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Last Update:
25 Oct 2014
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3.2.0 | Updated: 25 Oct 2014
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Downloads of v 3.2.0:
Software Author(s):
- PowerShell Community Extensions
PowerShell Community Extensions 3.2.0
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by PowerShell Community Extensions. The inclusion of PowerShell Community Extensions trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify PowerShell Community Extensions goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
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This package was approved by moderator ferventcoder on 30 Mar 2016.
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PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) is aimed at providing a widely useful set of additional cmdlets, providers, aliases, filters, functions and scripts for Windows PowerShell that members of the community have expressed interest in.
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- Pscx-3.2.0.msi (4c823a86b5ef) - ## / 55
- pscx.3.2.0.nupkg (fbba0c2df5b1) - ## / 56
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
PowerShell Community Extensions Release Notes
The focus of this drop is to fix some bugs and better support the
September WMF 5.0 preview.
What's New in PSCX 3.2.0
October 23, 2014
New Edit-File cmdlet that edits a file in-place using regular expressions
and corresponding replacement strings. The cmdlet attempts to determine
the original encoding of the file and preserve that encoding.Fixed issue with the nested FileSystem module. It's format data had to be
updated to handle wider column output from Get-ChildItem now that WMF 5.0
supports creating symbolic links, hard links, etc.Import-VisualStudioVars has been updated to handle VS 14 CTP by allowing you
to specify version number 140. This should work with future versions of VS.The [hex] accelerator type was added in a previous release but was not
added to PowerShell's type accelerators. The accelerator is now loaded
by the Pscx.Utility nested module. You can now convert a decimal number
to hex easily e.g. [hex]32 gives 0x20.Read-Archive has been changed to output individual ArchiveEntry objects
instead of a single collection object. This allows you to filter which
items are extracted e.g.:Read-Archive | Where Name -match .txt | Expand-Archive -Out c:\temp
Expand-Archive now implements the PassThru parameter allowing functionality
such as:Expand-Archive -Output c:\temp -PassThru | Move-Item -Dest c:\done
Fixed documentation bug with Set-LocationEx. CD_EchoNewLocation was
incorrectly specified as CD/EchoNewLocation.Changed the default value of CD_EchoNewLocation to False as the use of
Write-Host to display the new CD location offends some folks. You can
turn it back by putting this in your profile (or set the value in your
Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1 file):$Pscx:Preferences.CD_EchoNewLocation = $true
Fixed issue 35430 - Invoke-BatchFile messes up encoding on non-English
systems.Fixed issue 355537 - Default format information missing for
Pscx.Commands.Modules.Utility.ExecutionTimeInfo.Issues 35314 and 35256 indicate some bugs with the Get-Help proxy
command. For now, we will not automticallly load this nested module.
You can enable if you want by editing the Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1
file and setting ModulesToImport -> GetHelp to $true.
3.1.0 Release Notes:
October 18, 2013
- PowerShell version checking bug fixed with WMI nested module.
- Import-VisualStudioVars updated to add VS2013 support.
- Get-Parameter updated to version 2.8 from
- Get-FileTail updated to open file FileShare.Delete perm to allow the file
- to be deleted while being tailed.
- Invoke-Ternary / Invoke-NullCoalescing fixed to be able to access variables
- in intermediate scopes.
- New-Junction/Symlink/Hardlink - moved PSPath parameter alias from
- LiteralPath parameter to TargetPath parameter. Path passed to
- LiteralPath can't exist so makes more sense for pipeline binding
- DirectoryInfo objects to TargetPath. You can now do
- Get-Item .\foodir | New-Junction foodirJunction.
- Updated DigiCert digital certificates used for script and MSI signing.
The primary purpose of the Pscx 3.1 release is to fully support Windows
PowerShell V3 and V4. This version of Pscx is compiled against .NET 4.0 and
takes advantage of PowerShell V3 specific features. This version of
Pscx WILL NOT RUN on PowerShell V2.
If you need Pscx support for PowerShell V2, please download the latest
Pscx 2.1 version from
If you need support for Windows PowerShell 1.0, you can still download the
Pscx 1.2 release.
While xcopy deployment works great for some folks, other prefer the
convenience of a traditional Windows Installer. Furthermore, xcopy
ZIP packages downloaded from the PSCX CodePlex site have proven
troublesome because many users forget to unblock the ZIP file before
extracting the contents.
Pscx 3.1 is now provided in an Authenticode signed MSI file.
Note: the WIX-based installer prepends the Pscx installation dir to the
PSModulePath environment variable. This is required so that you can specify
just the module name 'Pscx' when doing an Import-Module instead of having
to specify a full path to the Pscx.psd1 file. However, the WIX-based installer
isn't always successful in propagating the environment variable change. In
this case, you can reboot the PC or load Pscx by the full path until your
next reboot.
All of the Pscx scripts including *.ps1, *.psm1 and *.ps1xml files have been
code signed for both the 2.1 and 3.1 releases. This means that you will be
able to run Pscx in a PowerShell session where ExecutionPolicy is set to
AllSigned. You will be prompted to confirm if you want to run code from
the untrusted publisher 6L6 Software LLC. If you answer 'A' to always
run code from this publisher, you will not get prompted again for the
execution of Pscx scripts.
Pscx 3.1 does not automatically upgrade Pscx 2.1. In fact, these two versions
of Pscx can live side-by-side. NOTE: If you install Pscx 2.1 and 3.1 side-by-side,
you will have to use the -RequiredVersion parameter on Import-Module in order to
load Pscx 3.1. By default, PowerShell searches modules in the order specified by
the environment variable PSModuleLoadPath. PowerShell automatically prepends the
user's $home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules dir to this path so PowerShell
will load Pscx 2.1, assuming you extracted it to your user Modules folder. In
order to load Pscx 3.1 execute:
C:\PS> Import-Module Pscx -RequiredVersion
Importing the Pscx module is very easy. Just execute:
C:\PS> Import-Module Pscx
If you want to import Pscx in your profile, all you have to do is add the
command above to your profile. Pscx can be customized in terms of
preference variables and what nested modules are automatically loaded. In the
root dir of the Pscx module there is a file named Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1.
It shows the default values for the preference variable and which nested
modules are loaded by default. If you want to change any of these, copy this
file to your WindowsPowerShell dir or your home dir, edit it and then pass
the path to this modified Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1 file to Import-Module e.g.:
C:\PS> Import-Module Pscx -arg ~\Pscx.UserPreferences.ps1
Pscx will now be imported with your preferences. Release Notes:
Get-LoremIpsum (lorem)
Get-TypeName (gtn)
Get-FileTail (tail) - renamed Tail-File to use approved verb
Receive-MSMQueue - renamed from Receive-MSMQMessage
Send-MSMQueue - renamed from Send-MSMQMessage
Set-BitmapSize - renamed from Resize-Bitmap
?: Invoke-Ternary
?? Invoke-NullCoalescing
call Invoke-Method
cvxml Convert-Xml
e Edit-File
ehp Edit-HostProfile
ep Edit-Profile
fhex Format-Hex
fxml Format-Xml
gcb Get-Clipboard
gpar Get-Parameter
gtn Get-TypeName
igc Invoke-GC
ln New-HardLink
lorem Get-LoremIpsum
nho New-HashObject
ocb Out-Clipboard
ql QuoteList
qs QuoteString
Resize-Bitmap Set-BitmapSize
rver Resolve-ErrorRecord
rvhr Resolve-HResult
rvwer Resolve-WindowsError
skip Skip-Object
sro Set-ReadOnly
su Invoke-Elevated
swr Set-Writable
tail Get-FileTail
touch Set-FileTime
Unblock-File, Get-AlternateDataStream, Remove-AlternateDataStream,
These cmdlets have been moved to the Pscx.Deprecated module.
If you require the Pscx versions instead of the ones now built-in
PowerShell, import the Pscx.Deprecated module.
Get-ChildItem - Removed proxy. Use new -Attribute parameter on
built-in Get-ChildItem cmdlet.
Get-PropertyValue - Use % <property-name> instead
Obsoleted Aliases
gpv, rf, srts, sls (created by PowerShell v3)
Pscx adds two new accelarators [wmidatetime] and [wmitimespan] which
can be used to convert .NET DateTime and TimeSpan values into their
WMI equivalents e.g.:
C:\PS> wmidatetime
C:\PS> [wmitimespan]((get-date) - (get-date).AddHours(-1))
Note that converting from a WMI datetime or WMI timespan to the .NET
equivalent can be accomplished by simply type casting e.g.:
C:\PS> [datetime]'20100409131034.881722-360'
Friday, April 09, 2010 1:10:34 PM
You can also use [accelerators] as a shortcut to find all the
accelerators available in PowerShell e.g.:
C:\PS> [accelerators]::get
Key Value
--- -----
int System.Int32
long System.Int64
string System.String
char System.Char
bool System.Boolean
byte System.Byte
double System.Double
wmidatetime Pscx.TypeAccelerators.WmiDateTime
wmitimespan Pscx.TypeAccelerators.WmiTimeSpan
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about PowerShell Community Extensions and the PowerShell Community Extensions package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or PowerShell Community Extensions, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.