Downloads of v 2.5.1:
Last Update:
26 Aug 2023
Package Maintainer(s):
Software Author(s):
- Kiëd Llaentenn
- contributors
neofetch screenfetch commandline cli systeminfo info screenshot- Software Specific:
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2.5.1 | Updated: 26 Aug 2023
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Downloads of v 2.5.1:
Software Author(s):
- Kiëd Llaentenn
- contributors
winfetch 2.5.1
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this package nor Chocolatey Software, Inc. are affiliated with or endorsed by Kiëd Llaentenn, contributors. The inclusion of Kiëd Llaentenn, contributors trademark(s), if any, upon this webpage is solely to identify Kiëd Llaentenn, contributors goods or services and not for commercial purposes.
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- 2
- 3
All Checks are Passing
3 Passing Tests
Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall
To install winfetch, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To upgrade winfetch, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
To uninstall winfetch, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
Deployment Method:
This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.
1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url
(this should look similar to
2. Setup Your Environment
1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment
Please see the organizational deployment guide
2. Get the package into your environment
Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)-
Open Source or Commercial:
- Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
- You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download
Open Source
Download the package:
Download - Follow manual internalization instructions
Package Internalizer (C4B)
Run: (additional options)
choco download winfetch --internalize --source=
For package and dependencies run:
choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
- Automate package internalization
Run: (additional options)
3. Copy Your Script
choco upgrade winfetch -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" [other options]
See options you can pass to upgrade.
See best practices for scripting.
Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.
If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:
choco upgrade winfetch -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
Write-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"
$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)
if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) {
Exit 0
Exit $exitCode
- name: Install winfetch
name: winfetch
version: '2.5.1'
state: present
See docs at
chocolatey_package 'winfetch' do
action :install
version '2.5.1'
See docs at
cChocoPackageInstaller winfetch
Name = "winfetch"
Version = "2.5.1"
Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at
package { 'winfetch':
ensure => '2.5.1',
provider => 'chocolatey',
source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',
Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at
4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation
See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.
This package was approved as a trusted package on 26 Aug 2023.
Winfetch is a command-line system information utility written in PowerShell 5+. Winfetch displays information about your operating system, software and hardware in an aesthetic and visually pleasing way.
The overall purpose of Winfetch is to be used in screenshots of your system. Winfetch shows the information other people want to see. There are other tools available for proper system statistic/diagnostics.
The information by default is displayed alongside your operating system's logo. You can further configure Winfetch to instead use an image, your wallpaper or nothing at all.
According to benchmarks done with Hyperfine, Winfetch on Windows is faster than Neofetch running on Bash emulators like MSYS (Git Bash) or Cygwin.
Installation Parameters
- should"$(Get-ToolsLocation)\winfetch"
be added to the System Path variable- Supported values:
- Default value:
- Supported values:
- should"$(Get-ToolsLocation)\winfetch"
be added to the User Path variable- Supported values:
- Default value:
- Supported values:
- Install and add only to the User Path variable
choco install winfetch --params "'/AddToUserPath:yes /AddToSystemPath:no'"
- Install and do not add anything to environment variables
choco install winfetch --params "'/AddToSystemPath:no /AddToUserPath:no'"
# Copyright 2011 - Present RealDimensions Software, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
function Uninstall-ChocolateyPath {
**NOTE:** Administrative Access Required when `-PathType 'Machine'.`
This puts a directory to the PATH environment variable of the
requested scope (Machine or User).
Removes path from target path scope. Removes multiple occurances (if they exist)
and all occurances with or without a trailing slash.
This command will assert UAC/Admin privileges on the machine if
`-PathType 'Machine'`.
This is used when the application/tool is not being linked by Chocolatey
(not in the lib folder).
.PARAMETER PathToUninstall
The full path to a location to remove from the PATH.
Which PATH to remove it from. If specifying `Machine`, this requires admin
privileges to run correctly.
.PARAMETER IgnoredArguments
Allows splatting with arguments that do not apply. Do not use directly.
Uninstall-ChocolateyPath -PathToUninstall "$($env:SystemDrive)\tools\gittfs"
Uninstall-ChocolateyPath "$($env:SystemDrive)\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin" -PathType 'Machine'
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][alias("Path")][string] $PathToUninstall,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)][ValidateSet('User','Machine','All')][alias("Scope")][String] $pathType = 'User',
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch] $RecursiveCall,
[parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)][Object[]] $ignoredArguments
Write-Debug "Running 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPath' with PathToUninstall:`'$PathToUninstall`'";
If (!$RecursiveCall -AND ($pathType -ine 'All')) {Write-Host "Only evaluating and updating path scope `"$pathType`", path will not be assessed nor removed for other scope, so path may exist in other scope as well."}
$originalPathToUninstall = $PathToUninstall
#First half on handling trailing slash properly - remove it from requested path:
$PathToUninstall = $PathToUninstall.trimend('\')
#array drops blanks (one of which is always created by final semi-colon)
$actualPathArrayUser = (Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'Path' -Scope 'user' -PreserveVariables).split(';',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$actualPathArrayMachine = (Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'Path' -Scope 'machine' -PreserveVariables).split(';',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$PathFoundInMachine = $PathFoundInUser = $False
If (($actualpathArrayMachine -icontains "$($PathToUninstall.ToLower())") -OR ($actualpathArrayMachine -icontains "$(($PathToUninstall + '\').ToLower())"))
$PathFoundInMachine = $True
If (($actualpathArrayUser -icontains "$($PathToUninstall.ToLower())") -OR ($actualpathArrayUser -icontains "$(($PathToUninstall + '\').ToLower())"))
$PathFoundInUser = $True
#Process machine first to minimize suppression of messaging when recursion is necessary to process machine path
If ($PathFoundInMachine)
If (!$RecursiveCall) {Write-Host "Target path `"$PathToUninstall`" exists in Machine scope..."}
If ($pathType -ieq 'User' -AND ($pathType -ine 'All'))
If (!$RecursiveCall) {Write-Host "`"$PathToUninstall`" will only be removed from Machine scope per your request. Use -PathType 'User' to remove only from Machine scope or -PathType 'All' to remove from all scopes."}
If (($pathType -ieq 'Machine') -OR ($pathType -ieq 'All'))
If (!$RecursiveCall) {Write-Host "PATH environment variable for scope `"Machine`" contains `"$PathToUninstall`". Removing..."}
$actualpathArray = $actualPathArrayMachine
[string[]]$Newpatharray = $null
foreach ($path in $actualpathArray)
#second half of handling trailing slash properly - compare to both options in target path
If (($path -ine "$PathToUninstall") -AND ($path -ine "$($PathToUninstall)\"))
[string[]]$Newpatharray += "$path"
$actualPath = ($Newpatharray -join(';')) + ';'
if (Test-ProcessAdminRights)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'Path' -Value $actualPath -Scope 'Machine'
ElseIf (!$RecursiveCall)
$psArgs = "Uninstall-ChocolateyPath -PathToUninstall `'$originalPathToUninstall`' -pathType `'Machine`' -RecursiveCall"
Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin "$psArgs"
If ($RecursiveCall) {Return}
Throw "Did not gain admin rights on the recursive call, exiting to avoid going into recursive loop."
If ($PathFoundInUser)
Write-Host "Target path `"$PathToUninstall`" exists in User scope..."
If ($pathType -ine 'Machine' -AND ($pathType -ine 'All'))
Write-Host "`"$PathToUninstall`" will only be removed from User scope per your request. Use -PathType 'Machine' to remove only from Machine scope or -PathType 'All' to remove from all scopes."
If (($pathType -ieq 'User') -OR ($pathType -ieq 'All'))
Write-Host "PATH environment variable for scope `"User`" contains `"$PathToUninstall`". Removing..."
$actualpathArray = $actualPathArrayUser
[string[]]$Newpatharray = $null
foreach ($path in $actualpathArray)
#second half of handling trailing slash properly - compare to both options in target path
If (($path -ine "$PathToUninstall") -AND ($path -ine "$($PathToUninstall)\"))
[string[]]$Newpatharray += "$path"
$actualPath = ($Newpatharray -join(';')) + ';'
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'Path' -Value $actualPath -Scope 'User'
If ($PathFoundInUser -OR $PathFoundInMachine)
Write-Host "Updating environment for current process"
Write-Host "`"$PathToUninstall`" was not found in requested scope `"$PathType`". Nothing to do..."
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$toolsDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$binaryLocation = "$(Get-ToolsLocation)\winfetch"
. "$toolsDir\Uninstall-ChocolateyPath.ps1"
Remove-Item `
-Path $binaryLocation `
-Recurse -Force
Uninstall-ChocolateyPath `
-PathToUninstall $binaryLocation `
-PathType All `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
@echo off
echo %PSModulePath% | findstr %userprofile% >nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :isPowershellCore
echo %PSModulePath% | findstr /R /I /C:"powershell\\[1-9][0-9]*\\Modules" >nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :isPowershell
where pwsh >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :isPowershell
pwsh -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& 'winfetch.ps1' %*"
exit /b
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& 'winfetch.ps1' %*"
#!/usr/bin/env -S pwsh -nop
#requires -version 5
# (!) This file must to be saved in UTF-8 with BOM encoding in order to work with legacy Powershell 5.x
.VERSION 2.5.1
.GUID 27c6f0dd-dbf2-4a3e-90df-a23c3c6c630d
.AUTHOR Winfetch contributers
.TAGS neofetch screenfetch system-info commandline
Winfetch - Neofetch for Windows in PowerShell 5+
Winfetch is a command-line system information utility for Windows written in PowerShell.
Display a pixelated image instead of the usual logo.
Display the image using ASCII characters instead of blocks.
.PARAMETER genconf
Reset your configuration file to the default.
.PARAMETER configpath
Specify a path to a custom config file.
.PARAMETER noimage
Do not display any image or logo; display information only.
Sets the version of Windows to derive the logo from.
.PARAMETER imgwidth
Specify width for image/logo. Default is 35.
.PARAMETER alphathreshold
Specify minimum alpha value for image pixels to be visible. Default is 50.
Make the logo blink.
.PARAMETER stripansi
Output without any text effects or colors.
Display all built-in info segments.
Display this help message.
.PARAMETER cpustyle
Specify how to show information level for CPU usage
.PARAMETER memorystyle
Specify how to show information level for RAM usage
.PARAMETER diskstyle
Specify how to show information level for disks' usage
.PARAMETER batterystyle
Specify how to show information level for battery
.PARAMETER showdisks
Configure which disks are shown, use '-showdisks *' to show all.
.PARAMETER showpkgs
Configure which package managers are shown, e.g. '-showpkgs winget,scoop,choco'.
Run Winfetch without arguments to view core functionality.
[ValidateSet("text", "bar", "textbar", "bartext")][string]$cpustyle = "text",
[ValidateSet("text", "bar", "textbar", "bartext")][string]$memorystyle = "text",
[ValidateSet("text", "bar", "textbar", "bartext")][string]$diskstyle = "text",
[ValidateSet("text", "bar", "textbar", "bartext")][string]$batterystyle = "text",
[ValidateScript({$_ -gt 1 -and $_ -lt $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width-1})][alias('w')][int]$imgwidth = 35,
[ValidateScript({$_ -ge 0 -and $_ -le 255})][alias('t')][int]$alphathreshold = 50,
[array]$showdisks = @($env:SystemDrive),
[array]$showpkgs = @("scoop", "choco")
if (-not ($IsWindows -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5)) {
Write-Error "Only supported on Windows."
exit 1
# ===== DISPLAY HELP =====
if ($help) {
if (Get-Command -Name less -ErrorAction Ignore) {
Get-Help ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) -Full | less
} else {
Get-Help ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) -Full
exit 0
$defaultConfig = @'
# $image = "~/winfetch.png"
# $noimage = $true
# Display image using ASCII characters
# $ascii = $true
# Set the version of Windows to derive the logo from.
# $logo = "Windows 10"
# Specify width for image/logo
# $imgwidth = 24
# Specify minimum alpha value for image pixels to be visible
# $alphathreshold = 50
# Custom ASCII Art
# This should be an array of strings, with positive
# height and width equal to $imgwidth defined above.
# $CustomAscii = @(
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣾⣿⣦⠀ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣾⣷⣶⣆⠸⣿⣿⡟⠀ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣾⣷⡈⠻⠿⠟⠻⠿⢿⣷⣤⣤⣄⠀⠀ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣿⠟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣦⠀ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⣤⡘⢿⣿⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⡇ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⢸⣿⡁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢈⣉⣉⡁ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⠛⢡⣾⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿⣿⡇ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⣿⣿⣦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿⠟⠀ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⡿⢁⣴⣶⣦⣴⣶⣾⡿⠛⠛⠋⠀⠀ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠿⠿⢿⡿⠿⠏⢰⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀ ⠀"
# "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠟⠀⠀ ⠀"
# )
# Make the logo blink
# $blink = $true
# Display all built-in info segments.
# $all = $true
# Add a custom info line
# function info_custom_time {
# return @{
# title = "Time"
# content = (Get-Date)
# }
# }
# Configure which disks are shown
# $ShowDisks = @("C:", "D:")
# Show all available disks
# $ShowDisks = @("*")
# Configure which package managers are shown
# disabling unused ones will improve speed
# $ShowPkgs = @("winget", "scoop", "choco")
# Use the following option to specify custom package managers.
# Create a function with that name as suffix, and which returns
# the number of packages. Two examples are shown here:
# $CustomPkgs = @("cargo", "just-install")
# function info_pkg_cargo {
# return (cargo install --list | Where-Object {$_ -like "*:" }).Length
# }
# function info_pkg_just-install {
# return (just-install list).Length
# }
# Configure how to show info for levels
# Default is for text only.
# 'bar' is for bar only.
# 'textbar' is for text + bar.
# 'bartext' is for bar + text.
# $cpustyle = 'bar'
# $memorystyle = 'textbar'
# $diskstyle = 'bartext'
# $batterystyle = 'bartext'
# Remove the '#' from any of the lines in
# the following to **enable** their output.
# "custom_time" # use custom info line
# "ps_pkgs" # takes some time
# "theme"
# "cpu_usage"
# "battery"
# "locale"
# "weather"
# "local_ip"
# "public_ip"
if (-not $configPath) {
$configPath = $env:WINFETCH_CONFIG_PATH
} else {
$configPath = "${env:USERPROFILE}\.config\winfetch\config.ps1"
# generate default config
if ($genconf -and (Test-Path $configPath)) {
$choiceYes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", `
"overwrite your configuration with the default"
$choiceNo = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", `
"do nothing and exit"
$result = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Resetting your config to default will overwrite it.",
"Do you want to continue?", ($choiceYes, $choiceNo), 1)
if ($result -eq 0) { Remove-Item -Path $configPath } else { exit 1 }
if (-not (Test-Path $configPath) -or [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Get-Content $configPath))) {
New-Item -Type File -Path $configPath -Value $defaultConfig -Force | Out-Null
if ($genconf) {
Write-Host "Saved default config to '$configPath'."
exit 0
} else {
Write-Host "Missing config: Saved default config to '$configPath'."
# load config file
$config = . $configPath
if (-not $config -or $all) {
$config = @(
# prevent config from overriding specified parameters
foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
Set-Variable $param $PSBoundParameters[$param]
# ===== VARIABLES =====
$e = [char]0x1B
$ansiRegex = '([\u001B\u009B][[\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]*(?:;[-a-zA-Z\d\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*)?\u0007)|(?:(?:\d{1,4}(?:;\d{0,4})*)?[\dA-PR-TZcf-ntqry=><~])))'
$cimSession = New-CimSession
$os = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Property Caption,OSArchitecture,LastBootUpTime,TotalVisibleMemorySize,FreePhysicalMemory -CimSession $cimSession
$t = if ($blink) { "5" } else { "1" }
$COLUMNS = $imgwidth
function get_percent_bar {
param ([Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateRange(0, 100)][int]$percent)
$x = [char]9632
$bar = $null
$bar += "$e[97m[ $e[0m"
for ($i = 1; $i -le ($barValue = ([math]::round($percent / 10))); $i++) {
if ($i -le 6) { $bar += "$e[32m$x$e[0m" }
elseif ($i -le 8) { $bar += "$e[93m$x$e[0m" }
else { $bar += "$e[91m$x$e[0m" }
for ($i = 1; $i -le (10 - $barValue); $i++) { $bar += "$e[97m-$e[0m" }
$bar += "$e[97m ]$e[0m"
return $bar
function get_level_info {
param (
switch ($style) {
'bar' { return "$barprefix$(get_percent_bar $percentage)" }
'textbar' { return "$text $(get_percent_bar $percentage)" }
'bartext' { return "$barprefix$(get_percent_bar $percentage) $text" }
default { if ($altstyle) { return "$percentage% ($text)" } else { return "$text ($percentage%)" }}
function truncate_line {
param (
$length = ($text -replace $ansiRegex, "").Length
if ($length -le $maxLength) {
return $text
$truncateAmt = $length - $maxLength
$trucatedOutput = ""
$parts = $text -split $ansiRegex
for ($i = $parts.Length - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
$part = $parts[$i]
if (-not $part.StartsWith([char]27) -and $truncateAmt -gt 0) {
$num = if ($truncateAmt -gt $part.Length) {
} else {
$truncateAmt -= $num
$part = $part.Substring(0, $part.Length - $num)
$trucatedOutput = "$part$trucatedOutput"
return $trucatedOutput
# ===== IMAGE =====
$img = if (-not $noimage) {
if ($image) {
if ($image -eq 'wallpaper') {
$image = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop' -Name Wallpaper).Wallpaper
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Drawing'
$OldImage = if (Test-Path $image -PathType Leaf) {
[Drawing.Bitmap]::FromFile((Resolve-Path $image))
} else {
[Drawing.Bitmap]::FromStream((Invoke-WebRequest $image -UseBasicParsing).RawContentStream)
# Divide scaled height by 2.2 to compensate for ASCII characters being taller than they are wide
[int]$ROWS = $OldImage.Height / $OldImage.Width * $COLUMNS / $(if ($ascii) { 2.2 } else { 1 })
$Bitmap = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap @($OldImage, [Drawing.Size]"$COLUMNS,$ROWS")
if ($ascii) {
$chars = ' .,:;+iIH$@'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Bitmap.Height; $i++) {
$currline = ""
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $Bitmap.Width; $j++) {
$p = $Bitmap.GetPixel($j, $i)
$currline += "$e[38;2;$($p.R);$($p.G);$($p.B)m$($chars[[math]::Floor($p.GetBrightness() * $chars.Length)])$e[0m"
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Bitmap.Height; $i += 2) {
$currline = ""
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $Bitmap.Width; $j++) {
$pixel1 = $Bitmap.GetPixel($j, $i)
$char = [char]0x2580
if ($i -ge $Bitmap.Height - 1) {
if ($pixel1.A -lt $alphathreshold) {
$char = [char]0x2800
$ansi = "$e[49m"
} else {
$ansi = "$e[38;2;$($pixel1.R);$($pixel1.G);$($pixel1.B)m"
} else {
$pixel2 = $Bitmap.GetPixel($j, $i + 1)
if ($pixel1.A -lt $alphathreshold -or $pixel2.A -lt $alphathreshold) {
if ($pixel1.A -lt $alphathreshold -and $pixel2.A -lt $alphathreshold) {
$char = [char]0x2800
$ansi = "$e[49m"
} elseif ($pixel1.A -lt $alphathreshold) {
$char = [char]0x2584
$ansi = "$e[49;38;2;$($pixel2.R);$($pixel2.G);$($pixel2.B)m"
} else {
$ansi = "$e[49;38;2;$($pixel1.R);$($pixel1.G);$($pixel1.B)m"
} else {
$ansi = "$e[38;2;$($pixel1.R);$($pixel1.G);$($pixel1.B);48;2;$($pixel2.R);$($pixel2.G);$($pixel2.B)m"
$currline += "$ansi$char$e[0m"
} elseif (($CustomAscii -is [Array]) -and ($CustomAscii.Length -gt 0)) {
} else {
if (-not $logo) {
if ($os -Like "*Windows 11 *") {
$logo = "Windows 11"
} elseif ($os -Like "*Windows 10 *" -Or $os -Like "*Windows 8.1 *" -Or $os -Like "*Windows 8 *") {
$logo = "Windows 10"
} else {
$logo = "Windows 7"
if ($logo -eq "Windows 11") {
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34m "
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll"
} elseif ($logo -eq "Windows 10" -Or $logo -eq "Windows 8.1" -Or $logo -eq "Windows 8") {
"${e}[${t};34m ....,,:;+ccllll"
"${e}[${t};34m ...,,+:; cllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34m,cclllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34m "
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34mllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34m``'ccllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34m ``' \\*:: :ccllllllllllllllll"
"${e}[${t};34m ````````''*::cll"
"${e}[${t};34m ````"
} elseif ($logo -eq "Windows 7" -Or $logo -eq "Windows Vista" -Or $logo -eq "Windows XP") {
"${e}[${t};31m ,.=:!!t3Z3z., "
"${e}[${t};31m :tt:::tt333EE3 "
"${e}[${t};31m Et:::ztt33EEE ${e}[32m@Ee., ..,"
"${e}[${t};31m ;tt:::tt333EE7 ${e}[32m;EEEEEEttttt33#"
"${e}[${t};31m :Et:::zt333EEQ. ${e}[32mSEEEEEttttt33QL"
"${e}[${t};31m it::::tt333EEF ${e}[32m@EEEEEEttttt33F "
"${e}[${t};31m ;3=*^``````'*4EEV ${e}[32m:EEEEEEttttt33@. "
"${e}[${t};34m ,.=::::it=., ${e}[31m`` ${e}[32m@EEEEEEtttz33QF "
"${e}[${t};34m ;::::::::zt33) ${e}[32m'4EEEtttji3P* "
"${e}[${t};34m :t::::::::tt33 ${e}[33m:Z3z.. ${e}[32m```` ${e}[33m,..g. "
"${e}[${t};34m i::::::::zt33F ${e}[33mAEEEtttt::::ztF "
"${e}[${t};34m ;:::::::::t33V ${e}[33m;EEEttttt::::t3 "
"${e}[${t};34m E::::::::zt33L ${e}[33m@EEEtttt::::z3F "
"${e}[${t};34m{3=*^``````'*4E3) ${e}[33m;EEEtttt:::::tZ`` "
"${e}[${t};34m `` ${e}[33m:EEEEtttt::::z7 "
"${e}[${t};33m 'VEzjt:;;z>*`` "
} elseif ($logo -eq "Microsoft") {
"${e}[${t};31m│ │${e}[32m│ │"
"${e}[${t};31m│ │${e}[32m│ │"
"${e}[${t};34m│ │${e}[33m│ │"
"${e}[${t};34m│ │${e}[33m│ │"
} elseif ($logo -eq "Windows 2000" -Or $logo -eq "Windows 98" -Or $logo -eq "Windows 95") {
" ${e}[${t};30mdBBBBBBBb"
" ${e}[${t};30mdBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb"
" ${e}[${t};30m 000 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"
"${e}[${t};30m::::: 000000 BBBBB${e}[${t};31mdBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};32mBBBb${e}[${t};30mBBBBBBB"
"${e}[${t};31m::::: ${e}[${t};30m====== 000${e}[${t};31m000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};32mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};31m::::: ====== ${e}[${t};31m000000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};32mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};31m::::: ====== ${e}[${t};31m000000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};32mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};31m::::: ====== ${e}[${t};31m000000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};32mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};31m::::: ====== 000000 BBBBf${e}[${t};30mBBBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};32m`BBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};30m::::: ${e}[${t};31m====== 000${e}[${t};30m000 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"
"${e}[${t};30m::::: ====== 000000 BBBBB${e}[${t};34mdBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};33mBBBb${e}[${t};30mBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};34m::::: ${e}[${t};30m====== 000${e}[${t};34m000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};33mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};34m::::: ====== 000000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};33mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};34m::::: ====== 000000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};33mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};34m::::: ====== 000000 BBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB${e}[${t};33mBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};34m::::: ====== 000000 BBBBf${e}[${t};30mBBBBBBBBBBB${e}[${t};33m`BBBB${e}[${t};30mBBBB"
"${e}[${t};30m::::: ${e}[${t};34m====== 000${e}[${t};30m000 BBBBBf `BBBBBBBBB"
"${e}[${t};30m :: ====== 000000 BBf `BBBBB"
" ${c1} == 000000 B BBB"
} else {
Write-Error 'The only version logos supported are Windows 11, Windows 10/8.1/8, Windows 7/Vista/XP, Windows 2000/98/95 and Microsoft.'
exit 1
# ===== BLANK =====
function info_blank {
return @{}
# ===== COLORBAR =====
function info_colorbar {
return @(
title = ""
content = ('{0}[0;40m{1}{0}[0;41m{1}{0}[0;42m{1}{0}[0;43m{1}{0}[0;44m{1}{0}[0;45m{1}{0}[0;46m{1}{0}[0;47m{1}{0}[0m') -f $e, ' '
title = ""
content = ('{0}[0;100m{1}{0}[0;101m{1}{0}[0;102m{1}{0}[0;103m{1}{0}[0;104m{1}{0}[0;105m{1}{0}[0;106m{1}{0}[0;107m{1}{0}[0m') -f $e, ' '
# ===== OS =====
function info_os {
return @{
title = "OS"
content = "$($os.Caption.TrimStart('Microsoft ')) [$($os.OSArchitecture)]"
# ===== MOTHERBOARD =====
function info_motherboard {
$motherboard = Get-CimInstance Win32_BaseBoard -CimSession $cimSession -Property Manufacturer,Product
return @{
title = "Motherboard"
content = "{0} {1}" -f $motherboard.Manufacturer, $motherboard.Product
# ===== TITLE =====
function info_title {
return @{
title = ""
content = "${e}[1;33m{0}${e}[0m@${e}[1;33m{1}${e}[0m" -f [System.Environment]::UserName,$env:COMPUTERNAME
# ===== DASHES =====
function info_dashes {
$length = [System.Environment]::UserName.Length + $env:COMPUTERNAME.Length + 1
return @{
title = ""
content = "-" * $length
# ===== COMPUTER =====
function info_computer {
$compsys = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem -Property Manufacturer,Model -CimSession $cimSession
return @{
title = "Host"
content = '{0} {1}' -f $compsys.Manufacturer, $compsys.Model
# ===== KERNEL =====
function info_kernel {
return @{
title = "Kernel"
content = "$([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version)"
# ===== UPTIME =====
function info_uptime {
title = "Uptime"
content = $(switch ([System.DateTime]::Now - $os.LastBootUpTime) {
({ $PSItem.Days -eq 1 }) { '1 day' }
({ $PSItem.Days -gt 1 }) { "$($PSItem.Days) days" }
({ $PSItem.Hours -eq 1 }) { '1 hour' }
({ $PSItem.Hours -gt 1 }) { "$($PSItem.Hours) hours" }
({ $PSItem.Minutes -eq 1 }) { '1 minute' }
({ $PSItem.Minutes -gt 1 }) { "$($PSItem.Minutes) minutes" }
}) -join ' '
# ===== RESOLUTION =====
function info_resolution {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$displays = foreach ($monitor in [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens) {
return @{
title = "Resolution"
content = $displays -join ', '
# ===== TERMINAL =====
# this section works by getting the parent processes of the current powershell instance.
function info_terminal {
$programs = 'powershell', 'pwsh', 'winpty-agent', 'cmd', 'zsh', 'bash', 'fish', 'env', 'nu', 'elvish', 'csh', 'tcsh', 'python', 'xonsh'
if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition.ToString() -ne 'Core') {
$parent = Get-Process -Id (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $PID" -Property ParentProcessId -CimSession $cimSession).ParentProcessId -ErrorAction Ignore
for () {
if ($parent.ProcessName -in $programs) {
$parent = Get-Process -Id (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($parent.ID)" -Property ParentProcessId -CimSession $cimSession).ParentProcessId -ErrorAction Ignore
} else {
$parent = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Parent
for () {
if ($parent.ProcessName -in $programs) {
$parent = (Get-Process -Id $parent.ID).Parent
$terminal = switch ($parent.ProcessName) {
{ $PSItem -in 'explorer', 'conhost' } { 'Windows Console' }
'Console' { 'Console2/Z' }
'ConEmuC64' { 'ConEmu' }
'WindowsTerminal' { 'Windows Terminal' }
'FluentTerminal.SystemTray' { 'Fluent Terminal' }
'Code' { 'Visual Studio Code' }
default { $PSItem }
if (-not $terminal) {
$terminal = "$e[91m(Unknown)"
return @{
title = "Terminal"
content = $terminal
# ===== THEME =====
function info_theme {
$themeinfo = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize' -Name SystemUsesLightTheme, AppsUseLightTheme
$themename = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' -Name CurrentTheme).CurrentTheme.Split('\')[-1].Replace('.theme', '')
$systheme = if ($themeinfo.SystemUsesLightTheme) { "Light" } else { "Dark" }
$apptheme = if ($themeinfo.AppsUseLightTheme) { "Light" } else { "Dark" }
return @{
title = "Theme"
content = "$themename (System: $systheme, Apps: $apptheme)"
# ===== CPU/GPU =====
function info_cpu {
$cpu = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $Env:COMPUTERNAME).OpenSubKey("HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0")
$cpuname = $cpu.GetValue("ProcessorNameString")
$cpuname = if ($cpuname.Contains('@')) {
($cpuname -Split '@')[0].Trim()
} else {
return @{
title = "CPU"
content = "$cpuname @ $($cpu.GetValue("~MHz") / 1000)GHz" # [math]::Round($cpu.GetValue("~MHz") / 1000, 1) is 2-5ms slower
function info_gpu {
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$lines = @()
#loop through Win32_VideoController
foreach ($gpu in Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_VideoController -Property Name -CimSession $cimSession) {
title = "GPU"
content = $gpu.Name
return $lines
# ===== CPU USAGE =====
function info_cpu_usage {
# Get all running processes and assign to a variable to allow reuse
$processes = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetProcesses()
$loadpercent = 0
$proccount = $processes.Count
# Get the number of logical processors in the system
$CPUs = [System.Environment]::ProcessorCount
$timenow = [System.Datetime]::Now
if ($_.StartTime -gt 0) {
# Replicate the functionality of New-Timespan
$timespan = ($timenow.Subtract($_.StartTime)).TotalSeconds
# Calculate the CPU usage of the process and add to the total
$loadpercent += $_.CPU * 100 / $timespan / $CPUs
return @{
title = "CPU Usage"
content = get_level_info "" $cpustyle $loadpercent "$proccount processes" -altstyle
# ===== MEMORY =====
function info_memory {
$total = $os.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1mb
$used = ($os.TotalVisibleMemorySize - $os.FreePhysicalMemory) / 1mb
$usage = [math]::floor(($used / $total * 100))
return @{
title = "Memory"
content = get_level_info " " $memorystyle $usage "$($used.ToString("#.##")) GiB / $($total.ToString("#.##")) GiB"
# ===== DISK USAGE =====
function info_disk {
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$lines = @()
function to_units($value) {
if ($value -gt 1tb) {
return "$([math]::round($value / 1tb, 1)) TiB"
} else {
return "$([math]::floor($value / 1gb)) GiB"
$diskLetter = $_.Name.SubString(0,2)
if ($showDisks.Contains($diskLetter) -or $showDisks.Contains("*")) {
try {
if ($_.TotalSize -gt 0) {
$used = $_.TotalSize - $_.AvailableFreeSpace
$usage = [math]::Floor(($used / $_.TotalSize * 100))
title = "Disk ($diskLetter)"
content = get_level_info "" $diskstyle $usage "$(to_units $used) / $(to_units $_.TotalSize)"
} catch {
title = "Disk ($diskLetter)"
content = "(failed to get disk usage)"
return $lines
function info_pwsh {
return @{
title = "Shell"
content = "PowerShell v$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
function info_ps_pkgs {
$ps_pkgs = @()
# Get all installed packages
$pgp = Get-Package -ProviderName PowerShellGet
# Get the number of packages where the tags contains PSModule or PSScript
$modulecount = $pgp.Where({$_.Metadata["tags"] -like "*PSModule*"}).count
$scriptcount = $pgp.Where({$_.Metadata["tags"] -like "*PSScript*"}).count
if ($modulecount) {
if ($modulecount -eq 1) { $modulestring = "1 Module" }
else { $modulestring = "$modulecount Modules" }
$ps_pkgs += "$modulestring"
if ($scriptcount) {
if ($scriptcount -eq 1) { $scriptstring = "1 Script" }
else { $scriptstring = "$scriptcount Scripts" }
$ps_pkgs += "$scriptstring"
if (-not $ps_pkgs) {
$ps_pkgs = "(none)"
return @{
title = "PS Packages"
content = $ps_pkgs -join ', '
# ===== PACKAGES =====
function info_pkgs {
$pkgs = @()
if ("winget" -in $ShowPkgs -and (Get-Command -Name winget -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
$wingetpkg = (winget list | Where-Object {$_.Trim("`n`r`t`b-\|/ ").Length -ne 0} | Measure-Object).Count - 1
if ($wingetpkg) {
$pkgs += "$wingetpkg (system)"
if ("choco" -in $ShowPkgs -and (Get-Command -Name choco -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
$chocopkg = Invoke-Expression $(
"(& choco list" + $(if([version](& choco --version).Split('-')[0]`
-lt [version]'2.0.0'){" --local-only"}) + ")[-1].Split(' ')[0] - 1")
if ($chocopkg) {
$pkgs += "$chocopkg (choco)"
if ("scoop" -in $ShowPkgs) {
$scoopdir = if ($Env:SCOOP) { "$Env:SCOOP\apps" } else { "$Env:UserProfile\scoop\apps" }
if (Test-Path $scoopdir) {
$scooppkg = (Get-ChildItem -Path $scoopdir -Directory).Count - 1
if ($scooppkg) {
$pkgs += "$scooppkg (scoop)"
foreach ($pkgitem in $CustomPkgs) {
if (Test-Path Function:"info_pkg_$pkgitem") {
$count = & "info_pkg_$pkgitem"
$pkgs += "$count ($pkgitem)"
if (-not $pkgs) {
$pkgs = "(none)"
return @{
title = "Packages"
content = $pkgs -join ', '
# ===== BATTERY =====
function info_battery {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$battery = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PowerStatus
if ($battery.BatteryChargeStatus -eq 'NoSystemBattery') {
return @{
title = "Battery"
content = "(none)"
$status = if ($battery.BatteryChargeStatus -like '*Charging*') {
} elseif ($battery.PowerLineStatus -like '*Online*') {
"Plugged in"
} else {
$timeRemaining = $battery.BatteryLifeRemaining / 60
# Don't show time remaining if Windows hasn't properly reported it yet
$timeFormatted = if ($timeRemaining -ge 0) {
$hours = [math]::floor($timeRemaining / 60)
$minutes = [math]::floor($timeRemaining % 60)
", ${hours}h ${minutes}m"
return @{
title = "Battery"
content = get_level_info " " $batterystyle "$([math]::round($battery.BatteryLifePercent * 100))" "$status$timeFormatted" -altstyle
# ===== LOCALE =====
function info_locale {
# Hashtables for language and region codes
$localeLookup = @{
"10" = "American Samoa"; "100" = "Guinea"; "10026358" = "Americas";
"10028789" = "Åland Islands"; "10039880" = "Caribbean"; "10039882" = "Northern Europe";
"10039883" = "Southern Africa"; "101" = "Guyana"; "10210824" = "Western Europe";
"10210825" = "Australia and New Zealand"; "103" = "Haiti"; "104" = "Hong Kong SAR";
"10541" = "Europe"; "106" = "Honduras"; "108" = "Croatia";
"109" = "Hungary"; "11" = "Argentina"; "110" = "Iceland";
"111" = "Indonesia"; "113" = "India"; "114" = "British Indian Ocean Territory";
"116" = "Iran"; "117" = "Israel"; "118" = "Italy";
"119" = "Côte d'Ivoire"; "12" = "Australia"; "121" = "Iraq";
"122" = "Japan"; "124" = "Jamaica"; "125" = "Jan Mayen";
"126" = "Jordan"; "127" = "Johnston Atoll"; "129" = "Kenya";
"130" = "Kyrgyzstan"; "131" = "North Korea"; "133" = "Kiribati";
"134" = "Korea"; "136" = "Kuwait"; "137" = "Kazakhstan";
"138" = "Laos"; "139" = "Lebanon"; "14" = "Austria";
"140" = "Latvia"; "141" = "Lithuania"; "142" = "Liberia";
"143" = "Slovakia"; "145" = "Liechtenstein"; "146" = "Lesotho";
"147" = "Luxembourg"; "148" = "Libya"; "149" = "Madagascar";
"151" = "Macao SAR"; "15126" = "Isle of Man"; "152" = "Moldova";
"154" = "Mongolia"; "156" = "Malawi"; "157" = "Mali";
"158" = "Monaco"; "159" = "Morocco"; "160" = "Mauritius";
"161832015" = "Saint Barthélemy"; "161832256" = "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands"; "161832257" = "Latin America and the Caribbean";
"161832258" = "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba"; "162" = "Mauritania"; "163" = "Malta";
"164" = "Oman"; "165" = "Maldives"; "166" = "Mexico";
"167" = "Malaysia"; "168" = "Mozambique"; "17" = "Bahrain";
"173" = "Niger"; "174" = "Vanuatu"; "175" = "Nigeria";
"176" = "Netherlands"; "177" = "Norway"; "178" = "Nepal";
"18" = "Barbados"; "180" = "Nauru"; "181" = "Suriname";
"182" = "Nicaragua"; "183" = "New Zealand"; "184" = "Palestinian Authority";
"185" = "Paraguay"; "187" = "Peru"; "19" = "Botswana";
"190" = "Pakistan"; "191" = "Poland"; "192" = "Panama";
"193" = "Portugal"; "194" = "Papua New Guinea"; "195" = "Palau";
"196" = "Guinea-Bissau"; "19618" = "North Macedonia"; "197" = "Qatar";
"198" = "Réunion"; "199" = "Marshall Islands"; "2" = "Antigua and Barbuda";
"20" = "Bermuda"; "200" = "Romania"; "201" = "Philippines";
"202" = "Puerto Rico"; "203" = "Russia"; "204" = "Rwanda";
"205" = "Saudi Arabia"; "206" = "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"; "207" = "Saint Kitts and Nevis";
"208" = "Seychelles"; "209" = "South Africa"; "20900" = "Melanesia";
"21" = "Belgium"; "210" = "Senegal"; "212" = "Slovenia";
"21206" = "Micronesia"; "21242" = "Midway Islands"; "2129" = "Asia";
"213" = "Sierra Leone"; "214" = "San Marino"; "215" = "Singapore";
"216" = "Somalia"; "217" = "Spain"; "218" = "Saint Lucia";
"219" = "Sudan"; "22" = "Bahamas"; "220" = "Svalbard";
"221" = "Sweden"; "222" = "Syria"; "223" = "Switzerland";
"224" = "United Arab Emirates"; "225" = "Trinidad and Tobago"; "227" = "Thailand";
"228" = "Tajikistan"; "23" = "Bangladesh"; "231" = "Tonga";
"232" = "Togo"; "233" = "São Tomé and Príncipe"; "234" = "Tunisia";
"235" = "Turkey"; "23581" = "Northern America"; "236" = "Tuvalu";
"237" = "Taiwan"; "238" = "Turkmenistan"; "239" = "Tanzania";
"24" = "Belize"; "240" = "Uganda"; "241" = "Ukraine";
"242" = "United Kingdom"; "244" = "United States"; "245" = "Burkina Faso";
"246" = "Uruguay"; "247" = "Uzbekistan"; "248" = "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines";
"249" = "Venezuela"; "25" = "Bosnia and Herzegovina"; "251" = "Vietnam";
"252" = "U.S. Virgin Islands"; "253" = "Vatican City"; "254" = "Namibia";
"258" = "Wake Island"; "259" = "Samoa"; "26" = "Bolivia";
"260" = "Swaziland"; "261" = "Yemen"; "26286" = "Polynesia";
"263" = "Zambia"; "264" = "Zimbabwe"; "269" = "Serbia and Montenegro (Former)";
"27" = "Myanmar"; "270" = "Montenegro"; "27082" = "Central America";
"271" = "Serbia"; "27114" = "Oceania"; "273" = "Curaçao";
"276" = "South Sudan"; "28" = "Benin"; "29" = "Belarus";
"3" = "Afghanistan"; "30" = "Solomon Islands"; "300" = "Anguilla";
"301" = "Antarctica"; "302" = "Aruba"; "303" = "Ascension Island";
"304" = "Ashmore and Cartier Islands"; "305" = "Baker Island"; "306" = "Bouvet Island";
"307" = "Cayman Islands"; "308" = "Channel Islands"; "309" = "Christmas Island";
"30967" = "Sint Maarten"; "310" = "Clipperton Island"; "311" = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands";
"312" = "Cook Islands"; "313" = "Coral Sea Islands"; "31396" = "South America";
"314" = "Diego Garcia"; "315" = "Falkland Islands"; "317" = "French Guiana";
"31706" = "Saint Martin"; "318" = "French Polynesia"; "319" = "French Southern Territories";
"32" = "Brazil"; "321" = "Guadeloupe"; "322" = "Guam";
"323" = "Guantanamo Bay"; "324" = "Guernsey"; "325" = "Heard Island and McDonald Islands";
"326" = "Howland Island"; "327" = "Jarvis Island"; "328" = "Jersey";
"329" = "Kingman Reef"; "330" = "Martinique"; "331" = "Mayotte";
"332" = "Montserrat"; "333" = "Netherlands Antilles (Former)"; "334" = "New Caledonia";
"335" = "Niue"; "336" = "Norfolk Island"; "337" = "Northern Mariana Islands";
"338" = "Palmyra Atoll"; "339" = "Pitcairn Islands"; "34" = "Bhutan";
"340" = "Rota Island"; "341" = "Saipan"; "342" = "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands";
"343" = "St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"; "346" = "Tinian Island"; "347" = "Tokelau";
"348" = "Tristan da Cunha"; "349" = "Turks and Caicos Islands"; "35" = "Bulgaria";
"351" = "British Virgin Islands"; "352" = "Wallis and Futuna"; "37" = "Brunei";
"38" = "Burundi"; "39" = "Canada"; "39070" = "World";
"4" = "Algeria"; "40" = "Cambodia"; "41" = "Chad";
"42" = "Sri Lanka"; "42483" = "Western Africa"; "42484" = "Middle Africa";
"42487" = "Northern Africa"; "43" = "Congo"; "44" = "Congo (DRC)";
"45" = "China"; "46" = "Chile"; "47590" = "Central Asia";
"47599" = "South-Eastern Asia"; "47600" = "Eastern Asia"; "47603" = "Eastern Africa";
"47609" = "Eastern Europe"; "47610" = "Southern Europe"; "47611" = "Middle East";
"47614" = "Southern Asia"; "49" = "Cameroon"; "5" = "Azerbaijan";
"50" = "Comoros"; "51" = "Colombia"; "54" = "Costa Rica";
"55" = "Central African Republic"; "56" = "Cuba"; "57" = "Cabo Verde";
"59" = "Cyprus"; "6" = "Albania"; "61" = "Denmark";
"62" = "Djibouti"; "63" = "Dominica"; "65" = "Dominican Republic";
"66" = "Ecuador"; "67" = "Egypt"; "68" = "Ireland";
"69" = "Equatorial Guinea"; "7" = "Armenia"; "70" = "Estonia";
"71" = "Eritrea"; "72" = "El Salvador"; "7299303" = "Timor-Leste";
"73" = "Ethiopia"; "742" = "Africa"; "75" = "Czech Republic";
"77" = "Finland"; "78" = "Fiji"; "8" = "Andorra";
"80" = "Micronesia"; "81" = "Faroe Islands"; "84" = "France";
"86" = "Gambia"; "87" = "Gabon"; "88" = "Georgia";
"89" = "Ghana"; "9" = "Angola"; "90" = "Gibraltar";
"91" = "Grenada"; "93" = "Greenland"; "94" = "Germany";
"98" = "Greece"; "99" = "Guatemala"; "9914689" = "Kosovo";
$languageLookup = @{
"aa" = "Afar"; "aa-DJ" = "Afar (Djibouti)"; "aa-ER" = "Afar (Eritrea)";
"aa-ET" = "Afar (Ethiopia)"; "af" = "Afrikaans"; "af-NA" = "Afrikaans (Namibia)";
"af-ZA" = "Afrikaans (South Africa)"; "agq" = "Aghem"; "agq-CM" = "Aghem (Cameroon)";
"ak" = "Akan"; "ak-GH" = "Akan (Ghana)"; "am" = "Amharic";
"am-ET" = "Amharic (Ethiopia)"; "ar" = "Arabic"; "ar-001" = "Arabic (World)";
"ar-AE" = "Arabic (U.A.E.)"; "ar-BH" = "Arabic (Bahrain)"; "ar-DJ" = "Arabic (Djibouti)";
"ar-DZ" = "Arabic (Algeria)"; "ar-EG" = "Arabic (Egypt)"; "ar-ER" = "Arabic (Eritrea)";
"ar-IL" = "Arabic (Israel)"; "ar-IQ" = "Arabic (Iraq)"; "ar-JO" = "Arabic (Jordan)";
"ar-KM" = "Arabic (Comoros)"; "ar-KW" = "Arabic (Kuwait)"; "ar-LB" = "Arabic (Lebanon)";
"ar-LY" = "Arabic (Libya)"; "ar-MA" = "Arabic (Morocco)"; "ar-MR" = "Arabic (Mauritania)";
"ar-OM" = "Arabic (Oman)"; "ar-PS" = "Arabic (Palestinian Authority)"; "ar-QA" = "Arabic (Qatar)";
"ar-SA" = "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)"; "ar-SD" = "Arabic (Sudan)"; "ar-SO" = "Arabic (Somalia)";
"ar-SS" = "Arabic (South Sudan)"; "ar-SY" = "Arabic (Syria)"; "ar-TD" = "Arabic (Chad)";
"ar-TN" = "Arabic (Tunisia)"; "ar-YE" = "Arabic (Yemen)"; "arn" = "Mapudungun";
"arn-CL" = "Mapudungun (Chile)"; "as" = "Assamese"; "as-IN" = "Assamese (India)";
"asa" = "Asu"; "asa-TZ" = "Asu (Tanzania)"; "ast" = "Asturian";
"ast-ES" = "Asturian (Spain)"; "az" = "Azerbaijani"; "az-Cyrl" = "Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)";
"az-Cyrl-AZ" = "Azerbaijani (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)"; "az-Latn" = "Azerbaijani (Latin)"; "az-Latn-AZ" = "Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan)";
"ba" = "Bashkir"; "ba-RU" = "Bashkir (Russia)"; "bas" = "Basaa";
"bas-CM" = "Basaa (Cameroon)"; "be" = "Belarusian"; "be-BY" = "Belarusian (Belarus)";
"bem" = "Bemba"; "bem-ZM" = "Bemba (Zambia)"; "bez" = "Bena";
"bez-TZ" = "Bena (Tanzania)"; "bg" = "Bulgarian"; "bg-BG" = "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)";
"bin" = "Edo"; "bin-NG" = "Edo (Nigeria)"; "bm" = "Bambara";
"bm-Latn" = "Bambara (Latin)"; "bm-Latn-ML" = "Bambara (Latin, Mali)"; "bn" = "Bangla";
"bn-BD" = "Bangla (Bangladesh)"; "bn-IN" = "Bangla (India)"; "bo" = "Tibetan";
"bo-CN" = "Tibetan (PRC)"; "bo-IN" = "Tibetan (India)"; "br" = "Breton";
"br-FR" = "Breton (France)"; "brx" = "Bodo"; "brx-IN" = "Bodo (India)";
"bs" = "Bosnian"; "bs-Cyrl" = "Bosnian (Cyrillic)"; "bs-Cyrl-BA" = "Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)";
"bs-Latn" = "Bosnian (Latin)"; "bs-Latn-BA" = "Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)"; "byn" = "Blin";
"byn-ER" = "Blin (Eritrea)"; "ca" = "Catalan"; "ca-AD" = "Catalan (Andorra)";
"ca-ES" = "Catalan (Catalan)"; "ca-ES-valencia" = "Valencian (Spain)"; "ca-FR" = "Catalan (France)";
"ca-IT" = "Catalan (Italy)"; "ce" = "Chechen"; "ce-RU" = "Chechen (Russia)";
"cgg" = "Chiga"; "cgg-UG" = "Chiga (Uganda)"; "chr" = "Cherokee";
"chr-Cher" = "Cherokee (Cherokee)"; "chr-Cher-US" = "Cherokee (Cherokee)"; "co" = "Corsican";
"co-FR" = "Corsican (France)"; "cs" = "Czech"; "cs-CZ" = "Czech (Czechia / Czech Republic)";
"cu" = "Church Slavic"; "cu-RU" = "Church Slavic (Russia)"; "cy" = "Welsh";
"cy-GB" = "Welsh (United Kingdom)"; "da" = "Danish"; "da-DK" = "Danish (Denmark)";
"da-GL" = "Danish (Greenland)"; "dav" = "Taita"; "dav-KE" = "Taita (Kenya)";
"de" = "German"; "de-AT" = "German (Austria)"; "de-BE" = "German (Belgium)";
"de-CH" = "German (Switzerland)"; "de-DE" = "German (Germany)"; "de-IT" = "German (Italy)";
"de-LI" = "German (Liechtenstein)"; "de-LU" = "German (Luxembourg)"; "dje" = "Zarma";
"dje-NE" = "Zarma (Niger)"; "dsb" = "Lower Sorbian"; "dsb-DE" = "Lower Sorbian (Germany)";
"dua" = "Duala"; "dua-CM" = "Duala (Cameroon)"; "dv" = "Divehi";
"dv-MV" = "Divehi (Maldives)"; "dyo" = "Jola-Fonyi"; "dyo-SN" = "Jola-Fonyi (Senegal)";
"dz" = "Dzongkha"; "dz-BT" = "Dzongkha (Bhutan)"; "ebu" = "Embu";
"ebu-KE" = "Embu (Kenya)"; "ee" = "Ewe"; "ee-GH" = "Ewe (Ghana)";
"ee-TG" = "Ewe (Togo)"; "el" = "Greek"; "el-CY" = "Greek (Cyprus)";
"el-GR" = "Greek (Greece)"; "en" = "English"; "en-001" = "English (World)";
"en-029" = "English (Caribbean)"; "en-150" = "English (Europe)"; "en-AG" = "English (Antigua and Barbuda)";
"en-AI" = "English (Anguilla)"; "en-AS" = "English (American Samoa)"; "en-AT" = "English (Austria)";
"en-AU" = "English (Australia)"; "en-BB" = "English (Barbados)"; "en-BE" = "English (Belgium)";
"en-BI" = "English (Burundi)"; "en-BM" = "English (Bermuda)"; "en-BS" = "English (Bahamas)";
"en-BW" = "English (Botswana)"; "en-BZ" = "English (Belize)"; "en-CA" = "English (Canada)";
"en-CC" = "English (Cocos [Keeling] Islands)"; "en-CH" = "English (Switzerland)"; "en-CK" = "English (Cook Islands)";
"en-CM" = "English (Cameroon)"; "en-CX" = "English (Christmas Island)"; "en-CY" = "English (Cyprus)";
"en-DE" = "English (Germany)"; "en-DK" = "English (Denmark)"; "en-DM" = "English (Dominica)";
"en-ER" = "English (Eritrea)"; "en-FI" = "English (Finland)"; "en-FJ" = "English (Fiji)";
"en-FK" = "English (Falkland Islands)"; "en-FM" = "English (Micronesia)"; "en-GB" = "English (United Kingdom)";
"en-GD" = "English (Grenada)"; "en-GG" = "English (Guernsey)"; "en-GH" = "English (Ghana)";
"en-GI" = "English (Gibraltar)"; "en-GM" = "English (Gambia)"; "en-GU" = "English (Guam)";
"en-GY" = "English (Guyana)"; "en-HK" = "English (Hong Kong SAR)"; "en-ID" = "English (Indonesia)";
"en-IE" = "English (Ireland)"; "en-IL" = "English (Israel)"; "en-IM" = "English (Isle of Man)";
"en-IN" = "English (India)"; "en-IO" = "English (British Indian Ocean Territory)"; "en-JE" = "English (Jersey)";
"en-JM" = "English (Jamaica)"; "en-KE" = "English (Kenya)"; "en-KI" = "English (Kiribati)";
"en-KN" = "English (Saint Kitts and Nevis)"; "en-KY" = "English (Cayman Islands)"; "en-LC" = "English (Saint Lucia)";
"en-LR" = "English (Liberia)"; "en-LS" = "English (Lesotho)"; "en-MG" = "English (Madagascar)";
"en-MH" = "English (Marshall Islands)"; "en-MO" = "English (Macao SAR)"; "en-MP" = "English (Northern Mariana Islands)";
"en-MS" = "English (Montserrat)"; "en-MT" = "English (Malta)"; "en-MU" = "English (Mauritius)";
"en-MW" = "English (Malawi)"; "en-MY" = "English (Malaysia)"; "en-NA" = "English (Namibia)";
"en-NF" = "English (Norfolk Island)"; "en-NG" = "English (Nigeria)"; "en-NL" = "English (Netherlands)";
"en-NR" = "English (Nauru)"; "en-NU" = "English (Niue)"; "en-NZ" = "English (New Zealand)";
"en-PG" = "English (Papua New Guinea)"; "en-PH" = "English (Philippines)"; "en-PK" = "English (Pakistan)";
"en-PN" = "English (Pitcairn Islands)"; "en-PR" = "English (Puerto Rico)"; "en-PW" = "English (Palau)";
"en-RW" = "English (Rwanda)"; "en-SB" = "English (Solomon Islands)"; "en-SC" = "English (Seychelles)";
"en-SD" = "English (Sudan)"; "en-SE" = "English (Sweden)"; "en-SG" = "English (Singapore)";
"en-SH" = "English (St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha)"; "en-SI" = "English (Slovenia)"; "en-SL" = "English (Sierra Leone)";
"en-SS" = "English (South Sudan)"; "en-SX" = "English (Sint Maarten)"; "en-SZ" = "English (Swaziland)";
"en-TC" = "English (Turks and Caicos Islands)"; "en-TK" = "English (Tokelau)"; "en-TO" = "English (Tonga)";
"en-TT" = "English (Trinidad and Tobago)"; "en-TV" = "English (Tuvalu)"; "en-TZ" = "English (Tanzania)";
"en-UG" = "English (Uganda)"; "en-UM" = "English (US Minor Outlying Islands)"; "en-US" = "English (United States)";
"en-VC" = "English (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)"; "en-VG" = "English (British Virgin Islands)"; "en-VI" = "English (US Virgin Islands)";
"en-VU" = "English (Vanuatu)"; "en-WS" = "English (Samoa)"; "en-ZA" = "English (South Africa)";
"en-ZM" = "English (Zambia)"; "en-ZW" = "English (Zimbabwe)"; "eo" = "Esperanto";
"eo-001" = "Esperanto (World)"; "es" = "Spanish"; "es-419" = "Spanish (Latin America)";
"es-AR" = "Spanish (Argentina)"; "es-BO" = "Spanish (Bolivia)"; "es-BR" = "Spanish (Brazil)";
"es-BZ" = "Spanish (Belize)"; "es-CL" = "Spanish (Chile)"; "es-CO" = "Spanish (Colombia)";
"es-CR" = "Spanish (Costa Rica)"; "es-CU" = "Spanish (Cuba)"; "es-DO" = "Spanish (Dominican Republic)";
"es-EC" = "Spanish (Ecuador)"; "es-ES" = "Spanish (Spain)"; "es-GQ" = "Spanish (Equatorial Guinea)";
"es-GT" = "Spanish (Guatemala)"; "es-HN" = "Spanish (Honduras)"; "es-MX" = "Spanish (Mexico)";
"es-NI" = "Spanish (Nicaragua)"; "es-PA" = "Spanish (Panama)"; "es-PE" = "Spanish (Peru)";
"es-PH" = "Spanish (Philippines)"; "es-PR" = "Spanish (Puerto Rico)"; "es-PY" = "Spanish (Paraguay)";
"es-SV" = "Spanish (El Salvador)"; "es-US" = "Spanish (United States)"; "es-UY" = "Spanish (Uruguay)";
"es-VE" = "Spanish (Venezuela)"; "et" = "Estonian"; "et-EE" = "Estonian (Estonia)";
"eu" = "Basque"; "eu-ES" = "Basque (Basque)"; "ewo" = "Ewondo";
"ewo-CM" = "Ewondo (Cameroon)"; "fa" = "Persian"; "fa-IR" = "Persian (Iran)";
"ff" = "Fulah"; "ff-CM" = "Fulah (Cameroon)"; "ff-GN" = "Fulah (Guinea)";
"ff-Latn" = "Fulah (Latin)"; "ff-Latn-SN" = "Fulah (Latin, Senegal)"; "ff-MR" = "Fulah (Mauritania)";
"ff-NG" = "Fulah (Nigeria)"; "fi" = "Finnish"; "fi-FI" = "Finnish (Finland)";
"fil" = "Filipino"; "fil-PH" = "Filipino (Philippines)"; "fo" = "Faroese";
"fo-DK" = "Faroese (Denmark)"; "fo-FO" = "Faroese (Faroe Islands)"; "fr" = "French";
"fr-029" = "French (Caribbean)"; "fr-BE" = "French (Belgium)"; "fr-BF" = "French (Burkina Faso)";
"fr-BI" = "French (Burundi)"; "fr-BJ" = "French (Benin)"; "fr-BL" = "French (Saint Barthélemy)";
"fr-CA" = "French (Canada)"; "fr-CD" = "French (Congo DRC)"; "fr-CF" = "French (Central African Republic)";
"fr-CG" = "French (Congo)"; "fr-CH" = "French (Switzerland)"; "fr-CI" = "French (Côte d’Ivoire)";
"fr-CM" = "French (Cameroon)"; "fr-DJ" = "French (Djibouti)"; "fr-DZ" = "French (Algeria)";
"fr-FR" = "French (France)"; "fr-GA" = "French (Gabon)"; "fr-GF" = "French (French Guiana)";
"fr-GN" = "French (Guinea)"; "fr-GP" = "French (Guadeloupe)"; "fr-GQ" = "French (Equatorial Guinea)";
"fr-HT" = "French (Haiti)"; "fr-KM" = "French (Comoros)"; "fr-LU" = "French (Luxembourg)";
"fr-MA" = "French (Morocco)"; "fr-MC" = "French (Monaco)"; "fr-MF" = "French (Saint Martin)";
"fr-MG" = "French (Madagascar)"; "fr-ML" = "French (Mali)"; "fr-MQ" = "French (Martinique)";
"fr-MR" = "French (Mauritania)"; "fr-MU" = "French (Mauritius)"; "fr-NC" = "French (New Caledonia)";
"fr-NE" = "French (Niger)"; "fr-PF" = "French (French Polynesia)"; "fr-PM" = "French (Saint Pierre and Miquelon)";
"fr-RE" = "French (Reunion)"; "fr-RW" = "French (Rwanda)"; "fr-SC" = "French (Seychelles)";
"fr-SN" = "French (Senegal)"; "fr-SY" = "French (Syria)"; "fr-TD" = "French (Chad)";
"fr-TG" = "French (Togo)"; "fr-TN" = "French (Tunisia)"; "fr-VU" = "French (Vanuatu)";
"fr-WF" = "French (Wallis and Futuna)"; "fr-YT" = "French (Mayotte)"; "fur" = "Friulian";
"fur-IT" = "Friulian (Italy)"; "fy" = "Frisian"; "fy-NL" = "Frisian (Netherlands)";
"ga" = "Irish"; "ga-IE" = "Irish (Ireland)"; "gd" = "Scottish Gaelic";
"gd-GB" = "Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)"; "gl" = "Galician"; "gl-ES" = "Galician (Galician)";
"gn" = "Guarani"; "gn-PY" = "Guarani (Paraguay)"; "gsw" = "Alsatian";
"gsw-CH" = "Alsatian (Switzerland)"; "gsw-FR" = "Alsatian (France)"; "gsw-LI" = "Alsatian (Liechtenstein)";
"gu" = "Gujarati"; "gu-IN" = "Gujarati (India)"; "guz" = "Gusii";
"guz-KE" = "Gusii (Kenya)"; "gv" = "Manx"; "gv-IM" = "Manx (Isle of Man)";
"ha" = "Hausa"; "ha-Latn" = "Hausa (Latin)"; "ha-Latn-GH" = "Hausa (Latin, Ghana)";
"ha-Latn-NE" = "Hausa (Latin, Niger)"; "ha-Latn-NG" = "Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)"; "haw" = "Hawaiian";
"haw-US" = "Hawaiian (United States)"; "he" = "Hebrew"; "he-IL" = "Hebrew (Israel)";
"hi" = "Hindi"; "hi-IN" = "Hindi (India)"; "hr" = "Croatian";
"hr-BA" = "Croatian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)"; "hr-HR" = "Croatian (Croatia)"; "hsb" = "Upper Sorbian";
"hsb-DE" = "Upper Sorbian (Germany)"; "hu" = "Hungarian"; "hu-HU" = "Hungarian (Hungary)";
"hy" = "Armenian"; "hy-AM" = "Armenian (Armenia)"; "ia" = "Interlingua";
"ia-001" = "Interlingua (World)"; "ia-FR" = "Interlingua (France)"; "ibb" = "Ibibio";
"ibb-NG" = "Ibibio (Nigeria)"; "id" = "Indonesian"; "id-ID" = "Indonesian (Indonesia)";
"ig" = "Igbo"; "ig-NG" = "Igbo (Nigeria)"; "ii" = "Yi";
"ii-CN" = "Yi (PRC)"; "is" = "Icelandic"; "is-IS" = "Icelandic (Iceland)";
"it" = "Italian"; "it-CH" = "Italian (Switzerland)"; "it-IT" = "Italian (Italy)";
"it-SM" = "Italian (San Marino)"; "it-VA" = "Italian (Vatican City)"; "iu" = "Inuktitut";
"iu-Cans" = "Inuktitut (Syllabics)"; "iu-Cans-CA" = "Inuktitut (Syllabics, Canada)"; "iu-Latn" = "Inuktitut (Latin)";
"iu-Latn-CA" = "Inuktitut (Latin, Canada)"; "ja" = "Japanese"; "ja-JP" = "Japanese (Japan)";
"jgo" = "Ngomba"; "jgo-CM" = "Ngomba (Cameroon)"; "jmc" = "Machame";
"jmc-TZ" = "Machame (Tanzania)"; "jv" = "Javanese"; "jv-Java" = "Javanese (Javanese)";
"jv-Java-ID" = "Javanese (Javanese, Indonesia)"; "jv-Latn" = "Javanese"; "jv-Latn-ID" = "Javanese (Indonesia)";
"ka" = "Georgian"; "ka-GE" = "Georgian (Georgia)"; "kab" = "Kabyle";
"kab-DZ" = "Kabyle (Algeria)"; "kam" = "Kamba"; "kam-KE" = "Kamba (Kenya)";
"kde" = "Makonde"; "kde-TZ" = "Makonde (Tanzania)"; "kea" = "Kabuverdianu";
"kea-CV" = "Kabuverdianu (Cabo Verde)"; "khq" = "Koyra Chiini"; "khq-ML" = "Koyra Chiini (Mali)";
"ki" = "Kikuyu"; "ki-KE" = "Kikuyu (Kenya)"; "kk" = "Kazakh";
"kk-KZ" = "Kazakh (Kazakhstan)"; "kkj" = "Kako"; "kkj-CM" = "Kako (Cameroon)";
"kl" = "Greenlandic"; "kl-GL" = "Greenlandic (Greenland)"; "kln" = "Kalenjin";
"kln-KE" = "Kalenjin (Kenya)"; "km" = "Khmer"; "km-KH" = "Khmer (Cambodia)";
"kn" = "Kannada"; "kn-IN" = "Kannada (India)"; "ko" = "Korean";
"ko-KP" = "Korean (North Korea)"; "ko-KR" = "Korean (Korea)"; "kok" = "Konkani";
"kok-IN" = "Konkani (India)"; "kr" = "Kanuri"; "kr-NG" = "Kanuri (Nigeria)";
"ks" = "Kashmiri"; "ks-Arab" = "Kashmiri (Perso-Arabic)"; "ks-Arab-IN" = "Kashmiri (Perso-Arabic)";
"ks-Deva" = "Kashmiri (Devanagari)"; "ks-Deva-IN" = "Kashmiri (Devanagari, India)"; "ksb" = "Shambala";
"ksb-TZ" = "Shambala (Tanzania)"; "ksf" = "Bafia"; "ksf-CM" = "Bafia (Cameroon)";
"ksh" = "Colognian"; "ksh-DE" = "Ripuarian (Germany)"; "ku" = "Central Kurdish";
"ku-Arab" = "Central Kurdish (Arabic)"; "ku-Arab-IQ" = "Central Kurdish (Iraq)"; "ku-Arab-IR" = "Kurdish (Perso-Arabic, Iran)";
"kw" = "Cornish"; "kw-GB" = "Cornish (United Kingdom)"; "ky" = "Kyrgyz";
"ky-KG" = "Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)"; "la" = "Latin"; "la-001" = "Latin (World)";
"lag" = "Langi"; "lag-TZ" = "Langi (Tanzania)"; "lb" = "Luxembourgish";
"lb-LU" = "Luxembourgish (Luxembourg)"; "lg" = "Ganda"; "lg-UG" = "Ganda (Uganda)";
"lkt" = "Lakota"; "lkt-US" = "Lakota (United States)"; "ln" = "Lingala";
"ln-AO" = "Lingala (Angola)"; "ln-CD" = "Lingala (Congo DRC)"; "ln-CF" = "Lingala (Central African Republic)";
"ln-CG" = "Lingala (Congo)"; "lo" = "Lao"; "lo-LA" = "Lao (Lao P.D.R.)";
"lrc" = "Northern Luri"; "lrc-IQ" = "Northern Luri (Iraq)"; "lrc-IR" = "Northern Luri (Iran)";
"lt" = "Lithuanian"; "lt-LT" = "Lithuanian (Lithuania)"; "lu" = "Luba-Katanga";
"lu-CD" = "Luba-Katanga (Congo DRC)"; "luo" = "Luo"; "luo-KE" = "Luo (Kenya)";
"luy" = "Luyia"; "luy-KE" = "Luyia (Kenya)"; "lv" = "Latvian";
"lv-LV" = "Latvian (Latvia)"; "mas" = "Masai"; "mas-KE" = "Masai (Kenya)";
"mas-TZ" = "Masai (Tanzania)"; "mer" = "Meru"; "mer-KE" = "Meru (Kenya)";
"mfe" = "Morisyen"; "mfe-MU" = "Morisyen (Mauritius)"; "mg" = "Malagasy";
"mg-MG" = "Malagasy (Madagascar)"; "mgh" = "Makhuwa-Meetto"; "mgh-MZ" = "Makhuwa-Meetto (Mozambique)";
"mgo" = "Meta'"; "mgo-CM" = "Meta' (Cameroon)"; "mi" = "Maori";
"mi-NZ" = "Maori (New Zealand)"; "mk" = "Macedonian (FYROM)"; "mk-MK" = "Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)";
"ml" = "Malayalam"; "ml-IN" = "Malayalam (India)"; "mn" = "Mongolian";
"mn-Cyrl" = "Mongolian (Cyrillic)"; "mn-MN" = "Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia)"; "mn-Mong" = "Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian)";
"mn-Mong-CN" = "Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, PRC)"; "mn-Mong-MN" = "Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, Mongolia)"; "mni" = "Manipuri";
"mni-IN" = "Manipuri (India)"; "moh" = "Mohawk"; "moh-CA" = "Mohawk (Mohawk)";
"mr" = "Marathi"; "mr-IN" = "Marathi (India)"; "ms" = "Malay";
"ms-BN" = "Malay (Brunei Darussalam)"; "ms-MY" = "Malay (Malaysia)"; "ms-SG" = "Malay (Latin, Singapore)";
"mt" = "Maltese"; "mt-MT" = "Maltese (Malta)"; "mua" = "Mundang";
"mua-CM" = "Mundang (Cameroon)"; "my" = "Burmese"; "my-MM" = "Burmese (Myanmar)";
"mzn" = "Mazanderani"; "mzn-IR" = "Mazanderani (Iran)"; "naq" = "Nama";
"naq-NA" = "Nama (Namibia)"; "nb" = "Norwegian (Bokmål)"; "nb-NO" = "Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)";
"nb-SJ" = "Norwegian, Bokmål (Svalbard and Jan Mayen)"; "nd" = "North Ndebele"; "nd-ZW" = "North Ndebele (Zimbabwe)";
"nds" = "Low German"; "nds-DE" = "Low German (Germany)"; "nds-NL" = "Low German (Netherlands)";
"ne" = "Nepali"; "ne-IN" = "Nepali (India)"; "ne-NP" = "Nepali (Nepal)";
"nl" = "Dutch"; "nl-AW" = "Dutch (Aruba)"; "nl-BE" = "Dutch (Belgium)";
"nl-BQ" = "Dutch (Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba)"; "nl-CW" = "Dutch (Curaçao)"; "nl-NL" = "Dutch (Netherlands)";
"nl-SR" = "Dutch (Suriname)"; "nl-SX" = "Dutch (Sint Maarten)"; "nmg" = "Kwasio";
"nmg-CM" = "Kwasio (Cameroon)"; "nn" = "Norwegian (Nynorsk)"; "nn-NO" = "Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)";
"nnh" = "Ngiemboon"; "nnh-CM" = "Ngiemboon (Cameroon)"; "no" = "Norwegian";
"nqo" = "N'ko"; "nqo-GN" = "N'ko (Guinea)"; "nr" = "South Ndebele";
"nr-ZA" = "South Ndebele (South Africa)"; "nso" = "Sesotho sa Leboa"; "nso-ZA" = "Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa)";
"nus" = "Nuer"; "nus-SS" = "Nuer (South Sudan)"; "nyn" = "Nyankole";
"nyn-UG" = "Nyankole (Uganda)"; "oc" = "Occitan"; "oc-FR" = "Occitan (France)";
"om" = "Oromo"; "om-ET" = "Oromo (Ethiopia)"; "om-KE" = "Oromo (Kenya)";
"or" = "Odia"; "or-IN" = "Odia (India)"; "os" = "Ossetic";
"os-GE" = "Ossetian (Cyrillic, Georgia)"; "os-RU" = "Ossetian (Cyrillic, Russia)"; "pa" = "Punjabi";
"pa-Arab" = "Punjabi (Arabic)"; "pa-Arab-PK" = "Punjabi (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)"; "pa-IN" = "Punjabi (India)";
"pap" = "Papiamento"; "pap-029" = "Papiamento (Caribbean)"; "pl" = "Polish";
"pl-PL" = "Polish (Poland)"; "prg" = "Prussian"; "prg-001" = "Prussian (World)";
"prs" = "Dari"; "prs-AF" = "Dari (Afghanistan)"; "ps" = "Pashto";
"ps-AF" = "Pashto (Afghanistan)"; "pt" = "Portuguese"; "pt-AO" = "Portuguese (Angola)";
"pt-BR" = "Portuguese (Brazil)"; "pt-CH" = "Portuguese (Switzerland)"; "pt-CV" = "Portuguese (Cabo Verde)";
"pt-GQ" = "Portuguese (Equatorial Guinea)"; "pt-GW" = "Portuguese (Guinea-Bissau)"; "pt-LU" = "Portuguese (Luxembourg)";
"pt-MO" = "Portuguese (Macao SAR)"; "pt-MZ" = "Portuguese (Mozambique)"; "pt-PT" = "Portuguese (Portugal)";
"pt-ST" = "Portuguese (São Tomé and Príncipe)"; "pt-TL" = "Portuguese (Timor-Leste)"; "quc" = "K'iche'";
"quc-Latn" = "K'iche'"; "quc-Latn-GT" = "K'iche' (Guatemala)"; "quz" = "Quechua";
"quz-BO" = "Quechua (Bolivia)"; "quz-EC" = "Quechua (Ecuador)"; "quz-PE" = "Quechua (Peru)";
"rm" = "Romansh"; "rm-CH" = "Romansh (Switzerland)"; "rn" = "Rundi";
"rn-BI" = "Rundi (Burundi)"; "ro" = "Romanian"; "ro-MD" = "Romanian (Moldova)";
"ro-RO" = "Romanian (Romania)"; "rof" = "Rombo"; "rof-TZ" = "Rombo (Tanzania)";
"ru" = "Russian"; "ru-BY" = "Russian (Belarus)"; "ru-KG" = "Russian (Kyrgyzstan)";
"ru-KZ" = "Russian (Kazakhstan)"; "ru-MD" = "Russian (Moldova)"; "ru-RU" = "Russian (Russia)";
"ru-UA" = "Russian (Ukraine)"; "rw" = "Kinyarwanda"; "rw-RW" = "Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)";
"rwk" = "Rwa"; "rwk-TZ" = "Rwa (Tanzania)"; "sa" = "Sanskrit";
"sa-IN" = "Sanskrit (India)"; "sah" = "Sakha"; "sah-RU" = "Sakha (Russia)";
"saq" = "Samburu"; "saq-KE" = "Samburu (Kenya)"; "sbp" = "Sangu";
"sbp-TZ" = "Sangu (Tanzania)"; "sd" = "Sindhi"; "sd-Arab" = "Sindhi (Arabic)";
"sd-Arab-PK" = "Sindhi (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)"; "sd-Deva" = "Sindhi (Devanagari)"; "sd-Deva-IN" = "Sindhi (Devanagari, India)";
"se" = "Sami (Northern)"; "se-FI" = "Sami, Northern (Finland)"; "se-NO" = "Sami, Northern (Norway)";
"se-SE" = "Sami, Northern (Sweden)"; "seh" = "Sena"; "seh-MZ" = "Sena (Mozambique)";
"ses" = "Koyraboro Senni"; "ses-ML" = "Koyraboro Senni (Mali)"; "sg" = "Sango";
"sg-CF" = "Sango (Central African Republic)"; "shi" = "Tachelhit"; "shi-Latn" = "Tachelhit (Latin)";
"shi-Latn-MA" = "Tachelhit (Latin, Morocco)"; "shi-Tfng" = "Tachelhit (Tifinagh)"; "shi-Tfng-MA" = "Tachelhit (Tifinagh, Morocco)";
"si" = "Sinhala"; "si-LK" = "Sinhala (Sri Lanka)"; "sk" = "Slovak";
"sk-SK" = "Slovak (Slovakia)"; "sl" = "Slovenian"; "sl-SI" = "Slovenian (Slovenia)";
"sma" = "Sami (Southern)"; "sma-NO" = "Sami, Southern (Norway)"; "sma-SE" = "Sami, Southern (Sweden)";
"smj" = "Sami (Lule)"; "smj-NO" = "Sami, Lule (Norway)"; "smj-SE" = "Sami, Lule (Sweden)";
"smn" = "Sami (Inari)"; "smn-FI" = "Sami, Inari (Finland)"; "sms" = "Sami (Skolt)";
"sms-FI" = "Sami, Skolt (Finland)"; "sn" = "Shona"; "sn-Latn" = "Shona (Latin)";
"sn-Latn-ZW" = "Shona (Latin, Zimbabwe)"; "so" = "Somali"; "so-DJ" = "Somali (Djibouti)";
"so-ET" = "Somali (Ethiopia)"; "so-KE" = "Somali (Kenya)"; "so-SO" = "Somali (Somalia)";
"sq" = "Albanian"; "sq-AL" = "Albanian (Albania)"; "sq-MK" = "Albanian (Macedonia, FYRO)";
"sq-XK" = "Albanian (Kosovo)"; "sr" = "Serbian"; "sr-Cyrl" = "Serbian (Cyrillic)";
"sr-Cyrl-BA" = "Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)"; "sr-Cyrl-ME" = "Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)"; "sr-Cyrl-RS" = "Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)";
"sr-Cyrl-XK" = "Serbian (Cyrillic, Kosovo)"; "sr-Latn" = "Serbian (Latin)"; "sr-Latn-BA" = "Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)";
"sr-Latn-ME" = "Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)"; "sr-Latn-RS" = "Serbian (Latin, Serbia)"; "sr-Latn-XK" = "Serbian (Latin, Kosovo)";
"ss" = "Swati"; "ss-SZ" = "Swati (Eswatini former Swaziland)"; "ss-ZA" = "Swati (South Africa)";
"ssy" = "Saho"; "ssy-ER" = "Saho (Eritrea)"; "st" = "Southern Sotho";
"st-LS" = "Sesotho (Lesotho)"; "st-ZA" = "Southern Sotho (South Africa)"; "sv" = "Swedish";
"sv-AX" = "Swedish (Åland Islands)"; "sv-FI" = "Swedish (Finland)"; "sv-SE" = "Swedish (Sweden)";
"sw" = "Kiswahili"; "sw-CD" = "Kiswahili (Congo DRC)"; "sw-KE" = "Kiswahili (Kenya)";
"sw-TZ" = "Kiswahili (Tanzania)"; "sw-UG" = "Kiswahili (Uganda)"; "syr" = "Syriac";
"syr-SY" = "Syriac (Syria)"; "ta" = "Tamil"; "ta-IN" = "Tamil (India)";
"ta-LK" = "Tamil (Sri Lanka)"; "ta-MY" = "Tamil (Malaysia)"; "ta-SG" = "Tamil (Singapore)";
"te" = "Telugu"; "te-IN" = "Telugu (India)"; "teo" = "Teso";
"teo-KE" = "Teso (Kenya)"; "teo-UG" = "Teso (Uganda)"; "tg" = "Tajik";
"tg-Cyrl" = "Tajik (Cyrillic)"; "tg-Cyrl-TJ" = "Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan)"; "th" = "Thai";
"th-TH" = "Thai (Thailand)"; "ti" = "Tigrinya"; "ti-ER" = "Tigrinya (Eritrea)";
"ti-ET" = "Tigrinya (Ethiopia)"; "tig" = "Tigre"; "tig-ER" = "Tigre (Eritrea)";
"tk" = "Turkmen"; "tk-TM" = "Turkmen (Turkmenistan)"; "tn" = "Setswana";
"tn-BW" = "Setswana (Botswana)"; "tn-ZA" = "Setswana (South Africa)"; "to" = "Tongan";
"to-TO" = "Tongan (Tonga)"; "tr" = "Turkish"; "tr-CY" = "Turkish (Cyprus)";
"tr-TR" = "Turkish (Turkey)"; "ts" = "Tsonga"; "ts-ZA" = "Tsonga (South Africa)";
"tt" = "Tatar"; "tt-RU" = "Tatar (Russia)"; "twq" = "Tasawaq";
"twq-NE" = "Tasawaq (Niger)"; "tzm" = "Tamazight"; "tzm-Arab" = "Central Atlas Tamazight (Arabic)";
"tzm-Arab-MA" = "Central Atlas Tamazight (Arabic, Morocco)"; "tzm-Latn" = "Tamazight (Latin)"; "tzm-Latn-DZ" = "Tamazight (Latin, Algeria)";
"tzm-Latn-MA" = "Central Atlas Tamazight (Latin, Morocco)"; "tzm-Tfng" = "Tamazight (Tifinagh)"; "tzm-Tfng-MA" = "Central Atlas Tamazight (Tifinagh, Morocco)";
"ug" = "Uyghur"; "ug-CN" = "Uyghur (PRC)"; "uk" = "Ukrainian";
"uk-UA" = "Ukrainian (Ukraine)"; "ur" = "Urdu"; "ur-IN" = "Urdu (India)";
"ur-PK" = "Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)"; "uz" = "Uzbek"; "uz-Arab" = "Uzbek (Perso-Arabic)";
"uz-Arab-AF" = "Uzbek (Perso-Arabic, Afghanistan)"; "uz-Cyrl" = "Uzbek (Cyrillic)"; "uz-Cyrl-UZ" = "Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)";
"uz-Latn" = "Uzbek (Latin)"; "uz-Latn-UZ" = "Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)"; "vai" = "Vai";
"vai-Latn" = "Vai (Latin)"; "vai-Latn-LR" = "Vai (Latin, Liberia)"; "vai-Vaii" = "Vai (Vai)";
"vai-Vaii-LR" = "Vai (Vai, Liberia)"; "ve" = "Venda"; "ve-ZA" = "Venda (South Africa)";
"vi" = "Vietnamese"; "vi-VN" = "Vietnamese (Vietnam)"; "vo" = "Volapük";
"vo-001" = "Volapük (World)"; "vun" = "Vunjo"; "vun-TZ" = "Vunjo (Tanzania)";
"wae" = "Walser"; "wae-CH" = "Walser (Switzerland)"; "wal" = "Wolaytta";
"wal-ET" = "Wolaytta (Ethiopia)"; "wo" = "Wolof"; "wo-SN" = "Wolof (Senegal)";
"xh" = "isiXhosa"; "xh-ZA" = "isiXhosa (South Africa)"; "xog" = "Soga";
"xog-UG" = "Soga (Uganda)"; "yav" = "Yangben"; "yav-CM" = "Yangben (Cameroon)";
"yi" = "Yiddish"; "yi-001" = "Yiddish (World)"; "yo" = "Yoruba";
"yo-BJ" = "Yoruba (Benin)"; "yo-NG" = "Yoruba (Nigeria)"; "zgh" = "Standard Moroccan Tamazight";
"zgh-Tfng" = "Standard Moroccan Tamazight (Tifinagh)"; "zgh-Tfng-MA" = "Standard Moroccan Tamazight (Tifinagh, Morocco)"; "zh" = "Chinese";
"zh-CN" = "Chinese (Simplified, PRC)"; "zh-Hans" = "Chinese (Simplified)"; "zh-Hans-HK" = "Chinese (Simplified Han, Hong Kong SAR)";
"zh-Hans-MO" = "Chinese (Simplified Han, Macao SAR)"; "zh-Hant" = "Chinese (Traditional)"; "zh-HK" = "Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R.)";
"zh-MO" = "Chinese (Traditional, Macao S.A.R.)"; "zh-SG" = "Chinese (Simplified, Singapore)"; "zh-TW" = "Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)";
"zu" = "isiZulu"; "zu-ZA" = "isiZulu (South Africa)"
# Get the current user's language and region using the registry
$Region = $localeLookup[(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:Control Panel\International\Geo").Nation]
# Iterate through registry key in case multiple languages are configured
(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:Control Panel\International\User Profile").Languages | ForEach-Object {
$Languages += " - $($languageLookup[$_])"
return @{
title = "Locale"
content = "$Region$Languages"
# ===== WEATHER =====
function info_weather {
return @{
title = "Weather"
content = try {
} catch {
"$e[91m(Network Error)"
# ===== IP =====
function info_local_ip {
try {
# Get all network adapters
foreach ($ni in [System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) {
# Get the IP information of each adapter
$properties = $ni.GetIPProperties()
# Check if the adapter is online, has a gateway address, and the adapter does not have a loopback address
if ($ni.OperationalStatus -eq 'Up' -and !($null -eq $properties.GatewayAddresses[0]) -and !$properties.GatewayAddresses[0].Address.ToString().Equals("")) {
# Check if adapter is a WiFi or Ethernet adapter
if ($ni.NetworkInterfaceType -eq "Wireless80211" -or $ni.NetworkInterfaceType -eq "Ethernet") {
foreach ($ip in $properties.UnicastAddresses) {
if ($ip.Address.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork") {
if (!$local_ip) { $local_ip = $ip.Address.ToString() }
} catch {
return @{
title = "Local IP"
content = if (-not $local_ip) {
} else {
function info_public_ip {
return @{
title = "Public IP"
content = try {
} catch {
"$e[91m(Network Error)"
if (-not $stripansi) {
# unhide the cursor after a terminating error
trap { "$e[?25h"; break }
# reset terminal sequences and display a newline
Write-Output "$e[0m$e[?25l"
} else {
Write-Output ""
# write logo
if (-not $stripansi) {
foreach ($line in $img) {
Write-Output " $line"
$GAP = 3
$writtenLines = 0
$freeSpace = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 1
# move cursor to top of image and to its right
if ($img -and -not $stripansi) {
$freeSpace -= 1 + $COLUMNS + $GAP
Write-Output "$e[$($img.Length + 1)A"
# write info
foreach ($item in $config) {
if (Test-Path Function:"info_$item") {
$info = & "info_$item"
} else {
$info = @{ title = "$e[31mfunction 'info_$item' not found" }
if (-not $info) {
if ($info -isnot [array]) {
$info = @($info)
foreach ($line in $info) {
$output = "$e[1;33m$($line["title"])$e[0m"
if ($line["title"] -and $line["content"]) {
$output += ": "
$output += "$($line["content"])"
if ($img) {
if (-not $stripansi) {
# move cursor to right of image
$output = "$e[$(2 + $COLUMNS + $GAP)G$output"
} else {
# write image progressively
$imgline = ("$($img[$writtenLines])" -replace $ansiRegex, "").PadRight($COLUMNS)
$output = " $imgline $output"
if ($stripansi) {
$output = $output -replace $ansiRegex, ""
if ($output.Length -gt $freeSpace) {
$output = $output.Substring(0, $output.Length - ($output.Length - $freeSpace))
} else {
$output = truncate_line $output $freeSpace
Write-Output $output
if ($stripansi) {
# write out remaining image lines
for ($i = $writtenLines; $i -lt $img.Length; $i++) {
$imgline = ("$($img[$i])" -replace $ansiRegex, "").PadRight($COLUMNS)
Write-Output " $imgline"
# move cursor back to the bottom and print 2 newlines
if (-not $stripansi) {
$diff = $img.Length - $writtenLines
if ($img -and $diff -gt 0) {
Write-Output "$e[${diff}B"
} else {
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "$e[?25h"
} else {
Write-Output "`n"
# ___ ___ ___
# | __/ _ \| __|
# | _| (_) | _|
# |___\___/|_|
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Kied Llaentenn and contributers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Verification is intended to assist the Chocolatey moderators and community
in verifying that this package's contents are trustworthy.
Package can be verified like this:
1. Go to
to download the script.
2. You can use one of the following methods to obtain the SHA256 checksum:
- Use powershell function 'Get-FileHash'
- Use Chocolatey utility 'checksum.exe'
checksum32: 37359A63285945D425E4DAAB97B1CBF8CC259509B49EB0171C3AB762500856D9
License text in LICENSE.txt file was obtained
on 03/20/2021
Log in or click on link to see number of positives.
- winfetch.2.5.1.nupkg (a7b3b8c79c91) - ## / 57
In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).
Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.
Add to Builder | Version | Downloads | Last Updated | Status |
winfetch 2.5.1 | 14634 | Saturday, August 26, 2023 | Approved | |
winfetch 2.5.0 | 7354 | Tuesday, January 31, 2023 | Approved | |
winfetch 2.4.1 | 8029 | Wednesday, May 4, 2022 | Approved | |
winfetch 2.4.0 | 583 | Saturday, April 30, 2022 | Approved | |
winfetch 2.3.0 | 6507 | Saturday, November 6, 2021 | Approved | |
winfetch 2.2.0 | 9696 | Monday, August 30, 2021 | Approved | |
winfetch 2.1.0 | 135 | Monday, August 30, 2021 | Approved | |
winfetch 2.0.0 | 4667 | Saturday, March 20, 2021 | Approved |
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Kiëd Llaentenn and contributors
This package has no dependencies.
Ground Rules:
- This discussion is only about winfetch and the winfetch package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
- This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
- The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
- Tell us what you love about the package or winfetch, or tell us what needs improvement.
- Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
- If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.