Downloads of v 2.2.79:
Last Update:
21 Nov 2014
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
- Jayme Edwards
admin- Software Specific:
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- Package broken?
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2.2.79 | Updated: 21 Nov 2014
- Software Specific:
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Downloads of v 2.2.79:
Software Author(s):
- Jayme Edwards
adminPowerDelivery 2.2.79
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by Jayme Edwards. The inclusion of Jayme Edwards trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify Jayme Edwards goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
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Some Checks Have Failed or Are Not Yet Complete
Not All Tests Have Passed
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install PowerDelivery, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade PowerDelivery, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall PowerDelivery, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download powerdelivery --internalize --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade powerdelivery -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade powerdelivery -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install powerdelivery
name: powerdelivery
version: '2.2.79'
state: present
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'powerdelivery' do
action :install
version '2.2.79'
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller powerdelivery
Name = "powerdelivery"
Version = "2.2.79"
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'powerdelivery':
ensure => '2.2.79',
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package was approved by moderator ferventcoder on 27 Nov 2014.
A deployment framework helping you to continuously deliver software to your customers using Microsoft Team Foundation Server and Windows PowerShell.
Sets up a computer to be remotely deployed to and managed
by a TFS build agent for continuous delivery.
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $buildAgentComputer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $buildUserName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $buildUserDomain
if ($(get-host).version.major -lt 3) {
"Powershell 3.0 or greater is required."
$localComputer = gc env:computername
$currentUser = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
if (!(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $currentUser).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)) {
"Please re-run the PowerShell console as Administrator before running this script."
$localAdminGroup = [ADSI]"WinNT://$localComputer/Administrators,group"
$localAdminSet = [ADSI]"WinNT://$localComputer/Administrators"
$localAdminGroupMembers = @($localAdminSet.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
$isMemberOfAdminGroup = $false
"Checking if $buildUserDomain\$buildUserName is a member of the local Administrators group..."
$localAdminGroupMembers | foreach {
if ($_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null) -eq "$buildUserDomain\$buildUserName") {
$isMemberOfAdminGroup = $true
if ($isMemberOfAdminGroup -eq $false) {
"Adding $buildUserDomain\$buildUserName to the local Administrators group..."
"Performing WinRM quick configuration..."
winrm quickconfig -Force
"Enabling PowerShell Remoting..."
Enable-PSRemoting -force
"Permitting $buildAgentComputer to issue commands to $localComputer..."
$winRmConfigParams = '@{TrustedHosts="buildAgentComputer"}' -Replace "buildAgentComputer", "$buildAgentComputer"
winrm set winrm/config/client $winRmConfigParams
function Initialize-HyperVDeliveryModule {
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PreSetupEnvironment' {
$modulesFolder = Get-BuildDeliveryModulesFolder
$projectsFile = Join-Path $modulesFolder "HyperV.csv"
if (Test-Path $hyperVFile) {
Import-Csv $hyperVFile | ForEach-Object {
$invokeArgs = @{}
$vmComputer = "localhost"
$vmName = "PowerDeliveryASPNETMVC4_Dev"
$vmMemory = "1073741824" # 1gb
$vmSize = "21474836480" #20gb
$vmNewVHDPath = "D:\VMs\Hyper-V\PowerDeliveryASPNETMVC4_Dev\Virtual Hard Disks\PowerDeliveryASPNETMVC4_Dev.vhdx"
$vmRootPath = "D:\VMs\Hyper-V"
if ($_.ProjectFile) {
$invokeArgs.Add('projectFile', $_.ProjectFile)
if ($_.Target) {
$invokeArgs.Add('target', $_.Target)
if ($_.Target) {
$invokeArgs.Add('target', $_.Target)
if ($_.ToolsVersion) {
$invokeArgs.Add('verbosity', $_.Verbosity)
if ($_.BuildConfig) {
$invokeArgs.Add('target', $_.Target)
if ($_.Properties) {
$properties = ConvertFrom-StringData $_.Properties
$invokeArgs.Add('properties', $properties)
& Invoke-MSBuild @invokeArgs
$vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($vm) {
"Found existing virtual Machine $vmName."
else {
"Creating virtual machine $vmName..."
$vm = New-VM -ComputerName $vmComputer -Name $vmName `
-MemoryStartupBytes $vmMemory -NewVHDSizeBytes $vmSize `
-NewVHDPath $vmVHDPath -Path $vmPath
param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package)
$powerdeliveryModule = Join-Path $toolsPath PowerDelivery.psm1
import-module $powerdeliveryModule
function Initialize-MSBuildDeliveryModule {
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PreCompile' {
$moduleConfig = Get-BuildConfig
$msBuildProjects = $moduleConfig.MSBuild
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
if ($msBuildProjects) {
$msBuildProjects.Keys | % {
$invokeArgs = @{}
$project = $msBuildProjects[$_]
Invoke-BuildConfigSection $project "Invoke-MSBuild"
Set-Location $currentDirectory
function RegisterMSTestHook {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $testSectionName
$moduleConfig = Get-BuildConfig
$msTestSection = $moduleConfig.MSTest
if ($msTestSection) {
$testSection = $msTestSection[$testSectionName]
if ($testSection) {
Invoke-BuildConfigSections $testSection "Invoke-MSTest"
function Initialize-MSTestDeliveryModule {
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PreTestUnits' {
RegisterMSTestHook 'UnitTests'
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PreTestAcceptance' {
RegisterMSTestHook 'AcceptanceTests'
function Add-CommandCredSSP {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)] $invokeArgs,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][string] $credentialUserName
if (!$computerName.StartsWith("localhost")) {
$invokeArgs.Add("ComputerName", $computerName)
$invokeArgs.Add("Authentication", "Credssp")
Add-CredSSPTrustedHost $computerName
$credentials = Get-BuildCredentials $credentialUserName
$invokeArgs.Add("Credential", $credentials)
function Add-CredSSPTrustedHost {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] [string] $computerName
$logPrefix = "Add-CredSSPTrustedHost:"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -ArgumentList @($logPrefix) -ScriptBlock {
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix Enabling $($env:COMPUTERNAME) to receive remote CredSSP credentials"
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force | Out-Null
$credSSP = Get-WSManCredSSP
$computerExists = $false
if ($credSSP -ne $null) {
if ($credSSP.length -gt 0) {
$trustedClients = $credSSP[0].Substring($credSSP[0].IndexOf(":") + 2)
$trustedClientsList = $trustedClients -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
if ($trustedClientsList.Contains("wsman/$computerName")) {
$computerExists = $true
if (!$computerExists) {
"$logPrefix Enabling CredSSP credentials to travel from $($env:COMPUTERNAME) to $computerName"
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer $computerName -Force | Out-Null
Adds a powerdelivery build pipeline to a TFS project from an example.
You need an existing TFS project that is empty already created and to have
rights as a Project Administrator (to create builds, security groups,
and add files to source control) to run this cmdlet.
Add-ExamplePipeline -example "ProductStoreTabular" -collection "http://your-tfsserver/tfs" -project "My Project" -controller "MyController" -dropFolder "\\SERVER\share"
.Parameter example
Optional. The name of an example folder in the Examples subdirectory of a powerdelivery Chocolatey installation. Either this or the examplePath parameter must be supplied.
.Parameter examplePath
Optional. The path to a custom example. Can be used to create new deployment pipelines from add your own starter projects. Either this or the example parameter must be supplied.
.Parameter outputPath
The path to map your working folder to work with the example.
.Parameter collection
The URI of the TFS collection to add the example to.
.Parameter project
The TFS project to add the example to.
.Parameter dropFolder
The folder compiled assets should go into from the pipeline.
.Parameter controller
The name of the TFS build controller the pipeline should use.
.Parameter vsVersion
Which version of the Visual Studio command-line tools to load for calling the TFS API. Set to "10.0" by default.
function Add-ExamplePipeline {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $example,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $examplePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $outputPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $collection,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $project,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $dropFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $controller,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $vsVersion = "10.0"
$originalDir = Get-Location
$moduleDir = $PSScriptRoot
$curDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($moduleDir)
if (!(Test-Path -Path $outputPath)) {
Write-Error "Output path '$outputPath' does not exist."
$outBaseDir = Join-Path -Path $outputPath -ChildPath $project
if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($example) -eq $false) {
$exampleDir = Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "..\Examples\$example"
elseif ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($exampleDir)) {
Write-Error "Example or example directory must be specified."
if (!(Test-Path -Path $exampleDir)) {
Write-Error "Example '$exampleDir' does not exist."
$name = Split-Path $exampleDir -Leaf
try {
"Add Example Pipeline Utility"
"powerdelivery -"
if ($(get-host).version.major -lt 3) {
"Powershell 3.0 or greater is required."
LoadTFS -vsVersion $vsVersion
Remove-Item -Path $outBaseDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
mkdir -Force $outBaseDir | Out-Null
cd $outputPath
$computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
"Creating TFS working folder for $project in $collection..."
tf workfold /map "`$/$project" $outBaseDir /collection:"$collection" /workspace:"$computerName"
"Getting files from project $project..."
tf get "$project\*" /recursive /noprompt
tf checkout /recursive "$project\*"
"$exampleDir -> $outBaseDir"
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path "$exampleDir\*" -Destination $outBaseDir -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "BuildProcessTemplates") -Recurse -Destination "$outBaseDir" -Force
$newScriptName = "$outBaseDir\$name.ps1"
$buildDictionary = @{
"$name - Local" = "Local";
"$name - Commit" = "Commit";
"$name - Test" = "Test";
"$name - Capacity Test" = "CapacityTest";
"$name - Production" = "Production";
"Checking in changed or new files to source control..."
tf add "$project\*.*" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
tf checkin "$project\*.*" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
"Connecting to TFS server at $collection to create builds..."
$projectCollection = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($collection)
$buildServer = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
$structure = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService])
$buildServerVersion = $buildServer.BuildServerVersion
if ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v3') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2010'
elseif ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v4') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2012'
else {
throw "TFS server must be version 2010 or 2012, a different version was detected."
$projectInfo = $structure.GetProjectFromName($project)
if (!$projectInfo) {
Write-Error "Project $project not found in TFS collection $collection"
$buildDictionary.GETENUMERATOR() | % {
$buildName = $_.Key
$buildEnv = $_.Value
$build = $null
if ($buildEnv -ne 'Local') {
try {
$build = $buildServer.GetBuildDefinition($project, $buildName)
"Found build $buildName, updating..."
catch {
"Creating build $buildName..."
$build = $buildServer.CreateBuildDefinition($project)
$build.Name = $buildName
if ($buildName.EndsWith("Commit")) {
$build.ContinuousIntegrationType = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.ContinuousIntegrationType]::Individual
else {
$build.ContinuousIntegrationType = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.ContinuousIntegrationType]::None
$build.BuildController = $buildServer.GetBuildController($controller)
$buildFound = $false
$processTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryTemplate.xaml"
$changeSetTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryChangeSetTemplate.xaml"
if ($powerdelivery.tfsVersion -eq 2012) {
$processTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryTemplate.11.xaml"
$changeSetTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryChangeSetTemplate.11.xaml"
$processTemplates = $buildServer.QueryProcessTemplates($project)
foreach ($processTemplate in $processTemplates) {
if ($processTemplate.ServerPath -eq $processTemplatePath -and $buildEnv -eq "Commit") {
$build.Process = $processTemplate
$buildFound = $true
elseif ($processTemplate.ServerPath -eq $changeSetTemplatePath -and $buildEnv -ne "Commit") {
$build.Process = $processTemplate
$buildFound = $true
$build.DefaultDropLocation = $dropFolder
if (!$buildFound) {
if ($buildEnv -eq "Commit") {
$templateToCreate = $processTemplatePath
else {
$templateToCreate = $changeSetTemplatePath
"Creating build process template for $templateToCreate..."
$processTemplate = $buildServer.CreateProcessTemplate($project, $templateToCreate)
$processTemplate.TemplateType = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.ProcessTemplateType]::Custom
"Saving process template..."
if ($processTemplate -eq $null) {
throw "Couldn't find a process template at $templateToCreate"
$build.Process = $processTemplate
$processParams = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.WorkflowHelpers]::DeserializeProcessParameters($build.ProcessParameters)
$processParams["Environment"] = $buildEnv
$scriptPath = "`$/$project/$($name).ps1"
$processParams["PowerShellScriptPath"] = $scriptPath
$build.ProcessParameters = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.WorkflowHelpers]::SerializeProcessParameters($processParams)
$groupSecurity = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.IGroupSecurityService])
$appGroups = $groupSecurity.ListApplicationGroups($projectInfo.Uri)
$buildDictionary.Values | % {
$envName = $_
if ($envName -ne 'Commit' -and $envName -ne 'Local') {
$groupName = "$name $envName Builders"
$group = $null
$appGroups | % {
if ($_.AccountName -eq $groupName) {
$group = $_
if (!$group) {
"Creating TFS security group $groupName..."
$groupSecurity.CreateApplicationGroup($projectInfo.Uri, $groupName, "Members of this group can queue $name builds targeting the $envName environment.") | Out-Null
Write-Host "Delivery pipeline '$name' ready at $collection for project '$project'" -ForegroundColor Green
finally {
cd $originalDir
Adds a powerdelivery build pipeline to a TFS project.
You can enable a Microsoft Team Foundation Server project to use powerdelivery in under a minute using this cmdlet. It allows you to select from one of several included templates as a starting point, and creates builds targeting each environment on Team Foundation Server with a powerdelivery PowerShell script for you to automate deployment. You can run this cmdlet multiple times specifying a different name each time to create a delivery pipeline for each software product you wish to deploy independently.
Add-Pipeline -name "MyApp" -collection "http://your-tfsserver/tfs" -project "My Project" -controller "MyController" -dropFolder "\\SERVER\share"
.Parameter name
The name of the product or component that will be delivered by this pipeline.
.Parameter collection
The URI of the TFS collection to add powerdelivery to.
.Parameter project
The TFS project to add powerdelivery to.
.Parameter dropFolder
The folder compiled assets should go into from the pipeline.
.Parameter controller
The name of the TFS build controller the pipeline should use.
.Parameter template
Optional. The name of a directory within the "Templates" directory of wherever you installed powerdelivery to (usually C:\Chocolatey\lib\powerdelivery<version>). The default is "Blank". A template minimally must have the following files:
Check out the templates page on the wiki ( for more about which to use.
function Add-Pipeline {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $name,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $collection,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $project,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $dropFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $controller,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $template = "Blank",
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $vsVersion = "10.0"
$originalDir = Get-Location
$moduleDir = $PSScriptRoot
$curDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($moduleDir)
$buildsDir = Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "Pipelines"
try {
"Add Pipeline Utility"
"powerdelivery -"
if ($(get-host).version.major -lt 3) {
"Powershell 3.0 or greater is required."
LoadTFS -vsVersion $vsVersion
$outBaseDir = Join-Path -Path $buildsDir -ChildPath $project
Remove-Item -Path $buildsDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
mkdir -Force $outBaseDir | Out-Null
cd $buildsDir
"Removing existing workspace at $collection if it exists..."
tf workspace /delete "AddPowerDelivery_$($project)" /collection:"$collection" | Out-Null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host "NOTE: Error above is normal. This occurs if there wasn't a mapped working folder already."
"Creating TFS workspace for $collection..."
tf workspace /new /noprompt "AddPowerDelivery_$($project)" /collection:"$collection"
"Getting files from project $project..."
tf get "$project\*" /recursive /noprompt
$templateDir = Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "Templates\$template"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $templateDir)) {
Write-Error "Template '$template' does not exist."
"$templateDir -> $outBaseDir"
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path "$templateDir\*" -Destination $outBaseDir -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "BuildProcessTemplates") -Recurse -Destination "$outBaseDir" -Force
$newScriptName = "$outBaseDir\$name.ps1"
Move-Item -Force "$outBaseDir\Build.ps1" "$newScriptName"
Move-Item -Force "$outBaseDir\BuildShared.yml" "$outBaseDir\$($name)Shared.yml"
$buildDictionary = @{
"$name - Local" = "Local";
"$name - Commit" = "Commit";
"$name - Test" = "Test";
"$name - Capacity Test" = "CapacityTest";
"$name - Production" = "Production";
$buildDictionary.Values | % {
$envName = $_
$sourcePath = "$outBaseDir\Build$($envName).yml"
$destPath = "$outBaseDir\$($name)$($envName).yml"
if (Test-Path $sourcePath) {
Move-Item -Force $sourcePath $destPath
"Replacing build template variables..."
(Get-Content "$newScriptName") | % {
$_ -replace '%BUILD_NAME%', $name
} | Set-Content "$newScriptName"
"Checking in changed or new files to source control..."
tf add "$project\*.*" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
tf checkin "$project\*.*" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
"Connecting to TFS server at $collection to create builds..."
$projectCollection = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($collection)
$buildServer = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
$structure = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService])
$buildServerVersion = $buildServer.BuildServerVersion
if ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v3') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2010'
elseif ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v4') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2012'
else {
throw "TFS server must be version 2010 or 2012, a different version was detected."
$projectInfo = $structure.GetProjectFromName($project)
if (!$projectInfo) {
Write-Error "Project $project not found in TFS collection $collection"
$buildDictionary.GETENUMERATOR() | % {
$buildName = $_.Key
$buildEnv = $_.Value
$build = $null
if ($buildEnv -ne 'Local') {
try {
$build = $buildServer.GetBuildDefinition($project, $buildName)
"Found build $buildName, updating..."
catch {
"Creating build $buildName..."
$build = $buildServer.CreateBuildDefinition($project)
$build.Name = $buildName
if ($buildName.EndsWith("Commit")) {
$build.ContinuousIntegrationType = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.ContinuousIntegrationType]::Individual
else {
$build.ContinuousIntegrationType = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.ContinuousIntegrationType]::None
$build.BuildController = $buildServer.GetBuildController($controller)
$buildFound = $false
$processTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryTemplate.xaml"
$changeSetTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryChangeSetTemplate.xaml"
if ($powerdelivery.tfsVersion -eq 2012) {
$processTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryTemplate.11.xaml"
$changeSetTemplatePath = "`$/$project/BuildProcessTemplates/PowerDeliveryChangeSetTemplate.11.xaml"
$processTemplates = $buildServer.QueryProcessTemplates($project)
foreach ($processTemplate in $processTemplates) {
if ($processTemplate.ServerPath -eq $processTemplatePath -and $buildEnv -eq "Commit") {
$build.Process = $processTemplate
$buildFound = $true
elseif ($processTemplate.ServerPath -eq $changeSetTemplatePath -and $buildEnv -ne "Commit") {
$build.Process = $processTemplate
$buildFound = $true
$build.DefaultDropLocation = $dropFolder
if (!$buildFound) {
if ($buildEnv -eq "Commit") {
$templateToCreate = $processTemplatePath
else {
$templateToCreate = $changeSetTemplatePath
"Creating build process template for $templateToCreate..."
$processTemplate = $buildServer.CreateProcessTemplate($project, $templateToCreate)
$processTemplate.TemplateType = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.ProcessTemplateType]::Custom
"Saving process template..."
if ($processTemplate -eq $null) {
throw "Couldn't find a process template at $templateToCreate"
$build.Process = $processTemplate
$processParams = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.WorkflowHelpers]::DeserializeProcessParameters($build.ProcessParameters)
$processParams["Environment"] = $buildEnv
$scriptPath = "`$/$project/$($name).ps1"
$processParams["PowerShellScriptPath"] = $scriptPath
$build.ProcessParameters = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.WorkflowHelpers]::SerializeProcessParameters($processParams)
$groupSecurity = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.IGroupSecurityService])
$appGroups = $groupSecurity.ListApplicationGroups($projectInfo.Uri)
$buildDictionary.Values | % {
$envName = $_
if ($envName -ne 'Commit' -and $envName -ne 'Local') {
$groupName = "$name $envName Builders"
$group = $null
$appGroups | % {
if ($_.AccountName -eq $groupName) {
$group = $_
if (!$group) {
"Creating TFS security group $groupName..."
$groupSecurity.CreateApplicationGroup($projectInfo.Uri, $groupName, "Members of this group can queue $name builds targeting the $envName environment.") | Out-Null
Write-Host "Delivery pipeline '$name' ready at $collection for project '$project'" -ForegroundColor Green
finally {
try {
tf workspace /delete "AddPowerDelivery_$($project)" /collection:"$collection" | Out-Null
catch {}
del -Path $buildsDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
cd $originalDir
function Add-RemoteCredSSPTrustedHost {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] [string] $clientComputerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)] [string] $serverComputerName
$logPrefix = "Add-RemoteCredSSPTrustedHost"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $serverComputerName -ArgumentList @($logPrefix) -ScriptBlock {
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix Enabling $($env:COMPUTERNAME) to receive remote CredSSP credentials"
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force | Out-Null
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $clientComputerName `
-ArgumentList @($serverComputerName, $logPrefix) `
-ScriptBlock {
param($varServerComputerName, $varLogPrefix)
$credSSP = Get-WSManCredSSP
$computerExists = $false
if ($credSSP -ne $null) {
if ($credSSP.length -gt 0) {
$trustedClients = $credSSP[0].Substring($credSSP[0].IndexOf(":") + 2)
$trustedClientsList = $trustedClients -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
if ($trustedClientsList.Contains("wsman/$varServerComputerName")) {
$computerExists = $true
if (!$computerExists) {
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix Enabling CredSSP credentials to travel from $($env:COMPUTERNAME) to $varServerComputerName"
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer "$varServerComputerName" -Force | Out-Null
Adds an existing Windows user account on a computer to a specific Windows security group.
Adds an existing Windows user account on a computer to a specific Windows security group.
.Parameter userName
The username of the account to add to the group.
.Parameter groupName
The name of the group to add the user to.
.Parameter computerName
The computer to be modified.
Add-WindowsUserToGroup -userName 'DOMAIN\MyUser' `
-groupName 'Performance Monitor Users' `
-computerName MYCOMPUTER
function Add-WindowsUserToGroup {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $userName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)] $groupName,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)] $computerName
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Add-WindowsUserToGroup:"
$computerNames = $computerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
Invoke-Command $curComputerName {
$group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$using:curComputerName/$using:groupName,group"
$usersSet = [ADSI]"WinNT://$using:curComputerName/$using:groupName"
$users = @($usersSet.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
$foundAccount = $false
$users | foreach {
if ($_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null) -eq $using:userName) {
$foundAccount = $true
if (!$foundAccount) {
"$using:logPrefix Adding $using:userName user to $using:groupName group on $($using:curComputerName)..."
$group.psbase.Invoke("Add", ([ADSI]"WinNT://$using:userName").path)
"$using:logPrefix User $using:userName added to $using:groupName group on $($using:curComputerName) successfully."
function Backup-MasterDataServices {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $model,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)][string] $service,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=1)][string] $package,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][string] $version = "VERSION_1",
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][switch] $includeData = $false,
[Parameter(Position=6,Mandatory=0)][string] $credentialUserName,
[Parameter(Position=7,Mandatory=0)][string] $mdsDeployPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Master Data Services\Configuration\"
$logPrefix = "Backup-MasterDataServices:"
$computerNames = $computerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
"$logPrefix Backing up Master Data Services model $model on $computerName"
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
# Allow credentials to travel from remote computer to TFS server
$dropUri = New-Object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $dropLocation
if ($dropUri.IsUnc) {
$dropHost = $dropUri.Host
$remoteComputer = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName("$dropHost").HostName
Add-RemoteCredSSPTrustedHost $curComputerName $remoteComputer
$invokeArgs = @{
"ArgumentList" = @($model, $service, $package, $version, $includeData, $mdsDeployPath, $dropLocation, $logPrefix);
"ScriptBlock" = {
param($varModel, $varService, $varPackage, $varVersion, $varIncludeData, $varMdsDeployPath, $varDropLocation, $varLogPrefix)
$tempOutputDirectory = Join-Path $env:TEMP "PowerDelivery"
# Create the subdirectory of the package path if one was specified
$packagePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$varPackage")
if ($packagePath) {
$tempSubPath = Join-Path "$tempOutputDirectory" "$packagePath"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $tempSubPath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$tempSubPath" | Out-Null
$tempPackageFile = Join-Path "$tempOutputDirectory" "$varPackage"
# Delete the prior temporary backup if one exists
if (Test-Path -Path "$tempPackageFile") {
Remove-Item -Path "$tempPackageFile" -Force | Out-Null
# NOTE: The TFS Build Service account must have been given function and
# model permission to MDS so this command will succeed.
$mdsDeployPath = Join-Path $varMdsDeployPath "MDSModelDeploy"
$mdsDeployCommand = """$mdsDeployPath"" createpackage -package ""$tempPackageFile"" -model ""$varModel"" -service ""$varService"""
if ($varIncludeData) {
$mdsDeployCommand += " -version ""$varVersion"" -includedata"
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix $mdsDeployCommand"
Invoke-Expression "& $mdsDeployCommand"
# Copy the Master Data Services deployment package from the temporary directory to the build drop location.
if (Test-Path $tempPackageFile) {
$destPackagePath = $varDropLocation
if ($packagePath) {
$dropPath = Join-Path "$varDropLocation" "$packagePath"
if (!(Test-Path -Path "$dropPath")) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$dropPath" | Out-Null
$destPackagePath = $dropPath
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix $tempPackageFile -> $destPackagePath"
Copy-Item "$tempPackageFile" "$destPackagePath"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne $null -and $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Error backing up Master Data Services, exit code was $LASTEXITCODE"
"ErrorAction" = "Stop"
Add-CommandCredSSP $curComputerName $invokeArgs $credentialUserName
Invoke-Command @invokeArgs
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Backup" -header "Backups" -message "Master Data Services: $computerName -> $package"
function Copy-Robust {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $path,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $destination,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][string] $filter = "*.*",
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][switch] $recurse = $false,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][switch] $excludeNewer = $false,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][switch] $excludeOlder = $true
$logPrefix = "Copy-Robust:"
mkdir -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $destination | Out-Null
$command = "robocopy `"$path`" `"$destination`" $filter /E /NP /ETA /NJH /NJS /NFL /NDL"
if ($excludeNewer) {
$command += " /XN"
if ($excludeOlder) {
$command += " /XO"
if ($recurse -eq $false) {
$command += " /LEV:1"
"$logPrefix $command"
Invoke-Expression $command
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ge 8) {
throw "Robocopy failed to copy one or more files."
function Deploy-BuildAssets {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $path,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)][string] $destination,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][string] $filter = "*.*",
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][switch] $recurse = $false,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][string] $driveLetter = $powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter
$logPrefix = "Deploy-BuildAssets:"
$computerNames = $ComputerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
$dropSource = Join-Path $powerdelivery.deployDir $path
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
$remoteDeployPath = Get-ComputerRemoteDeployPath $curComputerName $driveLetter
$remoteDestinationPath = Join-Path $remoteDeployPath $destination
mkdir -Force $remoteDestinationPath | Out-Null
Copy-Robust $dropSource $remoteDestinationPath -filter $filter -recurse:$recurse.IsPresent
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "Build Assets: $path -> $destination ($computerName)"
Disables SQL jobs on a Microsoft SQL database server
Disables SQL jobs on a Microsoft SQL database server. You can disable a set of jobs that matches a wildcard.
If any of the jobs matching a wildcard are already running, the previously disabled jobs that match the same
wildcard will be restarted and an error will occur. This is to make sure all the jobs disable successfully
.Parameter serverName
The SQL server instance on which the jobs will be disabled.
.Parameter jobs
The jobs to disable. Can be a single job name, or a name with wildcards.
Disable-SqlJobs -serverName localhost -jobs MyJobs*
function Disable-SqlJobs {
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $serverName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $jobs
$logPrefix = "Disable-SqlJobs:"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
Write-Host "$logPrefix Disabling SQL jobs with pattern $jobs on $serverName"
$dataMartServer = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server("$serverName")
$dataMartJobs = $ | where-object {$_.Isenabled -eq $true -and $ -like "$jobs"}
$jobRunning = $false
$jobName = ''
foreach ($dataMartJob in $dataMartJobs) {
$jobName = $dataMartJob.Name
if ($dataMartJob.CurrentRunStatus.ToString() -ne 'Idle') {
$jobRunning = $true
else {
$dataMartJob.IsEnabled = $false
Write-Host "$logPrefix Job '$jobName' successfully disabled."
if ($jobRunning) {
foreach ($dataMartJob in $dataMartJobs) {
$dataMartJob.IsEnabled = $true
throw "$logPrefix Job '$jobName' is still running, stopping build."
Enables SQL jobs on a Microsoft SQL database server
Enables SQL jobs on a Microsoft SQL database server. You can enable a set of jobs that matches a wildcard.
.Parameter serverName
The SQL server instance on which the jobs will be enabled.
.Parameter jobs
The jobs to enable. Can be a single job name, or a name with wildcards.
Enable-SqlJobs -serverName localhost -jobs MyJobs*
function Enable-SqlJobs {
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $serverName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $jobs
$logPrefix = "Enable-SqlJobs:"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
Write-Host "$logPrefix Enabling SQL jobs with pattern $jobs on $serverName"
$dataMartServer = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server("$serverName")
$dataMartJobs = $ | where-object {$ -like "$jobs"}
foreach ($dataMartJob in $dataMartJobs) {
$jobName = $dataMartJob.Name
$dataMartJob.IsEnabled = $true
Write-Host "$logPrefix Job '$jobName' successfully enabled."
Sets up an IIS server to allow web deployment via msdeploy.exe.
The Enable-WebDeploy cmdlet is used to configure an IIS website for deployment.
Enable-WebDeploy -webComputer 'MyWebServer' -webDeployDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Web Deploy v3' -webSite 'MySite' -webPort '8080' -webPassword '3F#g&jKl'
.Parameter webComputer
The name of the computer to enable web deployment for. Must be Windows Server running IIS 7 or greater, with Web Deploy 3.0 and "Recommended Host Configuration" setup using Microsoft Platform Installer.
.Parameter webDeployDir
The directory on the web server computer into which Web Deploy 3 is installed. You can use a remote powershell command to read this out of the registry of the remote computer if your different enviroments have installed it in different locations.
.Parameter webSite
The name of the website to create. A corresponding application pool with the same name will also be created.
.Parameter webPort
The port the website should run on. Must not be an existing port in use on the server.
.Parameter webPassword
A user account will be created on the server that will allow deployment to it named after the website. This paramter specifies the password of that account.
.Parameter runtimeVersion
Optional. The version of .NET the application pool should be created with. Defaults to '4.0'.
function Enable-WebDeploy {
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)] $webComputer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $webDeployDir,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $webSite,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $webPort,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $webPassword,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $runtimeVersion = 'v4.0'
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Publish-WebDeploy:"
$computerNames = Get-ArrayFromStringOrHash $webComputer
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
if ($curComputerName -ne 'localhost' -and $powerdelivery.environment -ne 'Local') {
$remoteWebDeployDir = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $curComputerName {
$msDeploy3Path = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IIS Extensions\MSDeploy\3" -Name InstallPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($msDeploy3Path)) {
else {
throw "Couldn't find web deploy 3.0 on $($using:curComputerName). Please install the Web Platform Installer with Web Deploy 3.0 to continue."
$webDeployScriptsDir = Join-Path $remoteWebDeployDir "Scripts"
$siteSetupArgs = @(
"-siteName `"$webSite`"",
"-publishSettingSavePath `"C:\Inetpub\$webSite`"",
"-publishSettingFileName `"$($webSite).publishsettings`"",
"-sitePhysicalPath `"C:\Inetpub\$webSite`"",
"-sitePort $webPort",
"-siteAppPoolName `"$webSite`"",
"-deploymentUserName `"$webSite`"",
"-deploymentUserPassword '$webPassword'",
"-managedRunTimeVersion `"$runtimeVersion`""
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $curComputerName {
$setupScriptName = "SetupSiteForPublish.ps1"
$setupScriptPath = Join-Path $using:webDeployScriptsDir $setupScriptName
"$using:logPrefix `"$setupScriptPath`" $using:siteSetupArgs"
Invoke-Expression "& `"$setupScriptPath`" $using:siteSetupArgs" | Out-Host
Executes a command line executable. Original source included in psake (
Executes a command line executable. Throws an exception if a non-zero exit code is encountered.
.Parameter cmd
The command to execute.
.Parameter errorMessage
Optional. The error message to return in the exception if you wish to override the default.
Exec -errorMessage "Failed to compile MyProject" {
msbuild.exe MyProject.proj /v:m
function Exec {
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=0)][string]$errorMessage = ("Error executing command {0}" -f $cmd)
& $cmd
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
throw ("Exec: " + $errorMessage)
function Export-BuildCredentials {
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
$credentialsPath = Join-Path $currentDirectory Credentials
if (!(Test-Path $credentialsPath)) {
mkdir -Force $credentialsPath | Out-Null
$keyBytes = @()
$credentialsKeyPath = Join-Path $credentialsPath "Credentials.key"
if (!(Test-Path $credentialsKeyPath)) {
$keyBytes = (1..32 | % { [byte](Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 255) })
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($credentialsKeyPath, $keyBytes)
else {
$keyBytes = Get-Content $credentialsKeyPath
"Enter the username of an account to export credentials of:"
$userName = Read-Host
$userNameFile = $userName -replace "\\", "#"
$userNamePath = Join-Path $credentialsPath "$($userNameFile).txt"
"Enter the password of the account:"
$password = Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $keyBytes | Out-File $userNamePath -Force
"Credentials exported at $userNamePath"
function Get-ArrayFromStringOrHash {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $computerNames
if ($computerNames.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
return $computerNames.Values
else {
return @($computerNames)
Gets the application build version.
Returns the version of the application. Should be used to version assets so they match the build changeset.
The version of the application with the 4th segment being the TFS changeset number.
$appVersion = Get-BuildAppversion
function Get-BuildAppVersion {
return $powerdelivery.buildAppVersion;
Gets the assembly build version.
Returns the version of the application. Should be used to version assemblies so they match the build version.
The version of the application as specified when declaring the Pipeline at the top of your delivery pipeline script.
$assemblyVersion = Get-BuildAssemblyVersion
function Get-BuildAssemblyVersion {
return $powerdelivery.buildAssemblyVersion;
Copies build assets from the drop location to the build working directory.
Copies build assets from the drop location to the build working directory. You should specify
relative paths for this command.
.Parameter path
The relative remote path of assets at the drop location that should be copied locally.
.Parameter destination
The relative local path to copy the assets to.
.Parameter filter
Optional. A filter for the file extensions that should be included.
.Parameter recurse
Optional. Set to recursively copy all files within the source to the destination.
Get-BuildAssets "SomeDir\SomeFiles" "SomeDir" -Filter *.*
function Get-BuildAssets {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $path,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $destination,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][string] $filter = $null,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][switch] $recurse = $false
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
$sourcePath = Join-Path $dropLocation $path
$destinationPath = Join-Path $currentDirectory $destination
mkdir -Force $destinationPath | Out-Null
$copyArgs = @{"Force" = $true; "Filter" = $filter; "Path" = $sourcePath; "Destination" = $destinationPath}
if ($recurse) {
$copyArgs.Add("Recurse", $true)
& copy @copyArgs
Gets the TFS changeset of the source code being built.
Returns the changeset of the build.
The changeset of the TFS checkin being built (for example, C45 for changeset 46).
$changeSet = Get-BuildChangeSet
function Get-BuildChangeSet {
return $powerdelivery.changeSet
Gets the Uri of the TFS project collection containing the project being built.
Gets the Uri of the TFS project collection containing the project being built.
The Uri of the TFS project collection containing the project being built.
$collectionUri = Get-BuildCollectionUri
function Get-BuildCollectionUri {
return $powerdelivery.collectionUri
Gets YAML configuration used for the build. The values are in a hash that contains the result of
merging the target environment (Commit, Test, or Production etc.) and any entries in the "Shared"
configuration. Entries in the target environment overwrite the shared one.
Gets YAML configuration used for the build. The values are in a hash that contains the result of
merging the target environment (Commit, Test, or Production etc.) and any entries in the "Shared"
configuration. Entries in the target environment overwrite the shared one.
The YAML configuration object containing build configuration settings.
$buildConfig = Get-BuildConfig
function Get-BuildConfig {
return $powerdelivery.config
function Get-BuildCredentials {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=0)] $userName
$credentialUserName = $userName
if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace("$credentialUserName")) {
$credentialUserName = whoami
if (!$powerdelivery.buildCredentials.ContainsKey($credentialUserName)) {
$credentials = $null
if ($powerdelivery.environment -ne 'Local') {
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
$credentialsPath = Join-Path $currentDirectory Credentials
if (!(Test-Path $credentialsPath)) {
throw "Path $credentialsPath containing build credentials does not exist."
[byte[]]$keyBytes = New-Object byte[] 0
$credentialsKeyPath = Join-Path $credentialsPath "Credentials.key"
if (!(Test-Path $credentialsKeyPath)) {
throw "Credentials keyfile is missing."
else {
try {
[System.IO.Stream]$stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($credentialsKeyPath)
try {
$keyBytes = New-Object byte[] $stream.length
[void] $stream.Read($keyBytes, 0, $stream.Length)
finally {
$stream.Close() | Out-Null
catch {
throw "Error reading file $credentialsKeyPath - $_"
$userNameFile = $credentialUserName -replace "\\", "#"
$userNamePath = Join-Path $credentialsPath "$($userNameFile).txt"
if (!(Test-Path $userNamePath)) {
throw "File $userNamePath does not exist. Did you run Export-BuildCredentials to store them first?"
$password = Get-Content $userNamePath | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $keyBytes
$credentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $credentialUserName, $password
else {
$credentials = Get-Credential -UserName $credentialUserName
$powerdelivery.buildCredentials.Add($credentialUserName, $credentials)
else {
Gets the remote UNC path into which build assets should be placed.
Gets the remote UNC path into which build assets should be placed. You can use the
Publish-BuildAssets and Get-BuildAssets functions to push and pull files between
the local directory and the one returned by calling this function.
The remote UNC path into which build assets should be placed.
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
function Get-BuildDropLocation {
return $powerdelivery.dropLocation
Gets the environment the currently executing build is targeting for deployment.
Gets the environment the currently executing build is targeting. Should be
"Local", "Commit", "Test", "CapacityTest", or "Production".
The environment the currently executing build is targeting for deployment.
$environment = Get-BuildEnvironment
function Get-BuildEnvironment {
return $powerdelivery.environment
Gets the name of the currently executing build.
Gets the name of the currently executing build. This value will
match the name of the build as viewed in TFS and must be used to
call some TFS APIs.
The name of the currently executing build.
$name = Get-BuildName
function Get-BuildName {
return $powerdelivery.buildName
Gets the number of the currently executing build.
Gets the number of the currently executing build. This value
must be used to call some TFS APIs.
The number of the currently executing build.
$number = Get-BuildNumber
function Get-BuildNumber {
return $powerdelivery.buildNumber
Gets whether the build is running on the TFS server.
Returns whether the build is executing on the build server or not.
Whether the build is executing on the build server or not.
$onServer = Get-BuildOnServer
function Get-BuildOnServer {
return $powerdelivery.onServer
Gets the account name of the user who requested the build.
Gets the account name of the user who requested the build.
The account name of the user who requested the build.
$requestedBy = Get-BuildRequestedBy
function Get-BuildRequestedBy {
return $powerdelivery.requestedBy
Gets a configuration setting from the YML files for the environment
the currently executing build is targeting for deployment.
Gets a configuration setting from the YML files for the environment
the currently executing build is targeting for deployment.
.Parameter name
The name of the setting from the YML file to get.
The value of the setting from the YML file for the setting that was
$webServerName = Get-BuildSetting WebServerName
function Get-BuildSetting {
param([Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $name)
if (!$powerdelivery.config.ContainsKey($name)) {
throw "Couldn't find build setting '$name'"
Gets the name of the TFS project the build is delivering assets for.
Gets the name of the TFS project the build is delivering assets for.
The name of the TFS project the build is delivering assets for.
$teamProject = Get-BuildTeamProject
function Get-BuildTeamProject {
return $powerdelivery.teamProject
Gets the URI the build when running on TFS.
Gets the URI the build when running on TFS. This URI is required to
make some calls to the TFS API and should not be necessary for you
to use for most operations.
The URI of the build when running on TFS.
$uri = Get-BuildUri
function Get-BuildUri {
return $powerdelivery.buildUri
Gets the name of the TFS source control workspace name used to get a copy of the source code to compile.
Gets the name of the TFS source control workspace name used to get a copy of the source code to compile.
The name of the TFS source control workspace name used to get a copy of the source code to compile.
$workspaceName = Get-BuildWorkspaceName
function Get-BuildWorkspaceName {
return $powerdelivery.workspaceName
Retrieves the local path on a remote computer to deploy files into.
Retrieves the local path on a remote computer to deploy files into.
.Parameter computerName
The computer to retrieve the deploy path for.
.Parameter driveLetter
Optional. The drive letter upon which to deploy files. Defaults to "C"
$deployPath = Get-ComputerLocalDeployPath
function Get-ComputerLocalDeployPath {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=0)][string] $driveLetter = $powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter
$remoteDeployPath = Get-ComputerRemoteDeployPath $computerName -DriveLetter $powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter
$remoteDeployPath -replace "\\\\$computerName", "$($driveLetter):"
Retrieves the UNC path on a remote computer to deploy files into.
Retrieves the UNC path on a remote computer to deploy files into. This path
will be a subdirectory named after the build.
.Parameter computerName
The computer to retrieve the deploy path for.
.Parameter driveLetter
Optional. The drive letter upon which to deploy files. Defaults to "C"
$deployPath = Get-ComputerRemoteDeployPath
function Get-ComputerRemoteDeployPath {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=0)][string] $driveLetter = $powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter
$buildEnvironment = Get-BuildEnvironment
if (!$powerdelivery.deployShares.ContainsKey($computerName)) {
if (!$computerName.StartsWith("localhost"))
New-RemoteShare -computerName $computerName -shareName "PowerDelivery" -shareDirectory "$($driveLetter):\PowerDelivery" | Out-Host
$buildName = Get-BuildName
$buildNumber = Get-BuildNumber
$deployPath = "\\$computerName\PowerDelivery"
if ($computerName.StartsWith("localhost"))
$deployPath = "$($driveLetter):\PowerDelivery"
if (!(Test-Path $deployPath))
mkdir -Force $deployPath | Out-Null
$buildPath = "$deployPath\$buildName"
$buildPathAlias = "$deployPath\$($powerdelivery.scriptName) - $($buildEnvironment)"
mkdir $buildPath -Force | Out-Null
$buildMatches = "$($powerdelivery.scriptName) - $($buildEnvironment)*"
$prevBuildCount = (gci -Directory $deployPath | where-object -Property Name -Like $buildMatches).count
if ($prevBuildCount -gt 5) {
Write-Host "Removing builds older than newest 5 on $computerName for $buildMatches"
$numberToDelete = $prevBuildCount - 5
gci -Directory $deployPath | where-object -Property Name -Like $buildMatches | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | select -first $numberToDelete | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
$localDeployPath = $deployPath
if (!$computerName.StartsWith("localhost"))
$localDeployPath = $deployPath -replace "\\\\$computerName", "$($driveLetter):"
$localAliasPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($localDeployPath, "$($powerdelivery.scriptName) - $($buildEnvironment)")
$localBuildPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($localDeployPath, $buildName)
$invokeArgs = @{
"ArgumentList" = @($localAliasPath, $localBuildPath);
"ScriptBlock" = {
param($aliasPath, $buildPath)
if ((Test-Path -Path $aliasPath)) {
& cmd /c "rmdir ""$aliasPath"""
& cmd /c "mklink /J ""$aliasPath"" ""$buildPath""" | Out-Null
if (!$computerName.StartsWith("localhost")) {
$invokeArgs.Add("ComputerName", $computerName)
Invoke-Command @invokeArgs
$powerdelivery.deployShares.Add($computerName, $buildPathAlias)
Imports a delivery module for use by a delivery build script.
Imports a delivery module for use by a delivery build script. This causes
powerdelivery to try and find functions that match the following syntax
in any loaded PowerShell modules:
Where "ModuleName" is the value passed to the name parameter of this
function, and "Stage" is any of the delivery block names ("Init", "Commit",
"SetupEnvironment", "Deploy" etc.) prefixed with "Pre" to run before the
code in the delivery build script doing the import, or "Post" to run after.
.Parameter name
The name of the delivery module to import functions for.
Import-DeliveryModule MSBuild
function Import-DeliveryModule {
param([Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $name)
$functionName = "Initialize-$($name)DeliveryModule"
if (Get-Command $functionName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
& $functionName
$powerdelivery.deliveryModules += $name
else {
throw "Delivery Module $name could not be loaded. Unable to find function $functionName in loaded PowerShell modules."
function Import-Snapin {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $ModuleName
$ModuleLoaded = $false
$LoadAsSnapin = $false
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 2) {
if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -contains $ModuleName) {
Import-Module $ModuleName
if ((Get-Module | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -contains $ModuleName) {
$ModuleLoaded = $true
else {
$LoadAsSnapin = $true
elseif ((Get-Module | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -contains $ModuleName) {
$ModuleLoaded = $true
else {
$LoadAsSnapin = $true
else {
$LoadAsSnapin = $true
if ($LoadAsSnapin) {
try {
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Registered | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -contains $ModuleName) {
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
Add-PSSnapin $ModuleName
if ((Get-PSSnapin | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -contains $ModuleName) {
$ModuleLoaded = $true
elseif ((Get-PSSnapin | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}) -contains $ModuleName) {
$ModuleLoaded = $true
catch {
throw "Unable to load $ModuleName snapin or module."
Installs a Windows Service for an NServiceBus version 4+ Enterprise Service Bus host.
Installs a Windows Service for an NServiceBus version 4+ Enterprise Service Bus host.
You must have already copied the files necessary to run the host, including a copy
of NServiceBus.Host.exe to a directory local to that computer prior to calling this
cmdlet. You should call Uninstall-NServiceBusService prior to this cmdlet,
otherwise files will be in use.
.Parameter ComputerName
The name of the remote computer to install the service on.
.Parameter Name
The name of the service. This can be used to start/stop the service with the "net" command.
.Parameter DisplayName
The name that appears in the services control panel applet.
.Parameter Description
The description that appears in the services control panel applet.
.Parameter Directory
A relative path in the build drop location of files containing the service to install.
.Parameter AccountName
The user account under which the service will be configured to run. This account must already
exist on the computer specified by the ComputerName parameter.
.Parameter AccountPassword
The password under which the service will be configured to run.
.Parameter DriveLetter
Optional. The drive letter on the target computer to deploy to.
Install-NServiceBusService `
-ComputerName MyComputer `
-Name MyService `
-DisplayName "My Service" `
-Description "Does something wonderful" `
-Directory "C:\Share\MyService" `
-AccountName "MYDOMAIN\myuser" `
-AccountPassword "somep@ssword12"
function Install-NServiceBusService {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $ComputerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $Name,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)][string] $DisplayName,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=1)][string] $Description,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=1)][string] $Directory,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=1)][string] $AccountName,
[Parameter(Position=6,Mandatory=1)][string] $AccountPassword,
[Parameter(Position=7,Mandatory=0)] $IsMaster = $false,
[Parameter(Position=8,Mandatory=0)] $IsDistributor = $false,
[Parameter(Position=9,Mandatory=0)][string] $DistributorAddress,
[Parameter(Position=10,Mandatory=0)][string] $EndpointConfigurationType,
[Parameter(Position=11,Mandatory=0)][string] $DriveLetter = $powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Install-NServiceBusService:"
if ($IsMaster -and $IsDistributor) {
throw "An instance cannot be a distributor and a master."
if (($IsMaster -or $IsDistributor) -and ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DistributorAddress)) {
throw "The distributor address does not need to be specified for a master or distributor."
$computerNames = $ComputerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
Add-CredSSPTrustedHost $curComputerName
$dropServicePath = Join-Path $powerdelivery.deployDir $Directory
$remoteDeployPath = Get-ComputerRemoteDeployPath $curComputerName -DriveLetter $DriveLetter
$remoteServicePath = Join-Path $remoteDeployPath $Directory
$localDeployPath = Get-ComputerLocalDeployPath $curComputerName -DriveLetter $DriveLetter
$localServicePath = Join-Path $localDeployPath $Directory
"$logPrefix Creating $remoteServicePath"
mkdir -Force $remoteServicePath | Out-Null
"$logPrefix Copying $dropServicePath\* to $remoteServicePath"
copy "$dropServicePath\*" $remoteServicePath -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
"$logPrefix Installing $Name service on $curComputerName as $($AccountName)..."
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $AccountPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$accountCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($AccountName, $secpasswd)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $curComputerName -Authentication Credssp -Credential $accountCreds {
$installServiceArgs = @(
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($using:EndpointConfigurationType)) {
$installServiceArgs.Add('EndpointConfigurationType', $using:EndpointConfigurationType)
cd $using:localServicePath
Write-Host "$using:logPrefix $using:localServicePath\NServiceBus.Host.exe $installServiceArgs"
& "$using:localServicePath\NServiceBus.Host.exe" @installServiceArgs
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Error installing $using:Name - return code was $LASTEXITCODE"
else {
Write-Host "$using:Name service installed on $using:curComputerName."
"$using:logPrefix Starting $using:Name service on $using:curComputerName ..."
Get-Service -ComputerName $using:curComputerName $using:Name | Restart-Service
Do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
"$using:logPrefix Polling for $using:Name on $using:curComputerName to finish restarting..."
} Until ((Get-Service -ComputerName $using:curComputerName $using:Name).Status -eq "Running")
"$using:logPrefix $using:Name service started on $using:curComputerName successfully."
Invokes a PowerShell cmdlet passing a section of YAML from the build environment configuration as arguments to it.
Invokes a PowerShell cmdlet passing a section of YAML from the build environment configuration as arguments to it.
.Parameter section
hash - Each value of the hash will be passed to the cmdlet as arguments.
.Parameter cmdlet
string - The name of the cmdlet to invoke.
In the example below, there is a YAML configuration section named "Database" with
settings that match the arguments of the "Invoke-Roundhouse" cmdlet.
$databaseSection = Get-BuildSetting Database
Invoke-BuildConfigSection $databaseSection Invoke-Roundhouse
function Invoke-BuildConfigSection {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $section,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $cmdlet
$invokeArgs = @{}
if ($section.Keys) {
$section.Keys | % {
$sectionValue = $section[$_]
if ($sectionValue.GetType().Name -ne 'Hashtable' -and $sectionValue.StartsWith(":")) {
$present = $sectionValue.Substring(1)
$isPresent = [boolean]$present
$switchParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter -ArgumentList @($isPresent)
$invokeArgs.Add($_, $switchParameter)
else {
$invokeArgs.Add($_, $section[$_])
Invoke-Expression "& $cmdlet @invokeArgs"
Calls the Invoke-BuildConfigSection cmdlet once for each entry in a hash.
Calls the Invoke-BuildConfigSection cmdlet once for each entry in a hash. Use this to do
work on all nested entries in a section of YAML from the build environment configuration.
.Parameter sections
hash - Each value of the hash will be passed to Invoke-BuildConfigSection cmdlet.
.Parameter cmdlet
string - The name of the cmdlet to invoke.
In th example below, there is a YAML configuration section named "MSBuild" with YAML sections
below it. Each entry below it has settings that match the arguments of the "Invoke-MSBuild" cmdlet.
$msBuildSection = Get-BuildSetting MSBuild
Invoke-BuildConfigSections $msBuildSection Invoke-MSBuild
function Invoke-BuildConfigSections {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $sections,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $cmdlet
$sections.Keys | % {
$section = $sections[$_]
Invoke-BuildConfigSection $section $cmdlet
Compiles a project using msbuild.exe.
The Invoke-MSBuild cmdlet is used to compile a MSBuild-compatible project or solution. You should always use this cmdlet instead of a direct call to msbuild.exe or existing cmdlets you may have found online when working with powerdelivery.
This cmdlet provides the following essential continuous delivery features:
Updates the version of any AssemblyInfo.cs (or AssemblyInfo.vb) files with the current build version. This causes all of your binaries to have the build number. For example, if your build pipeline's version in the script is set to 1.0.2 and this is a build against changeset C234, the version of your assemblies will be set to
Automatically targets a build configuration matching the environment name ("Commit", "Test", or "Production"). Create build configurations named "Commit", "Test", and "Production" with appropriate settings in your projects for this to work. If you don't want this, you'll have to explicitly pass the configuration as a parameter.
Reports the status of the compilation back to TFS to be viewed in the build summary. This is important because it allows tests run using mstest.exe to have their run results associated with the compiled assets created using this cmdlet.
Invoke-MSBuild MyProject/MySolution.sln -properties @{MyCustomProp = SomeValue}
.Parameter projectFile
A relative path at or below the script directory that specifies an MSBuild project or solution to compile.
.Parameter properties
Optional. A PowerShell hash containing name/value pairs to set as MSBuild properties.
.Parameter target
Optional. The name of the MSBuild target to invoke in the project file. Defaults to the default target specified within the project file.
.Parameter toolsVersion
Optional. The version of MSBuild to run ("2.0", "3.5", "4.0", etc.). The default is "4.0".
.Parameter verbosity
Optional. The verbosity of this MSBuild compilation. The default is "m".
.Parameter buildConfiguration
Optional. The default is to use the same as the environment name. Create build configurations named "Commit", "Test", and "Production" with appropriate settings in your projects.
.Parameter flavor
Optional. The platform configuration (x86, x64 etc.) of this MSBuild complation. The default is "AnyCPU".
.Parameter ignoreProjectExtensions
Optional. A semicolon-delimited list of project extensions (".smproj;.csproj" etc.) of projects in the solution to not compile.
.Parameter dotNetVersion
Optional. The .NET version to use for compilation. Defaults to the version specified in the project file(s) being built.
function Invoke-MSBuild {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $projectFile,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=0)] $properties = @{},
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][string] $target,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][string] $toolsVersion,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][string] $verbosity = "m",
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][string] $buildConfiguration,
[Parameter(Position=6,Mandatory=0)][string] $flavor = "AnyCPU",
[Parameter(Position=7,Mandatory=0)][string] $ignoreProjectExtensions,
[Parameter(Position=8,Mandatory=0)][string] $dotNetVersion = "4.0"
$logPrefix = "Invoke-MSBuild:"
if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($buildConfiguration)) {
if ((Get-BuildEnvironment) -eq 'Local') {
$buildConfiguration = 'Debug'
else {
$buildConfiguration = 'Release'
if (!$properties.ContainsKey('Configuration')) {
$properties.Add('Configuration', $buildConfiguration)
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
$logFolder = Join-Path $dropLocation "Logs"
mkdir -Force $logFolder | Out-Null
$regKey = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\$dotNetVersion"
$regProperty = "MSBuildToolsPath"
$msbuildExe = Join-Path -path (Get-ItemProperty $regKey).$regProperty -childpath "msbuild.exe"
$msBuildCommand = "& ""$msbuildExe"""
$msBuildCommand += " /nologo /m"
if ($properties.length -gt 0) {
$properties.Keys | % {
$msBuildCommand += " ""/p:$($_)=$($properties.Item($_))"""
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($toolsVersion) -eq $false) {
$msBuildCommand += " ""/tv:$toolsVersion"""
$msBuildCommand += " `"/consoleloggerparameters:Verbosity=q`""
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($verbosity) -eq $false) {
$msBuildCommand += " /v:$verbosity"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ignoreProjectExtensions) -eq $false) {
$msBuildCommand += " ""/ignore:$ignoreProjectExtensions"""
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($target)) {
$msBuildCommand += " ""/T:$target"""
$projectFileBase = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($projectFile)
$logFile = "$($projectFileBase).log"
$msBuildCommand += " ""/l:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine;logfile=$logFile"""
$msBuildCommand += " ""$projectFile"""
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
if (Get-BuildOnServer) {
$fullProjectFile = Join-Path $currentDirectory $projectFile
$shortPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($fullProjectFile)
Update-AssemblyInfoFiles -path $shortPath
try {
"$logPrefix $msBuildCommand"
Exec -errorMessage "Invocation of MSBuild project $projectFile failed." {
Invoke-Expression $msBuildCommand | Out-Host
finally {
if (Get-BuildOnServer) {
$buildDetail = Get-CurrentBuildDetail
$projectFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($projectFile)
$tfsPath = "`$/$($projectFile.Replace('\', '/'))"
$publishTarget = "Default"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($target)) {
$publishTarget = $target
$logFilename = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($logFile)
$logDestFile = Join-Path $logFolder $logFilename
copy $logFile $logDestFile
$buildProjectNode = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.InformationNodeConverters]::AddBuildProjectNode(`
$buildDetail.Information, [DateTime]::Now, $buildConfiguration, $projectFile, $flavor, $tfsPath, [DateTime]::Now, $publishTarget)
$errorCount = 0
$warningCount = 0
Get-Content $logFile | Where-Object {$_ -like "*error*"} | % {
if ($_ -match "^.*(?=: error)") {
$parensStart = $Matches[0].IndexOf('(')
$parensEnd = $Matches[0].IndexOf(')')
$lineSep = $Matches[0].IndexOf(',')
$errorStart = $_.IndexOf(": error")
$fileName = ""
$lineNumber = 0
$lineCharacter = 0
if ($parensStart -eq -1 -or $parensEnd -eq -1) {
$fileName = $Matches[0].Substring(0, $errorStart)
else {
$fileName = $Matches[0].Substring(0, $parensStart)
$lineNumber = $Matches[0].Substring($parensStart + 1, $lineSep - ($parensStart + 1))
$lineCharacter = $Matches[0].Substring($lineSep + 1, $parensEnd - ($lineSep + 1))
$buildError = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.InformationNodeConverters]::AddBuildError(`
$buildProjectNode.Node.Children, "Compilation", $fileName, $lineNumber, $lineCharacter, "", $_.Substring($errorStart + 2), [DateTime]::Now)
Get-Content $logFile | Where-Object {$_ -like "*warning*"} | % {
if ($_ -match "^.*(?=: warning)") {
$parensStart = $Matches[0].IndexOf('(')
$parensEnd = $Matches[0].IndexOf(')')
$lineSep = $Matches[0].IndexOf(',')
$warningStart = $_.IndexOf(": warning")
$fileName = ""
$lineNumber = 0
$lineCharacter = 0
if ($parensStart -eq -1 -or $parensEnd -eq -1) {
$fileName = $Matches[0].Substring(0, $warningStart)
else {
$fileName = $Matches[0].Substring(0, $parensStart)
$lineNumber = $Matches[0].Substring($parensStart + 1, $lineSep - ($parensStart + 1))
$lineCharacter = $Matches[0].Substring($lineSep + 1, $parensEnd - ($lineSep + 1))
$buildWarning = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.InformationNodeConverters]::AddBuildWarning(`
$buildProjectNode.Node.Children, $fileName, $lineNumber, $lineCharacter, "", $_.Substring($warningStart + 2), [DateTime]::Now, "Compilation")
$buildProjectNode.CompilationErrors = $errorCount
$buildProjectNode.CompilationWarnings = $warningCount
$logDestUri = New-Object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $logDestFile
$logFileLink = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.InformationNodeConverters]::AddExternalLink(`
$buildProjectNode.Node.Children, "Log File", $logDestUri)
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Compile" -header "Compilations" -message "MSBuild: $projectFile ($flavor - $buildConfiguration)"
Runs unit tests using mstest.exe.
The Invoke-MSTest cmdlet is used to run unit or acceptance tests using mstest.exe. You should always use this cmdlet instead of a direct call to mstest.exe or existing cmdlets you may have found online when working with powerdelivery.
This cmdlet reports the results of the test run back to TFS to be viewed in the build summary.
IMPORTANT: You most only call Invoke-MSTest in the TestUnits or TestAcceptance blocks.
Invoke-MSTest -file MyTests.dll -results MyTestResults.trx -category AllTests
.Parameter file
string - The path to a file containing MSTest unit tests
.Parameter results
string - A path relative to the drop location (retrieved via Get-BuildDropLocation) of a test run results file (.trx) to store results in.
.Parameter category
string - Runs tests found in the file referenced by the file parameter on any classes found with the [TestCategory] attribute present set to this value.
.Parameter computerName
string - Optional. A remote computer on which to run the tests.
.Parameter platform
string - Optional. The platform configuration (x86, x64 etc.) of the project compiled using Invoke-MSBuild containing the tests that were run. The default is "AnyCPU".
.Parameter buildConfiguration
string - Optional. The default is to use the Release configuration.
function Invoke-MSTest {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $file,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $results,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)][string] $category,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][string] $testSettings,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][string] $platform = 'AnyCPU',
[Parameter(Position=6,Mandatory=0)][string] $buildConfiguration
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Invoke-MSTest:"
$environment = Get-BuildEnvironment
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
$localResults = Join-Path $currentDirectory $results
$fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($file)
$testsDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($file)
if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($buildConfiguration)) {
if ($environment -eq 'Local') {
$buildConfiguration = 'Debug'
else {
$buildConfiguration = 'Release'
$localTestsDir = Join-Path $currentDirectory $testsDir
$dropTestsDir = "$($dropLocation)$testsDir"
$dropResults = "$dropLocation\$results"
try {
$localTestSettings = $null
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($testSettings)) {
$dropTestSettings = Join-Path $dropLocation $testSettings
if (!(Test-Path $dropTestSettings -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "Couldn't find test settings file $testSettings"
$localTestSettings = Join-Path $currentDirectory $testSettings
copy -Force $dropTestSettings $localTestSettings | Out-Null
$filePath = $file
$localResults = Join-Path $currentDirectory $results
rm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force $localResults | Out-Null
Exec -errorMessage "Error running tests in $filePath" {
$command = "mstest /testcontainer:`"$filePath`" /category:`"$category`" /resultsfile:`"$localResults`" /usestderr /nologo"
if ($localTestSettings -ne $null) {
$command += " /testsettings:`"$($testSettings)`""
Write-Host "$logPrefix $command"
Invoke-Expression $command
finally {
if ($powerdelivery.onServer) {
if (Test-Path $localResults -PathType Leaf) {
copy $localResults $dropResults | Out-Null
# Publish acceptance test results for this build to the TFS server
Exec -errorMessage "Error publishing test results for $dropResults" {
$command = "mstest /publish:`"$(Get-BuildCollectionUri)`" /teamproject:`"$(Get-BuildTeamProject)`" /publishbuild:`"$(Get-BuildName)`" /publishresultsfile:`"$dropResults`" /flavor:$buildConfiguration /platform:$platform /nologo"
Write-Host "$logPrefix $command"
Invoke-Expression "$command"
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "TestUnits" -header "Unit Tests" -message "MSTest: $file -> $results"
Runs a continuous delivery build script using powerdelivery.
Runs a continuous delivery build script using powerdelivery. You should only ever
specify the first parameter of this function when running this function on your own
computer. All other parameters are used by the TFS server.
Invoke-PowerDelivery .\MyProduct.ps1
.Parameter buildScript
The relative path to to a local powerdelivery build script to run.
function Invoke-Powerdelivery {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $buildScript,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=0)][switch] $onServer = $false,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][string] $dropLocation,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][string] $changeSet,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][string] $requestedBy,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][string] $teamProject,
[Parameter(Position=6,Mandatory=0)][string] $workspaceName,
[Parameter(Position=7,Mandatory=0)][string] $environment = 'Local',
[Parameter(Position=8,Mandatory=0)][string] $buildUri,
[Parameter(Position=9,Mandatory=0)][string] $collectionUri,
[Parameter(Position=10,Mandatory=0)][string] $priorBuild
$logPrefix = "Powerdelivery:"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
function InvokePowerDeliveryModuleHook($blockName, $stage) {
$actionPerformed = $false
$powerdelivery.blockName = $blockName
$powerdelivery.moduleHooks["$stage$blockName"] | % {
& $_
$actionPerformed = $true
$powerdelivery.hookResult = $actionPerformed
function InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction($condition, $stage, $description, $status, $blockName) {
if ($condition) {
$actionPerformed = $false
$powerdelivery.blockName = $blockName
if ($blockName -ne "Init") {
"= $logPrefix $status..."
try {
InvokePowerDeliveryModuleHook $blockName 'Pre'
if ($powerdelivery.hookResult) {
$actionPerformed = $true
if ($stage) {
& $stage
$actionPerformed = $true
if ($blockName -eq "Compile") {
$yamlConfig = Get-BuildConfig
$assetOperations = $yamlConfig.Assets
if ($assetOperations) {
$assetOperations.Keys | % {
$invokeArgs = @{}
$assetOperation = $assetOperations[$_]
if ($assetOperation.Path) {
$invokeArgs.Add('path', $assetOperation.Path)
if ($assetOperation.Destination) {
$invokeArgs.Add('destination', $assetOperation.Destination)
if ($assetOperation.Filter) {
$invokeArgs.Add('filter', $assetOperation.Filter)
if ($assetOperation.Recurse) {
$invokeArgs.Add('Recurse', $true)
& Publish-BuildAssets @invokeArgs
InvokePowerDeliveryModuleHook $blockName 'Post'
if ($powerdelivery.hookResult) {
$actionPerformed = $true
$message = "No actions performed."
if ($actionPerformed) {
$message = "Successful."
finally {
Set-Location $powerdelivery.currentLocation
function MergeHashNested($baseHash, $subHash) {
$mergedHash = @{}
$baseHash.Keys | % {
if (!$subHash.ContainsKey($_)) {
$mergedHash.Add($_, $baseHash[$_])
else {
$baseHashVal = $baseHash[$_]
if ($baseHashVal.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
$childMergedHash = MergeHashNested -baseHash $baseHashVal -subHash $subHash[$_]
$mergedHash.Add($_, $childMergedHash)
else {
$mergedHash.Add($_, $subHash[$_])
$subHash.Keys | % {
if ($baseHash -eq $null -or !$baseHash.ContainsKey($_)) {
$mergedHash.Add($_, $subHash[$_])
function ReplaceReferencedConfigSettings($yamlNodes, $replaceFor = @()) {
if ($yamlNodes.Keys) {
$replacedValues = @{}
$yamlNodes.Keys | % {
$yamlNode = $yamlNodes[$_]
if ($yamlNode.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
$subReplacements = $replaceFor | % { $_ }
$subReplacements += $_
ReplaceReferencedConfigSettings -yamlNodes $yamlNode -replaceFor $subReplacements
else {
$matches = Select-String "\<<.*?\>>" -InputObject $yamlNode -AllMatches | Foreach {$_.Matches}
$replacedValue = $yamlNode
$matches | Foreach {
$envSettingName = $_.Value.Substring(2, $_.Length - 4)
$envSettingValue = [String]::Empty
foreach ($replacement in $replaceFor) {
if ($envSettingName.Equals($replacement, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
throw "Configuration setting $envSettingName and $replacement refer to each other causing a circular dependency"
if ($envSettingName -like "Credentials:*") {
$userName = $envSettingName.Substring(12)
$replacedValue = Get-BuildCredentials $userName
else {
try {
$envSettingValue = Get-BuildSetting $envSettingName
catch {
if ($envSettingName -eq "BuildAppVersion") {
$envSettingValue = $powerdelivery.buildAppVersion
elseif ($envSettingName -eq "BuildEnvironment") {
$envSettingValue = $powerdelivery.environment
elseif ($envSettingName -eq "BuildNumber") {
$envSettingValue = $powerdelivery.buildNumber
elseif ($envSettingName -eq "BuildDropLocation") {
$envSettingValue = $powerdelivery.dropLocation
else {
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
throw "Error replacing setting in module configuration file: $errorMessage"
if ($envSettingValue.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
$subReplacements = $replaceFor | % { $_ }
$subReplacements += $envSettingName
$replacedValue = ReplaceReferencedConfigSettings -yamlNodes $envSettingValue -replaceFor $subReplacements
else {
$subReplacements = $replaceFor | % { $_ }
$subReplacements += $envSettingName
$forwardNodes = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable
$forwardNodes.Add($envSettingName, $envSettingValue)
ReplaceReferencedConfigSettings -yamlNodes $forwardNodes -replaceFor $subReplacements
$replacedValue = $replacedValue -replace $_, $forwardNodes[$envSettingName]
$replacedValues.Add($_, $replacedValue)
$replacedValues.GetEnumerator() | Foreach {
$yamlNodes[$_.Name] = $_.Value
function PrintSpaces($numSpaces, $forYaml) {
$val = ""
$spaceIndex = 0
while ($spaceIndex -lt $numSpaces) {
if (!$forYaml -and $spaceIndex -eq 0) {
$val += ".."
else {
$val += ".."
function PrintConfiguration($configNodes, $depth, $forYaml) {
$envMessage = ""
foreach ($configSetting in $configNodes.GetEnumerator() | Sort Name) {
$envValue = $configSetting.Value
if ($envValue.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
$newDepth = $depth + 1
$nestedValSpaces = PrintSpaces -numSpaces $depth -forYaml $forYaml
$nestedVal = "$nestedValSpaces$($configSetting.Key):`r`n"
$nestedVal += (PrintConfiguration -configNodes $envValue -depth $newDepth -forYaml $forYaml)
$envMessage += $nestedVal
else {
if ($configSetting.Key.EndsWith("Password")) {
$envValue = '********'
$envValWithSpaces = PrintSpaces -numSpaces $depth -forYaml $forYaml
$envMessage += "{0}{1}: {2}`r`n" -f $envValWithSpaces, $configSetting.Key, $envValue
if (!$dropLocation.EndsWith('\')) {
$dropLocation = "$($dropLocation)\"
$powerdelivery.moduleHooks = @{
"PreInit" = @(); "PostInit" = @();
"PreCompile" = @(); "PostCompile" = @();
"PreTestEnvironment" = @(); "PostTestEnvironment" = @();
"PreDeploy" = @(); "PostDeploy" = @();
"PreTestAcceptance" = @(); "PostTestAcceptance" = @();
"PreTestUnits" = @(); "PostTestUnits" = @();
"PreTestCapacity" = @(); "PostTestCapacity" = @()
$powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter = "C"
$powerdelivery.deployShares = @{}
$powerdelivery.buildCredentials = @{}
$powerdelivery.deliveryModules = @()
$powerdelivery.assemblyInfoFiles = @()
$powerdelivery.currentLocation = gl
$powerdelivery.noReleases = $true
$powerdelivery.config = @()
$powerdelivery.environment = $environment
$powerdelivery.dropLocation = $dropLocation
$powerdelivery.changeSet = $changeSet
$powerdelivery.requestedBy = $requestedBy
$powerdelivery.teamProject = $teamProject
$powerdelivery.workspaceName = $workspaceName
$powerdelivery.collectionUri = $collectionUri
$powerdelivery.buildUri = $buildUri
$powerdelivery.onServer = $onServer
$powerdelivery.buildNumber = $null
$powerdelivery.buildName = $null
$powerdelivery.priorBuild = $priorBuild
$powerdelivery.deployDir = Join-Path (Get-Location) "PowerDeliveryDeploy"
if ((Test-Path $powerdelivery.deployDir) -and ($onServer -eq $true -or $environment -eq "Local")) {
Remove-Item -Path $powerdelivery.deployDir -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
mkdir -Force $($powerdelivery.deployDir) | Out-Null
$powerdelivery.version = Get-Module powerdelivery | select version | ForEach-Object { $_.Version.ToString() }
"powerdelivery $($powerdelivery.version) -"
$appScript = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($buildScript)
$powerdelivery.scriptName = $appScript
$TranscriptFile = Join-Path $powerdelivery.currentLocation "$($powerdelivery.scriptName)Build.log"
Start-Transcript -Path $TranscriptFile
try {
if ($onServer -eq $true) {
Require-NonNullField -variable $changeSet -errorMsg "-changeSet parameter is required when running on TFS"
Require-NonNullField -variable $requestedBy -errorMsg "-requestedBy parameter is required when running on TFS"
Require-NonNullField -variable $teamProject -errorMsg "-teamProject parameter is required when running on TFS"
Require-NonNullField -variable $workspaceName -errorMsg "-workspaceName parameter is required when running on TFS"
Require-NonNullField -variable $environment -errorMsg "-environment parameter is required when running on TFS"
Require-NonNullField -variable $collectionUri -errorMsg "-collectionUri parameter is required when running on TFS"
Require-NonNullField -variable $buildUri -errorMsg "-buildUri parameter is required when running on TFS"
Require-NonNullField -variable $dropLocation -errorMsg "-dropLocation parameter is required when running on TFS"
if ($powerdelivery.environment -ne "Local") {
$powerdelivery.collection = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($collectionUri)
$powerdelivery.buildServer = $powerdelivery.collection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
$powerdelivery.structure = $powerdelivery.collection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService])
$buildServerVersion = $powerdelivery.buildServer.BuildServerVersion
if ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v3') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2010'
elseif ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v4') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2012'
else {
throw "TFS server must be version 2010 or 2012, a different version was detected."
$powerdelivery.projectInfo = $powerdelivery.structure.GetProjectFromName($teamProject)
if (!$powerdelivery.projectInfo) {
throw "Project '$teamProject' not found in TFS collection '$collectionUri'"
$powerdelivery.groupSecurity = $powerdelivery.collection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.IGroupSecurityService])
$powerdelivery.appGroups = $powerdelivery.groupSecurity.ListApplicationGroups($powerdelivery.projectInfo.Uri)
else {
$powerdelivery.requestedBy = whoami
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
$powerdelivery.dropLocation = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($currentDirectory, "$($appScript)BuildDrop")
if ($powerdelivery.environment -eq 'Local') {
if (Test-Path $powerdelivery.dropLocation) {
Remove-Item -Path $powerdelivery.dropLocation -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
mkdir $powerdelivery.dropLocation -Force | Out-Null
$dropLocation = $powerdelivery.dropLocation
$envConfigFileName = "$($appScript)$($environment)"
$sharedConfigFileName = "$($appScript)Shared.yml"
$yamlFile = "$($envConfigFileName).yml"
if (Test-Path -Path $yamlFile) {
$yamlPath = (Resolve-Path ".\$($yamlFile)")
$powerdelivery.config = Get-Yaml -FromFile $yamlPath
else {
Write-Host (Get-Location)
throw "Build configuration file $yamlFile not found."
if ($onServer) {
Enable-PSRemoting -Force | Out-Null
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force | Out-Null
if (Test-Path -Path $sharedConfigFileName) {
$yamlPath = (Resolve-Path ".\$($sharedConfigFileName)")
$loadedSharedConfig = $false
if (Test-Path $yamlPath) {
try {
$sharedConfig = Get-Yaml -FromFile $yamlPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$loadedSharedConfig = $true
catch {
"WARNING: Tried to load $sharedConfigFileName but was empty."
else {
Write-Host "WARNING: File $yamlPath not found, not loading shared environment configuration."
if ($loadedSharedConfig) {
$powerdelivery.config = MergeHashNested -baseHash $sharedConfig -subHash $powerdelivery.config
Invoke-Expression -Command ".\$appScript"
"= Deployment Pipeline"
"`nName: $appScript"
"Version: $($powerdelivery.buildAppVersion)`n"
"= PowerShell Script Parameters"
$scriptParams = @{}
$scriptParams["Requested By"] = $powerdelivery.requestedBy
$scriptParams["Environment"] = $powerdelivery.environment
if ($onServer) {
$scriptParams["Team Collection"] = $powerdelivery.collectionUri
$scriptParams["Team Project"] = $powerdelivery.teamProject
$scriptParams["Change Set"] = $powerdelivery.changeSet
$buildNameSegments = $powerdelivery.dropLocation.split('\') | where {$_}
$buildNameIndex = $buildNameSegments.length - 1
$buildName = $buildNameSegments[$buildNameIndex]
$powerdelivery.buildName = $buildName
$scriptParams["Build Name"] = $powerdelivery.buildName
$buildNumber = $powerdelivery.buildUri.Substring($buildUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
$powerdelivery.buildNumber = $buildNumber
$scriptParams["Build Number"] = $buildNumber
if ($powerdelivery.environment -ne "Local" -and $powerdelivery.environment -ne "Commit") {
$scriptParams["Prior Build"] = $powerdelivery.priorBuild
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Application" -header "Release" -message "Version: $($powerdelivery.buildAppVersion)`nEnvironment: $($powerdelivery.environment)`nBuild: $($powerdelivery.buildNumber)"
else {
$now = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"
$buildNameSegments = $powerdelivery.dropLocation.split('\') | where {$_}
$buildNameIndex = $buildNameSegments.length - 1
$buildName = $buildNameSegments[$buildNameIndex]
$powerdelivery.buildName = "$($powerdelivery.scriptName) - $($powerdelivery.environment)_$($now)"
$scriptParams["Build Name"] = $powerdelivery.buildName
$scriptParams["Drop Location"] = $powerdelivery.dropLocation
$scriptParams.Keys | % {
"{0}: {1}" -f $_, $scriptParams[$_]
"= Environment"
$configMessage = ""
$powerdelivery.config.Keys | % {
$configKey = $_
$configVal = $powerdelivery.config[$_]
$configMessage += "`n$($configKey): "
if ($configVal.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
$configMessage += "{"
$configSectionNames = @()
$configVal.Keys | % { $configSectionNames += $_ }
$configMessage += $configSectionNames -join ", "
$configMessage += "}"
else {
if ($_ -contains "password") {
$configMessage += "*******"
else {
$configMessage += $configVal
$yamlContents = PrintConfiguration -configNodes $powerdelivery.config -depth 0 -forYaml $true
$yamlContents | Out-File -FilePath (Join-Path $dropLocation "$($appScript).yml") -Encoding ASCII
PrintConfiguration -configNodes $powerdelivery.config -depth 0 -forYaml $false
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Environment" -header "Environment Configuration" -message $configMessage
$noModules = $true
if ($powerdelivery.deliveryModules) {
$deliveryModules = @()
$powerdelivery.deliveryModules | ForEach-Object {
if ($noModules) {
"= Delivery Modules"
$noModules = $false
$moduleVersion = $null
try {
$moduleVersion = Get-Module "$($_)DeliveryModule" | select version | ForEach-Object { $_.Version.ToString() }
catch { }
$moduleString = $_
if ($moduleVersion) {
$moduleString = "$($_) ($moduleVersion)"
$deliveryModules += $moduleString
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "DeliveryModules" -header "Delivery Modules" -message $moduleString
$deliveryModules -join ", "
if ($powerdelivery.environment -ne "Commit" -and $powerdelivery.onServer -eq $true) {
$groupName = "$appScript $environment Builders"
$buildGroup = $null
$permitted = $false
$sidSearchFactor = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.SearchFactor]::Sid
$accountNameSearchFactor = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.SearchFactor]::AccountName
$expandedQueryMembership = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.QueryMembership]::Expanded
$requestingIdentity = $powerdelivery.groupSecurity.ReadIdentity($accountNameSearchFactor, $powerdelivery.requestedBy, $expandedQueryMembership)
$powerdelivery.appGroups | % {
if (($_.AccountName.ToLower() -eq $groupName.ToLower()) -and $buildGroup -eq $null) {
$buildGroup = $_
$groupMembers = $powerdelivery.groupSecurity.ReadIdentities($sidSearchFactor, $buildGroup.Sid, $expandedQueryMembership)
foreach ($member in $groupMembers) {
foreach ($memberSid in $member.Members) {
if ($memberSid -eq $requestingIdentity.Sid) {
$permitted = $true
if (!$buildGroup) {
throw "TFS Security group '$groupName' not found for project '$teamProject'. This group must exist to verify the user requesting the build is a member."
if (!$permitted) {
throw "User '$($powerdelivery.requestedBy)' who queued build must be a member of TFS Security group '$groupName' to build targeting the '$environment' environment."
$powerdelivery.priorBuild = $powerdelivery.buildServer.GetBuild("vstfs:///Build/Build/$priorBuild")
if ($powerdelivery.priorBuild -eq $null) {
throw "Build to promote '$priorBuild' could not be found. Are you sure you specified the build number of a prior build?"
$priorBuildName = $powerdelivery.priorBuild.BuildDefinition.Name.ToLower()
if (!$priorBuildName.StartsWith($appScript.ToLower())) {
throw "Prior build '$priorBuildName' is for a different product. Please specify the build number of a prior build for the same product."
if ($environment -eq 'Production') {
if (!$priorBuildName.EndsWith('- test')) {
throw "Attempt to target production with a non-test build. Please specify the build number of a prior Test environment build to promote it to production."
elseif (!$priorBuildName.EndsWith('- commit')) {
throw "Attempt to promote a non-commit build. Please specify the build number of a prior Commit environment build to promote it into this environment."
InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction -condition $true -stage $powerdelivery.init -description "Initialization" -status "Initializing" -blockName "Init"
InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction -condition ((($powerdelivery.environment -eq 'Commit') -and $onServer) -or $powerdelivery.environment -eq 'Local') -stage $powerdelivery.compile -description "Compilations" -status "Compiling" -blockName "Compile"
$destDropLocation = $powerdelivery.dropLocation.TrimEnd('\')
$destCurrentLocation = $powerdelivery.currentLocation.Path.TrimEnd('\')
if ($powerdelivery.environment -ne "Local" -and $powerdelivery.environment -ne "Commit" -and $powerdelivery.onServer) {
$priorBuildDrop = $powerdelivery.priorBuild.DropLocation
"$logPrefix Cloning deployed assets from $priorBuildDrop to $destDropLocation"
Copy-Robust $priorBuildDrop $destDropLocation -recurse
"$logPrefix Retrieving assets from $destDropLocation into deploy directory"
Copy-Robust $destDropLocation $($powerdelivery.deployDir) -recurse
"$logPrefix Setting location to $($powerdelivery.deployDir)"
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction -condition ($powerdelivery.environment -eq 'Commit' -or $powerdelivery.environment -eq 'Local') -stage $powerdelivery.testUnits -description "Unit Tests" -status "Testing Units" -blockName "TestUnits"
InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction -condition $true -stage $powerdelivery.deploy -description "Deployments" -status "Deploying" -blockName "Deploy"
InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction -condition $true -stage $powerdelivery.testEnvironment -description "Environment Tests" -status "Testing Environment" -blockName "TestEnvironment"
InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction -condition ($environment -eq 'Commit' -or $environment -eq 'Local' -or $environment -eq 'Test') -stage $powerdelivery.testAcceptance -description "Acceptance Tests" -status "Testing Acceptance" -blockName "TestAcceptance"
InvokePowerDeliveryBuildAction -condition ($environment -eq 'CapacityTest') -stage $powerdelivery.testCapacity -description "Capacity Tests" -status "Testing Capacity" -blockName "TestCapacity"
Write-Host "`nPowerdelivery: Build succeeded!`n" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
catch {
Set-Location $powerdelivery.currentLocation
$ErrorRecord = $_[0]
"= $logPrefix Build failure details"
$Exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception
if ($Exception -ne $null)
"`nException(s) details:"
for ($i = 0; $Exception; $i++, ($Exception = $Exception.InnerException))
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Exception.Message)) {
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Exception.StackTrace)) {
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorRecord.PSMessageDetails)) {
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId)) {
Write-Host "`nPowerdelivery: Build Failed!`n" -ForegroundColor Red
finally {
Copy-Item -Force $TranscriptFile $powerdelivery.dropLocation | Out-Null
Set-Location $powerdelivery.currentLocation
Contains code that will execute during the Init stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
Contains code that will execute during the Init stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
.Parameter action
The block of script containing the code to execute.
Init { DoStuff() }
function Init {
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action)
$powerdelivery.init = $action
Contains code that will execute during the Compile stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
Contains code that will execute during the Compile stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
.Parameter action
The block of script containing the code to execute.
Compile { DoStuff() }
function Compile {
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action)
$powerdelivery.compile = $action
Contains code that will execute during the Deploy stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
Contains code that will execute during the Deploy stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
.Parameter action
The block of script containing the code to execute.
Deploy { DoStuff() }
function Deploy {
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action)
$powerdelivery.deploy = $action
Contains code that will execute during the TestEnvironment stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
Contains code that will execute during the TestEnvironment stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
.Parameter action
The block of script containing the code to execute.
TestEnvironment { DoStuff() }
function TestEnvironment {
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action)
$powerdelivery.testEnvironment = $action
Contains code that will execute during the TestUnits stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
Contains code that will execute during the TestUnits stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
.Parameter action
The block of script containing the code to execute.
TestUnits { DoStuff() }
function TestUnits {
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action)
$powerdelivery.testUnits = $action
Contains code that will execute during the TestAcceptance stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
Contains code that will execute during the TestAcceptance stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
.Parameter action
The block of script containing the code to execute.
TestAcceptance { DoStuff() }
function TestAcceptance {
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action)
$powerdelivery.testAcceptance = $action
Contains code that will execute during the TestCapacity stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
Contains code that will execute during the TestCapacity stage of the delivery pipeline build script.
.Parameter action
The block of script containing the code to execute.
TestCapacity { DoStuff() }
function TestCapacity {
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action)
$powerdelivery.testCapacity = $action
Declares a continous delivery pipeline at the top of a powerdelivery build script.
Declares a continous delivery pipeline at the top of a powerdelivery build script.
.Parameter scriptName
The name of the script being executed. Should match the .ps1 filename (without extension).
.Parameter version
The version of the product being delivered. Should include 3 version specifiers (e.g. 1.0.5)
Pipeline "MyApp" -Version "1.0.5"
function Pipeline {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)][string] $scriptName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $version
$powerdelivery.pipeline = $this
$powerdelivery.buildAssemblyVersion = $version
$powerdelivery.scriptName = $scriptName
$buildAppVersion = "$appVersion"
if ($environment -ne 'local') {
if ($onServer) {
$changeSetNumber = $powerdelivery.changeSet.Substring(1)
$buildAppVersion = "$($version).$($changeSetNumber)"
else {
$changeSetNumber = "0"
$buildAppVersion = "$($version).0"
else {
$buildAppVersion = $version
$powerdelivery.buildAppVersion = $buildAppVersion
Migrates a database using roundhouse.exe.
The Invoke-Roundhouse cmdlet will run migration scripts on a database using the RoundhousE database migration tool.
In the Compile function of your build, you should copy the directory containing your roundhouse scripts to a subdirectory of the drop location named "Databases". For example, if you had a database named "MyDatabase" you'd have the following directory in TFS with your scripts:
You should copy them in Compile to here:
where DropLocation above is the result of the Get-BuildDropLocation function.
IMPORTANT: Call Invoke-Roundhouse only in the Deploy block.
Init {
$script:dbServer = Get-BuildSetting DatabaseServer
$script:dbName = Get-BuildSetting DatabaseName
$script:dbDir = Join-Path $currentDirectory Databases
$script:dbDropDir = Join-Path $dropLocation Databases
$script:productionBackup = D:\Backups\MyDatabase_Latest.mdf
$script:dataDir = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server10\MSAS11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data"
Compile {
copy -Recurse -Filter *.* $dbDir $dropLocation
Deploy {
Invoke-Roundhouse -server $dbServer `
-database $dbName `
-scriptsDir "$dbDropDir\MyDatabase" `
-restorePath $productionBackup `
-restoreOptions "MOVE 'MyDatabase' TO '$($dataDir)\$($dbName).mdf', MOVE 'MyDatabase_log' TO '$($dataDir)\$($dbName).ldf', REPLACE, RECOVERY"
.Parameter scriptsDir
Path to the directory containing Roundhouse migration scripts to run. Should be a subdirectory of your build's drop location.
.Parameter database
The name of the database to run scripts against.
.Parameter server
Optional. The name of the SQL server to run scripts against. Use this or the connectionString parameter.
.Parameter connectionString
Optional. The connection string to the database. Use this or the server parameter.
.Parameter restorePath
Optional. Path to a .mdf file (backup) of a database file to restore. Until you have a database in production don't specify this property in your build. Once you have a database in production, if you specify the path to your latest production backup file, this be restored prior to running migration scripts. This allows you to test the changes exactly as they would be applied were the current build released to production.
.Parameter restoreOptions
Optional. A string of options to pass to the RESTORE T-SQL statement performed. Use this to specify for instance the .sql and .log file paths that should be used instead of the ones contained within the backup file.
.Parameter commandTimeout
Optional. Default is 60. The number of seconds after which the deployment will timeout.
.Parameter databaseType
Optional. Default is 'sqlserver'. The type of database being deployed to.
.Parameter versionFile
Optional. Default is '_BuildInfo.xml'. This file is only needed if using an XML file to manage versions.
.Parameter doNotCreateDatabase
Optional. Default is false. Whether the database should not be created if it doesn't exist.
.Parameter disableOutput
Optional. Default is false. Whether output should not be displayed in the console.
.Parameter withTransaction
Optional. Default is false. Whether deployment should occur within a transaction.
.Parameter recoveryMode
Optional. Default is 'NoChange'. The mode of recovery used if deployment fails.
function Invoke-Roundhouse {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $scriptsDir,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=0)][string] $database,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][string] $server,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][string] $connectionString,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][string] $restorePath,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][string] $restoreOptions,
[Parameter(Position=6,Mandatory=0)][int] $commandTimeout = 60,
[Parameter(Position=7,Mandatory=0)][string] $databaseType = 'sqlserver',
[Parameter(Position=8,Mandatory=0)][string] $versionFile = '_BuildInfo.xml',
[Parameter(Position=10,Mandatory=0)][switch] $doNotCreateDatabase = $false,
[Parameter(Position=11,Mandatory=0)][switch] $disableOutput = $false,
[Parameter(Position=10,Mandatory=0)][switch] $withTransaction = $false,
[Parameter(Position=10,Mandatory=0)][string] $recoveryMode = 'NoChange'
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Invoke-Roundhouse:"
$environment = Get-BuildEnvironment
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
$dropScriptsDir = Join-Path $dropLocation $scriptsDir
$localScriptsDir = Join-Path (gl) $scriptsDir
$localOutDir = Join-Path $localScriptsDir output
$dropOutDir = Join-Path $dropScriptsDir output
$command = "rh --silent --commandtimeout=$commandTimeout --databasetype=`"$databaseType`" --versionfile=`"$versionFile`" --recoverymode=`"$recoveryMode`""
if ($doNotCreateDatabase -eq $true) {
$command += " --dc"
if ($disableOutput -eq $true) {
$command += " --disableoutput"
if ($withTransaction -eq $true) {
$command += " --withtransaction"
if ($debug -eq $true) {
$command += " --debug"
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($server) -and ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($database)) {
$command += " /s=$server /d=`"$database`""
elseif (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($connectionString)) {
$command += " /c=`"$connectionString`""
else {
throw "You must specify the server and database, or connectionString parameter."
$command += " /f=""$localScriptsDir"" /env=$environment /o=""$localScriptsDir\output"""
if ($environment -ne 'Production' -and ![String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($restorePath)) {
$command += " --restore --restorefrompath=`"$restorePath`""
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($restoreOptions)) {
$command += " --restorecustomoptions=`"$restoreOptions`""
Write-Host "$logPrefix $command"
Exec -ErrorAction Stop {
Invoke-Expression -Command $command
Copy-Robust $localOutDir $dropOutDir -recurse
if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($connectionString)) {
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "Roundhouse: $scriptsDir -> $database ($server)"
else {
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "Roundhouse: $scriptsDir -> `"$connectionString`""
Runs an SSIS package using dtexec.exe.
The Invoke-SSIS cmdlet is used to execute a Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package. This cmdlet runs dtexec.exe on a remote computer.
Copy your .dtsx packages to a UNC share within the Deploy block of your script onto each computer you wish to run packages on.
.Parameter package
A path local to the remote server the package is being executed on. If you had a UNC share on that server "\\MyServer\MyShare" and it was mapped to "D:\Somepath", use "D:\Somepath" here.
.Parameter computerName
The computer name(s) onto which to execute the package. If not "localhost", this computer must have PowerShell 3.0 with WinRM installed, allow execution of commands from the TFS build server and the account under which the build agent service is running.
.Parameter dtExecPath
The path to dtexec.exe on the server to run the command.
.Parameter packageArgs
Optional. A PowerShell hash containing name/value pairs to set as package arguments to dtexec.
Invoke-SSIS -package MyPackage.dtsx -ComputerName MyServer -packageArgs @{MyCustomArg = SomeValue}
function Invoke-SSISPackage {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $package,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)][string] $dtExecPath,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][string] $packageArgs
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Invoke-SSISPackage:"
$computerNames = $computerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
$logFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("$package") + ".log"
$dropLogPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$package")
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
$remoteTempPath = New-RemoteTempPath $curComputerName $package
$invokeArgs = @{
"ComputerName" = $curComputerName;
"ArgumentList" = @($logPrefix, $package, $dtExecPath, $packageArgs, $dropLogPath, $remoteTempPath, $logFileName);
"ScriptBlock" = {
param($logPrefix, $package, $dtExecPath, $packageArgs, $dropLogPath, $remoteTempPath, $logFileName)
$remoteLogFile = Join-Path "$remoteTempPath" "$logFileName"
# Delete the prior temporary log file if one exists
if (Test-Path -Path "$remoteLogFile") {
Remove-Item -Path "$remoteLogFile" -Force | Out-Null
$innerPackage = $package
$innerDTExecPath = $dtExecPath
$innerPackageArgs = $packageArgs
$packageExecStatement = """$innerDTExecPath"" /File '$innerPackage'"
if ($innerPackageArgs) {
$packageExecStatment += " $innerPackageArgs"
$packageExecStatement += " | Out-File ""$remoteLogFile"""
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix $packageExecStatement"
Invoke-Expression "& $packageExecStatement"
# Copy the SSIS log file from the temporary directory to the directory it was executed from.
if (Test-Path $remoteLogFile) {
if ([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$remoteLogFile") -ne $dropLogPath) {
if (!(Test-Path "$dropLogPath")) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dropLogPath | Out-Null
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix $remoteLogFile -> $dropLogPath"
Copy-Item "$remoteLogFile" "$dropLogPath"
"ErrorAction" = "Stop"
Invoke-Command @invokeArgs
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "SSIS: $package ($curComputerName)"
function New-RemoteTempPath {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $path
$logPrefix = "New-RemoteTempPath:"
$invokeArgs = @{
"ComputerName" = $computerName;
"ArgumentList" = @($logPrefix, $path);
"ScriptBlock" = {
param($logPrefix, $path)
$newTempDir = $path
$newTempDirUri = New-Object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $newTempDir
if ($newTempDirUri.IsUnc) {
throw "$newTempDir is a UNC path and cannot be created as a temporary directory on a remote computer."
if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted("$path")) {
$tempOutputDirectory = Join-Path $env:TEMP "PowerDelivery"
$tempPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$path")
if ($tempPath) {
$newTempDir = Join-Path "$tempOutputDirectory" "$tempPath"
else {
$newTempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$path")
if (!(Test-Path $newTempDir)) {
Write-Host "$logPrefix Creating $newTempDir on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $newTempDir | Out-Null
return $newTempDir
"ErrorAction" = "Stop"
return Invoke-Command @invokeArgs
Creates a local Windows user account on a computer.
Creates a local Windows user account on a computer.
.Parameter userName
The username of the account to create.
.Parameter password
The password of the account to create.
.Parameter computerName
Optional. The computer to be modified.
Add-WindowsUserToGroup -userName 'DOMAIN\MyUser' `
-password 's@m3p@ss' `
-computerName MYCOMPUTER
function New-WindowsUserAccount {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $userName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)] $password,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)] $computerName
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "New-WindowsUserAccount:"
$computerNames = $computerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $curComputerName {
$localUsersSet = [ADSI]"WinNT://$using:curComputerName/Users"
$localUsers = @($localUsersSet.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
$foundAccount = $false
$localUsers | foreach {
if ($_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null) -eq $using:userName) {
$foundAccount = $true
if (!$foundAccount) {
Write-Host "$using:logPrefix Adding $using:userName user to $($using:curComputerName)..."
$addUserArgs = @(
$addUserProcess = Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\System32\net.exe" -ArgumentList $addUserArgs -PassThru -Wait
"$using:logPrefix User $using:userName created on $using:curComputerName successfully."
powerdelivery -
PowerShell module that enables writing build scripts that follow continuous delivery
principles and deploy product assets into multiple environments.
function Write-ConsoleSpacer() {
function Mount-IfUNC {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $path)
if ($path.StartsWith("\\")) {
$uncPathWithoutBackslashes = $path.Substring(2)
$pathSegments = $uncPathWithoutBackslashes -split "\\"
$uncPath = "\\$($pathSegments[0])\$($pathSegments[1])"
function Get-CurrentBuildDetail {
$collectionUri = Get-BuildCollectionUri
"Connecting to TFS server at $collectionUri..."
$projectCollection = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($collectionUri)
$buildServer = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
$buildUri = Get-BuildUri
"Opening Information for Build $buildUri..."
return $buildServer.GetBuild($buildUri)
function LoadTFS($vsVersion = "11.0") {
$vsInstallDir = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0_Config" -Name InstallDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($vsInstallDir)) {
$vsInstallDir = Get-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0_Config" -Name InstallDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($vsInstallDir)) {
throw "No version of Visual Studio with the same tools as your version of TFS is installed on the build server."
$ENV:Path += ";$($vsInstallDir.InstallDir)"
$refAssemblies = "ReferenceAssemblies\v2.0"
$privateAssemblies = "PrivateAssemblies"
$tfsAssembly = Join-Path -Path $vsInstallDir.InstallDir -ChildPath "$refAssemblies\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.dll"
$tfsClientAssembly = Join-Path -Path $vsInstallDir.InstallDir -ChildPath "$refAssemblies\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll"
$tfsBuildClientAssembly = Join-Path -Path $vsInstallDir.InstallDir -ChildPath "$refAssemblies\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.dll"
$tfsBuildWorkflowAssembly = Join-Path -Path $vsInstallDir.InstallDir -ChildPath "$privateAssemblies\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.dll"
$tfsVersionControlClientAssembly = Join-Path -Path $vsInstallDir.InstallDir -ChildPath "$refAssemblies\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.dll"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($tfsClientAssembly) | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($tfsBuildClientAssembly) | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($tfsBuildWorkflowAssembly) | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($tfsVersionControlClientAssembly) | Out-Null
function Require-NonNullField($variable, $errorMsg) {
if ($variable -eq $null -or $variable -eq '') {
throw $errorMsg;
function Resolve-Error ($ErrorRecord=$Error[0])
$ErrorRecord | Format-List * -Force
$ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo |Format-List *
$Exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception
for ($i = 0; $Exception; $i++, ($Exception = $Exception.InnerException))
{ "$i" * 80
$Exception |Format-List * -Force
$script:powerdelivery = @{}
$powerdelivery.build_success = $true
$powerdelivery.pipeline = $null
$scriptDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
gci $scriptDir -Filter "*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . (Join-Path $scriptDir $_.Name) }
function Process-SSAS {
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $cubeName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $processType = "ProcessFull"
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Process-SSAS:"
$computerNames = $computerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
$processCubeQuery = @"
<Process xmlns=`"`">
"$logPrefix Processing $cubeName on $curComputerName..."
$processResult = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $curComputerName {
Invoke-ASCMD -server "$using:curComputerName" -query "$using:processCubeQuery"
[xml]$processXml = $processResult | ConvertTo-Xml
$nsOut = new-object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $processXml.NameTable
$nsOut.AddNamespace('xa', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis')
$nsOut.AddNamespace('xae', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:empty')
$nsOut.AddNamespace('xex', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:exception')
$warningNodes = $processXml.SelectNodes("//xa:return/xae:root/xex:Messages/xex:Warning", $nsOut)
$deploySuccess = $true
if ($warningNodes -ne $null) {
foreach ($warningNode in $warningNodes) {
$warningDesc = $warningNode.Description
"SSAS Processing Error: $warningDesc"
$deploySuccess = $false
if ($deploySuccess -eq $false) {
throw "One or more errors occurred deploying an SSAS cube. See the build log for details."
else {
"$logPrefix Processing of $cubeName on $curComputerName successful."
Publishes build assets from the build working directory to the drop location.
Copies build assets from the build working directory to the remote UNC drop location. You should specify
relative paths for this command.
.Parameter path
The relative local path of assets in the current directory that should be copied remotely.
.Parameter destination
The relative remote path to copy the assets to.
.Parameter filter
Optional. A filter for the file extensions that should be included.
Publish-BuildAssets "SomeDir\\SomeFiles" "SomeDir" -Filter *.*
function Publish-BuildAssets {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $path,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $destination,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][string] $filter = $null,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][switch] $recurse = $false
$logPrefix = "Publish-BuildAssets:"
$currentDirectory = Get-Location
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
$sourcePath = Join-Path $currentDirectory $path
$destinationPath = Join-Path $dropLocation $destination
mkdir -Force $destinationPath | Out-Null
$copyArgs = @{"Force" = $true; "Filter" = $filter; "Path" = $sourcePath; "Destination" = $destinationPath}
$message = "$logPrefix Copying $sourcePath to $destinationPath"
if ($recurse) {
$copyArgs.Add("Recurse", $true)
$message += " recursively"
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($filter)) {
$message += " with filter $filter"
Write-Host $message
& copy @copyArgs
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Assets" -header "Published Assets" -message $path
function Publish-MasterDataServices {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $package,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)][string] $connectionString,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)][string] $version,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)][string] $credentialUserName,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=0)][string] $mdsDeployPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Master Data Services\Configuration\"
$logPrefix = "Publish-MasterDataServices:"
$computerNames = $computerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
"$logPrefix Publishing $package to up Master Data Services on $computerName"
$dropLocation = Get-BuildDropLocation
# Allow credentials to travel from remote computer to TFS server
$dropUri = New-Object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $dropLocation
if ($dropUri.IsUnc) {
$dropHost = $dropUri.Host
$remoteComputer = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName("$dropHost").HostName
Add-RemoteCredSSPTrustedHost $curComputerName $remoteComputer
$invokeArgs = @{
"ArgumentList" = @($package, $version, $connectionString, $mdsDeployPath, $dropLocation, $logPrefix);
"ScriptBlock" = {
param($varPackage, $varVersion, $varConnectionString, $varMdsDeployPath, $varDropLocation, $varLogPrefix)
$tempOutputDirectory = Join-Path $env:TEMP "PowerDelivery"
# Create the subdirectory of the package path if one was specified
$packagePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$varPackage")
if ($packagePath) {
$tempSubPath = Join-Path "$tempOutputDirectory" "$packagePath"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $tempSubPath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$tempSubPath" | Out-Null
$tempPackageFile = Join-Path "$tempOutputDirectory" "$varPackage"
# Delete the prior temporary package if one exists
if (Test-Path -Path "$tempPackageFile") {
Remove-Item -Path "$tempPackageFile" -Force | Out-Null
$remotePackage = Join-Path $varDropLocation $varPackage
Copy-Item -Path $remotePackage -Destination $tempPackageFile
# NOTE: The TFS Build Service account must have been given function and
# model permission to MDS so this command will succeed.
$mdsDeployPath = Join-Path $varMdsDeployPath "MDSModelDeploy"
$mdsDeployCommand = """$mdsDeployPath"" deployupdate -package ""$tempPackageFile"""
if ($varVersion) {
$mdsDeployCommand += " -version ""$varVersion"""
Write-Host "$varLogPrefix $mdsDeployCommand"
Invoke-Expression "& $mdsDeployCommand"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne $null -and $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Error publishing Master Data Services, exit code was $LASTEXITCODE"
# Update MDS to validate any new data
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
$sqlConnection.ConnectionString = $varConnectionString
$currentUserName = whoami
$validateNewDataQuery = @"
DECLARE @UserId int
DECLARE @ModelId int
DECLARE @VersionId int
DECLARE @ModelName nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @ModelNames TABLE(RowID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) primary key, ModelName nvarchar(50))
DECLARE @LastRowID int
SELECT @UserId = ID FROM mdm.tblUser WHERE UserName = '$currentUserName'
SELECT Name FROM mdm.tblModel WHERE Name <> 'Metadata'
SELECT @RowID = MIN(RowID) FROM @ModelNames
SELECT @LastRowID = MAX(RowID) FROM @ModelNames
WHILE @RowID <= @LastRowID
SELECT @ModelName = ModelName FROM @ModelNames WHERE RowID = @RowID
SET @ModelId = (SELECT TOP 1 Model_ID FROM mdm.viw_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_MODELS WHERE Model_Name = @ModelName)
EXEC mdm.udpValidateModel @UserId, @ModelId, @VersionId, 1
SET @RowID = @RowID + 1
$validateNewDataCmd = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand($validateNewDataQuery, $sqlConnection)
"ErrorAction" = "Stop"
Add-CommandCredSSP $curComputerName $invokeArgs $credentialUserName
Invoke-Command @invokeArgs
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "Master Data Services: $package -> $computerName"
Publishes a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cube.
The Publish-SSAS cmdlet will deploy a SQL analysis services .asdatabase file to a server. It creates a .XMLA
file and replaces any connection strings with updated values before copying it to a remote share on the target
SSAS server. After execution, a log file is available in the same directory.
.Parameter asDatabase
The .asdatabase file to deploy. Is a path local to machine specified by the computer parameter.
.Parameter computer
The computer(s) to deploy to.
.Parameter sqlVersion
Optional. The version of SQL to use. Default is "11.0"
.Parameter deploymentUtilityPath
Optional. The full path to the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.DeploymentUtility.exe command-line tool.
.Parameter cubeName
Optional. The name to deploy the cube as. Can only be omitted if only one cube (model) is included in the asdatabase package.
.Parameter connections
Optional. Hash of values that match the parameters of the Set-SSASConnection cmdlet.
.Parameter driveLetter
Optional. The drive letter on the target computer to deploy to.
Publish-SSAS -computer "MyServer" -tabularServer "MyServer\INSTANCE" -asDatabase "MyProject\bin\Debug\MyModel.asdatabase"
function Publish-SSAS {
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $asDatabase,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $computer,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $sqlVersion = '11.0',
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $deploymentUtilityPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment.exe",
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $cubeName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)] $connections,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $driveLetter = $powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Publish-SSAS:"
$asModelName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($asDatabase)
$asFilesDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($asDatabase)
$xmlaPath = Join-Path -Path $asFilesDir -ChildPath "$($asModelName).xmla"
$asDatabase = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath $asDatabase
$deployCommand = "& ""$deploymentUtilityPath"" ""$asDatabase"" ""/d"" ""/o:$xmlaPath"""
"$logPrefix $deployCommand"
Invoke-Expression $deployCommand
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
$xmlaFullPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath $xmlaPath
[xml]$xmlaDoc = Get-Content $xmlaFullPath
$ns = new-object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $xmlaDoc.NameTable
$ns.AddNamespace('xmla', '')
$batchNode = $xmlaDoc.SelectSingleNode("//xmla:Batch", $ns)
$parallelNode = $batchNode.SelectSingleNode("xmla:Parallel", $ns)
$computerNames = $computer -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
$newModelName = $asModelName
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cubeName)) {
$newModelName = $cubeName
$objectNode = $xmlaDoc.SelectSingleNode("//xmla:Batch/xmla:Alter/xmla:Object", $ns)
$objectNode.DatabaseID = $cubeName
$databaseNode = $xmlaDoc.SelectSingleNode("//xmla:Batch/xmla:Alter/xmla:ObjectDefinition/xmla:Database", $ns)
$databaseNode.ID = $cubeName
$databaseNode.Name = $cubeName
if ($connections -ne $null) {
$connections.Keys | % {
$connection = $connections[$_]
$connectionStringNode = $databaseNode.SelectSingleNode("xmla:DataSources/xmla:DataSource[xmla:Name='$($connection.ConnectionName)']/xmla:ConnectionString", $ns)
if ($connectionStringNode -eq $null) {
throw "Unable to find connection named '$($connection.ConnectionName)' connection to update."
$connectionStringNode.'#text' = $connection.ConnectionString
Deploy-BuildAssets -computerName $curComputerName -path $asFilesDir -destination $asFilesDir -DriveLetter $driveLetter
$localDeployPath = Get-ComputerLocalDeployPath $curComputerName -DriveLetter $driveLetter
$remoteDeployPath = Get-ComputerRemoteDeployPath $curComputerName -DriveLetter $driveLetter
$xmlaLocalDeployPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($localDeployPath, $xmlaPath)
$outLocalDeployPath = $xmlaLocalDeployPath -replace ".xmla", "ExecutionLog.xml"
$remoteCommand = "Invoke-ASCMD -server ""$curComputerName"" -inputFile ""$xmlaLocalDeployPath"" | Out-File ""$outLocalDeployPath"""
"$logPrefix $remoteCommand"
Invoke-Expression "Invoke-Command -ComputerName ""$curComputerName"" -ScriptBlock { $remoteCommand }"
$outRemoteDeployPath = Join-Path $remoteDeployPath ($xmlaPath -replace ".xmla", "ExecutionLog.xml")
[xml]$outDoc = Get-Content $outRemoteDeployPath
$nsOut = new-object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $outDoc.NameTable
$nsOut.AddNamespace('xa', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis')
$nsOut.AddNamespace('xae', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:empty')
$nsOut.AddNamespace('xex', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:exception')
$warningNodes = $outDoc.SelectNodes("//xa:return/xae:root/xex:Messages/xex:Warning", $nsOut)
$deploySuccess = $true
if ($warningNodes -ne $null) {
foreach ($warningNode in $warningNodes) {
$warningDesc = $warningNode.Description
"SSAS Deployment Error: $warningDesc"
$deploySuccess = $false
if ($deploySuccess) {
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "SSAS: $($asModelName).asdatabase -> $newModelName ($curComputerName)"
else {
throw "One or more errors occurred deploying an SSAS cube. See the build log for details."
function Publish-WebDeploy {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $WebComputer,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)] [string] $Package,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)] [string] $WebSite,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=1)] [int] $WebPort,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=1)] [string] $WebURL,
[Parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=1)] [string] $WebPassword,
[Parameter(Position=6,Mandatory=0)] [Hashtable] $Parameters,
[Parameter(Position=7,Mandatory=0)] [string] $AppPoolAccountUser,
[Parameter(Position=8,Mandatory=0)] [string] $AppPoolAccountPassword,
[Parameter(Position=9,Mandatory=0)] [string] $BringOffline = 'false',
[Parameter(Position=10,Mandatory=0)] [string] $WebDeployDir = "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy v3",
[Parameter(Position=11,Mandatory=0)] $RuntimeVersion = 'v4.0'
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Publish-WebDeploy:"
$computerNames = $WebComputer -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AppPoolAccountUser) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AppPoolAccountPassword)) -or `
(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AppPoolAccountUser) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AppPoolAccountPassword))) {
throw "You must specify both the AppPool account username and password parameters to set the AppPool identity during web deployment"
foreach ($computerName in $computerNames) {
$msDeployPath = Join-Path $WebDeployDir "msdeploy.exe"
$invokeArgs = @{}
$invokeArgs.Add('webComputer', $computerName)
$invokeArgs.Add('webDeployDir', $WebDeployDir)
$invokeArgs.Add('WebPort', $WebPort)
$invokeArgs.Add('webSite', $WebSite)
$invokeArgs.Add('webPassword', $WebPassword)
$invokeArgs.Add('runtimeVersion', $RuntimeVersion)
& Enable-WebDeploy @invokeArgs
$publishSettingsFile = "$(gl)\$($WebSite).publishsettings"
Import-Snapin "wdeploysnapin3.0"
if ($computerName -like 'localhost') {
$computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$WebUrl = $WebUrl.Replace("localhost", $env:COMPUTERNAME)
Import-Snapin WebAdministration
if (!(Test-Path "IIS:\AppPools\$($WebSite)"))
$appPoolObj = New-WebAppPool -Name $WebSite -Force
$webSiteObj = Get-Website -Name $WebSite
if (!$webSiteObj) {
"Creating $($WebSite) on $($computerName)..."
$sitePath = "C:\inetpub\$($WebSite)"
mkdir $sitePath -Force | Out-Null
$webSiteObj = New-Website -Name $WebSite -ApplicationPool $WebSite -Force -PhysicalPath $sitePath -Port $WebPort
if ($Parameters -ne $null) {
foreach ($deploymentParamKey in $Parameters.Keys) {
$deploymentParamVal = $Parameters[$deploymentParamKey]
if ($deploymentParamVal -like 'localhost') {
$Parameters[$deploymentParamKey] = $env:COMPUTERNAME
New-WDPublishSettings -ComputerName $computerName -Site $WebSite `
-SiteUrl $WebURL -FileName $publishSettingsFile `
-AllowUntrusted -AgentType MSDepSvc | Out-Null
try {
if ($BringOffline) {
if ($BringOffline -eq 'true') {
$deleteOfflineFile = "& `"$msDeployPath`" -verb:delete -dest:`"contentPath=$($WebSite)/App_Offline.htm,computername=$($computerName)`""
$deleteOfflineFileResult = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue {
"$using:logPrefix $using:offlineCmd"
iex $using:deleteOfflineFile
$offlineCmd = "& `"$msDeployPath`" -verb:sync -source:iisApp=`"$($WebSite)`" -dest:`"auto,computername=$($computerName)`" -enableRule:AppOffline -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction Stop {
"$using:logPrefix $using:offlineCmd"
iex $using:offlineCmd
Restore-WDPackage -Package $Package `
-DestinationPublishSettings $publishSettingsFile `
-Parameters $Parameters `
-ErrorAction Stop
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AppPoolAccountUser)) {
New-WindowsUserAccount -userName $AppPoolAccountUser -password $AppPoolAccountPassword -computerName $computerName
Add-WindowsUserToGroup -userName $AppPoolAccountUser -groupName "Performance Monitor Users" -computerName $computerName
Set-AppPoolIdentity -appPoolName $WebSite -userName $AppPoolAccountUser -password $AppPoolAccountPassword -computerName $computerName
catch {
"The web deployment failed. Please review the parameters you are passing and ensure that they match those expected by the parameters.xml file in your web deploy package .zip file."
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "WebDeploy: $Package -> $WebURL ($computerName)"
Registers a hook function that will be called before or after
a function in a delivery build script.
Use this function in a powerdelivery delivery module to register a function
so that it gets called before or after a function in a delivery build script.
For example, you can write code in a module that runs before the "Compile" function
in the importing script.
.Parameter function
The name of the function to hook prefixed with "Pre" or "Post" to have the
hook code run before or after the importing script's function respectively.
Register-DeliveryModuleHook "PreCompile" {
// Your code here
function Register-DeliveryModuleHook {
[ValidateSet("PreInit", "PostInit",
"PreCompile", "PostCompile",
"PreSetupEnvironment", "PostSetupEnvironment",
"PreTestEnvironment", "PostTestEnvironment",
"PreDeploy", "PostDeploy",
"PreTestAcceptance", "PostTestAcceptance",
"PreTestUnits", "PostTestUnits",
"PreTestCapacity", "PostTestCapacity")]
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $function,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $action
$powerdelivery.moduleHooks[$function] += $action
Removes a powerdelivery build pipeline from a TFS project.
Removes a powerdelivery build pipeline from a TFS project. You will need to use source control history to
recover your files if you accidentally remove a build pipeline using this cmdlet. The TFS security groups,
TFS builds, PowerShell script, and YML configuration files associated with the pipeline will be removed.
Remove-Pipeline -name "MyApp" -collection "http://your-tfsserver/tfs" -project "My Project"
.Parameter name
The name of the product or component that will be no longer be delivered by this pipeline.
.Parameter collection
The URI of the TFS collection to remove powerdelivery from.
.Parameter project
The TFS project to remove powerdelivery from.
.Parameter vsVersion
The version of TFS. Defaults to "10.0" (TFS 2010)
function Remove-Pipeline {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $name,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $collection,
[Parameter(Mandatory=1)][string] $project,
[Parameter(Mandatory=0)][string] $vsVersion = "10.0"
$originalDir = Get-Location
$moduleDir = $PSScriptRoot
$curDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($moduleDir)
$buildsDir = Join-Path -Path $curDir -ChildPath "Pipelines"
try {
"Remove Pipeline Utility"
"powerdelivery -"
if ($(get-host).version.major -lt 3) {
"Powershell 3.0 or greater is required."
LoadTFS -vsVersion $vsVersion
$outBaseDir = Join-Path -Path $buildsDir -ChildPath $project
Remove-Item -Path $buildsDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
mkdir -Force $outBaseDir | Out-Null
cd $buildsDir
"Removing existing workspace at $collection if it exists..."
tf workspace /delete "AddPowerDelivery" /collection:"$collection" | Out-Null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host "NOTE: Error above is normal. This occurs if there wasn't a mapped working folder already."
"Connecting to TFS server at $collection to delete builds..."
$projectCollection = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($collection)
$buildServer = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
$structure = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService])
$buildServerVersion = $buildServer.BuildServerVersion
if ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v3') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2010'
elseif ($buildServerVersion -eq 'v4') {
$powerdelivery.tfsVersion = '2012'
else {
throw "TFS server must be version 2010 or 2012, a different version was detected."
$projectInfo = $structure.GetProjectFromName($project)
if (!$projectInfo) {
Write-Error "Project $project not found in TFS collection $collection"
$buildDictionary = @{
"$name - Local" = "Local";
"$name - Commit" = "Commit";
"$name - Test" = "Test";
"$name - Capacity Test" = "CapacityTest";
"$name - Production" = "Production";
$buildDictionary.GETENUMERATOR() | % {
$buildName = $_.Key
$buildEnv = $_.Value
$build = $null
if ($buildEnv -ne 'Local') {
$buildExists = $false
try {
$build = $buildServer.GetBuildDefinition($project, $buildName)
"Found build $buildName, checking for existing builds..."
if ($buildServer.QueryBuilds($build).Length -gt 0) {
$buildExists = $true
throw "At least one build exists for $($buildName). You must delete these builds before the pipeline can be fully removed"
catch {
if ($buildExists) {
$buildDictionary.GETENUMERATOR() | % {
$buildName = $_.Key
$buildEnv = $_.Value
$build = $null
if ($buildEnv -ne 'Local') {
try {
$build = $buildServer.GetBuildDefinition($project, $buildName)
"Deleting build $($buildName)..."
@(New-Object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $build.Uri)
catch {}
"Creating TFS workspace for $collection..."
tf workspace /new /noprompt "AddPowerDelivery" /collection:"$collection"
"Getting files from project $project..."
tf get "$project\*" /recursive /noprompt
$scriptFileName = "$($name).ps1"
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $outBaseDir $scriptFileName) -PathType Leaf) {
tf delete "$project\$scriptFileName" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
$sharedConfigFileName = "$($name)Shared.yml"
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $outBaseDir $sharedConfigFileName) -PathType Leaf) {
tf delete "$project\$sharedConfigFileName" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
$buildDictionary.Values | % {
$envName = $_
$configFileName = "$($name)$($envName).yml"
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $outBaseDir $configFileName) -PathType Leaf) {
tf delete "$project\$configFileName" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
"Checking in files removed from source control..."
tf checkin "$project\*.*" /noprompt /recursive | Out-Null
$groupSecurity = $projectCollection.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.IGroupSecurityService])
$appGroups = $groupSecurity.ListApplicationGroups($projectInfo.Uri)
$buildDictionary.Values | % {
$envName = $_
if ($envName -ne 'Commit' -and $envName -ne 'Local') {
$groupName = "$name $envName Builders"
$appGroups | % {
if ($_.AccountName -eq $groupName) {
"Deleting TFS security group $groupName..."
$groupSecurity.DeleteApplicationGroup($_.Sid) | Out-Null
Write-Host "Delivery pipeline '$name' removed from $collection for project '$project' successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
finally {
try {
tf workspace /delete "AddPowerDelivery" /collection:"$collection" | Out-Null
catch {}
del -Path $buildsDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
cd $originalDir
Sets the identity of an IIS web application pool to a specific user account.
Sets the identity of an IIS web application pool to a specific user account.
Use the New-WindowsUserAccount cmdlet to create this user beforehand if
.Parameter appPoolName
string - The name of the application pool to modify.
.Parameter userName
string - The username of the account to use for the identity.
.Parameter password
string - The password of the account to use for the identity.
.Parameter computerName
The computer running the IIS website to be modified.
Set-AppPoolIdentity -appPoolName MySite `
-userName 'DOMAIN\MyUser' `
-password 's@m3p@ss' `
-computerName MYCOMPUTER
function Set-AppPoolIdentity {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $appPoolName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)] $userName,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)] $password,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)] $computerName
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Set-AppPoolIdentity:"
Invoke-Command $computerName {
Import-Module WebAdministration
"$using:logPrefix Setting $using:userName as identity of $using:appPoolName application pool on $using:computerName"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "IIS:\AppPools\$using:appPoolName" -Name ProcessModel.IdentityType -Value 3
Set-ItemProperty -Path "IIS:\AppPools\$using:appPoolName" -Name ProcessModel.UserName -Value $using:userName
Set-ItemProperty -Path "IIS:\AppPools\$using:appPoolName" -Name ProcessModel.Password -Value $using:password
function Set-EnvironmentVariable {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $computerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)] $name,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)] $value
$logPrefix = "Set-EnvironmentVariable:"
$computerNames = $computerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
"$logPrefix setting $name on $computerName to $value"
$invokeArgs = @{
"ArgumentList" = @($name, $value);
"ScriptBlock" = {
param($varName, $varValue)
if (-not ("win32.nativemethods" -as [type])) {
# import sendmessagetimeout from win32
add-type -Namespace Win32 -Name NativeMethods -MemberDefinition @"
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessageTimeout(
IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, UIntPtr wParam, string lParam,
uint fuFlags, uint uTimeout, out UIntPtr lpdwResult);
$HWND_BROADCAST = [intptr]0xffff
$result = [uintptr]::zero
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($varName, $varValue, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
Invoke-Expression "`$Env:$varName = `"$varValue`""
# notify all windows of environment block change
[win32.nativemethods]::SendMessageTimeout($HWND_BROADCAST, $WM_SETTINGCHANGE,
[uintptr]::Zero, "Environment", 2, 5000, [ref]$result);
"ErrorAction" = "Stop"
if (!$curComputerName.StartsWith("localhost")) {
$invokeArgs.Add("ComputerName", $curComputerName)
Invoke-Command @invokeArgs
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Configuration" -header "Configurations" -message "Environment Variable: $name -> $value ($computerName)"
Starts SQL jobs on a Microsoft SQL database server
Starts SQL jobs on a Microsoft SQL database server. You can start a set of jobs that matches a wildcard.
.Parameter serverName
The SQL server instance on which the jobs will be started.
.Parameter jobs
The jobs to start. Can be a single job name, or a name with wildcards.
.Parameter noWait
Whether to skip waiting for the job to finish. Defaults to false.
Start-SqlJobs -serverName localhost -jobs MyJobs*
function Start-SqlJobs {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][string] $serverName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $jobs,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=0)][switch] $noWait
$logPrefix = "Start-SqlJobs:"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
Write-Host "$logPrefix Starting SQL jobs with pattern $jobs on $serverName"
try {
Import-Snapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
catch {
Import-Snapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin110
try {
Import-Snapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
catch {
Import-Snapin SqlServerProviderSnapin110
$dataMartServer = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server("$serverName")
$dataMartJobs = $ | where-object {$ -like "$jobs"}
foreach ($dataMartJob in $dataMartJobs) {
$jobName = $dataMartJob.Name
Write-Host "$logPrefix SQL Job '$jobName' started"
$jobRunning = $true
do {
$startResult = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $serverName -database msdb -query "sp_help_jobactivity @job_id = NULL, @job_name = '$jobName'"
if ($startResult.run_status -eq 3) {
throw "$logPrefix SQL Job '$jobName' was canceled"
if ($startResult.run_status -eq 0) {
throw "$logPrefix SQL Job '$jobName' failed"
if ($startResult.run_status -eq 1) {
$jobRunning = $false
Write-Host "$logPrefix SQL Job '$jobName' completed successfully."
elseif ($noWait -eq $false) {
WriteHost "$logPrefix Waiting for SQL job $jobName to finish..."
sleep 15
else {
Write-Host "$logPrefix SQL Job '$jobName' started, not waiting for it to complete."
$jobRunning = $false
while ($jobRunning)
if ($dataMartJobs -eq $null -or $dataMartJobs.length -eq 0) {
throw "$logPrefix Unable to find SQL Jobs to start matching pattern '$jobs'."
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Service" -header "Services" -message "Microsoft SQL Job: $jobs ($serverName)"
# %BUILD_NAME%.ps1
# The script for %BUILD_NAME%'s continous delivery pipeline.
Pipeline '%BUILD_NAME%' -Version '1.0.0'
# Load settings you need for the entire build
Init {
$script:currentDirectory = Get-Location
# For example
# $script:mySetting = Get-BuildSetting -name "MySetting"
# $script:myOtherSetting = Get-BuildSetting -name "MyOtherSetting"
# Compile any projects or solutions using MSBuild or other tools
Compile {
# Run automated unit tests
TestUnits {
# Deploy your software assets to the target environment
Deploy {
# Test modifications to the target environment
TestEnvironment {
# Run automated acceptance tests
TestAcceptance {
# Run longer and more intensive capacity tests
TestCapacity {
# %BUILD_NAME%.ps1
# The script for %BUILD_NAME%'s continous delivery pipeline.
Pipeline '%BUILD_NAME%' -Version '1.0.0'
# Load settings you need for the entire build
Init {
$script:MSBuild = Get-BuildSetting MSBuild
$script:WebDeploy = Get-BuildSetting WebDeploy
$script:Roundhouse = Get-BuildSetting Roundhouse
$script:UnitTests = Get-BuildSetting UnitTests
$script:AcceptanceTests = Get-BuildSetting AcceptanceTests
# Compile any projects or solutions using MSBuild or other tools
Compile {
Invoke-BuildConfigSection $MSBuild Invoke-MSBuild
# Run automated unit tests
TestUnits {
Invoke-BuildConfigSection $UnitTests Invoke-MSTest
# Deploy your software assets to the target environment
Deploy {
Invoke-BuildConfigSections $Roundhouse Invoke-Roundhouse
Invoke-BuildConfigSection $WebDeploy Publish-WebDeploy
# Test modifications to the target environment
TestEnvironment {
# Run automated acceptance tests
TestAcceptance {
Invoke-BuildConfigSection $AcceptanceTests Invoke-MSTest
# Run longer and more intensive capacity tests
TestCapacity {
Stops and then uninstalls a Windows Service for an NServiceBus version 4+ Enterprise Service Bus host.
Stops and then uninstalls a Windows Service for an NServiceBus version 4+ Enterprise Service Bus host.
You should call this cmdlet prior to Install-NServiceBusService otherwise files will be in use.
.Parameter ComputerName
The name of the remote computer to uninstall the service from.
.Parameter Name
The name of the service. This can be used to start/stop the service with the "net" command.
.Parameter Directory
A local path on the computer specified by the ComputerName parameter containing the service.
Uninstall-NServiceBusService `
-ComputerName MyComputer `
-Name MyService `
-Directory "C:\Share\MyService"
function Uninstall-NServiceBusService{
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Uninstall-NServiceBusService:"
$computerNames = $ComputerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($curComputerName in $computerNames) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $curComputerName {
if ((Get-Service -Name $using:Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null) {
$priorSvcCmd = (Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT PathName FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name = '$using:Name'").PathName
$priorSvcExePath = ($priorSvcCmd -replace '^\"([^\"]*)\".*$','$1').Trim('"')
$priorSvcLocalPath = (Split-Path $priorSvcExePath -Parent)
$uninstallServiceArgs = @(
"$using:logPrefix Uninstalling previous copy of $using:Name service from $using:curComputerName in $priorSvcLocalPath"
"$using:logPrefix $priorSvcLocalPath\NServiceBus.Host.exe $uninstallServiceArgs"
$uninstallResult = Start-Process -WorkingDirectory $priorSvcLocalPath `
-FilePath "$priorSvcLocalPath\NServiceBus.Host.exe" `
-ArgumentList $uninstallServiceArgs `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
-Wait `
if ($false -eq ($uninstallResult -is [System.Diagnostics.Process]))
throw "Failed to launch NServiceBus.Host.exe on $curComputerName"
Updates data in an XML file.
Selects nodes in an XML file using an XPath statement and updates attributes or content
of those nodes.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional. A comma-separated list of computers to update the XML file on.
.Parameter FileName
A relative path to the file to update.
.Parameter Replacements
hash - A set of named replacements to make. Each hash entry requires an XPath, Attribute, and NewValue.
.Parameter Namespaces
hash - A set of XML namespaces used in the XPath statements being replaced.
# MyConfigFile.yml
FileName: SomeDir\SomeFile.xml
XPath: //mn:somelement/mn:someotherelement[@name='test']
Attribute: someOtherAttribute
NewValue: Hello World!
Prefix: mn
# MyScript.ps1
$XmlReplacements = Get-BuildSetting XmlReplacements
Invoke-BuildConfigSections $XmlReplacements Update-XmlFile
function Update-XmlFile {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=0)] $ComputerName,
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=1)][string] $FileName,
[Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=1)] $Replacements,
[Parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=0)] $Namespaces,
[Parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=0)] $DriveLetter = $powerdelivery.deployDriveLetter
$originalLocation = Get-Location
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Update-XmlFile:"
if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ComputerName)) {
$computerNames = $ComputerName -split "," | % { $_.Trim() }
foreach ($computer in $computerNames) {
if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($FileName)) {
$FileName = Join-Path (Get-ComputerLocalDeployPath $computer $DriveLetter) $FileName
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer {
Write-Host "$using:logPrefix Replacing values on $using:computer in $using:FileName"
[xml]$xmlFile = Get-Content $using:FileName
$ComputerNamespaces = $using:Namespaces
$ns = new-object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $xmlFile.NameTable
if ($ComputerNamespaces -ne $null) {
$ComuterNamespaces.Keys | % {
$NamespaceEntry = $ComputerNamespaces[$_]
$ns.AddNamespace($NamespaceEntry.Prefix, $NamespaceEntry.URI)
$ComputerReplacements = $using:Replacements
$ComputerReplacements.Keys | % {
$replacement = $ComputerReplacements[$_]
$node = $xmlFile.SelectSingleNode($replacement.XPath, $ns)
if ($node -eq $null) {
throw "Path $($replacement.XPath) didn't match a node on $using:computer in $using:FileName"
$value = $replacement.NewValue
$attr = $replacement.Attribute
Invoke-Expression "`$node.$($attr) = `"$value`""
else {
if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($FileName)) {
if ($powerdelivery.blockName -eq 'Compile') {
$FileName = Join-Path $powerdelivery.currentLocation $FileName
Set-ItemProperty $FileName -Name IsReadOnly -Value $false
else {
$FileName = Join-Path $powerdelivery.deployDir $FileName
Write-Host "$logPrefix Replacing values in $FileName"
[xml]$xmlFile = Get-Content $FileName
$ns = new-object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $xmlFile.NameTable
if ($Namespaces -ne $null) {
$Namespaces.Keys | % {
$NamespaceEntry = $Namespaces[$_]
$ns.AddNamespace($NamespaceEntry.Prefix, $NamespaceEntry.URI)
$ComputerReplacements = $Replacements
$ComputerReplacements.Keys | % {
$replacement = $ComputerReplacements[$_]
$node = $xmlFile.SelectSingleNode($replacement.XPath, $ns)
if ($node -eq $null) {
throw "Path $($replacement.XPath) didn't match a node in $FileName"
$value = $replacement.NewValue
$attr = $replacement.Attribute
Invoke-Expression "`$node.$($attr) = `"$value`""
Set-Location $originalLocation
function Wait-ForLeapFrogBI {
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $dataMartConnectionString,
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)] $timeoutMinutes
Set-Location $powerdelivery.deployDir
$logPrefix = "Wait-ForLeapFrogBI:"
# Poll for completion of LeapFrog processing with a timeout
$timedOut = $true
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes $timeoutMinutes
$stopWatch = [Diagnostics.StopWatch]::StartNew()
"$logPrefix Polling Precedence table to wait $timeoutMinutes minutes for LeapFrogBI packages to process..."
while ($stopWatch.Elapsed -lt $timeout){
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
$sqlConnection.ConnectionString = $dataMartConnectionString
$precedenceRowsExistCmd = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Precedence]", $sqlConnection)
$precedenceRowsExistReader = $precedenceRowsExistCmd.ExecuteReader()
if ($precedenceRowsExistReader.HasRows) {
$failedPackageCmd = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Precedence] WHERE Disable <> 1 AND JobStatus = -1 AND JobTryCount = 4", $sqlConnection)
$failedPackageReader = $failedPackageCmd.ExecuteReader()
if ($failedPackageReader.HasRows) {
throw "At least one LeapFrogBI package failed processing."
else {
$runningPackageCmd = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Precedence] WHERE Disable <> 1 AND JobStatus <> 3", $sqlConnection)
$runningPackageReader = $runningPackageCmd.ExecuteReader()
if ($runningPackageReader.HasRows -eq $false) {
"$logPrefix LeapFrogBI processing is complete."
$timedOut = $false
else {
"$logPrefix LeapFrogBI packages are still running, checking again in 30 seconds..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
if ($timedOut) {
throw "Timed out polling for LeapFrogBI packages to complete. Increase the value of the timeoutMinutes parameter."
Write-BuildSummaryMessage -name "Deploy" -header "Deployments" -message "LeapFrog BI: $dataMartConnectionString"
function Add-CastingFunctions($value) {
Add-Member -InputObject $value -Name ToInt `
-MemberType ScriptMethod -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value `
{ [int] $this } |
Add-Member -Name ToLong `
-MemberType ScriptMethod -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value `
{ [long] $this } |
Add-Member -Name ToDouble `
-MemberType ScriptMethod -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value `
{ [double] $this } |
Add-Member -Name ToDecimal `
-MemberType ScriptMethod -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value `
{ [decimal] $this } |
Add-Member -Name ToByte `
-MemberType ScriptMethod -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value `
{ [byte] $this } |
Add-Member -Name ToBoolean `
-MemberType ScriptMethod -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value `
{ [System.Boolean]::Parse($this) }
return $value
function Shadow-Copy($file, $shadowPath = "$($env:TEMP)\poweryaml\shadow") {
if (-not (Test-Path $shadowPath ) ) {
New-Item $shadowPath -ItemType directory | Out-Null
try {
Copy-Item $file $shadowPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {
"Attempted to write over locked file, continuing..." | Write-Debug
$fileName = (Get-Item $file).Name
function Validate-File([string] $file) {
$file_exists = Test-Path $file
if (-not $file_exists) {
"ERROR: '$file' does not exist" | Write-Error
return $false
$lines_in_file = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($file)
$line_tab_detected = Detect-Tab $lines_in_file
if ($line_tab_detected -gt 0) {
"ERROR in '$file'`nTAB detected on line $line_tab_detected" | Write-Error
return $false
return $true
function Detect-Tab($lines) {
for($i = 0; $i -lt $lines.count; $i++) {
if ($lines[$i].Contains("`t")) {
return ($i + 1)
return 0
function Load-YamlDotNetLibraries([string] $dllPath, $shadowPath = "$($env:TEMP)\poweryaml\shadow") {
gci $dllPath | % {
$shadow = Shadow-Copy -File $_.FullName -ShadowPath $shadowPath
} | Out-Null
function Get-YamlStream([string] $file) {
$streamReader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($file)
$yamlStream = New-Object YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel.YamlStream
$yamlStream.Load([System.IO.TextReader] $streamReader)
return $yamlStream
function Get-YamlDocument([string] $file) {
$yamlStream = Get-YamlStream $file
$document = $yamlStream.Documents[0]
return $document
function Get-YamlDocumentFromString([string] $yamlString) {
$stringReader = new-object System.IO.StringReader($yamlString)
$yamlStream = New-Object YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel.YamlStream
$yamlStream.Load([System.IO.TextReader] $stringReader)
$document = $yamlStream.Documents[0]
return $document
function Explode-Node($node) {
if ($node.GetType().Name -eq "YamlScalarNode") {
return Convert-YamlScalarNodeToValue $node
} elseif ($node.GetType().Name -eq "YamlMappingNode") {
return Convert-YamlMappingNodeToHash $node
} elseif ($node.GetType().Name -eq "YamlSequenceNode") {
return Convert-YamlSequenceNodeToList $node
function Convert-YamlScalarNodeToValue($node) {
return Add-CastingFunctions($node.Value)
function Convert-YamlMappingNodeToHash($node) {
$hash = @{}
$yamlNodes = $node.Children
foreach($key in $yamlNodes.Keys) {
$hash[$key.Value] = Explode-Node $yamlNodes[$key]
return $hash
function Convert-YamlSequenceNodeToList($node) {
$list = @()
$yamlNodes = $node.Children
foreach($yamlNode in $yamlNodes) {
$list += Explode-Node $yamlNode
return $list
. $PSScriptRoot\Functions\Casting.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Functions\Shadow-Copy.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Functions\YamlDotNet-Integration.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Functions\Validator-Functions.ps1
Returns an object that can be dot navigated
.Parameter FromFile
File reference to a yaml document
.Parameter FromString
Yaml string to be converted
function Get-Yaml([string] $FromString = "", [string] $FromFile = "") {
if ($FromString -ne "") {
$yaml = Get-YamlDocumentFromString $FromString
} elseif ($FromFile -ne "") {
if ((Validate-File $FromFile)) {
$yaml = Get-YamlDocument -file $FromFile
return Explode-Node $yaml.RootNode
Load-YamlDotNetLibraries (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Libs")
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Yaml
function Initialize-RemoteSharesDeliveryModule {
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PreSetupEnvironment' {
$moduleConfig = Get-BuildConfig
$remoteShares = $moduleConfig.RemoteShares
if ($remoteShares) {
$remoteShares.Keys | % {
$invokeArgs = @{}
$remoteShare = $remoteShares[$_]
if ($remoteShare.ComputerName) {
$invokeArgs.Add('computerName', $remoteShare.ComputerName)
if ($remoteShare.ShareName) {
$invokeArgs.Add('shareName', $remoteShare.ShareName)
if ($remoteShare.ShareDirectory) {
$invokeArgs.Add('shareDirectory', $remoteShare.ShareDirectory)
if ($remoteShare.BuildAccountName) {
$invokeArgs.Add('buildAccountName', $remoteShare.BuildAccountName)
& New-RemoteShare @invokeArgs
function Initialize-RoundhouseDeliveryModule {
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PostDeploy' {
$moduleConfig = Get-BuildConfig
$roundhouseDatabases = $moduleConfig.Roundhouse
if ($roundhouseDatabases) {
Invoke-BuildConfigSections $roundhouseDatabases "Invoke-Roundhouse"
function Initialize-SSISPackagesDeliveryModule {
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PostDeploy' {
$moduleConfig = Get-BuildConfig
$ssisPackages = $moduleConfig.SSISPackages
if ($ssisPackages) {
Invoke-BuildConfigSections $ssisPackages "Invoke-SSIS"
function Initialize-WebDeployDeliveryModule {
Register-DeliveryModuleHook 'PreDeploy' {
$moduleConfig = Get-BuildConfig
$webDeployments = $moduleConfig.WebDeploy
if ($webDeployments) {
Invoke-BuildConfigSections $webDeployments "Publish-WebDeploy"
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
- PowerDelivery.2.2.79.nupkg (ae53c303f74a) - ## / 56
- YamlDotNet.Configuration.dll (fd842329e31c) - ## / 54
- YamlDotNet.Converters.dll (23dd69b6043d) - ## / 57
- YamlDotNet.Core.dll (bbb2783aa136) - ## / 57
- YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel.dll (fb6bd421ca71) - ## / 57
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
Add to Builder | Version | Downloads | Last Updated | Status |
PowerDelivery 2.2.79 | 1840 | Friday, November 21, 2014 | Approved | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.78 | 528 | Wednesday, September 24, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.77 | 410 | Tuesday, September 23, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.76 | 375 | Tuesday, September 23, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.75 | 375 | Tuesday, September 23, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.74 | 404 | Thursday, September 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.73 | 416 | Thursday, September 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.72 | 375 | Tuesday, September 9, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.71 | 371 | Tuesday, September 9, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.70 | 404 | Thursday, September 4, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.69 | 438 | Thursday, July 24, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.68 | 393 | Tuesday, July 15, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.67 | 388 | Monday, July 14, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.66 | 383 | Friday, June 20, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.65 | 396 | Friday, June 20, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.64 | 415 | Friday, June 13, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.63 | 418 | Friday, June 13, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.62 | 400 | Friday, June 13, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.61 | 408 | Wednesday, June 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.60 | 387 | Wednesday, June 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.59 | 407 | Wednesday, June 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.58 | 434 | Wednesday, June 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.57 | 384 | Wednesday, June 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.56 | 414 | Wednesday, June 11, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.55 | 353 | Monday, June 9, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.54 | 401 | Monday, June 9, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.53 | 411 | Monday, June 9, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.52 | 438 | Monday, June 9, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.51 | 465 | Monday, April 28, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.50 | 363 | Monday, April 28, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.49 | 402 | Tuesday, April 22, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.48 | 417 | Monday, April 21, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.47 | 413 | Monday, April 21, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.46 | 449 | Wednesday, March 5, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.45 | 447 | Friday, February 28, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.44 | 436 | Friday, February 7, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.43 | 434 | Thursday, February 6, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.42 | 386 | Thursday, February 6, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.41 | 474 | Thursday, February 6, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.40 | 376 | Wednesday, February 5, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.39 | 422 | Wednesday, February 5, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.38 | 424 | Tuesday, February 4, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.37 | 453 | Tuesday, February 4, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.36 | 421 | Friday, January 31, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.35 | 481 | Monday, January 27, 2014 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.34 | 450 | Thursday, November 21, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.33 | 445 | Friday, August 30, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.32 | 411 | Friday, August 30, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.31 | 420 | Monday, August 5, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.30 | 426 | Thursday, August 1, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.29 | 467 | Thursday, August 1, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.28 | 457 | Friday, July 26, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.27 | 460 | Tuesday, July 23, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.26 | 431 | Tuesday, July 23, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.25 | 408 | Tuesday, July 23, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.24 | 445 | Monday, July 22, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.23 | 430 | Monday, July 22, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.22 | 412 | Sunday, July 21, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.21 | 405 | Saturday, July 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.20 | 456 | Saturday, July 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.19 | 378 | Saturday, July 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.18 | 445 | Saturday, July 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.17 | 449 | Saturday, July 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.16 | 424 | Saturday, July 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.15 | 415 | Wednesday, July 17, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.14 | 449 | Wednesday, July 17, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.13 | 432 | Tuesday, July 9, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.12 | 416 | Monday, July 8, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.11 | 471 | Friday, July 5, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.10 | 460 | Tuesday, July 2, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.9 | 435 | Wednesday, June 26, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.8 | 383 | Wednesday, June 26, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.7 | 460 | Sunday, June 23, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.6 | 472 | Friday, June 21, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.5 | 425 | Friday, June 21, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.4 | 433 | Friday, June 21, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.3 | 416 | Thursday, June 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.2 | 410 | Thursday, June 20, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.1 | 414 | Tuesday, June 18, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.2.0 | 411 | Thursday, June 6, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.1.6 | 459 | Friday, May 31, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.1.3 | 454 | Wednesday, April 24, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.1.2 | 443 | Wednesday, April 24, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.1.1 | 437 | Wednesday, April 24, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.1.0 | 456 | Wednesday, April 24, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.0.9 | 473 | Monday, March 25, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.0.8 | 420 | Friday, March 15, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.0.7 | 427 | Thursday, March 14, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.0.6 | 423 | Thursday, March 14, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 2.0.5 | 415 | Thursday, March 14, 2013 | Unknown | |
PowerDelivery 1.0.2 | 407 | Wednesday, February 5, 2014 | Unknown |
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about PowerDelivery and the PowerDelivery package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or PowerDelivery, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.