = 'anyOf' }
if ($ {
$schema['properties'] += ConvertTo-PodeOAofProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Property $prop
else {
$schema += ConvertTo-PodeOAofProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Property $prop
if ($ {
$schema['properties'] = (ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Properties $
$RequiredList = @(($ | Where-Object { $_.required }) )
if ( $RequiredList.Count -gt 0) {
$schema['required'] = @($
else {
#if noproperties parameter create an empty properties
if ( $ -eq 1 -and $null -eq $[0]) {
$schema['properties'] = @{}
if ($Property.minProperties) {
$schema['minProperties'] = $Property.minProperties
if ($Property.maxProperties) {
$schema['maxProperties'] = $Property.maxProperties
#Fix an issue when additionalProperties has an assigned value of $false
if ($Property.ContainsKey('additionalProperties')) {
if ($Property.additionalProperties) {
$schema['additionalProperties'] = $Property.additionalProperties | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
else {
#the value is $false
$schema['additionalProperties'] = $false
if ($Property.discriminator) {
$schema['discriminator'] = $Property.discriminator
return $schema
Converts a collection of properties into an OpenAPI schema object format.
The ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty function takes an array of property hashtables and converts them into
a format suitable for OpenAPI schema objects. It specifically processes properties that are not 'allOf', 'oneOf',
or 'anyOf' types, using the ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty function for conversion based on a given definition tag.
.PARAMETER Properties
An array of hashtables representing properties to be converted. Each hashtable should contain the property's details.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the definition tag to be used in the conversion process. This tag is crucial for correctly
formatting the properties according to OpenAPI specifications.
$schemaObject = ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty -Properties $myProperties -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
Converts an array of property hashtables into an OpenAPI schema object using the definition tag 'myTag'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Initialize an empty hashtable for the schema
$schema = [ordered]@{}
# Iterate over each property and convert to OpenAPI schema property if applicable
foreach ($prop in $Properties) {
# Exclude properties of type 'allOf', 'oneOf', or 'anyOf'
if (@('allOf', 'oneOf', 'anyOf') -inotcontains $prop.type) {
# Convert the property to an OpenAPI schema property and add to the schema hashtable
$schema[$] = ($prop | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)
# Return the constructed schema object
return $schema
Sets OpenAPI specifications for a given route.
The Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue function processes and sets various OpenAPI specifications for a given route based on the provided definition tag.
It handles route attributes such as deprecated status, tags, summary, description, operation ID, parameters, request body, callbacks, authentication,
and responses to build a complete OpenAPI specification for the route.
A hashtable representing the route for which OpenAPI specifications are being set.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the definition tag used for specifying OpenAPI documentation details for the route.
$routeValues = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $route -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
Sets OpenAPI specifications for the given route using the definition tag 'myTag'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Initialize an ordered hashtable to store route properties
$pm = [ordered]@{}
# Process various OpenAPI attributes for the route
if ($Route.OpenApi.Deprecated) {
$pm.deprecated = $Route.OpenApi.Deprecated
if ($Route.OpenApi.Tags) {
$pm.tags = $Route.OpenApi.Tags
if ($Route.OpenApi.Summary) {
$pm.summary = $Route.OpenApi.Summary
if ($Route.OpenApi.Description) {
$pm.description = $Route.OpenApi.Description
if ($Route.OpenApi.OperationId) {
$pm.operationId = $Route.OpenApi.OperationId
if ($Route.OpenApi.Parameters[$DefinitionTag]) {
$pm.parameters = $Route.OpenApi.Parameters[$DefinitionTag]
if ($Route.OpenApi.RequestBody[$DefinitionTag]) {
$pm.requestBody = $Route.OpenApi.RequestBody[$DefinitionTag]
if ($Route.OpenApi.CallBacks[$DefinitionTag]) {
$pm.callbacks = $Route.OpenApi.CallBacks[$DefinitionTag]
if ($Route.OpenApi.Servers) {
$pm.servers = $Route.OpenApi.Servers
if ($Route.OpenApi.Authentication.Count -gt 0) {
$ = @()
foreach ($sct in (Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names $Route.OpenApi.Authentication.Keys)) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.$sct.Scheme.Scheme -ieq 'oauth2') {
if ($Route.AccessMeta.Scope ) {
$sctValue = $Route.AccessMeta.Scope
else {
#if scope is empty means 'any role' => assign an empty array
$sctValue = @()
$ += [ordered]@{ $sct = $sctValue }
elseif ($sct -eq '%_allowanon_%') {
#allow anonymous access
$ += [ordered]@{}
else {
$ += [ordered]@{$sct = @() }
if ($Route.OpenApi.Responses[$DefinitionTag] ) {
$pm.responses = $Route.OpenApi.Responses[$DefinitionTag]
else {
# Set responses or default to '204 No Content' if not specified
$pm.responses = [ordered]@{'204' = [ordered]@{'description' = (Get-PodeStatusDescription -StatusCode 204) } }
# Return the processed route properties
return $pm
Generates an internal OpenAPI definition based on the current Pode server context and specific parameters.
This function constructs an OpenAPI definition by gathering metadata, route information, and API structure based on the provided parameters.
It supports customization of the API documentation through MetaInfo and directly influences the output by including specific server, authentication, and endpoint details.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of the endpoint for which the OpenAPI definition is generated.
A hashtable containing metadata for the OpenAPI definition such as the API title, version, and description.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
Mandatory. A tag that identifies the specific OpenAPI definition to be generated or manipulated.
Ordered dictionary representing the OpenAPI definition, which can be further processed into JSON or YAML format.
$metaInfo = [ordered]@{
Title = "My API";
Version = "v1";
Description = "This is my API description."
Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal -Protocol 'HTTPS' -Address '' -EndpointName 'MyAPI' -MetaInfo $metaInfo -DefinitionTag 'MyTag'
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Definition = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag]
if (!$Definition.Version) {
# OpenApi Version property is mandatory
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage)
$localEndpoint = $null
# set the openapi version
$def = [ordered]@{
openapi = $Definition.Version
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
$def['jsonSchemaDialect'] = ''
if ($ {
$def['info'] = $
#overwite default values
if ($MetaInfo.Title) {
$ = $MetaInfo.Title
if ($MetaInfo.Version) {
$ = $MetaInfo.Version
if ($MetaInfo.Description) {
$ = $MetaInfo.Description
if ($Definition.externalDocs) {
$def['externalDocs'] = $Definition.externalDocs
if ($Definition.servers) {
$def['servers'] = $Definition.servers
if ($Definition.servers.Count -eq 1 -and $Definition.servers[0].url.StartsWith('/')) {
$localEndpoint = $Definition.servers[0].url
elseif (!$MetaInfo.RestrictRoutes -and ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Count -gt 1)) {
#$def['servers'] = $null
$def.servers = @(foreach ($endpoint in $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values) {
url = $endpoint.Url
description = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $endpoint.Description -Default $endpoint.Name)
if ($Definition.tags.Count -gt 0) {
$def['tags'] = @($Definition.tags.Values)
# paths
$def['paths'] = [ordered]@{}
if ($Definition.webhooks.count -gt 0) {
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
# Webhooks feature is unsupported in OpenAPI v3.0.x
throw ($PodeLocale.webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage)
else {
$keys = [string[]]$Definition.webhooks.Keys
foreach ($key in $keys) {
if ($Definition.webhooks[$key].NotPrepared) {
$Definition.webhooks[$key] = [ordered]@{
$Definition.webhooks[$key].Method = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $Definition.webhooks[$key] -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
$def['webhooks'] = $Definition.webhooks
# components
$def['components'] = [ordered]@{}#$Definition.components
$components = $Definition.components
if ($components.schemas.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].schemas = $components.schemas
if ($components.responses.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].responses = $components.responses
if ($components.parameters.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].parameters = $components.parameters
if ($components.examples.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].examples = $components.examples
if ($components.requestBodies.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].requestBodies = $components.requestBodies
if ($components.headers.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].headers = $components.headers
if ($components.securitySchemes.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].securitySchemes = $components.securitySchemes
if ($components.links.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].links = $components.links
if ($components.callbacks.count -gt 0) {
$def['components'].callbacks = $components.callbacks
if ($components.pathItems.count -gt 0) {
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
# Feature pathItems is unsupported in OpenAPI v3.0.x
throw ($PodeLocale.pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage)
else {
$keys = [string[]]$components.pathItems.Keys
foreach ($key in $keys) {
if ($components.pathItems[$key].NotPrepared) {
$components.pathItems[$key] = [ordered]@{
$components.pathItems[$key].Method = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $components.pathItems[$key] -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
$def['components'].pathItems = $components.pathItems
# auth/security components
if ($PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.Count -gt 0) {
$authNames = (Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.Keys)
foreach ($authName in $authNames) {
$authType = (Find-PodeAuth -Name $authName).Scheme
$_authName = ($authName -replace '\s+', '')
$_authObj = [ordered]@{}
if ($authType.Scheme -ieq 'apikey') {
$_authObj = [ordered]@{
type = $authType.Scheme
in = $authType.Arguments.Location.ToLowerInvariant()
name = $authType.Arguments.LocationName
if ($authType.Arguments.Description) {
$_authObj.description = $authType.Arguments.Description
elseif ($authType.Scheme -ieq 'oauth2') {
if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Token -and $authType.Arguments.Urls.Authorise) {
$oAuthFlow = 'authorizationCode'
elseif ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Token ) {
if ($null -ne $authType.InnerScheme) {
if ($authType.InnerScheme.Name -ieq 'basic' -or $authType.InnerScheme.Name -ieq 'form') {
$oAuthFlow = 'password'
else {
$oAuthFlow = 'implicit'
$_authObj = [ordered]@{
type = $authType.Scheme
if ($authType.Arguments.Description) {
$_authObj.description = $authType.Arguments.Description
$_authObj.flows = [ordered]@{
$oAuthFlow = [ordered]@{
if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Token) {
$_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.tokenUrl = $authType.Arguments.Urls.Token
if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Authorise) {
$_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.authorizationUrl = $authType.Arguments.Urls.Authorise
if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Refresh) {
$_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.refreshUrl = $authType.Arguments.Urls.Refresh
$_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.scopes = [ordered]@{}
if ($authType.Arguments.Scopes ) {
foreach ($scope in $authType.Arguments.Scopes) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods.ContainsKey($scope) -and $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$scope].Scheme.Type -ieq 'Scope' -and $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$scope].Description) {
$_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.scopes[$scope] = $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$scope].Description
else {
$_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.scopes[$scope] = 'No description.'
else {
$_authObj = [ordered]@{
type = $authType.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant()
scheme = $authType.Name.ToLowerInvariant()
if ($authType.Arguments.Description) {
$_authObj.description = $authType.Arguments.Description
if (!$def.components.securitySchemes) {
$def.components.securitySchemes = [ordered]@{}
$def.components.securitySchemes[$_authName] = $_authObj
if ($Definition.Security.Definition -and $Definition.Security.Definition.Length -gt 0) {
$def['security'] = @($Definition.Security.Definition)
if ($MetaInfo.RouteFilter) {
$filter = "^$($MetaInfo.RouteFilter)"
else {
$filter = ''
foreach ($path in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Routes) {
# does it match the route?
if ($path -inotmatch $filter) {
foreach ($method in $PodeContext.Server.Routes.Keys) {
$_routes = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$method][$path]
if ($null -eq $_routes) { continue }
if ( $MetaInfo -and $MetaInfo.RestrictRoutes) {
$_routes = @(Get-PodeRouteByUrl -Routes $_routes -EndpointName $EndpointName)
$_route = $_routes[0]
# check if the route has to be published
if (($_route.OpenApi.Swagger -and ($_route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag -contains $DefinitionTag) ) -or $Definition.hiddenComponents.enableMinimalDefinitions) {
#remove the ServerUrl part
if ( $localEndpoint) {
if ($_route.Path.StartsWith($localEndpoint)) {
$_route.OpenApi.Path = $_route.OpenApi.Path.replace($localEndpoint, '')
else {
# do nothing if it has no responses set
if ($_route.OpenApi.Responses.Count -eq 0) {
# add path to defintion
if ($null -eq $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path]) {
$def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path] = [ordered]@{}
# add path's http method to defintition
$pm = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $_route -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
if ($pm.responses.Count -eq 0) {
$pm.responses += [ordered]@{
'default' = [ordered]@{'description' = 'No description' }
$def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method] = $pm
# add any custom server endpoints for route
if ($_route.OpenApi.Servers.count -gt 0) {
if ($null -eq $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers) {
$def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers = @()
if ($localEndpoint) {
$def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers += $Definition.servers[0]
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_route.Endpoint.Address) -and ($_route.Endpoint.Address -ine '*:*')) {
if ($null -eq $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers) {
$def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers = @()
$serverDef = $null
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_route.Endpoint.Name)) {
$serverDef = [ordered]@{
url = (Get-PodeEndpointByName -Name $_route.Endpoint.Name).Url
else {
$serverDef = [ordered]@{
url = "$($_route.Endpoint.Protocol)://$($_route.Endpoint.Address)"
if ($null -ne $serverDef) {
$def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers += $serverDef
#deal with the external OpenAPI paths
if ( $Definition.hiddenComponents.externalPath) {
foreach ($extPath in $Definition.hiddenComponents.externalPath.values) {
foreach ($method in $extPath.keys) {
$_route = $extPath[$method]
if (! ( $def.paths.keys -ccontains $_route.Path)) {
$def.paths[$_route.OpenAPI.Path] = [ordered]@{}
$pm = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $_route -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
# add path's http method to defintition
$def.paths[$_route.OpenAPI.Path][$method.ToLower()] = $pm
return $def
Converts a cmdlet parameter to a Pode OpenAPI property.
This internal function takes a cmdlet parameter and converts it into an appropriate Pode OpenAPI property based on its type.
The function supports boolean, integer, float, and string parameter types.
.PARAMETER Parameter
The cmdlet parameter metadata that needs to be converted. This parameter is mandatory and accepts values from the pipeline.
$metadata = Get-Command -Name Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters
$metadata.Values | ConvertTo-PodeOAPropertyFromCmdletParameter
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeOAPropertyFromCmdletParameter {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
if ($Parameter.SwitchParameter -or ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -ieq 'boolean')) {
New-PodeOABoolProperty -Name $Parameter.Name
else {
switch ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name) {
{ @('int32', 'int64') -icontains $_ } {
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name $Parameter.Name -Format $_
{ @('double', 'float') -icontains $_ } {
New-PodeOANumberProperty -Name $Parameter.Name -Format $_
New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name $Parameter.Name
Creates a base OpenAPI object structure.
The Get-PodeOABaseObject function generates a foundational structure for an OpenAPI object.
This structure includes empty ordered dictionaries for info, paths, webhooks, components, and other OpenAPI elements.
It is used as a base template for building OpenAPI documentation in the Pode framework.
Returns a hashtable representing the base structure of an OpenAPI object.
$baseObject = Get-PodeOABaseObject
This example creates a base OpenAPI object structure.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeOABaseObject {
# Returns a base template for an OpenAPI object
return @{
info = [ordered]@{}
Path = $null
webhooks = [ordered]@{}
components = [ordered]@{
schemas = [ordered]@{}
responses = [ordered]@{}
parameters = [ordered]@{}
examples = [ordered]@{}
requestBodies = [ordered]@{}
headers = [ordered]@{}
securitySchemes = [ordered]@{}
links = [ordered]@{}
callbacks = [ordered]@{}
pathItems = [ordered]@{}
Security = @()
tags = [ordered]@{}
hiddenComponents = @{
enabled = $false
schemaValidation = $false
version = 3.0
depth = 20
schemaJson = @{}
viewer = @{}
postValidation = @{
schemas = [ordered]@{}
responses = [ordered]@{}
parameters = [ordered]@{}
examples = [ordered]@{}
requestBodies = [ordered]@{}
headers = [ordered]@{}
securitySchemes = [ordered]@{}
links = [ordered]@{}
callbacks = [ordered]@{}
pathItems = [ordered]@{}
externalPath = [ordered]@{}
defaultResponses = [ordered]@{
'200' = [ordered]@{ description = 'OK' }
'default' = [ordered]@{ description = 'Internal server error' }
operationId = @()
Initializes a table to manage OpenAPI definitions.
The Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable function creates a table to manage OpenAPI definitions within the Pode framework.
It sets up a default definition tag and initializes a dictionary to hold OpenAPI definitions for each tag.
The function is essential for managing OpenAPI documentation across different parts of the application.
.PARAMETER DefaultDefinitionTag
An optional parameter to set the default OpenAPI definition tag. If not provided, 'default' is used.
Returns a hashtable for managing OpenAPI definitions.
$openApiTable = Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable -DefaultDefinitionTag 'api-v1'
Initializes the OpenAPI table with 'api-v1' as the default definition tag.
$openApiTable = Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable
Initializes the OpenAPI table with 'default' as the default definition tag.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable {
# Check if the provided definition tag is null or empty. If so, set it to 'default'.
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DefaultDefinitionTag)) {
$DefaultDefinitionTag = 'default'
# Initialization of the OpenAPI table with default settings
# Create a hashtable named $OpenAPI to hold various OpenAPI-related configurations and data.
$OpenAPI = @{
# Initialize a stack to manage the Definition Tag selection.
DefinitionTagSelectionStack = [System.Collections.Generic.Stack[System.Object]]::new()
Routes = @()
# Set the currently selected definition tag to the provided or default tag.
$OpenAPI['SelectedDefinitionTag'] = $DefaultDefinitionTag
# Initialize the Definitions dictionary with a base OpenAPI object for the selected definition tag.
# The base OpenAPI object is created using the Get-PodeOABaseObject function.
$OpenAPI['Definitions'] = @{ $OpenAPI['SelectedDefinitionTag'] = Get-PodeOABaseObject }
# Return the initialized OpenAPI table
return $OpenAPI
Sets authentication methods for specific routes in OpenAPI documentation.
The Set-PodeOAAuth function assigns specified authentication methods to given routes for OpenAPI documentation.
It supports setting multiple authentication methods and optionally allows anonymous access.
The function validates the existence of the authentication methods before applying them to the routes.
An array of hashtables representing the routes to which the authentication methods will be applied.
Each route should contain an OpenApi key for updating OpenAPI documentation.
An array of names of the authentication methods to be applied to the routes.
These methods should already be defined in the Pode framework.
A switch parameter that, if set, allows anonymous access in addition to the specified authentication methods.
Set-PodeOAAuth -Route $myRoute -Name @('BasicAuth', 'ApiKeyAuth') -AllowAnon
Applies 'BasicAuth' and 'ApiKeyAuth' authentication methods to the specified route and allows anonymous access.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Set-PodeOAAuth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# Validate the existence of specified authentication methods
foreach ($n in @($Name)) {
if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $n)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $n) #"Authentication method does not exist: $($n)"
process {
# Iterate over each route to set authentication
foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
#exclude static route
if ($r.Method -ne 'Static') {
# Set the authentication methods for the route
$r.OpenApi.Authentication = @(foreach ($n in @($Name)) {
"$($n -replace '\s+', '')" = @() # Clean up auth name and initialize empty scopes
# Add anonymous access if allowed
if ($AllowAnon) {
$r.OpenApi.Authentication += [ordered]@{'%_allowanon_%' = '' }
Sets global authentication methods for specified OpenAPI definitions in the Pode framework.
The Set-PodeOAGlobalAuth function is used to apply authentication methods globally to specified OpenAPI definitions.
It verifies the existence of the authentication methods and then updates the OpenAPI definitions with these methods,
associating them with specific routes.
The name of the authentication method to apply. This method should already be defined in the Pode framework.
The route to which the authentication method is to be applied.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An array of definition tags specifying the OpenAPI definitions to which the authentication method should be applied.
Set-PodeOAGlobalAuth -Name 'BasicAuth' -Route '/api/*' -DefinitionTag @('tag1', 'tag2')
Applies 'BasicAuth' authentication method to all routes under '/api/*' in the OpenAPI definitions tagged with 'tag1' and 'tag2'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Set-PodeOAGlobalAuth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Check if the specified authentication method exists
if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name) #"Authentication method does not exist: $($Name)"
# Iterate over each definition tag to apply the authentication method
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
# Initialize security array if it's empty
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].Security) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].Security = @()
# Apply authentication to each expanded auth name
foreach ($authName in (Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names $Name)) {
$authType = Get-PodeAuth $authName
# Determine the scopes of the authentication
if ($authType.Scheme.Arguments.Scopes) {
$Scopes = @($authType.Scheme.Arguments.Scopes)
else {
$Scopes = @()
# Update the OpenAPI definition with the authentication information
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].Security += [ordered]@{
Definition = [ordered]@{ "$($authName -replace '\s+', '')" = $Scopes }
Route = (ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex -Path $Route)
Resolves references in an OpenAPI schema component based on definitions within a specified definition tag context.
This function navigates through a schema's properties and resolves `$ref` references to actual schemas defined within the specified definition context.
It handles complex constructs such as 'allOf', 'oneOf', and 'anyOf', merging properties and ensuring the schema is fully resolved without unresolved references.
.PARAMETER ComponentSchema
A hashtable representing the schema of a component where references need to be resolved.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string identifier for the specific set of schema definitions under which references should be resolved.
$schema = [ordered]@{
type = 'object';
properties = [ordered]@{
name = [ordered]@{
type = 'string'
details = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = '#/components/schemas/UserDetails'
Resolve-PodeOAReference -ComponentSchema $schema -DefinitionTag 'v1'
This example demonstrates resolving a reference to 'UserDetails' within a given component schema.
function Resolve-PodeOAReference {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize schema storage and a list to track keys that need resolution
$Schemas = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson
$Keys = @()
process {
# Gather all keys from properties and directly from the schema that might have references
if ($ {
foreach ($item in $ {
$Keys += $item
foreach ($item in $ComponentSchema.Keys) {
if ( @('allof', 'oneof', 'anyof') -icontains $item ) {
$Keys += $item
# Process each key to resolve references or merge schema definitions
foreach ($key in $Keys) {
if ( @('allof', 'oneof', 'anyof') -icontains $key ) {
# Handle complex schema constructs like allOf, oneOf, and anyOf
switch ($key.ToLower()) {
'allof' {
$tmpProp = @()
foreach ( $comp in $ComponentSchema[$key] ) {
if ($comp.'$ref') {
# Resolve $ref to a schema if it starts with the expected path
if (($comp.'$ref').StartsWith('#/components/schemas/')) {
$refName = ($comp.'$ref') -replace '#/components/schemas/', ''
if ($Schemas.ContainsKey($refName)) {
$tmpProp += $Schemas[$refName].schema
elseif ( $ {
# Recursively resolve nested schemas
if ($comp.type -eq 'object') {
$tmpProp += Resolve-PodeOAReference -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -ComponentSchema$comp
else {
# Unsupported object
throw ($PodeLocale.unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage)
# Update the main schema to be an object and add resolved properties
$ComponentSchema.type = 'object'
if ($tmpProp.count -gt 0) {
foreach ($t in $tmpProp) {
$ += $
'oneof' {
# Throw an error for unsupported schema constructs to notify the user
# Validation of schema with oneof is not supported
throw ($PodeLocale.validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage)
'anyof' {
# Throw an error for unsupported schema constructs to notify the user
# Validation of schema with anyof is not supported
throw ($PodeLocale.validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage)
elseif ($[$key].type -eq 'object') {
# Recursively resolve object-type properties
$[$key].properties = Resolve-PodeOAReference -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -ComponentSchema $[$key].properties
elseif ($[$key].'$ref') {
# Resolve property references within the main properties of the schema
if (($[$key].'$ref').StartsWith('#/components/schemas/')) {
$refName = ($[$key].'$ref') -replace '#/components/schemas/', ''
if ($Schemas.ContainsKey($refName)) {
$[$key] = $Schemas[$refName].schema
elseif ($[$key].items -and $[$key].items.'$ref' ) {
if (($[$key].items.'$ref').StartsWith('#/components/schemas/')) {
$refName = ($[$key].items.'$ref') -replace '#/components/schemas/', ''
if ($Schemas.ContainsKey($refName)) {
$[$key].items = $schemas[$refName].schema
end {
# Return the fully resolved component schema
return $ComponentSchema
Creates a new OpenAPI property object based on provided parameters.
The New-PodeOAPropertyInternal function constructs an OpenAPI property object using parameters like type, name,
description, and various other attributes. It is used internally for building OpenAPI documentation elements in the Pode framework.
The type of the property. This parameter is optional if the type is specified in the Params hashtable.
A hashtable containing various attributes of the property such as name, description, format, and constraints like
required, readOnly, writeOnly, etc.
An ordered dictionary representing the constructed OpenAPI property object.
$property = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -Type 'string' -Params $myParams
Demonstrates how to create an OpenAPI property object of type 'string' using the specified parameters.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function New-PodeOAPropertyInternal {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Initialize an ordered dictionary for the property
$param = [ordered]@{}
# Set the type of the property
if ($type) {
$param.type = $type
else {
if ( $Params.type) {
$param.type = $Params.type
else {
# Cannot create the property no type is defined
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage)
# Set name if provided
if ($Params.Name) {
$ = $Params.Name
# Set description if provided
if ($Params.Description) {
$param.description = $Params.Description
# Additional property settings based on provided parameters
if ($Params.Array.IsPresent) { $param.array = $Params.Array.IsPresent }
if ($Params.Object.IsPresent) { $param.object = $Params.Object.IsPresent }
if ($Params.Required.IsPresent) { $param.required = $Params.Required.IsPresent }
if ($Params.Default) { $param.default = $Params.Default }
if ($Params.Format) { $param.format = $Params.Format.ToLowerInvariant() }
if ($Params.Deprecated.IsPresent) { $param.deprecated = $Params.Deprecated.IsPresent }
if ($Params.Nullable.IsPresent) { $param.nullable = $Params.Nullable.IsPresent }
if ($Params.WriteOnly.IsPresent) { $param.writeOnly = $Params.WriteOnly.IsPresent }
if ($Params.ReadOnly.IsPresent) { $param.readOnly = $Params.ReadOnly.IsPresent }
if ($Params.Example) { $param.example = $Params.Example }
if ($Params.UniqueItems.IsPresent) { $param.uniqueItems = $Params.UniqueItems.IsPresent }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('MaxItems')) { $param.maxItems = $Params.MaxItems }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('MinItems')) { $param.minItems = $Params.MinItems }
if ($Params.Enum) { $param.enum = $Params.Enum }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('Minimum')) { $param.minimum = $Params.Minimum }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('Maximum')) { $param.maximum = $Params.Maximum }
if ($Params.ExclusiveMaximum.IsPresent) { $param.exclusiveMaximum = $Params.ExclusiveMaximum.IsPresent }
if ($Params.ExclusiveMinimum.IsPresent) { $param.exclusiveMinimum = $Params.ExclusiveMinimum.IsPresent }
if ($Params.MultiplesOf) { $param.multipleOf = $Params.MultiplesOf }
if ($Params.Pattern) { $param.pattern = $Params.Pattern }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('MinLength')) { $param.minLength = $Params.MinLength }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('MaxLength')) { $param.maxLength = $Params.MaxLength }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('MinProperties')) { $param.minProperties = $Params.MinProperties }
if ($Params.ContainsKey('MaxProperties')) { $param.maxProperties = $Params.MaxProperties }
if ($Params.XmlName -or $Params.XmlNamespace -or $Params.XmlPrefix -or $Params.XmlAttribute.IsPresent -or $Params.XmlWrapped.IsPresent) {
$param.xml = [ordered]@{}
if ($Params.XmlName) { $ = $Params.XmlName }
if ($Params.XmlNamespace) { $param.xml.namespace = $Params.XmlNamespace }
if ($Params.XmlPrefix) { $param.xml.prefix = $Params.XmlPrefix }
if ($Params.XmlAttribute.IsPresent) { $param.xml.attribute = $Params.XmlAttribute.IsPresent }
if ($Params.XmlWrapped.IsPresent) { $param.xml.wrapped = $Params.XmlWrapped.IsPresent }
if ($Params.XmlItemName) { $param.xmlItemName = $Params.XmlItemName }
if ($Params.ExternalDocs) { $param.externalDocs = $Params.ExternalDocs }
if ($Params.NoAdditionalProperties.IsPresent -and $Params.AdditionalProperties) {
# Parameters 'NoAdditionalProperties' and 'AdditionalProperties' are mutually exclusive
throw ($PodeLocale.parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage -f 'NoAdditionalProperties', 'AdditionalProperties')
else {
if ($Params.NoAdditionalProperties.IsPresent) { $param.additionalProperties = $false }
if ($Params.AdditionalProperties) { $param.additionalProperties = $Params.AdditionalProperties }
return $param
Converts header properties to a format compliant with OpenAPI specifications.
The ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty function is designed to take an array of hashtables representing header properties and
convert them into a structure suitable for OpenAPI documentation. It ensures that each header property includes a name and
schema definition and can handle additional attributes like description.
An array of hashtables, where each hashtable represents a header property with attributes like name, type, description, etc.
$headerProperties = ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty -Headers $myHeaders
This example demonstrates how to convert an array of header properties into a format suitable for OpenAPI documentation.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
$elems = [ordered]@{}
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Headers to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Headers = $pipelineValue
foreach ($e in $Headers) {
# Ensure each header has a name
if ($ {
$elems.$($ = @{}
# Add description if present
if ($e.description) {
$elems.$($ = $e.description
# Define the schema, including the type and any additional properties
$elems.$($ = @{
type = $($e.type)
foreach ($k in $e.keys) {
if (@('name', 'description') -notcontains $k) {
$elems.$($$k = $e.$k
else {
# Header requires a name when used in an encoding context
throw ($PodeLocale.headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage)
return $elems
Creates a new OpenAPI callback component for a given definition tag.
The New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal function constructs an OpenAPI callback component based on provided parameters.
This function is designed for internal use within the Pode framework to define callbacks in OpenAPI documentation.
It handles the creation of callback structures including the path, HTTP method, request bodies, and responses
based on the given definition tag.
A hashtable containing parameters for the callback component, such as Method, Path, RequestBody, and Responses.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A mandatory string parameter that specifies the definition tag in OpenAPI documentation.
$callback = New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal -Params $myParams -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
This example demonstrates how to create an OpenAPI callback component for 'myTag' using the provided parameters.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Convert HTTP method to lower case
$_method = $Params.Method.ToLower()
# Construct the base structure for the callback with the given path and method
$callBack = [ordered]@{
"'$($Params.Path)'" = [ordered]@{
$_method = [ordered]@{}
# Add request body to the callback if it is specified for the given definition tag
if ($Params.RequestBody.ContainsKey($DefinitionTag)) {
$callBack."'$($Params.Path)'".$_method.requestBody = $Params.RequestBody[$DefinitionTag]
# Add responses to the callback if they are specified for the given definition tag
if ($Params.Responses.ContainsKey($DefinitionTag)) {
$callBack."'$($Params.Path)'".$_method.responses = $Params.Responses[$DefinitionTag]
# Return the constructed callback object
return $callBack
Creates a new OpenAPI response object based on provided parameters and a definition tag.
The New-PodeOResponseInternal function constructs an OpenAPI response object using provided parameters.
It sets a description for the status code, references existing components if specified,
and builds content-type and header schemas. This function is intended for internal use within the
Pode framework for API documentation purposes.
A hashtable containing parameters for building the OpenAPI response object, including description,
status code, content, headers, links, and reference to existing components.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A mandatory string parameter that specifies the definition tag in OpenAPI documentation.
$response = New-PodeOResponseInternal -Params $myParams -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
This example demonstrates how to create an OpenAPI response object for 'myTag' using the provided parameters.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function New-PodeOResponseInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Set a general description for the status code
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Params.Description)) {
if ($Params.Default) {
$Description = 'Default Response.'
elseif ([int]::TryParse($Params.StatusCode, [ref]$null)) {
$Description = Get-PodeStatusDescription -StatusCode $Params.StatusCode
else {
# A Description is required
throw ($PodeLocale.descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage -f $params.Route.path, $Params.StatusCode )
else {
$Description = $Params.Description
# Handle response referencing an existing component
if ($Params.Reference) {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field responses -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Params.Reference -PostValidation
$response = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/responses/$($Params.Reference)"
else {
# Build content-type schemas if provided
$_content = $null
if ($null -ne $Params.Content) {
$_content = ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Content $Params.Content
# Build header schemas based on the type of the Headers parameter
$_headers = $null
if ($null -ne $Params.Headers) {
if ($Params.Headers -is [System.Object[]] -or $Params.Headers -is [string] -or $Params.Headers -is [string[]]) {
if ($Params.Headers -is [System.Object[]] -and $Params.Headers.Count -gt 0 -and ($Params.Headers[0] -is [hashtable] -or $Params.Headers[0] -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])) {
$_headers = ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty -Headers $Params.Headers
else {
$_headers = [ordered]@{}
foreach ($h in $Params.Headers) {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field headers -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $h -PostValidation
$_headers[$h] = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/headers/$h"
elseif ($Params.Headers -is [hashtable]) {
$_headers = ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Content $Params.Headers
# Construct the response object
$response = [ordered]@{
description = $Description
if ($_headers) { $response.headers = $_headers }
if ($_content) { $response.content = $_content }
if ($Params.Links) { $response.links = $Params.Links }
return $response
Creates a new OpenAPI response link object.
The New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal function generates an OpenAPI response link object from provided parameters.
This includes setting up descriptions, operation IDs, references, parameters, and request bodies for the link.
This function is designed for internal use within the Pode framework to facilitate the creation of response
link objects in OpenAPI documentation.
A hashtable of parameters for the OpenAPI response link.
$link = New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal -Params $myParams
Generates a new OpenAPI response link object using the provided parameters in $myParams.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal {
# Initialize an ordered dictionary for the link
$link = [ordered]@{}
# Add properties to the link based on the provided parameters
if ($Params.Description) { $link.description = $Params.Description }
if ($Params.OperationId) { $link.operationId = $Params.OperationId }
if ($Params.OperationRef) { $link.operationRef = $Params.OperationRef }
if ($Params.Parameters) { $link.parameters = $Params.Parameters }
if ($Params.RequestBody) { $link.requestBody = $Params.RequestBody }
return $link
Tests the internal OpenAPI definitions for compliance and validity.
The Test-PodeOADefinitionInternal function validates OpenAPI definitions within the Pode framework.
It checks for various issues like undefined references, mandatory fields (like title and version),
and missing components. If any issues are found, they are displayed with detailed messages, and
the function throws an error indicating non-compliance with OpenAPI document standards.
This example demonstrates how to call the function to validate OpenAPI definitions.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeOADefinitionInternal {
# Validate OpenAPI definitions and store any issues found
$definitionIssues = Test-PodeOADefinition
# Check if the validation result indicates issues
if (! $definitionIssues.valid) {
# Print a header for undefined OpenAPI references
# Undefined OpenAPI References
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage -ForegroundColor Red
# Iterate over each issue found in the definitions
foreach ($tag in $definitionIssues.issues.keys) {
# Definition tag
Write-PodeHost ($PodeLocale.definitionTagMessage -f $tag) -ForegroundColor Red
# Check and display issues related to OpenAPI document generation error
if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].definition ) {
# OpenAPI generation document error
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red
Write-PodeHost " $($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].definition)" -ForegroundColor Red
# Check for missing mandatory 'title' field
if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].title ) {
# info.title is mandatory
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.infoTitleMandatoryMessage -ForegroundColor Red
# Check for missing mandatory 'version' field
if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].version ) {
# info.version is mandatory
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.infoVersionMandatoryMessage -ForegroundColor Red
# Check for missing components and list them
if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].components ) {
# Missing component(s)
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.missingComponentsMessage -ForegroundColor Red
foreach ($key in $definitionIssues.issues[$tag].components.keys) {
$occurences = $definitionIssues.issues[$tag].components[$key]
# Adjust occurrence count based on schema validation setting
if ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.schemaValidation) {
$occurences = $occurences / 2
Write-PodeHost "`$refs : $key ($occurences)" -ForegroundColor Red
# Add a blank line for readability
# Throw an error indicating non-compliance with OpenAPI standards
# OpenAPI document compliance issues
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage)
Check the OpenAPI component exist (Internal Function)
Check the OpenAPI component exist (Internal Function)
The component type
The component Name
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
.PARAMETER ThrowException
Generate an exception if the component doesn't exist
.PARAMETER PostValidation
Postpone the check before the server start
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field 'responses' -Name 'myresponse' -DefinitionTag 'default'
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeOAComponentInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet( 'schemas' , 'responses' , 'parameters' , 'examples' , 'requestBodies' , 'headers' , 'securitySchemes' , 'links' , 'callbacks' , 'pathItems')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
if ($PostValidation.IsPresent) {
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if (! ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field].keys -ccontains $Name)) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field][$name] = 1
else {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field][$name] += 1
else {
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components[$field].keys -ccontains $Name)) {
# If $Name is not found in the current $tag, return $false or throw an exception
if ($ThrowException.IsPresent ) {
throw ($PodeLocale.noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage -f $field, $Name, $tag) #"No component of type $field named $Name is available in the $tag definition."
else {
return $false
if (!$ThrowException.IsPresent) {
return $true
Converts a Pode route path into an OpenAPI-compliant route path format.
This internal function takes a Pode route path and replaces placeholders with OpenAPI-style placeholders.
Specifically, it converts Pode route placeholders (e.g., `:id`) to OpenAPI placeholders (e.g., `{id}`).
The Pode route path that contains placeholders to be converted to the OpenAPI format.
The converted OpenAPI-compliant route path as a string.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function ConvertTo-PodeOARoutePath {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return ([regex]::Unescape((Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path -Pattern '\:(?<tag>[\w]+)' -Prepend '{' -Append '}')))
Tests and validates the OpenAPI Definition Tag for a specific route in Pode.
This function ensures that the OpenAPI Definition Tag for a route is correctly configured.
If the route already has an OpenAPI Definition Tag configured, it verifies if the new tag is allowed.
If the OpenAPI Definition Tag has not been configured, it validates and sets the provided tag.
A hashtable representing the route that is being tested for the OpenAPI Definition Tag.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An optional array of strings representing the Definition Tag(s) to be tested and assigned.
Returns the validated DefinitionTag for the route.
$Route = @{
OpenApi = @{
IsDefTagConfigured = $false
DefinitionTag = @()
$DefinitionTag = @('tag1', 'tag2')
Test-PodeRouteOADefinitionTag -Route $Route -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Test-PodeRouteOADefinitionTag {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true )]
[hashtable ]
# Check if the OpenAPI Definition Tag is already configured
if ($Route.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured) {
# If a DefinitionTag is provided
if ($DefinitionTag) {
# Loop through each element in $DefinitionTag
if ($DefinitionTag | ForEach-Object {
# Check if the current element exists in the already configured DefinitionTag
if (!($Route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag -contains $_)) {
# If any element in $DefinitionTag is not present in the configured DefinitionTag, throw an exception
throw ($PodeLocale.definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage)
# Return $true for each element to continue the check
) {
# If all elements in $DefinitionTag are present in the configured DefinitionTag, assign it to $oaDefinitionTag
return $DefinitionTag
return $Route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag
# If the OpenAPI Definition Tag is not configured yet
# Validate the provided DefinitionTag and assign it to $oaDefinitionTag
$oaDefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
# Set the validated DefinitionTag as the OpenAPI DefinitionTag
$Route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag = $oaDefinitionTag
# Mark the OpenAPI DefinitionTag as configured
$Route.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured = $true
return $oaDefinitionTag
using namespace Pode
function Start-PodeWebServer {
# setup any inbuilt middleware
$inbuilt_middleware = @(
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware = ($inbuilt_middleware + $PodeContext.Server.Middleware)
# work out which endpoints to listen on
$endpoints = @()
$endpointsMap = @{}
# Variable to track if a default endpoint is already defined for the current type.
# This ensures that only one default endpoint can be assigned per protocol type (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS).
# If multiple default endpoints are detected, an error will be thrown to prevent configuration issues.
$defaultEndpoint = $false
@(Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Http, Ws) | ForEach-Object {
# Enforce unicity: only one default endpoint is allowed per type.
if ($defaultEndpoint -and $_.Default) {
# A default endpoint for the type '{0}' is already set. Only one default endpoint is allowed per type. Please check your configuration.
throw ($Podelocale.defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage -f $($_.Type))
else {
# Assign the current endpoint's Default value for tracking.
$defaultEndpoint = $_.Default
# get the ip address
$_ip = [string]($_.Address)
$_ip = Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $_ip -Type All | Select-Object -First 1
$_ip = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $_ip -DualMode:($_.DualMode)
# dual mode?
$addrs = $_ip
if ($_.DualMode) {
$addrs = Resolve-PodeIPDualMode -IP $_ip
# the endpoint
$_endpoint = @{
Name = $_.Name
Key = "$($_ip):$($_.Port)"
Address = $addrs
Hostname = $_.HostName
IsIPAddress = $_.IsIPAddress
Port = $_.Port
Certificate = $_.Certificate.Raw
AllowClientCertificate = $_.Certificate.AllowClientCertificate
Url = $_.Url
Protocol = $_.Protocol
Type = $_.Type
Pool = $_.Runspace.PoolName
SslProtocols = $_.Ssl.Protocols
DualMode = $_.DualMode
Default = $_.Default
# add endpoint to list
$endpoints += $_endpoint
# add to map
if (!$endpointsMap.ContainsKey($_endpoint.Key)) {
$endpointsMap[$_endpoint.Key] = @{ Type = $_.Type }
else {
if ($endpointsMap[$_endpoint.Key].Type -ine $_.Type) {
$endpointsMap[$_endpoint.Key].Type = 'HttpAndWs'
# Create the listener
$listener = & $("New-Pode$($PodeContext.Server.ListenerType)Listener") -CancellationToken $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token
$listener.ErrorLoggingEnabled = (Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled)
$listener.ErrorLoggingLevels = @(Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel)
$listener.RequestTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Request.Timeout
$listener.RequestBodySize = $PodeContext.Server.Request.BodySize
$listener.ShowServerDetails = [bool]$PodeContext.Server.Security.ServerDetails
try {
# register endpoints on the listener
$endpoints | ForEach-Object {
# Create a hashtable of parameters for splatting
$socketParams = @{
Name = $_.Name
Address = $_.Address
Port = $_.Port
SslProtocols = $_.SslProtocols
Type = $endpointsMap[$_.Key].Type
Certificate = $_.Certificate
AllowClientCertificate = $_.AllowClientCertificate
DualMode = $_.DualMode
# Initialize a new listener socket with splatting
$socket = & $("New-Pode$($PodeContext.Server.ListenerType)ListenerSocket") @socketParams
$socket.ReceiveTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout
if (!$_.IsIPAddress) {
$PodeContext.Listeners += $listener
$PodeContext.Server.Signals.Enabled = $true
$PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener = $listener
$PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener = $listener
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $listener
throw $_.Exception
# only if HTTP endpoint
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Http) {
# script for listening out for incoming requests
$listenScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
do {
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# get request and response
$context = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetContextAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
try {
try {
$Request = $context.Request
$Response = $context.Response
# reset with basic event data
$WebEvent = @{
OnEnd = @()
Auth = @{}
Response = $Response
Request = $Request
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Path = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($Request.Url.AbsolutePath)
Method = $Request.HttpMethod.ToLowerInvariant()
Query = $null
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $Request.Url.Scheme
Address = $Request.Host
Name = $context.EndpointName
ContentType = $Request.ContentType
ErrorType = $null
Cookies = @{}
PendingCookies = @{}
Parameters = $null
Data = $null
Files = $null
Streamed = $true
Route = $null
StaticContent = $null
Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
TransferEncoding = $null
AcceptEncoding = $null
Ranges = $null
Sse = $null
Metadata = @{}
# if iis, and we have an app path, alter it
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -and $PodeContext.Server.IIS.Path.IsNonRoot) {
$WebEvent.Path = ($WebEvent.Path -ireplace $PodeContext.Server.IIS.Path.Pattern, '')
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WebEvent.Path)) {
$WebEvent.Path = '/'
# accept/transfer encoding
$WebEvent.TransferEncoding = (Get-PodeTransferEncoding -TransferEncoding (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Transfer-Encoding') -ThrowError)
$WebEvent.AcceptEncoding = (Get-PodeAcceptEncoding -AcceptEncoding (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Accept-Encoding') -ThrowError)
$WebEvent.Ranges = (Get-PodeRange -Range (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Range') -ThrowError)
# add logging endware for post-request
Add-PodeRequestLogEndware -WebEvent $WebEvent
# stop now if the request has an error
if ($Request.IsAborted) {
throw $Request.Error
# if we have an sse clientId, verify it and then set details in WebEvent
if ($WebEvent.Request.HasSseClientId) {
if (!(Test-PodeSseClientIdValid)) {
throw [Pode.PodeRequestException]::new("The X-PODE-SSE-CLIENT-ID value is not valid: $($WebEvent.Request.SseClientId)")
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WebEvent.Request.SseClientName) -and !(Test-PodeSseClientId -Name $WebEvent.Request.SseClientName -ClientId $WebEvent.Request.SseClientId)) {
throw [Pode.PodeRequestException]::new("The SSE Connection being referenced via the X-PODE-SSE-NAME and X-PODE-SSE-CLIENT-ID headers does not exist: [$($WebEvent.Request.SseClientName)] $($WebEvent.Request.SseClientId)", 404)
$WebEvent.Sse = @{
Name = $WebEvent.Request.SseClientName
Group = $WebEvent.Request.SseClientGroup
ClientId = $WebEvent.Request.SseClientId
LastEventId = $null
IsLocal = $false
# invoke global and route middleware
if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $PodeContext.Server.Middleware -Route $WebEvent.Path)) {
# has the request been aborted
if ($Request.IsAborted) {
throw $Request.Error
if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $WebEvent.Route.Middleware)) {
# has the request been aborted
if ($Request.IsAborted) {
throw $Request.Error
# invoke the route
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.StaticContent) {
$fileBrowser = $WebEvent.Route.FileBrowser
if ($WebEvent.StaticContent.IsDownload) {
Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal -Path $WebEvent.StaticContent.Source -FileBrowser:$fileBrowser
elseif ($WebEvent.StaticContent.RedirectToDefault) {
$file = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($WebEvent.StaticContent.Source)
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url "$($WebEvent.Path)/$($file)"
else {
$cachable = $WebEvent.StaticContent.IsCachable
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path $WebEvent.StaticContent.Source -MaxAge $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Cache.MaxAge `
-Cache:$cachable -FileBrowser:$fileBrowser
elseif ($null -ne $WebEvent.Route.Logic) {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $WebEvent.Route.Logic -Arguments $WebEvent.Route.Arguments `
-UsingVariables $WebEvent.Route.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch [Pode.PodeRequestException] {
if ($Response.StatusCode -ge 500) {
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
$code = $_.Exception.StatusCode
if ($code -le 0) {
$code = 400
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $code -Exception $_
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception $_
finally {
Update-PodeServerRequestMetric -WebEvent $WebEvent
# invoke endware specifc to the current web event
$_endware = ($WebEvent.OnEnd + @($PodeContext.Server.Endware))
Invoke-PodeEndware -Endware $_endware
finally {
$WebEvent = $null
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $context
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
# end do-while
} while (Test-PodeSuspensionToken) # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
# start the runspace for listening on x-number of threads
1..$PodeContext.Threads.General | ForEach-Object {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Web -Name 'Listener' -ScriptBlock $listenScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener; 'ThreadId' = $_ }
# only if WS endpoint
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Ws) {
# script to write messages back to the client(s)
$signalScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
do {
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
$message = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetServerSignalAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
try {
# get the sockets for the message
$sockets = @()
# by clientId
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($message.ClientId)) {
$sockets = @($Listener.Signals[$message.ClientId])
else {
$sockets = @($Listener.Signals.Values)
# by path
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($message.Path)) {
$sockets = @(foreach ($socket in $sockets) {
if ($socket.Path -ieq $message.Path) {
# do nothing if no socket found
if (($null -eq $sockets) -or ($sockets.Length -eq 0)) {
# send the message to all found sockets
foreach ($socket in $sockets) {
try {
$null = Wait-PodeTask -Task $socket.Context.Response.SendSignal($message)
catch {
$null = $Listener.Signals.Remove($socket.ClientId)
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $message
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
# end do-while
} while (Test-PodeSuspensionToken) # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Signals -Name 'Listener' -ScriptBlock $signalScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener }
# only if WS endpoint
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Ws) {
# script to queue messages from clients to send back to other clients from the server
$clientScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
do {
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
$context = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetClientSignalAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
try {
$payload = ($context.Message | ConvertFrom-Json)
$Request = $context.Signal.Context.Request
$Response = $context.Signal.Context.Response
$SignalEvent = @{
Response = $Response
Request = $Request
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Path = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($Request.Url.AbsolutePath)
Data = @{
Path = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($payload.path)
Message = $payload.message
ClientId = $payload.clientId
Direct = [bool]$
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $Request.Url.Scheme
Address = $Request.Host
Name = $context.Signal.Context.EndpointName
Route = $null
ClientId = $context.Signal.ClientId
Timestamp = $context.Timestamp
Streamed = $true
Metadata = @{}
# see if we have a route and invoke it, otherwise auto-send
$SignalEvent.Route = Find-PodeSignalRoute -Path $SignalEvent.Path -EndpointName $SignalEvent.Endpoint.Name
if ($null -ne $SignalEvent.Route) {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $SignalEvent.Route.Logic -Arguments $SignalEvent.Route.Arguments -UsingVariables $SignalEvent.Route.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
else {
Send-PodeSignal -Value $SignalEvent.Data.Message -Path $SignalEvent.Data.Path -ClientId $SignalEvent.Data.ClientId
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
finally {
Update-PodeServerSignalMetric -SignalEvent $SignalEvent
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $context
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
# end do-while
} while (Test-PodeSuspensionToken) # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
# start the runspace for listening on x-number of threads
1..$PodeContext.Threads.General | ForEach-Object {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Signals -Name 'Broadcaster' -ScriptBlock $clientScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener; 'ThreadId' = $_ }
# script to keep web server listening until cancelled
$waitScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Listener
if (Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Http) {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type 'Web' -Name 'KeepAlive' -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener } -NoProfile
else {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type 'Signals' -Name 'KeepAlive' -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener } -NoProfile
# browse to the first endpoint, if flagged
if ($Browse) {
Start-Process $endpoints[0].Url
return @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
Url = $endpoint.Url
Pool = $endpoint.Pool
DualMode = $endpoint.DualMode
Name = $endpoint.Name
Default = $endpoint.Default
function New-PodeListener {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return [PodeListener]::new($CancellationToken)
function New-PodeListenerSocket {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return [PodeSocket]::new($Name, $Address, $Port, $SslProtocols, $Type, $Certificate, $AllowClientCertificate, 'Implicit', $DualMode.IsPresent)
Displays a customized error page based on the provided error code and additional error details.
This function is responsible for displaying a custom error page when an error occurs within a Pode web application. It takes an error code, a description, an exception object, and a content type as input. The function then attempts to find a corresponding error page based on the error code and content type. If a custom error page is found, and if exception details are to be shown (as per server settings), it builds a detailed exception message. Finally, it writes the error page to the response stream, displaying the custom error page to the user.
The HTTP status code of the error. This code is used to find a matching custom error page.
.PARAMETER Description
A descriptive message about the error. This is displayed on the error page if available.
.PARAMETER Exception
The exception object that caused the error. If exception tracing is enabled, details from this object are displayed on the error page.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type of the error page to be displayed. This is used to select an appropriate error page format (e.g., HTML, JSON).
Show-PodeErrorPage -Code 404 -Description "Not Found" -ContentType "text/html"
This example shows how to display a custom 404 Not Found error page in HTML format.
None. This function writes the error page directly to the response stream.
- The function uses `Find-PodeErrorPage` to locate a custom error page based on the HTTP status code and content type.
- It checks for server configuration to determine whether to show detailed exception information on the error page.
- The function relies on the global `$PodeContext` variable for server settings and to encode exception and URL details safely.
- `Write-PodeFileResponse` is used to send the custom error page as the response, along with any dynamic data (e.g., exception details, URL).
- This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Show-PodeErrorPage {
# error page info
$errorPage = Find-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -ContentType $ContentType
# if no page found, return
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $errorPage) {
# if exception trace showing enabled then build the exception details object
$ex = $null
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Exception) -and $PodeContext.Server.Web.ErrorPages.ShowExceptions) {
$ex = @{
Message = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($Exception.Exception.Message)
StackTrace = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($Exception.ScriptStackTrace)
Line = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($Exception.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
Category = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($Exception.CategoryInfo.ToString())
# setup the data object for dynamic pages
$data = @{
Url = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode((Get-PodeUrl))
Status = @{
Code = $Code
Description = $Description
Exception = $ex
ContentType = $errorPage.ContentType
# write the error page to the stream
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path $errorPage.Path -Data $data -ContentType $errorPage.ContentType
Serves files as HTTP responses in a Pode web server, handling both dynamic and static content.
This function serves files from the server to the client, supporting both static files and files that are dynamically processed by a view engine.
For dynamic content, it uses the server's configured view engine to process the file and returns the rendered content.
For static content, it simply returns the file's content. The function allows for specifying content type, cache control, and HTTP status code.
The relative path to the file to be served. This path is resolved against the server's root directory.
A hashtable of data that can be passed to the view engine for dynamic files.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The MIME type of the response. If not provided, it is inferred from the file extension.
The maximum age (in seconds) for which the response can be cached by the client. Applies only to static content.
The HTTP status code to accompany the response. Defaults to 200 (OK).
A switch to indicate whether the response should include HTTP caching headers. Applies only to static content.
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path 'index.pode' -Data @{ Title = 'Home Page' } -ContentType 'text/html'
Serves the 'index.pode' file as an HTTP response, processing it with the view engine and passing in a title for dynamic content rendering.
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path 'logo.png' -ContentType 'image/png' -Cache
Serves the 'logo.png' file as a static file with the specified content type and caching enabled.
None. The function writes directly to the HTTP response stream.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Write-PodeFileResponseInternal {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Data = @{},
$ContentType = $null,
$MaxAge = 3600,
$StatusCode = 200,
# Attempt to retrieve information about the path
$pathInfo = Test-PodePath -Path $Path -Force -ReturnItem -FailOnDirectory:(!$FileBrowser)
if (!$pathinfo) {
# Check if the path is a directory
if ( $pathInfo.PSIsContainer) {
# If directory browsing is enabled, use the directory response function
Write-PodeDirectoryResponseInternal -Path $Path
else {
# are we dealing with a dynamic file for the view engine? (ignore html)
# Determine if the file is dynamic and should be processed by the view engine
$mainExt = $pathInfo.Extension.TrimStart('.')
# generate dynamic content
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($mainExt) -and (
($mainExt -ieq 'pode') -or
($mainExt -ieq $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension -and $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.IsDynamic)
) {
# Process dynamic content with the view engine
$content = Get-PodeFileContentUsingViewEngine -Path $Path -Data $Data
# Determine the correct content type for the response
# get the sub-file extension, if empty, use original
$subExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($pathInfo.BaseName).TrimStart('.')
$subExt = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $subExt -Default $mainExt)
$ContentType = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $ContentType -Default (Get-PodeContentType -Extension $subExt))
# Write the processed content as the HTTP response
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $content -ContentType $ContentType -StatusCode $StatusCode
# this is a static file
else {
try {
if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
$content = (Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -AsByteStream)
else {
$content = (Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding byte)
# Determine and set the content type for static files
$ContentType = Protect-PodeValue -Value $ContentType -Default (Get-PodeContentType -Extension $mainExt)
# Write the file content as the HTTP response
Write-PodeTextResponse -Bytes $content -ContentType $ContentType -MaxAge $MaxAge -StatusCode $StatusCode -Cache:$Cache
catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
$statusCode = 401
catch {
$statusCode = 400
# If the file does not exist, set the HTTP response status code appropriately
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $StatusCode
Serves a directory listing as a web page.
The Write-PodeDirectoryResponseInternal function generates an HTML response that lists the contents of a specified directory,
allowing for browsing of files and directories. It supports both Windows and Unix-like environments by adjusting the
display of file attributes accordingly. If the path is a directory, it generates a browsable HTML view; otherwise, it
serves the file directly.
The relative path to the directory that should be displayed. This path is resolved and used to generate a list of contents.
# resolve for relative path
$RelativePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path './static' -JoinRoot
Write-PodeDirectoryResponseInternal -Path './static'
Generates and serves an HTML page that lists the contents of the './static' directory, allowing users to click through files and directories.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Write-PodeDirectoryResponseInternal {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($WebEvent.Path -eq '/') {
$leaf = '/'
$rootPath = '/'
else {
# get leaf of current physical path, and set root path
$leaf = ($Path.Split(':')[1] -split '[\\/]+') -join '/'
$rootPath = $WebEvent.Path -ireplace "$($leaf)$", ''
# Determine if the server is running in Windows mode or is running a varsion that support Linux
$windowsMode = ((Test-PodeIsWindows) -or ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt [version]'7.1.0') )
# Construct the HTML content for the file browser view
$htmlContent = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$atoms = $WebEvent.Path -split '/'
$atoms = @(foreach ($atom in $atoms) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($atom)) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($atoms)) {
$baseLink = ''
else {
$baseLink = "/$($atoms -join '/')"
# Handle navigation to the parent directory (..)
if ($leaf -ne '/') {
$LastSlash = $baseLink.LastIndexOf('/')
if ($LastSlash -eq -1) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 404
$ParentLink = $baseLink.Substring(0, $LastSlash)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParentLink)) {
$ParentLink = '/'
$item = Get-Item '..'
if ($windowsMode) {
$htmlContent.Append("<tr> <td class='mode'>")
else {
$htmlContent.Append("<tr> <td class='unixMode'>")
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='user'>")
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='group'>")
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='dateTime'>")
$htmlContent.Append($item.CreationTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='dateTime'>")
$htmlContent.Append($item.LastWriteTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
$htmlContent.Append( "</td> <td class='size'></td> <td class='icon'><i class='bi bi-folder2-open'></td> <td class='name'><a href='")
$htmlContent.AppendLine("'>..</a></td> </tr>")
# Retrieve the child items of the specified directory
$child = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force
foreach ($item in $child) {
$link = "$baseLink/$([uri]::EscapeDataString($item.Name))"
if ($item.PSIsContainer) {
$size = ''
$icon = '📁'
else {
$size = '{0:N2}KB' -f ($item.Length / 1KB)
$icon = '📄'
# Format each item as an HTML row
if ($windowsMode) {
$htmlContent.Append("<tr> <td class='mode'>")
else {
$htmlContent.Append("<tr> <td class='unixMode'>")
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='user'>")
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='group'>")
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='dateTime'>")
$htmlContent.Append($item.CreationTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='dateTime'>")
$htmlContent.Append($item.LastWriteTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
$htmlContent.Append("</td> <td class='size'>")
$htmlContent.Append( $size)
$htmlContent.Append( "</td> <td class='icon'>")
$htmlContent.Append( $icon)
$htmlContent.Append( "</td> <td class='name'><a href='")
$htmlContent.Append( $link)
$htmlContent.Append( "'>")
$htmlContent.Append($item.Name )
$htmlContent.AppendLine('</a></td> </tr>' )
$Data = @{
RootPath = $RootPath
Path = $leaf.Replace('\', '/')
WindowsMode = $windowsMode.ToString().ToLower()
FileContent = $htmlContent.ToString() # Convert the StringBuilder content to a string
$podeRoot = Get-PodeModuleMiscPath
# Write the response
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($podeRoot, 'default-file-browsing.html.pode')) -Data $Data
Sends a file as an attachment in the response, supporting both file streaming and directory browsing options.
The Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal function is designed to handle HTTP responses for file downloads or directory browsing within a Pode web server. It resolves the given file or directory path, sets the appropriate content type, and configures the response to either download the file as an attachment or list the directory contents if browsing is enabled. The function supports both PowerShell Core and Windows PowerShell environments for file content retrieval.
The path to the file or directory. This parameter is mandatory and accepts pipeline input. The function resolves relative paths based on the server's root directory.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The MIME type of the file being served. This is validated against a pattern to ensure it's in the format 'type/subtype'. If not specified, the function attempts to determine the content type based on the file extension.
.PARAMETER FileBrowser
A switch parameter that, when present, enables directory browsing. If the path points to a directory and this parameter is enabled, the function will list the directory's contents instead of returning a 404 error.
Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal -Path './files/document.pdf' -ContentType 'application/pdf'
Serves the 'document.pdf' file with the 'application/pdf' MIME type as a downloadable attachment.
Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal -Path './files' -FileBrowser
Lists the contents of the './files' directory if the FileBrowser switch is enabled; otherwise, returns a 404 error.
- This function integrates with Pode's internal handling of HTTP responses, leveraging other Pode-specific functions like Get-PodeContentType and Set-PodeResponseStatus. It differentiates between streamed and serverless environments to optimize file delivery.
- This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Attempt to retrieve information about the path
$pathInfo = Test-PodePath -Path $Path -Force -ReturnItem -FailOnDirectory:(!$FileBrowser)
if (!$pathInfo) {
# Check if the path exists
if ($null -eq $pathInfo) {
if ( $pathInfo.PSIsContainer) {
# file browsing is enabled, use the directory response function
Write-PodeDirectoryResponseInternal -Path $Path
try {
# setup the content type and disposition
if (!$ContentType) {
$WebEvent.Response.ContentType = (Get-PodeContentType -Extension $pathInfo.Extension)
else {
$WebEvent.Response.ContentType = $ContentType
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Content-Disposition' -Value "attachment; filename=$($pathInfo.Name)"
# if serverless, get the content raw and return
if (!$WebEvent.Streamed) {
if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
$content = (Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -AsByteStream)
else {
$content = (Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding byte)
$WebEvent.Response.Body = $content
# else if normal, stream the content back
else {
# setup the response details and headers
$WebEvent.Response.SendChunked = $false
# set file as an attachment on the response
$buffer = [byte[]]::new(64 * 1024)
$read = 0
# open up the file as a stream
$fs = (Get-Item $Path).OpenRead()
$WebEvent.Response.ContentLength64 = $fs.Length
while (($read = $fs.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)) -gt 0) {
$WebEvent.Response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $read)
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $fs
function Test-PodeRouteFromRequest {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('CONNECT', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', 'STATIC', 'SIGNAL', '*')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$route = Find-PodeRoute -Method $Method -Path $Path -EndpointName $EndpointName -CheckWildMethod:$CheckWildMethod
return ($null -ne $route)
function Find-PodeRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('CONNECT', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', 'STATIC', 'SIGNAL', '*')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# first, if supplied, check the wildcard method
if ($CheckWildMethod -and ($PodeContext.Server.Routes['*'].Count -ne 0)) {
$found = Find-PodeRoute -Method '*' -Path $Path -EndpointName $EndpointName
if ($null -ne $found) {
return $found
# first ensure we have the method
$_method = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method]
if ($null -eq $_method) {
return $null
# is this a static route?
$isStatic = ($Method -ieq 'static')
# if we have a perfect match for the route, return it if the protocol is right
if (!$isStatic) {
$found = Get-PodeRouteByUrl -Routes $_method[$Path] -EndpointName $EndpointName
if ($null -ne $found) {
return $found
# otherwise, match the path to routes on regex (first match only)
$paths = @($_method.Keys)
if ($isStatic) {
$valid = @(foreach ($key in $paths) {
if ($Path -imatch "^$($key)$") {
if ($null -eq $valid) {
return $null
# is the route valid for any protocols/endpoints?
$found = Get-PodeRouteByUrl -Routes $_method[$valid] -EndpointName $EndpointName
if ($null -eq $found) {
return $null
return $found
function Find-PodePublicRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$source = $null
$publicPath = $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives['public']
# reutrn null if there is no public directory
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($publicPath)) {
return $source
# use the public static directory (but only if path is a file, and a public dir is present)
if (Test-PodePathIsFile $Path) {
$source = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($publicPath, $Path.TrimStart('/', '\'))
if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $source -NoStatus)) {
$source = $null
# return the route details
return $source
Finds a static route for a given path in a Pode web server application, with optional checks for public routes.
This function searches for a static route matching the specified path within a Pode web server application. It attempts to resolve the route to a physical file or directory and supports additional checks for public routes as a fallback option. The function returns a hashtable with route details, including whether the route is for a downloadable file, if it's cacheable, and whether it redirects to a default document.
The URL path for which to find a static route. This parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
Optional. Specifies the name of the endpoint to which the route may belong. If not provided, the function searches across all endpoints.
.PARAMETER CheckPublic
A switch parameter. If specified, the function also checks for the route in public routes as a fallback option.
$staticRoute = Find-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/images/logo.png' -CheckPublic
Searches for a static route for '/images/logo.png'. If not found, checks if a public route exists for the same path.
$staticRoute = Find-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/css/style.css' -EndpointName 'WebUI'
Searches for a static route for '/css/style.css' specifically within the 'WebUI' endpoint, without checking public routes.
Hashtable. Returns a hashtable containing the route details, such as the source path, download flag, cacheability, and redirect status.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Find-PodeStaticRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# attempt to get a static route for the path
$found = Find-PodeRoute -Method 'static' -Path $Path -EndpointName $EndpointName
$download = ([bool]$found.Download)
$source = $null
$isDefault = $false
$redirectToDefault = ([bool]$found.RedirectToDefault)
# if we have a defined static route, use that
if ($null -ne $found) {
# see if we have a file
$file = [string]::Empty
if ($found.KleeneStar) {
$matchingPath = "$($found.Path -ireplace '.\*', '.+?')$"
else {
$matchingPath = "$($found.Path)$"
if ($Path -imatch $matchingPath) {
$file = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Matches['file'] -Default ([string]::Empty))
$fileInfo = Get-Item -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($found.Source, $file)) -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
#if $file doesn't exist return $null
if ($null -eq $fileInfo) {
return $null
# if there's no file, we need to check defaults
if (!$found.Download -and $fileInfo.PSIsContainer -and (Get-PodeCount @($found.Defaults)) -gt 0) {
foreach ($def in $found.Defaults) {
$fileInfoDefaultFile = Get-Item -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($fileInfo.FullName, $def)) -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($fileInfoDefaultFile) {
$file = $fileInfoDefaultFile.FullName
$isDefault = $true
$source = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($found.Source, $file)
# check public, if flagged
if ($CheckPublic -and !(Test-PodePath -Path $source -NoStatus)) {
$source = Find-PodePublicRoute -Path $Path
$download = $false
$found = $null
$isDefault = $false
$redirectToDefault = $false
# return nothing if no source
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($source)) {
return $null
# return the route details
if ($redirectToDefault -and $isDefault) {
$redirectToDefault = $true
else {
$redirectToDefault = $false
return @{
Content = @{
Source = $source
IsDownload = $download
IsCachable = (Test-PodeRouteValidForCaching -Path $Path)
RedirectToDefault = $redirectToDefault
Route = $found
function Find-PodeSignalRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# attempt to get a signal route for the path
return (Find-PodeRoute -Method 'signal' -Path $Path -EndpointName $EndpointName)
function Test-PodeRouteValidForCaching {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# check current state of caching
$config = $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Cache
$caching = $config.Enabled
# if caching, check include/exclude
if ($caching) {
if (($null -ne $config.Exclude) -and ($Path -imatch $config.Exclude)) {
$caching = $false
if (($null -ne $config.Include) -and ($Path -inotmatch $config.Include)) {
$caching = $false
return $caching
Finds and returns a route from an array of routes based on an endpoint name and/or path.
This function iterates over an array of route definitions to locate a specific route that matches the provided endpoint name and path.
It supports scenarios where only one of the parameters is provided or both. If no matching route is found, or if the routes array is empty or null,
the function returns $null.
An array of hashtable objects, each representing a route with potentially defined properties like Root and Endpoint.Name.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of the endpoint to search for within the route definitions. This parameter is optional.
$routes = @(
@{ Root = '/api'; Endpoint = @{ Name = 'GetData' } },
@{ Root = '/home'; Endpoint = @{ Name = 'Index' } }
Get-PodeRouteByUrl -Routes $routes -EndpointName 'GetData'
Returns the route for the '/api' endpoint named 'GetData'.
$routes = @(
@{ Root = '/api'; Endpoint = @{ Name = 'GetData' } },
@{ Root = '/home'; Endpoint = @{ Name = 'Index' } }
Get-PodeRouteByUrl -Routes $routes -Path '/api'
Returns the route for the '/api' path, regardless of the endpoint name.
The function prioritizes matching both the endpoint name and path but can return a route based on either criterion if the other is unspecified.
function Get-PodeRouteByUrl {
# Return null immediately if routes are not defined or empty
if (($null -eq $Routes) -or ($Routes.Length -eq 0)) {
return $null
# Handle case when no specific endpoint name is provided
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
foreach ($route in $Routes) {
# Return the first route as a default if no path is specified
return $route
else {
# Handle case when an endpoint name is provided
foreach ($route in $Routes) {
if ( $route.Endpoint.Name -ieq $EndpointName) {
# Return the first route that matches the endpoint name as a default
return $route
# Last resort check only route with no endpoint name
foreach ($route in $Routes) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($route.Endpoint.Name)) {
# Return the first route that matches the endpoint name as a default
return $route
# Return null if no matching route is found
return $null
Updates a Pode route path to ensure proper formatting.
This function takes a Pode route path and ensures that it starts with a leading slash ('/') and follows the correct format for static routes. It also replaces '*' with '.*' for proper regex matching.
The Pode route path to update.
Indicates whether the route is a static route (default is false).
.PARAMETER NoLeadingSlash
Indicates whether the route should not have a leading slash (default is false).
The updated Pode route path.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Update-PodeRouteSlash {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# ensure route starts with a '/'
if (!$NoLeadingSlash -and !$Path.StartsWith('/')) {
$Path = "/$($Path)"
if ($Static) {
# ensure the static route ends with '/{0,1}.*'
$Path = $Path.TrimEnd('/*')
$Path = "$($Path)[/]{0,1}(?<file>*)"
# replace * with .*
$Path = ($Path -ireplace '\*', '.*')
return $Path
function Split-PodeRouteQuery {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return ($Path -isplit '\?')[0]
function ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
return [string]::Empty
$Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/'
$Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path
$Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/'
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
return $Path
function Get-PodeStaticRouteDefault {
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Defaults)) {
return @($PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Defaults)
return @(
function Test-PodeRouteInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# check the routes
$found = $false
$routes = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path])
foreach ($route in $routes) {
if (($route.Endpoint.Protocol -ieq $Protocol) -and ($route.Endpoint.Address -ieq $Address)) {
$found = $true
# skip if not found
if (!$found) {
return $false
# do we want to throw an error if found, or skip?
if (!$ThrowError) {
return $true
# throw error
$_url = $Protocol
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_url) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
$_url = "$($_url)://$($Address)"
elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
$_url = $Address
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_url)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.methodPathAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Method, $Path) #"[$($Method)] $($Path): Already defined"
throw ($PodeLocale.methodPathAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage -f $Method, $Path, $_url) #"[$($Method)] $($Path): Already defined for $($_url)"
function Convert-PodeFunctionVerbToHttpMethod {
# if empty, just return default
switch ($Verb) {
{ $_ -iin @('Find', 'Format', 'Get', 'Join', 'Search', 'Select', 'Split', 'Measure', 'Ping', 'Test', 'Trace') } { 'GET' }
{ $_ -iin @('Set') } { 'PUT' }
{ $_ -iin @('Rename', 'Edit', 'Update') } { 'PATCH' }
{ $_ -iin @('Clear', 'Close', 'Exit', 'Hide', 'Remove', 'Undo', 'Dismount', 'Unpublish', 'Disable', 'Uninstall', 'Unregister') } { 'DELETE' }
Default { 'POST' }
Finds and returns the appropriate transfer encoding for a given route path in a Pode server context.
This function determines the correct transfer encoding for a specified route path within a Pode web server. It checks if a transfer encoding is already specified and returns it; otherwise, it defaults to the server's default transfer encoding. The function searches the server's transfer encoding route settings for a pattern that matches the given path. If a match is found, the corresponding transfer encoding is returned. This is useful for dynamically setting response encodings based on specific route patterns.
The route path for which the transfer encoding is being determined. This parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER TransferEncoding
The current transfer encoding, if already determined. This is an optional parameter. If specified and not null or whitespace, this function returns the given value without further processing.
$encoding = Find-PodeRouteTransferEncoding -Path "/api/data" -TransferEncoding "chunked"
This example determines the transfer encoding for the route "/api/data", with an initial encoding of "chunked". If "/api/data" matches a specific pattern in the server's transfer encoding settings, the corresponding encoding is returned; otherwise, "chunked" is returned.
String. Returns the determined transfer encoding for the given route path. This will be either the input TransferEncoding (if provided and valid), a matched encoding from the server's settings, or the server's default transfer encoding.
- The function uses a case-insensitive match (`-imatch`) to find the first route key pattern that matches the specified path.
- This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Find-PodeRouteTransferEncoding {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if we already have one, return it
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
return $TransferEncoding
# set the default
$TransferEncoding = $PodeContext.Server.Web.TransferEncoding.Default
# find type by pattern from settings
$matched = $null
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Web.TransferEncoding.Routes.Keys) {
if ($Path -imatch $key) {
$matched = $key
# if we get a match, set it
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $matched)) {
$TransferEncoding = $PodeContext.Server.Web.TransferEncoding.Routes[$matched]
return $TransferEncoding
function Find-PodeRouteContentType {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if we already have one, return it
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
return $ContentType
# set the default
$ContentType = $PodeContext.Server.Web.ContentType.Default
# find type by pattern from settings
$matched = $null
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Web.ContentType.Routes.Keys) {
if ($Path -imatch $key) {
$matched = $key
# if we get a match, set it
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $matched)) {
$ContentType = $PodeContext.Server.Web.ContentType.Routes[$matched]
return $ContentType
function ConvertTo-PodeMiddleware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# return if no middleware
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Middleware) {
return $null
$Middleware = @($Middleware)
# ensure supplied middlewares are either a scriptblock, or a valid hashtable
foreach ($mid in $Middleware) {
if ($null -eq $mid) {
# check middleware is a type valid
if (($mid -isnot [scriptblock]) -and ($mid -isnot [hashtable])) {
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidMiddlewareTypeExceptionMessage -f $mid.GetType().Name)#"One of the Middlewares supplied is an invalid type. Expected either a ScriptBlock or Hashtable, but got: $($mid.GetType().Name)"
# if middleware is hashtable, ensure the keys are valid (logic is a scriptblock)
if ($mid -is [hashtable]) {
if ($null -eq $mid.Logic) {
# A Hashtable Middleware supplied has no Logic defined
throw ($PodeLocale.hashtableMiddlewareNoLogicExceptionMessage)
if ($mid.Logic -isnot [scriptblock]) {
# A Hashtable Middleware supplied has an invalid Logic type. Expected ScriptBlock, but got: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidLogicTypeInHashtableMiddlewareExceptionMessage -f $mid.Logic.GetType().Name)
# if we have middleware, convert scriptblocks to hashtables
$converted = @(for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Middleware.Length; $i++) {
if ($null -eq $Middleware[$i]) {
if ($Middleware[$i] -is [scriptblock]) {
$_script, $_usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Middleware[$i] -PSSession $PSSession
$Middleware[$i] = @{
Logic = $_script
UsingVariables = $_usingVars
return $converted
function Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference {
# from route groups
$groupPref = $RouteGroup.IfExists
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($groupPref) -and ($groupPref -ine 'default')) {
return $groupPref
# from Use-PodeRoute
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($script:RouteIfExists) -and ($script:RouteIfExists -ine 'default')) {
return $script:RouteIfExists
# global preference
$globalPref = $PodeContext.Server.Preferences.Routes.IfExists
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($globalPref) -and ($globalPref -ine 'default')) {
return $globalPref
# final global default
return 'Error'
Adds a new runspace to Pode with the specified type and script block.
The `Add-PodeRunspace` function creates a new PowerShell runspace within Pode
based on the provided type and script block. This function allows for additional
customization through parameters, output streaming, and runspace management options.
The type of runspace to create. Accepted values are:
'Main', 'Signals', 'Schedules', 'Gui', 'Web', 'Smtp', 'Tcp', 'Tasks',
'WebSockets', 'Files', 'Timers'.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The script block to execute within the runspace. This script block will be
added to the runspace's pipeline.
.PARAMETER Parameters
Optional parameters to pass to the script block.
.PARAMETER OutputStream
A PSDataCollection object to handle output streaming for the runspace.
If specified, the pipeline's output will not be stored or remembered.
If specified, the runspace will not load any modules or profiles.
If specified, returns the pipeline and handler for custom processing.
If specified, is used as base name for the runspace.
Add-PodeRunspace -Type 'Tasks' -ScriptBlock {
# Your script code here
function Add-PodeRunspace {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Main', 'Signals', 'Schedules', 'Gui', 'Web', 'Smtp', 'Tcp', 'Tasks', 'WebSockets', 'Files', 'Timers')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$OutputStream = $null,
$Name = 'generic'
try {
# Define the script block to open the runspace and set its state.
$openRunspaceScript = {
param([string]$Type, [string]$Name, [bool]$NoProfile)
try {
# Set the runspace name.
Set-PodeCurrentRunspaceName -Name $Name
# Set runspace location to server root
Set-Location $PodeContext.Server.Root
if (!$NoProfile) {
# Import necessary internal Pode modules for the runspace.
# Add required PowerShell drives.
# Mark the runspace as 'Ready' to process requests.
$PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State = 'Ready'
catch {
# Handle errors, setting the runspace state to 'Error' if applicable.
if ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State -ieq 'waiting') {
$PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].State = 'Error'
# Output the error details to the default stream and rethrow.
$_ | Out-Default
$_.ScriptStackTrace | Out-Default
# Create a PowerShell pipeline.
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
$ps.RunspacePool = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].Pool
# Add the script block and parameters to the pipeline.
$null = $ps.AddScript($openRunspaceScript)
$null = $ps.AddParameters(@{
Type = $Type
Name = "Pode_$($Type)_$($Name)_$((++$PodeContext.RunspacePools[$Type].LastId))" # create the name and increment the last Id for the type
NoProfile = $NoProfile.IsPresent
# Add the main script block to the pipeline.
$null = $ps.AddScript($ScriptBlock)
# Add any provided parameters to the script block.
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Parameters)) {
$Parameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
$null = $ps.AddParameter($_, $Parameters[$_])
# Begin invoking the pipeline, with or without output streaming.
if ($null -eq $OutputStream) {
$pipeline = $ps.BeginInvoke()
else {
$pipeline = $ps.BeginInvoke($OutputStream, $OutputStream)
# Handle forgetting, returning, or storing the pipeline.
if ($Forget) {
$null = $pipeline
elseif ($PassThru) {
return @{
Pipeline = $ps
Handler = $pipeline
else {
$PodeContext.Runspaces += @{
Pool = $Type
Pipeline = $ps
Handler = $pipeline
Stopped = $false
catch {
# Log and throw any exceptions encountered during execution.
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
Closes and disposes of the Pode runspaces, listeners, receivers, watchers, and optionally runspace pools.
This function checks and waits for all Listeners, Receivers, and Watchers to be disposed of
before proceeding to close and dispose of the runspaces and optionally the runspace pools.
It ensures a clean shutdown by managing the disposal of resources in a specified order.
The function handles serverless and regular server environments differently, skipping
disposal actions in serverless contexts.
Specifies whether to close and dispose of the runspace pools along with the runspaces.
This is optional and should be specified if the pools need to be explicitly closed.
Close-PodeRunspace -ClosePool
This example closes all runspaces and their associated pools, ensuring that all resources are properly disposed of.
Outputs from this function are primarily internal state changes and verbose logging.
function Close-PodeRunspace {
# Early return if server is serverless, as disposal is not required.
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
try {
# Only proceed if there are runspaces to dispose of.
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Runspaces)) {
Write-Verbose 'Waiting until all Listeners are disposed'
$count = 0
$continue = $false
# Attempts to dispose of resources for up to 10 seconds.
while ($count -le 10) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$continue = $false
# Check each listener, receiver, and watcher; if any are not disposed, continue waiting.
foreach ($listener in $PodeContext.Listeners) {
if (!$listener.IsDisposed) {
$continue = $true
foreach ($receiver in $PodeContext.Receivers) {
if (!$receiver.IsDisposed) {
$continue = $true
foreach ($watcher in $PodeContext.Watchers) {
if (!$watcher.IsDisposed) {
$continue = $true
# If undisposed resources exist, continue waiting.
if ($continue) {
Write-Verbose 'All Listeners disposed'
# now dispose runspaces
Write-Verbose 'Disposing Runspaces'
$runspaceErrors = @(foreach ($item in $PodeContext.Runspaces) {
if ($item.Stopped) {
try {
# only do this, if the pool is in error
if ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$item.Pool].State -ieq 'error') {
catch {
"$($item.Pool) runspace failed to load: $($_.Exception.InnerException.Message)"
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $item.Pipeline
$item.Stopped = $true
# dispose of schedule runspaces
if ($PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Keys.Clone()) {
Close-PodeScheduleInternal -Process $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes[$key]
# dispose of task runspaces
if ($PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Keys.Clone()) {
Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$key]
$PodeContext.Runspaces = @()
Write-Verbose 'Runspaces disposed'
# close/dispose the runspace pools
if ($ClosePool) {
# Check for and throw runspace errors if any occurred during disposal.
if (($null -ne $runspaceErrors) -and ($runspaceErrors.Length -gt 0)) {
foreach ($err in $runspaceErrors) {
if ($null -eq $err) {
throw $err
# garbage collect
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
Resets the name of the current Pode runspace by modifying its structure.
The `Reset-PodeRunspaceName` function updates the name of the current runspace if it begins with "Pode_".
It replaces the portion of the name after the second underscore with "waiting" while retaining the final number.
Additionally, it prepends an underscore (`_`) to the modified name.
This function does not take any parameters.
- The function assumes the current runspace follows the naming convention "Pode_*".
- If the current runspace name does not start with "Pode_", no changes are made.
- Useful for managing or resetting runspace names in Pode applications.
# Example 1: Current runspace name is Pode_Tasks_Test_1
# After execution: Runspace name becomes _Pode_Tasks_waiting_1
# Example 2: Current runspace name is NotPode_Runspace
# No changes are made because the name does not start with "Pode_".
# Example 3: Runspace with custom name
# Before: Pode_CustomRoute_Process_5
# After: _Pode_CustomRoute_waiting_5
function Reset-PodeRunspaceName {
# Get the current runspace
$currentRunspace = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace
# Check if the runspace name starts with 'Pode_'
if (! $currentRunspace.Name.StartsWith('Pode_')) {
# Update the runspace name with the required format
$currentRunspace.Name = "_$($currentRunspace.Name -replace '^(Pode_[^_]+_).+?(_\d+)$', '${1}idle${2}')"
function Find-PodeSchedule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Schedules.Items[$Name]
function Test-PodeSchedulesExist {
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Schedules) -and (($PodeContext.Schedules.Enabled) -or ($PodeContext.Schedules.Items.Count -gt 0)))
function Start-PodeScheduleRunspace {
if (!(Test-PodeSchedulesExist)) {
Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_schedule_housekeeper__' -Interval 30 -ScriptBlock {
try {
if ($PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Count -eq 0) {
$now = [datetime]::UtcNow
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Keys.Clone()) {
try {
$process = $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes[$key]
# if it's completed or expired, dispose and remove
if ($process.Runspace.Handler.IsCompleted -or ($process.ExpireTime -lt $now)) {
Close-PodeScheduleInternal -Process $process
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$process = $null
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$script = {
try {
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
# Waits 2 seconds to allow the UI to be visible
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
# select the schedules that trigger on-start
$_now = [DateTime]::Now
$PodeContext.Schedules.Items.Values |
Where-Object {
} | ForEach-Object {
Invoke-PodeInternalSchedule -Schedule $_
# complete any schedules
Complete-PodeInternalSchedule -Now $_now
# first, sleep for a period of time to get to 00 seconds (start of minute)
Start-PodeSleep -Seconds (60 - [DateTime]::Now.Second)
while (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
try {
$_now = [DateTime]::Now
# select the schedules that need triggering
$PodeContext.Schedules.Items.Values |
Where-Object {
!$_.Completed -and
(($null -eq $_.StartTime) -or ($_.StartTime -le $_now)) -and
(($null -eq $_.EndTime) -or ($_.EndTime -ge $_now)) -and
(Test-PodeCronExpressions -Expressions $_.Crons -DateTime $_now)
} | ForEach-Object {
try {
Invoke-PodeInternalSchedule -Schedule $_
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
# complete any schedules
Complete-PodeInternalSchedule -Now $_now
# cron expression only goes down to the minute, so sleep for 1min
Start-PodeSleep -Seconds (60 - [DateTime]::Now.Second)
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Main -Name 'Schedules' -ScriptBlock $script -NoProfile
function Close-PodeScheduleInternal {
if ($null -eq $Process) {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Process.Runspace.Pipeline
$null = $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Remove($Process.ID)
Completes schedules that have exceeded their end time.
The `Complete-PodeInternalSchedule` function checks for schedules that have an end time
and marks them as completed if their end time is earlier than the current time.
Specifies the current date and time. This parameter is mandatory.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Complete-PodeInternalSchedule.
None. The function modifies the state of schedules in the PodeContext.
# Example usage:
$now = Get-Date
Complete-PodeInternalSchedule -Now $now
# Schedules that have ended are marked as completed.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Complete-PodeInternalSchedule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# set any expired schedules as being completed
foreach ($schedule in $PodeContext.Schedules.Items.Values) {
if (($null -ne $schedule.EndTime) -and ($schedule.EndTime -lt $Now)) {
$schedule.Completed = $true
function Invoke-PodeInternalSchedule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Schedule.OnStart = $false
# increment total number of triggers for the schedule
# set last trigger to current next trigger
if ($null -ne $Schedule.NextTriggerTime) {
$Schedule.LastTriggerTime = $Schedule.NextTriggerTime
else {
$Schedule.LastTriggerTime = [datetime]::Now
# check if we have hit the limit, and remove
if (($Schedule.Limit -gt 0) -and ($Schedule.Count -ge $Schedule.Limit)) {
$Schedule.Completed = $true
# reset the cron and next trigger
if (!$Schedule.Completed) {
$Schedule.Crons = Reset-PodeRandomCronExpressions -Expressions $Schedule.Crons
$Schedule.NextTriggerTime = Get-PodeCronNextEarliestTrigger -Expressions $Schedule.Crons -EndTime $Schedule.EndTime
else {
$Schedule.NextTriggerTime = $null
# trigger the schedules logic
Invoke-PodeInternalScheduleLogic -Schedule $Schedule
function Invoke-PodeInternalScheduleLogic {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ArgumentList = $null
try {
# generate processId for schedule
$processId = New-PodeGuid
# setup event param
$parameters = @{
ProcessId = $processId
ArgumentList = $ArgumentList
# what is the expire time if using "create" timeout?
$expireTime = [datetime]::MaxValue
$createTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
if (($Schedule.Timeout.From -ieq 'Create') -and ($Schedule.Timeout.Value -ge 0)) {
$expireTime = $createTime.AddSeconds($Schedule.Timeout.Value)
# add the schedule process
$PodeContext.Schedules.Processes[$processId] = @{
ID = $processId
Schedule = $Schedule.Name
Runspace = $null
CreateTime = $createTime
StartTime = $null
ExpireTime = $expireTime
Timeout = $Schedule.Timeout
State = 'Pending'
# start the schedule runspace
$scriptblock = Get-PodeScheduleScriptBlock
$runspace = Add-PodeRunspace -Type Schedules -Name $Schedule.Name -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Parameters $parameters -PassThru
# add runspace to process
$PodeContext.Schedules.Processes[$processId].Runspace = $runspace
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Get-PodeScheduleScriptBlock {
return {
param($ProcessId, $ArgumentList)
try {
# get the schedule process, error if not found
$process = $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes[$ProcessId]
if ($null -eq $process) {
# Schedule process does not exist: $ProcessId
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $ProcessId)
# set start time and state
$process.StartTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
$process.State = 'Running'
# set expire time if timeout based on "start" time
if (($process.Timeout.From -ieq 'Start') -and ($process.Timeout.Value -ge 0)) {
$process.ExpireTime = $process.StartTime.AddSeconds($process.Timeout.Value)
# get the schedule, error if not found
$schedule = Find-PodeSchedule -Name $process.Schedule
if ($null -eq $schedule) {
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $process.Schedule)
# build the script arguments
$ScheduleEvent = @{
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Sender = $schedule
Timestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow
Metadata = @{}
$_args = @{ Event = $ScheduleEvent }
if ($null -ne $schedule.Arguments) {
foreach ($key in $schedule.Arguments.Keys) {
$_args[$key] = $schedule.Arguments[$key]
if ($null -ne $ArgumentList) {
foreach ($key in $ArgumentList.Keys) {
$_args[$key] = $ArgumentList[$key]
# add any using variables
if ($null -ne $schedule.UsingVariables) {
foreach ($usingVar in $schedule.UsingVariables) {
$_args[$usingVar.NewName] = $usingVar.Value
# invoke the script from the schedule
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $schedule.Script -Arguments $_args -Scoped -Splat
# set state to completed
$process.State = 'Completed'
catch {
# update the state
if ($null -ne $process) {
$process.State = 'Failed'
# log the error
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
finally {
function Add-PodeScopedVariableInternal {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
$SetReplace = $null,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Internal')]
# lowercase the name
$Name = $Name.ToLowerInvariant()
# check if var already defined
if (Test-PodeScopedVariable -Name $Name) {
throw ($PodeLocale.scopedVariableAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)#"Scoped Variable already defined: $($Name)"
# add scoped var definition
$PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Type = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()
ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
Get = @{
Pattern = "(?<full>\`$$($Name)\:(?<name>[a-z0-9_\?]+))"
Replace = $GetReplace
Set = @{
Pattern = "(?<full>\`$$($Name)\:(?<name>[a-z0-9_\?]+)\s*=)"
Replace = $SetReplace
InternalFunction = $InternalFunction.IsPresent
function Add-PodeScopedVariablesInbuilt {
function Add-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltCache {
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'cache' `
-SetReplace "Set-PodeCache -Key '{{name}}' -InputObject " `
-GetReplace "Get-PodeCache -Key '{{name}}'"
function Add-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltSecret {
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'secret' `
-SetReplace "Update-PodeSecret -Name '{{name}}' -InputObject " `
-GetReplace "Get-PodeSecret -Name '{{name}}'"
function Add-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltSession {
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'session' `
-SetReplace "`$WebEvent.Session.Data.'{{name}}' = " `
-GetReplace "`$WebEvent.Session.Data.'{{name}}'"
function Add-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltState {
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'state' `
-SetReplace "Set-PodeState -Name '{{name}}' -Value " `
-GetReplace "`$PodeContext.Server.State.'{{name}}'.Value"
function Add-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltUsing {
Add-PodeScopedVariableInternal -Name 'using' -InternalFunction
function Convert-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltUsing {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# do nothing if no script or session
if (($null -eq $ScriptBlock) -or ($null -eq $PSSession)) {
return $ScriptBlock, $null
# rename any __using_ vars for inner timers, etcs
$strScriptBlock = "$($ScriptBlock)"
$foundInnerUsing = $false
while ($strScriptBlock -imatch '(?<full>\$__using_(?<name>[a-z0-9_\?]+))') {
$foundInnerUsing = $true
$strScriptBlock = $strScriptBlock.Replace($Matches['full'], "`$using:$($Matches['name'])")
# just return if there are no $using:
if ($strScriptBlock -inotmatch '\$using:') {
return $ScriptBlock, $null
# if we found any inner usings, recreate the scriptblock
if ($foundInnerUsing) {
$ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($strScriptBlock)
# get any using variables
$usingVars = Get-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
if (($null -eq $usingVars) -or ($usingVars.Count -eq 0)) {
return $ScriptBlock, $null
# convert any using vars to use new names
$usingVars = Find-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariableValue -UsingVariable $usingVars -PSSession $PSSession
# now convert the script
$newScriptBlock = Convert-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -UsingVariables $usingVars
# return converted script
return $newScriptBlock, $usingVars
Retrieves all occurrences of using variables within a given script block.
The `Get-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable` function analyzes a script block and identifies all instances of using variables.
It returns an array of `UsingExpressionAst` objects representing these occurrences.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Specifies the script block to analyze. This parameter is mandatory.
Returns an array of `UsingExpressionAst` objects representing using variables found in the script block.
# Example usage:
$scriptBlock = {
$usingVar1 = "Hello"
$usingVar2 = "World"
Write-Host "Using variables: $usingVar1, $usingVar2"
$usingVariables = Get-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
# Process the identified using variables as needed.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Analyze the script block AST to find using variables
return $ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst] }, $true)
Finds and maps using variables within a given script block to their corresponding values.
The `Find-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariableValue` function analyzes a collection of using variables
(represented as `UsingExpressionAst` objects) within a script block. It retrieves the values of these
variables from the specified session state (`$PSSession`) and maps them for further processing.
.PARAMETER UsingVariable
Specifies an array of `UsingExpressionAst` objects representing using variables found in the script block.
This parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the session state from which to retrieve variable values. This parameter is mandatory.
Returns an array of custom objects, each containing the following properties:
- `OldName`: The original expression text for the using variable.
- `NewName`: The modified name for the using variable (prefixed with "__using_").
- `NewNameWithDollar`: The modified name with a dollar sign prefix (e.g., `$__using_VariableName`).
- `SubExpressions`: An array of sub-expressions associated with the using variable.
- `Value`: The value of the using variable retrieved from the session state.
# Example usage:
$usingVariables = Get-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
$mappedVariables = Find-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariableValue -UsingVariable $usingVariables -PSSession $sessionState
# Process the mapped variables as needed.
- The function handles both direct using variables and child script using variables (prefixed with "__using_").
- This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Find-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariableValue {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$mapped = @{}
foreach ($usingVar in $UsingVariable) {
# Extract variable name
$varName = $usingVar.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath
# only retrieve value if new var
if (!$mapped.ContainsKey($varName)) {
# get value, or get __using_ value for child scripts
$value = $PSSession.PSVariable.Get($varName)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
$value = $PSSession.PSVariable.Get("__using_$($varName)")
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.valueForUsingVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage -f $varName) #"Value for `$using:$($varName) could not be found"
# Add to mapped variables
$mapped[$varName] = @{
OldName = $usingVar.SubExpression.Extent.Text
NewName = "__using_$($varName)"
NewNameWithDollar = "`$__using_$($varName)"
SubExpressions = @()
Value = $value.Value
# Add the variable's sub-expression for later replacement
$mapped[$varName].SubExpressions += $usingVar.SubExpression
return @($mapped.Values)
Converts a script block by replacing using variables with their corresponding values.
The `Convert-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable` function takes a script block and a collection of using variables.
It replaces the using variables within the script block with their associated values.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Specifies the script block to convert. This parameter is mandatory.
.PARAMETER UsingVariables
Specifies an array of custom objects representing using variables and their values.
Each object should have the following properties:
- `OldName`: The original expression text for the using variable.
- `NewNameWithDollar`: The modified name with a dollar sign prefix (e.g., `$__using_VariableName`).
- `SubExpressions`: An array of sub-expressions associated with the using variable.
- `Value`: The value of the using variable.
Returns a new script block with replaced using variables.
# Example usage:
$usingVariables = @(
OldName = '$usingVar1'
NewNameWithDollar = '$__using_usingVar1'
SubExpressions = @($usingVar1.SubExpression1, $usingVar1.SubExpression2)
Value = 'SomeValue1'
# Add other using variables here...
$convertedScriptBlock = Convert-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable -ScriptBlock $originalScriptBlock -UsingVariables $usingVariables
# Use the converted script block as needed.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Convert-PodeScopedVariableUsingVariable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Create a list of variable expressions for replacement
$varsList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst]]::new()
$newParams = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($usingVar in $UsingVariables) {
foreach ($subExp in $usingVar.SubExpressions) {
$null = $varsList.Add($subExp)
# Create a comma-separated list of new parameters
$null = $newParams.AddRange(@($UsingVariables.NewNameWithDollar))
$newParams = ($newParams -join ', ')
$tupleParams = [tuple]::Create($varsList, $newParams)
# Invoke the internal method to replace variables in the script block
$bindingFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Default, NonPublic, Instance'
$_varReplacerMethod = $ScriptBlock.Ast.GetType().GetMethod('GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl', $bindingFlags)
$convertedScriptBlockStr = $_varReplacerMethod.Invoke($ScriptBlock.Ast, @($tupleParams))
if (!$ScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock) {
$convertedScriptBlockStr = "param($($newParams))`n$($convertedScriptBlockStr)"
$convertedScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($convertedScriptBlockStr)
# Handle cases where the script block starts with '$input |'
if ($convertedScriptBlock.Ast.EndBlock[0].Statements.Extent.Text.StartsWith('$input |')) {
$convertedScriptBlockStr = ($convertedScriptBlockStr -ireplace '\$input \|')
$convertedScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($convertedScriptBlockStr)
return $convertedScriptBlock
function Initialize-PodeSecretVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
process {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Splat -Arguments @($VaultConfig.Parameters)
function Register-PodeSecretManagementVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# use the Name for VaultName if not passed
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VaultName)) {
$VaultName = $VaultConfig.Name
# import the modules
$null = Import-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement -Force -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
$null = Import-Module -Name $ModuleName -Force -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
# export the modules for pode
Export-PodeModule -Name @('Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement', $ModuleName)
# is this the local SecretStore provider?
$isSecretStore = ($ModuleName -ieq 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore')
# check if we have an unlock password for local secret store
if ($isSecretStore) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VaultConfig.Unlock.Secret)) {
# An 'UnlockSecret' is required when using Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore
throw ($PodeLocale.unlockSecretRequiredExceptionMessage)
# does the local secret store already exist?
$secretStoreExists = ($isSecretStore -and (Test-PodeSecretVaultInternal -Name $VaultName))
# do we have vault params?
$hasVaultParams = ($null -ne $VaultConfig.Parameters)
# attempt to register the vault
$registerParams = @{
Name = $VaultName
ModuleName = $ModuleName
Confirm = $false
AllowClobber = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
if (!$isSecretStore -and $hasVaultParams) {
$registerParams['VaultParameters'] = $VaultConfig.Parameters
$null = Register-SecretVault @registerParams
# all is good, so set the config
$VaultConfig['SecretManagement'] = @{
VaultName = $VaultName
ModuleName = $ModuleName
# set local secret store config
if ($isSecretStore) {
if (!$hasVaultParams) {
$VaultConfig.Parameters = @{}
$vaultParams = $VaultConfig.Parameters
# remove the password
# set default authentication and interaction flags
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($vaultParams.Authentication)) {
$vaultParams['Authentication'] = 'Password'
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($vaultParams.Interaction)) {
$vaultParams['Interaction'] = 'None'
# set default password timeout and unlock interval to 1 minute
if ($VaultConfig.Unlock.Interval -le 0) {
$VaultConfig.Unlock.Interval = 1
# unlock the vault, and set password
$VaultConfig | Unlock-PodeSecretManagementVault
# set the password timeout for the vault
if (!$secretStoreExists) {
if ($VaultConfig.Parameters.PasswordTimeout -le 0) {
$vaultParams['PasswordTimeout'] = ($VaultConfig.Unlock.Interval * 60) + 10
# set config
$null = Set-SecretStoreConfiguration @vaultParams -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
function Register-PodeSecretCustomVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
process {
# unlock secret with no script?
if ($VaultConfig.Unlock.Enabled -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $UnlockScriptBlock)) {
# Unlock secret supplied for custom Secret Vault type, but not Unlock ScriptBlock supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.unlockSecretButNoScriptBlockExceptionMessage)
# all is good, so set the config
$VaultConfig['Custom'] = @{
Read = $ScriptBlock
Unlock = $UnlockScriptBlock
Remove = $RemoveScriptBlock
Set = $SetScriptBlock
Unregister = $UnregisterScriptBlock
function Unlock-PodeSecretManagementVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
# do we need to unlock the vault?
if (!$VaultConfig.Unlock.Enabled) {
return $null
# unlock the vault
$null = Unlock-SecretVault -Name $VaultConfig.SecretManagement.VaultName -Password $VaultConfig.Unlock.Secret -ErrorAction Stop
# interval?
if ($VaultConfig.Unlock.Interval -gt 0) {
return ([datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes($VaultConfig.Unlock.Interval))
return $null
function Unlock-PodeSecretCustomVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
# do we need to unlock the vault?
if (!$VaultConfig.Unlock.Enabled) {
# do we have an unlock scriptblock
if ($null -eq $VaultConfig.Custom.Unlock) {
# No Unlock ScriptBlock supplied for unlocking the vault '$($VaultConfig.Name)'
throw ($PodeLocale.noUnlockScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage -f $VaultConfig.Name)
# unlock the vault, and get back an expiry
$expiry = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $VaultConfig.Custom.Unlock -Splat -Return -Arguments @(
(ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $VaultConfig.Unlock.Secret -AsPlainText)
# return expiry if given, otherwise check interval
if ($null -ne $expiry) {
return $expiry
if ($VaultConfig.Unlock.Interval -gt 0) {
return ([datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes($VaultConfig.Unlock.Interval))
return $null
function Unregister-PodeSecretManagementVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
# do we need to unregister the vault?
if ($VaultConfig.AutoImported) {
# unregister the vault
$null = Unregister-SecretVault -Name $VaultConfig.SecretManagement.VaultName -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
function Unregister-PodeSecretCustomVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
# do we need to unregister the vault?
if ($VaultConfig.AutoImported) {
# do we have an unregister scriptblock? if not, just do nothing
if ($null -eq $VaultConfig.Custom.Unregister) {
# unregister the vault
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $VaultConfig.Custom.Unregister -Splat -Arguments @(
function Get-PodeSecretManagementKey {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the vault
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
# fetch the secret
return (Get-Secret -Name $Key -Vault $_vault.SecretManagement.VaultName -AsPlainText -ErrorAction Stop)
function Get-PodeSecretCustomKey {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the vault
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
# fetch the secret
return Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $_vault.Custom.Read -Splat -Return -Arguments (@(
) + $ArgumentList)
function Set-PodeSecretManagementKey {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the vault
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
# set the secret
$null = Set-Secret -Name $Key -Secret $Value -Vault $_vault.SecretManagement.VaultName -Metadata $Metadata -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
function Set-PodeSecretCustomKey {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the vault
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
# do we have a set scriptblock?
if ($null -eq $_vault.Custom.Set) {
throw ($PodeLocale.noSetScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage -f $_vault.Name) #"No Set ScriptBlock supplied for updating/creating secrets in the vault '$($_vault.Name)'"
# set the secret
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $_vault.Custom.Set -Splat -Arguments (@(
) + $ArgumentList)
function Remove-PodeSecretManagementKey {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the vault
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
# remove the secret
$null = Remove-Secret -Name $Key -Vault $_vault.SecretManagement.VaultName -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
function Remove-PodeSecretCustomKey {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the vault
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
# do we have a remove scriptblock?
if ($null -eq $_vault.Custom.Remove) {
throw ($PodeLocale.noRemoveScriptBlockForVaultExceptionMessage -f $_vault.Name) #"No Remove ScriptBlock supplied for removing secrets from the vault '$($_vault.Name)'"
# remove the secret
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $_vault.Custom.Remove -Splat -Arguments (@(
) + $ArgumentList)
function Start-PodeSecretCacheHousekeeper {
if (Test-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_secrets_cache_expiry__') {
Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_secrets_cache_expiry__' -Interval 60 -ScriptBlock {
$now = [datetime]::UtcNow
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys.Values) {
if (!$key.Cache.Enabled -or ($null -eq $key.Cache.Expiry) -or ($key.Cache.Expiry -gt $now)) {
$key.Cache.Expiry = $null
$key.Cache.Value = $null
function Start-PodeSecretVaultUnlocker {
if (Test-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_secrets_vault_unlock__') {
Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_secrets_vault_unlock__' -Interval 60 -ScriptBlock {
$now = [datetime]::UtcNow
foreach ($vault in $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults.Values) {
if (!$vault.Unlock.Enabled -or ($null -eq $vault.Unlock.Expiry) -or ($vault.Unlock.Expiry -gt $now)) {
Unlock-PodeSecretVault -Name $vault.Name
Unregisters multiple secret vaults within Pode.
The `Unregister-PodeSecretVaultsInternal` function iterates through the list of secret vaults
stored in the PodeContext and unregisters each one. If an error occurs during unregistration,
it can either throw an exception or log the error.
If specified, the function will throw an exception when an error occurs during unregistration.
Otherwise, it will log the error and continue processing.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Unregister-PodeSecretVaultsInternal.
None. The function modifies the state of secret vaults in the PodeContext.
# Example usage:
Unregister-PodeSecretVaultsInternal -ThrowError
# All registered secret vaults are unregistered, and any errors are thrown as exceptions.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Unregister-PodeSecretVaultsInternal {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
# Check if there are any secret vaults to unregister
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults) {
# Iterate through each vault and attempt unregistration
foreach ($vault in $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults.Values.Name) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($vault)) {
try {
Unregister-PodeSecretVault -Name $vault
catch {
if ($ThrowError) {
else {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Protect-PodeSecretValueType {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($Value -is [System.ValueType]) {
$Value = $Value.ToString()
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) {
$Value = [string]::Empty
if ($Value -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
$Value = [hashtable]$Value
if (!(
($Value -is [string]) -or
($Value -is [securestring]) -or
($Value -is [hashtable]) -or
($Value -is [byte[]]) -or
($Value -is [pscredential]) -or
($Value -is [System.Management.Automation.OrderedHashtable])
)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidSecretValueTypeExceptionMessage -f $Value.GetType().Name) #"Value to set secret to is of an invalid type. Expected either String, SecureString, HashTable, Byte[], or PSCredential. But got: $($Value.GetType().Name)"
return $Value
function Test-PodeSecretVaultInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return ($null -ne (Get-SecretVault -Name $Name -ErrorAction Ignore))
using namespace System.Security.Cryptography
function Get-PodeCsrfToken {
# key name to search
$key = $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name
# check the payload
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Data[$key])) {
return $WebEvent.Data[$key]
# check the query string
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Query[$key])) {
return $WebEvent.Query[$key]
# check the headers
$value = (Get-PodeHeader -Name $key)
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $value)) {
return $value
return $null
function Test-PodeCsrfToken {
# if there's no token/secret, fail
if ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $Secret) -or (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Token)) {
return $false
# the token must start with "t:"
if (!$Token.StartsWith('t:')) {
return $false
# get the salt from the token
$_token = $Token.Substring(2)
$periodIndex = $_token.LastIndexOf('.')
if ($periodIndex -eq -1) {
return $false
$salt = $_token.Substring(0, $periodIndex)
# ensure the token is valid
if ((Restore-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $Secret -Salt $salt) -ne $Token) {
return $false
return $true
function New-PodeCsrfSecret {
# see if there's already a secret in session/cookie
$secret = (Get-PodeCsrfSecret)
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $secret)) {
return $secret
# otherwise, make a new secret and cache it
$secret = (New-PodeGuid -Secure -Length 16)
Set-PodeCsrfSecret -Secret $secret
return $secret
function Get-PodeCsrfSecret {
# key name to get secret
$key = $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name
# are we getting it from a cookie, or session?
if ($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.UseCookies) {
$cookie = Get-PodeCookie `
-Name $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name `
-Secret $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Secret
return $cookie.Value
# on session
else {
return $WebEvent.Session.Data[$key]
function Set-PodeCsrfSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# key name to set secret under
$key = $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name
# are we setting this on a cookie, or session?
if ($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.UseCookies) {
$null = Set-PodeCookie `
-Name $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name `
-Value $Secret `
-Secret $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Secret
# on session
else {
$WebEvent.Session.Data[$key] = $Secret
function Restore-PodeCsrfToken {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return "t:$($Salt).$(Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value "$($Salt)-$($Secret)")"
function Test-PodeCsrfConfigured {
return (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf))
function Get-PodeCertificateByFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Password = $null,
$Key = $null
# cert + key
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Key)) {
return (Get-PodeCertificateByPemFile -Certificate $Certificate -Password $Password -Key $Key)
$path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Certificate -JoinRoot -Resolve
# cert + password
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password)) {
return [X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($path, $Password)
# plain cert
return [X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($path)
function Get-PodeCertificateByPemFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Password = $null,
$Key = $null
$cert = $null
$certPath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Certificate -JoinRoot -Resolve
$keyPath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Key -JoinRoot -Resolve
# pem's kinda work in .NET3/.NET5
if ([version]$PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [version]'7.0.0') {
$cert = [X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($certPath)
$keyText = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($keyPath)
$rsa = [RSA]::Create()
# .NET5
if ([version]$PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [version]'7.1.0') {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password)) {
else {
$rsa.ImportFromEncryptedPem($keyText, $Password)
# .NET3
else {
$keyBlocks = $keyText.Split('-', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$keyBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($keyBlocks[1])
if ($keyBlocks[0] -ieq 'BEGIN PRIVATE KEY') {
$rsa.ImportPkcs8PrivateKey($keyBytes, [ref]$null)
elseif ($keyBlocks[0] -ieq 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY') {
$rsa.ImportRSAPrivateKey($keyBytes, [ref]$null)
elseif ($keyBlocks[0] -ieq 'BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY') {
$rsa.ImportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey($Password, $keyBytes, [ref]$null)
$cert = [X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions]::CopyWithPrivateKey($cert, $rsa)
$cert = [X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($cert.Export([X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pkcs12))
# for everything else, there's the openssl way
else {
$tempFile = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent -Path $certPath) 'temp.pfx'
try {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password)) {
$Password = [string]::Empty
$result = openssl pkcs12 -inkey $keyPath -in $certPath -export -passin pass:$Password -password pass:$Password -out $tempFile
if (!$?) {
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToCreateOpenSslCertExceptionMessage -f $result) #"Failed to create openssl cert: $($result)"
$cert = [X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($tempFile, $Password)
finally {
$null = Remove-Item $tempFile -Force
return $cert
function Find-PodeCertificateInCertStore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# fail if not windows
if (!(Test-PodeIsWindows)) {
# Certificate Thumbprints/Name are only supported on Windows
throw ($PodeLocale.certificateThumbprintsNameSupportedOnWindowsExceptionMessage)
# open the currentuser\my store
$x509store = [X509Certificates.X509Store]::new($StoreName, $StoreLocation)
try {
# attempt to find the cert
$x509certs = $x509store.Certificates.Find($FindType, $Query, $false)
finally {
# close the store!
if ($null -ne $x509store) {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $x509store -Close
# fail if no cert found for query
if (($null -eq $x509certs) -or ($x509certs.Count -eq 0)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.noCertificateFoundExceptionMessage -f $StoreLocation, $StoreName, $Query) # "No certificate could be found in $($StoreLocation)\$($StoreName) for '$($Query)'"
return ([X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]($x509certs[0]))
function Get-PodeCertificateByThumbprint {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return Find-PodeCertificateInCertStore `
-FindType ([X509Certificates.X509FindType]::FindByThumbprint) `
-Query $Thumbprint `
-StoreName $StoreName `
-StoreLocation $StoreLocation
function Get-PodeCertificateByName {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return Find-PodeCertificateInCertStore `
-FindType ([X509Certificates.X509FindType]::FindBySubjectName) `
-Query $Name `
-StoreName $StoreName `
-StoreLocation $StoreLocation
function New-PodeSelfSignedCertificate {
$sanBuilder = [X509Certificates.SubjectAlternativeNameBuilder]::new()
$null = $sanBuilder.AddIpAddress([ipaddress]::Loopback)
$null = $sanBuilder.AddIpAddress([ipaddress]::IPv6Loopback)
$null = $sanBuilder.AddDnsName('localhost')
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)) {
$null = $sanBuilder.AddDnsName($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)
$rsa = [RSA]::Create(2048)
$distinguishedName = [X500DistinguishedName]::new('CN=localhost')
$req = [X509Certificates.CertificateRequest]::new(
$flags = (
[X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags]::DataEncipherment -bor
[X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags]::KeyEncipherment -bor
$null = $req.CertificateExtensions.Add(
$oid = [OidCollection]::new()
$null = $oid.Add([Oid]::new(''))
$null = $req.CertificateExtensions.Add($sanBuilder.Build())
$cert = $req.CreateSelfSigned(
if (Test-PodeIsWindows) {
$cert.FriendlyName = 'localhost'
$cert = [X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new(
$cert.Export([X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pfx, 'self-signed'),
return $cert
function Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# cache it
if ($Append -and !(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache.ContentSecurity[$Name])) {
$Value += @($PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache.ContentSecurity[$Name])
$PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache.ContentSecurity[$Name] = $Value
# do nothing if no value
if (($null -eq $Value) -or ($Value.Length -eq 0)) {
return $null
# keywords
$Name = $Name.ToLowerInvariant()
$keywords = @(
# standard keywords
# unsafe keywords
$schemes = @(
# build the value
$values = @(foreach ($v in $Value) {
if ($keywords -icontains $v) {
if ($schemes -icontains $v) {
return "$($Name) $($values -join ' ')"
function Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# cache it
if ($Append -and !(Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache.PermissionsPolicy[$Name])) {
if (($Value.Length -eq 0) -or (@($PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache.PermissionsPolicy[$Name])[0] -ine 'none')) {
$Value += @($PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache.PermissionsPolicy[$Name])
$PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache.PermissionsPolicy[$Name] = $Value
# do nothing if no value
if (($null -eq $Value) -or ($Value.Length -eq 0)) {
return $null
# build value
$Name = $Name.ToLowerInvariant()
if ($Value -icontains 'none') {
return "$($Name)=()"
$keywords = @(
$values = @(foreach ($v in $Value) {
if ($keywords -icontains $v) {
return "$($Name)=($($values -join ' '))"
Sets the Content Security Policy (CSP) header for a Pode web server.
The `Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal` function constructs and sets the Content Security Policy (CSP) header based on the provided parameters. The function supports an optional switch to append the header value and explicitly disables XSS auditors in modern browsers to prevent vulnerabilities.
A hashtable containing the various CSP directives to be set.
A switch indicating whether to append the header value.
$policyParams = @{
Default = "'self'"
ScriptSrc = "'self' 'unsafe-inline'"
StyleSrc = "'self' 'unsafe-inline'"
Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal -Params $policyParams
$policyParams = @{
Default = "'self'"
ImgSrc = "'self' data:"
ConnectSrc = "'self'"
UpgradeInsecureRequests = $true
Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal -Params $policyParams -Append
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# build the header's value
$values = @(
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'default-src' -Value $Params.Default -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'child-src' -Value $Params.Child -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'connect-src' -Value $Params.Connect -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'font-src' -Value $Params.Font -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'frame-src' -Value $Params.Frame -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'img-src' -Value $Params.Image -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'manifest-src' -Value $Params.Manifest -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'media-src' -Value $Params.Media -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'object-src' -Value $Params.Object -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'script-src' -Value $Params.Scripts -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'style-src' -Value $Params.Style -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'base-uri' -Value $Params.BaseUri -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'form-action' -Value $Params.FormAction -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'frame-ancestors' -Value $Params.FrameAncestor -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'fenched-frame-src' -Value $Params.FencedFrame -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'prefetch-src' -Value $Params.Prefetch -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'script-src-attr' -Value $Params.ScriptAttr -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'script-src-elem' -Value $Params.ScriptElem -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'style-src-attr' -Value $Params.StyleAttr -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'style-src-elem' -Value $Params.StyleElem -Append:$Append
Protect-PodeContentSecurityKeyword -Name 'worker-src' -Value $Params.Worker -Append:$Append
# add "report-uri" if supplied
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Params.ReportUri)) {
$values += "report-uri $($Params.ReportUri)".Trim()
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Params.Sandbox) -and ($Params.Sandbox -ine 'None')) {
$values += "sandbox $($Params.Sandbox.ToLowerInvariant())".Trim()
if ($Params.UpgradeInsecureRequests) {
$values += 'upgrade-insecure-requests'
# Filter out $null values from the $values array using the array filter `-ne $null`. This approach
# is equivalent to using `$values | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null }` but is more efficient. The `-ne $null`
# operator is faster because it is a direct array operation that internally skips the overhead of
# piping through a cmdlet and processing each item individually.
$values = ($values -ne $null)
$value = ($values -join '; ')
# Add the Content Security Policy header to the response or relevant context. This cmdlet
# sets the HTTP header with the name 'Content-Security-Policy' and the constructed value.
# if ReportOnly is set, the header name is set to 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'.
$header = 'Content-Security-Policy'
if ($Params.ReportOnly) {
$header = 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only'
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name $header -Value $value
# this is done to explicitly disable XSS auditors in modern browsers
# as having it enabled has now been found to cause more vulnerabilities
if ($Params.XssBlock) {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-XSS-Protection' -Value '1; mode=block'
else {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-XSS-Protection' -Value '0'
Sets the Permissions Policy header for a Pode web server.
The `Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy` function constructs and sets the Permissions Policy header based on the provided parameters. The function supports an optional switch to append the header value.
A hashtable containing the various permissions policies to be set.
A switch indicating whether to append the header value.
$policyParams = @{
Accelerometer = 'none'
Camera = 'self'
Microphone = '*'
Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy -Params $policyParams
$policyParams = @{
Autoplay = 'self'
Geolocation = 'none'
Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy -Params $policyParams -Append
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicyInternal {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# build the header's value
$values = @(
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'accelerometer' -Value $Params.Accelerometer -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'ambient-light-sensor' -Value $Params.AmbientLightSensor -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'autoplay' -Value $Params.Autoplay -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'battery' -Value $Params.Battery -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'camera' -Value $Params.Camera -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'display-capture' -Value $Params.DisplayCapture -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'document-domain' -Value $Params.DocumentDomain -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'encrypted-media' -Value $Params.EncryptedMedia -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'fullscreen' -Value $Params.Fullscreen -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'gamepad' -Value $Params.Gamepad -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'geolocation' -Value $Params.Geolocation -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'gyroscope' -Value $Params.Gyroscope -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'interest-cohort' -Value $Params.InterestCohort -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'layout-animations' -Value $Params.LayoutAnimations -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'legacy-image-formats' -Value $Params.LegacyImageFormats -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'magnetometer' -Value $Params.Magnetometer -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'microphone' -Value $Params.Microphone -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'midi' -Value $Params.Midi -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'oversized-images' -Value $Params.OversizedImages -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'payment' -Value $Params.Payment -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'picture-in-picture' -Value $Params.PictureInPicture -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'publickey-credentials-get' -Value $Params.PublicKeyCredentials -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'speaker-selection' -Value $Params.Speakers -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'sync-xhr' -Value $Params.SyncXhr -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'unoptimized-images' -Value $Params.UnoptimisedImages -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'unsized-media' -Value $Params.UnsizedMedia -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'usb' -Value $Params.Usb -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'screen-wake-lock' -Value $Params.ScreenWakeLake -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'web-share' -Value $Params.WebShare -Append:$Append
Protect-PodePermissionsPolicyKeyword -Name 'xr-spatial-tracking' -Value $Params.XrSpatialTracking -Append:$Append
# Filter out $null values from the $values array using the array filter `-ne $null`. This approach
# is equivalent to using `$values | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null }` but is more efficient. The `-ne $null`
# operator is faster because it is a direct array operation that internally skips the overhead of
# piping through a cmdlet and processing each item individually.
$values = ($values -ne $null)
$value = ($values -join ', ')
# Add the constructed Permissions Policy header to the response or relevant context. This cmdlet
# sets the HTTP header with the name 'Permissions-Policy' and the constructed value.
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Permissions-Policy' -Value $value
Starts the internal Pode server, initializing configurations, middleware, routes, and runspaces.
This function sets up and starts the internal Pode server. It initializes the server's configurations, routes, middleware, runspace pools, logging, and schedules. It also handles different server modes, such as normal, service, or serverless (Azure Functions, AWS Lambda). The function ensures all necessary components are ready and operational before triggering the server's start.
Provides request data for serverless execution scenarios.
A switch to enable browsing capabilities for HTTP servers.
Starts the Pode server in the normal mode with all necessary components initialized.
Start-PodeInternalServer -Request $RequestData
Starts the Pode server in serverless mode, passing the required request data.
Start-PodeInternalServer -Browse
Starts the Pode HTTP server with browsing capabilities enabled.
- This function is used to start the Pode server, either initially or after a restart.
- Handles specific setup for serverless types like Azure Functions and AWS Lambda.
- This is an internal function used within the Pode framework and is subject to change in future releases.
function Start-PodeInternalServer {
try {
$null = Test-PodeVersionPwshEOL -ReportUntested
#Show starting console
Show-PodeConsoleInfo -ShowTopSeparator
# run start event hooks
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Starting
# setup temp drives for internal dirs
# setup inbuilt scoped vars
# create the shared runspace state
# if iis, setup global middleware to validate token
# load any secret vaults
# get the server's script and invoke it - to set up routes, timers, middleware, etc
$_script = $PodeContext.Server.Logic
if (Test-PodePath -Path $PodeContext.Server.LogicPath -NoStatus) {
$_script = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $PodeContext.Server.LogicPath
$_script = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $_script -Exclude Session, Using
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $_script -NoNewClosure -Splat
#Validate OpenAPI definitions
# load any modules/snapins
# load any functions
Import-PodeFunctionsIntoRunspaceState -ScriptBlock $_script
# run starting event hooks
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Start
# start timer for task housekeeping
# start the cache housekeeper
# create timer/schedules for auto-restarting
# start the runspace pools for web, schedules, etc
if (!$PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
# start runspace for loggers
# start runspace for schedules
# start runspace for timers
# start runspace for gui
# start runspace for websockets
# start runspace for file watchers
# start the appropriate server
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo = @()
# - service
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsService) {
# - serverless
elseif ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
switch ($PodeContext.Server.ServerlessType.ToUpperInvariant()) {
Start-PodeAzFuncServer -Data $Request
Start-PodeAwsLambdaServer -Data $Request
# - normal
else {
# start each server type
foreach ($_type in $PodeContext.Server.Types) {
switch ($_type.ToUpperInvariant()) {
'SMTP' {
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo += (Start-PodeSmtpServer)
'TCP' {
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo += (Start-PodeTcpServer)
'HTTP' {
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo += (Start-PodeWebServer -Browse:$Browse)
if ($PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo) {
# Re-order the endpoints
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo = Get-PodeSortedEndpointsInfo -EndpointsInfo $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo
# now go back through, and wait for each server type's runspace pool to be ready
foreach ($pool in ($PodeContext.Server.EndpointsInfo.Pool | Sort-Object -Unique)) {
$start = [datetime]::Now
Write-Verbose "Waiting for the $($pool) RunspacePool to be Ready"
# wait
while ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$pool].State -ieq 'Waiting') {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Write-Verbose "$($pool) RunspacePool $($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$pool].State) [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]"
# errored?
if ($PodeContext.RunspacePools[$pool].State -ieq 'error') {
throw ($PodeLocale.runspacePoolFailedToLoadExceptionMessage -f $pool) #"$($pool) RunspacePool failed to load"
else {
Write-Verbose 'No Endpoints defined.'
# set the start time of the server (start and after restart)
$PodeContext.Metrics.Server.StartTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
# Trigger the start
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
# run running event hooks
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Running
catch {
Restarts the internal Pode server by clearing all configurations, contexts, and states, and reinitializing the server.
This function performs a comprehensive restart of the internal Pode server. It resets all contexts, clears caches, schedules, timers, middleware, and security configurations, and reinitializes the server state. It also reloads the server configuration if enabled and increments the server restart count.
Restarts the Pode server, clearing all configurations and states before starting it again.
- This function is called internally to restart the Pode server gracefully.
- Handles cancellation tokens, clean-up processes, and reinitialization.
- This is an internal function used within the Pode framework and is subject to change in future releases.
function Restart-PodeInternalServer {
if (!$PodeContext.Tokens.Restart.IsCancellationRequested) {
try {
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Start
# inform restart
# Restarting server...
# run restarting event hooks
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Restarting
# cancel the session token
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Cancellation, Terminate
# close all current runspaces
Close-PodeRunspace -ClosePool
# remove all of the pode temp drives
# clear-up modules
# clear up timers, schedules and loggers
Clear-PodeHashtableInnerKey -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.Routes
Clear-PodeHashtableInnerKey -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.Handlers
Clear-PodeHashtableInnerKey -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.Events
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Verbs) {
# clear schedules
# clear tasks
# clear file watchers
# auto-importers
# clear middle/endware
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware = @()
$PodeContext.Server.Endware = @()
# clear body parsers
# clear security headers
Clear-PodeHashtableInnerKey -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.Security.Cache
# clear endpoints
# clear openapi
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI = Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable -DefaultDefinitionTag $PodeContext.Server.Configuration.Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag
# clear the sockets
$PodeContext.Server.Signals.Enabled = $false
$PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener = $null
$PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener = $null
$PodeContext.Listeners = @()
$PodeContext.Receivers = @()
$PodeContext.Watchers = @()
# set view engine back to default
$PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine = @{
Type = 'html'
Extension = 'html'
ScriptBlock = $null
UsingVariables = $null
IsDynamic = $false
# clear up cookie sessions
# clear up authentication methods
# clear up shared state
# clear scoped variables
# clear cache
# clear up secret vaults/cache
Unregister-PodeSecretVaultsInternal -ThrowError
# dispose mutex/semaphores
# clear up output
# reset type if smtp/tcp
$PodeContext.Server.Types = @()
# recreate the session tokens
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Cancellation, Restart, Suspend, Resume, Terminate, Disable
# if the configuration is enable reload it
if ( $PodeContext.Server.Configuration.Enabled) {
# reload the configuration
$PodeContext.Server.Configuration = Open-PodeConfiguration -Context $PodeContext -ConfigFile $PodeContext.Server.Configuration.ConfigFile
# restart the server
# run restarting event hooks
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Restart
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
Determines whether the Pode server should remain open based on its configuration and active components.
The `Test-PodeServerKeepOpen` function evaluates the current server state and configuration
to decide whether to keep the Pode server running. It considers the existence of timers,
schedules, file watchers, service mode, and server types to make this determination.
- If any timers, schedules, or file watchers are active, the server remains open.
- If the server is not running as a service and is either serverless or has no types defined,
the server will close.
- In other cases, the server will stay open.
This is an internal function used within the Pode framework and is subject to change in future releases.
function Test-PodeServerKeepOpen {
# if we have any timers/schedules/fim - keep open
if ((Test-PodeTimersExist) -or (Test-PodeSchedulesExist) -or (Test-PodeFileWatchersExist)) {
return $true
# if not a service, and not any type/serverless - close server
if (!$PodeContext.Server.IsService -and (($PodeContext.Server.Types.Length -eq 0) -or $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless)) {
return $false
# keep server open
return $true
Suspends the Pode server and its associated runspaces.
This function suspends the Pode server by pausing all associated runspaces and ensuring they enter a debug state.
It triggers the 'Suspend' event, updates the server's suspension status, and provides progress and feedback during the suspension process.
This is primarily used internally by the Pode framework to handle server suspension.
The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for each runspace to be suspended before timing out.
The default timeout is 30 seconds.
Suspend-PodeServerInternal -Timeout 60
# Suspends the Pode server with a timeout of 60 seconds.
This is an internal function used within the Pode framework and is subject to change in future releases.
function Suspend-PodeServerInternal {
$Timeout = 30
# Exit early if no suspension request is pending or if the server is already suspended.
if (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Suspend) -or (Test-PodeServerState -State Suspended)) {
try {
# Display suspension initiation message in the console.
# Trigger the 'Suspending' event for the server.
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Suspending
# Retrieve all Pode-related runspaces for tasks and schedules.
$runspaces = Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.Name -like 'Pode_Tasks_*' -or $_.Name -like 'Pode_Schedules_*' }
# Iterate over each runspace to initiate suspension.
$runspaces | Foreach-Object {
$originalName = $_.Name
$startTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow
$elapsedTime = 0
# Activate debug mode on the runspace to suspend it.
Enable-RunspaceDebug -BreakAll -Runspace $_
while (! $_.Debugger.InBreakpoint) {
# Calculate elapsed suspension time.
$elapsedTime = ([DateTime]::UtcNow - $startTime).TotalSeconds
# Exit loop if the runspace is already completed.
if ($_.Name.StartsWith('_')) {
Write-Verbose "$originalName runspace has been completed."
# Handle timeout scenario and raise an error if exceeded.
if ($elapsedTime -ge $Timeout) {
$errorMsg = "$($_.Name) failed to suspend (Timeout reached after $Timeout seconds)."
Write-PodeHost $errorMsg -ForegroundColor Red
throw $errorMsg
# Pause briefly before rechecking the runspace state.
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
catch {
# Log any errors encountered during suspension.
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
# Force a resume action to ensure server continuity.
finally {
# Reset cancellation token if a cancellation request was made.
if ($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) {
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Cancellation
# Trigger the 'Suspend' event for the server.
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Suspend
# Brief pause before refreshing console output.
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# Refresh the console and display updated information.
Resumes the Pode server from a suspended state.
This function resumes the Pode server, ensuring all associated runspaces are restored to their normal execution state.
It triggers the 'Resume' event, updates the server's status, and clears the console for a refreshed view.
The function also provides timeout handling and progress feedback during the resumption process.
The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for each runspace to exit its suspended state before timing out.
The default timeout is 30 seconds.
# Resumes the Pode server after being suspended.
This is an internal function used within the Pode framework and may change in future releases.
function Resume-PodeServerInternal {
$Timeout = 30
# Exit early if no resumption request is pending.
if (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Resume)) {
try {
# Display resumption initiation message in the console.
# Trigger the 'Resuming' event for the server.
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Resuming
# Pause briefly to allow processes to stabilize.
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# Retrieve all runspaces currently in a suspended (debug) state.
$runspaces = Get-Runspace | Where-Object { ($_.Name -like 'Pode_Tasks_*' -or $_.Name -like 'Pode_Schedules_*') -and $_.Debugger.InBreakpoint }
# Iterate over each suspended runspace to restore normal execution.
$runspaces | ForEach-Object {
# Track the start time for timeout calculations.
$startTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow
$elapsedTime = 0
# Disable debug mode on the runspace to resume it.
Disable-RunspaceDebug -Runspace $_
while ($_.Debugger.InBreakpoint) {
# Calculate the elapsed time since resumption started.
$elapsedTime = ([DateTime]::UtcNow - $startTime).TotalSeconds
# Handle timeout scenario and raise an error if exceeded.
if ($elapsedTime -ge $Timeout) {
$errorMsg = "$($_.Name) failed to resume (Timeout reached after $Timeout seconds)."
Write-PodeHost $errorMsg -ForegroundColor Red
throw $errorMsg
# Pause briefly before rechecking the runspace state.
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
# Pause briefly before refreshing the console view.
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch {
# Log any errors encountered during the resumption process.
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
# Force a restart action to recover the server.
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart
finally {
# Reset the resume cancellation token for future suspension/resumption cycles.
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Resume
# Trigger the 'Resume' event for the server.
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Resume
# Clear the console and display refreshed header information.
Enables new requests by removing the access limit rule that blocks requests when the Pode Watchdog service is active.
This function checks if the access limit rule associated with the Pode Watchdog client is present, and if so, it removes it to allow new requests.
This effectively re-enables access to the service by removing the request blocking.
This function is used internally to manage Watchdog monitoring and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Enable-PodeServerInternal {
# Check if the Watchdog middleware exists and remove it if found to allow new requests
if (!(Test-PodeServerState -State Running) -or (Test-PodeServerIsEnabled) ) {
# Trigger the 'Enable' event for the server.
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Enable
# remove the access limit rule
Remove-PodeLimitRateRule -Name $PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.LimitRuleName
Disables new requests by adding an access limit rule that blocks incoming requests when the Pode Watchdog service is active.
This function adds an access limit rule to the Pode server to block new incoming requests while the Pode Watchdog client is active.
It responds to all new requests with a 503 Service Unavailable status and sets a 'Retry-After' header, indicating when the service will be available again.
This function is used internally to manage Watchdog monitoring and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Disable-PodeServerInternal {
if (!(Test-PodeServerState -State Running) -or (!( Test-PodeServerIsEnabled)) ) {
# Trigger the 'Enable' event for the server.
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Disable
# add a rate limit rule to block new requests, returning a 503 Service Unavailable status
$limitName = $PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.LimitRuleName
$duration = $PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.RetryAfter * 1000
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name $limitName -Limit 0 -Duration $duration -StatusCode 503 -Priority ([int]::MaxValue) -Component @(
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -Group
function Test-PodeServerIsEnabled {
return !(Test-PodeLimitRateRule -Name $PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.LimitRuleName)
function Start-PodeAzFuncServer {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# setup any inbuilt middleware that works for azure functions
$inbuilt_middleware = @(
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware = ($inbuilt_middleware + $PodeContext.Server.Middleware)
try {
try {
# get the request
$request = $Data.Request
# setup the response
$response = New-PodeAzFuncResponse
$response.StatusCode = 200
$response.Headers = @{}
# reset event data
$global:WebEvent = @{
OnEnd = @()
Auth = @{}
Response = $response
Request = $request
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Path = [string]::Empty
Method = $request.Method.ToLowerInvariant()
Query = $request.Query
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = ($request.Url -split '://')[0]
Address = $null
Name = $null
ContentType = $null
ErrorType = $null
Cookies = @{}
PendingCookies = @{}
Parameters = $null
Data = $null
Files = $null
Streamed = $false
Route = $null
StaticContent = $null
Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
TransferEncoding = $null
AcceptEncoding = $null
Ranges = $null
Metadata = @{}
$WebEvent.Endpoint.Address = ((Get-PodeHeader -Name 'host') -split ':')[0]
$WebEvent.ContentType = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'content-type')
# set the path, using static content query parameter if passed
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($request.Query['static-file'])) {
$WebEvent.Path = $request.Query['static-file']
else {
$funcName = $Data.sys.MethodName
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($funcName)) {
$funcName = $Data.FunctionName
$WebEvent.Path = "/api/$($funcName)"
$WebEvent.Path = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($WebEvent.Path)
# set pode in server response header
Set-PodeServerHeader -Type 'Kestrel'
# invoke global and route middleware
if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $PodeContext.Server.Middleware -Route $WebEvent.Path)) {
if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $WebEvent.Route.Middleware)) {
# invoke the route
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.StaticContent) {
$fileBrowser = $WebEvent.Route.FileBrowser
if ($WebEvent.StaticContent.IsDownload) {
Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal -Path $WebEvent.StaticContent.Source -FileBrowser:$fileBrowser
elseif ($WebEvent.StaticContent.RedirectToDefault) {
$file = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($WebEvent.StaticContent.Source)
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url "$($WebEvent.Path)/$($file)"
else {
$cachable = $WebEvent.StaticContent.IsCachable
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path $WebEvent.StaticContent.Source -MaxAge $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Cache.MaxAge -Cache:$cachable -FileBrowser:$fileBrowser
else {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $WebEvent.Route.Logic -Arguments $WebEvent.Route.Arguments -UsingVariables $WebEvent.Route.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception $_
finally {
Update-PodeServerRequestMetric -WebEvent $WebEvent
# invoke endware specifc to the current web event
$_endware = ($WebEvent.OnEnd + @($PodeContext.Server.Endware))
Invoke-PodeEndware -Endware $_endware
# close and send the response
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value $response
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
function New-PodeAzFuncResponse {
return [HttpResponseContext]::new()
function Start-PodeAwsLambdaServer {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# setup any inbuilt middleware that works for aws lambda
$inbuilt_middleware = @(
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware = ($inbuilt_middleware + $PodeContext.Server.Middleware)
try {
try {
# get the request
$request = $Data
# setup the response
$response = @{
StatusCode = 200
Headers = @{}
Body = [string]::Empty
# reset event data
$global:WebEvent = @{
OnEnd = @()
Auth = @{}
Response = $response
Request = $request
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Path = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($request.path)
Method = $request.httpMethod.ToLowerInvariant()
Query = $request.queryStringParameters
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $null
Address = $null
Name = $null
ContentType = $null
ErrorType = $null
Cookies = @{}
PendingCookies = @{}
Parameters = $null
Data = $null
Files = $null
Streamed = $false
Route = $null
StaticContent = $null
Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
TransferEncoding = $null
AcceptEncoding = $null
Ranges = $null
Metadata = @{}
$WebEvent.Endpoint.Protocol = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-Forwarded-Proto')
$WebEvent.Endpoint.Address = ((Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Host') -split ':')[0]
$WebEvent.ContentType = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Content-Type')
# set pode in server response header
Set-PodeServerHeader -Type 'Lambda'
# invoke global and route middleware
if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $PodeContext.Server.Middleware -Route $WebEvent.Path)) {
if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $WebEvent.Route.Middleware)) {
# invoke the route
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.StaticContent) {
$fileBrowser = $WebEvent.Route.FileBrowser
if ($WebEvent.StaticContent.IsDownload) {
Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal -Path $WebEvent.StaticContent.Source -FileBrowser:$fileBrowser
elseif ($WebEvent.StaticContent.RedirectToDefault) {
$file = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($WebEvent.StaticContent.Source)
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url "$($WebEvent.Path)/$($file)"
else {
$cachable = $WebEvent.StaticContent.IsCachable
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path $WebEvent.StaticContent.Source -MaxAge $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Cache.MaxAge `
-Cache:$cachable -FileBrowser:$fileBrowser
else {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $WebEvent.Route.Logic -Arguments $WebEvent.Route.Arguments -UsingVariables $WebEvent.Route.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception $_
finally {
Update-PodeServerRequestMetric -WebEvent $WebEvent
# invoke endware specifc to the current web event
$_endware = ($WebEvent.OnEnd + @($PodeContext.Server.Endware))
Invoke-PodeEndware -Endware $_endware
# close and send the response
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($response.ContentType)) {
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Content-Type' -Value $response.ContentType
return (@{
'statusCode' = $response.StatusCode
'headers' = $response.Headers
'body' = $response.Body
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress)
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
function Start-PodeServiceServer {
# ensure we have service handlers
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty (Get-PodeHandler -Type Service)) {
# No Service handlers have been defined
throw ($PodeLocale.noServiceHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage)
# state we're running
# Server looping every $PodeContext.Server.Interval secs
Write-PodeHost ($PodeLocale.serverLoopingMessage -f $PodeContext.Server.Interval) -ForegroundColor Yellow
# script for the looping server
$serverScript = {
try {
while (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# the event object
$script:ServiceEvent = @{
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Metadata = @{}
# invoke the service handlers
$handlers = Get-PodeHandler -Type Service
foreach ($name in $handlers.Keys) {
$handler = $handlers[$name]
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $handler.Logic -Arguments $handler.Arguments -UsingVariables $handler.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
# sleep before next run
Start-Sleep -Seconds $PodeContext.Server.Interval
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
# start the runspace for the server
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Main -Name 'ServiceServer' -ScriptBlock $serverScript
function New-PodeSession {
# sessionId
$sessionId = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.GenerateId -Return
# tabId
$tabId = $null
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser) {
$tabId = Get-PodeSessionTabId
# return new session data
return @{
Name = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Name
Id = $sessionId
TabId = $tabId
FullId = (Get-PodeSessionFullId -SessionId $sessionId -TabId $tabId)
Extend = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Extend
TimeStamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
Data = @{}
function Get-PodeSessionFullId {
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TabId)) {
return "$($SessionId)-$($TabId)"
return $SessionId
function Set-PodeSession {
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# There is no session available to set on the response
throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionToSetOnResponseExceptionMessage)
# convert secret to strict mode
$strict = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Strict
$secret = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Secret
# set session on header
if ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.UseHeaders) {
Set-PodeHeader -Name $WebEvent.Session.Name -Value $WebEvent.Session.Id -Secret $secret -Strict:$strict
# set session as cookie
else {
$null = Set-PodeCookie `
-Name $WebEvent.Session.Name `
-Value $WebEvent.Session.Id `
-Secret $secret `
-Strict:$strict `
-ExpiryDate (Get-PodeSessionExpiry) `
-HttpOnly:$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.HttpOnly `
function Get-PodeSession {
$secret = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Secret
$sessionId = $null
$tabId = Get-PodeSessionTabId
$name = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Name
# convert secret to strict mode
if ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Strict) {
$secret = ConvertTo-PodeStrictSecret -Secret $secret
# session from header
if ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.UseHeaders) {
# check that the header is validly signed
if (!(Test-PodeHeaderSigned -Name $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Name -Secret $secret)) {
return $null
# get the header from the request
$sessionId = Get-PodeHeader -Name $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Name -Secret $secret
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sessionId)) {
return $null
# session from cookie
else {
# check that the cookie is validly signed
if (!(Test-PodeCookieSigned -Name $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Name -Secret $secret)) {
return $null
# get the cookie from the request
$cookie = Get-PodeCookie -Name $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Name -Secret $secret
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($cookie)) {
return $null
# get details from cookie
$name = $cookie.Name
$sessionId = $cookie.Value
# generate the session data
return @{
Name = $name
Id = $sessionId
TabId = $tabId
FullId = (Get-PodeSessionFullId -SessionId $sessionId -TabId $tabId)
Extend = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Extend
TimeStamp = $null
Data = @{}
function Revoke-PodeSession {
# do nothing if no current session
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# remove from cookie if being used
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.UseHeaders) {
Remove-PodeCookie -Name $WebEvent.Session.Name
# remove session from store
function Set-PodeSessionDataHash {
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# No session available to calculate data hash
throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionToCalculateDataHashExceptionMessage)
if (($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.Data) -or ($WebEvent.Session.Data.Count -eq 0)) {
$WebEvent.Session.Data = @{}
$WebEvent.Session.DataHash = (Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $WebEvent.Session.Data.Clone() -Depth 10 -Compress))
function Test-PodeSessionDataHash {
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
return $false
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.Session.DataHash)) {
return $false
if (($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.Data) -or ($WebEvent.Session.Data.Count -eq 0)) {
$WebEvent.Session.Data = @{}
$hash = (Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $WebEvent.Session.Data -Depth 10 -Compress))
return ($WebEvent.Session.DataHash -eq $hash)
function Save-PodeSessionInternal {
# do nothing if session has no ID
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WebEvent.Session.FullId)) {
# only save if check and hashes different, but not if extending expiry or updated
if (!$WebEvent.Session.Extend -and $Force -and (Test-PodeSessionDataHash)) {
# generate the expiry
$expiry = Get-PodeSessionExpiry
# the data to save - which will be the data, and some extra metadata like timestamp
$data = @{
Version = 3
Metadata = @{
TimeStamp = $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp
Data = $WebEvent.Session.Data
# save base session data to store
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser -and $WebEvent.Session.TabId) {
$authData = @{
Version = 3
Metadata = @{
TimeStamp = $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp
Tabbed = $true
Data = @{
Auth = $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Set -Arguments @($WebEvent.Session.Id, $authData, $expiry) -Splat
$data.Metadata['Parent'] = $WebEvent.Session.Id
# save session data to store
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Set -Arguments @($WebEvent.Session.FullId, $data, $expiry) -Splat
# update session's data hash
function Remove-PodeSessionInternal {
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# remove data from store
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Delete -Arguments $WebEvent.Session.Id
# clear session
$WebEvent.Session = $null
function Get-PodeSessionInMemStore {
$store = [psobject]::new()
# add in-mem storage
$store | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Memory -Value @{}
# delete a sessionId and data
$store | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Delete -Value {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Memory.Remove($sessionId)
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser) {
Invoke-PodeSchedule -Name '__pode_session_inmem_cleanup__'
# get a sessionId's data
$store | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Get -Value {
$s = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Memory[$sessionId]
# if expire, remove
if (($null -ne $s) -and ($s.Expiry -lt [DateTime]::UtcNow)) {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Memory.Remove($sessionId)
return $null
return $s.Data
# update/insert a sessionId and data
$store | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Set -Value {
param($sessionId, $data, $expiry)
$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Memory[$sessionId] = @{
Data = $data
Expiry = $expiry
return $store
function Set-PodeSessionInMemClearDown {
# don't setup if serverless - as memory is short lived anyway
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
# cleardown expired inmem session every 10 minutes
Add-PodeSchedule -Name '__pode_session_inmem_cleanup__' -Cron '0/10 * * * *' -ScriptBlock {
# do nothing if no sessions
$store = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store
if (($null -eq $store.Memory) -or ($store.Memory.Count -eq 0)) {
# remove sessions that have expired, or where the parent is gone
$now = [DateTime]::UtcNow
foreach ($key in $store.Memory.Keys.Clone()) {
# expired
if ($store.Memory[$key].Expiry -lt $now) {
$null = $store.Memory.Remove($key)
# parent check - gone/expired
$parentKey = $store.Memory[$key].Data.Metadata.Parent
if ($parentKey -and (!$store.Memory.ContainsKey($parentKey) -or ($store.Memory[$parentKey].Expiry -lt $now))) {
$null = $store.Memory.Remove($key)
function Test-PodeSessionsInUse {
return (($null -ne $WebEvent.Session) -and ($WebEvent.Session.Count -gt 0))
function Get-PodeSessionData {
$TabId = $null
$data = $null
# try and get Tab session
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TabId)) {
$data = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Get -Arguments "$($SessionId)-$($TabId)" -Return
# now get the parent - but fail if it doesn't exist
if ($data.Metadata.Parent) {
$parent = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Get -Arguments $data.Metadata.Parent -Return
if (!$parent) {
return $null
if (!$data.Data.Auth) {
$data.Data.Auth = $parent.Data.Auth
# try and get normal session
if (($null -eq $data) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SessionId)) {
$data = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Store.Get -Arguments $SessionId -Return
return $data
function Get-PodeSessionMiddleware {
return {
# if session already set, return
if ($WebEvent.Session) {
return $true
try {
# retrieve the current session from cookie/header
$WebEvent.Session = Get-PodeSession
# if no session found, create a new one on the current web event
if (!$WebEvent.Session) {
$WebEvent.Session = New-PodeSession
$new = $true
# get the session's data from store
elseif ($null -ne ($data = (Get-PodeSessionData -SessionId $WebEvent.Session.Id -TabId $WebEvent.Session.TabId))) {
if ($data.Version -lt 3) {
$WebEvent.Session.Data = $data
$WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
else {
$WebEvent.Session.Data = $data.Data
if ($data.Metadata.Tabbed) {
$WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
else {
$WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp = $data.Metadata.TimeStamp
# session not in store, create a new one
else {
$WebEvent.Session = New-PodeSession
$new = $true
# set data hash
# add session to response if it's new or extendible
if ($new -or $WebEvent.Session.Extend) {
# assign endware for session to set cookie/header
$WebEvent.OnEnd += @{
Logic = {
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session) {
Save-PodeSession -Force
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
return $false
# move along
return $true
function Invoke-PodePackageScript {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '')]
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ActionScript)) {
Invoke-Expression -Command $ActionScript
Installs a local Pode module.
This function installs a local Pode module by downloading it from the specified repository. It checks the module version and retrieves the latest version if 'latest' is specified. The module is saved to the specified path.
The Pode module to install. It should include the module name, version, and repository information.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Install-PodeLocalModule {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '')]
$Module = $null
if ($null -eq $Module) {
$psModules = './ps_modules'
# download modules to ps_modules
$ | ForEach-Object {
$_name = $_
# get the module version
$_version = $Module.$_name.version
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_version)) {
$_version = $Module.$_name
# get the module repository
$_repository = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Module.$_name.repository -Default 'PSGallery'
try {
# if version is latest, retrieve current
if ($_version -ieq 'latest') {
$_version = [string]((Find-Module $_name -Repository $_repository -ErrorAction Ignore).Version)
Write-Host "=> Downloading $($_name)@$($_version) from $($_repository)... " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
# if the current version exists, do nothing
if (!(Test-Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($psModules, "$($_name)/$($_version)")))) {
# remove other versions
if (Test-Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($psModules, "$($_name)"))) {
$null = Remove-Item -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($psModules, "$($_name)")) -Force -Recurse
# download the module
$null = Save-Module -Name $_name -RequiredVersion $_version -Repository $_repository -Path $psModules -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host 'Success' -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
Write-Host 'Failed' -ForegroundColor Red
throw ($PodeLocale.moduleOrVersionNotFoundExceptionMessage -f $_repository, $_name, $_version) #"Module or version not found on $($_repository): $($_name)@$($_version)"
using namespace Pode
function Start-PodeSmtpServer {
# ensure we have smtp handlers
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty (Get-PodeHandler -Type Smtp)) {
# No SMTP handlers have been defined
throw ($PodeLocale.noSmtpHandlersDefinedExceptionMessage)
# work out which endpoints to listen on
$endpoints = @()
# Variable to track if a default endpoint is already defined for the current type.
# This ensures that only one default endpoint can be assigned per protocol type (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS).
# If multiple default endpoints are detected, an error will be thrown to prevent configuration issues.
$defaultEndpoint = $false
@(Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Smtp) | ForEach-Object {
# Enforce unicity: only one default endpoint is allowed per type.
if ($defaultEndpoint -and $_.Default) {
# A default endpoint for the type '{0}' is already set. Only one default endpoint is allowed per type. Please check your configuration.
throw ($Podelocale.defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage -f $($_.Type))
else {
# Assign the current endpoint's Default value for tracking.
$defaultEndpoint = $_.Default
# get the ip address
$_ip = [string]($_.Address)
$_ip = Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $_ip -Type All | Select-Object -First 1
$_ip = Get-PodeIPAddress $_ip -DualMode:($_.DualMode)
# dual mode?
$addrs = $_ip
if ($_.DualMode) {
$addrs = Resolve-PodeIPDualMode -IP $_ip
# the endpoint
$_endpoint = @{
Name = $_.Name
Key = "$($_ip):$($_.Port)"
Address = $addrs
Hostname = $_.HostName
IsIPAddress = $_.IsIPAddress
Port = $_.Port
Certificate = $_.Certificate.Raw
AllowClientCertificate = $_.Certificate.AllowClientCertificate
TlsMode = $_.Certificate.TlsMode
Url = $_.Url
Protocol = $_.Protocol
Type = $_.Type
Pool = $_.Runspace.PoolName
Acknowledge = $_.Tcp.Acknowledge
SslProtocols = $_.Ssl.Protocols
DualMode = $_.DualMode
Default = $_.Default
# add endpoint to list
$endpoints += $_endpoint
# create the listener
$listener = [PodeListener]::new($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token)
$listener.ErrorLoggingEnabled = (Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled)
$listener.ErrorLoggingLevels = @(Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel)
$listener.RequestTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Request.Timeout
$listener.RequestBodySize = $PodeContext.Server.Request.BodySize
try {
# register endpoints on the listener
$endpoints | ForEach-Object {
$socket = [PodeSocket]::new($_.Name, $_.Address, $_.Port, $_.SslProtocols, [PodeProtocolType]::Smtp, $_.Certificate, $_.AllowClientCertificate, $_.TlsMode, $_.DualMode)
$socket.ReceiveTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout
$socket.AcknowledgeMessage = $_.Acknowledge
if (!$_.IsIPAddress) {
$PodeContext.Listeners += $listener
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $listener
throw $_.Exception
# script for listening out of for incoming requests
$listenScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
do {
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# get email
$context = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetContextAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
try {
try {
$Request = $context.Request
$Response = $context.Response
$script:SmtpEvent = @{
Response = $Response
Request = $Request
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Email = @{
From = $Request.From
To = $Request.To
Data = $Request.RawBody
Headers = $Request.Headers
Subject = $Request.Subject
IsUrgent = $Request.IsUrgent
ContentType = $Request.ContentType
ContentEncoding = $Request.ContentEncoding
Attachments = $Request.Attachments
Body = $Request.Body
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $Request.Scheme
Address = $Request.Address
Name = $context.EndpointName
Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
Metadata = @{}
# stop now if the request has an error
if ($Request.IsAborted) {
throw $Request.Error
# ensure the request ip is allowed
if (!(Test-PodeLimitAccessRuleRequest)) {
$Response.WriteLine('554 Your IP address was rejected', $true)
# has the ip hit the rate limit?
elseif (!(Test-PodeLimitRateRuleRequest)) {
$Response.WriteLine('554 Your IP address has hit the rate limit', $true)
# deal with smtp call
else {
$handlers = Get-PodeHandler -Type Smtp
foreach ($name in $handlers.Keys) {
$handler = $handlers[$name]
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $handler.Logic -Arguments $handler.Arguments -UsingVariables $handler.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
finally {
$script:SmtpEvent = $null
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $context
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
# end do-while
} while (Test-PodeSuspensionToken) # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
# start the runspace for listening on x-number of threads
1..$PodeContext.Threads.General | ForEach-Object {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Smtp -Name 'Listener' -ScriptBlock $listenScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener; 'ThreadId' = $_ }
# script to keep smtp server listening until cancelled
$waitScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Listener
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Smtp -Name 'KeepAlive' -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener } -NoProfile
# state where we're running
return @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
Url = $endpoint.Url
Pool = $endpoint.Pool
DualMode = $endpoint.DualMode
Name = $endpoint.Name
Default = $endpoint.Default
function Test-PodeTasksExist {
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Tasks) -and (($PodeContext.Tasks.Enabled) -or ($PodeContext.Tasks.Items.Count -gt 0)))
function Start-PodeTaskHousekeeper {
if (!(Test-PodeTasksExist)) {
Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_task_housekeeper__' -Interval 20 -ScriptBlock {
try {
# return if no task processes
if ($PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Count -eq 0) {
# get the current time
$now = [datetime]::UtcNow
# loop through each process
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Keys.Clone()) {
try {
# get the process and the task
$process = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$key]
$task = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$process.Task]
# if completed, and no completed time set, then set one and continue
if ($process.Runspace.Handler.IsCompleted -and ($null -eq $process.CompletedTime)) {
$process.CompletedTime = $now
$process.State = 'Completed'
# if the process is completed, then close and remove
if (($process.State -ieq 'Completed') -and ($process.CompletedTime.AddMinutes(1) -lt $now)) {
Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process
# has the process failed?
if ($process.State -ieq 'Failed') {
# if we have hit the max retries, then close and remove
if ($process.Retry.Count -ge $task.Retry.Max) {
Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process
# if we aren't auto-retrying, then continue
if (!$task.Retry.AutoRetry) {
# if the retry delay hasn't passed, then continue
if (($null -eq $process.Retry.From) -or ($process.Retry.From -gt $now)) {
# restart the process
Restart-PodeTaskInternal -ProcessId $process.ID
# if the process is running, and the expire time has passed, then close and remove
if ($process.ExpireTime -lt $now) {
Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$process = $null
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Close-PodeTaskInternal {
# return if no process
if ($null -eq $Process) {
# close the runspace
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Process.Runspace.Pipeline
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Process.Result
# remove the process
if (!$Keep) {
$null = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Remove($Process.ID)
function Invoke-PodeTaskInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ArgumentList = $null,
$Timeout = -1,
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Create', 'Start')]
$TimeoutFrom = 'Default'
try {
# generate processId for task
$processId = New-PodeGuid
# setup event param
$parameters = @{
ProcessId = $processId
ArgumentList = $ArgumentList
# what's the timeout values to use?
if ($TimeoutFrom -eq 'Default') {
$TimeoutFrom = $Task.Timeout.From
if ($Timeout -eq -1) {
$Timeout = $Task.Timeout.Value
# what is the expire time if using "create" timeout?
$expireTime = [datetime]::MaxValue
$createTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
if (($TimeoutFrom -ieq 'Create') -and ($Timeout -ge 0)) {
$expireTime = $createTime.AddSeconds($Timeout)
# add task process
$result = [System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection[psobject]]::new()
$PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$processId] = @{
ID = $processId
Task = $Task.Name
Parameters = $parameters
Runspace = $null
Result = $result
CreateTime = $createTime
StartTime = $null
CompletedTime = $null
ExpireTime = $expireTime
Exception = $null
Timeout = @{
Value = $Timeout
From = $TimeoutFrom
Retry = @{
Count = 0
From = $null
State = 'Pending'
# start the task runspace
$scriptblock = Get-PodeTaskScriptBlock
$runspace = Add-PodeRunspace -Type Tasks -Name $Task.Name -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Parameters $parameters -OutputStream $result -PassThru
# add runspace to process
$PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$processId].Runspace = $runspace
# return the task process
return $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$processId]
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Restart-PodeTaskInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
# get the process, and return if not found or not failed
$process = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$ProcessId]
if (($null -eq $process) -or ($process.State -ine 'Failed')) {
# get the task
$task = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$process.Task]
# dispose of the old runspace
Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process -Keep
# return if we have hit the max retries
if ($process.Retry.Count -ge $task.Retry.Max) {
# what is the expire time if using "create" timeout?
$expireTime = [datetime]::MaxValue
$createTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
if (($process.Timeout.From -ieq 'Create') -and ($process.Timeout.Value -ge 0)) {
$expireTime = $createTime.AddSeconds($process.Timeout.Value)
$process.CreateTime = $createTime
$process.ExpireTime = $expireTime
$process.StartTime = $null
$process.CompletedTime = $null
# reset the process result
$result = [System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection[psobject]]::new()
$process.Result = $result
# reset the process state
$process.State = 'Pending'
$process.Exception = $null
$process.Retry.From = $null
# start the task runspace
$scriptblock = Get-PodeTaskScriptBlock
$runspace = Add-PodeRunspace -Type Tasks -Name $process.Task -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Parameters $process.Parameters -OutputStream $result -PassThru
# add runspace to process
$process.Runspace = $runspace
# return the task process
return $process
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Get-PodeTaskScriptBlock {
return {
param($ProcessId, $ArgumentList)
try {
$process = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$ProcessId]
if ($null -eq $process) {
# Task process does not exist: $ProcessId
throw ($PodeLocale.taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $ProcessId)
# set the start time and state
$process.StartTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
$process.State = 'Running'
# set the expire time of timeout based on "start" time
if (($process.Timeout.From -ieq 'Start') -and ($process.Timeout.Value -ge 0)) {
$process.ExpireTime = $process.StartTime.AddSeconds($process.Timeout.Value)
# get the task, error if not found
$task = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$process.Task]
if ($null -eq $task) {
# Task does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $process.Task)
# build the script arguments
$TaskEvent = @{
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Sender = $task
Timestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow
Count = $process.Retry.Count
Metadata = @{}
$_args = @{ Event = $TaskEvent }
if ($null -ne $task.Arguments) {
foreach ($key in $task.Arguments.Keys) {
$_args[$key] = $task.Arguments[$key]
if ($null -ne $ArgumentList) {
foreach ($key in $ArgumentList.Keys) {
$_args[$key] = $ArgumentList[$key]
# add any using variables
if ($null -ne $task.UsingVariables) {
foreach ($usingVar in $task.UsingVariables) {
$_args[$usingVar.NewName] = $usingVar.Value
# invoke the script from the task
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $task.Script -Arguments $_args -Scoped -Splat -Return
# set the state to completed
$process.State = 'Completed'
catch {
# update the state
if ($null -ne $process) {
$process.State = 'Failed'
$process.ExpireTime = $null
$process.Retry.From = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes($task.Retry.Delay)
$process.Exception = $_
# log the error
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
finally {
$process.CompletedTime = [datetime]::UtcNow
function Wait-PodeTaskNetInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Timeout = -1
# do we need a timeout?
$timeoutTask = $null
if ($Timeout -gt 0) {
$timeoutTask = [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::Delay($Timeout)
# set the check task
if ($null -eq $timeoutTask) {
$checkTask = $Task
else {
$checkTask = [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::WhenAny($Task, $timeoutTask)
# is there a cancel token to supply?
if (($null -eq $PodeContext) -or ($null -eq $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token)) {
else {
# if the main task isn't complete, it timed out
if (($null -ne $timeoutTask) -and (!$Task.IsCompleted)) {
# "Task has timed out after $($Timeout)ms")
throw [System.TimeoutException]::new($PodeLocale.taskTimedOutExceptionMessage -f $Timeout)
# only return a value if the result has one
if ($null -ne $Task.Result) {
return $Task.Result
function Wait-PodeTaskProcessInternal {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Timeout = -1
# timeout needs to be in milliseconds
if ($Timeout -gt 0) {
$Timeout *= 1000
# wait for the pipeline to finish processing
$null = $Process.Runspace.Handler.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($Timeout)
# get the current result
$result = $Process.Result.ReadAll()
# close the task
Close-PodeTask -Process $Process
# only return a value if the result has one
if (($null -ne $result) -and ($result.Count -gt 0)) {
return $result
using namespace Pode
function Start-PodeTcpServer {
# work out which endpoints to listen on
$endpoints = @()
# Variable to track if a default endpoint is already defined for the current type.
# This ensures that only one default endpoint can be assigned per protocol type (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS).
# If multiple default endpoints are detected, an error will be thrown to prevent configuration issues.
$defaultEndpoint = $false
@(Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type Tcp) | ForEach-Object {
# Enforce unicity: only one default endpoint is allowed per type.
if ($defaultEndpoint -and $_.Default) {
# A default endpoint for the type '{0}' is already set. Only one default endpoint is allowed per type. Please check your configuration.
throw ($Podelocale.defaultEndpointAlreadySetExceptionMessage -f $($_.Type))
else {
# Assign the current endpoint's Default value for tracking.
$defaultEndpoint = $_.Default
# get the ip address
$_ip = [string]($_.Address)
$_ip = Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $_ip -Type All | Select-Object -First 1
$_ip = Get-PodeIPAddress $_ip -DualMode:($_.DualMode)
# dual mode?
$addrs = $_ip
if ($_.DualMode) {
$addrs = Resolve-PodeIPDualMode -IP $_ip
# the endpoint
$_endpoint = @{
Name = $_.Name
Key = "$($_ip):$($_.Port)"
Address = $addrs
Hostname = $_.HostName
IsIPAddress = $_.IsIPAddress
Port = $_.Port
Certificate = $_.Certificate.Raw
AllowClientCertificate = $_.Certificate.AllowClientCertificate
TlsMode = $_.Certificate.TlsMode
Url = $_.Url
Protocol = $_.Protocol
Type = $_.Type
Pool = $_.Runspace.PoolName
Acknowledge = $_.Tcp.Acknowledge
CRLFMessageEnd = $_.Tcp.CRLFMessageEnd
SslProtocols = $_.Ssl.Protocols
DualMode = $_.DualMode
Default = $_.Default
# add endpoint to list
$endpoints += $_endpoint
# create the listener
$listener = [PodeListener]::new($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token)
$listener.ErrorLoggingEnabled = (Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled)
$listener.ErrorLoggingLevels = @(Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel)
$listener.RequestTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Request.Timeout
$listener.RequestBodySize = $PodeContext.Server.Request.BodySize
try {
# register endpoints on the listener
$endpoints | ForEach-Object {
$socket = [PodeSocket]::new($_.Name, $_.Address, $_.Port, $_.SslProtocols, [PodeProtocolType]::Tcp, $_.Certificate, $_.AllowClientCertificate, $_.TlsMode, $_.DualMode)
$socket.ReceiveTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout
$socket.AcknowledgeMessage = $_.Acknowledge
$socket.CRLFMessageEnd = $_.CRLFMessageEnd
if (!$_.IsIPAddress) {
$PodeContext.Listeners += $listener
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $listener
throw $_.Exception
# script for listening out of for incoming requests
$listenScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
do {
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# get email
$context = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetContextAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
try {
try {
$Request = $context.Request
$Response = $context.Response
$TcpEvent = @{
Response = $Response
Request = $Request
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $Request.Scheme
Address = $Request.Address
Name = $context.EndpointName
Parameters = $null
Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
Metadata = @{}
# stop now if the request has an error
if ($Request.IsAborted) {
throw $Request.Error
# ensure the request ip is allowed
if (!(Test-PodeLimitAccessRuleRequest)) {
$Response.WriteLine('Your IP address was rejected', $true)
# has the ip hit the rate limit?
if (!(Test-PodeLimitRateRuleRequest)) {
$Response.WriteLine('Your IP address has hit the rate limit', $true)
# deal with tcp call and find the verb, and for the endpoint
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TcpEvent.Request.Body)) {
$verb = Find-PodeVerb -Verb $TcpEvent.Request.Body -EndpointName $TcpEvent.Endpoint.Name
if ($null -eq $verb) {
$verb = Find-PodeVerb -Verb '*' -EndpointName $TcpEvent.Endpoint.Name
if ($null -eq $verb) {
# set the route parameters
if ($verb.Verb -ine '*') {
$TcpEvent.Parameters = @{}
if ($TcpEvent.Request.Body -imatch "$($verb.Verb)$") {
$TcpEvent.Parameters = $Matches
# invoke it
if ($null -ne $verb.Logic) {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $verb.Logic -Arguments $verb.Arguments -UsingVariables $verb.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
# is the verb auto-close?
if ($verb.Connection.Close) {
# is the verb auto-upgrade to ssl?
if ($verb.Connection.UpgradeToSsl) {
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
finally {
$TcpEvent = $null
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $context
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
# end do-while
} while (Test-PodeSuspensionToken) # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
# start the runspace for listening on x-number of threads
1..$PodeContext.Threads.General | ForEach-Object {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Tcp -Name 'Listener' -ScriptBlock $listenScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener; 'ThreadId' = $_ }
# script to keep tcp server listening until cancelled
$waitScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
while ($Listener.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Listener
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Tcp -Name 'KeepAlive' -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener } -NoProfile
# state where we're running
return @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
Url = $endpoint.Url
Pool = $endpoint.Pool
DualMode = $endpoint.DualMode
Name = $endpoint.Name
Default = $endpoint.Default
function Find-PodeTimer {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Timers.Items[$Name]
function Test-PodeTimersExist {
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Timers) -and (($PodeContext.Timers.Enabled) -or ($PodeContext.Timers.Items.Count -gt 0)))
function Start-PodeTimerRunspace {
if (!(Test-PodeTimersExist)) {
$script = {
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
try {
while (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
try {
$_now = [DateTime]::Now
# only run timers that haven't completed, and have a next trigger in the past
foreach ($timer in $PodeContext.Timers.Items.Values) {
# Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
if ($timer.Completed -or (!$timer.OnStart -and ($timer.NextTriggerTime -gt $_now))) {
try {
$timer.OnStart = $false
# set last trigger to current next trigger
if ($null -ne $timer.NextTriggerTime) {
$timer.LastTriggerTime = $timer.NextTriggerTime
else {
$timer.LastTriggerTime = $_now
# has the timer completed?
if (($timer.Limit -gt 0) -and ($timer.Count -ge $timer.Limit)) {
$timer.Completed = $true
# next trigger
if (!$timer.Completed) {
$timer.NextTriggerTime = $_now.AddSeconds($timer.Interval)
else {
$timer.NextTriggerTime = $null
# run the timer
Invoke-PodeInternalTimer -Timer $timer
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
Add-PodeRunspace -Type Timers -Name 'Scheduler' -ScriptBlock $script
function Invoke-PodeInternalTimer {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ArgumentList = $null
try {
$TimerEvent = @{
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Sender = $Timer
Timestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow
Metadata = @{}
# add main timer args
$_args = @()
if (($null -ne $Timer.Arguments) -and ($Timer.Arguments.Length -gt 0)) {
$_args += $Timer.Arguments
# add adhoc timer invoke args
if (($null -ne $ArgumentList) -and ($ArgumentList.Length -gt 0)) {
$_args += $ArgumentList
# invoke timer
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Timer.Script.GetNewClosure() -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $Timer.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat -NoNewClosure
# reset runspace location
Set-Location $PodeContext.Server.Root
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
finally {
function Find-PodeVerb {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if we have a perfect match for the verb, return it
$found = Get-PodeVerbByLiteral -Verbs $PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$Verb] -EndpointName $EndpointName
if ($null -ne $found) {
return $found
# otherwise, match regex on the verbs (first match only)
$valid = @(foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Verbs.Keys) {
if (($key -ine '*') -and ($Verb -imatch "^$($key)$")) {
if ($null -eq $valid) {
return $null
# is the verb valid for any protocols/endpoints?
$found = Get-PodeVerbByLiteral -Verbs $PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$valid] -EndpointName $EndpointName
if ($null -eq $found) {
return $null
return $found
function Get-PodeVerbByLiteral {
# if verbs is already null/empty just return
if (($null -eq $Verbs) -or ($Verbs.Length -eq 0)) {
return $null
# get the verb
return (Get-PodeVerbsByLiteral -Verbs $Verbs -EndpointName $EndpointName)
function Get-PodeVerbsByLiteral {
# see if a verb has the endpoint name
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
foreach ($verb in $Verbs) {
if ($verb.Endpoint.Name -ieq $EndpointName) {
return $verb
# else find first default verb
foreach ($verb in $Verbs) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($verb.Endpoint.Name)) {
return $verb
return $null
function Test-PodeVerbAndError {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$found = @($PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$Verb])
if (($found | Where-Object { ($_.Endpoint.Protocol -ieq $Protocol) -and ($_.Endpoint.Address -ieq $Address) } | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {
$_url = $Protocol
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_url) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
$_url = "$($_url)://$($Address)"
elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
$_url = $Address
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_url)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.verbAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Verb) #"[Verb] $($Verb): Already defined"
else {
throw ($PodeLocale.verbAlreadyDefinedForUrlExceptionMessage -f $Verb, $_url) # "[Verb] $($Verb): Already defined for $($_url)"
using namespace Pode
function Test-PodeWebSocketsExist {
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets) -and (($PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Enabled) -or ($PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Connections.Count -gt 0)))
function Find-PodeWebSocket {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Connections[$Name]
function New-PodeWebSocketReceiver {
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver) {
try {
$receiver = [PodeReceiver]::new($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token)
$receiver.ErrorLoggingEnabled = (Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled)
$receiver.ErrorLoggingLevels = @(Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel)
$PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver = $receiver
$PodeContext.Receivers += $receiver
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $receiver
throw $_.Exception
function Start-PodeWebSocketRunspace {
if (!(Test-PodeWebSocketsExist)) {
# script for listening out of for incoming requests (Receiver)
$receiveScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Waits for the Pode server to fully start before proceeding with further operations.
Wait-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start
do {
try {
while ($Receiver.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# get request
$request = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Receiver.GetWebSocketRequestAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
try {
try {
$WsEvent = @{
Request = $request
Data = $null
Files = $null
Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow
Metadata = @{}
# find the websocket definition
$websocket = Find-PodeWebSocket -Name $request.WebSocket.Name
if ($null -eq $websocket.Logic) {
# parse data
$result = ConvertFrom-PodeRequestContent -Request $request -ContentType $request.WebSocket.ContentType
$WsEvent.Data = $result.Data
$WsEvent.Files = $result.Files
# invoke websocket script
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $websocket.Logic -Arguments $websocket.Arguments -UsingVariables $websocket.UsingVariables -Scoped -Splat
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
finally {
$WsEvent = $null
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $request
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
# end do-while
} while (Test-PodeSuspensionToken) # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active
# start the runspace for listening on x-number of threads
1..$PodeContext.Threads.WebSockets | ForEach-Object {
Add-PodeRunspace -Type WebSockets -Name 'Receiver' -ScriptBlock $receiveScript -Parameters @{ 'Receiver' = $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver; 'ThreadId' = $_ }
# script to keep websocket server receiving until cancelled
$waitScript = {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
while ($Receiver.IsConnected -and !(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
$_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
throw $_.Exception
finally {
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Receiver
Add-PodeRunspace -Type WebSockets -Name 'KeepAlive' -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Receiver' = $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver } -NoProfile
Create a new type of Access scheme.
Create a new type of Access scheme, which retrieves the destination/resource's authorisation values which a user needs for access.
The inbuilt Type of Access this method is for: Role, Group, Scope, User.
If supplied, the access Scheme will be flagged as using Custom logic.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
An optional ScriptBlock for retrieving authorisation values for the authenticated user, useful if the values reside in an external data store.
This, or Path, is mandatory if using a Custom scheme.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An optional array of arguments to supply to the ScriptBlock.
An optional property Path within the $WebEvent.Auth.User object to extract authorisation values.
The default Path is based on the Access Type, either Roles; Groups; Scopes; or Username.
This, or ScriptBlock, is mandatory if using a Custom scheme.
$role_access = New-PodeAccessScheme -Type Role
$group_access = New-PodeAccessScheme -Type Group -Path 'Metadata.Groups'
$scope_access = New-PodeAccessScheme -Type Scope -Scriptblock { param($user) return @(Get-ExampleAccess -Username $user.Username) }
$custom_access = New-PodeAccessScheme -Custom -Path 'CustomProp'
function New-PodeAccessScheme {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Type_Path')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Type_Scriptblock')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Type_Path')]
[ValidateSet('Role', 'Group', 'Scope', 'User')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Custom_Scriptblock')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Custom_Path')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Custom_Scriptblock')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Type_Scriptblock')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom_Scriptblock')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Type_Scriptblock')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Custom_Path')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Type_Path')]
# for custom access a validator is mandatory
if ($Custom) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock)) {
# A Path or ScriptBlock is required for sourcing the Custom access values
throw ($PodeLocale.customAccessPathOrScriptBlockRequiredExceptionMessage)
# parse using variables in scriptblock
$scriptObj = $null
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock)) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingScriptVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$scriptObj = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingScriptVars
# default path
if (!$Custom -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
if ($Type -ieq 'user') {
$Path = 'Username'
else {
$Path = "$($Type)s"
# return scheme
return @{
Type = $Type
IsCustom = $Custom.IsPresent
ScriptBlock = $scriptObj
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Path = $Path
Add an authorisation Access method.
Add an authorisation Access method for use with Authentication methods, which will authorise access to Routes.
Or they can be used independant of Authentication/Routes for custom scenarios.
A unique Name for the Access method.
.PARAMETER Description
A short description used by OpenAPI.
The access Scheme to use for retrieving credentials (From New-PodeAccessScheme).
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
An optional Scriptblock, which can be used to invoke custom validation logic to verify authorisation.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An optional array of arguments to supply to the ScriptBlock.
An optional inbuilt Match method to use when verifying access to a Route, this only applies when no custom Validator scriptblock is supplied. (Default: One)
"One" will allow access if the User has at least one of the Route's access values.
"All" will allow access only if the User has all the values.
"None" will allow access only if the User has none of the values.
New-PodeAccessScheme -Type Role | Add-PodeAccess -Name 'Example'
New-PodeAccessScheme -Type Group -Path 'Metadata.Groups' | Add-PodeAccess -Name 'Example' -Match All
New-PodeAccessScheme -Type Scope -Scriptblock { param($user) return @(Get-ExampleAccess -Username $user.Username) } | Add-PodeAccess -Name 'Example'
New-PodeAccessScheme -Custom -Path 'CustomProp' | Add-PodeAccess -Name 'Example' -ScriptBlock { param($userAccess, $customAccess) return $userAccess.Country -ieq $customAccess.Country }
function Add-PodeAccess {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Match')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Match')]
[ValidateSet('All', 'One', 'None')]
$Match = 'One'
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# check name unique
if (Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $Name) {
# Access method already defined: $($Name)
throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# parse using variables in validator scriptblock
$scriptObj = $null
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock)) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingScriptVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$scriptObj = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingScriptVars
# add access object
$PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Description = $Description
Scheme = $Scheme
ScriptBlock = $scriptObj
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Match = $Match.ToLowerInvariant()
Cache = @{}
Merged = $false
Parent = $null
Let's you merge multiple Access methods together, into a "single" Access method.
Let's you merge multiple Access methods together, into a "single" Access method.
You can specify if only One or All of the methods need to pass to allow access, and you can also
merge other merged Access methods for more advanced scenarios.
A unique Name for the Access method.
Mutliple Access method Names to be merged.
How many of the Access methods are required to be valid, One or All. (Default: One)
Merge-PodeAccess -Name MergedAccess -Access RbacAccess, GbacAccess -Valid All
function Merge-PodeAccess {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('One', 'All')]
$Valid = 'One'
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $Name) {
throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name) #"Access method already defined: $($Name)"
# ensure all the access methods exist
foreach ($accName in $Access) {
if (!(Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $accName)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage -f $accName) #"Access method does not exist for merging: $($accName)"
# set parent access
foreach ($accName in $Access) {
$PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$accName].Parent = $Name
# add auth method to server
$PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Access = @($Access)
PassOne = ($Valid -ieq 'one')
Cache = @{}
Merged = $true
Parent = $null
Assigns Custom Access value(s) to a Route.
Assigns Custom Access value(s) to a Route.
The Route to assign the Custom Access value(s).
The Name of the Access method the Custom Access value(s) are for.
The Custom Access Value(s)
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/users' -ScriptBlock {} -PassThru | Add-PodeAccessCustom -Name 'Example' -Value @{ Country = 'UK' }
function Add-PodeAccessCustom {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
$routes = @()
process {
$routes += $Route
end {
foreach ($r in $routes) {
if ($r.AccessMeta.Custom.ContainsKey($Name)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.routeAlreadyContainsCustomAccessExceptionMessage -f $r.Method, $r.Path, $Name) #"Route '[$($r.Method)] $($r.Path)' already contains Custom Access with name '$($Name)'"
$r.AccessMeta.Custom[$Name] = $Value
Get one or more Access methods.
Get one or more Access methods.
The Name of the Access method. If no name supplied, all methods will be returned.
$methods = Get-PodeAccess
$methods = Get-PodeAccess -Name 'Example'
$methods = Get-PodeAccess -Name 'Example1', 'Example2'
function Get-PodeAccess {
# return all if no Name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -or ($Name.Length -eq 0)) {
return $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods.Values
# return filtered
return @(foreach ($n in $Name) {
Test if an Access method exists.
Test if an Access method exists.
The Name of the Access method.
if (Test-PodeAccessExists -Name 'Example') { }
function Test-PodeAccessExists {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods.ContainsKey($Name)
Test access values for a Source/Destination against an Access method.
Test access values for a Source/Destination against an Access method.
The Name of the Access method to use to verify the access.
An array of Source access values to pass to the Access method for verification against the Destination access values. (ie: User)
.PARAMETER Destination
An array of Destination access values to pass to the Access method for verification. (ie: Route)
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An optional array of arguments to supply to the Access Scheme's ScriptBlock for retrieving access values.
if (Test-PodeAccess -Name 'Example' -Source 'Developer' -Destination 'Admin') { }
function Test-PodeAccess {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Source = $null,
$Destination = $null,
$ArgumentList = $null
# get the access method
$access = $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$Name]
# authorised if no destination values
if (($null -eq $Destination) -or ($Destination.Length -eq 0)) {
return $true
# if we have no source values, invoke the scriptblock
if (($null -eq $Source) -or ($Source.Length -eq 0)) {
if ($null -ne $access.Scheme.ScriptBlock) {
$_args = $ArgumentList + @($access.Scheme.Arguments)
$Source = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $access.Scheme.Scriptblock.Script -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $access.Scheme.Scriptblock.UsingVariables -Return -Splat
# check for custom validator, or use default match logic
if ($null -ne $access.ScriptBlock) {
$_args = @(, $Source) + @(, $Destination) + @($access.Arguments)
return [bool](Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $access.ScriptBlock.Script -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $access.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables -Return -Splat)
# not authorised if no source values
if (($access.Match -ne 'none') -and (($null -eq $Source) -or ($Source.Length -eq 0))) {
return $false
# one or all match?
else {
switch ($access.Match) {
'one' {
foreach ($item in $Source) {
if ($item -iin $Destination) {
return $true
'all' {
foreach ($item in $Destination) {
if ($item -inotin $Source) {
return $false
return $true
'none' {
foreach ($item in $Source) {
if ($item -iin $Destination) {
return $false
return $true
# default is not authorised
return $false
Test the currently authenticated User's access against the supplied values.
Test the currently authenticated User's access against the supplied values. This will be the user in a WebEvent object.
The Name of the Access method to use to verify the access.
An array of access values to pass to the Access method for verification against the User.
if (Test-PodeAccessUser -Name 'Example' -Value 'Developer', 'QA') { }
function Test-PodeAccessUser {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the access method
$access = $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$Name]
# get the user
$user = $WebEvent.Auth.User
# if there's no scriptblock, try the Path fallback
if ($null -eq $access.Scheme.Scriptblock) {
$userAccess = $user
foreach ($atom in $access.Scheme.Path.Split('.')) {
$userAccess = $userAccess.($atom)
# otherwise, invoke scriptblock
else {
$_args = @($user) + @($access.Scheme.Arguments)
$userAccess = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $access.Scheme.Scriptblock.Script -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $access.Scheme.Scriptblock.UsingVariables -Return -Splat
# is the user authorised?
return (Test-PodeAccess -Name $Name -Source $userAccess -Destination $Value)
Test the currently authenticated User's access against the access values supplied for the current Route.
Test the currently authenticated User's access against the access values supplied for the current Route.
The Name of the Access method to use to verify the access.
if (Test-PodeAccessRoute -Name 'Example') { }
function Test-PodeAccessRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the access method
$access = $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$Name]
# get route access values
if ($access.Scheme.IsCustom) {
$routeAccess = $WebEvent.Route.AccessMeta.Custom[$access.Name]
else {
$routeAccess = $WebEvent.Route.AccessMeta[$access.Scheme.Type]
# if no values then skip
if (($null -eq $routeAccess) -or ($routeAccess.Length -eq 0)) {
return $true
# tests values against user
return (Test-PodeAccessUser -Name $Name -Value $routeAccess)
Remove a specific Access method.
Remove a specific Access method.
The Name of the Access method.
Remove-PodeAccess -Name 'RBAC'
function Remove-PodeAccess {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods.Remove($Name)
Clear all defined Access methods.
Clear all defined Access methods.
function Clear-PodeAccess {
Adds an access method as global middleware.
Adds an access method as global middleware.
The Name of the Middleware.
The Name of the Access method to use.
A Route path for which Routes this Middleware should only be invoked against.
Add-PodeAccessMiddleware -Name 'GlobalAccess' -Access AccessName
Add-PodeAccessMiddleware -Name 'GlobalAccess' -Access AccessName -Route '/api/*'
function Add-PodeAccessMiddleware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (!(Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $Access)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Access) #"Access method does not exist: $($Access)"
Get-PodeAccessMiddlewareScript |
New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList @{ Name = $Access } |
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name $Name -Route $Route
Automatically loads access ps1 files
Automatically loads access ps1 files from either an /access folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeAccess -Path './my-access'
function Use-PodeAccess {
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'access'
using namespace Pode
Create a new type of Authentication scheme.
Create a new type of Authentication scheme, which is used to parse the Request for user credentials for validating.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Basic Authentication credentials retriever.
The Encoding to use when decoding the Basic Authorization header.
The Tag name used in the Authorization header, ie: Basic, Bearer, Digest.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Form Authentication credentials retriever.
.PARAMETER UsernameField
The name of the Username Field in the payload to retrieve the username.
.PARAMETER PasswordField
The name of the Password Field in the payload to retrieve the password.
If supplied, will allow you to create a Custom Authentication credentials retriever.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock is used to parse the request and retieve user credentials and other information.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Custom Authentication type's ScriptBlock.
The Name of an Authentication type - such as Basic or NTLM.
.PARAMETER Description
A short description for security scheme. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation
The name of scope of the protected area.
The scheme type for custom Authentication types. Default is HTTP.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to run before the Scheme's scriptblock.
.PARAMETER PostValidator
The PostValidator is a scriptblock that is invoked after user validation.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Digest Authentication credentials retriever.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Bearer Authentication token retriever.
.PARAMETER ClientCertificate
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Client Certificate Authentication scheme.
The Application ID generated when registering a new app for OAuth2.
.PARAMETER ClientSecret
The Application Secret generated when registering a new app for OAuth2 (this is optional when using PKCE).
.PARAMETER RedirectUrl
An optional OAuth2 Redirect URL (default: <host>/oauth2/callback)
.PARAMETER AuthoriseUrl
The OAuth2 Authorisation URL to authenticate a User. This is optional if you're using an InnerScheme like Basic/Form.
The OAuth2 Token URL to acquire an access token.
An optional User profile URL to retrieve a user's details - for OAuth2
.PARAMETER UserUrlMethod
An optional HTTP method to use when calling the User profile URL - for OAuth2 (Default: Post)
.PARAMETER CodeChallengeMethod
An optional method for sending a PKCE code challenge when calling the Authorise URL - for OAuth2 (Default: S256)
If supplied, OAuth2 authentication will use PKCE code verifiers - for OAuth2
If supplied, will use the inbuilt OAuth2 Authentication scheme.
An optional array of Scopes for Bearer/OAuth2 Authentication. (These are case-sensitive)
If supplied, will use the inbuilt API key Authentication scheme.
The Location to find an API key: Header, Query, or Cookie. (Default: Header)
.PARAMETER LocationName
The Name of the Header, Query, or Cookie to find an API key. (Default depends on Location. Header/Cookie: X-API-KEY, Query: api_key)
.PARAMETER InnerScheme
An optional authentication Scheme (from New-PodeAuthScheme) that will be called prior to this Scheme.
.PARAMETER AsCredential
If supplied, username/password credentials for Basic/Form authentication will instead be supplied as a pscredential object.
If supplied, the token/key supplied for Bearer/API key authentication will be parsed as a JWT, and the payload supplied instead.
An optional Secret, used to sign/verify JWT signatures.
.PARAMETER Negotiate
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Negotiate Authentication scheme (Kerberos/NTLM).
The path to the Keytab file for Negotiate authentication.
$basic_auth = New-PodeAuthScheme -Basic
$form_auth = New-PodeAuthScheme -Form -UsernameField 'Email'
$custom_auth = New-PodeAuthScheme -Custom -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function New-PodeAuthScheme {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Basic')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Basic')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Basic')]
$Encoding = 'ISO-8859-1',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Basic')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Bearer')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Digest')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Form')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Form')]
$UsernameField = 'username',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Form')]
$PasswordField = 'password',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $_) {
# A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the Custom authentication scheme
throw ($PodeLocale.nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomAuthExceptionMessage)
return $true
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Basic')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Bearer')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Digest')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Form')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCertificate')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ApiKey')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[ValidateSet('ApiKey', 'Http', 'OAuth2', 'OpenIdConnect')]
$Type = 'Http',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
$PostValidator = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Digest')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Bearer')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCertificate')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[ValidateSet('Get', 'Post')]
$UserUrlMethod = 'Post',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[ValidateSet('plain', 'S256')]
$CodeChallengeMethod = 'S256',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ApiKey')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ApiKey')]
[ValidateSet('Header', 'Query', 'Cookie')]
$Location = 'Header',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ApiKey')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Bearer')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OAuth2')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Basic')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Form')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Bearer')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ApiKey')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Bearer')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ApiKey')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Negotiate')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Negotiate')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# default realm
$_realm = 'User'
# convert any middleware into valid hashtables
$Middleware = @(ConvertTo-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $Middleware -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState)
# configure the auth scheme
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'basic' {
return @{
Name = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $HeaderTag -Default 'Basic')
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthBasicType)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Scheme = 'http'
Arguments = @{
Description = $Description
HeaderTag = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $HeaderTag -Default 'Basic')
Encoding = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Encoding -Default 'ISO-8859-1')
AsCredential = $AsCredential
'clientcertificate' {
return @{
Name = 'Mutual'
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthClientCertificateType)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Scheme = 'http'
Arguments = @{}
'digest' {
return @{
Name = 'Digest'
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthDigestType)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthDigestPostValidator)
UsingVariables = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Scheme = 'http'
Arguments = @{
HeaderTag = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $HeaderTag -Default 'Digest')
'bearer' {
$secretBytes = $null
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$secretBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Secret)
return @{
Name = 'Bearer'
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthBearerType)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthBearerPostValidator)
UsingVariables = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
Scheme = 'http'
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Arguments = @{
Description = $Description
HeaderTag = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $HeaderTag -Default 'Bearer')
Scopes = $Scope
Secret = $secretBytes
'form' {
return @{
Name = 'Form'
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthFormType)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Scheme = 'http'
Arguments = @{
Description = $Description
Fields = @{
Username = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $UsernameField -Default 'username')
Password = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $PasswordField -Default 'password')
AsCredential = $AsCredential
'oauth2' {
if (($null -ne $InnerScheme) -and ($InnerScheme.Name -inotin @('basic', 'form'))) {
# OAuth2 InnerScheme can only be one of either Basic or Form authentication, but got: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.oauth2InnerSchemeInvalidExceptionMessage -f $InnerScheme.Name)
if (($null -eq $InnerScheme) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AuthoriseUrl)) {
# OAuth2 requires an Authorise URL to be supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.oauth2RequiresAuthorizeUrlExceptionMessage)
if ($UsePKCE -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use OAuth2 with PKCE
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForOAuth2WithPKCEExceptionMessage)
if (!$UsePKCE -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientSecret)) {
# OAuth2 requires a Client Secret when not using PKCE
throw ($PodeLocale.oauth2ClientSecretRequiredExceptionMessage)
return @{
Name = 'OAuth2'
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthOAuth2Type)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
Scheme = 'oauth2'
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Arguments = @{
Description = $Description
Scopes = $Scope
PKCE = @{
Enabled = $UsePKCE
CodeChallenge = @{
Method = $CodeChallengeMethod
Client = @{
ID = $ClientId
Secret = $ClientSecret
Urls = @{
Redirect = $RedirectUrl
Authorise = $AuthoriseUrl
Token = $TokenUrl
User = @{
Url = $UserUrl
Method = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $UserUrlMethod -Default 'Post')
'apikey' {
# set default location name
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LocationName)) {
$LocationName = (@{
Header = 'X-API-KEY'
Query = 'api_key'
Cookie = 'X-API-KEY'
$secretBytes = $null
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$secretBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Secret)
return @{
Name = 'ApiKey'
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthApiKeyType)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Scheme = 'apiKey'
Arguments = @{
Description = $Description
Location = $Location
LocationName = $LocationName
Secret = $secretBytes
'negotiate' {
return @{
Name = 'Negotiate'
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = (Get-PodeAuthNegotiateType)
UsingVariables = $null
PostValidator = $null
Middleware = $Middleware
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Scheme = 'http'
Arguments = @{
Authenticator = [PodeKerberosAuth]::new($KeytabPath)
'custom' {
$ScriptBlock, $usingScriptVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
if ($null -ne $PostValidator) {
$PostValidator, $usingPostVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $PostValidator -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
return @{
Name = $Name
Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
InnerScheme = $InnerScheme
Scheme = $Type.ToLowerInvariant()
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingScriptVars
PostValidator = @{
Script = $PostValidator
UsingVariables = $usingPostVars
Middleware = $Middleware
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Create an OAuth2 auth scheme for Azure AD.
A wrapper for New-PodeAuthScheme and OAuth2, which builds an OAuth2 scheme for Azure AD.
The Directory/Tenant ID from registering a new app (default: common).
The Client ID from registering a new app.
.PARAMETER ClientSecret
The Client Secret from registering a new app (this is optional when using PKCE).
.PARAMETER RedirectUrl
An optional OAuth2 Redirect URL (default: <host>/oauth2/callback)
.PARAMETER InnerScheme
An optional authentication Scheme (from New-PodeAuthScheme) that will be called prior to this Scheme.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to run before the Scheme's scriptblock.
If supplied, OAuth2 authentication will use PKCE code verifiers.
New-PodeAuthAzureADScheme -Tenant 123-456-678 -ClientId some_id -ClientSecret
New-PodeAuthAzureADScheme -Tenant 123-456-678 -ClientId some_id -UsePKCE
function New-PodeAuthAzureADScheme {
$Tenant = 'common',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
return New-PodeAuthScheme `
-OAuth2 `
-ClientId $ClientId `
-ClientSecret $ClientSecret `
-AuthoriseUrl "$($Tenant)/oauth2/v2.0/authorize" `
-TokenUrl "$($Tenant)/oauth2/v2.0/token" `
-UserUrl '' `
-RedirectUrl $RedirectUrl `
-InnerScheme $InnerScheme `
-Middleware $Middleware `
Create an OAuth2 auth scheme for Twitter.
A wrapper for New-PodeAuthScheme and OAuth2, which builds an OAuth2 scheme for Twitter apps.
The Client ID from registering a new app.
.PARAMETER ClientSecret
The Client Secret from registering a new app (this is optional when using PKCE).
.PARAMETER RedirectUrl
An optional OAuth2 Redirect URL (default: <host>/oauth2/callback)
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to run before the Scheme's scriptblock.
If supplied, OAuth2 authentication will use PKCE code verifiers.
New-PodeAuthTwitterScheme -ClientId some_id -ClientSecret
New-PodeAuthTwitterScheme -ClientId some_id -UsePKCE
function New-PodeAuthTwitterScheme {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return New-PodeAuthScheme `
-OAuth2 `
-ClientId $ClientId `
-ClientSecret $ClientSecret `
-AuthoriseUrl '' `
-TokenUrl '' `
-UserUrl '' `
-UserUrlMethod 'Get' `
-RedirectUrl $RedirectUrl `
-Middleware $Middleware `
-Scope '', '' `
Adds a custom Authentication method for verifying users.
Adds a custom Authentication method for verifying users.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
The authentication Scheme to use for retrieving credentials (From New-PodeAuthScheme).
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock defining logic that retrieves and verifys a user.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Custom Authentication's ScriptBlock.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds when logging in.
.PARAMETER Sessionless
If supplied, authenticated users will not be stored in sessions, and sessions will not be used.
.PARAMETER SuccessUseOrigin
If supplied, successful authentication from a login page will redirect back to the originating page instead of the FailureUrl.
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuth -Name 'Main' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function Add-PodeAuth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $_) {
# A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the authentication method
throw ($PodeLocale.nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForAuthMethodExceptionMessage)
return $true
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name) {
# Authentication method already defined: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the Scheme contains a scriptblock
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Scheme.ScriptBlock) {
# The supplied scheme for the '{0}' authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock
throw ($PodeLocale.schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we're using sessions, ensure sessions have been setup
if (!$Sessionless -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage)
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add auth method to server
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Scheme = $Scheme
ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Sessionless = $Sessionless.IsPresent
Failure = @{
Url = $FailureUrl
Message = $FailureMessage
Success = @{
Url = $SuccessUrl
UseOrigin = $SuccessUseOrigin.IsPresent
Cache = @{}
Merged = $false
Parent = $null
# if the scheme is oauth2, and there's no redirect, set up a default one
if (($Scheme.Name -ieq 'oauth2') -and ($null -eq $Scheme.InnerScheme) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Scheme.Arguments.Urls.Redirect)) {
$path = '/oauth2/callback'
$Scheme.Arguments.Urls.Redirect = $path
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $path -Authentication $Name
Lets you merge multiple Authentication methods together, into a "single" Authentication method.
Lets you merge multiple Authentication methods together, into a "single" Authentication method.
You can specify if only One or All of the methods need to pass to allow access, and you can also
merge other merged Authentication methods for more advanced scenarios.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
.PARAMETER Authentication
Multiple Autentication method Names to be merged.
How many of the Authentication methods are required to be valid, One or All. (Default: One)
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
This is mandatory, and only used, when $Valid=All. A scriptblock to merge the mutliple users/headers returned by valid authentications into 1 user/header objects.
This scriptblock will receive a hashtable of all result objects returned from Authentication methods. The key for the hashtable will be the authentication names that passed.
The Default Authentication method to use as a fallback for Failure URLs and other settings.
.PARAMETER MergeDefault
The Default Authentication method's User details result object to use, when $Valid=All.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
This will be used as fallback for the merged Authentication methods if not set on them.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
This will be used as fallback for the merged Authentication methods if not set on them.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds when logging in.
This will be used as fallback for the merged Authentication methods if not set on them.
.PARAMETER Sessionless
If supplied, authenticated users will not be stored in sessions, and sessions will not be used.
This will be used as fallback for the merged Authentication methods if not set on them.
.PARAMETER SuccessUseOrigin
If supplied, successful authentication from a login page will redirect back to the originating page instead of the FailureUrl.
This will be used as fallback for the merged Authentication methods if not set on them.
Merge-PodeAuth -Name MergedAuth -Authentication ApiTokenAuth, BasicAuth -Valid All -ScriptBlock { ... }
Merge-PodeAuth -Name MergedAuth -Authentication ApiTokenAuth, BasicAuth -Valid All -MergeDefault BasicAuth
Merge-PodeAuth -Name MergedAuth -Authentication ApiTokenAuth, BasicAuth -FailureUrl 'http://localhost:8080/login'
function Merge-PodeAuth {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('One', 'All')]
$Valid = 'One',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'MergeDefault')]
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name) {
# Authentication method already defined: { 0 }
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure all the auth methods exist
foreach ($authName in $Authentication) {
if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $authName)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodNotExistForMergingExceptionMessage -f $authName) #"Authentication method does not exist for merging: $($authName)"
# ensure the merge default is in the auth list
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MergeDefault) -and ($MergeDefault -inotin @($Authentication))) {
throw ($PodeLocale.mergeDefaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage -f $MergeDefault) # "the MergeDefault Authentication '$($MergeDefault)' is not in the Authentication list supplied"
# ensure the default is in the auth list
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Default) -and ($Default -inotin @($Authentication))) {
throw ($PodeLocale.defaultAuthNotInListExceptionMessage -f $Default) # "the Default Authentication '$($Default)' is not in the Authentication list supplied"
# set default
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Default)) {
$Default = $Authentication[0]
# get auth for default
$tmpAuth = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Default]
# check sessionless from default
if (!$Sessionless) {
$Sessionless = $tmpAuth.Sessionless
# if we're using sessions, ensure sessions have been setup
if (!$Sessionless -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage)
# check failure url from default
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FailureUrl)) {
$FailureUrl = $tmpAuth.Failure.Url
# check failure message from default
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FailureMessage)) {
$FailureMessage = $tmpAuth.Failure.Message
# check success url from default
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SuccessUrl)) {
$SuccessUrl = $tmpAuth.Success.Url
# check success use origin from default
if (!$SuccessUseOrigin) {
$SuccessUseOrigin = $tmpAuth.Success.UseOrigin
# deal with using vars in scriptblock
if (($Valid -ieq 'all') -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MergeDefault)) {
if ($null -eq $ScriptBlock) {
# A Scriptblock for merging multiple authenticated users into 1 object is required When Valid is All
throw ($PodeLocale.scriptBlockRequiredForMergingUsersExceptionMessage)
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
else {
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
Write-Warning -Message 'The Scriptblock for merged authentications, when Valid=One, will be ignored'
# set parent auth
foreach ($authName in $Authentication) {
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$authName].Parent = $Name
# add auth method to server
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Authentications = @($Authentication)
PassOne = ($Valid -ieq 'one')
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Default = $Default
MergeDefault = $MergeDefault
Sessionless = $Sessionless.IsPresent
Failure = @{
Url = $FailureUrl
Message = $FailureMessage
Success = @{
Url = $SuccessUrl
UseOrigin = $SuccessUseOrigin.IsPresent
Cache = @{}
Merged = $true
Parent = $null
Gets an Authentication method.
Gets an Authentication method.
The Name of an Authentication method.
Get-PodeAuth -Name 'Main'
function Get-PodeAuth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# ensure the name exists
if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name) # "Authentication method not defined: $($Name)"
# get auth method
return $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name]
Test if an Authentication method exists.
Test if an Authentication method exists.
The Name of the Authentication method.
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name BasicAuth) { ... }
function Test-PodeAuthExists {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.ContainsKey($Name)
Test and invoke an Authentication method to verify a user.
Test and invoke an Authentication method to verify a user. This will verify a user's credentials on the request.
When testing OAuth2 methods, the first attempt will trigger a redirect to the provider and $false will be returned.
The Name of the Authentication method.
.PARAMETER IgnoreSession
If supplied, authentication will be re-verified on each call even if a valid session exists on the request.
if (Test-PodeAuth -Name 'BasicAuth') { ... }
if (Test-PodeAuth -Name 'FormAuth' -IgnoreSession) { ... }
function Test-PodeAuth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if the session already has a user/isAuth'd, then skip auth - or allow anon
if (!$IgnoreSession -and (Test-PodeSessionsInUse) -and (Test-PodeAuthUser)) {
return $true
try {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthValidation -Name $Name
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
return $false
# did the auth force a redirect?
if ($result.Redirected) {
return $false
# if auth failed, set appropriate response headers/redirects
if (!$result.Success) {
return $false
# successful auth
return $true
Adds the inbuilt Windows AD Authentication method for verifying users.
Adds the inbuilt Windows AD Authentication method for verifying users.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
The Scheme to use for retrieving credentials (From New-PodeAuthScheme).
A custom FQDN for the DNS of the AD you wish to authenticate against. (Alias: Server)
(Unix Only) A custom NetBIOS domain name that is prepended onto usernames that are missing it (<Domain>\<Username>).
(Unix Only) An optional searchbase to refine the LDAP query. This should be the full distinguished name.
An array of Group names to only allow access.
An array of Usernames to only allow access.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds when logging in.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Optional ScriptBlock that is passed the found user object for further validation.
.PARAMETER Sessionless
If supplied, authenticated users will not be stored in sessions, and sessions will not be used.
If supplied, groups will not be retrieved for the user in AD.
.PARAMETER DirectGroups
If supplied, only a user's direct groups will be retrieved rather than all groups recursively.
If supplied, and on Windows, OpenLDAP will be used instead (this is the default for Linux/MacOS).
If supplied, and on Windows, the ActiveDirectory module will be used instead.
.PARAMETER SuccessUseOrigin
If supplied, successful authentication from a login page will redirect back to the originating page instead of the FailureUrl.
.PARAMETER KeepCredential
If suplied pode will save the AD credential as a PSCredential object in $WebEvent.Auth.User.Credential
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'WinAuth'
New-PodeAuthScheme -Basic | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'WinAuth' -Groups @('Developers')
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'WinAuth' -NoGroups
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'UnixAuth' -Server '' -Domain 'testdomain'
function Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NoGroups')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name) {
# Authentication method already defined: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the Scheme contains a scriptblock
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Scheme.ScriptBlock) {
# The supplied Scheme for the '$($Name)' Windows AD authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock
throw ($PodeLocale.schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we're using sessions, ensure sessions have been setup
if (!$Sessionless -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage)
# if AD module set, ensure we're on windows and the module is available, then import/export it
if ($ADModule) {
# set server name if not passed
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Fqdn)) {
$Fqdn = Get-PodeAuthDomainName
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Fqdn)) {
# No domain server name has been supplied for Windows AD authentication
throw ($PodeLocale.noDomainServerNameForWindowsAdAuthExceptionMessage)
# set the domain if not passed
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Domain)) {
$Domain = ($Fqdn -split '\.')[0]
# if we have a scriptblock, deal with using vars
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add Windows AD auth method to server
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Scheme = $Scheme
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthWindowsADMethod)
Arguments = @{
Server = $Fqdn
Domain = $Domain
SearchBase = $SearchBase
Users = $Users
Groups = $Groups
NoGroups = $NoGroups
DirectGroups = $DirectGroups
KeepCredential = $KeepCredential
Provider = (Get-PodeAuthADProvider -OpenLDAP:$OpenLDAP -ADModule:$ADModule)
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Sessionless = $Sessionless
Failure = @{
Url = $FailureUrl
Message = $FailureMessage
Success = @{
Url = $SuccessUrl
UseOrigin = $SuccessUseOrigin
Cache = @{}
Merged = $false
Parent = $null
Adds the inbuilt Session Authentication method for verifying an authenticated session is present on Requests.
Adds the inbuilt Session Authentication method for verifying an authenticated session is present on Requests.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds when logging in.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Optional ScriptBlock that is passed the found user object for further validation.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to run before the Scheme's scriptblock.
.PARAMETER SuccessUseOrigin
If supplied, successful authentication from a login page will redirect back to the originating page instead of the FailureUrl.
Add-PodeAuthSession -Name 'SessionAuth' -FailureUrl '/login'
function Add-PodeAuthSession {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions have not been configured
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage)
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name) {
# Authentication method already defined: { 0 }
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we have a scriptblock, deal with using vars
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# create the auth scheme for getting the session
$scheme = New-PodeAuthScheme -Custom -Middleware $Middleware -ScriptBlock {
# 401 if sessions not used
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsInUse)) {
return @{
Message = 'Sessions are not being used'
Code = 401
# 401 if no authenticated user
if (!(Test-PodeAuthUser)) {
return @{
Message = 'Session not authenticated'
Code = 401
# return user
return @($WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth)
# add a custom auth method to return user back
$method = {
param($user, $options)
$result = @{ User = $user }
# call additional scriptblock if supplied
if ($null -ne $options.ScriptBlock.Script) {
$result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables
# return user back
return $result
$scheme | Add-PodeAuth `
-Name $Name `
-ScriptBlock $method `
-FailureUrl $FailureUrl `
-FailureMessage $FailureMessage `
-SuccessUrl $SuccessUrl `
-SuccessUseOrigin:$SuccessUseOrigin `
-ArgumentList @{
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Remove a specific Authentication method.
Remove a specific Authentication method.
The Name of the Authentication method.
Remove-PodeAuth -Name 'Login'
function Remove-PodeAuth {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.Remove($Name)
Clear all defined Authentication methods.
Clear all defined Authentication methods.
function Clear-PodeAuth {
Adds an authentication method as global middleware.
Adds an authentication method as global middleware.
The Name of the Middleware.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The Name of the Authentication method to use.
A Route path for which Routes this Middleware should only be invoked against.
.PARAMETER OADefinitionTag
An array of string representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
Use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeAuthMiddleware -Name 'GlobalAuth' -Authentication AuthName
Add-PodeAuthMiddleware -Name 'GlobalAuth' -Authentication AuthName -Route '/api/*'
function Add-PodeAuthMiddleware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $OADefinitionTag
if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Authentication)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Authentication) # "Authentication method does not exist: $($Authentication)"
Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript |
New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList @{ Name = $Authentication } |
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name $Name -Route $Route
Set-PodeOAGlobalAuth -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Authentication -Route $Route
Adds the inbuilt IIS Authentication method for verifying users passed to Pode from IIS.
Adds the inbuilt IIS Authentication method for verifying users passed to Pode from IIS.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
An array of Group names to only allow access.
An array of Usernames to only allow access.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds when logging in.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Optional ScriptBlock that is passed the found user object for further validation.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to run before the Scheme's scriptblock.
.PARAMETER Sessionless
If supplied, authenticated users will not be stored in sessions, and sessions will not be used.
If supplied, groups will not be retrieved for the user in AD.
.PARAMETER DirectGroups
If supplied, only a user's direct groups will be retrieved rather than all groups recursively.
If supplied, and on Windows, the ActiveDirectory module will be used instead.
If supplied, Pode will not at attempt to retrieve local User/Group information for the authenticated user.
.PARAMETER SuccessUseOrigin
If supplied, successful authentication from a login page will redirect back to the originating page instead of the FailureUrl.
Add-PodeAuthIIS -Name 'IISAuth'
Add-PodeAuthIIS -Name 'IISAuth' -Groups @('Developers')
Add-PodeAuthIIS -Name 'IISAuth' -NoGroups
function Add-PodeAuthIIS {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NoGroups')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
# ensure we're on Windows!
if (!(Test-PodeIsWindows)) {
# IIS Authentication support is for Windows only
throw ($PodeLocale.iisAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage)
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name) {
# Authentication method already defined: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if AD module set, ensure we're on windows and the module is available, then import/export it
if ($ADModule) {
# if we have a scriptblock, deal with using vars
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# create the auth scheme for getting the token header
$scheme = New-PodeAuthScheme -Custom -Middleware $Middleware -ScriptBlock {
# fail if no header
if (!(Test-PodeHeader -Name $header)) {
return @{
Message = "No $($header) header found"
Code = 401
# return the header for validation
$token = Get-PodeHeader -Name $header
return @($token)
# add a custom auth method to validate the user
$method = Get-PodeAuthWindowsADIISMethod
$scheme | Add-PodeAuth `
-Name $Name `
-ScriptBlock $method `
-FailureUrl $FailureUrl `
-FailureMessage $FailureMessage `
-SuccessUrl $SuccessUrl `
-Sessionless:$Sessionless `
-SuccessUseOrigin:$SuccessUseOrigin `
-ArgumentList @{
Users = $Users
Groups = $Groups
NoGroups = $NoGroups
DirectGroups = $DirectGroups
Provider = (Get-PodeAuthADProvider -ADModule:$ADModule)
NoLocalCheck = $NoLocalCheck
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Adds the inbuilt User File Authentication method for verifying users.
Adds the inbuilt User File Authentication method for verifying users.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
The Scheme to use for retrieving credentials (From New-PodeAuthScheme).
A path to a users JSON file (Default: ./users.json)
An array of Group names to only allow access.
An array of Usernames to only allow access.
An optional secret if the passwords are HMAC SHA256 hashed.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds when logging in.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Optional ScriptBlock that is passed the found user object for further validation.
.PARAMETER Sessionless
If supplied, authenticated users will not be stored in sessions, and sessions will not be used.
.PARAMETER SuccessUseOrigin
If supplied, successful authentication from a login page will redirect back to the originating page instead of the FailureUrl.
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login'
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthUserFile -Name 'Login' -FilePath './custom/path/users.json'
function Add-PodeAuthUserFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Hmac')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name) {
# Authentication method already defined: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the Scheme contains a scriptblock
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Scheme.ScriptBlock) {
# The supplied scheme for the '{0}' authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock.
throw ($PodeLocale.schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we're using sessions, ensure sessions have been setup
if (!$Sessionless -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage)
# set the file path if not passed
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FilePath)) {
$FilePath = Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder '.' -FilePath 'users.json'
else {
$FilePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $FilePath -JoinRoot -Resolve
# ensure the user file exists
if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $FilePath -NoStatus -FailOnDirectory)) {
# The user file does not exist: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.userFileDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $FilePath)
# if we have a scriptblock, deal with using vars
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add Windows AD auth method to server
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Scheme = $Scheme
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthUserFileMethod)
Arguments = @{
FilePath = $FilePath
Users = $Users
Groups = $Groups
HmacSecret = $HmacSecret
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Sessionless = $Sessionless
Failure = @{
Url = $FailureUrl
Message = $FailureMessage
Success = @{
Url = $SuccessUrl
UseOrigin = $SuccessUseOrigin
Cache = @{}
Merged = $false
Parent = $null
Adds the inbuilt Windows Local User Authentication method for verifying users.
Adds the inbuilt Windows Local User Authentication method for verifying users.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
The Scheme to use for retrieving credentials (From New-PodeAuthScheme).
An array of Group names to only allow access.
An array of Usernames to only allow access.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds when logging in.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Optional ScriptBlock that is passed the found user object for further validation.
.PARAMETER Sessionless
If supplied, authenticated users will not be stored in sessions, and sessions will not be used.
If supplied, groups will not be retrieved for the user.
.PARAMETER SuccessUseOrigin
If supplied, successful authentication from a login page will redirect back to the originating page instead of the FailureUrl.
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsLocal -Name 'WinAuth'
New-PodeAuthScheme -Basic | Add-PodeAuthWindowsLocal -Name 'WinAuth' -Groups @('Developers')
New-PodeAuthScheme -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsLocal -Name 'WinAuth' -NoGroups
function Add-PodeAuthWindowsLocal {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Groups')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NoGroups')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# ensure we're on Windows!
if (!(Test-PodeIsWindows)) {
# Windows Local Authentication support is for Windows only
throw ($PodeLocale.windowsLocalAuthSupportIsForWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage)
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if (Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name) {
# Authentication method already defined: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.authMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the Scheme contains a scriptblock
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Scheme.ScriptBlock) {
# The supplied scheme for the '{0}' authentication validator requires a valid ScriptBlock.
throw ($PodeLocale.schemeRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we're using sessions, ensure sessions have been setup
if (!$Sessionless -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForSessionPersistentAuthExceptionMessage)
# if we have a scriptblock, deal with using vars
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add Windows Local auth method to server
$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Scheme = $Scheme
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthWindowsLocalMethod)
Arguments = @{
Users = $Users
Groups = $Groups
NoGroups = $NoGroups
ScriptBlock = @{
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Sessionless = $Sessionless
Failure = @{
Url = $FailureUrl
Message = $FailureMessage
Success = @{
Url = $SuccessUrl
UseOrigin = $SuccessUseOrigin
Cache = @{}
Merged = $false
Parent = $null
Convert a Header/Payload into a JWT.
Convert a Header/Payload hashtable into a JWT, with the option to sign it.
A Hashtable containing the Header information for the JWT.
A Hashtable containing the Payload information for the JWT.
An Optional Secret for signing the JWT, should be a string or byte[]. This is mandatory if the Header algorithm isn't "none".
ConvertTo-PodeJwt -Header @{ alg = 'none' } -Payload @{ sub = '123'; name = 'John' }
ConvertTo-PodeJwt -Header @{ alg = 'hs256' } -Payload @{ sub = '123'; name = 'John' } -Secret 'abc'
function ConvertTo-PodeJwt {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Secret = $null
# validate header
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Header.alg)) {
# No algorithm supplied in JWT Header
throw ($PodeLocale.noAlgorithmInJwtHeaderExceptionMessage)
# convert the header
$header64 = ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue -Value ($Header | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
# convert the payload
$payload64 = ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue -Value ($Payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
# combine
$jwt = "$($header64).$($payload64)"
# convert secret to bytes
if (($null -ne $Secret) -and ($Secret -isnot [byte[]])) {
$Secret = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes([string]$Secret)
# make the signature
$sig = New-PodeJwtSignature -Algorithm $Header.alg -Token $jwt -SecretBytes $Secret
# add the signature and return
$jwt += ".$($sig)"
return $jwt
Convert and return the payload of a JWT token.
Convert and return the payload of a JWT token, verifying the signature by default with support to ignore the signature.
The JWT token.
The Secret, as a string or byte[], to verify the token's signature.
.PARAMETER IgnoreSignature
Skip signature verification, and return the decoded payload.
ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJoczI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjI1NTMyMTQsIm5hbWUiOiJKb2huIERvZSIsInN1YiI6IjEyMyJ9.LP-O8OKwix91a-SZwVK35gEClLZQmsORbW0un2Z4RkY"
function ConvertFrom-PodeJwt {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Secret')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Signed')]
$Secret = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Ignore')]
# get the parts
$parts = ($Token -isplit '\.')
# check number of parts (should be 3)
if ($parts.Length -ne 3) {
# Invalid JWT supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidJwtSuppliedExceptionMessage)
# convert to header
$header = ConvertFrom-PodeJwtBase64Value -Value $parts[0]
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($header.alg)) {
# Invalid JWT header algorithm supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidJwtHeaderAlgorithmSuppliedExceptionMessage)
# convert to payload
$payload = ConvertFrom-PodeJwtBase64Value -Value $parts[1]
# get signature
if ($IgnoreSignature) {
return $payload
$signature = $parts[2]
# check "none" signature, and return payload if no signature
$isNoneAlg = ($header.alg -ieq 'none')
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($signature) -and !$isNoneAlg) {
# No JWT signature supplied for {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.noJwtSignatureForAlgorithmExceptionMessage -f $header.alg)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($signature) -and $isNoneAlg) {
# Expected no JWT signature to be supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage)
if ($isNoneAlg -and ($null -ne $Secret) -and ($Secret.Length -gt 0)) {
# Expected no JWT signature to be supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.expectedNoJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage)
if ($isNoneAlg) {
return $payload
# otherwise, we have an alg for the signature, so we need to validate it
if (($null -ne $Secret) -and ($Secret -isnot [byte[]])) {
$Secret = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes([string]$Secret)
$sig = "$($parts[0]).$($parts[1])"
$sig = New-PodeJwtSignature -Algorithm $header.alg -Token $sig -SecretBytes $Secret
if ($sig -ne $parts[2]) {
# Invalid JWT signature supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidJwtSignatureSuppliedExceptionMessage)
# it's valid return the payload!
return $payload
Validates JSON Web Tokens (JWT) claims.
Validates JSON Web Tokens (JWT) claims. Checks time related claims: 'exp' and 'nbf'.
Object containing JWT claims. Some of them are:
- exp (expiration time)
- nbf (not before)
Test-PodeJwt @{exp = 2696258821 }
Test-PodeJwt -Payload @{nbf = 1696258821 }
function Test-PodeJwt {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$now = [datetime]::UtcNow
$unixStart = [datetime]::new(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, [DateTimeKind]::Utc)
# validate expiry
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Payload.exp)) {
if ($now -gt $unixStart.AddSeconds($Payload.exp)) {
# The JWT has expired
throw ($PodeLocale.jwtExpiredExceptionMessage)
# validate not-before
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Payload.nbf)) {
if ($now -lt $unixStart.AddSeconds($Payload.nbf)) {
# The JWT is not yet valid for use
throw ($PodeLocale.jwtNotYetValidExceptionMessage)
Automatically loads auth ps1 files
Automatically loads auth ps1 files from either a /auth folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeAuth -Path './my-auth'
function Use-PodeAuth {
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'auth'
Builds an OAuth2 scheme using an OpenID Connect Discovery URL.
Builds an OAuth2 scheme using an OpenID Connect Discovery URL.
The OpenID Connect Discovery URL, this must end with '/.well-known/openid-configuration' (if missing, it will be automatically appended).
A list of optional Scopes to use during the OAuth2 request. (Default: the supported list returned)
The Client ID from registering a new app.
.PARAMETER ClientSecret
The Client Secret from registering a new app (this is optional when using PKCE).
.PARAMETER RedirectUrl
An optional OAuth2 Redirect URL (Default: <host>/oauth2/callback)
.PARAMETER InnerScheme
An optional authentication Scheme (from New-PodeAuthScheme) that will be called prior to this Scheme.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to run before the Scheme's scriptblock.
If supplied, OAuth2 authentication will use PKCE code verifiers.
ConvertFrom-PodeOIDCDiscovery -Url '' -ClientId some_id -UsePKCE
ConvertFrom-PodeOIDCDiscovery -Url '' -ClientId some_id -UsePKCE
function ConvertFrom-PodeOIDCDiscovery {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# get the discovery doc
if (!$Url.EndsWith('/.well-known/openid-configuration')) {
$Url += '/.well-known/openid-configuration'
$config = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $Url
# check it supports the code response_type
if ($config.response_types_supported -inotcontains 'code') {
# The OAuth2 provider does not support the 'code' response_type
throw ($PodeLocale.oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportCodeResponseTypeExceptionMessage)
# can we have an InnerScheme?
if (($null -ne $InnerScheme) -and ($config.grant_types_supported -inotcontains 'password')) {
# The OAuth2 provider does not support the 'password' grant_type required by using an InnerScheme
throw ($PodeLocale.oauth2ProviderDoesNotSupportPasswordGrantTypeExceptionMessage)
# scopes
$scopes = $config.scopes_supported
if (($null -ne $Scope) -and ($Scope.Length -gt 0)) {
$scopes = @(foreach ($s in $Scope) {
if ($s -iin $config.scopes_supported) {
# pkce code challenge method
$codeMethod = 'S256'
if ($config.code_challenge_methods_supported -inotcontains $codeMethod) {
$codeMethod = 'plain'
return New-PodeAuthScheme `
-OAuth2 `
-ClientId $ClientId `
-ClientSecret $ClientSecret `
-AuthoriseUrl $config.authorization_endpoint `
-TokenUrl $config.token_endpoint `
-UserUrl $config.userinfo_endpoint `
-RedirectUrl $RedirectUrl `
-Scope $scopes `
-InnerScheme $InnerScheme `
-Middleware $Middleware `
-CodeChallengeMethod $codeMethod `
Test whether the current WebEvent or Session has an authenticated user.
Test whether the current WebEvent or Session has an authenticated user. Returns true if there is an authenticated user.
.PARAMETER IgnoreSession
If supplied, only the Auth object in the WebEvent will be checked and the Session will be skipped.
if (Test-PodeAuthUser) { ... }
function Test-PodeAuthUser {
# auth middleware
if (($null -ne $WebEvent.Auth) -and $WebEvent.Auth.IsAuthenticated) {
$auth = $WebEvent.Auth
# session?
elseif (!$IgnoreSession -and ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth) -and $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth.IsAuthenticated) {
$auth = $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth
# null?
if (($null -eq $auth) -or ($null -eq $auth.User)) {
return $false
return ($null -ne $auth.User)
Get the authenticated user from the WebEvent or Session.
Get the authenticated user from the WebEvent or Session. This is similar to calling $Webevent.Auth.User.
.PARAMETER IgnoreSession
If supplied, only the Auth object in the WebEvent will be used and the Session will be skipped.
$user = Get-PodeAuthUser
function Get-PodeAuthUser {
# auth middleware
if (($null -ne $WebEvent.Auth) -and $WebEvent.Auth.IsAuthenticated) {
$auth = $WebEvent.Auth
# session?
elseif (!$IgnoreSession -and ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth) -and $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth.IsAuthenticated) {
$auth = $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth
# null?
if (($null -eq $auth) -or ($null -eq $auth.User)) {
return $null
return $auth.User
A simple helper function, to help generate a new Keytab file for use with Kerberos authentication.
A simple helper function, to help generate a new Keytab file for use with Kerberos authentication.
The Hostname to use for the Keytab file.
The Domain Name to use for the Keytab file.
The Username to use for the Keytab file.
The Password to use for the Keytab file. (Default: * - this will prompt for a password)
The File Path to save the Keytab file. (Default: pode.keytab)
The Encryption type to use for the Keytab file. (Default: All)
New-PodeAuthKeyTab -Hostname '' -DomainName '' -Username 'example\pode_user'
New-PodeAuthKeyTab -Hostname '' -DomainName '' -Username 'example\pode_user' -Password 'pa$$word!'
New-PodeAuthKeyTab -Hostname '' -DomainName '' -Username 'example\pode_user' -FilePath 'custom_name.keytab'
New-PodeAuthKeyTab -Hostname '' -DomainName '' -Username 'example\pode_user' -Crypto 'AES256-SHA1'
This function uses the ktpass command to generate the Keytab file.
function New-PodeAuthKeyTab {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Password = '*',
$FilePath = 'pode.keytab',
[ValidateSet('All', 'DES-CBC-CRC', 'DES-CBC-MD5', 'RC4-HMAC-NT', 'AES256-SHA1', 'AES128-SHA1')]
$Crypto = 'All'
ktpass /princ HTTP/$Hostname@$DomainName /mapuser $Username /pass $Password /out $FilePath /crypto $Crypto /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /mapop set
Exports modules that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
Exports modules that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
The Name(s) of modules to export.
Export-PodeModule -Name Mod1, Mod2
function Export-PodeModule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList += @($Name)
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList = @($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList | Sort-Object -Unique)
Exports snapins that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
Exports snapins that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
The Name(s) of snapins to export.
Export-PodeSnapin -Name Mod1, Mod2
function Export-PodeSnapin {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if non-windows or core, fail
if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -or (Test-PodeIsUnix)) {
# Snapins are only supported on Windows PowerShell
throw ($PodeLocale.snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage)
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList += @($Name)
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList = @($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList | Sort-Object -Unique)
Exports functions that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
Exports functions that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
The Name(s) of functions to export.
Export-PodeFunction -Name Mod1, Mod2
function Export-PodeFunction {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList += @($Name)
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList = @($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList | Sort-Object -Unique)
Exports Secret Vaults that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
Exports Secret Vaults that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
The Name(s) of a Secret Vault to export.
The Type of the Secret Vault to import - only option currently is SecretManagement (default: SecretManagement)
Export-PodeSecretVault -Name Vault1, Vault2
function Export-PodeSecretVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Type = 'SecretManagement'
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults[$Type].ExportList += @($Name)
$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults[$Type].ExportList = @($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.SecretVaults[$Type].ExportList | Sort-Object -Unique)
Return the value of a key from the cache. You can use "$value = $cache:key" as well.
Return the value of a key from the cache, or returns the value plus metadata such as expiry time if required. You can use "$value = $cache:key" as well.
The Key to be retrieved.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
If supplied, and if supported by the cache storage, an metadata such as expiry times will also be returned.
$value = Get-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
$value = Get-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'
$value = Get-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Metadata
$value = $cache:ExampleKey
function Get-PodeCache {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Storage = $null,
# inmem or custom storage?
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
$Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage
# use inmem cache
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
return (Get-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key -Metadata:$Metadata)
# used custom storage
if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name $Storage) {
return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Get -Arguments @($Key, $Metadata.IsPresent) -Splat -Return)
# storage not found!
# Cache storage with name not found when attempting to retrieve cached item
throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForRetrieveExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)
Set (create/update) a key in the cache. You can use "$cache:key = 'value'" as well.
Set (create/update) a key in the cache, with an optional TTL value. You can use "$cache:key = 'value'" as well.
The Key to be set.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The value of the key to be set, can be any object type.
An optional TTL value, in seconds. The default is whatever "Get-PodeCacheDefaultTtl" retuns, which will be 3600 seconds when not set.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject 'ExampleValue'
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject 'ExampleValue' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject 'ExampleValue' -Ttl 300
Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -InputObject @{ Value = 'ExampleValue' }
@{ Value = 'ExampleValue' } | Set-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
$cache:ExampleKey = 'ExampleValue'
function Set-PodeCache {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Ttl = 0,
$Storage = $null
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# If there are multiple piped-in values, set InputObject to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$InputObject = $pipelineValue
# use the global settable default here
if ($Ttl -le 0) {
$Ttl = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultTtl
# inmem or custom storage?
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
$Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage
# use inmem cache
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
Set-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key -InputObject $InputObject -Ttl $Ttl
# used custom storage
elseif (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name $Storage) {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Set -Arguments @($Key, $InputObject, $Ttl) -Splat
# storage not found!
else {
# Cache storage with name not found when attempting to set cached item
throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForSetExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)
Test if a key exists in the cache.
Test if a key exists in the cache, and isn't expired.
The Key to test.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Test-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
Test-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'
function Test-PodeCache {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Storage = $null
# inmem or custom storage?
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
$Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage
# use inmem cache
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
return (Test-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key)
# used custom storage
if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name $Storage) {
return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Test -Arguments @($Key) -Splat -Return)
# storage not found!
# Cache storage with name not found when attempting to check if cached item exists
throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForExistsExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)
Remove a key from the cache.
Remove a key from the cache.
The Key to be removed.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Remove-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey'
Remove-PodeCache -Key 'ExampleKey' -Storage 'ExampleStorage'
function Remove-PodeCache {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Storage = $null
# inmem or custom storage?
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
$Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage
# use inmem cache
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
Remove-PodeCacheInternal -Key $Key
# used custom storage
elseif (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name $Storage) {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Remove -Arguments @($Key) -Splat
# storage not found!
else {
# Cache storage with name not found when attempting to remove cached item
throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForRemoveExceptionMessage -f $Storage, $Key)
Clear all keys from the cache.
Clear all keys from the cache.
An optional cache Storage name. (Default: in-memory)
Clear-PodeCache -Storage 'ExampleStorage'
function Clear-PodeCache {
$Storage = $null
# inmem or custom storage?
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
$Storage = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage
# use inmem cache
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Storage)) {
# used custom storage
elseif (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name $Storage) {
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Storage].Clear
# storage not found!
else {
# Cache storage with name not found when attempting to clear the cache
throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageNotFoundForClearExceptionMessage -f $Storage)
Add a cache storage.
Add a cache storage.
The Name of the cache storage.
A Get ScriptBlock, to retrieve a key's value from the cache, or the value plus metadata if required. Supplied parameters: Key, Metadata.
A Set ScriptBlock, to set/create/update a key's value in the cache. Supplied parameters: Key, Value, TTL.
A Remove ScriptBlock, to remove a key from the cache. Supplied parameters: Key.
A Test ScriptBlock, to test if a key exists in the cache. Supplied parameters: Key.
A Clear ScriptBlock, to remove all keys from the cache. Use an empty ScriptBlock if not supported.
If supplied, this cache storage will be set as the default storage.
Add-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage' -Get {} -Set {} -Remove {} -Test {} -Clear {}
function Add-PodeCacheStorage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# test if storage already exists
if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name $Name) {
# Cache Storage with name already exists
throw ($PodeLocale.cacheStorageAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# add cache storage
$PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Get = $Get
Set = $Set
Remove = $Remove
Test = $Test
Clear = $Clear
Default = $Default.IsPresent
# is default storage?
if ($Default) {
$PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage = $Name
Remove a cache storage.
Remove a cache storage.
The Name of the cache storage.
Remove-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage'
function Remove-PodeCacheStorage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage.Remove($Name)
Returns a cache storage.
Returns a cache storage.
The Name of the cache storage.
$storage = Get-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage'
function Get-PodeCacheStorage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage[$Name]
Test if a cache storage has been added/exists.
Test if a cache storage has been added/exists.
The Name of the cache storage.
if (Test-PodeCacheStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage') { }
function Test-PodeCacheStorage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.Storage.ContainsKey($Name)
Set a default cache storage.
Set a default cache storage.
The Name of the default storage to use for caching.
Set-PodeCacheDefaultStorage -Name 'ExampleStorage'
function Set-PodeCacheDefaultStorage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage = $Name
Returns the current default cache Storage name.
Returns the current default cache Storage name. Empty/null if one isn't set.
$storageName = Get-PodeCacheDefaultStorage
function Get-PodeCacheDefaultStorage {
return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultStorage
Set a default cache TTL.
Set a default cache TTL.
A default TTL value, in seconds, to use when setting cache key expiries.
Set-PodeCacheDefaultTtl -Value 3600
function Set-PodeCacheDefaultTtl {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($Value -le 0) {
$PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultTtl = $Value
Returns the current default cache TTL value.
Returns the current default cache TTL value. 3600 seconds is the default TTL if not set.
$ttl = Get-PodeCacheDefaultTtl
function Get-PodeCacheDefaultTtl {
return $PodeContext.Server.Cache.DefaultTtl
Starts a Pode server with the supplied script block or file containing the server logic.
This function initializes and starts a Pode server based on the provided configuration.
It supports both inline script blocks and external files for defining server logic.
The server's behavior, console output, and various features can be customized using parameters.
Additionally, it manages server termination, cancellation, and cleanup processes.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The main logic for the server, provided as a script block.
A literal or relative path to a file containing the server's logic.
The directory of this file will be used as the server's root path unless a specific -RootPath is supplied.
Specifies the interval in seconds for invoking the script block in 'Service' type servers.
An optional name for the server, useful for identification in logs and future extensions.
The number of threads to allocate for Web, SMTP, and TCP servers. Defaults to 1.
Overrides the server's root path. If not provided, the root path will be derived from the file path or the current working directory.
Provides request details for serverless environments that Pode can parse and use.
.PARAMETER ServerlessType
Specifies the serverless type for Pode. Valid values are:
- AzureFunctions
- AwsLambda
.PARAMETER StatusPageExceptions
Controls the visibility of stack traces on status pages. Valid values are:
- Show
- Hide
.PARAMETER ListenerType
Specifies a custom socket listener. Defaults to Pode's inbuilt listener.
Configures specific runspace pools (e.g., Timers, Schedules, Tasks, WebSockets, Files) for ad-hoc usage.
Opens the default web endpoint in the browser upon server start.
.PARAMETER CurrentPath
Sets the server's root path to the current working directory. Only applicable when -FilePath is used.
.PARAMETER EnableBreakpoints
Enables breakpoints created using `Wait-PodeDebugger`.
.PARAMETER DisableTermination
Prevents termination, suspension, or resumption of the server via console commands.
.PARAMETER DisableConsoleInput
Disables all console interactions for the server.
Clears the console screen whenever the server state changes (e.g., running → suspend → resume).
Suppresses all output from the server.
Hides OpenAPI details such as specification and documentation URLs from the console output.
.PARAMETER HideEndpoints
Hides the list of active endpoints from the console output.
Displays a help menu in the console with available control commands.
.PARAMETER IgnoreServerConfig
Prevents the server from loading settings from the server.psd1 configuration file.
Specifies a custom configuration file instead of using the default `server.psd1`.
Configures the server to run as a daemon with minimal console interaction and output.
Start-PodeServer { /* server logic */ }
Starts a Pode server using the supplied script block.
Start-PodeServer -FilePath './server.ps1' -Browse
Starts a Pode server using the logic defined in an external file and opens the default endpoint in the browser.
Start-PodeServer -ServerlessType AwsLambda -Request $LambdaInput { /* server logic */ }
Starts a Pode server in a serverless environment, using AWS Lambda input.
Start-PodeServer -HideOpenAPI -ClearHost { /* server logic */ }
Starts a Pode server with console output configured to hide OpenAPI details and clear the console on state changes.
This function is part of the Pode framework and is responsible for server initialization, configuration,
request handling, and cleanup. It supports both standalone and serverless deployments, and provides
extensive customization options for developers.
function Start-PodeServer {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptDaemon')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FileDaemon')]
$Interval = 0,
$Threads = 1,
[ValidateSet('', 'AzureFunctions', 'AwsLambda')]
$ServerlessType = [string]::Empty,
[ValidateSet('', 'Hide', 'Show')]
$StatusPageExceptions = [string]::Empty,
$ListenerType = [string]::Empty,
[ValidateSet('Timers', 'Schedules', 'Tasks', 'WebSockets', 'Files')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FileDaemon')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FileDaemon')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptDaemon')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
} # Store the name of the current runspace
$previousRunspaceName = Get-PodeCurrentRunspaceName
# Sets the name of the current runspace
Set-PodeCurrentRunspaceName -Name 'PodeServer'
# ensure the session is clean
$Script:PodeContext = $null
$ShowDoneMessage = $true
try {
# if we have a filepath, resolve it - and extract a root path from it
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$FilePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $FilePath -Resolve -TestPath -JoinRoot -RootPath $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot
# if not already supplied, set root path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RootPath)) {
if ($CurrentPath) {
$RootPath = $PWD.Path
else {
$RootPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $FilePath
# configure the server's root path
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $RootPath)) {
$RootPath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $RootPath -RootPath $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot -JoinRoot -Resolve -TestPath
# Define parameters for the context creation
$ContextParams = @{
ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
FilePath = $FilePath
Threads = $Threads
Interval = $Interval
ServerRoot = Protect-PodeValue -Value $RootPath -Default $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot
ServerlessType = $ServerlessType
ListenerType = $ListenerType
EnablePool = $EnablePool
StatusPageExceptions = $StatusPageExceptions
Console = Get-PodeDefaultConsole
EnableBreakpoints = $EnableBreakpoints
IgnoreServerConfig = $IgnoreServerConfig
ConfigFile = $ConfigFile
# Create main context object
$PodeContext = New-PodeContext @ContextParams
# Define parameter values with comments explaining each one
$ConfigParameters = @{
DisableTermination = $DisableTermination # Disable termination of the Pode server from the console
DisableConsoleInput = $DisableConsoleInput # Disable input from the console for the Pode server
Quiet = $Quiet # Enable quiet mode, suppressing console output
ClearHost = $ClearHost # Clear the host on startup
HideOpenAPI = $HideOpenAPI # Hide the OpenAPI documentation display
HideEndpoints = $HideEndpoints # Hide the endpoints list display
ShowHelp = $ShowHelp # Show help information in the console
Daemon = $Daemon # Enable daemon mode, combining multiple configurations
# Call the function using splatting
Set-PodeConsoleOverrideConfiguration @ConfigParameters
# start the file monitor for interally restarting
# start the server
Start-PodeInternalServer -Request $Request -Browse:$Browse
# at this point, if it's just a one-one off script, return
if (!(Test-PodeServerKeepOpen)) {
# Sit in a loop waiting for server termination/cancellation or a restart request.
while (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) {
# If console input is not disabled, invoke any actions based on console commands.
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Console.DisableConsoleInput) {
# Resolve cancellation token requests (e.g., Restart, Enable/Disable, Suspend/Resume).
# Pause for 1 second before re-checking the state and processing the next action.
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -and $PodeContext.Server.IIS.Shutdown) {
# (IIS Shutdown)
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.iisShutdownMessage -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-PodeHost ' ' -NoNewLine
# Terminating...
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Terminate
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Crash
$ShowDoneMessage = $false
finally {
Invoke-PodeEvent -Type Stop
# set output values
# unregister secret vaults
# clean the runspaces and tokens
# Restore the name of the current runspace
Set-PodeCurrentRunspaceName -Name $previousRunspaceName
if (($ShowDoneMessage -and ($PodeContext.Server.Types.Length -gt 0) -and !$PodeContext.Server.IsServerless)) {
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.doneMessage -ForegroundColor Green
# clean the session
$PodeContext = $null
$PodeLocale = $null
Closes the Pode server.
Closes the Pode server.
function Close-PodeServer {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Cancellation, Terminate
Restarts the Pode server.
Restarts the Pode server.
function Restart-PodeServer {
# Only if the Restart feature is anabled
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Restart) {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart
Resumes the Pode server from a suspended state.
This function resumes the Pode server, ensuring all associated runspaces are restored to their normal execution state.
It triggers the 'Resume' event, updates the server's suspended status, and clears the host for a refreshed console view.
The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for each runspace to be recovered before timing out. Default is 30 seconds.
# Resumes the Pode server after a suspension.
function Resume-PodeServer {
# Only if the Suspend feature is anabled
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Suspend) {
if ($Timeout) {
$PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Timeout.Resume = $Timeout
if ((Test-PodeServerState -State Suspended)) {
Suspends the Pode server and its runspaces.
This function suspends the Pode server by pausing all associated runspaces and ensuring they enter a debug state.
It triggers the 'Suspend' event, updates the server's suspended status, and provides feedback during the suspension process.
The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for each runspace to be suspended before timing out. Default is 30 seconds.
# Suspends the Pode server with a timeout of 60 seconds.
function Suspend-PodeServer {
# Only if the Suspend feature is anabled
if ($PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Suspend) {
if ($Timeout) {
$PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.Timeout.Suspend = $Timeout
if (!(Test-PodeServerState -State Suspended)) {
Helper wrapper function to start a Pode web server for a static website at the current directory.
Helper wrapper function to start a Pode web server for a static website at the current directory.
The numbers of threads to use for requests.
An override for the Server's root path.
The IP/Hostname of the endpoint.
The Port number of the endpoint.
Start the server using HTTPS, if no certificate details are supplied a self-signed certificate will be generated.
.PARAMETER Certificate
The path to a certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS.
.PARAMETER CertificatePassword
The password for the certificate referenced in CertificateFile.
.PARAMETER CertificateKey
A key file to be paired with a PEM certificate referenced in CertificateFile
.PARAMETER X509Certificate
The raw X509 certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS.
The URI path for the static Route.
An array of default pages to display, such as 'index.html'.
.PARAMETER DownloadOnly
When supplied, all static content on this Route will be attached as downloads - rather than rendered.
.PARAMETER FileBrowser
When supplied, If the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory.
Open the web server's default endpoint in your default browser.
Start-PodeStaticServer -Address '' -Port 8000
Start-PodeStaticServer -Path '/installers' -DownloadOnly
function Start-PodeStaticServer {
$Threads = 3,
$RootPath = $PWD,
$Address = 'localhost',
$Port = 0,
$Certificate = $null,
$CertificatePassword = $null,
$CertificateKey = $null,
$X509Certificate = $null,
$Path = '/',
Start-PodeServer -RootPath $RootPath -Threads $Threads -Browse:$Browse -ScriptBlock {
# add either an http or https endpoint
if ($Https) {
if ($null -ne $X509Certificate) {
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Https -X509Certificate $X509Certificate
elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Certificate)) {
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Https -Certificate $Certificate -CertificatePassword $CertificatePassword -CertificateKey $CertificateKey
else {
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Https -SelfSigned
else {
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address $Address -Port $Port -Protocol Http
# add the static route
Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path $Path -Source (Get-PodeServerPath) -Defaults $Defaults -DownloadOnly:$DownloadOnly -FileBrowser:$FileBrowser
A default server secret that can be for signing values like Session, Cookies, or SSE IDs.
A default server secret that can be for signing values like Session, Cookies, or SSE IDs. This secret is regenerated
on every server start and restart.
$secret = Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret
function Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret {
return $PodeContext.Server.DefaultSecret
The CLI for Pode, to initialise, build and start your Server.
The CLI for Pode, to initialise, build and start your Server.
The action to invoke on your Server.
Supply when running "pode install", this will install any dev packages defined in your package.json.
pode install -dev
pode build
pode start
function Pode {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('init', 'test', 'start', 'install', 'build')]
# default config file name and content
$file = './package.json'
$name = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $pwd
$data = $null
# default config data that's used to populate on init
$map = @{
'name' = $name
'version' = '1.0.0'
'description' = ''
'main' = './server.ps1'
'scripts' = @{
'start' = './server.ps1'
'install' = 'yarn install --force --ignore-scripts --modules-folder pode_modules'
'build' = 'psake'
'test' = 'invoke-pester ./tests/*.ps1'
'author' = ''
'license' = 'MIT'
# check and load config if already exists
if (Test-Path $file) {
$data = (Get-Content $file | ConvertFrom-Json)
# quick check to see if the data is required
if ($Action -ine 'init') {
if ($null -eq $data) {
Write-PodeHost 'package.json file not found' -ForegroundColor Red
else {
$actionScript = $data.scripts.$Action
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($actionScript) -and $Action -ieq 'start') {
$actionScript = $data.main
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($actionScript) -and $Action -ine 'install') {
Write-PodeHost "package.json does not contain a script for the $($Action) action" -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
if ($null -ne $data) {
Write-PodeHost 'package.json already exists' -ForegroundColor Yellow
switch ($Action.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'init' {
$v = Read-Host -Prompt "name ($($"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $ = $v }
$v = Read-Host -Prompt "version ($($map.version))"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.version = $v }
$map.description = Read-Host -Prompt 'description'
$v = Read-Host -Prompt "entry point ($($map.main))"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.main = $v; $map.scripts.start = $v }
$ = Read-Host -Prompt 'author'
$v = Read-Host -Prompt "license ($($map.license))"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.license = $v }
$map | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -FilePath $file -Encoding utf8 -Force
Write-PodeHost 'Success, saved package.json' -ForegroundColor Green
'test' {
Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript
'start' {
Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript
'install' {
if ($Dev) {
Install-PodeLocalModule -Module $data.devModules
Install-PodeLocalModule -Module $data.modules
Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript
'build' {
Invoke-PodePackageScript -ActionScript $actionScript
Opens a Web Server up as a Desktop Application.
Opens a Web Server up as a Desktop Application.
The title of the Application's window.
A path to an icon image for the Application.
.PARAMETER WindowState
The state the Application's window starts, such as Minimized.
.PARAMETER WindowStyle
The border style of the Application's window.
Specifies if the Application's window is resizable.
The height of the window.
The width of the window.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The specific endpoint name to use, if you are listening on multiple endpoints.
.PARAMETER HideFromTaskbar
Stops the Application from appearing on the taskbar.
Show-PodeGui -Title 'MyApplication' -WindowState 'Maximized'
function Show-PodeGui {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Normal', 'Maximized', 'Minimized')]
$WindowState = 'Normal',
[ValidateSet('None', 'SingleBorderWindow', 'ThreeDBorderWindow', 'ToolWindow')]
$WindowStyle = 'SingleBorderWindow',
[ValidateSet('CanResize', 'CanMinimize', 'NoResize')]
$ResizeMode = 'CanResize',
$Height = 0,
$Width = 0,
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# error if serverless
Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Show-PodeGui' -ThrowError
# only valid for Windows PowerShell
if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 6)) {
# Show-PodeGui is currently only available for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7+ on Windows
throw ($PodeLocale.showPodeGuiOnlyAvailableOnWindowsExceptionMessage)
# enable the gui and set general settings
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Enabled = $true
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Title = $Title
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.ShowInTaskbar = !$HideFromTaskbar
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowState = $WindowState
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.WindowStyle = $WindowStyle
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.ResizeMode = $ResizeMode
# set the window's icon path
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Icon)) {
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Icon -JoinRoot -Resolve
if (!(Test-Path $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon)) {
# Path to icon for GUI does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.pathToIconForGuiDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $PodeContext.Server.Gui.Icon)
# set the height of the window
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Height = $Height
if ($PodeContext.Server.Gui.Height -le 0) {
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Height = 'auto'
# set the width of the window
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Width = $Width
if ($PodeContext.Server.Gui.Width -le 0) {
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Width = 'auto'
# set the gui to use a specific listener
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.EndpointName = $EndpointName
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.ContainsKey($EndpointName)) {
# Endpoint with name '$EndpointName' does not exist.
throw ($PodeLocale.endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage -f $EndpointName)
$PodeContext.Server.Gui.Endpoint = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$EndpointName]
Sets the path for a specified default folder type in the Pode server context.
This function configures the path for one of the Pode server's default folder types: Views, Public, or Errors.
It updates the server's configuration to reflect the new path for the specified folder type.
The function first checks if the provided path exists and is a directory;
if so, it updates the `Server.DefaultFolders` dictionary with the new path.
If the path does not exist or is not a directory, the function throws an error.
The purpose of this function is to allow dynamic configuration of the server's folder paths, which can be useful during server setup or when altering the server's directory structure at runtime.
The type of the default folder to set the path for. Must be one of 'Views', 'Public', or 'Errors'.
This parameter determines which default folder's path is being set.
The new file system path for the specified default folder type. This path must exist and be a directory; otherwise, an exception is thrown.
Set-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Views' -Path 'C:\Pode\Views'
This example sets the path for the server's default 'Views' folder to 'C:\Pode\Views', assuming this path exists and is a directory.
Set-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Public' -Path 'C:\Pode\Public'
This example sets the path for the server's default 'Public' folder to 'C:\Pode\Public'.
function Set-PodeDefaultFolder {
param (
[ValidateSet('Views', 'Public', 'Errors')]
if (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) {
$PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders[$Type] = $Path
else {
# Path does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.pathNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Path)
Retrieves the path of a specified default folder type from the Pode server context.
This function returns the path for one of the Pode server's default folder types: Views, Public, or Errors. It accesses the server's configuration stored in the `$PodeContext` variable and retrieves the path for the specified folder type from the `DefaultFolders` dictionary. This function is useful for scripts or modules that need to dynamically access server resources based on the server's current configuration.
The type of the default folder for which to retrieve the path. The valid options are 'Views', 'Public', or 'Errors'. This parameter determines which folder's path will be returned by the function.
$path = Get-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Views'
This example retrieves the current path configured for the server's 'Views' folder and stores it in the `$path` variable.
$path = Get-PodeDefaultFolder -Type 'Public'
This example retrieves the current path configured for the server's 'Public' folder.
String. The file system path of the specified default folder.
function Get-PodeDefaultFolder {
param (
[ValidateSet('Views', 'Public', 'Errors')]
return $PodeContext.Server.DefaultFolders[$Type]
Attaches a breakpoint which can be used for debugging.
Attaches a breakpoint which can be used for debugging.
function Wait-PodeDebugger {
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Debug.Breakpoints.Enabled) {
Retrieves the current state of the Pode server.
The Get-PodeServerState function evaluates the internal state of the Pode server based on the cancellation tokens available
in the $PodeContext. The function determines if the server is running, terminating, restarting, suspending, resuming, or
in any other predefined state.
[string] - The state of the Pode server as one of the following values:
'Terminated', 'Terminating', 'Resuming', 'Suspending', 'Suspended', 'Restarting', 'Starting', 'Running'.
Retrieves the current state of the Pode server and returns it as a string.
function Get-PodeServerState {
# Check if PodeContext or its Tokens property is null; if so, consider the server terminated
if ($null -eq $PodeContext -or $null -eq $PodeContext.Tokens) {
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Terminated
# Check if the server is in the process of terminating
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate) {
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Terminating
# Check if the server is resuming from a suspended state
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Resume) {
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Resuming
# Check if the server is in the process of restarting
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Restart) {
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Restarting
# Check if the server is suspending or already suspended
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Suspend) {
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Cancellation) {
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Suspending
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Suspended
# Check if the server is starting
if (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Start)) {
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Starting
# If none of the above, assume the server is running
return [Pode.PodeServerState]::Running
Tests whether the Pode server is in a specified state.
The `Test-PodeServerState` function checks the current state of the Pode server
by calling `Get-PodeServerState` and comparing the result to the specified state.
The function returns `$true` if the server is in the specified state and `$false` otherwise.
Specifies the server state to test. Allowed values are:
- `Terminated`: The server is not running, and the context is null.
- `Terminating`: The server is in the process of shutting down.
- `Resuming`: The server is resuming from a suspended state.
- `Suspending`: The server is in the process of entering a suspended state.
- `Suspended`: The server is fully suspended.
- `Restarting`: The server is restarting.
- `Starting`: The server is in the process of starting up.
- `Running`: The server is actively running.
Test-PodeServerState -State 'Running'
Returns `$true` if the server is currently running, otherwise `$false`.
Test-PodeServerState -State 'Suspended'
Returns `$true` if the server is fully suspended, otherwise `$false`.
This function is part of Pode's server state management utilities.
It relies on the `Get-PodeServerState` function to determine the current state.
function Test-PodeServerState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Call Get-PodeServerState to retrieve the current server state
$currentState = Get-PodeServerState
# Return true if the current state matches the provided state, otherwise false
return $currentState -eq $State
Enables new incoming requests by removing the middleware that blocks requests when the Pode Watchdog client is active.
This function resets the cancellation token for the Disable action, allowing the Pode server to accept new incoming requests.
function Enable-PodeServer {
if (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Disable) {
Reset-PodeCancellationToken -Type Disable
Blocks new incoming requests by adding middleware that returns a 503 Service Unavailable status when the Pode Watchdog client is active.
This function integrates middleware into the Pode server, preventing new incoming requests while the Pode Watchdog client is active.
All requests receive a 503 Service Unavailable response, including a 'Retry-After' header that specifies when the service will become available.
Specifies the time in seconds clients should wait before retrying their requests. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).
function Disable-PodeServer {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[int]$RetryAfter = 3600
$PodeContext.Server.AllowedActions.DisableSettings.RetryAfter = $RetryAfter
if (! (Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Disable)) {
Close-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Disable
Bind an endpoint to listen for incoming Requests.
Bind an endpoint to listen for incoming Requests. The endpoints can be HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or SMTP, with the option to bind certificates.
The IP/Hostname of the endpoint (Default: localhost).
The Port number of the endpoint.
An optional hostname for the endpoint, specifying a hostname restricts access to just the hostname.
The protocol of the supplied endpoint.
.PARAMETER Certificate
The path to a certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS
.PARAMETER CertificatePassword
The password for the certificate file referenced in Certificate
.PARAMETER CertificateKey
A key file to be paired with a PEM certificate file referenced in Certificate
.PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint
A certificate thumbprint to bind onto HTTPS endpoints (Windows).
.PARAMETER CertificateName
A certificate subject name to bind onto HTTPS endpoints (Windows).
.PARAMETER CertificateStoreName
The name of a certifcate store where a certificate can be found (Default: My) (Windows).
.PARAMETER CertificateStoreLocation
The location of a certifcate store where a certificate can be found (Default: CurrentUser) (Windows).
.PARAMETER X509Certificate
The raw X509 certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS
The TLS mode to use on secure connections, options are Implicit or Explicit (SMTP only) (Default: Implicit).
An optional name for the endpoint, that can be used with other functions (Default: GUID).
The Name of another Endpoint to automatically generate a redirect route for all traffic.
.PARAMETER Description
A quick description of the Endpoint - normally used in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER Acknowledge
An optional Acknowledge message to send to clients when they first connect, for TCP and SMTP endpoints only.
.PARAMETER SslProtocol
One or more optional SSL Protocols this endpoints supports. (Default: SSL3/TLS12 - Just TLS12 on MacOS).
If supplied, TCP endpoints will expect incoming data to end with CRLF.
Ignore Adminstrator checks for non-localhost endpoints.
Create and bind a self-signed certifcate for HTTPS endpoints.
.PARAMETER AllowClientCertificate
Allow for client certificates to be sent on requests.
If supplied, the endpoint created will be returned.
.PARAMETER LookupHostname
If supplied, a supplied Hostname will have its IP Address looked up from host file or DNS.
If supplied, this endpoint will listen on both the IPv4 and IPv6 versions of the supplied -Address.
For IPv6, this will only work if the IPv6 address can convert to a valid IPv4 address.
If supplied, this endpoint will be the default one used for internally generating URLs.
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8090 -Protocol Http
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Protocol Smtp
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -SelfSigned
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Hostname -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -SelfSigned
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Protocol Https -CertificateThumbprint '2A9467F7D3940243D6C07DE61E7FCCE292'
function Add-PodeEndpoint {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
$Address = 'localhost',
$Port = 0,
[ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
$Certificate = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
$CertificatePassword = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
$CertificateKey = $null,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]
$CertificateStoreName = 'My',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]
$CertificateStoreLocation = 'CurrentUser',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertRaw')]
$X509Certificate = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertRaw')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertSelf')]
[ValidateSet('Implicit', 'Explicit')]
$TlsMode = 'Implicit',
$Name = $null,
$RedirectTo = $null,
[ValidateSet('Ssl2', 'Ssl3', 'Tls', 'Tls11', 'Tls12', 'Tls13')]
$SslProtocol = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertSelf')]
# error if serverless
Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeEndpoint' -ThrowError
# if RedirectTo is supplied, then a Name is mandatory
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RedirectTo) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
# A Name is required for the endpoint if the RedirectTo parameter is supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage)
# get the type of endpoint
$type = Get-PodeEndpointType -Protocol $Protocol
# are we running as IIS for HTTP/HTTPS? (if yes, force the port, address and protocol)
$isIIS = ((Test-PodeIsIIS) -and (@('Http', 'Ws') -icontains $type))
if ($isIIS) {
$Port = [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT
$Address = ''
$Hostname = [string]::Empty
$Protocol = $type
# are we running as Heroku for HTTP/HTTPS? (if yes, force the port, address and protocol)
$isHeroku = ((Test-PodeIsHeroku) -and (@('Http') -icontains $type))
if ($isHeroku) {
$Port = [int]$env:PORT
$Address = ''
$Hostname = [string]::Empty
$Protocol = $type
# parse the endpoint for host/port info
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname) -and !(Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Hostname)) {
# Invalid hostname supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage -f $Hostname)
if ((Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Address) -and ($Address -inotin @('localhost', 'all'))) {
$Hostname = $Address
$Address = 'localhost'
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname) -and $LookupHostname) {
$Address = (Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $Hostname -Type All | Select-Object -First 1)
$_endpoint = Get-PodeEndpointInfo -Address "$($Address):$($Port)"
# if no name, set to guid, then check uniqueness
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
$Name = New-PodeGuid -Secure
if ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# An endpoint named has already been defined
throw ($PodeLocale.endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# protocol must be https for client certs, or hosted behind a proxy like iis
if (($Protocol -ine 'https') -and !(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and $AllowClientCertificate) {
# Client certificates are only supported on HTTPS endpoints
throw ($PodeLocale.clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage)
# explicit tls is only supported for smtp/tcp
if (($type -inotin @('smtp', 'tcp')) -and ($TlsMode -ieq 'explicit')) {
# The Explicit TLS mode is only supported on SMTPS and TCPS endpoints
throw ($PodeLocale.explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage)
# ack message is only for smtp/tcp
if (($type -inotin @('smtp', 'tcp')) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Acknowledge)) {
# The Acknowledge message is only supported on SMTP and TCP endpoints
throw ($PodeLocale.acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage)
# crlf message end is only for tcp
if (($type -ine 'tcp') -and $CRLFMessageEnd) {
# The CRLF message end check is only supported on TCP endpoints
throw ($PodeLocale.crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage)
# new endpoint object
$obj = @{
Name = $Name
Description = $Description
DualMode = $DualMode
Address = $null
RawAddress = $null
Port = $null
IsIPAddress = $true
HostName = $Hostname
FriendlyName = $Hostname
Url = $null
Ssl = @{
Enabled = (@('https', 'wss', 'smtps', 'tcps') -icontains $Protocol)
Protocols = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.Ssl.Protocols
Protocol = $Protocol.ToLowerInvariant()
Type = $type.ToLowerInvariant()
Runspace = @{
PoolName = (Get-PodeEndpointRunspacePoolName -Protocol $Protocol)
Default = $Default.IsPresent
Certificate = @{
Raw = $X509Certificate
SelfSigned = $SelfSigned
AllowClientCertificate = $AllowClientCertificate
TlsMode = $TlsMode
Tcp = @{
Acknowledge = $Acknowledge
CRLFMessageEnd = $CRLFMessageEnd
# set ssl protocols
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $SslProtocol)) {
$obj.Ssl.Protocols = (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocol -Protocol $SslProtocol)
# set the ip for the context (force to localhost for IIS)
$obj.Address = Get-PodeIPAddress $_endpoint.Host -DualMode:$DualMode
$obj.IsIPAddress = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($obj.HostName)
if ($obj.IsIPAddress) {
if (!(Test-PodeIPAddressLocalOrAny -IP $obj.Address)) {
$obj.FriendlyName = "$($obj.Address)"
else {
$obj.FriendlyName = 'localhost'
# set the port for the context, if 0 use a default port for protocol
$obj.Port = $_endpoint.Port
if (([int]$obj.Port) -eq 0) {
$obj.Port = Get-PodeDefaultPort -Protocol $Protocol -TlsMode $TlsMode
if ($obj.IsIPAddress) {
$obj.RawAddress = "$($obj.Address):$($obj.Port)"
else {
$obj.RawAddress = "$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)"
# set the url of this endpoint
if (($obj.Protocol -eq 'http') -or ($obj.Protocol -eq 'https')) {
$obj.Url = "$($obj.Protocol)://$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)/"
else {
$obj.Url = "$($obj.Protocol)://$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)"
# if the address is non-local, then check admin privileges
if (!$Force -and !(Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $obj.Address) -and !(Test-PodeIsAdminUser)) {
# Must be running with administrator privileges to listen on non-localhost addresses
throw ($PodeLocale.mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage)
# has this endpoint been added before? (for http/https we can just not add it again)
$exists = ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object {
($_.FriendlyName -ieq $obj.FriendlyName) -and ($_.Port -eq $obj.Port) -and ($_.Ssl.Enabled -eq $obj.Ssl.Enabled) -and ($_.Type -ieq $obj.Type)
} | Measure-Object).Count
# if we're dealing with a certificate, attempt to import it
if (!(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ilike 'cert*')) {
# fail if protocol is not https
if (@('https', 'wss', 'smtps', 'tcps') -inotcontains $Protocol) {
# Certificate supplied for non-HTTPS/WSS endpoint
throw ($PodeLocale.certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage)
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'certfile' {
$obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByFile -Certificate $Certificate -Password $CertificatePassword -Key $CertificateKey
'certthumb' {
$obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByThumbprint -Thumbprint $CertificateThumbprint -StoreName $CertificateStoreName -StoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation
'certname' {
$obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByName -Name $CertificateName -StoreName $CertificateStoreName -StoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation
'certself' {
$obj.Certificate.Raw = New-PodeSelfSignedCertificate
# fail if the cert is expired
if ($obj.Certificate.Raw.NotAfter -lt [datetime]::Now) {
# The certificate has expired
throw ($PodeLocale.certificateExpiredExceptionMessage -f $obj.Certificate.Raw.Subject, $obj.Certificate.Raw.NotAfter)
if (!$exists) {
# set server type
$_type = $type
if ($_type -iin @('http', 'ws')) {
$_type = 'http'
if ($PodeContext.Server.Types -inotcontains $_type) {
$PodeContext.Server.Types += $_type
# add the new endpoint
$PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$Name] = $obj
$PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap["$($obj.Protocol)|$($obj.RawAddress)"] = $Name
# if RedirectTo is set, attempt to build a redirecting route
if (!(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RedirectTo)) {
$redir_endpoint = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$RedirectTo]
# ensure the name exists
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $redir_endpoint) {
# An endpoint named has not been defined for redirecting
throw ($PodeLocale.endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage -f $RedirectTo)
# build the redirect route
Add-PodeRoute -Method * -Path * -EndpointName $obj.Name -ArgumentList $redir_endpoint -ScriptBlock {
Move-PodeResponseUrl -EndpointName $endpoint.Name
# return the endpoint?
if ($PassThru) {
return $obj
Get an Endpoint(s).
Get an Endpoint(s).
An Address to filter the endpoints.
A Port to filter the endpoints.
A Hostname to filter the endpoints.
A Protocol to filter the endpoints.
Any endpoints Names to filter endpoints.
Get-PodeEndpoint -Address
Get-PodeEndpoint -Protocol Http
Get-PodeEndpoint -Name Admin, User
function Get-PodeEndpoint {
$Port = 0,
[ValidateSet('', 'Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]
if ((Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Address) -and ($Address -inotin @('localhost', 'all'))) {
$Hostname = $Address
$Address = 'localhost'
$endpoints = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values
# if we have an address, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
if (($Address -eq '*') -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
$Address = ''
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or ($Address -ieq 'localhost')) {
$Address = ''
$endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
if ($endpoint.Address.ToString() -ine $Address) {
# if we have a hostname, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname)) {
$endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
if ($endpoint.Hostname.ToString() -ine $Hostname) {
# if we have a port, filter
if ($Port -gt 0) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) {
$Port = [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
$Port = [int]$env:PORT
$endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
if ($endpoint.Port -ne $Port) {
# if we have a protocol, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) {
$Protocol = 'Http'
$endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
if ($endpoint.Protocol -ine $Protocol) {
# further filter by endpoint names
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$endpoints = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) {
if ($endpoint.Name -ine $_name) {
# return
return $endpoints
Registers a script to be run when a certain server event occurs within Pode
Registers a script to be run when a certain server event occurs within Pode, such as Start, Terminate, and Restart.
The Type of event to be registered.
A unique Name for the registered event.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
A ScriptBlock to invoke when the event is triggered.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the ScriptBlock.
Register-PodeEvent -Type Start -Name 'Event1' -ScriptBlock { }
function Register-PodeEvent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# error if already registered
if (Test-PodeEvent -Type $Type -Name $Name) {
throw ($PodeLocale.eventAlreadyRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $Type, $Name) # "$($Type) event already registered: $($Name)"
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add event
$PodeContext.Server.Events[$Type.ToString()][$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Unregisters an event that has been registered with the specified Name.
Unregisters an event that has been registered with the specified Name.
The Type of the event to unregister.
The Name of the event to unregister.
Unregister-PodeEvent -Type Start -Name 'Event1'
function Unregister-PodeEvent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# error if not registered
if (!(Test-PodeEvent -Type $Type -Name $Name)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.noEventRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $Type, $Name) # "No $($Type) event registered: $($Name)"
# remove event
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Events[$Type.ToString()].Remove($Name)
Tests if an event has been registered with the specified Name.
Tests if an event has been registered with the specified Name.
The Type of the event to test.
The Name of the event to test.
Test-PodeEvent -Type Start -Name 'Event1'
function Test-PodeEvent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Events[$Type.ToString()].Contains($Name)
Retrieves an event.
Retrieves an event.
The Type of event to retrieve.
The Name of the event to retrieve.
Get-PodeEvent -Type Start -Name 'Event1'
function Get-PodeEvent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Events[$Type.ToString()][$Name]
Clears an event of all registered scripts.
Clears an event of all registered scripts.
The Type of event to clear.
Clear-PodeEvent -Type Start
function Clear-PodeEvent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Events[$Type.ToString()].Clear()
Automatically loads event ps1 files
Automatically loads event ps1 files from either a /events folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeEvents -Path './my-events'
function Use-PodeEvents {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'events'
Adds a new File Watcher to monitor file changes in a directory.
Adds a new File Watcher to monitor file changes in a directory.
An optional Name for the File Watcher. (Default: GUID)
An optional EventName to be monitored. Note: '*' refers to all event names. (Default: Changed, Created, Deleted, Renamed)
The Path to a directory which contains the files to be monitored.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock defining logic to be run when events are triggered.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the File Watcher's logic.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
A hashtable of arguments to supply to the File Watcher's ScriptBlock.
.PARAMETER NotifyFilter
The attributes on files to monitor and notify about. (Default: FileName, DirectoryName, LastWrite, CreationTime)
An optional array of file patterns to be excluded.
An optional array of file patterns to be included. (Default: *.*)
.PARAMETER InternalBufferSize
The InternalBufferSize of the file monitor, used when temporarily storing events. (Default: 8kb)
.PARAMETER NoSubdirectories
If supplied, the File Watcher will only monitor files in the specified directory path, and not in all sub-directories as well.
If supplied, the File Watcher object registered will be returned.
Add-PodeFileWatcher -Path 'C:/Projects/:project/src' -Include '*.ps1' -ScriptBlock {}
Add-PodeFileWatcher -Path 'C:/Websites/:site' -Include '*.config' -EventName Changed -ScriptBlock {}
Add-PodeFileWatcher -Path '/temp/logs' -EventName Created -NotifyFilter CreationTime -ScriptBlock {}
$watcher = Add-PodeFileWatcher -Path '/temp/logs' -Exclude *.txt -ScriptBlock {} -PassThru
function Add-PodeFileWatcher {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
$Name = $null,
[ValidateSet('Changed', 'Created', 'Deleted', 'Renamed', 'Existed', '*')]
$EventName = @('Changed', 'Created', 'Deleted', 'Renamed'),
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$NotifyFilter = @('FileName', 'DirectoryName', 'LastWrite', 'CreationTime'),
$Include = '*.*',
[ValidateRange(4kb, 64kb)]
$InternalBufferSize = 8kb,
# set random name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
$Name = New-PodeGuid -Secure
# set all for * event
if ('*' -iin $EventName) {
$EventName = @('Changed', 'Created', 'Deleted', 'Renamed', 'Existed')
# resolve path if relative
if (!(Test-PodeIsPSCore)) {
$Path = Convert-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path -Prepend '%' -Append '%'
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot -Resolve
if (!(Test-PodeIsPSCore)) {
$Path = Convert-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path -Pattern '\%(?<tag>[\w]+)\%' -Prepend ':' -Append ([string]::Empty)
# resolve path, and test it
$hasPlaceholders = Test-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
if ($hasPlaceholders) {
$rgxPath = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -NoLeadingSlash
$rgxPath = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $rgxPath -Slashes
$Path = $Path -ireplace (Get-PodePlaceholderRegex), '*'
# test path to make sure it exists
if (!(Test-PodePath $Path -NoStatus)) {
# Path does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.pathNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Path)
# test if we have the file watcher already
if (Test-PodeFileWatcher -Name $Name) {
# A File Watcher named has already been defined
throw ($PodeLocale.fileWatcherAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# enable the file watcher threads
$PodeContext.Fim.Enabled = $true
# resolve the path's widacards if any
$paths = @($Path)
if ($Path.Contains('*')) {
$paths = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Directory -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
# add the file watcher
$PodeContext.Fim.Items[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Events = @($EventName)
Path = $Path
Placeholders = @{
Path = $rgxPath
Exist = $hasPlaceholders
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
NotifyFilters = @($NotifyFilter)
IncludeSubdirectories = !$NoSubdirectories.IsPresent
InternalBufferSize = $InternalBufferSize
Exclude = $Exclude
Include = $Include
Paths = $paths
# return?
if ($PassThru) {
return $PodeContext.Fim.Items[$Name]
Tests whether the passed File Watcher exists.
Tests whether the passed File Watcher exists by its name.
The Name of the File Watcher.
if (Test-PodeFileWatcher -Name WatcherName) { }
function Test-PodeFileWatcher {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Fim.Items) -and $PodeContext.Fim.Items.ContainsKey($Name))
Returns any defined File Watchers.
Returns any defined File Watchers.
An optional File Watcher Name(s) to be returned.
Get-PodeFileWatcher -Name Name1, Name2
function Get-PodeFileWatcher {
$watchers = $PodeContext.Fim.Items.Values
# further filter by file watcher names
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$watchers = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($watcher in $watchers) {
if ($watcher.Name -ine $_name) {
# return
return $watchers
Removes a specific File Watchers.
Removes a specific File Watchers.
The Name of the File Watcher to be removed.
Remove-PodeFileWatcher -Name 'Logs'
function Remove-PodeFileWatcher {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$null = $PodeContext.Fim.Items.Remove($Name)
Removes all File Watchers.
Removes all File Watchers.
function Clear-PodeFileWatchers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Automatically loads File Watchers ps1 files
Automatically loads File Watchers ps1 files from either a /filewatcher folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeFileWatchers -Path './my-watchers'
function Use-PodeFileWatchers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'filewatchers'
Appends a message to the current flash messages stored in the session.
Appends a message to the current flash messages stored in the session for the supplied name.
The messages per name are stored as an array.
The name of the flash message to be appended.
The message to append.
Add-PodeFlashMessage -Name 'error' -Message 'There was an error'
function Add-PodeFlashMessage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use Flash messages
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage)
# append the message against the key
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash) {
$WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash = @{}
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash[$Name]) {
$WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash[$Name] = @($Message)
else {
$WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash[$Name] += @($Message)
Clears all flash messages.
Clears all of the flash messages currently stored in the session.
function Clear-PodeFlashMessages {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use Flash messages
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage)
# clear all keys
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash) {
$WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash = @{}
Returns all flash messages stored against a name, and the clears the messages.
Returns all of the flash messages, as an array, currently stored for the name within the session.
Once retrieved, the messages are removed from storage.
The name of the flash messages to return.
Get-PodeFlashMessage -Name 'error'
function Get-PodeFlashMessage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use Flash messages
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage)
# retrieve messages from session, then delete it
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash) {
return @()
$v = @($WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash[$Name])
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $v) {
return @()
return @($v)
Returns all of the names for each of the messages currently being stored.
Returns all of the names for each of the messages currently being stored. This does not clear the messages.
function Get-PodeFlashMessageNames {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use Flash messages
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage)
# return list of all current keys
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash) {
return @()
return @($WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash.Keys)
Removes flash messages for the supplied name currently being stored.
Removes flash messages for the supplied name currently being stored.
The name of the flash messages to remove.
Remove-PodeFlashMessage -Name 'error'
function Remove-PodeFlashMessage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use Flash messages
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage)
# remove key from flash messages
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash) {
Tests if there are any flash messages currently being stored for a supplied name.
Tests if there are any flash messages currently being stored for a supplied name.
The name of the flash message to check.
Test-PodeFlashMessage -Name 'error'
function Test-PodeFlashMessage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use Flash messages
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForFlashMessagesExceptionMessage)
# return if a key exists as a flash message
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash) {
return $false
return $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash.ContainsKey($Name)
Adds a Handler of a specific Type.
Adds a Handler of a specific Type.
The Type of the Handler.
The Name of the Handler.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock for the Handler's main logic.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Handler's main logic.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Handler's ScriptBlock.
Add-PodeHandler -Type Smtp -Name 'Main' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeHandler -Type Service -Name 'Looper' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeHandler -Type Smtp -Name 'Main' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2'
function Add-PodeHandler {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Service', 'Smtp')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
# error if serverless
Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeHandler' -ThrowError
# ensure handler isn't already set
if ($PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type].ContainsKey($Name)) {
# [Type] Name: Handler already defined
throw ($PodeLocale.handlerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Type, $Name)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add the handler
Write-Verbose "Adding Handler: [$($Type)] $($Name)"
$PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type][$Name] += @(@{
Logic = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Remove a specific Handler.
Remove a specific Handler.
The type of the Handler to be removed.
The name of the Handler to be removed.
Remove-PodeHandler -Type Smtp -Name 'Main'
function Remove-PodeHandler {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Service', 'Smtp')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# ensure handler does exist
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type].ContainsKey($Name)) {
# remove the handler
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Handlers[$Type].Remove($Name)
Removes all added Handlers, or Handlers of a specific Type.
Removes all added Handlers, or Handlers of a specific Type.
The Type of Handlers to remove.
Clear-PodeHandlers -Type Smtp
function Clear-PodeHandlers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[ValidateSet('', 'Service', 'Smtp')]
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Type)) {
else {
$PodeContext.Server.Handlers.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {
Automatically loads handler ps1 files
Automatically loads handler ps1 files from either a /handler folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeHandlers -Path './my-handlers'
function Use-PodeHandlers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'handlers'
Appends a header against the Response.
Appends a header against the Response. If the current context is serverless, then this function acts like Set-PodeHeader.
The name of the header.
The value to set against the header.
If supplied, the secret with which to sign the header's value.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
Add-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Value 'AA-BB-CC-33'
function Add-PodeHeader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# sign the value if we have a secret
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$Value = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $Value -Secret $Secret -Strict:$Strict)
# add the header to the response
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers[$Name] = $Value
else {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers.Add($Name, $Value)
Appends multiple headers against the Response.
Appends multiple headers against the Response. If the current context is serverless, then this function acts like Set-PodeHeaderBulk.
A hashtable of headers to be appended.
If supplied, the secret with which to sign the header values.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
Add-PodeHeaderBulk -Values @{ Name1 = 'Value1'; Name2 = 'Value2' }
function Add-PodeHeaderBulk {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
foreach ($key in $Values.Keys) {
$value = $Values[$key]
# sign the value if we have a secret
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$value = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $value -Secret $Secret -Strict:$Strict)
# add the header to the response
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers[$key] = $value
else {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers.Add($key, $value)
Tests if a header is present on the Request.
Tests if a header is present on the Request.
The name of the header to test.
Test-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken'
function Test-PodeHeader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name $Name)
return (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($header))
Retrieves the value of a header from the Request.
Retrieves the value of a header from the Request.
The name of the header to retrieve.
The secret used to unsign the header's value.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken'
function Get-PodeHeader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get the value for the header from the request
$header = $WebEvent.Request.Headers.$Name
# if a secret was supplied, attempt to unsign the header's value
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$header = (Invoke-PodeValueUnsign -Value $header -Secret $Secret -Strict:$Strict)
return $header
Sets a header on the Response, clearing all current values for the header.
Sets a header on the Response, clearing all current values for the header.
The name of the header.
The value to set against the header.
If supplied, the secret with which to sign the header's value.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Value 'AA-BB-CC-33'
function Set-PodeHeader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# sign the value if we have a secret
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$Value = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $Value -Secret $Secret -Strict:$Strict)
# set the header on the response
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers[$Name] = $Value
else {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers.Set($Name, $Value)
Sets multiple headers on the Response, clearing all current values for the header.
Sets multiple headers on the Response, clearing all current values for the header.
A hashtable of headers to be set.
If supplied, the secret with which to sign the header values.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
Set-PodeHeaderBulk -Values @{ Name1 = 'Value1'; Name2 = 'Value2' }
function Set-PodeHeaderBulk {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
foreach ($key in $Values.Keys) {
$value = $Values[$key]
# sign the value if we have a secret
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
$value = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $value -Secret $Secret -Strict:$Strict)
# set the header on the response
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers[$key] = $value
else {
$WebEvent.Response.Headers.Set($key, $value)
Tests if a header on the Request is validly signed.
Tests if a header on the Request is validly signed, by attempting to unsign it using some secret.
The name of the header to test.
A secret to use for attempting to unsign the header's value.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
Test-PodeHeaderSigned -Name 'X-Header-Name' -Secret 'hunter2'
function Test-PodeHeaderSigned {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$header = Get-PodeHeader -Name $Name
return Test-PodeValueSigned -Value $header -Secret $Secret -Strict:$Strict
Adds an access rule to allow or deny IP addresses. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitAccessRule instead.
Adds an access rule to allow or deny IP addresses. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitAccessRule instead.
The type of access to enable.
What type of request are we configuring?
A single, or an array of values.
Add-PodeAccessRule -Access Allow -Type IP -Values ''
Add-PodeAccessRule -Access Deny -Type IP -Values @('', '')
function Add-PodeAccessRule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule `
-Name (New-PodeGuid) `
-Action $Access `
-Component (New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP $Values)
Adds rate limiting rules for an IP addresses, Routes, or Endpoints. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitRateRule instead.
Adds rate limiting rules for an IP addresses, Routes, or Endpoints. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitRateRule instead.
What type of request is being rate limited: IP, Route, or Endpoint?
A single, or an array of values.
The maximum number of requests to allow.
The number of seconds to count requests before restarting the count.
If supplied, groups of IPs in a subnet will be considered as one IP.
Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values '' -Limit 10 -Seconds 1
Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values @('', '') -Limit 50 -Seconds 1 -Group
Add-PodeLimitRule -Type Route -Values '/downloads' -Limit 5 -Seconds 1
function Add-PodeLimitRule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('IP', 'Route', 'Endpoint')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$component = $null
switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'ip' {
$component = New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP $Values -Group:$Group
'route' {
$component = New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path $Values
'endpoint' {
$component = New-PodeLimitEndpointComponent -Name $Values
Add-PodeLimitRateRule `
-Name (New-PodeGuid) `
-Limit $Limit `
-Duration ($Seconds * 1000) `
-Component $component
Adds a rate limit rule.
Adds a rate limit rule.
The name of the rate limit rule.
.PARAMETER Component
The component(s) to check. This can be a single, or an array of components.
The limit for the rule - the maximum number of requests to allow within the duration.
The duration for the rule, in milliseconds. (Default: 60000)
The status code to return when the limit is reached. (Default: 429)
The priority of the rule. The higher the number, the higher the priority. (Default: [int]::MinValue)
# limit to 10 requests per minute for all IPs
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10 -Component @(
# limit to 5 requests per minute for all IPs and the /downloads route
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 5 -Component @(
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
# limit to 1 request, per 30 seconds, for all IPs in a subnet grouped, to the /downloads route
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 1 -Duration 30000 -Component @(
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Group
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
# limit to 10 requests per second, for specific IPs, with a custom status code and priority
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10 -Duration 1000 -StatusCode 401 -Priority 100 -Component @(
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '', '', ''
function Add-PodeLimitRateRule {
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
[ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
$Duration = 60000,
$StatusCode = 429,
$Priority = [int]::MinValue
if (Test-PodeLimitRateRule -Name $Name) {
# A rate limit rule with the name '$($Name)' already exists
throw ($PodeLocale.rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Components = $Component
Limit = $Limit
Duration = $Duration
StatusCode = $StatusCode
Priority = $Priority
Active = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[string, hashtable]]::new()
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesAltered = $true
Updates a rate limit rule.
Updates a rate limit rule.
The name of the rate limit rule.
The new limit for the rule. If not supplied, the limit will not be updated.
The new duration for the rule, in milliseconds. If not supplied, the duration will not be updated.
The new status code for the rule. If not supplied, the status code will not be updated.
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Duration 10000
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -StatusCode 429
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10 -Duration 10000 -StatusCode 429
function Update-PodeLimitRateRule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Limit = -1,
$Duration = -1,
$StatusCode = -1
$rule = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules[$Name]
if (!$rule) {
# A rate limit rule with the name '$($Name)' does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
if ($Limit -ge 0) {
$rule.Limit = $Limit
if ($Duration -gt 0) {
$rule.Duration = $Duration
if ($StatusCode -gt 0) {
$rule.StatusCode = $StatusCode
Removes a rate limit rule.
Removes a rate limit rule.
The name of the rate limit rule.
Remove-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1'
function Remove-PodeLimitRateRule {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Remove($Name)
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesAltered = $true
Tests if a rate limit rule exists.
Tests if a rate limit rule exists.
The name of the rate limit rule.
Test-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1'
This function is used to test if a rate limit rule exists.
function Test-PodeLimitRateRule {
return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Contains($Name)
Gets a rate limit rule by name.
Gets a rate limit rule by name.
The name(s) of the rate limit rule.
$rules = Get-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1', 'rule2'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitRateRule
A hashtable array containing the rate limit rule(s).
function Get-PodeLimitRateRule {
if ($Name) {
return $Name | ForEach-Object { $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules[$_] }
return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Values
Adds an access limit rule.
Adds an access limit rule.
The name of the access rule.
.PARAMETER Component
The component(s) to check. This can be a single, or an array of components.
The action to take. Either 'Allow' or 'Deny'.
The status code to return. (Default: 403)
The priority of the rule. The higher the number, the higher the priority. (Default: [int]::MinValue)
# only allow localhost
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Allow -Component @(
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
# only allow localhost and the /downloads route
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Allow -Component @(
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
# deny all requests
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Deny -Component @(
# deny all requests from a subnet, with a custom status code
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Deny -StatusCode 401 -Component @(
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
# deny all requests from a subnet, with a custom status code and priority
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Deny -StatusCode 401 -Priority 100 -Component @(
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
function Add-PodeLimitAccessRule {
[ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]
$StatusCode = 403,
$Priority = [int]::MinValue
if (Test-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name $Name) {
# An access limit rule with the name '$($Name)' already exists
throw ($PodeLocale.accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Components = $Component
Action = $Action
StatusCode = $StatusCode
Priority = $Priority
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesAltered = $true
# set the flag if we have any allow rules
if ($Action -eq 'Allow') {
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.HaveAllowRules = $true
Updates an access rule.
Updates an access rule.
The name of the access rule.
The action to take. Either 'Allow' or 'Deny'. If not supplied, the action will not be updated.
The status code to return. If not supplied, the status code will not be updated.
Update-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action 'Deny'
Update-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -StatusCode 404
Update-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action 'Allow' -StatusCode 200
function Update-PodeLimitAccessRule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]
$Action = $null,
$StatusCode = -1
$rule = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules[$Name]
if (!$rule) {
# An access limit rule with the name '$($Name)' does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Action)) {
$rule.Action = $Action
if ($StatusCode -gt 0) {
$rule.StatusCode = $StatusCode
# reset the flag if we have any allow rules
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.HaveAllowRules = ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Value |
Where-Object { $_.Action -eq 'Allow' } |
Measure-Object).Count -gt 0
Removes an access rule.
Removes an access rule.
The name of the access rule.
Remove-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1'
function Remove-PodeLimitAccessRule {
# remove the rule
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Remove($Name)
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesAltered = $true
# reset the flag if we have any allow rules
$PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.HaveAllowRules = ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Value |
Where-Object { $_.Action -eq 'Allow' } |
Measure-Object).Count -gt 0
Tests if an access rule exists.
Tests if an access rule exists.
The name of the access rule.
Test-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1'
A boolean indicating if the access rule exists.
function Test-PodeLimitAccessRule {
return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Contains($Name)
Gets an access rule by name.
Gets an access rule by name.
The name(s) of the access rule.
$rules = Get-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1', 'rule2'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitAccessRule
A hashtable array containing the access rule(s).
function Get-PodeLimitAccessRule {
if ($Name) {
return $Name | ForEach-Object { $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules[$_] }
return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Values
Creates a new Limit IP component.
Creates a new Limit IP component. This supports the WebEvent, SmtpEvent, and TcpEvent IPs.
The IP address(es) to check. Supports raw IPs, subnets, local, and any.
Where to get the IP from: RemoteAddress or XForwardedFor. (Default: RemoteAddress)
.PARAMETER XForwardedForType
If the Location is XForwardedFor, which IP in the X-Forwarded-For header to use: Leftmost, Rightmost, or All. (Default: Leftmost)
If Leftmost, the first IP in the X-Forwarded-For header will be used.
If Rightmost, the last IP in the X-Forwarded-For header will be used.
If All, all IPs in the X-Forwarded-For header will be used - at least one must match.
If supplied, IPs in a subnet will be treated as a single entity.
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP 'localhost'
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP 'all'
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Group
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Location XForwardedFor
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Group -Location XForwardedFor -XForwardedForType Rightmost
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the IP component.
The scriptblock will return the IP - or subnet for grouped - if found, or null if not.
function New-PodeLimitIPComponent {
[ValidateSet('RemoteAddress', 'XForwardedFor')]
$Location = 'RemoteAddress',
[ValidateSet('Leftmost', 'Rightmost', 'All')]
$XForwardedForType = 'Leftmost',
# map of ip/subnet details
$ipDetails = [ordered]@{
Raw = @{}
Subnets = [ordered]@{}
Any = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $IP)
Local = $false
# loop through each IP to parse details
foreach ($_ip in $IP) {
# is the ip valid?
if (!(Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $_ip) -and !(Test-PodeIPAddress -IP $_ip -IPOnly)) {
# The IP address supplied is invalid: {0}
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage -f $_ip)
# for any, just flag as any and continue
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_ip) -or (Test-PodeIPAddressAny -IP $_ip)) {
$ipDetails.Any = $true
# for local, just flag as local and continue
if (Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $_ip) {
$ipDetails.Local = $true
# for subnet, parse the subnet details
if (Test-PodeIPAddressIsSubnetMask -IP $_ip) {
$subnetRange = Get-PodeSubnetRange -SubnetMask $_ip
$lowerDetails = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $subnetRange.Lower
$upperDetails = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $subnetRange.Upper
$ipDetails.Subnets[$_ip] = @{
Family = $lowerDetails.Family
Lower = $lowerDetails.GetAddressBytes()
Upper = $upperDetails.GetAddressBytes()
# for raw IP, just parse the IP details
$details = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $_ip
$ipDetails.Raw[$_ip] = @{
Family = $details.Family
# pass back the IP component
return @{
Options = @{
IP = $ipDetails
Location = $Location.ToLowerInvariant()
XForwardedForType = $XForwardedForType.ToLowerInvariant()
Group = $Group.IsPresent
ScriptBlock = {
# current request ip - for webevent, smtpevent, or tcpevent
# for webevent, we can get the ip from the remote address or x-forwarded-for
$ipAddresses = $null
if ($WebEvent) {
switch ($options.Location) {
'remoteaddress' {
$ipAddresses = @($WebEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address)
'xforwardedfor' {
$xForwardedFor = $WebEvent.Request.Headers['X-Forwarded-For']
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($xForwardedFor)) {
return $null
$xffIps = $xForwardedFor.Split(',')
switch ($options.XForwardedForType) {
'leftmost' {
$ipAddresses = @(Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $xffIps[0].Trim() -ContainsPort)
'rightmost' {
$ipAddresses = @(Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $xffIps[-1].Trim() -ContainsPort)
'all' {
$ipAddresses = @(foreach ($ip in $xffIps) { Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $ip.Trim() -ContainsPort })
elseif ($SmtpEvent) {
$ipAddresses = @($SmtpEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address)
elseif ($TcpEvent) {
$ipAddresses = @($TcpEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address)
# if we have no ip addresses, then return null
if (($null -eq $ipAddresses) -or ($ipAddresses.Length -eq 0)) {
return $null
# loop through each ip address
for ($i = $ipAddresses.Length - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
$ip = $ipAddresses[$i]
$ipDetails = @{
Value = $ip.IPAddressToString
Family = $ip.AddressFamily
Bytes = $ip.GetAddressBytes()
# is the ip in the Raw list?
if ($options.IP.Raw.ContainsKey($ipDetails.Value)) {
return $ipDetails.Value
# is the ip in the Subnets list?
foreach ($subnet in $options.IP.Subnets.Keys) {
$subnetDetails = $options.IP.Subnets[$subnet]
if ($subnetDetails.Family -ne $ipDetails.Family) {
# if the ip is in the subnet range, then return the subnet
if (Test-PodeIPAddressInSubnet -IP $ipDetails.Bytes -Lower $subnetDetails.Lower -Upper $subnetDetails.Upper) {
if ($options.Group) {
return $subnet
return $ipDetails.Value
# is the ip local?
if ($options.IP.Local) {
if ([System.Net.IPAddress]::IsLoopback($ip)) {
if ($options.Group) {
return 'local'
return $ipDetails.Value
# is any allowed?
if ($options.IP.Any -and ($i -eq 0)) {
if ($options.Group) {
return '*'
return $ipDetails.Value
# ip didn't match any rules
return $null
Creates a new Limit Route component.
Creates a new Limit Route component. This supports the WebEvent routes.
The route path(s) to check. This can be a full path, or a wildcard path.
If supplied, the routes will be grouped by any wildcard, ignoring the full path.
For example, any routes matching "/api/*" will be grouped as "/api/*", and not "/api/test" or "/api/test/hello".
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads', '/api/*'
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/api/*' -Group
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the route component.
The scriptblock will return the route path if found, or null if not.
function New-PodeLimitRouteComponent {
# convert paths into a hashtable for easier lookup
$htPath = @{}
foreach ($p in $Path) {
$htPath[(ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex -Path $p)] = $true
# pass back the route component
return @{
Options = @{
Path = $htPath
Group = $Group.IsPresent
All = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Path)
ScriptBlock = {
# current request path
$path = $WebEvent.Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path)) {
return $null
# if the list is empty, or the list contains the path, then return the path
if ($options.All -or $options.Path.ContainsKey($path)) {
return $path
# check if the path is a wildcard
foreach ($key in $options.Path.Keys) {
if ($path -imatch "^$($key)$") {
if ($options.Group) {
return $key
return $path
# return null
return $null
Creates a new Limit Endpoint component.
Creates a new Limit Endpoint component. This supports the WebEvent, SmtpEvent, and TcpEvent endpoints.
The endpoint name(s) to check.
New-PodeLimitEndpointComponent -Name 'api'
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the endpoint component.
The scriptblock will return the endpoint name if found, or null if not.
function New-PodeLimitEndpointComponent {
# convert endpoint names into a hashtable for easier lookup
$htName = @{}
foreach ($e in $Name) {
$htName[$e] = $true
# pass back the endpoint component
return @{
Options = @{
EndpointName = $htName
All = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Name)
ScriptBlock = {
# current request endpoint name - from webevent, smtpevent, or tcpevent
$endpointName = $null
if ($WebEvent) {
$endpointName = $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name
elseif ($SmtpEvent) {
$endpointName = $SmtpEvent.Endpoint.Name
elseif ($TcpEvent) {
$endpointName = $TcpEvent.Endpoint.Name
if ($null -eq $endpointName) {
return $null
# if the list is empty, or the list contains the endpoint name, then return the endpoint name
if ($options.All -or $options.EndpointName.ContainsKey($endpointName)) {
return $endpointName
# return null
return $null
Creates a new Limit HTTP Method component.
Creates a new Limit HTTP Method component. This supports the WebEvent methods.
The HTTP method(s) to check.
New-PodeLimitMethodComponent -Method 'Get'
New-PodeLimitMethodComponent -Method 'Get', 'Post'
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the method component.
The scriptblock will return the method if found, or null if not.
function New-PodeLimitMethodComponent {
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')]
# convert methods into a hashtable for easier lookup
$htMethod = @{}
foreach ($m in $Method) {
$htMethod[$m] = $true
# pass back the method component
return @{
Options = @{
Method = $htMethod
All = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Method)
ScriptBlock = {
# current request method
$method = $WebEvent.Method
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($method)) {
return $null
# if the list is empty, or the list contains the method, then return the method
if ($options.All -or $options.Method.ContainsKey($method)) {
return $method
# return null
return $null
Creates a new Limit Header component.
Creates a new Limit Header component. This support WebEvent and SmtpEvent headers.
The name of the header(s) to check.
The value of the header(s) to check.
If supplied, the headers will be grouped by name, ignoring the value.
For example, any headers matching "X-AuthToken" will be grouped as "X-AuthToken", and not "X-AuthToken=123".
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken'
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken', 'X-AuthKey'
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Value '12345'
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Group
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the header component.
The scriptblock will return the header name and value if found, or just the name if Group is supplied.
function New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# convert header names into a hashtable for easier lookup
$htHeaderName = @{}
foreach ($h in $Name) {
$htHeaderName[$h] = $true
# convert header values into a hashtable for easier lookup
$htHeaderValue = @{}
foreach ($h in $Value) {
$htHeaderValue[$h] = $true
# pass back the header component
return @{
Options = @{
HeaderNames = $htHeaderName
HeaderValues = $htHeaderValue
Group = $Group.IsPresent
AllValues = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Value)
ScriptBlock = {
# current request headers - from webevent or smtpevent
$reqHeaders = @{}
if ($WebEvent) {
$reqHeaders = $WebEvent.Request.Headers
elseif ($SmtpEvent) {
$reqHeaders = $SmtpEvent.Request.Headers
if ($reqHeaders.Count -eq 0) {
return $null
# loop through each specified header
foreach ($header in $options.HeaderNames.Keys) {
# skip if the header is not in the request
if (!$reqHeaders.ContainsKey($header)) {
# are we checking any specific values - if not, return name/value or just name
if ($options.AllValues) {
if ($options.Group) {
return $header
return "$($header)=$($reqHeaders[$header])"
# otherwise, check if the header value is in the list
if ($options.HeaderValues.ContainsKey($reqHeaders[$header])) {
return "$($header)=$($reqHeaders[$header])"
# return null
return $null
Create a new method of outputting logs.
Create a new method of outputting logs.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Terminal logging output method.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt File logging output method.
The File Path of where to store the logs.
The File Name to prepend new log files using.
.PARAMETER EventViewer
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Event Viewer logging output method.
Optional Log Name for the Event Viewer (Default: Application)
Optional Source for the Event Viewer (Default: Pode)
Optional EventID for the Event Viewer (Default: 0)
An optional batch size to write log items in bulk (Default: 1)
.PARAMETER BatchTimeout
An optional batch timeout, in seconds, to send items off for writing if a log item isn't received (Default: 0)
The maximum number of days to keep logs, before Pode automatically removes them.
The maximum size of a log file, before Pode starts writing to a new log file.
If supplied, will allow you to create a Custom Logging output method.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock that defines how to output a log item.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Custom Logging output method's ScriptBlock.
$term_logging = New-PodeLoggingMethod -Terminal
$file_logging = New-PodeLoggingMethod -File -Path ./logs -Name 'requests'
$custom_logging = New-PodeLoggingMethod -Custom -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function New-PodeLoggingMethod {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Terminal')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Terminal')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$Path = './logs',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EventViewer')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EventViewer')]
$EventLogName = 'Application',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EventViewer')]
$Source = 'Pode',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EventViewer')]
$EventID = 0,
$Batch = 1,
$BatchTimeout = 0,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
if ($_ -lt 0) {
# MaxDays must be 0 or greater, but got
throw ($PodeLocale.maxDaysInvalidExceptionMessage -f $MaxDays)
return $true
$MaxDays = 0,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File')]
if ($_ -lt 0) {
# MaxSize must be 0 or greater, but got
throw ($PodeLocale.maxSizeInvalidExceptionMessage -f $MaxSize)
return $true
$MaxSize = 0,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $_) {
# A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the Custom logging output method
throw ($PodeLocale.nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForCustomLoggingExceptionMessage)
return $true
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
# batch details
$batchInfo = @{
Size = $Batch
Timeout = $BatchTimeout
LastUpdate = $null
Items = @()
RawItems = @()
# return info on appropriate logging type
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'terminal' {
return @{
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeLoggingTerminalMethod)
Batch = $batchInfo
Arguments = @{}
'file' {
$Path = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default './logs')
$Path = (Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot)
$null = New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force
return @{
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeLoggingFileMethod)
Batch = $batchInfo
Arguments = @{
Name = $Name
Path = $Path
MaxDays = $MaxDays
MaxSize = $MaxSize
FileId = 0
Date = $null
NextClearDown = [datetime]::Now.Date
'eventviewer' {
# only windows
if (!(Test-PodeIsWindows)) {
# Event Viewer logging only supported on Windows
throw ($PodeLocale.eventViewerLoggingSupportedOnWindowsOnlyExceptionMessage)
# create source
if (![System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($Source)) {
$null = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource($Source, $EventLogName)
return @{
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeLoggingEventViewerMethod)
Batch = $batchInfo
Arguments = @{
LogName = $EventLogName
Source = $Source
ID = $EventID
'custom' {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
return @{
ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Batch = $batchInfo
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Enables Request Logging using a supplied output method.
Enables Request Logging using a supplied output method.
The Method to use for output the log entry (From New-PodeLoggingMethod).
.PARAMETER UsernameProperty
An optional property path within the $WebEvent.Auth.User object for the user's Username. (Default: Username).
If supplied, the log item returned will be the raw Request item as a hashtable and not a string (for Custom methods).
New-PodeLoggingMethod -Terminal | Enable-PodeRequestLogging
function Enable-PodeRequestLogging {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Enable-PodeRequestLogging' -ThrowError
$name = Get-PodeRequestLoggingName
# error if it's already enabled
if ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Contains($name)) {
# Request Logging has already been enabled
throw ($PodeLocale.requestLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage)
# ensure the Method contains a scriptblock
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Method.ScriptBlock) {
# The supplied output Method for Request Logging requires a valid ScriptBlock
throw ($PodeLocale.loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage -f 'Request')
# username property
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UsernameProperty)) {
$UsernameProperty = 'Username'
# add the request logger
$PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types[$name] = @{
Method = $Method
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeLoggingInbuiltType -Type Requests)
Properties = @{
Username = $UsernameProperty
Arguments = @{
Raw = $Raw
Disables Request Logging.
Disables Request Logging.
function Disable-PodeRequestLogging {
Remove-PodeLogger -Name (Get-PodeRequestLoggingName)
Enables Error Logging using a supplied output method.
Enables Error Logging using a supplied output method.
The Method to use for output the log entry (From New-PodeLoggingMethod).
The Levels of errors that should be logged (default is Error).
If supplied, the log item returned will be the raw Error item as a hashtable and not a string (for Custom methods).
New-PodeLoggingMethod -Terminal | Enable-PodeErrorLogging
function Enable-PodeErrorLogging {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Error', 'Warning', 'Informational', 'Verbose', 'Debug', '*')]
$Levels = @('Error'),
$name = Get-PodeErrorLoggingName
# error if it's already enabled
if ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Contains($name)) {
# Error Logging has already been enabled
throw ($PodeLocale.errorLoggingAlreadyEnabledExceptionMessage)
# ensure the Method contains a scriptblock
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Method.ScriptBlock) {
# The supplied output Method for Error Logging requires a valid ScriptBlock
throw ($PodeLocale.loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage -f 'Error')
# all errors?
if ($Levels -contains '*') {
$Levels = @('Error', 'Warning', 'Informational', 'Verbose', 'Debug')
# add the error logger
$PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types[$name] = @{
Method = $Method
ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeLoggingInbuiltType -Type Errors)
Arguments = @{
Raw = $Raw
Levels = $Levels
Disables Error Logging.
Disables Error Logging.
function Disable-PodeErrorLogging {
Remove-PodeLogger -Name (Get-PodeErrorLoggingName)
Adds a custom Logging method for parsing custom log items.
Adds a custom Logging method for parsing custom log items.
A unique Name for the Logging method.
The Method to use for output the log entry (From New-PodeLoggingMethod).
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock defining logic that transforms an item, and returns it for outputting.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Custom Logger's ScriptBlock.
New-PodeLoggingMethod -Terminal | Add-PodeLogger -Name 'Main' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function Add-PodeLogger {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $_) {
# A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the logging method
throw ($PodeLocale.nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForLoggingMethodExceptionMessage)
return $true
# ensure the name doesn't already exist
if ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Logging method already defined
throw ($PodeLocale.loggingMethodAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the Method contains a scriptblock
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Method.ScriptBlock) {
# The supplied output Method for the Logging method requires a valid ScriptBlock
throw ($PodeLocale.loggingMethodRequiresValidScriptBlockExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add logging method to server
$PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types[$Name] = @{
Method = $Method
ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Removes a configured Logging method.
Removes a configured Logging method.
The Name of the Logging method.
Remove-PodeLogger -Name 'LogName'
function Remove-PodeLogger {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Remove($Name)
Clears all Logging methods that have been configured.
Clears all Logging methods that have been configured.
function Clear-PodeLoggers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Writes and Exception or ErrorRecord using the inbuilt error logging.
Writes and Exception or ErrorRecord using the inbuilt error logging.
.PARAMETER Exception
An Exception to write.
.PARAMETER ErrorRecord
An ErrorRecord to write.
The Level of the error being logged.
.PARAMETER CheckInnerException
If supplied, any exceptions are check for inner exceptions. If one is present, this is also logged.
try { /* logic */ } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog }
[System.Exception]::new('error message') | Write-PodeErrorLog
function Write-PodeErrorLog {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Exception')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Error')]
[ValidateSet('Error', 'Warning', 'Informational', 'Verbose', 'Debug')]
$Level = 'Error',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Exception')]
# do nothing if logging is disabled, or error logging isn't setup
$name = Get-PodeErrorLoggingName
if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $name)) {
# do nothing if the error level isn't present
$levels = @(Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel)
if ($levels -inotcontains $Level) {
# build error object for what we need
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'exception' {
$item = @{
Category = $Exception.Source
Message = $Exception.Message
StackTrace = $Exception.StackTrace
'error' {
$item = @{
Category = $ErrorRecord.CategoryInfo.ToString()
Message = $ErrorRecord.Exception.Message
StackTrace = $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace
# add general info
$item['Server'] = $PodeContext.Server.ComputerName
$item['Level'] = $Level
$item['Date'] = [datetime]::Now
$item['ThreadId'] = [int]$ThreadId
# add the item to be processed
$null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Add(@{
Name = $name
Item = $item
# for exceptions, check the inner exception
if ($CheckInnerException -and ($null -ne $Exception.InnerException) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Exception.InnerException.Message)) {
$Exception.InnerException | Write-PodeErrorLog
Write an object to a configured custom Logging method.
Write an object to a configured custom Logging method.
The Name of the Logging method.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The Object to write.
$object | Write-PodeLog -Name 'LogName'
function Write-PodeLog {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# do nothing if logging is disabled, or logger isn't setup
if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $Name)) {
# add the item to be processed
$null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Add(@{
Name = $Name
Item = $InputObject
Masks values within a log item to protect sensitive information.
Masks values within a log item, or any string, to protect sensitive information.
Patterns, and the Mask, can be configured via the server.psd1 configuration file.
The string Item to mask values.
$value = Protect-PodeLogItem -Item 'Username=Morty, Password=Hunter2'
function Protect-PodeLogItem {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# do nothing if there are no masks
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Masking.Patterns) {
return $item
# attempt to apply each mask
foreach ($mask in $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Masking.Patterns) {
if ($Item -imatch $mask) {
# has both keep before/after
if ($Matches.ContainsKey('keep_before') -and $Matches.ContainsKey('keep_after')) {
$Item = ($Item -ireplace $mask, "`${keep_before}$($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Masking.Mask)`${keep_after}")
# has just keep before
elseif ($Matches.ContainsKey('keep_before')) {
$Item = ($Item -ireplace $mask, "`${keep_before}$($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Masking.Mask)")
# has just keep after
elseif ($Matches.ContainsKey('keep_after')) {
$Item = ($Item -ireplace $mask, "$($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Masking.Mask)`${keep_after}")
# normal mask
else {
$Item = ($Item -ireplace $mask, $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Masking.Mask)
return $Item
Automatically loads logging ps1 files
Automatically loads logging ps1 files from either a /logging folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeLogging -Path './my-logging'
function Use-PodeLogging {
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'logging'
Retrieves the server uptime in milliseconds or a human-readable format.
The `Get-PodeServerUptime` function calculates the server's uptime since its last start or total uptime since initial load, depending on the `-Total` switch.
By default, the uptime is returned in milliseconds. When the `-Format` parameter is used, the uptime can be returned in various human-readable styles:
- `Milliseconds` (default): Raw uptime in milliseconds.
- `Concise`: A short format like "1d 2h 3m".
- `Compact`: A condensed format like "01:10:17:36".
- `Verbose`: A detailed format like "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 5 seconds, 200 milliseconds".
The `-ExcludeMilliseconds` switch allows removal of milliseconds from human-readable output.
Retrieves the total server uptime since the initial load, regardless of any restarts.
Specifies the desired output format for the uptime.
Allowed values:
- `Milliseconds` (default): Uptime in raw milliseconds.
- `Concise`: Human-readable in a short form (e.g., "1d 2h 3m").
- `Compact`: Condensed form (e.g., "01:10:17:36").
- `Verbose`: Detailed format (e.g., "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 5 seconds").
.PARAMETER ExcludeMilliseconds
Omits milliseconds from the human-readable output when `-Format` is not `Milliseconds`.
$currentUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime
# Output: 123456789 (milliseconds)
$totalUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Total
# Output: 987654321 (milliseconds)
$readableUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Concise
# Output: "1d 10h 17m"
$verboseUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Verbose
# Output: "1 day, 10 hours, 17 minutes, 36 seconds, 789 milliseconds"
$compactUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Compact
# Output: "01:10:17:36"
$compactUptimeNoMs = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Compact -ExcludeMilliseconds
# Output: "01:10:17:36"
This function is part of Pode's utility metrics to monitor server uptime.
function Get-PodeServerUptime {
[OutputType([long], [string])]
[ValidateSet('Milliseconds', 'Concise', 'Compact', 'Verbose')]
$Format = 'Milliseconds',
# Determine the start time based on the -Total switch
# Default: Uses the last start time; -Total: Uses the initial load time
$time = $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.StartTime
if ($Total) {
$time = $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.InitialLoadTime
# Calculate uptime in milliseconds
$uptimeMilliseconds = [long]([datetime]::UtcNow - $time).TotalMilliseconds
# Return uptime in milliseconds if no readable format is requested
if ($Format -ieq 'Milliseconds') {
return $uptimeMilliseconds
# Convert uptime to a human-readable format
return Convert-PodeMillisecondsToReadable -Milliseconds $uptimeMilliseconds -Format $Format -ExcludeMilliseconds:$ExcludeMilliseconds
Returns the number of times the server has restarted.
Returns the number of times the server has restarted.
$restarts = Get-PodeServerRestartCount
function Get-PodeServerRestartCount {
return $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.RestartCount
Returns the total number of requests/per status code the Server has receieved.
Returns the total number of requests/per status code the Server has receieved.
If supplied, will return the total number of requests for a specific StatusCode.
If supplied, will return the Total number of Requests.
$totalReqs = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric -Total
$statusReqs = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric
$404Reqs = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric -StatusCode 404
function Get-PodeServerRequestMetric {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'StatusCode')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'StatusCode')]
$StatusCode = 0,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Total')]
if ($Total) {
return $PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.Total
if (($StatusCode -le 0)) {
return $PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes
$strCode = "$($StatusCode)"
if (!$PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes.ContainsKey($strCode)) {
return 0L
return $PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes[$strCode]
Returns the total number of Signal requests the Server has receieved.
Returns the total number of Signal requests the Server has receieved.
$totalReqs = Get-PodeServerSignalMetric
function Get-PodeServerSignalMetric {
return $PodeContext.Metrics.Signals.Total
Returns the count of active requests.
Returns the count of all, processing, or queued active requests.
The count type to return. (Default: Total)
Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric -CountType Queued
function Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric {
[ValidateSet('Total', 'Queued', 'Processing')]
$CountType = 'Total'
switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'total' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.Contexts.Count
'queued' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.Contexts.QueuedCount
'processing' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.Contexts.ProcessingCount
Returns the count of active signals.
Returns the count of all, processing, or queued active signals; for either server or client signals.
The type of signal to return. (Default: Total)
The count type to return. (Default: Total)
Get-PodeServerActiveSignalMetric -Type Client -CountType Queued
function Get-PodeServerActiveSignalMetric {
[ValidateSet('Total', 'Server', 'Client')]
$Type = 'Total',
[ValidateSet('Total', 'Queued', 'Processing')]
$CountType = 'Total'
switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'total' {
switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'total' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.Count + $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.Count
'queued' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.QueuedCount + $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.QueuedCount
'processing' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.ProcessingCount + $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.ProcessingCount
'server' {
switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'total' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.Count
'queued' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.QueuedCount
'processing' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.ProcessingCount
'client' {
switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'total' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.Count
'queued' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.QueuedCount
'processing' {
return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.ProcessingCount
Creates and returns a new secure token for use with CSRF.
Creates and returns a new secure token for use with CSRF.
$token = New-PodeCsrfToken
function New-PodeCsrfToken {
# fail if the csrf logic hasn't been initialised
if (!(Test-PodeCsrfConfigured)) {
# CSRF Middleware has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
# generate a new secret and salt
$Secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret
$Salt = (New-PodeSalt -Length 8)
# return a new token
return "t:$($Salt).$(Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value "$($Salt)-$($Secret)")"
Returns adhoc CSRF CSRF verification Middleware, for use on Routes.
Returns adhoc CSRF CSRF verification Middleware, for use on Routes.
$csrf = Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/cpu' -Middleware $csrf -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware {
# fail if the csrf logic hasn't been initialised
if (!(Test-PodeCsrfConfigured)) {
# CSRF Middleware has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
# return scriptblock for the csrf route middleware to test tokens
$script = {
# if there's not a secret, generate and store it
$secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret
# verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403
$token = Get-PodeCsrfToken
if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403 -Description 'Invalid CSRF Token'
return $false
# token is valid, move along
return $true
return (New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock $script)
Initialises CSRF within Pode for adhoc usage.
Initialises CSRF within Pode for adhoc usage, with configurable HTTP methods to ignore verification.
.PARAMETER IgnoreMethods
An array of HTTP methods to ignore CSRF verification.
A secret to use when signing cookies - for when using CSRF with cookies.
If supplied, CSRF will used cookies rather than sessions.
Initialize-PodeCsrf -IgnoreMethods @('Get', 'Trace')
Initialize-PodeCsrf -Secret 'some-secret' -UseCookies
function Initialize-PodeCsrf {
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')]
$IgnoreMethods = @('Get', 'Head', 'Options', 'Trace'),
# check that csrf logic hasn't already been intialised
if (Test-PodeCsrfConfigured) {
# if sessions haven't been setup and we're not using cookies, error
if (!$UseCookies -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# Sessions are required to use CSRF unless you want to use cookies
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage)
# if we're using cookies, ensure a global secret exists
if ($UseCookies) {
$Secret = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Secret -Default (Get-PodeCookieSecret -Global))
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Secret) {
# When using cookies for CSRF, a Secret is required
throw ($PodeLocale.csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage)
# set the options against the server context
$PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf = @{
Name = 'pode.csrf'
UseCookies = $UseCookies
Secret = $Secret
IgnoredMethods = $IgnoreMethods
Enables Middleware for verifying CSRF tokens on Requests.
Enables Middleware for verifying CSRF tokens on Requests, with configurable HTTP methods to ignore verification.
.PARAMETER IgnoreMethods
An array of HTTP methods to ignore CSRF verification.
A secret to use when signing cookies - for when using CSRF with cookies.
If supplied, CSRF will used cookies rather than sessions.
Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware -IgnoreMethods @('Get', 'Trace')
Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware -Secret 'some-secret' -UseCookies
function Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware {
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')]
$IgnoreMethods = @('Get', 'Head', 'Options', 'Trace'),
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]
Initialize-PodeCsrf -IgnoreMethods $IgnoreMethods -Secret $Secret -UseCookies:$UseCookies
# return scriptblock for the csrf middleware
$script = {
# if the current route method is ignored, just return
$ignored = @($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.IgnoredMethods)
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ignored) -and ($ignored -icontains $WebEvent.Method)) {
return $true
# if there's not a secret, generate and store it
$secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret
# verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403
$token = Get-PodeCsrfToken
if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403 -Description 'Invalid CSRF Token'
return $false
# token is valid, move along
return $true
(New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock $script) | Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_csrf__'
Adds a custom body parser middleware.
Adds a custom body parser middleware script for a content-type, which will be used if a payload is sent with a Request.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The ContentType of the custom body parser.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock that will parse the body content, and return the result.
Add-PodeBodyParser -ContentType 'application/json' -ScriptBlock { param($body) /* parsing logic */ }
function Add-PodeBodyParser {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# if a parser for the type already exists, fail
if ($PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.ContainsKey($ContentType)) {
# A body-parser is already defined for the content-type
throw ($PodeLocale.bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage -f $ContentType)
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers[$ContentType] = @{
ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Removes a custom body parser.
Removes a custom body parser middleware script for a content-type.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The ContentType of the custom body parser.
Remove-PodeBodyParser -ContentType 'application/json'
function Remove-PodeBodyParser {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
# if there's no parser for the type, return
if (!$PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.ContainsKey($ContentType)) {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.Remove($ContentType)
Adds a new Middleware to be invoked before every Route, or certain Routes.
Adds a new Middleware to be invoked before every Route, or certain Routes. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
The Name of the Middleware.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The Script defining the logic of the Middleware. Should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
.PARAMETER InputObject
A Middleware HashTable from New-PodeMiddleware, or from certain other functions that return Middleware as a HashTable.
A Route path for which Routes this Middleware should only be invoked against.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Middleware's ScriptBlock.
Boolean. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue to the next middleware/route, or return $false to stop execution.
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'BlockAgents' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'CheckEmailOnApi' -Route '/api/*' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function Add-PodeMiddleware {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Input')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# ensure name doesn't already exist
if (($PodeContext.Server.Middleware | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $Name } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
# [Middleware] Name: Middleware already defined
throw ($PodeLocale.middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if it's a script - call New-PodeMiddleware
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'script') {
$InputObject = (New-PodeMiddlewareInternal `
-ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock `
-Route $Route `
-ArgumentList $ArgumentList `
-PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState)
else {
$Route = ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex -Path $Route
$InputObject.Route = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Route -Default $InputObject.Route
$InputObject.Options = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Options -Default $InputObject.Options
# ensure we have a script to run
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $InputObject.Logic) {
# [Middleware]: No logic supplied in ScriptBlock
throw ($PodeLocale.middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage)
# set name, and override route/args
$InputObject.Name = $Name
# add the logic to array of middleware that needs to be run
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware += $InputObject
Creates a new Middleware HashTable object, that can be piped/used in Add-PodeMiddleware or in Routes.
Creates a new Middleware HashTable object, that can be piped/used in Add-PodeMiddleware or in Routes. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The Script that defines the logic of the Middleware. Should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
A Route path for which Routes this Middleware should only be invoked against.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Middleware's ScriptBlock.
Boolean. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue to the next middleware/route, or return $false to stop execution.
New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'Email' | Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'CheckEmail'
function New-PodeMiddleware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
return New-PodeMiddlewareInternal `
-ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock `
-Route $Route `
-ArgumentList $ArgumentList `
-PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
Removes a specific user defined Middleware.
Removes a specific user defined Middleware.
The Name of the Middleware to be removed.
Remove-PodeMiddleware -Name 'Sessions'
function Remove-PodeMiddleware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware = @($PodeContext.Server.Middleware | Where-Object { $_.Name -ine $Name })
Removes all user defined Middleware.
Removes all user defined Middleware.
function Clear-PodeMiddleware {
$PodeContext.Server.Middleware = @()
Automatically loads middleware ps1 files
Automatically loads middleware ps1 files from either a /middleware folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeMiddleware -Path './my-middleware'
function Use-PodeMiddleware {
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'middleware'
Checks if a specific middleware is registered in the Pode server.
This function verifies whether a middleware with the specified name is registered in the Pode server by checking the `PodeContext.Server.Middleware` collection.
It returns `$true` if the middleware exists, otherwise it returns `$false`.
The name of the middleware to check for.
Returns $true if the middleware with the specified name is found, otherwise returns $false.
Test-PodeMiddleware -Name 'BlockEverything'
This command checks if a middleware named 'BlockEverything' is registered in the Pode server.
function Test-PodeMiddleware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Check if the middleware exists
foreach ($middleware in $PodeContext.Server.Middleware) {
if ($middleware.Name -ieq $Name) {
return $true
return $false
Adds a reusable component for responses.
Adds a reusable component for responses.
The reference Name of the response.
The content-types and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Property functions).
The header name and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Add-PodeOAComponentHeader cmdlet).
.PARAMETER Description
The Description of the response.
.PARAMETER Reference
A Reference Name of an existing component response to use.
A Response link definition
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAComponentResponse -Name 'OKResponse' -Content @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
Add-PodeOAComponentResponse -Name 'ErrorResponse' -Content @{ 'application/json' = 'ErrorSchema' }
function Add-PodeOAComponentResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -is [string] -or $_ -is [string[]] -or $_ -is [hashtable] })]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary ]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.responses[$Name] = New-PodeOResponseInternal -DefinitionTag $tag -Params $PSBoundParameters
Adds a reusable component schema
Adds a reusable component schema.
The reference Name of the schema.
.PARAMETER Component
The Component definition (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER Description
A description of the schema
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name 'UserIdSchema' -Component (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object)
function Add-PodeOAComponentSchema {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.schemas[$Name] = ($Component | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $tag)
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.schemaValidation) {
try {
$modifiedComponent = ($Component | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $tag) | Resolve-PodeOAReference -DefinitionTag $tag
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson[$Name] = @{
'available' = $true
'schema' = $modifiedComponent
'json' = $modifiedComponent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.depth
catch {
if ($_.ToString().StartsWith('Validation of schema with')) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson[$Name] = @{
'available' = $false
if ($Description) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.schemas[$Name].description = $Description
Adds a reusable component for a Header schema.
Adds a reusable component for a Header schema.
The reference Name of the schema.
The Schema definition (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER Description
A description of the header
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAComponentHeader -Name 'UserIdSchema' -Schema (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object)
function Add-PodeOAComponentHeader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$param = [ordered]@{
'schema' = ($Schema | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -NoDescription -DefinitionTag $tag)
if ( $Description) {
$param['description'] = $Description
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.headers[$Name] = $param
Adds a reusable component for a request body.
Adds a reusable component for a request body.
The reference Name of the request body.
The content-types and schema the request body accepts (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the request body.
If supplied, the request body will be flagged as required.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody -Name 'UserIdBody' -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody -Name 'UserIdBody' -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }
function Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
($_ -is [hashtable]) -or ($_ -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])
$Description ,
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
if ($Content -is [hashtable]) {
$orderedHashtable = [ordered]@{}
foreach ($key in $Content.Keys | Sort-Object) {
$orderedHashtable[$key] = $Content[$key]
$Content = $orderedHashtable
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$param = [ordered]@{ content = ($Content | ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -DefinitionTag $tag) }
if ($Required.IsPresent) {
$param['required'] = $Required.IsPresent
if ( $Description) {
$param['description'] = $Description
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.requestBodies[$Name] = $param
Adds a reusable component for a request parameter.
Adds a reusable component for a request parameter.
The reference Name of the parameter.
.PARAMETER Parameter
The Parameter to use for the component (from ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter)
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query | Add-PodeOAComponentParameter -Name 'UserIdParam'
function Add-PodeOAComponentParameter {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
if ($ {
$Name = $
else {
# The Parameter has no name. Please provide a name to this component using the `Name` parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.parameterHasNoNameExceptionMessage)
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.parameters[$Name] = $Parameter
Adds a reusable example component.
Adds a reusable example component.
The Name of the Example.
Short description for the example
.PARAMETER Description
Long description for the example.
Embedded literal example. The value Parameter and ExternalValue parameter are mutually exclusive.
To represent examples of media types that cannot naturally represented in JSON or YAML, use a string value to contain the example, escaping where necessary.
.PARAMETER ExternalValue
A URL that points to the literal example. This provides the capability to reference examples that cannot easily be included in JSON or YAML documents.
The -Value parameter and -ExternalValue parameter are mutually exclusive.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with. |
Add-PodeOAComponentExample -name 'frog-example' -Summary "An example of a frog with a cat's name" -Value @{name = 'Jaguar'; petType = 'Panthera'; color = 'Lion'; gender = 'Male'; breed = 'Mantella Baroni' }
function Add-PodeOAComponentExample {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Value')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Value')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExternalValue')]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$Example = [ordered]@{ }
if ($Summary) {
$Example.summary = $Summary
if ($Description) {
$Example.description = $Description
if ($Value) {
$Example.value = $Value
elseif ($ExternalValue) {
$Example.externalValue = $ExternalValue
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.examples[$Name] = $Example
Adds a reusable response link.
The Add-PodeOAComponentResponseLink function is designed to add a new reusable response link
Mandatory. A unique name for the response link.
Must be a valid string composed of alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
.PARAMETER Description
A brief description of the response link. CommonMark syntax may be used for rich text representation.
For more information on CommonMark syntax, see [CommonMark Specification](
.PARAMETER OperationId
The name of an existing, resolvable OpenAPI Specification (OAS) operation, as defined with a unique `operationId`.
This parameter is mandatory when using the 'OperationId' parameter set and is mutually exclusive of the `OperationRef` field. It is used to specify the unique identifier of the operation the link is associated with.
.PARAMETER OperationRef
A relative or absolute URI reference to an OAS operation.
This parameter is mandatory when using the 'OperationRef' parameter set and is mutually exclusive of the `OperationId` field.
It MUST point to an Operation Object. Relative `operationRef` values MAY be used to locate an existing Operation Object in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER Parameters
A map representing parameters to pass to an operation as specified with `operationId` or identified via `operationRef`.
The key is the parameter name to be used, whereas the value can be a constant or an expression to be evaluated and passed to the linked operation.
Parameter names can be qualified using the parameter location syntax `[{in}.]{name}` for operations that use the same parameter name in different locations (e.g.,
.PARAMETER RequestBody
A string representing the request body to use as a request body when calling the target.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAComponentResponseLink -Name 'address' -OperationId 'getUserByName' -Parameters @{'username' = '$request.path.username'}
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Content @{'application/json' = 'User'} -Links 'address'
This example demonstrates creating and adding a link named 'address' associated with the operation 'getUserByName' to an OrderedDictionary of links. The updated dictionary is then used in the 'Add-PodeOAResponse' function to define a response with a status code of 200.
The function supports adding links either by specifying an 'OperationId' or an 'OperationRef', making it versatile for different OpenAPI specification needs.
It's important to match the parameters and response structures as per the OpenAPI specification to ensure the correct functionality of the API documentation.
function Add-PodeOAComponentResponseLink {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OperationRef')]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.links[$Name] = New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters
Adds OpenAPI reusable callback configurations.
The Add-PodeOACallBack function is used for defining OpenAPI callback configurations for routes in a Pode server.
It enables setting up API specifications including detailed parameters, request body schemas, and response structures for various HTTP methods.
Specifies the callback path, usually a relative URL.
The key that identifies the Path Item Object is a runtime expression evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response to identify the URL for the callback request.
A simple example is `$request.body#/url`.
The runtime expression allows complete access to the HTTP message, including any part of a body that a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) can reference.
More information on JSON Pointer can be found at [RFC6901](
Alias for 'Name'. A unique identifier for the callback.
It must be a valid string of alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Defines the HTTP method for the callback (e.g., GET, POST, PUT). Supports standard HTTP methods and a wildcard (*) for all methods.
.PARAMETER Parameters
The Parameter definitions the request uses (from ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter).
.PARAMETER RequestBody
Defines the schema of the request body. Can be set using New-PodeOARequestBody.
.PARAMETER Responses
Defines the possible responses for the callback. Can be set using New-PodeOAResponse.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAComponentCallBack -Title 'test' -Path '{$request.body#/id}' -Method Post `
-RequestBody (New-PodeOARequestBody -Content @{'*/*' = (New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id')}) `
-Response (
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'Successful operation' -Content (New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json','application/xml' -Content 'Pet' -Array)
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid ID supplied' |
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 404 -Description 'Pet not found' |
New-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'Something is wrong'
Add-PodeOACallBack -Reference 'test'
This example demonstrates adding a POST callback to handle a request body and define various responses based on different status codes.
Ensure that the provided parameters match the expected schema and formats of Pode and OpenAPI specifications.
The function is useful for dynamically configuring and documenting API callbacks in a Pode server environment.
function Add-PodeOAComponentCallBack {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.callbacks.$Name = New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters -DefinitionTag $tag
Sets metadate for the supplied route.
Sets metadate for the supplied route, such as Summary and Tags.
Alias for 'Name'. A unique identifier for the route.
It must be a valid string of alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
The URI path for the Route.
The HTTP Method of this Route, multiple can be supplied.
A list of external endpoint. created with New-PodeOAServerEndpoint
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAExternalRoute -PassThru -Method Get -Path '/peta/:id' -Servers (
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server' |
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server 13'
) |
Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Find pets by ID' -Description 'Returns pets based on ID' -OperationId 'getPetsById' -PassThru |
Set-PodeOARequest -PassThru -Parameters @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id' -Description 'ID of pet to use' -array | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Path -Style Simple -Required )) |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'pet response' -Content (@{ '*/*' = New-PodeOASchemaProperty -ComponentSchema 'Pet' -array }) -PassThru |
Add-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'error payload' -Content (@{'text/html' = 'ErrorModel' }) -PassThru
Add-PodeOAComponentPathItem -PassThru -Method Get -Path '/peta/:id' -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value 'done' -StatusCode 200
} | Add-PodeOAExternalRoute -PassThru -Servers (
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server' |
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server 13'
) |
Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Find pets by ID' -Description 'Returns pets based on ID' -OperationId 'getPetsById' -PassThru |
Set-PodeOARequest -PassThru -Parameters @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id' -Description 'ID of pet to use' -array | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Path -Style Simple -Required )) |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'pet response' -Content (@{ '*/*' = New-PodeOASchemaProperty -ComponentSchema 'Pet' -array }) -PassThru |
Add-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'error payload' -Content (@{'text/html' = 'ErrorModel' }) -PassThru
function Add-PodeOAComponentPathItem {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true )]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
$_definitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
$refRoute = @{
Method = $Method.ToLower()
NotPrepared = $true
OpenApi = @{
Responses = [ordered]@{}
Parameters = [ordered]@{}
RequestBody = [ordered]@{}
callbacks = [ordered]@{}
Authentication = @()
Servers = @()
DefinitionTag = $_definitionTag
IsDefTagConfigured = ($null -ne $DefinitionTag) #Definition Tag has been configured (Not default)
foreach ($tag in $_definitionTag) {
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $tag ) {
# The 'pathItems' reusable component feature is not available in OpenAPI v3.0.
throw ($PodeLocale.reusableComponentPathItemsNotAvailableInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage)
#add the default OpenApi responses
if ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses) {
$refRoute.OpenApi.Responses = Copy-PodeObjectDeepClone -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.pathItems[$Name] = $refRoute
if ($PassThru) {
return $refRoute
Check the OpenAPI version
Check the OpenAPI version for a specific OpenAPI Definition
The version number to compare
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag 'default'
function Test-PodeOAVersion {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet( '3.1' , '3.0' )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string[] ]
return $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.version -eq $Version
Check the OpenAPI component exist
Check the OpenAPI component exist
The component type
The component Name
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Test-PodeOAComponent -Field 'responses' -Name 'myresponse' -DefinitionTag 'default'
function Test-PodeOAComponent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet( 'schemas' , 'responses' , 'parameters' , 'examples' , 'requestBodies' , 'headers' , 'securitySchemes' , 'links' , 'callbacks' , 'pathItems' )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components[$field].keys -ccontains $Name)) {
return $false
if (!$ThrowException.IsPresent) {
return $true
Remove an OpenAPI component if exist
Remove an OpenAPI component if exist
The component type
The component Name
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Remove-PodeOAComponent -Field 'responses' -Name 'myresponse' -DefinitionTag 'default'
function Remove-PodeOAComponent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet( 'schemas' , 'responses' , 'parameters' , 'examples' , 'requestBodies' , 'headers' , 'securitySchemes' , 'links' , 'callbacks' , 'pathItems' )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components[$field ].keys -ccontains $Name)) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components[$field ].remove($Name)
if (!(Test-Path Alias:Enable-PodeOpenApiViewer)) {
New-Alias Enable-PodeOpenApiViewer -Value Enable-PodeOAViewer
if (!(Test-Path Alias:Enable-PodeOA)) {
New-Alias Enable-PodeOA -Value Enable-PodeOpenApi
if (!(Test-Path Alias:Get-PodeOpenApiDefinition)) {
New-Alias Get-PodeOpenApiDefinition -Value Get-PodeOADefinition
Creates a new OpenAPI New-PodeOAMultiTypeProperty property.
Creates a new OpenAPI multi type property, for Schemas or Parameters.
OpenAPI version 3.1 is required to use this cmdlet.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
The Name of the property.
The parameter types
The inbuilt OpenAPI Format . (Default: Any)
.PARAMETER CustomFormat
The name of a custom OpenAPI Format . (Default: None)
(String type only)
The default value of the property. (Default: $null)
A Regex pattern that the string must match.
(String type only)
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
The minimum value of the number.
(Integer,Number types only)
The maximum value of the number.
(Integer,Number types only)
.PARAMETER ExclusiveMaximum
Specifies an exclusive upper limit for a numeric property in the OpenAPI schema.
When this parameter is used, it sets the exclusiveMaximum attribute in the OpenAPI definition to true, indicating that the numeric value must be strictly less than the specified maximum value.
This parameter is typically paired with a -Maximum parameter to define the upper bound.
(Integer,Number types only)
.PARAMETER ExclusiveMinimum
Specifies an exclusive lower limit for a numeric property in the OpenAPI schema.
When this parameter is used, it sets the exclusiveMinimun attribute in the OpenAPI definition to true, indicating that the numeric value must be strictly less than the specified minimun value.
This parameter is typically paired with a -Minimum parameter to define the lower bound.
(Integer,Number types only)
.PARAMETER MultiplesOf
The number must be in multiples of the supplied value.
(Integer,Number types only)
.PARAMETER Properties
An array of other int/string/etc properties wrap up as an object.
(Object type only)
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, add an additional external documentation for this operation.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
An example of a parameter value
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the string will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the string will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the string will be automatically wrapped in an object.
If supplied, the string will be treated as Nullable.
If supplied, the string will be included in a response but not in a request
If supplied, the string will be included in a request but not in a response
If supplied, the string will be restricted to minimal length of characters.
If supplied, the string will be restricted to maximal length of characters.
.PARAMETER NoProperties
If supplied, no properties are allowed in the object.
If no properties are assigned to the object and the NoProperties parameter is not set the object accept any property.(Object type only)
.PARAMETER MinProperties
If supplied, will restrict the minimun number of properties allowed in an object.
(Object type only)
.PARAMETER MaxProperties
If supplied, will restrict the maximum number of properties allowed in an object.
(Object type only)
.PARAMETER NoAdditionalProperties
If supplied, will configure the OpenAPI property additionalProperties to false.
This means that the defined object will not allow any properties beyond those explicitly declared in its schema.
If any additional properties are provided, they will be considered invalid.
Use this switch to enforce a strict schema definition, ensuring that objects contain only the specified set of properties and no others.
.PARAMETER AdditionalProperties
Define a set of additional properties for the OpenAPI schema. This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair represents a property name and its corresponding schema.
The schema for each property can include type, format, description, and other OpenAPI specification attributes.
When specified, these additional properties are included in the OpenAPI definition, allowing for more flexible and dynamic object structures.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
If supplied, specify that all items in the array must be unique
If supplied, specify minimum length of an array
If supplied, specify maximum length of an array
.PARAMETER DiscriminatorProperty
If supplied, specifies the name of the property used to distinguish between different subtypes in a polymorphic schema in OpenAPI.
This string value represents the property in the payload that indicates which specific subtype schema should be applied.
It's essential in scenarios where an API endpoint handles data that conforms to one of several derived schemas from a common base schema.
.PARAMETER DiscriminatorMapping
If supplied, define a mapping between the values of the discriminator property and the corresponding subtype schemas.
This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair maps a discriminator value to a specific subtype schema name.
It's used in conjunction with the -DiscriminatorProperty to provide complete discrimination logic in polymorphic scenarios.
By default, XML elements get the same names that fields in the API declaration have. This property change the XML name of the property
reflecting the '' attribute in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER XmlNamespace
Defines a specific XML namespace for the property, corresponding to the 'xml.namespace' attribute in OpenAPI.
Sets a prefix for the XML element name, aligning with the 'xml.prefix' attribute in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER XmlAttribute
Indicates whether the property should be serialized as an XML attribute, equivalent to the 'xml.attribute' attribute in OpenAPI.
Specifically for properties treated as arrays, it defines the XML name for each item in the array. This parameter aligns with the '' attribute under 'items' in OpenAPI.
Indicates whether array items should be wrapped in an XML element, similar to the 'xml.wrapped' attribute in OpenAPI.
New-PodeOAMultiTypeProperty -Name 'userType' -type integer,boolean
New-PodeOAMultiTypeProperty -Name 'password' -type string,object -Format Password -Properties (New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'password' -Format Password)
function New-PodeOAMultiTypeProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[ValidateSet( 'integer', 'number', 'string', 'object', 'boolean' )]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[ValidateSet('', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Double', 'Float', 'Binary', 'Base64', 'Byte', 'Date', 'Date-Time', 'Password', 'Email', 'Uuid', 'Uri', 'Hostname', 'Ipv4', 'Ipv6')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
begin {
$param = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters
if ($type -contains 'string') {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CustomFormat)) {
$_format = $CustomFormat
elseif ($Format) {
$_format = $Format
if ($Format -or $CustomFormat) {
$param.format = $_format.ToLowerInvariant()
if ($type -contains 'object') {
if ($NoProperties) {
if ($Properties -or $MinProperties -or $MaxProperties) {
# The parameter 'NoProperties' is mutually exclusive with 'Properties', 'MinProperties' and 'MaxProperties'
throw ($PodeLocale.noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage)
$ = @($null)
elseif ($Properties) {
$ = $Properties
else {
$ = @()
if ($DiscriminatorProperty) {
$param.discriminator = [ordered]@{
'propertyName' = $DiscriminatorProperty
if ($DiscriminatorMapping) {
$param.discriminator.mapping = $DiscriminatorMapping
elseif ($DiscriminatorMapping) {
# The parameter 'DiscriminatorMapping' can only be used when 'DiscriminatorProperty' is present
throw ($PodeLocale.discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage)
if ($type -contains 'boolean') {
if ($Default) {
if ([bool]::TryParse($Default, [ref]$null) -or $Enum -icontains $Default) {
$param.default = $Default
else {
# The default value is not a boolean and is not part of the enum
throw ($PodeLocale.defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage)
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
end {
if ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
return $param
Creates a new OpenAPI integer property.
Creates a new OpenAPI integer property, for Schemas or Parameters.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
The Name of the property.
The inbuilt OpenAPI Format of the integer. (Default: Any)
The default value of the property. (Default: 0)
The minimum value of the integer. (Default: Int.Min)
The maximum value of the integer. (Default: Int.Max)
.PARAMETER ExclusiveMaximum
Specifies an exclusive upper limit for a numeric property in the OpenAPI schema.
When this parameter is used, it sets the exclusiveMaximum attribute in the OpenAPI definition to true, indicating that the numeric value must be strictly less than the specified maximum value.
This parameter is typically paired with a -Maximum parameter to define the upper bound.
.PARAMETER ExclusiveMinimum
Specifies an exclusive lower limit for a numeric property in the OpenAPI schema.
When this parameter is used, it sets the exclusiveMinimun attribute in the OpenAPI definition to true, indicating that the numeric value must be strictly less than the specified minimun value.
This parameter is typically paired with a -Minimum parameter to define the lower bound.
.PARAMETER MultiplesOf
The integer must be in multiples of the supplied value.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, add an additional external documentation for this operation.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
An example of a parameter value
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the integer will be automatically wrapped in an object.
If supplied, the integer will be treated as Nullable.
If supplied, the integer will be included in a response but not in a request
If supplied, the integer will be included in a request but not in a response
.PARAMETER NoAdditionalProperties
If supplied, will configure the OpenAPI property additionalProperties to false.
This means that the defined object will not allow any properties beyond those explicitly declared in its schema.
If any additional properties are provided, they will be considered invalid.
Use this switch to enforce a strict schema definition, ensuring that objects contain only the specified set of properties and no others.
.PARAMETER AdditionalProperties
Define a set of additional properties for the OpenAPI schema. This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair represents a property name and its corresponding schema.
The schema for each property can include type, format, description, and other OpenAPI specification attributes.
When specified, these additional properties are included in the OpenAPI definition, allowing for more flexible and dynamic object structures.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
If supplied, specify that all items in the array must be unique
If supplied, specify minimum length of an array
If supplied, specify maximum length of an array
By default, XML elements get the same names that fields in the API declaration have. This property change the XML name of the property
reflecting the '' attribute in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER XmlNamespace
Defines a specific XML namespace for the property, corresponding to the 'xml.namespace' attribute in OpenAPI.
Sets a prefix for the XML element name, aligning with the 'xml.prefix' attribute in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER XmlAttribute
Indicates whether the property should be serialized as an XML attribute, equivalent to the 'xml.attribute' attribute in OpenAPI.
Specifically for properties treated as arrays, it defines the XML name for each item in the array. This parameter aligns with the '' attribute under 'items' in OpenAPI.
Indicates whether array items should be wrapped in an XML element, similar to the 'xml.wrapped' attribute in OpenAPI.
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'age' -Required
Creates a required integer property named 'age'.
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'count' -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10 -Default 5 -Description 'Item count'
Creates an integer property 'count' with a minimum value of 0, maximum of 10, default value of 5, and a description.
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'quantity' -XmlName 'Quantity' -XmlNamespace '' -XmlPrefix 'q'
Creates an integer property 'quantity' with a custom XML element name 'Quantity', using a specified namespace and prefix.
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Array -XmlItemName 'unit' -XmlName 'units' | Add-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name 'Units'
Generates a schema where the integer property is treated as an array, with each array item named 'unit' in XML, and the array itself represented with the XML name 'units'.
function New-PodeOAIntProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true)]
[ValidateSet('', 'Int32', 'Int64')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
begin {
$param = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -type 'integer' -Params $PSBoundParameters
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
end {
if ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
return $param
Creates a new OpenAPI number property.
Creates a new OpenAPI number property, for Schemas or Parameters.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
The Name of the property.
The inbuilt OpenAPI Format of the number. (Default: Any)
The default value of the property. (Default: 0)
The minimum value of the number. (Default: Double.Min)
The maximum value of the number. (Default: Double.Max)
.PARAMETER ExclusiveMaximum
Specifies an exclusive upper limit for a numeric property in the OpenAPI schema.
When this parameter is used, it sets the exclusiveMaximum attribute in the OpenAPI definition to true, indicating that the numeric value must be strictly less than the specified maximum value.
This parameter is typically paired with a -Maximum parameter to define the upper bound.
.PARAMETER ExclusiveMinimum
Specifies an exclusive lower limit for a numeric property in the OpenAPI schema.
When this parameter is used, it sets the exclusiveMinimun attribute in the OpenAPI definition to true, indicating that the numeric value must be strictly less than the specified minimun value.
This parameter is typically paired with a -Minimum parameter to define the lower bound.
.PARAMETER MultiplesOf
The number must be in multiples of the supplied value.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, add an additional external documentation for this operation.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
An example of a parameter value
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the number will be automatically wrapped in an object.
If supplied, the number will be treated as Nullable.
If supplied, the number will be included in a response but not in a request
If supplied, the number will be included in a request but not in a response
.PARAMETER NoAdditionalProperties
If supplied, will configure the OpenAPI property additionalProperties to false.
This means that the defined object will not allow any properties beyond those explicitly declared in its schema.
If any additional properties are provided, they will be considered invalid.
Use this switch to enforce a strict schema definition, ensuring that objects contain only the specified set of properties and no others.
.PARAMETER AdditionalProperties
Define a set of additional properties for the OpenAPI schema. This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair represents a property name and its corresponding schema.
The schema for each property can include type, format, description, and other OpenAPI specification attributes.
When specified, these additional properties are included in the OpenAPI definition, allowing for more flexible and dynamic object structures.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
If supplied, specify that all items in the array must be unique
If supplied, specify minimum length of an array
If supplied, specify maximum length of an array
By default, XML elements get the same names that fields in the API declaration have. This property change the XML name of the property
reflecting the '' attribute in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER XmlNamespace
Defines a specific XML namespace for the property, corresponding to the 'xml.namespace' attribute in OpenAPI.
Sets a prefix for the XML element name, aligning with the 'xml.prefix' attribute in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER XmlAttribute
Indicates whether the property should be serialized as an XML attribute, equivalent to the 'xml.attribute' attribute in OpenAPI.
Specifically for properties treated as arrays, it defines the XML name for each item in the array. This parameter aligns with the '' attribute under 'items' in OpenAPI.
Indicates whether array items should be wrapped in an XML element, similar to the 'xml.wrapped' attribute in OpenAPI.
New-PodeOANumberProperty -Name 'gravity' -Default 9.8
function New-PodeOANumberProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[ValidateSet('', 'Double', 'Float')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
begin {
$param = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -type 'number' -Params $PSBoundParameters
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
end {
if ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
return $param
Creates a new OpenAPI string property.
Creates a new OpenAPI string property, for Schemas or Parameters.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
The Name of the property.
The inbuilt OpenAPI Format of the string. (Default: Any)
.PARAMETER CustomFormat
The name of a custom OpenAPI Format of the string. (Default: None)
The default value of the property. (Default: $null)
A Regex pattern that the string must match.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, add an additional external documentation for this operation.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
An example of a parameter value
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the string will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the string will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the string will be automatically wrapped in an object.
If supplied, the string will be treated as Nullable.
If supplied, the string will be included in a response but not in a request
If supplied, the string will be included in a request but not in a response
If supplied, the string will be restricted to minimal length of characters.
If supplied, the string will be restricted to maximal length of characters.
.PARAMETER NoAdditionalProperties
If supplied, will configure the OpenAPI property additionalProperties to false.
This means that the defined object will not allow any properties beyond those explicitly declared in its schema.
If any additional properties are provided, they will be considered invalid.
Use this switch to enforce a strict schema definition, ensuring that objects contain only the specified set of properties and no others.
.PARAMETER AdditionalProperties
Define a set of additional properties for the OpenAPI schema. This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair represents a property name and its corresponding schema.
The schema for each property can include type, format, description, and other OpenAPI specification attributes.
When specified, these additional properties are included in the OpenAPI definition, allowing for more flexible and dynamic object structures.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
If supplied, specify that all items in the array must be unique
If supplied, specify minimum length of an array
If supplied, specify maximum length of an array
By default, XML elements get the same names that fields in the API declaration have. This property change the XML name of the property
reflecting the '' attribute in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER XmlNamespace
Defines a specific XML namespace for the property, corresponding to the 'xml.namespace' attribute in OpenAPI.
Sets a prefix for the XML element name, aligning with the 'xml.prefix' attribute in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER XmlAttribute
Indicates whether the property should be serialized as an XML attribute, equivalent to the 'xml.attribute' attribute in OpenAPI.
Specifically for properties treated as arrays, it defines the XML name for each item in the array. This parameter aligns with the '' attribute under 'items' in OpenAPI.
Indicates whether array items should be wrapped in an XML element, similar to the 'xml.wrapped' attribute in OpenAPI.
New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'userType' -Default 'admin'
New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'password' -Format Password
function New-PodeOAStringProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[ValidateSet('', 'Binary', 'Base64', 'Byte', 'Date', 'Date-Time', 'Password', 'Email', 'Uuid', 'Uri', 'Hostname', 'Ipv4', 'Ipv6')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
begin {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CustomFormat)) {
$_format = $CustomFormat
elseif ($Format) {
$_format = $Format
$param = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -type 'string' -Params $PSBoundParameters
if ($Format -or $CustomFormat) {
$param.format = $_format.ToLowerInvariant()
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
end {
if ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
return $param
Creates a new OpenAPI boolean property.
Creates a new OpenAPI boolean property, for Schemas or Parameters.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
The Name of the property.
The default value of the property. (Default: $false)
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, add an additional external documentation for this operation.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
An example of a parameter value
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the boolean will be automatically wrapped in an object.
If supplied, the boolean will be treated as Nullable.
If supplied, the boolean will be included in a response but not in a request
If supplied, the boolean will be included in a request but not in a response
.PARAMETER NoAdditionalProperties
If supplied, will configure the OpenAPI property additionalProperties to false.
This means that the defined object will not allow any properties beyond those explicitly declared in its schema.
If any additional properties are provided, they will be considered invalid.
Use this switch to enforce a strict schema definition, ensuring that objects contain only the specified set of properties and no others.
.PARAMETER AdditionalProperties
Define a set of additional properties for the OpenAPI schema. This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair represents a property name and its corresponding schema.
The schema for each property can include type, format, description, and other OpenAPI specification attributes.
When specified, these additional properties are included in the OpenAPI definition, allowing for more flexible and dynamic object structures.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
If supplied, specify that all items in the array must be unique
If supplied, specify minimum length of an array
If supplied, specify maximum length of an array
By default, XML elements get the same names that fields in the API declaration have. This property change the XML name of the property
reflecting the '' attribute in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER XmlNamespace
Defines a specific XML namespace for the property, corresponding to the 'xml.namespace' attribute in OpenAPI.
Sets a prefix for the XML element name, aligning with the 'xml.prefix' attribute in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER XmlAttribute
Indicates whether the property should be serialized as an XML attribute, equivalent to the 'xml.attribute' attribute in OpenAPI.
Specifically for properties treated as arrays, it defines the XML name for each item in the array. This parameter aligns with the '' attribute under 'items' in OpenAPI.
Indicates whether array items should be wrapped in an XML element, similar to the 'xml.wrapped' attribute in OpenAPI.
New-PodeOABoolProperty -Name 'enabled' -Required
function New-PodeOABoolProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true)]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
begin {
$param = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -type 'boolean' -Params $PSBoundParameters
if ($Default) {
if ([bool]::TryParse($Default, [ref]$null) -or $Enum -icontains $Default) {
$param.default = $Default
else {
# The default value is not a boolean and is not part of the enum
throw ($PodeLocale.defaultValueNotBooleanOrEnumExceptionMessage)
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
end {
if ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
return $param
Creates a new OpenAPI object property from other properties.
Creates a new OpenAPI object property from other properties, for Schemas or Parameters.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
The Name of the property.
.PARAMETER Properties
An array of other int/string/etc properties wrap up as an object.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, add an additional external documentation for this operation.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
An example of a parameter value
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Nullable.
If supplied, the object will be included in a response but not in a request
If supplied, the object will be included in a request but not in a response
.PARAMETER NoProperties
If supplied, no properties are allowed in the object. If no properties are assigned to the object and the NoProperties parameter is not set the object accept any property
.PARAMETER MinProperties
If supplied, will restrict the minimun number of properties allowed in an object.
.PARAMETER MaxProperties
If supplied, will restrict the maximum number of properties allowed in an object.
.PARAMETER NoAdditionalProperties
If supplied, will configure the OpenAPI property additionalProperties to false.
This means that the defined object will not allow any properties beyond those explicitly declared in its schema.
If any additional properties are provided, they will be considered invalid.
Use this switch to enforce a strict schema definition, ensuring that objects contain only the specified set of properties and no others.
.PARAMETER AdditionalProperties
Define a set of additional properties for the OpenAPI schema. This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair represents a property name and its corresponding schema.
The schema for each property can include type, format, description, and other OpenAPI specification attributes.
When specified, these additional properties are included in the OpenAPI definition, allowing for more flexible and dynamic object structures.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
If supplied, specify that all items in the array must be unique
If supplied, specify minimum length of an array
If supplied, specify maximum length of an array
.PARAMETER DiscriminatorProperty
If supplied, specifies the name of the property used to distinguish between different subtypes in a polymorphic schema in OpenAPI.
This string value represents the property in the payload that indicates which specific subtype schema should be applied.
It's essential in scenarios where an API endpoint handles data that conforms to one of several derived schemas from a common base schema.
.PARAMETER DiscriminatorMapping
If supplied, define a mapping between the values of the discriminator property and the corresponding subtype schemas.
This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair maps a discriminator value to a specific subtype schema name.
It's used in conjunction with the -DiscriminatorProperty to provide complete discrimination logic in polymorphic scenarios.
By default, XML elements get the same names that fields in the API declaration have. This property change the XML name of the property
reflecting the '' attribute in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER XmlNamespace
Defines a specific XML namespace for the property, corresponding to the 'xml.namespace' attribute in OpenAPI.
Sets a prefix for the XML element name, aligning with the 'xml.prefix' attribute in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER XmlAttribute
Indicates whether the property should be serialized as an XML attribute, equivalent to the 'xml.attribute' attribute in OpenAPI.
Specifically for properties treated as arrays, it defines the XML name for each item in the array. This parameter aligns with the '' attribute under 'items' in OpenAPI.
Indicates whether array items should be wrapped in an XML element, similar to the 'xml.wrapped' attribute in OpenAPI.
New-PodeOAObjectProperty -Name 'user' -Properties @('<ARRAY_OF_PROPERTIES>')
New-PodeOABoolProperty -Name 'enabled' -Required|
New-PodeOAObjectProperty -Name 'extraProperties' -AdditionalProperties [ordered]@{
"property1" = [ordered]@{ "type" = "string"; "description" = "Description for property1" };
"property2" = [ordered]@{ "type" = "integer"; "format" = "int32" }
function New-PodeOAObjectProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
begin {
$param = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -type 'object' -Params $PSBoundParameters
if ($NoProperties) {
if ($Properties -or $MinProperties -or $MaxProperties) {
# The parameter `NoProperties` is mutually exclusive with `Properties`, `MinProperties` and `MaxProperties`
throw ($PodeLocale.noPropertiesMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage)
$PropertiesFromPipeline = $false
elseif ($Properties) {
$ = $Properties
$PropertiesFromPipeline = $false
else {
$ = @()
$PropertiesFromPipeline = $true
if ($DiscriminatorProperty) {
$param.discriminator = [ordered]@{
'propertyName' = $DiscriminatorProperty
if ($DiscriminatorMapping) {
$param.discriminator.mapping = $DiscriminatorMapping
elseif ($DiscriminatorMapping) {
# The parameter 'DiscriminatorMapping' can only be used when 'DiscriminatorProperty' is present
throw ($PodeLocale.discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage)
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
if ($PropertiesFromPipeline) {
$ += $ParamsList
else {
end {
if ($PropertiesFromPipeline) {
return $param
elseif ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
return $param
Creates a new OpenAPI object combining schemas and properties.
Creates a new OpenAPI object combining schemas and properties.
Used to pipeline an object definition
Define the type of validation between the objects
oneOf – validates the value against exactly one of the subschemas
allOf – validates the value against all the subschemas
anyOf – validates the value against any (one or more) of the subschemas
.PARAMETER ObjectDefinitions
An array of object definitions that are used for independent validation but together compose a single object.
.PARAMETER DiscriminatorProperty
If supplied, specifies the name of the property used to distinguish between different subtypes in a polymorphic schema in OpenAPI.
This string value represents the property in the payload that indicates which specific subtype schema should be applied.
It's essential in scenarios where an API endpoint handles data that conforms to one of several derived schemas from a common base schema.
.PARAMETER DiscriminatorMapping
If supplied, defines a mapping between the values of the discriminator property and the corresponding subtype schemas.
This parameter accepts a HashTable where each key-value pair maps a discriminator value to a specific subtype schema name.
It's used in conjunction with the -DiscriminatorProperty to provide complete discrimination logic in polymorphic scenarios.
.PARAMETER NoObjectDefinitionsFromPipeline
Prevents object definitions from being used in the computation but still passes them through the pipeline.
Specifies the name of the OpenAPI object.
Indicates if the object is required.
.PARAMETER Description
Provides a description for the OpenAPI object.
Add-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name 'Pets' -Component (Merge-PodeOAProperty -Type OneOf -ObjectDefinitions @('Cat', 'Dog') -Discriminator "petType")
Add-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name 'Cat' -Component (
Merge-PodeOAProperty -Type AllOf -ObjectDefinitions @(
(New-PodeOAObjectProperty -Properties @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'huntingSkill' -Description 'The measured skill for hunting' -Enum @('clueless', 'lazy', 'adventurous', 'aggressive'))
function Merge-PodeOAProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[ValidateSet('OneOf', 'AnyOf', 'AllOf')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
begin {
# Initialize an ordered dictionary
$param = [ordered]@{}
# Set the type of validation
switch ($type.ToLower()) {
'oneof' {
$param.type = 'oneOf'
'anyof' {
$param.type = 'anyOf'
'allof' {
$param.type = 'allOf'
# Add name to the parameter dictionary if provided
if ($Name) {
$ = $Name
# Add description to the parameter dictionary if provided
if ($Description) {
$param.description = $Description
# Set the required field if the switch is present
if ($Required.IsPresent) {
$param.required = $Required.IsPresent
# Initialize schemas array
$param.schemas = @()
# Add object definitions to the schemas array
if ($ObjectDefinitions) {
foreach ($schema in $ObjectDefinitions) {
if ($schema -is [System.Object[]] -or ($schema -is [hashtable] -and
(($schema.type -ine 'object') -and !$schema.object))) {
# Only properties of type Object can be associated with $param.type
throw ($PodeLocale.propertiesTypeObjectAssociationExceptionMessage -f $param.type)
$param.schemas += $schema
# Add discriminator property and mapping if provided
if ($DiscriminatorProperty) {
if ($type.ToLower() -eq 'allof' ) {
# The parameter 'Discriminator' is incompatible with `allOf`
throw ($PodeLocale.discriminatorIncompatibleWithAllOfExceptionMessage)
$param.discriminator = [ordered]@{
'propertyName' = $DiscriminatorProperty
if ($DiscriminatorMapping) {
$param.discriminator.mapping = $DiscriminatorMapping
elseif ($DiscriminatorMapping) {
# The parameter 'DiscriminatorMapping' can only be used when 'DiscriminatorProperty' is present
throw ($PodeLocale.discriminatorMappingRequiresDiscriminatorPropertyExceptionMessage)
# Initialize a list to collect input from the pipeline
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
if ($NoObjectDefinitionsFromPipeline) {
# Add to collected input if the switch is present
else {
# Add to schemas if the switch is not present
$param.schemas += $ParamsList
end {
if ($NoObjectDefinitionsFromPipeline) {
# Return collected input and param dictionary if switch is present
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
# Return the param dictionary
return $param
Creates a OpenAPI schema reference property.
Creates a new OpenAPI component schema reference from another OpenAPI schema.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
The Name of the property.
.PARAMETER Reference
An component schema name.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
An example of a parameter value
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the schema will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
If supplied, the schema will be treated as an array of objects.
If supplied, the schema will be treated as Nullable.
If supplied, the schema will be included in a response but not in a request
If supplied, the schema will be included in a request but not in a response
If supplied, the schema will be treated as an array of objects.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
If supplied, specify that all items in the array must be unique
If supplied, specify minimum length of an array
If supplied, specify maximum length of an array
By default, XML elements get the same names that fields in the API declaration have. This property change the XML name of the property
reflecting the '' attribute in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER XmlNamespace
Defines a specific XML namespace for the property, corresponding to the 'xml.namespace' attribute in OpenAPI.
Sets a prefix for the XML element name, aligning with the 'xml.prefix' attribute in OpenAPI.
.PARAMETER XmlAttribute
Indicates whether the property should be serialized as an XML attribute, equivalent to the 'xml.attribute' attribute in OpenAPI.
Specifically for properties treated as arrays, it defines the XML name for each item in the array. This parameter aligns with the '' attribute under 'items' in OpenAPI.
Indicates whether array items should be wrapped in an XML element, similar to the 'xml.wrapped' attribute in OpenAPI.
New-PodeOAComponentSchemaProperty -Name 'Config' -Component "MyConfigSchema"
function New-PodeOAComponentSchemaProperty {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, DontShow = $true )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
begin {
$param = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -type 'schema' -Params $PSBoundParameters
if (! $param.Name) {
$param.Name = $Reference
$param.schema = $Reference
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ParamsList) {
end {
if ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $param
else {
return $param
if (!(Test-Path Alias:New-PodeOASchemaProperty)) {
New-Alias New-PodeOASchemaProperty -Value New-PodeOAComponentSchemaProperty
Enables the OpenAPI default route in Pode.
Enables the OpenAPI default route in Pode, as well as setting up details like Title and API Version.
An optional custom route path to access the OpenAPI definition. (Default: /openapi)
The Title of the API. (Deprecated - Use Add-PodeOAInfo)
The Version of the API. (Deprecated - Use Add-PodeOAInfo)
The OpenAPI Specification is versioned using Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (semver) and follows the semver specification.
.PARAMETER Description
A short description of the API. (Deprecated - Use Add-PodeOAInfo)
CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
.PARAMETER OpenApiVersion
Specify OpenApi Version (default: 3.0.3)
.PARAMETER RouteFilter
An optional route filter for routes that should be included in the definition. (Default: /*)
.PARAMETER Middleware
Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied to the route.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to bind the static Route against.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
.PARAMETER RestrictRoutes
If supplied, only routes that are available on the Requests URI will be used to generate the OpenAPI definition.
.PARAMETER ServerEndpoint
If supplied, will be used as URL base to generate the OpenAPI definition.
The parameter is created by New-PodeOpenApiServerEndpoint
Define the way the OpenAPI definition file is accessed, the value can be View or Download. (Default: View)
If supplied, generate the OpenApi Json version in human readible form.
.PARAMETER MarkupLanguage
Define the default markup language for the OpenApi spec ('Json', 'Json-Compress', 'Yaml')
.PARAMETER EnableSchemaValidation
If supplied enable Test-PodeOAJsonSchemaCompliance cmdlet that provide support for opeapi parameter schema validation
Define the default depth used by any JSON,YAML OpenAPI conversion (default 20)
.PARAMETER DisableMinimalDefinitions
If supplied the OpenApi decument will include only the route validated by Set-PodeOARouteInfo. Any other not OpenApi route will be excluded.
.PARAMETER NoDefaultResponses
If supplied, it will disable the default OpenAPI response with the new provided.
.PARAMETER DefaultResponses
If supplied, it will replace the default OpenAPI response with the new provided.(Default: @{'200' = @{ description = 'OK' };'default' = @{ description = 'Internal server error' }} )
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Title 'My API' -Version '1.0.0' -RouteFilter '/api/*'
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Title 'My API' -Version '1.0.0' -RouteFilter '/api/*' -RestrictRoutes
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Path '/docs/openapi' -NoCompress -Mode 'Donwload' -DisableMinimalDefinitions
function Enable-PodeOpenApi {
$Path = '/openapi',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Deprecated')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Deprecated')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Deprecated')]
[ValidateSet('3.1.0', '3.0.3', '3.0.2', '3.0.1', '3.0.0')]
$OpenApiVersion = '3.0.3',
$RouteFilter = '/*',
[ValidateSet('View', 'Download')]
$Mode = 'view',
[ValidateSet('Json', 'Json-Compress', 'Yaml')]
$MarkupLanguage = 'Json',
[ValidateRange(1, 100)]
$Depth = 20,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DefaultResponses')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'NoDefaultResponses')]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $DefinitionTag) {
$DefinitionTag = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag
if ($Description -or $Version -or $Title) {
if (! $Version) {
$Version = '0.0.0'
# WARNING: Title, Version, and Description on 'Enable-PodeOpenApi' are deprecated. Please use 'Add-PodeOAInfo' instead
Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.deprecatedTitleVersionDescriptionWarningMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ( $DefinitionTag -ine $PodeContext.Server.Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag] = Get-PodeOABaseObject
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.enableMinimalDefinitions = !$DisableMinimalDefinitions.IsPresent
# initialise openapi info
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].Version = $OpenApiVersion
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].Path = $Path
if ($OpenApiVersion.StartsWith('3.0')) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.version = 3.0
elseif ($OpenApiVersion.StartsWith('3.1')) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.version = 3.1
$meta = @{
RouteFilter = $RouteFilter
RestrictRoutes = $RestrictRoutes
NoCompress = ($MarkupLanguage -ine 'Json-Compress')
Mode = $Mode
MarkupLanguage = $MarkupLanguage
DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag
if ( $Title) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.title = $Title
if ($Version) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.version = $Version
if ($Description ) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.description = $Description
if ( $EnableSchemaValidation.IsPresent) {
#Test-Json has been introduced with version 6.1.0
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [version]'6.1.0') {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.schemaValidation = $EnableSchemaValidation.IsPresent
else {
# Schema validation required PowerShell version 6.1.0 or greater
throw ($PodeLocale.schemaValidationRequiresPowerShell610ExceptionMessage)
if ( $Depth) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth = $Depth
$openApiCreationScriptBlock = {
$format = $WebEvent.Query['format']
$mode = $WebEvent.Query['mode']
$DefinitionTag = $meta.DefinitionTag
if (!$mode) {
$mode = $meta.Mode
elseif (@('download', 'view') -inotcontains $mode) {
Write-PodeHtmlResponse -Value "Mode $mode not valid" -StatusCode 400
if ($WebEvent.path -ilike '*.json') {
if ($format) {
Show-PodeErrorPage -Code 400 -ContentType 'text/html' -Description 'Format query not valid when the file extension is used'
$format = 'json'
elseif ($WebEvent.path -ilike '*.yaml') {
if ($format) {
Show-PodeErrorPage -Code 400 -ContentType 'text/html' -Description 'Format query not valid when the file extension is used'
$format = 'yaml'
elseif (!$format) {
$format = $meta.MarkupLanguage.ToLower()
elseif (@('yaml', 'json', 'json-Compress') -inotcontains $format) {
Show-PodeErrorPage -Code 400 -ContentType 'text/html' -Description "Format $format not valid"
if ($mode -ieq 'download') {
# Set-PodeResponseAttachment -Path
Add-PodeHeader -Name 'Content-Disposition' -Value "attachment; filename=openapi.$format"
# generate the openapi definition
$def = Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal `
-EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name `
-DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag `
-MetaInfo $meta
# write the openapi definition
if ($format -ieq 'yaml') {
if ($mode -ieq 'view') {
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value (ConvertTo-PodeYaml -InputObject $def -depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth) -ContentType 'application/yaml; charset=utf-8' #Changed to be RFC 9512 compliant
else {
Write-PodeYamlResponse -Value $def -Depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth
else {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $def -Depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth -NoCompress:$meta.NoCompress
# add the OpenAPI route
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $Path -ArgumentList $meta -Middleware $Middleware `
-ScriptBlock $openApiCreationScriptBlock -EndpointName $EndpointName `
-Authentication $Authentication -Role $Role -Scope $Scope -Group $Group
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path "$Path.json" -ArgumentList $meta -Middleware $Middleware `
-ScriptBlock $openApiCreationScriptBlock -EndpointName $EndpointName `
-Authentication $Authentication -Role $Role -Scope $Scope -Group $Group
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path "$Path.yaml" -ArgumentList $meta -Middleware $Middleware `
-ScriptBlock $openApiCreationScriptBlock -EndpointName $EndpointName `
-Authentication $Authentication -Role $Role -Scope $Scope -Group $Group
#set new DefaultResponses
if ($NoDefaultResponses.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses = [ordered]@{}
elseif ($DefaultResponses) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses = $DefaultResponses
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.enabled = $true
if ($EndpointName) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.EndpointName = $EndpointName
Creates an OpenAPI Server Object.
Creates an OpenAPI Server Object.
A URL to the target host. This URL supports Server Variables and MAY be relative, to indicate that the host location is relative to the location where the OpenAPI document is being served.
Variable substitutions will be made when a variable is named in `{`brackets`}`.
.PARAMETER Description
An optional string describing the host designated by the URL. [CommonMark syntax]( MAY be used for rich text representation.
.PARAMETER Variables
A map between a variable name and its value. The value is used for substitution in the server's URL template.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'My test server'
Add-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '/api' -Description 'My local server'
Add-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url "https://{username}{port}/{basePath}" -Description "The production API server" `
-Variable @{
username = @{
default = 'demo'
description = 'this value is assigned by the service provider, in this example'
port = @{
enum = @('System.Object[]') # Assuming 'System.Object[]' is a placeholder for actual values
default = 8443
basePath = @{
default = 'v2'
function Add-PodeOAServerEndpoint {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# If the DefinitionTag is empty, use the selected tag from Pode's OpenAPI context
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $DefinitionTag) {
$DefinitionTag = @($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag)
# Loop through each tag to add the server object to the corresponding OpenAPI definition
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
# If the 'servers' array for the tag doesn't exist, initialize it as an empty array
if (! $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].servers) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].servers = @()
# Create an ordered hashtable representing the server object with the URL
$lUrl = [ordered]@{url = $Url }
# If a description is provided, add it to the server object
if ($Description) {
$lUrl.description = $Description
# If variables are provided, add them to the server object
if ($Variables) {
$lUrl.variables = $Variables
# Check if the URL is a local endpoint (not starting with 'http(s)://')
if ($lUrl.url -notmatch '^(?i)https?://') {
# Loop through existing server URLs in the definition
foreach ($srv in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].servers) {
# If there's already a local endpoint, throw an exception, as only one local endpoint is allowed per definition
# Both are defined as local OpenAPI endpoints, but only one local endpoint is allowed per API definition.
if ($srv.url -notmatch '^(?i)https?://') {
throw ($PodeLocale.localEndpointConflictExceptionMessage -f $Url, $srv.url)
# Add the new server object to the OpenAPI definition for the current tag
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].servers += $lUrl
Gets the OpenAPI definition.
Gets the OpenAPI definition for custom use in routes, or other functions.
Return the definition in a specific format 'Json', 'Json-Compress', 'Yaml', 'HashTable'
The Title of the API. (Default: the title supplied in Enable-PodeOpenApi)
The Version of the API. (Default: the version supplied in Enable-PodeOpenApi)
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the API. (Default: the description supplied into Enable-PodeOpenApi)
.PARAMETER RouteFilter
An optional route filter for routes that should be included in the definition. (Default: /*)
.PARAMETER RestrictRoutes
If supplied, only routes that are available on the Requests URI will be used to generate the OpenAPI definition.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
$defInJson = Get-PodeOADefinition -Json
function Get-PodeOADefinition {
[ValidateSet('Json', 'Json-Compress', 'Yaml', 'HashTable')]
$Format = 'HashTable',
$RouteFilter = '/*',
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
$meta = @{
RouteFilter = $RouteFilter
RestrictRoutes = $RestrictRoutes
if ($RestrictRoutes) {
$meta = @{
RouteFilter = $RouteFilter
RestrictRoutes = $RestrictRoutes
else {
$meta = @{}
if ($Title) {
$meta.Title = $Title
if ($Version) {
$meta.Version = $Version
if ($Description) {
$meta.Description = $Description
$oApi = Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal -MetaInfo $meta -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
switch ($Format.ToLower()) {
'json' {
return ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $oApi -Depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth
'json-compress' {
return ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $oApi -Depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth -Compress
'yaml' {
return ConvertTo-PodeYaml -InputObject $oApi -depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth
Default {
return $oApi
Adds a response definition to the supplied route.
Adds a response definition to the supplied route.
The route to add the response definition, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
The HTTP StatusCode for the response.To define a range of response codes, this field MAY contain the uppercase wildcard character `X`.
For example, `2XX` represents all response codes between `[200-299]`. Only the following range definitions are allowed: `1XX`, `2XX`, `3XX`, `4XX`, and `5XX`.
If a response is defined using an explicit code, the explicit code definition takes precedence over the range definition for that code.
The content-types and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Property functions).
Alias: ContentSchemas
The header name and schema the response returns (the schema is created using Add-PodeOAComponentHeader cmd-let).
Alias: HeaderSchemas
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the response. (Default: the HTTP StatusCode description)
.PARAMETER Reference
A Reference Name of an existing component response to use.
A Response link definition
If supplied, the response will be used as a default response - this overrides the StatusCode supplied.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Content @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Content @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Reference 'OKResponse'
function Add-PodeOAResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -is [string] -or $_ -is [string[]] -or $_ -is [hashtable] -or $_ -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] })]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ReferenceDefault')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ReferenceDefault')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary ]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Route to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Route = $pipelineValue
# override status code with default
if ($Default) {
$code = 'default'
else {
$code = "$($StatusCode)"
# add the respones to the routes
foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
$oaDefinitionTag = Test-PodeRouteOADefinitionTag -Route $r -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $oaDefinitionTag) {
if (! $r.OpenApi.Responses.$tag) {
$r.OpenApi.Responses.$tag = [ordered]@{}
$r.OpenApi.Responses.$tag[$code] = New-PodeOResponseInternal -DefinitionTag $tag -Params $PSBoundParameters
if ($PassThru) {
return $Route
Remove a response definition from the supplied route.
Remove a response definition from the supplied route.
The route to remove the response definition, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
The HTTP StatusCode for the response to remove.
If supplied, the response will be used as a default response - this overrides the StatusCode supplied.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Remove-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Remove-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 201 -Default
function Remove-PodeOAResponse {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Route to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Route = $pipelineValue
# override status code with default
$code = "$($StatusCode)"
if ($Default) {
$code = 'default'
# remove the respones from the routes
foreach ($r in $Route) {
if ($r.OpenApi.Responses.Keys -Contains $code) {
$null = $r.OpenApi.Responses.Remove($code)
if ($PassThru) {
return $Route
Sets the OpenAPI request definition for a route.
Configures the OpenAPI request properties for a specified route, including parameters and request body definition.
This function defines how the route should handle incoming requests in accordance with OpenAPI standards.
The route to set a request definition for. This is typically passed through from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
.PARAMETER Parameters
Defines the parameters for the request, provided by ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter.
.PARAMETER RequestBody
Specifies the body schema for the request, provided by New-PodeOARequestBody.
.PARAMETER AllowNonStandardBody
Allows methods like DELETE and GET to include a request body, which is generally discouraged by RFC 7231.
This can be used to relax the default restriction and enable a body for HTTP methods that don’t typically support it.
If specified, returns the original route object for additional chaining after setting the request properties.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Set-PodeOARequest -RequestBody (New-PodeOARequestBody -Schema 'UserIdBody') -AllowNonStandardBody
Sets the request body for a route and allows non-standard HTTP methods like DELETE to use a request body.
function Set-PodeOARequest {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Route to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Route = $pipelineValue
foreach ($r in $Route) {
$oaDefinitionTag = Test-PodeRouteOADefinitionTag -Route $r -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $oaDefinitionTag) {
if (($null -ne $Parameters) -and ($Parameters.Length -gt 0)) {
$r.OpenApi.Parameters[$tag] = @($Parameters)
if ($null -ne $RequestBody) {
# Check if AllowNonStandardBody is used or if the method is typically allowed to have a body
if (! $AllowNonStandardBody -and ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH') -inotcontains $r.Method) {
#'{0}' operations cannot have a Request Body. Use -AllowNonStandardBody to override this restriction.
throw ($PodeLocale.getRequestBodyNotAllowedExceptionMessage -f $r.Method)
$r.OpenApi.RequestBody = $RequestBody
if ($PassThru) {
return $Route
Creates a Request Body definition for routes.
Creates a Request Body definition for routes from the supplied content-types and schemas.
.PARAMETER Reference
A reference name from an existing component request body.
Alias: Reference
The content of the request body. The key is a media type or media type range and the value describes it.
For requests that match multiple keys, only the most specific key is applicable. e.g. text/plain overrides text/*
Alias: ContentSchemas
.PARAMETER Description
A brief description of the request body. This could contain examples of use. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
Determines if the request body is required in the request. Defaults to false.
.PARAMETER Properties
Use to force the use of the properties keyword under a schema. Commonly used to specify a multipart/form-data multi file
Supplied an Example of the media type. The example object SHOULD be in the correct format as specified by the media type.
The `example` field is mutually exclusive of the `examples` field.
Furthermore, if referencing a `schema` which contains an example, the `example` value SHALL _override_ the example provided by the schema.
This parameter give you control over the serialization of parts of multipart request bodies.
This attribute is only applicable to multipart and application/x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies.
Use New-PodeOAEncodingObject to define the encode
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
New-PodeOARequestBody -Content @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
New-PodeOARequestBody -Content @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }
New-PodeOARequestBody -Reference 'UserIdBody'
New-PodeOARequestBody -Content @{'multipart/form-data' =
New-PodeOAStringProperty -name 'id' -format 'uuid' |
New-PodeOAObjectProperty -name 'address' -NoProperties |
New-PodeOAObjectProperty -name 'historyMetadata' -Description 'metadata in XML format' -NoProperties |
New-PodeOAStringProperty -name 'profileImage' -Format Binary |
} -Encoding (
New-PodeOAEncodingObject -Name 'historyMetadata' -ContentType 'application/xml; charset=utf-8' |
New-PodeOAEncodingObject -Name 'profileImage' -ContentType 'image/png, image/jpeg' -Headers (
New-PodeOAIntProperty -name 'X-Rate-Limit-Limit' -Description 'The number of allowed requests in the current period' -Default 3 -Enum @(1,2,3)
function New-PodeOARequestBody {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn' )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn')]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
$result = [ordered]@{}
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'builtin' {
$param = [ordered]@{content = ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -DefinitionTag $tag -Content $Content -Properties:$Properties }
if ($Required.IsPresent) {
$param['required'] = $Required.IsPresent
if ( $Description) {
$param['description'] = $Description
if ($Examples) {
if ( $Examples.'*/*') {
$Examples['"*/*"'] = $Examples['*/*']
foreach ($k in $Examples.Keys ) {
if (!($param.content.Keys -contains $k)) {
$param.content[$k] = [ordered]@{}
$param.content[$k].examples = $Examples.$k
'reference' {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field requestBodies -DefinitionTag $tag -Name $Reference -PostValidation
$param = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/requestBodies/$Reference"
if ($Encoding) {
if (([string]$Content.keys[0]) -match '(?i)^(multipart.*|application\/x-www-form-urlencoded)$' ) {
$r = [ordered]@{}
foreach ( $e in $Encoding) {
$key = [string]$e.Keys
$elems = [ordered]@{}
foreach ($v in $e[$key].Keys) {
if ($v -ieq 'headers') {
$elems.headers = ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty -Headers $e[$key].headers
else {
$elems.$v = $e[$key].$v
$r.$key = $elems
$param.Content.$($Content.keys[0]).encoding = $r
else {
# The encoding attribute only applies to multipart and application/x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies
throw ($PodeLocale.encodingAttributeOnlyAppliesToMultipartExceptionMessage)
$result[$tag] = $param
return $result
Validate a parameter with a provided schema.
Validate the parameter of a method against it's own schema
The object in Json format to validate
.PARAMETER SchemaReference
The schema name to use to validate the property.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
result: true if the object is validate positively
message: any validation issue
$UserInfo = Test-PodeOAJsonSchemaCompliance -Json $UserInfo -SchemaReference 'UserIdSchema'}
function Test-PodeOAJsonSchemaCompliance {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($DefinitionTag) {
if (! ($PodeContext.Server.OpenApi.Definitions.Keys -icontains $DefinitionTag)) {
# DefinitionTag does not exist.
throw ($PodeLocale.definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage -f $DefinitionTag)
else {
$DefinitionTag = $PodeContext.Server.Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag
# if Powershell edition is Desktop the test cannot be done. By default everything is good
if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {
return $true
if ($Json -isnot [string]) {
$json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Json -Depth $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.depth
if (!$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.schemaValidation) {
# 'Test-PodeOAComponentchema' need to be enabled using 'Enable-PodeOpenApi -EnableSchemaValidation'
throw ($PodeLocale.testPodeOAComponentSchemaNeedToBeEnabledExceptionMessage)
if (!(Test-PodeOAComponentSchemaJson -Name $SchemaReference -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)) {
# The OpenApi component schema doesn't exist
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiComponentSchemaDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $SchemaReference)
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson[$SchemaReference].available) {
[string[]] $message = @()
$result = Test-Json -Json $Json -Schema $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson[$SchemaReference].json -ErrorVariable jsonValidationErrors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($jsonValidationErrors) {
foreach ($item in $jsonValidationErrors) {
$message += $item
else {
$result = $false
$message = 'Validation of schema with oneof or anyof is not supported'
return @{result = $result; message = $message }
Converts an OpenAPI property into a Request Parameter.
Converts an OpenAPI property (such as from New-PodeOAIntProperty) into a Request Parameter.
Where in the Request can the parameter be found?
The Property that need converting (such as from New-PodeOAIntProperty).
.PARAMETER Reference
The name of an existing component parameter to be reused.
Alias: ComponentParameter
Assign a name to the parameter
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content-types to be use with component schema
The component schema to use.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
If supplied, controls how arrays are serialized in query parameters
.PARAMETER AllowReserved
If supplied, determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by RFC3986 :/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;= to be included without percent-encoding.
This property only applies to parameters with an in value of query. The default value is false.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.(Applicable only to ContentSchema)
.PARAMETER AllowEmptyValue
If supplied, allow the parameter to be empty
If supplied, defines how multiple values are delimited. Possible styles depend on the parameter location: path, query, header or cookie.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, specifies that a parameter is deprecated and SHOULD be transitioned out of usage. Default value is false.
Example of the parameter's potential value. The example SHOULD match the specified schema and encoding properties if present.
The Example parameter is mutually exclusive of the Examples parameter.
Furthermore, if referencing a Schema that contains an example, the Example value SHALL _override_ the example provided by the schema.
To represent examples of media types that cannot naturally be represented in JSON or YAML, a string value can contain the example with escaping where necessary.
Examples of the parameter's potential value. Each example SHOULD contain a value in the correct format as specified in the parameter encoding.
The Examples parameter is mutually exclusive of the Example parameter.
Furthermore, if referencing a Schema that contains an example, the Examples value SHALL _override_ the example provided by the schema.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query
ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -Reference 'UserIdParam'
ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Header -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }
function ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[ValidateSet('Cookie', 'Header', 'Path', 'Query')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[ValidateSet('Simple', 'Label', 'Matrix', 'Query', 'Form', 'SpaceDelimited', 'PipeDelimited', 'DeepObject' )]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentSchema')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Properties')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ContentProperties')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'ContentSchema' -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'Schema') {
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Schema) {
return $null
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Schema -PostValidation
if (!$Name ) {
$Name = $Schema
$prop = [ordered]@{
in = $In.ToLowerInvariant()
name = $Name
if ($In -ieq 'Header' -and $PodeContext.Server.Security.autoHeaders) {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value $Schema -Append
if ($AllowEmptyValue.IsPresent ) {
$prop['allowEmptyValue'] = $AllowEmptyValue.IsPresent
if ($Required.IsPresent ) {
$prop['required'] = $Required.IsPresent
if ($Description ) {
$prop.description = $Description
if ($Deprecated.IsPresent ) {
$prop.deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
if ($ContentType ) {
# ensure all content types are valid
if ($ContentType -inotmatch '^[\w-]+\/[\w\.\+-]+$') {
# Invalid 'content-type' found for schema: $type
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage -f $type)
$prop.content = [ordered]@{
$ContentType = [ordered]@{
schema = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($Schema )"
if ($Example ) {
$prop.content.$ContentType.example = $Example
elseif ($Examples) {
$prop.content.$ContentType.examples = $Examples
else {
$prop.schema = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($Schema )"
if ($Style) {
switch ($in.ToLower()) {
'path' {
if (@('Simple', 'Label', 'Matrix' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
'query' {
if (@('Form', 'SpaceDelimited', 'PipeDelimited', 'DeepObject' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
'header' {
if (@('Simple' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
'cookie' {
if (@('Form' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
$prop['style'] = $Style.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $Style.Substring(1)
if ($Explode.IsPresent ) {
$prop['explode'] = $Explode.IsPresent
if ($AllowEmptyValue.IsPresent ) {
$prop['allowEmptyValue'] = $AllowEmptyValue.IsPresent
if ($AllowReserved.IsPresent) {
$prop['allowReserved'] = $AllowReserved.IsPresent
if ($Example ) {
$prop.example = $Example
elseif ($Examples) {
$prop.examples = $Examples
elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'Reference') {
# return a reference
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field parameters -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Reference -PostValidation
$prop = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/parameters/$Reference"
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components.parameters.$Reference.In -eq 'Header' -and $PodeContext.Server.Security.autoHeaders) {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value $Reference -Append
else {
if (!$Name ) {
if ($ {
$Name = $
else {
# The OpenApi parameter requires a name to be specified
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiParameterRequiresNameExceptionMessage)
if ($In -ieq 'Header' -and $PodeContext.Server.Security.autoHeaders -and $Name ) {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value $Name -Append
# build the base parameter
$prop = [ordered]@{
in = $In.ToLowerInvariant()
name = $Name
$sch = [ordered]@{}
if ($Property.array) {
$sch.type = 'array'
$sch.items = [ordered]@{
type = $Property.type
if ($Property.format) {
$sch.items.format = $Property.format
else {
$sch.type = $Property.type
if ($Property.format) {
$sch.format = $Property.format
if ($ContentType) {
if ($ContentType -inotmatch '^[\w-]+\/[\w\.\+-]+$') {
# Invalid 'content-type' found for schema: $type
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage -f $type)
$prop.content = [ordered]@{
$ContentType = [ordered] @{
schema = $sch
else {
$prop.schema = $sch
if ($Example -and $Examples) {
# Parameters 'Examples' and 'Example' are mutually exclusive
throw ($PodeLocale.parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage -f 'Examples' , 'Example' )
if ($AllowEmptyValue.IsPresent ) {
$prop['allowEmptyValue'] = $AllowEmptyValue.IsPresent
if ($Description ) {
$prop.description = $Description
elseif ($Property.description) {
$prop.description = $Property.description
if ($Required.IsPresent ) {
$prop.required = $Required.IsPresent
elseif ($Property.required) {
$prop.required = $Property.required
if ($Deprecated.IsPresent ) {
$prop.deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
elseif ($Property.deprecated) {
$prop.deprecated = $Property.deprecated
if (!$ContentType) {
if ($Style) {
switch ($in.ToLower()) {
'path' {
if (@('Simple', 'Label', 'Matrix' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
'query' {
if (@('Form', 'SpaceDelimited', 'PipeDelimited', 'DeepObject' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
'header' {
if (@('Simple' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
'cookie' {
if (@('Form' ) -inotcontains $Style) {
# OpenApi request Style cannot be $Style for a $in parameter
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiRequestStyleInvalidForParameterExceptionMessage -f $Style, $in)
$prop['style'] = $Style.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $Style.Substring(1)
if ($Explode.IsPresent ) {
$prop['explode'] = $Explode.IsPresent
if ($AllowReserved.IsPresent) {
$prop['allowReserved'] = $AllowReserved.IsPresent
if ($Example ) {
$prop['example'] = $Example
elseif ($Examples) {
$prop['examples'] = $Examples
if ($Property.default -and !$prop.required ) {
$prop.schema['default'] = $Property.default
if ($Property.enum) {
if ($Property.array) {
$prop.schema.items['enum'] = $Property.enum
else {
$prop.schema['enum'] = $Property.enum
else {
if ($Example ) {
$prop.content.$ContentType.example = $Example
elseif ($Examples) {
$prop.content.$ContentType.examples = $Examples
if ($In -ieq 'Path' -and !$prop.required ) {
# If the parameter location is 'Path', the switch parameter 'Required' is mandatory
throw ($PodeLocale.pathParameterRequiresRequiredSwitchExceptionMessage)
return $prop
Sets metadate for the supplied route.
Sets metadate for the supplied route, such as Summary and Tags.
The route to update info, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
A quick Summary of the route.
.PARAMETER Description
A longer Description of the route.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, add an additional external documentation for this operation.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
.PARAMETER OperationId
Sets the OperationId of the route.
An array of Tags for the route, mostly for grouping.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the route will be flagged as deprecated.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'A quick summary' -Tags 'Admin'
function Set-PodeOARouteInfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Route to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Route = $pipelineValue
$defaultTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
if ($DefinitionTag) {
if ((Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $r.OpenApi.DefinitionTag -DifferenceObject $DefinitionTag).Count -ne 0) {
if ($r.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured ) {
# Definition Tag for a Route cannot be changed.
throw ($PodeLocale.definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage)
$r.OpenApi.DefinitionTag = $defaultTag
$r.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured = $true
else {
if (! $r.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured ) {
$r.OpenApi.DefinitionTag = $defaultTag
$r.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured = $true
if ($OperationId) {
if ($Route.Count -gt 1) {
# OperationID:$OperationId has to be unique and cannot be applied to an array
throw ($PodeLocale.operationIdMustBeUniqueForArrayExceptionMessage -f $OperationId)
foreach ($tag in $defaultTag) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId -ccontains $OperationId) {
# OperationID:$OperationId has to be unique
throw ($PodeLocale.operationIdMustBeUniqueExceptionMessage -f $OperationId)
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId += $OperationId
$r.OpenApi.OperationId = $OperationId
if ($Summary) {
$r.OpenApi.Summary = $Summary
if ($Description) {
$r.OpenApi.Description = $Description
if ($Tags) {
$r.OpenApi.Tags = $Tags
if ($ExternalDocs) {
$r.OpenApi.ExternalDocs = $ExternalDoc
$r.OpenApi.Swagger = $true
if ($Deprecated.IsPresent) {
$r.OpenApi.Deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
if ($PassThru) {
return $Route
Adds a route that enables a viewer to display OpenAPI docs, such as Swagger, ReDoc, RapiDoc, StopLight, Explorer, RapiPdf or Bookmarks.
Adds a route that enables a viewer to display OpenAPI docs, such as Swagger, ReDoc, RapiDoc, StopLight, Explorer, RapiPdf or Bookmarks.
The Type of OpenAPI viewer to use.
The route Path where the docs can be accessed. (Default: "/$Type")
The URL where the OpenAPI definition can be retrieved. (Default is the OpenAPI path from Enable-PodeOpenApi)
.PARAMETER Middleware
Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied.
The title of the web page. (Default is the OpenAPI title from Enable-PodeOpenApi)
If supplied, the page will be rendered using a dark theme (this is not supported for all viewers).
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to bind the static Route against.This parameter is normally not required.
The Endpoint is retrieved by the OpenAPI DefinitionTag
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
.PARAMETER Bookmarks
If supplied, create a new documentation bookmarks page
If supplied, enable the Swagger-Editor
.PARAMETER NoAdvertise
If supplied, it is not going to state the documentation URL at the startup of the server
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type Swagger -DarkMode
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type ReDoc -Title 'Some Title' -OpenApi 'http://some-url/openapi'
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Bookmarks
Adds a route that enables a viewer to display with links to any documentation tool associated with the OpenApi.
function Enable-PodeOAViewer {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Doc')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Doc')]
[ValidateSet('Swagger', 'ReDoc', 'RapiDoc', 'StopLight', 'Explorer', 'RapiPdf' )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Bookmarks')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Bookmarks')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Editor')]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
# If no EndpointName try to reetrieve the EndpointName from the DefinitionTag if exist
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName) -and $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.EndpointName) {
$EndpointName = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.EndpointName
# error if there's no OpenAPI URL
$OpenApiUrl = Protect-PodeValue -Value $OpenApiUrl -Default $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OpenApiUrl)) {
# No OpenAPI URL supplied for $Type
throw ($PodeLocale.noOpenApiUrlSuppliedExceptionMessage -f $Type)
# fail if no title
$Title = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Title -Default $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.Title
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
# No title supplied for $Type page
throw ($PodeLocale.noTitleSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage -f $Type)
if ($Editor.IsPresent) {
# set a default path
$Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/editor'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
# No route path supplied for $Type page
throw ($PodeLocale.noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage -f $Type)
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
# This version on Swagger-Editor doesn't support OpenAPI 3.1
throw ($PodeLocale.swaggerEditorDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage)
# setup meta info
$meta = @{
Title = $Title
OpenApi = "$($OpenApiUrl)?format=yaml"
DarkMode = $DarkMode
DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag
SwaggerEditorDist = ''
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $Path `
-Middleware $Middleware -ArgumentList $meta `
-EndpointName $EndpointName -Authentication $Authentication `
-Role $Role -Scope $Scope -Group $Group `
-ScriptBlock {
$Data = @{
Title = $meta.Title
OpenApi = $meta.OpenApi
SwaggerEditorDist = $meta.SwaggerEditorDist
$podeRoot = Get-PodeModuleMiscPath
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($podeRoot, 'default-swagger-editor.html.pode')) -Data $Data
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.viewer['editor'] = $Path
elseif ($Bookmarks.IsPresent) {
# set a default path
$Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/bookmarks'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
# No route path supplied for $Type page
throw ($PodeLocale.noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage -f $Type)
# setup meta info
$meta = @{
Title = $Title
OpenApi = $OpenApiUrl
DarkMode = $DarkMode
DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag
$route = Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $Path `
-Middleware $Middleware -ArgumentList $meta `
-EndpointName $EndpointName -Authentication $Authentication `
-Role $Role -Scope $Scope -Group $Group `
-PassThru -ScriptBlock {
$Data = @{
Title = $meta.Title
OpenApi = $meta.OpenApi
$DefinitionTag = $meta.DefinitionTag
foreach ($type in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.viewer.Keys) {
$Data[$type] = $true
$Data["$($type)_path"] = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.viewer[$type]
$podeRoot = Get-PodeModuleMiscPath
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($podeRoot, 'default-doc-bookmarks.html.pode')) -Data $Data
if (! $NoAdvertise.IsPresent) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.bookmarks = @{
path = $Path
route = @()
openApiUrl = $OpenApiUrl
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.bookmarks.route += $route
else {
if ($Type -ieq 'RapiPdf' -and (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)) {
# The Document tool RapidPdf doesn't support OpenAPI 3.1
throw ($PodeLocale.rapidPdfDoesNotSupportOpenApi31ExceptionMessage)
# set a default path
$Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default "/$($Type.ToLowerInvariant())"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
# No route path supplied for $Type page
throw ($PodeLocale.noRoutePathSuppliedForPageExceptionMessage -f $Type)
# setup meta info
$meta = @{
Type = $Type.ToLowerInvariant()
Title = $Title
OpenApi = $OpenApiUrl
DarkMode = $DarkMode
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.viewer[$($meta.Type)] = $Path
# add the viewer route
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $Path -Middleware $Middleware -ArgumentList $meta `
-EndpointName $EndpointName -Authentication $Authentication `
-Role $Role -Scope $Scope -Group $Group `
-ScriptBlock {
$podeRoot = Get-PodeModuleMiscPath
if ( $meta.DarkMode) { $Theme = 'dark' } else { $Theme = 'light' }
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($podeRoot, "default-$($meta.Type).html.pode")) -Data @{
Title = $meta.Title
OpenApi = $meta.OpenApi
DarkMode = $meta.DarkMode
Theme = $Theme
Define an external docs reference.
Define an external docs reference.
The link to the external documentation
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the external documentation.
$swaggerDoc = New-PodeOAExternalDoc -Description 'Find out more about Swagger' -Url ''
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'A quick summary' -Tags 'Admin' -ExternalDoc $swaggerDoc
$swaggerDoc = New-PodeOAExternalDoc -Description 'Find out more about Swagger' -Url ''
Add-PodeOATag -Name 'user' -Description 'Operations about user' -ExternalDoc $swaggerDoc
function New-PodeOAExternalDoc {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -imatch '^https?://.+' })]
$param = [ordered]@{}
if ($Description) {
$param.description = $Description
$param['url'] = $Url
return $param
Add an external docs reference to the OpenApi document.
Add an external docs reference to the OpenApi document.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
An externalDoc object
The Name of the reference.
The link to the external documentation
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the external documentation.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAExternalDoc -Name 'SwaggerDocs' -Description 'Find out more about Swagger' -Url ''
$ExtDoc = New-PodeOAExternalDoc -Name 'SwaggerDocs' -Description 'Find out more about Swagger' -Url ''
function Add-PodeOAExternalDoc {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipe')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipe')]
[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary ]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'NewRef')]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -imatch '^https?://.+' })]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NewRef')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'NewRef') {
$param = [ordered]@{url = $Url }
if ($Description) {
$param.description = $Description
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].externalDocs = $param
else {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].externalDocs = $ExternalDoc
Creates a OpenAPI Tag reference property.
Creates a new OpenAPI tag reference.
The Name of the tag.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the tag.
.PARAMETER ExternalDoc
If supplied, the tag references an existing external documentation reference.
The parameter is created by Add-PodeOAExternalDoc
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOATag -Name 'store' -Description 'Access to Petstore orders' -ExternalDoc 'SwaggerDocs'
function Add-PodeOATag {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$param = [ordered]@{
'name' = $Name
if ($Description) {
$param.description = $Description
if ($ExternalDoc) {
$param.externalDocs = $ExternalDoc
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].tags[$Name] = $param
Creates an OpenAPI metadata.
Creates an OpenAPI metadata like TermOfService, license and so on.
The metadata MAY be used by the clients if needed, and MAY be presented in editing or documentation generation tools for convenience.
The Title of the API.
The Version of the API.
The OpenAPI Specification is versioned using Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (semver) and follows the semver specification.
.PARAMETER Description
A short description of the API.
CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
.PARAMETER TermsOfService
A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
.PARAMETER LicenseName
The license name used for the API.
A URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
.PARAMETER ContactName
The identifying name of the contact person/organization.
.PARAMETER ContactEmail
The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address.
The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAInfo -TermsOfService '' -License 'Apache 2.0' -LicenseUrl '' -ContactName 'API Support' -ContactEmail '[email protected]' -ContactUrl ''
function Add-PodeOAInfo {
$Version ,
[ValidateScript({ $_ -imatch '^https?://.+' })]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -imatch '^https?://.+' })]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -imatch '^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$' })]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -imatch '^https?://.+' })]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
$Info = [ordered]@{}
if ($LicenseName) {
$Info.license = [ordered]@{
'name' = $LicenseName
if ($LicenseUrl) {
if ( $Info.license ) {
$Info.license.url = $LicenseUrl
else {
# The OpenAPI object 'license' required the property 'name'. Use -LicenseName parameter.
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiLicenseObjectRequiresNameExceptionMessage)
if ($Title) {
$Info.title = $Title
elseif ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.title) {
$Info.title = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.title
if ($Version) {
$Info.version = $Version
elseif ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.version) {
$Info.version = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.version
else {
$Info.version = '1.0.0'
if ($Description ) {
$Info.description = $Description
elseif ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.description) {
$Info.description = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info.description
if ($TermsOfService) {
$Info['termsOfService'] = $TermsOfService
if ($ContactName -or $ContactEmail -or $ContactUrl ) {
$Info['contact'] = [ordered]@{}
if ($ContactName) {
$Info['contact'].name = $ContactName
if ($ContactEmail) {
$Info['contact'].email = $ContactEmail
if ($ContactUrl) {
$Info['contact'].url = $ContactUrl
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].info = $Info
Creates a new OpenAPI example.
Creates a new OpenAPI example.
Used to pipeline multiple properties
.PARAMETER ContentType
The Media Content Type associated with the Example.
Alias: MediaType
The Name of the Example.
Short description for the example
.PARAMETER Description
Long description for the example.
.PARAMETER Reference
A reference to a reusable component example
Embedded literal example. The value Parameter and ExternalValue parameter are mutually exclusive.
To represent examples of media types that cannot naturally represented in JSON or YAML, use a string value to contain the example, escaping where necessary.
.PARAMETER ExternalValue
A URL that points to the literal example. This provides the capability to reference examples that cannot easily be included in JSON or YAML documents.
The -Value parameter and -ExternalValue parameter are mutually exclusive. |
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
New-PodeOAExample -ContentType 'text/plain' -Name 'user' -Summary = 'User Example in Plain text' -ExternalValue = ''
$example =
New-PodeOAExample -ContentType 'application/json' -Name 'user' -Summary = 'User Example' -ExternalValue = '' |
New-PodeOAExample -ContentType 'application/xml' -Name 'user' -Summary = 'User Example in XML' -ExternalValue = ''
function New-PodeOAExample {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[OutputType([System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary ])]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary ]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Inbuilt')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
begin {
$pipelineValue = [ordered]@{}
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $DefinitionTag) {
$DefinitionTag = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'Reference') {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field examples -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Reference -PostValidation
$Name = $Reference
$Example = [ordered]@{'$ref' = "#/components/examples/$Reference" }
else {
if ( $ExternalValue -and $Value) {
# Parameters 'ExternalValue' and 'Value' are mutually exclusive
throw ($PodeLocale.parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage -f 'ExternalValue', 'Value')
$Example = [ordered]@{ }
if ($Summary) {
$Example.summary = $Summary
if ($Description) {
$Example.description = $Description
if ($Value) {
$Example.value = $Value
elseif ($ExternalValue) {
$Example.externalValue = $ExternalValue
else {
# Parameters 'Value' or 'ExternalValue' are mandatory
throw ($PodeLocale.parametersValueOrExternalValueMandatoryExceptionMessage)
$param = [ordered]@{}
if ($ContentType) {
$param.$ContentType = [ordered]@{
$Name = $Example
else {
$param.$Name = $Example
process {
if ($_) {
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
$examples = [ordered]@{}
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 0) {
# foreach ($p in $pipelineValue) {
$examples = $pipelineValue
# }
else {
return $param
$key = [string]$param.Keys[0]
if ($examples.Keys -contains $key) {
$examples[$key] += $param[$key]
else {
$examples += $param
return $examples
Adds a single encoding definition applied to a single schema property.
A single encoding definition applied to a single schema property.
.PARAMETER EncodingList
Used by pipe
The Name of the associated encoded property .
.PARAMETER ContentType
Content-Type for encoding a specific property. Default value depends on the property type: for `string` with `format` being `binary` – `application/octet-stream`;
for other primitive types – `text/plain`; for `object` - `application/json`; for `array` – the default is defined based on the inner type.
The value can be a specific media type (e.g. `application/json`), a wildcard media type (e.g. `image/*`), or a comma-separated list of the two types.
A map allowing additional information to be provided as headers, for example `Content-Disposition`.
`Content-Type` is described separately and SHALL be ignored in this section.
This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not a `multipart`.
Describes how a specific property value will be serialized depending on its type. See [Parameter Object](#parameterObject) for details on the [`style`](#parameterStyle) property.
The behavior follows the same values as `query` parameters, including default values.
This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
When enabled, property values of type `array` or `object` generate separate parameters for each value of the array, or key-value-pair of the map. For other types of properties this property has no effect.
When [`style`](#encodingStyle) is `form`, the `Explode` is set to `true`.
This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
.PARAMETER AllowReserved
Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, as defined by [RFC3986]( `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without percent-encoding.
This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
New-PodeOAEncodingObject -Name 'profileImage' -ContentType 'image/png, image/jpeg' -Headers (
New-PodeOAIntProperty -name 'X-Rate-Limit-Limit' -Description 'The number of allowed requests in the current period' -Default 3 -Enum @(1,2,3) -Maximum 3
function New-PodeOAEncodingObject {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Simple', 'Label', 'Matrix', 'Query', 'Form', 'SpaceDelimited', 'PipeDelimited', 'DeepObject' )]
begin {
$encoding = [ordered]@{
$Title = [ordered]@{}
if ($ContentType) {
$encoding.$Title.contentType = $ContentType
if ($Style) {
$encoding.$ = $Style
if ($Headers) {
$encoding.$Title.headers = $Headers
if ($Explode.IsPresent ) {
$encoding.$Title.explode = $Explode.IsPresent
if ($AllowReserved.IsPresent ) {
$encoding.$Title.allowReserved = $AllowReserved.IsPresent
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($EncodingList) {
end {
if ($collectedInput) {
return $collectedInput + $encoding
else {
return $encoding
Adds OpenAPI callback configurations to routes in a Pode web application.
The route to update info, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
The Add-PodeOACallBack function is used for defining OpenAPI callback configurations for routes in a Pode server.
It enables setting up API specifications including detailed parameters, request body schemas, and response structures for various HTTP methods.
Specifies the callback path, usually a relative URL.
The key that identifies the Path Item Object is a runtime expression evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response to identify the URL for the callback request.
A simple example is `$request.body#/url`.
The runtime expression allows complete access to the HTTP message, including any part of a body that a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) can reference.
More information on JSON Pointer can be found at [RFC6901](
Alias for 'Name'. A unique identifier for the callback.
It must be a valid string of alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
.PARAMETER Reference
A reference to a reusable CallBack component.
Defines the HTTP method for the callback (e.g., GET, POST, PUT). Supports standard HTTP methods and a wildcard (*) for all methods.
.PARAMETER Parameters
The Parameter definitions the request uses (from ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter).
.PARAMETER RequestBody
Defines the schema of the request body. Can be set using New-PodeOARequestBody.
.PARAMETER Responses
Defines the possible responses for the callback. Can be set using New-PodeOAResponse.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A array of string representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
Add-PodeOACallBack -Title 'test' -Path '{$request.body#/id}' -Method Post `
-RequestBody (New-PodeOARequestBody -Content @{'*/*' = (New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id')}) `
-Response (
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'Successful operation' -Content (New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json','application/xml' -Content 'Pet' -Array)
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid ID supplied' |
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 404 -Description 'Pet not found' |
New-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'Something is wrong'
This example demonstrates adding a POST callback to handle a request body and define various responses based on different status codes.
Ensure that the provided parameters match the expected schema and formats of Pode and OpenAPI specifications.
The function is useful for dynamically configuring and documenting API callbacks in a Pode server environment.
function Add-PodeOACallBack {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Route to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Route = $pipelineValue
foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
$oaDefinitionTag = Test-PodeRouteOADefinitionTag -Route $r -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $oaDefinitionTag) {
if ($Reference) {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field callbacks -DefinitionTag $tag -Name $Reference -PostValidation
if (!$Name) {
$Name = $Reference
if (! ($r.OpenApi.CallBacks.Keys -Contains $tag)) {
$r.OpenApi.CallBacks[$tag] = [ordered]@{}
$r.OpenApi.CallBacks[$tag].$Name = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/callbacks/$Reference"
else {
if (! ($r.OpenApi.CallBacks.Keys -Contains $tag)) {
$r.OpenApi.CallBacks[$tag] = [ordered]@{}
$r.OpenApi.CallBacks[$tag].$Name = New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters -DefinitionTag $tag
if ($PassThru) {
return $Route
Adds a response definition to the Callback.
Adds a response definition to the Callback.
.PARAMETER ResponseList
Hidden parameter used to pipe multiple CallBacksResponses
The HTTP StatusCode for the response.To define a range of response codes, this field MAY contain the uppercase wildcard character `X`.
For example, `2XX` represents all response codes between `[200-299]`. Only the following range definitions are allowed: `1XX`, `2XX`, `3XX`, `4XX`, and `5XX`.
If a response is defined using an explicit code, the explicit code definition takes precedence over the range definition for that code.
The content-types and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Property functions).
Alias: ContentSchemas
The header name and schema the response returns (the schema is created using Add-PodeOAComponentHeader cmd-let).
Alias: HeaderSchemas
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the response. (Default: the HTTP StatusCode description)
.PARAMETER Reference
A Reference Name of an existing component response to use.
A Response link definition
If supplied, the response will be used as a default response - this overrides the StatusCode supplied.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Content ( New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json' -Content(New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) )
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Content @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Reference 'OKResponse'
Add-PodeOACallBack -Title 'test' -Path '$request.body#/id' -Method Post -RequestBody (
New-PodeOARequestBody -Content (New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType '*/*' -Content (New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id'))
) `
-Response (
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'Successful operation' -Content (New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json','application/xml' -Content 'Pet' -Array) |
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid ID supplied' |
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 404 -Description 'Pet not found' |
New-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'Something is wrong'
function New-PodeOAResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true , Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -is [string] -or $_ -is [string[]] -or $_ -is [hashtable] })]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
$Description ,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ReferenceDefault')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ReferenceDefault')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Schema')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SchemaDefault')]
[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary ]
begin {
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $DefinitionTag) {
$DefinitionTag = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag
# override status code with default
if ($Default) {
$code = 'default'
else {
$code = "$($StatusCode)"
$response = [ordered]@{}
process {
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if (! $response.$tag) {
$response.$tag = [ordered] @{}
$response[$tag][$code] = New-PodeOResponseInternal -DefinitionTag $tag -Params $PSBoundParameters
end {
if ($ResponseList) {
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if (! ($ResponseList.Keys -Contains $tag )) {
$ResponseList[$tag] = [ordered] @{}
$response[$tag].GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $ResponseList[$tag][$_.Key] = $_.Value }
return $ResponseList
else {
return $response
Creates media content type definitions for OpenAPI specifications.
The New-PodeOAContentMediaType function generates media content type definitions suitable for use in OpenAPI specifications. It supports various media types and allows for the specification of content as either a single object or an array of objects.
.PARAMETER ContentType
An array of strings specifying the media types to be defined. Media types should conform to standard MIME types (e.g., 'application/json', 'image/png'). The function validates these media types against a regular expression to ensure they are properly formatted.
Alias: MediaType
The content definition for the media type. This could be an object representing the structure of the content expected for the specified media types.
A switch parameter, used in the 'Array' parameter set, to indicate that the content should be treated as an array.
.PARAMETER UniqueItems
A switch parameter, used in the 'Array' parameter set, to specify that items in the array should be unique.
Used in the 'Array' parameter set to specify the minimum number of items that should be present in the array.
Used in the 'Array' parameter set to specify the maximum number of items that should be present in the array.
Used in the 'Array' parameter set to provide a title for the array content.
If provided configure the media for an upload changing the result based on the OpenApi version
.PARAMETER ContentEncoding
Define the content encoding for upload (Default Binary)
.PARAMETER PartContentMediaType
Define the content encoding for multipart upload
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru -Method get -Path '/pet/findByStatus' -Authentication 'Login-OAuth2' -Scope 'read' -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value 'done' -StatusCode 200
} | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Finds Pets by status' -Description 'Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings' -Tags 'pet' -OperationId 'findPetsByStatus' -PassThru |
Set-PodeOARequest -PassThru -Parameters @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'status' -Description 'Status values that need to be considered for filter' -Default 'available' -Enum @('available', 'pending', 'sold') | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query)
) |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'Successful operation' -Content (New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json','application/xml' -Content 'Pet' -Array -UniqueItems) -PassThru |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid status value'
This example demonstrates the use of New-PodeOAContentMediaType in defining a GET route '/pet/findByStatus' in an OpenAPI specification. The route includes request parameters and responses with media content types for 'application/json' and 'application/xml'.
$content = [ordered]@{ type = 'string' }
$mediaType = 'application/json'
New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType $mediaType -Content $content
This example creates a media content type definition for 'application/json' with a simple string content type.
$content = [ordered]@{ type = 'object'; properties = [ordered]@{ name = @{ type = 'string' } } }
$mediaTypes = 'application/json', 'application/xml'
New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType $mediaTypes -Content $content -Array -MinItems 1 -MaxItems 5 -Title 'UserList'
This example demonstrates defining an array of objects for both 'application/json' and 'application/xml' media types, with a specified range for the number of items and a title.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru -Method get -Path '/pet/findByStatus' -Authentication 'Login-OAuth2' -Scope 'read' -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value 'done' -StatusCode 200
} | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Finds Pets by status' -Description 'Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings' -Tags 'pet' -OperationId 'findPetsByStatus' -PassThru |
Set-PodeOARequest -PassThru -Parameters @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'status' -Description 'Status values that need to be considered for filter' -Default 'available' -Enum @('available', 'pending', 'sold') | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query)
) |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'Successful operation' -Content (New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json','application/xml' -Content 'Pet' -Array -UniqueItems) -PassThru |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid status value'
This example demonstrates the use of New-PodeOAContentMediaType in defining a GET route '/pet/findByStatus' in an OpenAPI specification. The route includes request parameters and responses with media content types for 'application/json' and 'application/xml'.
This function is useful for dynamically creating media type specifications in OpenAPI documentation, providing flexibility in defining the expected content structure for different media types.
function New-PodeOAContentMediaType {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
param (
$ContentType = '*/*',
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Array')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Upload')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Upload')]
[ValidateSet('Binary', 'Base64')]
$ContentEncoding = 'Binary',
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Upload')]
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
$props = [ordered]@{}
foreach ($media in $ContentType) {
if ($media -inotmatch '^(application|audio|image|message|model|multipart|text|video|\*)\/[\w\.\-\*]+(;[\s]*(charset|boundary)=[\w\.\-\*]+)*$') {
# Invalid 'content-type' found for schema: $media
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage -f $media)
if ($Upload.IsPresent) {
if ( $media -ieq 'multipart/form-data' -and $Content) {
$Content = [ordered]@{'__upload' = [ordered]@{
'content' = $Content
'partContentMediaType' = $PartContentMediaType
else {
$Content = [ordered]@{'__upload' = [ordered]@{
'contentEncoding' = $ContentEncoding
else {
if ($null -eq $Content ) {
$Content = [ordered]@{}
if ($Array.IsPresent) {
$props[$media] = @{
__array = $true
__content = $Content
__upload = $Upload
if ($MinItems) {
$props[$media].__minItems = $MinItems
if ($MaxItems) {
$props[$media].__maxItems = $MaxItems
if ($Title) {
$props[$media].__title = $Title
if ($UniqueItems.IsPresent) {
$props[$media].__uniqueItems = $UniqueItems.IsPresent
else {
$props[$media] = $Content
return $props
Adds a response link to an existing list of OpenAPI response links.
The New-PodeOAResponseLink function is designed to add a new response link to an existing OrderedDictionary of OpenAPI response links.
It can be used to define complex response structures with links to other operations or references, and it supports adding multiple links through pipeline input.
An OrderedDictionary of existing response links.
This parameter is intended for use with pipeline input, allowing the function to add multiple links to the collection.
It is hidden from standard help displays to emphasize its use primarily in pipeline scenarios.
Mandatory. A unique name for the response link.
Must be a valid string composed of alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
.PARAMETER Description
A brief description of the response link. CommonMark syntax may be used for rich text representation.
For more information on CommonMark syntax, see [CommonMark Specification](
.PARAMETER OperationId
The name of an existing, resolvable OpenAPI Specification (OAS) operation, as defined with a unique `operationId`.
This parameter is mandatory when using the 'OperationId' parameter set and is mutually exclusive of the `OperationRef` field. It is used to specify the unique identifier of the operation the link is associated with.
.PARAMETER OperationRef
A relative or absolute URI reference to an OAS operation.
This parameter is mandatory when using the 'OperationRef' parameter set and is mutually exclusive of the `OperationId` field.
It MUST point to an Operation Object. Relative `operationRef` values MAY be used to locate an existing Operation Object in the OpenAPI specification.
.PARAMETER Reference
A Reference Name of an existing component link to use.
.PARAMETER Parameters
A map representing parameters to pass to an operation as specified with `operationId` or identified via `operationRef`.
The key is the parameter name to be used, whereas the value can be a constant or an expression to be evaluated and passed to the linked operation.
Parameter names can be qualified using the parameter location syntax `[{in}.]{name}` for operations that use the same parameter name in different locations (e.g.,
.PARAMETER RequestBody
A string representing the request body to use as a request body when calling the target.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
$links = New-PodeOAResponseLink -LinkList $links -Name 'address' -OperationId 'getUserByName' -Parameters @{'username' = '$request.path.username'}
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Content @{'application/json' = 'User'} -Links $links
This example demonstrates creating and adding a link named 'address' associated with the operation 'getUserByName' to an OrderedDictionary of links. The updated dictionary is then used in the 'Add-PodeOAResponse' function to define a response with a status code of 200.
The function supports adding links either by specifying an 'OperationId' or an 'OperationRef', making it versatile for different OpenAPI specification needs.
It's important to match the parameters and response structures as per the OpenAPI specification to ensure the correct functionality of the API documentation.
function New-PodeOAResponseLink {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true , Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary ]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OperationRef')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'OperationRef')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'OperationRef')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'OperationRef')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'OperationRef')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'OperationId')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Reference')]
begin {
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $DefinitionTag) {
$DefinitionTag = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag
if ($Reference) {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field links -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Reference -PostValidation
if (!$Name) {
$Name = $Reference
$link = [ordered]@{
$Name = [ordered]@{
'$ref' = "#/components/links/$Reference"
else {
$link = [ordered]@{
$Name = New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters
process {
end {
if ($LinkList) {
$link.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $LinkList[$_.Key] = $_.Value }
return $LinkList
else {
return [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $link
Sets metadate for the supplied route.
Sets metadate for the supplied route, such as Summary and Tags.
The route to update info, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
The URI path for the Route.
The HTTP Method of this Route, multiple can be supplied.
A list of external endpoint. created with New-PodeOAServerEndpoint
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAExternalRoute -PassThru -Method Get -Path '/peta/:id' -Servers (
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server' |
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server 13'
) |
Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Find pets by ID' -Description 'Returns pets based on ID' -OperationId 'getPetsById' -PassThru |
Set-PodeOARequest -PassThru -Parameters @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id' -Description 'ID of pet to use' -array | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Path -Style Simple -Required )) |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'pet response' -Content (@{ '*/*' = New-PodeOASchemaProperty -ComponentSchema 'Pet' -array }) -PassThru |
Add-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'error payload' -Content (@{'text/html' = 'ErrorModel' }) -PassThru
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru -Method Get -Path '/peta/:id' -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value 'done' -StatusCode 200
} | Add-PodeOAExternalRoute -PassThru -Servers (
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server' |
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'ext test server 13'
) |
Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Find pets by ID' -Description 'Returns pets based on ID' -OperationId 'getPetsById' -PassThru |
Set-PodeOARequest -PassThru -Parameters @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id' -Description 'ID of pet to use' -array | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Path -Style Simple -Required )) |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'pet response' -Content (@{ '*/*' = New-PodeOASchemaProperty -ComponentSchema 'Pet' -array }) -PassThru |
Add-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'error payload' -Content (@{'text/html' = 'ErrorModel' }) -PassThru
function Add-PodeOAExternalRoute {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
[OutputType([hashtable[]], ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
[OutputType([hashtable], ParameterSetName = 'builtin')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateScript({ $_.Count -gt 0 })]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn')]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
[Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'BuiltIn')]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Pipeline') {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'builtin' {
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
$OpenApiPath = ConvertTo-PodeOARoutePath -Path $Path
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
$extRoute = @{
Method = $Method.ToLower()
Path = $Path
Local = $false
OpenApi = @{
Path = $OpenApiPath
Responses = [ordered]@{}
Parameters = [ordered]@{}
RequestBody = [ordered]@{}
callbacks = [ordered]@{}
Authentication = @()
Servers = $Servers
DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
#add the default OpenApi responses
if ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses) {
$extRoute.OpenApi.Responses = Copy-PodeObjectDeepClone -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses
if (! (Test-PodeOAComponentExternalPath -DefinitionTag $tag -Name $Path)) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.externalPath[$Path] = [ordered]@{}
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.externalPath.$Path[$Method] = $extRoute
if ($PassThru) {
return $extRoute
'pipeline' {
# Set Route to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Route = $pipelineValue
foreach ($r in $Route) {
$r.OpenApi.Servers = $Servers
if ($PassThru) {
return $Route
Creates an OpenAPI Server Object.
Creates an OpenAPI Server Object to use with Add-PodeOAExternalRoute
.PARAMETER ServerEndpointList
Used for piping
A URL to the target host. This URL supports Server Variables and MAY be relative, to indicate that the host location is relative to the location where the OpenAPI document is being served.
Variable substitutions will be made when a variable is named in `{`brackets`}`.
.PARAMETER Description
An optional string describing the host designated by the URL. [CommonMark syntax]( MAY be used for rich text representation.
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '' -Description 'My test server'
New-PodeOAServerEndpoint -Url '/api' -Description 'My local server'
function New-PodeOAServerEndpoint {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true , Position = 0, DontShow = $true )]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
$lUrl = [ordered]@{url = $Url }
if ($Description) {
$lUrl.description = $Description
$collectedInput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new()
process {
if ($ServerEndpointList) {
end {
if ($ServerEndpointList) {
return $collectedInput + $lUrl
else {
return $lUrl
Sets metadate for the supplied route.
Sets metadate for the supplied route, such as Summary and Tags.
Alias for 'Name'. A unique identifier for the webhook.
It must be a valid string of alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
The HTTP Method of this Route, multiple can be supplied.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeOAWebhook -PassThru -Method Get |
Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Find pets by ID' -Description 'Returns pets based on ID' -OperationId 'getPetsById' -PassThru |
Set-PodeOARequest -PassThru -Parameters @(
(New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id' -Description 'ID of pet to use' -array | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Path -Style Simple -Required )) |
Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'pet response' -Content (@{ '*/*' = New-PodeOASchemaProperty -ComponentSchema 'Pet' -array }) -PassThru |
Add-PodeOAResponse -Default -Description 'error payload' -Content (@{'text/html' = 'ErrorModel' }) -PassThru
function Add-PodeOAWebhook {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true )]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
$_definitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
$refRoute = @{
Method = $Method.ToLower()
NotPrepared = $true
OpenApi = @{
Responses = [ordered]@{}
Parameters = [ordered]@{}
RequestBody = [ordered]@{}
callbacks = [ordered]@{}
Authentication = @()
DefinitionTag = $_definitionTag
IsDefTagConfigured = ($null -ne $DefinitionTag) #Definition Tag has been configured (Not default)
foreach ($tag in $_definitionTag) {
if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $tag ) {
# The Webhooks feature is not supported in OpenAPI v3.0.x
throw ($PodeLocale.webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage)
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].webhooks[$Name] = $refRoute
if ($PassThru) {
return $refRoute
Select a group of OpenAPI Definions for modification.
Select a group of OpenAPI Definions for modification.
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
If Tag is empty or null the default Definition is selected
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock that will modified the group.
Select-PodeOADefinition -Tag 'v3', 'v3.1' -Script {
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'id'-Format Int64 -Example 10 -Required |
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'petId' -Format Int64 -Example 198772 -Required |
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'quantity' -Format Int32 -Example 7 -Required |
New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'shipDate' -Format Date-Time |
New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'status' -Description 'Order Status' -Required -Example 'approved' -Enum @('placed', 'approved', 'delivered') |
New-PodeOABoolProperty -Name 'complete' |
New-PodeOAObjectProperty -XmlName 'order' |
Add-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name 'Order'
New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json', 'application/xml' -Content 'Pet' |
Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody -Name 'Pet' -Description 'Pet object that needs to be added to the store'
function Select-PodeOADefinition {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Scriptblock) {
# No ScriptBlock supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.noScriptBlockSuppliedExceptionMessage)
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Tag) {
$Tag = $PodeContext.Server.Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag
else {
$Tag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $Tag
# check for scoped vars
$Scriptblock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag = $Tag
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock -UsingVariables $usingVars -Splat
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag = $PodeContext.Server.OpenApi.DefinitionTagSelectionStack.Pop()
Renames an existing OpenAPI definition tag in Pode.
This function renames an existing OpenAPI definition tag to a new tag name.
If the specified tag is the default definition tag, it updates the default tag as well.
It ensures that the new tag name does not already exist and that the function is not used within a Select-PodeOADefinition ScriptBlock.
The current tag name of the OpenAPI definition. If not specified, the default definition tag is used.
The new tag name for the OpenAPI definition. This parameter is mandatory.
Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag 'oldTag' -NewTag 'newTag'
Rename a specific OpenAPI definition tag
Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag -NewTag 'newDefaultTag'
Rename the default OpenAPI definition tag
This function will throw an error if:
- It is used inside a Select-PodeOADefinition ScriptBlock.
- The new tag name already exists.
- The current tag name does not exist.
function Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Check if the function is being used inside a Select-PodeOADefinition ScriptBlock
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenApi.DefinitionTagSelectionStack.Count -gt 0) {
throw ($PodeLocale.renamePodeOADefinitionTagExceptionMessage)
# Check if the new tag name already exists in the OpenAPI definitions
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions.ContainsKey($NewTag)) {
throw ($PodeLocale.openApiDefinitionAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $NewTag )
# If the Tag parameter is null or whitespace, use the default definition tag
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Tag)) {
$Tag = $PodeContext.Server.Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag
$PodeContext.Server.Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag = $NewTag # Update the default definition tag
else {
# Test if the specified tag exists in the OpenAPI definitions
Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $Tag
# Rename the definition tag in the OpenAPI definitions
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$NewTag] = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$Tag]
# Update the selected definition tag if it matches the old tag
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag -eq $Tag) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag = $NewTag
Check if a Definition exist
Check if a Definition exist. If the parameter Tag is empty or Null $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag is returned
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag 'v3', 'v3.1'
function Test-PodeOADefinitionTag {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
if ($Tag -and $Tag.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($t in $Tag) {
if (! ($PodeContext.Server.OpenApi.Definitions.Keys -icontains $t)) {
# DefinitionTag does not exist.
throw ($PodeLocale.definitionTagNotDefinedExceptionMessage -f $t)
return $Tag
else {
return $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.SelectedDefinitionTag
Validate the OpenAPI definition if all Reference are satisfied
Validate the OpenAPI definition if all Reference are satisfied
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps distinguish between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
if ((Test-PodeOADefinition -DefinitionTag 'v3').count -eq 0){
Write-PodeHost "The OpenAPI definition is valid"
function Test-PodeOADefinition {
param (
if (! ($DefinitionTag -and $DefinitionTag.Count -gt 0)) {
$DefinitionTag = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions.keys
$result = @{
valid = $true
issues = @{
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.enabled) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].info.title) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].info.version)) {
$result.valid = $false
$result.issues[$tag] = @{
title = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].info.title)
version = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].info.version)
components = [ordered]@{}
definition = ''
foreach ($field in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation.keys) {
foreach ($name in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field].keys) {
if (! (Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -DefinitionTag $tag -Field $field -Name $name)) {
$result.issues[$tag].components["#/components/$field/$name"] = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field][$name]
$result.valid = $false
try {
Get-PodeOADefinition -DefinitionTag $tag | Out-Null
catch {
$result.issues[$tag].definition = $_.Exception.Message
return $result
Checks if OpenAPI is enabled in the Pode server.
The `Test-PodeOAEnabled` function iterates through the OpenAPI definitions in the Pode server to determine if any are enabled.
It checks for the presence of `bookmarks` in the hidden components of each definition, which indicates an active OpenAPI configuration.
[bool] True if OpenAPI is enabled; otherwise, False.
Returns $true if OpenAPI is enabled for any definition in the Pode server, otherwise returns $false.
function Test-PodeOAEnabled {
# Iterate through each OpenAPI definition key
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions.Keys) {
# Retrieve the bookmarks from the hidden components
$bookmarks = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$key].hiddenComponents.bookmarks
# If bookmarks exist, OpenAPI is enabled for this definition
if ($bookmarks) {
return $true
# If no bookmarks are found, OpenAPI is not enabled
return $false
using namespace Pode
Attaches a file onto the Response for downloading.
Attaches a file from the "/public", and static Routes, onto the Response for downloading.
If the supplied path is not in the Static Routes but is a literal/relative path, then this file is used instead.
The Path to a static file relative to the "/public" directory, or a static Route.
If the supplied Path doesn't match any custom static Route, then Pode will look in the "/public" directory.
Failing this, if the file path exists as a literal/relative file, then this file is used as a fall back.
.PARAMETER ContentType
Manually specify the content type of the response rather than inferring it from the attachment's file extension.
The supplied value must match the valid ContentType format, e.g. application/json
.PARAMETER EndpointName
Optional EndpointName that the static route was creating under.
.PARAMETER FileBrowser
If the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory.
Set-PodeResponseAttachment -Path 'downloads/installer.exe'
Set-PodeResponseAttachment -Path './image.png'
Set-PodeResponseAttachment -Path 'c:/content/accounts.xlsx'
Set-PodeResponseAttachment -Path './data.txt' -ContentType 'application/json'
Set-PodeResponseAttachment -Path '/assets/data.txt' -EndpointName 'Example'
function Set-PodeResponseAttachment {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# already sent? skip
if ($WebEvent.Response.Sent) {
# only attach files from public/static-route directories when path is relative
$route = (Find-PodeStaticRoute -Path $Path -CheckPublic -EndpointName $EndpointName)
if ($route) {
$_path = $route.Content.Source
else {
$_path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
#call internal Attachment function
Write-PodeAttachmentResponseInternal -Path $_path -ContentType $ContentType -FileBrowser:$fileBrowser
Writes a String or a Byte[] to the Response.
Writes a String or a Byte[] to the Response, as some specified content type. This value can also be cached.
A String value to write.
An array of Bytes to write.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type of the data being written.
The maximum age to cache the value on the browser, in seconds.
The status code to set against the response.
Should the value be cached by browsers, or not?
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value 'Leeeeeerrrooooy Jeeeenkiiins!'
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value '{"name": "Rick"}' -ContentType 'application/json'
Write-PodeTextResponse -Bytes (Get-Content -Path ./some/image.png -Raw -AsByteStream) -Cache -MaxAge 1800
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value 'Untitled Text Response' -StatusCode 418
function Write-PodeTextResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'String')]
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'String', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Bytes')]
$ContentType = 'text/plain',
$MaxAge = 3600,
$StatusCode = 200,
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Value to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue -join "`n"
$isStringValue = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'string')
$isByteValue = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'bytes')
# set the status code of the response, but only if it's not 200 (to prevent overriding)
if ($StatusCode -ne 200) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $StatusCode -NoErrorPage
# if there's nothing to write, return
if ($isStringValue -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
if ($isByteValue -and (($null -eq $Bytes) -or ($Bytes.Length -eq 0))) {
# if the response stream isn't writable or already sent, return
$res = $WebEvent.Response
if (($null -eq $res) -or ($WebEvent.Streamed -and (($null -eq $res.OutputStream) -or !$res.OutputStream.CanWrite -or $res.Sent))) {
# set a cache value
if ($Cache) {
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Cache-Control' -Value "max-age=$($MaxAge), must-revalidate"
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Expires' -Value ([datetime]::UtcNow.AddSeconds($MaxAge).ToString('r', [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture))
# specify the content-type if supplied (adding utf-8 if missing)
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
$charset = 'charset=utf-8'
if ($ContentType -inotcontains $charset) {
$ContentType = "$($ContentType); $($charset)"
$res.ContentType = $ContentType
# if we're serverless, set the string as the body
if (!$WebEvent.Streamed) {
if ($isStringValue) {
$res.Body = $Value
else {
$res.Body = $Bytes
else {
# convert string to bytes
if ($isStringValue) {
$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Value)
# check if we only need a range of the bytes
if (($null -ne $WebEvent.Ranges) -and ($WebEvent.Response.StatusCode -eq 200) -and ($StatusCode -eq 200)) {
$lengths = @()
$size = $Bytes.Length
$Bytes = @(foreach ($range in $WebEvent.Ranges) {
# ensure range not invalid
if (([int]$range.Start -lt 0) -or ([int]$range.Start -ge $size) -or ([int]$range.End -lt 0)) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 416 -NoErrorPage
# skip start bytes only
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($range.End)) {
$Bytes[$range.Start..($size - 1)]
$lengths += "$($range.Start)-$($size - 1)/$($size)"
# end bytes only
elseif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($range.Start)) {
if ([int]$range.End -gt $size) {
$range.End = $size
if ([int]$range.End -gt 0) {
$Bytes[$($size - $range.End)..($size - 1)]
$lengths += "$($size - $range.End)-$($size - 1)/$($size)"
else {
$lengths += "0-0/$($size)"
# normal range
else {
if ([int]$range.End -ge $size) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 416 -NoErrorPage
$lengths += "$($range.Start)-$($range.End)/$($size)"
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Content-Range' -Value "bytes $($lengths -join ', ')"
if ($StatusCode -eq 200) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 206 -NoErrorPage
# check if we need to compress the response
if ($PodeContext.Server.Web.Compression.Enabled -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.AcceptEncoding)) {
# compress the bytes
$Bytes = [PodeHelpers]::CompressBytes($Bytes, $WebEvent.AcceptEncoding)
# set content encoding header
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Content-Encoding' -Value $WebEvent.AcceptEncoding
# write the content to the response stream
$res.ContentLength64 = $Bytes.Length
try {
$ms = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new()
$ms.Write($Bytes, 0, $Bytes.Length)
catch {
if ((Test-PodeValidNetworkFailure $_.Exception)) {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
finally {
if ($null -ne $ms) {
Renders the content of a static, or dynamic, file on the Response.
Renders the content of a static, or dynamic, file on the Response.
You can set browser's to cache the content, and also override the file's content type.
The path to a file.
A HashTable of dynamic data to supply to a dynamic file.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type of the file's contents - this overrides the file's extension.
The maximum age to cache the file's content on the browser, in seconds.
The status code to set against the response.
Should the file's content be cached by browsers, or not?
.PARAMETER FileBrowser
If the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory.
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path 'C:/Files/Stuff.txt'
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path 'C:/Files/Stuff.txt' -Cache -MaxAge 1800
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path 'C:/Files/Stuff.txt' -ContentType 'application/json'
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path 'C:/Views/Index.pode' -Data @{ Counter = 2 }
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path 'C:/Files/Stuff.txt' -StatusCode 201
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path 'C:/Files/' -FileBrowser
function Write-PodeFileResponse {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Data = @{},
$ContentType = $null,
$MaxAge = 3600,
$StatusCode = 200,
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# resolve for relative path
$RelativePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
Write-PodeFileResponseInternal -Path $RelativePath -Data $Data -ContentType $ContentType -MaxAge $MaxAge `
-StatusCode $StatusCode -Cache:$Cache -FileBrowser:$FileBrowser
Serves a directory listing as a web page.
The Write-PodeDirectoryResponse function generates an HTML response that lists the contents of a specified directory,
allowing for browsing of files and directories. It supports both Windows and Unix-like environments by adjusting the
display of file attributes accordingly. If the path is a directory, it generates a browsable HTML view; otherwise, it
serves the file directly.
The path to the directory that should be displayed. This path is resolved and used to generate a list of contents.
Write-PodeDirectoryResponse -Path './static'
Generates and serves an HTML page that lists the contents of the './static' directory, allowing users to click through files and directories.
function Write-PodeDirectoryResponse {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# resolve for relative path
$RelativePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
if (Test-Path -Path $RelativePath -PathType Container) {
Write-PodeDirectoryResponseInternal -Path $RelativePath
else {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 404
Writes CSV data to the Response.
Writes CSV data to the Response, setting the content type accordingly.
A String, PSObject, or HashTable value.
The path to a CSV file.
The status code to set against the response.
Write-PodeCsvResponse -Value "Name`nRick"
Write-PodeCsvResponse -Value @{ Name = 'Rick' }
Write-PodeCsvResponse -Path 'E:/Files/Names.csv'
function Write-PodeCsvResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Value')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Value', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$StatusCode = 200
begin {
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Value') {
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'file' {
if (Test-PodePath $Path) {
$Value = Get-PodeFileContent -Path $Path
'value' {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue
if ($Value -isnot [string]) {
$Value = Resolve-PodeObjectArray -Property $Value
if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
$Value = ($Value | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ',' -IncludeTypeInformation:$false)
else {
$Value = ($Value | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation)
$Value = ($Value -join ([environment]::NewLine))
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
$Value = [string]::Empty
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $Value -ContentType 'text/csv' -StatusCode $StatusCode
Writes HTML data to the Response.
Writes HTML data to the Response, setting the content type accordingly.
A String, PSObject, or HashTable value.
The path to a HTML file.
The status code to set against the response.
Write-PodeHtmlResponse -Value "Raw HTML can be placed here"
Write-PodeHtmlResponse -Value @{ Message = 'Hello, all!' }
Write-PodeHtmlResponse -Path 'E:/Site/About.html'
function Write-PodeHtmlResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Value')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Value', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$StatusCode = 200
begin {
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Value') {
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'file' {
if (Test-PodePath $Path) {
$Value = Get-PodeFileContent -Path $Path
'value' {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue
if ($Value -isnot [string]) {
$Value = ($Value | ConvertTo-Html)
$Value = ($Value -join ([environment]::NewLine))
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
$Value = [string]::Empty
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $Value -ContentType 'text/html' -StatusCode $StatusCode
Writes Markdown data to the Response.
Writes Markdown data to the Response, with the option to render it as HTML.
A String value.
The path to a Markdown file.
The status code to set against the response.
If supplied, the Markdown will be converted to HTML. (This is only supported in PS7+)
Write-PodeMarkdownResponse -Value '# Hello, world!' -AsHtml
Write-PodeMarkdownResponse -Path 'E:/Site/'
function Write-PodeMarkdownResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Value')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Value', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$StatusCode = 200,
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'file' {
if (Test-PodePath $Path) {
$Value = Get-PodeFileContent -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
$Value = [string]::Empty
$mimeType = 'text/markdown'
if ($AsHtml) {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) {
$mimeType = 'text/html'
$Value = ($Value | ConvertFrom-Markdown).Html
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $Value -ContentType $mimeType -StatusCode $StatusCode
Writes JSON data to the Response.
Writes JSON data to the Response, setting the content type accordingly.
A String, PSObject, or HashTable value. For non-string values, they will be converted to JSON.
The path to a JSON file.
.PARAMETER ContentType
Because JSON content has not yet an official content type. one custom can be specified here (Default: 'application/json' )
The Depth to generate the JSON document - the larger this value the worse performance gets.
The status code to set against the response.
The JSON document is not compressed (Human readable form)
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value '{"name": "Rick"}'
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value @{ Name = 'Rick' } -StatusCode 201
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Path 'E:/Files/Names.json'
function Write-PodeJsonResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Value')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Value', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$ContentType = 'application/json',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Value')]
[ValidateRange(0, 100)]
$Depth = 10,
$StatusCode = 200,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Value')]
begin {
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Value') {
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'file' {
if (Test-PodePath $Path) {
$Value = Get-PodeFileContent -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
$Value = '{}'
'value' {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue
if ($Value -isnot [string]) {
$Value = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Value -Depth $Depth -Compress:(!$NoCompress))
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
$Value = '{}'
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $Value -ContentType $ContentType -StatusCode $StatusCode
Writes XML data to the Response.
Writes XML data to the Response, setting the content type accordingly.
A String, PSObject, or HashTable value.
The path to an XML file.
.PARAMETER ContentType
Because XML content has not yet an official content type. one custom can be specified here (Default: 'application/xml' )
The Depth to generate the XML document - the larger this value the worse performance gets.
The status code to set against the response.
Write-PodeXmlResponse -Value '<root><name>Rick</name></root>'
Write-PodeXmlResponse -Value @{ Name = 'Rick' } -StatusCode 201
@(@{ Name = 'Rick' }, @{ Name = 'Don' }) | Write-PodeXmlResponse
$users = @([PSCustomObject]@{
Name = 'Rick'
}, [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = 'Don'
Write-PodeXmlResponse -Value $users
Name = 'Rick'
}, [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = 'Don'
) | Write-PodeXmlResponse
Write-PodeXmlResponse -Path 'E:/Files/Names.xml'
function Write-PodeXmlResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Value')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Value', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Value')]
[ValidateRange(0, 100)]
$Depth = 10,
$ContentType = 'application/xml',
$StatusCode = 200
begin {
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Value' -and $_) {
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'file' {
if (Test-PodePath $Path) {
$Value = Get-PodeFileContent -Path $Path
'value' {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue
if ($Value -isnot [string]) {
$Value = Resolve-PodeObjectArray -Property $Value | ConvertTo-Xml -Depth $Depth -As String -NoTypeInformation
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
$Value = [string]::Empty
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $Value -ContentType $ContentType -StatusCode $StatusCode
Writes YAML data to the Response.
Writes YAML data to the Response, setting the content type accordingly.
A String, PSObject, or HashTable value. For non-string values, they will be converted to YAML.
The path to a YAML file.
.PARAMETER ContentType
Because YAML content has not yet an official content type. one custom can be specified here (Default: 'application/yaml' )
The Depth to generate the YAML document - the larger this value the worse performance gets.
The status code to set against the response.
Write-PodeYamlResponse -Value 'name: "Rick"'
Write-PodeYamlResponse -Value @{ Name = 'Rick' } -StatusCode 201
Write-PodeYamlResponse -Path 'E:/Files/Names.yaml'
function Write-PodeYamlResponse {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Value')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Value', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$ContentType = 'application/yaml',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Value')]
[ValidateRange(0, 100)]
$Depth = 10,
$StatusCode = 200
begin {
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Value') {
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'file' {
if (Test-PodePath $Path) {
$Value = Get-PodeFileContent -Path $Path
'value' {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue
if ($Value -isnot [string]) {
$Value = ConvertTo-PodeYaml -InputObject $Value -Depth $Depth
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
$Value = '[]'
Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $Value -ContentType $ContentType -StatusCode $StatusCode
Renders a dynamic, or static, View on the Response.
Renders a dynamic, or static, View on the Response; allowing for dynamic data to be supplied.
The path to a View, relative to the "/views" directory. (Extension is optional).
Any dynamic data to supply to a dynamic View.
The status code to set against the response.
If supplied, a custom views folder will be used.
.PARAMETER FlashMessages
Automatically supply all Flash messages in the current session to the View.
Write-PodeViewResponse -Path 'index'
Write-PodeViewResponse -Path 'accounts/profile_page' -Data @{ Username = 'Morty' }
Write-PodeViewResponse -Path 'login' -FlashMessages
function Write-PodeViewResponse {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Data = @{},
$StatusCode = 200,
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# default data if null
if ($null -eq $Data) {
$Data = @{}
# add path to data as "pagename" - unless key already exists
if (!$Data.ContainsKey('pagename')) {
$Data['pagename'] = $Path
# load all flash messages if needed
if ($FlashMessages -and ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data.Flash)) {
$Data['flash'] = @{}
foreach ($name in (Get-PodeFlashMessageNames)) {
$Data.flash[$name] = (Get-PodeFlashMessage -Name $name)
elseif ($null -eq $Data['flash']) {
$Data['flash'] = @{}
# add view engine extension
$ext = Get-PodeFileExtension -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ext)) {
$Path += ".$($PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension)"
# only look in the view directories
$viewFolder = $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives['views']
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Folder)) {
$viewFolder = $PodeContext.Server.Views[$Folder]
$Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($viewFolder, $Path)
# test the file path, and set status accordingly
if (!(Test-PodePath $Path)) {
# run any engine logic and render it
$engine = (Get-PodeViewEngineType -Path $Path)
$value = (Get-PodeFileContentUsingViewEngine -Path $Path -Data $Data)
switch ($engine.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'md' {
Write-PodeMarkdownResponse -Value $value -StatusCode $StatusCode -AsHtml
default {
Write-PodeHtmlResponse -Value $value -StatusCode $StatusCode
Sets the Status Code of the Response, and controls rendering error pages.
Sets the Status Code of the Response, and controls rendering error pages.
The Status Code to set on the Response.
.PARAMETER Description
An optional Status Description.
.PARAMETER Exception
An exception to use when detailing error information on error pages.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type of the error page to use.
Don't render an error page when the Status Code is 400+.
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 404
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception $_.Exception
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception $_.Exception -ContentType 'application/json'
function Set-PodeResponseStatus {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ContentType = $null,
# already sent? skip
if ($WebEvent.Response.Sent) {
# set the code
$WebEvent.Response.StatusCode = $Code
# set an appropriate description (mapping if supplied is blank)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Description)) {
$Description = (Get-PodeStatusDescription -StatusCode $Code)
if (!$PodeContext.Server.IsServerless -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Description)) {
$WebEvent.Response.StatusDescription = $Description
# if the status code is >=400 then attempt to load error page
if (!$NoErrorPage -and ($Code -ge 400)) {
Show-PodeErrorPage -Code $Code -Description $Description -Exception $Exception -ContentType $ContentType
Redirecting a user to a new URL.
Redirecting a user to a new URL, or the same URL as the Request but a different Protocol - or other components.
Redirect the user to a new URL, or a relative path.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The Name of an Endpoint to redirect to.
Change the port of the current Request before redirecting.
Change the protocol of the current Request before redirecting.
Change the domain address of the current Request before redirecting.
Set the Status Code as "301 Moved", rather than "302 Redirect".
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url ''
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url '/about'
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Protocol HTTPS
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Port 9000 -Moved
function Move-PodeResponseUrl {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Url')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Url')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Components')]
$Port = 0,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Components')]
[ValidateSet('', 'Http', 'Https')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Components')]
# build the url
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'components') {
$uri = $WebEvent.Request.Url
# set the protocol
$Protocol = $Protocol.ToLowerInvariant()
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) {
$Protocol = $uri.Scheme
# set the domain
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) {
$Address = $uri.Host
# set the port
if ($Port -le 0) {
$Port = $uri.Port
$PortStr = [string]::Empty
if (@(80, 443) -notcontains $Port) {
$PortStr = ":$($Port)"
# combine to form the url
$Url = "$($Protocol)://$($Address)$($PortStr)$($uri.PathAndQuery)"
# build the url from an endpoint
elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'endpoint') {
$endpoint = Get-PodeEndpointByName -Name $EndpointName -ThrowError
# set the port
$PortStr = [string]::Empty
if (@(80, 443) -notcontains $endpoint.Port) {
$PortStr = ":$($endpoint.Port)"
$Url = "$($endpoint.Protocol)://$($endpoint.FriendlyName)$($PortStr)$($WebEvent.Request.Url.PathAndQuery)"
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'Location' -Value $Url
if ($Moved) {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 301 -Description 'Moved'
else {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 302 -Description 'Redirect'
Writes data to a TCP socket stream.
Writes data to a TCP socket stream.
The message to write
Write-PodeTcpClient -Message '250 OK'
function Write-PodeTcpClient {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Route to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Message = $pipelineValue -join "`n"
$TcpEvent.Response.WriteLine($Message, $true)
Reads data from a TCP socket stream.
Reads data from a TCP socket stream.
An optional Timeout in milliseconds.
An optional array of bytes to check at the end of a receievd data stream, to determine if the data is complete.
If supplied, the CheckBytes will be set to 13 and 10 to make sure a message ends with CR and LF.
$data = Read-PodeTcpClient
$data = Read-PodeTcpClient -CRLFMessageEnd
function Read-PodeTcpClient {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')]
$Timeout = 0,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CheckBytes')]
$CheckBytes = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CRLF')]
$cBytes = $CheckBytes
if ($CRLFMessageEnd) {
$cBytes = [byte[]]@(13, 10)
return (Wait-PodeTask -Task $TcpEvent.Request.Read($cBytes, $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token) -Timeout $Timeout)
Close an open TCP client connection
Close an open TCP client connection
function Close-PodeTcpClient {
Saves any uploaded files on the Request to the File System.
Saves any uploaded files on the Request to the File System.
The name of the key within the $WebEvent's Data HashTable that stores the file names.
The path to save files. If this is a directory then the file name of the uploaded file will be used, but if this is a file path then that name is used instead.
If the Request has multiple files in, and you specify a file path, then all files will be saved to that one file path - overwriting each other.
An optional FileName to save a specific files if multiple files were supplied in the Request. By default, every file is saved.
Save-PodeRequestFile -Key 'avatar'
Save-PodeRequestFile -Key 'avatar' -Path 'F:/Images'
Save-PodeRequestFile -Key 'avatar' -Path 'F:/Images' -FileName 'icon.png'
function Save-PodeRequestFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Path = '.',
# if path is '.', replace with server root
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
# ensure the parameter name exists in data
if (!(Test-PodeRequestFile -Key $Key)) {
# A parameter called was not supplied in the request or has no data available
throw ($PodeLocale.parameterNotSuppliedInRequestExceptionMessage -f $Key)
# get the file names
$files = @($WebEvent.Data[$Key])
if (($null -ne $FileName) -and ($FileName.Length -gt 0)) {
$files = @(foreach ($file in $files) {
if ($FileName -icontains $file) {
# ensure the file data exists
foreach ($file in $files) {
if (!$WebEvent.Files.ContainsKey($file)) {
# No data for file was uploaded in the request
throw ($PodeLocale.noDataForFileUploadedExceptionMessage -f $file)
# save the files
foreach ($file in $files) {
# if the path is a directory, add the filename
$filePath = $Path
if (Test-Path -Path $filePath -PathType Container) {
$filePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($filePath, $file)
# save the file
Test to see if the Request contains the key for any uploaded files.
Test to see if the Request contains the key for any uploaded files.
The name of the key within the $WebEvent's Data HashTable that stores the file names.
An optional FileName to test for a specific file within the list of uploaded files.
Test-PodeRequestFile -Key 'avatar'
Test-PodeRequestFile -Key 'avatar' -FileName 'icon.png'
function Test-PodeRequestFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# ensure the parameter name exists in data
if (!$WebEvent.Data.ContainsKey($Key)) {
return $false
# ensure it has filenames
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WebEvent.Data[$Key])) {
return $false
# do we have any specific files?
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FileName)) {
return (@($WebEvent.Data[$Key]) -icontains $FileName)
# we have files
return $true
Short description
Long description
The type name of the view engine (inbuilt types are: Pode and HTML).
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
A ScriptBlock for specifying custom view engine rendering rules.
.PARAMETER Extension
A custom extension for the engine's files.
Set-PodeViewEngine -Type HTML
Set-PodeViewEngine -Type Markdown
Set-PodeViewEngine -Type PSHTML -Extension PS1 -ScriptBlock { param($path, $data) /* logic */ }
function Set-PodeViewEngine {
$ScriptBlock = $null,
# truncate markdown
if ($Type -ieq 'Markdown') {
$Type = 'md'
# override extension with type
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Extension)) {
$Extension = $Type
# check if the scriptblock has any using vars
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# setup view engine config
$PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Type = $Type.ToLowerInvariant()
$PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension = $Extension.ToLowerInvariant()
$PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
$PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.UsingVariables = $usingVars
$PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.IsDynamic = (@('html', 'md') -inotcontains $Type)
Includes the contents of a partial View into another dynamic View.
Includes the contents of a partial View into another dynamic View. The partial View can be static or dynamic.
The path to a partial View, relative to the "/views" directory. (Extension is optional).
Any dynamic data to supply to a dynamic partial View.
If supplied, a custom views folder will be used.
Use-PodePartialView -Path 'shared/footer'
function Use-PodePartialView {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
$Data = @{},
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# default data if null
if ($null -eq $Data) {
$Data = @{}
# add view engine extension
$ext = Get-PodeFileExtension -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ext)) {
$Path += ".$($PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine.Extension)"
# only look in the view directory
$viewFolder = $PodeContext.Server.InbuiltDrives['views']
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Folder)) {
$viewFolder = $PodeContext.Server.Views[$Folder]
$Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($viewFolder, $Path)
# test the file path, and set status accordingly
if (!(Test-PodePath $Path -NoStatus)) {
# The Views path does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Path)
# run any engine logic
return (Get-PodeFileContentUsingViewEngine -Path $Path -Data $Data)
Broadcasts a message to connected WebSocket clients.
Broadcasts a message to all, or some, connected WebSocket clients. You can specify a path to send messages to, or a specific ClientId.
A String, PSObject, or HashTable value. For non-string values, they will be converted to JSON.
The Path of connected clients to send the message.
A specific ClientId of a connected client to send a message. Not currently used.
The Depth to generate the JSON document - the larger this value the worse performance gets.
The Mode to broadcast a message: Auto, Broadcast, Direct. (Default: Auto)
.PARAMETER IgnoreEvent
If supplied, if a SignalEvent is available it's data, such as path/clientId, will be ignored.
Send-PodeSignal -Value @{ Message = 'Hello, world!' }
Send-PodeSignal -Value @{ Data = @(123, 100, 101) } -Path '/response-charts'
function Send-PodeSignal {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )]
$Depth = 10,
[ValidateSet('Auto', 'Broadcast', 'Direct')]
$Mode = 'Auto',
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# error if not configured
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Signals.Enabled) {
# WebSockets have not been configured to send signal messages
throw ($PodeLocale.websocketsNotConfiguredForSignalMessagesExceptionMessage)
# do nothing if no value
if (($null -eq $Value) -or ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value))) {
# jsonify the value
if ($Value -isnot [string]) {
if ($Depth -le 0) {
$Value = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Value -Compress)
else {
$Value = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Value -Depth $Depth -Compress)
# check signal event
if (!$IgnoreEvent -and ($null -ne $SignalEvent)) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
$Path = $SignalEvent.Data.Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ClientId)) {
$ClientId = $SignalEvent.Data.ClientId
if (($Mode -ieq 'Auto') -and ($SignalEvent.Data.Direct -or ($SignalEvent.ClientId -ieq $SignalEvent.Data.ClientId))) {
$Mode = 'Direct'
# broadcast or direct?
if ($Mode -iin @('Auto', 'Broadcast')) {
$PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.AddServerSignal($Value, $Path, $ClientId)
else {
Add a custom path that contains additional views.
Add a custom path that contains additional views.
The Name of the views folder.
The literal, or relative, path to the directory that contains views.
Add-PodeViewFolder -Name 'assets' -Source './assets'
function Add-PodeViewFolder {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# ensure the folder doesn't already exist
if ($PodeContext.Server.Views.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# The Views folder name already exists
throw ($PodeLocale.viewsFolderNameAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the path exists at server root
$Source = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Source -JoinRoot
if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $Source -NoStatus)) {
# The Views path does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.viewsPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Source)
# setup a temp drive for the path
$Source = New-PodePSDrive -Path $Source
# add the route(s)
Write-Verbose "Adding View Folder: [$($Name)] $($Source)"
$PodeContext.Server.Views[$Name] = $Source
Pre-emptively send an HTTP response back to the client. This can be dangerous, so only use this function if you know what you're doing.
Pre-emptively send an HTTP response back to the client. This can be dangerous, so only use this function if you know what you're doing.
function Send-PodeResponse {
if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Response) {
$null = Wait-PodeTask -Task $WebEvent.Response.Send()
Adds a Route for a specific HTTP Method(s).
Adds a Route for a specific HTTP Method(s), with path, that when called with invoke any logic and/or Middleware.
The HTTP Method of this Route, multiple can be supplied.
The URI path for the Route.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
A ScriptBlock for the Route's main logic.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) this Route should be bound against.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type the Route should use when parsing any payloads.
.PARAMETER TransferEncoding
The transfer encoding the Route should use when parsing any payloads.
.PARAMETER ErrorContentType
The content type of any error pages that may get returned.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Route's main logic.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Route's ScriptBlock.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
If supplied, the Route will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users.
If supplied, the Route will be flagged to Authentication as being a Route that handles user logins.
If supplied, the Route will be flagged to Authentication as being a Route that handles users logging out.
If supplied, the route created will be returned so it can be passed through a pipe.
Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default)
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
An alternative way to associate OpenApi responses unsing New-PodeOAResponse instead of piping multiple Add-PodeOAResponse
A reference to OpenAPI reusable pathItem component created with Add-PodeOAComponentPathItem
.PARAMETER OADefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/users/:userId/message' -Middleware (Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware) -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/user' -ContentType 'application/json' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/user' -ContentType 'application/json' -TransferEncoding gzip -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/api/cpu' -ErrorContentType 'application/json' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2'
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -Role 'Developer', 'QA' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
$Responses = New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid username supplied' |
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 404 -Description 'User not found' |
New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 405 -Description 'Invalid Input'
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru -Method Put -Path '/user/:username' -OAResponses $Responses -ScriptBlock {
#code is going here
function Add-PodeRoute {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter( )]
[ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$IfExists = 'Default',
# check if we have any route group info defined
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) {
$Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)"
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) {
$Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
$EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
$ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
$TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) {
$ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
$Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) {
$Access = $RouteGroup.Access
if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) {
$AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon
if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') {
$IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) {
$Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) {
$Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) {
$Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) {
$User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) {
$CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag ) {
$OADefinitionTag = $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag
# var for new routes created
$newRoutes = @()
# store the original path
$origPath = $Path
# split route on '?' for query
$Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
# No Path supplied for the Route
throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage)
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
$OpenApiPath = ConvertTo-PodeOARoutePath -Path $Path
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
# get endpoints from name
$endpoints = Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName
# get default route IfExists state
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') {
$IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference
# if middleware, scriptblock and file path are all null/empty, error
if ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $Middleware) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $FilePath) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Authentication)) {
# [Method] Path: No logic passed
throw ($PodeLocale.noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage -f ($Method -join ','), $Path)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# convert any middleware into valid hashtables
$Middleware = @(ConvertTo-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $Middleware -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState)
# if an access name was supplied, setup access as middleware first to it's after auth middleware
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
# Access requires Authentication to be supplied on Routes
throw ($PodeLocale.accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage)
if (!(Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $Access)) {
# Access method does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Access)
$options = @{
Name = $Access
$Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAccessMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware)
# if an auth name was supplied, setup the auth as the first middleware
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Authentication)) {
# Authentication method does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Authentication)
$options = @{
Name = $Authentication
Login = $Login
Logout = $Logout
Anon = $AllowAnon
$Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware)
# custom access
if ($null -eq $CustomAccess) {
$CustomAccess = @{}
# workout a default content type for the route
$ContentType = Find-PodeRouteContentType -Path $Path -ContentType $ContentType
# workout a default transfer encoding for the route
$TransferEncoding = Find-PodeRouteTransferEncoding -Path $Path -TransferEncoding $TransferEncoding
# loop through each method
foreach ($_method in $Method) {
# ensure the route doesn't already exist for each endpoint
$endpoints = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
$found = Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $_method -Path $Path -Protocol $_endpoint.Protocol -Address $_endpoint.Address -ThrowError:($IfExists -ieq 'Error')
if ($found) {
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Overwrite') {
Remove-PodeRoute -Method $_method -Path $origPath -EndpointName $_endpoint.Name
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Skip') {
if (($null -eq $endpoints) -or ($endpoints.Length -eq 0)) {
#add security header method if autoMethods is enabled
if ( $PodeContext.Server.Security.autoMethods ) {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value $_method.ToUpper() -Append
$DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $OADefinitionTag
#add the default OpenApi responses
if ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses) {
$DefaultResponse = [ordered]@{}
foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
$DefaultResponse[$tag] = Copy-PodeObjectDeepClone -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses
# add the route(s)
Write-Verbose "Adding Route: [$($_method)] $($Path)"
$methodRoutes = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
Logic = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Middleware = $Middleware
Authentication = $Authentication
Access = $Access
AccessMeta = @{
Role = $Role
Group = $Group
Scope = $Scope
User = $User
Custom = $CustomAccess
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol
Address = $_endpoint.Address.Trim()
Name = $_endpoint.Name
ContentType = $ContentType
TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding
ErrorType = $ErrorContentType
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Method = $_method
Path = $Path
OpenApi = @{
Path = $OpenApiPath
Responses = $DefaultResponse
Parameters = [ordered]@{}
RequestBody = [ordered]@{}
CallBacks = [ordered]@{}
Authentication = @()
Servers = @()
DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag
IsDefTagConfigured = ($null -ne $OADefinitionTag) #Definition Tag has been configured (Not default)
IsStatic = $false
Metrics = @{
Requests = @{
Total = 0
StatusCodes = @{}
if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Routes -notcontains $Path ) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Routes += $Path
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
Set-PodeOAAuth -Route $methodRoutes -Name $Authentication -AllowAnon:$AllowAnon
$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$_method][$Path] += @($methodRoutes)
if ($PassThru) {
$newRoutes += $methodRoutes
if ($OAReference) {
Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field pathItems -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $OAReference -PostValidation
foreach ($r in @($newRoutes)) {
$r.OpenApi = @{
'$ref' = "#/components/paths/$OAReference"
DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag
Path = $OpenApiPath
elseif ($OAResponses) {
foreach ($r in @($newRoutes)) {
$r.OpenApi.Responses = $OAResponses
# return the routes?
if ($PassThru) {
return $newRoutes
Add a static Route for rendering static content.
Add a static Route for rendering static content. You can also define default pages to display.
The URI path for the static Route.
The literal, or relative, path to the directory that contains the static content.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to bind the static Route against.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type the static Route should use when parsing any payloads.
.PARAMETER TransferEncoding
The transfer encoding the static Route should use when parsing any payloads.
An array of default pages to display, such as 'index.html'.
.PARAMETER ErrorContentType
The content type of any error pages that may get returned.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
If supplied, the static route will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users.
.PARAMETER DownloadOnly
When supplied, all static content on this Route will be attached as downloads - rather than rendered.
If supplied, the static route created will be returned so it can be passed through a pipe.
Specifies what action to take when a Static Route already exists. (Default: Default)
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
.PARAMETER FileBrowser
If supplied, when the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory.
.PARAMETER RedirectToDefault
If supplied, the user will be redirected to the default page if found instead of the page being rendered as the folder path.
Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -Source './assets'
Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -Source './assets' -Defaults @('index.html')
Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/installers' -Source './exes' -DownloadOnly
Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -Source './assets' -Defaults @('index.html') -RedirectToDefault
function Add-PodeStaticRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$IfExists = 'Default',
# check if we have any route group info defined
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) {
$Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Source)) {
$Source = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Source, $RouteGroup.Source.TrimStart('\/'))
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) {
$Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
$EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
$ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
$TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) {
$ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
$Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) {
$Access = $RouteGroup.Access
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Defaults) {
$Defaults = $RouteGroup.Defaults
if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) {
$AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon
if ($RouteGroup.DownloadOnly) {
$DownloadOnly = $RouteGroup.DownloadOnly
if ($RouteGroup.FileBrowser) {
$FileBrowser = $RouteGroup.FileBrowser
if ($RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault) {
$RedirectToDefault = $RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault
if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') {
$IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) {
$Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) {
$Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) {
$Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) {
$User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) {
$CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom
# store the route method
$Method = 'Static'
# store the original path
$origPath = $Path
# split route on '?' for query
$Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
# No Path supplied for the Route.
throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage)
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static
$OpenApiPath = ConvertTo-PodeOARoutePath -Path $Path
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
# get endpoints from name
$endpoints = Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName
# get default route IfExists state
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') {
$IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference
# ensure the route doesn't already exist for each endpoint
$endpoints = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
$found = Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $_endpoint.Protocol -Address $_endpoint.Address -ThrowError:($IfExists -ieq 'Error')
if ($found) {
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Overwrite') {
Remove-PodeStaticRoute -Path $origPath -EndpointName $_endpoint.Name
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Skip') {
if (($null -eq $endpoints) -or ($endpoints.Length -eq 0)) {
# if static, ensure the path exists at server root
$Source = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Source -JoinRoot
if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $Source -NoStatus)) {
# [Method)] Path: The Source path supplied for Static Route does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage -f $Path, $Source)
# setup a temp drive for the path
$Source = New-PodePSDrive -Path $Source
# setup default static files
if ($null -eq $Defaults) {
$Defaults = Get-PodeStaticRouteDefault
if (!$RedirectToDefault) {
$RedirectToDefault = $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.RedirectToDefault
# convert any middleware into valid hashtables
$Middleware = @(ConvertTo-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $Middleware -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState)
# if an access name was supplied, setup access as middleware first to it's after auth middleware
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
# Access requires Authentication to be supplied on Routes
throw ($PodeLocale.accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage)
if (!(Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $Access)) {
# Access method does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Access)
$options = @{
Name = $Access
$Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAccessMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware)
# if an auth name was supplied, setup the auth as the first middleware
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Authentication)) {
# Authentication method does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage)
$options = @{
Name = $Authentication
Anon = $AllowAnon
$Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware)
# workout a default content type for the route
$ContentType = Find-PodeRouteContentType -Path $Path -ContentType $ContentType
# workout a default transfer encoding for the route
$TransferEncoding = Find-PodeRouteTransferEncoding -Path $Path -TransferEncoding $TransferEncoding
#The path use KleeneStar(Asterisk)
$KleeneStar = $OrigPath.Contains('*')
# add the route(s)
Write-Verbose "Adding Route: [$($Method)] $($Path)"
$newRoutes = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
Source = $Source
Path = $Path
KleeneStar = $KleeneStar
Method = $Method
Defaults = $Defaults
RedirectToDefault = $RedirectToDefault
Middleware = $Middleware
Authentication = $Authentication
Access = $Access
AccessMeta = @{
Role = $Role
Group = $Group
Scope = $Scope
User = $User
Custom = $CustomAccess
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol
Address = $_endpoint.Address.Trim()
Name = $_endpoint.Name
ContentType = $ContentType
TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding
ErrorType = $ErrorContentType
Download = $DownloadOnly
IsStatic = $true
FileBrowser = $FileBrowser.isPresent
OpenApi = @{
Path = $OpenApiPath
Responses = @{}
Parameters = $null
RequestBody = $null
CallBacks = @{}
Authentication = @()
Servers = @()
DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag
Metrics = @{
Requests = @{
Total = 0
StatusCodes = @{}
$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] += @($newRoutes)
# return the routes?
if ($PassThru) {
return $newRoutes
Adds a Signal Route for WebSockets.
Adds a Signal Route, with path, that when called with invoke any logic.
The URI path for the Signal Route.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
A ScriptBlock for the Signal Route's main logic.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) this Signal Route should be bound against.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Signal Route's main logic.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Signal Route's ScriptBlock.
Specifies what action to take when a Signal Route already exists. (Default: Default)
Add-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2'
function Add-PodeSignalRoute {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$IfExists = 'Default'
# check if we have any route group info defined
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) {
$Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
$EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName
if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') {
$IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists
$Method = 'Signal'
# store the original path
$origPath = $Path
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
# get endpoints from name
$endpoints = Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName
# get default route IfExists state
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') {
$IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference
# ensure the route doesn't already exist for each endpoint
$endpoints = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
$found = Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $_endpoint.Protocol -Address $_endpoint.Address -ThrowError:($IfExists -ieq 'Error')
if ($found) {
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Overwrite') {
Remove-PodeSignalRoute -Path $origPath -EndpointName $_endpoint.Name
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Skip') {
if (($null -eq $endpoints) -or ($endpoints.Length -eq 0)) {
# if scriptblock and file path are all null/empty, error
if ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $FilePath)) {
# [Method] Path: No logic passed
throw ($PodeLocale.noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage -f $Method, $Path)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add the route(s)
Write-Verbose "Adding Route: [$($Method)] $($Path)"
$newRoutes = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
Logic = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol
Address = $_endpoint.Address.Trim()
Name = $_endpoint.Name
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Method = $Method
Path = $Path
IsStatic = $false
Metrics = @{
Requests = @{
Total = 0
$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] += @($newRoutes)
Add a Route Group for multiple Routes.
Add a Route Group for sharing values between multiple Routes.
The URI path to use as a base for the Routes, that should be prepended.
A ScriptBlock for adding Routes.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to give each Route.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to use for the Routes.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type to use for the Routes, when parsing any payloads.
.PARAMETER TransferEncoding
The transfer encoding to use for the Routes, when parsing any payloads.
.PARAMETER ErrorContentType
The content type of any error pages that may get returned.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on the Routes.
The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default)
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
If supplied, the Routes will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users.
.PARAMETER OADefinitionTag
An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
Add-PodeRouteGroup -Path '/api' -Routes { Add-PodeRoute -Path '/route1' -Etc }
function Add-PodeRouteGroup {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$IfExists = 'Default',
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Routes) {
# The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock
throw ($PodeLocale.routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage)
if ($Path -eq '/') {
$Path = $null
# check for scoped vars
$Routes, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Routes -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# group details
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) {
$Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)"
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) {
$Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
$EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
$ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
$TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) {
$ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
$Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) {
$Access = $RouteGroup.Access
if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) {
$AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon
if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') {
$IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) {
$Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) {
$Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) {
$Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) {
$User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) {
$CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag ) {
$OADefinitionTag = $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag
$RouteGroup = @{
Path = $Path
Middleware = $Middleware
EndpointName = $EndpointName
ContentType = $ContentType
TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding
ErrorContentType = $ErrorContentType
Authentication = $Authentication
Access = $Access
AllowAnon = $AllowAnon
IfExists = $IfExists
OADefinitionTag = $OADefinitionTag
AccessMeta = @{
Role = $Role
Group = $Group
Scope = $Scope
User = $User
Custom = $CustomAccess
# add routes
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Routes -UsingVariables $usingVars -Splat -NoNewClosure
Add a Static Route Group for multiple Static Routes.
Add a Static Route Group for sharing values between multiple Static Routes.
The URI path to use as a base for the Static Routes.
A literal, or relative, base path to the directory that contains the static content, that should be prepended.
A ScriptBlock for adding Static Routes.
.PARAMETER Middleware
An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to give each Static Route.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to use for the Static Routes.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The content type to use for the Static Routes, when parsing any payloads.
.PARAMETER TransferEncoding
The transfer encoding to use for the Static Routes, when parsing any payloads.
An array of default pages to display, such as 'index.html', for each Static Route.
.PARAMETER ErrorContentType
The content type of any error pages that may get returned.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on the Static Routes.
The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
Specifies what action to take when a Static Route already exists. (Default: Default)
If supplied, the Static Routes will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users.
.PARAMETER FileBrowser
When supplied, If the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory.
.PARAMETER DownloadOnly
When supplied, all static content on the Routes will be attached as downloads - rather than rendered.
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
.PARAMETER RedirectToDefault
If supplied, the user will be redirected to the default page if found instead of the page being rendered as the folder path.
Add-PodeStaticRouteGroup -Path '/static' -Routes { Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/images' -Etc }
function Add-PodeStaticRouteGroup {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$IfExists = 'Default',
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Routes) {
# The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock
throw ($PodeLocale.routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage)
if ($Path -eq '/') {
$Path = $null
# check for scoped vars
$Routes, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Routes -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# group details
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) {
$Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Source)) {
$Source = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Source, $RouteGroup.Source.TrimStart('\/'))
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) {
$Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
$EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) {
$ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) {
$TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) {
$ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) {
$Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) {
$Access = $RouteGroup.Access
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Defaults) {
$Defaults = $RouteGroup.Defaults
if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) {
$AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon
if ($RouteGroup.DownloadOnly) {
$DownloadOnly = $RouteGroup.DownloadOnly
if ($RouteGroup.FileBrowser) {
$FileBrowser = $RouteGroup.FileBrowser
if ($RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault) {
$RedirectToDefault = $RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault
if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') {
$IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) {
$Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) {
$Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) {
$Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) {
$User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) {
$CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom
$RouteGroup = @{
Path = $Path
Source = $Source
Middleware = $Middleware
EndpointName = $EndpointName
ContentType = $ContentType
TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding
Defaults = $Defaults
RedirectToDefault = $RedirectToDefault
ErrorContentType = $ErrorContentType
Authentication = $Authentication
Access = $Access
AllowAnon = $AllowAnon
DownloadOnly = $DownloadOnly
FileBrowser = $FileBrowser
IfExists = $IfExists
AccessMeta = @{
Role = $Role
Group = $Group
Scope = $Scope
User = $User
Custom = $CustomAccess
# add routes
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Routes -UsingVariables $usingVars -Splat -NoNewClosure
Adds a Signal Route Group for multiple WebSockets.
Adds a Signal Route Group for sharing values between multiple WebSockets.
The URI path to use as a base for the Signal Routes, that should be prepended.
A ScriptBlock for adding Signal Routes.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to use for the Signal Routes.
Specifies what action to take when a Signal Route already exists. (Default: Default)
Add-PodeSignalRouteGroup -Path '/signals' -Routes { Add-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/signal1' -Etc }
function Add-PodeSignalRouteGroup {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$IfExists = 'Default'
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Routes) {
# The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock
throw ($PodeLocale.routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage)
if ($Path -eq '/') {
$Path = $null
# check for scoped vars
$Routes, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Routes -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# group details
if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) {
$Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
$EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName
if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') {
$IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists
$RouteGroup = @{
Path = $Path
EndpointName = $EndpointName
IfExists = $IfExists
# add routes
$null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Routes -UsingVariables $usingVars -Splat -NoNewClosure
Remove a specific Route.
Remove a specific Route.
The method of the Route to remove.
The path of the Route to remove.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) bound to the Route to be removed.
Remove-PodeRoute -Method Get -Route '/about'
Remove-PodeRoute -Method Post -Route '/users/:userId' -EndpointName User
function Remove-PodeRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# split route on '?' for query
$Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes and replace parameters
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
# ensure route does exist
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Contains($Path)) {
# select the candidate route for deletion
$route = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object {
$_.Endpoint.Name -ieq $EndpointName
foreach ($r in $route) {
# remove the operationId from the openapi operationId list
if ($r.OpenAPI) {
foreach ( $tag in $r.OpenAPI.DefinitionTag) {
if ($tag -and ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId -ccontains $route.OpenAPI.OperationId)) {
$PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId | Where-Object { $_ -ne $route.OpenAPI.OperationId }
# remove the route's logic
$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object {
$_.Endpoint.Name -ine $EndpointName
# if the route has no more logic, just remove it
if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path]) -eq 0) {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Remove($Path)
Remove a specific static Route.
Remove a specific static Route.
The path of the static Route to remove.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) bound to the static Route to be removed.
Remove-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets'
function Remove-PodeStaticRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Method = 'Static'
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes and replace parameters
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static
# ensure route does exist
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Contains($Path)) {
# remove the route's logic
$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object {
$_.Endpoint.Name -ine $EndpointName
# if the route has no more logic, just remove it
if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path]) -eq 0) {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Remove($Path)
Remove a specific Signal Route.
Remove a specific Signal Route.
The path of the Signal Route to remove.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) bound to the Signal Route to be removed.
Remove-PodeSignalRoute -Route '/message'
function Remove-PodeSignalRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Method = 'Signal'
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes and replace parameters
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
# ensure route does exist
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Contains($Path)) {
# remove the route's logic
$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object {
$_.Endpoint.Name -ine $EndpointName
# if the route has no more logic, just remove it
if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path]) -eq 0) {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Remove($Path)
Removes all added Routes, or Routes for a specific Method.
Removes all added Routes, or Routes for a specific Method.
The Method to from which to remove all Routes.
Clear-PodeRoutes -Method Get
function Clear-PodeRoutes {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Method)) {
else {
$PodeContext.Server.Routes.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {
Removes all added static Routes.
Removes all added static Routes.
function Clear-PodeStaticRoutes {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Removes all added Signal Routes.
Removes all added Signal Routes.
function Clear-PodeSignalRoutes {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Takes an array of Commands, or a Module, and converts them into Routes.
Takes an array of Commands (Functions/Aliases), or a Module, and generates appropriate Routes for the commands.
An array of Commands to convert - if a Module is supplied, these Commands must be present within that Module.
A Module whose exported commands will be converted.
An override HTTP method to use when generating the Routes. If not supplied, Pode will make a best guess based on the Command's Verb.
An optional Path for the Route, to prepend before the Command Name and Module.
.PARAMETER Middleware
Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied to all generated Routes.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
If supplied, the Route will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users.
If supplied, the Command's Verb will not be included in the Route's path.
If supplied, no OpenAPI definitions will be generated for the routes created.
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Commands @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-Host', 'Invoke-Expression') -Middleware { ... }
ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Commands @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-Host', 'Invoke-Expression') -Authentication AuthName
ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Module Pester -Path '/api'
ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Commands @('Invoke-Pester') -Module Pester
function ConvertTo-PodeRoute {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )]
[ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')]
$Path = '/',
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set InputObject to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Commands = $pipelineValue
# if a module was supplied, import it - then validate the commands
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Module)) {
Import-PodeModule -Name $Module
Write-Verbose 'Getting exported commands from module'
$ModuleCommands = (Get-Module -Name $Module | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ExportedCommands.Keys
# if commands were supplied validate them - otherwise use all exported ones
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Commands) {
Write-Verbose "Using all commands in $($Module) for converting to routes"
$Commands = $ModuleCommands
else {
Write-Verbose "Validating supplied commands against module's exported commands"
foreach ($cmd in $Commands) {
if ($ModuleCommands -inotcontains $cmd) {
# Module Module does not contain function cmd to convert to a Route
throw ($PodeLocale.moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage -f $Module, $cmd)
# if there are no commands, fail
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Commands) {
# No commands supplied to convert to Routes
throw ($PodeLocale.noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage)
# trim end trailing slashes from the path
$Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/'
$Path = $Path.TrimEnd('/')
# create the routes for each of the commands
foreach ($cmd in $Commands) {
# get module verb/noun and comvert verb to HTTP method
$split = ($cmd -split '\-')
if ($split.Length -ge 2) {
$verb = $split[0]
$noun = $split[1..($split.Length - 1)] -join ([string]::Empty)
else {
$verb = [string]::Empty
$noun = $split[0]
# determine the http method, or use the one passed
$_method = $Method
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_method)) {
$_method = Convert-PodeFunctionVerbToHttpMethod -Verb $verb
# use the full function name, or remove the verb
$name = $cmd
if ($NoVerb) {
$name = $noun
# build the route's path
$_path = ("$($Path)/$($Module)/$($name)" -replace '[/]+', '/')
# create the route
$params = @{
Method = $_method
Path = $_path
Middleware = $Middleware
Authentication = $Authentication
Access = $Access
Role = $Role
Group = $Group
Scope = $Scope
User = $User
AllowAnon = $AllowAnon
ArgumentList = $cmd
PassThru = $true
$route = Add-PodeRoute @params -ScriptBlock {
# either get params from the QueryString or Payload
if ($WebEvent.Method -ieq 'get') {
$parameters = $WebEvent.Query
else {
$parameters = $WebEvent.Data
# invoke the function
$result = (. $cmd @parameters)
# if we have a result, convert it to json
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $result)) {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $result -Depth 1
# set the openapi metadata of the function, unless told to skip
if ($NoOpenApi) {
$help = Get-Help -Name $cmd
$route = ($route | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary $help.Synopsis -Tags $Module -PassThru)
# set the routes parameters (get = query, everything else = payload)
$params = (Get-Command -Name $cmd).Parameters
if (($null -eq $params) -or ($params.Count -eq 0)) {
$props = @(foreach ($key in $params.Keys) {
$params[$key] | ConvertTo-PodeOAPropertyFromCmdletParameter
if ($_method -ieq 'get') {
$route | Set-PodeOARequest -Parameters @(foreach ($prop in $props) { $prop | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query })
else {
$route | Set-PodeOARequest -RequestBody (
New-PodeOARequestBody -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAObjectProperty -Array -Properties $props) }
Helper function to generate simple GET routes.
Helper function to generate simple GET routes from ScritpBlocks, Files, and Views.
The output is always rendered as HTML.
A unique name for the page, that will be used in the Path for the route.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
A ScriptBlock to invoke, where any results will be converted to HTML.
A FilePath, literal or relative, to a valid HTML file.
The name of a View to render, this can be HTML or Dynamic.
A hashtable of Data to supply to a Dynamic File/View, or to be splatted as arguments for the ScriptBlock.
An optional Path for the Route, to prepend before the Name.
.PARAMETER Middleware
Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied to all generated Routes.
.PARAMETER Authentication
The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route.
If supplied, the Page will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users.
.PARAMETER FlashMessages
If supplied, Views will have any flash messages supplied to them for rendering.
One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method.
Add-PodePage -Name Services -ScriptBlock { Get-Service }
Add-PodePage -Name Index -View 'index'
Add-PodePage -Name About -FilePath '.\views\about.pode' -Data @{ Date = [DateTime]::UtcNow }
function Add-PodePage {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'View')]
$Path = '/',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'View')]
$logic = $null
$arg = $null
# ensure the name is a valid alphanumeric
if ($Name -inotmatch '^[a-z0-9\-_]+$') {
# The Page name should be a valid AlphaNumeric value
throw ($PodeLocale.pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# trim end trailing slashes from the path
$Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/'
$Path = $Path.TrimEnd('/')
# define the appropriate logic
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'scriptblock' {
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) {
# A non-empty ScriptBlock is required to create a Page Route
throw ($PodeLocale.nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage)
$arg = @($ScriptBlock, $Data)
$logic = {
param($script, $data)
# invoke the function (optional splat data)
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $data) {
$result = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $script -Return
else {
$result = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $script -Arguments $data -Return
# if we have a result, convert it to html
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $result)) {
Write-PodeHtmlResponse -Value $result
'file' {
$FilePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $FilePath -JoinRoot -TestPath
$arg = @($FilePath, $Data)
$logic = {
param($file, $data)
Write-PodeFileResponse -Path $file -ContentType 'text/html' -Data $data
'view' {
$arg = @($View, $Data, $FlashMessages)
$logic = {
param($view, $data, [bool]$flash)
Write-PodeViewResponse -Path $view -Data $data -FlashMessages:$flash
# build the route's path
$_path = ("$($Path)/$($Name)" -replace '[/]+', '/')
# create the route
$params = @{
Method = 'Get'
Path = $_path
Middleware = $Middleware
Authentication = $Authentication
Access = $Access
Role = $Role
Group = $Group
Scope = $Scope
User = $User
AllowAnon = $AllowAnon
ArgumentList = $arg
ScriptBlock = $logic
Add-PodeRoute @params
Get a Route(s).
Get a Route(s).
A Method to filter the routes.
A Path to filter the routes.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of an endpoint to filter routes.
Get-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/about'
Get-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/users/:userId' -EndpointName User
function Get-PodeRoute {
[ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
# start off with every route
$routes = @()
foreach ($route in $PodeContext.Server.Routes.Values.Values) {
$routes += $route
# if we have a method, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Method)) {
$routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) {
if ($route.Method -ine $Method) {
# if we have a path, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
$Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
$routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) {
if ($route.Path -ine $Path) {
# further filter by endpoint names
if (($null -ne $EndpointName) -and ($EndpointName.Length -gt 0)) {
$routes = @(foreach ($name in $EndpointName) {
foreach ($route in $routes) {
if ($route.Endpoint.Name -ine $name) {
# return
return $routes
Get a static Route(s).
Get a static Route(s).
A Path to filter the static routes.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of an endpoint to filter static routes.
Get-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets'
Get-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -EndpointName User
function Get-PodeStaticRoute {
# start off with every route
$routes = @()
foreach ($route in $PodeContext.Server.Routes['Static'].Values) {
$routes += $route
# if we have a path, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static
$routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) {
if ($route.Path -ine $Path) {
# further filter by endpoint names
if (($null -ne $EndpointName) -and ($EndpointName.Length -gt 0)) {
$routes = @(foreach ($name in $EndpointName) {
foreach ($route in $routes) {
if ($route.Endpoint.Name -ine $name) {
# return
return $routes
Get a Signal Route(s).
Get a Signal Route(s).
A Path to filter the signal routes.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of an endpoint to filter signal routes.
Get-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message'
function Get-PodeSignalRoute {
# start off with every route
$routes = @()
foreach ($route in $PodeContext.Server.Routes['Signal'].Values) {
$routes += $route
# if we have a path, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
$routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) {
if ($route.Path -ine $Path) {
# further filter by endpoint names
if (($null -ne $EndpointName) -and ($EndpointName.Length -gt 0)) {
$routes = @(foreach ($name in $EndpointName) {
foreach ($route in $routes) {
if ($route.Endpoint.Name -ine $name) {
# return
return $routes
Automatically loads route ps1 files
Automatically loads route ps1 files from either a /routes folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default)
Use-PodeRoutes -Path './my-routes' -IfExists Skip
function Use-PodeRoutes {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$IfExists = 'Default'
if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') {
$IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'routes'
Set the default IfExists preference for Routes.
Set the default IfExists preference for Routes.
Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default)
Set-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference -Value Overwrite
function Set-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference {
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')]
$Value = 'Default'
$PodeContext.Server.Preferences.Routes.IfExists = $Value
Test if a Route already exists.
Test if a Route already exists for a given Method and Path.
The HTTP Method of the Route.
The URI path of the Route.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint the Route is bound against.
.PARAMETER CheckWildcard
If supplied, Pode will check for the Route on the Method first, and then check for the Route on the '*' Method.
Test-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/example'
Test-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/example' -CheckWildcard
Test-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/example/:exampleId' -CheckWildcard
function Test-PodeRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# split route on '?' for query
$Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
# No Path supplied for the Route
throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage)
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
# get endpoint from name
$endpoint = @(Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName)[0]
# check for routes
$found = (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address)
if (!$found -and $CheckWildcard) {
$found = (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method '*' -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address)
return $found
Test if a Static Route already exists.
Test if a Static Route already exists for a given Path.
The URI path of the Static Route.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint the Static Route is bound against.
Test-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets'
function Test-PodeStaticRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# store the route method
$Method = 'Static'
# split route on '?' for query
$Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
# No Path supplied for the Route
throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage)
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static
$Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path
# get endpoint from name
$endpoint = @(Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName)[0]
# check for routes
return (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address)
Test if a Signal Route already exists.
Test if a Signal Route already exists for a given Path.
The URI path of the Signal Route.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint the Signal Route is bound against.
Test-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message'
function Test-PodeSignalRoute {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Method = 'Signal'
# ensure the route has appropriate slashes
$Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path
# get endpoint from name
$endpoint = @(Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName)[0]
# check for routes
return (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address)
Sets the name of the current runspace.
The Set-PodeCurrentRunspaceName function assigns a specified name to the current runspace.
This can be useful for identifying and managing the runspace in scripts and during debugging.
The name to assign to the current runspace. This parameter is mandatory.
Set-PodeCurrentRunspaceName -Name "MyRunspace"
This command sets the name of the current runspace to "Pode_MyRunspace".
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Set-PodeCurrentRunspaceName {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Get the current runspace
$currentRunspace = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace
if (!$Name.StartsWith( 'Pode_' ) -and $Name -ne 'PodeServer') {
$Name = 'Pode_' + $Name
# Set the name of the current runspace if the name is not already set
if ( $currentRunspace.Name -ne $Name) {
# Set the name of the current runspace
$currentRunspace.Name = $Name
Retrieves the name of the current PowerShell runspace.
The Get-PodeCurrentRunspaceName function retrieves the name of the current PowerShell runspace.
This can be useful for debugging or logging purposes to identify the runspace in use.
Returns the name of the current runspace.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.
function Get-PodeCurrentRunspaceName {
# Get the current runspace
$currentRunspace = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace
# Get the name of the current runspace
return $currentRunspace.Name
Adds a new Schedule with logic to periodically invoke, defined using Cron Expressions.
Adds a new Schedule with logic to periodically invoke, defined using Cron Expressions.
The Name of the Schedule.
One, or an Array, of Cron Expressions to define when the Schedule should trigger.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The script defining the Schedule's logic.
The number of times the Schedule should trigger before being removed.
A DateTime for when the Schedule should start triggering.
A DateTime for when the Schedule should stop triggering, and be removed.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
A hashtable of arguments to supply to the Schedule's ScriptBlock.
An optional timeout, in seconds, for the Schedule's logic. (Default: -1 [never timeout])
.PARAMETER TimeoutFrom
An optional timeout from either 'Create' or 'Start'. (Default: 'Create')
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Schedule's logic.
If supplied, the schedule will trigger when the server starts, regardless if the cron-expression matches the current time.
Add-PodeSchedule -Name 'RunEveryMinute' -Cron '@minutely' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeSchedule -Name 'RunEveryTuesday' -Cron '0 0 * * TUE' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeSchedule -Name 'StartAfter2days' -Cron '@hourly' -StartTime [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(2) -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeSchedule -Name 'Args' -Cron '@minutely' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList @{ Arg1 = 'value' }
function Add-PodeSchedule {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
$Limit = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$Timeout = -1,
[ValidateSet('Create', 'Start')]
$TimeoutFrom = 'Create',
# error if serverless
Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeSchedule' -ThrowError
# ensure the schedule doesn't already exist
if ($PodeContext.Schedules.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# [Schedule] Name: Schedule already defined
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the limit is valid
if ($Limit -lt 0) {
# [Schedule] Name: Cannot have a negative limit
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleCannotHaveNegativeLimitExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# ensure the start/end dates are valid
if (($null -ne $EndTime) -and ($EndTime -lt [DateTime]::Now)) {
# [Schedule] Name: The EndTime value must be in the future
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleEndTimeMustBeInFutureExceptionMessage -f $Name)
if (($null -ne $StartTime) -and ($null -ne $EndTime) -and ($EndTime -le $StartTime)) {
# [Schedule] Name: Cannot have a 'StartTime' after the 'EndTime'
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleStartTimeAfterEndTimeExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# Modify the ScriptBlock to replace 'Start-Sleep' with 'Start-PodeSleep'
$ScriptBlock = ConvertTo-PodeSleep -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
# add the schedule
$parsedCrons = ConvertFrom-PodeCronExpression -Expression @($Cron)
$nextTrigger = Get-PodeCronNextEarliestTrigger -Expressions $parsedCrons -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime
$PodeContext.Schedules.Enabled = $true
$PodeContext.Schedules.Items[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
StartTime = $StartTime
EndTime = $EndTime
Crons = $parsedCrons
CronsRaw = @($Cron)
Limit = $Limit
Count = 0
NextTriggerTime = $nextTrigger
LastTriggerTime = $null
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $ArgumentList -Default @{})
OnStart = $OnStart
Completed = ($null -eq $nextTrigger)
Timeout = @{
Value = $Timeout
From = $TimeoutFrom
Set the maximum number of concurrent schedules.
Set the maximum number of concurrent schedules.
The Maximum number of schedules to run.
Set-PodeScheduleConcurrency -Maximum 25
function Set-PodeScheduleConcurrency {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# error if <=0
if ($Maximum -le 0) {
# Maximum concurrent schedules must be >=1 but got
throw ($PodeLocale.maximumConcurrentSchedulesInvalidExceptionMessage -f $Maximum)
# ensure max > min
$_min = 1
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Schedules) {
$_min = $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Schedules.Pool.GetMinRunspaces()
if ($_min -gt $Maximum) {
# Maximum concurrent schedules cannot be less than the minimum of $_min but got $Maximum
throw ($PodeLocale.maximumConcurrentSchedulesLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage -f $_min, $Maximum)
# set the max schedules
$PodeContext.Threads.Schedules = $Maximum
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Schedules) {
Adhoc invoke a Schedule's logic.
Adhoc invoke a Schedule's logic outside of its defined cron-expression. This invocation doesn't count towards the Schedule's limit.
The Name of the Schedule.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
A hashtable of arguments to supply to the Schedule's ScriptBlock.
Invoke-PodeSchedule -Name 'schedule-name'
function Invoke-PodeSchedule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$ArgumentList = $null
# ensure the schedule exists
if (!$PodeContext.Schedules.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Schedule 'Name' does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# run schedule logic
Invoke-PodeInternalScheduleLogic -Schedule $PodeContext.Schedules.Items[$Name] -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
Removes a specific Schedule.
Removes a specific Schedule.
The Name of the Schedule to be removed.
Remove-PodeSchedule -Name 'RenewToken'
function Remove-PodeSchedule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$null = $PodeContext.Schedules.Items.Remove($Name)
Removes all Schedules.
Removes all Schedules.
function Clear-PodeSchedules {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Edits an existing Schedule.
Edits an existing Schedule's properties, such an cron expressions or scriptblock.
The Name of the Schedule.
Any new Cron Expressions for the Schedule.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The new ScriptBlock for the Schedule.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
Any new Arguments for the Schedule.
Edit-PodeSchedule -Name 'Hello' -Cron '@minutely'
Edit-PodeSchedule -Name 'Hello' -Cron @('@hourly', '0 0 * * TUE')
function Edit-PodeSchedule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# ensure the schedule exists
if (!$PodeContext.Schedules.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Schedule 'Name' does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$_schedule = $PodeContext.Schedules.Items[$Name]
# edit cron if supplied
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Cron)) {
$_schedule.Crons = (ConvertFrom-PodeCronExpression -Expression @($Cron))
$_schedule.CronsRaw = $Cron
$_schedule.NextTriggerTime = Get-PodeCronNextEarliestTrigger -Expressions $_schedule.Crons -StartTime $_schedule.StartTime -EndTime $_schedule.EndTime
# edit scriptblock if supplied
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock)) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$_schedule.Script = $ScriptBlock
$_schedule.UsingVariables = $usingVars
# edit arguments if supplied
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ArgumentList)) {
$_schedule.Arguments = $ArgumentList
Returns any defined schedules.
Returns any defined schedules, with support for filtering.
Any schedule Names to filter the schedules.
An optional StartTime to only return Schedules that will trigger after this date.
An optional EndTime to only return Schedules that will trigger before this date.
Get-PodeSchedule -Name Name1, Name2
Get-PodeSchedule -Name Name1, Name2 -StartTime [datetime]::new(2020, 3, 1) -EndTime [datetime]::new(2020, 3, 31)
function Get-PodeSchedule {
$StartTime = $null,
$EndTime = $null
$schedules = $PodeContext.Schedules.Items.Values
# further filter by schedule names
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$schedules = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($schedule in $schedules) {
if ($schedule.Name -ine $_name) {
# filter by some start time
if ($null -ne $StartTime) {
$schedules = @(foreach ($schedule in $schedules) {
if (($null -ne $schedule.StartTime) -and ($StartTime -lt $schedule.StartTime)) {
$_end = $EndTime
if ($null -eq $_end) {
$_end = $schedule.EndTime
if (($null -ne $schedule.EndTime) -and
(($StartTime -gt $schedule.EndTime) -or
((Get-PodeScheduleNextTrigger -Name $schedule.Name -DateTime $StartTime) -gt $_end))) {
# filter by some end time
if ($null -ne $EndTime) {
$schedules = @(foreach ($schedule in $schedules) {
if (($null -ne $schedule.EndTime) -and ($EndTime -gt $schedule.EndTime)) {
$_start = $StartTime
if ($null -eq $_start) {
$_start = $schedule.StartTime
if (($null -ne $schedule.StartTime) -and
(($EndTime -lt $schedule.StartTime) -or
((Get-PodeScheduleNextTrigger -Name $schedule.Name -DateTime $_start) -gt $EndTime))) {
# return
return $schedules
Tests whether the passed Schedule exists.
Tests whether the passed Schedule exists by its name.
The Name of the Schedule.
if (Test-PodeSchedule -Name ScheduleName) { }
function Test-PodeSchedule {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Schedules.Items) -and $PodeContext.Schedules.Items.ContainsKey($Name))
Get the next trigger time for a Schedule.
Get the next trigger time for a Schedule, either from the Schedule's StartTime or from a defined DateTime.
The Name of the Schedule.
An optional specific DateTime to get the next trigger time after. This DateTime must be between the Schedule's StartTime and EndTime.
Get-PodeScheduleNextTrigger -Name Schedule1
Get-PodeScheduleNextTrigger -Name Schedule1 -DateTime [datetime]::new(2020, 3, 10)
function Get-PodeScheduleNextTrigger {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$DateTime = $null
# ensure the schedule exists
if (!$PodeContext.Schedules.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Schedule 'Name' does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.scheduleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$_schedule = $PodeContext.Schedules.Items[$Name]
# ensure date is after start/before end
if (($null -ne $DateTime) -and ($null -ne $_schedule.StartTime) -and ($DateTime -lt $_schedule.StartTime)) {
# Supplied date is before the start time of the schedule at $_schedule.StartTime
throw ($PodeLocale.suppliedDateBeforeScheduleStartTimeExceptionMessage -f $_schedule.StartTime)
if (($null -ne $DateTime) -and ($null -ne $_schedule.EndTime) -and ($DateTime -gt $_schedule.EndTime)) {
# Supplied date is after the end time of the schedule at $_schedule.EndTime
throw ($PodeLocale.suppliedDateAfterScheduleEndTimeExceptionMessage -f $_schedule.EndTime)
# get the next trigger
if ($null -eq $DateTime) {
$DateTime = $_schedule.StartTime
return (Get-PodeCronNextEarliestTrigger -Expressions $_schedule.Crons -StartTime $DateTime -EndTime $_schedule.EndTime)
Automatically loads schedule ps1 files
Automatically loads schedule ps1 files from either a /schedules folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeSchedules -Path './my-schedules'
function Use-PodeSchedules {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'schedules'
Get all Schedule Processes.
Get all Schedule Processes, with support for filtering.
An optional Name of the Schedule to filter by, can be one or more.
An optional ID of the Schedule process to filter by, can be one or more.
An optional State of the Schedule process to filter by, can be one or more.
Get-PodeScheduleProcess -Name 'ScheduleName'
Get-PodeScheduleProcess -Id 'ScheduleId'
Get-PodeScheduleProcess -State 'Running'
function Get-PodeScheduleProcess {
[ValidateSet('All', 'Pending', 'Running', 'Completed', 'Failed')]
$State = 'All'
$processes = $PodeContext.Schedules.Processes.Values
# filter processes by name
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$processes = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($process in $processes) {
if ($process.Schedule -ine $_name) {
# filter processes by id
if (($null -ne $Id) -and ($Id.Length -gt 0)) {
$processes = @(foreach ($_id in $Id) {
foreach ($process in $processes) {
if ($process.ID -ine $_id) {
# filter processes by status
if ($State -inotcontains 'All') {
$processes = @(foreach ($process in $processes) {
if ($State -inotcontains $process.State) {
# return processes
return $processes
Converts Scoped Variables within a given ScriptBlock.
Converts Scoped Variables within a given ScriptBlock, and returns the updated ScriptBlock back, including any
using-variable values that will need to be supplied as parameters to the ScriptBlock first.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to be converted.
An optional SessionState object, used to retrieve using-variable values.
If not supplied, using-variable values will not be converted.
An optional array of one or more Scoped Variable Names to Exclude from converting. (ie: Session, Using, or a Name from Add-PodeScopedVariable)
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Exclude Session, Using
function Convert-PodeScopedVariables {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# do nothing if no scriptblock
if ($null -eq $ScriptBlock) {
return $ScriptBlock
# using vars
$usingVars = $null
# loop through each defined scoped variable and convert, unless excluded
foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Keys) {
# excluded?
if ($Exclude -icontains $key) {
# convert scoped var
$ScriptBlock, $otherResults = Convert-PodeScopedVariable -Name $key -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSSession
# using vars?
if (($null -ne $otherResults) -and ($key -ieq 'using')) {
$usingVars = $otherResults
# return just the scriptblock, or include using vars as well
if ($null -ne $usingVars) {
return $ScriptBlock, $usingVars
return $ScriptBlock
Converts a Scoped Variable within a given ScriptBlock.
Converts a Scoped Variable within a given ScriptBlock, and returns the updated ScriptBlock back, including any
other values that will need to be supplied as parameters to the ScriptBlock first.
The Name of the Scoped Variable to convert. (ie: Session, Using, or a Name from Add-PodeScopedVariable)
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to be converted.
An optional SessionState object, used to retrieve using-variable values or other values where scope is required.
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeScopedVariable -Name State -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
$ScriptBlock, $otherResults = Convert-PodeScopedVariable -Name Using -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
function Convert-PodeScopedVariable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
# do nothing if no scriptblock
if ($null -eq $ScriptBlock) {
return $ScriptBlock
# check if scoped var defined
if (!(Test-PodeScopedVariable -Name $Name)) {
# Scoped Variable not found
throw ($PodeLocale.scopedVariableNotFoundExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# get the scoped var metadata
$scopedVar = $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables[$Name]
# invoke the logic for the appropriate conversion type required - internal function map, custom scriptblock, or simple replace
switch ($scopedVar.Type) {
'internal' {
switch ($scopedVar.Name) {
'using' {
return Convert-PodeScopedVariableInbuiltUsing -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSSession
'scriptblock' {
return Invoke-PodeScriptBlock `
-ScriptBlock $scopedVar.ScriptBlock `
-Arguments $ScriptBlock, $PSSession, $scopedVar.Get.Pattern, $scopedVar.Set.Pattern `
-Splat `
-Return `
'replace' {
# convert scriptblock to string
$strScriptBlock = "$($ScriptBlock)"
# see if the script contains any form of the scoped variable, and if not just return
$found = $strScriptBlock -imatch "\`$$($Name)\:"
if (!$found) {
return $ScriptBlock
# loop and replace "set" syntax if replace template supplied
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($scopedVar.Set.Replace)) {
while ($strScriptBlock -imatch $scopedVar.Set.Pattern) {
$setReplace = $scopedVar.Set.Replace.Replace('{{name}}', $Matches['name'])
$strScriptBlock = $strScriptBlock.Replace($Matches['full'], $setReplace)
# loop and replace "get" syntax
while ($strScriptBlock -imatch $scopedVar.Get.Pattern) {
$getReplace = $scopedVar.Get.Replace.Replace('{{name}}', $Matches['name'])
$strScriptBlock = $strScriptBlock.Replace($Matches['full'], "($($getReplace))")
# convert update scriptblock back
return [scriptblock]::Create($strScriptBlock)
Adds a new Scoped Variable.
Adds a new Scoped Variable, to make calling certain functions simpler.
For example "$state:Name" instead of "Get-PodeState" and "Set-PodeState".
The Name of the Scoped Variable.
A template to be used when converting "$var = $SV:<name>" to a "Get-SVValue -Name <name>" syntax.
You can use the "{{name}}" placeholder to show where the <name> would be placed in the conversion. The result will also be automatically wrapped in brackets.
For example, "$var = $state:<name>" to "Get-PodeState -Name <name>" would need a GetReplace value of "Get-PodeState -Name '{{name}}'".
An optional template to be used when converting "$SV:<name> = <value>" to a "Set-SVValue -Name <name> -Value <value>" syntax.
You can use the "{{name}}" placeholder to show where the <name> would be placed in the conversion. The <value> will automatically be appended to the end.
For example, "$state:<name> = <value>" to "Set-PodeState -Name <name> -Value <value>" would need a SetReplace value of "Set-PodeState -Name '{{name}}' -Value ".
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
For more advanced conversions, that aren't as simple as a simple find/replace, you can supply a ScriptBlock instead.
This ScriptBlock will be supplied ScriptBlock to convert, followed by a SessionState object, and the Get/Set regex patterns, as parameters.
The ScriptBlock should returned a converted ScriptBlock that works, plus an optional array of values that should be supplied to the ScriptBlock when invoked.
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'cache' -SetReplace "Set-PodeCache -Key '{{name}}' -InputObject " -GetReplace "Get-PodeCache -Key '{{name}}'"
Add-PodeScopedVariable -Name 'config' -ScriptBlock {
param($ScriptBlock, $SessionState, $GetPattern, $SetPattern)
$strScriptBlock = "$($ScriptBlock)"
$template = "(Get-PodeConfig).'{{name}}'"
# allows "$port = $config:port" instead of "$port = (Get-PodeConfig).port"
while ($strScriptBlock -imatch $GetPattern) {
$getReplace = $template.Replace('{{name}}', $Matches['name'])
$strScriptBlock = $strScriptBlock.Replace($Matches['full'], "($($getReplace))")
return [scriptblock]::Create($strScriptBlock)
function Add-PodeScopedVariable {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Replace')]
$SetReplace = $null,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
Add-PodeScopedVariableInternal @PSBoundParameters
Removes a Scoped Variable.
Removes a Scoped Variable.
The Name of a Scoped Variable to remove.
Remove-PodeScopedVariable -Name State
function Remove-PodeScopedVariable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$null = $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Remove($Name)
Tests if a Scoped Variable exists.
Tests if a Scoped Variable exists.
The Name of the Scoped Variable to check.
if (Test-PodeScopedVariable -Name $Name) { ... }
function Test-PodeScopedVariable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Contains($Name)
Removes all Scoped Variables.
Removes all Scoped Variables.
function Clear-PodeScopedVariables {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
$null = $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Clear()
Get a Scoped Variable(s).
Get a Scoped Variable(s).
The Name of the Scoped Variable(s) to retrieve.
Get-PodeScopedVariable -Name State
Get-PodeScopedVariable -Name State, Using
function Get-PodeScopedVariable {
# return all if no Name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -or ($Name.Length -eq 0)) {
return $PodeContext.Server.ScopedVariables.Values
# return filtered
return @(foreach ($n in $Name) {
Automatically loads Scoped Variable ps1 files
Automatically loads Scoped Variable ps1 files from either a /scoped-vars folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeScopedVariables -Path './my-vars'
function Use-PodeScopedVariables {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'scoped-vars'
Register a Secret Vault.
Register a Secret Vault, which is defined by either custom logic or using the SecretManagement module.
The unique friendly Name of the Secret Vault within Pode.
.PARAMETER VaultParameters
A hashtable of extra parameters that should be supplied to either the SecretManagement module, or custom scriptblocks.
.PARAMETER UnlockSecret
An optional Secret to be used to unlock the Secret Vault if need.
.PARAMETER UnlockSecureSecret
An optional Secret, as a SecureString, to be used to unlock the Secret Vault if need.
.PARAMETER UnlockInterval
An optional number of minutes that Pode will periodically check/unlock the Secret Vault. (Default: 0)
If supplied, the Secret Vault will not be unlocked after registration. To unlock you'll need to call Unlock-PodeSecretVault.
An optional number of minutes that Secrets should be cached for. (Default: 0)
.PARAMETER InitScriptBlock
An optional scriptblock to run before the Secret Vault is registered, letting you initialise any connection, contexts, etc.
For SecretManagement module Secret Vaults, you can use thie parameter to specify the actual Vault name, and use the above Name parameter as a more friendly name if required.
For SecretManagement module Secret Vaults, this is the name/path of the extension module to be used.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
For custom Secret Vaults, this is a scriptblock used to read the Secret from the Vault.
.PARAMETER UnlockScriptBlock
For custom Secret Vaults, this is an optional scriptblock used to unlock the Secret Vault.
.PARAMETER RemoveScriptBlock
For custom Secret Vaults, this is an optional scriptblock used to remove a Secret from the Vault.
.PARAMETER SetScriptBlock
For custom Secret Vaults, this is an optional scriptblock used to create/update a Secret in the Vault.
.PARAMETER UnregisterScriptBlock
For custom Secret Vaults, this is an optional scriptblock used unregister the Secret Vault with any custom clean-up logic.
Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'VaultName' -ModuleName 'Az.KeyVault' -VaultParameters @{ AZKVaultName = $name; SubscriptionId = $subId }
Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'VaultName' -VaultParameters @{ Address = '' } -ScriptBlock { ... }
function Register-PodeSecretVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$UnlockInterval = 0,
$CacheTtl = 0, # in minutes
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SecretManagement')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SecretManagement')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
$ScriptBlock, # Read a secret
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Custom')]
# has the vault already been registered?
if (Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $Name) {
$autoImported = [string]::Empty
if ($PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Name].AutoImported) {
$autoImported = ' from auto-importing'
# A Secret Vault with the name {0} has already been registered{1}
throw ($PodeLocale.secretVaultAlreadyRegisteredAutoImportExceptionMessage -f $Name, $autoImported)
# base vault config
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UnlockSecret)) {
$UnlockSecureSecret = $UnlockSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$vault = @{
Name = $Name
Type = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()
Parameters = $VaultParameters
AutoImported = $false
LockableName = "__Pode_SecretVault_$($Name)__"
Unlock = @{
Secret = $UnlockSecureSecret
Expiry = $null
Interval = $UnlockInterval
Enabled = (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $UnlockSecureSecret))
Cache = @{
Ttl = $CacheTtl
Enabled = ($CacheTtl -gt 0)
# initialise the secret vault
if ($null -ne $InitScriptBlock) {
$vault | Initialize-PodeSecretVault -ScriptBlock $InitScriptBlock
# set vault config depending on vault type
switch ($vault.Type) {
'custom' {
$vault | Register-PodeSecretCustomVault `
-ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock `
-UnlockScriptBlock $UnlockScriptBlock `
-RemoveScriptBlock $RemoveScriptBlock `
-SetScriptBlock $SetScriptBlock `
-UnregisterScriptBlock $UnregisterScriptBlock
'secretmanagement' {
$vault | Register-PodeSecretManagementVault `
-VaultName $VaultName `
-ModuleName $ModuleName
# create timer to clear cached secrets every minute
# create a lockable so secrets are thread safe
New-PodeLockable -Name $vault.LockableName
# add vault config to context
$PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Name] = $vault
# unlock the vault?
if (!$NoUnlock -and $vault.Unlock.Enabled) {
Unlock-PodeSecretVault -Name $Name
Unregister a Secret Vault.
Unregister a Secret Vault. If the Vault was via the SecretManagement module it will also be unregistered there as well.
The Name of the Secret Vault in Pode to unregister.
Unregister-PodeSecretVault -Name 'VaultName'
function Unregister-PodeSecretVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# has the vault been registered?
if (!(Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $Name)) {
# get vault
$vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Name]
# unlock depending on vault type, and set expiry
switch ($vault.Type) {
'custom' {
$vault | Unregister-PodeSecretCustomVault
'secretmanagement' {
$vault | Unregister-PodeSecretManagementVault
# unregister from Pode
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults.Remove($Name)
Unlock the Secret Vault.
Unlock the Secret Vault.
The Name of the Secret Vault in Pode to be unlocked.
Unlock-PodeSecretVault -Name 'VaultName'
function Unlock-PodeSecretVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# has the vault been registered?
if (!(Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $Name)) {
# No Secret Vault with the name has been registered
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $Vault)
# get vault
$vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Name]
$expiry = $null
# is unlocking even enabled?
if (!$vault.Unlock.Enabled) {
# unlock depending on vault type, and set expiry
$expiry = Lock-PodeObject -Name $vault.LockableName -Return -ScriptBlock {
switch ($vault.Type) {
'custom' {
return ($vault | Unlock-PodeSecretCustomVault)
'secretmanagement' {
return ($vault | Unlock-PodeSecretManagementVault)
# if we have an expiry returned, set to UTC and configure unlock schedule
if ($null -ne $expiry) {
$expiry = ([datetime]$expiry).ToUniversalTime()
if ($expiry -le [datetime]::UtcNow) {
# Secret Vault unlock expiry date is in the past (UTC)
throw ($PodeLocale.secretVaultUnlockExpiryDateInPastExceptionMessage -f $expiry)
$vault.Unlock.Expiry = $expiry
Fetches and returns information of a Secret Vault.
Fetches and returns information of a Secret Vault.
The Name(s) of a Secret Vault to retrieve.
$vault = Get-PodeSecretVault -Name 'VaultName'
$vaults = Get-PodeSecretVault -Name 'VaultName1', 'VaultName2'
function Get-PodeSecretVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$vaults = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults.Values
# further filter by vault names
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$vaults = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($vault in $vaults) {
if ($vault.Name -ine $_name) {
# return
return $vaults
Tests if a Secret Vault has been registered.
Tests if a Secret Vault has been registered.
The Name of the Secret Vault to test.
if (Test-PodeSecretVault -Name 'VaultName') { ... }
function Test-PodeSecretVault {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults) -and $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults.ContainsKey($Name))
Mount a Secret from a Secret Vault.
Mount a Secret from a Secret Vault, so it can be more easily referenced and support caching.
A unique friendly Name for the Secret.
The friendly name of the Secret Vault this Secret can be found in.
An optional array of Properties to be returned if the Secret contains multiple properties.
.PARAMETER ExpandProperty
An optional Property to be expanded from the Secret and return if it contains multiple properties.
The Key/Path of the Secret within the Secret Vault.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An optional array of Arguments to be supplied to a custom Secret Vault's scriptblocks.
An optional number of minutes to Cache the Secret's value for. You can use this parameter to override the Secret Vault's value. (Default: -1)
If the value is -1 it uses the Secret Vault's CacheTtl. A value of 0 is to disable caching for this Secret. A value >0 overrides the Secret Vault.
Mount-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName' -Vault 'VaultName' -Key 'path/to/secret' -ExpandProperty 'foo'
Mount-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName' -Vault 'VaultName' -Key 'key_of_secret' -CacheTtl 5
function Mount-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# in minutes (-1 means use the vault default, 0 is off, anything higher than 0 is an override)
$CacheTtl = -1
# has the secret been mounted already?
if (Test-PodeSecret -Name $Name) {
# A Secret with the name has already been mounted
throw ($PodeLocale.secretAlreadyMountedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# does the vault exist?
if (!(Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $Vault)) {
# No Secret Vault with the name has been registered
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $Vault)
# check properties
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Property) -and !(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ExpandProperty)) {
# Parameters 'Property' and 'ExpandPropery' are mutually exclusive
throw ($PodeLocale.parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage -f 'Property' , 'ExpandPropery')
# which cache value?
if ($CacheTtl -lt 0) {
$CacheTtl = [int]$PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault].Cache.Ttl
# mount secret reference
$props = $Property
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExpandProperty)) {
$props = $ExpandProperty
$PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys[$Name] = @{
Key = $Key
Properties = @{
Fields = $props
Expand = (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExpandProperty))
Enabled = (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $props))
Vault = $Vault
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Cache = @{
Ttl = $CacheTtl
Enabled = ($CacheTtl -gt 0)
Dismount a previously mounted Secret.
Dismount a previously mounted Secret.
The friendly Name of the Secret.
If supplied, the Secret will also be removed from the Secret Vault as well.
Dismount-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName'
Dismount-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName' -Remove
function Dismount-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# do nothing if the secret hasn't been mounted, unless Remove is specified
if (!(Test-PodeSecret -Name $Name)) {
if ($Remove) {
# No Secret named has been mounted
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if "remove" switch passed, remove the secret from the vault as well
if ($Remove) {
$secret = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys[$Name]
Remove-PodeSecret -Key $secret.Key -Vault $secret.Vault -ArgumentList $secret.Arguments
# remove reference
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys.Remove($Name)
Retrieve the value of a mounted Secret.
Retrieve the value of a mounted Secret from a Secret Vault. You can also use "$value = $secret:<NAME>" syntax in certain places.
The friendly Name of a Secret.
$value = Get-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName'
$value = $secret:SecretName
function Get-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# has the secret been mounted?
if (!(Test-PodeSecret -Name $Name)) {
# No Secret named has been mounted
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# get the secret and vault
$secret = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys[$Name]
# is the value cached?
if ($secret.Cache.Enabled -and ($null -ne $secret.Cache.Expiry) -and ($secret.Cache.Expiry -gt [datetime]::UtcNow)) {
return $secret.Cache.Value
# fetch the secret depending on vault type
$vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$secret.Vault]
$value = Lock-PodeObject -Name $vault.LockableName -Return -ScriptBlock {
switch ($vault.Type) {
'custom' {
return Get-PodeSecretCustomKey -Vault $secret.Vault -Key $secret.Key -ArgumentList $secret.Arguments
'secretmanagement' {
return Get-PodeSecretManagementKey -Vault $secret.Vault -Key $secret.Key
# filter the value by any properties
if ($secret.Properties.Enabled) {
if ($secret.Properties.Expand) {
$value = Select-Object -InputObject $value -ExpandProperty $secret.Properties.Fields
else {
$value = Select-Object -InputObject $value -Property $secret.Properties.Fields
# cache the value if needed
if ($secret.Cache.Enabled) {
$secret.Cache.Value = $value
$secret.Cache.Expiry = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes($secret.Cache.Ttl)
# return value
return $value
Test if a Secret has been mounted.
Test if a Secret has been mounted.
The friendly Name of a Secret.
if (Test-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName') { ... }
function Test-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys) -and $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys.ContainsKey($Name))
Update the value of a mounted Secret.
Update the value of a mounted Secret in a Secret Vault. You can also use "$secret:<NAME> = $value" syntax in certain places.
The friendly Name of a Secret.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The value to use when updating the Secret.
Only the following object types are supported: byte[], string, securestring, pscredential, hashtable.
An optional Metadata hashtable.
Update-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName' -InputObject @{ key = value }
Update-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName' -InputObject 'value'
$secret:SecretName = 'value'
function Update-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
#> byte[], string, securestring, pscredential, hashtable
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true )]
begin {
# has the secret been mounted?
if (!(Test-PodeSecret -Name $Name)) {
# No Secret named has been mounted
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretNamedMountedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$pipelineItemCount = 0 # Initialize counter to track items in the pipeline.
process {
$pipelineItemCount++ # Increment the counter for each item in the pipeline.
end {
# Throw an error if more than one item is passed in the pipeline.
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# make sure the value type is correct
$InputObject = Protect-PodeSecretValueType -Value $InputObject
# get the secret and vault
$secret = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Keys[$Name]
# reset the cache if enabled
if ($secret.Cache.Enabled) {
$secret.Cache.Value = $InputObject
$secret.Cache.Expiry = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes($secret.Cache.Ttl)
# if we're expanding a property, convert this to a hashtable
if ($secret.Properties.Enabled -and $secret.Properties.Expand) {
$InputObject = @{
"$($secret.Properties.Fields)" = $InputObject
# set the secret depending on vault type
$vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$secret.Vault]
Lock-PodeObject -Name $vault.LockableName -ScriptBlock {
switch ($vault.Type) {
'custom' {
Set-PodeSecretCustomKey -Vault $secret.Vault -Key $secret.Key -Value $InputObject -Metadata $Metadata -ArgumentList $secret.Arguments
'secretmanagement' {
Set-PodeSecretManagementKey -Vault $secret.Vault -Key $secret.Key -Value $InputObject -Metadata $Metadata
Remove a Secret from a Secret Vault.
Remove a Secret from a Secret Vault. To remove a mounted Secret, you can pass the Remove switch to Dismount-PodeSecret.
The Key/Path of the Secret within the Secret Vault.
The friendly name of the Secret Vault this Secret can be found in.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An optional array of Arguments to be supplied to a custom Secret Vault's scriptblocks.
Remove-PodeSecret -Key 'path/to/secret' -Vault 'VaultName'
function Remove-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# has the vault been registered?
if (!(Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $Vault)) {
# No Secret Vault with the name has been registered
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $Vault)
# remove the secret depending on vault type
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
Lock-PodeObject -Name $_vault.LockableName -ScriptBlock {
switch ($_vault.Type) {
'custom' {
Remove-PodeSecretCustomKey -Vault $Vault -Key $Key -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
'secretmanagement' {
Remove-PodeSecretManagementKey -Vault $Vault -Key $Key
Read a Secret from a Secret Vault.
Read a Secret from a Secret Vault.
The Key/Path of the Secret within the Secret Vault.
The friendly name of the Secret Vault this Secret can be found in.
An optional array of Properties to be returned if the Secret contains multiple properties.
.PARAMETER ExpandProperty
An optional Property to be expanded from the Secret and return if it contains multiple properties.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An optional array of Arguments to be supplied to a custom Secret Vault's scriptblocks.
$value = Read-PodeSecret -Key 'path/to/secret' -Vault 'VaultName'
$value = Read-PodeSecret -Key 'key_of_secret' -Vault 'VaultName' -Property prop1, prop2
function Read-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# has the vault been registered?
if (!(Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $Vault)) {
# No Secret Vault with the name has been registered
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $Vault)
# fetch the secret depending on vault type
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
$value = Lock-PodeObject -Name $_vault.LockableName -Return -ScriptBlock {
switch ($_vault.Type) {
'custom' {
return Get-PodeSecretCustomKey -Vault $Vault -Key $Key -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
'secretmanagement' {
return Get-PodeSecretManagementKey -Vault $Vault -Key $Key
# filter the value by any properties
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExpandProperty)) {
$value = Select-Object -InputObject $value -ExpandProperty $ExpandProperty
elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Property)) {
$value = Select-Object -InputObject $value -Property $Property
# return value
return $value
Create/update a Secret in a Secret Vault.
Create/update a Secret in a Secret Vault.
The Key/Path of the Secret within the Secret Vault.
The friendly name of the Secret Vault this Secret should be created in.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The value to use when updating the Secret.
Only the following object types are supported: byte[], string, securestring, pscredential, hashtable.
An optional Metadata hashtable.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An optional array of Arguments to be supplied to a custom Secret Vault's scriptblocks.
Set-PodeSecret -Key 'path/to/secret' -Vault 'VaultName' -InputObject 'value'
Set-PodeSecret -Key 'key_of_secret' -Vault 'VaultName' -InputObject @{ key = value }
function Set-PodeSecret {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
#> byte[], string, securestring, pscredential, hashtable
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# has the vault been registered?
if (!(Test-PodeSecretVault -Name $Vault)) {
# No Secret Vault with the name has been registered
throw ($PodeLocale.noSecretVaultRegisteredExceptionMessage -f $Vault)
$pipelineItemCount = 0 # Initialize counter to track items in the pipeline.
process {
$pipelineItemCount++ # Increment the counter for each item in the pipeline.
end {
# Throw an error if more than one item is passed in the pipeline.
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# make sure the value type is correct
$InputObject = Protect-PodeSecretValueType -Value $InputObject
# set the secret depending on vault type
$_vault = $PodeContext.Server.Secrets.Vaults[$Vault]
Lock-PodeObject -Name $_vault.LockableName -ScriptBlock {
switch ($_vault.Type) {
'custom' {
Set-PodeSecretCustomKey -Vault $Vault -Key $Key -Value $InputObject -Metadata $Metadata -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
'secretmanagement' {
Set-PodeSecretManagementKey -Vault $Vault -Key $Key -Value $InputObject -Metadata $Metadata
Sets inbuilt definitions for security headers.
Sets inbuilt definitions for security headers, in either Simple or Strict types.
The Type of security to use.
If supplied, the Strict-Transport-Security header will be set.
If supplied, the X-XSS-Protection header will be set to blocking mode. (Default: Off)
.PARAMETER CspReportOnly
If supplied, the Content-Security-Policy header will be set as the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header.
Set-PodeSecurity -Type Simple
Set-PodeSecurity -Type Strict -UseHsts
function Set-PodeSecurity {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Simple', 'Strict')]
# general headers
Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy `
-SyncXhr 'none' `
-Fullscreen 'self' `
-Camera 'none' `
-Geolocation 'self' `
-PictureInPicture 'self' `
-Accelerometer 'none' `
-Microphone 'none' `
-Usb 'none' `
-Autoplay 'self' `
-Payment 'none' `
-Magnetometer 'self' `
-Gyroscope 'self' `
-DisplayCapture 'self'
Set-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin -Embed Require-Corp -Open Same-Origin -Resource Same-Origin
Set-PodeSecurityAccessControl -Origin '*' -Methods '*' -Headers '*' -Duration 7200
Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy -Default 'self' -XssBlock:$XssBlock -ReportOnly:$CspReportOnly
# only add hsts if specifiec
if ($UseHsts) {
Set-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity -Duration 31536000 -IncludeSubDomains
# type specific headers
switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'simple' {
Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions -Type SameOrigin
Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy -Type Strict-Origin
'strict' {
Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions -Type Deny
Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy -Type No-Referrer
# hide server info
Removes definitions for all security headers.
Removes definitions for all security headers.
function Remove-PodeSecurity {
Add definition for specified security header.
Add definition for specified security header.
The Name of the security header.
The Value of the security header.
Append the value to the header instead of replacing it
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Header-Name' -Value 'SomeValue'
function Add-PodeSecurityHeader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
if ($Append -and $PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers.ContainsKey($Name)) {
$Headers = @(($PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers[$Name].split(',')).trim())
if ($Headers -inotcontains $Value) {
$Headers += $Value
$PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers[$Name] = (($Headers.trim() | Select-Object -Unique) -join ', ')
else {
else {
$PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers[$Name] = $Value
Removes definition for specified security header.
Removes definition for specified security header.
The Name of the security header.
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Header-Name'
function Remove-PodeSecurityHeader {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Hide the Server HTTP Header from Responses
Hide the Server HTTP Header from Responses
function Hide-PodeSecurityServer {
$PodeContext.Server.Security.ServerDetails = $false
Show the Server HTTP Header on Responses
Show the Server HTTP Header on Responses
function Show-PodeSecurityServer {
$PodeContext.Server.Security.ServerDetails = $true
Set a value for the X-Frame-Options header.
Set a value for the X-Frame-Options header.
The Type to use.
Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions -Type SameOrigin
function Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Deny', 'SameOrigin')]
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Frame-Options' -Value $Type.ToUpperInvariant()
Removes definition for the X-Frame-Options header.
Removes definition for the X-Frame-Options header.
function Remove-PodeSecurityFrameOptions {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Frame-Options'
Set the value to use for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.
Set the value to use for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.
The values to use for the Default portion of the header.
The values to use for the Child portion of the header.
The values to use for the Connect portion of the header.
The values to use for the Font portion of the header.
The values to use for the Frame portion of the header.
The values to use for the Image portion of the header.
The values to use for the Manifest portion of the header.
The values to use for the Media portion of the header.
The values to use for the Object portion of the header.
The values to use for the Scripts portion of the header.
The values to use for the Style portion of the header.
The values to use for the BaseUri portion of the header.
The values to use for the FormAction portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FrameAncestor
The values to use for the FrameAncestor portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FencedFrame
The values to use for the FencedFrame portion of the header.
The values to use for the Prefetch portion of the header.
The values to use for the ScriptAttr portion of the header.
The values to use for the ScriptElem portion of the header.
The values to use for the StyleAttr portion of the header.
The values to use for the StyleElem portion of the header.
The values to use for the Worker portion of the header.
The value to use for the Sandbox portion of the header.
The value to use for the ReportUri portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UpgradeInsecureRequests
If supplied, the header will have the upgrade-insecure-requests value added.
If supplied, the X-XSS-Protection header will be set to blocking mode. (Default: Off)
If supplied, the header will be set as a report-only header.
Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy -Default 'self'
function Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy {
[ValidateSet('', 'Allow-Downloads', 'Allow-Downloads-Without-User-Activation', 'Allow-Forms', 'Allow-Modals', 'Allow-Orientation-Lock',
'Allow-Pointer-Lock', 'Allow-Popups', 'Allow-Popups-To-Escape-Sandbox', 'Allow-Presentation', 'Allow-Same-Origin', 'Allow-Scripts',
'Allow-Storage-Access-By-User-Activation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation-By-User-Activation', 'None')]
$Sandbox = 'None',
Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters
Adds additional values to already defined values for the Content-Security-Policy header.
Adds additional values to already defined values for the Content-Security-Policy header, instead of overriding them.
The values to add for the Default portion of the header.
The values to add for the Child portion of the header.
The values to add for the Connect portion of the header.
The values to add for the Font portion of the header.
The values to add for the Frame portion of the header.
The values to add for the Image portion of the header.
The values to add for the Manifest portion of the header.
The values to add for the Media portion of the header.
The values to add for the Object portion of the header.
The values to add for the Scripts portion of the header.
The values to add for the Style portion of the header.
The values to add for the BaseUri portion of the header.
The values to add for the FormAction portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FrameAncestor
The values to add for the FrameAncestor portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FencedFrame
The values to add for the FencedFrame portion of the header.
The values to add for the Prefetch portion of the header.
The values to add for the ScriptAttr portion of the header.
The values to add for the ScriptElem portion of the header.
The values to add for the StyleAttr portion of the header.
The values to add for the StyleElem portion of the header.
The values to add for the Worker portion of the header.
The value to use for the Sandbox portion of the header.
The value to use for the ReportUri portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UpgradeInsecureRequests
If supplied, the header will have the upgrade-insecure-requests value added.
If supplied, the header will be set as a report-only header.
Add-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy -Default '*' -Image 'data'
function Add-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy {
[ValidateSet('', 'Allow-Downloads', 'Allow-Downloads-Without-User-Activation', 'Allow-Forms', 'Allow-Modals', 'Allow-Orientation-Lock',
'Allow-Pointer-Lock', 'Allow-Popups', 'Allow-Popups-To-Escape-Sandbox', 'Allow-Presentation', 'Allow-Same-Origin', 'Allow-Scripts',
'Allow-Storage-Access-By-User-Activation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation-By-User-Activation', 'None')]
$Sandbox = 'None',
Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters -Append
Removes definition for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.
Removes definition for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.
function Remove-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy {
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Content-Security-Policy'
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-XSS-Protection'
Set the value to use for the Permissions-Policy header.
Set the value to use for the Permissions-Policy header.
.PARAMETER Accelerometer
The values to use for the Accelerometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER AmbientLightSensor
The values to use for the AmbientLightSensor portion of the header.
The values to use for the Autoplay portion of the header.
The values to use for the Battery portion of the header.
The values to use for the Camera portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DisplayCapture
The values to use for the DisplayCapture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DocumentDomain
The values to use for the DocumentDomain portion of the header.
.PARAMETER EncryptedMedia
The values to use for the EncryptedMedia portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Fullscreen
The values to use for the Fullscreen portion of the header.
The values to use for the Gamepad portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Geolocation
The values to use for the Geolocation portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Gyroscope
The values to use for the Gyroscope portion of the header.
.PARAMETER InterestCohort
The values to use for the InterestCohort portal of the header.
.PARAMETER LayoutAnimations
The values to use for the LayoutAnimations portion of the header.
.PARAMETER LegacyImageFormats
The values to use for the LegacyImageFormats portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Magnetometer
The values to use for the Magnetometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Microphone
The values to use for the Microphone portion of the header.
The values to use for the Midi portion of the header.
.PARAMETER OversizedImages
The values to use for the OversizedImages portion of the header.
The values to use for the Payment portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PictureInPicture
The values to use for the PictureInPicture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PublicKeyCredentials
The values to use for the PublicKeyCredentials portion of the header.
The values to use for the Speakers portion of the header.
The values to use for the SyncXhr portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnoptimisedImages
The values to use for the UnoptimisedImages portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnsizedMedia
The values to use for the UnsizedMedia portion of the header.
The values to use for the Usb portion of the header.
.PARAMETER ScreenWakeLake
The values to use for the ScreenWakeLake portion of the header.
The values to use for the WebShare portion of the header.
.PARAMETER XrSpatialTracking
The values to use for the XrSpatialTracking portion of the header.
function Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull', '')]
Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters
Adds additional values to already defined values for the Permissions-Policy header.
Adds additional values to already defined values for the Permissions-Policy header, instead of overriding them.
.PARAMETER Accelerometer
The values to add for the Accelerometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER AmbientLightSensor
The values to add for the AmbientLightSensor portion of the header.
The values to add for the Autoplay portion of the header.
The values to add for the Battery portion of the header.
The values to add for the Camera portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DisplayCapture
The values to add for the DisplayCapture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DocumentDomain
The values to add for the DocumentDomain portion of the header.
.PARAMETER EncryptedMedia
The values to add for the EncryptedMedia portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Fullscreen
The values to add for the Fullscreen portion of the header.
The values to add for the Gamepad portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Geolocation
The values to add for the Geolocation portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Gyroscope
The values to add for the Gyroscope portion of the header.
.PARAMETER InterestCohort
The values to use for the InterestCohort portal of the header.
.PARAMETER LayoutAnimations
The values to add for the LayoutAnimations portion of the header.
.PARAMETER LegacyImageFormats
The values to add for the LegacyImageFormats portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Magnetometer
The values to add for the Magnetometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Microphone
The values to add for the Microphone portion of the header.
The values to add for the Midi portion of the header.
.PARAMETER OversizedImages
The values to add for the OversizedImages portion of the header.
The values to add for the Payment portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PictureInPicture
The values to add for the PictureInPicture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PublicKeyCredentials
The values to add for the PublicKeyCredentials portion of the header.
The values to add for the Speakers portion of the header.
The values to add for the SyncXhr portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnoptimisedImages
The values to add for the UnoptimisedImages portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnsizedMedia
The values to add for the UnsizedMedia portion of the header.
The values to add for the Usb portion of the header.
.PARAMETER ScreenWakeLake
The values to add for the ScreenWakeLake portion of the header.
The values to add for the WebShare portion of the header.
.PARAMETER XrSpatialTracking
The values to add for the XrSpatialTracking portion of the header.
Add-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy -AmbientLightSensor 'none'
function Add-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy {
Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters -Append
Removes definition for the Permissions-Policy header.
Removes definitions for the Permissions-Policy header.
function Remove-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy {
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Permissions-Policy'
Set a value for the Referrer-Policy header.
Set a value for the Referrer-Policy header.
The Type to use.
Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy -Type No-Referrer
function Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('No-Referrer', 'No-Referrer-When-Downgrade', 'Same-Origin', 'Origin', 'Strict-Origin',
'Origin-When-Cross-Origin', 'Strict-Origin-When-Cross-Origin', 'Unsafe-Url')]
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Referrer-Policy' -Value $Type.ToLowerInvariant()
Removes definition for the Referrer-Policy header.
Removes definitions for the Referrer-Policy header.
function Remove-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy {
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Referrer-Policy'
Set a value for the X-Content-Type-Options header.
Set a value for the X-Content-Type-Options header to "nosniff".
function Set-PodeSecurityContentTypeOptions {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Content-Type-Options' -Value 'nosniff'
Removes definition for the X-Content-Type-Options header.
Removes definitions for the X-Content-Type-Options header.
function Remove-PodeSecurityContentTypeOptions {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Content-Type-Options'
Set a value for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
Set a value for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
The Duration the browser to respect the header in seconds. (Default: 1 year)
.PARAMETER IncludeSubDomains
If supplied, the header will have includeSubDomains.
Set-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity -Duration 86400 -IncludeSubDomains
function Set-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity {
$Duration = 31536000,
if ($Duration -le 0) {
# Invalid Strict-Transport-Security duration supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage -f $Duration)
$value = "max-age=$($Duration)"
if ($IncludeSubDomains) {
$value += '; includeSubDomains'
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Strict-Transport-Security' -Value $value
Removes definition for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
Removes definitions for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
function Remove-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity {
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Strict-Transport-Security'
Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers.
Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy, Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
Specifies a value for Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy.
Specifies a value for Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy.
Specifies a value for Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy.
Set-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin -Embed Require-Corp -Open Same-Origin -Resource Same-Origin
function Set-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin {
[ValidateSet('', 'Unsafe-None', 'Require-Corp')]
$Embed = '',
[ValidateSet('', 'Unsafe-None', 'Same-Origin-Allow-Popups', 'Same-Origin')]
$Open = '',
[ValidateSet('', 'Same-Site', 'Same-Origin', 'Cross-Origin')]
$Resource = ''
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy' -Value $Embed.ToLowerInvariant()
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy' -Value $Open.ToLowerInvariant()
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy' -Value $Resource.ToLowerInvariant()
Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers.
Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy, Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
function Remove-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin {
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy'
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy'
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy'
Set definitions for Access-Control headers.
Removes definitions for the Access-Control headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Max-Age in seconds. (Default: 7200)
Use a value of one for debugging any CORS related issues
.PARAMETER Credentials
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
.PARAMETER WithOptions
If supplied, a global Options Route will be created.
.PARAMETER AuthorizationHeader
Add 'Authorization' to the headers list
.PARAMETER AutoHeaders
Automatically populate the list of allowed Headers based on the OpenApi definition.
This parameter can works in conjuntion with CrossDomainXhrRequests,AuthorizationHeader and Headers (Headers cannot be '*').
By default add 'content-type' to the headers
.PARAMETER AutoMethods
Automatically populate the list of allowed Methods based on the defined Routes.
This parameter can works in conjuntion with the parameter Methods, if Methods is not including '*'
.PARAMETER CrossDomainXhrRequests
Add 'x-requested-with' to the list of allowed headers
More info available here:
Set-PodeSecurityAccessControl -Origin '*' -Methods '*' -Headers '*' -Duration 7200
function Set-PodeSecurityAccessControl {
[ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
$Methods = '',
$Duration = 7200,
# origin
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -Value $Origin
# methods
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Methods)) {
if ($Methods -icontains '*') {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value '*'
else {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value ($Methods -join ', ')
# headers
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Headers) -or $AuthorizationHeader -or $CrossDomainXhrRequests) {
if ($Headers -icontains '*') {
if ($Credentials) {
# When Credentials is passed, The * wildcard for Headers will be taken as a literal string and not a wildcard
throw ($PodeLocale.credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage)
$Headers = @('*')
if ($AuthorizationHeader) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Headers)) {
$Headers = @()
$Headers += 'Authorization'
if ($CrossDomainXhrRequests) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Headers)) {
$Headers = @()
$Headers += 'x-requested-with'
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value (($Headers | Select-Object -Unique) -join ', ')
if ($AutoHeaders) {
if ($Headers -icontains '*') {
# The * wildcard for Headers is incompatible with the AutoHeaders switch
throw ($PodeLocale.wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage)
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value 'content-type' -Append
$PodeContext.Server.Security.autoHeaders = $true
if ($AutoMethods) {
if ($Methods -icontains '*') {
# The * wildcard for Methods is incompatible with the AutoMethods switch
throw ($PodeLocale.wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage)
if ($WithOptions) {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value 'Options' -Append
$PodeContext.Server.Security.autoMethods = $true
# duration
if ($Duration -le 0) {
# Invalid Access-Control-Max-Age duration supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage -f $Duration)
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Max-Age' -Value $Duration
# creds
if ($Credentials) {
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' -Value 'true'
# opts route
if ($WithOptions) {
Add-PodeRoute -Method Options -Path * -ScriptBlock {
Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 200
Removes definitions for the Access-Control headers.
Removes definitions for the Access-Control headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
function Remove-PodeSecurityAccessControl {
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Max-Age'
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'
Enables Middleware for creating, retrieving and using Sessions within Pode.
Enables Middleware for creating, retrieving and using Sessions within Pode; with support for defining Session duration, and custom Storage.
If you're storing sessions outside of Pode, you must supply a Secret value so sessions aren't corrupted.
An optional Secret to use when signing Sessions (Default: random GUID).
The name of the cookie/header used for the Session.
The duration a Session should last for, before being expired.
.PARAMETER Generator
A custom ScriptBlock to generate a random unique SessionId. The value returned must be a String.
A custom PSObject that defines methods for Delete, Get, and Set. This allow you to store Sessions in custom Storage such as Redis. A Secret is required.
The Scope that the Session applies to, possible values are Browser and Tab (Default: Browser).
The Browser scope is the default logic, where authentication and general data for the sessions are shared across all tabs.
The Tab scope keep the authentication data shared across all tabs, but general data is separated across different tabs.
For the Tab scope, the "Tab ID" required will be sourced from the "X-PODE-SESSION-TAB-ID" header.
If supplied, the Sessions will have their durations extended on each successful Request.
If supplied, the Session cookie will only be accessible to browsers.
If supplied, the Session cookie will only be accessible over HTTPS Requests.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
If supplied, Sessions will be sent back in a header on the Response with the Name supplied.
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120 -Extend -Generator { return [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() }
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Secret 'schwifty' -Duration 120 -UseHeaders -Strict
function Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]
$Name = 'pode.sid',
if ($_ -lt 0) {
# Duration must be 0 or greater, but got
throw ($PodeLocale.durationMustBeZeroOrGreaterExceptionMessage -f $_)
return $true
$Duration = 0,
$Storage = $null,
[ValidateSet('Browser', 'Tab')]
$Scope = 'Browser',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Headers')]
# check that session logic hasn't already been initialised
if (Test-PodeSessionsEnabled) {
# Session Middleware has already been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionMiddlewareAlreadyInitializedExceptionMessage)
# ensure the override store has the required methods
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Storage)) {
$members = @($Storage | Get-Member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
@('delete', 'get', 'set') | ForEach-Object {
if ($members -inotcontains $_) {
# The custom session storage does not implement the required '{0}()' method
throw ($PodeLocale.customSessionStorageMethodNotImplementedExceptionMessage -f $_)
# verify the secret, set to guid if not supplied, or error if none and we have a storage
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Secret)) {
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Storage)) {
# A Secret is required when using custom session storage
throw ($PodeLocale.secretRequiredForCustomSessionStorageExceptionMessage)
$Secret = Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret
# if no custom storage, use the inmem one
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Storage) {
$Storage = (Get-PodeSessionInMemStore)
# set options against server context
$PodeContext.Server.Sessions = @{
Name = $Name
Secret = $Secret
GenerateId = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Generator -Default { return (New-PodeGuid) })
Store = $Storage
Info = @{
Duration = $Duration
Extend = $Extend.IsPresent
Secure = $Secure.IsPresent
Strict = $Strict.IsPresent
HttpOnly = $HttpOnly.IsPresent
UseHeaders = $UseHeaders.IsPresent
Scope = @{
Type = $Scope.ToLowerInvariant()
IsBrowser = ($Scope -ieq 'Browser')
# return scriptblock for the session middleware
Get-PodeSessionMiddleware |
New-PodeMiddleware |
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_sessions__'
Remove the current Session, logging it out.
Remove the current Session, logging it out. This will remove the session from Storage, and Cookies.
function Remove-PodeSession {
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# The sessions have not been configured
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage)
# do nothing if session is null
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# remove the session, and from auth and cookies
Saves the current Session's data.
Saves the current Session's data.
If supplied, the data will be saved even if nothing has changed.
Save-PodeSession -Force
function Save-PodeSession {
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# The sessions have not been configured
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage)
# error if session is null
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# There is no session available to save
throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage)
# if auth is in use, then assign to session store
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Auth) -and $WebEvent.Auth.Store) {
$WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth = $WebEvent.Auth
# save the session
Save-PodeSessionInternal -Force:$Force
Returns the currently authenticated SessionId.
Returns the currently authenticated SessionId. If there's no session, or it's not authenticated, then null is returned instead.
You can also have the SessionId returned as signed as well.
If supplied, the returned SessionId will also be signed.
If supplied, the sessionId will be returned regardless of authentication.
$sessionId = Get-PodeSessionId
function Get-PodeSessionId {
$sessionId = $null
# do nothing if not authenticated, or force passed
if (!$Force -and ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth.User) -or !$WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth.IsAuthenticated)) {
return $sessionId
# get the sessionId
$sessionId = $WebEvent.Session.FullId
# do they want the session signed?
if ($Signed) {
$strict = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Strict
$secret = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Secret
# sign the value if we have a secret
$sessionId = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $sessionId -Secret $secret -Strict:$strict)
# return the ID
return $sessionId
function Get-PodeSessionTabId {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser) {
return $null
return Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-PODE-SESSION-TAB-ID'
Resets the current Session's expiry date.
Resets the current Session's expiry date, to be from the current time plus the defined Session duration.
function Reset-PodeSessionExpiry {
# if sessions haven't been setup, error
if (!(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
# The sessions have not been configured
throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsNotConfiguredExceptionMessage)
# error if session is null
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# There is no session available to save
throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage)
# temporarily set this session to auto-extend
$WebEvent.Session.Extend = $true
# reset on response
Returns the defined Session duration.
Returns the defined Session duration that all Session are created using.
$duration = Get-PodeSessionDuration
function Get-PodeSessionDuration {
return [int]$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Duration
Returns the datetime on which the current Session's will expire.
Returns the datetime on which the current Session's will expire.
$expiry = Get-PodeSessionExpiry
function Get-PodeSessionExpiry {
# error if session is null
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) {
# There is no session available to save
throw ($PodeLocale.noSessionAvailableToSaveExceptionMessage)
# default min date
if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp) {
return [datetime]::MinValue
# use or existing timestamp?
$expiry = [DateTime]::UtcNow
if (!$WebEvent.Session.Extend -and ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp)) {
$expiry = $WebEvent.Session.TimeStamp
# add session duration on
$expiry = $expiry.AddSeconds($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Duration)
# return expiry
return $expiry
function Test-PodeSessionsEnabled {
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.Sessions) -and ($PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Count -gt 0))
function Get-PodeSessionInfo {
return $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info
function Test-PodeSessionScopeIsBrowser {
return [bool]$PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.Scope.IsBrowser
Converts the current HTTP request to a Route to be an SSE connection.
Converts the current HTTP request to a Route to be an SSE connection, by sending the required headers back to the client.
The connection can only be configured if the request's Accept header is "text/event-stream", unless Forced.
The Name of the SSE connection, which ClientIds will be stored under.
An optional Group for this SSE connection, to enable broadcasting events to all connections for an SSE connection name in a Group.
The Scope of the SSE connection, either Default, Local or Global (Default: Default).
- If the Scope is Default, then it will be Global unless the default has been updated via Set-PodeSseDefaultScope.
- If the Scope is Local, then the SSE connection will only be opened for the duration of the request to a Route that configured it.
- If the Scope is Global, then the SSE connection will be cached internally so events can be sent to the connection from Tasks, Timers, and other Routes, etc.
.PARAMETER RetryDuration
An optional RetryDuration, in milliseconds, for the period of time a browser should wait before reattempting a connection if lost (Default: 0).
An optional ClientId to use for the SSE connection, this value will be signed if signing is enabled (Default: GUID).
.PARAMETER AllowAllOrigins
If supplied, then Access-Control-Allow-Origin will be set to * on the response.
If supplied, the Accept header of the request will be ignored; attempting to configure an SSE connection even if the header isn't "text/event-stream".
ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions'
ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -Scope Local
ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins'
ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -AllowAllOrigins
ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -ClientId 'my-client-id'
function ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Local', 'Global')]
$Scope = 'Default',
$RetryDuration = 0,
# check Accept header - unless forcing
if (!$Force -and ((Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Accept') -ine 'text/event-stream')) {
# SSE can only be configured on requests with an Accept header value of text/event-stream
throw ($PodeLocale.sseOnlyConfiguredOnEventStreamAcceptHeaderExceptionMessage)
# check for default scope, and set
if ($Scope -ieq 'default') {
$Scope = $PodeContext.Server.Sse.DefaultScope
# generate clientId
$ClientId = New-PodeSseClientId -ClientId $ClientId
# set and send SSE headers
$ClientId = Wait-PodeTask -Task $WebEvent.Response.SetSseConnection($Scope, $ClientId, $Name, $Group, $RetryDuration, $AllowAllOrigins.IsPresent)
# create SSE property on WebEvent
$WebEvent.Sse = @{
Name = $Name
Group = $Group
ClientId = $ClientId
LastEventId = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Last-Event-ID'
IsLocal = ($Scope -ieq 'local')
Sets the default scope for new SSE connections.
Sets the default scope for new SSE connections.
The default Scope for new SSE connections, either Local or Global.
- If the Scope is Local, then new SSE connections will only be opened for the duration of the request to a Route that configured it.
- If the Scope is Global, then new SSE connections will be cached internally so events can be sent to the connection from Tasks, Timers, and other Routes, etc.
Set-PodeSseDefaultScope -Scope Local
Set-PodeSseDefaultScope -Scope Global
function Set-PodeSseDefaultScope {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Local', 'Global')]
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.DefaultScope = $Scope
Retrieves the default SSE connection scope for new SSE connections.
Retrieves the default SSE connection scope for new SSE connections.
$scope = Get-PodeSseDefaultScope
function Get-PodeSseDefaultScope {
return $PodeContext.Server.Sse.DefaultScope
Send an Event to one or more SSE connections.
Send an Event to one or more SSE connections. This can either be:
- Every client for an SSE connection Name
- Specific ClientIds for an SSE connection Name
- The current SSE connection being referenced within $WebEvent.Sse
An SSE connection Name.
An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection Groups to send Events to, for the specified SSE connection Name.
An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection ClientIds to send Events to, for the specified SSE connection Name.
An optional ID for the Event being sent.
An optional EventType for the Event being sent.
The Data for the Event being sent, either as a String or a Hashtable/PSObject. If the latter, it will be converted into JSON.
The Depth to generate the JSON document - the larger this value the worse performance gets.
If supplied, the SSE connection Name and ClientId will atttempt to be retrived from $WebEvent.Sse.
These details will be set if ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection has just been called. Or if X-PODE-SSE-CLIENT-ID and X-PODE-SSE-NAME are set on an HTTP request.
Send-PodeSseEvent -FromEvent -Data 'This is an event'
Send-PodeSseEvent -FromEvent -Data @{ Message = 'A message' }
Send-PodeSseEvent -Name 'Actions' -Data @{ Message = 'A message' }
Send-PodeSseEvent -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins' -Data @{ Message = 'A message' }
Send-PodeSseEvent -Name 'Actions' -Data @{ Message = 'A message' } -ID 123 -EventType 'action'
function Send-PodeSseEvent {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'WebEvent')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
$Group = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
$ClientId = $null,
$Depth = 10,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'WebEvent')]
begin {
$pipelineValue = @()
# do nothing if no value
if (($null -eq $Data) -or ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Data))) {
process {
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Data = $pipelineValue
# jsonify the value
if ($Data -isnot [string]) {
if ($Depth -le 0) {
$Data = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Data -Compress)
else {
$Data = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Data -Depth $Depth -Compress)
# send directly back to current connection
if ($FromEvent -and $WebEvent.Sse.IsLocal) {
$null = Wait-PodeTask -Task $WebEvent.Response.SendSseEvent($EventType, $Data, $Id)
# from event and global?
if ($FromEvent) {
$Name = $WebEvent.Sse.Name
$Group = $WebEvent.Sse.Group
$ClientId = $WebEvent.Sse.ClientId
# error if no name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
# An SSE connection Name is required, either from -Name or $WebEvent.Sse.Name
throw ($PodeLocale.sseConnectionNameRequiredExceptionMessage)
# check if broadcast level
if (!(Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name $Name -Group $Group -ClientId $ClientId)) {
# SSE failed to broadcast due to defined SSE broadcast level
throw ($PodeLocale.sseFailedToBroadcastExceptionMessage -f $Name, (Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name $Name))
# send event
$PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.SendSseEvent($Name, $Group, $ClientId, $EventType, $Data, $Id)
Close one or more SSE connections.
Close one or more SSE connections. Either all connections for an SSE connection Name, or specific ClientIds for a Name.
The Name of the SSE connection which has the ClientIds for the connections to close. If supplied on its own, all connections will be closed.
An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection Groups, that are for the SSE connection Name. If supplied without any ClientIds, then all connections for the Group(s) will be closed.
An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection ClientIds, that are for the SSE connection Name.
If not supplied, every SSE connection for the supplied Name will be closed.
Close-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions'
Close-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins'
Close-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -ClientId @('my-client-id', 'my-other'id')
function Close-PodeSseConnection {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Group = $null,
$ClientId = $null
$PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.CloseSseConnection($Name, $Group, $ClientId)
Test if an SSE connection ClientId is validly signed.
Test if an SSE connection ClientId is validly signed.
An optional SSE connection ClientId, if not supplied it will be retrieved from $WebEvent.
if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid) { ... }
if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid -ClientId 's:my-already-signed-client-id.uvG49LcojTMuJ0l4yzBzr6jCqEV8gGC/0YgsYU1QEuQ=') { ... }
function Test-PodeSseClientIdSigned {
# get clientId from WebEvent if not passed
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) {
$ClientId = $WebEvent.Request.SseClientId
# test if clientId is validly signed
return Test-PodeValueSigned -Value $ClientId -Secret $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret -Strict:($PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict)
Test if an SSE connection ClientId is valid.
Test if an SSE connection ClientId, passed or from $WebEvent, is valid. A ClientId is valid if it's not signed and we're not signing ClientIds,
or if we are signing ClientIds and the ClientId is validly signed.
An optional SSE connection ClientId, if not supplied it will be retrieved from $WebEvent.
if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid) { ... }
if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid -ClientId 'my-client-id') { ... }
function Test-PodeSseClientIdValid {
# get clientId from WebEvent if not passed
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) {
$ClientId = $WebEvent.Request.SseClientId
# if no clientId, then it's not valid
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) {
return $false
# if we're not signing, then valid if not signed, but invalid if signed
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed) {
return !$ClientId.StartsWith('s:')
# test if clientId is validly signed
return Test-PodeSseClientIdSigned -ClientId $ClientId
Test if the name of an SSE connection exists or not.
Test if the name of an SSE connection exists or not.
The Name of an SSE connection to test.
if (Test-PodeSseName -Name 'Example') { ... }
function Test-PodeSseName {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.TestSseConnectionExists($Name)
Test if an SSE connection ClientId exists or not.
Test if an SSE connection ClientId exists or not.
The Name of an SSE connection.
The SSE connection ClientId to test.
if (Test-PodeSseClientId -Name 'Example' -ClientId 'my-client-id') { ... }
function Test-PodeSseClientId {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.TestSseConnectionExists($Name, $ClientId)
Generate a new SSE connection ClientId.
Generate a new SSE connection ClientId, which will be signed if signing enabled.
An optional SSE connection ClientId to use, if a custom ClientId is needed and required to be signed.
$clientId = New-PodeSseClientId
$clientId = New-PodeSseClientId -ClientId 'my-client-id'
$clientId = New-PodeSseClientId -ClientId 's:my-already-signed-client-id.uvG49LcojTMuJ0l4yzBzr6jCqEV8gGC/0YgsYU1QEuQ='
function New-PodeSseClientId {
# if no clientId passed, generate a random guid
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) {
$ClientId = New-PodeGuid -Secure
# if we're signing the clientId, and it's not already signed, then sign it
if ($PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed -and !$ClientId.StartsWith('s:')) {
$ClientId = Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $ClientId -Secret $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret -Strict:($PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict)
# return the clientId
return $ClientId
Enable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds.
Enable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds.
A Secret to sign ClientIds, Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret can be used.
If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress.
Enable-PodeSseSigning -Strict
Enable-PodeSseSigning -Secret 'Sup3rS3cr37!' -Strict
Enable-PodeSseSigning -Secret 'Sup3rS3cr37!'
function Enable-PodeSseSigning {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# flag that we're signing SSE connections
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed = $true
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret = $Secret
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict = $Strict.IsPresent
Disable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds.
Disable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds.
function Disable-PodeSseSigning {
# flag that we're not signing SSE connections
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed = $false
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret = $null
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict = $false
Set an allowed broadcast level for SSE connections.
Set an allowed broadcast level for SSE connections, either for all SSE connection names or specific ones.
An optional Name for an SSE connection (default: *).
The broadcast level Type for the SSE connection.
Name = Allow broadcasting at all levels, including broadcasting to all Groups and/or ClientIds for an SSE connection Name.
Group = Allow broadcasting to only Groups or specific ClientIds. If neither Groups nor ClientIds are supplied, sending an event will fail.
ClientId = Allow broadcasting to only ClientIds. If no ClientIds are supplied, sending an event will fail.
Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Type Name
Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Type Group
Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions' -Type ClientId
function Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel {
$Name = '*',
[ValidateSet('Name', 'Group', 'ClientId')]
$PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel[$Name] = $Type.ToLowerInvariant()
Retrieve the broadcast level for an SSE connection Name.
Retrieve the broadcast level for an SSE connection Name. If one hasn't been set explicitly then the base level will be checked.
If no broadcasting level have been set at all, then the "Name" level will be returned.
The Name of an SSE connection.
$level = Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions'
function Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if no levels, return null
if ($PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel.Count -eq 0) {
return 'name'
# get level or default level
$level = $PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel[$Name]
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($level)) {
$level = $PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel['*']
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($level)) {
$level = 'name'
# return level
return $level
Test if an SSE connection can be broadcasted to, given the Name, Group, and ClientIds.
Test if an SSE connection can be broadcasted to, given the Name, Group, and ClientIds.
The Name of the SSE connection.
An array of 1 or more Groups.
An array of 1 or more ClientIds.
if (Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions') { ... }
if (Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins') { ... }
if (Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions' -ClientId 'my-client-id') { ... }
function Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# get level, and if no level or level=name, return true
$level = Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name $Name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($level) -or ($level -ieq 'name')) {
return $true
# if level=group, return false if no groups or clientIds
# if level=clientId, return false if no clientIds
switch ($level) {
'group' {
if ((($null -eq $Group) -or ($Group.Length -eq 0)) -and (($null -eq $ClientId) -or ($ClientId.Length -eq 0))) {
return $false
'clientid' {
if (($null -eq $ClientId) -or ($ClientId.Length -eq 0)) {
return $false
# valid, return true
return $true
Sets an object within the shared state.
Sets an object within the shared state.
The name of the state object.
The value to set in the state.
An optional Scope for the state object, used when saving the state.
Set-PodeState -Name 'Data' -Value @{ 'Name' = 'Rick Sanchez' }
Set-PodeState -Name 'Users' -Value @('user1', 'user2') -Scope General, Users
function Set-PodeState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
begin {
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
# Pode has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
if ($null -eq $Scope) {
$Scope = @()
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Value to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue
$PodeContext.Server.State[$Name] = @{
Value = $Value
Scope = $Scope
return $Value
Retrieves some state object from the shared state.
Retrieves some state object from the shared state.
The name of the state object.
If supplied, the state's value and scope will be returned as a hashtable.
Get-PodeState -Name 'Data'
function Get-PodeState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
# Pode has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
if ($WithScope) {
return $PodeContext.Server.State[$Name]
else {
return $PodeContext.Server.State[$Name].Value
Returns the current names of state variables.
Returns the current names of state variables that have been set. You can filter the result using Scope or a Pattern.
An optional regex Pattern to filter the state names.
An optional Scope to filter the state names.
$names = Get-PodeStateNames -Scope '<scope>'
$names = Get-PodeStateNames -Pattern '^\w+[0-9]{0,2}$'
function Get-PodeStateNames {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
# Pode has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
if ($null -eq $Scope) {
$Scope = @()
$tempState = $PodeContext.Server.State.Clone()
$keys = $tempState.Keys
if ($Scope.Length -gt 0) {
$keys = @(foreach ($key in $keys) {
if ($tempState[$key].Scope -iin $Scope) {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) {
$keys = @(foreach ($key in $keys) {
if ($key -imatch $Pattern) {
return $keys
Removes some state object from the shared state.
Removes some state object from the shared state. After removal, the original object being stored is returned.
The name of the state object.
Remove-PodeState -Name 'Data'
function Remove-PodeState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
# Pode has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
$value = $PodeContext.Server.State[$Name].Value
$null = $PodeContext.Server.State.Remove($Name)
return $value
Saves the current shared state to a supplied JSON file.
Saves the current shared state to a supplied JSON file. When using this function, it's recommended to wrap it in a Lock-PodeObject block.
The path to a JSON file which the current state will be saved to.
An optional array of scopes for state objects that should be saved. (This has a lower precedence than Exclude/Include)
An optional array of state object names to exclude from being saved. (This has a higher precedence than Include)
An optional array of state object names to only include when being saved.
Saved JSON maximum depth. Will be passed to ConvertTo-JSON's -Depth parameter. Default is 10.
If supplied, the saved JSON will be compressed.
Save-PodeState -Path './state.json'
Save-PodeState -Path './state.json' -Exclude Name1, Name2
Save-PodeState -Path './state.json' -Scope Users
function Save-PodeState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Depth = 10,
# error if attempting to use outside of the pode server
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
# Pode has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
# get the full path to save the state
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
# contruct the state to save (excludes, etc)
$state = $PodeContext.Server.State.Clone()
# scopes
if (($null -ne $Scope) -and ($Scope.Length -gt 0)) {
foreach ($_key in $state.Clone().Keys) {
# remove if no scope
if (($null -eq $state[$_key].Scope) -or ($state[$_key].Scope.Length -eq 0)) {
$null = $state.Remove($_key)
# check scopes (only remove if none match)
$found = $false
foreach ($_scope in $state[$_key].Scope) {
if ($Scope -icontains $_scope) {
$found = $true
if ($found) {
# none matched, remove
$null = $state.Remove($_key)
# include keys
if (($null -ne $Include) -and ($Include.Length -gt 0)) {
foreach ($_key in $state.Clone().Keys) {
if ($Include -inotcontains $_key) {
$null = $state.Remove($_key)
# exclude keys
if (($null -ne $Exclude) -and ($Exclude.Length -gt 0)) {
foreach ($_key in $state.Clone().Keys) {
if ($Exclude -icontains $_key) {
$null = $state.Remove($_key)
# save the state
$null = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $state -Depth $Depth -Compress:$Compress | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Force
Restores the shared state from some JSON file.
Restores the shared state from some JSON file.
The path to a JSON file that contains the state information.
If supplied, the state loaded from the JSON file will be merged with the current state, instead of overwriting it.
Saved JSON maximum depth. Will be passed to ConvertFrom-JSON's -Depth parameter (Powershell >=6). Default is 10.
Restore-PodeState -Path './state.json'
function Restore-PodeState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Depth = 10
# error if attempting to use outside of the pode server
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
# Pode has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
# get the full path to the state
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot
if (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
# restore the state from file
$state = @{}
if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) {
$state = (Get-Content $Path -Force | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable -Depth $Depth)
else {
$props = (Get-Content $Path -Force | ConvertFrom-Json)
foreach ($prop in $props) {
$state[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
# check for no scopes, and add for backwards compat
$convert = $false
foreach ($_key in $state.Clone().Keys) {
if ($null -eq $state[$_key].Scope) {
$convert = $true
if ($convert) {
foreach ($_key in $state.Clone().Keys) {
$state[$_key] = @{
Value = $state[$_key]
Scope = @()
# set the scope to the main context
if ($Merge) {
foreach ($_key in $state.Clone().Keys) {
$PodeContext.Server.State[$_key] = $state[$_key]
else {
$PodeContext.Server.State = $state.Clone()
Tests if the shared state contains some state object.
Tests if the shared state contains some state object.
The name of the state object.
Test-PodeState -Name 'Data'
function Test-PodeState {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
# Pode has not been initialized
throw ($PodeLocale.podeNotInitializedExceptionMessage)
return $PodeContext.Server.State.ContainsKey($Name)
Adds a new Task.
Adds a new Task, which can be asynchronously or synchronously invoked.
The Name of the Task.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The script for the Task.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Task's logic.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
A hashtable of arguments to supply to the Task's ScriptBlock.
A Timeout, in seconds, to abort running the Task process. (Default: -1 [never timeout])
.PARAMETER TimeoutFrom
Where to start the Timeout from, either 'Create', 'Start'. (Default: 'Create')
The maximum number of retries to attempt if the Task fails. (Default: 0)
The delay, in minutes, between automatically retrying failed task processes. (Default: 0)
If supplied, the Task will automatically retry processes if they fail.
Add-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' -ScriptBlock { Invoke-SomeLogic }
Add-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' -ScriptBlock { return Get-SomeObject }
Add-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' -ScriptBlock { return Get-SomeObject } -MaxRetries 3 -RetryDelay 5 -AutoRetry
function Add-PodeTask {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$Timeout = -1,
[ValidateSet('Create', 'Start')]
$TimeoutFrom = 'Create',
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
$MaxRetries = 0,
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
$RetryDelay = 0,
# ensure the task doesn't already exist
if ($PodeContext.Tasks.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# [Task] Task already defined
throw ($PodeLocale.taskAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# Modify the ScriptBlock to replace 'Start-Sleep' with 'Start-PodeSleep'
$ScriptBlock = ConvertTo-PodeSleep -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add the task
$PodeContext.Tasks.Enabled = $true
$PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $ArgumentList -Default @{})
Timeout = @{
Value = $Timeout
From = $TimeoutFrom
Retry = @{
Max = $MaxRetries
Delay = $RetryDelay
AutoRetry = $AutoRetry.IsPresent
Set the maximum number of concurrent Tasks.
Set the maximum number of concurrent Tasks.
The Maximum number of Tasks to run.
Set-PodeTaskConcurrency -Maximum 10
function Set-PodeTaskConcurrency {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# error if <=0
if ($Maximum -le 0) {
# Maximum concurrent tasks must be >=1 but got
throw ($PodeLocale.maximumConcurrentTasksInvalidExceptionMessage -f $Maximum)
# ensure max > min
$_min = 1
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Tasks) {
$_min = $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Tasks.Pool.GetMinRunspaces()
if ($_min -gt $Maximum) {
# Maximum concurrent tasks cannot be less than the minimum of $_min but got $Maximum
throw ($PodeLocale.maximumConcurrentTasksLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage -f $_min, $Maximum)
# set the max tasks
$PodeContext.Threads.Tasks = $Maximum
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Tasks) {
Invoke a Task.
Invoke a Task either asynchronously or synchronously, with support for returning values.
The function returns the Task process object which was triggered.
The Name of the Task.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
A hashtable of arguments to supply to the Task's ScriptBlock.
A Timeout, in seconds, to abort running the Task process. (Default: -1 [never timeout])
.PARAMETER TimeoutFrom
Where to start the Timeout from, either 'Default', 'Create', or 'Start'. (Default: 'Default' - will use the value from Add-PodeTask)
If supplied, Pode will wait until the Task process has finished executing, and then return any values.
The triggered Task process.
Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' -Wait -Timeout 5
$task = Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1'
Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' | Wait-PodeTask -Timeout 3
function Invoke-PodeTask {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$ArgumentList = $null,
$Timeout = -1,
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Create', 'Start')]
$TimeoutFrom = 'Default',
process {
# ensure the task exists
if (!$PodeContext.Tasks.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Task does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# run task logic
$task = Invoke-PodeTaskInternal -Task $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$Name] -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Timeout $Timeout -TimeoutFrom $TimeoutFrom
# wait, and return result?
if ($Wait) {
return (Wait-PodeTask -Process $task -Timeout $Timeout)
# return task
return $task
Removes a specific Task.
Removes a specific Task.
The Name of Task to be removed.
Remove-PodeTask -Name 'Example1'
function Remove-PodeTask {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
$null = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items.Remove($Name)
Removes all Tasks.
Removes all Tasks.
function Clear-PodeTasks {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Edits an existing Task.
Edits an existing Task's properties, such as scriptblock.
The Name of the Task.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The new ScriptBlock for the Task.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
Any new Arguments for the Task.
Edit-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' -ScriptBlock { Invoke-SomeNewLogic }
function Edit-PodeTask {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
# ensure the task exists
if (!$PodeContext.Tasks.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Task does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$_task = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$Name]
# edit scriptblock if supplied
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock)) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$_task.Script = $ScriptBlock
$_task.UsingVariables = $usingVars
# edit arguments if supplied
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ArgumentList)) {
$_task.Arguments = $ArgumentList
Returns any defined Tasks.
Returns any defined Tasks, with support for filtering.
Any Task Names to filter the Tasks.
Get-PodeTask -Name Example1, Example2
function Get-PodeTask {
$tasks = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items.Values
# further filter by task names
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$tasks = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($task in $tasks) {
if ($task.Name -ine $_name) {
# return
return $tasks
Automatically loads task ps1 files
Automatically loads task ps1 files from either a /tasks folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeTasks -Path './my-tasks'
function Use-PodeTasks {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'tasks'
Close and dispose of a Task.
Close and dispose of a Task, even if still running.
The Task to be closed.
Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' | Close-PodeTask
function Close-PodeTask {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $Process
Test if a running Task process has completed (including failed).
Test if a running Task process has completed (including failed).
The Task process to be check. The process returned by either Invoke-PodeTask or Get-PodeTaskProcess.
Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' | Test-PodeTaskCompleted
function Test-PodeTaskCompleted {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
return ([bool]$Process.Runspace.Handler.IsCompleted) -or
($Process.State -ieq 'Completed') -or
($Process.State -ieq 'Failed')
Test if a running Task process has failed.
Test if a running Task process has failed.
The Task process to be check. The process returned by either Invoke-PodeTask or Get-PodeTaskProcess.
Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' | Test-PodeTaskFailed
function Test-PodeTaskFailed {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
return ($Process.State -ieq 'Failed')
Waits for a Task process to finish, and returns a result if there is one.
Waits for a Task process to finish, and returns a result if there is one.
The Task process to wait on. The process returned by either Invoke-PodeTask or Get-PodeTaskProcess.
An optional Timeout in milliseconds.
$context = Wait-PodeTask -Task $listener.GetContextAsync()
$result = Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' | Wait-PodeTask
function Wait-PodeTask {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Timeout = -1
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
if ($Process -is [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]) {
return (Wait-PodeTaskNetInternal -Task $Process -Timeout $Timeout)
if ($Process -is [hashtable]) {
return (Wait-PodeTaskProcessInternal -Process $Process -Timeout $Timeout)
# Task type is invalid, expected either [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] or [hashtable]
throw ($PodeLocale.invalidTaskTypeExceptionMessage)
Get all Task Processes.
Get all Task Processes, with support for filtering. These are the processes created when using Invoke-PodeTask.
An optional Name of the Task to filter by, can be one or more.
An optional ID of the Task process to filter by, can be one or more.
An optional State of the Task process to filter by, can be one or more.
Get-PodeTaskProcess -Name 'TaskName'
Get-PodeTaskProcess -Id 'TaskId'
Get-PodeTaskProcess -State 'Running'
function Get-PodeTaskProcess {
[ValidateSet('All', 'Pending', 'Running', 'Completed', 'Failed')]
$State = 'All'
$processes = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Values
# filter processes by name
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$processes = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($process in $processes) {
if ($process.Task -ine $_name) {
# filter processes by id
if (($null -ne $Id) -and ($Id.Length -gt 0)) {
$processes = @(foreach ($_id in $Id) {
foreach ($process in $processes) {
if ($process.ID -ine $_id) {
# filter processes by status
if ($State -inotcontains 'All') {
$processes = @(foreach ($process in $processes) {
if ($State -inotcontains $process.State) {
# return processes
return $processes
Restart a Task process which has failed.
Restart a Task process which has failed.
The Task process to be restarted. The process returned by either Invoke-PodeTask or Get-PodeTaskProcess.
A Timeout, in seconds, to abort running the Task process. (Default: -1 [never timeout])
If supplied, Pode will wait until the Task process has finished
$task = Invoke-PodeTask -Name 'Example1' -Wait
if (Test-PodeTaskFailed -Process $task) {
Restart-PodeTaskProcess -Process $task
Get-PodeTaskProcess -State 'Failed' | ForEach-Object { Restart-PodeTaskProcess -Process $_ }
function Restart-PodeTaskProcess {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Timeout = -1,
process {
$task = Restart-PodeTaskInternal -ProcessId $Process.ID
if ($Wait) {
return (Wait-PodeTask -Process $task -Timeout $Timeout)
return $task
Places a temporary lock on an object, or Lockable, while a ScriptBlock is invoked.
Places a temporary lock on an object, or Lockable, while a ScriptBlock is invoked.
The Object, or Lockable, to lock. If no Object is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
The Name of a Lockable object in Pode to lock, if no Name is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a lock cannot be acquired. (Default: Infinite)
If supplied, any values from the ScriptBlock will be returned.
.PARAMETER CheckGlobal
If supplied, will check the global Lockable object and wait until it's freed-up before locking the passed object.
Lock-PodeObject -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Lock-PodeObject -Object $SomeArray -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Lock-PodeObject -Name 'LockName' -Timeout 5000 -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
$result = (Lock-PodeObject -Return -Object $SomeArray -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ })
function Lock-PodeObject {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Object')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Object')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
try {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
Enter-PodeLockable -Object $Object -Timeout $Timeout -CheckGlobal:$CheckGlobal
else {
Enter-PodeLockable -Name $Name -Timeout $Timeout -CheckGlobal:$CheckGlobal
if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -NoNewClosure -Return:$Return
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
finally {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
Exit-PodeLockable -Object $Object
else {
Exit-PodeLockable -Name $Name
Creates a new custom Lockable object.
Creates a new custom Lockable object for use with Lock-PodeObject, and Enter/Exit-PodeLockable.
The Name of the Lockable object.
New-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1'
function New-PodeLockable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeLockable -Name $Name) {
$PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom[$Name] = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
Removes a custom Lockable object.
Removes a custom Lockable object.
The Name of the Lockable object to remove.
Remove-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1'
function Remove-PodeLockable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeLockable -Name $Name) {
Get a custom Lockable object.
Get a custom Lockable object for use with Lock-PodeObject, and Enter/Exit-PodeLockable.
The Name of the Lockable object.
Get-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1' | Lock-PodeObject -ScriptBlock {}
function Get-PodeLockable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom[$Name]
Test if a custom Lockable object exists.
Test if a custom Lockable object exists.
The Name of the Lockable object.
Test-PodeLockable -Name 'Lock1'
function Test-PodeLockable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom.ContainsKey($Name)
Place a lock on an object or Lockable.
Place a lock on an object or Lockable. This should eventually be followed by a call to Exit-PodeLockable.
The Object, or Lockable, to lock. If no Object is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
The Name of a Lockable object in Pode to lock, if no Name is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a lock cannot be acquired. (Default: Infinite)
.PARAMETER CheckGlobal
If supplied, will check the global Lockable object and wait until it's freed-up before locking the passed object.
Enter-PodeLockable -Object $SomeArray
Enter-PodeLockable -Name 'LockName' -Timeout 5000
function Enter-PodeLockable {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Object')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Object')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
$Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# get object by name if set
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
$Object = Get-PodeLockable -Name $Name
# if object is null, default to global
if ($null -eq $Object) {
$Object = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
# check if value type and throw
if ($Object -is [valuetype]) {
# Cannot lock a [ValueType]
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotLockValueTypeExceptionMessage)
# check if null and throw
if ($null -eq $Object) {
# Cannot lock an object that is null
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotLockNullObjectExceptionMessage)
# check if the global lockable is locked
if ($CheckGlobal) {
Lock-PodeObject -Object $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global -ScriptBlock {} -Timeout $Timeout
# attempt to acquire lock
$locked = $false
[System.Threading.Monitor]::TryEnter($Object.SyncRoot, $Timeout, [ref]$locked)
if (!$locked) {
# Failed to acquire a lock on the object
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToAcquireLockExceptionMessage)
Remove a lock from an object or Lockable.
Remove a lock from an object or Lockable, that was originally locked via Enter-PodeLockable.
The Object, or Lockable, to unlock. If no Object is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
The Name of a Lockable object in Pode to unlock, if no Name is supplied then the global lockable is used by default.
Exit-PodeLockable -Object $SomeArray
Exit-PodeLockable -Name 'LockName'
function Exit-PodeLockable {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Object')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Object')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# get object by name if set
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
$Object = Get-PodeLockable -Name $Name
# if object is null, default to global
if ($null -eq $Object) {
$Object = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global
# check if value type and throw
if ($Object -is [valuetype]) {
# Cannot unlock a [ValueType]
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotUnlockValueTypeExceptionMessage)
# check if null and throw
if ($null -eq $Object) {
# Cannot unlock an object that is null
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotUnlockNullObjectExceptionMessage)
if ([System.Threading.Monitor]::IsEntered($Object.SyncRoot)) {
Remove all Lockables.
Remove all Lockables.
function Clear-PodeLockables {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom) {
foreach ($name in $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Custom.Keys.Clone()) {
Remove-PodeLockable -Name $name
Create a new Mutex.
Create a new Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
The Scope of the Mutex, can be either Self, Local, or Global. (Default: Self)
Self: The current process, or child processes.
Local: All processes for the current login session on Windows, or the the same as Self on Unix.
Global: All processes on the system, across every session.
New-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex'
New-PodeMutex -Name 'LocalMutex' -Scope Local
New-PodeMutex -Name 'GlobalMutex' -Scope Global
function New-PodeMutex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('Self', 'Local', 'Global')]
$Scope = 'Self'
if (Test-PodeMutex -Name $Name) {
# A mutex with the following name already exists
throw ($PodeLocale.mutexAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$mutex = $null
switch ($Scope.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'self' {
$mutex = [System.Threading.Mutex]::new($false)
'local' {
$mutex = [System.Threading.Mutex]::new($false, "Local\$($Name)")
'global' {
$mutex = [System.Threading.Mutex]::new($false, "Global\$($Name)")
$PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes[$Name] = $mutex
Test if a Mutex exists.
Test if a Mutex exists.
The Name of the Mutex.
Test-PodeMutex -Name 'LocalMutex'
function Test-PodeMutex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes.ContainsKey($Name)
Get a Mutex.
Get a Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
$mutex = Get-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex'
function Get-PodeMutex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes[$Name]
Remove a Mutex.
Remove a Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
Remove-PodeMutex -Name 'GlobalMutex'
function Remove-PodeMutex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeMutex -Name $Name) {
Places a temporary hold on a Mutex, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Mutex.
Places a temporary hold on a Mutex, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Mutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Mutex. (Default: Infinite)
If supplied, any values from the ScriptBlock will be returned.
Use-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex' -Timeout 5000 -ScriptBlock {}
$result = Use-PodeMutex -Name 'LocalMutex' -Return -ScriptBlock {}
function Use-PodeMutex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,
try {
$acquired = $false
Enter-PodeMutex -Name $Name -Timeout $Timeout
$acquired = $true
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -NoNewClosure -Return:$Return
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
finally {
if ($acquired) {
Exit-PodeMutex -Name $Name
Acquires a hold on a Mutex.
Acquires a hold on a Mutex. This should eventually by followed by a call to Exit-PodeMutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Mutex. (Default: Infinite)
Enter-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex' -Timeout 5000
function Enter-PodeMutex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite
$mutex = Get-PodeMutex -Name $Name
if ($null -eq $mutex) {
# No mutex found called 'Name'
throw ($PodeLocale.noMutexFoundExceptionMessage -f $Name)
if (!$mutex.WaitOne($Timeout)) {
# Failed to acquire mutex ownership. Mutex name: Name
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToAcquireMutexOwnershipExceptionMessage -f $Name)
Release the hold on a Mutex.
Release the hold on a Mutex, that was originally acquired by Enter-PodeMutex.
The Name of the Mutex.
Exit-PodeMutex -Name 'SelfMutex'
function Exit-PodeMutex {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$mutex = Get-PodeMutex -Name $Name
if ($null -eq $mutex) {
# No mutex found called 'Name'
throw ($PodeLocale.noMutexFoundExceptionMessage -f $Name)
Removes all Mutexes.
Removes all Mutexes.
function Clear-PodeMutexes {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes) {
foreach ($name in $PodeContext.Threading.Mutexes.Keys.Clone()) {
Remove-PodeMutex -Name $name
Create a new Semaphore.
Create a new Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
The number of threads to allow a hold on the Semaphore. (Default: 1)
The Scope of the Semaphore, can be either Self, Local, or Global. (Default: Self)
Self: The current process, or child processes.
Local: All processes for the current login session on Windows, or the the same as Self on Unix.
Global: All processes on the system, across every session.
New-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore'
New-PodeSemaphore -Name 'LocalSemaphore' -Scope Local
New-PodeSemaphore -Name 'GlobalSemaphore' -Count 3 -Scope Global
function New-PodeSemaphore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Count = 1,
[ValidateSet('Self', 'Local', 'Global')]
$Scope = 'Self'
if (Test-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name) {
# A semaphore with the following name already exists
throw ($PodeLocale.semaphoreAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)
if ($Count -le 0) {
$Count = 1
$semaphore = $null
switch ($Scope.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'self' {
$semaphore = [System.Threading.Semaphore]::new($Count, $Count)
'local' {
$semaphore = [System.Threading.Semaphore]::new($Count, $Count, "Local\$($Name)")
'global' {
$semaphore = [System.Threading.Semaphore]::new($Count, $Count, "Global\$($Name)")
$PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores[$Name] = $semaphore
Test if a Semaphore exists.
Test if a Semaphore exists.
The Name of the Semaphore.
Test-PodeSemaphore -Name 'LocalSemaphore'
function Test-PodeSemaphore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores.ContainsKey($Name)
Get a Semaphore.
Get a Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
$semaphore = Get-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore'
function Get-PodeSemaphore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores[$Name]
Remove a Semaphore.
Remove a Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
Remove-PodeSemaphore -Name 'GlobalSemaphore'
function Remove-PodeSemaphore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name) {
Places a temporary hold on a Semaphore, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Semaphore.
Places a temporary hold on a Semaphore, invokes a ScriptBlock, then releases the Semaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Semaphore. (Default: Infinite)
If supplied, any values from the ScriptBlock will be returned.
Use-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore' -Timeout 5000 -ScriptBlock {}
$result = Use-PodeSemaphore -Name 'LocalSemaphore' -Return -ScriptBlock {}
function Use-PodeSemaphore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite,
try {
$acquired = $false
Enter-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name -Timeout $Timeout
$acquired = $true
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -NoNewClosure -Return:$Return
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
finally {
if ($acquired) {
Exit-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name
Acquires a hold on a Semaphore.
Acquires a hold on a Semaphore. This should eventually by followed by a call to Exit-PodeSemaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
If supplied, a number of milliseconds to timeout after if a hold cannot be acquired on the Semaphore. (Default: Infinite)
Enter-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore' -Timeout 5000
function Enter-PodeSemaphore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Timeout = [System.Threading.Timeout]::Infinite
$semaphore = Get-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name
if ($null -eq $semaphore) {
# No semaphore found called 'Name'
throw ($PodeLocale.noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage -f $Name)
if (!$semaphore.WaitOne($Timeout)) {
# Failed to acquire semaphore ownership. Semaphore name: Name
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToAcquireSemaphoreOwnershipExceptionMessage -f $Name)
Release the hold on a Semaphore.
Release the hold on a Semaphore, that was originally acquired by Enter-PodeSemaphore.
The Name of the Semaphore.
.PARAMETER ReleaseCount
The number of releases to release in one go. (Default: 1)
Exit-PodeSemaphore -Name 'SelfSemaphore'
function Exit-PodeSemaphore {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ReleaseCount = 1
$semaphore = Get-PodeSemaphore -Name $Name
if ($null -eq $semaphore) {
# No semaphore found called 'Name'
throw ($PodeLocale.noSemaphoreFoundExceptionMessage -f $Name)
if ($ReleaseCount -lt 1) {
$ReleaseCount = 1
Removes all Semaphores.
Removes all Semaphores.
function Clear-PodeSemaphores {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores) {
foreach ($name in $PodeContext.Threading.Semaphores.Keys.Clone()) {
Remove-PodeSemaphore -Name $name
Adds a new Timer with logic to periodically invoke.
Adds a new Timer with logic to periodically invoke, with options to only run a specific number of times.
The Name of the Timer.
The number of seconds to periodically invoke the Timer's ScriptBlock.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The script for the Timer.
The number of times the Timer should be invoked before being removed. (If 0, it will run indefinitely)
The number of "invokes" to skip before the Timer actually runs.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Timer's ScriptBlock.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Timer's logic.
If supplied, the timer will trigger when the server starts.
Add-PodeTimer -Name 'Hello' -Interval 10 -ScriptBlock { 'Hello, world!' | Out-Default }
Add-PodeTimer -Name 'RunOnce' -Interval 1 -Limit 1 -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeTimer -Name 'RunAfter60secs' -Interval 10 -Skip 6 -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeTimer -Name 'Args' -Interval 2 -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2'
function Add-PodeTimer {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
$Limit = 0,
$Skip = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
# error if serverless
Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeTimer' -ThrowError
# ensure the timer doesn't already exist
if ($PodeContext.Timers.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# [Timer] Name: Timer already defined
throw ($PodeLocale.timerAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# is the interval valid?
if ($Interval -le 0) {
# [Timer] Name: parameter must be greater than 0
throw ($PodeLocale.timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage -f $Name, 'Interval')
# is the limit valid?
if ($Limit -lt 0) {
# [Timer] Name: parameter must be greater than 0
throw ($PodeLocale.timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage -f $Name, 'Limit')
# is the skip valid?
if ($Skip -lt 0) {
# [Timer] Name: parameter must be greater than 0
throw ($PodeLocale.timerParameterMustBeGreaterThanZeroExceptionMessage -f $Name, 'Skip')
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# calculate the next tick time (based on Skip)
$NextTriggerTime = [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($Interval)
if ($Skip -gt 1) {
$NextTriggerTime = $NextTriggerTime.AddSeconds($Interval * $Skip)
# add the timer
$PodeContext.Timers.Enabled = $true
$PodeContext.Timers.Items[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Interval = $Interval
Limit = $Limit
Count = 0
Skip = $Skip
NextTriggerTime = $NextTriggerTime
LastTriggerTime = $null
Script = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
OnStart = $OnStart
Completed = $false
Adhoc invoke a Timer's logic.
Adhoc invoke a Timer's logic outside of its defined interval. This invocation doesn't count towards the Timer's limit.
The Name of the Timer.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Timer's ScriptBlock.
Invoke-PodeTimer -Name 'timer-name'
function Invoke-PodeTimer {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$ArgumentList = $null
process {
# ensure the timer exists
if (!$PodeContext.Timers.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Timer 'Name' does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# run timer logic
Invoke-PodeInternalTimer -Timer $PodeContext.Timers.Items[$Name] -ArgumentList $ArgumentList
Removes a specific Timer.
Removes a specific Timer.
The Name of Timer to be removed.
Remove-PodeTimer -Name 'SaveState'
function Remove-PodeTimer {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
$null = $PodeContext.Timers.Items.Remove($Name)
Removes all Timers.
Removes all Timers.
function Clear-PodeTimers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Edits an existing Timer.
Edits an existing Timer's properties, such as interval or scriptblock.
The Name of the Timer.
The new Interval for the Timer in seconds.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The new ScriptBlock for the Timer.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
Any new Arguments for the Timer.
Edit-PodeTimer -Name 'Hello' -Interval 10
function Edit-PodeTimer {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Interval = 0,
process {
# ensure the timer exists
if (!$PodeContext.Timers.Items.ContainsKey($Name)) {
# Timer 'Name' does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.timerDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)
$_timer = $PodeContext.Timers.Items[$Name]
# edit interval if supplied
if ($Interval -gt 0) {
$_timer.Interval = $Interval
# edit scriptblock if supplied
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock)) {
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
$_timer.Script = $ScriptBlock
$_timer.UsingVariables = $usingVars
# edit arguments if supplied
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ArgumentList)) {
$_timer.Arguments = $ArgumentList
Returns any defined timers.
Returns any defined timers, with support for filtering.
Any timer Names to filter the timers.
Get-PodeTimer -Name Name1, Name2
function Get-PodeTimer {
$timers = $PodeContext.Timers.Items.Values
# further filter by timer names
if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) {
$timers = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) {
foreach ($timer in $timers) {
if ($timer.Name -ine $_name) {
# return
return $timers
Tests whether the passed Timer exists.
Tests whether the passed Timer exists by its name.
The Name of the Timer.
if (Test-PodeTimer -Name TimerName) { }
function Test-PodeTimer {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Timers.Items) -and $PodeContext.Timers.Items.ContainsKey($Name))
Automatically loads timer ps1 files
Automatically loads timer ps1 files from either a /timers folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeTimers -Path './my-timers'
function Use-PodeTimers {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'timers'
Dispose and close streams, tokens, and other Disposables.
Dispose and close streams, tokens, and other Disposables.
.PARAMETER Disposable
The Disposable object to dispose and close.
Should the Disposable also be closed, as well as disposed?
.PARAMETER CheckNetwork
If an error is thrown, check the reason - if it's network related ignore the error.
Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $stream -Close
function Close-PodeDisposable {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
if ($null -eq $Disposable) {
try {
if ($Close) {
catch [exception] {
if ($CheckNetwork -and (Test-PodeValidNetworkFailure $_.Exception)) {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
finally {
Returns the literal path of the server.
Returns the literal path of the server.
$path = Get-PodeServerPath
function Get-PodeServerPath {
return $PodeContext.Server.Root
Starts a Stopwatch on some ScriptBlock, and outputs the duration at the end.
Starts a Stopwatch on some ScriptBlock, and outputs the duration at the end.
The name of the Stopwatch.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to time.
Start-PodeStopwatch -Name 'ReadFile' -ScriptBlock { $content = Get-Content './file.txt' }
function Start-PodeStopwatch {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
try {
$watch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
. $ScriptBlock
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
finally {
"[Stopwatch]: $($watch.Elapsed) [$($Name)]" | Out-PodeHost
Like the "using" keyword in .NET. Allows you to use a Stream and then disposes of it.
Like the "using" keyword in .NET. Allows you to use a Stream and then disposes of it.
The Stream to use and then dispose.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke. It will be supplied the Stream.
$content = (Use-PodeStream -Stream $stream -ScriptBlock { return $args[0].ReadToEnd() })
function Use-PodeStream {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
try {
return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Arguments $Stream -Return -NoNewClosure)
catch {
$_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
throw $_.Exception
finally {
Loads a script, by dot-sourcing, at the supplied path.
Loads a script, by dot-sourcing, at the supplied path. If the path is relative, the server's path is prepended.
The path, literal or relative to the server, to some script.
Use-PodeScript -Path './scripts/tools.ps1'
function Use-PodeScript {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if path is '.', replace with server root
$_path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot -Resolve
# we have a path, if it's a directory/wildcard then loop over all files
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_path)) {
$_paths = Get-PodeWildcardFile -Path $Path -Wildcard '*.ps1'
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $_paths)) {
foreach ($_path in $_paths) {
Use-PodeScript -Path $_path
# check if the path exists
if (!(Test-PodePath $_path -NoStatus)) {
# The script path does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f (Protect-PodeValue -Value $_path -Default $Path))
# dot-source the script
. $_path
# load any functions from the file into pode's runspaces
Import-PodeFunctionsIntoRunspaceState -FilePath $_path
Returns the loaded configuration of the server.
Returns the loaded configuration of the server.
$s = Get-PodeConfig
function Get-PodeConfig {
return $PodeContext.Server.Configuration
Adds a ScriptBlock as Endware to run at the end of each web Request.
Adds a ScriptBlock as Endware to run at the end of each web Request.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to add. It will be supplied the current web event.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Endware's ScriptBlock.
Add-PodeEndware -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function Add-PodeEndware {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$pipelineItemCount = 0
process {
end {
if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add the scriptblock to array of endware that needs to be run
$PodeContext.Server.Endware += @{
Logic = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Automatically loads endware ps1 files
Automatically loads endware ps1 files from either a /endware folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeEndware -Path './endware'
function Use-PodeEndware {
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'endware'
Imports a Module into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses.
Imports a Module into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses. Modules can also be imported from the ps_modules directory.
The name of a globally installed Module, or one within the ps_modules directory, to import.
The path, literal or relative, to a Module to import.
Import-PodeModule -Name IISManager
Import-PodeModule -Path './modules/utilities.psm1'
function Import-PodeModule {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Path')]
# script root path
$rootPath = $null
if ($null -eq $PodeContext) {
$rootPath = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot -Default $pwd.Path)
# get the path of a module, or import modules on mass
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
'name' {
$modulePath = Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder ([System.IO.Path]::Combine('ps_modules', $Name)) -Root $rootPath
if (Test-PodePath -Path $modulePath -NoStatus) {
$Path = (Get-ChildItem ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($modulePath, '*', "$($Name).ps*1")) -Recurse -Force | Select-Object -First 1).FullName
else {
$Path = Find-PodeModuleFile -Name $Name -ListAvailable
'path' {
$Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -RootPath $rootPath -JoinRoot -Resolve
$paths = Get-PodeWildcardFile -Path $Path -RootPath $rootPath -Wildcard '*.ps*1'
if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $paths)) {
foreach ($_path in $paths) {
Import-PodeModule -Path $_path
# if it's still empty, error
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) {
# Failed to import module
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage -f (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default $Name))
# check if the path exists
if (!(Test-PodePath $Path -NoStatus)) {
# The module path does not exist
throw ($PodeLocale.modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default $Name))
$null = Import-Module $Path -Force -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop
Imports a Snapin into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses.
Imports a Snapin into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses.
The name of a Snapin to import.
Import-PodeSnapin -Name 'WDeploySnapin3.0'
function Import-PodeSnapin {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# if non-windows or core, fail
if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -or (Test-PodeIsUnix)) {
# Snapins are only supported on Windows PowerShell
throw ($PodeLocale.snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage)
# import the snap-in
$null = Add-PSSnapin -Name $Name
Resolves and protects a value by ensuring it defaults to a specified fallback and optionally parses it as an enum.
The `Protect-PodeValue` function ensures that a given value is resolved. If the value is empty, a default value is used instead.
Additionally, the function can parse the resolved value as an enum type with optional case sensitivity.
The input value to be resolved.
The default value to fall back to if the input value is empty.
The type of enum to parse the resolved value into. If specified, the resolved value must be a valid enum member.
.PARAMETER CaseSensitive
Specifies whether the enum parsing should be case-sensitive. By default, parsing is case-insensitive.
Returns the resolved value, either as the original value, the default value, or a parsed enum.
# Example 1: Resolve a value with a default fallback
$resolved = Protect-PodeValue -Value $null -Default "Fallback"
Write-Output $resolved # Output: Fallback
# Example 2: Resolve and parse a value as a case-insensitive enum
$resolvedEnum = Protect-PodeValue -Value "red" -Default "Blue" -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor])
Write-Output $resolvedEnum # Output: Red
# Example 3: Resolve and parse a value as a case-sensitive enum
$resolvedEnum = Protect-PodeValue -Value "red" -Default "Blue" -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor]) -CaseSensitive
# Throws an error if "red" does not match an enum member exactly (case-sensitive).
This function resolves values using `Resolve-PodeValue` and validates enums using `[enum]::IsDefined`.
function Protect-PodeValue {
$resolvedValue = Resolve-PodeValue -Check (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Value) -TrueValue $Default -FalseValue $Value
if ($null -ne $EnumType -and [enum]::IsDefined($EnumType, $resolvedValue)) {
# Use $CaseSensitive to determine if case sensitivity should apply
return [enum]::Parse($EnumType, $resolvedValue, !$CaseSensitive.IsPresent)
return $resolvedValue
Resolves a query, and returns a value based on the response.
Resolves a query, and returns a value based on the response.
The query, or variable, to evalulate.
The value to use if evaluated to True.
The value to use if evaluated to False.
$Port = Resolve-PodeValue -Check $AllowSsl -TrueValue 443 -FalseValue -80
function Resolve-PodeValue {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if ($Check) {
return $TrueValue
return $FalseValue
Invokes a ScriptBlock.
Invokes a ScriptBlock, supplying optional arguments, splatting, and returning any optional values.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke.
.PARAMETER Arguments
Any arguments that should be supplied to the ScriptBlock.
.PARAMETER UsingVariables
Optional array of "using-variable" values, which will be automatically prepended to any supplied Arguments when supplied to the ScriptBlock.
Run the ScriptBlock in a scoped context.
Return any values that the ScriptBlock may return.
Spat the argument onto the ScriptBlock.
Don't create a new closure before invoking the ScriptBlock.
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock { Write-PodeHost 'Hello!' }
Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -Arguments 'Morty' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
function Invoke-PodeScriptBlock {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Arguments = $null,
$UsingVariables = $null,
# force no new closure if running serverless
if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
$NoNewClosure = $true
# if new closure needed, create it
if (!$NoNewClosure) {
$ScriptBlock = ($ScriptBlock).GetNewClosure()
# merge arguments together, if we have using vars supplied
if (($null -ne $UsingVariables) -and ($UsingVariables.Length -gt 0)) {
$Arguments = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $Arguments -UsingVariables $UsingVariables)
# invoke the scriptblock
if ($Scoped) {
if ($Splat) {
$result = (& $ScriptBlock @Arguments)
else {
$result = (& $ScriptBlock $Arguments)
else {
if ($Splat) {
$result = (. $ScriptBlock @Arguments)
else {
$result = (. $ScriptBlock $Arguments)
# if needed, return the result
if ($Return) {
return $result
Merges Arguments and Using Variables together.
Merges Arguments and Using Variables together to be supplied to a ScriptBlock.
The Using Variables will be prepended so then are supplied first to a ScriptBlock.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
And optional array of Arguments.
.PARAMETER UsingVariables
And optional array of "using-variable" values to be prepended.
$Arguments = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $Arguments -UsingVariables $UsingVariables)
$Arguments = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -UsingVariables $UsingVariables)
function Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
$ArgumentList = $null,
$UsingVariables = $null
if ($null -eq $ArgumentList) {
$ArgumentList = @()
if (($null -eq $UsingVariables) -or ($UsingVariables.Length -le 0)) {
return $ArgumentList
$_vars = @()
foreach ($_var in $UsingVariables) {
$_vars += , $_var.Value
return ($_vars + $ArgumentList)
Tests if a value is empty - the value can be of any type.
Tests if a value is empty - the value can be of any type.
The value to test.
if (Test-PodeIsEmpty @{}) { /* logic */ }
function Test-PodeIsEmpty {
if ($null -eq $Value) {
return $true
if ($Value -is [string]) {
return [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)
if ($Value -is [array]) {
return ($Value.Length -eq 0)
if (($Value -is [hashtable]) -or ($Value -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])) {
return ($Value.Count -eq 0)
if ($Value -is [scriptblock]) {
return ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value.ToString()))
if ($Value -is [valuetype]) {
return $false
return ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value) -or ((Get-PodeCount $Value) -eq 0))
Tests if the the current session is running in PowerShell Core.
Tests if the the current session is running in PowerShell Core.
if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) { /* logic */ }
function Test-PodeIsPSCore {
return (Get-PodePSVersionTable).PSEdition -ieq 'core'
Tests if the current OS is Unix.
Tests if the current OS is Unix.
if (Test-PodeIsUnix) { /* logic */ }
function Test-PodeIsUnix {
return (Get-PodePSVersionTable).Platform -ieq 'unix'
Tests if the current OS is Windows.
Tests if the current OS is Windows.
if (Test-PodeIsWindows) { /* logic */ }
function Test-PodeIsWindows {
$v = Get-PodePSVersionTable
return ($v.Platform -ilike '*win*' -or ($null -eq $v.Platform -and $v.PSEdition -ieq 'desktop'))
Tests if the current OS is MacOS.
Tests if the current OS is MacOS.
if (Test-PodeIsMacOS) { /* logic */ }
function Test-PodeIsMacOS {
return ([bool]$IsMacOS)
Tests if the scope you're in is currently within a Pode runspace.
Tests if the scope you're in is currently within a Pode runspace.
If (Test-PodeInRunspace) { ... }
function Test-PodeInRunspace {
return ([bool]$PODE_SCOPE_RUNSPACE)
Outputs an object to the main Host.
Due to Pode's use of runspaces, this will output a given object back to the main Host.
It's advised to use this function, so that any output respects the -Quiet flag of the server.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The object to output.
'Hello, world!' | Out-PodeHost
@{ Name = 'Rick' } | Out-PodeHost
function Out-PodeHost {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet) {
# Set InputObject to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$InputObject = $pipelineValue
$InputObject | Out-Default
else {
Out-Default -InputObject $InputObject
Writes an object to the Host.
Writes an object to the Host.
It's advised to use this function, so that any output respects the -Quiet flag of the server.
The object to write.
.PARAMETER ForegroundColor
An optional foreground colour.
Whether or not to write a new line.
Show the object content
Show the Object Type
Show a label for the object
Overrides the -Quiet flag of the server.
'Some output' | Write-PodeHost -ForegroundColor Cyan
function Write-PodeHost {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '')]
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')]
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'object')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'object')]
[Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'object')]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet -and !($Force.IsPresent)) {
# Set Object to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Object = $pipelineValue
if ($Explode.IsPresent ) {
if ($null -eq $Object) {
if ($ShowType) {
$Object = "`tNull Value"
else {
$type = $Object.gettype().FullName
$Object = $Object | Out-String
if ($ShowType) {
$Object = "`tTypeName: $type`n$Object"
if ($Label) {
$Object = "`tName: $Label $Object"
if ($ForegroundColor) {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Object | Write-Host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -NoNewline:$NoNewLine
else {
Write-Host -Object $Object -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -NoNewline:$NoNewLine
else {
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Object | Write-Host -NoNewline:$NoNewLine
else {
Write-Host -Object $Object -NoNewline:$NoNewLine
Returns whether or not the server is running via IIS.
Returns whether or not the server is running via IIS.
if (Test-PodeIsIIS) { }
function Test-PodeIsIIS {
return $PodeContext.Server.IsIIS
Returns the IIS application path.
Returns the IIS application path, or null if not using IIS.
$path = Get-PodeIISApplicationPath
function Get-PodeIISApplicationPath {
if (!$PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) {
return $null
return $PodeContext.Server.IIS.Path.Raw
Returns whether or not the server is running via Heroku.
Returns whether or not the server is running via Heroku.
if (Test-PodeIsHeroku) { }
function Test-PodeIsHeroku {
return $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku
Returns whether or not the server is being hosted behind another application.
Returns whether or not the server is being hosted behind another application, such as Heroku or IIS.
if (Test-PodeIsHosted) { }
function Test-PodeIsHosted {
return ((Test-PodeIsIIS) -or (Test-PodeIsHeroku))
Defines variables to be created when the Pode server stops.
Allows you to define a variable, with a value, that should be created on the in the main scope after the Pode server is stopped.
The Name of the variable to be set
The Value of the variable to be set
Out-PodeVariable -Name ExampleVar -Value @{ Name = 'Bob' }
function Out-PodeVariable {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
# Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
$pipelineValue = @()
process {
# Add the current piped-in value to the array
$pipelineValue += $_
end {
# Set Value to the array of values
if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
$Value = $pipelineValue
$PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables[$Name] = $Value
A helper function to generate cron expressions.
A helper function to generate cron expressions, which can be used for Schedules and other functions that use cron expressions.
This helper function only covers simple cron use-cases, with some advanced use-cases. If you need further advanced cron
expressions it would be best to write the expression by hand.
This is an array of Minutes that the expression should use between 0-59.
This is an array of Hours that the expression should use between 0-23.
This is an array of Dates in the monnth that the expression should use between 1-31.
This is an array of Months that the expression should use between January-December.
This is an array of Days in the week that the expression should use between Monday-Sunday.
This can be used to more easily specify "Every Hour" than writing out all the hours.
This can only be used when using the Every parameter, and will setup an interval on the "every" used.
If you want "every 2 hours" then Every should be set to Hour and Interval to 2.
New-PodeCron -Every Day # every 00:00
New-PodeCron -Every Day -Day Tuesday, Friday -Hour 1 # every tuesday and friday at 01:00
New-PodeCron -Every Month -Date 15 # every 15th of the month at 00:00
New-PodeCron -Every Date -Interval 2 -Date 2 # every month, every other day from 2nd, at 00:00
New-PodeCron -Every Year -Month June # every 1st june, at 00:00
New-PodeCron -Every Hour -Hour 1 -Interval 1 # every hour, starting at 01:00
New-PodeCron -Every Minute -Hour 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -Interval 15 # every 15mins, starting at 01:00 until 05:00
New-PodeCron -Every Hour -Day Monday # every hour of every monday
New-PodeCron -Every Quarter # every 1st jan, apr, jul, oct, at 00:00
function New-PodeCron {
[ValidateRange(0, 59)]
$Minute = $null,
[ValidateRange(0, 23)]
$Hour = $null,
[ValidateRange(1, 31)]
$Date = $null,
[ValidateSet('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')]
$Month = $null,
[ValidateSet('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday')]
$Day = $null,
[ValidateSet('Minute', 'Hour', 'Day', 'Date', 'Month', 'Quarter', 'Year', 'None')]
$Every = 'None',
$Interval = 0
# cant have None and Interval
if (($Every -ieq 'none') -and ($Interval -gt 0)) {
# Cannot supply an interval when the parameter `Every` is set to None
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage)
# base cron
$cron = @{
Minute = '*'
Hour = '*'
Date = '*'
Month = '*'
Day = '*'
# convert month/day to numbers
if ($Month.Length -gt 0) {
$MonthInts = @(foreach ($item in $Month) {
January = 1
February = 2
March = 3
April = 4
May = 5
June = 6
July = 7
August = 8
September = 9
October = 10
November = 11
December = 12
if ($Day.Length -gt 0) {
$DayInts = @(foreach ($item in $Day) {
Sunday = 0
Monday = 1
Tuesday = 2
Wednesday = 3
Thursday = 4
Friday = 5
Saturday = 6
# set "every" defaults
switch ($Every.ToUpperInvariant()) {
if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Minute' -Value $Minute -Interval $Interval) {
$Minute = @()
'HOUR' {
$cron.Minute = '0'
if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Hour' -Value $Hour -Interval $Interval) {
$Hour = @()
'DAY' {
$cron.Minute = '0'
$cron.Hour = '0'
if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Day' -Value $DayInts -Interval $Interval) {
$DayInts = @()
'DATE' {
$cron.Minute = '0'
$cron.Hour = '0'
if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Date' -Value $Date -Interval $Interval) {
$Date = @()
$cron.Minute = '0'
$cron.Hour = '0'
if ($DayInts.Length -eq 0) {
$cron.Date = '1'
if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Month' -Value $MonthInts -Interval $Interval) {
$MonthInts = @()
$cron.Minute = '0'
$cron.Hour = '0'
$cron.Date = '1'
$cron.Month = '1,4,7,10'
if ($Interval -gt 0) {
# Cannot supply interval value for every quarter
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage)
'YEAR' {
$cron.Minute = '0'
$cron.Hour = '0'
$cron.Date = '1'
$cron.Month = '1'
if ($Interval -gt 0) {
# Cannot supply interval value for every year
throw ($PodeLocale.cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage)
# set any custom overrides
if ($Minute.Length -gt 0) {
$cron.Minute = $Minute -join ','
if ($Hour.Length -gt 0) {
$cron.Hour = $Hour -join ','
if ($DayInts.Length -gt 0) {
$cron.Day = $DayInts -join ','
if ($Date.Length -gt 0) {
$cron.Date = $Date -join ','
if ($MonthInts.Length -gt 0) {
$cron.Month = $MonthInts -join ','
# build and return
return "$($cron.Minute) $($cron.Hour) $($cron.Date) $($cron.Month) $($cron.Day)"
Gets the version of the Pode module.
The Get-PodeVersion function checks the version of the Pode module specified in the module manifest. If the module version is not a placeholder value ('$version$'), it returns the actual version prefixed with 'v.'. If the module version is the placeholder value, indicating the development branch, it returns '[develop branch]'.
This function does not accept any parameters.
Returns a string indicating the version of the Pode module or '[dev]' if on a development version.
PS> $moduleManifest = @{ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3' }
PS> Get-PodeVersion
Returns 'v1.2.3'.
PS> $moduleManifest = @{ ModuleVersion = '$version$' }
PS> Get-PodeVersion
Returns '[dev]'.
This function assumes that $moduleManifest is a hashtable representing the loaded module manifest, with a key of ModuleVersion.
function Get-PodeVersion {
$moduleManifest = Get-PodeModuleManifest
if ($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion -ne '$version$') {
return "v$($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion)"
else {
return '[dev]'
Converts an XML node to a PowerShell hashtable.
The ConvertFrom-PodeXml function converts an XML node, including all its child nodes and attributes, into an ordered hashtable. This is useful for manipulating XML data in a more PowerShell-centric way.
The XML node to convert. This parameter takes an XML node and processes it, along with its child nodes and attributes.
A string prefix used to indicate an attribute. Default is an empty string.
.PARAMETER ShowDocElement
Indicates whether to show the document element. Default is false.
.PARAMETER KeepAttributes
If set, the function keeps the attributes of the XML nodes in the resulting hashtable.
$node = [xml](Get-Content 'path\to\file.xml').DocumentElement
ConvertFrom-PodeXml -node $node
Converts the XML document's root node to a hashtable.
You can pipe a XmlNode to ConvertFrom-PodeXml.
Outputs an ordered hashtable representing the XML node structure.
This cmdlet is useful for transforming XML data into a structure that's easier to manipulate in PowerShell scripts.
function ConvertFrom-PodeXml {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$Prefix = '',
process {
#if option set, we skip the Document element
if ($node.DocumentElement -and !($ShowDocElement.IsPresent))
{ $node = $node.DocumentElement }
$oHash = [ordered] @{ } # start with an ordered hashtable.
#The order of elements is always significant regardless of what they are
if ($null -ne $node.Attributes ) {
#if there are elements
# record all the attributes first in the ordered hash
$node.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
$oHash.$("$Prefix$($_.FirstChild.parentNode.LocalName)") = $_.FirstChild.value
# check to see if there is a pseudo-array. (more than one
# child-node with the same name that must be handled as an array)
$node.ChildNodes | #we just group the names and create an empty
#array for each
Group-Object -Property LocalName | Where-Object { $_.count -gt 1 } | Select-Object Name |
ForEach-Object {
$oHash.($_.Name) = @() <# create an empty array for each one#>
foreach ($child in $node.ChildNodes) {
#now we look at each node in turn.
$childName = $child.LocalName
if ($child -is [system.xml.xmltext]) {
# if it is simple XML text
$oHash.$childname += $child.InnerText
# if it has a #text child we may need to cope with attributes
elseif ($child.FirstChild.Name -eq '#text' -and $child.ChildNodes.Count -eq 1) {
if ($null -ne $child.Attributes -and $KeepAttributes ) {
#hah, an attribute
<#we need to record the text with the #text label and preserve all
the attributes #>
$aHash = [ordered]@{ }
$child.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
$aHash.$($_.FirstChild.parentNode.LocalName) = $_.FirstChild.value
#now we add the text with an explicit name
$aHash.'#text' += $child.'#text'
$oHash.$childname += $aHash
else {
#phew, just a simple text attribute.
$oHash.$childname += $child.FirstChild.InnerText
elseif ($null -ne $child.'#cdata-section' ) {
# if it is a data section, a block of text that isnt parsed by the parser,
# but is otherwise recognized as markup
$oHash.$childname = $child.'#cdata-section'
elseif ($child.ChildNodes.Count -gt 1 -and
($child | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Count -eq 1) {
$oHash.$childname = @()
foreach ($grandchild in $child.ChildNodes) {
$oHash.$childname += (ConvertFrom-PodeXml $grandchild)
else {
# create an array as a value to the hashtable element
$oHash.$childname += (ConvertFrom-PodeXml $child)
return $oHash
Invokes the garbage collector.
Invokes the garbage collector.
function Invoke-PodeGC {
A function to pause execution for a specified duration.
This function should be used in Pode as replacement for Start-Sleep
The `Start-PodeSleep` function pauses script execution for a given duration specified in seconds, milliseconds, or a TimeSpan.
Specifies the duration to pause execution in seconds. Default is 1 second.
.PARAMETER Milliseconds
Specifies the duration to pause execution in milliseconds.
Specifies the duration to pause execution using a TimeSpan object.
Specifies the activity name displayed in the progress bar. Default is "Sleeping...".
Optional parameter to specify the ParentId for the progress bar, enabling hierarchical grouping.
.PARAMETER ShowProgress
Switch to enable the progress bar during the sleep duration.
Start-PodeSleep -Seconds 5
Pauses execution for 5 seconds.
This function is useful for scenarios where tracking the remaining wait time visually is helpful.
function Start-PodeSleep {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Seconds')]
$Seconds = 1,
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Milliseconds')]
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Duration')]
# Determine the total duration
$totalDuration = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
'Seconds' { [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($Seconds) }
'Milliseconds' { [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($Milliseconds) }
'Duration' { $Duration }
# Calculate end time
$startTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow
$endTime = $startTime.Add($totalDuration)
# Precompute sleep interval (total duration divided by 100 - ie 100%)
$sleepInterval = [math]::Max($totalDuration.TotalMilliseconds / 100, 10)
# Main loop
while ([DateTime]::UtcNow -lt $endTime) {
# Sleep for the interval
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $sleepInterval
Adds a Verb for a TCP data.
Adds a Verb for a TCP data.
The Verb for the Verb.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
A ScriptBlock for the Verb's main logic.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) this Verb should be bound against.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Verb's main logic.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Verb's ScriptBlock.
If supplied, the Verb will auto-upgrade the connection to use SSL.
If supplied, the Verb will auto-close the connection.
Add-PodeVerb -Verb 'Hello' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeVerb -Verb 'Hello' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2'
Add-PodeVerb -Verb 'Quit' -Close
Add-PodeVerb -Verb 'StartTls' -UpgradeToSsl
function Add-PodeVerb {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
# find placeholder parameters in verb (ie: COMMAND :parameter)
$Verb = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Verb
# get endpoints from name
$endpoints = Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName
# ensure the verb doesn't already exist for each endpoint
foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
Test-PodeVerbAndError -Verb $Verb -Protocol $_endpoint.Protocol -Address $_endpoint.Address
# if scriptblock and file path are all null/empty, error
if ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $FilePath) -and !$Close -and !$UpgradeToSsl) {
# [Verb] Verb: No logic passed
throw ($PodeLocale.verbNoLogicPassedExceptionMessage -f $Verb)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# add the verb(s)
Write-Verbose "Adding Verb: $($Verb)"
$PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$Verb] += @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
Logic = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Endpoint = @{
Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol
Address = $_endpoint.Address.Trim()
Name = $_endpoint.Name
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Verb = $Verb
Connection = @{
UpgradeToSsl = $UpgradeToSsl
Close = $Close
Remove a specific Verb.
Remove a specific Verb.
The Verb of the Verb to remove.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) bound to the Verb to be removed.
Remove-PodeVerb -Verb 'Hello'
Remove-PodeVerb -Verb 'Hello :username' -EndpointName User
function Remove-PodeVerb {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# ensure the verb placeholders are replaced
$Verb = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Verb
# ensure verb does exist
if (!$PodeContext.Server.Verbs.Contains($Verb)) {
# remove the verb's logic
$PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$Verb] = @($PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$Verb] | Where-Object {
$_.Endpoint.Name -ine $EndpointName
# if the verb has no more logic, just remove it
if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$Verb]) -eq 0) {
$null = $PodeContext.Server.Verbs.Remove($Verb)
Removes all added Verbs.
Removes all added Verbs.
function Clear-PodeVerbs {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Get a Verb(s).
Get a Verb(s).
A Verb to filter the verbs.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of an endpoint to filter verbs.
Get-PodeVerb -Verb 'Hello'
Get-PodeVerb -Verb 'Hello :username' -EndpointName User
function Get-PodeVerb {
# start off with every verb
$verbs = @()
# if we have a verb, filter
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Verb)) {
$Verb = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Verb
$verbs = $PodeContext.Server.Verbs[$Verb]
else {
foreach ($v in $PodeContext.Server.Verbs.Values) {
$verbs += $v
# further filter by endpoint names
if (($null -ne $EndpointName) -and ($EndpointName.Length -gt 0)) {
$verbs = @(foreach ($name in $EndpointName) {
foreach ($v in $verbs) {
if ($v.Endpoint.Name -ine $name) {
# return
return $verbs
Automatically loads verb ps1 files
Automatically loads verb ps1 files from either a /verbs folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeVerbs -Path './my-verbs'
function Use-PodeVerbs {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'verbs'
using namespace Pode
Set the maximum number of concurrent WebSocket connection threads.
Set the maximum number of concurrent WebSocket connection threads.
The Maximum number of threads available to process WebSocket connection messages received.
Set-PodeWebSocketConcurrency -Maximum 5
function Set-PodeWebSocketConcurrency {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# error if <=0
if ($Maximum -le 0) {
# Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads must be >=1 but got
throw ($PodeLocale.maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsInvalidExceptionMessage -f $Maximum)
# add 1, for the waiting script
# ensure max > min
$_min = 1
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets) {
$_min = $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets.Pool.GetMinRunspaces()
if ($_min -gt $Maximum) {
# Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads cannot be less than the minimum of $_min but got $Maximum
throw ($PodeLocale.maximumConcurrentWebSocketThreadsLessThanMinimumExceptionMessage -f $_min, $Maximum)
# set the max tasks
$PodeContext.Threads.WebSockets = $Maximum
if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets) {
Connect to an external WebSocket.
Connect to an external WebSocket.
The Name of the WebSocket connection.
The URL of the WebSocket. Should start with either ws:// or wss://.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to invoke for processing received messages from the WebSocket. The ScriptBlock will have access to a $WsEvent variable with details of the received message.
A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the WebSocket's logic.
.PARAMETER ContentType
An optional ContentType for parsing/converting received/sent messages. (default: application/json)
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
AN optional array of extra arguments, that will be passed to the ScriptBlock.
Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -ScriptBlock { ... }
Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -ScriptBlock { param($arg1, $arg2) ... } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2'
Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -FilePath './some/path/file.ps1'
Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -ScriptBlock { ... } -ContentType 'text/xml'
function Connect-PodeWebSocket {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
$ContentType = 'application/json',
# ensure we have a receiver
# fail if already exists
if (Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name) {
# Already connected to websocket with name
throw ($PodeLocale.alreadyConnectedToWebSocketExceptionMessage -f $Name)
# if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') {
$ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath
# check for scoped vars
$ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState
# connect
try {
$null = Wait-PodeTask -Task $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.ConnectWebSocket($Name, $Url, $ContentType)
catch {
# Failed to connect to websocket
throw ($PodeLocale.failedToConnectToWebSocketExceptionMessage -f $ErrorMessage)
$PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Connections[$Name] = @{
Name = $Name
Url = $Url
Logic = $ScriptBlock
UsingVariables = $usingVars
Arguments = $ArgumentList
Disconnect from a WebSocket connection.
Disconnect from a WebSocket connection. These connections can be reconnected later using Reset-PodeWebSocket
The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available).
Disconnect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example'
function Disconnect-PodeWebSocket {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) {
$Name = $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Name
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
# No Name for a WebSocket to disconnect from supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.noNameForWebSocketDisconnectExceptionMessage)
if (Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name) {
Remove a WebSocket connection.
Disconnects and then removes a WebSocket connection.
The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available).
Remove-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example'
function Remove-PodeWebSocket {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) {
$Name = $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Name
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
# No Name for a WebSocket to remove supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.noNameForWebSocketRemoveExceptionMessage)
Send a message back to a WebSocket connection.
Send a message back to a WebSocket connection.
The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available).
The Message to send. Can either be a raw string, hashtable, or psobject. Non-strings will be parsed to JSON, or the WebSocket's ContentType.
An optional Depth to parse any JSON or XML messages. (default: 10)
An optional message Type. (default: Text)
Send-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Message @{ message = 'Hello, there' }
function Send-PodeWebSocket {
$Depth = 10,
[ValidateSet('Text', 'Binary')]
$Type = 'Text'
# get ws name
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) {
$Name = $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Name
# do we have a name?
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
# No Name for a WebSocket to send message to supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.noNameForWebSocketSendMessageExceptionMessage)
# do the socket exist?
if (!(Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name)) {
# get the websocket
$ws = $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.GetWebSocket($Name)
# parse message
$Message = ConvertTo-PodeResponseContent -InputObject $Message -ContentType $ws.ContentType -Depth $Depth
# send message
$null = Wait-PodeTask -Task $ws.Send($Message, $Type)
Reset an existing WebSocket connection.
Reset an existing WebSocket connection, either using it's current URL or a new one.
The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available).
An optional new URL to reset the connection to. If not supplied, the connection's original URL will be used.
Reset-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example'
Reset-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://'
function Reset-PodeWebSocket {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) {
$null = Wait-PodeTask -Task $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Reconnect($Url)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
# No Name for a WebSocket to reset supplied
throw ($PodeLocale.noNameForWebSocketResetExceptionMessage)
if (Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name) {
$null = Wait-PodeTask -Task $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.GetWebSocket($Name).Reconnect($Url)
Test whether an WebSocket connection exists.
Test whether an WebSocket connection exists for the given Name.
The Name of the WebSocket connection.
Test-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example'
function Test-PodeWebSocket {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$found = ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.GetWebSocket($Name))
if ($found) {
return $true
if ($PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Connections.ContainsKey($Name)) {
Remove-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name
return $false
Verification is intended to assist the Chocolatey moderators and community
in verifying that this package's contents are trustworthy.
This embedded PowerShell module is packaged and distributed by the author.
The contents of which can be found on the releases pages at <>.
To verify contents, either:
1. Compare the Checksum on the release notes against the Module's source.
2. Download the zip from the release, run 'checksum -t sha256' on it, and compare.
function Remove-PodeModule($path)
$path = Join-Path $path 'Pode'
if (Test-Path $path)
Write-Host "Deleting module directory: $($path)"
Remove-Item -Path $path -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
if (!$?) {
throw "Failed to delete: $path"
# Determine which Program Files path to use
$progFiles = [string]$env:ProgramFiles
# Remove PS Module
# Set the module path
$modulePath = Join-Path $progFiles (Join-Path 'WindowsPowerShell' 'Modules')
# Delete module
Remove-PodeModule $modulePath
# Remove PS-Core Module
$def = (Get-Command pwsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Definition
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($def))
# Set the module path
$modulePath = Join-Path $progFiles (Join-Path 'PowerShell' 'Modules')
# Delete module
Remove-PodeModule $modulePath
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll (67fa4325000d) - ## / 72
- System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll (e2352938ed4f) - ## / 72
- System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll (d8e4b733fbae) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll (45c225242185) - ## / 72
- pode.2.12.0.nupkg (702e1d3e4808) - ## / 71
- Kerberos.NET.dll (4d0f15bd380b) - ## / 72
- Pode.dll (d31ebfc064cb) - ## / 76
- Pode.dll (3c146632ad9a) - ## / 76
- Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll (33e3c58d46c7) - ## / 72
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll (1c4f6f097825) - ## / 71
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll (a0d09ef412b1) - ## / 72
- Pode.dll (f8e206e9d7f7) - ## / 75
- System.Buffers.dll (e74d4cfaec58) - ## / 72
- System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll (989b1797b5ca) - ## / 73
- System.Formats.Asn1.dll (5aa5bf6a74f1) - ## / 72
- System.Memory.dll (3b3ecea739e9) - ## / 72
- System.Numerics.Vectors.dll (cd24b16fde60) - ## / 72
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll (c0c628ecea65) - ## / 72
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll (13536f7e231d) - ## / 72
- System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll (816f2687f23f) - ## / 71
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll (71e03829d7ea) - ## / 50
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
Add to Builder | Version | Downloads | Last Updated | Status |
Pode 2.12.0 | 54 | Sunday, February 23, 2025 | Approved | |
Pode 2.11.1 | 106 | Sunday, November 3, 2024 | Approved | |
Pode 2.11.0 | 122 | Sunday, September 29, 2024 | Approved | |
Pode 2.10.1 | 194 | Monday, May 27, 2024 | Approved | |
Pode 2.10.0 | 87 | Monday, April 15, 2024 | Approved | |
Pode 2.9.0 | 216 | Monday, October 30, 2023 | Approved | |
Pode 2.8.0 | 267 | Friday, February 3, 2023 | Approved | |
Pode 2.7.2 | 161 | Tuesday, October 25, 2022 | Approved | |
Pode 2.7.1 | 140 | Thursday, July 21, 2022 | Approved | |
Pode 2.7.0 | 150 | Wednesday, June 22, 2022 | Approved | |
Pode 2.6.2 | 195 | Wednesday, March 2, 2022 | Approved | |
Pode 2.6.1 | 117 | Monday, February 21, 2022 | Approved | |
Pode 2.6.0 | 115 | Thursday, February 10, 2022 | Approved | |
Pode 2.5.2 | 131 | Tuesday, January 4, 2022 | Approved | |
Pode 2.5.1 | 132 | Tuesday, December 21, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.5.0 | 135 | Saturday, November 13, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.4.2 | 159 | Monday, September 13, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.4.1 | 147 | Monday, August 9, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.4.0 | 119 | Wednesday, July 21, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.3.0 | 156 | Tuesday, June 1, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.2.3 | 170 | Saturday, April 10, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.2.2 | 132 | Friday, April 9, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.2.1 | 124 | Saturday, March 27, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.2.0 | 144 | Sunday, March 21, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.1.1 | 147 | Friday, February 19, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.1.0 | 1189 | Wednesday, February 3, 2021 | Approved | |
Pode 2.0.3 | 184 | Monday, December 21, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 2.0.2 | 147 | Saturday, December 5, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 2.0.1 | 143 | Sunday, November 29, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 2.0.0 | 212 | Saturday, November 14, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.8.4 | 196 | Friday, October 16, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.8.3 | 184 | Sunday, September 20, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.8.2 | 217 | Friday, July 31, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.8.1 | 200 | Friday, June 26, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.8.0 | 213 | Sunday, May 24, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.7.3 | 212 | Sunday, May 10, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.7.2 | 194 | Monday, April 27, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.7.1 | 190 | Friday, April 17, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.7.0 | 203 | Friday, April 10, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.6.1 | 250 | Saturday, March 7, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.6.0 | 216 | Tuesday, March 3, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.5.0 | 253 | Sunday, February 2, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.4.0 | 227 | Friday, January 10, 2020 | Approved | |
Pode 1.3.0 | 214 | Friday, December 27, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 1.2.1 | 232 | Monday, December 2, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 1.2.0 | 215 | Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 1.1.0 | 228 | Saturday, September 28, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 1.0.1 | 244 | Wednesday, September 4, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 1.0.0 | 226 | Monday, September 2, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.32.0 | 259 | Friday, June 28, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.31.0 | 234 | Tuesday, June 11, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.30.0 | 223 | Sunday, May 26, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.29.0 | 218 | Friday, May 10, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.28.1 | 264 | Tuesday, April 16, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.28.0 | 210 | Saturday, April 13, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.27.3 | 225 | Thursday, April 4, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.27.2 | 246 | Wednesday, March 27, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.27.1 | 239 | Saturday, March 16, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.27.0 | 233 | Thursday, March 14, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.26.0 | 259 | Sunday, February 17, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.25.0 | 257 | Tuesday, February 5, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.24.0 | 285 | Friday, January 18, 2019 | Approved | |
Pode 0.23.0 | 274 | Monday, December 24, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.22.0 | 270 | Friday, December 7, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.21.0 | 290 | Friday, November 2, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.20.0 | 303 | Saturday, October 20, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.19.1 | 253 | Tuesday, October 9, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.19.0 | 279 | Friday, September 14, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.18.0 | 263 | Saturday, August 25, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.17.0 | 236 | Sunday, August 19, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.16.0 | 282 | Wednesday, August 8, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.15.0 | 301 | Friday, July 13, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.14.0 | 279 | Friday, July 6, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.13.0 | 281 | Saturday, June 23, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.12.0 | 269 | Friday, June 15, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.11.3 | 317 | Sunday, June 10, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.11.2 | 298 | Friday, June 8, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.11.1 | 325 | Friday, June 1, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.11.0 | 288 | Wednesday, May 30, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.10.1 | 352 | Wednesday, May 16, 2018 | Approved | |
Pode 0.9.0 | 363 | Thursday, January 11, 2018 | Approved |
Copyright 2017-2023
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about Pode and the Pode package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or Pode, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.