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Last Update:
16 Apr 2018
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
- Igor Nys
minimize tray notification- Software Specific:
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Tray It!
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- Software Specific:
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Downloads of v
Software Author(s):
- Igor Nys
Tray It!
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by Igor Nys. The inclusion of Igor Nys trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify Igor Nys goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
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Some Checks Have Failed or Are Not Yet Complete
Not All Tests Have Passed
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install Tray It!, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade Tray It!, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall Tray It!, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download trayit --internalize --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade trayit -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade trayit -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install trayit
name: trayit
version: ''
state: present
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'trayit' do
action :install
version ''
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller trayit
Name = "trayit"
Version = ""
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'trayit':
ensure => '',
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package was approved by moderator gep13 on 19 Apr 2018.
Tray It! is a lightweight application which runs in the background, allowing windows to be minimized to the notification area (instead of the taskbar) by right-clicking on the close button.
Although it hasn't been updated since 2008, Tray It! still works on newer versions of Windows, except in the case of Universal Windows Platform apps (e.g. Edge), on which it has no effect.
To have it run at startup, you'll find a setting under: Edit > Options > Load TrayIt! at Startup
For more information, see:
Get-Process TrayIt! -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -PassThru
Remove-Item "$env:AllUsersProfile\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tray It!.lnk" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
&About ... (1)&About ...
&Apply (2)&Apply
&Close Group (3)&Close Group
&Close Window (4)&Close Window
&Delete Profile (5)&Delete Profile
&Edit (7)&Edit
&Edit Profile ... (6)&Edit Profile ...
&Enable Profile (8)&Enable Profile
&Exit (9)&Exit
&Help (10)&Help
&Help... (11)&Help...
&Hide Group (12)&Hide Group
&Hide Window (13)&Hide Window
&Options (14)&Options
&Predefined Profiles (15)&Predefined Profiles
&Profiles (16)&Profiles
&Refresh Tray Icons (17)&Refresh Tray Icons
&Restore Group (18)&Restore Group
&Restore Window (19)&Restore Window
&Select Language (19-1)&Select Language
&Shell Icons (20)&Shell Icons
&Uninstall (21)&Uninstall
[Create new GUID] (22)[Create new GUID]
[No module information available] (23)[No module information available]
[Unable to get process information] (24)[Unable to get process information]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. (25)1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. (26)2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. (27)3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray.
About ... (28)About ...
About TrayIt! (29)About TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed (30)Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed
Active Profiles (31)Active Profiles
Advanced (32)Advanced
Always start minimized (35)Always start minimized
Application (37)Application
Application Name and GUID (36)Application Name and GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? (38)Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry?
Are you sure? (39)Are you sure?
Available Profiles (40)Available Profiles
Basic (41)Basic
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. (42)Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] (43)Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. (44)Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly.
Class Filtering (45)Class Filtering
Compatibility (46)Compatibility
Complexity Filter (47)Complexity Filter
Console Window (48)Console Window
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application (49)Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application
Current GUID (50)Current GUID
Delete Profile (51)Delete Profile
Di&sable Profile (52)Di&sable Profile
Disable Quick Minimize (53)Disable Quick Minimize
Disabled Profiles (54)Disabled Profiles
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely (55)Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely
Edit &Profile (56)Edit &Profile
Edit Current Profile (57)Edit Current Profile
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked (58)Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons (59)Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons
Enable Window Attributes menu (60)Enable Window Attributes menu
Enable/Disable Current Profile (61)Enable/Disable Current Profile
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process (62)Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process
Error creating window class: (63)Error creating window class:
Error creating window: (64)Error creating window:
Error loading (65)Error loading
This window has no associated profile! (65-1)This window has no associated profile!
Error registering hook! (66)Error registering hook!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. (67)Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? (68)Exit TrayIt!, are you sure?
Export &Settings (69)Export &Settings
Extras (70)Extras
File (71)File
Find Window (72)Find Window
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit (73)For the latest version of TrayIt! visit
Group similar tray icons for each application (74)Group similar tray icons for each application
Grouping (75)Grouping
Groups (76)Groups
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project (77)Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project
Help file not found! (78)Help file not found!
Help! (79)Help!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only (80)Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray (81)Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window (82)Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window
Icon GUID (83)Icon GUID
Invalid Window (84)Invalid Window
Load TrayIt! at Startup (85)Load TrayIt! at Startup
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. (86)Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status.
Make window layered to enable transparency (87)Make window layered to enable transparency
Make window topmost and always visible (88)Make window topmost and always visible
Match pattern below with the window class name (89)Match pattern below with the window class name
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon (90)Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon
Maximize (91)Maximize
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background (92)Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started (93)Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started
Minimize (94)Minimize
Miscellaneous (95)Miscellaneous
Modify Application Options (96)Modify Application Options
More (97)More
Name as it appears in the profile list (98)Name as it appears in the profile list
No profiles stored (99)No profiles stored
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children (100)Only create Tray Icon for windows having children
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. (101)Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives.
Place in System &Tray (102)Place in System &Tray
Place in System Tray! (103)Place in System Tray!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. (104)Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. (105)Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress (106)Please waitt .... Initialization in progress
Profile (107)Profile
Profile(s) (108)Profile(s)
Profiles List (109)Profiles List
Profiles (110)Profiles
Quick Minimize (111)Quick Minimize
Refresh &Window List (112)Refresh &Window List
Refresh Icons (113)Refresh Icons
Refresh Profiles (114)Refresh Profiles
Refresh (115)Refresh
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility (116)Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: (117)Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon:
Select Profiles to Import (118)Select Profiles to Import
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows (119)Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started (120)Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started
Shell Icons List (121)Shell Icons List
Shell Icons (122)Shell Icons
ShellIcons (123)ShellIcons
Show Currently Active Windows (124)Show Currently Active Windows
Show Profile List (125)Show Profile List
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only (126)Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only
Show window handler in tooltips and listview (127)Show window handler in tooltips and listview
Standard definition file not found! (128)Standard definition file not found!
Startup (129)Startup
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP (130)Support Visual Styles on Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. (131)System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior.
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. (132)The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! (133)The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows!
Title Filtering (134)Title Filtering
Toggle Profile (135)Toggle Profile
Toggle Tray Icons (136)Toggle Tray Icons
Topmost (137)Topmost
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 (138)Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007
Transparency (139)Transparency
Tray Icon GUID (140)Tray Icon GUID
Tray Icon (141)Tray Icon
Tray (142)Tray
TrayApp (143)TrayApp
TrayIt! &Application ... (144)TrayIt! &Application ...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait (145)TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait
TrayIt! Application Options (146)TrayIt! Application Options
TrayIt! by Igor Nys (147)TrayIt! by Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: (148)TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... (149)TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options (150)TrayIt! Minimizing Options
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. (151)TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons (152)Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons
Use path below for the Tray Icon (153)Use path below for the Tray Icon
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon (154)Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon
Use Single-click on the tray icon (155)Use Single-click on the tray icon
Welcome to TrayIt! (156)Welcome to TrayIt!
Window attributes (157)Window attributes
Window complexity (158)Window complexity
Window Options (159)Window Options
Windows (160)Windows
Wrong GUID format (161)Wrong GUID format
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. (162)You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling.
&About ... &������� ...
&Apply &���������
&Close Group &��������� �� �����
&Close Window &��������� �� ��������
&Delete Profile &��������� �� ������
&Edit &�����������
&Edit Profile ... &����������� �� ������...
&Enable Profile &��������� �� ������
&Exit &�����
&Help &�����
&Help... &�����...
&Hide Group &�������� �� �����
&Hide Window &�������� �� ��������
&Options &���������
&Predefined Profiles &������ �������
&Profiles &�������
&Refresh Tray Icons &���������� �� ������� � ����
&Restore Group &�������������� �� �����
&Restore Window &�������������� �� ��������
&Select Language &����� �� ����
&Shell Icons &Shell �����
&Uninstall &�������
[Create new GUID] [��������� �� ��� GUID]
[No module information available] [������ ���������� �� ������]
[Unable to get process information] [������������ �� ���������� �� ���������� �� �������]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. ������ �� ��������� ����� ���� �������� �������� � ��������� ���� ���� ��������� �������� ������� <Shift> ������ ������������ ��������.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. �� �� ��������� ����� �������� ������ � ��������� ���� ������ � �����������, ������� � ������ ����� �� ������� �������� �����, ����� �� � ������� � ��������� �� ���������� �������� � �������� "��������� � ��������� ����" �� ������������ ����.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. ��������� � ������ ����� �� ������� ����� �������� �� �������������� �������� � ��������� ���� �� ������ ������������ ���� �� TrayIt! �� ������� ��������. ������ �������� "��������� � ��������� ����" � ������������ ����, �� �� �������� ��������� ������ �� ����� � ��������� ����.
About ... �������...
About TrayIt! ������� TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed ���������� �� ��������� �� �������, ��� ������������ �� ����������� �� ���� �� ���� �����������
Active Profiles ������� �������
Advanced ���������
Always start minimized ���������� ������ ������������
Application ����������
Application Name and GUID ��� �� ������������ � GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? ������� �� ���, �� ������� �� �������� ���������� ����������?
Are you sure? ������� �� ���?
Available Profiles ������� �������Available Profiles
Basic �������
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. �� ���� �� �������� ����������� - ������� ���� �� ����������.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] ��������� ����������� �� ������������ ���� ��� ����� �������� � ����������� �� ������������. ���� ����������� ���� ������� �� [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. ��������� ���� ��������� �� ���� ����������! ��������� �� ������ � ��������� ���� �� ������� �� �������� �� �������������� ���������� � ������, ����� ��������� �������� ������.
Class Filtering ���������� �� �������
Compatibility ������������
Complexity Filter ������ �� ��������
Console Window �������� ��������
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application ��������� �� ����� � ��������� ���� �� ������������ TrayIt
Current GUID ������ GUID
Delete Profile ��������� �� �������
Di&sable Profile ���������� �� �������
Disable Quick Minimize ���������� �� ������� ������������
Disabled Profiles ���������� �� ���������
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely �� �������� ����� � ���� - ����������� � ����� ��������� ������
Edit &Profile ����������� �� ������
Edit Current Profile ����������� �� ������� ������
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked ��������� �� ������������ ����������� �� ��������, ����� �� ����� �� ����� ����������
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons ��������� �� ���������������� �� ���������� �� ������������ �����
Enable Window Attributes menu ��������� �� ������ �� ���������� �� ����������
Enable/Disable Current Profile ���������/���������� �� ������� ������
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process ���������/���������� �� ������� � ���� �� �������� ������
Error creating window class: ������ ��� ��������� �� �������� ����:
Error creating window: ������ ��� ��������� �� ��������:
Error loading ������ ��� ���������
This window has no associated profile! ���� �������� ���� ��������� ������!
Error registering hook! ������ ��� �������������� �� ������������!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. �� ������������ �� �������� ����� ���������� � ����� �� ����� �� ���������. ��� ������������ �� ������� � ��������, ��������� '*' and '?' �� ��������� � ����� �� �����.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? �������� �� TrayIt!, ������� �� ���?
Export &Settings �������� �� �����������
Extras ������
File ����
Find Window ��������� �� ��������
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit �� ���������� ������ �� TrayIt! ��������
Group similar tray icons for each application ��������� �� ������� ����� � ���� �� ����� ����������
Grouping ���������
Groups �����
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project ���������� �� SDI ������ ���������� ���� Excel, PowerPoint ��� MS Project
Help file not found! ��������� ���� �� ���� ������!
Help! �����!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only �������� �� ������������ �� �������� ���� ������ ����� � ��������� ���� �� ������� � ��������� ����
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray �������� <Shift> ������ <Ctrl> �� �� ������������ ��������� � ����
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window �������� ����� ����� �� ������� ������ ������� ����������� �� ��������� ����� ���������-���
Icon GUID GUID �� �������
Invalid Window ��������� ��������
Load TrayIt! at Startup ��������� �� TrayIt! ��� ���������� �� Windows
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. �� ����������� ��� ������� �� ������� �� "��������� � ��������� ����"
Make window layered to enable transparency �������� �� ������ ��� ��������� �� ����������� �� �����������
Make window topmost and always visible �������� �� ��������� �� ���� ���-������ � �� � ������ �����
Match pattern below with the window class name ��������� �� ������� ��-���� � ����� �� ����� �� ���������
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon ��������� �� ������� ��-���� ��� ���������� �� ��������� ��� ��������� �� ����� � ��������� ����
Maximize �������������
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background ������������ ��� ������ ����, ���������� ��� ����� ����
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started ������������ �� ��������� ��� ��������� / ������ �� �������� TrayIt!
Minimize ������������
Miscellaneous �����
Modify Application Options ������� �� ����������� �� ������������
More ���
Name as it appears in the profile list �����, ����� �� �� ������� � ������� � �������
No profiles stored ���� ���������� �������
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children ��������� �� ����� � ���� ���� �� ��������, ����� ���� �����������
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. ������� �� �������� �� ���������� �� ������� � ���������� �� ���������. ��������� �� �� ������������ ��� ������ � ����� �����. ��������� '*' � '?' �� ���������. '^' ������, �������� �� ����� ����� ������ ���������� �� �������. ������� '|' ������� �������������.
Place in System &Tray ��������� � ��������� ����
Place in System Tray! ��������� � ��������� ����!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. ���� ������ � �������, �� ������������ ���� ������ ���� ��� ���������� ������������ ����� � �� ������, ��� ���������� �������� �������� ������ ���� MS Media player.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. ���� ������������� TrayIt!, �� �� ���������� ������ ���������.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress ���� ���������.... ��������� � �������
Profile ������
Profiles List ������ � �������
Profiles �������
Quick Minimize ����� ������������
Refresh &Window List ���������� �� ������� � ��������
Refresh Icons ���������� �� �������
Refresh Profiles ���������� �� ���������
Refresh ����������
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility ������� ����� - ���������� �� ������������ ����� ���������, �� ��-������ ������������
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: �������� ���� GUID �� ������� � ����:
Select Profiles to Import �������� �������, ����� �� �������
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows �������� �� ����� �� x64 ������������
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started �������� �� ����������� �� ��������� ��� ��������� / ��� ���������� �� TrayIt!
Shell Icons List ������ � ����� � shell-a
Shell Icons ����� � shell-a
ShellIcons ����� � shell-a
Show Currently Active Windows ��������� �� ������ ��������� ��������
Show Profile List ��������� �� ������� � �������
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only ��������� �� ������� � ��������� ���� ���� � ������������ ���������
Show window handler in tooltips and listview ��������� �� ������� �� �������� � �������� � ���������
Standard definition file not found! ����������� ���� � ��������� �� ���� ������!
Startup ��� ����������
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP ��������� �� �������� ������� ��� Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. ���������
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. ��������� �� �� ������ � ��������� ��������� �� ������ �� ������� � ��������� "�������", �� �� �� ��������.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! ������������ ���������� �� ��������� �������. �������� �� ������������ Windows!
Title Filtering ���������� �� ����������
Toggle Profile ������� �� �������
Toggle Tray Icons ������� �� ������� � ����
Topmost ���-������
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 ��������� �� ��������� �� Tragedy @
Transparency �����������
Tray Icon GUID GUID �� ������� � ����
Tray Icon ����� � ����
Tray ����
TrayApp ���������� � ����
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! ����������...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! ���������� -- ����, ���������
TrayIt! Application Options ��������� �� TrayIt!
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! �� Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! ������� ����� � ��������� ���� � ������ ������������� �������� �� ��������. ��� �������� ������, �� ����� �� ���������� TrayIt!:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! ����� �� ����������� �� ����� ����������...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options ��������� �� ������������ �� TrayIt!
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! �� ���� ������������ � ������ ��������� �� ����� ����������.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons ������� ���������, �� �� ���������� ������ ����� �� shell-a
Use path below for the Tray Icon ���������� �� ���� ��-���� �� ������� � ����
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon ���������� �� ����� �� ������� ���� ��������� �� ������� � ����
Use Single-click on the tray icon ���������� �� �������� �������� ����� ������� � ����
Welcome to TrayIt! ����� ����� � TrayIt!
Window attributes �������� �� ���������
Window complexity �������� �� ���������
Window Options ��������� �� ���������
Windows ��������
Wrong GUID format ������ ������ �� GUID
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. ������ �� �������� � �� ������� ������� �� ���-����� ��������� ���������� �� ������� ��-����. ���� ������ ������� ���� ����������, ����� �������� ��������� ����������.
&About ... ����...
&Apply Ӧ��
&Close Group �ر�����
&Close Window �ر��Ӵ�
&Delete Profile ɾ����ʽ
&Edit ��
&Edit Profile ... ��ģʽ ...
&Enable Profile ���ģʽ
&Exit �˳�
&Help ����
&Help... ����...
&Hide Group ��������
&Hide Window �����Ӵ�
&Options ѡ��
&Predefined Profiles Ԥ����ʽ
&Profiles ģʽ
&Refresh Tray Icons ˢ������ͼ��
&Restore Group �ָ�����
&Restore Window �ָ��Ӵ�
&Select Language ѡ������
&Shell Icons ���ͼ��
&Uninstall �
[Create new GUID] [�����µ�ͳһ��ʶ��]
[No module information available] [û�������Ϣ]
[Unable to get process information] [��ȡ�ó�����Ϣ]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. ��С�Ӵ�ʱ��ס<Shift>��������ʱ���Ӵ�����ϵͳ���̡�
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. �ڷ������̵�ͼ���ϣ�������Ҽ���ʾ�˵���ѡ��"����ϵͳ����"���ɹ̶����Ӵ���С����ϵͳ���̡�
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. ������Ӵ�����С��ť�ϣ�������Ҽ���ʾ TrayIt! �˵���ѡ��"����ϵͳ����"���ɹ̶����Ӵ��������̡�
About ... ����...
About TrayIt! ����TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed �����װ��ѶϢ�ҹ����㼤��״̬����
Active Profiles ������ʽ
Advanced ��
Always start minimized ���������С
Application ����
Application Name and GUID �������ƺ�ͳһ��ʶ��
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? ȷ��Ҫɾ���������ĵ�¼?
Are you sure? ȷ��?
Available Profiles ������ʽ
Basic ����
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. ������ѡ�� - ģʽ�Ѳ����ڡ�
Change compatibility options only if you are experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] ���Ԥ��ֵ�����⣬���ļ���ѡ��뽫����ĸ� [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. С�ĸ�����Щ�趨ֵ���趨����Ӵ���ʹ��ý��ͱ�Ƥ����������������
Class Filtering �������
Compatibility ����
Complexity Filter ���Ϲ���
Console Window ����̨�Ӵ�
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application ���� TrayIt ������ͼ��
Current GUID ����ͳһ��ʶ��
Delete Profile ɾ����ʽ
Di&sable Profile ������ʽ
Disable Quick Minimize ��ȥ������С
Disabled Profiles ������ʽ
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely ����������ͼ�� - ��С����ȫ�����Ӵ�
Edit &Profile ����ʽ
Edit Current Profile ��������ʽ
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked �������ܹҹ����Ӵ�
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons ʹ�ù��ܳ�ȥ���ͼ��
Enable Window Attributes menu ʹ���Ӵ����Բ˵�
Enable/Disable Current Profile ʹ��/��ʹ������ģʽ
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process ʹ��/��ʹ����ѡ���������ͼ��
Error creating window class: �����Ӵ�����ʱ��������:
Error creating window: �����Ӵ�ʱ��������:
Error loading װ��ʱ��������
This window has no associated profile! ����Ӵ�û�����ģʽ!
Error registering hook! �Ǽǹҹ�ʱ��������!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Ԥ������ȷ����Ӵ��������ơ�����Ѽ������ģ�ͣ��������ƿ�ʹ��'*' �� '?' ͨ�����
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? �˳�TrayIt!, ȷ��?
Export &Settings ����趨
Extras ����
File �ļ�
Find Window Ѱ���Ӵ�
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit ��� TrayIt! ���°汾������
Group similar tray icons for each application ���ϳ�����ͬ������ͼ��
Grouping ����
Groups ����
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project ������Excel, PowerPoint �� MS Project��SDI����
Help file not found! �Ҳ��������ļ�!
Help! ����!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only �����������س���ֻ��������ͼ��
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray ��ס <Shift> ������<Ctrl>�������Ӵ���С������
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window ��ס������ƶ�Ѱ�ҹ��ߵ�Ŀ���Ӵ�
Icon GUID ͼ��ͳһ��ʶ��
Invalid Window ��Ч�Ӵ�
Load TrayIt! at Startup �Ӵ����ʱ����TrayIt!
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. ���� '����ϵͳ����' ״̬ʱ���� (����) �趨ֵ��
Make window layered to enable transparency ʹ�Ӵ���㼰��
Make window topmost and always visible ʹ�Ӵ��ö����̶��ɼ�
Match pattern below with the window class name ���Ӵ����������������ģ��
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon ��������ͼ��ʱ���Ӵ������������ģ��
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background ǰ��ʱ��С������ʱ����
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started TrayIt! ���ʱ��С�Ӵ�
Minimize ��С
Miscellaneous ����
Modify Application Options �ij���ѡ��
More ����
Name as it appears in the profile list ���Ƹ���ģʽ�б�
No profiles stored ģʽδ����
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children �����Ӵ��Ž�������ͼ��
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. ģ������Ӵ���������ִ���ģ�Ϳɴ�Сд����ʹ��'*' �� '?' ͨ������� '^' ���ַ�ת��ģ�͡� �� '|' �ָ�ѡ�
Place in System &Tray ����ϵͳ &����
Place in System Tray! ����ϵͳ����!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. ������˵�ֻ���ڱ�����Сͼ�ꡣ�������ʹ����MS Media player�ı�Ƥ���˵������ᵯ����
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. ��������� TrayIt! �Ա㼤���µ��趨.
Please wait .... Initialization in progress ���Ե� .... �趨��ʼֵ
Profile ģʽ
Profile(s) ģʽ
Profiles List ģʽ�б�
Profiles ģʽ
Quick Minimize ������С
Refresh &Window List ˢ���Ӵ��б�
Refresh Icons ˢ��ͼ��
Refresh Profiles ˢ��ģʽ
Refresh ˢ��
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility ��ȫģʽ - ���ý������㷨����Ƽ��ݡ�
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: ѡ���µ�ͳһ��ʶ��������ͼ��:
Select Profiles to Import ѡ������ģʽ
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows ʹ��֧��64λԪ�Ӵ��ļ���ģʽ
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started ��� TrayIt! ʱ�趨�Ӵ�������
Shell Icons List ���ͼ���б�
Shell Icons ���ͼ��
ShellIcons ���ͼ��
Show Currently Active Windows ��ʾ�����Ӵ�
Show Profile List ��ʾģʽ�б�
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only ֻ����С״̬ʱ��ʾϵͳ����ͼ��
Show window handler in tooltips and listview ������ʾ���б�鿴ʱ��ʾ�Ӵ�������
Standard definition file not found! δ�ҵ��������ļ�!
Startup ���
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP ֧���Ӵ�XP���Ӿ�ʽ��
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. ϵͳ���ָ��Ӵ��ı��趨��
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. ����ѡ״̬�½���ʾģʽ���������ģʽ�Ի�������ѡ��
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! ��Ҫ����Ϣ�ҹ�֪ͨ����ʧ������������Ӵ�!
Title Filtering �������
Toggle Profile �л�ģʽ
Toggle Tray Icons �л�����ͼ��
Topmost �ö�
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 ���ķ���: [email protected], 2007
Transparency ����
Tray Icon GUID ����ͼ��ͳһ��ʶ��
Tray Icon ����ͼ��
Tray ����
TrayApp ���̳���
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! ���� ...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! ���� -- ���Ե�
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! ����ѡ��
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! - Igor Nys ���
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! ��ϵͳ���̽���ͼ�겢����������������С���Ӵ���ʹ��TrayIt!�и��ַ���:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt!��������������֪ͨ ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! ��Сѡ��
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. ж�� TrayIt! ����ȥ�����趨.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons ��ѡֱ���Գ�ȥ���ͼ��
Use path below for the Tray Icon ʹ��������Ϊ����ͼ���·��
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon ʹ��ģʽ������Ϊ����ͼ�����ʾ
Use Single-click on the tray icon ��������ͼ��
Welcome to TrayIt! TrayIt! ��ӭ��
Window attributes �Ӵ�����
Window complexity �Ӵ�����
Window Options �Ӵ�ѡ��
Windows �Ӵ�
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. ����������б�ѡ�����볣�ó���ģʽ���б��а����д������ij���
&About ... O programu
&Apply &Potvrdit
&Cancel &Zav��t
&Close Group &Zav��t skupinu
&Close Window &Zav��t okno
&Delete Profile &Smazat profil
&Edit &Upravit
&Edit Profile ... &Upravit profil ...
&Enable Profile &Zapnout profil
&Exit &Konec
&Help &N�pov�da
&Help... &N�pov�da...
&Hide Group &Schovat skupinu
&Hide Window &Schovat okno
&Options &Nastaven�
&Predefined Profiles &P�eddefinovan� profily
&Profiles &Profily
&Refresh Tray Icons &Znovu nahr�t ikony li�ty
&Restore Group &Obnovit skupinu
&Restore Window &Obnovit okno
&Select Language &Vybrat jazyk
&Shell Icons &Spu�t�n� ikony
&Uninstall &Odinstalovat
[Create new GUID] [Vytvo�it nov� GUID]
[No module information available] [Nejsou dostupn� informace modulu]
[Unable to get process information] [Nelze z�skat informace o procesu]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. M��ete do�asn� d�t n�jak� okno do syst�mov� li�ty podr�en�m tla��tka <Shift> kdy� minimalizujete okno.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. Pro st�l� ponech�n� okna v syst�mov� li�t�, kdy� je minimalizovan�, klikn�te prav�m tla��tkem my�i na nab�dky v odpov�daj�c� tray ikon�,vytvo�en� v p�edch�zej�c�ch kroc�ch vybr�n�m "Um�stit do Syst�mov� li�ty" v popup nab�dce.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. Kliknut�m prav�m tla��tkem my�i m��ete vybrat v kontextov�m menu minimalizov�n� do ikony pomoc� Trayit!. Sta�� jen vybrat v popup nab�dce "Um�stit do Syst�mov� li�ty" a okno se skryje do li�ty.
About ... O programu ...
About TrayIt! O programu TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Aktivovat stav monitorov�n� zachycen�ch zpr�v pokud nelze instalovat
Active Profiles Aktivn� profily
Advanced Pokro�il�
Always start minimized V�dy spustit minimalizovan�
Application Aplikace
Application Name and GUID N�zev aplikace a GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? Jste si jist, �e chcete vymazat uzam�en� z�pis?
Are you sure? Jste si jist?
Available Profiles Dostupn� profily
Basic Z�kladn�
Cancel Zav��t
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. Nelze ulo�it nastaven� - profil je�t� neexistuje.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Zm�nte kompatibilitu jen pokud m�te probl�m s v�choz�m nastaven�m. Pros�m informujte m� o probl�mu e-mailem [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Toto nastaven� zm�nte jen po d�kladn� rozvaze! Vytvo�en� pr�hledn�ho okna m��e br�nit Multim�di�m a vzhled�m v ��dn�m pracovn�m zobrazen�.
Class Filtering Filtrov�n� dle t��dy
Compatibility Kompatibilita
Complexity Filter Komplexn� filtr
Console Window Ovl�dac� panel okna
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application Vytvo�it ikonu pro aplikaci TrayIt
Current GUID St�vaj�c� GUID
Delete Profile Smazat profil
Di&sable Profile Vy&pnout profil
Disable Quick Minimize Vypnout minimalizov�n�
Disabled Profiles Vypnut� profily
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely Nevytv��et tray ikonu - minimalizovat a skr�t okno �pln�
Edit &Profile Upravit &profil
Edit Current Profile Upravit aktu�ln� profil
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Umo�nit zvl�tn� proces pro okna, kter� nelze zpracovat TrayIt!
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Umo�nit odstran�n� funk�n� zvl�tn�ch spu�t�n�ch ikon
Enable Window Attributes menu Umo�nit nab�dku atribut� oken
Enable/Disable Current Profile Zapne/Vypne aktu�ln� profil
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Zapne/Vypne Tray ikonu vybran�ho procesu
Error creating window class: Chyba p�i vytvo�en� t��dy okna:
Error creating window: Chyba vytvo�en� okna:
Error loading Chyba zav�d�n�
This window has no associated profile! Toto okno nem� p�idru�en� profil!
Error registering hook! Chyba registrovan�ho zapojen�!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Vynutit porovn�n� n�zvu okna t��dy s pou��van�m v�choz�m n�zvem. Pokud odpov�daj�c� vzor je aktivn�, zkratky '*' a '?' pro jm�no t��dy jsou dovoleny.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? Opravdu se chcete zbavit TrayIt! ?
Export &Settings Export &nastaven�
Extras Dopl�ky
File Soubor
Find Window Naj�t okno
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit Pro zji�t�n� nejnov�j�� verze TrayIt! nav�tivte
Group similar tray icons for each application Seskupit podobn� tray ikony pro jin� aplikace
Grouping Sdru�ov�n�
Groups Skupiny
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project Ovl�dat typy aplikac� SDI jako Excel, PowerPoint nebo MS Project
Help file not found! N�pov�da nenalezena!
Help! N�pov�da!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Skr�t aplikaci z �kolov� li�ty po celou dobu, zobrazit jen tray ikonu
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray Podr�en�m <Shift> m�sto <Ctrl> minimalizovat okno do li�ty
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Podr�en�m lev�ho tla��tka my�i p�et�hn�te Vyhled�vac� n�stroj na c�lov� okno
Icon GUID GUID ikony
Invalid Window Nespr�vn� okno
Load TrayIt! at Startup Spustit TrayIt! p�i startu
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Uzamknout (uchovat) nastaven� p�i zm�n� stavu 'Um�stit do Syst�mov� li�ty'.
Make window layered to enable transparency Zpr�hlednit okno
Make window topmost and always visible Spou�t�t okno na vrchu a v�dy viditeln�
Match pattern below with the window class name Porovnat vzor n�e s t��dou a n�zvem okna
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon P�i vytvo�en� tray ikony j� nazvat podle vzoru n�e
Maximize Maximalizovat
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background Minimalizovat v pop�ed�, aktivovat na pozad�
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Minimalizovat okno p�i vytvo�en� / spu�t�n� TrayIt!
Minimize Minimalizovat
Miscellaneous R�zn�
Modify Application Options �prava nastaven� aplikace
More Dal��
Name as it appears in the profile list Nazvat profil stejn�, jako v seznamu profil�
No profiles stored Nen� ulo�en profil
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Jen vytvo�it Tray ikonu pro windows d�t�
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. Upravte odpov�daj�c� pod�et�zec v n�zvu okna. Vzory nerozli�uj� velk� �i mal� p�smena. '*' a '?' pro zkratky jsou povoleny. '^' jako prvn� znak, obr�t� vzor. '|' (separ�tor) odd�l� alternativy.
Place in System &Tray Um�stit do Syst�mov� &li�ty
Place in System Tray! Um�stit do Syst�mov� li�ty!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Pros�m v�imn�te si, �e pokud program pou��v� r�zn� vzhledy, jako t�eba MS Media player, v kontextov� nab�dce lze pracovat jen pro standardn� minimalizaci a pro nevyskakovac� okna.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Pros�m restartujte TrayIt! pro aktivaci nov�ch nastaven�.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress Pros�m vy�kejte .... prob�h� inicializace
Profile Profil
Profile(s) Profil(y)
Profiles List Seznam profil�
Profiles Profily
Quick Minimize Rychl� minimalizace
Refresh &Window List Znovu nahr�t &seznam oken
Refresh Icons Znovu nahr�t Ikony
Refresh Profiles Znovu nahr�t profily
Refresh Znovu nahr�t
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Bezpe�n� re�im - pou��t alternativn� pomalej�� algoritmus pro zv��en� kompatibility
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: Vyberat nov� GUID pro tray ikonu:
Select Profiles to Import Import vybran�ch profil�
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows Umo�nit podporu kompatibility re�imu 64-bit Windows
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Nastavit atributy oken p�i vytvo�en� / spu�t�n� TrayIt!
Shell Icons List Seznam spu�t�n�ch ikon
Shell Icons Spu�t�n� ikona
ShellIcons Spu�t�n� ikony
Show Currently Active Windows Zobrazit aktu�ln� aktivn� okna
Show Profile List Zobraz� seznam profil�
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only V minimalizovan�m stavu nezobrazovat ikonu v systray
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Zobrazit okno mana�era v n�strojov�ch tipech a v seznamu zobrazen�ch
Standard definition file not found! Standardn� defini�n� soubor nenalezen!
Startup Spu�t�n�
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Podpora vizu�ln�ch styl� Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. Syst�m se vr�t� do standardn�ho re�imu Windows (c).
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. Profily se objev� jako vypnut�. Je nutn� aby jste v 'Upravit' -> 'Profily' profil zapnuly.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! Po�adovan� ozn�men� nen� k dispozici. Pokuste se restartovat Windows!
Title Filtering �vodn� filtrov�n�
Toggle Profile Vypnut� profilu
Toggle Tray Icons Vypnut� Tray ikony
Topmost V�dy na vrchu
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Do �e�tiny p�elo�il Damned, e-mail: [email protected], 2007
Trancparency Pr�hlednost
Transparency Pr�hlednost
Tray Icon GUID GUID Tray ikony
Tray Icon Tray ikona
Tray Tray
TrayApp TrayAplikace
TrayIt! &Application ... Zobrazit okno aplikace TrayIt!
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait AplikujiTrayIt! -- Pros�m �ekejte
TrayIt! Application Options Nastaven� aplikace TrayIt!
TrayIt! by Igor Nys O TrayIt! od Igora Nyse
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! skryje minimalizovan� okno z hlavn�ho panelu a vytvo�� ikonu v Syst�mov� li�t�. Tam lze r�zn�m zp�sobem pou�it TrayIt!:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! �ek� na zpr�vy z dal��ch aplikac�
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! nastaven� minimalizace
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! bude nyn� odinstalov�n a v�echny nastaven� hodnoty budou odstran�ny.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Nen� vybr�n ��dn� ��dek pro vypnut� zobrazen� ikony
Use path below for the Tray Icon Pou��t cestu zobrazenou n�e pro tray ikonu
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Pou��t n�zev profilu jako n�strojov� tip tray ikony
Use Single-click on the tray icon Pou��t jeden klik na tray ikonu
Welcome to TrayIt! V�tejte v TrayIt!
Window attributes Atributy oken
Window complexity Komplikovanost oken
Window Options Nastaven� oken
Windows Okna
Wrong GUID format Chybn� form�t GUID
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. M��ete vybrat a importovat profily pro nejb�n�j�� aplikace ze seznamu naho�e. Seznam obsahuje jen aplikace kter� vy�aduj� zvl�tn� zach�zen�.
&About ... Over...
&Apply Toepassen
&Close Group Groep sluiten
&Close Window Venster sluiten
&Delete Profile Profiel verwijderen
&Edit Bewerken
&Edit Profile ... Profiel bewerken
&Enable Profile Profiel activeren
&Exit Afsluiten
&Help Help
&Help... Help...
&Hide Group Groep verbergen
&Hide Window Venster verbergen
&Options TrayIt!-Opties
&Predefined Profiles Voorgedefinieerde Profielen
&Profiles Profiellijst
&Refresh Tray Icons Ververs systeembalk iconen
&Restore Group Groep herstellen
&Restore Window Venster maximaliseren
&Select Language Kies taal
&Shell Icons Taakbalk-iconen
&Uninstall De�nstalleren
[Create new GUID] [Cre�er nieuwe GUID]
[No module information available] [Geen module informatie beschikbaar]
[Unable to get process information] [Geen procesinformatie beschikbaar]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Elk venster kan in de systeembalk geplaatst worden door de <shift>-knop in te drukken bij het minimaliseren.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. Om applicaties steeds naar de systeembalk te minimaliseren: nadat u stap ��n hebt uitgevoerd klikt u RECHTS op het aangemaakte icoon, en vinkt u "Minimaliseer naar systeembalk" aan.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. rechts klikken op het icoon in de systeembalk toont het TrayIt! context menu. Kies voor "Minimaliseer naar Systeembalk" in het popup menu om het venster steeds naar de tray te sturen.
About ... Over ...
About TrayIt! Over TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Activeer statustoezicht als de 'message hook' niet ge�nstalleerd kan worden
Active Profiles Actieve profielen
Advanced Geavanceerd
Always start minimized Steeds geminimaliseerd opstarten
Application Applicatie
Application Name and GUID Naam en GUID van de applicatie:
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? Weet u zeker dat u een locked entry wil verwijderen?
Are you sure? u zeker?
Available Profiles Beschikbare Profielen
Basic Basis
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. Kan de opties niet opslaan - Het profiel bestaat niet meer.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Verander de compatibiliteitsopties alleen als u problemen met de normale instellingen ondervindt. Rapporteer problemen aan [email protected], a.u.b.
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Verander deze instellingen op eigen risico! Een venster gelaagd maken kan Multimediaprogramma's en geskinde applicaties verhinderen correct te werken.
Class Filtering Filtering volgens Class
Compatibility Compatibiliteit
Complexity Filter Complexiteitsfilter
Console Window Consolevenster
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application Gebruik een systeembalk-icoon voor TrayIt!
Current GUID Huidige GUID
Delete Profile Verwijder Profiel
Di&sable Profile Profiel deactiveren
Disable Quick Minimize Snelle minimalisatie uitschakelen
Disabled Profiles Inactieve profielen
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely Geen systeembalk-icoon maken - venster volledig verbergen bij minimalisatie
Edit &Profile Wijzig &Profiel
Edit Current Profile Wijzig profiel
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Extra processing toelaten voor vensters die niet gehooked kunnen worden
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Extra functionaliteit toelaten om extra systeembalk-iconen te verwijderen
Enable Window Attributes menu Menu voor Venster Attributen
Enable/Disable Current Profile Huidig Profiel (de)activeren
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Iconen voor geselecteerde processen (de)activeren
Error creating window class: Fout bij het cre�ren van de venster class:
Error creating window: Fout bij het maken van venster:
Error loading Fout bij het inladen
This window has no associated profile! Dit venster heeft geen toegewezen profiel!
Error registering hook! Fout bij het registreren van de hook!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Normaal wordt de windows class naam gebruikt. '*' en '?' wildcards toegelaten in de classnaam als filteren volgens class actief is.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? TrayIt afsluiten! Bent u zeker?
Export &Settings Exporteer In&stellingen
Extras Extra
File Bestand
Find Window Venster zoeken
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit De laatste versie van TrayIt! kan gevonden worden op
Group similar tray icons for each application Groepeer gelijkaardige iconen voor elke applicatie
Grouping Groepering
Groups Groepen
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project Behandel zoals SDI-applicaties (bv. Excel, PowerPoint, MS Project)
Help file not found! Help-bestand niet gevonden!
Help! Help!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Dit programma nooit op taakbalk weergeven; enkel het systeembalk-icoon behouden
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray <Shift> i.p.v. <Ctrl> vasthouden om een venster te minimaliseren
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Houd de linkermuisknop ingedrukt en sleep de Finder Tool over het gewenste venster
Icon GUID Icoon GUID
Invalid Window Ongeldig venster
Load TrayIt! at Startup Laad TrayIt! bij het opstarten van de computer
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Behoud de instelling bij het veranderen van de 'Plaats in de systeembalk'-status.
Make window layered to enable transparency Maak het venster gelaagd om transparantie toe te laten
Make window topmost and always visible Het programmavenster steeds op de voorgrond plaatsen
Match pattern below with the window class name Synchroniseer onderstaande tekst met de titel in het applicatievenster
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon Als de titel onderstaande tekst bevat wordt deze naar de systeembalk geminimaliseerd
Maximize Maximaliseren
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background Minimaliseer indien in de voorgrond, activeer indien in de achtergrond
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Minimaliseer het venster bij creatie / als TrayIt! gestart wordt
Minimize Minimaliseren
Miscellaneous Overige
Modify Application Options trayIt! opties
More Uitgebreid
Name as it appears in the profile list Naam die in de profiellijst voorkomt
No profiles stored Geen profielen opgeslagen
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Alleen systeembalk-iconen aanmaken voor vensters met kinderen
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. Deze niet-hoofdlettergevoelige tekst komt overeen met het eerste deel van de naam van het venster. '*' en '?' wildcards zijn toegelaten. '^' als eerste symbool maakt dat u het einde van de string kan geven. '|' scheidt verschillende namen.
Place in System &Tray Minimaliseer naar sys&teembalk
Place in System Tray! Minimaliseer naar systeembalk!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Het contextmenu zal alleen werken voor standaardminimalisatie-iconen. Het komt niet voor bij programma's met skins (bv. MS Media player).
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Herstart TrayIt! om de nieuwe instellingen te activeren.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress Even geduld ... Initialisatie is bezig
Profile Profiel
Profile(s) Profiel(en)
Profiles List Profiellijst
Profiles Profielen
Quick Minimize Snel minimaliseren
Refresh &Window List taakbalklijst verversen
Refresh Icons Ververs Iconen
Refresh Profiles Ververs Profielen
Refresh Verversen
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Veilige modus - gebruik een trager algoritme met betere compatibiliteit
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: Kies een nieuwe GUID voor het Tray Icoon:
Select Profiles to Import Te Importeren Profielen
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows Compatibiliteitsmodus met 64-bit Windows toelaten
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Zet de venster-instellingen bij creatie / als TrayIt! gestart wordt
Shell Icons List Iconen in de systeembalk
Shell Icons Systeembalk-iconen
ShellIcons Systeembalk-iconen
Show Currently Active Windows Toon actieve vensters
Show Profile List Profiellijst
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Toon systeembalk-icoon alleen in geminimaliseerde staat
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Toon venster handler in de tooltips and en lijstoverzicht
Standard definition file not found! Standaard definitie bestand niet gevonden!
Startup Opstarten
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Ondersteun Visuele Stijlen op Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. Systeem zal terugkeren naar het standaard Windows(c) gedrag.
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. De profielen zullen in uitgeschakelde staat verschijnen. Om ze te activeren moet u naar het menu 'Bewerken > Profielen' gaan.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! De vereiste boodschappen waarschuwingen zijn onvindbaar. Probeer om Windows te herstarten!
Title Filtering Filteren van de Titel
Toggle Profile Wissel profiel
Toggle Tray Icons Wissel systeembalk-iconen
Topmost Bovenaan
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Vertaald naar het Nederlands door Bert Van Hoofstat, 2007
Transparency Transparantie
Tray Icon GUID Tray Icoon GUID
Tray Icon Icoon
Tray Systeembalk
TrayApp SysteembalkApp
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! &Applicatie ...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! Applicatie -- Een ogenblik, a.u.b.
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! Opties
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! - geschreven door Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! stuurt een geminimaliseerd venster als icoon naar de systeembalk i.p.v. de taakbalk. TrayIt! kan als volgt gebruikt worden:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! controleert de informatie van andere applicaties ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options Opties voor Minimalisering
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! zal gede�nstalleerd worden en alle instellingen zullen verwijderd worden.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Vink de iconen uit voor de systeembalk-iconen die u wil verbergen
Use path below for the Tray Icon Gebruik het onderstaande pad voor het Icoon in de systeembalk:
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Gebruik de profielnaam als hulptekst in de systeembalk
Use Single-click on the tray icon Eenmaal klikken op het tray icoon
Welcome to TrayIt! Welkom bij TrayIt!
Window attributes Venster attributen
Window complexity Complexheid van het venster
Window Options Venster opties
Windows Vensters
Wrong GUID format Fout GUID-formaat
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. Voor de meeste programma's kan u profielen kiezen en importeren uit de bovenstaande lijst. De lijst bevat alleen applicaties die een speciale behandeling vereisen.
&About ... � propos...
&Apply Appliquer
&Close Group Fermer le groupe
&Close Window Fermer la fen�tre
&Delete Profile Supprimer le profile
&Edit Editer
&Edit Profile ... Editer le profil...
&Enable Profile Activer le profil
&Exit Quitter
&Help Aide
&Help... Aide...
&Hide Group Masquer le groupe
&Hide Window Masquer la fen�tre
&Options Options
&Predefined Profiles Profil pr�d�fini
&Profiles Profils
&Refresh Tray Icons Rafra�chir les ic�nes du Systray
&Restore Group Restaurer le groupe
&Restore Window Restaurer la fen�tre
&Select Language Choisir la langue
&Shell Icons Biblioth�que d'ic�nes
&Uninstall D�sinstaller
[Create new GUID] [Cr�er nouveau GUID]
[No module information available] [Aucune infos disponible sur ce module]
[Unable to get process information] [Impossible d'afficher les processus]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Envoyez temporairement une fen�tre dans le systray en appuyant sur la touche <Shift> lors de la r�duction d'une fen�tre.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. Pour maintenir toujours la fen�tre dans le Systray une fois r�duite, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur l'ic�ne correspondante cr��e dans l'�tape pr�c�dente et cochez "Placer dans le Systray" dans le menu d�roulant.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. Un clic-droit sur l'ic�ne de r�duction affichera le menu contextuel de TrayIt! pour cette fen�tre. Cochez "Placer dans le Systray" dans le menu d�roulant pour toujours envoyer la fen�tre dans le systray.
About ... � propos...
About TrayIt! � propos de TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Activer le statut surveillance si le message hook ne peut �tre install�
Active Profiles Profil actif
Advanced Avanc�
Always start minimized Toujours d�marrer r�duit
Application Application
Application Name and GUID Nom de l'application et du GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? �tes-vous s�r de vouloir supprimer une entr�e v�rouill�e?
Are you sure? �tes-vous s�r?
Available Profiles Profils disponibles
Basic Basic
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. Impossible de sauvegarder les options - le profil n'existe plus.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] � ne modifier que si vous rencontrez des probl�mes avec les options standard. Pour tout probl�me, contactez [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Modifier ces options � votre convenance! Ajouter un filtre peut emp�cher certaines applications de fonctionner correctement.
Class Filtering Filtrage par classe
Compatibility Compatibilit�
Complexity Filter Filtre complexe
Console Window Fen�tre Console
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application Afficher l'ic�ne de TrayIt dans le Systray
Current GUID GUID actuel
Delete Profile Supprimer le profil
Di&sable Profile D�sactiver le profil
Disable Quick Minimize D�sactiver la r�duction rapide
Disabled Profiles D�sactiver le profil
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely Ne pas cr�er d'ic�nes systray - r�duire et masquer compl�tement la fen�tre
Edit &Profile Modifier le profil
Edit Current Profile Modifier le profil courant
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Aciver le processus sp�cial pour les fen�tres ne pouvant pas �tre filtr�es
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Activer la possibilit� de supprimer les ic�nes suppl�mentaires de la biblioth�que d'ic�nes
Enable Window Attributes menu Activer le menu d'attributs de fen�tre
Enable/Disable Current Profile Activer/D�sactiver le profil courant
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Activer/D�sactiver les ic�nes du Systray pour le processus s�l�ctionn�
Error creating window class: Erreur de cr�ation d'une classe de fen�tre:
Error creating window: Erreur de cr�ation d'une fen�tre:
Error loading Erreur du chargement
This window has no associated profile! Cette fen�tre n'a aucun profil d'associ�!
Error registering hook! Erreur d'enregistrement du "hook"!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. La correspondance exact avec la classe de fen�tre est utilis� par d�faut. Si ce motif est activ�, les jokers '*' et '?' seront permis dans le nom de classe.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? Quitter TrayIt! Etes-vous s�r?
Export &Settings Exporter les param�tres
Extras Extras
File Fichier
Find Window Rechercher une fen�tre
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit Pour la derni�re version de TrayIt! visitez
Group similar tray icons for each application Grouper les ic�nes similaires
Grouping Grouper
Groups Groupes
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project Manipuler les applications SDI comme pour Excel, Powerpoint ou les projets MS
Help file not found! Fichier introuvable!
Help! Aide!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Masquer constamment la barre des t�ches, mais pas le Systray
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray Maintenir <Shift> au lieu de <Ctrl> pour r�duire une fen�tre
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Maintenir le clic gauche en d�pla�ant l'outil Rechercher vers la fen�tre cible
Icon GUID Ic�ne du GUID
Invalid Window Fen�tre invalide
Load TrayIt! at Startup D�marrer TrayIt! avec Windows
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Verrouiller les param�tres si le statut "Placer dans le Systray!" est modifi�
Make window layered to enable transparency Autoriser la transparence sur les fen�tres calqu�es
Make window topmost and always visible Rendre la fen�tre la plus �lev� toujours visible
Match pattern below with the window class name Accorder le mod�le ci-dessous avec le nom de classe de fen�tre
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon Accorder le mod�le ci-dessous avec le nom de fen�tre pour cr�er un ic�ne Systray
Maximize Maximiser
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background R�duire au premier-plan, activer en arri�re-plan
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started D�marrer TrayIt! en mode r�duit
Minimize Minimiser
Miscellaneous Divers
Modify Application Options Modifier les pr�f�rences
More Plus
Name as it appears in the profile list Nom comme dans la liste de profil
No profiles stored Aucun profil sauvegarder
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Ne cr�er une ic�ne Systray que pour les fen�tres apparent�s
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. Les motifs correspondent � une sous-cha�ne du titre de fen�tre, dont la casse importe peu. Les jokers '*' et '?' sont permis. '^' en premier inverse le motif. '|' s�pare les alternatives.
Place in System &Tray Placer dans le &Systray
Place in System Tray! Placer dans le Systray
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Noter que le menu contextuel ne fonctionne que pour l'ic�ne de r�duction standard et ne s'affichera pas si vous utilisez un th�me comme avec Windows Media Player.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Veuillez relancer TrayIt! pour appliquer les nouveaux param�tres.
Please wait .... Initialization in progress Veuillez patienter .... Initialisation en cours
Profile Profil
Profile(s) Profil(s)
Profiles List Liste des Profils
Profiles Profils
Quick Minimize R�duction rapide
Refresh &Window List Actualiser la liste des fen�tres
Refresh Icons Actualiser les ic�nes
Refresh Profiles Actualiser les profils
Refresh Actualiser
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Mode s�r - utilise un algorithme alternatif lent pour augmenter la compatibilit�
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: Choisir un nouveau GUID pour l'ic�ne Systray:
Select Profiles to Import S�lectionner un profil � importer
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows x64 Mode compatible
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Placer les attributs de fen�tre � la cr�ation/quand TrayIt ! d�marre
Shell Icons List Liste des biblioth�que d'ic�nes
Shell Icons Biblioth�que d'ic�nes
ShellIcons Biblioth�que d'ic�nes
Show Currently Active Windows Afficher la fen�tre active
Show Profile List Afficher la liste des profils
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Afficher l'ic�ne du systray en mode r�duit uniquement
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Afficher le gestionnaire de fen�tre dans les infobulles et les listes
Standard definition file not found! (128)Dossier de d�finition standard non trouv�!
Startup D�marrer
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Appliquer aux Styles Visuels pour Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. Le syst�me reviendra au comportement standard de Windows(c)
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. Les profils seront d�sactiv�s. Vous devrez aller au menu 'profil' pour l'activer.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! Les notifications d'alertes sont manquantes. Veuillez r�d�marrer Windows!
Title Filtering Filtrage de titre
Toggle Profile Basculer vers le profil
Toggle Tray Icons Basculer vers l'ic�ne Systray
Topmost Sup�rieur
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Traduction fran�aise: Bumpy (2007)
Transparency Transparence
Tray Icon GUID Ic�ne Systray du GUID
Tray Icon Ic�ne Systray
Tray Systray
TrayApp Systray-Application
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! &Application
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! -- Veuillez patienter
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! Options
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! d�velopp� par Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! cr�ez une ic�ne dans la zone de notification et masquez les fen�tres r�duites dans la barre des t�ches. Voici les diff�rentes fa�on d'utiliser TrayIt!:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! v�rifie les notifications d'autres applications...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! Options de R�duction
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! sera d�sinstall� et tous les param�tres supprim�s.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons D�cocher la ligne pour supprimer la biblioth�que d'ic�nes
Use path below for the Tray Icon Utiliser l'adresse suivante pour l'ic�ne du Systray
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Utiliser le nom du profil comme infobulle pour l'ic�ne du Systray
Use Single-click on the tray icon Utiliser le simple-clic sur les ic�nes du Systray
Welcome to TrayIt! Bienvenue dans TrayIt!
Window attributes Attribut des Fen�tres
Window complexity Complexit� de fen�tres
Window Options Options des fen�tres
Windows Fen�tre
Wrong GUID format Erreur de format GUID
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. Choisissez/importez des profils pour les applications les plus communes de la liste ci-dessus. La liste inclut seulement les applications requi�rant une manipulation sp�ciale.
&About ... �ber...
&Apply Anwenden
&Close Group Gruppe schlie�en
&Close Window Fenster schlie�en
&Delete Profile Profil l�schen
&Edit Editieren
&Edit Profile ... Profil editieren ...
&Enable Profile Profil aktivieren
&Exit Beenden
&Help Hilfe
&Help... Hilfe...
&Hide Group Gruppe ausblenden
&Hide Window Fenster verstecken
&Options Optionen
&Predefined Profiles Vordefinierte Profile
&Profiles Profile
&Refresh Tray Icons Symbole im Infobereich aktualisieren
&Restore Group Gruppe wiederherstellen
&Restore Window Fenster wiederherstellen
&Shell Icons Shellsymbole
&Uninstall Deinstallieren
[Create new GUID] [Neue GUID erzeugen]
[No module information available] [Keine Info zum Modul verf�gbar]
[Unable to get process information] [Au�erstande, Infos zum Prozess zu erhalten]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Zum einmaligen Ablegen von Fenstern im Infobereich <Ctrl> (optional <Shift>) -Taste beim Minimieren von Fenstern dr�cken.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. W�hlt man nach einem Rechts-Click auf das Symbol aus Schritt 1 im Kontextmenue "Im Infobereich ablegen", werden minimierte Fenster stets so angezeigt.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. In bereits ge�ffneten Fenstern ist diese Option nach einem Rechts-Click auf das [-] Symbol der Fenster zug�nglich.
About ... �ber ...
About TrayIt! �ber TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Statusmonitoring aktiv, wenn Message Hook nicht installiert werden kann
Active Profiles Aktive Profile
Advanced noch mehr
Always On Top 1 Immer On top 1
Always On Top Immer on top
Always start minimized TrayIt! stets minimiert starten
Application Anwendung
Application Name and GUID Name der Anwendung und GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? Sind Sie sicher, einen gesperrten Eintrag zu l�schen?
Are you sure? Sind Sie sicher?
Available Profiles Verf�gbare Profile
Basic einfach
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. Speichern der Einstellungen nicht m�glich - Profil existiert nicht mehr.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Diese Optionen bitte nur bei Problemen mit den Standard-Einstellungen �ndern. Probleme bitte auch dem Autor berichten ([email protected]).
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Diese Einstellungen sehr vorsichtig �ndern! Ein Fenster als layered zu definieren, verhindert u.U., dass Multimedia-Anwendungen und solche, die Skins nutzen, korrekt arbeiten.
Class Filtering nach Klassen filtern
Compatibility Kompatibilit�t
Complexity Filter Komplexit�tsfilter
Console Window Konsolenfenster
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application TrayIt!-Symbol im Infobereich anzeigen
Current GUID aktuelle GUID
Delete Profile Profil l�schen
Di&sable Profile Profil deaktivieren
Disable Quick Minimize Schnelles Minimieren deaktivieren
Disabled Profiles Inaktive Profile
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely kein Symbol im Infobereich (Fenster minimieren, vollst�ndig verstecken)
Edit &Profile Profil bearbeiten
Edit Current Profile Aktuelles Profil bearbeiten
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Verarbeitung f�r Fenster, die nicht als abh�ngig formuliert werden k�nnen
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Funktionalit�t aktivieren, um zus�tzliche Shellsymbole auszublenden
Enable Window Attributes menu Attribute-Menue aktivieren
Enable/Disable Current Profile Aktuelles Profil aktivieren/deaktivieren
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Aktivieren/Deaktivieren des Symbols f�r ausgew�hlten Prozess
Error creating window class: Fehler beim Erzeugen der Windows-Klasse:
Error creating window: Fehler beim Erzeugen des Fensters:
Error loading &This window has no associated profile! Lesefehler &Das Fenster hat keine verkn�pften Profile!
Error registering hook! Fehler "Hook Registrierung"!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Standard: Genaue �bereinstimmung mit Fensterklassen-Namen.Wenn Muster-�bereinstimmung aktiv, sind '*' und '?' als Platzhalter im Klassennamen erlaubt.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? TrayIt! beenden, sind Sie sicher?
Export &Settings Einstellungen exportieren
Extras Extras
File Datei
Find Window Fenster ermitteln
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit Aktualisierungen finden Sie unter
Group similar tray icons for each application �hnliche Symbole aller Anwendungen gruppieren
Grouping Gruppieren
Groups Gruppen
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project "SDI"-Anwendungen wie Excel, PowerPoint oder MS Project behandeln
Help file not found! Hilfedatei fehlt!
Help! Hilfe!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Anwendung nie in der Taskleiste, sondern allein im Infobereich anzeigen
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray <Shift> statt <Ctrl> zum Minimieren in den Infobereich
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Fenster finden: linke Maustaste dr�cken und �ber das Zielfenster ziehen
Icon GUID GUID-Symbol
Invalid Window Ung�ltiges Fenster
Load TrayIt! at Startup TrayIt! beim Windowsstart aufrufen
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Einstellungen beim �ndern des Status 'im Infobereich ablegen' sperren (sch�tzen).
Make window layered to enable transparency Fenster als "layered" definieren, um Transparenz zu erm�glichen
Make window topmost and always visible Fenster als oberstes und immer sichtbar definieren
Match pattern below with the window class name �bereinstimmung des Fensterklassennamens mit folgendem Muster
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon �bereinstimmung des Fensternamens mit folgendem Muster
Maximize Maximieren
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background Minimieren, wenn im Vordergrund, aktivieren, wenn im Hintergrund
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Fenster beim �ffnen und TrayIt!-Start minimieren
Minimize Minimieren
Miscellaneous Verschiedenes
Modify Application Options Optionen der Anwendung �ndern
More mehr
Name as it appears in the profile list Name wie in der Profilliste
No profiles stored Keine Profile angelegt
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Symbole nur f�r Child-Fenster
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. Muster entspricht Teilstring des Fensternamens (keine Gro�/Klein- Unterscheidung), Platzhalter: '*' und '?'. Musterumkehrung mit '^' als 1. Zeichen, '|' trennt Alternativen.
Place In System Tray! Im Infobereich ablegen
Place in System &Tray Im Infobereich ablegen
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Das Kontextmenue erscheint nur bei standardgerecht erzeugten Symbolen (nicht bei Programmen, die Skins wie der MS Mediaplayer verwenden).
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. TrayIt! neu starten, um ge�nderte Einstellungen zu aktivieren.
Please wait .... Initialization in progress Bitte warten .... Initialisierung l�uft
Profile Profil
Profile(s) Profil(e)
Profiles List Liste der Profile
Profiles Profile
Quick Minimize Schnelles Minimieren
Refresh &Window List Liste der Fenster aktualisieren
Refresh Icons Symbole aktualisieren
Refresh Profiles Profile aktualisieren
Refresh Aktualisieren
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Sicherer Modus (langsamer Kompatibilit�ts-Algorithmus)
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon Neue GUID des Tay Symbols w�hlen
Select Profiles to Import Zu importierendes Profil w�hlen
Set compatibility mode for the older versions of Windows 95 Kompatibilit�tsmodus (Win95) setzen
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Beim Anlegen oder TrayIt!-Start Win-Attribute setzen
Shell Icons List Liste der Shellsymbole
Shell Icons Shellsymbole
ShellIcons Shellsymbole
Show Currently Active Windows Aktives Fenster anzeigen
Show Profile List Liste der Profile darstellen
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Symbol im Infobereich nur zeigen, wenn minimiert
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Fenster-Routine in Sprechblasen und als Liste anzeigen
Standard definition file not found! Standard Definitions-Datei nicht gefunden!
Startup Start
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP unter Win XP visuelle Stile unterst�tzen
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. R�ckkehr zu Win-Standard-Einstellungen.
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. Profile werden 'inaktiv' importiert und k�nnen im Dialog 'Profile' aktiviert werden
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! Erforderliche "Message Hook" Benachrichtigung fehlt. Bitte Windows neu starten.
Title Filtering Filtern nach Namen
Toggle Profile Profil umschalten
Toggle Tray Icons Wechsel zwischen aktiv und inaktiv
Topmost Fensterposition
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 �bersetzt: Dr. Klaus Zimmermann (TrayIt! V4.6.5.5, 18.07.2007)
Transparency Transparenz
Tray Icon GUID GUID des Symbols im Infobereich
Tray Icon Symbol im Infobereich
Tray Infobereich
TrayApp Tray-Anwendung
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! Hauptfenster
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! -- Bitte warten
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! Optionen der Anwendung
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! entwickelt von Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: Um minimierte Fenster als Symbol im Infobereich statt in der Taskleiste anzuzeigen, gibt es in TrayIt! 3 M�glichkeiten:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! pr�ft Benachrichtungen anderer Anwendungen ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! Optionen zum Minimieren
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! wird deinstalliert, alle Einstellungen werden entfernt.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Aktivieren, um Shellsymbole auszublenden
Use path below for the Tray Icon Symbole aus Pfad auslesen
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Profilnamen als Sprechblase der Symbole
Use Single-click on the tray icon mit Einzelclick auf Symbol aufrufen
Welcome to TrayIt! Willkommen bei TrayIt!
Window attributes Attribute des Fensters
Window complexity Komplexizit�t des Fensters
Window Options Einstellungen des Fensters
Windows Fenster
Wrong GUID format Falsches GUID Format
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. Auswahl wichtiger und g�ngiger Profile mit Voreinstellungen f�r Anwendungen mit spezieller Bedienung.
&Select Language Sprache w�hlen
Tray Icon GUID Infobereich GUID
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: neue GUID f�r Infobereich w�hlen:
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Profilnamen als Sprechblase verwenden
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Standard: Genaue �bereinstimmung mit Fensterklassennamen (hier sind '*' und '?' als Platzhalter in Klassennamen erlaubt)
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Zum einmaligen Ablegen von Fenstern im Infobereich <Ctrl> (optional <Shift>)-Taste beim Minimieren von Fenstern dr�cken.
&Cancel Abbrechen
Cancel Abbrechen
Place in System Tray! im Infobereich ablegen
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows Kompatibilit�tsmodus f�r Win-64Bit aktivieren
Trancparency Transparenz
&About ... N�vjegy�
&Apply Alkalmaz
&Close Group Csoport bez�r�sa
&Close Window Ablak bez�r�sa
&Delete Profile Profil t�rl�se
&Edit Szerkeszt�s
&Edit Profile ... Profil szerkeszt�se...
&Enable Profile Profil enged�lyez�se
&Exit Kil�p�s
&Help S�g�
&Help... S�g�...
&Hide Group Csoport elrejt�se
&Hide Window Ablak bez�r�sa
&Options Be�ll�t�sok
&Predefined Profiles El�re megadott profilok
&Profiles Profilok
&Refresh Tray Icons T�lcaikonok friss�t�se
&Restore Group Csoport helyre�ll�t�sa
&Restore Window Ablak helyre�ll�t�sa
&Select Language Nyelv kiv�laszt�sa
&Shell Icons Rendszerh�j ikonok
&Uninstall Elt�vol�t�s
[Create new GUID] [�j GUID l�trehoz�sa]
[No module information available] [Nincs modul inform�ci�]
[Unable to get process information] [Folyamat inform�ci� nem k�rhet� le]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Ideiglenesen b�rmelyik ablakot a rendszert�lc�ra helyezheti, ha ikon�llapotra �ll�t�s alatt nyomva tartja a <Shift> billenty�t.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. Ikon�llapotra �ll�t�skor az ablakmindig a rendszert�lc�ra ker�l, ha a JOBB eg�rgombbal a m�r t�lc�n l�v� megfelel� ikonra kattint �s az el�ugr� men�ben kijel�li a "Rendszert�lc�ra helyez" elemet.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. Az ablakhoz tartoz� TrayIt! helyi men� el�hoz�s�hoz kattintson a jobb eg�rgombbal az ikon�llapot ikonra. Az el�ugr� men�ben egyszer�en jel�lje ki a "Rendszert�lc�ra helyez" elemet �s az ablak mindig a t�lc�ra ker�l.
About ... N�vjegy�
About TrayIt! A TrayIt! n�vjegy�
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Ha az �zenethurok nem telep�thet� aktiv�lja az �llapotfigyel�st
Active Profiles Akt�v profilok
Advanced Speci�lis
Always start minimized Mindig ikon�llapotban indul
Application Alkalmaz�s
Application Name and GUID Alkalmaz�s neve �s GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? Biztos t�rli a z�rolt bejegyz�st?
Are you sure? Biztos benne?
Available Profiles Rendelkez�sre �ll� profilok
Basic Alapszint�
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. A be�ll�t�s nem menthet� � Ilyen profil m�r nincs
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Csak akkor m�dos�tsa a �sszef�rhet�s�g be�ll�t�sait, ha az alap�rtelmezett be�ll�t�sokat hib�snak tal�lja. Jelentse a hib�t az [email protected] c�men.
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Saj�t felel�ss�g�re m�dos�tsa ezeket a be�ll�t�sokat! A r�tegezett ablak n�zet megakad�lyozhatja a multim�di�s �s h�jazott alkalmaz�sok megfelel� m�k�d�s�t.
Class Filtering Oszt�ly sz�r�s
Compatibility �sszef�rhet�s�g
Complexity Filter Bonyolults�g sz�r�
Console Window Konzol ablak
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application T�lcaikon k�sz�t�se TrayIt alkalmaz�shoz
Current GUID Aktu�lis GUID
Delete Profile Profil t�rl�se
Di&sable Profile Profil letilt�sa
Disable Quick Minimize Gyors ikon�llapot letilt�sa
Disabled Profiles Letiltott profilok
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely Ne hozzon l�tre t�lcaikont - �ll�tsa ikon�llapotra �s rejtse el teljesen az ablakot
Edit &Profile Profil szerkeszt�se
Edit Current Profile Aktu�lis profil szerkeszt�se
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Be nem foghat� ablakok extra feldolgoz�s�nak enged�lyez�se
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Extra rendszerh�j ikon elt�vol�t�si funkci� enged�lyez�se
Enable Window Attributes menu Ablak attrib�tum men� enged�lyez�se
Enable/Disable Current Profile Aktu�lis profil enged�lyez�se/letilt�sa
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process T�lcaikonok enged�lyez�se/letilt�sa kijel�lt folyamathoz
Error creating window class: Ablakoszt�ly l�trehoz�si hiba:
Error creating window: Ablak l�trehoz�si hiba:
Error loading Bet�lt�si hiba
This window has no associated profile! Az ablaknak nincs t�rs�tott profilja!
Error registering hook! Hook regisztr�l�si hiba!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Ha a behelyettes�t�s akt�v, az oszt�lynevekn�l haszn�lhat� a '*' �s a '?' helyettes�t� karakter.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? Biztosan kil�p a TrayIt! programb�l?
Export &Settings Be�ll�t�sok export�l�sa
Extras Extr�k
File F�jl
Find Window Keres�s ablak
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit A TrayIt! leg�jabb verzi�ja a honlapon tal�lhat�
Group similar tray icons for each application Hasonl� t�lcaikonok csoportos�t�sa mindegyik alkalmaz�shoz
Grouping Csoportos�t�s
Groups Csoportok
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project SDI t�pus� alkalmaz�sok, pl. Excel, PowerPoint vagy MS Project kezel�se
Help file not found! A s�g�f�jl nem tal�lhat�!
Help! S�g�!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Mindig rejtse el az alkalmaz�st a Feladats�vr�l, csak a t�lcaikon maradjon
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray T�lc�ra kicsiny�t�skor tartsa lenyomva a <Shift> billenty�t a <Ctrl> helyett
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Tartsa lenyomva a bal eg�rgombot �s h�zza �t a Keres� eszk�zt a c�lablakra
Invalid Window �rv�nytelen ablak
Load TrayIt! at Startup TrayIt! bet�lt�se indul�skor
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Be�ll�t�sok reteszel�se (meg�rz�se) a "Rendszert�lc�ra helyez" �llapot�nak m�dos�t�sakor.
Make window layered to enable transparency Az �tl�tsz�s�g enged�lyez�s�hez r�tegezze az ablakot
Make window topmost and always visible Legyen az ablak mindig l�that�
Match pattern below with the window class name Feleltesse meg a lentieket az ablak oszt�lynev�vel
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon Feleltesse meg a lentieket az ablak c�m�vel egy t�lcaikon l�trehoz�sakor
Maximize Teljes m�ret
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background Ikon�llapot az el�t�rben, akt�v a h�tt�rben
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Ablak kism�ret�re �ll�t�sa l�trehoz�sn�l / a TrayIt! indul�s�n�l
Minimize Kis m�ret
Miscellaneous Egy�b ter�let
Modify Application Options Alkalmaz�s be�ll�t�sok m�dos�t�sa
More Egyebek
Name as it appears in the profile list N�v a profil lista szerint
No profiles stored Nincs t�rolt profil
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Ha az ablaknak gyermeke van hozzon l�tre t�lcaikont
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. A minta megfelel az ablakc�m egy r�szf�z�r�nek. A behelyettes�t�s nem k�l�nb�ztet meg kis- �s nagybet�ket. Megengedett a '*' �s '?' helyettes�t� karakter. Els� szimb�lumk�nt a '^' karakter megford�tja a helyettes�t�st. A '|' karakter elv�lasztja az alternat�v�kat.
Place in System &Tray Rendszert�lc�ra helyez
Place in System Tray! Helyezze rendszert�lc�ra!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Ne feledje, a helyi men� csak szabv�ny kism�ret� ikonn�l m�k�dik, de MS M�dia lej�tsz�hoz hasonl� h�jak eset�n nem.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Az �j be�ll�t�sok aktiv�l�s�hoz ind�tsa �jra a TrayIt! alkalmaz�st!
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress K�rem, v�rjon... Az inicializ�l�s folyamatban van
Profile Profil
Profile(s) Profil
Profiles List Profilok list�ja
Profiles Profilok
Quick Minimize Gyors ikon�llapot
Refresh &Window List Ablaklista friss�t�se
Refresh Icons Ikonok friss�t�se
Refresh Profiles Profilok friss�t�se
Refresh Friss�t�s
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Biztons�gi m�d � haszn�ljon alternat�v lass� algoritmust az �sszef�rhet�s�g fokoz�s�hoz
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: V�lasszon �j GUID-t a t�lcaikonhoz:
Select Profiles to Import Import�land� profilok kijel�l�se
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows 64 bites Windows-t t�mogat� �sszef�rhet�s�gi m�d enged�lyez�se
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Ablak attrib�tumok be�ll�t�sa l�trehoz�sn�l / a TrayIt! indul�s�n�l
Shell Icons List Rendszerh�j ikonok list�ja
Shell Icons Rendszerh�j ikonok
ShellIcons Rendszerh�j ikonok
Show Currently Active Windows Jelenleg akt�v ablakok mutat�sa
Show Profile List Profil lista mutat�sa
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Rendszert�lca ikonok mutat�sa csak kis m�ret� �llapotban
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Ablakkezel�k mutat�sa eszk�ztippekn�l �s listan�zetben
Standard definition file not found! Nem tal�lhat� szabv�ny defin�ci�s f�jl!
Startup Ind�t�pult
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Vizu�lis st�lusok t�mogat�sa Windows XP k�rnyezetben
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. A rendszer vissza�ll szabv�ny viselked�s� Windows-ra.
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. A profil letiltott �llapotban jelenik meg. Enged�lyez�s�hez nyissa meg a "Profilok" p�rbesz�dpanelt!
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! Hi�nyzik a sz�ks�ges �zenet hurok �rtes�t�s. Pr�b�lja meg �jraind�tani a Windows-t!
Title Filtering C�m sz�r�s
Toggle Profile Profil ki-/bekapcsol�sa
Toggle Tray Icons T�lcaikonok ki-/bekapcsol�sa
Topmost Legfels�
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Magyarra ford�totta a FranXervE, 2007
Transparency �ttetsz�s�g
Tray Icon GUID T�lcaikon GUID
Tray Icon T�lcaikon
Tray T�lca
TrayApp T�lca alkalmaz�s
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! alkalmaz�s.
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! alkalmaz�s -- K�rem, v�rjon
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! alkalmaz�s be�ll�t�sai
TrayIt! by Igor Nys A TrayIt! k�sz�t�je Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: A TrayIt! egy ikont hoz l�tre a rendszert�lc�n �s elrejti a kis m�ret� ablakot a feladats�vr�l. A TrayIt! k�l�nf�le m�don haszn�lhat�:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... A TrayIt! ellen�zi a m�s alkalmaz�st�l sz�rmaz� �rtes�t�seket...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! minim�l�si be�ll�t�sok
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. A TrayIt! elt�vol�t�sra ker�l �s �sszes be�ll�t�sa t�rl�dik.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Sz�ntesse meg a sor kijel�l�s�t a rendszerh�j ikonok elt�vol�t�s�hoz
Use path below for the Tray Icon Haszn�lja a lenti �tvonalat a t�lcaikonhoz
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Haszn�lja a profilnevet helyi s�g�k�nt a t�lcaikonhoz
Use Single-click on the tray icon Haszn�ljon szimpla kattint�st a t�lcaikonon
Welcome to TrayIt! �dv�zli a TrayIt!
Window attributes Ablak attrib�tumok
Window complexity Ablak bonyolults�g
Window Options Ablak be�ll�t�sai
Windows Ablakok
Wrong GUID format Rossz GUID form�tum
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. A fenti list�b�l kijel�lheti �s import�lhatja a leggyakoribb alkalmaz�sokat. A lista csak speci�lis kezel�st ig�nyl� alkalmaz�sokat tartalmaz.
&About ... &Informazioni su ...
&Apply &Applica
&Close Group &Chiudi Gruppo
&Close Window &Chiudi Finestra
&Delete Profile &Elimina Profilo
&Edit Modifica
&Edit Profile ... &Modifica Profilo ...
&Enable Profile &Abilita Profilo
&Exit &Esci
&Help &Aiuto
&Help... &Aiuto...
&Hide Group &Nascondi Gruppo
&Hide Window &Nascondi Finestra
&Options &Opzioni
&Predefined Profiles &Profili predefiniti
&Profiles &Profili
&Refresh Tray Icons &Aggiorna Icone del Tray
&Restore Group &Ripristina Gruppo
&Restore Window &Ripristina Finestra
&Select Language &Seleziona Lingua
&Shell Icons Icone della &Shell
&Uninstall &Disinstalla
[Create new GUID] [Crea nuova GUID]
[No module information available] [Informazioni sul modulo non disponibili]
[Unable to get process information] [Impossibile recuperare informazioni sul processo]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Si pu� mettere temporaneamente una finestra nel 'System Tray' tenendo premuto il tasto <Shift> mentre la si riduce ad icona.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. Per mantenere permanentemente una finestra nel 'System Tray', cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse sulla icona corrispondente create nel passo precedente e selezionare la voce "Sposta nel System Tray" nel men�.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. Cliccando con il tasto destro del mouse sul simbolo 'Riduci a icona' di una finestra apparir� il men� contestuale di TrayIt! per questa finestra. Selezionare la voce "Sposta nel System Tray" in questo men� per mantere sempre la finestra nel 'System Tray'.
About ... Informazioni ...
About TrayIt! Informazioni su TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Attiva il monitoraggio dello stato se l'hook dei messaggi non pu� essere installato
Active Profiles Profili attivi
Advanced Avanzate
Always start minimized Avvia sempre ridotto a icona
Application Applicazione
Application Name and GUID Nome Applicazione e GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? Sei sicuro di voler eliminare una voce bloccata?
Are you sure? Sei sicuro?
Available Profiles Profili disponibili
Basic Base
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. Impossibile salvare le opzioni - Il profilo non � pi� esistente.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Cambiare le opzioni di compatibilt� solo se si incontrano problemi con i valori predefiniti. Per favore riportare i problemi a [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Cambiare queste impostazioni a proprio rischio! Rendere una finestra 'stratificata' pu� causare il funzionamento non corretto di applicazioni 'multimediali' e 'Skinned'
Class Filtering Filtraggio Classi
Compatibility Compatibilit�
Complexity Filter Complessit� Filtro
Console Window Console Window
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application Crea l'icona nel tray per l'applicazione TrayIt!
Current GUID GUID corrente
Delete Profile Elimina Profilo
Di&sable Profile Di&sabilita Profilo
Disable Quick Minimize Disabilita la riduzione ad icona rapida
Disabled Profiles Profili disabilitati
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely Non crea l'icona nel tray - minimizza e nasconde completamente la finestra
Edit &Profile Modifica &Profilo
Edit Current Profile Modifica del Profilo corrente
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Abilita 'extra processing' per le finestre che non possono essere 'agganciate'
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Abillita la funzionalit� per rimuovere icone 'extra shell'
Enable Window Attributes menu Abilita il men� di attributi di finestra
Enable/Disable Current Profile Abilta/Disabilita il Profilo corrente
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Abilita/Disabilita le icone nel tray per i processi selezionati
Error creating window class: Errore nella creazione della classe finestra:
Error creating window: Errore in creazione finestra:
Error loading Errore in caricamento
This window has no associated profile! Questa finestra non � associata ad un profilo!
Error registering hook! Errore nella registrazione dell 'hook'!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Il funzionamento predefinito � l'esatta corrispondenza con il nome della classe della finestra. Se il confronto con 'pattern' � abilitato, sono ammessi i simboli speciali '*' e '?' nel nome della classe.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? Uscire da TrayIt!, sei sicuro?
Export &Settings Esporta Impo&stazioni
Extras Extra
File File
Find Window Cerca Finestra
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit Per l'ultima versione di TrayIt! visita
Group similar tray icons for each application Raggruppa icone del tray simili per ciascuna applicazione
Grouping Raggruppamento
Groups Gruppi
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project Gestione applicazioni di tipo SDI come Excel, PowerPoint o MS Project
Help file not found! File di Aiuto non trovato!
Help! Aiuto!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Nascondere sempre dalla 'Barra della Applicazioni', mantere solo l'icona nel tray
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray Mantenre <Shift> invece di <Ctrl> minimizzando una finestra nel tray
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Mantenere il tasto sinitro del mouse quando si trascina lo strumento 'Trova' sopra la finestra di destinazione
Icon GUID GUID Icona
Invalid Window Finestra non valida
Load TrayIt! at Startup Esegui TrayIt! all'avvio
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Preserva le impostazioni quando si cambia lo stato di 'Sposta in System Tray'
Make window layered to enable transparency Rendi la finestra 'stratificabile' per abilitare la trasparenza
Make window topmost and always visible Rendi la finestra sempre visibile in primo piano
Match pattern below with the window class name Confrontare il 'pattern' sotto indicato con il nome della classe della finestra
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon Confrontare il 'pattern' con il titolo della finestra in creazione di icona nel Tray
Maximize Ripristina
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background Riduci a icona quando in primo piano, ripristina quando in sotto fondo
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Minimizza la finestra alla creazione / quando TrayIt! � avviato
Minimize Minimizza
Miscellaneous Varie
Modify Application Options Modifa le Opzioni dell'Applicazione
More Segue
Name as it appears in the profile list Il nome che comparir� nell'Elenco Profili
No profiles stored Nessun profilo registrato
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Crea solo icone nel tray per finestre che hanno 'figlie'
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. 'Pattern' che combacia con una parte del titolo della finestra. I 'patterns' non differenziano le maiuscole dalle minuscole. Sono ammessi i caratteri '*' e '?' come simboli 'jolly'. Il carattere '^', come primo simbolo, inverte il 'pattern'. Il carattere '|' separe le alternative.
Place in System &Tray Sposta nel System &Tray
Place in System Tray! Sposta nel System Tray!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Si noti che il men� contestuale funziona solo per il simbolo 'Riduci a icona' standard e non apparir� se il programma usa 'skins' come ad esempio MS Media player.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Riavviare TrayIt! per attivare le nuove impostazioni.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress Attendere prego .... Inizializzazione in corso
Profile Profilo
Profile(s) Profilo(i)
Profiles List Elenco Profili
Profiles Profili
Quick Minimize Riduzione a Icona Rapida
Refresh &Window List Aggio&rna Elenco Finestre
Refresh Icons Aggiorna Icone
Refresh Profiles Aggiorna Profili
Refresh Aggiorna
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Modalit� sicura - usa un algoritmo lento per aumentare la compatibilit�
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: Seleziona un nuovo GUID per l'icona del tray:
Select Profiles to Import Seleziona il Profilo da Importare
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows Abilita la modalit� compatibile per il supporto di Windows 64-bit
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Imposta gli attributi della finestra alla creazione / quando TrayIt! � avviato
Shell Icons List Elenco Icone della Shell
Shell Icons Incone della Shell
ShellIcons ShellIcons
Show Currently Active Windows Visualizza la Finestra correntemente attiva
Show Profile List Visualizza Elenco Profili
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Mostra l'icona del 'System Tray' solo nello stato ridotto
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Mostra gestore finestra nei suggerimenti e nella 'listview'
Standard definition file not found! File di definizione standard non trovato!
Startup Avvio
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Supporto Stili Visuali in Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. Il sistema ritorner� al comportamento standard di Windows (c).
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. I profili appariranno nello stato disabilitato. Andare in 'Modifica -> Profili' per abilitarli.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! Gli 'agganci ai messaggi di notifica' richiesti sono mancanti. Provare a riavviare Windows!
Title Filtering Filtraggio per Titolo
Toggle Profile Alterna Profilo
Toggle Tray Icons Alterna le Icone del Tray
Topmost Primo Piano
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Tradotto in italiano da Stefano Maran, 2007
Transparency Trasparenza
Tray Icon GUID GUID della Tray Icon
Tray Icon Icona Tray
Tray Tray
TrayApp TrayApp
TrayIt! &Application ... &Applicazione TrayIt! ...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait Applicazione TrayIt! -- Attendere prego
TrayIt! Application Options Opzioni di TrayIt!
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! di Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! crea una icona nel 'System Tray' e nasconde la finestra minimizzata dalla barre della applicazioni. Ci sono diversi modi di usare TrayIt!:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! sta controllando le notifche da altre applicazioni ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options Opzioni di 'Minimizzazione' di TrayIt!
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! sar� disinstallato e tutte le impostazioni verranno rimosse.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Deselezionare la linea per rimuovere le icone della shell
Use path below for the Tray Icon Usare il percorso sotto indicato per l'icona nel tray
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Usare il nome del profilo come suggerimento per l'icona nel tray
Use Single-click on the tray icon Usa il click singolo sull'icona nel tray
Welcome to TrayIt! Benvenuto in TrayIt!
Window attributes Attributi Finestra
Window complexity Complessit� Finestra
Window Options Opzioni Finestra
Windows Finestre
Wrong GUID format Formato GUID errato
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. Si possono selezionare ed importare profili per le applicazioni pi� comuni presenti nell'elenco sopra riportato. L'elenco include solo le applicazioni che richiedono una gestione speciale.
&Cancel Annulla
&About ... TrayIt! �ɂ���(&A)
&Apply �K�p(&A)
&Cancel ���~(&C)
&Close Group �O���[�v�����(&C)
&Close Window �E�B���h�E�����(&C)
&Delete Profile �v���t�B�[����폜(&D)
&Edit �ҏW(&E)
&Edit Profile ... �v���t�B�[���ҏW(&E)
&Enable Profile �v���t�B�[����L����(&E)
&Exit �I��(&E)
&Help �w���v(&H)
&Help... �w���v(&H)
&Hide Group �O���[�v��B��(&E)
&Hide Window �E�B���h�E��B��(&H)
&Options �I�v�V����(&O)
&Predefined Profiles ����̃v���t�B�[��(&P)
&Profiles �v���t�B�[��(&P)
&Refresh Tray Icons �g���C�A�C�R���ēǍ�(&R)
&Restore Group �O���[�v��(&R)
&Restore Window �E�B���h�E��(&R)
&Select Language �\���p����I��(&S)
&Shell Icons �V�F���A�C�R��(&S)
&Uninstall �ݒ��폜���ď�����(&U)
[Create new GUID] [�V����GUID�쐬]
[No module information available] [�L���ȃ��W���[�����Ȃ�]
[Unable to get process information] [�v���Z�X���擾�s�\]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. <Shift>�L�[������Ȃ���E�B���h�E��ŏ������邱�ƂŁA������E�B���h�E��ꎞ�I�ɃV�X�e���g���C�Ɋi�[���邱�Ƃ��ł��܂��B
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. �E�B���h�E�ŏ������͂˂ɃV�X�e���g���C�Ɋi�[�������ꍇ�A�O���̕��@�ŃV�X�e���g���C�ɕ\�����ꂽ�A�C�R����E�N���b�N���āA�|�b�v�A�b�v���j���[�́u�V�X�e���g���C�ɕ\���v��`�F�b�N���Ă�������
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. �E�B���h�E�̍ŏ����{�^�����A�g���C�ɕ\�����ꂽ�A�C�R����E�N���b�N����A���̃E�B���h�E�̃��j���[���|�b�v�A�b�v�\������܂��B�u�V�X�e���g���C�ɕ\���v��`�F�b�N���Ă���ꍇ�́A��ɃV�X�e���g���C�ɃA�C�R�����\������Ă��܂��B
About ... TrayIt! ���
About TrayIt! TrayIt! �ɂ���
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed ���b�Z�[�W�t�b�N���C���X�g�[������Ȃ��Ƃ��A�X�e�[�^�X�̃��j�^��L����
Active Profiles �L���ȃv���t�B�[��
Advanced �㋉�ݒ�
Always start minimized ��ɍŏ�����ԂŋN��
Application TrayIt! �A�v���P�[�V����
Application Name and GUID �A�v���P�[�V�����̖��̂�GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? ���b�N�����G���g���[��폜���܂����H
Are you sure? ���s���܂����H
Available Profiles �g�p�\�ȃv���t�B�[��
Basic ��{�ݒ�
Cancel ���~
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. �I�v�V�����I���ۑ��s�\ - �v���t�B�[�������݂��܂���
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] �f�t�H���g�ݒ�Ŗ�肪������ꍇ�A�݊����I�v�V������ύX���Ă��������B���ɂ��Ă̏��� [email protected] �ɕ��Ă��������B
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. ���̐ݒ�ύX�͎��Ȃ̐ӔC�ōs���Ă��������I�E�B���h�E�̓��ߕ\���́A�}���`���f�B�A��X�L����g�p����A�v���P�[�V�����̐���ȓ������܂����邨���ꂪ����܂��B
Class Filtering �N���X�̃t�B���^�����O
Compatibility �݊���
Complexity Filter �E�B���h�E�d�ς̃t�B���^
Console Window �R���\�[���E�B���h�E
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application TrayIt �̃A�C�R����g���C�ɕ\��
Current GUID �I��A�C�e���� GUID
Delete Profile �v���t�B�[���폜
Di&sable Profile �v���t�B�[������(&S)
Disable Quick Minimize �����ŏ�������
Disabled Profiles �������������v���t�B�[��
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely �g���C�A�C�R����\�����Ȃ� - �ŏ���������уE�B���h�E��\����
Edit &Profile �v���t�B�[���ҏW(&P)
Edit Current Profile �I��A�C�e���̃v���t�B�[���ҏW
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked �t�b�N�s�\�ȃE�B���h�E�̓��ꏈ����L����
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons ����ȃV�F���A�C�R���̍폜�@�\��L����
Enable Window Attributes menu �E�B���h�E�̑������j���[��L����
Enable/Disable Current Profile �v���t�B�[���̗L����/������
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process �I��v���Z�X�̃g���C�A�C�R���\���̗L����/������
Error creating window class: �E�B���h�E�N���X�쐬�G���[�F
Error creating window: �E�B���h�E�쐬�G���[�F
Error loading �ǎ��G���[
This window has no associated profile! ���̃E�B���h�E�̃v���t�B�[���͂���܂���I
Error registering hook! �t�b�N�o�^�G���[�I
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. �f�t�H���g�ݒ�̓E�B���h�E�̃N���X���̊��S��v�B '*' �i�A�X�^���X�N�j�� '?' �i�N�G�X�`�����j ���N���X���̃��C���h�J�[�h�Ƃ��Ďg�p�ł��܂��B
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? TrayIt! ��I�����܂����H
Export &Settings �ݒ��G�N�X�|�[�g(&S)
Extras ����ݒ�
File �t�@�C��
Find Window �E�B���h�E��T��
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit TrayIt! �̐V�o�[�W������`�F�b�N
Group similar tray icons for each application ����A�v���̃g���C�A�C�R����O���[�v��
Grouping �O���[�v��
Groups �O���[�v
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project SDI �^�C�v�̃A�v���P�[�V������n���h���iExcel,PowerPoint,MS Project ���j
Help file not found! �w���v�t�@�C������������܂���I
Help! �w���v�I
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only ��ɁA�^�X�N�o�[�{�^����\�������A�g���C�A�C�R���݂̂�\��
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray <Shift>�����ōŏ������ɃV�X�e���g���C�� �i�`�F�b�N�Ȃ���<Ctrl>�����j
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window �t�@�C���_�c�[���̑I��E�B���h�E�ւ̃h���b�O���͍��}�E�X�{�^������������Ă�������
Icon GUID �A�C�R���� GUID
Invalid Window �s���ȃE�B���h�E
Load TrayIt! at Startup TrayIt! ��X�^�[�g�A�b�v�ɓo�^
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. �u�V�X�e���g���C�ɕ\���v�ɂ��ĕύX��s�����Ƃ��́A�ݒ��ۑ�����B
Make window layered to enable transparency �E�B���h�E�߂�����
Make window topmost and always visible �E�B���h�E���ɍőO�ʕ\������
Match pattern below with the window class name �E�B���h�E�̃N���X���̃}�b�`�p�^�[��
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon �E�B���h�E�^�C�g���ɂ��g���C�A�C�R���\���̃}�b�`�p�^�[��
Maximize �ő剻
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background �őO�ʂɂ���Ƃ��͍ŏ����A�w��ɉB��Ă���Ƃ��̓A�N�e�B�u��
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started �E�B���h�E��ŏ��� / TrayIt! �N����
Minimize �ŏ���
Miscellaneous ���̑�
Modify Application Options TrayIt! �̃I�v�V������ύX
More �ڍאݒ�
Name as it appears in the profile list �v���t�B�[�����X�g���̖���
No profiles stored �v���t�B�[��������܂���
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children �q�E�B���h�E����E�B���h�E�̂݃g���C�A�C�R����\��
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. �E�B���h�E�^�C�g���̕�����v�p�^�[���F�啶���Ə��������ʂ��Ȃ��B '*' �i�A�X�^���X�N�j�� '?' �i�N�G�X�`�����j����C���h�J�[�h�Ɏg�p�B '^' �i�L�����b�g�j�̐ړ��̓p�^�[����܂܂Ȃ��̈Ӂi��W���j�B���ꂼ��̃p�^�[���� '|' �i�p�C�v�j�ŋ���Ă��������B
Place in System &Tray �V�X�e���g���C�ɕ\��(&T)
Place in System Tray! �V�X�e���g���C�ɕ\���I
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. �E�N���b�N���j���[���\�������̂́u�W���I�ȃ{�^���v���g�p����Ă���ꍇ�Ɍ����܂��B�X�L����g�p���Ă���v���O�����iMS Media player ���j�ł́A�|�b�v�A�b�v�͖���������܂��B
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. �ݒ�L�����̂��߂�TrayIt! ��ċN�����Ă�������
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress ��������...���炭���҂���������
Profile �v���t�B�[��
Profile(s) �v���t�B�[��
Profiles List �v���t�B�[�����X�g
Profiles �v���t�B�[��
Quick Minimize �����ŏ���
Refresh &Window List �E�B���h�E���X�g�X�V(&W)
Refresh Icons �A�C�R�X�V
Refresh Profiles �v���t�B�[���X�V
Refresh �X�V
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility �Z�[�t���[�h - �ʓr�̒ᑬ�ȃA���S���Y���g�p���Č݊�������߂�
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: �g���C�A�C�R���̐V���� GUID ��I��F
Select Profiles to Import �C���|�[�g����v���t�B�[����I��
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows 64 �r�b�g�}�V����T�|�[�g����݊����[�h��L������
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started TrayIt! �N�����ɃE�B���h�E�̑�����ݒ�
Shell Icons List �V�F���A�C�R�����X�g
Shell Icons �V�F���A�C�R��
ShellIcons �V�F���A�C�R��
Show Currently Active Windows ���݃A�N�e�B�u�ȃE�B���h�E��\��
Show Profile List �v���t�B�[�����X�g��\��
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only �ŏ����ɂ���ăg���C�ɕ\�����ꂽ�A�C�R���̂ݕ\��
Show window handler in tooltips and listview �c�[���`�b�v�ƃ��X�g�r���[�̃E�B���h�E�n���h����\��
Standard definition file not found! �W����`�t�@�C����������܂���I
Startup �X�^�[�g�A�b�v
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Windows XP �̃r�W���A���X�^�C����T�|�[�g
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. �V�X�e���͕W���̃E�B���h�E����ɖ߂�܂�
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. �v���t�B�[���͖�����Ԃł��B�u�v���t�B�[���v�_�C�A���O����L�������Ă��������B
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! �K�v�ȃ��b�Z�[�W�t�b�N�ʒm������܂���BWindows �V�X�e����ċN�����Ă�������
Title Filtering �^�C�g���̃t�B���^�����O
Toggle Profile �v���t�B�[���؊���
Toggle Tray Icons �g���C�A�C�R���؊���
Topmost �őO�ʕ\��
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Translated to Japanese by ����(Asabukuro), 2007
Trancparency �E�B���h�E�̓���
Transparency ���ߓx
Tray Icon GUID �g���C�A�C�R���� GUID
Tray Icon �g���C�A�C�R��
Tray �g���C
TrayApp �g���C�A�v��
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! ��\��(&A)
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! �A�v���P�[�V���� -- �b�����҂���
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! �A�v���P�[�V���� �I�v�V����
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! ��� Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! �͔C�ӃE�B���h�E�̍ŏ������Ƀ^�X�N�o�[�{�^����\�������A�V�X�e���g���C�ɃA�C�R����\�����܂��BTrayIt! �ɂ͂������̎g�p���@������܂��F
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! �͑��̃A�v���P�[�V��������̒ʒm��`�F�b�N���B
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! �ŏ��� �I�v�V����
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! �A���C���X�g�[���̂��ߑS�ݒ��폜
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons ���C���̃`�F�b�N��͂����ƑS�ẴV�F���A�C�R����폜
Use path below for the Tray Icon �g���C�A�C�R���̃p�X
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon �g���C�A�C�R���̃c�[���`�b�v�Ƀv���t�B�[������g�p
Use Single-click on the tray icon �g���C�A�C�R���̃V���O���N���b�N��g�p
Welcome to TrayIt! TrayIt! �ɂ悤����
Window attributes �E�B���h�E�̑���
Window complexity �E�B���h�E�̏d��
Window Options �E�B���h�E �I�v�V����
Windows �E�B���h�E
Wrong GUID format �s����GUID�t�H�[�}�b�g
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. ��f���X�g����唼�̃A�v���P�[�V�����Ɏg�p�\�ȃv���t�B�[����I��ł��܂��B���X�g�ɂ͓���ȃn���h�����O��K�v�Ƃ���A�v���P�[�V������܂܂�Ă��܂��B
&About ... &Sobre ...
&Apply &Aplicar
&Close Group &Fechar Grupo
&Close Window &Fechar Janela
&Delete Profile &Apagar Perfil
&Edit &Editar
&Edit Profile ... &Editar Perfil ...
&Enable Profile &Ativar Perfil
&Exit &Sair
&Help &Ajuda
&Help... &Ajuda...
&Hide Group &Esconder Grupo
&Hide Window &Esconder Janela
&Options &Op��es
&Predefined Profiles &Perfis Pr�-definidos
&Profiles &Perfis
&Refresh Tray Icons &Atualizar �cones do Tray
&Restore Group &Restaurar Grupo
&Restore Window &Restaurar Janela
&Select Language &Selecionar Idioma
&Shell Icons &�cones do Sistema
&Uninstall &Desinstalar
[Create new GUID] [Criar nova GUID]
[No module information available] [Nenhuma informa��o dispon�vel sobre o m�dulo]
[Unable to get process information] [Imposs�vel conseguir informa��es do processo]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Voc� pode colocar tempor�riamente uma janela no tray, segurando o bot�o <Shift> ao minimizar uma janela.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. Para manter a janela sempre no tray, clique com o bot�o DIREITO do mouse no �cone do tray criado anteriormente e marque "Colocar no Tray" no menu popup do mesmo.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. Clicando com o bot�o direito do mouse no �cone "Minimizar" vai fazer aparecer o menu de contexto do TrayIt! para essa janela. Apenas marque "Colocar no Tray" no menu popup da mesma para fazer com que a janela sempre fique no tray.
About ... Sobre ...
About TrayIt! Sobre o TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Ativar monitoramento de estado caso o interceptador de mensagens n�o instale
Active Profiles Perfis Ativos
Advanced Avan�ado
Always start minimized Iniciar minimizado
Application Programa
Application Name and GUID Nome e GUID do programa
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? Voc� tem certeza que deseja apagar essa entrada protegida?
Are you sure? Voc� tem certeza?
Available Profiles Perfis Dispon�veis
Basic B�sico
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. N�o foi poss�vel salvar as op��es - O perfil n�o existe mais.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Apenas mude as op��es de compatibilidade caso voc� tenha problemas com as op��es padr�o. Por favor, reporte problemas a [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Mude essas op��es a seu risco e discri��o! Fazer com que uma janela tenha camadas pode fazer com que programas multim�dia ou com skins funcionem incorretamente.
Class Filtering Filtro de Classes
Compatibility Compatibilidade
Complexity Filter Filtro de Complexidade
Console Window Janela do tipo Console
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application Criar um �cone no Tray para o programa TrayIt
Current GUID GUID Atual
Delete Profile Apagar Perfil
Di&sable Profile De&sativar Perfil
Disable Quick Minimize Desativar Minimizamento R�pido
Disabled Profiles Perfis Inativos
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely N�o criar �cone no Tray - minimizar e esconder completamente a janela
Edit &Profile Editar &Perfil
Edit Current Profile Editar Perfil Atual
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Ativar processamento extra para janelas que n�o podem ser interceptadas
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Ativar funcionalidade de remover �cones de sistema
Enable Window Attributes menu Ativar menu de Atributos da Janela
Enable/Disable Current Profile Ativar/Desativar Perfil Atual
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Ativar/Desativar �cones do Tray para os processos selecionados
Error creating window class: Erro ao criar a classe da janela:
Error creating window: Erro ao criar janela:
Error loading Erro ao carregar
This window has no associated profile! Essa janela n�o tem um perfil associado!
Error registering hook! Erro ao registrar interceptador!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. A correspond�ncia exata ao nome da janela � usada por padr�o. Se o uso de m�scaras estiver ativado, coringas '*' e '?' s�o permitidos no nome da classe.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? Sair do TrayIt!, voc� tem certeza?
Export &Settings Exportar &Configura��es
Extras Extras
File Arquivo
Find Window Procurar Janela
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit Vers�o mais atual do TrayIt! no site:
Group similar tray icons for each application Agrupar �cones semelhantes no tray para cada programa
Grouping Agrupamento
Groups Grupos
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project Lidar com programas do tipo SDI. Por exemplo: Excel, PowerPoint ou MS Project
Help file not found! Arquivo de ajuda n�o encontrado!
Help! Ajuda!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Esconder janela da Barra de Tarefas sempre, mantendo ela no Tray
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray Segurar <Shift> ao inv�s de <Ctrl> para minimizar uma janela para o tray
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Segure o bot�o esquerdo do mouse enquanto arrast a Ferramenta de Busca at� a janela alvo
Icon GUID �cone da GUID
Invalid Window Janela Inv�lida
Load TrayIt! at Startup Carregar TrayIt! na inicializa��o do Windows
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Travar (preservar) as configura��es quando mudar o estado de 'Colocar no Tray'.
Make window layered to enable transparency Fazer que com que a janela tenha camadas para ativar transpar�ncia
Make window topmost and always visible Fazer com que janela fique sempre no topo e acima de todas
Match pattern below with the window class name Corresponder m�scara abaixo com o nome da classe
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon Corresponder m�scara abaixo com o t�tulo da janela ao criar o �cone no Tray
Maximize Maximizar
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background Minimizar quando em primeiro plano, ativar quando em plano de fundo
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Minimizar janela ao criar / quando o TrayIt! � iniciado
Minimize Minimizar
Miscellaneous Diversas
Modify Application Options Modificar Op��es do Programa
More Mais
Name as it appears in the profile list O nome que vai aparecer na lista de perfis
No profiles stored Nenhum perfil salvo
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Somente criar �cone no Tray para janelas com sub-janelas
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. A correspond�ncia de m�scara � usada no t�tulo da janela. Elas n�o diferenciam mai�sculo e min�sculo. Coringas '*' e '?' s�o permitidos. Usado '^' como primeiro s�mbolo inverte a m�scara. '|' separa as alternativas.
Place in System &Tray Colocar no &Tray
Place in System Tray! Colocar no Tray!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Tenha em mente que o menu de contexto s� vai funcionar para o �cone "Minimizar" padr�o e n�o vai funcionar caso o programa use skins. Ex: Windows Media Player.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Por favor reinicie o TrayIt! para ativar as novas configura��es.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress Aguarde .... inicializa��o em progresso
Profile Perfil
Profile(s) Perfil(is)
Profiles List Lista de Perfis
Profiles Perfis
Quick Minimize Minimizamento R�pido
Refresh &Window List Atualizar lista de &Janelas
Refresh Icons Atualizar �cones
Refresh Profiles Atualizar Perfis
Refresh Atualizar
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Modo seguro - usa um algoritmo lento para aumentar a compatibilidade
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: Selecione uma nova GUID para o �cone no Tray:
Select Profiles to Import Selecione os Perfis para importar
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows Ativar modo de compatibilidade suportando Windows do tipo 64-bits
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Usar atributos da janela na cria��o / quando o TrayIt! � iniciado
Shell Icons List Lista de �cones do Sistema
Shell Icons �cones do Sistema
ShellIcons �conesDoSistema
Show Currently Active Windows Mostrar janelas ativas nesse momento
Show Profile List Mostrar Lista de Perfis
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Mostrar �cone no Tray somente no estado minimizado
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Mostrar handler nas dicas de ferraments e visualiza��es em lista
Standard definition file not found! Arquivo de defini��es padr�o n�o encontrado!
Startup Inicializa��o
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Suportar Estilos Visuais no Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. O sistema ir� retornar ao comportamento padr�o do Windows (c).
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. Os perfis v�o aparecer em estado inativo. Voc� precisa ir at� o di�logo 'Perfis' para ativa-los.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! O interceptador de mensagens requerido n�o foi encontrado. Tente reiniciar o Windows!
Title Filtering Filtro de T�tulo
Toggle Profile Ativar/Desativar Perfil
Toggle Tray Icons Ativar/Desativar �cones no Tray
Topmost Sempre no topo
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Traduzido para Portugu�s (Brasil) por Bruno Barbieri, 2007
Transparency Transpar�ncia
Tray Icon GUID GUID do �cone do Tray
Tray Icon �cone do Tray
Tray Tray
TrayApp ProgramaDoTray
TrayIt! &Application ... &Janela principal do TrayIt! ...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait Programa TrayIt! -- Aguarde
TrayIt! Application Options Op��es do programa TrayIt!
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! por Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: O TrayIt! cria uma �cone no Tray e esconde a janela da Barra de Tarefas. H� diferentes formas de usar o TrayIT!:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... O TrayIt! est� checando notifica��es de outros programas ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options Op��es de Minimiza��o do TrayIt!
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. O TrayIt! ser� desinstalado e todas as configura��es ser�o removidas.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Desmarque a linha para remover os �cones do sistema
Use path below for the Tray Icon Use o caminho abaixo para o �cone do Tray
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Use o nome do perfil como uma dica de ferramenta no �cone do tray
Use Single-click on the tray icon Usar �nico clique em �cones do tray
Welcome to TrayIt! Bem-vindo ao TrayIt!
Window attributes Atributos da janela
Window complexity Complexidade da janela
Window Options Op��es da Janela
Windows Janelas
Wrong GUID format Formato icorreto de GUID
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. Voc� pode selecionar ou importar perfis para os programas mais comuns na lista abaixo. A lista apens inclui os programas que necessitam de um gerenciamento especial.
&About ... &� ��������� ...
&Apply &���������
&Close Group &������� ������ ����
&Close Window &������� ����
&Delete Profile &������� �������
&Edit &�������������
&Edit Profile ... &������������� ������� ...
&Enable Profile &��������� �������
&Exit &���������
&Help &������
&Help... &������...
&Hide Group &������ ������ ����
&Hide Window &������ ����
&Options &���������
&Predefined Profiles &���������� ��������
&Profiles &�������
&Refresh Tray Icons &�������� ������
&Restore Group &������������ ������ ����
&Restore Window &������������ ����
&Select Language ����� �����
&Shell Icons &������ � ����
&Uninstall &������� ���������
[Create new GUID] [������� ����� GUID]
[No module information available] [���������� � ������ ����������]
[Unable to get process information] [���������� � �������� ����������]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. ��� ������� ����������� � ��������� ���� ���������� ������ ������� ������� ������ <Shift> ������� �� ������ ����������� ����.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. �������� ������� ���������� ��������� �������������� � ��������� ���� ������ ������ �����. �������� ���������� � ��������� ���� �� ������������ ����, ����������� ��� ������ ������ ������� ����� �� ������ � ��������� ����.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. ������� ������ � ������������ ���������� ����� �������� ��������� ����������� ���� �� ������ ����������� ���� ����������.
About ... � ��������� ...
About TrayIt! � ��������� TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed ��������� ���������� ���� ��������� ���� �� ����� ���� �����������
Active Profiles ���������� �������
Advanced ����� ������������
Always start minimized ������ ���������� TrayIt! ����������������
Application ����������
Application Name and GUID �������� ���������� � ������������� �������
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? �� �������, ��� ������ ������� ���������� �������?
Are you sure? �� �������?
Available Profiles ��������� �������
Basic ��������
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. �� ���� ��������� ���������, ������� ������ �� ����������.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] ��������� ����� ������������� ������ ���� � ��� ���� �������� � ����������� �� ���������. � ��������� ��������� [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. ��������� �������� ���������� ����������� ���� ����� �������� � ������������ ������ ����������!.
Class Filtering ����� �� ������ ����
Compatibility �������������
Complexity Filter ������ ��������� ����
Console Window ���� ����������� ����������
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application ������� ������ � ���� ��� ��������� TrayIt!
Current GUID ������� GUID
Delete Profile ������� �������
Di&sable Profile ������� ������� ����������
Disable Quick Minimize ��������� ������� �����������
Disabled Profiles ��������� �������
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely �������������� ���� � ��������� ������
Edit &Profile ������������� �������
Edit Current Profile ������������� ������� �������
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked ��������� ��������� ���� ���������� ��������� ����������
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons ��������� ���������������� �� �������� ������ � ����
Enable Window Attributes menu ��������� ���� ��������� ��������� ����
Enable/Disable Current Profile ������������/������������� �������
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process ���������/������� ������ � ���� ��� ���������� ��������
Error creating window class: ������ �������� ������ ����:
Error creating window: ������ �������� ����:
Error loading (65)������ ��������
&This window has no associated profile! ������� �������������� � ����� �� ����������!
Error registering hook! ���������� ������������ ���������� ��������� (Message hook)!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. �� ��������� ������������ ������ ��������� � ������� ����. ������������ �� �������, ��������� ������������ � ����� ������� '*' � '?'.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? ��������� TrayIt!, �� �������?
Export &Settings ��������� ���������
Extras �������������
File ����
Find Window ����� ����
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit ��������� ������ ��������� �������� ��
Group similar tray icons for each application ������������ ������ � ���� ��� ���������� ����������
Grouping �����������
Groups ������
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project ��������� SDI ���������� SDI ����� ��� Excel, PowerPoint, MS Project
Help file not found! ���� ������ �� ������!
Help! ������!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only ��������� ������ ���������� �� ������ �����, �������� ������ ������
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray �������������� � ���� ��� ������� <Shift> ������ <Ctrl>
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window ������� ������� ����� ������ ���� � �������� ������ ������ �� ����
Icon GUID GUID ������
Invalid Window ���� �� ����������!
Load TrayIt! at Startup ������������� ��������� TrayIt!
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. ��������� ������� ��� ������������ ���� '��������� � ����'.
Make window layered to enable transparency ��������� ��������� �����������
Make window topmost and always visible ���������� ���� ������ ������.
Match pattern below with the window class name ������������ ������� ��� ���������� �� ������ ����
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon ����������� �� ��������� ����
Maximize Maximize
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background ������������, ����� � ����, �������������� ����� �������
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started ����������� ���� � ������ �������� ��� ��� ������ TrayIt!
Minimize ��������������
Miscellaneous ������
Modify Application Options �������� ��������� ����������
More ��������������
Name as it appears in the profile list �������� ������������ � ������ ��������
No profiles stored ��� ����������� ��������
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children ��������� ������ � ���� ������ ��� ������� ����
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. �������� ����, ��������� � ��������� ������� ��������� � ��������. � ������� ����� ������������ ������� '*' and '?', '|' ��������� �������������� �������,�^� � ������ ������ �������� �������� ������� �� ���������������.
Place in System &Tray ������� ������ � ��������� ����
Place in System Tray! ������� ������ � ��������� ����!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. 4. ����������� ���������� ����� ����� ��������, ������ TrayIt! �� ������������ ���� � ������ �����.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. ����������, ������������� TrayIt!.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress Please waitt .... Initialization in progress
Profile �������
Profile(s) ��������(s)
Profiles List ������ ��������
Profiles �������
Quick Minimize ������� �����������
Refresh &Window List �������� ������ ����
Refresh Icons �������� ������
Refresh Profiles �������� �������
Refresh ��������
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility ���������� ����� � �������� ������������� �� ���� ��������� ��������
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: �������� GUID ��� ������ � ����:
Select Profiles to Import �������� ������� ��� ��������
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows ���������� ����� ������������� c x64 Windows
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started ���������� �������� ���� ��� ������ TrayIt! ��� ����������
Shell Icons List ������ ������ � ����
Shell Icons ������ ������ ����������
Show Currently Active Windows ������ �������� ����������
Show Profile List ������ ��������
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only ���������� ������ � ���� ������ ����� ���� ��������������
Show window handler in tooltips and listview ���������� handle ����
Standard definition file not found! ���� ����������� �������� �� ������!
Startup �������� �� ������ TrayIt!
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP ������������ ���� ��� Windows XP
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. ������� ����� ���������� � ��������� ���������. ��������� ������� ����� ������������ �� ������������ ���� � ������ ��������
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! ����������� ����������� �� ������ ���������� � ������������� Windows!
Title Filtering ���������� �� ��������� ����
Toggle Profile ����������� �������
Toggle Tray Icons ���������� ������ � ����
Topmost ������ ������ ����
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 (�����) ������� �� ������� ����� ���, 2007
Transparency ������������
Tray Icon GUID GUID ������ � ����
Tray Icon ������ � ����
Tray ����
TrayApp TrayApp
TrayIt! &Application ... ������� TrayIt! ���������� ...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! ��������� ����������
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! by Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: ��������� TrayIt! �������� �������������� ����� ���������� � ��������� ���� � ������ ��� �� ������ �����.:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! ��������� ������� ��������� �� ������ ���������� ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! ����� �����������.
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. ��������� ������� TrayIt! � ��� ���������?
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons ������� ������� � ������ ��� �������� ������ ���������� ����������
Use path below for the Tray Icon ������������ ���� � ����� ��� ������ � ����
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon ������������ ��� ������� ��� ���������-��������� �� �������
Use Single-click on the tray icon ������������ ���������� ��������� ������� ����
Welcome to TrayIt! ����� ����������!
Window attributes �������� ����
Window complexity ��������� ����
Window Options ��������� ����
Windows ����
Wrong GUID format ��������� ������ GUID
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. ������ �������� �������� ����� ������������� ����������, ����������� ������� ������� ����������� ���������.
&About ... &Acerca de ...
&Apply &Aplicar
&Close Group &Cerrar grupo
&Close Window &Cerrar ventana
&Delete Profile &Borrar Perfil
&Edit &Editar
&Edit Profile ... &Editar Perfil...
&Enable Profile &Activar Perfil
&Exit &Salir
&Help &Ayuda
&Help... &Ayuda...
&Hide Group Esconder &Grupo
&Hide Window Esconder &Ventana
&Options &Opciones
&Predefined Profiles &Perfiles predefinidos
&Profiles &Perfiles
&Refresh Tray Icons &Actualizar iconos de la bandeja
&Restore Group &Restaurar grupo
&Restore Window &Restaurar ventana
&Select Language &Seleccionar idioma
&Shell Icons &Iconos del sistema
&Uninstall &Desinstalar
[Create new GUID] [Crear nuevo GUID]
[No module information available] [No hay hay informaci�n sobre el m�dulo]
[Unable to get process information] [No se puede conseguir informaci�n del proceso]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. 1. Puedes mandar cualquier ventana temporalmente a la bandeja del sistema manteniendo apretada la tecla de May�sculas mientras la minimizas
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. 2. Para mantener una ventana siempre minimizada en la bandeja del sistema, haz click con el bot�n DERECHO del rat�n en el icono de la bandeja creado en el paso previo y marca "Dejar en la Bandeja del Sistema" en el desplegable.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. 3. Un click derecho sobre el bot�n de minimizar de la ventana mostrar� un men� de TrayIt! para esta ventana. Basta marcar "Dejar en la bandeja" en el men� emergente para hacer que siempre vaya a la bandeja.
About ... Acerca de ...
About TrayIt! Sobre TrayIt!
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Activar la monitorizaci�n si no se puede instalar el "gancho" de mensajes
Active Profiles Perfiles activos
Advanced Avanzado
Always start minimized Arrancar minimizado
Application Aplicaci�n
Application Name and GUID Nombre y GUID de la aplicaci�n
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? �Seguro que quieres borrar una entrada bloqueada?
Are you sure? �Est�s seguro?
Available Profiles Perfiles disponibles
Basic B�sico
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. No se pueden guardar las opciones - El perfil ya no existe.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Cambia las opciones de compatibilidad solo si experimentas problemas. Por favor, avisa de los problemas (en ingl�s) a [email protected]
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. �Cambia estas opciones bajo tu propia responsabilidad! Hacer que una ventana tenga capas puede estropear el funcionamiento de aplicaciones multimedia o que usen pieles ('skins')
Class Filtering Filtrado de clases
Compatibility Compatibilidad
Complexity Filter Filtro de complejidad
Console Window Ventana de la consola
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application Mostrar el icono de TrayIt en la bandeja
Current GUID GUID actual
Delete Profile Borrar perfil
Di&sable Profile De&sabilitar perfil
Disable Quick Minimize Desabilitar minimizado r�pido
Disabled Profiles Perfiles desabilitados
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely No crear icono en la bandeja - Minimiza y oculta la ventana completamente
Edit &Profile Editar &Perfil
Edit Current Profile Editar perfil actual
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Habilitar procesado extra para ventanas que no se pueden "enganchar"
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Habilitar la funci�n de quitar de la bandeja iconos del sistema sobrantes
Enable Window Attributes menu Habilitar el men� de Atributos de Ventana
Enable/Disable Current Profile Habilitar/Deshabilitar el perfil actual
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Habilitar/Deshabilitar los iconos en la bandeja para los procesos seleccionados
Error creating window class: Error al crear la clase de la ventana:
Error creating window: Error al crear la ventana:
Error loading Error de carga
This window has no associated profile! !Esta ventana no tiene un perfil asociado!
Error registering hook! �Error al registrar el "gancho"!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Por defecto de busca una coincidencia exacta con el nombre de clase de la ventana. Si se activa el reconocimiento de patrones, se permiten los comodines '*' y '?' en el nombre de clase.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? �Seguro que quieres salir de TrayIt!?
Export &Settings Exportar configuraci�n
Extras Extras
File Archivo
Find Window Encontrar ventana
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit Para buscar actualizaciones de TrayIt! visita
Group similar tray icons for each application Agrupar iconos similares de cada aplicaci�n
Grouping Agrupamiento
Groups Grupos
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project Manejar aplicaciones tipo SDI como Excel, PowerPoint o MS Project
Help file not found! �No hay archivo de ayuda!
Help! �Ayuda!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only No mostrar la aplicaci�n en la barra de tareas, dejar solo el icono de la bandeja
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray Usar <May> en lugar de <Ctrl> para minimizar una ventana a la bandeja
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Mant�n el bot�n izquierdo del raton y suelta el icono sobre una ventana para saber cu�l es
Icon GUID GUID del icono
Invalid Window Ventana inv�lida
Load TrayIt! at Startup Cargar TrayIt! al arrancar
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. Bloquear (mantener) la configuraci�n al cambiar el estado de 'Mantener en la bandeja del sistema'.
Make window layered to enable transparency Hacer que la ventana tenga capas para habilitar la transparencia
Make window topmost and always visible Traer la ventana al frente y hacerla visible
Match pattern below with the window class name Buscar coincidencias con el patr�n de abajo en el nombre de clase de la ventana
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon Buscar coincidencias con el t�tulo de la ventana para crear un icono en la bandeja
Maximize Maximizar
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background Minimizar cuando est� en primer plano, activar cuando est� en el fondo
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Minimizar la ventana al crearla / cuando se inicie TrayIt!
Minimize Minimizar
Miscellaneous Miscel�nea
Modify Application Options Modificar las opciones de la aplicaci�n
More M�s
Name as it appears in the profile list El nombre que aparece en la lista de perfiles
No profiles stored No hay perfiles almacenador
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Solo crear un icono en la bandeja para aplicaciones con "hijos"
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. El patr�n busca coincidencias con parte del t�tulo de la ventana. No es sensible a may�sculas. Se permiten los comodines '*' y '?'. Un '^' al principio invierte el patr�n. '|' separa diferentes alternativas.
Place in System &Tray Poner en la bandeja
Place in System Tray! Poner en la bandeja!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. N�tese que el men� contextual solo funcionar� para el icono minimizado por defecto y no lo har� si el programa usa 'skins' (pieles) como el Media Player
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Por favor, reinicie TrayIt! para activar los cambios
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress Espere... Inicializando
Profile Perfil
Profile(s) Perfil(es)
Profiles List Lista de perfiles
Profiles Perfiles
Quick Minimize Minimizado r�pido
Refresh &Window List Actualizar lista de ventanas
Refresh Icons Actualizar iconos
Refresh Profiles Actualizar perfiles
Refresh Actualizar
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility Modo seguro - usa otro algoritmo m�s lento que aumenta la compatibilidad
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: Seleccionar un nuevo GUID para el icono de la bandeja:
Select Profiles to Import Seleccionar perfiles a importar
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows Habilitar modo de compatibilidad que funciona en Windows de 64 bits
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Fijar los atributos de ventana al crearla / cuando se inicia TrayIt!
Shell Icons List Lista de iconos del sistema
Shell Icons Iconos del sistema
ShellIcons Iconos del sistema
Show Currently Active Windows Mostrar la ventana activa
Show Profile List Mostrar lista de perfiles
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Mostrar el icono en la bandeja solo cuando est� minimizado.
Show window handler in tooltips and listview Mostrar el manejador de la ventana en las sugerencias emergentes y en el listado
Standard definition file not found! �Fichero de configuraci�n por defecto no encontrado!
Startup Arranque
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Permitir Estilos visuales en Windows XP
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. El sistema volver� al comportamiento habitual de Windows (c)
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. Los perfiles aparecer�n deshabilitados. Tendr�s que ir al di�logo de 'Perfiles' para habilitarlo
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! Fallan los mensajes de notificaci�n de "enganche". �Prueba a reiniciar Windows!
Title Filtering Filtar t�tulos
Toggle Profile Cambiar perfil
Toggle Tray Icons Cambiar iconos de la bandeja
Topmost Superior
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 Traducido al espa�ol por Enrique Vallejo, 2007
Transparency Transparencia
Tray Icon GUID GUID del icono de la bandeja
Tray Icon Icono de la bandeja
Tray Bandeja
TrayApp Aplicaci�n en la bandeja
TrayIt! &Application ... &Ventana de TrayIt!
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait Aplicaci�n TrayIt! -- Espere
TrayIt! Application Options Opciones de TrayIt!
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! por Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! crea un icono en la bandeja del sistema y esconde las ventanas minimizadas de la barra de tareas. Hay diferentes formas de usar TrayIt!:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! est� comprobando las notificaciones de otras aplicaciones
TrayIt! Minimizing Options Opciones de minimizaci�n de TrayIt!
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. Se desinstalar� TrayIt! y se borrar� la configuraci�n
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Desmarca la l�nea para quitar los iconos del sistema.
Use path below for the Tray Icon Usar la ruta inferior para buscar el icono de la bandeja
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Usar el nombre del perfil como sugerencia en el icono de la bandeja
Use Single-click on the tray icon Usar un solo click en el bot�n de la bandeja
Welcome to TrayIt! Bienvenido a TrayIt!
Window attributes Atributos de la ventana
Window complexity Complejidad de la ventana
Window Options Opciones de la ventana
Windows Ventanas
Wrong GUID format Formato GUID incorrecto
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. Puedes seleccionar e importar perfiles de la lista de arriba para las aplicaciones m�s frecuentes. La lista incluye solo las aplicaciones que necesitan un manejo especial.
&About ... Hakk�nda ...
&Apply Uygula
&Close Group Grubu Kapat
&Close Window Pencereyi Kapat
&Delete Profile Profili Sil
&Edit D�zenle
&Edit Profile ... Profili D�zenle ...
&Enable Profile Profili Aktif Et
&Exit ��k��
&Help Yard�m
&Help... Yard�m...
&Hide Group Grubu Gizle
&Hide Window Pencereyi Gizle
&Options Se�enekler
&Predefined Profiles �ntan�ml� Profiller
&Profiles Profiller
&Refresh Tray Icons Simgeleri Yenile
&Restore Group Grubu Yeniden Y�kle
&Restore Window Pencereyi Geri Y�kle
&Select Language Dil Se�
&Shell Icons Bildirim Alan� Simgeleri
&Uninstall Kald�r
[Create new GUID] [Yeni GUID Olu�tur]
[No module information available] [Uygun Mod�l Bilgisi Yok]
[Unable to get process information] [��lem Bilgisi Al�namad�]
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Shift> button when minimizing the window. Bir Pencereyi K���lt�rken Ayn� Anda <Shift> Tu�una Basarak Hemen Sistem Bildirim Alan�na Simge Durumuna K���ltebilirsiniz.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu. Program� S�rekli Bildirim Alan�na Simge Olarak G�ndermek ��in, Bir �nceki Ad�mda Bildirim Alan�na G�nderilen Simgeye SA� T�klay�n. A��lan Men�den "Bildirim Alan�na Yerle�tir"i T�klay�n.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray. Bildirim Alan�na G�nderilen Bir Simgeye Sa� T�klay�nca TrayIt! Men�s� A��l�r. Bu Program� S�rekli Bildirim Alan�na G�ndermek ��in "Bildirim Alan�na Yerle�tir"i Se�in.
About ... Hakk�nda ...
About TrayIt! TrayIt! Hakk�nda
Activate status monitoring if message hook can not be installed Mesaj Kancas� Kurulamazsa Durum Denetlemesini Aktif Et
Active Profiles Aktif Profiller
Advanced Geli�mi�
Always start minimized Her Zaman K���lterek Ba�lat
Application Uygulama
Application Name and GUID Uygulama Ad� ve GUID
Are you sure you want to delete a locked entry? Kilitlenmi� Bir Giri�i Silmek �stedi�inizden Emin misiniz?
Are you sure? Emin misiniz?
Available Profiles Uygun Profiller
Basic Basit
Can't save options - Profile does not exist anymore. Se�enekler Kaydedilemiyor - Profil Art�k Bulunmuyor.
Change compatibility options only if you experiencing problems with the default settings. Please report problems to [email protected] Uyumluluk Se�eneklerini Ancak Varsay�lan Se�eneklerle Sorun Ya��yorsan�z De�i�tirin L�tfen Sorunlar� [email protected] Adresine Bildirin.
Change these settings at your own discretion! Making a window layered may prevent Multimedia and Skinned application from working properly. Bu Ayarlar� De�i�tirmenin Sorumulu�u Sizindir! Bir Pencereyi Tabakaland�rmak, MultiMedia ve �zel G�r�n�ml� Uygulamalar�n D�zg�n �al��mas�n� Engelleyebilir.
Class Filtering S�n�f Filtreleme
Compatibility Uyumluluk
Complexity Filter Kar���kl�k Filtresi
Console Window Konsol Penceresi
Create Tray Icon for the TrayIt application TrayIt! Uygulamas� ��in Simge Olu�tur
Current GUID �uanki GUID
Delete Profile Profili Sil
Di&sable Profile Profili Deaktif Et
Disable Quick Minimize Hemen K���ltmeyi Engelle
Disabled Profiles Aktif Olmayan Profiller
Do not create Tray Icon - minimize and hide window completely Bildirim Alan� Simgesi Olu�turma - Pencereyi K���lt ve Tamamen Gizle
Edit &Profile Profili D�zenle
Edit Current Profile �uanki Profili D�zenle
Enable extra processing for windows that can not be hooked Kancalanamayan Pencereler ��in Ekstra Uygulamay� Aktif Et
Enable functionallity to remove extra shell icons Ekstra Kabuk Simgelerini Kald�rma ��levini A�
Enable Window Attributes menu Pencere �zellikler Men�s�n� Kullan
Enable/Disable Current Profile �unaki Profili Aktif/Deaktif Et
Enable/Disable Tray Icons for selected process Se�ili ��lem ��in Bildirim Alan� Simgesini Aktif/Deaktif Et
Error creating window class: Pencere S�n�f�n� Olu�turma Hatas�:
Error creating window: Pencere Olu�turma Hatas�:
Error loading Y�kleme Hatas�
This window has no associated profile! Bu Pencereye �li�kin Profil Yok!
Error registering hook! Kancay� Kaydetme Hatas�!
Exact match with the windows class name is used by default. If pattern matching is active, '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed in the class name. Pencere S�n�f� ile Tam E�le�me Varsay�lan Olarak Kullan�l�r. �ablon E�le�tirme Aktifse, S�n�f �sminde '*' ve '?' K�saltmalar�na �zin Verilir.
Exit TrayIt!, are you sure? TrayIt! den ��k, Emin misiniz?
Export &Settings Ayarlar� Ver
Extras Ekstralar
File Dosya
Find Window Pencere Bul
For the latest version of TrayIt! visit TrayIt! in Son S�r�m� ��in Adresine Bak�n
Group similar tray icons for each application Her Uygulama ��in Ayn� Simgeleri Grupla
Grouping Gruplama
Groups Gruplar
Handle SDI type applications like Excel, PowerPoint or MS Project Excel, PowerPoint, MS Project gibi SDI Tipi Uygulamalar� Kontrol Et
Help file not found! Yard�m Dosyas� Bulunamad�!
Help! Yard�m!
Hide application from the Taskbar all the time, keep tray icon only Uygulamay� Hi�bir Zaman G�rev �ubu�unda G�sterme, Bildirim Alan�nda Simge G�ster
Hold <Shift> instead of <Ctrl> minimizing a window to the tray Bir Pencereyi Bildirim Alan�na G�ndermek ��in <Ctrl> Yerine <Shift> Kullan
Hold the left mouse key when dragging the Finder Tool over the target window Hedef Pencere �zerine Arama Arac�n� S�r�klerken Sol Fare Tu�u Kullan
Icon GUID Simge GUID
Invalid Window Ge�ersiz Pencere
Load TrayIt! at Startup TrayIt! i Ba�lang��ta �al��t�r
Lock (preserve) settings when changing 'Place in System Tray' status. 'Bildirim Alan�na Yerle�tir' Durumunu De�i�tirirken �ny�klemeli Ayarlar� Kilitle.
Make window layered to enable transparency Saydaml��� Aktif Etmek ��in Pencereyi Tabakaland�r
Make window topmost and always visible Pencereyi En �stte Tut ve Hep G�ster
Match pattern below with the window class name Alttaki �ablon ile Pencere S�n�f �smini Kar��la�t�r
Match pattern below with the window title when creating a Tray icon Simge Olu�tururken Alttaki �ablon ile Pencere Ba�l���n� Kar��la�t�r
Maximize B�y�t
Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background �ndeyken K���lt, Arkaplandayken Aktif Et
Minimize window on creation / when TrayIt! is started Olu�turmada Pencereyi K���lt / TrayIt! A��kken
Minimize K���lt
Miscellaneous �e�itli
Modify Application Options Uygulama Se�eneklerini D�zenle
More Daha Fazla
Name as it appears in the profile list Profil Listesinde Bulundu�u Gibi Adland�r
No profiles stored Profil Saklanmad�
Only create Tray Icon for windows having children Sadece �ocu�u Olan Pencereler ��in Simge olu�tur
Pattern matches a substring in the window title. Patterns are not case sensitive. '*' and '?' wildcards are allowed. '^' as a first symbol inverts the pattern. '|' separates the alternatives. �ablon Pencere Ba�l���nda Bir �n Ko�ulla Kar��la�t�r�l�r. �ablonlarda '*' ve '?' k�saltmalar�na �zin Verilir. '^' �lk Sembol Olursa �ablonu Ters �evirir. '|' Alternatifleri Ay�r�r.
Place in System &Tray B�ldirim Alan�na Yerle�tir
Place in System Tray! Bildirim Alan�na Yerle�tir!
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player. Unutmay�n ki Sa� T�k Men�s� Sadece Standart Simgelerde �al���r ve MS Media Player Gibi G�r�n�mler Kullanm�yorsa Men� G�stermez.
Please restart TrayIt! to activate new settings. Yeni Ayarlar�n Aktif Olmas� L�tfen TrayIt! i Kapat�p A��n.
Please waitt .... Initialization in progress L�tfen Bekleyin .... Ba�lat�l�yor
Profile Profil
Profile(s) Profil(ler)
Profiles List Profil Listesi
Profiles Profiller
Quick Minimize H�zl� K���lt
Refresh &Window List Pencere Listesini Yenile
Refresh Icons Simgeleri Yenile
Refresh Profiles Profilleri Yenile
Refresh Yenile
Safe mode - use an alternative slow algorithm to increase compatibility G�venli Mod - Uyumlulu�u Art�rmak ��in Alternatif ve Yava� Bir Alforitma Kullan
Select a new GUID for the Tray Icon: Simge ��in Yeni Bir GUID Se�in:
Select Profiles to Import ��e Aktarmak ��in Profilleri Se�in
Enable compatibility mode supporting 64-bit Windows 64-bit Windows Deste�i ��in Uyumluluk Modunu Aktif Et
Set window attributes on creation / when TrayIt! is started Olu�tururken Pencere �zelliklerini Ayarla / TrayIt! A��kken
Shell Icons List Bildirim Alan� Simgeleri Listesi
Shell Icons Bildirim Alan� Simgeleri
ShellIcons Simgeler
Show Currently Active Windows �uanki Aktif Pencereyi G�ster
Show Profile List Profil Listesini G�ster
Show System Tray Icon in minimized state only Bildirim Alan� Simgesini Sadece K���lt�lm�� Durumda G�ster
Show window handler in tooltips and listview �pu�lar�nda ve Liste G�r�n�m�nde Pencere Kontrollerini G�ster
Standard definition file not found! Standart Tan�mlama Dosyas� Bulunamad�!
Startup Ba�lang��
Support Visual Styles on Windows XP Windows XP de G�rsel Efektleri Destekle
System will return to the standard Windows (c) behavior. Sistem Standart Windows (c) Davran���na D�necek.
The profiles will appear in the disabled state. You will need to go to the 'Profiles' dialog to enable it. Profiller Deaktif Durumda G�r�necek. Aktif Etmek ��in 'Profiller' B�l�m�ne Gitmelisiniz.
The required message hook notifications are missing. Try to reboot Windows! Gerekli Mesaj Kancas� Bildirimleri Kay�p. Windowsu Yeniden Ba�latmay� Deneyin!
Title Filtering Ba�l�k Filtreleme
Toggle Profile Profili ��aretle
Toggle Tray Icons Simgeleri ��aretle
Topmost Her Zaman �stte
Translated to English by Igor Nys, 2007 T�rk�e'ye �eviri: Fatih G�rg�l� ([email protected]) 2008
Transparency Saydaml�k
Tray Icon GUID Simge GUID
Tray Icon Bildirim Alan� Simgesi
Tray Bildirim Alan�
TrayApp (143)TrayApp
TrayIt! &Application ... TrayIt! Uygulamas� ...
TrayIt! Application -- Please Wait (145)TrayIt! Uygulamas� -- L�tfen Bekleyin
TrayIt! Application Options TrayIt! Uygulama Se�enekleri
TrayIt! by Igor Nys TrayIt! by Igor Nys
TrayIt! creates an icon in System Tray and hides the minimized window from the taskbar. There are different ways to use TrayIt!: TrayIt! Bildirim Alan�nda Bir Simge Olu�turur ve Pencereyi G�rev �ubu�undan Gizler. TrayIt! i Kullanman�n �e�itli Yollar� Vard�r:
TrayIt! is checking notifications from other applications ... TrayIt! Uygulamadan Bildirimleri Kontrol Ediyor ...
TrayIt! Minimizing Options TrayIt! K���ltme Se�enekleri
TrayIt! will be uninstalled and all settings will be removed. TrayIt! ve B�t�n Ayarlar� Kald�r�lacak.
Uncheck the line to remove the shell icons Simgeyi Gizlemek ��in ��areti Kald�r�n
Use path below for the Tray Icon Simge ��in A�a��daki Yolu Kullan
Use profile name as a tooltip for the tray icon Simge ��in Profil �smini Balon Bildirimi Olarak Kullan
Use Single-click on the tray icon Simge ��in Tek T�klama Kullan
Welcome to TrayIt! TrayIt! e Ho�geldiniz!
Window attributes Pencere �zellikleri
Window complexity Pencere Kar���kl���
Window Options Pencere Se�enekleri
Windows Pencereler
Wrong GUID format Yanl�� GUID Bi�imi
You can select and import profiles for the most common applications from the list above. The list includes only the applications that requere a special handling. Yukardaki Listeden S�k�a Kullan�lan Uygulamalar ��in Profilleri Se�ip ��e Aktarabilirsiniz. Listede Sadece �zel Kontrol Gerektiren Uygulamalar Bulunur.
Copyright © 1999-2008 by Igor Nys
TrayIt! is absolutely FREE and if you know of a good site, please feel free to upload TrayIt!
TrayIt! saves precious Taskbar space for minimized windows. For each application which applies TrayIt! it creates a small icon in the System Tray. (System Tray area is located near the Clock). When application's window is minimized this icon represents the application on the Taskbar instead of the regular "button" in the Taskbar.
It is particularly useful for background tasks you typically keep
running on your PC all day long like your favorite E-mail client,
Real Player, etc.
TrayIt! runs on Windows 95/98/Me, NT/2000/XP and does not require any installation.
Simply create a new folder and place TrayIt!.exe and TrayIt!.dll there. When started, TrayIt! will show a dialog box with a short explanation how to use it. You may choose to load TrayIt! on system startup by selecting "Option" and checking "Load TrayIt! on StartUp" box.
1. You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the <Ctrl> button when minimizing the window.
2. To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu.
3. Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray.
Please note that context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player.
TrayIt! stores setting in the Windows Registry so that you need to configure
your applications only once. And, of course, you can put your favorite programs
in the "Startup" folder and start "minimized"!
If you start TrayIt! manually and would like to suppress the startup dialog box, just create a shortcut and specify /H in the start-up command.
If you encounter a problem while running TrayIt!, please visit to obtain the latest version. If you still have problems, please send a short description to: [email protected].
TrayIt! is absolutely FREE and if you know of a good site, please upload TrayIt.ZIP!
md5: 1EBDCC38CE513F9DC0DC646B7A2039DF | sha1: B823D99672264021D9D888E53F63450A1B0937A7 | sha256: 5F5C2DDC5531AD796ADD91D7882FA4AFB437468B5F37454FA4BB3729E93E7668 | sha512: 9A0F5DEFD98CF5D1FAFA41A21BFAA2978F752B4064130C2ACB5F49F448D08A6651081DD79D8C7CBB58D99BD9B2ECE552BD25C979242F246527AF233038C5A56D
md5: 0515CF53F18E7832F92D3E1A427B1CB0 | sha1: 76556B0FE1A4D0441A7641D82B499B500816FD24 | sha256: 5366F447CE37EE206E06A6C50642279B8BE56D337D7225D9B1AD7FB410D9B8E3 | sha512: 1A20A7EFE4A4EEDEF4B8EB816737D9948D6B6E4F9039AD876AE8C976EF61D28F7C83B64FCCA8622A36E2B13F7969664567B5C44011CF15D04DCDAEE8574E32E3
Verification is intended to assist the Chocolatey moderators and community
in verifying that this package's contents are trustworthy.
The embedded software has been downloaded from an official download link listed on <>
and can be verified like this:
1. Download and extract the following zip file:
2. You can use one of the following methods to obtain the checksum:
- Use powershell function 'Get-Filehash'
- Use chocolatey utility 'checksum.exe'
checksum type: SHA256
TrayIt!.exe checksum: 5F5C2DDC5531AD796ADD91D7882FA4AFB437468B5F37454FA4BB3729E93E7668
TrayIt4!.dll checksum: 5366F447CE37EE206E06A6C50642279B8BE56D337D7225D9B1AD7FB410D9B8E3
File 'LICENSE.txt' is obtained from <>
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
- (4b920f49b2de) - ## / 61
- trayit. (99e4dd714374) - ## / 61
- TrayIt!.exe (5f5c2ddc5531) - ## / 64
- TrayIt4!.dll (5366f447ce37) - ## / 65
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about Tray It! and the Tray It! package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or Tray It!, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.